Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, February 06, 1864, Image 2

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    aitp Etteryt
Postal Retbria.
There is 'no Alepattment of "the-Government •
in which the people are more diri9tly interekit
ed than in thiit WhiCh has ,the regulation and
control of dui sYsiern for the transmission and
the clts' tribution of private letters and printed
matter conveyed by the mails. --The reader
will find in another part of to-day's paper an
interesting table:containing a statement of the
manner in which letters are distributed.in the
prhaciPal countries of Europe, and also the
mode in which - postmasters receive their cOna
pensation in such' countries.. It will be seen•.
that the carrier system universally, obtains,
and that.this service is in most cases,perform
ed without fee—the exceptions' beini••c;onfmed
to localities where the sparseness , of ,the pope
billion justifies a departure from the systsm.
The generality of the rule; howeirer, shrowa the
direction in which postal, referm, Under-this
head, has steadily tended - iri *urop9.
The National Intelligencer says that,we are
indebted to the present efficient Postmaster
General for the partial introductiiiii of this
system into the administration of. our postal
service. The law authorizing the free.delivery
of mail matter by carriers took =effect on , the
first day of July last. About ;that
system was put in operation fOrty r Ftine
the larger offices, with a competent corps of
carriers to each, numbering in, the _aggregate
four hundred and forty-nine, 'at a'n' aggrA4tte
annual compensation of :t330,680 : i ewe
cannot hope, with the present.distribution of
our population, and the extent ,
btu' country,
to attain the point reaihed7sktOkie,iin'dB4-
ernments wider this heaci . ., we, infg ,at letkst
mark the progress They hive Made as indicat-
ing' a reform which shouhliiii gO.olated *het,
ever the conditions of its existenbe are forincl.
We have, the best. reason,,t6
Blair is disposed not- only. to give ith%system
in our country u faiettitd, r ti r ut to promote its
extension as far as Piabtioal*
well g4arded PPFIOon to this elfect:lias been
made the revised , eodwof,thelaws irelating
to the Post Offiee DeriartMenti — whible,_
submitted 13y him at the hist session: of the
Thirty-seventh Congress, and to , whick, the
attention of 'the preSent Congress iii-sgain
invited in his last annual report:
There is also in this Propoiedreyision of our
postal laws (whichilsfor the, rn6st, pert but a
digest of existing legislation! the provision&of
- which would -be but slightly affected by du:
modifications suggested}{ and Other recoin.--
Mendel ions as,towhiph -the:practice:and ex
.perience of. Europe - may-be studied' with la&
Vantage. - We allude t:ti'llieirmile 'in which
postmasters are remunerated fqr, theft—ser
vices. It will be seen that It is 'everywhere
retaliated by fixed rates in the shape of a sal
ary, and not left to be ascertained by calcula
tions based on the inainber'Rfleifers'reeSived
and 'apparent `amount of service rendered.
This latter method involves the:leaping of
cumbrous accounts forno - othervurposethan
to ascertain what is to 130 T iiii t i in any i
e en
whif eiiciit•tflfpOt the D.). , nt
eau readily : - arrive litethelitoptglima
payment from the average revenues of the post
office during ,-a series
~of yrktft,,s. Hence Mr.
Blair proposes ,in his. revised code to divide
post, s offices. and the compensation of post
masters into five classes, and to fix; these
.classes according to the annual `triers - 0 •of
compensation to the pOstioasters'dniing!, , fonr
years last past, with a provision to meet the'
cases where returns may not 'have beywre
ceived for eich - qinirterr and confining .the
average to a less period when revenues are
increasing. It is not yroposed in a ease to
change the present rtincount of pay. The lint
class comprises all offices Where the annual
pay has been between $3,000 and $4,000 ;
second class, betieen $2,000 and 3,000; third
class, between $l,OOO and $2,000; fourth
class, $lOO and $1000; fifth, leis than $lOO.
Balaries thus ascertained by the annual
average for four years are to be fixed in„eiren
awns, but in no cases to exceed -the average.
The adtantage 'of this change, whither ' re
gad be had to the convenienceof.the.Tietiart
rnent or to the satisfaction ; .postrinstars,
would seem to be apparent. There are 'many
other provisions of the revised code Whiah
strike its as being judiciotu r i i ,And we licipci the
suggestions of Mr. Blair, rsay ,reeeile.,,at the
hands of Congre!s the attention to whiblrthey
are entitled.
There is one point ta which; in conclusion,
we would particularly advert. We allude to
the recoriamendatjott Postmaster
General has renewed in his last iumual report,
,that a postal money order twatein ,basestab
fished to facilitate the tribrantisiion 'pt4rkall
sums of money throligh the Fitt&
would not only prove a great conyeniteree,to
civilians and soldiers, but -:Wciiiitl'aMinttrit en
tirely obviate the - kss "Of 'ionor , oleo4;the
great Majority of which enclose, irnallivirik.
tames. The present Congress thas..'- - showir
itself •properly mindful of the comfbit'nrour
soldiers in the field, by,proyhting that articles
of chtthing comprised in. stpackage,notAx.-
evading two pounclg ,in weight, addlessed to
any.non-commissioned officer. or privatigserv
ing in;the smiles Of, the United' State's; may
be transmitted- in the .';/,nalle• ittit:l4#o*
"thi, ; money. copa,rAYRY3II:" .egligiress
would conduce & the-increased comfort of our
soldiers, < While pleat* , at the 4same time
within the reach or all a facility for the safe
remittance of Sinalhenris.•'' lo .---
that this aesirktg hwv .
