Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, January 30, 1864, Image 2

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XP ANATION. —During my abseil& ti certain
oticle appeared in the local columns of the
L'Enswaaml repenting_ so m ewhat *Torely on
:erten' wittietiin64 trial; if the qin•
Efill. Ttaa s ‘rt:i_cieiirc iwilleinsereed .
without tlie-knowledge of the proprietor, and
roes not reflect his ,views. Whatever opinion
the public may entertain as, regaids the ver-
diet rendered, the proprietor has seen suffi
cient recommendations to edirinee him that
Mr. Pinkerton is,. a man of eharactel; and
truth. • The'rebberiesinthis city . .were com
mitted 'three (lays before he or the - witnesses
in the trial of Hill arrived In!Hairiebitg; find
the proprietor disapproves of the .whole
The quota of tlr. City of Harriiburg..
The action-of Council has axed the matter
of the bounty to volunteers for the city of
Harrisburg. That bounty, may nowt ,stated
Government bounty
City bounty
/ Total to veterans.„
Government bounty..
City bounty . _
Total,to)aew reoruits
In addition, to these: bounties; the, family
or th - e aged-parents ciPthe -volunteer credited
to this county . , pill - ite - eeivoa'ntaltlib , •-reliett
fund, which go to the . support of 'sudi
families-and parents. Bat it 2n . asti,e,-distinctl:y
borne in mind Oaf "all 'who enlist r leacing fami
lies or infirm Parents, in this . city, and ichose.
,enlistinents ar . ..e, credited pn,the draft foocaS (if
other locdlities , wog LVA:ArrunKS
tary otWar has left it with the- recruit to de
cide to what localiti his enlistment shall be •
credited. - .Hence, the necessity of all recruits'
who have-families residing, in this city, exei-,,
cising care in regard to being correctly credited
to HilifiSbnrg: If the Y-are not, they subject
their families; while they are absent in the
army, to the danger of suffering or the dis
grace of pauperage. But by exercising ordi
nary care in being properly credited, the re
cruit creates a title, for his family or Parents ;
to the honorable relief which his gallantry
earns at the harrds of his fellow-citizens.
Na are reminded thus to caution On
friends at home, by the temptatiOn whia is
offered them from other localities, the--agents
of which are now in this city, seeking to se-.
duce recruits, fora few , dollars' more bounty, .
to have themselves credited elsealere than to
Harrisburg. But when itis properly under
stood that such a credit will forfeit all claim
to the relief of their parents or ffiniilies, of
course all recruiie• belonging to this city
have theinselves credited` accordingly. , ; In. he
meantline, - 11phOoVei" the influential and
liberal men of the different wards tb:iitterest,
themselves in the business of saving the city.
from the humilitttion , 4sl - All that is
now required to fill of AnOta, is a 61nt - ined
movement of all our people, and the work
will be accardplished.
A. Delegation -titVetertins
The. article in yesterday's TELEGRAPH, in
reference to the reception iind treatiuel i it of
the soldiers arriving in this city, ,prodnecd a
regular flutter among, , the officials in-authority
at this pest. ks we disclaimed them we•now re
peat, that we have naliiiitt63l):Vritliindivid
uals im this busine.s.s.,,, We 10 attcr those who
are commissioned and remunerated t&perforin
a certain duty; 'for havingneglectedtbat duty,
to the great injury .of the veterans, and the
foul disgrace or the Goirernminit which,those
veterans 'so gallantly,and stir:LAO defended
during years of danger '4ia: death. This
morning a squad, of these .gailanto fellows
crowded into our sanctum, Infonans that:,
they were , compelled' to , encamp last night- ,
on_the„ granite
- ury Department totil l , l the
,d4and Office; while
some of 'their comrades-;bivouacked beneath,
the leafless branches of the trees in the Capitol
gr6tinfla, on the diiriip :I:Lard," - ffkonioki
- hungry and weary and almost!: disptr,
ited with theirs brutal; treatment They;
referred-to tin; fact 'that their, reception in
some of the towns in the South had.lbeen far
more kindly than that which was 'tendered'
thenrat this post. And yet these men had no
complaints to prefer against the Govennnent
-"—no reprbaChes for the service,
,brit bitter_
and terrible anathemas for, those. why rep-
resent the Goveunnent : nt, 'this' pea.
Nothing that has happened during the tear has ,
so dampened the ardor ofour fighting men as
the reception and treatment of the.retarning Vete
rans at this post_ tIA palls to the allithorities
at Washington thunder tones fox } .;edreis.,
It points to the fact that• diousands of dollars
areluntually disbursed at . tbis _post to Major
_ eanerals, Staff. officers , Colonels, Captains;
Ideuteniints and others, in'order.that the
fort and the_eare of the soldiers may be se
cured; and yet at the very moment when the
mo it l ycirthy of our fighting men march
the pcist,, thece„,
is not an ?Nicer, on hand to
give them a Soldier t welcome or a man's id,
e ommodations
andhumilisting.• brave fellows who.called .
upon us this morning feel it : deeply and terribly.
And if the Government dl.ts*".n.qt:inuliediartelY
make an example of some of those who are
gailikathese-neglects.of dity-,*.tllh , dttrat;
come when it will beheldrrespiinisiblo ;
entire bruainess. _ I
After the inost - Chreful tnqiiiry:on'othis sub-1
ject, we have traced the neglect which Anil so
_disgraced the' service to ith propert
source._ It appears that the returning volun
teer veterans were ordered to report to Lieut.
