M_EDIC AL. HELMBOLD'S GENUNE PUPARATIO\S COMPOUND FLUID E XTI z. A C L , CHU, kJ a and sp( eine 13,medy of tho Bladder, Kidneys. Gravel, and Prepie,d p. cllin This Medicine increases the power m Digestion. and ex cites the Absorbents intii healthy non, by which tho Watery or calcareous deposition:, and all unnatural En largements are reduced, as well as l'a in and Inliatmnation. Helrubold's Extract Buchu. For Weakness arising from Excesses, 'Habits of dissipa tion, Early Indiscretion or Abose, attended with the rot lowing symptoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Memory Weak Nerves, . - • Trembling, Horror of Disease. . 'Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, . : -- ' - Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hst Hands, ' • , Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin. Eruptions on the Face, Pallid• Countenance. ' These symptoms, If allowed to-go on, whieh this medi cine invariably removes- are seen followed' by - Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, In one of which the Patient may expire. Who.ean say that they are not frequently followed by thoge "Direful Diseases." • ..• • ••• • "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." ••• Many-are aware of tbe muse of theft Suffering, . = nuy NONE INILL CONVISS. RHCORDS Olt THE INSAICE yW And Melancholy Deaths byn.amsumplioni bearnmple witness to tho truth of the assertion. - ' . .. .. . _ . . The Constitzaion: once efecterl' with Organic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen and iniirikorpto the System, Which. Hstarnoin's EXTRACr BUCHU iirviitiablydre.' A Trial will convince the most skeptical. Females—Females—Females. In litany aFections fieculiar to . fem.:og the Errn.icr Drone is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chloro sis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppreion of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leuchorrhcea or Whites Sterility, and for all . complaints incident to the sex, vt - ether arising from indis cretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the . . DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE Take no More Balsam, Mercury or unpleasant roeclicinei for unpleasant or clan , Yerous diseases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH CURES Secret Diseases, In all their Stages, Little or no'change in dint, • ' Andmo Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the 6rethns`nllayingl'aln and Innammatiou,! FO frequent in -this class of diseases, and expelling all rob. canons, Diseased and inernout Matter. TOOLISANDS UFOS Tnous:Astis WM) HAVE IFEIEN THE Vic T 'ruin OF QUACKS, and by hatt,pald'hearyfeas to be cured in a short time have found , they were deceived, ant:0111d the ( POISON" bus, by the use of "rowsnret,".iir-nii naxfs.,7' been dried up in system, to 'brealenut"ln an aggravated form,and peeltaps'after Marriage. " " ' . , Use U.ELNUOLD'S EXTRACT Brom , for all trffettlioos sod diseases of the LTRINARYIWANS, 'whether exiting in MALE•or FEMALE; froia whatever cause origifititint, and no matter of HOW LONG,STANDLNO. . • . - - Diseases of these Organs regitiie the aid of a DIURETIC. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHU IS THE GREAT DIU . RETIC, and is certain to have the 'desired effect RIOT& eases for which it is Recommended. Evidence of tho most reliable and responsible character will•accompany the medicine. ' Price $lOO per Bottle, or Six for 15 00. Dolirored to any addimEr,s, Eccurely packed from observa tioo. , ' Dcscribc Symptoms in all Communications. Cures Guaranteed S Advice. C4rai is S 1 Address lettorsfor information - to H. B. lIELMBOLD, eiterniut; 104 South Tentb,street, below Chestnut, Phila. DELMBOLD'S Medical Dcpol, , DEL3IDOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warelton.re, 044 Broathyny; New :York. BEWARE OF darSTERFEITS AND. UNP,RIN.CIPLED DEALERS, who endeavor to dispose ‘M.f.thcir,.ouni'l .anct "other" artide4 on tne,reputation attained by_ • Helupold , s GenuiTto Preparations, ... ' Extract . 131ithu, _ ‘• Itnproved • , „ ALL DRITGGIST.B ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S. . TAKE NO gmort. Cut ont the advertisement and send for it, AI)N AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. BANK APPLICATIONS. N - N O.T. 0 11. •Rotice is hereby given; that the -coolie} .'stook--3f the Petroleum. Bank will- be increased frtim. , . Ono • Hundred Thouvad.Dollars to FIVE IWNDERID TII4.IUSAND DOL LARS, under.the provisions.otan ant.of...ASsembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; entitled ."An Act' to.,es lablish a system of freci.banking in Pennsylvania, and' to secure the public against loss from insolvent banks{" hp proved March 31st, 1860,. and the supplements thereto. By order and resolution ot the Diructors of Said.