Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, January 28, 1864, Image 1
• - - • - .. - : • . - . - -- • - - . . . . - . . - P, s • . • _ . • • 4 • ‘, . : • • _.7 # sif •-• - - t _F . i s -.. . 0 A • 1 . '," vim` , •11 - S7 . 4. • , • e •••_ -- e %- ,-, _ . • sot- - - - - ' _ 41' f c --- . „ 4 , . - • • •-• . 6 , BY GEORGE : BERG ER. E TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED MORN/Na AND EVENING; GEORGE BERG NE R. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR .WALNUT. ER.3.IS OF SI.II3SCIin_I7ION: - SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. ILY T1.11.1.1,113A1 1 11 served to subsuribers •in the cents per wo41:. Yearly subsdribers -will be i 00 in :el %%nice. Those persons negifett9 a 1.,. will be charged 66 00. ' ' WEEKLY islitgßrint. ' fornlsited at the followitn.sash rages: .. .... ....... ••.- s me , to ,1111` Post °Met , 10 ono P(igt 011'10.1., TO ATIVENTISiItiIdrL-Ailadir is, Business 3lairi ages, die., to secure'lltis - erktiOnifterAe IAPH, must is varialitly be aceldin . with the CASH.' • itisements ordered in the regular rig Edition are inserted in the Morn ktion without extra charge. I . .RTISING RATES—DAILY; Aiming ore the rates for - advertis . iiig 'JO ihe TELE: Those hariug fulveriiiing to do will find it con for rererellCP. 'our lines or leis cot. More than tour coast lIALF KTARE/ ;Mute oue-half square. Bight' Mute a square. • . . FOR O:SE SQUARE. . . Ono day . ...$ - 00 - ' - Two days .. Lbe - - .Three days • • ..•-. .1 : 35 ' ~.. -. • :, . One week .l. .. ....•:.. f 3 00'• ' ..... . One month.... /..... 6 °°- - 1 Weakness of the Back. Affections of the Kidneys and. Two mouths ' ~..° „,,°° • Bladder; InvolUntary , l)lSehargesi Inipotenev- .GeneratTle: Three months -"- `"" bilitV,:•Nerfousnew, Dyspepsia, -Langtfor,:7-' 4 • - x.es.v• Sitirlts;- Six months 15.,, 00 • Oath/slot' di' Ideas,' Tillpitittiort• of; the -fletirt, , _ Timidity, One year ... • • "" Tremblings,.Dfmnen'OPSight Or'Giddiiielsrbisea§e of the TWO sqt - ARES. - FOlt A QUARTER COLUEN. ~. ~,,,, I Head Throat, Neat of Skin , - Affections 'of• the Liver, .. $1 20 One dtiy ' • $ • ';',`Z j Lungs, , Stomach , or , -;Britirols=4.hoke terrible' disorders . 200 Two days "`" ; arising frbrit the - Solitary ' „Ribits'br Youth - those secret: .. 210 Three days . 7 00 and solitary practie_es.litore failing their o' than-the ... 400 One week - 900 One month - ' 18' 00 .,most brilliant bories'Or anticipations, rendoing marriage, 12 00. 'Tii-Olinnaths 5.00 &e itnpossible. ' 15 00- Three Mouths...—. . 30 00' f. ' 2 . • ' . 20 00 Six months 45. 001 36 00 One year 7500 t. • • rrnES, ORITFARTER Mantua OF - RESPECT Re, ;S, &C. and communications or announcement', . ityntion to matters of individual . interest to be I: , . at lite ..:tme rates as in weekly pawls.vecially, who have become the, victims of Solitary 11e,e,, • ' 4 'that dreadful and deFdructive habit which annuallysweeps ti,,fi Nkdices p T: ; to an untimely .grave thousands . . o,f Noun . ' „Men. of the. l Nu f0t.•••,./.., • -'" • most exalted. talents.:and, brilliant:lntellect, who might.. - 1 59 ~ . .., . . t,otheryise, haveentrancedhstetung , Senates.tylth the thun- Aire, eaelt insertion. ' Eder of eloquence, or : waked to ectasy the living lyre, may ne- , radices inserted in the Local . Column , rl call with.rull conodence. - . ing,- and Tie:1111S, EIGILT CENTS cuts LIEF. for • 1 25 3 00 4 50 5 50 IS 00 15 00 . . n ta-ing medium the THLECRAPIt hag o equal; 'then, among busineat men - and fidnittes, tdaoing itbecot . - Married persons, or Young Men.contemplatiug marriage, • • _ • „being aware of physical weakness organic debility , defor yr~ 'E ~ntiities , ka ; epeeddy cu .3_ • J_E U P R who platy Limself nndef the bare of Try may re ' - -11 ousl confide in his honor as a entlennin and conn. . dently rely upon his skill as.a Physician. 1 ‘ If E OF 'lt r lJ I C gl • Y • 4 * orriCE AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, ' ' r" • 12 N. Third Street. Third street, above North.' d15.4.1' 'EONS AND CA - 13= 1 1' ORGANS: -SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, I TWELVE SILVER D (ever won bStAitstrumerits of this class) has been awarded to ‘'t• HAMLIN.'S INSTRUMENTS. ortut,-nt of these ,instromenjs ohyrtys rip. hand W. .r..C.OOHIVS, Sore Agent, 93 Market street. ENRYC. T H ; Tat 01F THE 1 3 1A.N0,141ELODECIN 1 .1 N.