Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, February 04, 1864, Image 2

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Sharp Figuring;
The Tory Orgart, this morning, quotes a •
long article from the Hew York' World, the
organ of the peaCe Democracy, and the mouth
piece of Fernando Wood, giving Statistical items
of the public debt, from which items the tories
hope to create the impression of extrava
gance in the Government. It is well known
to every sensible man, that every dollar dis
bursed to defray the expenses of conducting
the war to crush rebellion, may - be directly
traced to the Policy of the Democratic leaders.'
The rebellion is the result of the organization
of the Democratic party. Treason is. as much
an affinity of modern - Democraci, toying is
'of theft. Hence, had the Democratic
of the free States, the Reeds and Ingersolis
of Pennsylvania, the Woods.and Seymours of
New York, the Vallandighams and 'Coxes of
Ohio, the Browns of Delaware, the Walls of
New Jersey, the Mays of Maryland, and others_
of their ilk—had these men rni . vex'. liv.ed , to
encourage and foster treason, not A•dollar of the .
money expended or the lives lost in the'effort,
to preserve the peace of the country would
have ever been sacrificed. The money , and
the lives wasted in the struggle with traitorr4
are the direct results of a Democratie policy of
recognizing and protecting slavery. The
widowhood and orphanage - that now wail
their mournful regrets and bitter sorrows all
over the land, owe
-their afflictions to' the
Democratic leaders as much as the calamities
which once overtook Egypt were due to the
perversity of Pharaoh.
—While on,the subject of the public debt,-
the Tory Dry% forgets to inform its readers
that the public debt of Pennsylvania, by the
direct efforts of the Democracy in the Legis
lature, was increased in a single day ti ; ?anon,
of dollars ! In one day, without any benefit
to the masses. of the People, but With the
object alone of injuring the eredit-of the Nil
tional Government, the debt of Pennsylvania,
by the persistent efforts of the Democratic
leaders, has been increased A. miT.T.iox or nor:
uta! Let it be remembered that this vast
sum has not gone to defray the .expenses
those who are fighting a wicked rebellion,-••
not gone to:support the widows and orphans
of the war—but - that every dollar has" been put
into the pockets of either an Engliah sympa
thizer with the traitors or gone to swell the
gains. of gangs of home stock-jobbing specula
The Ninth Ariny Corps—Maj. Gen. Burn,-
'The Ninth Army Corps, Maj. Geu. Burn
side. commanding, contains the 45th, 48th,
50th, 51st and 100th regiments Pennsylvania
Volunteers, with Darell's Battery. It is • the
earncst'object of the Major General that these .
regiments be at once recruited to their maxi
mum strength, and to accomplish this pur
pose, and secure the speedy-success . orthus
filling up these regiments, ,Captain John A.
Morris, A. Q. M., has beeuap.pelnted chief of
the recruiting service of the Ninth _Corps, for
Pennsylvtinia, with headquarters. Valais-
—No better man or truer soldier now, fights
beneath the flag of the country, than-Maj.
Gen. Burnside. His whole heart is in the
effort to conquer a lasting and glorious peace;
and in , order that the accomplishment of this
may be secured as speedily as 'possible, Gen.
Burnside is anxious at once to secure the fill
ing up of the PennsylVania regimen& in his
Corps. Recimits for the Ninth Corps wilLre
ceive all the local, State and nationalbounties
now awarded to voluntpers. Theywill have,
in addition, men of great ability and courage
to lead them into battle as well as
care for their comforts and rights while in
the servjce. It is in, the veteran regiments
that the raw recruit soonest reaches_the high
est grade of usefulness. He escapes, besides,
most of -the labor of discipline and drill at
tending entirely new ' organizations by at
tiChing_himself to old regiments. These are
facts which the men about to volunteer should
never forget.
Pennsylvania Itailvoads
• The-annual. report of the railroad depart
ment of the State was presenteff to _the Legis
lature;, yesterday. Is is a document of more
than ordinary interest the present‘year, since
it shows that the receipts have been nearly
double the expense% and that thus in stillan
otheedepartment of business we have pros
perity. The expenses of the roads during the
year have been $2%60%801 56: In the same
. .
time the reccipti have been $40,523,571 4f,
which leaves a profit of $16,920,766 89, or/it
sum very nearly equal to the whole annual
expense. During the same peripclL our .pas
senger railways have, ear*. $1;813,218 10,
and expended $1,267,04`1 62, which leaves
them a profit of $546,173 58;
At any period facts like these would be• en
epuraging. They show the existence of
healthy and vigorous state of affairs; therin
dioate business aetivity, good 'investments,
careful management and profitable .returns.
At the present time they. are. of enhanced
value. They show that the energies 'of the
people are not exhausted; .that usnal.puituits
i are not abindoned, nor general destitution-in
- duced by the prosecution of the war.' The
''c„Ontrary is taught by them. Therdemon
• strate an unwonted activity, which must be
profitable to afford such expenditures.
• Thus in still another department are they
defeated who have prophesied evil things from
the popular patrieltisnitlind 'deemed it more
expedient to let the Union perish-than man
fully struggle for its preservation. iAsthelong
list of profits accumulates, it is more than an
offset and compensation`minor_losses,
and shows conclusively that while the - nation
is strong enough and rich enough - to jsavo -it
self, it is also'wise enough and•••posiSs'seM of
sufficieritvitality'to gather incident...Abend:Es,
mid lay deep and durable foundations for fu
ture prosperity.
