paity Ctitgrapij THE PEOPLES CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. HARRISBURG, PA TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 16, 1861, Another Lie contradicted The Tory Organ seems determined. to con tinue its slander of private citizens, since no responsible party can be found to place its name as the owner at the head of the dolumns of that sheet. A. few weeks since several at tachees of the concern were engfiged in writ ing libellous articles for the _Boston Criminal Life, and since their arrest for that crime, they have turned their shaft of malice in another direction, against a private citizen re siding in an adjoining county. Col: John J. Patterson is villified this morning in *a state ment to the effect that he had boon a drafted man in the late draft and furnished, a, substi tute, who is said to haye sin 4 deserted. If such really be the fact, Colonel Patterson is not responsible for that desertion any more than the common libellers can be made ac countable for the acts of their allies, the trai tors in rebellion. The Tory Organ: further states that Col. Patterson's substitute 114 not attested his allegiance when he entered , the United States service. This lie is manfully contradicted by'the Provost 117urshal, and is in itself sufficient to discredit the whole state tent of the secesh sheet. Read the follow ing: PROVOST MARSHAL'S OFFICE . , 14TH Dx.s-:j num, HAJterniimek, PA., Feb. 15, 1864. I,do hereby certify that James Jones, (white, age'l9 years, 5 feet 8 inches highl, : saloon 'keeper,) was on December 2,. 1863, • accepted at Miftlintown as a suitable' snbstitute; for John J. Patterson, drafted from Beido ship, and was mustered into thesevice'ot the United States 'Or three years, ,after' taliina the oath of allegiance and . of service to the :307- aliment of United States; which oath; as sworn to and signed, is on file in ilija office. JNO., Capt. and Provost Marshal, ritliDist., Pn. Shrinking from the Restooiteibitity. There is something about a braveman, even when he is notoriously in the wrong, which is attractive. But a sneaking, canting, falSify; ing coward is perhaps the best illustration of 'the success with whibir the devil is capa ble, occasionally,p - tdegrading God's creatirres. We will not write that .Senator Clymer em bodies in his own person, and delineates by his own actions, these characteristics. But the attempt in whibh Senator . Clymer is how engaged, to crawl from •beneath the load of obloquy he has incurred by, his speeches dur ing the last campaign, seems: to us as either characteristic of cowardice,-: -or'-savory of falsehood. In the...heat of that conflict, With: the passions and spite and fury ot.Clyiner and his partizans ; at their highest pitch, ithe more reckless their conduct, and' the biteeier their speech, the better they were liked by, their partivms and the purer seemed their Dentoc r . racy. The Republican press inevery , county in the Commonwealth rang With just indigna tion at the insults offered by and his coadjutors, in asserting .that the election 0 . Woodward and Vallandighani, in conjunction with Seymour and Parker, would force the National Government to change its policy; to` make peace with the rebels, ,and i of:course, by inferences from' all this 'insane' 'and idle -- ; - . talk, to - compel 'those' in poiver , :to libdictate.- . Not a Single Deanoeratie newspaper In the State, at the time these assertions Were charged on Clymer, denied that he' indulged in s) . .ich cowardly and contemptible langtia,ge, bcceinse it was supposed that it would concgiafe thspeace element and win votes for Woodward! Clymer. lost! Clymer's language drove honest Demo-, orats from the support of Woodward l now, when the battle is over and the, glorious sheen of vietory-covers the banners , of:Liyal men, Clymer wants to escape the odinin ofhis . spoectes! What are we to think 'Of such a man? What will the,people el.the .rural dis trie,ts think of this man, - Clymer, whem they; heard vauntingly assail the Goveinnieut, boastingly threaten thaithe and his party would compel those who represent its authbrity' to yield to outside dictation? The thought of such a man, cannot be other thai.a. that of loathing contempt. As he ,noW : denies his treasonable teaching 4, so would he have de serted those whom he advised . to revolutipn, had they acted on his counsel and a L Cemp ted work he laid down for them:, He would have deserted them in the hour of their need—left them to struggle in -- - - their 'and - diei in their shame. But we \ can assure Senator Cly mer, that he.will never be permitted, to escitpe the odium of his "electioneering talk". during the last Gubernatorial campaign:. That will stick to him like the bloody shirt clung to the affrighted and conscience-stricken Nessus. The Returning Reasoteof the The Nashville Union, of Feb. 4, announces the return to loyalty of three rebels prominent enough to posseis influMide over - Many others. They are D. C. barna, Major T. EL Williams, of , Tennessee,: and Capt. J. .M. Streetman, of the 58th Gebr gia regiment. Mr. Humphreys 'mica,a' °midi date on the Douglas elpdtionT.iic)ietin 1860, has been a violent rebel, and now- urges the people of Alabama to return Lto the Union, :giving up slavery. Major Williams said at a Opting in. Nashville, on the 2d,7that 200 of his regiment were tdready,iu theEnited States ,serVice, and...more7 coming. He 'declared his readiness to lose his slaves: Some secession spnpatliizers, he added, called ,the ProOla matt= =of, Emancipetioh unconstitutional. He asked, them "if they wanted the Consti tution administeredf If they _did they were fools, for it would hapg them and all their friends now in the rebel. ranks, it caught, for the penalty of treason is death."