—Terra rr 'de. 1.5 Third street • ,1 th mat Di a $ {1 It'ERY AM PROVISION STORE, YE R & KOERPy.A, L E SA . L-E AND RETAIL DEALP.RS IN OCERIES 9 eon's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS OF - ENTRYZOE., just opened a' lar g e-and At' seketed of goods at their stand., No. 3 Market Square, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the uolo-dly OHIV WISE, • STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA., oLI', ,, ALE4NI) RETAIL PEALER'IST- - • 'IONERY, FRUITS, &:,(1., enrons, Figs,'Dytes, ~_ „ . , .. 'Prunes- - ' ` - - - -...:- AlmondsOrtlntles, '..:: ;It ''' Filberts . - Crertin'buts,, Ground Nuts. - Pecan Nuts, ' - Cocoa Nut;, " Cranberries, Hominy and Beaus, Cakes and Crackers—, Sweet and Irish Potatoee, ' Green and Driett-FruitS, And Country Produce in season. . • (Nn, Drop ate' Drops, ke. MEM 41,111 i", MIETZE IMP 0 - U T.EIWS. AND_ . 14..I'Q,,VMtt$,'•fl. MAN, SAIIAtT, 12S SO UTTI IVINT4: 44E' T,: muss CIEg?TNDT L A D I. If 5 ILLAiiE, DISEASE OF' 1010EIDEI`TCE. When the misguided and imprudlqat votary of.plefourg Ilnda ha has imbibed Ike seeds orthis painful disease, ft too offelihappens-thatln illtimed—sense.of—shaam or the dread of discovemlicterethtto from ; appitingOthose who from educationalid relnebtabilfty, dart skim betrfehd him. HO falls into the-hands of ignerapt arid;designlnglitotorotn ors,-rho,` incapable of 4 'Cuiiiig, filch 'his peSmaiUty sub stance keep him trifling mblith after hi6nth, or as long as ' the smallest fee can be, ohtitined, with ittined'health to Sigh.uver wipulyzgAimPPPintuirat, or, by the use ortbadmully poisoo,ld emit Ass , ?: 1 conaltutionalsriptoms - ofthisterribiecuseas—tslicosiffev. JKS, GAMES, SC•-1:11:-.Isilegq as- lions of the must Throat, Noo se ,, Skid; eteci'progmshig ' ,t of Toy Books., Games, 'Ste:., jUsi reedirld ati, with frightful y Ka till death . ' puts s' perloctto his CHEFFER's.BpospToR, ligrAslngg• dreadful sufferings, by ,sendtng hint tif..tridt utiditchtbred " - - country from whence no traveler retuuts -1% 0 0 K B.—THE !SHAWL/DER' INTO • TTRON, CURRANTS PRUNES, FIGS. &C. IT . M. DOCK, JR, ... DAYS OFSHOODII - 7i - - 4:: - 41 [delS) SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. ~.. , -4- _....-,., .- i Alderman 1. ThemanyrttiovanwSured at Otis institution year after i Personally ap,,,.,... begaiinci an of the city, ~,.. . —2OO barrels of Ni Nt• i toWt...t/*.., 3.1,,,,Y4584,3,fin' a li t by tht erz aiWgr iTo ßusoquituttant l argi r.tb. cal e' °P6ratri2ls . °ortthiladl32.VeillPhia;is Plel'4Lr;•"ar34l4l"-etitellii ilwii.;°benaingregttlYn°B‘`vm9ruer''' .1. choice ' variety, just receivek end- Oak . ..lie sun, cupper, and auinrothepapets, ncitlies-of ' , ' ,or ntlibr•injurieuvirugs, and are purely :veratdp. 41St, _Jo Suit T,u, , n-before the puhlie,haaV --, '''" ' ' R. T. HELM OPP- --- date appeared again ard again us standing as a gentleman of charneter -and !resporish Sworn and subscribed trim me, this pd day of No' litv is a sufficient grarentee to the aillietcd: ~,-,. _ , ceraberinse. :', , •• , WM - P- 120131 /Anti: . f , - 4denruni Ninth street, pbatactrlffilla. Addrpos anal DISEASES ;SVP;FinaltrCtilitthr; ~. l e f t 9s! 5 " 1. —ik 1. ;1„,,.41.17,,aitiii,L.- 4 1 % , 4 .. -;;711/ 7,, y i 1... T S 'AT :..FP. I i.• Tr ' poelCiViciilWTOLlY!_treet, Mow Ph.e'llut; * Viiridel' i" ; ''4l4lirTe No.. 7 . Vittie - F, „ r ? ...tW 4., ..74%1", - 5 1 13 e," ' • .• •`i ': - 1 -- ': - 2 • 2- - . z • -: • 704281 y - t DR. JAISON, BALT-1-44'ipnit :LOCK HOSPITAL, • • . HAS discovered . the • most :eotai4,.spee.dy and effectual remedies in the world for .:1 GO 4 00 10 00 DISEASES OF IMFRU3)ENCE —eff i s sl 7 915-'l',olrsFirivmptuts. NO MEROURY'OR NOXIOUS pRLGS. A Cure Warranted, or . Charge, in.frpp, On to •Two Dayg. YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE ORGANIC • WEAKNESS Immediately cured, and fell vigor restored. ' 'llds•i g atressing atfeetjdn,which „renders life miserable, aid marriage imprisgible,ds the penalty paid by the viz. time of improper -indulgence- Young-persons are too apt to commit. excesses. frank nekheirrOedr -tEe consequences that May ,ensue. ow, _who that .undeil,„ subjectwitt_ pftend to eny that:the. power Ali. Pedereation Is.lost• O ßfri ope, Ihnsi, falling, into improper; habit's liLthe *lntent Besides heing deprived the pleasnrei;of Ite&thy., offupting, itin ,Most •serious and de, struetive 4mahtema hdth • body and mint; -arise. The eYel(dut (anel,..4eroo: l , the physical and mental • fulmar:MS Weal:et:led, Joss. et.procreative . power, , nen - ous irritability; dYipepsw., palpitation artheleart, indigestion, "constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, con ,untption, decay and death. - OtFICr 3E'ritTR:sl)ERKt L4ft. tian - a - ' side going from Bultitme street, a few doors from the corner. Fall not to observe name and number. Letters muat bo paid add contain tistadip7, Tititdietoil s, Diplomas hang in his - office... • . DR -JO SON,; . _ Member o he Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad , mite from one of the most, eminent colleges M.the United States, and the greater part-of Whose life has s ixttln spent in:the hospitals OL.London, Paris,..Phlladelpbta%imil else: where, has erected name -of the..mosn. astonishing 'emus( that were. ever known ;. many troubled withlringinritillie , head. and; ears, when asleep, greati:nervousneek; being , alarmed at - sudden minds,: bashfulness,' witlinfreiment` blushing{ attended sometimes with derangentent , miniP were enredinimusllatelv" , . 