... ~: Mss i , -- . . • --. mittr ik 41,1,14 -... . . . - . . ..:, . . . k - - . . ..1 • ' ....--- g - _ —_ • '. ... . ... .. . -- - • - - - 't V °. Nl' ik , -.7' , - . - - • 1 1 , ;3? 4%. - I& t .'%-' t 4 ' . .. •-t a.l-..• ••••• ••• 4 t • , % ok : v.k 4 , \.‘. \ .__. 'I . ', , . `'••• tr .. N it ..,.....44.4.. , ..,.. w.... .4.. A.. ~.. , . 8., . ~. . , _______ k". , • I lk Illti ~. .. - ~ i%-. :. _ . . , .. . --.. • . , 4. *-- 4- *. ~., s. , -.,... . _ALT ......-- --... a 4.. _ , -'.- , i - .. -t. --------,...---_-. / 'Pk, , • , ~.. ...,.,:- 4 t. ..„ _l.-- . ... 4 *s 4 -...• -...• .- . ..,...4 , .. ' - ' --- - -- irs... --, f, •4 1 4 4 " .. f - 4v• • . - 4- , 4. ,.. • „ _ ' ir , i i . ..,- .. , 1- f - a t,,, i itt . ... „. . 4 ..'-',... * ' ..- -*.• ilk Ilk -, '. t• _. % 4: ‘_.. —4O: - ..... swA... ''".• • -*--, ------...-- ';-=-:--.=•,:-.' AT, `‘q t _ •. .. 6 -., . ‘.44 , ... . . - ---.• -- - 7 --- - '-'—f_- , ;.Z. -- L --- • ~.- , • - -------- -.- ' i . '-_, =-----'-- ' . . ........... .... -- -- , s ..., ,_ , , , .. • 1 . . - • -- ,7_. - - . . , • BY GEORGrr:BERGNER. VI TEE TELEORAPEt 3fORNING,A*434 I .2VIL,i": BY GEOR,G-E - BERGNER OFFICE' THIRD ST., NRAR WALNUT. _ • . TRE,RIS OF SUBSCRIPTION. • SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. TC&DAII:Y TELEGRAPII ;IS served to, sitlis'etitteri in the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribilrif will be charged $5 00 in advance., These persons who neglect to pay iu advance will be eharged $6-00. • . , TELF.GRAPH: ~- . . Tits TELECRAIII is also published ;weekly , an d•is furnished to subscribers at the.following cash rates : • • Single copies , weekly .... $E 50 Three copies to ono post Office ...... . ~, 4 00 Ten, cpp4, to one Post Office, 10 00 . . NOTIP.E.TOADVEMTISERS.—.A.IIAdver tisemittie, thislueaa 'Notices, Marriages, Deaths, 3ce., to secure- insertion in the 'PRIM HHAPH; must invaigably be accom panted with the CASH. Ad - reiytisements; ; ordered in .the-Xeligular H... ? V6ningH3lition - cir c e licseri.edintthelliirii 'Jig Edition without extra charge. . .. ADVERTISING RATES--DAILY•TELEGRAPH. ~ . . . . The-following are the rates for advertising At tile TELE_ mum. .Those having advertising to do will na it con venient for reference. .Li-,Four lines or less constitute one,bali'square. Eight 'Aines•or more-than four L con stit a to anquarei .i ..yos A, BAI.F SQUARE. • FOR OEB •SQUARE.' - One day • $ 30' One • day ... . .. -.........$ • 60. Two days .. 50 , Tw0•day5....,.......„ i 1 00 Three days . 75 Three day 5.......".,. ., 11 35 One week 1 25 ;Ono week. .. ... '..:... i 3 00 Ono month 3,00, - One- month ......-r.• .c. . ;6 , 00 Two months • : .4 50 Two months 9 00 .Three months . s 50 Three months 11 00 .Six. months , - 800 Six months 15 00 Ono year 15 00 One year .. 25 00 FOR TWO SQUARES. FOR A QUARTER .00LWALV.- One day " 51 20 One day ' $ 0-00. Two days 2 00 Two days - 5 25 Three days 2 50 Three days 7 00 One week ' - : 400 One week 10 00 One month 9 00 One month 18 00 Two do 12 00 TWO , months 25 00 Three*, 15.00 Three paontja. ~. ..... 30'00 SEC so . ' • - - go 00 - Shc monChs -450 Q, One yuar - -..` 36 00 One year... . 75 00' SPEOLiL NOTiORS; * TRIBUTES OF RESPECT RzsoLuno6S,'.. An:, and othnixtunications 'or announcement calling at-• tendon to Matters - of individual interest,i 8 :cans per line for each insertion. " : f f $2-25; Administration Notices Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices..,. _______ Funeral Notices each insertion . Air BusinessmotiCes • inserted in the Local ColuMn, or before lifaryitigt* and. Deaths, Ela' CENTS PER Li rli gar each insertion.. •- . As art advertising Medium the TELIIGRARR has-no Its large circulation, among business men and faMilies, in city and country, and along the lines of the various Rail-, roads, having established AGENCIES,IN TOWNS, placing it beyond competition. -MUSICAL; A. P;TEITPSER,, TEACHER. OF mul:lc OiE7CE AT WILKW,S,..KIISIC S'J.'ORE,• 12.717: ThirvlSrfrea'-• Residence: Third street, above ELODEONS AND CABINET 'OEGANS. VAFENTY-SIX E-T-EWr PR.ENIRMIS,• - TWELVE SILVEEI MEDALS, ONLY GOLD MEDAL' (ever won by Instritmonta - of this • :class) has been awarded in . •:• - MASON A.; HAMIAN'S INSTRUMENTS: • A full assortment of 'these instrumentstilirisysha hind 19..KEOCHErG, SOle NOr(t, Je4-2tawly) ' ''" 93 Mailcet ,street. , F, c . • oitT PTIBA.OHER OF DIE PrA:NO,.MELODEON AND,VIOLD7.