So long postponed irrifiteatate,s.
hai- received many cora
-1 - -
411 . 1pleatras. from t 4f
toiCalibitOry, act be pa, ps**.rlttPl#Llllieccif
grain for distillation, inasmuch as the crops
are short. It is estimated the corn crop will
be short 130,000,000 or 159,000,000 b
This is, t Ood m o ve , and ould e; to
see :K - Wire
in favoitof pnOn, g , to the2dis
tillation* whisky •a n oo.l,piii*
cept alcohol, of- descri ' froni-imy
and everythin g iktateve r . It -hi the true tem
perance reform iliatislteeded in this country.
Stop the manufacture, and stop also the sale--
except as medicine.
a refugee from Alabama, says that the rebels
areAfolding:out inliopes-thratzif,:tlemocratio
biumph at the Alit Pieildeitial election will
enable tliem to 'obtain the' tights thel have
been fighting for. To encourage and sustain
that hope is the object.of the speeches of such
men as FernandO Wood, such Messages as
Governor Seymour's and the daily efforts of
such papers as the-. Tory Organ, the Chicago
Times, Cincinnati -Enquirer and New York
World, as well as of the leading Copperheads
and their organs generally. Let there appear
to be a prospect of electing such men'as
McClellan, Seymour, Vallandigham or Wood,
.as our next Preside 4 and they would be sure
to hold out until the quoa.tion was decided at
least, and perhaprionor, if such a man
should be elected: - The re-election of Mr.
Lincoln will change the ;entire programme of
the rebellion and leave the rebels without a
hope of success. 4Di - emir° the people in the
free States understand these facts, and intend
to be governed by them accordingly.
Mrs Eismisrso taco Txts ReotrLsa ARMY.
The Secretary of War has'informed the Gov
ernors of the loyal States that all men enlisted
into the regular army since September 3, 1862,
will be credited upoil tte quota of the State
in which they weiVenlisted. The superin
tendents of regimental recruiting service have
been directed to forward to the different State
capitals, as soon ail e ossible, a list of all men
enlisted, into the 'Molar army by recruiting
officers under theit.eommands from Septem
ber 3, 1862, to January 1, 1864, giving the
names of the men,ffidNrhenever ; they eau do
so, the districts in which they were, enlisted.
Hereafter, also; tri-monthly reports of men
thlreNlisted val foffaVed to the seytmtl
givogidit;ll44 Pf the then; Siiite,
district of enrollment, town and county in
which they were, enlisted, such reports to
commence from January 1, 1864.
—ln the t face t octljisjacision v m are I , aston.
isheditat the President of he City Council
suffs.red,l;thiiaelf to ." in cajoled into signing the
card . *kith- appeal . witirnis , name appended
in this nidining's' issue 'of - thdi Tory Organ.
Boston, New York and Philadelphia, as well as
all other cities, are taking advantage of this de
cisionxudntsien .40 once . founded justice
and honor . But this city
are either anxious to spend money, or they
are determined -to , R biirilen.Lthe .people with
another &raki,
• skiii.t - nt LsriE, of rSai sus, aoborarbbiled his
bill to difilgiiiitfra : regidti on thejtio Grande
for ;acState Sir!negroes," by a report, in.which
he sets forth tke 31 0 e . gik#, of sggarat~i}g them
from the whites to protect them from the
grasping cupidity of the litter. The only
safe place and bhlwark of the negro are the ,
low latitiides;, fuld.thepiitheyina . Oebqme ru
lers,l3*-makers and lords of the soil. The
majority race, or whites, will keep the rights
end:bitereatt Of liegroa •unsettled state
unless the=govennbent of the State be in the
,hancle ,for: the
Anialgib:natiori ialki(practicable in this
country, but - across the Rio Grande, the. pop
ulation have no prejudice against color, and
intermarriages are not forbidden by law or
custom.' The cbitiiirYprOPOsed to be set apart, .
for an exclusive colored population stretches
from the Gulf of New Mexico, and from the
Rio-Grande to :the- Colorado. . It is in- a., genial
and pritabeti4eregiob; easy bf access,
itveOpfidOntly:,beNeitd that the' State of 'TO*,
thee; State
lifiekinthlhelJiiion,' will' relinquish her right
to the territory in question.
ARKANSAS is to come into the Union once
more, not, however, that "Union as.it was,":or
her "Conetittition as it Bi-" 'but as a free State'
wit : 4 f nfree Constitution If **amiss can be
4dAtliere.,lB • no, reason why she sliotdebnotY
'again Made 'a partY-tO the *cat 'nationar#Om
pact of the Union; as a free State, it will be the.
signal for tk return of everyievolted!tate on
the same basis. In this manner the great'
p r oblem ,of . of. treapoxh as it was pre edited hype
slave-holding-traitors, will belsolvecl. ; Every
State thatrevolted.for the purPose of:increas
ing and strengthening, slavery, will be revel
re-organized and, returned to the
Union as a free commonwealth. And for these
psult,s t.hsti, friends and.. the enemies of the;
Union, will have.thertilave-holders"e.rebellionto
tits* 4 - g94. 1 9 I:l4ettia.t!? ,
is alone . due , tho great fast that slavery , earinot
exist in the , Ameriean Union, after the expira-',
tion-ofitlie centlary' •
THE ELEthrorribi .- -LexcAwrza, in the early
part - of the week, resulted in the election of
the copperhead candidate for Mayor, by a`
greatly reduSeci ixii"j'Ority, in comparison to',
that:A:NIP he keberveclia=ago; and
Union ,the council, by which
one branch's made a tie, and a majority ofi.
one gained for the Union men in the other.
