Revelations of the Microscope. Brush a little of the fuzz from the wing of R. der! butterfly, RIVI let it fail upon a pi-ro of gltss rill be --eel , ie. th- ,h _s :Is it tioz olflea dust. Slide the glees uolei 1114,10 and each prti...h., of tit, dust r-,veal itself as a perfect symmetrkal feather. Dive your arm a slight as t., draw a small drop of blood; lola the blood with a drop of vinegar and water, a .il place it up, the glass side under the microsc .p. You will discover that the red matter (,1 the blood 's formed of innumerable ;lobules or discs, which, though so small as to be separately invisible to the naked eye, appear under the microscope each larger than a letter "o" of this print. Take a drop of water from a stagnant pool, or ditch, or sluggish brook, dipping it from among the green vegetable matter on the sur rare. Oa holding the water to the light it will look a little milky, but on piaci cg the smallest drop under the microscope, you will find it swarming with hundreds of _strange anitnalsi that - are swimming about in it with the greatest vivacity. These animalcules exist in such multitudes that any effarts to conceive of their numbers bewilder the imagination. This invisible universe of created beings is the most wonderful of all the. revelations of tho microscope. During the greater past of man's - existence on the earth, while he'has been fight ing, taming and studying the lower animals which were visible to his sight, he had been surrounded by these other multitudes of the earth's inhabitants, without any suspicion of their existence! In endless variety of form and structure thby are bustling through their ac tive lives, pursuing their prey, defending their persons, waging their wars, multiplying their species, and ending their careers, countlors hosts at each tick of the clock passing out of existence,' and making way for new hosts that are following, in endless succession. What other fields of creation . may yet, by some inconceiva ble methods, be revealed to our knowledge ? Tas PILOT FISII AND TIIE the month of Mey, 1797, a ship, which bore the celebrated zoolcgiat, M. ,Geoffrey, was lying bacalmid between Cape Bon and the island of Malta, when the ennui of the pa.ssenger's was dissipated by the approach of a shark. - He was preceded by two pilot fishes that had directed their course towards the ship's' stein, which they inspected twice, swimming from ono end to the other. Not finding anything, they for a time departed. The shaft., it is asserted, never lost sight of the pilots, and he -seems to have followed them as if he had been an iron shark and they had been magnets. The sailors threw overboard a large hook baited with pork. The three, observing the splash of the bait, stopped. 'The two pilots advanced as if to examine the cause. While they Were gouo; the shark was seen playing upon the surface of the level sea, now diving, now reappoaring in the same place. When the pilots discovered the pork, they swam swiftly back to the shark, took the lead, and all three made towards the ship. The shark slid not seem to discover the bait till it was pointed out to him by the pilots, when he made a rush at it, and was hooked and huistcd on board. Here the pilots seemed to have lcd their friend to his death. The nest wituess;a captain in the royal navy, gives these leaders credit for greater sagacity. Captain Richards, while on the Mediterranean station, saw following the ship a shark, at• tracted prol ably by a corpse which bad been committed to the deep. The day was fine. A hook, baited with pork, Was thrown out. The shark, attended by four pilot fishes, repeatedly approached the bait. Whenever he did so, one of the pilots was distinctly seen from the taffrail