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Ttionms White be,printed Soy A h eisse of `tits On the mottoil - ,:ttle'feA ss[ _iiiye were re quired by liti4iirS,j),l:[s, LiP auciNALLACE.. - The SPEAR.EfIi ;fro- tern: Ti e• Chair t would Metely.sugiest that thit3 it but ail iiidin&ylatit of courtesy to anmx-membevoftthe Senate. Le4BERTUNt larewlimifirg - pp disPosect to grant all acts ;of bourtesynat proper time. We believe that-‘this - tienatekle nut organized. . Prenutliblatigitaning until now we have somoted.t. lto xasolutien,rnu motion, no till, nor any other act:partaking-of la lee& lative character, willincluee ns to diverge from the stand wo have taken on the question; there fore I will call for the yeas endways. Mr. LOWRY.. The_ Senator is ,mistaken in .one thing. 'The redoltriloti tsiittetid the inan qTuration cerearooles of the Gihernor, though .voted against two rreth ree tithes; liwand twithont any oppOsitiett from him or brethren. Ilhink, therefote,irisas' itlle" as the Senator.sen do to alley,. the reioln time to LilfWaroN: Hr. spieotei, .yeas and nays Were tot called thenpon•nnes_"tl on to, which the ,y,.,9ntlernan alludes; and'ifthetilr i ad been caller:II Abould brave recorded ity*te then :rs I intend to record it now. TilkEeriatbr very well knew that had be called the yeas and nays upon that question, such would have been the tesnikupon We;Side of the house. He was solicited by Senatonrof his own party surround ing him, to'-withdrew"- hertiall &id die didwith ,:draw the call,fer the-yeas and imayls I cartilit see what courtesy thitowilLte to the resigning Senator; I cannot,see titaktwo,tiromaand copies ,;of this letter will be, of a Particleuf use, malas it be to put money, Into the lre pocket 9f Aprrh lie printer. L 'Alieridy:.4ll the:,piers of the State have copied into their Pante, las letter of resignation. It has gone far more broadciet to the people of :the State itian:lt 'conk! by the .two thousand' copies which, the; konstor pro ipAes to send; It is already widely:known. .As I have stated, we are -determined not. , to recognize this usurping organizstion by any :affirmative action upon"our part. Mr. LOWRY. • It comm,:witik,n e ba,4404. 'lilt, from the Seriateifroin n Olarlomtoilse place, and chargenfrAvith'itilhandering the pubj nio money by printlaiks'itikiiyhousind copies of •the resignation of, - Citirliilleagee. Ig not that &motor aware that but a •few days since, the -factions-course of - himself - and - htl - colleagths t xrst the.Oommonwealth, of Aginsylvania'rnore th id brit fa 'million' of money. 3,:r1 DONOVAN , . Bet, 3 vet P i 3 :44 3 44;Pf the b:'ate. : •-• Mr. 2.OW.SY. Ynn.,*re not saving it now then by , b l lka =mei you:kank..taking upon this question and-upowali the questions of the day. Senators are. rottenefittirig the Commcnwellth by a factious copasitfori, in refusing' to proceed to the , cobeidtustion of morit'important ' demanded by the interests of .the..whole country.' . • • Mr. b'peaker, the Senator eille the„yeda'and nays upon every question that; oOtaCtitup.. ere , and every call of the yeas and:naysds:l&.greater expense to the Commonwealth of 'FinusylVertia •than the two thou . sand copies: naked' for ':by =the friends of the retiring Senator. He calls-them hourly 'when we , are in session. Recalled them on a proposition which was made, a' few daYesince i that while,hesitehere leaking. this oppostt fon he Should not be entitled to receive his pay .;= he-voted no, and, rect:dlect aright, balled the yeas and• nfrys. , ' air, for , very Bike; I'was about kw slay, Senators- should' remain :anen t, f they would not vote for ' thig resellition; We' are recoinized the Attorney. latmeral,. by tide heads of all the ,departments, by,tlieFseeutive, by the co ordinate branch- of the -Legislature, and by every tribunal except ourirelyee' t They have the power to organize ;any, Max:Lent in pursuance of the will •:oL the: people, and they refuse so to do with _welt* ohetilim. I hope the Senator will withdraw . thtt4ll,l, if he cannot vote - for it. Mr. LAMBERTON. -Mt. Speaker; f 4t is factious for sixteen Senators upon this sido:of the chamber to stand unswervingly by the Conati ttition that our -fathers have,msdef for .ns,tby tthe statutory law of the Conisionwaltli, and .by the precedents .for 'over seventryears—ii :that, air, be faction, then I area. faCtionist. &it'd I am reedy fo talc° all theiggornipilliat vithe*Sertater from Ede cariii_eap; upon ine.dor refusing to abandon what our .baths.requig us to do—to support the COnatitatien ot l'eatiSkl- Vania. The Senator has told us that 6Y'Our course we have cost the State.a halt atmlllion of dollars, by refusing to nullifya law-that re quires the interest 9pon the °Nightlong tif the State to be,paid in gold ' or its equi k alent.— That law passed When repudiation hovered over this Capitol, and those who filled .oufplapes -then, responsible to the people, cimsciong oriftlie 'duty they owed to themselves and to thettertor .-of the Commonwealth; passed 'Abet law, then, though the treasury of Pennsylvania , bad - , the earn° plethora that it has MOW. - 1 will Wilt;:lifr, .