...4... _ , _----- -.--,--....-._-,...---- I ---- --- --i..:. --- ,.,_ -7---,_______ • :' .4 r...P k- --,. „... , _,. • ::,...,... I . 4. ...,..... .. 4 -,_ ~,,...,,...\,,,,,,, .....„ ,_... , ~.„..„ ,„...:_.., ~, - 1 4 e-, ego , ,:.-- ~ 14 . . 5 ,,.. ~ ..:•:, _ _ _.:_:_\, ~ to - , -,..' 1 k ,1 : ~.. t l'. -- , a- - .- , . • '--- . ' 4V-- - --* , . .------ 4 '--*-•• _ .-,--,-.---. . ......,- r•---„, • •-•- -- z-,-,•-=-,7• 5.-- 110- 41s. \ •... ' -- .t• -- -.- ...%. ..:•,- * d i t- ..,t... 4. ~, '‘'' 4 t - % . • - q -- .4 - - 'k ~- o.' , 43t: : -,‘..,.._ _-__-,:_:: ;-7= - _ - .• ,C,el, .1' \ ,la Wilk 7 -- : 1 "n- ' • Ctt :,. . ...' - . 4 6 . . . i . 4 ‘'•. . 14 . .. , . 4 . . , k. 4.• ----_-----_--1-.---_------ , ...-: '..-_-_---_.---,, . . -_ - .---.;._.----- , , - 2-_,:----- , -----4L----- . . .. . -- --------; ~-- -- - ---- -y - - =-- ' ',. eft - -4. -----_-_•_-,-,-.- % - ' . __ . _ . __ , BY GEORGE BERQNER TilE TELEGRAPH. :1•- IS PUBLISHED - 't MORNING AND EVENING, .By GEPRGE BERGNER '' 1., M Ogiee Third Street, near. Walnut. , TERS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE sunscsrerrok. '• The DAILY TSLEGBARH is served to subscribers t' ;_ t the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscri - ris will be charged $5 00 in advance. '. Tlioee i e ' • . :rsoue who neglect to pay in advance will' be !et' $6 00. WEEKLY TErzoakru. :. , , •,,, 'tits 'IELEORAPH is also published weekly and ...., - is furoiEhed to subscribers at the following cash ;.,.. k rates - - • tn Single copies, weekly $1 50 l'''': Three copies to one Poet Office 4 00 ' ; en copies to one Post Office 10 00 A:Lisailantans. F ELEC TRICITY. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND WONDER- ;'ll FUL RESULTS. TAU. J. Id. CREAMER would respectfully in-, JL./ form the public in general and the diseased: ,I.ln particular, that he has opened FM. office 'in 'South Second street, below Chestnut,Efarrisbuig, It: Pa.,where he will treat all diseases entrusted to is care, in accordance with the system discovered and taught by Prof. C. Bolles,; of 4 • Philadelphia, with whose institution he has • z • ;rk connected, and to whom he takes pleasure Vn referring the public for information with 'respect to his success in controlling disease, - • - -•• ,i-,& No drugging the system with uncertain med. '7 4 4ca 1 agents. All cures performed by Magnetism, "!C9' Galva u ism and other niodifications of Electricity, &without shocks or any unpleasant sensations. After au Electrical Diagnosis, a guarantee will 44 be given, if desired by the patient. For far . tS. ther information call and get a pamphlet which .'' • contains hundreds of certificates from medical , men and others proving the superiority of this practice over all others. Consultation s fr y e s e t l emof Offi ce hours 9t012 a. ar., Ito 6 sifd.t to I 9 P. ti. DR. J. MILTON OREAMAR.. de29-d3tawlna to-th-sa • ~,livv ~ ,-.`s: ~ URFAT FURNITURE SALE. .•;? 135,(;00 Worth of Furniture for Sale. '-- BARK & CO., Auctioneers, Harrisburg, . otud . . Pa., respectfully inform their unmet 'o ' friends, that in connection with the auction il-4 ness, they have opened New Furniture `' , 4 1 . 1 .: ma, where all kinds of Furniture will be 14101 d, cheaper and at lower prices than at any ...' , ther place in the city. They having made ar t,, ~,,,' rangcments with the largest manufacturing '•' . 2roestablisirments in New York, Philadelphia and L ei.O. Baltimore, and being in daily receipt of Fared -,-*tture, the largest orders will be filled at the shortest possible notice. Always on hand. So ' 1 7'. • igs, Stuffed Parlor and Cane Seat Chairs, Te te-a-tetes, Marble Top Dressing:Bureaus, Ward-, I robes. Bedsteads and Tables of every descrip ' tion ; Fancy and Common Furniture. All kinds of Second Hand Furniture taken in exchtuige , ,„- ' for new, Tbe highest Flee paid for second 4 - 40 r hand householdFurnittire Clothing, &o.; by W. BARB 81 co. 4 .' Auctioneers, next to State Capital Bank. septl9 t To AU Who Value. Their Sight! ... .. • z. . , ITILIUB ROSENDALE, 4, O.I'TICI.A.N AND OCULIST, =.:.. p ESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens '.7.. of Harrisburg and vicinity that - - he has ,' 4 : ale opened an office in Market Square next 1, -00 r to Mr. Felix's Confectionery, for the sale • . of his celebrated • • ' ' . FANTOSOOPIC AND TINTED SPECTACLES. These glasses are recommended by the first . .;:k I.', medical men, and all who purchated them:from ..,„ ;,= me will testify to their great advantages' over: '.iy all other ones in use. .'