Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, January 27, 1864, Image 1
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' ''' I f . $ .. s. "Ir -—'lo • * 11 ' , I : 44 r: t:- - 4 -- . (,-, , + .. . . -. .. . • „...• , ,- ..... . , . ......... .•., . . , . -- -_ ... _—___- _ ~•. .-- -•,- --. • ~,, • • —— - .. ... . - ___ . • . . .-. • _ . .. ... . . . . • . . . _ ~.. . _„ • ..-- . . , - • EORGE BERGNER TELEGRAPH LS PUBLISHED JRNING AND EVENING, EORGE BERGNER. 'rex maw ST ; NEAR IVALNEY. • • JS OF 'SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. • • „.... ,ATorD.o!A• Dashr-tru is served to-subscribers in the at a ,:sots per week. Yearlylobscribers will bp ged ti.; tai in advance. Those persons who neglect to ;.'''• , P •in :..i v-owe will he charged $6: OD, 1 •- • - 1% • WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. • • • • . ' 13 - o; '1:::1.::, . aArri is also published weekly, and is furnish 4 • • f01):•.ri1 , ..1 - s at the following cash rates: (• • '..ingle mph:, , weekly._ ...... • . .., ........ • $1 50, -•..., • •re•• i', ipi,. to one Post Mee... ..................4 00 A ,. o copi ,. . is one Post Mee 10 do NOTICE TO A.DVERTISERS.—AII Ad-rer -nen Is, Business Notices, Marriages, Bs. .iie., to secure insertion in the EGRAPII, must invariably lie aecom. Led with the CASH. . . . . lveritisements ordered in the regular .ning Edition are inserted in the Morn, Edition without extra charge. ADVERTISING RATES—DAILY TETPGRAPII. he following are the rates for advertising in the TEM PO. Those having advertising a' do will find it con- 1 iont for reference. . - r Fon' lines or less constitute one-half square. Eight or more than four constitute a square. Itt A RALF SQUARE. FOR OSE SQUARE. lay $3O I One day ..$ 60 day,... ....... .. 50 Two days .. 100 e days . 75 Three days - .. - 1135 Wreck ............1 20 One week 3O O. inonth 3 00 One month,'..,. ~ ~. : • 6100 month: , 450 Two months . 0 ',ln tinontb•• 5 50 Three-month s 11:;00 lost!, 8 00 Six months 15 00 ....15 001 One year ..25'00 OR 1 WO :Bit:ARM FOR A QUARTER COLUMN. ay $ 1 20 'One day $ 3 60 lays 2 00 Two days 5 25 c da y- .. .. 2 50. Three days . 7:00 week 4 00 One week 10 00. wont! , 9 00 Onentonth.. 18:00, I do 15 00 Two mouths 25,00: •do 15 00 Three months„.....- 30,001 do 20. 00, -six months 45,00 1 . ear - .. ' 30 - 00 One year.. . 79'00 At. NOTICES, OnrrriatrEs, • TRIBUTES OF RESPECT 'PE IITION:, &c.. and•cOmmunicatiOns or arniOniteirment. ing attt•ntion to matters of. individual interest to; be rged at the same rates as in weekly papers. • ' ; ; nist nit ion Notices...... ige Notices ar's Notices •t Not tees each insertion li l7uss. notices inserted iu the Local Column; or arrizlg. Ld Deaths, EIGIIT CENTS ?ER : LINE for z , edium the TELEGRAPH has no equal, dvertising i -ug business nieu andandiu irculation, am,.. ountry, placing it MUSICAr- 4 . • A. P. TEUPSE.O. , E A HE R OF -M. • IFFICE .1.1" WARD'S 311:S1C STORE, 12 K 77eirdMreeL • . dour,: Third street, above North. ,ODEONS AND OABINE'r ORGANS. TTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, , TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND TICE I OOLD 3IEDAI, (ewer won by inn rumentst,or this elass).Litts been awarded to , I C ,mil HAMLINS INSTRUMENTS. 11 n , -;=ortinent of these instruments nlwaysbn Muni W. KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent,: 93 Market street. 2tas‘l . i HENRY C. OR.TH CHER OF THE PIANO, MEL(MEQN, VIOLIN.—Terms mumshie. 15 Third street,. .11 Market and Chestnut streets. . GROCERIES. ' GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE BOYER & KOERPER; HOLE SALE' AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ROC L E Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS OF • COUNTRY PRODUc t E, ' rAVE just opened a large and*ell selected stock of goods at their stand, No. 3 Market Square, isburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the lir gonorally. nolo-illy JOHN WISE, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT; HARRISBURG, PA., • \V:IOT.F.SALE .A,ND RETAIL DEALER IN 'FECTIONERY I o. rsh Cum Drops earn Chorolate Drops, Cauthes. &c. :mkt Lentous. i•d ClAVielhes, . - ...e, Teas and Spiers, nll kinds, Cider l de•Jrir. '..' l t illifitt •t.,N% -in .ra.nn, ID q lain t ram-, ' ' I'vii' betl3 • , I lIIPORTERS' ON ,w- EN E s AND LIQUORS. I„kUMAN, BALLADE .1'; 044-i O 128 8077 - raIrINTII STRET. : V Iv 4" • . , I lETUT.EN CIIIMI 'ff rT A T " . IrAL I T I . E.r ' T P 11 I L A. D I. • "" ."' ..."