7 '1 . TAKE PARTICULAR These arc some of the sail and .mclanchely, .effects pro,. duced by.eurlAmbhs otyxkutti,-uiv:iieiliness of the back mid lirehs, pi*:in' the head, dimness of sight, loss of musculaypower, palpitation of the hesft, Ayspcp,sia, ner- VOUS irritability, symptoms•ef-consumptionrite.- MENTALLY.-4Theifearfulleffecid on:the :Mhicliiiie much t0"443,0ea loss, of memory: confusion of , ideas, - slq-', preStion - et t *irits;Linil. forebtaling.k tay'ersiohlU'salc:ty; del l self pfstrust, oyu of/solitude, limidity,i&c., are Silirifie. of, ,th,e:evils produced. . 2 .• ' .- . . . - YOUNGHEN • • - . .. .... . .., . . . .. , I Who. haim. injured , themzeives 'by Cal certaiu , nrutthie in., „ . , , dulged,in when alone, it habit iltqlientlY•Teariled-from i exil companions; or , at. , school,the effects iof-WhlehAre Inightly fqlt, ev.eitinben. lasteep,i and. if riOneured.ireiiideb marringeimuossible;and, destroys both.inlnd•• and.' tiudy, should applfinmiciduitely. What a ipitythetraYoufig man;.the holieof liiivendtry; the dont:ilu Its Verentigqiiteiaid be snatched from fill : prpspects and enjoyments of life, by the cons ueite , of ............- .. r.from - the - path - of nature had hult F Ttl a iti . if:Obiet:habit: Such perl eici , ittitti be o T L: ert eon . MARRIAGE Reflect that a sound mind:and body are the moat necessary x§ q uisites to promote connwbialleappiness.. Indeed, with- Aid these, ttiojitEnesll4roxiiti-lifd'bbcomes .a grimagei t a pro§peet.horiely darkens to the view'- mind bbcomes shildoWixt with despair and filled With OA fftelancholy retleqld4 orquzuther be comes blighted with bfir -, • INDORSE=NT OF THE JrlP§. HARRISBURG, PA.. =MEE THE VREAri . . 91111 le .RENEDIES;7 KITDIVN 6 11 11113:0 .D S' 99 GENT.J.INE PRE i'.AIiATIONS, IIELMBOLI? ITELMBOLV EYTRACT SARSAPARILLA, - HELIWBOLP _JmplzorP.AßE WASH. HELMBOLD',S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. , HIGHLY -- CO:NO:ENTE'4TED" Fitib, EXTRACT BUCIIU, A POSITIVg_A.NII SPECIFIC BLADDER, JZDNEYS, G-RAVRT, _ AND DECTSICAL SWELLINGS. _ . MEELS Medichie increases the, ppwer of Di - geition, and eimites the ABSORBENTS into heaßliy action, by which the WATERY or gALCEROLIS deposi. think. and .0 +UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re rideed,..as well as pain and indammation, and is good far 11EN WOMEN or CHILDREN. . EXTRACT BUCHU, • • . • • Arising from Exe,emes Habits of Dissipation, Early In disarenbn - or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH-TiIWaMMDWIRGI-SYMPTOMS. Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, Leseof Memory, Loss - of 'Power, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease, Trembling; . Dimness of Vision,Wakefulnefts, Univerral Lassitude of thePtin in the Back, Muscular System; Flushing.of the Body, .11of,Mnials; ' Eruinforis - O n the Face; 'Pallid CO,widenade, , . . Thrse Viifiiottisi if allOwod to go on : .iyhieh this rued( eineliwar ably - relnores soon followk ' 1St - POTENCY, FAT VIM k ! EPITAPTIO FITS, • Itt one of which , the potiont muy oviro. Who can say that: they are not frkluently folloy, - ed by those "direful INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION, - • Many are aware of the cause of their sufferings, but none will-confess. The records of the insane.psylums and the melancholydeattie'hy'Conifimptlon, - ‘bear - ainrile wit ness to the truth of the assert On. • TEF.,_PONSTITTJ_TION ; ONCE . 4 0 . .FECTED; I WITH OR GANIC" WEAKNESS, . :gi , . . Ro3qUireao natormsedleine... to strengthen and invlgiiirato - the systeml-Which - liclnabold's pr,tract, pachn ifirariald); dors. • 'A tritirialreoni - ince the melt skeptical: - FEMAT PS=FEWia4EB--FEMALES, 'OLD OR POLING, SINGLE, MARRIED OR COSTER'- , . .. PLATING ILAR.RIAGE:' - -, . • )In many affeetion.s.peculim to'females tha Eruct En,. IMlsitneVlalled.brank otlioi remedy; as In Chlarosis or 4elltiolb IrrogiaarY, - IVOrilliiie•s, or siiPPtololon of tha 1, eustodiary.:Rracnat onsolllcerated or Sehirrons state of the Utertii, Laucerrhaii or Whites, Sterility, inia: for, all - 6314, plaints incident to the sex, whether arisirifir fromandiscre- Irv, Habits of Dimlpationtelettico - .