- Capt. Street- Man calls on his commas to renounce the rebel service, predicts the failure of,, the re 7 bellion, and attributes its.centinutinee.tO the obstinacy and pride of the rebel letid#6. ,_Mr. E. F. Loveridge, Ni 4.41 141cui. *lke:rebel: lion broke out was publishing . a secession newspaper at Troy, N. Y., which wasjiroken up by the citizens, and he compelled-4i fly to Canada—writes a communication to the Rochester Express, in which_ he reviews the whole subject,. and - conchides .that the•Demo cratio party are in fact responiciblet* the re bellion, and - that they area treacherots, un patriotic, cold-hearted cleat, upon *horn no reliance can be placed either by_ friends or op ponents. He denounces that party as the worst foe the South has, for having led the way into. this - infernal rebellion: - TbAs_are. our predictions being verified. We have fre quently declared that as reason would reil lumine the .Minds :of the. traitors, and they could be induced to regard their treasonable effort to destroy the .Government in-its true light, they would wose the duplicity prae- , ticed upOntheM by the' Democratic leaders of the North. These exposures are coming thick and fast. Gen Gantt, a repentant rebel soldier, who is now making amends for his treason by taking issue with the copperhead leaders of the North, asserted while in Har risburg that he could name the Democrats of Pennsylvania who had encouraged the South to rebel. -Ta vied of these facts, who can properly estimate the extent of the disgrace which awaits the'. copperhead leaders of the North?' • . How ,the Secretary of War Settles a Point. The ; following anecdote is related by a Washington, correspondent of the New York Evening Post, tb show lio'w the Secretary of. War deals with, a refractory railroad Presi dent: • • . ' • The town is laughing at an amusing story of a recent interview between the Secretary of War and the PreSident of 'the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. It is too, good to be lost, and I give it as I. find, it .afleap:The draft has `fatten With great - Severity'upontlie employees: of our company." "Indeed'?" ' "If some thing is not done to relieve us, it is hard to foresee lliF ifiiiie - qifelfeW:' ,l - - "Ldt"them pay the conanidtation7 . i‘ticuPdasible! the men can't stand. such a tax." "They have a rich company it theft.back, and ,thatis more than ether people have." "They ought to be ex empted, because they-, are necessary to the working of ,the road "for the 'Government." "That Can't be." "Their I' will stop the road." 44 1 f yam. do, I wftl.take it Up aid carry it on The discussion "iS said to Ineve been dropped at this poiii,,iind ,said worthy presi-, dent is• still, working.the road as successful as , . This is not the first time that the': "screws" were put to , the president of the Balti more and Ohie'RailrOad Co . Mpany,,by a Cabi net 'offieer. - When' Gen. Simon Cameron was Secretary of War, and When the traitors liad carefully arranged all their plans to Cap ture Washington, assassinate the president, and seize the resources , and the poweir of the . Government, the - Baltimore and Ohio' nap xoad,Company was,,os, deep in the, the, plot as were Jeff. Davis and his coadjiiters. ; This was shown, by the refusal of that company 'to carry soldiers, arriving in. Baltimore from the, North, to Washington eity;-•and in order ,to_ make good the refusal to .render.the Govern- 5 merit — any - service, the rroSittunt of the road aEi'itariilisnublied - by - Seeretarr 'Stanton, ea._ tually withdrew all the rolling stock.frOm the Washington branch, sending the cars and hi- . comotives to Martiniburg, Va. Of this stock thus removed to Martinsburg, in order to put itoutpf the, reach of the use of -the Federal Government; fifty-iiiht locomotives and'six Hun dred cars, including a large number of passen gerfearS, were :set on fit ea des'troed by the rebels. Ao Tim MIEMP .312.SpEa5T,QF•MEE 33ALTI MORE AND OHIO :RAILROATTMEADDACITT TO ASE THE 61 - 01ERNEEN'T TO' ikEERDUESE THE COMPANY ion TRAT Lpth!,.: Mien: Gen.:. .Cameron heard that the cars and locomotiven' had been withdrawn from the Washington, Branch, he immediately made arrangements for procuring rolling stock from the North, and •promptly took possession. of the road. Thus ,the Washington Branch of the baltithore and Ohio Railroad was Ralf:filly OpO/Eb3l3 under the immediate supervision of Gen. CIUDDTOD,.. while he was •Secretary of War.: Thi) Presi dent of the; road had eiperienc cd what it was to operate his. road at the cpmmand of the War -Office, and hence his alacrity in yielding ,when ' Secretary Stanton proposed to - repeat-the dose so sternly administered - Gen:' Canieron.