These results are of course very cheering:,
The Union men in two of the wards in Balti
more have been dobig equally as well for Mei
cause of the, country In the Eleventh and :
Twelfth wards in that, city, at an election for ,
members of the city Riouncil, the uncondi-',
tional Union candidia4 received overwhelm
ing majorities. Theie*ras no real opposition.
The secessionists, sigottig their humiliating'
weakness, pretenallt ,disregard the election!
by not showing thentelires at the polls. They'
begin to realize thaaraeir days are numbered.
lowing banks in Pennsylvania have been de
signated as depositories of public
First National Banks of Carlisle, Erie, Mead
ville, Philadelphia, Scranton and Towanda.
Dzawsra, a great
deal of loyal adViintage, by the itsignil
trim of Mr. Bayard as a United States Sen
ator, :and the el2ction of 'George R. Riddle,
to fill, the unexpired term: Riddle is a noto
rious 'sesech irympathie.r. At the precipita
tion of the rebellion, he was very active to
plunge the Blue Hen's Chickens into the fight
against the Union, making speeches and
forming cabals for the purpose of Securing a
"ikon with the-Federal authOrities. Hence
his presence in the Senate will not help the
cause of Liberty and the Union,
Distributioi Of - Lea•ro fn Europe.
The followiug tahle shows the manner in
which letters ire distributed in the principal
countries of Eurive:
Austria—Brought:to the door. larger
' • Places without carrier's fee. In
, staa4.44. plaCtis. (villages and farms) a
fee of two kreutzers (one cent) is
charged. - •
Beigium—Brought to the door throughout the
kingdom. ,
BROPXI--By withbuffee. •`' • -
France By carriers virithout i fee,(to the door)
• in tall rcifyiiiidicountay. • ..ThEosteres
huh exists for letters -soxaddremed,
and when the person's address is not
• found.
Hanseatic Vibes—Bremea-LBy letter carriers
to the door. -
/taly—To the door by. carriers without fee.-
The Netheriancts-,-ty carriers without fee.
Prussia—ty.earriers. In larger cities the fee
will soon be , abolished entirely.. In
the rural distrietsit is six pfeunige
(about 'l4 cent) per letter..
Stoiheriaad—By carriers without fees •
PestrimetersilMd, letter caiTii3r4 are 'paid: in
. -
Barer folloin, "viz: •
In Belginm—By salary, payable ' every
In g4lany-ki4iky. .
In France—By salary. -
In Italy— By salary. .
,InlCanseatic Qities - By salary.
-In the Netherlands—B salary:
In Prussia—By salary. •
Swi s tzer4 2 .l4 -- PY
POS4Mailteriii ii f Awl tri a, t Prance,
;huff, Hanseatic 'dities," Netherlands,
Prussia and Switzerland render their accounts
'nionilay. In. England they account weekly.
FROM wAsimtheroxr.
WANgnionni:Feb. 6,..9 A. ac
Sixty prisoners wore transferred on PAilo
from Forrest to 'CaMp Dietribitibn,
where they- .be' "sent to their respective
regiments. • '
The monthly .report' of - Captain DOlan,
chief of 'military detachments and patrols,
shows that during the-month of January, 61
eonxtlaincogiiir 011100113 have been arreste.
upon'' various charges, 628 enliated, men were
arrested and confined in the Central Guard
House,lB deserters ware arrested'andtorned
over ti'esiatoli Scheetz, 4ftPETki•lf: ar
44-fined Fir iielN4:liquor,44,o l 4tilinay,,,ai-rer
selling liquor tO Soldiers amiLlo for selling li
quor withaut liciaite:' The total amount of
Ones - collected amounts to t 4,162.
• . 1 3etweell fifty and sixty Rartise have been
arrestek ohargad :with. disloyalty, robbing
soldiers, &a. A large amount of Governme nt
property has been Seized atia . ttinte4 -over to
the proper authorities,
About twenty saloons have bean perma
nently closed, and the stock of liquors confis
cated, thkproprietors having been , guilty of
violating special orders No. 2.
The Richmond Sentinstpf Wit Monday_ says
that Corrimfiutionerld ,lies lately gbne to
City Point, R bvit frimidno.one there authorized
to'inake,any_mtrangement with lifin as. to the
prisoners. • • •
Two steamers, the Pet and Herculee, have
riplie blockade i4tc. Wilmington.
j...llionrtin, Jan. .30.,:,./..)sPecialkdispatch from
Okalona, Miss., says •the . 12th Mississippi en
tered Corinth this mOrning,' and . captured' a
quantity of arms, &v. The Yankees left as
they entered.