-- . 7,,,.. :r' • I:4EOLINE .CHAXOE OF LIFE.' NO FAlinit MOULD' BE - wiTliotrii IT. rake no Biai.nni;.Mereury.; or.,llnplerant. medicine fel: tupleasita ant Dangorops-pisoases. - • : , TEELV.BOLD'S EXTR,WT )31101111:? lures SecretThiesse.s in all their stnges, , at little expense;,' Jilts or. ife cludide;in, diet; no in.convenienctrandrito expo , 4nre, eattsesfreattont. d?si.,r,e., :and !&iv: 0 4.1 - 4.relikAlk• Urinate, Wort* removing obstruotion,s, ptweritiiig and curing Strictuies of tho Urethia;allayinkpaitt.and ingatc mation, so frequent in this class of 'tth'ietishs; and expelling Polsonous, Diseased, aud_WOUltaltailatter. .{Thousands I upon thousands who have 'b liteen tfievictitus of qpaek . .s,,and ' who have paid heavy fees' to. bp'euind ahhort tirrie;tiaVo thund they were deceived, andllaitt thie""Polson" has by the use of "powerful Astringents," been dried up in the systeni, bre to altdin in an aggravated form, and perhaps „after marriage.. . , - uso Hpalßpurs EXTRACT DLJCHH,fer: ail Affections ,-: rid 'DLit:asps . of, the Uritairy.Organs, whether existing inj Wale o r Tdisfaio; fromiver cense dirglnating;iind no mattererliaw 'long standing, 7 Dlseris63L , of theta Organs requiratlie aid:rot a•Dinratio... HeLXBOLD'StEXTRACT DUCHU is the Great Diuretic, and :It is certairtio hat:elite eslia effect in all, Disaases for which it is recom— attended. Blood—Blood—Blood. Hehnbold's HighltCenccatra led Compound FLUID .EXTRALT,,SAIISAPARILIASYFITI ITS. This is an affection pf,,the , Blood; Atal 4 attacks the Sexual Organs, Llnftigs of the . 'lose , Dars, Throat, Wind pipe and OtherlducusStirfategi making its appearance in % the form of Ulcers. :Helmbold'sXxtraot. akatrilla,,pq-: rifles thri33l6off, - nifd remotes all cagy ona of .the Artn, giving 'to thO.Complexionit.dfiar and '. IR , ColoeY tt . befog ; prepared expressit tar this - dais orconiplalittic ts Blood-PurifyingPropertles are preserved to a greater_ xtenttban any other preparation of Sarsaplrith. - HELMBOLD'S ROSE' WASH: . . _ An , excelletit Lot i ion for diseases. Of 'a Shilillitiellatar a;, and 4 anihjectieh ..iii' discleses :of the' 'Urinary Oclialui,' arising from habits of dissipation; used itleonneetkinWitltl the Extracts.Ruchn,and Sarsaparilla, in Such "diseases at reccmnendesl."; Evidence Ofthe most respensiblo u end re liable.charicter will accompany llieniedieLpes., 'CERTIF.& CATES OF CURES frointeight to tweak yem's standing,' with names , known , to .Seienee and Earn°. For Medical Proparlina of Bur,hu, seeDlSpensao; °Oho United States. See Pinfmclr'DEW.EE'S•galunble wor/It Cu the rmeaci3'of Physic. See' retrifirks"!niade by 'Vie' late' ceiorated. Dr. PHYSICS., Philadelphia. See remarks made -by Dr . SUMAC& sMoDOWEI4., a celebrated Physician end mem-. ivi of the,ROal College.of Surgeons, and published in the - coons of thcl Hing'e And Queen's' Journal.. See, mealoo.Chituriiesdßeview,published by BEISJ. TRA:VSRS; flu." 4, • Fellow of : the: Royal College rof„Surgeons.; The .most of ee l litte * .,standard works on Medicine. : 4-qrs. ex o.4.Duchd i I. 00 'p er bottle', or six hottliZ'Yorilß - 0% 7 ; Extract, of rsapafilla, $ 1 00 perperbottlebottle , or six - for $5. 00' JOI , . proved Rose Wash b 0 eints:per.bottle, or SIX. , for 42- ok or half a dozen each Ibr- 4:12,99., ,whidh , whl be aulgefent' a , to cure, the mulyoustinato-casevit: directions are, adhered ! to. Deli'rered" to,attr _amass, securely packed from oli- Iservation: ...=Aiesctibe-- symptoms in all cornemuilationa :. Cures 'gnamnteed. "Advice gratin. . —..- THURSDAY EYENIN6, JANUARY MEDICAL. =EMVMM!EMIIIIIII= COMPOUICD 'Jo , slit' insiAisil'ot EO,R.WEAKNESSES AFFIDAVIT gio.. l xxxvifi th COgr os --- PITA Sessha .Al i•E , / pg 1 SF.ITATE 1 . , • 1 1 1"mmits*,N, Jun.-2/7. . • I-Mr . Comic' sslcat.) trodliced ti bill pro .