• , , --While on the subject of the Baltimore and-Ohio railroad, we cannot' refrain -repeat ing, a question for the Venda,' of the. Govern ment, which we hear, askedevery day, name ly: Why does not the Government construct a Military road to connect 106Shington city with . . the railroads east, north and west, and thus 'be- . ,wine independent of ; the Waslangton Branch of the Bcdtimoreand Ohio .1? ailroad ?, In the , first place, ,the Washington . BranCh- of th& - Balti-. more arid Ohio Railroad is totallyinconipetent to accommodate the trade: and travel aver it— while in the next, the , enormons profits•which it - makes, go toswell'he pockets of a corpora tion made 'up of .de traitors. In fact, the Washington Branch maintains the entire Baltimore' and Ohio'Railroad; so that - every'dollar Which the GOverropent gives that : corixnaion., and every loyal man who - pays to.ride over that road; is just so much to maintain :a 'carol - My which leaves no'oPpOrturtiV"pass too c tiqe adVantage , of the life and the, intergt.of the - Nation:, —The Government'cOuld 'not , possibly en-, gage in any enterpripe of , a. like- popularity with that of constructing a road.'frara Wash ington to connect with.:the.roads'north, inde pendent-Of fli4 , Biltimore - and'OhiO - Railroad; 'Raj:Sncb! a road. been constructed 011ie yeari _ since, as Gen. Cameron then strongly, urged on the Cabinet, it would have paid for , itseli by this time. Therefore,•the-longer its con struCtioniS poStponed the greater become the advantages, yhieh we, yield: ,to : a company of: 'traitors. -Sound polievprudence and economy dictate that the, Govennnent should, in iall cases, be rendered indebendent Of .those who are not its friends. . - -.. ...._..—. ; ~..:ci) TB NEW lEtexpeunti E im ic, nolz ,......The Re - - 1 publican State Conanittee of 14ewlElitippshire have issued a circular, appealing to t4efriends ,•of the Union and the Governnaent to prosecute . `vigorously thepreparatory work. of , the elec_ tiou. . Organizatloif;"!ca'recassbig the voters; the circulation of aocumenta„puhlic Apit#4*. liis getti.o libma. : .TidinAlre absent, arld .. ', .... getie arOrtfett• _ety direbtion, are duties viiich deiolve apart:the town committees and tiPini every active and'influential friend of the Got: ernment. DEB copperheads in the Ohio. Legislature are trying to, voVitlie. release of C-eorge W. Bickley, thetnitii . of the treasonable ord4 of "Knights of the Golden Circle," who win; arrested in Ktntucky a few nights ago, an has since been imprisoned in !LW - Ohio Peni, teptiz.,...,, They _threaten_thakrinless-he* re leased peaceably, they release him forci, lily. By their interest in the behalf of an original traitor, they give unmistakable evi dence that they Vetting to his traitorous secret ' ; c ifElF4 zati :"FF; 17!: Peuns3r . ivtulia Legislature. REPORTED SE.PRESRLY F9E THE TELzamtpu. SENATE • Trrizner,.February 16, 1864. The Senate.met,at 11 o'clock,and was called to order by Mr. 'TUARELL,who had been de puted by the SYiettker to act in his stead during today..,, • f , Thedeurilal bf"yesterday was read and ap proved. - 'r . The Clerk of the House of Representatives being introduced, - presented a number of bills for concurrence. Laid on the *Ae. 14 LO moved that the Senate do now adjourn until to-morrow morning, at eleven o'clock. AT.r. 3033..5.3019 . called the,yeas and nays, hilt:it being ascertained that: no , ,quornm was present the call was withdrawn, 410 the.ques tibn taken ,on, the motion. i nf,Mr. ,Lowny, Which - Was Oreed to, and the ,Senate , . Adjourned. '`'. tip -FR.OIK , NORTH CAROLINA. - . , Nsw Noss, Feb. 16. Newbern (N. th) advices of the lath have been received. _ . Maj. Gen. Peck Ims returned and assumed the command. ~I'Lle•had issued an order for the. troops to hold themselves in readiness for offensive or defingdve,action at a moment's ziBtici3,'night or day. The Ilenderson (N. C.,) fearless op :position paper, desires' to know of President tincan he can eipect,North Carolina to return 011ie Union, robbed. as she is of her own troops, and in'the absenceqi *sufficient Fede ral force in the„Eastern partOf.the,State to render "the necessary' assistance in case of emergency , * The 'Raleigh Siale tfournal,, a rebel print has been suspendetifOr Walit of suppOrt. The WiliftingfcifiVeCraiiithiriirs that an at -4(s2:apt will lie' made= to take 'With' Carolina out of the confederacy. The; Raleigh Standardliiipqaes the taking of the'principals of suli'stitutes'ont of-the State without giving them a hefiring- before the judge. , The -Wilmington Journal announces, the as sembly of diet-home. guard 'of •New - Hanover for throe months 'service. ` A= meletilig , off. Ate - people er-ilake 'county Rill=be held -6*the•-28';04141,. fd"expreSs the views` ottlie!oOutit sUbject-of holdivig '4l 7, State oonveiitiOn. • • The Newborn=' Mies, snyipressed •Gert. Paltrier, has resented its puldication.