Cimurzerorr, , Jan. 30.--The'bonibar4)nent
.of Sumter ceased at dark. Ono lanidisd and
fifty 'Shells Were thrown, of which one .liun
are& and ,tiienty-nine struck. The shelling
was resumed:this morning, with BQ, 100 and
200-porinder Raikots, and' a 10-inch coin:tabled.
The flag-staff was allot down yesterday, but
was replaced by the ' , garrison, under a rapid
and accurate fire, The'men repeatedly waved
the:flag in the face of the enemy,. and waved
their hats in triumph afterhoisting the flag.
The bombardment hawoontinued all day, the
fire walts be . l4 . ThIZ,IPer the westernwound
since the bombardment commenced:
CIIAIWNITON, Jan. 31.—The-enemy keeps up
the hombardmmit of Sumter by day, but
ceases it at night; No damage of consequence
is done to the fort, The fire upon the city
was remifeid at -9 o'elook on Saturday night,
the shots being directed tigain# Sumter
`ten minutes,.And • against the.citY at intervals
of five minutes. -- • •
.MintatsroNts, J -:-L
an: 3Q.General 'Matting
attacked the en emy on the .25th, , and a ft er a
stubborn, 'light . .drove them from the field.
They retreatedillthe direction of Sevierville.
The eriStrix's'eaValry have been undoubtedly
reinfor,U4., "
Assivil. OF~ THE eitfintOkr,44l,4l/,IIFsBF,T.
Yon; deb. 5.
Theiniibbitt_Flimbehu hiLs:atiiieli. Vora off
Chirleston • Ar,litoit piece she left on the night
of the tirst,'ipii . t. .She t brtzigs,tnnp. , f i fv j
Geruaisladlinire kileps.-up .„o.llovi but ieg
ulas -thing:on the city of. Clqi . rlesten, , a ver _
every 'five *n#,tos:
The rebelkihpAre mounted five guns ja g am .
ter, and have piled up sand bags and cut ra
vines through,the rubbish.
General GilltdOretkeetea good ''surveillance
over!: ilniffoii; ,:its do
but , -
The navy, is still quietly, pieketlug the har-
The . 6 44 3 4iPt , to_POO :the Weehawken praiblydie a failre.
- Charleston does not yet show mikny'msrks
oeuerni iherigke .
Minor; Feb. 6.
4 q lL, M nf kt - Ott in gtr7 6 . o Figls,Pf this
ihkeeAvkiverMSpilimiz dinner to General
urniffle;Tatake Bever° Mouse, laet:evt:
Mr. 4. IL Bullock, Speakiirgatiliallemse"iif
Repribientattres, presided at the entertain
the steamer Edinburgh, which airtvedhete
to-day,brinps a few items of news from 144-
ro not be ore noticed.
Lnnon, Jan-:21. . —Letters from Frankfort
stater the opinion is prevalent that Austria
and itinst come to some definite 'un
diiitanding with Copenhagen.
The leichs-rath commenced the discussion
of the address, and all parties deciare that an
unconditiOnel adhelince tb the-'Nn
constitution is a pledge of the independence
of Denmark. -
The-Scion_lattalion. at_ Eiel'-has suddenly.
received marchingprders and leaves to-day
for Northwest Holstein, where the contingent
is to be concentrated .
The. Ipauctford Fire.
, • : ..lElearfron.t., Feb. S.
It was at one time thought that a number of
persons were killed at Colt's Annoy yesterday,
but 4 is powbelieyealoily,one unwed
S. K. Fciy.goakhfitifilk HeYwfueseenitututief
the burning building, and has not been heard
of since. Many Were injured bylallink walls
and floors in endeavoring to sate ,machinery
and tools; some quite seriously: •
Capt. Ups*** Not Dead.
A. letter from an officer qf, the 20th_Connecti
cut Volunteers stafes that Captabiltp&on, who
was barbarously shot by rebel assassins, after
his surrender, is doing well and will probably
Toss, -Feb. 6. The steamer Geimania sailed toLday with
$214,000, and the eity ofisTew York, for Liver
pool, with i $201,000
‘.• 4' • • 1 .1
idltirtcet?.# bY
The breadstnirs insirlief is dull, but prices
are unchanged. its export demand is:Mailed
and 2,000 bbls. sold at $6,25@7.75 for extra
family-aria sB,2soBioifi4icy, Becoipts and
stocks light, Ryefloor is nominal at sq. 2 o
"unrl i corn meal at... 25.51). 'Wheat hillu)l j aid
sells 'll4*i at 54.6501.70'. for 'zed, ancl - fat,
21851011 , .25 for white. - Rye haa advanceitto
51.cig1.25, C orn is : M gos4l-demand and
1,000 buadellow sold ut - $1.1.1i. Oats are
d at 86 aKa 500 bus. cloverseed, sold, at,
90(34 TiniothS , 'at $3.75 and silltd`tit
23:2 3.30. In coffee, smar and molasses
there is no &tinge. ,* Provisions move slowly.
Sales of mess pork at $22022.50.
New York liteek Market.
Nsw You, Feb. 6-.4.23it.
New York Centra1,133401331; Erie, 1114
®1111; Harlem, .1,02/®lo2f; 11 . 'S. 5-20 i,
/ON; Maripbtuiziotquoted; 11. S. certificates;
old, 123 974; Hudeon, 1454®144; quick
silver, 494&194.
