gdzEiraA I' NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Ad. vertlsements, Business Notices, Mar. stages, Deaths, dm., to secure itieortion to the TELEGRAPH, mast invariably accompanied with the GAM LiciTiertliemenis ordered in the regular • ii.veniug Editiou aie inserted in the 4:it - Az - ling Edition without extra eharge. fl ARRISBURG, PA Saturday Evening, January 16, 1864 TOWN AIND COUNTRY, To STRANGERS VISITING OUR CITY.-J. Kahn weiler, corner Second and Walnut streets, now offers his entire stock of winter goods, con sisting of 'Furs, Bhawk., Blankets, Dress and Fancy Goods of every description, at cost prices. He will also allow five per cent. to every person purchasing above the amount of one dollar. Don't forget the place, corner Second and Wal 2t* siul 51^ee13 AIIENTION CITIZENS ON THE SECOND WLED.- A meeting of the citizens of the Second Ward will be held at the Second Ward House, Second and Chestnut streets, on Monday evening, at seven o'clock, for the purpose of ascertain ing the quota of the ward in the coming draft, and for reporting the full number of recruits already furnished by the people thereof to the armies of the Republic. As all subject to the draft are interested in this matter, all are in vited to attend ! MANY CITIZEN& Turica.—Oltizens of the Sixth ward, desirous of subscribing for the DAILY timaitarn, or changing their residence, will . please leave their orders at my house, corner of Verbeke sr apt and Ridge Road, or with . the carriers. 01,1crs may also be left at the publication office and Borgner's hook store. Comrany G!—The members of Company G, late 127th Regiment Pa. Vols., will meat in the lower room of the Exchange, ca Monday evening at si o'clock, to complete airangements for participating in the Lauri rAtic.u. By order of JOHN G. BALL, Captain. A i i:ENnoN, Fmsr CITY ZomtvEs!—You are re quested to assemble at Brant•s Hall, at iJ o'cicck this evening, for drill. Every member is expected to be present. By order of F. ASBURY AWL, Captain. LEA—On Friday morning, on Third street, between Chestnut and Mulberry, a Buck skin purse, containing s24—and some cents—one $lO 3. S. Treasury note, and two ss—on coun try banks, and four $l. The tinder will be liberally rewarded by returning it to this office. •• I LEI me in the sunshine," Were the last words of Archbishop Hughes. Inc State Librarian publishes a notice that i 6 of importance to all persons having claims for aaistiog to remove the books from the Li brary in June, 1863. r t,RE,v. Da. EDWARDS, of the VestAreh Street Church, Philadelphia, will preach in the Old school Presbyterian Church, to-morrow morn kw and evening. Via. Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Com pany have accepted the invitation of the Leg islative Committee to participate in the Than : ral ceremonies on Tneßday nest. i,:SPEPANCS 14ov:um—J. Q. Detwiler, of 10W2, a very able and popular speaker; la an nounced to deliver a Temperance lecttere in the Court House, on Monday evening, 15th Ai every citizen is interested 'in the raising of the quotas of the various townships, towns end counties in the State, we would invite the a ttottion of the public to the "Important No tice' ' c . f Maj.• Gen. Hancock, published in another co::141111. m: , 111 memoir.' s gut :gess at Sanford's Opera House id uuabeted. The ha:l continues to be croWded eves y evening. Thi s ext zilent troupe will re maiu but one week longer. We would oadvise almirers of fun to go to Hh,chcock's, where motto is "We strive to please. " as. MARY Rum, died near White Deer 1 / 111113 , n county, last weak, aged something o 7e?: Ity years. She was a daughter of John noted in the Revolutionary annals of chumberland county; a sister of Capt. Wm. Brady, now and for many years past an , r of the State Senate; niece of Gen. Hugh and a blood relation of Sam Brady, the orated Indian fighter. 3EC.RIIITING OFFIOHM FOR THE 14TH DL9TRIOF. ill afford the military men of the 14th DlB - pleasure to learn that Major John Datweiler has been appointed recruiting )r within the limits of said district. We ;idea that Provost Marshal General Fry was it fortunate in this appointment, as well on )unt of the appointee's experience as an ex mtive officer as for his ability as a soldier and ,zian. Major Detweiler, we feel certain, will cave no portion of his duty unperformed, and we congratulate him on this recognition of his merits as well as his claims. THE CUANON IN TSB /AMU Bottes.