• The Lenses are ground of the finest crystal. * 0 They assist and strengthen the impaired vision, and last from 10 to 12 years without change. :. Office hours from BA. M. till Br. is. Consul ":•'.- tation free. octsd3m3taw-wim ';' 1 ''' PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. Q.... 4. Lebanon Valley Branch; lAN and after MONDAY, DECEMBER 28th, $:, kJ 1868, an ACCOMMODATION PASSENGER -,' TRAIN will be run between Beading and. Her :;1„ risburg, in addition to the other Pasienger "".,• Trains now running on the Lebanon Valley ' Ilailroad. ;.,.. Leaving Reading at 7.15 A.. ar, passing Leba il 4-lon at 8.44 A. m., and arriving at Harrisburg at ief 10 A, x. ia i. m . Leaving Harrisburg at 5 p. m., passing lieba• `'' ' on at 6.15, and arriving at Reading at 7.36 ' 47 ' Stopping at all Passenger Stations. ' 4 " - " 4.- The Fast Hail Train, leaving Reading at 11.07 Ati re . _,i3 Flat /WM 1 raw, ,5...... _ kIITEIF • A. At., will stop only at Womellidorf, Myerstown, At Lebanon, Anniville, Palmyra and Hummels . - • ,d town. • • • ...„' All Passengers will procure theft- Tickets be "ICIII.f- fore entering the Traint. An extrit'eharge is ittAil made on all Fares paid in the Cars: l't • -. G. A. NICOLLS, T i.' -- General Sup't, ' - Reading, Pa., Dec. 11, 1863.--de ).4131 MUST BR SOLD ! • NXTALL PAPER, BORDERS. .. i. , . SCHUMER'S BOOKSTORE to be moved on the first of April next. tale stock of Wail Paper must be reduced, and l a, therefore, be sold at very low prides though price of Wall Papers is still, goihg up. Persons desirous of papering their houses, will do well to examine his assortment and prices. THEO. F. SCHEFFER. December 1, 1863. 'Five cents cash paid for Clear Mixed 'Rags per pound. Old Books wanted for—cash. de3 /XPORTE/A - A 07 WINES AND LIQUORS. L AUMAN, SALLADE yo. 128 80 VTIININTS .8227.41, Between Chestnut and Walnut PHELADELPHIA., : forlorn, A. M. SAT. Ann, J. D. Burrow nog d3m TITMEG CHEESE. A splendid article. In 1 8 and 14 lb. beau. Just received at $ • deols W. D OLE; ja & CO. I . AtZr.iud4 DR,. J.. 0 ITNSO N 713.A1L1-OMMWP )301 . 11111 LOCK 110SPI1 AL. 'PE dbc° _ vered the' moat certain,. speedy and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF Itill i liII,DENOE. - as IN LOX TO TWUNriI 'nom. NO IsINRGETRY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cure •Warretnteti, or No.C6nr, in from One to Two Days. • Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary dis charges, Impotency, General Debility, Ner voueneer, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trernbffnigs, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Ncse or Skin. Affections of the Liver, Lungs Stcmach or Bowels—those terrible disorders sidling from the Solitary Habits of Youth— those secret and solitary prOices more fatal' to their victims tharwthe song of Syreus to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most bril liant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible, YOUNG MEN - _ Specially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an rmtimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and, brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listerdng Sen ates with the. thunders _pf eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with fall eonildence MABAGE Married. Persons, pr 'Young Men contemplat ing marriage, being aware of physical weak ness, organic debility, deforreitiee. cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gen tleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician, ORGANIC WEMiIM3t3 Immediately Cared, and full vigor restored; This distressing affection—which renders !life miserable and marriage impossible—is the pen alty paid by the victims of improper indulgence. Young persona are too apt to: Commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful °Mare queues that may ensue. Now, who thatlnn- Aerates& the subject will pretend -to deny that the power of procreation is loot sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the pru dent. Besidea being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and &Arno- Live 'symptoms to both', body and mind arise. The systems becomes derimged, thephyaical;and• mental functions weakened, loss of procreative power, nervous irritability; dyspepsia • palPita tion of the heart, indigeation, conditutfonal debility. a wasting of the frame, cough, con stunption, decay opd death. 