-it.this;titne. debate the question. But if - in . theeatiniation of gentlemen on the other side; . an d , e,gplly of the Senator from Erie, there i s a ny default 'tie oAse, they moat 'be,,:licild responsible' for it, for upenlase FridaY;:ilifien the Senater-from.Allegheny , pioposed,hyihold :an afternoon ;session for the very pUrpn aa of .considerilfg this question, there was no quorum present, ' because the Senator from ' 'Erie had crifinged'his iligbt tV"Watillinktdri to attend to personal or political athirst there. If there is any default, it is because the o.th?r 4 M iiiiet , q the n chamber 1 1 / I VI3 ilin3liiientl , refitsoip lo au temporary, arrangement, hilyqohliktfom „. ii g grgallization bY. , *llich We coulgic9.o4kkgfeat public ,e 1 queAlints. - . - ... ' _, ~ •-:,-.. ~:., ..-.. ..LI !: A - : s I have alreadk;etated, thef-Senator , fr'si Beaks (Mr. Emus) pOltesid;-''forjhe' ift-:0 1. 1 '- Repo of considering interest;tbls: 1114) 13 t19 1 4 the DemoCratle memberscahiszhamber shd elect a temporary Speaker, eruPtbef-yohiAtttl thud eh Uport , the opposite sideAciiid. tiktict“, he man. Yon rolpsed It . And yet the 'Aoiiitir o itt l from Erie ligVing_refused that proposition se tt In place tottley r and.cherges us with` "ng responsible .for delaying great and imp t matters of leglitition. r - --q• -; ' - i Now, sir, as I have already stated, this is a simple lineation. It la not,a question,whether vr'e•stibuld &tuna:ilia resigoiiiir Sabah*, bi whether we should do violence to our own con victions of duty, whether ive shdild do viWence Ohm.' Ovq , ennicientioSsfhbachfitgelpf thie'Sentite, whether .aftiontd any act, under cover ofecourteeflo a resigning Beriatorc ! a flinirping Liirgalifilition._ ;For •M'y part, sir, no language of conrteiy„uo subter fuge of this ohampterithall msdeig cover for me to tecognize.uErarpation andAnciplent revo I will iantlini.rdefend in the citadel that question of ttitkiitillifisg down of tho fun dairnecktittPawlof ihfE4tire. inifAi. it sat the outer - limier, and not surrender'in the last strongbold....l:willestriitc for it, and sneak for it, :and act for it at the threshold, andrinot diki with it at the fireside ; .... “1. Bin . 'I4;OIIAIIifPNEYS. liikre.,-tdready',',a4 so Uisl . o)it sir, inpon every,queetfion coniected' with the lorgenizationiof the Bc:esteem! upon-this , that , I feel that I can Odd; rutthieg temliat hittre'seld upon this sub ject; hut Abe .Simator.iroximelearfield.the-other ;think admitted, impliedly, if not expressly, that the! Senate was organized. It twee .neon .a . :ques don put -teal lin :by: the from• =Philadelphia,. whether, if an lioNietifeed this Senafe, signed ' the'Speakir bf the.igenate, and 4001Seik:40,4.4itrairbieinon of .fti~ilithre;:iiiiirapprotald by the Governor Whkiltilieittlfot it' be r thd . - iifigintni the cltikenacf l theAnninontrealth2 Ihe • EleinitonfroinClearfiefdlTlr. WALL/:4 ) said. that probably itiworlth4 Well, zalr, a Ire* , important: , otise..,came-Lbetbrerme when .I , Nese I!resident. Judge, 'Whit" the''defendent 'was convicted'ef boiiitoidi or Murder' nditifipit, de .gct 6.3 The , counsel declined to speak.onothe case; believing that a bill had been found be foreage-w). gee comple4nshajj l exaired, and WievedlianUffest i§hie - Sk.l-Fealite to the, conclusion that it was enough that he was de01414 aild*dah lei 413 ofillikkailm thorities upon that subject; and so the Senator admits that, if they had acted, their action would 'Avon the people of this Cortalth. , npon'th!s intet esti:Addition, in, which f,the.leilmed Sem ator under es to say iliatit = iiiiitgatave been repudiation on our part to -less than was required by the enfklB4C-Tkat was the general aotrequiringthiffkittiMoirif4th to pay in coin, but they didluftAirlit4ln under, tfiat act,iandiintil the preedir hey have not paidAbeldn. They didn't:n:44 i 4 up in coin in 1844, and In 1842 they-patio in certificates of indebtedness: - "'The letter of that act was-never carried into effect. What is the condition of the country? Every State in the 'Union, save ' 'those who have obligations expressly to relqfn gold, are' now paying , th-legal tender of *he ,CialiedAtites Government, The State-of Heir illork,pays her domestiC,Meditors in legal ten- Aer, add Ohio, without any.act of the Assem :biy; stopped the'paymeritlif Intermit in gold in July last. The State of Illinois ceased paYing interest alethesameVtne. eiesUr - onr tr t • ? There 4 is a limitation In tre7Constittition -as to the pay ment of the public debt: ' The gentleman may say this is a war debt, and that the exception might apply. I think ft does not. We In curred a debt lest year, which is payable in coin; duo on the' first, of March, and by Augiist we shall ,have . another, million. 