Col. Bomford, in charge of the recruiting''l
service atetkispost. Of. course, this order thus
"report wa4ot issued without firatagprising
, Lioitt. Col. .liOf the duty this' devOiAlunon
to secure ; : quartets subsishWee for:
thlisetroops."' The fOure o 6C cureaes'e ac-'
commodationa whieh ie du-Irving of
the severest censure, aiiditt'view of the enor
mity of the neglect, we call upon the War De
partment at once to order a change in the re
cruiiiiig-Serviee at this past. Thir - nystige
was long since deiaanded by every considera
tion. of success to_the service,. and now it is
in,eceimary for the purpose It:string the volun
-ixiny from actual mutiny, suffering as it
i i 33:4 the troops now in this city, froM the
most contemptible wrong that was ever offered
by.* superior in command to an inferior in
service. • , , , .
.• ••
• 1,.•
-, There has been no, measure
. of legislation
prolosed during the whole course of the strug
gle to crush the Al - rot-holders' ielielltOmicom
bining more good sense with a practical
encii yhisli w2litrikeilibe attroso, t .
Chat lately Introduced in the Senate by gene
itor, of ipittiodpol
to'si3t aside the , corignered and confiscitted
lands of the revolted 'I - Sitties, for the -uses of
the "oldiers whose valor redeemed' , them from.
rehillidn. 'The object islii - r eitict th.ese. lands
in ti farms• such as are held in the North,
ave r aging froM one to, three hundred acres,
andithen seethe them as homesteads to - "such
- of she. soldiers as have made - a title to 'the soil,
py valor and Rho 'will at once , settle o on , the'
:same with theirL families. §ucliAn Organizo.-
ticsi :of indeed b the
'Olaisitig of •ft path of ' glay and renown to - the
$o there ShitOs,: such as .the chiValrY never..
dreaiiied.fof herctofcire. It Would el:Cate. •ii.t
tertsts in the Smith which the slave-holding
mid 'give'
,to_ thatrti nofth • Unionlst' o f
po (.1 a pqj II .10
- vigorous, intelligent laborers who Would make
its}aheady abundant .and rich harvests in
, Crease ten-fold. Thou only would We. ,know
hciw- rich the Southern States really are, and,
thn, toe, ~.only Would ale, ; have that seculitY"
from.that section Which alone can coindtice to
erfect .. .
• :$3O
•• • POO
• this uunnection, we are impressed with
tht fact; 'a e approach the end of 'the armed
struggle for thesafety of the National Govern
rupt,that rebellion is only truly becouiiug ter
rible to rebels. As long . as the slaveholclers
could delude, "the peer white trash!' •,of the
'Sti.itth to arm and battle, for the furthet , auee
of treason, autl , the perpetuation of slavery,
the combat had- soundhing exciting, •und, ,
the depraved and stuttduary instinetii of
,the ,
,ntsses of the South-, something even glori
.ous. , But as the arudes of the traitor, are:
beaten—as their resources' fail end defeat•he
eMues-more and i mure apparent, the real penal
ties of treason prUsent themselves to the trai
trite. Those who fell in battle are to-day more
fortunate , thanihose Who Will Survive their ttf-,
'felts to destroy thelhlion.lioweVer•terrible has
been the suffering of war ; the .Penalties which
are become to'the trailers after the war is
()Vey, will be ten-fold more '•terrible. Then,
only will, they . taste the „bitter fruits of trey
Then will they behold their lands in the
pOssession of freemeniwilling to lift them witt
l heir own Bands-- 7 theithoutes oblinpie4:bj , he-.
roes whose 'valor won them from the destrne
-tion of rebellion. And. who will dare to say
'that such a result of treason is not logical and
just? • : • • •
Mdtiosiktionsil:Land Scrip.
Sonifi* ehr'Coteraporaries have stated that
this land scrip issued by the order of Congress
is now 'offered,.fOr sale by the Sargeon
eral of the State of. Pennsylvania. Of course
the error is a clerical one, -and the intelligent .
reader will understand that
Sale* the SurOyer Genera? i f the, conun'on-,
ivealth. The :inducement to invest in these
,lands is two fold. First, , thOse
: this'scrip ; can locate their acres mpon Amy
land offered for sale. Se - olind, the object, be
pig to pr,omote the cause. of educatiorr, th r
investment will have the - character of a dona
tion when it' really .does not thei - A,0; %
,nor to disburse a copper "without a return
land. • Seven .hundred and ei • ghty,thortsaild
acrei.ofilimdarei thus to be diSposed of eVery
acre. of whtch can be Ideated in the most fer
tile parts of_theiientV, territories of the West.
would 'be *ell for these desirous df
vestment in these lanida,l4.O: runic their pur,
chafies_ of scrip as 'tW.ag'l49o.§Pge-•
a gieat.demarul hawbeen made, so= that .
!antipipaie4 that the amoiint;alleitied
l 'sylvania will soon be exhausted.
