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" - :,..., 4 .t: ...- K.s.iil -: --.. ' t:-. -,T-‘— .-:i • - -.. ri 7 "cr;___:.: -- 1 1., 6 ' ' it a v ik ' ' -... , '• . ' f .' ' ' 1 • ----,-_-- _ ___,4 , \__ --- -_--,z_-----:-,--- _ .--__--,_ _ ......* • . ----------- " ----- • -- ,•7 7 : --- --=.- --- -.`.:7-= . . .. ..,.. ; . _,. • ,-- ~ i . •.1 , _:,. . T . • .::7,:.....1:.1,.ft...- . - . 7 " :-- - .- 1 . ..t , ~ , ...,.: .: , .:". - : .., - : •:.2._ . •.,-.P 1 .' .: ,1-,. . T. • , .......1.:..-.- , BY GEORGE BEiiG4R:‘ THE TELEGRra,_.:n PuBi4sEED MORNING AND EVWNG, BY GT ! 121, R GNE . • OFFICE THIRD ET., NEAR WAINUT. TERMS OF SUBSCR . IrI'ION). SINGLE SMILSCRIMON. THE DAILY. TELEORArI is served to subscribers in the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in 'Advance. :Thais itetinis‘che nAgli?ct pay in advance wIII bocluWged $43.00;. • . I WEEKLY TEMA:Ok TIT TRixesArnisalso NiBA " Uy : , and LiTurnished to Subscribomat the.follbWing catilVistes•:.: Singlo copies, weekly... Throe copies to one,l'est pffinc .-..- •,•a.• • - • . • .4110 Ton copies to one ... . 10 00 NOTICE TO AIEV-ILltTX§E*s.—All:AAltifr tieenionts, o ßitoineso. ite" to' oiktirei TELEGRAPH, must LIATIF'l4ll47.'llr aceoni panic with the CASH. a ; Ad - s;calieniezipz ordered in- the regt4ar tng Edition Ntri,thotit ADTKR , IG RAT E S—DAILY TE:LIEGRAPH. The following are the rates for advertising in the TRU, Gluts. Those - hexing advertising•M do wilt 2nd it. con venient for reference. - • • . ` ` `• • ••- • • Four linos or less constitute one-half square. ,Eight lines or more than four'cOnstituti.lisiiMM - e. FOR A RALF SQUARE. FOR ONE SQUARE. One day... $ •80 One‘day /- -60 Tw0day5......::.... 50 Two•days 100 Three • 75 Three - days • 1.35 Ono-week 125 One . .• . . 3 , 00 One month....._ • 300 One month. ' 40;00 Two months 450 Two months • • 4940 Three monthe 5 50 Six 'Months 8 00 One year...., 15 00 FOR TWO SQUARRS. • One day ••$ 120 Two days • • 2 00 Three days • " 2 50 One week 4 00 Ono month • • • 9 00 Two .do -12 00 Three'do 15 00 Six do 20 00 One year 38 00 . Ono year 75 00 SPECIAL NOTICES, TRIBUTES OF Rizerscri &c., and conamAttgationa o%annpttnsetnont calling at m./300n to matters- cif.individiud iletibrest, 8 cents per dine for each Insertion. - .Adnaivlstration Notices.. ; _.. ..11arriage Notices Auditor's .lioticesi: Waneral Notices each insertion, sir Business notice inserted in the • LOC& Column, Or Untoro Marriages and Deaths, Elate CANTO PER LINE for each insertion. . • - - As an adv,ertisibg medium thoTarzonApa has no equal, its largo circulation, among business men and families,• in city and country, and along the lines of the cartons Rail roads, having ogtablished AGENCIES IN NEARLY FIFTY TOWNS, placing it beyond Competition. - • MUSIC';, !J: " A:. P. TEUPSER - TEACHER OF' OFTICE AT WARD'S EU SICSiORF " 12 .Y 2/1011.52Feet.'[. ": • k„*.4. 41,4041 11.0.54ence: atillgstrt.3ot, item) 9ztL t y ni116.4.1% p.rWgL ODEON' 66311d.TTSRGIA: • TWENTY-SIX. FIRST PREMIUMS; - TWELVE SILVER IifF.DIVLS, - AND TAM ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instruments of this ciass).has boon awarded to mAsort & HiumiTs Ixs.xnum:Erit§. A full assortment of tfi&eirddinitients abitrays on band 34. KAJ.. OO =Si Paef4igenti.t •1 , 93 Market street. MS= N.ItY.- C TEt 5 A rIFIP,AOBPAR , OF PIANO, BEETJODEbN 1 AND VIOLIN. —Terms reasonable,;. 16pitd betwoon 3faikottnd ChOsind dttoso.' 3a4-3m GROCERIES'. NEW L IRODERY AND 1111)1'1, SIDN'STORN 1301ra & WIIOLESLE AND RETAII, DI:: kIRRS IN - ' • • - - - G. It 0 •C if 'll , ll-,R..51 • - • ~.: - Queen,4:4*4l e r fitss Ware, , . ..-- AND ALL Ewes OF .0 -0 IT N-t.it' Y: t' it 0 2? U C E , TICATEIust openedv. large-and4wOn'iselecrd 1.. ..1: sot , gopas a!, their stand; No: 3 1ie,r.'41. - Nqu are, Harrisburg, Pa., to which tliey iniitObe aitenton of the public gcuerally.. , - , . , .., , , _ . ciiii-ctlyrif JOii WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, ITARII:IgIItriSO PA. w}toiSsAtY.oro TerrAnmEntß it CONFECTIONERY, 'FRUITS, 'Ste:, Paste„- Moss Paste, Paste,. Mallows-Gum Drops, crefoid.d:ocolate Drops,. Ptuia Clanciled _,4a, $a Oranges and L t en:" °/1 • 9, Canned Ffults, • • Jellies, Teas and Spices ;all kleds, Paper Bags, Cider,Vinegar, ' Ireslrand SaltrAsh in sea -Settle' ‘-' • ' • Vegetables in season, • Raisins, oetl3 LaPORT.ER , Si-- - -. • ol . WINES AND.. LAIJMAIT, SATAT ! ApE r ' 1., O. 128 SOUTH 217Errg„'sTriFE7r. . . AILTWEEN Mem. T..AND WALNIIT., • .