-- --' IL. • LACM vs; tAL q t u:V.DE : J. A BITTSG: 4.411.nii ARGE INVOICE OF NEW lAISINS, CITRON, CURRANTS, PRUNES a02.0] RIOR GOSI3F.N BUTTER FOR TABLE USE, BOCK, Ja., A: CO. ceis ed at BOOKS, GAMES, tt.c.—A. La;ge as= meut of Toy :Books, Ctnaps, kc., just 'xiscuived. at SCREFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Hanisburg. W B 0 0 K S.—TEE 7SHOOlibElt . . - • . RAPS DAYS OF SHODDY ceived at IdelB] SCHEFFEA'S BOOKSTORE. 'LES.-200 barrels of New York !State vies, of a choice variety, just received; and sold soy -quantities, to ault purchasers, at the new of ' Ide4] BOYER & KOERTTR. ;ItLES ! PICKLES ! tlid 'Barrel; air Barrel. Jar 9r IV zPA___ At DOCK, JR., j CO. W .HOMINY At No 20 - - louNso-N, :I,Pgli.i'.:, tfQSPITA:T.4I. AS diseoyeied the -o4t , e,,ertr4, speech and of remoiltis it . . A Oure Warranted, or A VOliorge, in from One / - Weakness of the Back, Attentions of the Kidney's ' d Bladder, InvoluntOry.-Thiclaarges, Impoteney, General e- OHIO', 'Nervousness ,' ',DysPepslit, . 'languor; ' Loior SPIT ~ 'Confusion of Ideas, Paiplthtiim Of :the Heart, •fiimiill y, Trembling; Dimness of Sight or Gitidintegs, Diseastof. e Head, Throat, Nose or Skin Affections of .the . 'LIN r, Lungs, - Stomach or DoWeistlioSe , ; terrible dLsorti re arising from the Solitary r )litbits of Youth—those tieclet and - solitary practices more fatil to their yittlms than he song of Syreuslo the Mariners of Dlysses, blighting it most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marri e, &C., impossible. . , . i Especially, who have 'become the victims of Solitary Vlce, .that dreadful and destructive habit which annuallysweeps , to an untimely grave 'thousands of Young Men Of' he most exalted talents and 'brilliant intellect., who liat hit otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the th n dcrs of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre; May cell with full'Confldence. . s2t 26 1 50 31arried person's, or Young lieu centemplatiumnarriap t e, being aware of-physical weal. - ness; organic debility, defor mities, spolittily cured., He . who places himself under the care of Dr. J.. ma p re ligiouSV - &tine bilis honor 'as a gentleman, and' Coliff cloudy rely Upon' his skill as'a Physician. I CM Immediately cured, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection—whiCh.rend'e&life misertlde and marringeimpossible—ls the penalty , paid by the le tting of improper 'indulgence. Young persons ttre too' spy , to commit excesses from nov being aware of the dreadful, consdquences Out May ensile. Now, who .that udder stands the, subjoin , Will pretend to deny, that the power of procreation is Mat sooner by ihose falling into improper' habits thari by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring; the most serious midi de structive symptoms to, ~both body and. mind [Wise: The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental WeakAn . ?teddoas of procreative power, nervous irritability, dyspepsis, palpitation of the heart, indigestion; constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, con sumption, deeafand death. OFFICE No. 7, SOUTII FREDERICK STREET, Left hand side going from Baltimore street ) a few 'ilbore. from the corner.. Fait not.to observe Annie ond nunalt o r:' Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc orla Diplomas hang in his o ffi ce.' ' • - - ' -, 1 • Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London,.grad •nate-from . one. of .ttie znost.emineut oolleges,in,the .Untied stilte and the greater part of i nhoSelifo bas been spent in flth Philadelphii- and else where, has ,effected some of the most astonishing cures- that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing itt the bead and-ears when asleep, great nervousness, tieing alarmed 'at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement were cured immediately. These are some of , the, sad and melancholy ends: pro duced by early habits:of youth, viz weakness of thelbapk and limbs, pains in the , bead, dimness of aight, loSs , of muscular powor, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nor. vous irritability, symptoms of consumption, ke. , Dts.vrali,v.