A Thirroa'silciprre.,nk
A• bill has been' ntroduced in.Wfthe Missouri
House of :Representatives, 'tc.i
'debtsor contracted under the ad
' ministration of 0. -F. JaokOn,binee the first
day of April, 1861, unless the Milder of the
claim can prove 'clearly; fo a committee of the
. General Asseml;ly, that the debt was created
' for loYa - I,)Qcessary, purpose N.4ll:pFobalft pass,._and will be, n . prompt and '
just - settlement - of the
idiots and iiiitord ii2pas4ht)liik )
son with their money and means in his trail
torous attempt to take , Nissouri cait of the;
Union. t
FiELDS.—Peiitions are in circulation it‘l-uti
.caster county, praying the l ' . eo4 l to bass
an act, authorizing the construction of arnili
roacT„ll.o . Start
0 P 0411„
liatunt flyer, hetween the-urutlut of the::„pui
estoga:arui. Coneisago- dreeks;,a44 thono.e4 to;
'westWarclli hy the most practicable i° t
to the.l3roi4 Top und• Allegheny Coal Zielclei
to be called the Susgtielnunts, and illegheiiyi
railroad: . ' • "
_ . - -- T7r -- - - ----r--- , -----", ,
rimstomcriAziAirrooumts. The—;stiteineii
-is , made,-by request,tliatit iSaitiiirliffiiiitiossi l
ble for the President to answeittlainiiii i r46 2 4
..fr i 11 made for
app ea ons his antogiiiph, for cis4
at sanitary and other fairs, his time being
wholly engrossed with public business.
Regeneration and Redemption of the
Sgithiq fist.: : -
1. . (
every: i ' T - The .114xtisil -4.nt ry:‘s,AegarY:
- I li ..
4 rl
~..-'7- Postmaster G r etertil Oak.; a fitii. days since,
• ''' itiiiht
Addressed the Marefilint. - e tune on the
„, t . iit ,.. ~••,.-2 -
;penes 310 W: before The co ,trar.i..-443A hi the.,
. - ~ ;••• ,
chase of tua re `:.o `, .oko . a/rtat t gly ir..fai , oi'
'of the exectic:4 • •i --.•-.,,,,:, ,•,, On of slavery.
The position Mr. Blair , atraSatimed is this
address is another gratifying evideneo4 . 3.
progress of opinion on this question...
71bar ..
than a year ago he was a determineclot
--nentrof the-Presidentlapplicy in-this-respect.
But like a true Non he has discovered his
; .
error, and now conies boldly' to thO'Yeßetle, as
have all the leading -minds of the eountry.
Mr.' Blair spoke as fottriv4 , ; : ' 1
I 'have not made this recapitulation of the
causes originating and gm-consequences flow
ing , from the bloody rebellion that shakes our
country, to embitter aarnosities on either
side. My effort ie to pose to view that
rooted evil which must Isiextracted if toe would
reliive The nation from its4pnvulsions. Slavery,
as a great element of society, makes slaves of
all associated with it br4he passions it in
flames ;
the masters by. the ambition it in
spires, the masses with Which it mingles by
thetdeaclly contagion it - sPreads in a thousand
forms. It is marked i. i e Declaration of
Independence as the •st virulent poison
stilled e by the King to. i eeble for subjuga
tion the people on wh. 7 , - , esnade war, and
it has proved the mos ..'iontlngredient that
=could be employed for R.., e dissolution of the
ffibiic of free governtn) t which withstood
_The Ring's attempt. L t ! e Wes he infused,
!wldch was strong enou: .•
~ lc 1-. he enthusiasm
Ibrinew-born freedom i; - lite the voice of the
Deelarationnf Indepe 7 r! . eKenotuicing sla
tidy, and has kept th 4 .', ' , , ernment—the
-hard earned prize of .. , ..revtantionary war—
' ;iii tremorever since, aii 1 ;is now, when it has
aieen . poured out with th.e. t netilm's blood in the
-Tr • tidal war it, forced thrcountry, again
' to e admitted into thLgsterti ?
• ' hat, patriotic parqTyill sanction such a
suggestion? The peoplE of the slave States
.will repudiate slavery' •• , n the duress of the
'febellion is removed. . 6011-ri and Western
Vitginia have spread r• ally renounced it,
:.'anti the recent vote o i°+ :A aware and our own
•de t er Maryland uninif*their purpose to re
' *dime° it at once. T Kentucky, Tennessee,.
and Arkansas, the in dons are also favora
bit?. The proclama 'of the President to
; deprive the enemy o . 8 groat element of
pciwer, this sinew of ii axerted at all points,
-lis announced the .431.1inetion of slavery- as
essential to the success-ortlie. measures he has;
b.den compelled to adopt to conquer a petted.
for the Union. The armies of thq Republic
;a l io on the- arch to aceora. flitni the aims which
iiiveleeitrpubmiltiglifl t*lfreserviriptlidl
diedBi6iiilf public 4tudio '. faia they have Rear
sdpport of the peoplo's suffrage. What, then,
hilt& duty of all who are senaible that the war
'iti au inevitable evil; Tien), Which there is no
s fe or honorable deliverance but, by support
ing. withilituited Atailiglksititd. , :i3l l 4thelti litho
C.fhierMagistrate, to whose conduct the issue
conimitt&d, and in, whose avowed designs
the. initial!, htia ;iicited, itS.,,:ionfidefice ?, Aim
there any who would -rescind: the votes of
the Border States, and re=establish slavery
therein ? Are there any who would annul the
Sochunation, to re-invigorate the institution
so skilfully plied to instigate the war, and so
,efisential .1,0 pisiide_theitheaiiirfor itte proseen-
. 1
The Demperatie party of the'llerth wtoi se
'dined .to diountentiVce - We .niCalitii.ed'of_ the.