to run his snout against the shark's head, as if to turn it away. After some further play ; the shark swam off in the wake of the ship, his dorsal fin being long distinctly visible above water. When, howerit, he had gone:a consid erable distance, he made:a.sudden turn, darted after the ship, and, before the pilots could over take him. snapped at the bait and wasfast. ; On hoisting him up, one of the pilots was observed clinging to his aide, until he was out of water; then it fell off. All the pilot fishea swam about awhile, as if in search of their friend; with every appearance of anxiety and distress; they then darted suddenly down into the dopthb of the ses. . Mr. Moyen deposes that he saw no less than. three instances in Which the shark was led by the pilot fish. When the ;miner neared the ship the pilot swam close to his snout, or near his pectoral fin. Sonietimes the pilot fish darted rapidly forward sideways, as if looking for something, and constantly went back to the shark. When the latter was within twenty paces from the ship, a piece of liacon r faateited to a great hook, was thrown overboard. Quick as lightning the pilot fish darted up, smelt the bait, and instantly went back to the shark, swimming many times round his snout, and splashing, as if to give him the exact informa tion as to the bacon. The shark then put IThmself in motion, the pilot showing the way, and, in a moment was, fast to the hook. HIDROPROAII—A HORRIBLE CASE —A very. horrible cue of this disease, lately occurcd io the town of Adams. Mr.. Jas. H. Kenyon, 11 man forty-two years of age, was bitten by a mad dog last June, in the town of Redfield, Oswego county. At the time he thought very little about it, not knowing that the dog .was mad until several days after. Time passed on, and tir. Kenyon said but little about it to Any ore until about five or six.daye Were •his death. He first noticed an itching sensation on the thumb which bad been bitten by the_ dog; -whenever he rubbed the sensitive portion, cold chills would. instantly pass over his whole body. This was on Sunday. Oa Monday he felt cold chills again ; he then mistrusted that he wes having the hydrophobia, yet he took a sweat, .and on Tuesday went out and worked some. On Wednesday ho was taken with vomiting, which continued nearly all day. Thursday he was snappish and those abtut him, and that night Mr. Jeremiah Parker was called. At this time Kenyon was having Wightfits once in three or four minutes. He talked rationally, and eaid that he was unable to'control hirneel and did not know what ho mightba led to do.; and therefore he wished to bh tied, to the bed. This was done as he requested: • In his convulsions he tore' the, feather and straw beds into pieces, and threw himself from one sido of the bed to the other,seemingltee quick as lightning ; moving, at ie same time, the bedstead twelve or eighteen inches each way; this while he was lashed to the bed. Hh , could not Endure to have a drop of water even in the room, and if any was offered him he Immediately lignt into convulsions. He now was in the greatest agony, and plead with the doctor to bleed him to death, He died about seven .o'cleck on Friday morning, six months from the time he was first bitten.--Vrent the 'Watertown (N. Y.) Jowl*. A NATIONAL BANK AT YORK, PA.