—The fearfulleffects on mind arq much Mho dreaded—loss of memory, confusion of 1d e/4 - A , ' n ,preetin of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion. tea :impiety, self distrust, lose of Solitadc,titaidity, &c, are Sippe of the evils produced FRUITS, 4,C., Citrons, Figs, Dates, •• Prunes, Almonds, Filberts, • Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Perna Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Cranberries. Hominy and Bean;;, Cakes and Crackers, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Green and Dried Fruits, And Country ProdUce iir season. Who have injured .themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned (from evil companions, or, at sohopli gm' oft:cote, of Vicb are nightly felt, even when iisleen,,and, if not .anred` renders marriage impossible v andidostrOys:both blind find body, ra should apply imialutfely.. What a pity theta young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his pa . .rent., should be snatched .frops all prospects and enjoyments of WO by Elie atits(q4ace of tlei•ia tint' froth 'the_ path tirnatura and 'i6dtihgrnt 'in ,a eortain" shcret habit Such peiSons , i‘eqce content- o WISE. • t" When the misguided and imprudent votary of leas i tue Ite has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it faindbr. Wiens that an illtimed sense of the ` o° c " e " - "NOVely• deters him from applying to . those who dread of tIL •r and can alonehefriend Jam educntio- h an d s of ignorant andi de..sigainapietsnd- He ffills'intb the o f .ourbioz•hi p9oulars , ' sub. ers, who, in°2 P able mon& after 'mouth, of as long es . stance, keep him triflitk. • ..,4120, and lie despair leave him the smallest fee can • be obt. hi s going disapiefintment, with ruined health to sigirovi. Mercury, hasten the or, by the use of the deadly po NediseaSe,SUCtlaSeffed constitutionalaymptoinsofthisterrb. t ete. „ rogress i ug tions of the 'Head, Throat, Nose, a . t,„;• riod hie with frightful rapidity tilt death put.. ` - . 4 " iandiscovered dreadful sufferings by sending - him to that country from whence no traVeler:ietiftra os, &0., DOCK,&.co. W3f. CO. MEDICAL BALTIMORE DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE HOURS NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. lo Tao Days YOUNG: KEN •DIARRIAGE 9RQJWIO NYASS DR. JOHNSON, . TAKE 1 3 4ATICUL41t,. NOTICE YOUNG MEN . t • - m k u i t tadi , , Reflect that it Eol.lll4.Milld and, body are the most nee4ssary requisites to proinote ionraiblathappiness. Indeed; with•- out these, the journey through life becomes a weary. &linage ; the prospnct 'hourly darkens to the view ;. the, .mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the 'melancholy reflection that, the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own. DISEAS OF BEPAP")?EIt`PE INDORSEMENT OF 'kith -15E5.9 The many thousands cured at this institution yak after' yeaf, arid the numerous inipOttbrit -surgical IsVeratioUs performed by Dr. Johnson, mitiewed by the ropmtem:de t h e s uai ti and many otrierpapersi notagej Of g 14511 ta r osipposamtegahl and again before the ,polic, pedaee hisstandinglas-a.7loMtleman oT character mg res Pai l: bility;ls a suffipient - guarantee to theuffitetc9l.- . SKIN :DISEAS4S SITEDILY CURED. OBlce No..:7Sdiath*redtaZ.LekStreet- ..11ARRISDURG, PA.,, WEDNESDAY EVENING, lILNUARY 27, 1864. .. I :IO'. I7 ':XCAP.• i 1, c y; :: O R. JOHN FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, FEMALE REGULATOR, Are thaonly.known remedy that will succ,es.sfully, dnd invariably restore and` regulme thefemplenyntena, Equiov- Aug all irregularities, and i prodpcing hiwltb, yigor_,And ttreiigtti... ... LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Area fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind eyer, discovered in this country, and acts directly on the parts affeAtted,_whiloipilis and powders can only reach them as .I`.4IAAWMIII:47n)PtItYjrIIO, at dikeot,. 