During the Revolutionary war, all the colo
nies of States, save New Hampshire, passed
acts of confiscation. When the treaty of
Ghent was about to be signed, the British
ommissioners made strenuous efforts to in
duce the Anierican Commissioners to pledge
themselves to have that act of confiscation an
nulled or repealed. It was the last labor of.
loe and gratitude which the British could'
pref_orintor the tories.. The l3ritish agents. felt
that they owed this effort to their allies. It was
well known that England would receive or shel
ter the Wretches who had aided the British emis
saries in their crusade on the, colonies. Tho 4,
fate of Arnold was a lesson as to what Would
be the fate of other tories and traitors, who would
bee — corapellecl by fear of punishment or loss of
property by coufiscation,.to fly to England for
refuge uud succor. Hence the British agents,
at the signing of the treaty of )Ghent, were
anxious that . the confiscation act by which
hundreds of tories would.be deprived of their
property, should be annulled. They were
anxious for this, because they Were desirOus
that these tories should'reinain in the colo
nies, possesSed of their property and, social
standing, that they ,mightbe the better able to
work mischief to the great experiment which
was then to be tried of maligoverning himself.
But the scheme of the English failed. The
ones were cOMpelled to submit to epntisca-
Lion. • Traitors lands were taken from them,
and the ming' Repnblie saved the baleful in
fluences of toryisrii...
. There .is a.coincidenoe in the part which
the British Commissioners playedat Ghont, in
behalf of the tories of the RevolutioM and that
which the DeModraey (We; mean the' leaders)
are playing towards the slave-holding traitors
of the South. The Democratic leaders oppose
confiscation, 'as the hist act of aid and comfort
Whieli they can do their traitor . allies in the
South... As, in the. dais of the, Revolutionary
war, a great experiment; is about to be tried.
The problem as to whether the Southern States
can be made prosperous under free labor is to
be tested. If the slave-holding rebele are al
lowed to retSiin their iipSsessicing, of course
the solution of that problem will be'unfavor-
able to freedom. The same would have been
the ease the end of the- revolutionary war,
had the tories been allowed to keep their •
sitions and property. The, experiment of
Liberty and Equality would have then failed,
had the tories been permitted to remain en
franchised. The British knew this, and hence
their anxiety to have confiscation annulled..
And as the British knew what they were after,
so also are the Demooraey interestecl:in behalf
of the traitors. If the Democratic leaders
can defeat the purposes confiscation, they
will of course frustrate the' designs of the
Government to re-eoustruet the Union, and
re-establish peace in `all the revolted States.
If the leaders of the 'rebellion ire"allowed
their possessions- 7 4f they are to be secured
in their citizenship—if they dare remain at
home; convinced that the Government is too
imbecile or" too lenient to hold them teapOnsi 7
ble for their crimes, the . first opPortunity
which offers will find. these wretches again
ready to wage a bloody war on the -pea& and
prosperity of 'the nation._ The•nation -under
stands ihese facts, and hence ; the earnest, de
sire .on the part of all truly loyal men to en
force confiscation: It is the blow not - alone
to end the most divitittin7 barbarism that
_ -
eiFer disgilteel , the eArth Witll its Tites4inee,bl;Lt
it is the effort, also, which is to elevate man
nearer to hip God, and secure him govern
ment's sublimest attribilte—freedom!
If it was necessary and just to confiscate
the property of .a tory during , and at the end of
the Revolutionary . war, „Ix Is THRICE NBaussner
§./4WPI:4 )1 :a 0 1.;91
• •• T.Ertn - D.kx Feb. 41864.
The Senate' met at . 11 o'clock A. and
was called Au order by Mr. TIIRMELL;
Speaker pi.° 'tem.
• The SPEAKER laid before the Senate the
statement of the Dime 'Savingslnstitution of
Ttetblehem;'Vortliainpton county., -
tard on tbelable.
`CONNELL' mOved to elect a 'clerk.
Disagreed to.
NEL .LAMIIERTON'inovedlo proceed to the
aeetibi). of a Spealier:
<I,OIENSON moved to amend by stdisti
tuting the word ‘‘Sergeant-at-Anus ,in lieu
of Speaker. • • . -
Mr.' LA.KaERTON moved .to amend. the
amendment by striking out "Sergeant-at-
Arms,'-' and inserting "Speaker -and all other
officers of the Senate."
The amendments and original motfen
were seveniny voted down by a strict Party
A discussion ensued, participated in by
LAMBE4TDN; of - the Democratic side, and
Messrs. JOHNSON :and Lowny on the
publican side
Mr. CONNELII moved to take up, the
amendments to the Constitutio'n allowing'sCol-
Cliers to vote.
• Not agreed to. • ' ,
Mr. REILLY moved to proceed to a tint.-
teenth ballot for Speaker.
Not agreed ,
Mr. HOGE read en place a joint resolution
to adjourn oyer from - the sth to the' 24th of
Voted. dsi_rn'lo to 17.
Efi: NICHOLS pres'eutecl a petition of old
and faithfUr iehool teachers of the city
of Philadelphia, asking ibr a compensation
sufficient to : support them in their - declining
Laid on the table.
Mr. LOWRY offered a resolution that - the
Senate will not adjourn Until such legislation
is enacted as will enable the soldiers to vote.
Voted down-11 yeas to 11 nays.
On motion of Mr. LA.TTA,, Adjourned.
Trarasiikr, Fe' ruary 4, 1864.