'Southern. °lige/chit preparatory to % the .war
against the 'Union, 'under the idea that ,they
were designed as inure menace, and were. re-'
• ally conservatiVO., . The, event:llas .shown' . that,
the whole !polity of the ; dominant elass in the.
loath has ffe . e.kt arfor‘libitoltik-donlinicer in
the Sleie , stitt&f.,4rai tO;iixterid the d'espci go ',
ilystem an Which it built at . hoine , and abroad:
Is this the conservatisin to which Democracy
itnywhere should lend itself? Bulwer, though a
Tory, has this aphorism in one of his late pa
,tiers: ".4. true - conservative policy for a nation
lift tlic. • policy, of Tv:eraser, i ku.d. he ; gives his
tronservative friends the admonition that "re
sistance to progress is destructive to conser
vatism” The Democracy was .in.lta better
days a progressive party. Would it not be an
advance bac - . to restore the slave *Mtn
, tion to the: :' `Ofi,'.itifilts'loo,lil:heing•n•sed
during the ' " pr part' Otti century, ~ coverllY
at first, but now in open rebellion, to destroy
the free Government by which it had been
tolerated only in the hope it would have been
gradually thrown off under the influence of
. public sentinfient ? • ! r.. i:q .'4, .-'1:
',. It is absurd to consider the war now raging
as one meant to draw a line between conter
'rous nationalities. It is a war in the be
om of one .nationality,„of , ft, people .of the
'same race and langfiage;.onanarenahemided
' by the lakes, the oceau t , the Gulf, and the
great triblitt4i.**Atli4.44.4teilik4i*O4e
and mark it as the domiiiir of one great Gov
ierinnent: It is li,War of principle for do
nainion. If the dynasty founded on the slave
tsyste.m triumphs,it, will give law to the con
tinent. Ii it-fails, •seliiit it-iintit; -- ititless the
'tendency of the age becomes inverted, there
its an end of slavery among civilised nations.
What a: humiliating contrast is.,Presented , for
the new -world. in the -attempt . of Jefferson
Pakis'iMd,:lits - eosiljtito .c.bele - 'stri*g ,to let-.
lter - theil.',`poorer, i fird`nnii - O.::40,1* fOlqw-.
;citizenstin.the chains oft,theirloui:mriiki l i r , of
i negro slaves, j.while;the ' Aittorefat , iof .Ruisia
'-proclaims the freedom of forty millions of
i serfs, delivering „them. -.from, tint yoke of a
...haughty nobility and his oVinriglita of seign:
I . ,iory, and establishing them as freeholders!
•••• Somunrx2; January..3o, 1864.
T i4.s44.o.o "stA til Yelt i a; l 4 l ., '
,WaS called
to order by Tri`scaErtt,,
the 'Clerk to reed the following deputation;;.-,
SENATE CultroEn t January 30, 1864,
taireby depittalin senator-front Susire
banna to act as Speaker during the sessions:
of this day . ry JOHN P. PENNEY,
Speaker Senate.
G.50.1f..741 - vssur Clerk Senate.
The Journal of yesterday was then read and
approed. .
' (Cll ' 1421.11 54 1 : 1 i
- J01 . 11464 Preigentea a petition t Ol citi
izens;of FAirfLeld,t,ownsltip„ltycoruing county;
asking for the passage of au act. - changing the
Pace of holding elections in said township.
Laid on the table.
Air. REILLY moved that the Senate do now
adjourn until Wednesday Afternoon at three
BUCIIER moved to And by substi:
tatting "toy. o'olociiP4ustead of "three."
The amendment 'int.s:.agrePli to, and the mu- Pim aroended:wai agreed to,
The'euate. then ,atijhurtled.
NOW Viz* Market.
• NEw YORK, Jan. 30.
VIQK quiet; self 6,500 hbls. at $6 40a,
650 for State; $7 a 7 55 forbliiii;soiithern
unchanged. Whe firm at $1 48®1 59 for
Chicago spring; unifsl 55® 1 61 for Milwitu
kie club; and $1 OtQl 09'fOrred. Corn quiet;
sales 4,000 bue, New Jersey yellow et n 111
for mixed; western held at-$1 22% 7a„
no buyers. Pork firm;' new mess' at." , with
22 25. Lard quiet at 13e1,13je. Whisky
heavy; sales of prime State at 8%.
111 Ai
. -
of Two Cannon and 100 Prisoners.
WAsialloToti, jau. 10..
• •• - •
The following dispatch has been reeeire
the headquarters of the army: - - -
Magma.; TENN. January 29.
Major Genera G. Aster ' filitifirtibhs from
Knoxville, Tenn., under date of January 28,
9A. 1.1.,A5,;f0114W5: have the honor to re !port
that the davOr l y under4AnefallStilrgele ghifiedl
a decided victory over the
,enemy's cavalry
yesterday, near Fair Garden, about ten miles
eat •of x Sevitesville. 9eng liMok'El di • • • , ,
drove the encrilv back aliblit • 'tulles; : '
a titubbern fight, lasting from daylight to four
o'clock, P. iv., at which 'time' the 'division
charged with the sabre, and with a yell routed
the enemy from the field, capturing two steel
rifled guns and over one hundred prisoners.