—Terms rollsonable:: 15 Thfritstreot,. ...between-Market and Choscout streets. • • GROCERIES; `NEW GROCERY AND PROYISION-STORIL BOICER &..XORPVR, . WHO", E SA Ly,. DEALERSITS L kt GROCEItIE T S Queen's and Glass, 'Ware; AND ALL IZRIng O. N T It' Y Pll,, DTJ E , , AVE just opened a large;and well selected stock or geods at their stand, No:3 Marketaquare, Ilarrisburg, Pa, to which they invite the attentlowhf the public generally. r nelo-illy J• 0 H • TED NAltri VA/Mt HARRISBURG, PA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER 1f42 . - 'CONFECTIONERY,. -FRUITS . SLC. lu,Mbe PasM, ' • Mess Paste; , Figs, Dates ; `Fig Prunes Marsh idiallow Gum Drops,- Almonds Walnuts,- Create Clitierdate Drops,' 'Filberts, .. •Plain bindles, Cream Ruts; -Oranges and Lemons, t Ground Nuts, 1 Canned:Fruits,' • Pecan Huts, . . Jellies„... . . . Cocoa Nuts,- Teas and Spices,nll ldnds, - Cranberries,- Paper Bags, . Hominy and Beans; ,Cider Vinegar, Cakes and Graeker'sy . • .Fresh and Solt Fish in sea- Sweet and -Irish:Potatoes, • son, , . Green and-Dried Fruits, 'Vegetables in season, And Country Produce In season, _ _ Currants, oel.lB' • .••I iu PAD WINES._: AND. , . LIQ ORBS. _ 14.taint.rw, SXLLA_DE' .&• - -CO., NO. 128 SOUTH START,' .Ip7NUT-AND 7 41 I L D P SA.I.LADE, 1199AM1 INVOICE OF NEW CURRANTS, PRUNES WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. At .t Etto2oy QtrI'VRTOR - K. 7 GOSHEN BUTTER - .FOR TABLE' USE, 1. WM DOCK, JR.: l ,:&' CO. Just. recolvedlat' rilOY BOOKS ; .GAllES,..Ec—tate-targte as -1 ROT tment of Voy Books, Games, ..te.-, , jaseieediaxl at mais SCREFFER'S BOOKSTORE, RsTrispurg. . , . .. N ,_ 8.04: „.. 5. _,,, 5.4 . 0:4D= „ . ... _INDQRS_EMENT Cil" THE , p n .,, . .r...:w ..,• ARD :.,,,... t y.,;-.__,The_Min#Vllo4l3llo4 cored- at this I/Lstitutiou year after - -•-. • . - . . - DAYS 0 - IN.SHODDYI Yoar ..ItP2t 194 - ILumermtli.. iipPartant alaxgial .operationiV _ _ _ g rirt. Je!hrieetvrittileee4 the reporters.* - 444 5440 0 6 ailidwartrAllt the Segefitteirt i snid roan - otherpapent i notices of hich, Es. S.-200 barrels. of - -w A tate h i m apigiretiktil*/ knd.agant.before •:ther, mblic, beside; Apples, of a choice variety, jam. received, . AV sold ltia'"l—" as Igantl"'ul 'or elthreet" ." riPP3 ' l:4ll.' low, in any quantities, to suitnurch at the nefe !>ilitY t is it vriclont-.. fcl, , lte !,'-, the allict : elt **g rt lerY " - (0 04 ) , ..- - -Ia9 YARE4g4O4APPat - ' . ;:, - 1, - ,' - '-" ".; - A ' PICKLES'}' r PICKLES!.. ---.3 — 3 - ta ,_ ekv A .SlaN: ,PWAge". -AllB-13°. A TI-CIIMIP P,' ' ' i _ „ , L ~, „,„._,,,,,, .60,4 844 mair/Ifetti 1. ....4 : 4 Baltßarrel, Jr iii,Dijaenr •-' '' ''. . 1.1: " Iir ',', .: ' '-"• ' ' ' ' ' .4 . ed., 1 - vl 4 D° " .. l illibikap i. ~.; 4. 0,41_-.l4t' wirso , DR. JOHNSON, LOCK HOSPITAL, AS-diScoVered the most eeriain, speedy. s andfeffeeteal remedies In the world for , DISEASES OF IkPRIIDENOE RELIEF IN six TO TWELVE 11017R9. NO MERCURY NOXIOIT9 ORLYGO: A Onre Warranted; or No Gitargi, in from OM Weakness of - Hid- Back, -A ff ections the 'Kidneys ark Bladder, Involuntary Discharges; Impotency, General De bility, Nervousness,. Dyspepsia, Languor,c Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas,. Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity,, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, DiseaSe..of Head, Throat, Nose or Skin Affections of 'the -Liver, Lungs,- Stomach or -Boweift.--those* terrible--disorders arising.from the Solitary. Habits of Youth—those secret, and soutary4itictiMit more Matto their victiths than the song of-Syrena to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most, brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering diarriage,;-, • - Especially, who hict:e beconie!the victims of Solitary Vice; lhat:_dreadful and destruetivikluillit-which.iumually sweeps to an uirtimely..grave Ahousfinds .of 'Young Men _of the most exalted- talents and. ror7Ulant •intellect s . who might otherittsettave.entranoed listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence orwaked to ects.sy the living . lyre, may call with - full confidence. 