- Geri. 'Tea has. `isstied , rirleneral - Order re turning thinalte-tb - Ahfiliffibers,;and inOi for their`- gallantr ^• Yepplse ' of-Aliei-'iebe General Pickett, ' - with:more - fhtit-taide their nniaber. ~~itou-sic: Louis: The 15th Missouri veteran volunteers ar rived 'fain). Chattanooga this afternoon .and 331(4 Vt) l a most 4figti,A ri a6l4ips*tip re ception; They were received by a farm cora miftee of ~citizens and - escorted through the eity'by the military and - societies tp "Turnsr r e'llell, , wber9:refrislinients ,were Provideditnd'a flagyresenteil.i' Th'e h 4.1 was denselYihrongo with peoplo, Flags waved from nearly ev,a.yliOnie., Gen. noiCseraus vieited. Jefferson'city to daY end.viad formally A:leaved - Crert..-JW, G. Brown:anda Connnittei.of both /rouses -or the Legislature and escorted to the Well of Representatives, where made a 'O'Neal to the joint session of Assembly; upon the'con dition of affelit'" iu Misionu. He said the great, Object tO lie ( attainedin the Btitfe now is the restoration of laW and order, and invited the members to give linh information of the state of affairs in theirrespeotive,sections and their judgment as to the beet Means for the_ accomplishmentoirMliat end. The tel boinpletecl : io Little Rock, Ark., via St. Lords and Fort Smith. FrOlin' ChattaxioOga. dr.K . O.l2Sta-tr,. Fcb..l6. General FoSter pasSed through here yester day. Generals te:liiifield'aud. Shernian arrived at Knoxville on the 9th. Situation at Knox % ille unchained. 'Union citizens report that Longstrect had' the railroad' n running order to Strawberry Plains. I :The .Gazeite's Oliattanciogii dispatch- of the 13th says: 'Strained furiously the-pastitwenty four hours: The sittuitien of ,Johnston's army is unchanged:- - = - Sherman's progress excites great consterna tion among the rebels. Eighty-four deserters came in yesterday.: - TrahiS run regularly ,on 011ie railroads.' - )" •,• - • '• THE , ESOAPE hf; UNION. PRISONERS_ FROM LIBBY, 'PRISWOONFIRME,D. CE=2SI CO.LONEI•..SXREIGHT SAFE. Dialiatelt'fratt „General Butler. • . YoaTiresslitomktui; Feh,ls. I have received:: a:teregram,:_under date of Febniarytz. 4 .4l -- from-GeneralzrWistarr-Mlich states that Cplouel Streight, with one hundred and ten. other- trilion officers, escaped from prison at Richmond by digging a tunnel. Colonel 4tOkkts;....tith sr,e*ken others, have come colonel Stiviglik* P. ..1311.1 1 1 4 E11, - Mak!. General Com'd. A LISZ O' vie ESo EIY OFFICERS. The 'following is - prPishedbi the Richmond :Arominer of ;Thursday, Feb: 11: " Atie4ollowind of ficers ivlo,eseaped :from tluf Prifon, with their rank: - "Among there we regret to have to class the notorious Streight, cols. J. F. Boyd, 20th Army;; Corps; W. G. Ely, 'lBth Connecticut; IL C. Hobart, 21st Wisconsin; W. P. Ken 7 dricki_ 3d West Tennessee Cavalry; w. B, .:CreerY, thos, R.:Roserj7th Pennsylvania; J. Spotlord, With IfewTerk; C. WI Tilden, 16th Maine; T. S. West; 24th Wisconiiii; A. "IL Streight, 51st Indiana; D. Wes, 79th, Pennsylvania. Ji=:R l Collins, 29th Indiana- W. pj.:Lzsin;anons,--13th- Indiana. J. - 11. 1 .4qoper ilsthMaiishohtisetth;'.33,s , tx4 Aeot i Ohio; A. Von.,-Witiet 73d - IlHenry, sth Ohio. tra,oo. twffir??be 4 44 4- thi - ;ty-two captains and S q=heutfmhn Isonaking in all 109 who gained'their. libetty without the preliminaries of parole or-exchange. 'Of this number, four only . had Nen re turned to the prison, up to laetzvening. captured. These were two capthins and two lieutenants. Two were overtaben near Han= over „Court House, ~ a nd the others about ti f itaity miles below Richmond, on ,the w - a-' iiiiinsburg route. Brigadier General Neal Dow did notattempt the passage of the tunnel for the reason that he was afraid his strength would fail him in his flight to the einbrace_ of Butleithe boast." - The Richmond Zrarnier nof the 12th inst., _ . . . . has the following: • The following are the names of those re taken up to last night:- Colonel, Spofrordi 97th New York; . Captain J. Yates, 3d Ohio; Captain G. „Stair, 104th New York; CSPtah/ F. Frank, 45th New York; Lieut. H. Hanks, 57th Pennsylvania; Lieut. W. N. Dailey, Bth Pennsylvania Cav alry. Lieut. A. B. White, 4th • Pennsylvania ' Cavalry; Lieut. E. Schroder, 74th Pennsylva nia; Lieut. W. S. Watson, 21st Wisconsin; Lieut. F. Moran, 73d New York; *Lieut. C. H. Morgan, Lieut. H. achwester„ 8,24:11 Illinois ; Lieut. W. B. Pearce, 11th Kentacky.CavalrY;l Lieut. A. Moore, 4th Kentucky; F. S. Ed-i Monds, 67th PenntylVania; 2d Lieut. P. H. White, 83d Pennsylvania; 2d Lieut. J. M. Wasson, 40th Ohio; 2d Lieut. S. P. - Gamble, 63d Pennsylvania; 2d Lieut G. Si Gord, 84th Pennsylvania; 2d Lieut. S: P. Brown, 'lsth U. S. Cavalry; . .Adjutant.M., R. Smill, .6th Mary land; Isaac Johnson, - Kngineer steamer Satel lite. ST. Louis, Feb. 15 TEE ,P4L802. 