-bank, .eta meeting held in their Mike in=the+ borough of 'Pints thisl4th day of May, 1868.- . axe. IL ISLAMISM:, Cashier. . . . ..... . XTOTICE is hereby.given that application . ili will be made by 4he subscriber;for Ailintelf , 'autt citizens of the county of Schuylkill, l'onnsYhitriia; for a eharhahof a bank of diecount, depositi aiiit -eirephition, - under the free Nuakiog laws of Penneylvania,-ivitlfirmpi tatof.32oo,ooo, to be located in_the borough Of. Pothirillo, to be called the National Bank of Pennsylvanht ,'---, .. - TorrsTn.Ls, Nov. 20, 1363. FAMILY DiCt 00IttiRSc . Patented Ottober 11th,..1863c - . Dark • iackfor. . dreeit, Dark Blue, 7 Atiirmitti; ' • • Light Blue, French Blue, , Olaret Brown, Ddrk Brown Pink, Light. Brows, „Pura*, Snuff Btown,• 46 ?.. A-rgi.l l . l e; Cherry, ' ' , Ofint,4o7l. Dada 'DiVb. 4 Vag; . Light Drah. : "SiVerilio FawnDrab,_ Light. .Egava DraktiFi ,hPellow Per Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Allied Docals,.Sheacts,Searfs, :Dresses, Ribbons, Gloveg.,,,Bcumpts,, VOA', Feekhersi Kid Cloves Children's Clothing, and kinds of "gr A : SAVING OF 80 ..FEB,.. _CENT. . For 25 cents you can 'ccilor as - many goods as would otherwise cost five times that slam. • 'Various shades can bo produced frogn the same dye. !rho process ,ls simple, and anyone can.um. the dye withperfeet success. Ditto gons in ,English,. Francli and, German; • inside el'. each For further infermationiin.Dyeing,. and giving a: perfect knowledge what colors arebest adapted:to.dye everethers, (With many valuable recipes,) purchase Howe &.Stevens , frost's° on Dyeing and Coloring, Sent by mail on receipt of price-10 cents. " ilanufacturod • HOVE &"STE'VENS,' , . 200 Broadway; Boston. For sale by Druggists aud..Dealm generally. N-0 T I E. - '"' Letters of administration baying , thts tlaySbeeh granted by thaßegister.orDtrnphin bounty, the kubieriber on the estate of.Daulel Wise, laco.of, JoffersonAtnuiship, de - ec'ased, all.PeMuS lowing claims against_ said estate are hereby notified to present film foe settlipent„ . .aud per sous knowing themselves indehted . make . Immodiate payment to tlae,nubscrilier. GEOReEBDUMLER, December 31st, 1863—jau8-veZt* ,cAtintinistmtor. N oTICE .The public are hereby notified and Cautioned , not to pur , chase or negotiate any note or ootes,nulaqing to be en dorsed by mo, °reigned intloriM .Milliatrt 'Early Brother, Moses "Earley & Brother, and Moses Early & Brothers, as U.Sall such notes are fraudulent and wore .not iiidersdd'by me, and therels not 110* and ehdeeieveiNtits any firm of William Early & Brother, or Moses Early & Brother, or Moses Early & Brothers, and that such notes will not be paid by rne. EMILY & BMX jan2i-wBt* S !. -PORTFOLIOS ! ! Backganimoa Boards, a fine assort -SCREFFER,q BOOKST9RE. IORT CMS went, just TTER. ! —l,OOO pounds New erfust received, and Tor rile by the .the new grocery of 'BOYER & KOERPER. BUTT York Firkin or P, deed ENGIttWI DATRY aud- , . 7 • Ntw Yorti(FrATE CHEESE, BOYER & NOERPER. At [go2;3] PE RE APPLE CHEESE—Norton s. ce:e brated,`at - jno2o] . WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. - 101 - ONE Y ! HONEY !, ! HONEY ! ! ! 494 received one casktie Cuba Honey, at • dik.s WM. DOCL, Ja., & CO Pennsylvania : Rail Road AvulTrat .Yrukrx.' TABLE... " FIVE TILi_ERS DAILY. TO 'AND FOUR FROM pTITTATIEDELPECEA. ox ern Arrtr . MONDAY, Nov. 16th, 1863. riIHE Passenger Traine•of the Pens4lvania A. Railroad Company will depart_ from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia as follows: 1 7 E:A SMW, h ,A.LIVIA THROU 4 : kXPRESSIt.tirN laaVeS' Harrisburg daily at /46 andranives atr•Wast - PhibidelplAtat 0465 A. X. FAST LINE leaven, Harrisburg daily (except Monday) 6.00 A. andafit*at West Philadelphia, at 19. - 19 A. M. FaMengerS.takd breakfast at Lanbatter: • ' ,Hc.AY ACCO3IMOURTION, ila HountJoy, leaves 'Tanis berg at 7.20. A., at; and arnveS:;ab. Watt Philadelphia at Inas of Bowen, Difficulty of Breathing, ' FAST NAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.00 r. sr., and arrives at West Philadelphia at . . HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN; via Colum bia? loaves Harrisburg at 5.30 P. ar., and 'arrives at trust Phlladelphia at 10.50 T. M. * ' -.' - • ' WESTWA,R.D. . ,', .'• HALTIHORR EXPRESS TRAIN leaies-Harriaborg ilaily foxcept stoiaday) 42.20 A. it. k Altoona, 800 A. Nr.., take breakfast, and arrives at, Pittsburg lat 1.00 r. at. ' PHILAVELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg I daily at 3.20 A.M. ; . Altociti2itit 8.40 A:. at., .take breakfast, I and atalves at -Pittsburg at 1.30 p. m. • • ~ • . - .4 MAIL TRAIN loaves Harrisburg at ,140 P. ' AL ; :.Altoona at 7.55 P. at., take Supper, and arwesitt Pittsburg itt 1.10 AST LINE leavai Harrisburg ak4.15.e. m.;. Altoona at 8.10 take 3 supper .and arrives at Pittsburg at .1.40 ILIERISBrieG ACCOIIMOTLAIRQN TRAIN leaves. West Philadelphia at . 