The enemy's loss was considerable, sixty-five
ofthem being killed or wounded in the charge.
Garrard's and Wolford's divisions came op
after a forced march, fir time to be .pasAred in
pursuit. Although their horses were jaded,
General Sturges hoped to make the rout com
plete. ,
•,(Signedi 'JO/ili-A.4IAWIJAII4 •
Brigadier General and Chief of Staff.
~ ..
Loatsvna.i: Jau. Mk
!The Journal litt further `advices about the
Scottsville tdlair. Capt. (jinni% of the 48th
Isly., was cornihanding at Scott vide with `lso'
rr l,
ett:, , Thouiltoui
_with , 5(1.) -relLtels,. attacked
h 1, and after a desperate fight Gillum stu•--
r dtred Seottsyille:to BevilAnus.oirecpliliou
thaP.prjvate Ptprrty lm . k _ • stud, and Gillititi
almlOken iiktrOled:; Tl:Wila . bp. - aulsente4.l,- but
arterwerds 'fileajlid`Coutt,' . kingd, VedtaliVirig
ail the public ductuudttePi'rerillitui 111e4"iu-,
Armed lfaluiltuu . that he uu longer cousid-
elsltte,,moles of; his ; tueu legal. ; i 1 Souto i 4,
4tir inerchants just received further ihfiirritre;
don that Tzlautilton',6 mop robbed several
: • WAsigNoTc!/1 ,41 4 1 .:?9 - ; -
1 The President has recognized Daniel Perez
Varrede as tonsa2,ofNioaragua a NeW
Representative NlijahWard, of Wee , ICork,'
has been confined to his lodgings durbig the
xst week by illness. . - '
tThe HollSe onaulittee •on ttiblic Lauds
aus now under consideration the subject:Of
_railroad grants to- Alabama, Florida, lowa,
Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi and Wis
consin. The law of 18564movhles that in tam
the roads in the States-anunierated Anil not
aoniplak,4 within tau years, 11 , lands
'±eveiftollie United El 'The
ountlittaiithavu,itgelA be ti?e-ins
wliether itrwouldnot be iwit'apil aiipediant-tu
lacteud the limo of the grants in • several of.
use S4ites.now . rebellion ispinst
Go - voinhichit. '
tuaida - Actitia*.-Amad. soi. !
. :'WAsiliNGArox,' Jan: 30.
The following dispatch was received this
).ugSatng at ! ths lmsdquarters of : tbe,army
Aria4T4nr iltet OF
immasappr, Nesavuzr, Jan. 29. =On the
!morning of the 25th the enemy,. six hundred
'str!Mg, attacked. our garrsipit of about one ,
hundred, at Athens, After:U*s hours' fight,
the enemy were repulsed and driven( back.
; Our loss is twenty, that of the enemy is
• :
Outhe 2,7th,OpL Ailler lod a severe fight
on this 'side of Florence,' repulsing the enemy!'
Our loss in thisibffair 'was fifteen killed and
?twenty-five-I:mum:led. •
(siOicia) JOIN Ai - RAWLINS,
) , den: an 41' ef to:PW.
Cuicrozyrr, Jan. 30.
A speeiardiSpatch to the 'Conunerc . i . al, dated '
tl.vb 3P I I, Gegtgia, 91t
the 29th, says: General Palmer, with Davis
division; •movedlronxisere yesterday on a. r 9-•
connoissance. The 28th' Kentitakfand 4ths
Miciiigi,.TPlPPqiiis•tiltivo in Alf:. ti'o 4 ols' ad - I
vanepickets and — captured a coidpany ofl
_vibe! 'cavalry. This . .rebels retreated- fro
funuel duriftg the night. - They - kat' 3 11 ` 1 21
killed and wounded. ;Our .11`. was 0 14 two.
wounded. . The object of the reconictsissancel
was :effected, • • - • ,
Glidiborne's divisiop. is above'Tiinnel
on the Dalton soad. ,' : :¶ e bahm, ,
army has disappeare. They.lave 'preibahlyf
gone to,Mobile or East Temiessee. •
Langstreet has ;.°a. taro t% and well fortifi d
position at Bull's Gap, whence he can thr.
le • t
fac •
-3 11 0 24 - tW-igWit , 4 l43 Mnin,,lC:44t ,
• - •
Mocks Arm; Pennsylvania s's 95;
railroad; 57/ ;Pennsylvania railroad, 74; Gold,
156.1; exchange on New York, pas.
From Loitiville.
IT 114 S t trs
important iteconnoistialtee
Details of _ , Longstreet'h Forint(titbit 4dYsilirel
• •
4 - Itp+Mtoiiitisailixi,4.**4 , §lolooll
- - - aePeinbridgev,
F 4 ? 2 ° 4 A.. 71144 .. " TIIR
The Itebels - Hold a Strong _Fil l
sition at Bull's Gap.
' CINCINNATI, Jan. 29.