• lAD E L A. 14.. SALLADE, ATIIKGB Attit . lNVO - 10E . OF NEW T E VITRONi' • •-• C —lllltßiNrk. .14 Pp7N, - • • --FMB, &C., .I'VE.-IXiCK, JR., k co. At [flop} FOR TABLE VW, • InE. DOCK, Just received at MOY BOOKS, GAMES, 460.-- . 4. 2 -liezge ag i ii rpent. of Toynßthargrr.l*44iistiaitved E W 800 K. S.-ThE SHOULDER I_ll &RAPS M,,,.. . - is_ A.,04-ora'onoice.vanetr, jumi L treci i i 40, n lii pay wantit49C4,o,Jaßkkp_larnbaansLatt:Aht groMY or Ede 41 . -0°X1:41,704.RP POXf,,ES !, PIcIC4F4 1 3 Half Barroi, Jar or Oozes ,at ; ki f l4A§KlCaMt 1 ..-MV: bad BEN Three montbs. Six months 15.00 :One year .. 2500 FOR A QUARTER COLUM. One day . ' $.B 50 Two days' 5 . 25 Three days • TAM One weak. .. ; 10:00 Ono month.. 18-00 Two months. 25.00 •Three months ".30 00 Six months " 45 . 00 - $2 25 ... . Cifrojis • Wtda Pfunes ' Cream Nuts, ': Gieend:Nuts, • PeduiSruts Cocoa Nike, Cranberries Volny and ' .Beans,. m si &keen?* Swab; an d ` rr Alq 9l l o o. l Green Le. ' 4.4 )ri°4 Fil Os And Omiu: tr i Pr' * o - 9 • • seabon. ,, • • "•". .JO6 - :°4."-•-% rAttok SHODDY 3 Iscic) : IRE. ,r ~~ ; MEDTC~. DIL J „if , -': , ---;4•Ttmoiitip:-.- . .-- If? ; - LOCK HOSPITAL, VrA 'disc overed the - most ce±taih, :speedy aid'effectual remedies In the world' Tor DISFASEg‘ OF INIEIMENOF RELIEF IN SIX TO TwELTß:nbuks.i;l7Y-, NO ISEIpMIY Oit:ITOXIO'N'DItIIGS. A Owe Warranted, or No Charge,4n from 'One - to Tw Days: . =BEE eakitess of the 'Back Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder,inioluntary_Discharges, Yoryoustien .„Ilyspo6l%,l4witor 4pirltB, Conflisarizi6r Ideas PaitaidhaW.thie Mean, Tiorldity, Treinblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiricas,,Dentese_of r tlim Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, ,AlfOcifons • of` "th 6 Li y Lungs, Stomach- ott - Beisvelhose terrible , disordors arising from the Solitary . 'Habiteof , Youthz-those , necret 'and solitary practices more feta to their victims ttlfair the song,or ay . ranalo the ; lifarinersof,lllysses, their moSt IfillUaitilopolikofantldtphitdik rondeing l7 idattligo, 4m,, Impossible. , „ Tolm'cl; 'I" ft ,f Especially, who have become-tim victims of Solitary dug. drealifurazutdastiuctive habit'whlch annually sweeps to an of 7Youag Metre:We mditlatalaill *dais and Minima , , hitellect, wha might otherwise haylitcuitimiced iiloilmenee or wiikett to ectasylhe Mill with full 6atifidemoe. M.ARtitAGV.. Married pemons, .Olfronggilenpontemplating marriage, being aware aphyliicidWalthWaiginic debility, defor mities, &c., speedily cured. • lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re ligiourdyloontide in his honer es a gentleman, and confi dently rely upon' hls 'SS a lihysicitui. • 2 .0, ,•• • • ; 3'! I,oRGANTetwidi E stp. 4 , doi L t4ssole on4*k erst,life miserable 114P641/I))94l4.4i.f'..AnakraPai.o the Ac. 4!# . taT Rd r 12 441 • :N4b7l o 7.taßg7 erCtock., apt to cononit exoesseitrom n0t,,, . g Aware of .the dreadful consognanotlkthat may.mls3; Apr,. who. ihat.mnder- Asada ige.subject,*lll„prelend te;depy that the,,gewer,„ef procropß*l4loht srotervy , those falling into improper habita . thpii.ht.the pr u dent. Besides being deprived the pleaBat,eperlitOlty -odhpring, the moat, serious-, and de- Struotkrb,:symptams tb both body And mind:: arise. The system becomes deranged, _the physical and Menial functions; Aeakenedi 1 9F 8 of Pr,crerOativa Myer, ANITT irrit44,y,,dysgibpsta„palintation of the heart, hatigest4mr, conatitutiotud dehlAtY, a,wasting of the frame, eough,,con sumfition, ifecii y and death. ' • e. (A 7,, SOUTH FRUDYRICH Left hand - aide going f'rem Baltimore stfebt; a iewulobrs . fronrthe.portter. Ball BQt to ObßarnklisTie 1 4 3 *Obaill- Lettimiinust; `gild contalti stage toils Dlplottits kitiniin his °like. -'" • f --'-- DR. Jon-asoit, irombey of ithe Royal; College of Surgeons,%tondon;-grad; uato from one of the most eminent colleges in tpolNited States; dnd-thegreaterpert kit whose life Ates been. *Mit 111 thellosPlloin -10Cliondon, TartvPhiladelphia rand atte r where,, , ,has eire.otedione or the most , astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing:Moth.) head and- oars when asleep, mi great nervousness, siitg atartmgl'ltt:Mtdden ,sounds, - ibttrulhess,) . 01611146 h 't blushing, attended itomettmes witk deranganumblot: nd worecured.immediatelyai ;1 • TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. ' . 