8.45 P. 'at, and arrives at. Hanislurrg at 8.10 P. N. MOUNT JOY..B:OtbWMOIVAION leaks Lancaster at nis* a at - HarriktOirgjat.l.4o P. M. . . SAIRTEL D. YOUNG, Suit. Middie Dia. Pant' alt., IL Aarrisliu~'Nov. 1862.--dtt • • At little Expense, "Ne. inconvenience, 1tA.14: T X.111.0R . E ,- . 7. , r, ..sui ' 6 1 1 ,60 C. T Y. ~ '‘ - b6Ailectii;hside s s itii . "•' - ' trams on Pennsylvania al road, to and from Pittsburg_ and the West.. TWO TRAINS 11,4LY,t0 Mid from the North and West Branch SupVidlianna, glithro,, and ,all of ,Northern New 1 t:• ni, H • l i : v i i • a a, ' f t r o D 4 4. 1 fi •".16Vtitillt 4;1 , AJF_ ' • •••L6i, - the Passenger el Trains 'l of the Northern, .oe . n 'i - Aral Bailway,witharrivomt•and.depiut.fron:Banisburg and Baltdmore asfolloyis, viz:. j • , • , S 0 TIT EWA:RD MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury- daily (except, ..... ..` leaves' Bariisbure • 1,904;: arrives at Baltimore 5:494i? 31 EXPRESS TRALlN'leavesSunbuty daily (except . (except blonday)l.oo A. M. - ILI7II. ..I,T,E7G - ACco3ll.loDNlToN.7eateslltir- _ at. N .11 A 13, . ITAIL leaves. taltirkiere (e.cept, t. - Sunday.. : '' . 9.20 A. m. ,'leaves Ilarrialperg,-...".‘,..=. ?I% .. -1:45 m. _dt arrives at Suntairr- 4.30 p. st 'EXPRESS TRAIN .'toffees - -13altimbie" daily . 9.80 ' • - " irrives - leaves Harrlsburg"daily (e - • ' t9pt Monday) 11. - arrives at Swabury" 254. M. , 11 . A.1*I.Sltri14 - ACCOhnVobik - 11(5N le4cts rlal-' • Edgily lextept, cey;i. •--arrl6its rt. - Fat' tuith - er birolination:applyal, the 'ooibe; Tetilis_rl - • •-•-- - .IOeI3,IATIV; - : 'lFarAsituiVlfeer.i 16,":136.3::41if .-NEW..Afg.".'L).:74I - :)p".4ovTp: "1:1 7: Tjaiis:EF.; TRAINS DAILY rkci • •,- • ;4 1 • .4 . 3 ?;„, = :REEELA • .. IV` AND. AFTER MONDAY, November ®ltalici,B:o4', tae i'd,sgeitnarains wilt leavelhirMa• e p aluillencrig -Thai - Depor at Itarritiburg, for New York putt pylitvippiag as feIIOWS,94 'E. IL cirAsE), Pte&(. no7.S4IALSTri' • EAST IV A R D. z PI ES I Iliatliiiroinilitrißb 4g at 8.30.t1' u. dit 'ar rival of Streigetplutva.Wltailrond Express Train from the West, arriving m New York at 1.45 A. M. A sleeping car is atuukhed, to the , traMithrough from Pittsburg without charla Hanrisbult at 8.00 A. 51., arriving klitlVTbrk at '5.30 . g. If.; and Philadelphia at 1.50 r. -FAST taNE icat6s Banfiburg at 2:00 P. ,14.; arriving in INewlriniVati.o.2s [OWPhiladelphia at 7.00 P. 31. 4'' . :WE • W 4, - It D. JAOOI3 RU ~TSII~GER EASTi•LlblE.leaves New l -Ylork at 6.00 A.. ar., and Phila delphia at 8.15 .k. atAlairizburg at 1.15 r. x. MAIL -r-RAIN-.leaves I Neie -, York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at 9.90 r. at., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 RXPRESSZRAIN;Ieattea Nev York at 1 7:00 P. ar riving at Harrisbiirgutt-2.011 t. nrP,-and connecting with tlie Pennailvaniaßiprettilltairrfor Pittsbura. A sleeping car ,is aLson,ttnchod.to this train., , ConnectiOns.aremade at liarrisburectith trains on' the Perm.sylvauM, ...Northern. Central-and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at Reading for..Thiladelphia, • Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, &o. Baggago. chnelcod - Atrough. Faro between New York mulklarriskurg,_..so 16:;:h0tWeemHarrisburg find Philadel- Phik , l3 ili.No...icars;:and N c V • ticketm.or.Otherinrormalionnpply 1861. Philailo.lplila and BIS gieat finverses 'the Noriliern' tkiad .1.. counties.of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIARAILROAD COM PANY, and under.:their, auspices is being rapidly o opened throughout its entire length. ;ILis now' Lin use or passenget and Freight business fronallarrisburg to Emporiumn (195 smiles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield . te-Erie (79=inlies) on the 'Western Division. TIME OF PA.SSENGER - TRAINS'AT HARRISBURG. - Mail Train leaves North 145 r. n. Exprem Train lehi-es North 3 25 A. X. _ . _ . Cars.ruu through WITHOUT CHANGE both ways on these trains 'between Philadelphia took Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Raven. Elegant Sl in. va non Espres trains both ways be tween.Williamsport,„and Baltimore,' and Williamsport and - For fianiation:.i'eSpeatxig:':Pasi'enger business apply - at the Market streets. , Aptrlbi . ..FA4.tirksnmss:fit the Company's AgentsS S.,.' , Y...bilistOii . . 4 . ]? . y...6cirtio;, : l3th and Market streets, - rfeYnnitith; * kKe:' J. M. Dill, Agent eio Id Agent, Phi Ta. MpUPT . , General Ticket Agent Phil'a. JOS. D. rorrs, General Jfanager, Williamsport. PIIIMDELPHIA AND READING-:DAAR9AD: Le6anon 'Valley Bratieh. (Ix isia. aft MONDAY,'' DEtiIIiMBER . 