4 pliS BECAMhIId): The followingnist of officers are reported as having arrived at Williamsburg; Col. Streight, Col. McCreary, 21st Michigan; Lient: CoL Ho bert, 21st Wisconsin ; Captain Wallack, 51st Indiana; Lieutenant Harris, . 9th Ohio. Sixteen other officers have also arrived at Williamsburg, but their - _names are not re ported yet. Our cave*. are scenting the country to the Chickahominy, and the gun boats have gone up the. James river and Chickahominy to give protection to Such as can be found. . • Till VAR:' IN: :TIE . SOUTiIAiTEST, OCCUPATION OF JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI A_ FIGIAT AT . CLINTCN. Engagement: at : Lebanon, Ala. GENERAL LOGAN'S , C 0,41% IN MOTION. GrieriOnis and Smith's Cavalry Operating. PFlai;IL tv : ' silent on Johnston On Dalton. :Entire iLifteriof Memphim and . bluerlcs- tau. Railroad Abandoned. • - L i Leak' dm . 'NA*, Feb. 15. , A dispatch,froin Nashville, to the Gazelle, glias'official news th - at -, General Sherman en teredJackson,Mks:, On the 5 . The enemy offered but little resistance, 412 sposed to befalling back over thel'eal ens)lt is believed that, :tb t e i,ilibeli' axe seOlviegjein fOiegislicAtrfrowiLtoidfon::. ... . , . Thereis nil nevie. from cienerel Thomas' front. !Vb.° Veterans are rapidly.tetniiiing to the army. TEZE FIG= CLINT6*.: C&nto. Feb. 25.--Mhereports fromtUarebel papers of a fight with 'a part 'Ct'Shiannau's forces near Clinton,.'Xiss., on ,the fire confirmed by officers who have just arrived from that , point. Our troops 'charged on a rebel battery, and lostrls)rilled and 301 wounded; Amu the latter was Colonel Rogers, of Illinois. if._ , The eziemy'viras driven. 'from 'its prisition, and our fordes proceeded towards Jackson. • Mow Yaks, Feli. 15—Al-fight itiaiStined at Lebanon, Ala. 'inrtsVednesday 1,4 t; between Lewis's Squad;en and oni:troops:„ . According to the Selma/Op - m.6'r, `'The enemy (Federals) 8,000. strew, sulieequently s ahluAdoned Leba non,Land relrthted ''toward-1,4` Tennessee river. The rebel force is said 'to ' havq num bered•4oo only: ," [Clinton RcorLihe line of the railroad from VicksbnrOo•Jachicin; nine stud a- half...miles directly west of the latter place. Jon is * distant from Dibbile, by way of leleriden, 2291 miles.] LATER. r - - In connection with the above the follow ing dispatch,-12th, from Chattanottga r is in teresting; . • . "('en. 'Log= left Huntsville, Ala., isome days ago; with:the 15th Army Corps, to actju coujlmotion with-Gen: Sherman'. "The !cavalry`, egpeclitiore 'tinder Grierson and Smith crossed the country from Corinth, moving southwayslln • - "It is iinderstood.that ihese columns are in tended to tict it ,conjunction—the one to at tack, and the other:• cutoff Polk's retreat and' disperse, the cavalry of Forrest, repoittd as scouring Central and,northern Mississippi. "There is no . reissen" tC - doubt; though be , . . . yond. this enterprise :the combinations are merely conjectural, but that a great flank movement on Johnston's gritty, is intended. "The Ary4 of Chattanooga is by this time in molon for Tunnel .Hill and Dalton. Its move- ments may have been •delayedd by circumstan ces Unknown` to:us, but it is Under marching orderl."' . . . REVOLT 12 JOHNSTON'B-A.loga A dispatch from Cluttbinooga, dated ' ,12th. inst.," to the, Cincirmati:Grazette says:: "There was a great *affray in Johniton's army on the 9th. The 2d Kentucky regiment refused in a body, to be conscripted, and were pla,_ced s undozngut ird of i the ' 3d Alabama. Col. Webedwhid;3l - api Ildis, and three cap, tains, of the 2diKentacrl, tin& revolveiafintu the Alabama men,. killing and wounding forty-two. Britirregurieintk broke in disorder, "Thirteen -.deserters4urived- yeaterdel in cluding:Lieut. Chas:Allen; formerly OrKone wall Jackson's staff Te a -hundred and tiventy seven deserters:came *fad our lines during January. - - 1 -- 4 "Cheathara's' Tennessee Diviaion has gone South to keep the inir t r from deserting, . CAIRO, Feb. 15; T -Oen. W. S. Smith's cav alry expedition leftadaraphis on the 11th inst., in the cl4eot,iqn .. pf i Golliersville. The entire hne of the Memphis and Charles ton railroad was evacuatedby . our forces on the 13th, ithaving bean held for the last six monthi Merely to aid Sniith'it cavalry expedi •tion in getting a good.start.: • - Gen. Sherman considers that• the: holding 'and garrisoning of the road haa,b6 . o a go:wee of 7014149.4 th n 2. He doesnet:favor the „guarding of railroads, unless they are of vital importance. The steamer 'was sunk, on the let inst., when eight miles ofJaeksonport, entire White river. She was. laden with Govern meAt stores, for our:troops at Batesville. A _portion Of - the cargo. was saved. The boat was valuedat 515;000, prohibi4 the konspOrtation..of - private . . . property for the ,„„.A„cant,. . ly4:; nay .. to-day, frolibMemphis, for Cincinnati, with nearly 800 )31Ies of cotton. 4 I * * CAxso, Feb. ; 15. —Gotten& Sherman' head- Angks are rdported ve.4en at D, Affe4 . . on-thetfith • 1- . hiss ' n • heitMot atTrandon.