2 herelore, •theye',*gi'.be '#1!) ,pOseibilityOf "rCilecikig ritiblicidehtexcept by increasing thetimes, • Let us, then, leok the matter in the lace, and act is conscientious men with the tax payer, and, :urlienthe whole linabiess of the country is done in legal tender notes of the Government,' there is no reason why men oflarge mane should be furnished gold. It 'ls ,previded by,the'sct of Conireas,lhat these legal tender notes of the Government be made equivalent to specie, and That they shall 'he receivable y for allAebts, priblid`alid private: There were sonintentle men speaking on that Mde of theithairober;lo least: zsorne members of the :opposition! pa lly; who ittembted, at first,' to repudiliathis 'pa 'an unconstitutional ladle I believe lot 4ery seldom hear - any thing sibief said It has been -held^ constitutional by the colirfs and all their &Otte to depreciate the currency; have' entirely filled. The: lieseigef tyeryphere prefer to any other Wiwi. aridfkii ‘ffectiati4i Chase is now gradually diminishing tficaNne, they will: become:,scarce, ,andgraduel4 in: Crease in vidite l s` It is moat extrabnlititail h4ar the ientleintin on the other kidetif the hgalli— thp Senator Vont Clearfield,, (Mr. Nause a,) -urge th at the precedents:fiat'. sesentileti ;this Aire faVor. Wkir,eir; thailue` 'all against them; for there never, wasien instance in -which the right of the previous' Speaker .to take the .chair was, ueationed, Not one-on the Totirrialsitiot 014gliefireeedent, Thetej Wail Au) election. of 'Sneaker at the .conimencementof the session--except in 1790, when the Gbirern mot was Argmilzed•under -that Constitution, down 'inis4e;anditie:precidonte Of1 8 0,:q847 and 1855 are also againsetheni. WhY,' sir, -the doctrine of the gentleman is this: That If the Senate is in a tie vote, tiebtislitese ced be done; and he claims that this side, of the Honee,tin course they tam.; act4 ) ,E ,* !*** o3 . Mr.: Speaker, tble,is verfidliaaeguaietind has nourginnentlo it. The ,- 'people of theStste, by a large. majoilty i are tre &vol. pf s the Union ..ticketofflthii State; and htatif dater:Mined that ;ideation, and Senators on the vtioarildeVacAng upon the of ille - ceaktesy of, A 55, ought'itonceitp:havit4idded the organlisstion 4oftheitenitte We-lird-minilOdt'qt*VbeE earY,,for -I.ltii-eitist ince' of the Goiiefriinent:Wat we he organize 4. What is the proposition of the Senator from Ilithkelltibit 14 - ,ve a'Speaker pro rem ; Theca "is do such t `iiicegnized, , by, 'the '''Clinititiiti'oll, a:4*A III: a single instence—when . the Speaker - ,is elected `Governor,-send th-e arti,BnetikillOetrififirtid! as in•the caseOCldr:•Dareie,"in 1349,-fina , that «tie 'off itself is a eicsolusiire_precedent. It was, itlineefore, giviterprirtheimat qnestensif, ;nor -inittinviNniaker temelected:pm.am '3lle queation , .iitx , tlMiecuritY. of the 'Ciinstitlitlen .! 6 " tile - Pgtling":4lw! (01 :14k-d4hat ci*UtlitafiSot-ISP.W O I I IO- 1 /e' Tejee far. forgoiteit. themselves as to have left the State Itr.stonditlen to. lie„wlthorlean p4ecnttre power the heedllqcoblkt, l : l PiX,e q.er" lien of the laws.: " • I will Vat,:ldi. Speaker, *ay anythingPP: ther upon this subject:— I have examined se precedents on R ftirin'§it Thia!la a most. extram:Ohio* ' spectacle - to ibe:peofole of - :The, doop•lne maintained ion .the 41 aside Of:the Efoceit is Wit t4ogbyarn elpitkood ibtii ! day open, it would kuritiOut execiitlie hoed ; for there is *her a -Speak rirclor ilierel•ra not Lit SistaVet; 'the' is nAtlipooker, r uccording'tci their - ffetOpirtelwe lib &Med off into the SouthiiinttOilfed .-eragyA, Setitlzioirtittld,ita no • riowerto:oWW•tp sionifroth ialmtatd._ It - wascitaid - by b 'enStbr In Ibl, - rit n WI; „4, ll yie sit imk tsr 1 4 - to d o Pe . by -p9gw._ I of nasyl , beep eledted, the al of Seymour, of New York, and Parker, of New HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY, EVENING,' FEBRUARY s'; 1864. . , .... Jetsey- i 4 --thei tfit4pii4sr , tee respective. tibiteit might , tie *ltlidmarrofrom- the;- field, andLliver dailbt`kaost What erouid become of its incase; of the cabal** 4ef helot. withotit at Governor-di- Binnisylvania. , !(!fhbrefore , theas.is-a4n e collar— the verylirat bleminctvf thainwistitutioishows that this is the means IV preicliving , its integ4 as: irkr 118.A-4st - ewe: -Inas-wait theigreitidoor tiine-throwatiowaeby Vii latecleditinittratlon with' , rearrentre ;tar 2 thelliionittitution- of , the Butted , Sabin , 7 lillEttliti tieihnposslblef , F till 6 kr that': the I -Senate t'lvilirilutik 0 atoiltis I uneaten' merely by preeededtti- Tilt rib Aookiat iridi , it measure of abzOlute•easoessity-for prererving the State, anctwoehalltftirieutd different con clusions than those advanced from the dther side. I thinkithdre Williba noipostdblei benefit result hormiluilitanrittheyobiurd.taken,-,,butilet ultiac knowledgeoliatltherads a .Spealier.diffarlai di that action Is binding Jou -Abair morisoleriesti, Whytcaunott theyiv9tit on libashillqwklpa faßt test and then let us colna to , busifteral. e ;:.-:-..ef - -.. 3 igr: GUMS& ~ ,,Lhadf:lMpedosiri4batD . lntras donelwith-lbisiqaellthmdfaMitfita AWAchtlitfirs I dudeavatndimptatal-W tbiurtowtaiSocciontsl andtbritilyusthistntere) toyaviewskof, .tbatiesne penflingolbatateenrithauclitmalaatikanfi-aepub7 itcatvmambersykAbis &DIM .11belleVed.v.tka fliathtateinedttesaa so clearlandraltripleiltilaAia fbohiniglittread alai .anderstandrikk.- IVO:4w featlthislttilerpeoplii Ltd' thin ifitidlei-fidmiakedf ,altatp-witted-tuld r.skifewahissitilsei - riaiihtAluld imistake.lM Chavhtdontinowersts i masidiLoise for dimpurpotatof diect6idgithetillsmfkafore:4lo Senate, if there Is such an issaef..bliferef the •Eletiiiteo4itie,liptttespastititiponfihko, Villttsy of-this Senatedff ordatrtoilibutylettipdattibally‘a obargamtidarlindher4tetipf .a MO. (boar Vata'ibf.the . - 13 0natcop..frant - ...lampliaktusi (MV. CIIAIMISY&) .J. -,fl -Iftyntittirri ! Mr. CILLIKEN.L.VIL.X4on caplet& 3 . 