—This morning the change in the, market hours went into operation ,and the scene in the market place, for the first time, wanes novel as it was gratify 'g. Thoso in attendance be highly ratified with the change, and the market was one of the largest ever held at this season of the year. indeed for as the opening morning of ihis change, we consider the inauguration of the market hours lately ordered by council a .complete success. We conversed with many farmers, all of whom highly approved of the change ; and we believe the great majority of the people, even with the limited' experience. of this morning, would not under any cirdnria.: stances return to the old regalattons. Barri= Arouvzo.—Battery E, Fifth 11. S. Artillery, arrived.. here tc-day, and will take put in the exercises of inauguration day. SECOND I.I3IIDEIAN Cuvaca.—There wlll be divine service in the lecture room of the Bap tist church to-morrow morning at half past 10 o'clook. AT a special meeting of the Good Will Fire Company, held in their hall last evening, an invitation was accepted to participate in the inangural''Oereitionles of Anc G:Vartin, on Tries:lay, the 19th inst. SALE of Lors.—We wield call the attention of our readers to the advertisment of Sheriff Shell offering building loin for sale. The loca tion is a pleasant one, and their proximity to the ety will make them desirable homes. Arrnwrrox! Fritz Emmy - int—A meeting of the Harrisburg Fire Zonaves (late Co. B, 127th 11*. P. V.) will be held at the Hall of the Hore Hose House, this -(Saturday) evening, at 7i- o'clock. Every member is, expected to be present. By order, A. J. EAGER, lit Lieut. Smarrumasti.—The Spiritualists of this city having leased the room formerly occupied by the. Cameron Guard, in tbe "Exchange Build ing," Walnut street, their meetingswill be held there ,in the future. Lecture to-morrow (Sun day 17th) at 2/ and 7P. M. Seats free. * RHOURSION TRAINS ,DURING THE INAUCURA- TioN.—We understand that -the Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia and Retuling ,railroads will•isaue excursion tickets for the inauguration of Governor Curtin on Tuesday next. This will afford the citizens living in the localities through which these two great .roads pass an opportunity to be present in the State Capital on the inauguration day. Elmnon ov Ovropsits.—At a stated meeting of the Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Com pany, held last evening, the following named gentlemen were elected officers of the Company for 1864: President, Samuel D. Ingrain; Vice President, S. C. Wilson; Secretary, Wm. Lukens; Assistant Secretary, 501..8. Kissel; Treasurer, John =lnger; Foreman, Sarrink Buehler; As sistant Foreman, Wm. J. A. McKibben. J. B. ZIUMPIMAN, A CHILD SMOTMERBD.—The Bedford inquirer says on last Tuesday several persons of this place visited Shellsburg, among others Mrs. George Stiffier with a child about four months old. The weather was reasonably cold.- The mother, like all mothers, was very anxious lest her little one might suffer, and she wrapped it well. Upon arriving at Shellsburg, it was discovered to be smothered. All traces of life had disappeared. Mothers should be very care ful on such occasions. Fcarasa FOE TES P00n..-,-What a noble in stinct is that which prompis the individual, when filled with the comforts of life, to feel for the sufferings of others leo favored than himself ! As illustrative of the virtue, a co temporary rebates. that the other night he came across a young maw standing well braced against a lamp-post, soliloquizing thus: "Vhat will the poor (hic) do this hard (hic) winter ! Gin is (hie) ten cents a (hie) glass, and brandy (hic) fifteen cents a glass ? Lord help the-(hic) poor !" Thia SCAZOITY or Csurs.—Daring the last year there were coined.% the Philadelphia Mint fifty-four millions three hundred and sixty thousand cents, and still the scarcity of change is One of the greatest inconveniences as well as losses which the people now auger. As an item .of information in connection with the scarcity of change, we heard a farmer declare at market last Saturday,. when told that the price of a cer tain article rendered it inconvenient to make change, (it being 52 cents,) that he had the cents to make all the change he waiited,for a long while,to Come, as he "gathired mon than half a peck of pennies when they were plenty."— Who will wonder, after such a confession, that p, "pennies are scarce? THE ENHoLLWENT BECX.