0111011,-Nci. 7 Bourn Fars Brum, Leftt hand side going frimi: Baltimore street,:a fewrioors from the vorner. Fail not to *eve rialise aryl number. ' Leftism must he paid and contain a it4mi. The Doctor's Diplomas hang lu. ills office. DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, g raduate frora one of the most eminent colleges in the Milted States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospi tals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and 'else- Where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; makftronbled with ringing in the hold and'es,rs2iihen. asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden 'sounds, WO/Nimes, with frequent blushing,. attended sometimes with derangenient of kind were. ornit)d inunedlideV. TAKE rannaridui NOTICE!: These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits..of youth, via weakness of the back and liiiths;_pains in the &mimos of , eight,•looe of kookier power, palpitation of the heat, dyspetidli, nervous irritabiliV, symptoms of consumiithin, - are fearful e ff ects . on the mind are muckto be dreaded-4oss of -memory; con fusion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil, fore bodings, aversion to society, self distract; love of solitude, timidity, tie., pre some of the evils produced. • YOUNG. =24 Who have injured:themselves by a certain praOtice indulged in `when alone,, a. habit fre quently learned. trent . evil ocnniudolui, •or_ school; the effects of which pis nikhtly felt, imp when asleep, and if not eared =dere marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that ay oung men, the hope of bia country, the darling of Ids pasts, should boonatthed from all prospeets and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating . ; from . tkooth of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persona num before melte:A .. Plating MARRY keR, Reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey threughlife becomes a weary pilgrimage : the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled With the inalanolkayittlection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. DIFiltAt3E OF BI.PRUDIEHOE. When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the e& of this painful disease, it too often haps that an illtimed sense of shame or the dread of dis covery detera hint frornapplying to those who, from education .and - reppeendarlity, can alone befriend him. He falls into the hands of igno rant and designing pretenders, who, incapable of einhig, filch his . pecuniary : sub stance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair ,leave him with ruined health to sigh over his galling disappointment,' of, by the use,of the deadly poison, Heronry, 11/..utmi the (*retail dorsi symptoms of , this terrible disease; such as affections of the Head, Throat, Nose, Bkin,etc. progressing with frightful rapidity till death puts a period to his dreadtql sufferings by send- Mg him -to that undiscovered country frem whence no traveller returns. INDOBSIMENT OF 'pia PHESS: The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important surgical operations performed.hy Dr.. 4ohnson, witnessed by the reporters of the &w, CUPPer, and many other papers, notices of Which have a mwawed again and , again before the public, be lof,iikhkstanding ea a gentleman of character an inspoelbility, is a sufficient guarantee to - - • malt I)II3LSBN3. SpEEDELT otfliE). Yew V-Iloutb Wzaderlek HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY ._ 25, 1864. The Great "American Remedies," KNOWN AS "HELMBOLD'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, 'VIZ : ELELMBOLD EXTRACT " BUCHU," " SARSAPARILLA, " IMPROVEED ROSE WASH. 77 FIT,MBOLD' GENUINE PREPARATIONS "meaty CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT BUOHU, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REM.EDY. Fol Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Diges tion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into heal thy action, by which the WATERY or CAL cEaous depositione, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as well as pain and inflammation and is good for MEN, WO MEN or CHILDREN. HE.MBOLD' B. EXTRACT BUCHU FOR 'WEAKNIMES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. arremem WITH Me YOLLOWINO 871111 , TOIDJ : Indisposition to Exer-Drynees of the Skin, tion, Loss of Power, Less