1 .r. , 014-14,1030 . rGeeigimun*Alknikibbaf am dope,4 (. cimirgeioAde In a political print, for ,as riltrpaste r lyoha glilbat,,v,wmadoth aqiiirgeniv,`desigp, w D 11 4 .-4001 . 441 t ek„, k t.T .it arge,,Och I eyspluitie iiielibisl, [n i t alts kqe et my party . in Rik i ' gr ' 'fAlSciuxilY.r. ailit B charge which I h fhpugl 4 .wqnl d not ha v e been repeateo,.4 jilly b pst „lox. pne whom I t io told tha it Was ~* se,nnd •Wlio told me ho Wail ghicrip eiiiiiiiffe l leis false. I was charged, alr,' Merl ttilitieejibinittagii,,art ~' _ artbat i if ' . Vallatitilniiiiiii le 011ibc j aid , el l tirated Piniiiifylvifi r lit;Weili tilebted, tlioii, , li EolijW- Mon with Seymour of New York, and Pa c illbr of NewLionpso i eliterr:Wops from the Ii *A ' ' trail NetiCe - rwrmonths, . . ago, thaft , thifebliart .Viae malignantly false; T. , myjiwtl6* infiff irtyltlaillgriatitottan caster :Imo:* it='-wits fellstilmf 'saiMi4fliklrbid' of.IC , Lo . :,: . 11.4 iii t.t...n.g.fuel, .1701:r'i . .3 ct .I: Nov; for the- bend& at ifitialio" 'r „ e lb hear. 11, I 'will knot Whatatdillakke f t tfreix ' ' i?isibtf-*iirrreititti. 4tqliEltiiiitiartillsV-1 di) use or the; 'Anti:l4oa speec g dilliverbilidlit 'liotheisetpi n--the' ediat aJ y . of , ;liiiiniiritit,liiii , this Stith:. o 'rheAttiiifirelark=l hitatissilheli which ociiiltighe toiriured'intitf eiieli~eßialfltibi- - atembileitrits Witpollifellr , IV-Wall'alms p a Pill .40s Attia, , that V jthigiirzifidollaitirdlvitS electedlibv ;einbrisr,Krinisyliritilii,aMt Valland %hid- Gev erner of - Ohio, they,- la conjanction , with- tbose "twci 'great , PatrielailS4biour of Now-York-and Parker of New Jeffsby-, , :, , a0u1d `campel this Wey aintrialit to come he Wither Molutlort of July, I.Bolrand - proseente , titbewallo'rere'llnrixtee set forth in that atiblikti6b. I say now and I believe that it was the greatest calamity that has yet-befallen this conatry dint 'those' two men were not elected; for 1,41101 , i nove,atid, `ever shall believe that , the departure froth 'the purposes and objects of that' resolution has deluged this land . in blood, *rutted our, sib stance and trilMe - us a morlinfril s 'Mole 'ainufferthO'tittrifliblirtfiniTtE7 cfed that'll/fent if :itifiVikAletaltril Andtf `# `assert that if. any trne.man haffbeen - plente,Go,v,e or 'of-thi s 'grelitWOMinOisinititlf;,tfitilceytto ,of the Arcl4,'.thje'initfoli ‘ gtiiin",liirg,6lf, .this 6 4 of three ni illieria of men, 'fhb; State of iron and of coal, this State - fthit'lls' greater and grander than any Other in" the confederacy-that he -would IlaVe - Itfid hitP hipids mien fhb pasfijns which rule': this hour, ;and *mild hails' asi ; to the _waves .i" . ..r. %its goblin, qesee;be still i , go Ahocf no farther." Oh„,sir, if we had elected such a man: if',We, iniVfitiverted to the true •dbct ri iii a 'l'aid' &Ail '' ilill4 ,ke4lulloi unaa i money. meted „for !in July, ;18,11, peace would .again- reign within. our ! , borders. . -Whetheir it ''*ill'aTei."agablill.Pd alone Wl* 1404 Yr lB- demi' can tell. ' ''" : ' " • • ~ 1 Mr. CHAMPNEYS., I made the statement svithodtrorerenae to the Senator from Berks. That statement.makLendeted. As he says I knew it. to 'he 11,110,..11Chtage'him arithitajge hood,-dise.ii, 'absolute andpelpable.fahrehooß. Mr.! CLYMER. • Will'the Senator "Bowlike to ask Mina ijueititin? 1 ." ctiAMMEZti !1;1....11 Mr. CLYMER. I. asOhe: Senator whether inthat lebby tor9tiVkautnilime did not Meet 'll4ilki t . tiii 41661.141 did np . , Itsk whether it was-true - that I had saiglAbat things aWfdtlaiit . doh#,Aho 'airidlUVlthdrawn. if Valiandigbam. and Woodward were elected? He asks d true amtd„,r- I not tell hink`that tek; that I had never 'akiiksite;*.thritAfterX flaw' e • feleaeod,..W.PNini;:l,.PUbliribectamitustier , to it? And Ahen.didmot. Aheißenator tell me he 'was •glad:Aluit the chirge *as true? hurl tbe 1 4 16 0404: 1 4:0 111 0 5 ii 4idi; * i • Ma =CEIAtdP.NEYS. Well, sir,- a -manlike that May leave the blighting venodi.".of heart upon this hail, but bAdatitkotltfabit*e with any general allegation of falsehood, -.tit wns.not true, sir, thatilitiMet*e at the °door. I wart! itreitoPM, ihatk campaign =was: made by Mr. bivexaeof Berke. Meislithe*BvtOr winch misreported. " I f :lv,ill . : libtkl i it a o;),ii3f the lull,extent tki,. it , eteh':;.;l'Orr.po.t.'se.fWh - at the,ienom•of .that. speech , *as against the Gov ernment y paper in. the State: - 1 it Mr. CLVMER: f4n423Vert.publeation _I- letckibifildß.NEW. ii2iddi the state- ing ..1e sta. ment4o4titiy,4 said I nothing personal of the Senator from Berk!. If ' ValleAdighard, of C ati l igg i WW A a nittirea ltralliWid ed, - the Ei Ile two great lights that would haVeAiiiiiiiiiiiiirifie Government-of; the •ectetik:F: limp, , idy l t i fpr any Sender - to get tigfti gsp)atai3"4:l4o l k , ,Pf the terrible cm:Widen - or - things ortii., With eiroihe'vitio dada nee :ieriagnizs?