'Mike arooome of the sad and-melanoholy .effbots pro duteitbrearlyhabiikeryouth, ills weakness of thebitolt and limbsosdas in the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular Ow% ritlg_tintiln of the' heart, dispepsia, ner vous irriutbilityraympWft of aria" nifttligi&c. itiViTALLE—The fearfulerfects on the d are much to . ho,Veruhitli+loisi'ofsMoßoW «ifourflhgoir prl4olo, enlof spirits fail:badge, aversion toety, self distrust, love of timidity, he., are some of the evils produced. o ' 4'2 f . ` YOUNG 11:N , P • ' itT. 'ir* Yitite; Who have injured themselves .hy ... a eertatti:mtction ;4- dulged in when alone, a hablf frecineniftlmirued from evil companions, or at schoul,t4 of "which are nightly felt, oven when asleep, and if — notoared renders marriage linpokilble;Ant destroys bath mind and body, should apply immediately: - ••• What &pity:that - a young man, the hope of his country, 01411414 daft parents, should be snatched from all -prospects suid• enjoyment§ of life, by the conStspience :of deviating, from the path ;of :vaunts and - indulgirit 'ln a certalhi :Slick persons smsr, before purloin : ".' MARRIAGE; souiuritandiardbody promoi4 colututdidtraiiiihieis. - Indeed, x tb ei'llui!riatiot4 4 thrtitighlre - bioothes ge bb ag 43-4110) prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the ,bbi d isa,b r ac s yshadowed with despair and Sled with the , m a fißc hoy A .eff,Ntion that - the happiness of another . bei •dtirdiiibliklifave*Olir own, • . I ?inASV , OF ILW•AI_Pc,E. When. thii idlsoilded 'end Lusprudent • veiniy.efiilessurti thfds balsa imbibed the seeds' of this painhard ,- ••• so it too,O i tt o en Mtp , penallint an ilialxo . ,PeP 3 P Pr 81 4P 0 . ( FIPP. thS Mae Who. from' iittlazi and rhipeetibility . ,7can alone befriend hlm.t !fel to - the:handi of ignorant and designing pretend sus, ,who, incapable , of punivgAlich his perAtniary pub, afeneli,'Vreep him thOing itihnth'ufter utontiVer.ltsiongite the.smallest fee can be obtained, and !in desPeli leave biro with ruined heidth to sigh over his galling disappohitment, or, by the use of, heAesdly polsdp,„.g.tuenty ,hasten the, _ coustitutionalsyniP teen§ ef this arrible &lab Ma PS Ore° , tilkit :Or the .ASIld, 3* . th -frightful rapidity till deatft, WO a .PP.P....01. his dreadful sufferings sendirigr , himto.thitt unitise° tired - country from, whence no troveloireturni. IND.ORMEENT OF 'll6l' PRESS:" --•- • it:_daikiftlig4iyieLikter year end,, ; .-n vio oparak&a pece ivitne*et; thifYipilite - rebf ~ iiPtiefutL,,t which ladle - lgas ossaug4 •4 14 % 1.-IA.AV-Wela.gWantePo ainicted. . , _ 3.:. .1 ' -33:" y .b.Ata Ataxgt Kama 1.--TzuJuyrj .7,ll,l ' •.! t HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY , EVENING, IREBRUAItY'- 6; 1864 ffl!EMMIE===l "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN .4S' 6 11 E' LIIIU O , IA'11) - S ll s .GENUINE pREPAILkTIONI3, VIZ BELSBOLD wRAcT 'iBUCHU,' 117ELMBOLD—=paakOlr.-BARSAPARILLA, IA 6 ROh - eb'22oag fr''ASEf. 'E Bit) '11) 3 S GENUINE' PREPARATIONS. ‘,'IIIGELY - 00"NCENTRATEP" FLUID ) EICT.KAar A PE*MSektI:I'SPEOWIti Pea vnuys ) P Br:ADDER; KIDNEYS, GRAV BL ij AND lißOSlClit4WEbialia MRSMedicine Aciettilec4 *it aiia*Ote4 the-ABSOitBE thin ifeelity eation t ty *blab' the WORRY dr CALCERMS. iftenel tiknisiend lINNATORAL knit.RGEMENTS ' airbAil- Adeekes weirnEepani and Indenunatlen, end , 4eval:o HEN,, WOMEN or, CHELDBEN, HEllKBOth ', Bl...tlrlitACT. BUGIN FOB, 'WEAKNESSES Arising from Ex msol. DisalEation; Early In - 4 015 Fgan A. 14;1+, =BM AT2'END7 D WPM—TEM: FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS. t! : :• I E flz ;Exertion,, .11miess.ofithe,Skin, to*rifif. Attino) _Loss 9t".P . coOir: " " traidrihnisies; x 3. • ilBbdity of teal fog ; W.9 1 7 ,1 T'0r DiSeitilei' • , •. • • Dimness of Vision , Wakefulness, • Unicarsal Lassitude of the Pain in the Baak, Muscular System; ^ o ' 44 3MM:dug of the Body, Hot MAO, Mrsisßous oir the ;Face. ••• ; POc.l Cfßiltel!Yre , "- . • • , A . •', _These syinptoms,v illowedago2n, , whiekt pine kotariably removes, wog. Aglow, r • , t LOOTENOt.FATtnY,'ErliGßl'lld:Pri w a; rh ondak*liiblvthinattentilmay gOiVe.. Who thatatheysireinot fitquently .