of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease,. Wakefulness, Dimness of 'Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude ofielmhing of the Body, the Muscular System,Eruptions on the Face, Hot Hands, Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATIGTY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "direful diseases," INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. Many, are aware of the cause of their Buffer- Jugs, but none will confess. The records of the Insane Asylums and the melancholy deaths by Coniumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. THE, CONSTITUTION, WITOR AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC l'imurNms, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Helmbold's Ex tract Ihichu invariably does. A trial will con vince the most skeptical. FEIIKLESI-FrifaT.Fra—FEMATR B , 0L14,0R, YOUNG, SINGLE, J VARR rgD, OR CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE, In many affections peculiar to. females the Extract Realm is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis 'or Retention ' Irregu larity, Painfulness, or suppreselon of the cus tomary Evacuations, Uleerated or Schirroue state of the Uterus, Lencorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and, for all coniplaints'incident to the sex, whether %rising from Indiscretion; Habits of Dissipation or'in the' - DECIANE OR CHANGE OF. LIFE. , NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WM10177 1 17! Take no Balsam,liercury,or Unpleasaat ffiedi pine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. 1 - 1 J 4)3OLD'S EXTRACT RIICHU, . Onfee,Secret Diseases in all their *gee; at lit-. tie expense ; little or no change in diet ; no in 001:1134iinico and. no.expoegre. eanges fre- Anent desire, and gives Wength to Urinate, thereby removing obatructions, preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain: and'inflammation, eo frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Worneut Matter.. Thousands upon thousands who have been the, victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short, time, have Nand they were deceived, and that the- "Poison" has by the -use of "powerful Astringents," been dried up in the systeM, to break out in an aggravated form, and. perhaps after marriage. us e ARTNIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all Affections and Diseases of the UrinarY Or gans, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how kaag standing;' liseasea of these Organs require' the aid of a Diuretic. HELDIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is the Great Diuretic, and it ie certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases for which it is recommended. Blood—Blood—Blood. Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound BLUED 'EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA SYPHILIS. This is an affec tion of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Or gans, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind pipe, and Other Mucus Surfaces, making its ap pearance in the forth of Ulcers. Helmbold's Extiiet Sarsaparilla, purifies the Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, its Blood-Purifying Properties are preserved to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. WBOLD' 8 ROSE WASH. An excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphi litic Nature and as an injection in diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Ex tracts Buohu and Sarsaparilla, in each diseases as recommended. Evidence of the most re sponsible and reliable character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF •CUREfit from eight to twenty years standing, with names known , to, Science and Fame. For Medical Properties of Buchn, see Dispensary of the United States. See Professor DEWEE'S, valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PUY SICK, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOWELL, &celebrated Physician and member of the Royal College of. SurgeoHo, Ireland,. end published in the Transactions of the .Kings and Queen's Journal. See Medico- Cirargical Review, published by BENJ. TRA VERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. the moat of the late standard works on Medi cine. Extract of Rocha $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5OO. Extract. of Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, or six for $6 . 