—The U. S. Senate has had the enrollment bill under consideration, and amended it in various iuirtionlars. Amend ments were agreed to altering the amount of commutation from $BOO to $4OO ; piohibiting enlisted 'men serving as substitutes in' regi ments from any other States than those in which they originally enlisted ; providing that persons exempted by physical disability, whose annual incomes amount to one thousand dollars, shall pay three huildreid dollars into the Inter nal Revenue (and, and making prsons who, have'resided One year in the Uniteneares, and who have voted at any election, subject to the cii7dt I== ==l Toe ItZWAllp or Loom. —There never was such a demand for labor, and labor was never better paid than in this country at the present time. And this will continue if the working classes use their opportunity with moderation and judgment. If they are _too exorbitant in their demands, the result will' sooner or later be a paralysis in many branches of business. very mechanic and laboring man whose ser: vices are now better paid than ever before ought to feel a new impulse to faithfulness. With some the higher the pay the more lacy and independent they become , pnd this is par ticularly the case among, the' morn i gnorant chimes. But the great bulk of the intelligent working men, we believe, are disposed not only to improve their own condition s but to do justice to their employers: -While they improve this millennium of labor, they will do what they can to prolong its existence. How TO Drecovxe. &Lux Pox IN n's EARL' Sreas.—The Eslectie Journal, in an article on small pox, admonishes physicians not fo r be hasty in pasting an Opinion that any eruptive disorder is that loathsome disease until they prove the following diagnostic symptom : "Now we offer this secret to the profession —so soon as the eruptions appear, and by pres sure with the point of the finger may distinctly be felt the small, hard substance, precisely as if a small, fine - shot hail been placed under the cuticle of the skin. This peculiar appearance belongs to no other eruptive disease. We have Applied e term secret, here ;"for whilst it is and has Wen known to a few physicians, it is , not men; tioned In any of the standard authorities ; nor does the writer claim tkeoredit of the discovery.; After this, all worki upqn•Practici will add z thil unfailing diagnostic symptom. , CiiisastraT biuna HALL— Wakfut greet below Aird:—Eirat appearance, this evening, of Mies SALLIE FL 43 RENCE, Miss ILI.BION Panes and littan O'DONNELL, it/ connection With Miss ANNIE WORRELL, Den; HOW,ERD, FRANIT GARD NER, Jos MILLER, 3, H. Domn,r , and Prof. HARRY CLIFION. Doom open at 6 o'clock. To commence at 8 Admission 16 cts. Private boas, 26 cts. SAKE BUDD, Sole Lessee • THZ Rev. John R. Bbaria'felt, pastor of Rush Baptist Church, in Mifflin county, Pa., who has been driven.from the Church because he loves his old flag, gives the following reasons in his farewell sermon of the enmity against him: "I have publicly prayed for the Union—l have prayed for our rulers—l have prayod for success to our arms—l have prayed for victory to our brothers and sons—l have prayed for freedom to all the enslaved on earth—l have prayed for peace only on a basis that can be permanent: ' for the . Government — the whole Government—the Government right or wrong:' I love her flag—l lore to see it float in the breeze—l love to talk in its behalf." ONE thiNDILED AND TWENT 4 / 7 8EINITII BECILILEST PENNSYLVANIA Vommusus.--LEaving received arrinvitation froth the oorniniteee of inaugu- Talon of Governor Andrew - G,Curtin on Tire's day, January 19th, 1864, I request all the members of my tats Regiment; 'together with other returned volunteers, to join in said Inauguration. • The Captains will report the condition of their commands to me by letter or in person as soon as possible. The men will be required to have blue over coats and cape. They will•be furnisbed with equipments Immediately. Wore upon arrival. The field and staff are expected to report fully equipped. W. W. JaIsTINGS, Late Col. MONDAI svantio next is the time set apart for the grand Military and Citizens' Dress Ball, to be given in Brant's Hall. The managers are at work perfecting the arraogemerits so that everything will be complete that can add to the comfort.aud enjoyment of those who attend. We invite attention to the advertisement, in which will be found the list of floor managers, 2t I=l Havana. . A. Bannvart & Co. have now in store the beet and largest assort merit'of imported' cigars aver brought to this market, to which they invite the attention Of Smokers. They will be happy to show to all who may favor them with a visit the various brands; and feel confident that their stock can not be equalled. Remember the place—thyg store under Tones Souse. jl3-1W NEW BEICEBX.