Two Pats the other-day were poring over the
news in one of our cit papers, and coming
to . the heading " Latest , "and immediately fol
lowing it, "Very Latest," one said to the
other, "An shore -Tim, will - ye be after ex-
Elaftiiii'„lflutt this means?", "Mash, ~:oviad,r
gaid . myself explane
that, to ye,- Sure the,,latestakerhai,comes in
time to 'be printed; and the vlrylatelt-lawluit
ec,mes after the paper is out.'
Es.i.nrso.—Beadnot to contradict and con
bite; notXto believe and take for .granted; nor
tck.i%4**igt4 discourse, ,t9'7kO*h and
consider —Lord . , .
No.-- 7 -blo is a_ yronderfFd Agra. lle nut
afraid Wl* it.. Vail: a, mih." hat; idlied 'in
miserylor - Obit; for rot - hiving "courage to
pronounce that little monosyllable.
DANIEL SHELL died this morning, Feb. 6, at 4 o'clock,
aged 70yesrsi Fononths,94
The fthiend will take place on Tuesday nest at 10
o'clock, *obi'his residoicle ficciiibkip;-=to
which the relativerrandfileriaslirerespectfully invited to
• On the 6tlr 4 inst., after tur ilinqs-oreleven years, IfEs.
Sorrtra'af. , Orra,A,;*ed's2;years. andlAilays:
The funeral will talteidice bn Sulidairtfternociii, at:' 3
o'clock, Pram her.iite residence in Second street above
North street, to which' the relatives and friends • it-the
family are respectfully invited to attend.
On the 6th iLLSI., HARVEY Vmerocr, son of James and
Mira .4nn t ffistriclr,:aged 3 monthirandl2 days.
The funeral will take place to-morrow (Sunday) after
-00011, at-3 o'clock, from the residence of hig piirents in
Cumberland street, between Third street and . Ridge lie
nue. The relatives andlitends of the family ake respect
fully invited to attend without further notice. *
An in_W4gent vidow lady offers
Iter servicea as NUBS& Pamela desiring further
information will please call 'at Liberty , alley, first door
fremSecond street: - - - fetB.d2t*:,
N OTICE= • • ' "
Letters of rolfednistretion having boort granted to the
subscriber on the estate of George %inter, dee'd, late of
Susquehanna township Dauphin- etainty, ;'all persons
having 'dahlia againstahe same will present them, and
those; knowirietbemselyes indebted will please Make pay
mibt to , • • • • 0: iIrESTER, •
Ilaiherton,•Veb.= 6;1464. • • - Admintstriktor.
Gab6-datoawfialt* ' ; ; ' -
Important to . Itol i t Matitotol
greta.dilrionity , and expense hitretofOre
exasting-in roasting ores highly- impregnated with
sulphur, for wanrof proper`funuitei. has indtmed some
iron Rasters to'abandorftheir Use altogether. -'
After much.incestleation 'and experimenting CLgifil."l.
B.- GRUBB, Of Lancaster, Pa., has- Moon& RDimproved
furnace for , ':roastire , such ores, 'in connection. ritlt Et
CharleeFunnuse-at:Colunibia, Where it has been in n” - fir
three-montbs pasty ltting the Most. Satisfairtorr resift,
It ie.noWproveci beyond 'cavil,- thathy 'the use ittrthis
IMPROVED FURNACE the most refractory ores are eget , .
tastily de-sulphurized, at a trifling expense of labor an"
fuel, resulting in, a huge yield of. a superlor,°moo 4'
iron, so thirtsucleores" can now he ted thiie tr
a profit of 50 percent. over other ores in use Mole' ." P a r ,
expellee of roasting. s ..ung ther
. Perstuti dirillUghfurtherlhilbrniation or
said...Furnace:Will peals address tho' unite , "g 4.... to use
easter-Ts: _ . [r e be_gtt . I COod at• u s e
, a B. , CRITER:
. .
. .
11 10ST—Ain/104 lack: and tanT.EILTDIM
fl aw of;Aßltt..„2ll/0 reward toOLlzeceivect on re.-•
turningthePoo. o .Dr• V... l BERlVon.th`Seeblid - Etreet.. The.:
wao . _ oisegn.liVne neighboihooil or the Car_ Fictiorr
onyrhiv - • reo-434..
Rro TO] plumy, HOUSE. with tack—
on,the west aide of .. .Petuisylvania
Avonne,'This,prolborty, bag 'two fronts, one. on Filbort-1.
strlet And Gielotber etkPecittylsaniaAvenue. • Good 464'
S•t* l l;' , 9rlkatek Term roade - 'lbsown •by X
EM _
_ 5 4309 Mr& MAMMA ROBERM
good_ o 7_de e r a3 .
4:11' °feII:CAPP I.nirit:BL7,::
. ?
RAMS AND gH. 0 tr LDE 8.5.:.
r),20,000 pounds best sugar cured HAMS. '
10,0tko rettilda.DACON SHOULDERS ; for, aale.by
P for sa lc
au t y. bz aawrawi nty k K EINK2L.
itit t Go'
gn a w '
Oft recelved!orid romagaly ° " *Mal
mi. imam s ,
dea2Ate • f IMBILFZE4- *
.11. No. 8 Market Square.