(folio by:. thode, adirerad diseases," -sr: 7. ...AL! A jit ~f.. INSANITY *AND e PONSURITTION. , cid 431 RDarm9l .q /ML.. ;. ./ themMOß i a ..7 7 • G. th ness to the tru of the assertiofil 44 ok-ortcE: ia - rEC Wrrrt • • AraTA.SB`.. :211- NM .Requiremthe.aidkcamedkiintreigtil4ese the system, ivtiicfi lilibliiVitVagpttrpt - Bushit — in ' valiabl r y does. A trial will convrnbe thrediost skeptical. FEMALESPEIMiES- I .,MUMS, . - ;, 4 OLD .011 , Y0Mai SPiaat tX&REWA-:'OR PLATING-MARRL IMO In many affections peculiar to females the Faired Bo nito is unequalled.hynny othekometly, ea l lnAthiqrosis or Retention, IrregulariV„atinfalneeN,oesuppOsqlen of-the customary gracititcons, Picemtea or Sollirrous state of the lattituri; Laticoritegt*ivnita, staimw`aitif'for itil -Com plaints inaideduoifie sex, whether ariSingifrom Mindere• tion,,Rablts of Aseipation or In,the DECLINN OR GiffAlVGli:dF NO FAMII;IcBHOUBb BE - WITHOUT -IT Take ,no Balsam, Mercury or Unplsas/nt Medicine ,. for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. - ECELNIBOLD'S' EXTRACT BUCHII,, , -- .CurealkonstlikteasetthuillA _ ; little 0w1.% ace x Lpo surac• It catuiliOrakdefitl ___ - three Wh to Urinate, thereby removing obstructionk preventing and curing Strictnresnf the Unlit* frequent.dn this glass of diseases„and expelllng Poisonous, Diseased, and :Wernout Matter: ATlaorutands upon.thoutamds who have been , the victims of quacks and who have paid-heavy fees to be cured in a short time;.t , e found they were deceived, and that the the use of "powerful Astringents," been dried up in 'e system,,to,preak out itt an, aggravated form, and_..pertums tam:marriage. • " • • = ' ;Use - HEUU3OLIyb ETEIRI: ACT BqiuCt.,ter °Ai Age;otions and Tilacitalta of •Hie Urinary, Crgana, whOttatt painting Male or Female, frnmwbateVer Gamut arigllntting, amt, no mat* orhew long standing. Diseases of thesekOrgans require, the aid , of a Diuretic. :HEILMBOLDIISSIRACf DUCH° is the Great - Diuretic, and it kosertainto have the desired etlect- in all Diseases for which it is recom- Minded: ' Cr -; ; .041 /Ai BlOod—filocid—Blood. Helmbold's Highly Coneentra ted*Compound,WOßENKßAOT 008)&41RulfASSH'Ilf Md. This :18 of , tife , ...fftd) ittitc_litteolzs Jibe Sexual Onntaa; Lialnoe44lot4 4 Ppet 1f4474 ThreatoWind- PIP° and other Muolla§twEiteCaant*lniats apt:online& in the form of ,Illcers. Itelmboldits'EatracOarsaptuillalpu- Wks.* Mond and kemoves,all Scaly EruPtiona: Of) the 5 16 4. &in& Ogle.Colltelattinn .Char_and„Healthy.Oulon lii Doing PreParekell44olY for this:class of, coMplaintir, its Elood-MitilitzPropertiet artiftproserveld to,:regreater extent than any other preparatbmot Sersaptirtle, ;. gniMg‘lva 31,085.V.E;; AE excellent Xotiori ifon4iyounis: ti Nature, and as in 'ejection le,,ditagemisf _She Drinstrynergittia, 4ribilig front:habits of dissipat,lwused In connection with ttA 4 Eitiricia Boehm and -Semaparillai in such diseases as 'recommended: Dvidenike offAtte,aneeKxespiaptble and re liable chamois"' iwillSccemptut' thimedlchup. ,9 Eargr .9.spES OF CLRES DeR eight to twenty' years landing, *witlesiathei known. to..Selegtee anddFame.?--F6FAledidal Projiertles of Angie SeS,Dispentaiy Or iTnlttid:lkutett 'See Professor DE 0 2 1 , , g **low worvEr tlieq.miotia - bt .Ph y g 're -ineeleF. by !thew lato , celebratedsDr. P 1C Philadelphia. See,; remarks' made`by Dr. E ' McDOWELI., a celerated-Physicianand mem ber of the Royal Collm.pfßpriouns, and published in the Trlmsactions of the SOO Arid•Allegu'A Afedieo-Chlrarg,icaliterla,publimedhy BEN.T.MiL Fellow of- the:Royal College of Sateen& 'The* the late standard works on Medicine^liattract'of .$lOO per hottle,•ori. els bottlei for $5 . 00. 'Bittra4:cif Sarsapatilla, •$.l 00 .per bottle, cr , sii 'Air S 5 9)0. u ..' - .1114i. proved Roes Mesh; AO cents per blittlei , or roi 42,60; or half a dozen inch for' i'471)0 / "stick sFillibe,su ft ef • to cure the most obstinatelf- - direetions are to. Delivered teany.aiddresk , securely `packed: servation.„, Describe', symptoms in all communicktkiha -Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. - - - - _ 111; akfl AFFIDAVIT. Personally appearedbeitireine ei'Aldernsdo•of Waty Or ildbidektii, WT. Heimbold, who, beifit 'ficei r siOrb, <loth-Ban ations - comatn - i no " o - cOry„ other.likiriousidonk driftict& 1 1 .- .*-;• • . -Sworn and-subscribed' betbirme - tbde - MbAN - rx Teaba;lBs4. riVIEMPATIB - 4bixinim; Ninthmtreekratit.- ,- ,fiddreellor inTormaikm in confidence. ~•,y,. ,*, , t , • • IL T. RELMBOLD,'Obdiitek fFray 4.771bA11a I+s .ftliflUkt.7l37l 41i 11-w ob 11:w vr.Y . ver..as* Fiaor-I-Avva MEDICAL THE GREAT ,61:1XPOW7D litheitr; 1 . 