The Yncey'lle:correspondent of the Gazet
under diik of Jan. 22, says,:
one 'enta force croseg t4ik. 1 1:04 3 t 4 k4
strawberry Plains, and'fell , back tore new,
04164 or sigres ot.B4awiliinlFY Ming yeas
quito'severel. Several caiss'ons:_vere:blojvn
c i
up. About 200 stragglerswere picked{ :up
the rebels ; '.--.'
Aftei- - erosSing :.the Eliilitein, . o *,'4 l , : f i t,' '
burnt the :bridge; and everything .else;like
. to fall into the hands of 'the enemy m ein 7
a . coimideraMe amount alien' clothing, '":
On •the'ciad the rebels and our r althrpaboni•
ers were• skirmishing across - the :liver, 1
mileabofe Kndzville..' -: - * • ' ' ' '...
'Om Movements.OfAhe AliieiiyAiron:okaegi ,
understood:- It is supposedlthat-IDinglitri
will besiege Knorville::' gen have bebn•ip
to work on thefortitlentiVits audnew r battari
put into position.
1 AmusEarratrAL
- - .
~ -I NA. : ORD ' ... . PE_
_,..-..p_...„. - .
- ...- --.•.:,±-..- -.- mut .
1. ,• ~.-, , ~ .. , :x e It ______
r .
- " ' '''': 3' " Y' ' 29 . '.' PLII, :1 , ,: , JN. .. •
:, 1 - ...-- -
Th= , • ,*- .ad '.. t , - •'l4 •::•ttt •-; !PE I i-Al. s
.- . . . , .
Legislature _ acted : 1 ov. B ~ .. Vnitei '-', - 004,1„,, , 4 - ,
'States Senator to-day. - ONDAT EVE. - - 1.01/AEV L.,•k.
3trajor. Bradley was recently fatally shot mo:samv EVENING. JANUAEY /LI
by Colt Vimont in a personal altercation about MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 25th. '
a military return made by the latter. Both MONDAY EVKND:O, .i..4.NUAIIT 2501.
keelmin-ed4oAbs.,_S@,w4li. Kenumkar ~....,,i•me nt . ' , MONDAY EVENTNG, JANT - Aiff 2-sltt.
. ~...., _ •••
There are rumors that a small parTy o t feS.- - - --- - --
els captured Scottsville, Ky. Other reports
say they were repulsed.
Recent letters-fromGliksgow represent rebel
piekets as being at t's Ow; i ;
Rumorsstill . •,yiiil of .reparations by, the
reheat . 4 ?.,
~. ,
lifili M./. '.'.. . 10 . I I ,• t
sily foundation for such rumors_ But the
popular idea is that the rebels have no alter
nritive, but must starve or make the attempt
for self-preservation, - .
; - A•
-i - , 41•F01t UsAIL I g' I-'
1./OULRVILLE, Kr., Jan. 29.--The last ballot
in the Kentucky Legislature for United States
Senator was as follows: Bramlette, 53; Guth
ri9, 52; itellf 26.4 if/ 1 .4
iAI klt ftetter'frbm t a prbihmentlan fitbiksi
that Governor Bramlette will be elected to
. bn the 30th 'rise.- •Rev:"Athn 111'Irsbn=t, in tilt 59th
yior of his nee.
two tnneral will take - place un Tuesday morning, at 11
Akock, frptu his late residence in State trect, to proceed
tchhe Fourth Street Bethel, where the tunentl discottrso
41 be preached by Rev, gr. Thoputs, of ,l e axml..ter. The
rdlatives and ft - lends are rwpectfully invited to attend. *
the l 2rl to t w h kt i la p at (lx a o t ß h o i l a t za m idetam in iu ti ß w oc c till , e 2ea S r a: i
`•,hhs age.
iianeral ou.Sunday at 11 o'clock, r
{20,000 "annuls beet sugar eared HAMS. •
i /0,000 pounds BACON SHOULDERS, for 47.1 k bg
:•lan2oo.2ur* : EBY. & ELINKEL.
sera , : • ;,: f. 0 . a ! e
tit -Uzi3o42w*j:.
000 ixlistrlis, "?..PEscu 'Briow7
and ‘, PRINCE . ALBERT " porn*
r eby 1,1464. 1 / 2 - 1 •-' KUNKEL
GOODA ' FARM HORSE for sal*---price
Seventy-tive'Doltarn-by •
jainal.tl 1 w* EBY t KUNKEL
Ilimussotu, January 30. 1864.
EALED Propositlit will be receive& up to
the sth of February, for 250 to 300 perch of good.
grid, rough Lime Stone, of suitable size for heavy piers,
well quarried, for solid work. To be delivered et-the site
bf tholorittel Rolling Mill, at such placessathe Sumba
(cadent dilly direct: Darer} , fo'cotatnesce by the 15th
of Pebrudiy, and delivered as last as needed_. - ABU be
aillvbnadVitliin ebla'r.. - Address Proposals for Stone to
S jabSe.dtfobs ' ' - J. R. EBY Coro.
Sale, a valuable tract ottioni, v ithiu roar miles of
ibis cite, containing 18 ACRE', more or less, most of
which Ls lit the highest state or cultivation, with an ex.
polleut ganl. U and a line ORPRARD. Lt lies in saa.
tatehanna township, near Wltttley.'n, School House. For
further particulars inquire on the premw
jan3o,,vaty • AntLEX: . I
RE' CM: tl'lNdr`FOß SieCONA AND
ARMY CORPS. •• • •
litattwirr-,ol2nraaVa DZPARTMLNT,
ittitti,' It* 81, 1864.