00. Improved Rind' Wash, 60 cents per bottle ' or six for $2 50, or half a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be suf fident to cure the Most obstinate.cases, if direc tions are adhered te, .I?ailvered to any addreof securely packed from oheeryation. Describe symptoms in all communisations. Ourei gam . onteed. Advice gratis. DAvir Personally ap p - e red before me an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Helinbold, who, being duly sworn, doth say, his prepara tions contain 'ntinarcotie, no mercury, or:other injurious drugs, and are purely vegetable. - - H. T. parr.mßOLD Ehirornand anbecribed beforame, this 28d day of Novimbei4Bs4. 'WM'. Pi HD3BAILD, Alderman, Ninth street ab. Race, Phila. Address letters for information in confidence. 13. T. ITELAIRDIffir, aeraist. . Depot laSouth 10th street, below Chestnut, mpaddpwa. : . Ny2BlY B. G. FLOWERS, 3p3gcotc•gxistrohe (sucozsaox TO BLORAITI & IPOLDOIi,) Ridge Road, Harrisburg, Pa., VTTUMID respectfully inform their , old cue- V T tamers that he has purchased the entire fixtures of Messrs. Burnite & Weldon, including alt of their OLD NEGATIVFB, So that all who have had their negatiVes taken by- that firth Can have their pictures executed as befoie; at greatly REDUCED PRICES, $2 PER DOZEN. Having refitted the , Booms, they are now equal to any in the city, and I am now pre. pared to execute PHOTOGRAPHS, . CARTE DE VLSITE, AND AMBROTYPEEI Which for softness of tone and flattering effect cannot be excelled. I guarantee satisfaction b. all who may favor me with a call B. G. FLOWERS. nov2B-dBmos-3taw•tutis DAN I L A. MUNCH, AGENT. OF the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in forms the public that this Old Daiy Trans portation Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence in this city,) is in sucwinfal operation and prepared to 'carry freight as low es any other individuariine between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jerseishore, Lock Haven, and all other , points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia anclErie and Williamsport and Elmira Railroads. - DAN'L A. if DEMOB, Agent, Hurisburg, Ooods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, Zell & Hinchroan, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above 'Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. M., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, next morning. japBOrdniyl REMEMBER THE PLACE! GEOR GE, W. McOALLA, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Agent for the Celebrated American Welles; NO. 35 MARKET STREET, (Opposite the Jones House,) lIAERLSBORG, .PENNA. n06,43m SELECT WHILE THE STOCK IS FULL.- tog ..1 5 ES A full assortment at BERGNER'S. PURE CIDER-DIRECT FROM EL ' MIRA, NEW YORK. DOCK & CO. hast received TWENTY B ARBELS PURE CIDER, which•they will sell by the single quart or gal lost, to suit customers. This cider was toMught to. this .znarket; ex- Newly to meet the wants of the pUblio during the holidays. dec2 . - . ‘ - ' PUBLIC sonooLS. _ . QoECKff M Vof,d , tfcent siz es W 'm ote § kl. Excellent . se ri es of Spellers : ai , Bcaders, Pubileledblailef tßrithers;!totether w i th all other Sc h ool Boo ks and Writing Materials deet .are offered, wholesale a_nd_r? s tall, aticsrom. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. ANOTHER lot of •Morton's Unrivalled Gold Pens for sale at deos SOH.EFFER'S BOOKSTORE. AR pens warranted for one year. HENRY 0. ORTH, Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon and Violin. el - T.IMB reasonable. 15 Third street, between Market and. Ohesbant stoats. jan4 8m A. PATRIOTIC GIFT BOOK. CONSTITUTION,GOVERNMENT AND UNION. c'Oui Goveinment," an exposition of the Constitution; &0., for popular use. By M. E'Kuisar: Price—sl.oo. For sale at dell BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. ALMANACS ! ALMANACS ! I BAER'S LANCASTER Nr , Just i6Ceived and 'tor tide at nol9 sollhollarS BOOKSTORE. DIARIE-S! DIARIES!! 1a 0 4 At MUFF - HE'S Bookstore, Harrisburg. [nol9 ATMORE'S CELEBRATED MINCE MEAT, JUST MANUFACTURED, EOKIVFffi and for sale by deo2 WM. DOCK, hi., Sr, CO. J. Be .EIWING, ' l l-ttca e Xie!"s!": 42 At;i-ma. 12177 7 Exchange Building, Eiarrishmg. Pensions, Bounties and Back Pay obtained. [delbdly PATENT HINGE. -BACK ALBUMS TUST received and for sale cheaper than .t) be bought in the city, at decs • SCHEME'S BOOKSTORE. TRE New Military Novel, Price $1 541 SHOULDER STRAPS, a novel of New York and the army, 1862 ; by Henry Morford For sale at taIIiGNER'S Cheap Book latch's. MICH.ENER'S, EXCELSIOR HAMS . JST received, a large' invoice, of MICHEN ER'S_ CELEBRATED HAMS, New, for sale at jan2 o .. W. DOOK, & CO., OUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds . -iiinettuit lyy on hand by BOYER Bt. KOFSIPEA, nolo dtf No. 3 Market Square. SUPERIOR WINES AND BRANDIES VVF,R offered in this market.