• - • Vi ,_ • 6411 4°_,,,.,_ 41 ..1_ ' -- ' -, The' Reeigrupity.:wrcaty. , •'` .4 % Sr..obats;•,lit, F., Feb: 16. A ineetizte-of the Glommerdial Society was held yesterday to consider the operations of the reciprocity treaty. A decided expression of opinion, however, was postponed till the action ,of the neighboring colonies was known. - -- Arittaxidesiditrodua - gttrinegoluadittateVarb, " *. e - MIYIV=mg y against the continuance of the treaty. The weather is_ cold; thermometer stands degrees above zero. The wind is north west. Thert.wsegigreat easterly gale yestsr-, laY• - a ( 1 Yeo - ^` • ' r 17.4. ,%,Ipvelit: cagiU ' - W3.9FII:MGTON, Feb. 16. - The Hat-body patent case is being continued to-day in the U. S. Supreme Court. pil,,,ttyikte..s4ppcificationsouril plans of ma chmery are to-day being explicitly explained to the court. The attendance of spectators is more than usually large. "Vets BAIMIXORE, Feb. 15. Senator Hicks is reported to-night to be very ill of typhoidfoyer at Washington,itireat fears are entertained that he.will not kebover. DIED. On the 15th inst. SARAH FLECK, wife of Moses neck,' of taLs city, la the 34th year of her age.. The funeral will take place on Wednesday morning at eight o'clock, to proceed to Carlisle. February lath, 11164, ;Clam" son of Major James A. and Carrie W. Congdon, aged three years and six months. it is W 4311 with the child. Funeral on Wednesday at 3 o'clock, r. x., from the residence of his parents in Northstreet., ;; between Second and 'nil& 'Filends of the family are respectfully incited to attend. This morning, _Feb. 1864, Com:nut's K. Suns, Esq The funeral will will take place on Thursday , next at 3 o'clock - , from his residence in Pine street. to which the relatives and friends are respectfully incited to attend. On the Ilith XX. /..E3l -44neorr, aged 18 years, 2 months and . 23 • The, funeral will take platt , en iirdilliesday, at '2 o'clock, from ate - midence ot tits ,brothei rin Riker alley The friends are invited to attend. NEW AUVERTISEMENTS. persons having Grape Vines of choice li varieties, which they wish to haver:wined. can have it done in the best manner and free of charge, by addres sing a Bote through the Post Office to JACOB MISR. B —'fbe present season and weathernre most favora. hie for the purpose. feblB For Rent. ... A..,,CONUNIENT two story Brick Dwel laj,linit4 enlisted. in Raspberry alley nearVarkeiSquare_ Poesession..given Ist otblarcb. Enquire of -•- - .. 7 , • • - . - E. S. ZOLLLNGER & CO., . ibbl6-d.21, - • .. • . - . - No. 133Earkel. Eqbare. AN ORDINANCE directing Third "street from Rellys street to Manley street to be opened, graded and curbed., Sscrios I. Be it owl' oink( bit' the COMMON Council of the city of Harrisburg, That Third street, from the lower side of Reily street to liaclay street, be and the same is hereby directedlo be. opened, graded and curbed as provided in the thirty-lifthsoction.orthe charter; said that the regula tors of the streets be directed' to Markrthe- lines of said .street RE tall ont'on 010 Van of thecit3raipprosed by act of:AssemblyloCApriW,./81911. President of the Common Council. nts...ied February 6th, 1864. • Atte4-- 7 13Arto itAititrfifraer)c. Approved Febithitti I.sth; 186•1.' _ FOR .TIJE- ara DIME ,',-TAISLE. - 10110W-dehghtfitl to look ipone , the-featura 11 of our.doparted - toyed Axles! 'How lAeistai to com mune with our absent. friends. Row instruction talit Inter become acquainted with the ortintertances of gresVand good men and women., Bow claiming to ad mire the works 'of nature, the handiwork of "hunutzt skill and -art. -.AR this pleasure yba may obtalnlit a very small out lay .by CARTES DE VISITE or PHOTOGRAPH :CARDS• (made by the best artists In Neer York,) of Gen enthavEminimt Persons, Statuary and fancylictates, Ac., atlol attrrai, and.wben you have made a selection, pre serve them as a limit. Wand . ' • • PHOTOGRAPIT ALBUM; of which you will. find an , extensive smortment, hand somely bound with linen guards or patent hinged becks, in every.styie of binding, size ; ninthly, and , sPreasonable pricesact n 4O •'SOREPPER'S. ItOONSTORE, • • feblT 4ign.of the •".Amerioul•Flag,"•llarrh3urg, Pa. VOLUNTEERS. AND CONSCRIPTS ! To Soldiers or'any otheii wishing to increase their in come, there is no better way of doing so at this time, than from the sale of our Watches. TORT WARILLISTED AS itinmEnorran "PartietdarlT valuable for - officers In the Army and traVelert."-=Frosit Lestie'h . Feb. 21. '' :"Prettleet,' best and'cheanest tlmentems ever Oftered.'? N. 72 . Ithair , tried 2 ents. - .liin 10. "Very; pretty' and durable' Watehes'lbi the ArniV."—N. ..10.&y antrNatti Joirnat (Government Organ,l Aug. "One of the ORICSE and most"reltnbte tiousee in buei ness."