.7 S, iznvaopes , —;
stationery line, you willl7wPeriyorft.lftanYthilatig else
ifABTFORD, Jan. 6.
For Liverpool.
10:04 -
WANTS t . 0 .71_
YOlitG &mini ettiployment.
BAB.KEEPE or asSOO= 41 a Confectl
d l
Betsblblimel eatillactorrkt 'k en '
$1119141-t* M644, •
1 , _
NirAMP -M-1f the COIJN'TEW GIRL, who
advertised in yesterday's paper for a place, will
mil at THIS OFFICK : , lie can near of a good situation.
TANTED—A woman of good intelligence,
to EfAlie-A,1!°144.44PR1LA,K1411,f1?!.3.4 C._
- --= - - - -
AV - ANTED TO RENT—A House contain
ing four or dye rooms, from the Int of April next.
Inquire at - lan22-dtf TIMOFFICF.
AXTANTED-500 WolkPZesh •Thuidelion
V Y Root, by .BRA.
ct9ol 4ppthrepii -1 st.,
r u ne
tory of the War. A rare Ance to wake money-
Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000
volumes already sold. Send for circulars. Address
Pktillshera, l t d.
de SO
- - -
origg i _ i
. 1
et .
i t
VO predervatic arid aid
in this city, and in accordance with the request of
Lieut. Colonebtomfonl, A. A. Provost Marshal General,
awing the prohlbitionof , the sale of, "Liquot.. to VONlein
under all tirbilmstinM," all Tavern BeeneMa 3 4;k l
ers or Lager Beer saloons are hetaby enjoined, on
ther notice, to clam their establishments and conform
strictly to.thadesire of the A. A. Provatatr irr em
end, as regards HIFI A.
tes-du Mayor.
Will be sold at the Court House, on -.9atuiday, the 13th
day of Felutudy,4ll64,triiertain two story Frame House
and part of a lot of ground situate 'la the city of Harris
burg, between State and :forth street, being in front on
Second street 27 feet 6 inches, and running bock 94 feet,
more or low, late the property of Anne Catharine Cunkle,
deed. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, r. x., when terms
will be made known by WM. H. KEPNER,
janlB-d3w Executer of Arum C. Cunkle, deed.
HAVE on hand and aid make to order
"Conchs," "Sixes" and all brands or Sews. Orders
solicited and promptly alter ded to. Terms earth.
Joax c. ussmAN,
•Vaiisberry. Tort county Pa.
Also' Toblemo' Air sed#. filbCdTiro
'St. VailleAtitillie 9 l4"Vay
Sow- OPEN at
agaaa - swa Boom STORE
a ['veil Slid complete asserament or VALENTINES for the
app aping season, combining ,
itiOhnOs,„- 111Welty. antl,. Elegance.
Comic Valentines, Sentimental Valentines, 'Valentine
Writers, Elegant Enfilopes, Splendid Cmda, at prices
Rom One Cent to Fiya,DoUars. Calloarly at
feb3 BERGNER'S CBRAP Boosnoßz.
We have Just received a One seleaon..af, .APPLEA,
prime *ler. For We by the herrel, DD O hoallot or onali
quantity...A [feb3) W. MX*, AL, a.co,
CitlitrtiG 'CAT AT under
-signedis now selling off his stock of DRY. GOODS
at cost, as he desires to close out his present stock, in or
der to make some new improvements in his store room.
The goods must be sold before theist of March, and the
public will dud bargains by ailing at once at
feba-clitf =nor Markot Square, opposite Jones House.
your attantion is called to- •
CONTAINMetuII _descriptions of the mil
road routes and Static Turnpikes, Turaplkaa, Roads, Cities,
Towns, Villagm Mountains, Rivers, Springs, and showing
distances, popWation, &c.
A line, large, colored STEEL PLATE MAP brpoilkietio
Cgs book. No (deer, or'soldler; cirpiekikine -littereeted in
this war should limit'procininga copy.'For at
16.,,Ar C. B. JACK'S, comp. of Third • end -Wring stsinibt,
add J. M. 111DS9,'Third streets:
Price 50 motel Cloth; 75 cents; Toc&-Ttoen; $l. All
Botikeellers and -Nealctleelera ciux bored=
PER DAY. - • ' .11n12.4111.w0
GRANGES! oniaTGEst 1-20 boxes in
prime order. 'Just received *hated& aid ietall.
bOCIC, ar CO.
HAMS.—Fifteen thou
-15,000 sand lbs. blicheneris .Excelidor Hams,
cured expressly for family use and for this market, for
sate at AUL DOCK, Jr..; is CO.
Cdil~sii, f or
net LBS. St :
. Aaecirge oilfM, *
1-4b2 NJ' sale at WM. DOCK,; :s.,
60 •
1-1 CANS Fresh Peaches, 600 Cans
IV Fresh Tomatoes, 200 Cain Green Corn, 100
Cans Green Peas, put up by the most celebrated fruit
growers, and every can warranted tä give ptisfaction, for
sale, at feb2 W&L , DOM Ja, & Co..