13,Y "I'Valt":.S4 ME DISEASES RE SIIMXNer I -FRON= . DISORijEAS"' ctr tItaN'ATITR , DlO-118TIVPJABSAAS : ARE CORED BY - ••,- 41010 TV" A NTP." I : 4 B -. . ~ GERMATE,Bkr -ER% -... -:. _.c It .__. ' , _ TONIC. " - 4)1 RE/iT agtfaXiiiliNO: TEEESI . - ii6l3,,l;taye, pitriatmed More cures; ,hIWiI.M.W4f) giVi46ter.. sate n.LkAye more tes- EA InionY;'have mote respecta ble peopre i to _vouch for them than any other article in the nutrget." '.., ' : - IVe defy aztVolie td :contradictlhis '-areertion, said Will pay $l,OOO to any one that willlprAucefa certificate pub lished by us that is net, spßine, ; 1 19411 4 Ki; Gellnan Sit ters; trilktiiiii - e*erY ca* .OT Chttittfc o . r Arycius Debility, Mamie oflthiAldneyViiii , dis , Mses'. 'al.:g from i iltis ordered° staiiiiinha plagraii the- folloWlW.itymptonts, re- Obi& i'Fmtiti . LtilaZi likagetlt% organs: C0n .711131)::_,.....n.“. r• ~-,..,• usdi r ia t or Blood to the head, 'A ralier St6iniels, - Hn - .Hearthurif, Disgust for Food, Fu ll netochli4Oglitatiolit mabli,Sohr Eructations, Sinking or itetAtitttstitthe Pit-of the sulanneiti Swimming of the head, Hurried and_ditilcoli , breathing, Fluttering at the heart, Choking..or suffocating-,sepatim Von in a Wink liotitili,i Difididivcrf vision, Dar eir'wehti `Veriki'the sight, Fever anti dull pain in thu head,,,DAltutcyreepefiti• phation, Yellowness of the skin and ey.ei, ruin * the yyide, back, chest, limbs, km, Sudden' Ihishids of Ilia t eitufka g *OM limLWPAten, t.nnagliuttiositeof teril,;uhtitgreatide., premien of spirits." ~ , , - Remember that this Bitters,le_no i t,aletibolic,co4drif -. - no rum or whisky, and can i fle drantiirtlarbitt is the best Tonic in the world. . - :tel;,i, - i . l. l --f;liel 41r I READ WHO .s EQI Prom the Het; ' . Beck ..FPastor , •ottbnlii •ptist listr -... i Tit i Church, Pemberton,;N...lp; formerly. pr. the Nadir 'Baptist Church, Philadelphia. ' ~...J... ~4„ 41 ,1 * * I , * * J * • ::!"* ‘,.. *, : * *' . * I have known HootlitirAl Gelliumlittteis 'llir6riblyk for ftlnilieltr okipFtifie haVeinsed thiglin in my. 920. fasnily and bao bap; so- p gasairittijkeir 'effects that I lima h t . ddisittenetittliem)todirtany tithing, indlmoWtifat t er° 7 lLta l ll gial li l c44ul4 irii=Minfurty XlMlrAgtas factiand'callbg the tor' Moo: aftlikted , t with , the AtiliNggliAllatilletaatlY.,ktt-teraltanslnladJAAltlPLAll , w i rit t - knowing nrom experie ,ce that r8C013111113 11, ' sustained. Ido ,-, mo rrull I . - 1 whiff, ..,,, . t affil • is V ' . • - . . ' rm. . - . . . . . . . IME From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Quinlan Chroni cle, Philahelphilliel'44:4 iti I. h- .L , .; I al' I Although not disposed to favor or, recommend Patent MelifoinMbrioneral, through &auk of theiringredients 1 tU t. );!l,: I ra i r 4 vp,,, t i r .p: , i ra m. a ' ' T weim w . .. to a attiiiit atm* preparadia; •in the hope theiteEptrat thus ddhtribukt to therbenidit oft °theirs: • .1 . 1 Ido this the more readily in regard to RollipitVgl;.Ger , igiattaanlgniZacaeLihJelMatdathisi•-iiitY, I di 9 .3reas, thubtriaio iliwesitiftitarthotiverKW 6ff tiuflidcatione titixtArezaiTiaxit indebted:3o myf frienik,ultoberts alumna- aVclicla falith,t' reaMil afx.P*.artlifiteB , ll>Yr ,• . I , ad ' Yo ensouraglopent to try ,am Atek r fflinepn g Ito iiiictliand'lOng, continued , debility' ' ' 6 hie -Of iltreb ibottlest :Of ' atone. :Bittern at the 7 till& oblgri;wws„„Rdßwtedchy. evident I relief And, aestord -4-o(a.degMor,boditY and Pentad 7 . lettilr , Antd atx mouths lbetted'ilk 1. , I ; I . . , o r : gi4.l 'ilfilitelOye_ tongefitileliath . ' , I -J 0 ' • 01.: , , k, i i'l.-.,:, 4 li t v• Arm . P , .-. lir . . Church, Germantown, Penn... ' , ,' - - . :, "It 'Dr.^ U. lei Jaeition:--Rdir StrlL-Pote6nil ' Opilri once entdde63ne Ovity,pat I mkt Ana Germain Mttes,,-pre "Aired.4x yo&tio . o, %est excellent medicine i l . In ottp k of data% cold and general dobilitYThaVii been !Matti' e tilted* ihe illie'd the Bitter and :, dobbt 'nut the ' will produce similar effects on othera' • . - : ." ' 4 P ' ..,!, -..: :.Icouxu Wily,. !....WARREN RANDOLPII; . 4 fan: -; ?1t..., ,i . ,• .; • ,:i' t::: • • PermakktPsll-Y.,;!,.: __, • , , Fraiiiltiv.;B:' H :Tirritor, Pastor, of Redding 5. Church, Philadelphia. • • ' • - Dr. C. M. Jackson:—irL—Haviug_used your Ger man Bitters in my - fati - t - .. alitlYT am prepared to say that it has been t of grist persice . . l .