4801., NJ' 466; au ; ACCOAMODATION, PASSENGLER * TRAIN . will lie run-bofween`Reattineand Ifiirisbtirt, "111'• addition to the other Pawengsr bring XlOW_ruppipg on 11.1.0 Len Valley Railroad. .. _ . . z A Leaving Iteadiaiat,7.l.s a. MY.,passipg LeibunpU a .41 A. .m... and arriving et'4arkislinrget 10.4. at . . Leaving garrlinurg.at 5-y. si.,,lpa,saiag Leapenonat, 0.15, and a rAlFk4g'. l "R,e'atiiP''' 4 7 . 85 :5' , ,7 7 1_, Stopping at all .P-1 .4.gof 4!4.p0u5., . i TEA Filpt liiii Tiara, ipavp* : lteacliniat.ll.ria A. ar.. ' *ill stop only at lienaeLSclorf;:s!yeriti?)q,....l,„:i :banela i , ; Alarille, I. Palavre.A4ganeu'elstown: ' ' .. - Ai- v l 5 -assengers will procure their Tick is before cur OW Trairts: - ..4u axtra.'eha4e - is isiudeatiFsilLEafes list In : —— , -....— • __.- - - --- - - ...—_;_•___._.- Q -1 4PER - P -1 1.61415D - BAfr„itrs the .Gars., - ; • .... .: -: -- 1- = ' - G. - 21. - ....NICQLLS, - ezer • -,,... ~,..u.ii.4, ..., .:.: :...b nonerai , .s.uperintundew 4.....9 >othatedeiirtthieiniiiiitdt: A .IPlisia,..Lanyi W tete WithliiVittiDiA.U; 180:44.e14031 - ' ionliT uart.',4,l Kr.ls] ..',..,,LWJE. Doox f ,j i g4i & . . au,a7,-- RMIALO* . ]:/S. al R. i'i:rkt"E'tll:ii i kg - :::n'e.i-t , i ; „ TO AND ar,ora. - • - -Suriday'h .11.42 to.- za. " leaves Harrisburg - (except - • • . 2.50 x. M. arrives at -Baltimore daily • J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. noi4:cgt , 1863 WINTER 1804 ARRAROJEMENT CUMBERLANEVALLEY AND FRANK IN RAIL, ROADS. rtELOTGE OF HOURS.—On and after Mon lJ day, November 17,..1803, PaSsenger trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excerded.:) FOR CHAMBEI4Iypy7 AV) ELI.RELLSTiV2O:, • A.M. P. .........7.00 2.45' .7.87 s. 3.35 —8.17 4.20 :an 12.55 Leaves Sbippensburg ~.9.00%. 1.28., Newvllle ......... 9.32 2.693 " Carlisle • ' • 10.10 2.42 Meclumitsbeug .10.42 3.12 Arrilient Harrisburg " 11.15 3,40 FORCHAMBEfiS t EiTIRO HAGEASTOWN: • . ;•.' : • ' Leave Harrisburg 8.05 1.35 Mechanicsburg.... 8.47 2.15 " Carlede ' 5 9.27 2.35 Shielensburg: .. .4.00 at .;. .. ...11.00 430 Cliam'bersbriigE:+: i t ... .11110' '4.40 ... ILSS ,5.80 Arriii tit gagbilltowti at '6.10 Air Mating close connections at Maansburg with trains for. Philadelphia, New Yioric and Pittsburg , and, with 'aids for;an points West. 0.. N. LULL, Supt; 11, R. 081ce, Cbambersburg, Nov. 17;1862-1y Leave Hagerstown " Greencastle ChamberabT% Arrive. READYING ; RAILROAD. WINTEAt: AItRANGEMKNT. JG".A.T. TRUNK LATE FROM. THE . NORTH and North*estibit'PMladelphis,tiwYork, Reading; Pottsville, Lebanbn, Aliontown,'Eiliton',ke;;&c. Trains leaVo Harrisburg for-Philadelphia, New York, Ilnading, Pottsville inteemdiate stations r at 13.00 A. and 2.00 i. . - • . New-York EipreSs,.,feaves Ilarrigbiirg at ;Boll?* X., arriving at New York at 1.45 thiisloo;ilay, Fares from Harrisburg: TkitHO: 00:.,115 : 4 15i triiPlifla delphia $3 35 and s9tltti.t . ,Mingts illetikett-through. Returning, leavo New *Yitirk tat-64. ierlll'noon, and 7 .• (PittsbinEV:es94,l pilivtiTtiilattelptila at 8 15A. Steleiiing Uzi; Indlie Hew York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburg without change.. . , Passengers by the Catawpsa,Hallsgtit, two Tamaqua at 8.50 A. m., and 2.15 r: akifor PlAlytdelphla;NoW rork, and all way points. - - rainsi leave pp .. l ,l rib at 9.15 A., K.,,aud,2,40 i r, L. for Pl d'elll is, Nut Wait and roil; - t An ,Acemiximodatien T liassengnr_ r train- leavps itiStaing at antl4:etarnt tebni PhiladelPhialnPs.oo P. at. mar All thwbove trains run daily, Sunday excepted.. 'A Sunday tßin leaves Pottsville at; 30 A. sr:, atldPbS adclphia at 3.15 P. M. Commutation, AtilOage, giatOn and' Excursion tickets at reduted rates to.and from talpoints, G. A. NICOLLS, Silperiuten4ent Novoiuber 14, 1563-4&wLf Philadelphia aniiiiidintrfßailroad Company. H.T 4 pmq, Nov. 28th, 1568. THE public is risipentfoilly informed that on ,aud.after 1111),NDAY;D: who`do not purchase their tickets before entering t ears Hill be . dargectl , s Cents extra on 'each ticket , purchased onjhe train; for lick they will t. ebtAln: frgru darter eehtck'receipt: 'This receipt n i bore ed, and 25 anti - paid therefor., in cash; upon its pros work nt . any.llickeloflice of the Company ded.-d2in , IG, A. is - ipotaiii, Generfde22ll,lL - 13011010: . _ -%`'Tlfg :UNITED' STATES.IIOMr, • • --41-41-ItItSITEG;L:PA. covramw ....sv.nuTcnisorcProprielfrvi. _ • , - riking/WOl-kaIOWiTTECteI is itoWzitt.- a - ()condi _lku-lien.iontniirtirioM.9, the traveling public, affording • fife o •._limecti . ces alike for thelminsier .,,... =wst an THE uNi.FEAsp.TNI , KOTALA • boon entirely rent. Led througlidutl7and ado° ....Dilations equal in • ',exterit,Feemiort ainlinianTroTernawisiiiiPhilratel tibia and 1 114011. ,4lta Ivo:4'100s 1110._.