• - -In bottles and by the gallon or quart. deal& Whi. DOCK, JR., & 0. SHAKER CORN • Z 1 NEW ABEIVA.T.4 at Ano2o -• T- -WM. DOCK, & CO. QI:WKEIICORN: A new arrival at • • iap2o . W. JR., &CO. QT. GEORGE .arid DELAND BARR. CIOD Fffri for sale at Ljan2ol W DO(.4i JL &CO. trtiant tea - vaz~a- BU DIBCOVERY I Gia,t7Dwiefinivi • HILTOWS : INSOLUBLE CEMENT,i Is of 'more 'general practical utility than any InFentiou now before the publiC. It his been thoroughly tested dur ing-Ih° last two years by practical men, and pronoun cad by all to be SUPERIOR lo ANY /lhesivePreparatiomiknoiin ffxrames Lawn= Omairr . a, new thing, and the A dult of years of study ; lta combination is on Applicable useful Arts A new thing Scientific Principle", And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it_ become corrupt or emit any offensive smell. to Ckstabination Manufacturers, using Ma bine; will find it the best article knoin as Cementing for the Channels, it works without delay, is not sibmied by any change of tempera ture. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Jewelers. Will find it sufficiently adhe sive for their use, RH has been Proved• Bis imperially avid Is Leader, And we claim as an especial Merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong with out stitching. Famlllea. It is the only LIQ ULD CENE,NI &tont, That Is a sure thing for melding /Furniture, - ' 1 Orookory, Toys, Bone s ' . ivory, And articles of Household It la a liquid Remember. neuron's Dammam Qumran Is in a liquid form and as Amity applied as paste. Hon's Insomunfa Nam= Islusoluble in water or oil. Hinton's Istoteszn thotintr Adfieres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Man ufacturers' Paclieges from 2 ounces to 100 Mo. 11.11 MA T, BROS. CC!, P 1 640 PriD R.-Le zwe' I. Ta' & mAGINItnii Agents In PM' ja-dly WING LI QUOMS. WM. DOCK JR. , & CO., DEALERS IN FINE FAMELY UROCERIFS, opposite the Court House, have on hand a fine selection of BRANDIES of different vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINES Of Every Description WHISKEYS. OLD BOURBON,, MONONGAHELA, FINE IRISH AND SCOTCH Whiskeys. The hest ever brought to this roar. ket. - OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated CHESTNUT GROVE MURKY CHAMPAGNE WINES SELOSS JOHANNESBURG, CLARET, SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. WILD OHERP.Y, PLANTATION. - WIGWAM TONIC BI'PTEBB With a complete stock of ENGLISH • AILEEtICAN Pickles and Condiments of every description now in the market, and at THE LOWEST BATES. j snB ' Chesebrough & Pearson, • PROVISION DEALER. S, 14 South Water street, Philadelphia; A BE prepared to offer to their customers .(11_ theirpelebrated Sugar Cured Hams and Dried Be4f, Which are cured expressly for. fam ily use, and superior to anything in the nuirket. N. B.—All orders by mail promptly attended to. janl9 43m FOR SALE. ABUILDING LOT, situate on the corner of Third street and s ituate alley, in ; Weil, Harrisburg. For further particulars ingaire of RUMEN RFID3BII, Sixth street between South and Otte. janl6 . eodtf NOTICE • frHE_ PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the nameof Imhoff, Shower & Co., at the Harrisburg Stock Yard, on the Pennsyl vania rallroad t his been dissolved by mutual consent. ' The business will be continued by the undersigned, who will pay all debts due by the late firm and. collect all outstanding so , counts.__ F. A. SHOWER & CO. Ca janil wawfit SPLIT TEAS, IPUST received at J DO2O I\r"ViV -PARED PEAQBES E just_receivell at jan2o.. • W. DOM JR. &CO. pait g Uthgaf4 Haw YoRK, Jan. 24. The steamer &tea arrived this morning with Liverpool dates to the 6th inst., via. Queens town on thi3,7thw . The Canada arrived at Liverpool on the sth, and the City of Cork arrived at Queenstown on the mime day. The Louisiana left - Liverpool on the sth for New York. The English news, by this arrival, is unim portant. The French corps legislatif have introduced several amendments to the address of the Em peror expressing greater sympathy with Poland and declaring it -expedient to mc:ognizp