-Mr. John Alcorn announces that he has opened a new 'bakery,. on Broad street, between Second and Third street, West Harrisburg, where he is prepared to supply bread and cakes at reasonable rates. Mr. Alcorn is - arfold tuad:experienCed,baker, and was for a number of years superintendent of one of the targest bakeries in. thirkgity. He. is no selling hill bread by weight at ' the rate - of ft centxper. pound. Persons in want of OA bread and wish to get the worth of their _ money will do well to give him a call. Bread will lae'supplied to customers in all parts of the city, and all persons . desiring any 'thing in his line of business can leave their orders at the bakefy in Broad street, between Second and Third, or la q tjr.,Alrxirn's lacx. on the counter in thrkl)Aux TELKORAPII office. janll-1w ' . I= D. you wish to impart vigor and clearness to the voice, relieve hoarseness and bronchial af fection, get at once a box of Bannvart's Bron chittl Troches, the only effectual remedy in the market. For 811i0 ddzen or gross at C. A. Bannvart & Co.'s Drug Store, No.? 2. Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. , ' (W - liberal discount to the trade. dec244 Tam celebrated crystal spectacles properly adjusted to the eye';'microscopes from • 1' 0 to 700 diameter • tower telescopes, field 41asoer, defining an object from one to ten miles, and all kinds of optical, mathematical and philo sophical instrument; at Rosendsle's Optical In stitute, 8 Market Square. Artificial oyes bl sorted. kind for a circular ! janBdtf. A OARD. To Merchants, Ilotel Ketpers, and Businew Men Generally Mr. Sanford, having been solicited by a few friends to introduce in Harrisburg a grand Advartiiiing Curtain - 0310111u to those in New York Theatres—is now prepared to receive subscripz dons. A plan of the Curtain miy'be seen at the DAIL . * TFLIGRAPH office, and all informa tion can be obtained of Mr. W. H. It Slog.— Parties having their business displayed- 'pop the Curtain, bring their advertisements before the most generous portion of rife Public, 01 at the same time receive the benefit. of ar . fri* distribution of thousands of programmes,whero-. on their places-of Matrices Will be donaptctioria ly displayed.None.but the names.of subscribe will btithus Introduced to the public, and they will attain a popularity 'that enterprising busi ness men only deserve. -, Immediate applidlition - is" necessary, as the season of the Opera.t/louse,will open on• Mo nday evening, January 25th. SAUTIAL 'S. SANFORD, j ALIN& Proprietor and. Manager. • 24313tticit - Ntttitel::',:','-f:1- s,. GOLD PENS RE-MIMED EQUAL TO NEW, 'on the receipt of 86 dents. Circuhus for_the Johnson Pen, sent on application, by Mail or otherwise. , _ E. S.'JOHNSON, - lisuaufactoiy, acid Offices 15 MAIDEN LANE, New York . City: Brown's Bronchial Troches These Limenges are prepared frorai highly esteemed recipe for alleviating BRONCHIAL AY. PECTIONS, ASTIIXL, ilo,tssreass, Comas, Caves, and Irritation or &wenees.of the Throat..' Puma SPEAKERStAND VOCALISTS Will find them beneficial in clearing the voice before speaking or singing, rind relieving, the throat after any unusual exertion of the vocal organs, havipg a peculiar adaptation to affec tions which disturb the organ§ of speech. decfild&wlm , • Military Business Attended To. Tinn tor Pe — si Bek P S batite" D OD,. _a ay i we end Militify,p/dVax (Salmi; generally, made. gut and collected. Persons residing at a distance) ottn have - their buktnessArtutsacbal by than; I) • addrepaing • . EUGENESHYDHEt, • Attorney-at-Lavir, del7-dly Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICIT. SANFORD'S OPERA.. HOUSE • W. Hitchcock Sc. Co Proprietor:, In answer to a notice in the TICLIGIISPH, of Wednesday evening, July 6th, Wm. Hitchcock respectfully informs his friends and pitrons that he is the Proprietor.ot the above named Hall, he having obtained a lease from Judge Murray for the term of one month, with the privilege of three, and thereby intends to keep ,possessigq pf -the Hall, trusting to hie friends and the public fdr the same liberal support that has attended him during his professional career at the above establishment. jan 7 