** ipiitto,gato -Cspitolibeiriwin.easy access to anhe railretul4cppts, and. lloseinVeitriltrto all the public offices ancLipa.tness 10- cantles eCtlureley. It has now all thttelpayiaiisnoes of :A...24:R ST CLASS -11.0-r 74 1 ,r1, j . and the PAPrietors aro aetorninoti opar.4, - riO4per ox pens% time or labor to tin[ ntellin eniefort•b,Cthe cheats. The patronage of the trattlirtepntvild_i'gy:ar-cdur soli= cited. "' jai STAGE ' Ckt i tTAl4..:llCiTtL, CORNER or Mil) A - 10$ 3va,gizr I . liEwra. HARRISBURG 'iiPl THE undersigned having purchased this well known house has. enlarged Angthorisughly - resavated it. The rooms "barn buen - re-pnintedmol paperea:; gad the entire - ettalishment ' obtain, y • wait' plea santly and eligibly' loenta;p l / 1 4: - .Pintldtti'iiith - eyhry con venience, it offers to flidArublicnll the - bonlfqrM'end luxu ries of tellilsi'cltisibotel. Tiusty. 'obtigtiibieivants always in attendance. A bar well - stocked choice liquors is attached to the establishment "" de - 28-dly \V. C. THoresok-Pr6prisior PHILLIPSBURG, GBOVI.X.,OI:ITE.X.Ie; PA JAMES i'VA.Y-Lliti Piersiurom: - TE TRAVELING OM MUNIT Y this a first class House. - ', 'la" 's sup plied with the delicacies 431, thO,deised; FUld; , bar well stocked with tho best brattfieor'ltipidni . '. ": " , Good Stabling attacheditifikugfiAlt... :33C!".:13in • ....,... it , 6 , irt , Corner of Market slreet HARRISE UR • CHAS , Proprietor. nQ6-dtf • .1863. : -CURTAIN ''lttitT KM AI. S 7 . . tr - R7A,ILNS.'- - = E , '.'W -1 11:14. R. A- ...V EN; i • • : (SWGESS(MILTO,:ift. , H,•OABLYLEO•• 1. 719 Cheuut:trfr,° ':LtalßrA)32,tif . U. ••• • • -• • : .•W 1 - NAY° if D t ,g• FURNITURE covEVNG •-• tAXV.)M ) S• Arrive at.... LetteettN, - PT -CY"T'I•-'C'S: CURTAINS. . 1 1:EVICA 1 0 , 'DR. WI ART'S •• .. ~ •, ,• • :- H . . . . . .. . ~ r . ' - • - - PINE'TREE , TAR - CO R Di At II the Vttii humph of the tun link , irrAnisto by' 'a pecialiar pro cam-lila , the 'W. - distillation of the tar, by which italdgbestinedielnal properties are retained. . . .. . .. • that • ' h - - elf others . It is the medic* cum w en La ce failed. , , any of the Y6ur pre a e°u9A mottito P ry,o *Ri ms ff of th rinvKa atim ' ostF'ZiAttalve'-:Yditi{m ease, Conrviai' °' These wiCe!Void hg`ttittleci Pi tbeSiiirlikOit 'ikeier ally think' light Y . of theft unelliv fs too litte. - I'narthie fifief4.perhiPitipre Maxi atirothieri.taiimal ths! aid prima lemcand-fittalpfldiseatat.wbleksereePs.:lo We; VAT at •• M gore, o O aili its siatiffaatl aims - It nishilly begins *Rime start dry .14 ,Ugh . which soon becomea habitual; but for sonartimextothingls raised:ex cept afrakst _meow The breatking to somewhat =cult, andiipon IMO exercise much hurried. ..A Saila of light vial and opprftsbin, lit the chest ii tined Yell' • ita the dim ' ease advances-theiatient . ',lemmas thiiiiiillesbl.hr inlet ed with loaf orappetite,..greal languor, indolence and.de. jection of, spiriht; and ;nay :continue- in this state . =a of that that ft ie'very. ..eadt. 'by slight*expoatte Of fa 6. 2 lf these etair, ' ' ..ciiiikh becornes'mdre trouble:oM midis atteddetwith expecto ration, witichlSWistteopknus amt.free-yety.ol4Y in the morning:. It is , sometimes streaked with . blood . At this stage night -tweits.naially set in, staid some.leasesit pro ' ruse bleeditig of the lungs may altimaiour, Pain' in some pirt„ of the - chest is-felt, and arena difficulty in , lying upon eye, or theSabor.side, without severe lila of cough . ing or a , setae of fUtineas or sntitication, lc experienced. The pulse 'becomes ' raw s bard and frequent, the talette I' Hush tinkeelh6thetaire and the dire malady is imam- has• tening.talte dose: - .... ,- : . ' . . - . .-•.: I. - Yon now ”Is Owe a, tiara P4' . t ..... .. . ask. .. . oisatiaption, hits besit'andean be *red by tbb use ably Tait Coltrihm, even in apparentlyhopeleis ' - cases. ' 'Philos seition I make with the ability to .present "the :meet - , oem pate evidence of the truth.- Lipace will not ,admit. of my giving the. contents of theManyttionsands.or testimonials to its ratite, Whith I hitirsjeeti - and ' am receiving' from men Mid 'women of Muth onablio irtoth and reputation. I haVe.hadientimber of MOW certificates potted. im circu lar form. which 1. will send . You free on akdielitlial- WhethexYou,now deterMitie to try the medicine or hot, refituforthe circular. ' Atte!' years of study' arolrimwri- Ment, I offer.: this . ntediiiiie, 'believing it , i& lid the hmt I remedy foridlpitinsaariataul firawailit thaw=if you. cannot be ltenegtted by the mea!istrtituNka Connw . , X bti- I lieVe You are befend all earthly ;MI . • Yet if thereon...bet- 1 ter curate agents, I earnestly advise lhifioise. ‘.. The best , remedial; the best care; are needed by theartdflicted with ' ..this disease.. , itfocausc L believe this to . be the beet,- I ask ' you to try ,it. . - wikey; not'only of ilie.popple; but physicians - or 'ev'eiy seliool anti 'practice,' are ftly- asking me AtWlief is , the principle br zcanso, of your SUMO inahilirtiatmentl of Pulmonary Consumption/1' lityaris7eris. this:. 