-I trallevoi that in most cases of general detilfity`Ortlie sistemli Is the safest and most valuable remedy of which f•have any knowledge. . ' Yours,. _ !PGRNER,.- . • - No. 'MN. IJineteinW4treet. Lyon% forpor v lyr Pastor , or: tho Col6mlV tg.'n - dm milegown 0.a.) 'gaga qiurrltem . Nay apei Wais nstanoli.Y. br liti. C.'44:: ll lseartlif-4feen ttfo thus, de lay own abcord, to beak teitiraotiy: te 'the , excwilltinici of the Gorman Bitters. Some years since belnglmechi af flicted with Dyspepsii 2 4 used them with ve41,, , koneitchn 'resultsl bavO often fogottin' ieruled theaild , persons ,sn foaled by thaUteridenfinedlicaiso; and' hav'e' them the :mast !flittering testimonialit' hi to 'their 'great k4U.91:080.9f believe ; bb tdine. Ault cannot be smpassed. • From the Rev Thomas Wilit&;" PAWN o f ROkbenlidgh Baptist Church. u:=Dca r :-*feft; lb_ due.. to..YOur lent - propitiation, Hooiltuut Sernita Bitters,' cge my nititinionsilothb deserved Yetittition Mete Cd.. 7.1 -ItiVetforlautkid.thites, been' traabled 41th trek Air _. l 44.l l Xeadrand' nervous: system, 11 nrar.7 tr: Mend 10417;L 11941014 gi1Lr911:13341-Bittplyl;ls . 4llaLta4ll hdce ,Sipbrlopued gregtang. pnonpectectislief; .TRY, 14 41 , * Has bebu r viiry materiallytedidlned:"FeloziffdMitivrecop inehd-thbilitiele.whenil: laidelEwittrlMSer similai =loamy Pwn, and hOe.-..beencasailfekbp.niany...of.theiktmail ef .fects. .1 . • - ,Herituid, of the - Geniutt Reformed •Churolij Elutitowmißerlt.coupty.. Pi. 1 1 1 ;1 C: oppim;,-,..4popetw Div-4114mM „betin urpubled - wllli:DyampiB nearly. tinnaty. years., and luir neN4iineedhurdriedielituttfit'dla , me - LS IdipBll' idod as -ElobiFina' 'Muni's! ::Fabiliretiniscit"iniPinVed in after hatinintalcomfive wi _J 19F V - ig 1 : a W AR 1 4.0. liarpe Slid 0161111 k dth E errniOt4i;) t o 00 '`. lambpttle:4ha)f dos . $5 . 00 40 1 0. 1 814—.35.centspdr bottle—hatedozji....!. 400 - BEWARE ..Q.E`• athiti2.3sYlinktaber COUNTERE,fr ftiKROT , Ae„vu the "Wifil'Pßlt '0'6%0456We. *": A.., ' Should , youeneax.sa 4 4haggifit .nnt. have , the aftlelei - - do not be put off by any of the Intoxicatincpmpluitionkthat maybeioifene4kimplangebut_ pond to : nu ri vad,,vf.stwill TOsrar.4 - "secifratlyp:Mred; by express. ' - -: 4 Ffintiptil'Otroe and 4a(mufactiA - N fn.. 82 MI_ STR?BEIj. _u • 4 19Z 42 ; 40 k- 41' 4... n 6 a:f0 i 1° nantiff*Thite."' For sale hy_DruggisAaWavirra.4l.MrorY town in th e United States. . mylo-dawly PHOTOGRAPHS. PROTo4ltMitigl:VkibTVGligitg ! • BERNITE &LAWELDON; - 14 - TORifEitrieoft C b•: 1 BB ETFULD "Intotin 'the; citizens 'of Hatrisbuty, that they have usiAnid - ,...‘elt"i••• f busludwpfrotrathrge , qtsS z No. 4 llo!karker be, *elk p6M ,F0.9.1*; Oheat•-theyttkizeAttediftp aubw PHOTOGjtAP v H all e ttbs,uxgletoronprove. ment.s whtiethdritre'Ve3 . to Ills first elesiierlie:, ."" 'Aregirtiribilliiilpexfiet:saifighdibn 'to"- Berns With ittWit Wr2 r ,t , ;; •• • • Lnb2l-dam ..AIP WEIR (SUCCESSOR TO BURNITE k WELDONi) - • • f . 7 4 1 3 '.!'"inKik'iteteb; IHMtinaillilia, wtaOVLD .r tfully inform their:oi O reS geltir i t t of Messrs. Buillte & Weldon, including etllo.iir?. -coLzt Wit ri l3 A:l l° tbstl l .4 l .w.hclbrOfit 4ll4 egiont ittima Wm "TOW trill' can lame elr pictttramMps before, at. greatly REDUC44pIIIpEIId, $2 P Racing rentted-th e ow-equal to any p i pe mtwaurrimamo weissikw 4,419+E.38 DE ViSn'E S, . 1 4 ,F 1 ,4 1 altirti a gT1 M atia lageoli 8 - r4v .2730110 1 4 -.1.* -ninholgt* oil.'halaist9v ,r6vitalstro ERIE ISZI ~~:f': C:=•:3 1+:51 i ' MEMEI isatin MIMI I :t 1,1 ME L.IIIUK4Z).&L. TEL ttlm, El ~' } ~.. ~~' ..Y `!.._.. EBB El . , is A"l;it .;-, .t.:!rt; Dpixp •::•:6 1 14: rk,11.2 PC!, - 7". . • ; • 1:-. e 4,tivi-dere 9kit MEE :Ll', • .1 •. - Gar r 1 .4" . ..1- ;.; MEM il_r _:Y. =I _. ~. _. ,x~~i~ MIMI ~~ .. '~li': ~ .it ' /1=0, , z1 ; ' • ltif. • i • hl t PINOONAL Airs, GIME TITE 'GREAT • "FEMALE REOIEFLATOIt, • ..,• i tetim t, vlvin .. ftinriai f AwiAlM c W/dAlltitilabotttels , Maleatalligt. lextVw- Mg all , and pppdmclog :health, vtre: and ii r tiogb . t • •,, t. • . - - , 11.1.11 - 11N - tius .g.e.Lio *At • . 