the Poles as beligerents. The report of the committee on supplemen tary credits, asked for by the Government, warns the Executive against dangerous entan glements, and unanimously advises that an end be put to the Mexican expedition as soon-as the interest and honor of France will permit. • The committee close their report by propo sing the adoption of the supplementary credit BOOT & SHOE bill. The King of Denmark has issued a spirited and warlike address to his army, calling on them to uphold the honor of their country by force it necessary. A Copenhagen telegram says that about 1400 men of the reserve have been called out. ' The report that an English and French fleet was soon to visit Copenhagen is contradicted, but the fact that the English Channel fleet has been recalled home, lends color to the statement. ) 1 0 The German troops in the Palitinate she continued activity. The official general Co respondence of Vienna canticos the mino . German States against precipitate action against Denmark, and warns them against carrying out any attack. It is reported that the excitement is increasing throughout Germany. In Vienna there is a general belief that war will ensue in the spring. The report that the new King of Greece had left Athens in despair of regulating the con fusion there existing, is not not confirmed. lkiavaDintAml VALUABLE NEW SASH FACTORY, PLANING AND SLITTING MILL, BEKIMMI PUBLIC SALE, ON i SATURDAY, 411103REARY 6th, 1864. 22 "1 rils HE subscriber w offer for sale, the valua ble new SASH FACTORY, PLANING and a MILL, on the Cumberland Valley railroad, in Mechanicsburg, Pa. The property comprises a large Two story Frame Factory, with a convenient TWO 'STORY WABEROOM near, with Sheds attached, for storing lumber ; and a Lot of Ground, 150 feet square, very ad vantageously located. The Factory is fitted up with a large stock of the.best Maddnery, which is drives by an EN GINE OF AMPLE POWER. WM. DOCK, Jr., & Co. PRICE _TWO CEN S. LATER FROM EUROPE:- AERHIL OF THE SUMER /ETNA Ntui alrotrtistments. The establishment has an excellent pationage and for any one desiring to carry on this -busi ness, no better opening can be found. Sale to commence at ONE O'CLOCK, p. m., en said day, when terms will be made known by (jab &act] JOHN' SADLER. LOTS FOR SALE ANUMBER of Lots have been laid out on the Jonestown Road, about one mile east of the city of Harrisburg, which are being sold at low prices. To persons desiring to secure a home for themselves and to be relieved from the present exorbitant rents, this a rare op portunity. A number of lots have already been sold and but few remain onhand. The plan of said lots can be seen at the Sheriff's of fice in Harrisburg, where persons desiring to purchase are requaded to call and see the same. J.' SHELL. janl6 Harrisburg, Jan. 15, 1864 NEW lIAIERY. Broad Street, between Second and Third, HARRISBURG. PHU UNDERSIGNED leas opened a new BAICERY, in the Sixth ward, where he is prepared to supply BREAD AND CAKES at a reasonable rate. He will warrant satisfaction to all who will give him a call. He will sell his bread at the rate of - FIVE FIVE CENTS PER POUND, and fall weight guaranteed. jitn6 dtf JOHN ALCORN. JUST OPENED AN ANIONENNSIT . - ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY 3:l•DeolciEs i Of different aim, for sale at . nol9 SCHEFFMR'S BOOKSTORE. PURE CONCENTELTED COFFEE, Sugar imel. . "EirESSONB malting up boxes to send to their friends in the army, will find this an ele gant article ; one box making forty, cups of coffee, equal to any Java coffee, and with little labor. For sale at - n 024 WM:I/02.00K, Js. , 4 co. PUBLIC SALE WILL be sold on the premiseion Saturday, the 13th day of February, 1864, a cer tain two story Frame House and part of a lot of ground situate in the city of Harrisburg, be tween State and North street, being% front on Second street 27 feet 6 inchei, ' and running back 94 feet, more or less, late the property of Anne Catharine Cunkle, dec'd.. Sale to com mence at 2 o'clock, r. when. - fends will be made known by WM. H. KEPNEB, Executor of Anne C. Cunkle, dec'd. janlB _ AMBROTYPISTB AND PHOTO GRAPHERS. MAKE NOTICE.—Two Ambrotype ears for sale—the one is located in camp and has been doing a goixi business. For further in formation aptly to EL H. GROVE, janlB d3t* Carlisle, iIrIItEEN PEAS, GREEN' .CORN, - FRESH PEAL °; • - .17E3E11 ToMATOEB, in cans and for lisle - at. - . ion2o DOGS, & CO ' ' N, ■