0 4 0 posits . • ' ' -'Are'you suffering from a constant anxiety for the regu- . ler reliant of nature's preSeribedtaws? i Give yourself no uneasiness ; forl4:enla Periodical tri:ms, if taken di, : or two before.the'expseted tivelfrdid invariably regulate Ith•conilni, negate ieffect follows cause, as certain as dayllghtlbllowndarimisCst Are yeti siek,•enfeehled by disease, or unable to,bcar, the, labor and danger of increase ? • ' • ' LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS • „: Come to you as a glossing, for. is not prevention better. that' cure ? . Ceti If regularly taken, a am preventive, and :will save - you much peril and rnsny'hours of suffering. -,, .Have you been afflicted for many years with complaints incident to the sex, - that nave baffled the' sklll 'of pkiysi 7 clans, and are iiiirrying you on to aulearly grave? LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS • Are the most reliable regulator ever knewn, and cure 4 like magic, all those, irregularities that have defied thc doditm's' you waste away with suffering from Leucordicea, Prolapsus, Dysmenorrhoea, and a ttiousand other difficul ties, all summed up under the name of . semassed and obstructed nature; when du iintatment. of one dollar in LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS will surely save you. • . • • Do not use the drops, when .forbidden in the directions, , for altho4gh imsitlye cure; and luirealdss at • all other times, they are so pbweiful and llnely calculated to Oust " and govern the•functions;of the • sexual organlam; that,: if `` taken at iraproperitiMes,:they would produce results am ,trary to nature, against ..which all, particularly those who would rePrOduce, sbotild carefolly guard. i ' LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS E Cannot harm the most delicate constitution at any 4imot yet the proprietors -wish—to guard against its misuse, hoping that a thou4latitbadles will be used for a goof per- i pose where one is used for an illegitimate one, ; LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS, the nevertailing Female Regulator, is for sale by every pruggist, in the city and country . , wed° notif you value yOhr health and— ' vrish for reliable niedlcae, buy any tither. flake no other but ifctheAkuggistt toLsvhow You apply has not got it, make him send andfat it•for eon. ' =I C. :G CLARK - Si. CO" JOHNSTON,. HOLLOWAY & COWDMIT, • W • . • . • ty.salect-ay,.;•1,. e tm * Ol moo tott V2tE4' TAE GRF*T, •:PI:OPSIETinf3, dew Haven, Conn AtlYliolesatb, by 23 North Sixth Street, Philadollo; Pa MEDICAL. . ..~. „^.r~,.v~~r=..':~wv~nnnnti'v'rv+rrrnrr:,r..r~nr: .:A, ~ THE GREAT `IIIIIIIO4N REMEDIES ,4 66 11 X. EMBOLD I S? , „agliVillE. gREPA-TtATIONS , " VZ 4 1- E4-0/BgrotExT4ACT, `!BUC.INi" ::"LMBOLD ETTRACT SARSAPARILLA. 4 SELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH. '4-lELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. H,IGHLY CONCENTRATED;' FLUID, EXTRACT -BTJCHU, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REIIEDY FOR DISEASES OF TILE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS riIITTR Medicine increases the power -of Di g est i on, and excites the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATERY or CALCEROUS- derwti- Dons; and all UNNATURAL 'ENLARGEMENTS are re dnoed, as well as pale mid inflammation, and ix good for MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. - nMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIEII, FOR WEAKNESSES Arisifig from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Earl• in discretion or Abuse, ATTENDED 7ITE THE:EDLLOWTNG STMTTO44 Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, Loss of :Memory, Loss of Power, Weak Nerves, , Difficulty of. Breathing, Horror of DiSease, . Trembling, i Dimness of Vision, Wakefulness, t Universal' Lassitude of the Pain in the Back, Muscular System, Flushing of the Body, . t Hot r liands Eruptions on the Face, = Pallid Countenaco, . . ... . ' pogo symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi, erne invitriably removes, soon follow ' • ' t lAITATFNCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, . . . In one of which the patient may expire. Who can, hay that , they " ie notfrequently followed by those ‘tlirdful. diatise. r " • . . SANITY AND 'CONSUMPTION. t J - •-• • Many are aware of theµ 0 ,, 00 - or their, .snfterinp, ; butt none will confess: The reeordi of pie insane asylums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, beat. 