—The CM. VMS of York, Pa , have subscribed $200,000 to the capital stock of a national bank in that borough. The stockholders number thirty two. A greater amount of stock, it is said, w ould have been subscribed, had it not been limited to $200,000. Tits Cle z Velaud and Columbus Railroad Com pany - hie voted -ten. thousand dollars to the soldiers' families during this winter, It is understood that the other railroad companies in Ohip will follow this liberal and praiseworthy example. To Ririto l lslsk SPOTS —Put the article - Stained over a warm flatiron, stretch it well,. then squeeze a few drops of lemon juice on it , and the, spots will disappear at once. Wash lutme diately in water. This is a complete remedy, and will satisfy all whc; may try it. Two -deserters,' named Kephart and Weat, broke out of the Clearfield jail; on Saturday morning last. e 1113:1 'told ime able. • • _ • -. i:1_••-•4!, • • -•••• _• . ca7_otaar ,- 77-77. - • FIVE TRAINS DAILY - TO AND FOUR FROM PHILADELPHIA. . ON AND APAR MONDAY, Nov. 16th, 1868, HE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania ..1. Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as fol lows ' E•ASTWABD. I.*.WIOUGH IMPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris burg daily at 2.45 a. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.56 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (ex.- eept Monday) at 6.00 a. ra., and arrives at West Philidelphist at 10.10 a. xn. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. "11). WAY' ACCOMMODATION, via Blount Joy, ' • leaves Harrisburg at 7.20 a. m., and arrives at Weet•Plilladelphis ar12:25 D. m. FAST MAIL TEAM leaves Harrisburg daily (exosptBraday) , ,at 1.00 p. .m., and arrives at Weste?hilifelelptdiat 5.20 ' Faßßmstriut 'ACOOKM.ODATION TRAM, via Columbia, leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 p. m., auilarrives at West Philadelphia at 10 50p, in . • WES - TWABD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Har risburg daily: (except Monday) at 2.20 a. m.; Altoona, 8.00. a. m., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 neon. • PT-MADELPHIA.TOPRIIIS TRAM loaves Harrisburg daily 3l 3.20 a. in.; Altoona at 8.40, take breakfast, andarrives at Pittsburg at 1.30 p. m. MAIL TRAM leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. in.; Altoona at 7.65 p. m., take supper, and anlves at Pittsburg at 1.10 a. in. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg 'at 416 ,p. ...1).; Altoona at-9.10 p. m., takes suPper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION, TRAIN loaves West Philadelphia at 2.46 p: and at , rives at Harrisburg' at 8.10-p. 1101:11 , 1T-:,10Y ACCOMMODATION leaves Lancaster at - 1.1.88 a..m., arrives at. Harrisburg at 1.40 p.m SALKUEL D. YOUNG, Sup': 'fiddle Div. Penn'a R Enrrishorg, Nov. 13. 1862.-dtf Nlligi AIR LIND RUH. TRMWDAttiI • TO BAW TOME p - (IR AND ,TER IcONOKY, November 1. 4 1 16th, 1668, the PaSseuger - Trairks the Philadelphia arid Beading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York fiud Philadelphia, follows, iris.: • • "13 ASTVTA'RD. . ExPRE6S UWE leaves Harrisburg at. 6.80 A. M., on arrival of .the PennsylvaniaHailioad Er preset Train, horn the 'Peat, arriving in Nevi YOrk at: 1.45A...1d.....and at Philadelphia it 0.20 A. K. A slepPing ear attached toilie 'train 'through from Pittaburg ivithoutehange. MAIL TRAIN 'loaves „Harrisburg at 8.00. A. 31. : , arriving in 'New York at 5.80 P. Philadelphia at 1.50. .P. ill: - "VAST LINE haired Harrisburg at 2.00 Arriving in New'Yeik at '10.25 P. M., and Phil ... adelphla at 7.00 P. M. WEISTWARD. FAT LINE leaves New-York atto.oo A. M. and Thihnielphis at 8.15 A. M. arriving a HarrisburgAl..,l6 N. MAIL TRAIN leaves Now York it 12.00 noon, end Tiglidelphlwat LIMP. M., arriving at liar rlsbnrg at 8.20 P. M. Iq.PRE9B TRAIN leives .14e* york. Al 00 P. M., - mitring " garriabarg at 2,00 A, M., anic Oorniecting witkaire Pennsylvania lapress Train Ici - Pittsburg., A also at tached to this train. Connections are -.made:at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania - Northern, :Central and Cumberland Yalley railroads ; and at