— .. .Gntisi.title, Ky., Jourtial,'3)ilti-31.' MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS Being a lihmtinp, or Open Face or • Luly'S or Gentleman's Watch Combined, with Patent Self-Winding Im provement, a most Pleasing Novelty. ( I NF. OE THE PRETTIEST, HOST CON- N:, VENIF.4. and decidedly the best and cheapest tirne-piece, for general and reliable use ever. offend. It hasmithin it, and ocamected with its machinery, its own wiedinentiachnicnt,.. rendering a key entirely unneees- Sarn asses: of i this Watch Are composed of two =MI; Almouter one.being Ana 16 carat gold.. it has tho b*praved raby..action lever movenustd„and is wamintid an, accurate timapieca Price, . superbly :engraved, per ease of half - doien, ;M. Samplq Watakez, in. neat mo rocco boxes, $35. SILVER WATCHES! First Class Ruining Time-Pieces for accuracy of move ment, beauty of material, and above all, cheap : ness in priee, these watches must insure ;universal approbation. An iinitition so faidtkee that - Wean hardly - be detected by the most experienced judges: The material being of two mashy the outer one first quality 'Sterling Silver, while the inner one is Gernum ennui:4s ream nizectliy cUtting or heavy engraving, making It,- not only in appearance, but in durability, the best resemblance of SOLID-STERLING SILVER, in existence. The - Sale of these Watehes in.the Army is a source of enormous profit, retailing, as 047-very readily do, at $25 and upwards. Many hundred dollars can be made in a single pay day by any one of ordinary business tact. -AT WROIVsraLO: max In h eavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, and fancy cut bands, in good running order, by the half dozen; $66. Sold only by th,e case of six! ISOM receipt , of two dollars, asguarantee of good faith, 'lsttrille.iend witches by =prom! to any part of the loyal SWes, Tfinettinil *Once of bili. Thisensures bimers_azainst fratql„,!.giving them .their . watches before l , arrient)o 04.1 -11 Me. - Soldiers in the disloyal maw star: remit Gam rit vexes, as the express comraniesperenaptorUg refuse mak ing collectfimn in such danger,ous localitinqi Remember, Cashlreddroateirinit within Me army /Mee m rebel Slates I We guaranke Ike safe delivery of all Watcher, whether theraresent. by mail or-express. ' • ' ' IRIBBARDAIOB.II9.IOIOOTWISi Arr• iir° ll44l %'. l 4‘ CortA4llllo.lV3t., N. Y. Atriorroivs , NOTICE. . • . . MEE AnditOr appointed' by the Orpbans' I. Court. of. Dauphin county fo - distribute among the when - entitled thereto, the bela.ce remaining- In the hands of William Richard; executor of Jacobemithi late of Jefferson township, in said county; • died,y wilt all for that purpose at his :office. in the oity of liarriabart on fucoday, sheath day of Ramie next, at "2 o'clock; r. of which allpersons4nteraited are hereby notified," • reelo-doswetwis _KIM GRAYDON Auditor. cADTION. hereby t public are no no to credit T -"Ty wife Rebecca, or purchase any property from her e asi will pay no dobtwooninunnwrby her o'r sign any .deedtarom lblit date genls-chhl- J. DIVER - f.WAtit..*Ekt;to.Ptixtoizmsw , A•g 66ittainipg - from four to nxritychikatiii i 'a M ai oen walk Of Third aM Marketr steeds." Addrt-As Box BT, Witgliharg P. 0., slating kaiation and terms. feb9-dif c r7Trr, eLemr , a n , ties, • e y 11 11 or manufacturing uses, juat ro( sired and for ode by ii dg A. L ROUMFORT, Mayor. ItAlkPms. a klex 4 ,D__To tent, ii HOUSE contair,i- L; :kik or tire atoms Enqulm at 74 NI::::: fehl3 :7,1. . CorIATANTER —A. good COOK. who c ,, , .. , come well recommended, tau - anted tmmed:xe.y __. I.4.olitdeqtkila to eolltu. Apply at the PARKE FlorsE . Millikv! i.r.,,-• NOTICE TO 'PRINTER s WANTED INENTEDIATELY—Two positors acquainted with JOB WOI-IK. vent situation and good salary. Address THEO. F. SCHEFFFII Market stack, Harris burg. f BARK. BARK mTANTED Black Oak and' other Buri.:, ,I._ livered in Hantabory. 1.11., near the dope. -,-- highest market price Indmeh paid for any amour.: For information aill on S. I. NOCULLOCE fetiExchange liroker, - 128 at meet. Ilatriabum. f. lit-deodtf $5,000 WANTED with or with.' a business man. by the e 7-31 AprO, to . use in the manufacturing and merranttip lssain-liarristoum Pa. For making money the ell. city is a rare one and see. No competition. . motion enquire of S. 1. .11rehankte Broker, 128 Market street, Harrtbu-: febl2-deodif XyrAITTED— '-601) bbls. Fresh Dandvlio V Root, by S. A. KUNKEL & 12.1:0 Apothecaries, 118 Market at.. Hans, r_- CCM AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard Ilk. tory of the War A. rare chance to make Thaw Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 1:00,. , volumes already sold. Send fbr circulars Address JONES BROS, & CO-, Publishers, Baltimore, WI lie 30 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF CONIDEMNEIIO STOCK CA.V.41.11S BUlLitat.• OFITICR CHIEF Q. ..11 WASITLVOTOS, D. C. be sold at Public Auction, to th highest bidder in REAM - N.7G, Pa., begillwng the 19th day of February, 1864, and continuing from (!.iy to day until all are sold, THREE HUNDRED HORSES. These homes have been condemned as unfit for ILO Cavalry service of the United States Army. . . For Road and , Farm parpores limy good bargains ow. be bad. Horses will be sold•singly. Terms_—Cash, in United States Tsessury Notes By order of Readirig, Pa., Fab. 13th fable AIIQTI9N SALE OF CONDEMNED STOCK. CAVALRY On7oll or Gans QtrAzTremesrsa, Wasarsauer, H. C., Feb.9th i . 