Ti.,. War Department having authorized Major General
iWiutield S. Hancock, and Major Cenral Ambrose E. Burn_
f side, two of the most j =ildied•Cotnunanders of oar
,Army, to recruit th e atur:PrLAlTrArm
,now under their commands,, to Fifty".
; intofur suchduty as may be , SPciallr Meigivedt.to,
intik; Potts. by the War 'Department, I- address myself to '
ft,h4Yptitriotic and loyal citizens of Pennsylvania; earnestly
invoking them to lend the i r s cre aid to Generals Han
cock Ind Burnsidivin the' ution oftracb nisastirealla
they mac adopt, under the regulations of the War Depart
ment,- governing enlishnents in Hils State, to fill up the
Prensyhmniti Regiments and Batt:Cries of these noble
ey'Compriair the following Pennaylvaikt Heginiente
and Batteries, viz: '•
In 'the SECOND AR,IIF CORPS, commanded by
Major General Hancock, are the 58d; 1191b,.718t, 12d, gist,
108th, 116th, 1400, 145th and 148th Regiments, and Inde
pendent Batteries C. and F, and Batterlea F. and G of the
First Pennsylvania Artillery.
"In the MAWS 'A.RiItreORPS, Commanded by Major
(Ahern' Burnside, diellity4sth, 48th; 50th, Slat and 100th
Regbielits, and )hell's' Independent Battery D. .
The reinforcement of our victorious armies in the field
is the only means of bringing the rebellion to an earl).
close, and of forever waling the fountain of civil war.
Let then maintain the Mations record which those,
gallant armies have already won, and elfectively aid the!
Government in securing a glorious future to our country,-
:by filling up their ranks now ; greatly reduced try diseas e'
and the casualties of the lield. . •
Full infonnatioa; iv/purling bOunties and enlistments tti
any of the Pennsyttotia orptnizatiCtua, attached ta
SECOND' anitIVINTO Alarr COMA befound
therpahlisbeddreninmor *ajar Gesentid Hancock and:
By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor,
pialtUtw d lv RU EL[, Mj..Gen rearm.
rpm Three Story Brick Dwelling House ok
the subbkitfer,.'situati au Second above. Hulberri
atreet, Harrisburg. Pat:sePsion to he even on Mot' April
next. CIRO. W. HARRIS.
J.42417JU1T 261 h, 1864. • •• ja3o-41t*
Boilxitt, ;
OFFICE or Cluny QuAmmurearmr,
- WAS:MSC:TON, D. C., Jan. 28,18(4.
"(MILL be dot& at • Ptiblic Auction to ti*.
V V highest bidder, in
Irdgibiring onibelOth darof February, 1.801, and col*
lUlrigThArr day badly- oat are add w
. •
" - 300 011 S S, it
~• ' t
,eandry serVIMOr . 1 4ed AVIV. •
R 5,4 and Ann
=tie wilfbe
Terms cash If. S. Treasury notes..
janalMtd 0 , :aCeumderumater Cavalry Bureau.,
1K Second in43 . innlacuig, (titre large mows on Sec
ond siert:WU qr Woe on thin" story )' ror'rezit' from the
ist44l4 *Mart,etSVle. F Inquire akNo. 3 ilariret
Square. • . LiO29J; .
First `National' :Bank of Hai i istitirg
Pa., Capital $lOO,OOO, privilege
ing It Up $3030 teazels.
The Stag , (iapittiliank.liaiing organized tinder the Act
to provide a National currency, under the above title,-
respialtully Were ithztipiletaifor She polleottqa, Nails,
Drafts, Bil i g •Alfthttnge, -lecoire moiety an ; aid it
bay. =reel) erteduingenn all portant Me seinntry,
mid bufanagmthist,coaducted at tlia,cornee of§ecoild
sold l Vitillul 'streets, Ity Shod'ollawitig,itputodOveittis;
ao - jortil..l3Yß IGS, '
Sowsßexsacks,, loom
- -JOHN.tH.-,081008,
, :Ante: It 1011.A.T,L, iftahteic.
... .. • , ic w
48c . ,• . Fo x Ratty. .
or -.' • . .... .• - - 4 ' iVel.t4 /kW 9CIO. by Saa
--- pla
,„ L ici _ ,Bytget• Cat iketaad link Wray a'‘
1 11.**Y.,A4tD C.Q.IOIF4IraG 1 864. . 1 /UL..ft ParPrifflartiAVl-Y-td: . Ce. [.. 1112 _:1 4- I "
1 --' ""."' - '',. li i.i.l'i , - ifii--40ght, '^ i •
ro TERMS of Ifileteen Week-s, c01i
*owing Moicinitit and Sarnsakenistir.! - , • QM Mondag
..nitorprion. oil Thu' d sire- e.