- One Year Ago and Now. ' • r t 'dinrr f or the - hettei . Iluiv many of o t ir brave soldiers' really up- affairs inCalifornia - . ' ReTerred to the Commit preciate the itude of the work they have tee =lndian Affairs'. ; accomplished? Certainly few out of the ser- I Mr. FessendSn'(lle.) introduced' !Ail to vice , have really reflected upon the subject increase the'salari'es of inspectors of . custOms fully, and henee they • are not 'aware of the to the extent of a skim not exceeding one dol debt they oWethe army, which has stood' be- lai per day. The bill' was passed: tween them and destruction. Let us` for a ' Mr. Lane (Ind.) introduced a bill providing moment consider What has thus been done. • 'for the safe and - speedy tian&naission of money 1. The Mississippi has been opened, and 'from soldiers to - their familids - and frierfds at an tinny 0f . '60,000 men deetroyed=destroyed, home. The bill details the' mode 'of talkiPg, because though, merely captured and paroled, -1 , allotments which the E4onaster efaink not . tfiteqh• ten has' ever taken up [Ong in paying off enlisted men p end retails to the Al the rebel cause since, and not one in` tia ever lotaient Commissioner, who'shall be Masted in will:- ' - . • the capital of each State and have the p , ty of , , . . '2. East Tennessee, with all its advantages, :-assistiiiit payinaster, with one clerk fol.. each 'withlrikitarimpprtance, haShetin - wyested-friiiia i 'fiftital regiment nuder'his jurisdiction. Re the enemy./ I. : - . i ..I. , . . 1 . ;; -:., / . fei;red. to the Committee' on Military Affairs. 3. Our lines have advanced fi - om Mur- 1 Mr. Sherman (Ohib) preset:4dd a petition freesboro, to some distance beyond Chatta- . frOm the distillers of Cincinnati,- in reference nooga, . . , ito the tax on spirits: Referred to the Com 4. North Alabama, which was firmly held - mittee on. Finance. '- by the rebels in January . , 1863; is now in our ! Mr. Hale (N. H.) re'Parted front the Cora possession. - .. ' mittee on Naval Affairs, the following bill: na v , 5. The rebels have been compelled : to evac- 1 1 That .hereafter all appointments in the vol nate the.Ststes, of Arkansas, Mississippi and ' unteer al service of the United Stateiehill - the, greater -portion of Alabama, Lonisiims, Ibp submitted to the Senate for confirmation in and a part, of Texas and other States. I the same manner as alai/ointments in the 6. All rebel hope of invading the North ha.s ,reguhir army are required to be, and all such been abandoned, through the gallant soldiers appointments hitherto ...made shall cease and whoo - relight at.Gpttjsburg. ' deter Mine at, the expiration of sixty days from t 7. The rebel, military strength has been the time of the return of the vessels in which reduced' from 275,000 to less than 150,000 those holding them are respectively'emproyed. men. : Mr: Wilson (Mass.) called up the bill to .. . . . 8, I'llepnee efficient cavalry annof the ser- . promote enlistments. - ,„ .1. Mr. Grimes (Iowa) moved to amend the bill vice has been almostanniliilated.7 , 0. *:WiVtep.reaticed inklien -y.,), by inserting in lieu of two months- advance Miss o .-,, et Soda ,41 guerf wts..4,pay to colored recruits such bounty not ex fare ail ',llieinl:clieekld4slnodt"e'very Area - deeding one hundred dollars, as the President i save in thy immediate vicinity of the rebel max direct in the several StateS. Adopted. army.... - I Mr. Powell (gy.) moved .to strike out the 10. Hundreds Of milee' of , railroad, which , third section, which'set free the m'fther, wife , - . were constantly threatened a year since, ate and children ofnegro recruits. now as safe 'as t'he lines muting thiougli Ohio ! Mr. Henderson (Mo.) desired to amend and Adieus. • - ~ the section, by applying it only to the rela tions of slave recruits of disloyal owners. 11. Gold has been reduced from .72 to 50 per cent in New 'York, while .it has raised 1 . Mr. Grimes thought the present law ac from 250 to 2,000 in Richmend. , complished this. He wished all to be made - ' ' What Other army 'in the same length of free, as he did not relish the idea'of .malting; - time, and labo men,fight for us and leaving their wives and Sages, ever accomring Under so man as much ? disadvart- p er . . other relations slaves. .. - d u tainly not: -that of Napoleon, w hi c h was fo r I mr.; Wilkinson IMinnegota.) thought the V l enty •years life terror of Eurepe.--.Nirshville., Present net was` a piece of unlawful and din • -,..‘ ~ igracefill legislation. What was freedom worth - 1"1. to 11. soldier, without his wife and children:, He was in favor of freeing all connected-with those fighting our battles. The permancey of the Union would be well served and -guaranteed by visiting on the wicked:leaders tCconfiscation of their estates . and pOliticallights, while extending ample Fromni -Fortress fir enroc,i , .. to :the looltteg who hayboen, aeceriea;.loo, FORTRESS . gONNOEi Jan. 26. Iby , bayonets drawn into -rebellion. This• :General Barnes left Norfolk:last In° sudden outburst bn fhe, Part of the rebe:ls, eveinng. Brigadier` General' Wild• succeeds pike the Whisky or Slihy , rs,.Trebellion. It was himsin command there, • i not the result, of grit:is:it - 1 1- 6011gs; hut: a -•deliti , General J. Tr., Jlecilai will leave here soon Feratik - intention to overthrow a Therieficent - for 'NeW York; With the following regiments Jgovernment ; .such, opinions as .',:these of 'the' of his Brigade,: 81st, 06th,. - 98th. and Howard's.; gentleman froth New YeitArerando Wood)' . Battery, all of New Yorkveteran, triiops , ,l would have the effect of paralyzingthe: war. having_ particiPated in the - Peninsula: cam- .IThe rebels would not have essayed seedairei.r paign, and also in 'thecampaigns in - North - if theyhad not been led fe-belieVe that - they Carolina. They have all re-enlisted, and are -; would go in peace, . going home on a short furlough and .to re- i ,-.. ....... °lll T i lit ' e th fo ei rlo r win al2l7,. order. of General Butler ,'is • .. Hvllbr, OE' _.u,..0 PRESENTATIVE S ~ • Mr.- Smithers, (Deleivare,.) during the morn ,eharacteristic:' ' ' , • i ino -hour,• expressed his views on the joint Epitans& MONROE, JIM. 24:-.=-Speciat Order . resolution amendatory of the confiscation act. !He contended for the full Power to giflict.pun-. X°. 23. Charles H. Graham, of Norfolk, hav big c orreSponded with the enernyclarideStinelY, lis th ta:tient ontraitors. an had nonosuch indwash by sending a scurrilous letter conCerning the 1 sy&pathy as would induce' liini ^ -to withhold; • ~ commanding general, and , then - lying about i t forfeiture of rebel estates. 0 pa thy solemn :manner, by deriving the 1 1 Mr. men (111) made a speech in review of aritlioishiP, Which huinow confesses,V the President's annual' messag.e, charging' the big been confinedadluiv hi the guard house until h e !President and his advisers with being ' guilty could tell:the tritth, is discharged: He would of wilful deeePtien in their objects. dud , Pro f &Sala and had violated their pledges and the haVebeen punished - further if he had_ written upa•any other subject By command of 1 platform on which they • had succeeded- to', -, Maj. General BUTLER. I power. l Major General Peek Frived here to day Mr. Arnold (Ill.) said that speeches like that.; from Newbern,'N: C. - i just delivered served to prolong the war:: Ile , referred to the proceedings of '.the Demociatie , • Seventeen .rebel prisoners, recently , captured N . 0 ., arr i ve d i l mass meeting at Chibaga last Jude, et which . at 'Greenville:and Wt6hington, SPauld resolutions were passed opposed- tor carrying here this morning in thiSsteamer S. It -:( lug. . . „.. - on hostilities: If this had been carried out • .Hr.inerrenuntalgin - Anity.:oo l lpa, ''., • we Would not, now hive the. re-opening of P' DET or Vnienak Alin NORTH CAI:maNA, • the Mississippi.:' The pretendedlfriends, of FORTRESS MONROE, Jan. 24: •:, .• peace would.ParalYze -the military- strength GE • RERA .ORDERS • NO. and Vigor of - the 'Administration• and would I encoring - e those who are now fighting, ag.ainat, Inasmuch as the - rebels of the Confederate ithg. country, to persevere until the Worth was States are sending their women and children -I- crushed out. - through the lines of thispepartment and re- I The morninglionr having - expired the Senate tatning bylaw all able-bodied mate persona, it I proceeded to 'the consideration of the mein is ordered that no -white women or , children lotion to expel Mr. Davis; with the, amend- Will be permitted to come threugh the lines I ment of Mr. Howardto make it only a vote of without a pasifrom theseheadquarters or the cens u re . ' . ':headquarters of the - Army of North, Carolina.. Mi. Morrell addressed the Senate in reply All able-bodied men will be received and de- t o Mr . 3' 0 6 son. tailed until reported to theSe,,hsadquarters or-1 M. Mad said all efforts to establish arute the headquarters of the Diatrict and Army of,limiting 'debate had and would continue to, North Carolina; 'and , orders are • giv en con- I fail He looked upon this as an indirect ef cerning them. Nothing in this order shall be -fort to de that which the_Senate had herete construed in conflict with General. Order -No. J fore refused bad° direetly. - -.: 1,,., • - - 46, relating IC colored persOns. - . BY - eenitcand:pf;Maj. Gen. Diller: . Whole on the state of the Union, and took pp t:. , ~, ... 1 - Si g n e l dr .- " • ' -- R. S. DAVIS,, .; the navy appropriation bill. ' ~ . •• , god. and A. .f. ,, : - ureri." Mr:Merrill (,t:) advocated the.abrogation of the reciprocity treaty between, the United States and the British Provinces: , He said-110 part of the people were Contented with it 4.4 it now Stood; it hadproved unfOrtunate as, a contract, and so far as it woe, a - positive or a negative revenue measure, 'VEILS unconstita:- tional. The advantages of the treaty were all on one , side, and among its fruits were not found evengratitude and. reapect on the, part of the Government and, dependencies most . i benefitted - Our self-respect require the ab rogation ; '6E the treaty. It •is ' time that ..the 'authority of the House was asserted and vin cheated. Service money on both sides had ',brought , about the consummation of the treaty. 