'ample: iclt: news to,the tiuth of the assertion.' . TgE CONSTITUTION, ONCE :AFFECTED MTH ORG-ANIC WEAKIsTESS, Requireatlie ald of medicine to strengthen and inyigokate the system4;whioh Helmbold'a Extract Buchu invariably does. A trial will convince the tnost skeptical. PEMALES , --FEMALES-FEMALES, oLo OR, rpuso, sT.NR-4, MARRIED, OR CONTSt PLATING MARRIAGE In many affectiolis'peeuliar to female the Extract illu eha is unequalled by anYotlier remedy, iS in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painftiness, orsupprestion o the customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or gehilTOUS state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaintsincident to the sex, whether arising from' Indiscre tion, Habits of Dissipation or in the DECLINE OR'CRANGE OF LIFE. NO .EAIIIILY SHOULD. BE WITHOUT T. rake no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Utpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. j ELELALBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIM, _ . C Secret Diseasas in all their stages; at little expanse; lit e or no.change in diet; no inconvenience and itonspo su It causes frequent dasiro and gives strength,to U ate, thereby removing 'tibatnictlons, preventing! and c ng Stricturos of the Ilrethra,.rdlaying pain and 'Within. tiou, so frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling isonous, Diseased, and 'Wei - neat Matter. iThousands U , n thousands who have been thaiieiiMS of quack.% and w o have paid he'avy foes - to be cured in a short time, pave nd they were deceived and that the PPoison" _lugs by use of "powerful Astringents," been dried up in the ? tem, to breakout mann' aggravated form, and perhaps' ier martiage.. 'Tse 11005111OLD'S EXTRACT BUCRU for all Affections Diseakti of the Urinary Dramas, whether exiting in .10 or Female, fromwbatever cause originating, and. no Ater of how long standing,. Diseases of these Organs tuire.tho aid of a Diuretic. IfEMBOLD'S EXTRACT caiu is the Great Diuretic, and it is certain to have the, t ired eitect in all .Diseases for which it is recom ated. iiii tood--igood—Blood. , Ifehaboiff 'a Highly Concontra- ComPonan FLUID X.N. - ilit..i.CT SABSAy4RILLA.SYPHI , This is an affection of the Blood, and 'attacks the . oar Organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind- A and oilier litmus Shrfaces, makuigits appearance 'in' h form of Ulcers: Hohnboldts Exttlictßarsaparilja. pu.- ^ s the Blood, and rernores all Sealy, Eruptions of the tk , giving to the Complexion a Clearaint Healthy Color. t ing prepared expressly for this class of complhints, Is lood-ParifyingProperties are preserved to a greater d in than any other preparatign of Sarcomata. , —.. ®ll EMLwpp's RdSE' WASH u excellent Lotion rot' disCescs ciE a Syik Nature • I as an injection in diseiws - of tho. Urisary Organs, “ing from habits of dissipation, used in connection with Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla; in such diseases as .mtuended. Evidence atria most- responsible and re r .le Character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFI- C ES OF CURES from eight to.twenty years standing, w h names known to Science and Fame. For Medical Fl T parties n o ch th u' e *lfienDgi'ssPeansand ry Qu o e f e t n liii s United States ProfesseeDEWEE'S valuable works on the Practice of ysie. See remarks ' made by the late celebrated Dr. P TICE, Philadelphia. See remarks made by, Dr: E RRAUM MoDOWELL, a celebrated Physician and morn; be kif the Royal: College of Surgeons, and published in the M co-Chirurgladßeview,published by BENJ. TRAVERS, Fe w of,the Royal Collage of SUrgeons. .The . most of Pl isst Ili ate standard works ou Medicine. ' Extract of Buchur I . I per bottle, or six bottles for $l 00. Extract o , parilla, $l. 00 pea bottle, or six for $5 00. . Ira ,ed Rose. ash, 50 cents per bottle, or six for $2 lb, ! f a dozett each for $l2 00,. which will be sufficient re the moat obstinate cases, if directions are lathered . Delivered to any , address, , securely packed fritairOb ,: lion: Describe symptoms in all comatuications. guaranteed. Advice gratis. ArFkDAYIT ram:tally appeared