•r - - - eindoeseldid cteemar.sadresno t , ...... —•- .. i , -;*
~,_awuer toikalning Sok, connin'ug °l-. "
-1.'41.411 :14.!q,10,114K1.74k 10 ;4 8 0/a4 - -^". '':`
- A
loarAt = on t u.. 1
ifpiett ß iewrii, lik , A r t for rolri v 26 000 GOOD an
- 'came. usaliA
Yore e")-
littfakito—VeMOPlLAVlAiee ti t er Ya
AWN WISE'S, wholesale and retell, Sale at
dtf I deelZdtf
t lop asst me* .1.-9r*Juxporilllos .
caL .Mr r ai'hOa . ELVEATE/i G. t
<>rehears Seats can be puc 01 in advance at Fars
watt's Drug Store. - . rjan.2l.da
BR NT' mAiri: BRANT'S likLL
Combination Dramatic Company,
. •
Combination Dramalic Company,
Combination - Dramatic Company,
lifetNlA C LOVER.
9 I . O TR- .. _ ...
mar li2zp4x cod raft RING.
NW FANNY 11, , ''' . - -
,- - may iligs iL I
' f —•
Wili . lippettr in TtroFavorite. Pmts.
4 Secure gents and Come
4 For particulars see small MIA
4 Arllto.
With a First-claE.s Canipauy o f
•-' MEM:, DAMIMS. ciaIF44I.4.NS. kr.. Ate.
tll Boxes. . . .... ....... 25 •
ANTED . .4k/Verat Machinists, Cabinet
• " Makers arallaikerers. Also, several Boya to lean
•es at the E1an26416t1 - RAGLE WORK .
.ANTED-TO RENT--A House contain
, four* ate immusiteur wrist or Apr," next .
Inghtre janM4litf TRIS OFPICF
& Co's, N0..3 Mill, Lancaster, 3L The pay
baying been,incrrased, girls can nose make good maim
tjan234llw. C. S. DAVIS. Sup't.
ittECRIIITS WANTED, for the Aith Regi
; alma, Y. Y. t MotionedatKepWest, Fla. Tina regi
at having iv-minted, recruits an , wanted to 1111 up Its
tanks. Bounties, $402 and $302. Apply to
S. Second street, opposite Presbyterian Chant.
'Jilin -112 w •
ANMED—AXL-bb15......11tak D.an deli
Root, by XIDZKEL ibt BRO
Apotheellides,lllMaltet rriAbur:
, A GENTS,. to sell tha Stio4daril
, .
tory oflierWar. A rare Akan,- ter Make MUM'
Agents am Mewing from $lOO to $2OO permentb. Wi,e; •
volumes alreadyliL Send for circulars. Actdre.a
JONES Baas'. & CU..
Pabliehars. Baltimore, 11,i
de 30
. •
1o R S
WM. DOT.S,, JR• 3 & CO.
-ij ItIES opposite the Cm% Rowe, hare en handatr ,
eelechan or I'
of ditreteuVriVagia..
$.4P '4 4-R I NC I NX ,Ftheek
` OLD BOURitew
priv-E hum Axv Sc<iTatt
*alit 4 1 . The : lf& ** 4 twilight gi gag mOrket
--- - _
,the agebraw
twfScsiSmA, ...lame, -
..".4bordri it.llllifsir AL
LONDON IttiOW" no T.
I th dowdete stock et
And Onsdhlitintant.erety. deft - titan - in nOir it. the 7.71". e . -.
' and at
zits Loirks+
OFFICE OP Coxeracitunt OP lint einutzwi• r,
Wasscraws, Jan. 16, 1884.
, by satisfactory evidence, pri - -
-l ited to the undersigned, It has been made to. .
pear that the _First National Bank of Barrishtug,
county of and State of Peunayhania, has b.L. ,
duly o under mad- according to the ropttrerntr.i
of the act of Congress, entitled "An art togrorMit a
timid Currency, secured by a pledge of United star..
stocks, andtto prositg.for the cinadation and todempt!
%event," approyeliFehrhary 25t h,1863, and has (*rapt.
the Hof said act, requited to be'
with befbrtionmneg the twine* of balking
/lOW thentronN - Nu" !Manch, Comptroller of •
Carreney. do hereby certify that the First. National Gat_
of Ilarristung calmly of Dauphin and State of Panweiv
114iirs authertzetr to commence the businenn of
the gat aforesaid_
rt. a) In testilneny Whereof, witness my hand and see
of Ohm, thin lith•daYlor.lannary. 1864.
6 • „ •_Comptroller of the Garrencv
_i WA It ;
Aim Pit .10114DAMET must'
ATI - 011 INS, Thies; thigihre,'" qiinjosi,' Striug
Drains, Flfes aid all kinds or Musical Merehand.-
1 Picture Frames, Looking Glam.
'Albutheyaha mo t yptir "." .- - -:i is. totollitaph Curti li.
Remember' ' o. 3.2' a •01V:173'th lor---'
ihe M - 7 ' ar - -
Mask Store this side o the great. aitheas r. :,:' . jatag-dr
CIUM PECTO-RALSVII "ageftd to soothk ,
kjg pouo, . ouly ?hung in the Timid To
11°141361169114,weidizemn Sere Throat, &c. They
IPecticuazd3a, Samieet and
Pun MOW. Tellable eXpelloMlllB knowty) are the cblei
tire constituents, so blended with Gual*Araido and !itv.,
that each lozenge contains a mild and von , plesAkut
Manufacturedsolely , A. MUNICEL k
jam, Apothecoes, 118 Idarket street, _
oft hit 'of boat - Aridity of Mere
gust receivedl qpq Ibr sale by
No. 3 Market Square.
racgSr FACES.
of *my .11447-4:,:,.