Bead ing- for. Philedelpida, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown,Boston, &o. • Baggage checked titrengli. Fare between New 'York and -Harrisburg, $5 16 ; batsmen' Harrisburg and,, Philadelphia, $8 86 in "No. `1 rare, and sa. 2. For tickets•ot otber, htformation apply to • J. .J: CLYDE, nol4-dif deners,l Agent, Harrisburg Northern Central Railway THREE TRAINS DAILY TO iarD MOM E 3 IMOR IMI Washhiron Connections made wit4.trains on- Pennslyvs nis Fleiiveid, to and from- Pittsburg and nut TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. I -AN and after MONDAY, NOVEHBEE:I6tb; 1863,-thePassenger Trains of the Northern Central Balltirsty will .sxrive'at -and-depart fro* Harrisburg and Baltimore. as.followde : • . • BOUTHWAILD.,- MAIL TRAIN I.e.aveiß3pibury daily ; (except 8un4y),..10.10 A. M. leaves. Rarrild) . crg.. 1.20 " , arrives at - Baltimore 5.40 P. itt ILIC.PIIESB TRAIN leaves Sunbu ry daily. (exceit tittn , day) ;; ......11.42 P. M leaves Harrisburg . ._ ' , . (except Moridayl. 2.60 A. M, arrives at 13altimore daily (excapfXon.: day) . • - 11kIllliff0Ulla ACCOMMODATION leaves Iliiileburg 7 00 A. 1. IffoßtgwAßD: A itattliti leaveallaitlmoredally (except Sunday). 9.20.A.,H. '' • lea* Harrisburg... 1.46 P..m: arrives alEbnibUry... 4.80 P. M. EXPIIIP.BB PIIAILT leaves Baltimore 9.80 P. M. " anivee Harrisburg 2.00 A. M. leaves Harrisburg • dally,feiccpt Mon `::day) ,8.25 A, M. arlives atSunbity.. 6.25 A. H. ECA l 3lll B trly4l ACCOMMODATION . leaves Baltimore • -• dolly (except timi. ..- day)", - - 8.00 P..M. " art-vomit Marrlebin 7.60 P. M. for further, 14ortiatled apply at__the 0610e1 in PounllylvanialUilltoltd:Depot. Dußa.a: :It, Gen. Sept. flirrisluirg, Nov. 16, Stebital. DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Is the Vital Principle of the Pine Tree. O BTAINED by a peculiar process in the O distilkttion of the tar, by which its highest medicinal:properties are retained. It is the medicine that cures when all others have failed. A GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUId.PTIOX. I am constantly receiving such certificates as the following. READ IT ! Da. Wisaner—Dear Sir :—I had a very dread• ful cough and sore throat for one year, and my whole system was fast giving way, and I *as prostrated on my bed with but 'little hope of recovering. My &sale baffled the power of all medicines, and in a shOrt time I must have gone to my.grave, but, thank nod, my dough ter-in•law would not lest until she went to your store, No. 10 N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your -Pine Tree Tar Cordial, and commenced to use it, and in one week I was:much better, and after using three bottles I am perfectly well, a wonder to all my friends, for they all pronounced me past cure. Publish my case if you think proper: REBECCA HAMILTON, No, 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. TAB CORDIAL. AN INFALLIBLE cons FOR seolicorns. - Idr. WARD says: Dr. Wigwam, Sir:--I had the Bronchitis, In flammation of, the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worst forms ; I had been treated,by, several •.eminent physi cians in:Philadelphia, but they coned not stop the rapid course of my disease, and 1 had de spaired of-ever being restored to health. I was truly-on the verge of, the grave. Your Tine Tree Cordial was , highly recommended to me by a friend ; I tried it, h and am thankful to say ;that, alter using four large and one small bot tle, I was teetered to perfect health. You can give reference to my house, No. 968 N. Second etreot,.or at my office of Receiver of taxes, from 9 A. al. to 2 r. m., corner of Chestnut and SiXth streets. •• • " . JOHN WARD.' BLEEDING OF THE "LUNGS. HEAD 'TIM FOLLOWING: Mr. WISUART, Sir:—l