4. ~.., _- The invigoration able. digestive, orygar 6 . :.'tliit strength- - I ening,of the, debilitated syetem . =-the purification and en-, rieksiteht:Of the - blondi , Must expel Irani the system the cothiption.which.sorefula brootis; Whilo.thia .is .offected . by ,tyro„ Tr' trerfnlalterative- (changing i l a t in niidisease, to healthy promises' of the Teirtordar, !fish g. int iene: rating principle is also acting upon the tited 'Waves , of the langsiamilthroat, penetrating tiiiiiikh. part, adi ' g pain, subduing inflammation, anti raster' a thful tendency. Let this, twsl taw ng and idling . ening, cent nee ''''aot - 10 ,- nue 60 with leaturc's,gonstaatipqoperaile9, , temissmyrigal the patient is saved; tilte s . let lolleot lting...delkyeg a - resort to the ' means - of Cure. -- - - • - • The; OWtliiiis - loit.!-Cittith.Wriaviii cuter tofiglit4riore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, ,Asthma , Croup, Hotting .coml4 .D.iPtheria, and is aka= excellent ramedylii. dis-: eases eL theYddlloYamad . . female corn 'Ms.!. ':. ..-' '... i . ~. . lIRWABFKiOE CO EDS: ' • -'' ' tra Ct The gingliMlille theiluttne of a proprietor an d el• pine tree blown 'tithe:bottle,: .Alletline am-isplhions. imita- PRICE Firm Ciprre ArrakleaiDoradaralue lk•rrus. Pre pe.ired ouly, C. ho 3b street, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale.by alb 413- --PP`Adaw3mec" 141 - H SKIUXIMLt&I ,3 ..na 414' 1 4 11 . 414t 7 vri -11j: - .M111.41 , 7Ma Mir...A#AVE :1, Iti'PrEIRIONSEOP' ICON; " • ''`: "..1117teg; WINE OF IRON, ; "'" tqz • Lt. .;.,!.3.1.a. ForDlipopktee arrgigMOttl "" " "4 For.D3sopela mAndim: MO; For Dyymopaktutonottigption . . , • 'For DytirlaNitiarde . geSiekti; • • • ' .• , iiVenena ity,. Irm""In Deb t! ;- ;ror walk's DiFlsr a i Glinotrum y; .11;:irlesikeldc'8tomaalksakiiiimWind02kIlletal-DebilitY; Rellabinand Sinki-to46Annd„ - 4 • Reliableand'Snie fir , dbreotik Reliable - arid S@ie t&dd7iobd Reliable and Sure lo do Scud; " • =ME : , Pal tr. And Goma do Harm. - ::"Tc:Sei hnd tdo Harnii . . ..And GannotidollArm. - . ..; An&CannotAtiliara.. It Costs but Little and .I"Atilleatne:BlooiL, It Coats but Little end:Rmillegkibe_ftlood...:!..‘: It Coats but Little and.PurilleeiheilloOd. It Coats but Little and Purina the Blood: . Of this Valuable Medicine, Of this Valuable Medicine, Of this Valuable Medicine,- Of this Valuable Meiliebier, enljrStiaWfillithidlitealtheer BOW.. J Only SeV9 I 4Y -11 WItAQRMk r .. BAttle OnlyTtentytniejtilld'Ola . Ett!Wp. Only SthiitAirff ilia: 9110716* BOMO,' InOW-FiniTir. EIIEMI , • .....6 iimilm ' .' • fl an . : ,- .A,...ik imm e, • s iTTER , FPlW d .k r 24 bitr l tl P Is the: only sure and. effectual remedy' Went. f't.lle M "tr I;illiii rbiatieriVettrihig • Afspepria: known at --4 1 .... f. .k."..t...r.e. ic-iithfib i •ii of imitations and Mgt. ,_tt,Ft,,,:ii.**. 'v7ATratudlen i the iithiiiinity. to offered to 'l l -- 4 r: lob a t e cl manufactured by. Purclinse nBn' , liec .-1 1 1 :1Tritainp otilittredtike cork , S. A. I tNITI/4"1 ' 7" -- • ' ers are attempting every *..thit"!,l4o veri.lbel that'A 'Atm% and to or imitate 'MIS' Valtealhi thed9l Wolves Ate _ i , , ' slieaki"mmek 11114 r t r: 4libutiip iii - 75'ehlie and El 00 The Bi TPA: Wiru Fsl‘... c * 0 . rDruggistst4ronghota bottlf*.ehti:h9nbt'u • • ti'ilierifbollie'bOarethefae the coup 44010 " simile on 0 P I.o.4t9essignAtFr!. ~. - 3 ;. .3,4:I,3,TFACMMED_ ire 18:-A7KVIREELit'BR0 -f , I • 11. v 0, • G gtr 'i t3 , im • f.,i,; . izoi.traia - tri all reveciabie ) jau4 "THEItEIE NO - 817CH VO r RIV - r4iFk.l 6. .ATEL'' I. • . . ;11.4xt. TA l '' iCOMebi:MI• E. CURFAIS 'AND co' pAnr - A. This pre itspartlechirlyf redommended to the SIEDIO4 P.ROFESSIQN and the PUBLIC fpg the prompt ;and Certain turd :ofDIMCSINOP 10.,AMDRROUt NETS, URINARY -W ANTI I It may be relied on aslhe t m ode fro the adßipietra ittion of..these reinedierriwthe I onclass&diteoseitrif i roth sexes; to,whichtthevaret.applbsdde: res ittabe.digestion; and byltsicaticentratioti;ithe 0* is II Im o rednerst _ • ssl .as s as :s4 Ns 8.--Purchasers are.advisedito.rastlorMLEßAVlrS COMMIgNI:6 I EXTRA.er OR COBRAS AND COPAIBA, 1 and hdter no efits'as inritaliots and rwOrthfess preps ralionsy •undei, nantes,'itikihMe knaiteit' -Price 00. Sent by express on receipt of pricez-vidliftiafaer t ur a onlf.by. TAB RANT fP141..,.