WK. HITCHCOCK. Muffle Z Muffs ! Muff We have on hand muffs, at $3, $3.50, $4 and $5. A good assortment of . low price furs. Cloaks, cloaks, cloaks! • Cloaks for ladies, all prices. Cloaks for children. Cloaks at all prices, up to $25. Hoop skirts at 75 cts., $1 up to $3. • Stockings for ladles and children. Socks, woolen and cotton. Linen table covers; linen napkins. Black silk atsl, $1.40, and all pritan. Woolen shirts of all descriptions. ladies' and gentlemen's pocket hdfs. Linen sheeting 104. Linen for pillow oases 5.4. Hullos, bleached and unbleached, best mike. Kid gloves at 870. and $1 per pair. Caesimere and cassinetts for men and boys' wear. Undershirts and drawers. Ladies' merino vests. • • Dress goods at all prices. Cambric bands and cambric edging. • Balinoral skirts at $3.25, $8.50, $4. Large assortment of other goods at S. LEWY'F'; SAPONIFIER OR CONCENTRATED LYE FAMILY SOAP MAKE:Ri. WAR makes high prices . ; Saponifier helps. to reduce them. It makes SOAP for FOUR cents a pound by using your kitchen grease. itrOAITTION ! As spurious Lyes are of fered also, be (artful and only buy the PAT ENTED article put up in IRON cane, all others being COUNTERFEIrs. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Philadelphia... Tole. 127 Walnut Street. Pittelbter4—F tit Street ad Dttinteene Way. del9 dhwhi • TO HORSE OWNERS. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HOBBES is unrival&l by any, and in all cases of Lameness arising from Sprains, Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harnbss or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange, &0., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and cured in their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful application will always remove the Lameness, and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. Every horse owner should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appear w tt - ee inmeneas vitt effectually prevent those ormidablti diseases - mentioned, to which all honies are liable, an'd which render so many Otherivitie valuable hcirees nearly worthless. Se" advertisement. augl9digweOw HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! MICHAMO, RIMMED ma DYE Is the Best In the World -The only Harmless, Irsse and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—obrtng,es Red, Rusty or Grey Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, without injuring the Hair or Staining the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, fre quently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the 111 effects of Rad Dyes. The Genuine is signed.WILLIAN A. BATCHELOR. AlI oth ers are mere imitations; and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, Fko. FACTORY-81 BARCLAY BT:, N.Y. BATOR:KA:WO NNW MOT OBILIK IfOR DRIB ONG '628-Iy.. VD SITING, - WEDDING, INVITATION, AND AT HO ME CARDS. PPY a special arrangement with one of the 13 best engravers in the country, cards of any description will be executed in the highest style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and supplied prom ptly,at lower Prices Mal:tare charg ed by the stationers in, New York or Philadel phia. For samples and prices call at mch9tf BEIRGNEB'S BOOKSTORE. ALMANACS I ALMANACS I BAER'S LANCASTER IN TV AL a Et, Jrist received and for side at n 0,1.9 SCHREYER'S BOOKSTORE PUBLIC SCHOOLS., SOIIOOL SLATES of different sizes, Wi ll son's Excellent series of Spellers and Readers, published by Harper" & Brothers, together with all other School Books , and Writing Materials are offered, wholesale and retail, at deoT SOHIIFFER'S BOOKSTORE. MUST BE SOLD ! WAlx., PAPER, BORDERS. SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE Has to be moved on the first of April next. His stock of Wall Paper must be reduced, and will, therefore, be sold at very low prices ; al though price of Wall Papers is still going up. Persons desirous of papering their houses, will do well to examine his assortment and prices. . THEO. F. SOHEFFES. December 1, 1863. • (ff' Five cents. cash paid for. Clear Mixed Bags per pound. Old Books wanted for—cash. decl9-aim IMPORTERS OP WINES KNI) LIQUORS. LAUM.4I, SALLADE & CO., NO. 128.80/N7l NINTH STREET, Between Cheatnu:t and Walnui . Jewsleis. Will Md it sufficiently adhe sive for their use, as has been proved. //is espiciallyadapled to Leath er, And we claim as an especial merit, that ft sticks Patches and Liologs to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong with out