161.1Ng ROMANO SIERRE,Y,, . imported , in
_L: IPA. Warranted the Finest. Sherry . . Wine in- this.
country_ For sale at WM. DOCK,• .11t.,-Sc CO:
OUGAItS; ofell qua li ties; suitable for family
10...gre manulUcturtqg wee, jaa-reeetied amid for saleley
Wilt: DOCK, IR., 'WOO.
- • . - .
The Second and Third Stories, (two large rooms on Sec
ond story, two or three on third story,) for rent from the
ISt of April, in Market Square. Inquire. ai..No. 3Mintet
Square- . Lja29l ~..BOYER,InII.OERPER.
Look iterel
LL BY • c' , G
And purchase your
• • PORTFO r AI: -
TOOT •-•
POCKY -•• •
laaarArtua, '
• . • .
Made a the viry bp . PHOTOGRAPHS,
R'Aliembist andtfor sale at my few
. sw .
of the American . Flag, Harrisburg, Pa.
N 0 T IC Z .. ...--t.
The Partnership heretofore existing in the name of
, HOUSER.& 1404fAli has SOn•difieetred by;tontakeon4
„mid- ,4 11 ,Persolut-lp . 4.340 will .Pletgle ...make paymene
and theSe having deP.dirsanidtai. *Pt piselraccoont tonfatlai
writ. .
~ , ,
.... _
_, , ., 'AUG. tociritilq.
Having . puichiatid the entire stuck or gOi,*icir: tti§ 4 littls
Arm, and having purchased in Philiidelitlild; Mid s itimf
openinranewittock:oll RRY GCH)Mrsoyiselicit a con
titivation or titte patronhge lteictotore'reiblveV and invittit
the public in general to examine my stock of goods. Nol.
lb Market Square, lappositu thelLinisbura Bath
febl4lm* ApKt. LA:OE44O, I.
- . . . ~
filEAS—piarelmed:direct from the mi rterst
. 4 . _ hi bipl, or aii wilities ind..iiiiners,liist
:tor eels by - . [fel]
. 711.'llocerk, J
.. CR;
SALMON, pstpkei Ved at
reb3 DXt, ' kte #
DIA:I4t. z
A N assortment of PoCket;euidfoft
joiL: fOr 11 , 64; -grist reoeivedluid foriaby &ear sit
• MEWS , - 14: 's BOOKSTORE, Thoihnig,
rmperior make, Just recejyed mod for oale by t
rem- ..1 . . wiLFDoelc, & CO.
,f 1 BOXES ORANGES,, selected fron4la '
-.ilk] iinieititi rand the mist superior ever t
-to n, Jar rifiecnid- aid -Met
Eretill - 7'
... Wit 'DOCK, Ja, 4li-C9-
7 VinAivLits. . oclximu, al:**,;sii g a t .
~,,vv-.bratiat St., Aleersee brautt, Patureceivok
and for aalibr ` ' lfeblr -.- 16111.2 - DO ii CK-IPARZ reI &lAflaß t ''
. . 7 0 4) 8 1 3 P? ot :11.tiskki,
NJ PICKLES, a rare article for table_ use, just received '
411(1 4 2 P1W 4 91 Y ..`' IfV43 ollloV i t-
VOR RENT--A STORE ItAXAC I s 1..'1.1°.
J.: and desirable f
t] or any kind of fitted
at, [feblt THIS OPIUM
Slicelsa rPtAce,
" 110)1 .
wi OF
C 0-4
°lmes a 9,7944 ft Cons ,c.
/trimmurrowx, Aa.rehrtamy in.
WILL be sold at Public Auction, t, t!,
bigheat bidder, at the C. S. Gov't C.)ir.•
Eiummeistown, Pa.. beginning on the 10th day
ary, 1664, and continuing froin day to day until
There Public Animals have been condemned as
the service of ifia United States Army. For •
farm purposermany good bargains may be bad
Among these antrnab are Twelve Maros with
The public animals will ifsid . singly.
-Ternircash in United Stites Treater*: taxes
2 Aty *der at SLIM. N. SHIPLEY.
Chief Q N. Dept. of the Susqueb.:-.:.•
Capt. and A. Q
Catikz.or 13caLir, j
Omer or Geist Quazrzsawn - sz.
rAgracam, D. C., 'ma 28,
sold at - Public Auction to tip
kest bidder, to
Beginning on the 10th duty of February, 1964, and cont.❑
Wag from day to day, until all are sold
Thesi Write . have been coodetined n unfit for
eneSitynarvina ofthe _United Scams Anny.
File MO , 1 1 .0 finillsVlNW many good. barn tr.a•
be; 'had.
'Berme waits aold.stiney.
Terms cash In 11. S. Treasury notes.
*9o' -41t41, thief Quarternenter Cavalry Burn.::
DR. 3. M. (.REAMER would respeczlith
inform the public in general and the disca-eit
particular, that ho has opened an Whet in e'.w
street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa. alter.. ho
treat all diseases entrusted to his core, in wit t.
the system discovered and taught by Prof. C. Domes, of
Philadelphia. with whose institution he to; been col ,
needed, had to whom be takes pleasure , in retort - tug ti.
public fur information with respect to bi , lit
trolling disease.