-Gigiliiiiid of EreVifieump is the prosperity that.is spread over the - whole Sorth must be ..blind .and *440 every sense '(# :daily sPowserenee:'' l MY , tiliai 1 lead:ogee .._ .as AlibrtlYiwo rid neverlawr !aridlivho-liaior prondriSftthiiiiedidli&Ylw unite" ld ifo l. lkirCef : Ai l WfilOW Ini. P mli#MAiiimp flib,g i rekolnohitegirOsorAng tkoitegrity of the Gcivernment and ofor , libe extension - or Jrced„, , - ff . Anniith . aii ., . i.st.; a two 430,,foirik .4 , 14 - I?ositztat -4. . 0 ,16,it-td r ii i ` erknuot * Vor Government which is maintain* ifs strength and putting forth such resources aid power as the world never-dial- andr*hidli;tir, when she • eseapea:frona : the. :present stifitglia; will cattle out' doubly purified,, withAhatiaccursed:system of slave ry,strickatito ••the dust. .•-• As dhaßich.- nikoridr=.l If)kisksaid • • the : other,: day, ifrSisvery Ila dtxtrignlthas committed themnpArdonable sin, and can never live hereafter." The record of this. State fs.in oppositibretoSTloetheitc cord °lithe Democratic party is ins itionto: slavery. Sy reference to-. thin PE of 1820, Itr.:. wil 1: hits assent, t h at.: .: action: Wis'. , taken !.:at tbalt.n.itime;, ,where:ri the .. preamble. , re-' eitek;ttionevils•i•andi „ curse of 'slavery; and asserts that.under the:Conatitatictialdflthe Uni ted States,mnadditionaksitordStateacan bpad akitteduand Our:Senators wartKinittrtfeited4thd our Representatives were. requested: toakvate• againstl :the kloascilttticin - .for , the,. ..admission of Missouri_ into the, ~Uniott„ gts, a slave State. That '`;tweie` 'pitEr#4,* a Democratic Senate aiift"lfinlifief • thi s Signed ''.lu' Wit ifinkliiiditie ithillyet r hiik Son, Malang a speech In our town, . actually maintaina'l 'AO= toriitell; that feWinild'dci no•infttfy, 'to the•nn- P3,:f slavery - Ras spread slydiviiitiiklaking gionad 'hitietly'igatiniethe - pdsition hialather fdfikrin 1.821 X 'life :Whole feleVia Preeiiii• that wheiffhli'Dhatiaiteparty::ivief , ttiti ith Offe:obiliv i lti le, , ltliatidipricelplein which , I thik;'Whrei!ll6l4tify to the reptilillo, grid which siiiitliF•allitikilfrerid to' 06fiter - Velicifta. . Then; eiti l 4*E,Pio liiii6 T'''Wsia - W 4 iy:tioai H irtit* - 1. voted agalnit - the' itholitroii• 'Of 'iltivet'y 'hi`thii Ditiffid or . belii`iiibliii. - " , Bit''the present regte giiiihittiiiiibr 'that Otte take' the pOtniii that slavery is an incalculafilehaftifri . ; ‘. : '=""= '''Aiiinist 7104M:silt ' ttittcler'acciifred in Di'llobo's libietioabikit ttiti'rxiiiirden'oeinentiof ti oNtil - g , gle. De Bow said that thi-fatitutlatifilivisey was a blessecteinstitatiom sn - d , .gotted for its Prßle*taf&P: , ....ga..l4lA wBB.la dilliatißatittitiPu k Allit ill!dtitth4 o ll4 l- AillatliC .W.V,BNIkt - ABcl prosperous, and her oitizens better : Atiaans, ffill!ta. 4 4 N9l.ol:7fB B l l 44efftul.akiottiieud:lnftdel for the want of slavery. 'Bat now, in an.mil. Aft 118kkiheitirlf•thatttl'etigr., ImPegtifil,o4tlarld intro& et.'S.Y.itillifitPitlie ll Bo4 , lB4 the sPilite4 and declares 'his belief, that the power, Inglps 7 ,tsy,apd_ ,entar i ptisaioU Rite _North ;lire the true Rourfiedot&ACti.f4.4 , powet 01%49 99 1 41itr.31 `liiir.:tiklist)tiMiniit.l.l9lx Pt; sbortint 14:4 Ott.TBo io the SOuth, becanserit preismts it •kom,exerols. _log that important source of ,power, industrir, energy and wealth. ' 'Par, in the South, to labor is to dtritticed.:i •AnTitrilittioratic,' fabling: l 4- Ms OW kirlf liirripitifsek 1 . bilue in' - the world; %lit MAIN tliiiii hate dbioinieif thif thtipoWtli they have go 'All tidibnlifd Ifitlli,:e.Vefirpotiat . - tgeksvintietttlitiPtitub4 the& - - - ''f '''-' - : Something *tit 'sfild'thB'bthei4art)ifikitiPlref 'dente fo'Soltattirs'oii thili , sidipf 4 the 'olliititbsi• tnOt-beitie theifftenclibUtbirtemi Jackson. 'Why; 'thitt‘ glee man ginie• a 'Skew"' lartie•ba ' the life of the Constitution, and by his' edergy`titkrbta very saved; the integrity of tha'Government, IchterhaltferPresidentittieligrarlirceantgas 1 friend of Andre* ,ac - 4•• I was • r ip I .;:. ', , : ..:t• ..1 - 1 ct- ,f 1 .._i : , .1.... ci t t, an • - more o i enera - son than I have ever seen of any other President; and, I kvite,,,fog• the accomplishments °Ube gegtNe~e Nor poihrolt4er&iffithll63nr age to act, no map_ emiived in this country who has exceeded him, The The great element of • .'iffi)l• of!, that leNNlnituilfiras the :ingigifij Ito pence ve and the plornpfilnde and courage to act. -• ,FA 4 ...: VA% . Mr. Speaker, I. will not detain the House any longer. My object was merely to make ex- Atiktfoiar witht refetelli* Wdbel TAlRt4rning • gested by the Senator from Barks. It was not made personal to hialiblf, but had reference to 104§111,MIX41.• :1 14; i Mr. CLYMEB. • Mr. Speaker, the closing words of the Senator-fa - 4M Lancaster have-done drnbbitiafgilay any feelingithifi tertained in what.l.;,believe to be an unkind' and ungener ous . 