stitching. Families, It is the only IQIIID CEMENT Extant, that a lure thing for mending furniture, Crockery, Toys t Bone, It to a -lipid. Ivory, And articles of Household Ines. Remember. HILTON'S INSOLUBLI Ow= Is In a liquid form and as easily applied as paste. HIVION'a INSOLUBLI GIBIENT Is insoluble in water or oil. auiess's Isworayma CAW= Adheres oily substances. Supplied In Family or Man ufacturers' Packages from 2 ounces to 100.1bs. TEILTOWBBOL& CU., Piit;fiience, B. I. 18 ' °i nk AMAGINNIS Flute Agents in Phila "JE° I MT 311 LI QUORS• WM. DOCK , - JR Sr, CO., DAT 'FRS IN FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, Opposite the Court House, hive on hand a flue selection of BRANDIES of different Vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINES Of Every Description WHISKEYS• OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA, FINE IRISH AND SCOTCH Whiskeys. The best ever brought to this mar ket OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR And the • CHESTNUT GEOVNWHIBICE. CHAMPAGNE WINES. SHLOSS JOHANNESBURG, CLARET SCOTCH AND ENGLISH ALES LONDON BROWN STOUT. CHERRY, PLANTATION. • WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS With a complete - stock of - - ENGLISH - • AMERICAN Pickles and Condiments of every description now in the market, and at THE LOWEST RATES. janS FOUND OR STOLEN. OVE HORSE BLANKET -- and BEFFALO ROBE, which the owner can have by can on the Chief of Police, proving property and paying for this advertisement. B. CAMPBELL, Chief of Police. janl2 A GOOD IbTVEBTMENT TEE PROPRIETOR will now sell his "CLEVELAND OMNIBUS LINE," with its good will and patronage and all the Horses, Harnesses, Stables, Blacksmith and Harness Shops, and the vehicles of every description, including Omnibuses, Carriages, Hacks, Coaches, Baggage and Moving Wagons, &c., on good terms, as he intends to leave the country on other business. No better investment can be made. The city, of Cleveland has now 62,- 000 inhabitants, and this is the only established line of accommodation between different parts of the town and the Depots, and for all other purposes connected with the various branches of the business. Terms easy. Address j anl2 1w H. S. STEVENS, Cleveland, Ohio. Urand Military and Bilious' Dress Ball - To be given on INAUGURATION EVE, Monday evening, Jan. 18th, in Brant'a Hall FLOOR MANAGERS. W. D. Mom, F. WRirrnoms MASTER OF CEREMONIES. J. BPAIJCZMANIS. Wm. M'KINLET, N. Caoss, SWEET CIDER A LARGE =lr of superior Sweet Cider, Ci just receive and will, be sold cheap, by the barrel, gallon and quart; at The New Gro cery. [no26] BOYER & ROMER. . - TAX PAYERS TAKE NOTICEi; THE annual list of United States taxes is made upon Racemes, income on carriages, silver, plate and all unpaid monthly Bets are now due, and payable minnows: Juniata county will be attended to by John It'Laughlin, deputy, at Miffilatown, on Mon day the 11th day of and 1846; at M'Allis terville on the 12th and 13th, Richfield /4th, Mexico 16th, M'Connelsville 18th, East Wat erford 20th and 214, Ferryyille 23d. Snyder county- l Elmq Smith will attend at , the Washington Hones, Middleburg,on the 11th of January; Selinsgrove, at the Union House on the 12th, Freeburg, at F. Moyer's hotel, on the 13th, at Beaver Spring 14th and 15th. Union county—Jesse Beaver, dtputy, will attend at Hartieton on the 11th of lapniry, at Iffiftlinburg on the 12th, at New 'Berlin on the 13th, at Lewisburg on the 14th and 15th, at New Columbia on the 18th, at Union town on the 19th. HILTON'S Northumberland county—S. B. Boyer, deputy, will attend at his office in Sunbury, on the 18th and 19th, at Weaver's Hotel, In Shamokin, on the 28th, on the 22d end 234 at J. M. Hull's in the borough of Milton. Dauphin county—Attendance will be given in person; or by deputy, at the Assessor' e Officeradiddletown, on the 11th, at Hum melstown, at Baums' Hotel, on the 12th at Lingle:stein on the 18th, at 13erryburg on the 19th, at Millersburg on the 20th, at Halifax on the 21st, at Dauphin on the morning of the 22d. Attendance will be given on- any day at my office, in Harrisburg, for Dauphin county. Special notice to all who neglect to pay at the time and places specified, 10 per centaur must be added and paid. All taxes must be paid in Government fonds or its equivalent BOOT & SHOE HAREISEURG STEAM MILUI, Flo - ur et.Taci eci.. Tlsubscriber will sell and deliver to any art of the city fresh ground, beet'extra family flour, in barrels or mks, in-any quan tity, by