The House was called to order • ' flic; usual
. •
Messrs. COCHRAN (Erie) and HILL pre
sented remonstrances from the council of the
City of Erie, against the passage of the bill
relating to licences in said city. • .
Mi\ - M . CL,EIiLAN, a petition - of citizens of
Philpdelplaia, asking a change of,. the law. re
lating' to'OVidence. • -
Mr. PATTON,. a petition askineiii• the re,
of the
,Farnini•S' and. 'T'.i.rnvdrV panic.
' Mr.' RICE; ihe 'petitinri' for 'the j fre charter
of the Allentown Bank.
WIMIEY, a petition for the repeal of
an act laying out a State Toad in the counties
of Chester and Montgomery.
Mr. KOONCE, the petition of the borough
of West Greenville, in the county of Mercer,
praying for the passage of a law changing the
place of holding the general and borough
elections in said borough..
JACKSON and PERSHING, petitions, numer
ously signed by citizens of Luzerne county;
praying for the passage of a law making a
mining tun uniform throughout said county::
Mr. LILLY, the petition of V. E: Pio
lett and °thee =citizens of 'Bradford "CountY,
alleging that cattle cannot run in the road in
consequence of the ineffiency of road fences,
and asking for a law to remedy the evil.
Mr. REED,a petition of Washington county
for a . tax on dogs.
_ _
Mr. SPANGLER, apetition for the passage
of an act tosinCorporate the Susquehanna and
Allegheny railroad. Also, the petition of J.
C. E. Moore and Catharine L. Moore, of the
borough of .York, for the passage of an act - to
authorize David Small to assign and pity'over
certain trust property.'
Mr. ALLEMAN offered a resolution provid
ing for the printing of five thpusand copies of
Governor Curtin's inaugural address and ac
coinpanying ceremonies. After,folo debate
the resolutitai 'WAS' agreed to. "
Mr. O'HATbRA offered a resolution providing
for the appointment of an elpecial committee
to ingnire into the - proreiety of appropriating
the proceeds of a grant of land made by the
United States Government to the colleges or
other institnthin of learning. • -
Mr. Ill'ASUParitE moved to amend the
resolution by instructing the JudiciaryCom=
.mittee (general) to, inquire into the -subj'ect.
This amendment tins agrtied
Mr. WELLS offered an addition,' asking
also the JudiciaryCommittce to inquire into
the propriety of suspending the sale of the
scrip in the land tendered, to the State hy the
Government. This amendnient4as alio agreed
.IsTEGLEY offe - red the following:
Resolved, That in . the judgment of this
House said Sale should be suspended for the
present, and that a committee of threw be
pointed by the Chair to waitupon the board of
commissioners, luiVing charge - dfskiid land serip
or fund, and confer with them on the subject
of suspending said *sale, if ordered.
After considerable discussion the resolution
was adopted.
Mr. GLASS offered a resolution.authorizing
the Committee on Military Affairs to employ
a clerk.
Mr. OLMSTED moved to amend the res-
olutiott that the Speaker be mitholized . to de
tail one , of the transcribing clerks for this
purpose. This motion led' aprolonged dis
cussion, and Mr. OLMSTED withdrew his
Mr. 'IIOPICTX movedlo'ainend by insert.-
ing the following: And that , the'SeAretarY 'of
the Military doirunitte3 receive the Stan 'of
545 for his services."
Finally the aniendment of Mr. HOPKINS
was witlicitaWll. resollitiOn
was negatived.
Mr. WIMLEY offelida.regOligionrelativ6l9
tkp applica*li..for ie : lol(krt4r!of Urn Wollt
goniery Cowitylingc, :Avid asking the7agpii4t
ruent of a special , committee to investigate
the affaiFe of said bank.
f2lLllST.,Etthoyed •t 0 reffg the sel,?jee
iriatter to the Committee bn Baas. -
This resolution ulsoied to a prolonged dis
cussion, and before:thenesolution *IS dispOii
ed of the hour of one arrived and the House
- Adjottmed.
3 1 30 iteCeorapQ.
A : REEL , --A;11:' ,- T AOeR
Our Foree4 compelled toXtelteet
NEWBERN, Feb. r. st.
3laj. den. Butler: . .
Early ttLis morning, our Outposts at Baohe
lor's creek were attacked by the.enetny;;rep
resented in force to be about 15;000 consist
ing of Hakes' blip:de and'-Picket's entire
It being impracticable to 'make adequate
defence our, force , . fell back in good or
der, destroying , camps„abandening but few
stores, mitb..o,l4as of 50 to-100 men,Nld,one
section of light.artillery. , Our forces are.now
so arranged thative are, confide,ut of a 8 1 10063-
ful .resistance. , • - ,
Almost. simultaneously with this•attaek. the
enemy advanced on the south, side of Trent,
with- what,.forgse it is difficult to estimate, 'and
mere handsomely rePlUsedi: • '
CommAllieatien PoulinUPS, with ; aitarhead,
but the enemy is near the „railroacj.,•mrith , the
evident intention of cutting it: ' •
The emnnm uder at Beaufort ii aware of the
situation, and will use every effort to prevent
interruption wit.b the road..,-
(Signed) W: PALLIIER, 13rig.,-Qen„
The section Of aftillery;:siipposed,to have
been eaptcred,i is at - Beech Creek, and maybe
preserved. ' • • •
,Rodqy. Driven Across the Tennessee River
I S . 11:A:4 NS • C AP; TIPIC
4,c,tory, ;and ; pestio,};ed.
. Feb:.
The following dispatch *arireccived.at the
headcpiarters of the - army:! • , :
Nasuvrivv,. Tenn, Feb: 3.'—General Dodge
reports that on the 28th ult.; Our forces nada.
•Ool; Thillips dr - ove Roddy to the stnitli. side
'of the' !Tennessee river, and •capttired all his
trains, concreting of over t*;:uttrixolle teams,
•twogrundred head of cattle, •siihundred' head
of • sheep and about one 'hundred head-of
horses and mules, and destroyed a factory
and mill which had largely supplied
(Signed.) - JOHN . A. R ,
Rrig. Vren., Chid Of , Staff.-:
NEW Yosic- Feb 3
The Dagbladet says that Denmark cannot
comply with the ultimatum of Austria and
Prussia. Whatever mayhappext depends
upon-eventualities:in Eitrope and Germany.
Ii case of a war, the Germans will require
four weeks to collect the' necessary strength,
and by that time the Danish - army- will be
larger, and with its fortified works will be able
to hold in check an enemy twice as strong.
`The Princess. of Wales is so far convales
cent that no more bUlletins are issue& The
infant Prince iirulso well.'
baron James ItOthscidld dislocated his
knbe by. a fall:
1,200 bales'of Saloniga 'cotton 'were •Sold.at
seiltaa:at 281 to 285; arid Si) paliS - Ifiln
tiana'at . 240(G250. •-•- I
It is stated that de English squad/bn will
be ordered to Heligotiand.
The , Austrian: . - 2 for-Schleswig will hartifY 1 NEW ARCERTIREMENTS. I
. .........0.---,--
, ~,
number 2%000 a beenhaving mneh ~ -. -^-4e•- - - --- =K - „,*;:, - .- .- -- .. ' A , °14) "
' l'e t reri°ll
exaggeriad, *ire 11 Von Goble* T *ll i P -1/ \ I B tt : ' ` t- , 6th- car P -lOW-SALE
command it .
~.... ~ I ems,„ AG `AOOllll%t The se them by ,,
l'4 on J.-D. EMT, in East over toe ni.tiip. lee- -.7 OF
The almost immediate return of the bank of
England rate of discount to eight per gent. is tow' z , en's 'arch -1, . fehl dlpl. .
C 0 ' 01 I NED STOCK,
looked for. _: ; rtAUTl,Ok—Ther4ubli r et ril.. that sak ' ' .- ~ -,.
eantionrd attains" Unsling any lady I, lltnewinerrOirs', Pa., rebraery Ist 1 , 4
The Li zerpoo i C o tt on .lsu r k e t . is depressed,'
st. A lt i e pom merie:
~: bsethirande ed is I are tur- .- ' `'Nh,'" cornea u. IL- Gov't coma_
and the newsParsr report "says one-quarter to lon my account, as I will finny no debts so contracted fAX TILL be sold at Public Auction. t.) •
one-half penny rower. Wheat is from 2dto 3d , feb3-3t* S. 14- S AYMR • 1 V V highest bidder, at the L". S Govt I.
lower; flour dull; corn brisk at 36 to 31. ; Hummelstown, Pa. beginning on the 10th de - . ..- r
,Ln,-moor, Corms IlLuocur, Jan. 19.—The ! F OR RE' STORE ROOM, fitted ol ), I ary.iSse, and continuing nom day to day uni.i
~.; , ,,,,, b „ , and desirable for any kind of basinette. Ea one t
brokers' --- L e-P V 'te the - 5e1e.82f. .1,4.4.......00.4446.,....,.._ .
at s,soobales, the inailietig chat a - ,
~,. law Public bees R, nn
decline of .111, except for arnerican, which: l , Mt. the service of the United States Army . • For r , -.. i
Valentine's Day. 1,, i ,„,,,,,,,..,,,,...4.- he had
continued steady. 'Sales to spec tors arid I 1 Among these animals are Twelve Mares with F. i'
for export of 1,500 bales. 1 VOW OPEN at _ .. 1 The public animals will be sold singly.
The Manchester markets are irregular and ' -/- 1 BERGNER'S INV". STORE. I Telt= cash in United States Treasury !rotes. .
' , a fresh and complete WitsorVALENTINEs for the :gt c ed e i o r oat LIAM. X. snuei.s)
prices have a downward tendency. _ 1 apprirching setaten, „ -eomblning , - - Chief Q. 312-Dept. .of the Saspiehanr
LIVERPOOL ,BREADIEMITS‘ IlitAitEET.—Bread- , D t Ara4 =,.g h ilLika, , gab vh jt a ildi a ll 1
staffs have an upward tendency. Richardson, firtMcPl7„, piplip,U vt, iss%. Eilfilll9 i fe2-dtd . JANDIM R.
e II ap OS L UE2 I , A 4
Spence.. & Co.. Wakefield, Nash At Co.„,_i,ntl. I Comic Valentine,' Sentimental Valentines, Valentine '
other eirdulhtli, report flobriquiet,lbat Iteady. 1 writers, Elegant Envelopes, Splendid Cards, at prices
Wheat has an upward tendency; prices ld to ; im p oi r e cent t o n a i l l tM ct Call w i ly ß a k, az.
2d higher uader the - warlike aspect of affairs. ,
Corn—mix.ed is.firmer,at p4l. ... c* ••• i
Invesrtat eloilitoilk SA...
are steady. The circulars report beef steady;
pork faro; baeon Steady;-lard nine fir .42s 6d
er43s; tallow dull;, ashes ,quiet ,but, steady;
sugars are active; coffee steady;" Hee ' steady;
linseed, oil , , quiet and. stearly;;Arosin ditto;
spirits turpentine no sales; petroleum firm at"
1 101 refined,' ';' l -- ' -• '' ` ,
The America did ,notleayeSouthani,pton till
the 31st, and %kings: Landon pipers of that
date. The steamer City of Manchester ar
rived out on the 20th. 4 •
Kistreiridi..46.! - Iti le' fritdriaVtiga' the
Saxons and Hanoverians are to be withdrawn
from their position in Holstein and concen
trated in Altona,inorder:to allys' itifree pas
sage 'to the Austria n and Prussians troops.
-13si1,nr, Jan. 20.--The Prussian and Aus
trian troops march without delay into,Schle,s-
N6gA 1 t la 3 , ' .it r Si ,f. '
,7.„1.! 0 J.l
livsr.rooL, January 20—Evening.—The
bank rate of discounthis advanced to 8 per
cent., owing to, the heavy, drain of bullion/
HAMBURG, Jan. 19.—Prince Carl, brother
of the king of rThirtminit,. Nes. fl.triiriiiillfrain
Schleswig. • He left the country, after refusing
to take the Oath of allegiance to his brother.
HAMBURG, Jan. 20.--One brigade of Amin&
infantry' wia'tnuisferred.to=day Troth Sthlek
wig to Fleusberg. All the battalions ;if
Schleswigers and Holsteineriviire to •be 'die ,
tribitted among the Dinriedi minion*.
The first Prussian troops are expected here
tolday :
- Vie kitstriazili Atiaiieredi,:ibliv4.)-ii
Srurrcaun; Jan. 20.--Thelber of Dep
uties to-day resolved
,to place, it the
.army of
Wurtemberg'Oia war footuigertplce them
at the disposal of the Confederation."
Pernsidan, 20. —itentes 86ft40al • -
Losnox, Jan. 21.—The London Times
of to-day has - _a
_. report that ' _Penman c'
has offered , to ' suspend the olMosioas
constitution, audadds that if such an offer has
really been madk- it will for a time avert the
imminent danger of .war;' The' ateather Edin
burg left Liierpciol;iin the 20th for New Tork.
Consuls closed on Wednesday at soi 90i for
money • Illinois Central shares 26 24 i
count; Erie Railroad , 641668; Ilnited. tater ! , 6's
1881 63066, ditto s..iti 18'74 59081. 1 ,
LONDON ' Jan. 20—Evening.—Sales of cot
ton to-dity, 21000 , baletielinelticling 300 bales to
speculators and importers.. The market closed
, very, dull, 'at a slight; declin'itt: rot latcpiallt4s.,.
Plour steady; provisions quiet and steady;
sugar very_ dull; produce inactive; petroleum
firm ati le 1 111-f6f44fbiedt." r-- ' '' - ' ''-
Thelaprii atVolitmbisse'S: C.—Jails. of Three
Cot t on.
BALTruom., Feb. 3.
, The Utipßer of,this afternoorassthe follow
lowing s 'og
..lcisstisktl, * hie-on
Tnesdak, C nithi t
s, l South Caiolinl.
" The total losses of the day are estimated
by , smet Piltingentlainen.most interested to be
aalollowsf. 2;7oothall3s Zplandsi and 800 bales
Sea Island etiticei — "Abilut 800 baled belonged
to the Government, and were stored in the
sheds oflifessrs. 50eibalLes of
Sea Island were stored in the sheds of'Messrs.
Gibbessik and: tlniie'crediidiAiltiet and out
houses, belonging: :to. Captain Casson, J. D.
Feaster, and anether , party,whc,ise name is un
known, were deatroyed. Total cot,
ton (estimating:Uplands at threelundred dal
lara per bale, arid , Sea Islands at one thousand
dollars per; thre 9 dollars.
The value of the other property fientr4ed; in
cluding furniture, salt and various articles
stored fOr ' safe keePing, will probably be
covered, by 'one ; hmid;ed tliousand 444 0 .,
is `understood that there - Was Orily - SBsb;doo
insurance."., - • , • • :
sc4ke4coArl l, ,PeuVerfgeA . ._
TBENTow, N. J., Feb: 4
t, toffy,
• •
• • t e d of
tried. an d.. convie
Sylvester Glo c o e k to w taTf as
e •
having, igSne • '- as.
Stites 'l?**.e.,i,,..l3;ntgi. rale- P445j.
three years
This defendant• had. been indicted:- by.;the
EsseiCounty Cta#t fora similar offence, licit
was surrenderpittigonan bider, to . Trinff?d
States' Conk _
. ,
Capture lar a,' illeakaile.Runiter.
• • NEW tans, Feb. 3.,
- The Steam: er Nestera. Bletroliolis has, ar4ved,
with Mew 'Orleans dates' the 25th lat.-:'
- She reportslaving captured, about 50 miles
from, Tortugas, the blockade-Mg steamer.
Fosite,l.4f-AiYai* , The pxlze was sent Into
Maikets Teleg,rapb.
Moir quiet; sales of, 5,600 ht4s. at SQ . SO
06 65 for State toga' $7,75
6 , 8 It. Wheat quiet; sales of 14,000 hash.
at $1 55@1 59 for Milwaukie club, $1 56lig;
1 60 forlOhippeAving, c iviLd ; sl;.6,6ol 70 red
western. 'born quiet and sales inUmportant,
at $1 20e1 27. Beef quiet and pork steady;
lard ditto . at '.:18013-0: . • Whisky: dull.' -qte
bush.;itotir, 7,4121.1ik1iC , • . .
SAVE atrlan.d Ated-zviilLitaake co or:dir
‘Tonchas,'!-YSixesP and all-brands of-Segaia:i - Orders
solicitect . anitproitilitl3catten4ed .l'erins neari4'
- • -- - Lewinbeiry, , York: county, ra::
• 'Alan,: old Taliaaca for'sale: - feb4•dlw&
_ . .
IiSTORE ROOM And dwellingdwellingconneetdd
k 4
ith* its op Kiribt street peair:Fkottt• EnlikiVO . of
re 4 E4, , . - Aj trongt.'
T~TC i s LE
iniattitnee . of '4u Oriter 6 Ate Orphans Court of Dan
phin county, will be expOSed tolgde, on Sattailik; , the 21t1i
day of February, on. pto f promises, the following real est
tate, viz: ill that certain-trace or piece of land situate on
the Susquehanna River, in Upper Paxton Township, Dau
phin county,•-Pir.; `adjolnitig lands of John Bendel, Simon
LemoM•John Mingumaw and. others, containmg2l acres,
84 parches: stitet measure. Thee improvements , ' thereon
aonslArof !StterfaDoubleltrick -House! and:• FraMO
Baclef Binlding„ •Stable and other outbuildings. There is
also of;good•watet with primp In it.
The peepinty Is situated on the Millersburghike, 'dint
5 miles aboveldillerstihr g;'aind near tht:l: , Northem Central
Railway; titte - thnthstatecof3olifr)Lekdai fgr4
&late ceinlitenee'ailootelock, A . m.„ of saidday, when
'attendance will be giinh , and' - :ohNtbidanreckft.ialei tirade
knewitbYi JOHN I,ENTz,
Administrator of said Deceased.
JOHN RIZ:GLAND, Clerk, 0. C.
Hasidantrno, Feb. 2, 1884.
A P pal
We have just received a flue selection of APPI.E., in
prime order. For sale by the barrel, bushel or small
quantity at [feb3] W. DOCK, JR., k CO..
tA -1 44 1 4417-
ft 1(2
gen eraen can a ccom mo Ce
with board in a private family. Enquire at THIS
, . .
0 signed is now selling off his stock of DRY GOODS
at mat, as he desires to close out his present stock, in or
der.bth- Iltjavtorenteati3 UM* *Oll/ room
o t gl a sn2 t s% sold before the 16C WV 11, and the
I public will find bargains by calling at once at
fob3-dtf turner Market &arr. opposittlium , House.
Grand Vocal and Instzuntatal Concert
CF. SAXTON, Tenor, '• • •
F. W. HAAS and W. KNOCHE, Pianists,
W. F. WEBER, Violinist,
Prof ASCIIE, Solo Cialionetint,
Twelve Promlialut Toes Otis 'ol . this City.
: . PitOOßAill-PART T.
1. Duett for twotrdinloa Norma; - • . GIL Walk
Alcanic HAAS ant KNOCHE.
2. Trio. f Life has no Power... Jkosbettl.
Ml Lawrence, Nem% LINDTARD and SAXTON.
A: Haat. Bridestnald ' • Clover:
4. Dien. :.-1131110 and Violin. T. Lombardi.
5. Solo. Thou,Art Far Sway— . .31111ard.
6. Sol2 f and Chorus. - Haymakers- Root.
7. Duaß. •Two•Planos. Rondean Brilliant: ....:..Bern
11; Tola -, •Good Night, Beloved:- —Bslfe.
9. Dmitt.n • Tvrolderrr.Ohis aro Mo.:: .;.....Glever.
' • litlasee LAWRENOBand,BARNITZ.
10. Solo. Cluionette, Somnambola aflaiNO2 - br Mahe.
11. Duett. Moonlight on the Rhine Newland.
,Minot CE and SAXTON
12. Gipsy Chorus. BehettilsieGrre s Balth•
Tickets 25 cm To be had at the Book sad Iluaki
Store Land of members of the Y. Y. C. A,-
The' two Concert nags - are kindle' loaned by-w.
7.°A eon c ommen ce at 8
NOW men 41WI.Pr pas t
o'Vbdr- • -
your attention is called to
CONTAMING ileseriptiorte of the rail
`mad rotitiMutd' Station% Turn , Hpikes,"'
Tenn; Vlllages, Monntahis, ItitienV Erptiegsrose showing
•tiOnoseen3abralation; . &c. , •
Actne hire; colured-STEREIPLATE MAP is-prellsetto
this book: -I , ,tr officer, or soldier, or partibtis , intentioned In
this war should.oinit procuring a copy: 4, For Sala at
C:I3:IMOK. , S corner of Third rind' Make , streets,
-MV3§,' Third street.. • •
~P tied6Weeniar Cloth, 76.eentai Tuck Eoan, $l. MI
•Bobichellilts Dehkin can tiO supplied by
c,i - HUNT. "Pablistier
PER DAY. • feb2:4fters
KEY NOTE: -Bradbury's Now Church
_L Music Boolr, for sale in, anysquantity, at publis her's
priors ' 30,000Uopielaireadk sold.' •,• • S; WARD;
• 'Mint ""Third'iticet, Music Store:
ORANGES! ORANGES! 1.-20 , 'boxes in
prime order. Just received wholesale and retail.
..., _ W.lf. DOCK, JR., 4 Co.
15 9° 00 - sand Michenec's Ex- cosior
Ram ou q :
CO:ed expreesly,rorltuudy use and tor this margot, for
;$ 411 P'.4 -XlCcir,4*-I.k.
TOO(y - P3Y - t.. Gebir eadfigh, for
tale at' WM. 4 CO;
800 OAIIO - Freidi Peaches; GOO Nutt
'Frosh car k ff onna- (**f, 100
Cans Orton Peas., put lip by the.ihost Ceiebtat4d fiult
growers, and every can warranted-to evir itor
sale at feb2 W.V. POCK, JR., & CO.
1848. Warranted the Finest Sherry Wine in this
country. For sale at WX. DOCK, in., & CO.
. .
IQUGARS,. of Wl:qualities; , suitablecfor.family
.• 'or manufact,rilig ictse .. s4otUghttelined. and.fortidelyy.
fei • . I W3ESCOCK, & CO.
yO'R, -= ••= • •• •
The Secteid and Third Stories, (tip largo - r&ina - bizt
end story, two or three on third story,) for rent front . i t
Ist of April, in Marki*Anare„. •
,Innuire at No. 3 Market'
Square. Uh 29) BOYER k HOERPER.
* NOTHEltquostortenelit ofiltooket-and;Desk
fbirlB64lfast iecieiceit and for solotheap at
On BM' SPERM. QM ipt a .I*. y
aky sup 4t just *aced sail tcpa
• !, • - DOCK, J7c, k CO.
gtimr."Koßic,: kel).
20 ..BOXES: .11ANGES, seleCi4;4l:fiani
to this market amport t
this ' , Bll4 A lie ju in s l t! st received andtr broughtr
. salo
by frobli ±W3f. DOCK, Js., & CO.
1 LB . : torans-n, of the cele
-000 brated St George brand, just received
and for sale (felon WM. D0C1C, , .13.; 4k, CO2
, , .
PicKtiEsi a nanartlele for totgolloo,-Ast. TOceivod
aad for saiOby LL [febl] . &.00.
AIL'KUPS AND SAUCES, of, the. I lk - et. su
perior and choice brands, just received and for sale
by . '..146111'3„fi r ;. f & co.
lIitHADI WC I ST AT tn , the best 411 Ported,
, ittscnideliTaithd tortilla by
• • - 1911, AL, SA IXX.
. • -
2000060 iunds : bealig arV tLdE
,jlap4"• SROp }EY*MT . M •
--'III,4IO4BUKIXIS !.arrr,: Ow"
and "rawer. _ BT, ". LS
xam , &.xtrzfixEr.
tot-vale by , !bat:lo42w*
Seventy-Aireno oice
jan3o4llvr* 113 Y k
500a Pytt. - rth 4 (. 4 Wl." for sale
orag - skisitaysiilistgiofifis, Jew, receivo
for ime by . wmaKociriJl,:arge-
LARGE lot of beat.quality - of Mercer
""1:=.1 •
feb3 SALMON, Just recefred at
to be given in aid of the
lae Imo' v``
.. fro' t •~ axti "! ~L're-
.WAHMENOTO3%. It C. Jan. 2.5.. 1:64 I
WILL be sold at Public Auction t
higbent biddef, In
Beginning on the 10th day of February, 1304, •
wing from day to day, until all are sold
,ThblelPThee have hem condemned as •,
earealry minim of the Milted State 3 Army.
'Forroad and roan 1i111171106e3 many goal tar, ..:;;- ::, t.
iThiaseil Will tigSol i pineS-
Terms cash Ti. Treasury noteß.
JAMES A 11:1?:.
Chief Quartermaster Cavalry Bure,,:
DR. L M. CREAMER would respectfriic.
inform the public in general and the disci,.
particular, that be has opened an °thee Socth
Street; below Chestnut. Harrisburg. la., wheys
treat all diseases entrusted to his care. in accordant>, n
the system discovered and taught by Eta C.
Philadelphia, with whose institution he has IHru e,o l
fleeted, and to whom he takes pleasure at referring the
public for information with respect to his su.-„-ss in con: -
trolling disease.
No drugging the agstom with uncertain ino.! teal :ie. ;.t
Allcures performed by Magnetism, Gedvanozio and •
modifications- of Electricity, without shucks or aio
pleasant -sensatioret. Alter an Electrical
tee will be given, if desired by tile taiti, , ni.
infiwmation call and geta pamphlet wbsi.
tains hundreds of certidcatat from medical men on
eta proving the superiority of this systcm of pc..
over all others. ,send free. Oilk-e liecurs ..•
A. mr.,ltosand TtO9r. L.
DR. 1131..T0N CIZKAI!!•':
feba-43tawlwr. ttli.thssa
The Celebrated Medical Examiner e
Herb Doctor,
O F Philadelphia, has arrived again in f i.
Heber& Pa, for medical practice., and Ink ,n ‘. •
room at the
Where he will remain a short. time. The aalicted .• •
tiled to call between the hours of 9 .t. tr. anKi 1 p.
from .2 to Sr. x
And are peculiarly valuable, interesting and r.uaL,•
owing to hiepermitioa to read arid detect tlkea
whatever nature, wherever located, without
sigaenquedeiterahose who reepooting their
Iles lately discovered and bmeght into his reartiu
method of treatment with which ha performs the um
eanspected edd remarkable cures of the age.
• ,
QVAitab Proposalswill be received up I
thetitcorfebruiry; for ,250 to 300 perch of •
sound, rough /41.0eStone, of suitable size for lwavy
qtrrried, for ar@ld work. To bo delivered p.!
of the Looldet RoWn&lffli, =oh places a. the cut
%mina* may direct . ' latiteery to commence by 1t.. 1
orrebruaky, and deli rared as fast as needed. AI! t..
delivered within 60'days. Address F'ropeeids for
jsn3O-dtfebb J. IL EBY, e.u..
c: :1 7 1 ABET cORPS•
-- - `"''"Il Lariatatlntd, Jax. - ITI, ISet.
The War Depairkihebifiiiihritithertied Slajr.r C. -e
Winfield S. Hancock, and Major General Ambrose It. 1:., ,
sidt% - ilpina_,of Aca g digtingitiatted Ciammanders .4 •
Arm); to'redMi t COND and IfINTH Array i',
a s
theirrmepect,iye•comiparata,,tp inky Thou ~
men rattail thaw as math°. liPettially east!. • •
mid liy thellr4 Department, I athlr.-at toy, :i ' 1
the patriotic and WO -citizens of Fbnneyh-ania. earii• •.•
invoking them to lend their active aid to General.; i' .
Mek • el 4 l ‘l"V` , t h Pe Illrcito ll 4412chuitni..•
iii xw.adoiiala. . e latposolnhe W,. IL..
rhea governing enirstMeits n ibis
,Stitte, to fi l l ~.,
Pennsylvazda.lregiumPla Mad. l3 tilitorited - -°r the ,.
Corps. •
. . -
They comprise the following PenttrAva t ,L, 1 , ....;.::.. :.
an 4 &Mena, TIZZ.
in th e S 4OO2 VD Aitmr CO AP colurnat,!i..! 1..
'lraJor G44ert " ll4ol) t e - l ire l 4 4 :Ad, 091 b, 7lat: 72.1, 'I
//5414 , 1110., 14014 / - and 1.48 th Itegiment, awl i'..:
4St, BaUftim C. and F , mid Batteries F. and G , :• .' •
Ftriet s- Artillery.
• In the . Altair. CORPS.: commandea b, it
General itunisidti; are tno 45th; 48tb; SOO', 51u a.... 1 i ~•• 1
Regiumcp, and -Introit's Inds Battery IL
ThO rehlfi:•* !eines, or
our victozions armies in rie•
is the only =eater" tor brtimllie the reitatitllon to an ~:.
close, and of foreser wall ng the fountain of viva
Let us then maintain the illuArious record chili ti.•
EtUt i , un anniep Milli 'already tam, and ,epctively aid • -
- etat in aticariiig a glorious future' to our come:
by filling up their ranks now greatly re d
by dis,.., •
and the casualties or the Add.
Full information regarding bounties slid enlistments 1:
any of the Pennsylvania organizations, attached to th
SECOND and IV - MTH:LUMP CORPS, will be found
th,e published circulars or Major Generals Hauctit:k ar
By order of A. G, CGRTiii Governor; &e.
la3o-dlw • 4. L. RUSSELL, A. Gee, Penio3
Fint National Bank of : ' s Lou
r it to e, MPH* .3100,0), with the privilege of in,
tag $300,000.
Stale Capital Bank having organized mule'
,to pnrvide a National currency, under the at .0%,:
respectfully offers Its services for the collectio- d of \
Drafts, Bills of Exchange, receive money on de ,
buy and sell exchange on all parts of the country
The business will be conducted at the corner or
and Walnutgulfs, by the 3o named direr tor
J. R. EllY
W JA3ms Yr • 6 4 ,,,
• C.Griorrm.
JOHN. a BM" GCS, Pr,-
0 T
This Partnership' _heretofore eVeting in tlic
HOUpilEt IaOCEDLax has_been 'dissolved by
sent. AU perappe , indebted will please wake
and theist timing derma/Ida plerkint their account t. yet
Having,puireAlised the entire stock: of goods of ti...
li en 3 r *IWO * pnrchased in Philadelphia, and
opening' new Sleek Or DRY ROOM would
Unmakes of the patronage heretotorif Received abii
the public in general to examine.my stock of
15 Market Square, opposite tho Harrisburg Bank.
fehl4lanta, AUG. LoCilM
••- - • •
VDWit, Flutes, Guitars, 'Banjos, stria,--
Dian a Fifes, and all kinds or Musical Meng,
Pietwo Frames, Looking alseies, Photograph I:-
Gerd Gems, It_ogeavings, Picture , . A: • '
RaMee ate phos No. /.2" third street, th,
Nieto Store this Side of the greet. cities. Jav - 2%
_ .
. , .
:VORFOLB. "WaTERSL—BeaI Salts, ma,
Jeiej,lteest l / 4 , York River or= - a'•• •
m i dair the 46 , aq/ream __era, L., • . •
I/ 96 r =Nittich-will be serve d tip In flue
110 g .
wo TZ the 3 9004-BeeieY
A.. bbls. of
BtatsAppiea of every variety. also, York .
, ^ •
%Oar, for Ws at Jan BOYER & KORN
W. DOCK, Js., & CO.