'Eatable myself. He says he did not allude- to. me personally. I am oblliPilito him for -the .explanation ; and the, admysiptaurther, sig, that I fold him had .nexer ,liairfrbeeu,- . entJally factOry fo myself: 40'63 itairlidleies ; and frlxi'mpities., , ,„H is always - entitled 14 my don -8104(10i4 I iit AeSte . M e, and': wheu . I give it, to my isidfeurid respect. If I hays beed,sof4M ingli wanting in these consiiierations:l `Algret it, hat _plied l a Chhrie, Anehclachtiiisly table, was 'Made NO WA me icectly >n this Senatiilchaziai ber,l coulii ooc fail to dp,air did: ' I : denied it iimitivery hitherto ; I dedy it noW and mill do so in All time, to come. , • I trust thia,ques tron witlf,Ofefence io• mr;tOlitroal; past: has bzen settlid lierdandet t F9W,p WI ItZtviaui singleiworwm.sepw d co egad unkind allusion by-the--Senator from Clariod ir10211117: ) ak Etlatrhe g t,t4lMl: maturely instead - of atFendin to my duties here. I was io - NAbingtml,imd4ithaiiriSenator will knows that I went rioter. circumstances and at a time :when it was apparent that no vote of any 64krapter'couldIbti tiain. After a month's 0181, - 116 . thode . esful vote 'Contd . 'belied 'on any Mgrs tlra z ibet , not gne niltiiite Wird ligt tthe'Ridr; ige seater ttbiiMittio*"*:T4ox- BSIZION,) thEiTenikii3erani ' Withhigton;''(ffri Homtufs,) and the•-?&iiiittoi from Wayne, (Hr. , 11 - p.uusdapi).ciach and:all - bf ,tlieutproposed to .off iwitidmei!knO4whig :that no: Vote ) would tafcen-durigg; m*; absence: patted oil iviith the &ha to,u(tom Wayne; (Mr.. Bhumensa,Oftent; Ao:Virasbingtsichithittinight , and detiirnatitbe zie.glahavingtabcompllshedlifiy basincss a txthich was °La Titivate nature. 4,.•1• ; ..,• 4 1:1 IDamismitTialEsismoar--;-',Parrelyil • ~ ., k ir:sLOWillY.. .-,,Earaly ofialtirivatanattire..- oThe Senator from...Claviorif.has .attereipthdito akilikibehinit:his.O.Wo acts, and !esti. theisin at ..ont. doon of:not ,passingla law to )pity 4lui . inter: .elititif:the.State:debtini ther:legal.ouvreciexof the.Government:l Ile`wiya, they offeredlteap-, .oint a Speakity l lyylem 4 . What for, sir ? To enable ,us to Pass the Bar 14To, sir I but rather fd` en 01614141.10 vote again it I '',`" ' t .'• ' ' ' . • - 7N ow,' I *saint that' there hi iici Jai , Eottitri.- Nide the idoistiori of ii'temporiiir Spottier. • hir r ,TPIARM. „ It it!)alt•onis nblawfal r ind Onciiiiitiffitioinii. ' '' -'- , -,-; .. . ' tit! IOWAY. The ;OPpoiiition; p urely from the force of hatiii - , - '4lll 'irote,`tvith or w4ltOot "Itiii, It!rol. 1 liiiiitist the 'Constittitip,l6i'anY inficone that willeiiihiiriAst4e - Oovernirient. This ii . thil third , ` peal, Mi. Spetakii,*at, I have held'•iliiitiat in r this :OliamVer.:ThO.Bea eitli from Cl arion held 'tip'his hanittolieiciioni 4 when I held up mine Oar odtlis", Win '''' rt, the Comfit of {this 'Stet ' s #id'OetiNh t ied States atiiis 4111e . i*Vete r :h4iibls " to us tiini 'arili,itodlecOidgaiii Heaven e' , That Sanatlii:iiivintegfilif a momentous ac; • Count-to in, tibia/mad.% eternit4P.l4 On fain* niewhirwaittit in itwossenCe. teethe: weal oy woe ofmnialliiikatatids.upopa tinitonesside, I upon the other. When Lvo,felligteptiahe votes "nolliOWtl l .oltl l o-41 1 191 0 140fidttfblie policy, wherelie votes in the negative my vot4 will be found recorded in the affirmative. The HEM from. Clarion or Miself"for giviagald,and comfort te the euemilj every *As. Day-tifterlitly; "vmek after Week, Month.aftar, month, year after cyearJeither. auks, ;voted ; against his,mittryor I have. • Upon all *Culotta, ip season and'out of s* son, he Ittis'llone aillhtit Lir' Rhin 'Mu:flay to engender dlitrusbin thaMindsiof ,the.peopid of the rectitturh,of the intertions* the present; administratiol;.,hit its,,gfrcmt,to „put Own,. this rebellion 1461Dificier dr th' e goirinumeht; 'be his 'polikia‘Whaf'they May;'-has escaped- ftui venom of his tongtie. r- .13 them a: ,paan ,ithout, the rebels respect.t the-E. , eutttor's love for him veheration, Is there - r:hl4 l w.'iittuck ot'rebeihinaf its hessitof - Evtratoo.from elarion:l;l6:lttere a :Union= tri nalph And glad, wiutirk its celebration rising o v erall the North 4-,the ~.ertalqi:'s heart is flue with moninlnt. xftek'tiieeimrd,;" 'that' eiei tigeprofbAsd theleederel Milgrim nor io Senate bf,rertrinittiotia,...loakihts,to the sabre., don-Pf 1 1 4e 4 in filn ° , 4 7itPP.TnO0CMI-Fuk tor t s approvii: Efe'rifdsia l tirPriffitielktetiAlitilr4i*hitei becauselof,ihe experieJl(E7B,6caill ofctheFfitiss arid nays, sir, (and noStinaturhaserkedithept as often as , he has)coststhe Statemoromouey. than would e - t thuhilcation , Senakei Whito Thiquildkation Of thollOtterlsVtrello Major White as: imit token:6f : reipeet CIAT4IPAY tc that- h! 3 .r,94 Bl Alithic4 tkicktuk,* 41 1 8 *morw.. - The great'cihnes'ivideit the Senator conceives the Otireitlistratiow-io ve4.leitilty Of, and upon which-,he baseshrislunholy, oppasition,,consiete in the fact that its effotts-Akaye,heert -*rectal) towards the extinetipAßUPulaulasierY. AtkallaThisi4PAPArtrAct4ittlAßciestt , ,A4. the handsoh-04.foratheirenumittemr that ini- Rnpr. God moulded that. yi a Incliner Motirglilttl &al and to mind, in 'Mat- lisibeattntesdOng tin his eununipationfproola4 luation. 4 ,,Saugnins „Tnen, Win n ., self, whialwr _one to another, 'Abratuan 'was' born in lan ; tucWitiid'We fear lui'hiliViitieate orthe °lion? -White inarerpludowthe:itholadetith of him/a Mations, nostiwaleme, that Af that rochuntigon had been boned_ .scuper,,.l3lllll with tho aphit t of Sinii i tairchn CI ailon' puld have censid It that conatitudenitd `dnty to stake. freinilize earth such finatictaarinvaelf.