1864. be sold at Public Auction to th highest4bldder, in SUNBURY, PENNA.., Beginning on the 26th day of February, 1861, and cold,_ ring from day to day, until all are sold, 3.00 HORSES. These horses have been condemned as undt for the cavalry service of the United States Army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains wac be bad. Horses will he sold sine/. Terms ash in tr. , a Treasury notes. JAMB L.IE:KIN, * tea - 041W Older Quartermaster Cavalry Bureau IVlnth Amy Corps. A . UTHORITY having been given to the 1111 - derslgned tprocruit the Ninth Anmy Corp; to fifty thousand men for specialservice, to be hereafter desig nated *die Wei • • .eet," he earnestly appeals i the citizens ot Pennsylvania to assist in filling up the fol lowing veteran regiments of this Corps, belonging to thus State: • The 4.5 th, 4ffthi 50th z sat} lenth, also Thireff's . He calls upon all hsving- the good of the ccenitry ac..l the ticumptt of our arms at heart; to use every effort L. help on this work by voting large bounties from the re spective towns and counties, by procuring recruits, a; slating recruiting officers and by such other means a; ardent patriotism may suggest. In no place can vei,a, teem be so used to the cause and so soar become soldiers as in the rankle . of veteran organizations end. , experienced officers. The undersigned has every hope that the loyal people of Penrasyh-ania will send those reg. rue.nts back to the field with full ranks to; bear a pro—i partln the closing scenes of this glorious war. Captabt Abu 'A. Morris, A. Q. X, is appointed Chlrf the Sicruiting Service of the Ninth Corps for Pena* ,Vlll3lll, with headquarters at Harrisburg. All COMMII4:CA lions relative to that service will be addressed to bim Recruiting andbzrat..havn beta_ established in the vary u: sections of the State._ ffelepltvainfttereceived by ally,: the recruiting -of Wei Ninth Army Corps, or I any Provost Marshal. A. E. BURNSIDE, re 0341 , 314 / 1 w ' Hiti.:fissi. V. S. V. 44 To the,Grocers of Hanisburg FRENCH COFFEE. WE call the attention of tier Grooers Harriabmg to our celebrated EftliNCH COFFEE It is the best. Coffee ever made. It is bland, wholesou: and nutritiene. It has all the aroma and taste of Fur, Cana. The FRENCH COFFEE is healthy. It is goi , for invalids. It does not affect the nervous system ac an that tuio it, pronounce ft the hest Coffee ever mad , - - Grocers of New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, - Chia;, , , Baltimore and Washington, all pronounce ft the best feelhey over sold. The FRENCH COME is good for dyspeptir-.. We -ay to the Grocers of Harrisburg thin. this Coffee is super to all others. It is made from ram coffee and Barley C..: fee mat, • It is a wonderfbl disci:miry and its made a; TO THE CITIZENS OE HARRISBURG we say, go to the Grocers anilget. the French Coffee. 'ti:c . • till and it ill that we retirement. All orders promptly attendod to. Apply to =nut,' Worn J. F. BROADBENT & CO., fobl3d2w* 57 N. Calvert street, Baltimore Notice to Ile-Enlisted Soldiers. LOCAL Bounties collected for soldiers 'ger, have credited themselves to any part of the Si :re Pennsylvania, or elsewhere, at professional rates. Sal diets can, In many instances, save half and even MUM o: the loadbounty to which they may be entitled, by hare„ themselves credited to the locality they may prefer, st: applying for the collection of the bounty, at the rehab claim agency of EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at-law, Third street, Harrisburg, Pa febl2-d2w JOHN L. CAPEN, PHRENOLOGIST, MAY be consulted, DAY and F. - VEMN6. on adaptation to business, Trade and Profes,,-c. on the improvement ofteedtb; oorrection of faults, , formation of friendships, &c. Full descriptions of •"""=.l character given when required, at No. 25 South T f enth stree4above Chtptnut, Philadelphia. , eldtdlni • HAGAN'S- MAGNOLIA HALM, VOltibenntifying the complexion, ing freckles" eruptions, sunburn and tan. It most extraordinary and delightful toilet article e , r - covered, It changes the stinbtenit face and hat.l4 • pearly like, satin texture and ravishing beauty, the complexion fresh, transparent and gniootti. It moves fetter, tan and roughness, It is every lady should :have, and none will di , sranse " when once used. Sole agents for this city. For sale the bottle or dozen. S. A. KUNK - EL t nr.o., febll.dtts Apothecaries, 118 Market street. CIAISIIPB AND SAUCES, of the most - V perior aid choice brands, Just received and fur - by [febll WI& DOCK, JR. & irkURH_AM MUSTARD, the best import , i -LJ just received and for sale by fylki MIL DOCK. JR-. A LARGE lot Of best quality-of 3lero joilL Potatoes just received. and for tale by BOYER & KOERPER No. 3 Market SqU3r' =I ORANGES I ORANGES! Just recei' as BOXES ORANGES, in prime order and for !ow, by - EfebBl W. DOCK. JR- I LOO O .1124""e(ffge. DocK,"flJß.,sll'col‘: L~DI_S 7f you visit. good Leta Ink, Pens, or anything else in t= wic yon wtn do well by calling at SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE , '. , OHIO" • ": Harrisburg. JAWS A. EMI:, Chief Q. M. Cavalry E. C. REICRENBACH, Capt. and A. Q. M