1. He had no sympathy with the resolutions of Mr. Davis, that, declared himeelf unalterably= attached to free discussion: Ile-thought the 'amendment to censure was more misohie.vOur, »than expulsion, The censure was always fel-. !' 2 lowed by resignation. When the freedom of (speech was curtailed in this body, no Mal w i ould express an honest !roil here, wiles* , here,. under fear. of expulsion:: e felt sensitive !this subject, havnig: . comahere sixteen. yew ago, With scarcely a sympathizing Senator on, the floot, and if. the proposed course hadlie en adoptedfor his expression of disppproval of the acts of theniajoriW, hewordd, - have. been, Oipelleit There hairk)een Ofheropliolthd ocA i cupied his ,poAtien- ,-. • - .i - L- . . -: • .., ...,The Senator fFetliAllellusetts (M 1: fit/lir , / ner) had occupied 'ripogiAori less 011nC,14041E.- . th an hiraself„not,beeauSe there was anyt !difference of• opitu . :on iri,their" views t . butte : - cause he r (Mr.,- !-!- 1 -43 )17eg'the oldest .n 4142, 11 n also ref r erre# k the :§ecrelary , cigs,4o, Who. ;for years was in a minority, but who waShold 331) Zeiegra aQ. PrisidelVt 1341,rimosn, Jan. 27. The following is.a correct copy Of the reso lations offereclily,ld_r. Jones, in-the;lliaryland douse of Delegates, on Fridaylasb, in refer- 4 ,ence to the administration,of.,President Lin coln, and recommending the .re-election of liat functionary: , Resotaed by the General Assomblyof land, that.the administration:Of Abraham Lin . coin de,s,ervesina receivgs the heartyappro val) and will . receive the_ cordial co-operation of this General Assembly, . • Resolved, That this General ,Assembly ap :itroves the poliey of the administration in the conduct of the_wfr,- and especially on. thesub ject of the resteration.of the seceded States;' approves of the awnesty proclaination of the. President, and_of;`thil conditions. there laid dovn as wise neees.sary, practicable, and es: sential to the future safety of the COlllllll4, and, that this General Assembly declares that - the: re-election of AbrahiinCnnaiiiii; to :the Presi dency Vidieil States; is - the: earnest de sire of - a' - va9;t.Majortty of the people of Way land.' - : - , Mil Vessel .Ifained. Sem-Piiiitctscn Jan: - 25. The OOP ;Contest, Captain jantgligs, Yoko Xapan; with a . o f forlie:w! - Yisrit,:wairreoputry.larne.d..off North atchet* Island, in the Indian oco0; lry tw -pirate Alabinna. - 1", =1 PRICE WO- CENTS. land frank in his sentiments of hostility to-the policy of the GoVernment. He will class him as one who was almost persuaded to be a Christian. We should be responsible here to no power but the wriver, which gives us the faculty of slmech. In saying this he did. not Mean that the executive or th4t the Senate could be wantonly insulted. He had listened to the able arguments of the Senators from liichigan and Maine, but they had failed to convince him that the Senate , should censure or expel Mr. Davis. It was a decimation of the apostle of American Demorcracy that error should be left free, provided truth were left free to combat. Trutlx. was the proper Senatorial weapon to use 'against the resolu tions. of Mrl Davis. Freedom of debate should be maintained at all hazards. A Titght Atrteng the Ihatieie. WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 The Evening Republican has the following: It is now certain that a serious emede occur rediin the rebel camp near Stevensburg, on Satrirday last. Heavy firing was heard, luso -Much that a messagewas sent forward to the cavidry pickets from headquarters to ascer tain what .was going on. Deserters who have - come in state that a regiment attempted to desert W and a Serious affair occurred. There was some firing on ancl„the insurrection in camp came to a crisis on Satirday. The canto of Jeff Davis is getting more and more shaky. MARKETS - BY' TELEGAAPH., Cotton has a declining tendency; sales 800 bales at 13.2,g 24V. 12,500 bble. Flour sold at 56 466 , 6 TO for State ; $7 450. 