‘,% * A t ob street, eoruer of-Wayrsdhi - treekpeir h intlegilailtafflife t • • xj.aitat , zl z D. W. 0.1t014S dr c9,-.1 DitVGGISTS, - ; `Dirreefi r mi4:, .k;ligSfiti.e,Axs„ KEEPERS A.LVD CONSUArras.:•: ' rr• " 7 • Wo are daily adding to oat amotiment of goods all such . r ; • , .!, _ - . 1 articles as are eashiable, and would retiwtfitAr attention , to' the lingo* told best salbeted stock•fiu this city, of PIarO.S:',CIMALS Mg? PAINTS, Oils, - Vernislies'andohle2, • • ".• PY9l§4FigirPh4 s ,Anik?? 3 , l 4)ri : THE GRrAVIGNic, -nricE GmUT'fitfflc„ THE GREAT TONIC' We mow, Only,Askai Trial• Werara-Only Aaiun Thal Ask:A Trier Chilriilk a Trial, NE EEC • •k •• . :teat: IN~IOT:Y ✓ +'~ALE:.I~~IV'D i R,IL'T a iL MEM =EN So-1149 MA R )1E T fit.T Iit:RAEJT if144R1.541VRf4, 4'4. •. ll= ~ .. rF ;s-~--- 12111;1 . . - • Artishrllcilois and Tools Itunittiglluld and Alcotig, MEE •.1 I.l"..ifirinalid- P i ne , . = Bottles,. VA add ramp %bac+ Cast*AIO. I PAPDIC OI O AliCcorks, •'• t - si e :!! •Eci; :With agenetal, varo„W of, PERFUMERY: OFD TOMEVARTIOLES, eolectcd froin tli t O eri;iiinifo:Cinrers iiii4lfiiiners of Europe tutd. Ms country., R?tm.r..,39..Egq dtaura to p.A.uffsotiilirk , r-wap, • . • rinfeirl4-'ofti , WARArturgr, - IFIND(;* I OI...4„ys, . PR 6S tIPI 4I " dDD Agps,rs. Attilfan/44, „ '..1.1-14LL-7/17M3r.A.R.41198, • --"-Coraite.htliriaitiNZNS .Wo nm4pecOally itivite:l4Sl4l , 4lo4!Wcsonsll44o.C*4l.lwe cm 7 iiiitiply4e l wittiia Wi4ihilte,t(!i•MY•tiugtg,l4figMm- ` twn TEV,Ta .4SZL E STRA I :k di 76: :4 , ONES' , A1V21 , . 4,4Hh-S TEIN:TMEOIO49r, 4211), • 4 1 1 g TP 2 4 7 -ilw , wadi kiiab3,dir.acti-SroAttlififtriefttl-s—f MIMI ,WlM4:!gt s s . 4:I,S9tIOR7I:It.MM 1... ,L ABALpin beliftbeatntk :14 ;;;.....:;•—• • .. I,L I.:.'i LL - ,.: . - -: ,- . qti: , i! Li:e... L)L...,,,.; LT.4.q1W.?.2. 3 i#;;DIC . A,. :rkl7/P-.:::FT_•73 • • „ , COAL, °AMON, on; 1, 414 1 e 9 40 $ m4 1 4 1 4 ° ffer : ducesioitts to ckcise,tayers: Coil Oil Limpet otAir , most; improied patterdiyylkWctierlii.. , ' , "4ll .. Law < • .1; ctanrd to burn mat L im 44,W.1 1 ,4 1 . ' , L4PAPA.WITP3.. - t 040 0 yon w VD gtrilkollr Tk ha" • ' iIiBtrDWRISSS lOW litimksattlheirmiNd9ritna44.o• arid '6xtri'il'ie - itt' by, lik o Att...49 o 4.VOnctitign •,I . :2 :f Tkotit • intia tekthe Viva- thelj"have ' lßrti ed. • • .1 tQ~t `ftF.thPfu9 STRP' 9 8 04i9X 9 vidPIVE# 3 quaky lof Tolll4 - biwidoir in ills -getterali Artilh-NlNTTLTVl?.(ftheiri?Me ,llltariolieexpinkftdoiti.therbtiOniss.gives.us.thi tag:, F.l"Atoroughlcx to!;! and our to.- intagatiumprin dufb Oitio . aismusitrilua.wo !atm; inLitimery • ail, - if 11/ 3 53. •41 lablintio, furnish anfiintapperteituinglb our 142131ii r ear, •.,fi = .01t-tbo.l.oootrigiiol74l4-il , • "Thienkful for beittAwitecni•our q • ) 1 , 8.1 <.! -; • iboilsof.whoPetlysirict.attimtilaitttabisineho,,sficateral . •; , ii; selection of .4,1; L '0 , •• 14.;;;; ; • • I.:1 • • LK" xj , ",.+AV I #:411 ➢ AY. . C 621 I 1,-.°-•rick ' A . . ' „ . _.e tinuance of &at& J fRI UYX .. ' 7 ' tnit9: siteeciaiMebingyßai, AffibaidileatantlOSlEd to -331R Ittful-aPg Plififlor 'mu• "tear -- • _Art. MITE ASSOILTHRSZOX . ..onfiL POJMYcIIVOSI: CIERB opt. ALKO , ; 0.c4) : - VIGINA WISL7-, ,; 610 4 4 V , !...:PIA II! • irirgirtga.; . -wAv i - Art - g... - ,.;-14 i]f9' 1 MEINI Feaki- F rGOOIiS,JUST OPENED! . • _ ( ... .; . , ; AT • it .i ..., ..,. ;_ .. RGAEIR'S °{ and ~ and Stationery Store Embracing 'limy new and improved st):e .0 - ; - 4 -"MEET BOOKS, MAGIC CLIGM'Cr MILGNM‘. CALF SKIN POEM BOOKS. BUOISKDI PURSES. YOKTMONNA I r... , , A, lit prices to snit all Winces . rocirkr.CISIZEDELY, Consisting of a fine ask:ardent - of Weatenticana*. Pocket. Knives:: GOLD PENS, gue Foxe Newton's celebrated, manufactory. Rrcry wife a guarantee. PORT FOLIOS, _ ROSEWCIOD DESKS, PAPETERIE , . Toiterirwith dna* =U de naccony found in a dr.:t e ., Book andaidionsory . notibllalunent, at *l2l ' • itZRONER'S, 51 Market _ _ NM PEIPTIER'S BETWEEN PIECLAIDELPTEIA. Wiliam, homy nom Williamsport, : Unioatown, Walsontown. Nihon, -fietehibirg, Northumberland. Sun , :OJT Treverton, Georgetown. . Illeustown, Nillersburg, Halifax,. Dauphin. AND HARRISBURObb The Fidlailelphla Depot beta& eentrallylwetetl t , drayage will be at the lktwest.rates. The Conductor thaongla with wit train to attgod to the safe deln er all so9doutrotted to the Mae. Goods delivered at e 1 ... Pot qf MIND. WARD L- FREED, 811 Market =; , e• Ildkdelgddit, by 6 o'clock r.' X., will be delivcrel •c Er riatatrg Viso'nettntornint. Freight Alssaysows Low as by Any Ot tic I Mike. hiplavoarEnta CO.. Phffadelpidit and Reading Depot, Foot of Market street, Etarristalr, .` - , Pure Growo 3003% i,.tu I F A L SlB. BEM REE 3 :2;z11 .+.l :-1" .14.1.44 =3. wig; - • , _.:~ ,iiz..