before me an Alderman of the city ladelphEs, S, T. Hohnbold , who, being-thdy sworn, . say, WS StwenOntioiti contain. no narcotic, no mer -1 or other injurious drugs; and are purely: vegetable. s • • T. ..SEDNOBOLD. Si m amtsbbscribed hefore. me,-Ahis;,23d - day, of NO- W.ISL j ' B ' fi , r Aidermari, : iiiiith street, slOtiOne,. Phila. Ali MOM for itifordnittem in confident:xi' -; HELIDICILD,;..Chendst. De 104, ffoutii-I.oth *eery belOw. Cheep:tut, • - 1 1 1 1 52114.7.'J` ' • a I , Mi. - KNOWN A$ • COMPOUIVD 330 Zefelitopol XXXVIlith Congress—First Sessioni SENATE. WASEMtiGTON, Jan. 26. ' Mi.: Bayard (DeL) took the oath required by the resolution:passed by the Senate yesterday and in a short speech announced his intention to 'retire to private life. Mr. Richardson (Ill.) also took the oath; after remarking that he did not believe in ilk policy. Mr. Brown (Mo.) introduced a bill to build a biidge acroa's the Mississippi river at St Louis. • , Mr. Wilson (Mass.) introduced -a bill to print the official reports of the operations ,of the armies of the United States ; referred. Also a bill seething homesteads for persons in the service of the United States. Referred to the Committee on Public lands. The Senate took up the resolution to expel Mr. Davis, of Kentucky. Mr. Howard (Mich.) moved to stike out the word "expelled," and insert "be censured by the Senate," and addressed the Senate at length advocating the motion. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. -• I The House resumed the consideration Of. the joint resolution amendatory of a joint resolution explanatory of the confiscation act. Fernando Wood (N. Y.) said it was now proposed to repeal a measure which had pre vented a Presidential veto, and which was ;a part of that act. Such a repeal would be gross violation of justice and right s so far as it attempted to deprive those heirs of persois attainted with treason, of their real estate. Ile argued in favor of the . appointment' 1::of commissioners to Richmond, and said a sinii lar course was pursued in Shay's Rebellion, the Whisky insurrection and the wars with Great Britain and Mexico. Mr. Wood said the proposition under con sideration proposed to accomplish two great wrongs, to repeal a measure which had pre vented a Presidential veto of the Confiscatian bill, and the other violated the Constitutidn itself. He said that if the Southern States were within the Union, they were not deprived of the protection of the Constitution, but df without the Union, they were belligerents 2-4 foreign power at war with the United States, and entitled to all the immunities with which the law of nations recognizes. He approved of the doctrines used by Mr. Stevens (Pa.) in his late speech. The House passed the Senate resoliation, expressing the thanksof Congress to Generals Hooker, Meade, Howard, Banks and. Burn side, and the officers and.men under their fe spective commands; also, to Corrunod6re Vanderbilt for his gift of the steamer Vander bilt to' the Government. ~- The. House thrniiypentlxitooommittee oft,lie whole on the deficiency approprititienbill. Mr. Kaman (N. Y.).offered an amendment that no More money should be expended 'on capitol and treasury''department extensions than shall banecessary,to protect said build lugs from injury. He enforced the propriety of his amendment by saying we 'should not put up additional Marble columns, while the columns which support the :Union are trem bling. The appropriation should be pdst poned to more appropriate time. ' ' , Mr. Bputwell (Mass,)' said Congress could not adjourn with safety without imposing ad ditional taxation, as it was impossible to Mite money, on credit for the prosecution of the war. The time hai come 'when Congress should express its judgment not to make hp prepriation milesS based on necessity. . Mr. Kemans amendment was agreed to— ayes 71, nays 37. , The, bill was laid aside, to be reported to the House. The Committee proceeded to the consideration of the naval appropriation bill. , , Mr. J. U.