the single barrel, half, quarter or eighth of a barrel. Also, fresh ground corn meal, and feed of every description. Orders left at the grocery store of George H. Bell, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, at Peters' Farmers' Hotel, in Market street, or at the drag store of Dr. Egle, on the Ridge Road, will be promptly attended to. dec2B-2moeow• JOHN HOFFER pi 3'4 Di 111 M al T A. It Mar. The Concentrated Juice of the Fresh Rot A SLIGHTLY TONIC, DIUREITO ANL APERIENT. It has a specific action upon the LIVER, exciting it, when languid, to secretions, and resolving the CHRONIC en - gorgenieats. It has been much employed la Uermany and is a popular remedy with our practitioners in this country. The diseases to which it is especially applicable are those can nested with.the LIVER, and of the digestive organs generally. It is the best preparation ever offered to the public for that disease, aid every person that is troubled with that disease should procuriN a bottle immediately. Price 50 cents per bottle. Made in our own laboratory from the fresh root dug in October, (the peric_i of its greatest activity.) S. A. KUNNEL & BRO., Apothecaties, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. REMEMBER FURS! F UR S!! F U R S! ii AM carrying out my well earned reputation for selling the best made FURS at the most reasonable prices, and offer now my epleudli assortment of Hudson Bay Sable, Rich Mink Sables, Siberian Squirrel, Chinchilla, Stone Martin • Fitch, &c., FURS for ladies and Idlesc a at the most sonable prices. Erfly stock of Hudson Bay and Mink Sa bles is the finest ever offered in this market ; and comprises: Riding Capes, Three-Quarter an4l Half capes, Berthas, Collars, Muffs, &c, JOSEPH BOSENBAUM, No. 418 Arch street, above 4th, south side, Philadelphia P. S.—No business to ansacted on Saturday de2B dlinif WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND WONDER NFL BESIJITS: DS. J. M. CREAMER would respectfully la form the public in general and the diseased in particular, that he has opened an office in South Second street, below Cheetnut,Efurrisburg, Pa. where he will treat all diseases entrusted to !xis care, in accordance with the system discovered and taught by Prof. C. Bolles, of Philadelphia, with whose institution he has been connected, and to whom he takes pleasure_ in referring the public for information with respect to.his =OM in controlling disease. No drugging the system with uncertain med ical agents. All cures" performed by Magnetism, Galvanism and other modifications of Electricity, without shocks or any unpleaoant sensations, After an Electrical Diagnosis, a guarantee will be given, if desired by the patient. For far ther information call and get a pamphlet which contains hundreds of certificates from medical men and others proving the mperiority of this system of practice over all others. Consultatize free. Office hours 9t012 A. M., Ito 5 and 7to 9 r. M. DR. J. MILTON CREAMER. de29-d3tawlm to-th-sa STATE CAPITAL HOTEL. CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Penn's. THE undersigned having purchased this well known house has enlarged and thorougbfy renovated it. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire establishment ele gantly re-furnished. Being pleasantly.and eli gibly located, and provided with every conve nience, it offers to the public _ all the comforts and luxuries of a first class hotel.. Trusty and obliging servants always - in attendance. A bar well stocked with choice liquors isattached to the establishment. PHOTOBRAPE! PHOTOBRANIS . 1 , I BIMILNITE & WELDON, POINXIOILT OP InDOS ROAD, ESPROTFULLY inform the 'citizens of Ber l. rfsberg that they have moved their place of business from Ridge Road to No. 110 Market street, between Fourth and Fifth, where they have fitted up 16 new PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, with all the modern improvements, where they are prePared to do first class work. We,guarantee perfect satisfaction to all who favor ns with a call. no2l NORFOLK OYSTERS, REAL Salts, under the `Jones ltmee.. York River Oysters, flue"article; under the lowa Hatu3e. • jansqlB* Abio, TerralibFic*hich will be served up in fine style at slhort notice under the Jones House, by IncAol, JOSEPH SNIvr.LY. JAVA, JAMAICA and LAGIIYRA Coffee, at [no2B] W. DOCK, Js., St CO. abotrtionmu. A. K. FARNMTOCK, Collector 14th District, Penns decBoaowd2sr LIQUID ~ %TRACT jaza ELECTRICITY. W. G: THOMPSON; Proprietor. de26 dly