7 65 for Ohio; and S 7 7003 15 for Southern. Wheat firm; sales 1.1.5,000 bash. at 55460 c for Chicago Spring; 56@61c for 31.ilwaukie CEA); and 65@,70c for red. Pork firm. Lard dull, at 13t 113 Whisky dull at 46X. Sugar quiet at 12®15,ti. Molasses firm at :56A70C for Neer , Orleans. Naval stoma steady. Petroleum dttll, at 30c tier crude; and 46% for refined. Retells steady. New York stock Market. Stpcks - better; Chicago dz. Rink Island 144,4; -Cumber landlpreCarred'4o; Cenfral scrip 1433_; 3L`clzb^ca Sontiem SU; Michigan. geed .14;, Rev. Task Ccn tnil 1373; ; Reading 11594; Hddson RiVer . . . . TINE TAX ON WITESKY.—Under the amend ments to the Internal Reverrue Law, which has just passed the House, a dial 'of siity cents per gallortis - reported on distilled spirits, and. wad. duty is made a lien-on such spirits, andkill distilleries and lands where they are ma4ufac,tured ; until the tax is paid, and all whisky or any , other spirits, .on being recti fied; or mixed., with any other spirits or fluid whatever, and to be sold as whisky; cibiandy, 47 11 1 3 4 , gin, Wine, or' li.* aINI, oiler-name, must lingl an additional tax of twenty' cents per gal-. lopi. It. is further provided that all spirits - on halal, for sale, whether distilled pi or: 'tia the date of this act or not, shall be subject to the xat of duty provided by this act, from and . die twelfth - day of January, with the 11 1 fi .qn - cation that such spirits as have been alretady taxed under the lair approved July Ist, 1862, shall not bear more thau. the additional or increased tax Provided for by tbe_.aforesaid bill; Heavy penalties' are prescribed for any ,violStion of the law, If these amendments ,erearried into effect, and it is generally be lieved now that they will, the tavern keepers willhave to hold another meeting and sthle a new tariff of rates. 110 THE DA.UGHTEE3 OF THE UNVED Suva. —We clip the following from the Paughkett - sign.. It is from the pen of John Biniu&T, who, to use one of his own expressions; is “lithberr at giVing advice—but we must say Idii4kinnetion to.the girla—nottri be - afraid to ix . tairy —is quite superfluous; We never - yet said, one that was afraid—not much.. here girls: keep cool. A blessed futer 'awaits - yu, ennyhow. Take lessons on, the Macula at oust ; planting are getting skase. Bi . 11.W143xLeans lam to . pia the nu song that has listionni out., "when John Brown is over we `are rather Abram eomming, with this kruel War several strong." This stanza tuk the fast preiaima at the Stat fair. Don't be afraid to git tainted, yure ma want afrade. Lam how, pudding bags to pnt"yare hair in. Be vertu= and pretty. Eat slait pensils ; this, Wilimaik a good smeL Let ynre pettykoates drag on the Side walks, and if envy man steps. on theni and tares oph the rim, slap his chops at oust. If yu have got a small feet, ketiP'em bid, small feet have-gone outovfashtua. Stud dy travels ; Tom.Moores and Byons and Gal livers,:and wandering Jew's and Vallandig hant's iz awl fast rate. If you kan spare the time be Javly and sweet. Remember one thing, thane ain't nothing in this life wurtla lining fOr but a rich- husband ;if you-don't 'believe me ask yure MIL' . If yu . haw got red hail yu had better exchange'it for bla.k ; biak hair tha tell me iz goin to be wore muehly next year. Don't hay enny-thing tew du with the boys, unleas thi. Main biziness. - If yu don/t Imo how tew ,ska*,-Tort. mite as well juic e, , sum traveling npnery at oust, fur yam pl4ed:Out. " Awn 'TELE, STRIOGLEE.- We ~recently heard a estop; anecdote, which ive !tlibilt, is worthy of being preserved - hi print., 'While on a forced,march in some Of the army movements in Mississippi, last sure iner, General Hardee came up with. a - Straggler. - *ho hid fallen some distance in the rear '.of his command. The General ordered him.for ivaxd,l when the soldier. replied that .he was , weak and broken doWn, not having had even.. half rations for several days. • ; . "That's hard," relined tre General, but yon must push forward, my good:Tellt oNt;e.icul join your or the ProvostGnarrwill take you in hand." The soldier halted, and looking up at the General, psked:' "Ain't you denetnillardee ? cs . • "Yes," replied the General. - "Didn't you write lEardee'n tactics ? "Yes," General; studied them tactles, - alad knew 'em bylleart.. YOUNT ,got an. order thar to double , . cohumr st r lasAf distf..n•ce , abet yOu?", !Well," asked the General, - wEat kw, arat pxder to do with your case ?" —' • ' s. good s ohlier, - Genrthir,"md - Ohitall gait is possible to he obeyed;fsut lyant..or_ ere 43431•5h0ir me 5a4: 01412 5. r 41' , 71YR, tactietzg-„or 4nStbOdy.„efee's tactics , P 19 .40 11 e1-Ptfure on r )ria` If rations, then I'll giyfixto mhe'General, with tatettitj% %wet dmitted :tut there were: not' tattles to - meet:the :ease, - ,), 32 d putting spurs to his horse, rode forward, - =-Savalowth News. li N lk:Ew You; January 21. Sea Yo - az January 27