return you my grateful thanks for the discovery you have made in making a- med ici ne, tit w itou re Inflammation" of the Lunge - arid aitier CoMplaint. ' When I commenced to-tie-lour Pine Tree Tar Cordfal was, -to all appearances, tiear my grave. I had been for a length of time spitting blood, and would at times vomit it. My physiciairi (for I employed two) pronounced me past cure; but my sister had used your Pine Tree Tar Col dal, which did her so much good that she pre veiled on rue, as a last resort, to try it; and, thank God, I commenced to use it. I have taken twelve bottles and am perfectly cured, and am ready and;willing tbakany person that is sick Should, call' on me, areiliwill tell them what - your Cordial has done :AIL my friends and neighborcwere utterly astonished at rprepeedy return to health, -for they had seen me. vomit ,blood in' .a. clotted state fre quently... Publish toy casevfor Ll'.want every peraon that is suffering at; I: war. to :know of your invaluable medicine. -Respectfully, • -. VERDIN, :Crease street, aix doors, stove Richmond• atreet, Philadelphia. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial Will cure CoUgba, Sore Throat and Breast, Brand:fide, Astbine, Iloopiog Cotigh;-DiPtheria, and is 'also an excellent remedy lOrdiserkish; of the lidneys, and female complaints.- • ' BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. - The genuine has the name of the proprietor and a pine. tree blown in the bottle. All others are Ipprious imitations. Paws FIFTY Cerra ~tst, On Dot,t4rt PER Bob• TLZ. Prepared only by the proprietor. DELL. Q. C. WISIEIAIRT. No. 10 North Second St., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by all druggists. deBd&Swm sow *Willa . qout SELECT WHI.E I VIK STOCK, IS g DLL 3)i..A.3EXXM ES it 3 A full aasoilment at BICEGNER'S. deer ' , . . GILDEA • • • . N.O. 1:1 - 911iA ItlIET" STAB , Teeth positively extracted without pain by the use - of nitroutoxide. • oct7dtf PUREO - ON9ENTRATED o r - V . E E, W3.1.4L: PRSONs maidpg lxxes to send to their friends in the army, will.find this an ele gant article ; - one box plaiting "fOrty cups of coffee; equal to any. Jaira cuffee,,and with little labor. For sale at n 024 Ja.., co. AN assortment of PAPER DOLLS, &c., at SOHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, •. nol9 ' Harrisburg • BUTTER BU] 111 pounds NeW, York'.State Batter just received, and f 0 sale by the Firkin or-Pound, at the new gro-i eery of ~ [ded] . BOYER:dr HOERPER. TO LADIES; 1.Y017 wish good Letter Taper, Envelopes; ' Ink, Pens, or anything-olse•in the stationery yon. Will do *ell by calling , atv SOELEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, nol9 Harrisburg. i ENGLISH DAIRY and NEW YORK STATE CHEESE 4t :112.02§i.. : BOYER_.Sr..R9ERPER. TNO YOU wish a good atild Pen? If so, call IA 1.1 SO ELEFFER Booksfore; Ultras bu rg • 7.00 A. M Novel,. Price $1.50. SiciptTLlga STRAPS,_ .8 :novel of • New York and the, ariny, -1862 ' • by Henry hior ford F6i sale Cheap. Bhok xtnre. ;THE Igrkest aesortmciit.of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS in lila city, jlO decs SCRBFFER'S BOOKSTORE _. - • DRIEI? BEEF, A QHOICE.LOT Just received at WM. DOCK, jit• & CO. n 02.0 • O EMMY PRODUCE' cif-all kinds constantC,ly on hnnd . by -130YER KORRPRR, nolo .. (la No. Market ;Square. • PATENT , 11IN9R BACV .ALBUMS: JST.xeceived:and tor.sele cheaper 'than can be hckughtin the , city, at. dftert.. • BOHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE.- rg SISE3 _ D. W. 0 lz W'= Wjtsl.l u. RKTAIL D UG 6-1 STS, NO. 19 MARKET ST R B .ft I 5.A . 