No drugging the system with uncertain teedis ai:sg, m
Annum performed by illagnetism Galvanism ont .-t
modifications of Electricity, witho ut slini-kA or .11 .t
pleasant sensations. Alter an Electrical Ditivii,—
=teecerill be given, if desired by the pall. I.t
information call and get a pampliloi. ado: o
tales hundreds of certificates from uteitimi turn
ere proving the superiority of this system of
over all others. Omedration free. Mk.: hour: , _
♦ Ito and 7t09 r. 31.
. .
fehS 4 Stmelni- tit-ebun
DITRING a practice of many years In ad.
Ay community, DR. HITE has satisfied himself that z'
Powder Is vastly superior to any other article in uric.
And le of `lest
A to Horses that hare 1 ,-t
ABD ass
. '
Also, that it will prevent
When faithfully Used two or three times
ratinHeltd 171 4 1 .4 1 5 H.
rorimprovingthe o-onamon eta Horse, he sewerta the:
is no better need' Mine, as it With strengthen the stoma.
and assist digestion, cleanse the intestines or ofren,:,
matte!, and regulate the bowels when costive, para.. It,
btoed'abd promote digesellorV—thus the akin is kept
the w 4 , are opened turd a leery scabby Horse becoul
alunistraely. - • -
The Powder can be needier Cattle, Shoep and libese. - .t:,
good abet,
jan 14 ' 'No: 91 Market street, llianstki
The Celebrated Medical Examiner an.l
Herb Doctor,
n.F Ph il adelphia, haa arrived again in H
rudlimr, Air method Ractiele, /UM taken
roone tb e
WAEnkhe will range a short. time The. afflicted PJ '
vited to can between the hours of 9 rt. and 1
from 2 to 8 P. -
AnCampaculttuty Tabu intereatins and -Ali I , rl .
owing to hilt nonietant to read awl' dayk t dig , x e
While / 11 4 Ina, ana Irlien"ler k 4 "edi, without rratlot
any irtbOtellinxtitn*sPaat'.ng their di -
Res meth late l y
ar y uea diaeoveted and. AD
t. ...be l : th -PN t i nto
eezairecteihaut Jack he performs
' ar -de -meteor the age.
, ,
lame •• •
Hx.raxatruergas P. M.,
HABSEIBLERG, JA .N. 21, 1864.
The War Tiegontimeat. having authorized Major Cr•
Winfield 3: - Hancock, and Major Corneal Ambrose E. E.; ,
*Slik ..-
two of:-ilhe most diminraisieed Commanders or
Many, to reorditlite szcazarguid.luivrs Army
now under their respective commands, to Fifty Thou
men each, for such duty as may be specially assigned
mid Corps by the War Department“ address myself
the patriotic and loyal citizens of Pennsylvania, earnest
invoking them to lend their active aid to Generals HI:.
cock and Burnside; id the prosecution of such messurri
they may adopt under - the regulations of the War NI.:
moat, governingemlistments in this State, to All t.
Pennsylvania Re gime nts and Batteries of the b •
They comprise the following. Pennsylvania !tett:,
and &-inta-ti viz:
In the :o.Bl`ff dieNT CORPS, comma :.1
Ifeloraisteral Hancock, are the 53d, 69th, nst, 7:11
meth, uat4,.14011 4 145th and 148th Regiments, aita
'pendant Batterieea C. and", and Batteries F. and ti
First Peansylvanio4do
In thethe NINTH ARMY CORPS, commanded by M.
denerel Buntsidg are tee 45th, 48th, 50th, 61st anti
Regmentatt and ital's-lindepeodent Baatery D.
e reinftectunent of ur yictorimut armies in Bit:.
Is the only means of bringing the rebellion to an
close, and - of forever sealing the fountain of civil
16ilie r pfina Indjettaht the rebus record which
nnlestaie-lheady iron, and effectively '
Government Inez:caring - a glorious future to our e.•
by fining ttri their ranks now - greatly , reduced by
and theof thedield. ,
Fu of thll int ,
on regarding bounties and enli.,em. t. -
e Panneylvania-` Ormaniatatiana„ d
sECOIIP - m4gATIINTACARAIM OORpS, will b attache e
the Washed circuters: of Major ' 'Generals Haar,
• •
.GY order or G.. Gizvernor,
ja3o.dlw • A. L. - R a r , Adj. Gen. P.
Pei Firs t National Bank of Harri,to
Capital sloo,oooooth the privilege of
ing to ssoo,eoo.
The Steprengttal Bank hewing organized older
to -MTh% at hlaXional , currency, under the ah..'
- egapewillera ita samosa for the collection
Drone, Bib of' Rac.bange, receive money on deve-L'
bay and sell exchange on allof the count**
The husiZess wilt be It the corner er.
and Walnut, atteehk . by the following named dim':
JOJEA,_. WERlfligh J. Elm
aujos.g - 4,Alues Yors.
-tltii&lPAß*lll.3s7. 4 1 4 R HrYb `
eft* ca.t.,:r .
,ire -awn
. BFL A 8 BARD ,
1111 tnienk'1901016, NEFF Nig'
rir tea 'ficka au Guilarif4 kinds
alt s, =„l /4/kis ti GlalseS.PbotograPh
_C s
GemlS Enfintling3, up".
the4 , lo. 12 'Phlrd street, th"._
-tide dr the grest (*Mee Jau-'
:A :I , • . rare article, just. r.•
oohed at [tab3l W. DOCK, Js., 3: LO