9/0 1 nV4ftel tierdo4tdOPS ' • 51'1 I=4l pre on, only true goo of um d ever M*Rdleas ..tis ia ar the parts affected, wh il st pills and powders can only. theat,M they work through sympathy, but not at 'sflrteriald Positive. - • You IMF a- . • for thelpps tefkriurV%vral . I =i l = 4l 41 pAll! if' en a day or o ' the and IMoniqdg Mscoomisqg adze inainlit. followacantc! certainaltdsfollewaMulimess. Ate yeisen.thabled dr Mishit to beer the latiPr /4411a4lMrlfeillerea9Qf " ' - ''PROW-PEl!,i'Opriti-DAiVg- Coale to yol; tor *net preveation. tietier.lian gegularlY-Askitui..W.MAl kenilliWporeeptim and .Willi save you much psalm:id many. boars of sufierleg. 'Have incident to Akie afeacttiatAaYs the ',skim of 00- clans andard berrying lion oti to an iiody Owe LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS ' -ll'. • . Aier the most sellable regulate everAnown t iand owe, Take magic, al those lmagslashies havedelled t the dof toes -WAYCA IviAtediri:NO 1.401- I pg, from 1 . 6 49 3 4due5, tralapsus, Xlysmence a3a, and a Sawa other 'dtillcul tret'alhoinanedFuril eater thdi mentor suppressed and obstructed nature, whet guivinsestn:tent ; or one dollarla EMI LYON'S. PERIQDIDAL DROPS MMl==nl will suralyiave you.k. 'w,J';"; :u..s Do not use tha draw •whan, fpibiddanA,the directions, foitithinigte' a''podltive tether nines, i4 o Y.Larf. l ,,. .eo_rPinbrfulia4 l 4. 410.74 1 4. 1 i1ate4.0-citust and pram iunctiops of sexual owsudsny, gnat; it. tideadiattinikorietitansfthayiWaild-nraduceleiiulat con trary. tßnatttra,,agninst, which.akpartisulally..oorfflp +oliaroroitute, %ham Er , -443 tiljifS - VERTOD • PERIODICAL • .1, &In*, harinfthenibst . dblicat:‘ yot. t4411) 1 14 1 0t4 0 . 1 . 2 " viskito .1410t, 11 ~,..„ itskinAhnSe, hoping that a thousand bottles tsillbinsed for agood.pur pose4tiinkonblelsedtottiMlll4githinite Whe.t. 4l3 •• si si t 11;7; L'itOI , I%IVAIODICAL DItOPS; ' _i; , ; , .., fr. uT ,ed - the neVer-fifillne - FeauVO Begvatildr; Is rot Wo by every Mingle*. in.thiteitir.intd-counlay,:ind do;fitictif yoluvafue spw . llealtNand . wish for a telkable medicine, buy any bther. 4.v ralteith Olgatilbiti if. the' whore - you •VOrd ths K 4lo I ,,,l9 l4l El.Nntand I,:lldige4 tt r9r. - r• • • -.! 2.L C. G .1; 14 , ;2!.:1,HetitjErabent: ' . Jg 7 iN4XOA:AfONAWAX keckWiir.W,,t; Stiltotikiltkts6olfflitaelPt*„ Ps - • : . ', , i , :.( .: : ;;A:::4.- -, :, , ' re): I_, i• :. ' : ::. : : :A: :: 'A,--".'-xI:SA •,,i? :1 c 0..,.„,.., . . : ,_ :,-, :.s :: -, Al::. lA.- lo , ;li d : ' .:. • • -..,,...,1 ....„........ _,,,.., ~...„.,101 . ,.....„, . ...,.....,: h.-. 1; .10. .;i:0.i.6.011,:, a4,T. • +7: ?l 1 4 )::/. I -: . ..:.%:v1,1 1 4 1,11 - (2: : 1;,,.... i-, , ;:-,,.,, ~ ,i'l" L ic. t c.-,;.:•,; : !..- t.::„ . ,41 r:4,A.L.,44 , 1 • At ~,,A 11:A1, . : - . 4 v . l ,„ _, ,i,:.,., F.q ::a. 14. ...r.., ; . , r i plfivc,l . t It ; *414.91g:1 r 1; pxt -it;t ::...frf ---4ntad ' , -. lclA TIR=10:11z , y:tari ..-sii .11! „ -Ni- twilit: biIiJIYIVALLA ili affild gaiWO.l Inttar MAK ` lo uttholiaogeb in I,7l.r.tvia i - -1444 ,wa. Ailailiatnoilicula lamella 3esil Jigtsver bas nolturrola Aitigiobain ,511/7 PRICE TWO,, CENTS. p4kic - * g i* The uch Chunk (Pa.) Gazette, of the 28th Ult.; -nth:if/this the following: The Military Ban nisaiorir, consisting of Colonel Ryerson, (President,-).Captain Bates,. Captain Beckwith, and Captain Johnston, (Recorder, ) commenced the of the Carbon county "Buckshot" pitfall:rata - on Tuesday last. The first trial was de - dust Philip Bergman. " According- to the testi/now ; the prisoner belonged to the sworn secret orgaanaa: tion known, as the "Golden Cirelii: i ';'They 'field their meetingsat the hoube "dfleciiiiidlHorn, above Hazleton. Ed. Willt&S tiffs Vie:President,- aM administered the oatlii , .The; members of the circle were instructed and sworn to support "the Corta# 7 tution as it isiuid "the 'Union as it was," to aid each other in evading the draft, and to WlT otairagei-aff efforts to raise men for the army. According to, the instructions of the Presi gent, cwhaters,) the, leading %embers of the organization are Gneral Lee, of the rebel arMY, and Genendalraellart and WDowell, Of•thelUnitedatatett array. • =I .~i .~-, .. / ilk eat,Wa 1124Mber ,is forced into the army, by, drag, he,,iis b instrcted,- When on xicket, to ;go: oiler to the enemy , in the following man nertraiiiill eivellni hailing sign by raising hielistolierhigrhead three,-times; the rebel picket, seeing this, and.. if a, member of the order, will make the same sign, when the fol lowinglialegrie will ensue: Rebel pieket— "Halt."( Union Iricket—" H&" R. P.—"R: D. "(the initials ot Richniond.) U. P.