13 0 PA DitUGGI§TS, PLIYSIOIANS, STORK- I WATERS AND OONBIIMERB We are daily our t . utiOrtment of goods all--such-artleleh as are desirable, and would respectfully call your attention •to the largest and bast selected stock In this city, o( DBCGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Us, Varalabial and Glues, Dy-tittifts, G . 1684 and Putty, 2.rtion'thilora cud Tonle, `Pule around Spites, RUrblili Fluid and Alcohol, Levi, Eiperm sod Me 0118. Vithis and LarnpOlobea, 0.11.11 e Soap; ,Bpongq and porkg, &o. ao. With a , Konend marloty of PMIFUMIIIRY aZOLLET ARTICLES oiectod from the beet naannfacturea and Pei 'imam of Europe and this oountry. Boioi veil large dealirs lit PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LIMEND- OIL, WINDOW OLASB, AIITI81"S COLORS, PAINT AND 4RTIST'h -BEtITSRKS IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, iXKORS AND BRONZES or ALL 1i n respeLtJuily invite nil • :dent that we can supply the wattle of alt ois ...Sweat to - thelr sabersotlosi. . TEETH I TXIBTEI I t duly f~3' AND wrirrive PORCELAIII THETII; YATlelirr . NEDICINV, and , . lONTORILL /YHA Of Alllttinde r aireot from the Proptletots. Saponifier and a:went-rated Lye. Wholesale- Agents- for...Saponifier, which we tell as IoW asitlyiwbe patobased in the Dittos MAYER'S lIINDICAL FLUID uxnu,afts. 404, arif atolzoN Wing large - purchasers ht the 0. we etta Offer Indueemettte td 'close Wyatt. Coal Oil Lamps of the most fruproved_patterne, yeti cheep.. All kluae ;lamp eh:titled to, bunt OWOn. PARAIERS AND O.RAZIERS4 Those of you who have not given our 1i5511411 AND OATTLi POWDEIIS a trial know not their eaperlority, and-the' advantage they are in keeping /Coulee and Oattle healthy and in good 0011diti0O. '' Thouunde con Motif}, to the profit they have :derived from the ilea of our Cattle 'Powders by the increariag .quaritity, and; quality of milk beal4es improvhig 'the gerral' health and sg.! pumice of their cattle. =: - - Ottr. long : experience Jon the business gives •tui the advantage'of'S fho l iOugh knoWledge of the trade, and oux .arrangements .in the' pities are . : such that we carith - 11 very short One fugdsh anything appertaining to- oar btysitteas, on the , . . best, of tonne. " • Thankful for the - illwel patronage _bestowed; on onr house, we hopeoly strict attention buslneee, a carafp.l.deleetlon . of PURE DRUGS at fair pricei, and the desire to, please' all, to merit, a c;ontliineiice.of the favoi of a diecrim hutting public. • 'spill illy MELODEONS" AND CABINET_ GRANS. • TwFaiT.Y-s4T- FIRST 24124113118, •TWELVE, SILVER MKDAIS, arid the ONLY GOLD .111.$DAL- (ever won by babe. merits of thri , ellitii): has been;awarded to MASON & "INSTEUMENTS. A full assortment of these itu3trnments sl yer on hand, at. 4-ai; RNOC.II4I4'B, Sole Agent, je4-2tawly 93.Marltet street. A FfNE ASSOkrXENT OF PORT FiikLIQSI RORT.FORIOS r ..,. • . QEIESBMEN 1 RAMO-AiINOR BdRDS Received at SeIiEFFEE'S BOOKSTORE. ENGLISH. DAIRY and NEW YORK SPATE.OHEES(k, [no2o] WK. DOCK, & CO. PICKLES! PICKLES!! 11DY THE barret ha;Varal, jar or dozen, a n 026" .; & EOREP,OI AA --- PRESH• supply Midukees Celebr ated Offfed`n*Ml3 and Dried Beta; j vid2s'; _BOYKR BL.Kotheinc.- XTEW nqmitiy, at -_4OlO it iXX)Ns Illtbiral Alf D It. SWEET' INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, TES GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY. FOR RHEUMATISM, 00111', NEURALGIA, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISKS, CUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NER VOUS DISORDERS. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of aranecticia. The Great Natural Bone Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Coruhdicut,. Is known all over the United States. DR STEPHEN SWEEP, of Cbanedicui, Is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Lini ment:" Dr. Sweei'a Infadlrble Liniment Curca Ithenmadsm and never , fade I r. afters htfalaie Liabana la a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr, *cone Lilalate Liniment Cures Burns and :Scalds immediately. Dr. Saiset's InfaMe Liniment Is the beet known Remedy for Simains as Bruises. . - . • D r. Szereei /rife/Able Lini Ceres headache Immediately and was nave/ kinawo to fall. , Dr. Stme s Infallible Listisocra Affurds itoniedlate relief for Piles, and seldom fails to oftte. _ • Dr. Sweet's iniallitite Liniment Cures Toothache in one Minute. Dr. Sweet's lnfallitik Liniment Cures Cats an wounds immediately and leavba no sou. • - • Dr. Sweet's lniallable Liniment to e beet remedy for Sores in the known world. Dr. Sweet's Infallble Linisitent Has Veen used by more than a million people, and all praise-IL Dr. pweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly a "Irien:i in need," and every fam - ily should halo it at hand. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. RICHARDSON & CO., • ' Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. For sale by all Dealers. dawly-eow. "MARE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL." !TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF GUBEBS AND COPALBA. `ibis preparation is particularly recommended to the MEDICAL PROPASSION and the PIIMIC -fur the prompt and certain core of D SPAM OF ,THE BLADDER; KIDNEYS, ÜBDIAIIy 'ORGANS, - ETC. - • It may be relied on sit the beet Mode for the administration of these remedies in the large clase4 diseases of both sexes; to whiele'they are applicable. It never interferes with the digestion, and' by its concentration, the dose Is mubh' reduced. N. B.—Purchaoare are advised to ask. for TARRANT'S COMPOUND - OF CU BEMS AND COPAIBA, and Vile nothing else, as imitations 'and worthless preparations, under similar names, are in the market. Price $1 00. Sent ny.axprese on receipt of price. Manufac tured only by_TARRANT&CO.,.No. 278 Green vetch street, corner of Warren amok New York, and for sale Druggists merely. oct22-dly OURT,AIN MATERIALS't LaACE - xLTA I PtT T. E. WALRAVEN, OTICIOIL SOH TO W. H, cARLISO MASONIC HAIL, 719 'Chestnut Street PITILKDRLPITTA. •. • - WINDOW SIIA.D . ES, FURNITURE-- COVERINGS. noll aam - REMEMBER - .THE PLACE 7 . GEog - GE W. 11IcCALLA, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Agent for the Celebrated American Watches, NO. 3S MART E T STREET; (Opposite the Jones House,) 1 / 4 4.R/SB PENH4. no 6 d4nr, _ PURE CIDER—DIRECT FROM EL -, ifflitA, NEW YORK. Tvmst 00.. have just received • Al TWENTY BARRALS PURR CIDER, yi%ilch they by the single Aittart or gal lon, to suit customers: . • . This cider" was thin market, ex= pressly to meet the wants of the public daring the holidays. dec2 TOMATO KETSUP. eIBT received this morning two. barn& To= mato Kc* f p, which 'We will soli by th(),, tillon, quart, pint obalf pint to Suit custom-, era.. Hotels' arid BastaMunts will please notic e.; _W WK. DOCK, .TE., • dee2 De allen 3 4.kPrie-tamilY elonerim. D'l' , 4 . lC-.14,.8 7 1.71:Th I Alt fE S: V 1 Por 1 . 8gg . 4 At SCHEFFER'S Beierltitore, parris!mrg. [n9l9. MAKIN'S BLACKENING. 500 DOZEN. TIIST received and for sale, wholesale and re- J tail- . [aaPt 2 4] Wt.4.....D00x,JR., &co. (MD& -IBAILEI . and • ' ' • ' 0 Just received,st TOY -ANNO/413•: nol9. • saitiFFEß,s4 Boo - Ke p o - as B lirr .; *lie • p •••14trai. t!rodnep of :Hoar, tar A r ise dl n d by IYER & K01414{,- ;; um/ dtf Na 8 Market Square. *.: ~ ~~.i~: iS,2 `: .'Lit LSI rETLU t .44 ti Liu4. EL It, Snuff and Tobacco ,Tivalaettr it; 4- 18 CBANBERS ST., (FitTllleTiv 4'2 elownbers !....'.troet, New Vorh WOULD [7lll the attontion Of )ocile , t , 'fancied of hia autunfadare, via : BROWN SNUFF. itiacaboy, Devaioe, Fine llama, Par eVirgtaia, Came Bappee, Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen YETALOW SNUFF. Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Irish High Toast, or Lundyfoot, Honey Dew Scotch, Fresh Hooey Dow Sooteb. Fresh Scotch. Attention fa called to the largo redncti..L. tuvriave ut Flue Oct, Chewing and 1-7.tookin., It.lioao...uos, which will bo found-of a "Impro • Quality. TO BA 000. &MOE LAO. S. Jaw:, i'tintater. Trak td!. Long, No. 1, 144.2, Noe. 1 & 2 mixed, larannbited. TINA CM CIVIEWIXG. P. A. L., or plain, novena/eh, or Sweet, Sweet Scented Oronoc,,, Tin Foil t'aiveit,i N. B.—A rlicular IA prier,. will lho application. utrl!..;l, New Grocery and PI'AVISiOU fi BOYER k liOERPER, WIIOLESALE AND RET A i DEALERS IN GrROGI7 riLIMSES. Queens and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PROD 11 , HAVE just opened a huge and wt 11 selecte.: stock of goods at their stand, No. 3 ld ket Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they vite the attention of the public generally. nolo dly tottig. JONES ROUSE, Corner of Markot Strut and Marta :', ! ;1;;;-,, HARRISBURG, 'PENN A. CHAS. ILL DIANN, Proprietor. noG dtf CONRAD 110ITNE, PIIILLIPSInc, I.E.ITRE CtiVATI, PA. JMIIFS. H. UAYLER, PROPItItTi4I THE TiIAVELISU COMM will fir: •+ this .a first-dam house. Um* tebto always supplied with the aluiitateie of the 4+ son, and the bar well stocked with the brands of liquors. Good titahl_ing attached to the Hotel. nova-ant VIE 'UNITED STATES HOTEI HAREIHEITRG. Pa COVIOLLY sts Prom -tutor,- 111 HIS welllttiown Rotel la now In a cc.n.i• tion to accommodate 3Le traveling affording the most ample cotlVOElibliCeS the transient guest and tha.permanent boarder THE UNITED li'r.ATgi TICYfF.I. ha:; herr. entirely refitted throughout, raid Low se Oommodatlons equal in eztmtt, L.nutt it si „ , luxury to any hotel between Philadelpli Pittsburg. Its location is the beet in the Stu:. Capital, being in easy access to ail the lepots, and in close proximity to allothe publt. dila* and business localities of the city. it bad now all tho conveniences of A 1'1282 CLASS iio2 EL, soil the Proprietors Ara deteratim.l neither expense, time or labor to erua aro tt comfort of the guests. The peurolitwe ~t Ili traveling, public is respectfully seliottd. ORNAMENTAL AND left If IT • TREES. ITINTS, SHRUBBERY, &C., &0., &c., _be sold at much more remonable rare than in the corning spring. Orders scut mill or otherwise, wi ll be promptly miaow', to. J. MISII, aunt& • Keystone Min.:Amy. D Meth.INTOOK'S PEOTORA SYRUP. Aroar lunge weak I Does a long imam ti .1 -aye you petal Have you a hacklu.;: &wed Do you explactorate hard, tough mat ter ? Are youlwasted with night miente ant' want of 61.)ep1 If so, hev is veer remedy. It wi' unqueetione.bly eave you. Prices $1 00. The above medicine bee been wad es.nmsl in this city with good moults. For gale at BESLONXB'S BOOR. STORE. POWLET BOOKS, BUCEIEUEThr PI7ABIIII, PORT 1401111 A r t -if And a general variety of Loather , oceirecl Ri REBONNITB LOOK ei oRE. - - A O. SMITH, Attorney-at-Lsw, Third street lianisburg, Pa., all badeasa ontrunted aim will be promptly, attended to. Boxibties, POZIBiOWiI Anti Bsck ray of Ofllt.ror «Alecto& - hie"( 0 A. P. TEEPSER, TEAO.HER OF MUSIC', Ortros as WARD'S WNW STORP . • 122 f, Reffihionoo: Third. Slims% sbow., North. dl5 -ti LAAGIE AND SPLIIN D I A.SSOaTtENT OF . InClLC:btc :sn't".6ll2o3349l, For sale cheap at • nol9 SCHR'FFER'S BOOKSTORE. • HAVANA -ORANGES. rIIBT received at BOYER & KOERPER4 J ,n 025 SPERM CANDLU. EMT QUALITY. ALL SI2EirS. WM. DOCK. Js.. & CO iept24 • HAVANA. ORANGES, iecteleil W?&. DOCK, Js., &. CO. AAINCEE VEAT.—A fob& lot just receive /MlLruutfor ooki by Bohm & KOERPER. deft ';) L !•7 iell-Itf