• Allen (11) offered an amendment to.pay seamen in gold; or its equivalent, giving as a reason for this that paper has de preciated thirty-three and one-third per cent. There has been a large increase in the prices of (articles of consumption since Congress fixed the rate of pay. Blr. • bteven.s (Pa.) had never hoard of, any persons in civil eniployment; or any soldiers.or Sailors who .objedtal to , receiving the legal money of the Government. :Ha presumed Mr. Allen's motive. was to prevent payment to ,soldiers and sailors in depreciated Mate bank paper. The gold speculators 'and billion gobblers of New York were-the only ones Who objected: . Mr. Brooks (N. Y.) said no class was more patriotic 'and deserving than our sailors. If preference was tobe given it should be to them. In tempes and in storm, night and day, they not only, test our coast, but 'are l io.c. • in position to resist aggres,sions threatened from abroad. Our foreign ministers and.con suls are paid an equivalent in gold, and gold is exacted at the custom house for duties, and ho argued as a matter of, equity that our sail -1 ,ors and soldiers Should receive their adequate ' compensation. Amos Myers said he observed on-Nveral occasions that gentlemen. on the .other side, raise points and arguments, the_ :tendency_ or object of which is to produce 'te' impression that the majority here were opposedto rasing the pay of soldiers andliailonx He Wast•al- Most ready to : suspect the motives of geitlle men who offer such • propositions. When'the' Com m time es to increase the pay of and' sailors,they would find the loyal majority here taking proper action in the premises. Mr. J. C. Allen said his tunendment i.vas offer ed in good faith, and he would tell the :genfrom l'a., Mr. Stevens, that no soldiers and sailors in the West-are paid in anything else than good money,.. excepting„ perhaps, by agents who are endeavoring to swindle them. Mr, Strome, (porma,) noticing the remarks of Mr: Myers, said he was'quite as loyal as any gentleman on the other side, and would hurl back any insinuation to Alm contrary. He insisted that the pay of sailors should be increased. • Without further proceedings the committee rose an& tho Hotise adjourned. 3ceident at h Theatre. A. great excitement was caused in the old Bowery Theatre, at 10 o'clock last evening, owing to a portion of the gallery ceiling giving; away and falling into the third.tier. Scime one, more frightened than huit, raised. the my of fire, wheieuplin the large audience rushed for the doors, several •being knocked down, trampled Upon and severely injured: capt. lordan,:of the Sixth precincti with a posse pf men, being : qpickly on the spot, re stored erder, after - which-returned to their seats, and the evening's yawforniancos proettededwithout furtimminterrnpfLon.'. The Richmond &nearer of Jan. lath: says= Mr. Hiddle, Secretary of. Vice President Stephens, received a dispatch yesterday froth Augusta, announcing the sudden and serious illness of Mr. Stephens at' his home at Craw fordsville, Ga. Re was attacked on Sunday morning. The attack with the known state of his health during the winter creates seriou-. apprehensions. Russzmioaax Rem TEN` - vas - Pv Jan. 19th.— A reconnoitering party of :the enemy drovt , in our cavalry pickets, and were in turf driven back. At present both pickets occupy their original position. Brisk artillery firing was heard yesterday in the direction of Jones ville. It is supposed the enemy have attacked Gem W. E. Jones. ORANGE, COVET HOUSE, Jan. 18th. —The enemy have recently moved their pickets tc. Johnson River, advancing two miles. There is not a word of news from Charlesto contained in the Southern papers. - The Post says that a gentleman who has spent several years in Macon, Georgia, re cently arrived at Newark, N. J. He declares the rebellion an utter failure. Even the leaders see that success is out of the question, while the common people would bail with de light the rescoration of the Federal authority. One of the principal bankers. of Macon told him ear only hope was that the Federal army will deliver us from our troubles, for without that intervention we must perish. The ut most destitution prevails everywhere and the conscription is being enforced with pitiless energy, including even gray headed men.