~.,i,~, t cs-Lof ' Ir. dh,i-kiell n;~u ttt{tflrunu Z=IJIMEOVS. WRITING CASES, Mil octil tf TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. Collection of pensions, Bounties. Back Pay and War Claims. OPT/OSALS"' 4 Y ROLLS. MUSTER ROLLS ,RECRUITING ACCOUNTS MADE &CT. undersigned, having been in ill. , alidcirirtatot Cititexeltates" &urine,. t tight , • months, as Clerk In the Watering and Pit.lensine. ~perintendept of Recruiting seri,. Pcntelytrunts.; Ity-fttftirens the public that.". opened an olllneflo the IlmusAlumntsrst t• purpostief Collecting Pensions, Bounties, Dark .. War Clanittrifiett Mating Ottt.o2lcers' Pay Ron., NI • Rolls and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by mail attended to promptly. noel-dd . SULLIVAN' S. LIQVID RXTRACT INEOI TA_RA:XACUM. ThelineenteitteUifttite Of the- Fowl B04)1. Ai3I,4IQHTLY Tl/TIC, DIURETIC AN I AVERMIT. It Is ir trpecffk anion upon t! • LIVER, exciting it, whenAanguiti, to secretions, ant AttOng %Ilkg/MOMO.e rgpf nts It bats been eanployed in Germany and is a popular remedywith in this coutday: -The di:stoics to which it e wedoy,sp . leablo + aro those connected with the ;MMT‘ - digats - getietittiy. - Ii !lonise best pm *lnstils eredLto the. public fee • the; dieease, awl ory person that is troubled with that disease shaubt 'Price 50 mom per bottle taoauogniabotatory from the fresh mot dug in perfc or Its greatest activity.) - .13. A. KUNK . FA. k Etßo.. US Market street, Ilarri,bu, F.:SWUM Weekly to Liverpool. rroucEING QIEFErEIiaTOWN, (Cork I •• imoirOlSteozoors of the Liven - Ifew,,Yort Stew:whip Odutialiy, ar Mite oid-ostfoffirwi' ,N%_iatorylß7, Joanary 30- art ,OF NEW Y. SiGuidaV, FeXtrusuild, 11,141Gorday, 13, and' &Suardny,..at NM; trout l• PASSAGE - . , rATAllial„ls QOM, ;Olt I 1 EQUIVALICtIt If =REM.' V. - JELINT CAIIIN: i......,149. 0 ) fiTEERAGE ------ - • $ 3O ,do to L0pd0n....... 85 dO do to London 34 ; .; do ItiVitriii. l, . ' 1 - WOO do to Patti 40 t , 4010li_1007400's„." 90 90_ do to Hamburg.... al 0 . ' Pampa. also forsaritto BiltTe, Ili•ernen, Rot t• - dark w err L _.i..,•"ittliii Icor rates. ; Rel‘g o ra,LAygrpool. car eertatowri: ISt Cal,l n, z 7 485,51 . Steerage, $3O. - Those Who wish to ,11. , . their•triendavatabuy , tickets hoe at thew num • For farther Informatloahapply_at the Company's . E, Agent, 1,5 !roadway, N. V_ or I tirrisburg - ' - ' • (P_".t • • .raltitierrtEcT(llll . SYBEF. I INVALfARLE SYRUP, which i, t.) . ,te g aiabie in 2:20, b. •-11 • • faiiiatrZhnansdarfaincomalor many year in ay. of dlseasemforthe AIR P.AEfLAGES and Lt7n.:S. fbrm therdiiiitio,oucti oi COUGH', TICKLING aIiRIEM C:fWagfirIIVICULT I \ • . RO ,1063,0 ana HECTIC FF.V}-1:4, .t hailifoot reooW. It ;ctt boot osia est Z nay snodkaues for .811 form , ..f i • ti~o 0 , -. . lairadimm or ..-; 01 16 0a* holt shilileggia sinith ~ • ::EBIGNA: $l.OO PIKEt BOTTLE For sale at BERGITERMA:heap Book Stor.'- COltt..4•"ritift:l4 c A A ENT .IflF_the Old Wallower: Line, respectfully • Sorinathe public that this Old Daily Trunsp ban (Otannly• now in existence in relitioaktriNEVllPAlO operation and prepared to al 16w. as any otherindfildlial Mae berareen Ph. - Inithisbarg r aaribmiry-, Learlaburg, Waliumspor Joon ,I,enirAinren and. all other paints on tic liorthitteDerateal, Madelphin 'and Erie and Williarnspi. Agent. -- • • • • -- Harrisburg, Penn's Goods sent to the Warehouse.of Messrs. Peacock. iii;lfes. 80g find 810 Marker street; above c: Philadelphia, by 4 o'oleek,r. m„, WIII arrive at ILarr burg, ready for delivery, nest morning. [ap3o-ni mc II B-E- , 0 .I..t•D S, ER; Hae tcilefreittirintonklintrst of April -next. The =t • •W.4 1 4.1t 1 P 3 r1 ;VIA he rednee4, and will, therefore, isold,at very low prim - adthetigh pride Of 'W'all Pate , r P-ersonso &Crean - of Papering their Hum< will do well to gm:dm his assortment and prime. ilteinniibeel,Tgillt: • " • THEO. F. SCHEFFER. psgreloten - ..rontil:.eenb. pai4 fer Ow mired Rage pond . Old Hoops, wanted tor—eash. [J..% •• pu•BLT..c SC , H.O S. . I .ACIIOOLASTSA.TIithE differerg skins, ;:• wigs kiellers and Readers, published by Ilittbeni:totitherwita all Other School Books NIA 1 % leg Materials are offered, wholesale and retail, at decT WaRPFER'S BOOK:7. ,RF _ MORTON'S 6011-13 PENS. iii. l ll,l,l44 ± let cA - ifaiicreitriirivaned Gelid r, , ,, , .. , - - ' --- • ecaionws 80tai,i,,..1 is -44 1 4m 1 P _ .., Sir one year. • 0 OCKET BOWLS, NUCK4Forc tnjfiri3OPTAIATES, and - a general variety : f gI 4 • lU'lkiW jag. TeCetWd as • BERGNER'S-BOOK sT , - - , iitaitAACISI.----AMMAACt3 Just rcce[ved BABY S' .k.iNCAW"TgIi ALMANJ , ror sale at • • _ gaELEFFER'S Book;,..•-rrt.i A, ' 4 ) 7 3 just remove, a n 025 BOYER & KoFIL F gaM PAP94 4. P ist quality, an 70Pest. ' Invpirg, JR., :z , I C i rM2o.-1 - fiefilk . lot just ne , a lag" 011 11160 .11 `410YER KCIERPI. W "I IENERS excelsior hams, of this - 4 e ..lFFLlqxtivedaratt for sale by W DOCK, JR., v. . HAW Ma" GES, just received .it 4. et 0 LiDoc K, it 48 Ell