• - • •-•-• ,-: AM*44144114C0/k!!lapoolliklo•kProlamitlon when the . country's necess ity and the Magian ofilnlens of Mairicfrid - topelled lifrn to 'de' so: AbrahainLificohl 'ended 'the riegrocwhein the tic:testa& otthroGovernment were presiacl the , Ylall.!, The 4beUtleobito and AtAo Regro waited long arid ,dreary Monthi.. The uegio's faith wee, strOirger Vim- the Atioilithin ist'i. T Aliolltlitintatlidortbted God and dis trusted Abrahain. !The negmes: &crawl lour lines;and „Ifele4PPlgood bock by thousan ds by mistaken or disloyal generals. The trim isatchsd and pl'a'yed' wlieh - he lA6 ihnstif•hd thirdly and-blciedhit,l'and:.GOE. int Abraliaii daankto,histelief. Now.the loyal man .elffilyr whertr„tte politienist eve4w,behe, the negro eieryyliere, *Wilt abreast hi late to. gather, to the tune of John Brown: Had Abraham armed'. theenegvirmlesooner, scenes suWari,eHritittfaild - in - New Tops. would been di% flie - dritititry. .waited till the people , became educated. ' TheSeiiaterliom anit with all' re spectlsay-lt;shOwit ii , rekortritat *let him of favoring' Stele' State , wool- ! sion and State suicide. He stands upon: the world practically . contmding that &negro min is a borax ford icnegiii . woman , :a mule,. Which the master May feed'Or iltle'dt'dtiVa or starve et ' pleasure, theAh l e't&stei maysbirfils, Chil dren and the iii6l , 4ei(fllielbffiiPrilig 'of her bvrrt )11ody f shofild of right:ltave.no'amitrol 'corer tAtai;= tiatiliarriage 'may be , crucified 7- thit love and ,virtue exists only he pillori ed at the maitdt's whims or dance; that ithivi3ry Is divinity, and Christ did not die for the'Afri-' can. These' sir, are Am practical doctrinal' of the &motor, from Clarion. .They are abhorrent to,every Christian's heart,and head. The na tion which; raetiCee *rho , countenances them suffei and . ' 'repent. The Senator from "Clarionloastradompellizig' us to imythe interest of ,OXWAtilit fil/th.•,) He' and his colleagues am eutitiedin all the glory. They hive Cost the State morethilik they werild eel! for if 'their skins 'were all' bhigie. 'We late& our people last year one million and fifty-five •thouankil dOIJIWPA9.4 IBI !Pnor,4Iae Sigvetnoeut• List week the oppositi on,ust the ,State a nalf a niillidit mkt,: If the seat Of the imprisoned Senator is not falba before' the 'fire of Anglia next, who - can tell!lrolrrmuch more the people , WillAsuffsr Y- •. . .SMr..LAMBERTON (interrupting.) ,T.Willithe Senator permit me to ask him a question t_ Mr. rAiWay. 'Certainly. Mr. LA.MBESTOIC 'Does not the 'Citine'ret Government pay theintinest oath° five•tvAiitY bonds in geld, and why should we not do the same f Mr. LOWIIY ,frhP G overnment has, BP' apart the lm pelt to 'pay the itiforestufien, this seeriritY. `She has got the gold to pay, _Penney lvan ie. has not. l'ennsylvania. , sannot collecthes_ Mpg!, in ; golfl,„ Every sale that P almy 'verde, m kes;of .Government securities gold goblup, edrieney `gpie,d6 - wia: It makes men feel the pressure of , the' watt - , The object of disloyal practiciev:is aooomplished, It raises the. nstrigies of . , , 1 titan, - Teff. Davie and the E.(3nator from Chit& could'hot AeVise'a yet iwictiedthafi to rdisirorit , flutes the-Meat open the bones ' , of: theuprodueep, frit feels for, the heart striggsthcse who buy ar# to l l** the bkind - of the little onwtoseAtt4r ;111p2ar ing out-his blood-foroonx defence. 'Therels oommop efarae,enoilgkAri the; d0m11i0r44 4 00,00, t(Y , know that altmaticars in tinicof ; war, have ,beenoomßelleili,to resort:to:a papexfeurrtu "m9l rtudthosambiiwould "...destroy - the; credit. Of MO paper ; which ithe,.rottullettf Butltdihi its jits i esa ranKed amoov theirrAooontrfo. OPP- -therswistor, , tv9rdiii to stir up teditionllnd tlikar‘r, deniatdsPaymint •IngOld for the soldiers..= Meth ativen*neip,.:to-aaye its life =from gerpetul boikagdoitis.-be",:liom penediemake dieaubtos awed& 4 •ThiAlnierntfient tofriEnglithdl.ea its'oradi tore in &eloper of the Bank of England*or a ,qualiter.O4ceptlM • • Thfcg*for.from Clarion well knows r that there'le not gold enorighin the' country if tie Governinent owned =it -all;.and wotdd man.demand (Alt iinposatbilitlen? . u_ SMILPr-eVetTg r aigaesgWsitticAvi try , 0 7.10 T poi to - ine by I rri= day-of 1 %;-wSeirr The Stallor.,7 ll o. rONlow If lam in , favor off the t/ tliilonif. *est and arrawdril' Ifolionidotei.ONtolOonititatiodutnoPs MiliffitfftallOSPlSOkothilalrl"e—VOTllPl pravity and the cotton gin have interpreted - it unfairly.- The Bill of Bights, the Declaration MEE MEM qe, and the Constitutitni of the Mgt& thitakotaken separately or together, are; tbolitioutBtate papers. A few.days since, three beautiful white slave !children Were itimght into this hall. There `wini'ziot a drcip of Guinea blood to be seen in thesikefoiithey had been coined and reoained tilifthey were , white never children or mine. Wenn the intention of the framers of the Con efithtion thiyt . _Children like these should be isold into elaVery.-- Then an who once gave law to the Democracy, who made their political Ifumitztre and,,,,oonstreckdAtir platforms, be tcnipe a lißeast,!' an ".Abolition_. Beast," be 01ms as "FiCeitkity he made them (tee. Whit TS therldn'Thirtisburg who did not latte.ttimage of Gatti t human being :with the laid* hitlnaster',B.,zutme:Lnrned on his , fe4head. nscfbitire;the Iron yoke d'honitige; inB‘ritti . lek hime'tnartcs'of instrit inenteiViroe,terteref;;,.There stood the man. There TayAlten instruments. One.hore testi mony for. the, sither. On his hips were tbe_ marks ,orthe bloOdhottod, on his back the ineAtitet the lash: 'The min who inflieled these wounds had the legal right to do it. The general who net /tog ltim is a." , brute" and a "turncoat." Sid we hae haa . a &publican forM of Gev efPu4nt, as, vnn k ,guasauteed , U. us. If we had.; . bad k(rici:pnese, ap4 foie , irech, these elgb it piever i yrineldrbsivi; l atiockiit, and, this war wo 414 no* lattOor; nr. Ake loyal meg of the b, the old political friends of the gen titor;Omonit.a kectuilitruetion of the Coristlin tion.. iiW poor men of the &nth' dekoan'd it. This'll' no foreign War. „It cannot 'be I;Ytreaty. The cause which prAduced4iS war, from _tholtaix nature :of. thingi,•muSt be .4:te tinyed., :01,” -ma , this Government as ourfri *o„bonesfly intended it should bey antllt wßtild'iverer well oar pnrfiosi. lar. ppeaktr, lieconstrunt this Government. Let ifs fornula tlCuibs.erir so:firoadi, let it: be ever so big; le,tlA„bi l teVar 'Bo.'ivell. proportioned; lat £very 1 4 1 -Wit44 .l ** , swim as WI thOusand §ain eione;.,pernenelVbf-titti blood of all those who bate laid'eliiin, theli'llimiln this war, but if it be built item* agle slave:his gro l us will reaFEL - tb heaxen. His tads: will ivashAway, its fonndattone, and the tbrobbinge of s kis. Matt will rend It' in. twain. : ', - ‘Idr:.WALL4.OF, made seine eitiiided remarks agatnat:the proposition toprint: ,Oa themotion:a iIdr:TTERItiG, ' The yeas and riaykhaving*. Nen required, by llti. I:3lqfeilt and Ati . S,,rAtalACß, they -were 11814 Poi, iii: "..' . : ; ' Itv;:s —Messrs. Dbtiotpneye, Connell, Dunlap, Ildning, "titiab;un, ifte, Heneeholder, Min den; towryilliclap, Tnrrell and Werthiegton =4.. , , • . , • . NATs--41esare. P t earaslce, Bucher, Cats, Donovan, , itojokins;lamberton, Lifts, ISl'Fherly tifintgomery. Willy, Smith and'Statk--1.2. So - thatnotkm.walaldisagnied to. X.O •DiOg,t)ieji, Adjopractl... Megrap4. , PROM HALIFAX —ESCAP,E OF REBELS. faizmx, Feb. 4. 4 Marshal Kane' end a large' number of rebel officers havet. arrived here. They are said to *aye eswedfrom,dohnsexis Island. . . Nothing definite was done in tike Akniiralty case Sreaterdayinreference to the steamer Ches peake. &art has adjourned till Friday, ,when it is. expected. that the ship will be de livered over to her ,owners.. The Nova Setititt - Legislatiiie was opened to-day bi'the administration of •the govern -molt, Major General Doyle, = who, in his speech, referred to-the increased exports and large surplus revenue. He congratulated the country on the success of its military organi zation, the increased: traffic on its railways, and-the sidaignd sztivitylivniining operations, and recommended amedements to the agricul tturalatud gold field acts orthe Province. He promises to extend the existing railways; to complete the St. Peter's canal; to promdte education; to establish a maritime court; to investigate_ shipments, and to inaugurpre measures to unite under one goveenment and legislianie the provinceS of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward's Island. Lesi doing in breadstuffs, but prices un changed: About 2,000 bbls. of - deur were sold at $7 50 . f0r extra, family, and S 7 to-S9 for Lulu. Receipts and stocks light. Noth ing in, rye flour or corn meal. Wheat is rather dull; sales s,o,oolats.W.tred at $1 68e 1 70, and RentuckyArkte s o itl 3 9(l. No change in rye.. .oorn i is t in better demand, and has ad *anted` 1,c., with Sales'of 7,000 bushels yellow at st o9or ;- Oats dull at 86®87e. Clo verseed in /better -demand, and 500 bus. sold, at $8 WV; "Timothy is, firm at $3 75, and Aniseed at $3 25: * Provisions move slowly; salesniess !kirk `at $22; halts In pickle at 12,/®l3c.', and lard at. 14. c. ' In petroleum thereis more doing, and 7,000 barrels sold at 27ic., for,crude, 45p. ,for refined in bond, and 52ie55e., for free. Whisky ranges from 936! 95c. ' ' There is very little grain coming forward, and the prices are =Wattled. Flour quiet, iites7 l so . for Ohio Extra. Whisky very firm at 98.: cents for Ohio. Provisions are firm, .a4l l .,Txt,w pork sells at $2.2 5Q a` 23, O„ WEDDDIG, . INVITATION, • V 'A.erioAT HOME CARDS.—By h speCiat arrangemeu t with', one of the Inert engravers in: the country, cards of any dicription will be executed in the highest style of art; cOnforniable with the - latest 'fashion, and supplied promptly, at lower prima than ar,e.clovred by the station ers in New York or Philadelphia. For samples and price:: call et •' ••• ' 'BET{GNER'SBt9og STORE. IL 0 S , EIV N-D MAHOGANY WRITING DESKS, Of diUereut itizei . a . , far pale at 13011EWEIVS BOOKSTORE 3 D-E NTIS T, •:SfleltEßT., 1,0044waix0tc..„.0,3 t he use of _nttfougectdeoCt74lo . . A1"AtBIOTIC GIRT BOOR. . WM CONSITTUTIONi 001 1 MITIMT AVD UNION. "oar. Goyprpon„ pu,k ) "4lLoxixefition of the . Constitution. :S z e..., for popnW - mt , -./''WX. 11 1 Knentii :File& $l. For 04.9.#1 --if3 *Ai t% IL I.lF4lonlt'S BO KS-Mta• oors SPARKILTIWOELAM t inanatetarod, Jest, r.oeived and fcr sale by fel WM. DOCK, JR., it CO. • S, , t'. s • . -PRICE -1 04 CENTS. Markeielli by Tele~ralilt. Th3:cr2is , md, - Fpb. 13.mtbionr., Feb. 4 JUST. AN: ASS OASUENT Or IiZI=M M