1W *Married porsons; or Youngllenconteraplating marriage, .boinewarti.of,physicel weakneMs, organic debility,-defor mitiesoko.iiswdlly cure& • ,„ Howhoplacasshimself•under the care , of Dr. J. may.re ligiouslY confide in his honor las -a /gentleman, and confi dently rely upon his skill as a Physician. ME irmbediately,cared,4ld" full Tigiii4soo '- • - • ` Vlifs red.patra mis erable malliaga.imgosonbtei-da thsiipenaltyipaidqV g , Atie vie- Azis r .ccLvax9rir indg 7 2igenee: ".Sittrig persons imago apt to commit: excessiesillreus not being aware ,of .the dreadful_ consequences .that may ensue. Now; who• that under st.snds *osubject will pretend to-deny that; iherpower of procreation Is loskiwner by those; falling. Into Maproper habits than by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy ofthpring, the most. serious and de strootiye; symptoms . to : both: body , . and mind :Wise. Tlierrystorn becomes deranged, the physical ;and: mental futictioria,Weakened, loss of prcoreative power, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting .of the frame,:cough,con sumption, decay a#4 death... OITIOIS No. :7, SOUTH FILVDNEIOKSTICRET, Leti..handeido from Baltimore street?a,„few.doora AVM -I h4a earner, ..Pell not to observe none and - numbei: Letters must be,pald and contain a 'damp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. ,--.,-.; 1 0 ... - t... i ...., ci i.....;:; ., .Tv ''"` - ' l "i)R - . - 10HNE015',..' . "... •: ... .. . ?dandi. • er of the Royal College of Surgeon*, London; grad uate from ono of the most eminent colleges int/di United , Stites, and the greater part ef;:Whose lifehas .been spent in the hospitals of London; :liirls,.PhiladelOhia , and else where, has effected sOme ".of thiitabst:,aitopidshing cures that were ever known.; niamtroubled * .with ringing in the head and ears When asleep . greet :nervousness; being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, With freudent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind wore cured immediately. • • . TAKE PARTKOUIiAR NOTICE These are some of the atta.arta 'irielaucholy eifects pro duced by early heints of youth, viz : Weikifesworthh back and limbs,pains in the ihead, 'dimness' sitht; *loss - of muscular, power, palpitatiim.of thw heart} !dyspepsia, ner- . yeas taitabilily, symptomirot coifsurantiot, Via • afairrarsi.—The fearful effects on the' mind Bra much, to be dreaded—lase 'of. -Memory ::oontision -of Wises, .de 7 . preasion otspirits, evil forebodings i .aversien • to'.society, self distrustOove ttif solitude; timidity . , &Ai; are some of the evils produced : i .'" ' " ' • YOMNfI 11Mt Who haVe iujured themaelvee bye ,ceriaiu practice in dulged iri when alone, a habit .fretfuently learting from evil companions , or isehoel, the ,etrects of which are nightly falt,eVen when..anion', and if not cureil,rendere marriage slide tigitroye both mind ,and.. body, 1116111 h2Pil.i . XL 0 1011401T.: . . ...; Whititiltf that a yomigman, the tiopisof:hia country, the daillig ec...itiatierell.tei'ealeuld be. snatched; from all prospects RlOPYlneitta. — .9t." lalthei _consequence of deviating tiaturehnd -indulging in 'a certain, aggqi habit. Suck persons trim, before contem . .TOED MEM Reflect that a sound mind and bodyiueYlie mOstneceisary . requisites to promoniOcitnnitilidbappidetis: zunthese e the journey through DRY biamidetOiesey the proopect hoiirly:d'aricetift , titi" e -view ; the mind-becomes shadowSdvith' melancholy redaction that the heipllitedi be. 7 comes. blighted with:our • • j)1)1BABE OF -1111PRITDEliCE When the missuld4arokimprndent..roteryof pleasure finds he has imbibodithe•Ameds et ; this panful disease, it too often htipPeretttliattMilitlined sense hf shame or the of:illsetweryldittersi hlin"foinNiplYing to those who from education and respectability, can albnebefriend.him. He falls Into the ]fansof ignonint. and designing pretehd- , ers, who, •liictifeble - of "euthig - ftleb ",/d2 pecunlaryStb stance,. keotilhnkrilling Month afterMicrith, or as Eo It i as the - snialksit fee'mut he, obtained, =Pin despair:lease him with by. kotned heal tikto_ aigh_orerhis gal li ng disappointment,. • or, -the use of the. deadly _poison; Mercury, haistehi 4he constitutionaismptoms orthiaterribledisease,suoheialliso, b oas of the Irem i *, - .N . astvskin; auxi , Pri*OsimAg with frightfkklL rtvidity waro tat, death .pUtli4L AriOdito file dreadful sufferings by sending tim4o.that onallicdre ' .countrYlrout,wheace no traveler return& ' • 111F,DICAL. BALTIMORE to Two Days YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE ORGANIC VRAKNESS =I MARRIAGE; < 1.• HARRRISBURG,• PA., TUESDAY ,EVEIIING, FEBRUARY . lq, 1564. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW .B 0 KS. {APT. WAYNE REED'S Works, 10 vols. ; very interesting for.boys, consisting of . • • Boy Tar. • • Ran Away to Sea. Young Yagors. , Y,oung Voyageur. Forest Exiles Old People. Plantilunters. Desert Home. • Boy Hunters Bush Boys. Bruin or the Great Bear Hunt. Right Words in the Right Place. , Curiimis Stories abodt:Fairies, andother Funny . PeoPie, • Magloisn's Show Box.