--"Hb." The ! rebetpicket will then say " Richmond," Whichcompletesthe ceremony; and the Union Paid will dish' go over, and either be taken on--toe Ricliniond dill kept there until the war is.o'Ver; or sent-back: on parole. The secret mode ;of, entering. a. " Circle " is by giving three raps at the door. The guard will then receive front him the pass-word, "Juan," whioh.willktlinit him into 'the room. Whilst walking through. thel•room to take his seat, he makei a sign by simply, pressing the, ends of the fore=finger and dumb of the right hand tageilietv andlothandli hilt natural position. The , witsieselia- fiiscloSilig.'-these facts were :thenisedvettimembeng and attended meetings with tit"! prisoner,. Conrad Horn, and, others. ; - Bergman, one of the said. witnesses, , and three Others, waited on ' kir. Mumper; at Ati filiariefil and notified him to stop fhb - mina; Ithatethe Government:sit* haie no more cent until the &skis et9Pke4tend-.the Iv . = .e4de.Or Mr. "MtuPPeT .and ethers certified te.the fact ofgiving said ` notice . late" defence ' offered teetkrierty tapboverßergmeCn's good character lorletaity;i4cc; - ; - and;that• ‘!hemited :for -I:lA golit.." API, utaj.,ll4,ve.fallen:from grace. How he Voted. little list' election is not *On to witness The trial' p.pped' mizlviOnc l itatit Thetekint4ffirgict*VlEWnbt It own, 4eillidOila liestbitil, tiihe'row.:4._ .. have.besa 54lNinfill altdweiZe ( ed4sfilifkoNral.-Conek conunander 'cif : ~ . Alie Susquehanna) midi lait. aluirtaiblii:'''' ' ' " . . . . .. MEM OEM =I Mks Gitisuatis , ecatenied mina is ti* - gxestmtblestrin,g _a-Man .osn enjoy in..thisworld; ,a4d. if in. pho o pre r sent life _hi hi s halipinesetC,rises from frie'siDiWilingrof hie de: sires;'it will arise' in the next frtom the gratth cation, of theis. • - ' A* ... i t'e.i.e4riv-.4. I= - i kih`.L~ ... _. ..i The G'Olden Circle. FROM ARKANSAS: FO'BT SMITH, Feb. 3 • A tenifie. storm swept over the entire South.- west last Sunday. About eleven o'clock in -the morning it rose into tornado, which raged mil, tremendous violence some twenty minidisk and extended (well . l a - portion of the Indian Teiritory, and &Ala the Arkansas -Valley. Immense damage -;was done.,The telegraph ,wires were prostrated for iles. The line to . Little Hoek was almost totally destroyed, Brigadier:Ekineral Thayer has arrived at Fort.bleith_from Littleßock. lie took coin lIPIY:ILLYeStOrI.;I4. The river is booming. There are 'five feeit Clear on the.bars, and - rising. The rise has amounted to eight feet thus far; since Sunday night, • 1 ; General Thayer, accompanied by his staff and his wile, were outin'ell the Sunday storm. They suffered terribly` 'while the tornado raged, , beinie - unable to obtain. shelter. Convention at Little Rock has nom. 'lMAted, J,,t4gEkriklatte ikrUlphy tOr PlOvi sii:l47dprOvernor, and _hive organized a :Pro +ildiniai:State GOVerin t rient. Its proceedsngi' MAI> blEnElubmitted•tir-ii vote of- the peoPlivin *AY-next , Qi:kninty officers whl. be elected in Many parts, of..the State in hlarch. • Major. T. I'Andersen, .Chief of Stablies been relieved from' dirty at his own request. He Wajoin G-erteral Blunt at Leavlenworth.in :41.• - _ . Later vttoßkNortiLVarqufia- FOrrr, 110 . 1010 E, Feb. 5. The - keamer Moore arrived from Newherri. - She left there earl3r'-'yesterday .morning.' and brings a report from Veinal * im p ; p erora l Butler that the rebel Sore ,were ;opting frtan before, Newberm. 'Kee" lefte . for`City Point to7daY: "- VVigurnroimr," - Jari. s.The'Sfor pnbliehea ,the following; - ' ' . F9.lma.vg; lifmrson,Jan. .S'Aorrox, Secretarypfdispateh. - ceiveil from IsTe.wbern, 'C., - dated"t ebfithrj -3411 says the enemy has 'retired ofiXingston, Newborn is relieyed. • A...(5t1101) r at A.lmapolts '• `' . l3A l ifi3jd'altg,. Feb. 5. A. Russian sailorlwarimmidered. at Annapo lis last.piglikhy i p T man named. Lertgur, who been arrested. The circumstances at ikkiliUttitreiattrder'ire not known, but the atrabwililkohaveutidated to-night. tad t.4l‘,DgulOiged ftteamer liklEicort,c, „o r; t 1 , 1;; . ,5.! - t .: , -v -::; -:. ; •ITSW—Yeitic,Agt.b.: , s.: . • C IY rge e—S4Panni. _WhirlWiltdor.:6loM Vggitqp,icor ma k gltreip *Woe, .L, L ArPh T }infh put i ,i.*o f r a W3.-P,B9r Efe44lge,a- .9J90 • • 5i 0 - 5; It - . • 'OM Ifiiirui. a ; Nou ilwastezeni i(;1 . qatts znuo adi frau:Labels G #l. "lc MI 3 1-A! BIM %RP. N:Go* Cora
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers