Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, February 02, 1864, Image 2

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    paity Ottegrap4
Able Speeehes.t,
We call attention to the speeches respec
tively of Mr. Etnier, of Huntingdon, and Mr.
Brown, of Warren, in the - Tv . j.voliipa to-day.
We have no time • i tt tapt4* On: met4o'n
these able efforts, - 13tigas 614 Ailicuss !attei=
tions affecting the highest interests of the
Commonwealth, ;we Rommend.the speeehes to
the careful pernSal of our readers.
A Letter ofitxplanation from the. Fatl►ev
ii of Harry White. i
Below we publish a letter from the father bf
Harry White, which should have acediniiiinied
the resignation of
_Senator White in the .co;l-
UMW of the EVENING . TELEGRAPH, yesterday.
We consider it due to Judge White that'a word
of our own should preface his,letter , , explanal .
tory of.certain points to which he does not.al
lude. Since the meeting of the Legislature,
and. during the delay *hi& - has 'attended its
prOCeedings, public opinion'ia,:s divided as to
the policy of withholding the 'resignation of
Senator White. Many men' even went so far
as to censure Judge White for refusing or'ne
glecting to, preSent the resignation of, his son
to the proper authorities., Others; impelled
by low personal motives and a desiril to 'emit
the natural spleen which ever seethes in' their
hearts, basely assailed 'ay:t r urtbi, charging
that he actually had pOsses'sion* the,
resignation, and.for - eome reason only known
to himself; refused_ to - riiiike the document
public. When Judge White became %prised
of this perversion of the troth he;solicill.dfrom
the Philadelphia Inquirer,.Where..the'lltliriati;•
tion originated, the, courtesy, of room 'in, As,
columns to correct the falsehoodyibut the rip:-
plication was denied, and the lie thus suffered
to circulate among the readers of:the iitt/i/it'•er
uncorrected. - . .
So far as Judge mote's .motives -are coil : :
earned, in withholding the resignation of his
sod until the last moment, his litei:bbloW
fully and fairly explains. Jile.was controlled by
an affection which is. as holy and' its worthy of
respeetas the' most exalted patriotism. What
he aimed at,,wa4,therele4e. of a son whom he
dearly-loyes-,-ed a husbsnd and afather around
whom the tenderest regards lof a Young damily.
easter. But at length, When iirgn
went and plan, failed, the patrioticeldfiailie
yieldea gracefully to necoaiity = and - plaeed
resignation<of his son the hands of• the
proper authorities. ,
,!' '• 1"'•
—We submit the letter of JudgeiWhite.'id
the consideration of our readers:
Hennisninto,;Feb. 1,1864.
How. Joni.-P. PEN NE . ; Speaker of the Senate of
Sinln tendering you the' resignation of
Major Harry White, of bite seat as a member of
the 'Senate of Pennsylvania; a few.words
explanation :of ,the delay may not be improper.
Although dated on the 16th November last, •
it did not reachine >for more thanra•month af
ter that period, and being then engaged in
endeavoring, through a private ,channel, to ef
fect his release, with every prospect of success,
the delivery of the resignation was postponed.
That. effort, through an unfortunate event,,
failed. , But at that time an effort mita being
made by the General Gov,exinuent, ; whic - h
in common with.others to whom it wrasXtiOwn,
had every reason to believe,Oid to'hope Would
be successful, and: trouble ifia expense Would
b.e.. ttais-aaVed Axe
Senate would,be *osition do business
sooner than by ai fy - cithec course :
The result is known,, and_ therefore I hand
you the resignation Of Maj: 'Harry White,
which has never beert.Out nif posseshion
for a single moment siuce,l received
ThrOtighout the whele transaction I hare acted.
in good, taith, from the purest motives_. and
without any view of self-interest. The -docu
ment was sent to me to be used at such time
and in such manner, as in my didoretion
should think proper.
Ile is a son for whom I feel the most
tender affection. He has a Thmily whose'feel
ings have been most paiOully exercised dur
ing his prolonged captivity, and I had.every
reason to believe as well as to hope that pub
lic interests would not suffer by withholding
this repignation for a short time,
Very Aspectfully, 4
Your'obedient' servant,
A Minion of Dollars to be - Added - to the
In order , to .gratify , the perversity of he
Democratic leaders', 'and Put' money into the
pockets of the stoelt:jobbere, as'wellns greise
the tongues of our English slaaderers, steps
were taken! Yehteidai; ptate Treasurer,,
to increase-the-State debt a minion of dollars.
At the time every, busjmlee 341 A-4: Coun
try is accepting the ettrreneY•Made:heeesaar"
to secure the resources of the . nation—Wlien
individuals are perfectly willing to take cur
rency which the • Federal:- Government has
provided to conduct the ordinary and the ex=
traordinary transactions of business,Alie Dem
ocratic leaders, With the aid of a Democratic
State Treasurer, have:buceeeded in mating a
distinction in the: case, of creditors whose
claims upon the Go.vaTinnentffe of no more
importance thin that of 'the most insignifi
cant man in the conatmuslity,„ . 7;illing to trans
aot his business with the .St49 l l 2Y,IfflPt,TE l
the currency which is now regarded -as tue
tional. These men hove not only made this
illiberal distintipi, bid Vie y: ,liape, aimed a blow
at the national currency deliberately ,to destroy
the national credit. If this persistency to se
cure to a certain, class of creditors, gold in
the payment of their claims, was in reality
an effort t&Preierve, the Credit' of the State,
we might appiand the aetion. But at this
ti me pepolsylvania did not need this sacrifice
to secure her Credit. .She needed, rather„to
be protectedlrein the impositions to impair
her resources: ---)1,0,** leFitved, to are
saved from .the increaer: , of taxation which
'muat . 'neceSsarily follow lii-jnikeff mid
improttident liberality, thevork-ofinerr'Who
haVe . tioregard for the honor or' the r,f;4` ,- orfiiiit
of the Commonwealth, but who are in reality
anxious to push, both cover the Vortex 9( the
crisis by'Which we are now surrounded, into
an abyss of irretrievable and eternal ruin.
—We want the sweating, hard working
b qq
oring enkf the State fairly to-understafi*
that the ;" , ocra**9l)a4; even wii4e in the.
Verity:, sti ha e Buenc,e of Saddling
11Pen the • angtual debt of„lfinillion - ef
dollars--a burden which,lsill fall upon the
shoulders of the Produesi without a relief or
benefit from any quarter. The whole trans
actionlnay be regarded only in the light of a
a.swindleo-the 'residt, Clf,Eak,ad_vantagezmrhich.
our internal broils have given our 'English
and domestic creditors, in which advantage
they have been strengthened by the machi
nations of the Deinoratic 'bailers in the Legis-'
• , • • , ,
lature. We submit these - facts to the solemn
tonshleration of the taxpayers of Pennsylva
nia., <I is froin their toil ers:l necessities, that
the • means ' " mustl:l4•;,trited to sustain this
splendid.scheine citering'to the
,avarice: of
• our speoulating.creditors, : • . •
Whn.ltftat Right
' Under' this heading the tEutian (Ohio) , Re
gister; one,Of thsjiblest and most influential
journal. in theE.ilek Eye 15.tat 4 N !dliAllesee thi ,
position of menfirt the .early part 466 f .the re
'hellion Ya,contrasted 'With the:aktitufle of the
'dovernmenp at the ',regent gme' ' While en
gagesljufthis flisctission the. „ ,R : agister refers,_
in the , moSt eloquent manner ; to the position
take*ty Siinon. Cameron in the 'early stageS
of the zabelOipea., !Ma qt 3 16,4s tl4 policy then'
urged by himit Pißee,beon poloptel
by the Clovernment as at oned,e'ssentita to its
safety and necessary" tO the complete . eratlic.a ,
tion of the influence of rebellion. We can--
not refram tqm confesslng that , such expres,
sions of.rogatcl for,and justaeknowledgmeuts
of 'the stateSmanship and sagacity of a:distin
guisheil.-I)emiSylvanian,' afford us, the highest
gratifiOlon,- . a‘ 'litioanse — War 'good old
Commonwealth iaithual.properly honored
that the' servfees• ones of otif Most ilistin
guislit,e(feltizens are ffirly . repeal:4v. , We
give thel,artiele from, our.]:fack cotem-:
- porasy,. relating .to this matter, without fur-.
ther einufnent: - ' ' ' • • •
- Wrio,Wne liIGHT. en 1.1118 wara.s wound
to a close,,'One of the rdwitiaiiptestin g duties Of
the historian and the,strident - asf history, will
be toniark the grOtial Progress'of opinion,
the giiind upward tendency bf publip taiorow
that the stiUggle'lite cleyelOped. -
- I.g.natiodhas
indeed been born in a dt04.1.1 nialkes
a people free_and great. -\l'o hae' been'
livered fro* Ohl bondgo. ' Shackle's are
broken,' Zia chainsthat hound ua,as a IV:-
tio9". to the.;insitutiQu,of human ,laVery,lluit
comPell,ed us to bow in abject stibMission to
an oligarchy of 400,000 ,
slave : holderslas been'
snapped iii twain.. Long had, denied'thi3
sublime principle
g aud faith laid dolvii by the
Fallreia. Far hade Paths'
of nationallreatitade,. Whiehltbl3-y!had: marked
• out for us. We had broken from our safe
moorings and drifted. away into the sea of po
litical infidelity. We were false to our trust.
We were a great, , stupendous tational, lie.
We had been founded on a noble and inspir
ed theory that recognized ()Very man as am
equal man and &brother; but we had crucified
our honor and the memory pf our Fathers in
the person of .the, black man. The time r came
when God would avenge himself. His wrath
could no,longer be restrained and ..He wdpld
re-baptize us in Oa' own .'blood. The 004,- ;
ful ordeal.has IkeiCtiptin ;us foi - nearlyAllree
years. How slow we are to seehig hand! Hew
slowly we learn hi:twill! How tardily the na-:
tion rnoVesufitbitaligh calling! - How she hangs
back; hoW she l eling,s to her . old'erimea; how
she hilialto her bbsoin the cause her ruin!
Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvania; `seemed
to have divined at the first outbreak of the
slave holding traitors, the essential means of
quelling .the.:-rebellion: When . the nation
sladokoto its-very, centre, and -statesmen and
soldiers, stood appalled:before the magni-:
trade , of• the rabellion t :Simon .Camsfon ,salv,
and comprehended the extent of.the work be
fore us, and even that early organized the very
policy which is now accepted, as the only es
sential measure to save, the corintry.: He
opened' the road to'vital. parts of treason. -
lie' cleared the . paith to the heart of rebellion.
Hid the country and the Administration fel:-
lOwed the policy andd-respepted the eounseLs
of this sturdy Perin,sYlvanuin, three Years ago,
treason to-day "Iwould have . been an utterly
dispised and frrustrated combination--the
rebellion would have been "played out," and
peace, genial and glorjons,•T wbuld now, be
swelling in every heart, tuning every tondM3
in pnM3e Pf God, Libeßty,.:l4Apn!iwid Justice!
It .was SimOnAnneron who encouraged and
sustained ,Vallent,;Benfitritrer in hiscOntraband
confiscation .scherae. It, was Simon Cameron
who first, nigcd;the arming Of, lie shiv@ta . ,
was Simon Cameron who taught us , our first
lesson.of vigbrto cruslirebellion; andidthmigh
this mon was_ displaced e. ecause he
saw the truth et' once, yet. .thne has vindicated
hint; the experience of,,twe years has brought
thepeople, to where he then stood; and We
doubt. notthat we sha.,ll.Yet,,tis a people, amply,
reward tbie early apostle of the tri.#ll. Time
shows: that he ,WaS*WIT. . ••
• ..
The Twelfth Corps.
Brig.. Gen. Geary, cif * the,l.2th co4s , whose
division led the advance in, the . attack oil
Lookout Mountain, isintopwit, of the
reg;inients !ifs ;coinnianct have re-enliSted
and are be ing recruited to na
the aximAm.
qpn.- Geary says volunteering is quite as brisk
iii rehhsylyania as it *:a in 1861. ,
This paragraphtaßieared in the •Tart' Organ
this plonking, to which - the conductor ihat
sheet, offered the following continents,
brackets: . • Y. .
.[lf General Geary made such a remark ; he
s4.ted tliitt is not true.]
Aide froth - the wilfril and deliberate insult
to 'a
ganant sbldier.of the comment in ,brack
ets which we 'here quote, the reader must
note that the opinion of the Tory Organ , is
Ventured piirposely to damage the b l usinesi of
recruiting. The conductors of that sheet
have 'every facility for. lmniring that recruiting
never 'was as flourishing in t.ie State,- as it
is at present; - 4 4 1 3 :.' opinion of
niany.officers :of :ireracitY and judvnent, who
acquiesin the declariiiion, that therecruiting
s'ervidp is more prosperous , to-daythan it Was
at this time in 1861. These flings and
. 1344 7
versions of the Tory Organ are fast 'disgusting
even its own supperters; - , firid , •••••iir reality
scarcely deserve" a ntloe, 'but when it thus
. riandestniely :seeks to ,inipair . tfie service,. by
inserting these , lines of . falsehood among its
general news Matter; :the lie as *ell as' the
me.ri2vhs'aeseryre eiposure.
; - 1612trocniiM digkinieliedlhOrmwendi Wrap last
year, ledeenied - 5322161.5:bf1ier stock, invested
$270, 624 #01; and now has
$l, 03V47. the. Treasury - With handsome
balances the wheel and sinking funds.
Such is the reward of loyalty.
CRESTS FROM THE °Cita WAVE, Or Experience
ors , a:Voyage to Europe:. By a Traveler and
Tericher. Boston: • Whittemore, Niles Ec
This volume forms the experience of the
travels of Alonzo Tripp, principal of one
of the inost popular - institutes in the east.
The language and style of the author are
chaste and beautiful. His description of a
storm at sea, and of the scenes during the
excitement. of.the . -French Revolution, are in
tensely interesting word-pictures. We have
read many Wolfer of - travels,' but none that
have interestedus more than this. The author
'has &skint - minuteness of the depart
iad Stephens, - who hail beery... Aired the "prince
. .
of travelers," and ull,thepique,ney and- fresh
ness of Bayard- Taylor. .&:lady is canvassing
'the city ida-has the work' for sale.
'Pratt, a refugee from Alabama, says that the
rebels are holding (*tin hopes that a Demci
:cratic triumph at the,. next, Presidential elec=
-tion will enable them to obtain the rights
'they have been fighting for. fo encourage
"and sustain that hiipe is th e object, of the
speeches of Fernando Congresit, and
the. Gubernatorial messages of Horatio Sey
" • ' • :
P 6 # ll '4ltOlta tegidature•
TIIEBDAY, .Fej)111/117. 2, 1864
The lacilme wit at 11s. M.
• •
The House adoiltdd, after some (*cubs — ion,
a reiolntion 'Offered 4:6r Mr. Itrx, providing
for the.aiipointinent of a‘couunittee of five to
investigate' concerning' the authoishiii of cer
tain articles in the Pittsburg Daily ttonmereial
and Philaileljohia. Bulletin, reflecting on Mr.
Rirx ana'jptlier' merabers.
*Ow= cAtagimi.
. .
The ieniainder t of the session was spent in
the consideration and passage of Private
7 Adjourned.
Moveptfnts of UftiOit frpt,n Nicksburg.
Longstieet% Thwattbd by
• His Cavalry.
'lt 1 '4)
Bragg to Cozpwand Ipi,„3.ll4tiajsmippli-The
tbr fillayee,D.eselleatleurof Rebel
r. .80/dlexe.. •
N'sw Yonn, Feb. 1
' The•Richniond.Bikuirer of. the 29th ultimo
reports.. the capture, by.webel• cavalry, near
Retches, of ttlfaity-live , prisoners,- sixty-live
ivagons;„a lot of, (Aron. and nbont eighty lie
grctelim," • ,
Austiorsvxmx,!Term., Jan. 27.—The
iste•evaatkated.;Tasewell..yesterday; retreating
toiviird Cumberland Grp. ~:Our.: troop!, 'occu
pied Tazetellitlte'stuudiday. .•
• Our troops are being rapidly clothed. Gev•-•
eruor Vance has. offereft•lLongstinet enough
clothing tonupply aphis comMand.
• Mutroisx,' 26.—The Unionists exhibit
unusual activity, at Vicksburg, •and reinforce
manta/lave_ ,been.. sent t.here form Memphis.
Stuart's cavalry had a skirmish ivit.h.the Un
ionists at Igfessmger's Ferry, on,the Big. Black
river;. a few daysivo. 'Some , prisoners were
taken mid 'a number of. Yankees. killed. Our
cavalry v had, a•brush• ,withLthe .•Maine• (query
Marine} Brigade, at - Rodney, on ;the 18th, de
feating theAblionitsts. 7 ••• •-• ' -
Nnarniew :"Jark.;,i27.•--Advices, from Vicki:-
•burg' ttat, t.hejlttionials, are. preparing
to moValld3;ocioupy -Jacktkat: , Pontoons are
being; thrownlacross the Big Black river.
.poksci:cormi., •Jan t27:—Thee is nothing
newtharc: :The-ertemy'samuns were-heard, at
noon:yeatertlayonaorn•adattd.. 'Last night
sideFwheel stectiner • passed "here.bound
wow„ • • •
-ItishimMd,paperscitire Ireceitedito the 29th.
ult.: ;The Enquirer-of thatridaV contains the
, 4 2,7:.—L0ru; the 23d• Gent
WirtrAdamieubevalry_entered'SeLsettown, near .
!Natchez,captituingthirt3r,-rive2prisoners, sixty
wagons. and - teams; a• lot of cotton going to
Natchez, and, abAuteeighty.negroea.
.thwumsrox, 26.,,Twenty-four idiots
were fired, on thei.scity •from .5 o'clock on Mon
day; to 5 oleloele this evening. - • • .
lifortus.,. Jan.: 25:, TWelve, ttansports have
passad down, the --.Mississippi_ within the past
two • days. El:termini, and his:staff. accompany
thorn. :
0.11424421 Ff COURT .1111176;t4fh JAIL •
Fourth 7irirginia..Cavalry.capturedtwelve.Yen
kees near jamee,City, Madiaimicounty; Tues
day .evening,: with :their . ..equipments; 'horses,
etc. There •wilitb.elacrevietv of Yankee troops
at Culpeper Court Hattie.; td-morrow. Roads
in fine condition._
The lose stoiiiiiunt3iiht . :Prandein, by the 11'3-
centictinlice raids on wirier river, wi4not fall
short. of $250,0*,!,40801096.
•,The ItielimOrktV.ftlirer of. Januity 27th,
‘f.l'Asc.&qou34; Jan. 25, The- enemy's gun,_
boats, WAlLsix transports, entered the mouth
thla river on the 7th 'mtarit, and proceeded
up tl;eriver;l4iiik possession of Madisonville
and four sawmills , whiCh our forces neglected
"They out pickets to Covington road
within two
. miles tow*, also on Madison
*le riisd,.ol,klie east:Side of the - liver. They
are, engaged raising ; the hulls of several
vessels sunk in the river .by 'Our authoritie.
Our forces wit 'drew t owards ;
4 T01:11' gunboats were in sight y,este.rday--
three miles off Round . Island. Others have
proceeded towards Ship,lsland.','
LThe Michinond tlinquiier, in an editorial,
:The letter We published yesterday gave. a
sadliut truthful picture of the worthlessness
°tour caValryfwith'..the army of -Longstreet
We. can iniagin.eatothing more 'distreSsinglto a
soldier like Longstreet.th.au to have his plans
*Warted by <the 1 stupidity of c a subordiriatal
antlgeneral-Longstmetis curisedwithjuNtsiich
subordinates. Reformation is- sadly wanted:
A man like Rinuptort ill sadly
The.RichniondlEaquirer of Jan. 28th Keys:
"The Rev. Dr. Duncan calls the attention
of our' people to the condition of the 2d Louisi
ana-regiment,who":aro..now in• the. enows of
Virgimadentitute.of. almost -every ecaufort,
andLthe'whole'iegiment ean mustarnidy forty
pairs4of shoes. .I.n. &hi Condition thwti3gunent
now; walkanine miletato picket:
'AI:.-'ls:=.Fctebter,cof the. Confedera te Tr e i ts , mi r
note ;Orating Rureau,tia, arreited•foritabstract-;
ing .1.611,01) yorth of Nemmingor's promises
to pay. •
•••• • • • • • -
"At At n: . (*co San. ist, 14854, the
thermometer was 12 - above zero, and
on January 1 two degrees above.
"The Atlanta Confaleracy says the scarcity
of shoes in the army is attributed to leather
heads in Richmond.
"G-en. Bragg is about to take command in
the State of Mississippi.
"Governor Smith of Virginia, has made a
call for five thousand male slaves to wirrk on
batteries; to be -drawn from fifty. counties.
The call for this force has been made by the
President, under a resolution of Congress."
FoarnEss Moseos, Jan. 31.
The flag of truce steamer New York, bapt.
Chisholm, arrived last evening from City
Point, in charge of Major Mulford. Four
Union oflicers,one colonel and three captains,
were sent down on their -parole.
fnrilsr.O.E, Ala., Jan. 31
I have just arrived from . Chattanooga: Be
fore I left there, Genera returned
from a reconnoissance to Ringgold and Dal
The main force of the enemy had undoubt
edly left, and General Palmer supposed: they
had gone to reinforce_Longstreet, with a pur
pose of invading Kentucky.
Since arriving here I have obtained infor
mation which satisfies me that Hardee has
reinforced the enemy at Mobile. -An attack
was undoubtedly made upon Mobile. Within
the past five days persons have solicited per
mission to go through- the lines to attend
their relatives ,whom they reprentei} as be
ing wounded at Mobile:
Positive information may be expected of an
attack on that-place and its probable fall.
XXlVffith Congress--First, Session.
Wikauticaolc, Feb.
The Committee on .Military Affaini reported
a resolution to inqUire into the expediency of
repealing or suspending the conscriPtionlaws,
and in order to secure the men necessary to
put down the rebellion, by giving increased
pay and bounties.
Mr. Stevens (Pa.) moved to lay it on the
table. Agreed to—yeas 84, nays 42.
On motion of Mr. Fenton, (N. Y.,) the Sec
rotary of this Navy was called upon to inform
the House whether the supplies fore that De
parthient during the past year were purchased
uPOn contract, and if not, what proportion
thereof, and of what 'kinds, werepureliased in
the open. market, etc., and,thathe inform the
House what alteration in the laiv is necessary.
Mr. Stevens, from the Committee of Ways
add Means, reported a bill making appropria
tions for the year ending June, 1.885..
The Housepassed the bill tolaailitate the
. .
payment of bow tips and arrears of pay due to
wounded, and deceased. soldiers.
The eo . midastion of the. bill anumdutory of
the confiscation aot was then resumed.
44 A Sell."
•'• NEW ,Fe b .
Thu rribuac has , a special diguttch from
Harrisburg, stating that Iraboden!s Cavalry
has crossed the, Potomac and is, about to in
vade Pennsylvania...
(There is no. trothwhatevet in theaboveru
morriand:there'haswot eventeen the slightest
hauselor it. The person who sent the the
. .
patch: to New 31Orlridps!,..1ave been ipkr4, up
for somethingfrora which to ereate a sensa--.
tion.] . . ,
Distirkets'!b* T•46F 1 4 ) 1"
The Fleur' market' is quiet,. with sales of
2,000 bus"-at $7`5007'75 for extra family, and
s9®lo for fancy , i; the receipts continue very
ssllll. Rye flour steady at $6 50.- Corn meal
$5 50. There is a fair inquiry for wheat, and.
•10;000 bus 'good and Pennsylvania and
western red sold at $1 6001 70, and a small
lot of white at $1 8501 90. Rye haqdeclined:
Corn very quiet; mud' sales of yellow at $1 09.
Oats dull and 341,00(Ybus Pena. - sold at 86®
87e. = , Cloverseed advanced to $8 7509 00;
timothy at sB'so@B 624; flax seed` at $3 25.
ProvisiOns iteerve slowly. Petroleuin steady at
26028O'forbitide;' 3;000 bbla refined in'bond'
sold at 494 e; and free at 524055 c. IThisky
unsettled ; sales of barrels 83@84c, and
drudge at 81089 c- -
NEW Yoax, Feb. 2.
Cotton steady at 820821. Flour stead/
sales of s,soo'bbls. Wheat firm. Corn . firm
---sales of 14000 bus. at $1 21 in store. Pro
visions steadyand unchanged. Whisky nom
inaL 'Receipts - flour 13,588' bhla. Wheat
38,000 bus. .06rn 5;355 bus.
- Philadelphia Stoeh Market.
• PiniamELPica, Feb. 2.
Stocks irregulaX - ; 9)5; Raw:U.l*R.
R'•sB; Penna.'R. R. 75; Gold 157; Exchange
oniNew York par: • • -
Ab...DenVer'Cih - , Colorado Territory, on the 16th 'of
JanuityVlWArriA . Giurros, wile Di Mani H.
Graf:tort inlikflannhtelt of. Aaron Bombaugh, of this city;
in tO 2 4 11 ,Year.,..ofjler. age , .*
me,4eth F4:44 misg lafly, hag *awl! a &St*:ever
Our community, where:she was so widely known and
well beloved,. and, from whence, less.tban' two years ago,
many--Gods , speeds. and wishes for. happiness followed
her, as.rie, a baPPy, ..hopeful bride, left us to create a
home among:GM 800 Mountainsi ter: hint to whom she
had &either Warmaitolove and entruated- her destiny',
Her married. life, 'roistered so sJicirtilly , death, was one
boundless chain of happiness, not ethlond to mar. it, not a
sorrow to- break the humpy of its beauty. It was niark- .
ed, as was her.previous life, by deeds ofittodness, syrups;
thiairig with the Wieser." and sorrow 'stricken,. leading
onto (With° wavering, andifki Seeking oat avenues
sudbiiugg bouldhe alleviated. - -The kind word:s and plea
suit smites with' Which she'iwia wont to greet every one,
will be greatly...Mb*, hut s in the domestic - elect; where
'ff f
she was a devoLettwife, a loving daughter, anda ec iona e
sister, her los?r r creates..a wide' breach which even time
cannot . viva. To7thesc, the deepest heartfelt. 'sfrmpathieS
of our people, are Oftered. Ms always sad to contemplate
the death of the young, but when a youthful spirit takes
its flight to God, our mournmgs should be softened.
we have au the evidences that Julia has passed from
death to hfe, and ie,now ci,joying eternal bliss earned by
the purity other walks,Ahrough.this world. She bad a
deep reverence forherilaker, and always tried to do. her
duty toward him. ;Often has the writer of this
,sat-at the
quiet evening hourand listened to her beautiful trod,
pictures of the endlms, greatness,'_ -goodness, power and
glory of God. ..litany..aud , aide were the affections which
entwined around her; manyn sincere -tear of regret. will
be dropped for her barly loss, and whilst life lasts the
tablets of memory will indelibly retain the recollection of
her virtues, the beauty'f her chaincter and: the .warmth
of her friendshlytk. •
AFEW gentlemen. can be accommodated
!kith boatd'in a private famil y. tnquiro THLS
oFFICK " ' • feb2 d4tt
ciEtTfING - tAT unddx
signed 'snow 'Selling off tus stick of DRY COORS
at oast, astid desires to OlosO oat preset stock ; in or
der to make sortie runeimprovements Ist .Ws store rootti.
a 90.11014.44 1$ b O M P:t I 4I4I, of.Harek and the
ptibl+c will Grid Litigants by calling as once at
feb3-titt corner Hornet Square, opposite Jones Hoagie.
eirbet, between Merkel and Wilma, a DIARY;
taining a number of letters. A reward or $1 will be paid
the ender upon leaving Mat the Mara of GM. L WAL
TER, on Market street. feb24o
T irp . KEY ECITE.--rEradbßX3en Chian*.
Music Book, for side in any quantity, at publtcheed
pricer.. aikooo copies already sold. S. WARD, .
fett23l Third street. Music Store.
FOR SALE—Two Building Lots, situated
on the corner of Chestnut street and Dewberry al
ley. For farther particulars apply to
reltrldlir RIXDIFOrr DDIXt
ORANGES! ORANGES! !-20 boxes in
prime order. Just received wholesale and retail.
feb2 MX DOCK, Jw, & CO.
15,000 sand LBS ibs 3licheuer's librebdor . -Wm%
cured itxpresEdy tar faudb - use aid for Ude tdaxt et for
sNe at ' Ibte Wit DOCK, ae eo.
LOOID M s ' . Gem E W~L tK,Vl 4 co for ,
60n CANS. Fresh Peaches, 600 Cans
~ Fresh Tomatoes, MO Cans Green corp, 7,00
Cans Green ,Peas, put up by the most celebrated Ann
growers, and every can warranted to gift satisfaction. for
sale at feta WM. DOCK, Ja., & Co.
OMANO SHERRY, imp orted in
FL ;.8,4f8. R o Werranted the Finest . Sherry - Wine in this
countiy. For sate at Wit . DOCK, lit, & CO.
Public Bale.
WILL be sold, on SATURDAY next, Feb.
6th, 1861, at the Court Housc,in Viie city a cer
tain two-story frameiDWELLING. HOUSE and part of a
Lot of Ground, 23 feet SUM on South Street and 93 feet
to property of Esquire Rawn. situate on South street near
Fourth, adjoining property of John Wills and theestate of
Elizabeth Thompson, decd Sale to commence at 2
o'clock, P. tr. Terms made known by
DAM.. BARR, Auctioneer. febliklat*
A NOTHER assortment of Pocket and Desk
Diaries for 2164, jest received and for sale cheap
telfeta SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Barrisbung.
CAPT. W 101147. REED ' S II/VOLS.
very interesting fdr boys, consisting of
- "Boy Tar. • - • Thin Away to See,
Young Yagers.- - Yowls Voyagest
' • Forest, Exiles. Old
plaint Hunters Desert. P Vme.
Boy Hunters • 'Rosh Boys.
Bratin'or the Griot Bear link.
Right Words in the Right Phu*.
Carious Stories about Fairies, and other Fanny Pimple
Magician'iShow Boa.
Agassis's Metlthds, Study or Mattiral Hhdtky.
Every Day l'hilosoplier.
-Philosophy of Shakespeare Plays Unfokied by Moen.
Tennyson's rbeMl t
Brok's German Lyrics. ,
The Pearl of Orris Island, hr Mrs. IL B. Stowe.
Househoth-Friends. -*,
War Time, by Whittier.-
Story of the Guards, by J. B. Frennont
Book of Hymns for public and private devotion. '
Recreations of Country Pinola, 2 yobs
Autocrat of the-Breakfast Table. • .
Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieces, by. Jean Paul; 2 yob.%
Leisure Horn in Town.
Mattes' Poems. „
Malin and Vespers.
Chapel of the Hermit:,
Sketch Book, by Irving.
Tom Brown at fthford, 2 vuls.
Tom BroWn at-Rugby, 1 voL
Scouring of the White Horse.
DeQuineey's Writings,Ketelmoin -
Cook Book; by Mrs Horne Mann
Angel Voices
Strap of Labor by Whittier. ' -
Pen warns, by Whittier.
Old Portraits, by Whittier.
Homo Ballids, by Whittler.
literary Recreations, by Whittier.
The Princess, by Tennyson. • .
Days and Nights.ott the Battle Ffeld, by Caleton'
Goodwood rAMTCII% by9llloo,olreelllFooll
'Gymnastics for Women, Chlithon, are., by Dr. Lewk.
Atutt 'HMOs Rhymes. •
Arabian Days Entertainmeam •
Leogiehow s'Poems,
'Dutra' ]fey.
Golden legend,
Seas . ideand Fireside.
' Evangeline.
RiTierlOn. •
eotaitaltinof Miles smallish. • '
Song of Hiawatha:-
Tales Of a Wayside lnp. ".
Together with , a large assortment of other mitheiltus
trerksfor Children. for Pale snap at.
feh2 , 'Harrisburg, Pa.
20 BO $E$ SPERM CANDLEI3, of a very
, tatiierior make, Just rewired and for sato by
febl- ' Wit DOCK, Jx. , & CO.
1 1 ) 1
1 1 21:0111tiona ° ,3ind,te ES 'it °4341 1 1 "1. 1 4rm i tt e t
to rharket at this season, Jnst ineeired and for as
by (fed] WM. DOCK, Ja. , & CO.
jOO - LS. CODFISH, of ,the -cele
r BS brndljtu* recetvoi
atitrfoi• sale by [febl] WIC DOCie, & CO:
. .
PICKLES, a rare artlclefor table we, Just: received
and for Salo by (febll WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO.
Prpd Vmal and Instramen(al eon Cert
to be iiren in nid of the
O. F. *AXTON, Tenor,
F. N. tr.A.*send W..K.NOCNE, Planists
, AccomrazzaD BS
W ,
TWthe Preininint Vocalists..of. this •City.
L forth fox\ two pianos. Norma... t ' Ch,' li e s :
Maws. HAAS and B.
2. Trio., Walrus:no Power.....
' Donna:lth
Miss Immense, .124ssita. 14 I.H.T
...A.Itkand t SAJETON,
3. Duett — " Bridesmaid Mot=
4. Dueth Piano and Violin. "Tnivistat , Cross
Mess's. HAAS antilltßOHlL
5. -r g o ) °• 'thou Art . Far Away • ma. a F. lla
6. Solo and Chorus. Haymakera Root.
, .
PART .11. ;
Duett. •TWo Pianos. Rondeau.Brilliant - '
Tolo. Good Night s Beloved.—
• •
9.• -Buell Two M erry Girls
a are We • lGlestr.
• .Insiesiavraglieliu4iAßNlTz.
10. Dealt, ,Piano pad Lombardi' - - Verdi.
- W WEBER and 'R •
Qeartett. The Two
_ikares_ .. ..`: _-- • ..Werner.
Glpey Chorus. Bohemian Girl Balfe.
Tickets 25 * cts. Tel be had .at the • Book, and Nair
§6lres mict.of members of the Y. A.
The " two Concert' Pianos are kindly loaned by IV.
• "Nara open quarter past I. Concert to. compel:l l cent 8
o'clock. , - -
wxposrnaki orthe Manufacture of Li
jus qu'orts or the Liquor bealees.Companloii.. The orily
reliable work eyer published in .America... Will, tell bow
Millers are adulterated and imitated ; * slap how bar
rels of Whisky are madd fibm 40 tillonia of ' Z oii eta:
reeeipt, ot . f6 00 to any addrees: 'Addresa
jan9-Imoawawke Woriaeladorf; Beikide.
_ •
". The Partnership heretofore existing iu ,the....tukni of
sent All
FIOUSER I..f.IcIDIAN has been dissolved by mutal ;Anil.
persons indebted will please tiaaker*Yinesit
and those having demands present their aeeramplbranAle
ER VIN: InntiUkied the en 'We stee t kpor goods of the lat e
thin, and baying"-.ptir hasty in: Philaoeiphia„; nag ,Nne•
opening mune-stock of DRY coops, would acslicit, a con
tinuation of the pgro hergdororeenlired IBM invfte
the public in general to m exeratheirit deck ot goods. 'No
15 Market Square, oppositothe B.g,
febIlllml• Ars •
and Day & 'Martin's' rnsdorrB oelved . laniting v
O il re
and-for ale by VOL FA DOM, Js. 4 qk
.of aril suitable for fa y
8 or
tel mannfactu r i n t jo" es,st la received and lbw sato by
• • WiL Doc/4:214 h
.14 . . ,4 22 P atv-4,-.a i mpzioitivda.
pea°, just received and for aria by
tobl WDL DOCK, .12., 3 / 4 CO.
OF s
„ ,lici= u. G ALLTAL.
- P& L 1864
NVILL be sold at Public motion, to th•
highest bidder, at the U. S. Gov't Corral.
iltnnmeisitren, beginning on the Mb day of Fe -
ary.1864, and continuing Man day to day until 441.1
;1177TWEr T
"M empeblla dalinala hirrebe as vent rte.
the ,serriee of the United Steles Army. For 2^l
hum purposes many good hairpins Imp be had
Among these animals , are Twelve Kann with Foul
The public animals will be sold singly.
Terms cash in United SUMS Tremorp - Note‘
Bp ender of Ca k ALICL If. SHIPLEY
chbeCti..ll N off* Susquehanna.
Capt. and A.Q..x
rko,• o*, k 1 3 sZ:v ILL') ,41
CAria.ver Bruzar,
IrasivarrOs t D. C., Jan 2111, 1804.
be cold at Public Auction to tiw
W i t r a jli fighest bidder, in
Beginning ea the 10th day ofFolantruy, 1814. and c" ..:-.
uing froth day to day, until all ate sold
Those bones baye been condemned as unfit for tt.
cavalry service of Oie Halted Steles Amy:
For road and farm porpoises many good bargaans may
baba& ,
Horses will be eokl singly.
Terms cash in tr. S. Treenny Dated
CAISITP3 AND SAUCES, of the most su
paw asta choice Wanda, jun remised and for t al.
by Obbil var. DOO, Jic. k CO.
DURHAM MUSTARD, the best imported
just received and for tale by
rebi WM. DOCK, Ja. S Co
20,000 pounds b. 4 sow cured RAW
10,000 pounds BACON SHOULEOE23, for aide
an3o.4tho , EBY & KLX:I3,.
for sale by 10304111w1 EBY k KUNKEL
A GOOD FARM SOME for sale—price
Emmy-are Dolkars—by
11/nsilnetnest, January 30,
SFAT•Fn Proposals will be received up to
the 6th of February, for 260 to 300 perch of good,
sound; rough Lime Wei" ofludtable Ras Ihr hoary per t.
well wanted, for aolidereric. Tab* delivered at We nn• .
of the Lochisi Boiling lIW, at ouch places as the Seiwne
loudest may direct. Delivery to comatose by the Mt
of Palma"; and delivered as fret as needed. All to le
delivered within 00 diya. Address Proposals for Stone t,
jan3o4ltibb6 J. It KBY, Corn
rpm uNDEREINuaRjoritt at Priest„
Side, a valuable trait OCKAPID four Milea
this city, onataining 18 ACRES, mere or =or of
which Is in the highest state or anyone% with an ex
chiliad garden and - a line 01101112117 It Iles In :zis;
quehatma near lighltiers &k at House. For
further pertleulars ail! On the zi.