- Agassiz's Methods, Study of Natural History. ' • Every , pay Philosuplicir,; • 1' ' Pidosiipby of Shakespeare Plays Unfolded by Bacon- -.. . Tennyseci's - Ppems, 1 vol. Biok's German Lyrics. . • ' I The Pearl of Orris' :Isisind,liy.litra: IL. B. Stowe. Household Friends. • ; , ' , : : • War Time,by Whittier. .• . • Story of the Quairils; by2.7.'11. - Fremont: Book or Hymnitor Public and private devotion: ; Recreations of Gl:mutts" Parson; 2:vols. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieties, by Jean Paul; 2 vola Leisure Hours MI-Town. • • Holmes' Poems. • ; ibltinund Vespers. I_l , • Clui : olZE the.Herinits. . ..• • Sketch llook - ,'bf. Irving. • • Tom.lirbwri at Oxford, , 2 T9/11 Broyrn at•lhigby,l: - • Scouring of the. White Horse. . • •• . Decilneey'S'Writings, Notebook: tOok B6ok, by ),,tis BOrace Mann. Ange l, Voices - - , Songs of Labor ; • Panorama.; by. Whittier. . • Old Portraits, by Whittier. . tk Home Ballads, by Whittier. ' • Literary ReereationsOnWhittier: The Frincess, by Tennyson.,.,• i itn'd onit.ho Battle fit CO4l/14 ClieithcloolllLsavol4 bylGmde, Gymnastics for Women, Children, &c., by Dr. Lewis. Aunt Elite's Rhyme - b. &abuts t Dayb: Ante r t. , Wumelita , It, ft Outro Her. Goiden,,Legond„ . . ,••• -LSeaside.and Fireside.' ` - Evangeline. Hyperion. • " • ••• itourtshiA of lifileiStilifdfsh. , ;•F../'" . ` Kavanaugh. Song of lilawolha. . SHIM Tgde,s pf a Wi4i1 1 .401.4n 1 L - tkether'irith assortmont of other miscellaneous works for Children, for-sale CECEAP at .SCHEFFER'S 40ORSTORE, a. atru g Pa. JUST OPF,,Anwp ? , • '" F ROSEWOOD MAHOGANY . • ~PfiIIN('b37SKB~ 'v Of different sizes, fortale at ndl9 , . SOIREFFICS;BOOKSTORE. -: . • •• DR - .9[3.IiVGILDEA, D E-N TIS T, . • N IA 9 '3ljAi - R T teak e?ctfo6.ltise nitrous °xi 4 • •• • • tktllitf ..,..4.EAEg wanting go* i . fittigg , ..... ZIOIRIS call and gei.yonpmeasures taken at T. it, itITNER'S Shirt. Store; ,04:..Walreat stpitig Op - "14 thO Ei) change, where he continuer kiiiikrtin' . . l' :suP !mit or eeactr,mtute StditS,V. gum: of ATECCERI4O done hktilc pest , sttyleslcoficyrtuptloso.r —fifdl-ecklbxi*". CIELTAING OM AT'. coa.—The unaer: - Islgnedialicui, seDingroff of-DRY GOOKS: at_cost e as he,destres to eloso out:his present stock, In or 'dorip:rnake some newlmprovinAhnts :MAns store ;room.' :Thetgoodwittust be sohltofore itionst of Hatch, and the public nod. baziains by.talthek viide at •SOL: BROWNOLD, feb3-dtf , corner Market SquarneoppoStto.jones House. . A. T I V W. I N N FINE BLACKBERRY. and.„ELDERBERRY.'IWINE.-•=; Warranted pure. sale at • ... . • W. DOCK, CO. LCAITS Fresh._ Peaches, 600 Canb ~,,,,,,,,, Ween C 4 r 4, •/°° qreeif ~, up by Die, ,most • celebrated groWer e , add' everl. can warpoted to give satiefeetion, for. - sale it ,:fob2 DOCK, JR., & Co. I:MASSES - AN°TlEtElt,assortanent•df•Pociket an k doDesk Diaries for 1864, just receicod Sind for,Wereliehp . feb2 ' SCI3.EFFER'S BoplC,Sl'OF...Ejlartisburg.' 2Of !gas.lEr'C'Ps v :of , a very* ' r.,st:mpeiveA re: sale by I%Y 91123 CK, Ja. & APPLES We hare just received a ,fine selection of APPLES, 'in prime order. For side by: 'the hairel bushel or smell, qijantity. at • (feb3l W. Jit.„At co_ r, MEAS . —purchased direct from the importers, bond, of all qualltioa and grades,lirir. received aril; or aalo-by , • Val_ . I . Jit.,../lc CO. • - PROPESSIONAI4 - ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY - .WO:MOERFUL ,RESULTS. TAR. .J: CREMarlilti •would: respectfully .inform the ; public in general and the diseased parlieular, that.he has t)pened.ap..pfhee in. South 'Second ! street, bet* Chestnut J artisbdrg, git., - whoro ho will treatallldisegithes entrust" tbliedartf;in aeciirdancewith; the. aystein 'discovered. and taaght fby Prof: a Bolles, of Philadelphia, wi th whose institutioa has-been con,' named, mid lb wheat he takes .idetsuie, in ,rbferving the! public for Information with respect th Isaec9as in con trollinidikasSe. ' . • - No!drugging the systenhilith uncertain Media - id agents'. ih,eurea performed hrAritgdetistki, taawailientAnd„ other .modilleations kleptdeify, without shocimor iititisant senifitieis. - Alter an'Eleeltidal tilagnfatia, a guarantee will be given, if desired by the For further Algctrmation gall, and getoat..pamphiet which con tams .hundreils ofAarfillixttas . ,frem medical men:and o*, ers prihine the:hieriekltelty, or - MB, * gyfiVIFI oraCtiCat over alrothers.'"floithatattoti'fiill 'Cede licaq 9 - to 12 4. m. Ito Stand:r•iii 9 rlf , m. , •", - 151 t. I: 11110 N! CREAMER. Teli3•il3ia~vlm;~ Lu-W-sn '.-F,.* , . '.15.gkg*:.'.5;.:,:,.:.,.'. EL,L aW - W. A tAIRI: D•E DO4lid - 'l6 pra,ctice. in this IPPPMcicItYI•DV - XIIA has sakistle4limself thatttas Powder is vastly guperior , p3 any other article in nee • • YELLOW w And is of great lervica A PP 7 lleraq that_ ppw . 4-I„at their • ETITE •-• • HTDEBpUNIr;IOII'NDEEBD T ic*.p•E:AtE . t:•••• • • Agsoutit prevent GLAN4PitS, et•Lic '111E410 . : Whin ilsedtin'or.thros limos a, wenk--invig o ' railittarid flittimirig: • " • • For improving the condition of a Horse; he bastes there , oibettec madlciney as 'it -will anrengtken the stomach and asalst. digestion, cleanse ...the,. intestinesof, o,ffensiv.9, matter, wilt tegnMte,theilefeibla when Cdsilvi[prnifi the; Iblot.ffitfid proinote 'digestilin—thua'ihe skin isicepf lan' :thejxlrea are opened...and a: lona; reabey , fat and comely. The Powder can be used for pain% Sheep erid it'fie;wlth•j good effect: ' • Aplrealops - Tj" • , •• 7 rearrAitice . hsi -- itttsak , s mit& STORE, fan .• „No. 91• Market Etre*" Harrbiblifg. „, ALM L . m o wnevy ys• (-17 • :1144 - Wit[N , E2iij At 2 l d W . . • StOlet"Oc gi-PilnetabkgrUSß:,SlCOVldiitireepliarliSbUrtr: 'Strict atzentidn pth lA d to sdl lege/ businees, eouttgonoli, mat, Aue=reitittn.'4SYPtintallett‘ici J3t) Teretimllo, THE ADDRESS OF JEFF: DAVIS. The Coming Spring Campaign The Threats - Of th.e - gebel Army Will Accomplish.' NEW :foal; Feb. lb. • The Herald has a copy of Jeff: Davis'. ad dress to the rebel army in full. . He' remarks upon the adherence . of 't.lie= ,SOldiers to the causie 'of , the dotifetierady aogitinon. by, the re :enlistment of those 'whose Willi:of service' has, expired, and contrasts it with the; halting and reluctant Service of the mereerairies Who have been purchased by the enemy'at 'the - plice of bighdr)icainties than hitherto known in war. Efe"eay.4 the tirave battle . cry of the Southern legions in - the coming spring campaigns will ringthiough the lapd:pf the enemy,, and si lence;Vie' vainglorious boasting of their cor .ruptartizans an.t .erlutoped gra* . and do j cf. .t •t , ' a i l: ~.. '' by rhiciti o texk `to, ~i- 1.• i , • : , ipl ` , e , ..VThat g eady to lire tise . honorable safety lay degrading submission. - ! r • . I,l4lllWilr L Front Fortress Monroe. ARRIVAL OF TWO ESCAPED! 'UNION , OFFICERS • FROM nfammiND. • .; i.rr• (r'; 1'.. ) • •Ffnir korinoi; F,eb. 13. T-Wcrljidein officer ' s, a'daptain and • LientenL, ant,ft arrived to-diy Yorktown mail boat, having effected •-their escape • froni ths Libby Prison at 'Richmond. They report that she& thirty. otherk mostly oirmers; had es caped front the same prison juat 'befoke' they cam . c. away, .but its' yet none"of• them have bkir heitidifiom.• ' ' ' " _ . ... . , '- ' , .Thesteauker Spaulding arrived this after 'noon:from Beaufort, N. C., bringing about fifty rebel prisoners, captured during the re beta:mid abotit Newbern.. '- 'Picei* . stOg ft(iXa ChaKiestoP. -- "E" -- ; • , • .TE„ AWETE, TEA .gLEETEEE:.4 2 FEET r ) *ETE_ 3:TETWE OF 4.E INN z9ziwrizr - rPASPERATE STATE' OF AFFLUtS dithaSthTos. . • . Bones, Feb. 13. • . .;:Whet;- 11- ergia'f. Folly,lsland!zorresponden says , under date of 3d inst. : The,mbels hayetried several times lately to reiiiforge the . algiost }porn-ant garxison in the rains of Fort ? Sumter, but, failed. Most. of ;th e men in 'Sumter axfinwo alaY.Wand "knkhr,-that-tiNqkty Oz n iartraxe:litHeattittibi. Nigttf;before lastr, it, being somewhat.lutrY, 9.l:P ll .9tePlDetirainfil e 4 44llarty.with a tor:. pe4o bOat,, a Sjog-shaped. ra4abine left .119unt.wPlearguit, . and_ proceeded- down the 6i#4,4R,the rear .of $ l l/11,V0.11.E1 Island , for the purpose of going out to make an attempt to destroy the-gunboats aousatonie and Nepsie,- which were ,doing guard duty that night in the Shntee were, near Beach inlet. When the iam and infeinal machine ha 4 got reitdi to 'ineke-a dash„at the inlet, •it was tOntidtthat the Machine was in: a sinking con ditibit'. She was tlien fumed back into' the '•sihin.e . she . now'liek stick. She' went dOwnc''earrying with laor•eight of hei ors*. "X'4o,tifiliati'put an end to the - attempt 1.1) deL stity , our vessels. Fliis is the thud infernal. machine the. isbels-liave , A few days ago. a S.4Unaof ten rebel soldiers, including a,sergearit;,eseited to 'our . lines.— Irhey. hay:that starvatic:i stares them -in the face' in Charleston, And that'all'ciVil law is at an end, andihe 'military riders ha's% fiat sway over. the 'civil authorities, that' they are be coming espera e, .and that , every means in their power te be resorted' to,. to force the blockade here: They_must have assistance or starve. They report the - city badly damaged from the'' - effect of Gen. Gillmore's constant bombardnient.'- - ' From Wahtligion• Wsaziptcfrow, Feb. 15. The . rnmord as to . theintended protest by our Government,against the French occupation - of lefelihoi are certainly not well fOunded. The policy, of - ,the Government on this subject is iixlly ppliiined in the hitely published diplo matic correjpondence.' poin. _ . Nv Yo-ur, Feb 15 . Advice from Nicaragaito the 27th ultimo, .state that Congress was. not yet-assembled, but its ratification of the contract situ the Central American Transit Company is- not ,donbted. The Company has the .cash there to pad. for tile.P#rilne asked:.. ' ' • - Deetruction of One ThOwnind Bides of N. C. RW YORK, g'eto. - r, sdn rropaperairaceivad byitlin,fferakl, say that opt,tlnmta49l'Meßf INA= were burn ed atViMington, It. bn tUtith inst., by: an accidental Pkiladelpk , t.s. Stock Market. ' ' • PPIAPM,rEct, Fel?, 1 5. gtlickb exeited . ; ; Peifniii'YlVanTat's;94:4l Mead-. mg, railroad, - 62;"-Morris Canal, 69; Long 42i; • Pennsylvania railroad, 824; gold, -160; exi3liange onNew. York,.par. -s . t PIANOTORTEI,IBLOMIONB,4III3Eit ilI SIC, - Striligs7, -siliniuniiFffes/ang'allfkinasi:of Musical Merchandise. PletUre Frames ; Loolbtg.. Glasses, Photograph Cards and, Atams, -Amb,r.otrpeArems, Engravings, Pictures, ac., .ka • n ßoiigantier. the-140a,;.W0: TgllrEtt,l*; the largest: Maio Store Dig ildis'orthe Yireat cities.-• V:-ALENl`:—...—tircH SiVALE -- NTi.lrt- OXEsaidd gee 110 - Large• and row Assort . wont of d u , triatatt4d, at - ; ," t SCKEIMER'S BOOKSTORE, " • ' - :Harriskirg, Wholesale and Retail • Sett SMOK 7II smagED, - siuoikr, ilia received it . : fib 3. 'l7 • - r. • W !DOM Jitti ElfGraS : Vain; r • -•- , „ taivaiiiaz ditissvi N 0 . 2 ,53 1 r • • BUM MEOW* 0 .1_,•1•4/ A ilt, ;11 •" . 4444 awa•Einofiir,tivi.ittNdes /Vie' s= aliStrlteN - - A- Wireedcidyiiii** . • -F E; N E - . L r 41,:ty'b R S W 111 . K & C 0• , 1 EATERS .IN Fn. - T. F.A.IItIIA GROCE WES oppmite the Court House, have on hands tine soleelion of • BR-4LICDIES 7 . ; of difter4nt vintages. FINE Aiiii - COMMON ; W7.2VES, WHISICy.Z.E'w Description OLD BOURBON, WOHONOAHELA, • - ' FINS L SHAND SCOTCH Whiskys. The best ever brought to this market- OLD WHEAT, " " ' FAMILY NECTAR And the celebrated • " taikbrisur GROVE' Av CIIAINIPAGNE WINES. SCOTCH AM, IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. WILD Uppy, 11,0INTATION," • • ' ' - ivre*Aif ToNlc orrEns. With a coiapieto Stock' of ' -• , ' . . ; ENGLISH gPD AnEvLiticivar, PICKLES .tnd'Condimepts of eery description now In' the market; and at' . ; rilE_LowEiT RATES. PRQTOO - RITS- PAOTOw APHS! PHOTOGRAPHS BITILNITE IirE.II,DON, FORMERLY OF- RIDOE ROAD ESl''EC'l'' FtraY inform tie citizens of have, Earrisburg that. they. a moved their place of buiinesifroin Ridge Read: t 6 No 110: Market street, be tween Fourth and•Fifthi Where they have fitted op anew PHOTOGRAPH GALLFAY, with' ell the modem improve ments, where they are prepared to do first class work. We guarantee perfect satisfaction to all who favor us with a Galt n021.-d3m B. G. PLOWERSI PHOTOGRAPHER, SIJCCESSOR.TO BURN= & WELDON,) tenxii : Ro.txr, KAIMISBURG, WOULD— respectfully inform their old y y customers that he has purcbasathe entire fixtures Of Meows Burnite & Weldon, Including all of their OLD NEGATIV-ES, seilhat all who have had • theiti negatives taiceu,by that firm can, have their pictures executed as 'before; at greatly REDUCED PRICES; $2 PER DOZEN. refitted the Rooms, they are now equal - to any in the city, and I am now prepared to execute PIRYPOORAPILS, ' • • CARTE DE VISPPEII • • AND AkiII3ROTYPES, Which for softness of tone and flattering Otrects cannot be excelled. I guar . antee satisfaction to all wno may favor me wittia tall. • ' B. G. FLOWERS nov2ll-08mos-2taw-tritas . - pegistature. VEPOSTIII) .3EiPRESSIN • :ffloß Moaner„February, 16 1864. The Senate met at eight 'o'clock, P. m., end was called to order by' Mr. JOHNSON, 'who soak .had been deputed'by theSpetikento -act in hie Place- , • _ : . No quorum appearing, Mr. GRAHAM. mov ed that when the Senate adjourn it be until to- Morrowmciraing ateleven o'clock. The.motion, was agreed to. , Mr. NICHOLS then moved. that the Senate do now adjourn. The Motion - was agreed ta, - and the Senate then - Adjourned. ROUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES ' Moaner; Feb. 15; 1864. The Howe was called to. order at 11 P. M., by the SPEAKER pro tem., Mr. Bumf, (Cheeter.) The Journal of Friday last was read and ap proved. ' BUS. PASSED. Mr. ELLIS (on leave) read in place an act to authorize the burgess and town council of the borough of Darprille; Montorir county, to Levi , and collect a tax to pay bounty to volun teem in said: borough. On motion of Mr. ELLIS, the orders were suspended, the bill Was considered, and tamed ' - PErrrions, &O. Mr. BIGHAM presented the memorial of citizens of Allegheny county, asking that the daily pay - of the supervisors of roads may be in creased from one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per day. '— Boderred to the Committee on Beads, Bridges and Canals. Mr. BOWMAN, (Lancaster,) petition of tax -payers of Manhelm toweship, Lancaster county, praying , for a law allowing them to pay bounty to volunteers. Referred to the Committee on. M.ilitary At: fairs. ' • Mr. WINDLE, - petition of members of the 'First' , Presbyterian Church of Downingtown, 'Chester county, prayieg an act authorizing the trustees of said chritclito sell the real and per-. Serial estate of said corporation. • • Referred.to the Committee•on Estates and Escheats_- : ,. .. - AlBo, a. .remonstranc e. of citizens of Chester and - Mentgtimetv countiee, sgainet the repeal of the law pf 1863, laying ont a 'State road in Chestetiand•Moittgomery counties. ' , - .Loid,o . n the table. - • - : . .. Mr.' WATSON,, the • petition of citizens, of Phibideltifils, praying for the passage of an act authorizing' and requiring the passenger rail- , - road companies to run.their cars on Sunday in said city., Referred - to the Corininittee on City Passenger Riilreads Also,- the petition'of citizens, voters,.ofi the Twentylecond ward, l asiting the Legislature to pass a jaw relieving than of their select-coun cilman; - Frederick C. Brightly. ' Rifefred to the Committee on the Judiciary (locaL) • ....: : : • '. Mr. PANCOAST, one , of similar import. ' ReferrediOihe Committee on the Judiciary (local.)' . - - lif. SUTPHIN, one of similar import. Reibrred to the ComMittie •oti the Judiciary 09. 2 41 , ' .- . - - • . - Kr. SMITH (Philadelphia,) one of similar iniport.' . ' Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary (local.) - •-zg• • ...- - Atir. 141 4 ). 11 q of 2 40. 10 4 11 Ktcat . ” i , , Referred.to.the Committee on t he . Judiciary . '( 16 4 1 1 tAbuy lentil petlMorisj-buineroitslyslgned- by citizens; of - , Teserityithiidi.watti,ißtilladelphis; i Pral!n&fm'AP Pktillag. 1). 14‘ lan VERAIRK:the m certain. railroad jpilyile ii,pn - J3Euipiy. , '"Regart Mb' (tom 'lt Teir an ' 'City ra)sen7 .1.,,,,,,..t. a, ~...::;:b, ..:. , ...ib i- • PRICE Two ans. Mr. QUIGLDY, two of similar import. Referred to the Committee on City Passen ger Railroads. Mr. iirldANl3B, five of similar import. Referred, to the Committee oe City Passen ger Railroads. . Mr. SCHOFIELD, one of Similar import. Referred to the Committee on City Passen ger Railroads. Mr. WELLS, a petition asking for a law to authorize the commissioners of EmEquehanna county to pay a bounty of six hundrtd dollars to volonteen. • heferra to the Committee on Military Af fairs. Also, a petition of citizens of Dimock town ship, Susquehanna county, praying forla law to authorize the supervisors of said township to levy a tax to pay bounties to volunteers. Referred to the Committee on Military Af fairs. Also, `a petition of citizens of Dimock town ship and vicinity, in - Suiluehanna county, praying for a law to prohibit the catching or killing of pickerel in Lathrops lakes, in said township. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Mr. REIFF, two petidon , i of citizens of the township of Newberry, in the county of York. praying for the passage of an act authormog the school directors of said township to levy a tax fOr payment of bounty to volunteers. ReferrW to the ComMittee on Military Af fairs.• Mr. WEISER, a petition of alteens of Lt-1 high county; fot an increase ‘ Of caplta tension' of the charter of the Allentown bank. Referred`to the Committee on I.l,anits.. CLARFT Mr. SHIMER, a petition'signed by cltiacue of Northampton coriuty, prayiug for the passage of a raw - making Persons' compeviat to testify in their own snits at law or in equity. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary (general.) • PAPERS WriIIDRAWM Mr.. WHlTEobtaieed leave to withdraw the memorial presented last year from the com missioners of Lawrence county relative to a re vision of the tax laws. Ifr..LEB reportcd; from the ConantMe on lifilitary Affairs with rt.negative recemMenna tion, an actior ' the payment of Casper- M. Ber ry for, services as Br igade Inspector of the third brigade, Mist division. PUNTING FOE BANE COMMITTEE. Ou motion of Mr. WA SON, it was Ordered that there be printed one hundred copier; of the draft of a bill before the Com mittee on Banks proposing to enable the State Banks to conduct their operations under the National Banking Law. kjr. COCHRAN (Erie) read is place an act to ificorporate the Erie City passenger railway company. • Referred to the Committee on City Packager Railroadr. • " an act to grant grie county a strip of land for the poor. Referred to tire Committee on the Judiciary local.) Also, an act to facilitate the discovery of as seta and eiddecce. f Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary (general.) Mr. ALEXANDER, (Centre,) a supplement to.an act to incorporate the Mosbannori rail road'empany, approved April 17, 1868. Referred to the. Committee on Railroads. Mr. ALEXANDER, (Clarion,) an act amend ing an act authorizing the laying out of a State road in, Jefferson and Clarion counties, ap proved April 2, 1860. • Referred to the Contlnlitee on Roads, Badges and Canals. Mr. PERMING, an act to authoize the Eng lish Evangelical Lutheran congregation of the borough of Johnstown, in Cambria county, to sell a certain lot of ground in said borough. 'Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary (local.) Mr. PRICE, a supplement to an act relative to the sheriffs of this Commonwealth. - R.:ferrtd to the Committee on the Judiciary (geneial.) Mr. BENTON, an act to attach Elk county to the Eastern District of the Supreme Cann - . Referred to .the Conunitte on the Judiciary (general.) Also, an act authorizing the supervisors of Jones township, in Elk county, to construct a bridge across the west branch of the Clarion river. Referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges and Canals. Mr. HAKES, a supplement to an act to ie, corporate the Washington coal company; and for other purposes, passed April 16, 1838. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary (IC cal.) - Mr. WAUON, a further supplement to the act., entitled An act to provide for the adjudica tion and pa)ment of certain military claims. Referred to tho Committee of Ways, and Means. . Mr. WEISER, an act to regulate the paving and macadamizing of streets in the borough of Allentown ' Lehigh county. Referred to t,he Committee on the Judiciary (local.) - - Mr. GRAI3ER, a supplement to an act re lating to the employment and peor house, in Schuylkill county, passed April 4rh, 1831. Referred to the COMmittee on the Judiciary (local.) • - Mx. BOWMAN, (Lancaster,) an act authoriz . ing the levying of a tax for the ptyment of bounties to volunteers in thelownship of Man helm, .county of Lancaster. - • - On motion of Mr. BOWMAN, 'l.Lancester,) the orders were suspended, the bill yraa consid ered, and Passed finally. - Mr. eCHOPIELD read in place a supplement to an act to authorize the Lehigh coal and-nav igation company. to eatmd-iheir railrolui from Whitehavan to Mauch Chunk, approved the 4th of Mara; A. D 1863 ; and mired that the orders be'suspended in order - to proceed to the consideration of • - The.motion was agreed to, and the bill was read, as follows; . Be 4. inactat, e f e., That the time within which the' board of -managers of the Lehigh coal and.nayigation company may file, lo- the office of the Secretary of the Commonweidth, the writing referred to in the 41'4 AdActijai of the act 'Vs which this is a supi4tnent, algal lying which parts of the slack Water naliiga tiOn.belonging to skid companyv aboiro is t i uc h atke#. l sa .thtY. fietenelAe .te. APO. ..I*trad ;the sauce here by extended one ,3 111,Xrnm 4. .and after the' passage of this sniiPlemidtr - he bill, , 4fter-lheitik-dWor-Realtiy''fireitsrs. LABAII 4 : BMIT11;. gbikidelphrisj .WILTBOIT and .11,10M3, ! waa r , Iv Pitssedr final alio Smite the '4.knjOtrtifed. El BILL REPORTED 31ELIS IN PLACII