— Slavery, he says, is dead and this is admitted by nine-tenths of the Southern people. Three years ago the same man wrote letters asserting, in strong terms, that the South could not be subdued. Now he de clares its only hope is in the Northern ar mies. The Court Martial at the Old Police Head. quarters. NEW Yana, Jan. 26. The court martial ordered by General Dix, and which was organized yesterday at the old police head-quarters, continued its session to-day. • The case of Joseph A. Kerrigan, an exam ining surgeon for the Spinola brigade, was commenced yesterday. Hon. John ItrKeeon, acting as counsel for Iteattsed, who is chargea With passing men physiCallY disqualified. into the service, and ;with enlisting ; a sailor be longing to the French navy. A number of witnesses have been examined. This case is still on trial, and will probably not conclude until tomorrow. A letter from Folly Island to the Cimtmer cial, says rumors are still prevalent among the troops of a meditated expedition towards Sa vanna.' Nothing of a reliable character waf; known: There was a general review on the 20th, of all the troops on the island. Seven thon.sa.nd men were in line, besides two full batteries. •General Leery is - in command on Folly Lsland. All hopes of reaching Charleston this winter ha* died away among the troops. The loan market offers no new featuyes importance. At 7 per cent. there is an ample supply of capital seeking temporary invest ment, and the accumulation continues. We observe, therefore, outside of stock circles, an uneasy case. t ora.c of the brokers, however, are from some obvious causes left less com fortably supplied. The Stock market hriever ish and irregular. • Gwerninent's are steady, and railroad.bonds Railroad shares are depressed, and there are More sellers than buyers. The Canada sailed at 11- o'clock last night for lios , where she will be due on Wadne s day;mo '. g. The weather is splendid The exfunirtatzipn of the Chesapeake pirate at St. Johns, New Brunswick, will be resumed to morrow. th Pa. Regiment Going Home. NEW YORK, Jan. 26. The steamer Falton, from Stono -Inlet brings home the 55th Penna. Regiment. The succession to the crown of great Bri tain is not likely to be lost to the house of Hanover. Thirty years ago the young Prin cess Victoria was the only direct heir. But she added to the line so bomitifiillylhat there is no probability of the succession departing from her direct descendants. She has nine living children and...five grand children. The list of these is a son to the Prince of - Wales, born on the Bth of January. The future Queen of England thus early gives promise of rivaling her mother-in-law, the reigning Queen, as a mother of children. The birth of her son diminishes the chances of the crown's ever coming to Prince Alfred, the Queen's sec ond son, who is said to be the upst.' intelli gent of the family, and whom *my-would prefer to have as their sovereign, after his mother's death.—Philadelphia Cotton declining; sales. 500 bales at 84c. Flotir buoy ant; 10,500 bbLs sold at' 4 56 50@6-70 for State; $7 65@ 770 for Ohio; and $7'7088 15 for southern. Wheat ad vanced lc; sales 259,000 bus. at-$1 55®1 60 for Milwau ltiO Club; and $1 60®1 TO for red. Corn has a declining tendency; sales 54,000 bush-fit $1 24. Pork firm. Lard quiet. Whisky dull at 80482 c, chiefly at Soc. Gro ceries quiet • Petroleum dull; crude 30®51c; refined 46q. 47c. Freights' less active. Wool firm but quiet. NA . w Yomc,. Jun. 26. Beef half cent higher; range from eight to fourteen cents; receipts five thousand three hundred. Sheep and lambs firm at four dollars and seventy-Axe ta, twelve dol lars; - *into eight and a half cents per piluikdi rece i pt , seven "thousand eight hundred dollarS. Stine wad pretty freely i t six and th r ee quarters tri sever and - fire eighth cents; receipts sis thousand six-hruitired dollars: NOILFO.L II OYSTIDISIteaI Salts, under the Jones lipase. .York RiireipysterF 7 a fuie article, under the Jones'abuse. , • Also, Tetralanai whie,hAvill be spived.mp in lino style at taunt notice tmaer taiS7cina3 House, by =uo 80=. . .= JOSEREMVIV ELY. PRICE MO CENTS. _ Southern News. - PORPRIESS MONT.O; 'hale ZO The Rebellion a Failure NEW Yonic, Jan. 26 From 'POUF island. NEW YoRK, Jan. 26 New .York Stock Matters. NEW YoBE, Jan. 26 From Halifax IT4TxPsx, Jan. 26 A Son to the Prince of Wales. MARKETS BY TBLEGRAPIK NEW YORK, January 2 3