ARMY comers:
- " Animus:AGED=AV& shrtnenr,
limetituttirer i p le.i.
11 . .samesonn, JAS., 211 / 4 11Vill.
The. War Department having anthesiirnd lißtor General
Winfield S. Hancock, and itejorileneralAmbabeek. Burn
side, two of the most il Comumndion of ca.r
Army, to recruit the'RECOND and NINTH Army carp=,
now under their nupective econmandit to Fifty Thousand
men each, for such duty an may be upecially assigned t
sr g
Mt by the War 4ePile4 -I „Odom' myself to
the is entrloyal citmemiof riyhame, earnestly
In them to lend . thto desterals Ban
co* . Burnside, In the pot stichineasures ii 3
they may Mom under the raguilitio* of the War Doren
men; eadlstments in this State, to gu up tn.
Punnslßegiments and Batteries of Uwe now.-
C° Cry orscipiids;die Rand*. 81011110111/liit itflitiniPnt:
and..BattaiM vim.
In the e-ip ND ...ARMY .COR:PX, commanded t.!,
Meier GeminißencoclAare the 631% ROW 71st, 72d, Bid
106th, 111Ith, Milk 1 h and 148th Regiments, and Ina..
pendent Madill ILL and F, and BOW* F. and 6 or di-
First Pennsylvania Artillem
In the` NTH Ann" CORM commanded by Major
General 'Burnside, &Nita° 46th, Risk 50ih, ilst and meth
Regi=g ranne irid M a rco's Battery P.
Th oim.vagirsha in the geld
Is the only means of lirnat the diel_ don d.,
close, and of forever ' in
' the ftkihtlin to au en
of civil v...r
aiL s i a
end 11,
.& - v7snunent in securing &glorious future to our country
by fang up.dicirtanks nowgreey, request! pi , thr..... ,
and the —nWitieslirdiellefd -.- ' •
rum information Illi "sg liotintics Sind 'enlistments al
any of the Pennsylninia
......_s_tel, attached to 0,
SRCOND and N.417.215rwry mug will be found IL
the pahlishod cininlar2o Bps lama, Etwock. ens
Ittinistde.‘ -- ." ."- •-• . 4.
By order_of A. G. VlDlTlEARmaor..iito.
Ja 3o- d 1 wi64.. -- Biniglem, la stieli:Penna.
Nl(m. mmr.
fIIBE Three Story Brick Dwelling Home of
the onbseiTher, mute ow Ilhoond Ogre WWI,
thee; Wanieburs, ram/mice Oa* gh'et Oft /it or Ar ti
JAzmaim Wl > 18"
ASTORE ROOM, now owatgad tor Sam_
nal Singer, os Second Sitikaultat dooeltalow Chest
nut. For particulars apply at THISOF'Fier,. Den2S-dle •
. .
~ - -
TtieSecOn d end Maid Skein; (two lare" roonaron WC .
and story, two or three on third stem) for rent flew the
Ist- of April, In lihnkeekSqintre. Inquire at No. it Motet
TvMimi National. Bank of•Marnoinurg,
a.,53 Capital $lOO,OOO, With the privilege 'of increas
ing it
The State Oap ooo. italltaniz having organized under the azt
to provide a National. , cunency, under tile above nlle,
respectfully offeisitairardon.for-tbe nolleetiat of Not.-•
Drafts, Bills of Exchange, receive money on degnatt,. and
bay and sell exclanere on ail parte of the wagungy.
Thwbusineenirill be condnoteellat Bre comer-of Second
and Walnut streets ; by the following named directors and
Joie, IL Smoak
-tun - R—MDT TotsN'
JOHR it:Tiartpuirresl.
ON Monday atom?'" on,Thixd , a
ournom 4,lder containing $6, of a st,
a $l. "Thiaffilddi Willpleaselainab alit OF
FICE or at,ltklantStan) c ied great Jan 26
SE '4ll , l3!"p . M!er A ti
25;000 corm* 35,000 moil
..ZW Eani." and
for by by
ja:hir* • _
Harrisburg StainiTillifills.
F go. v . It•-AND FEED.
MEEK inkbscribeir will sell and deliver to any
part of the city, fresh ground, beeCecitra family
Sour, in barrels or sacks, in any quutity, bs,Geo , single
barrel, half, quarter or eighth of a_ barel. Also, 8. -- .41
ground corn meal, and feed of twiny description,
Orders lett *the Grocery Store of Geogr. IL 1 -
ner Seatterand Chestnut streets, at- Patten' Fa nn er?
Read, hi Unice. street, or at take drug stare or Dr, gee
- mode Bidira oad, 'lGli OrdsbPaY *Waded to.
ittantsour* _ JOHN Roma
r•cors ar,7-:.
I DT. 40 i :,' Z '—..' r i-* '-:
-* ' Letter
y y
by at. ea .. e. in th
w e e
itattoker tine, d4i vett II _ ,
'S 441 ‘, I "
. Pc.ift Ilanisburg•
th• best
Irina& am- atLit*,
autstrade tri & co.
war, 41,-
_QUlRUBlE‘orimizia iisaletui by lity and at binir prices.
Ilea • DOCK,I2I, Ca
3eeddirect from the hriperters ,
ia of all roues And vide inne innefil- II red
tomb! by [ KK. DOCK. Ca
d►atitry Bureau
i 33