Tiaity tgraA 111 MOTit:lil TO ALIVkIEtTISEHS...-All Ad vertisements, Bugloss* notices, Mar rtes.*, Desttne, Atc,, to secure insortion in the TELVIGH A PEI, must Invariably be accompanled with the CASH. Advertitements erdered in the regular itivenink Edition ate inserted in the Startling iititittott without extra ehargs. 11 ARItIO LI ti itil, PA Tuesday Eveoug, January 5. 1864 TOWN AND O'OUNTRY ' Ir you wish to impart vigor and clearness to the voice, relieve hoarseness and bronchial af fection, get at once a box of BarmyArt's Bron chial Troches, the only effectual remedy in the market. For sale by the box, dozen or gross at 0. A. Baunvart & CO's Drug Store, No. 2 Jones How, Harrisburg. P. 4. ag = A lit.eret discount to the trade. dec2.4-tf Jon - s Bur,us, the Gettybburg hero, has been in town for the past few days. DIVIDEND.—The Harrisburg Bridge company have declared a dividend of three per cent. out of the profits of the last six 'months. THE Holman Opera Troupe will open far the first Lime, at Brant's Hall, this evening, in the "Bohemian Girl," and "Mrs. Partington." "WANTED TO ENET."-A number of adver tisements of this character appear in oat columns. Houses are hard to get, the demand being greater than the supply. WSW OF PRAY 61t. —Exercises this evening, in the New School Presbyterian Church. Prayer for the success of all efforts to Evangelize the unroaverted at home and abroad. I=l Fos SALM Clamp—Two horses and a carriage suitable for backing. Enquire of Edward Bal thasar, at him Black's boarding house, on Third street, between Market and Walnut. jstf How To KEEP WAR/K.—When the weather Is very cold and fuel high, it 19 worth remember ing that a large newspaper placed between a pair of bed blankets, is equll in warmth to a thick comforter. A REGULAR STATED meeting of the Paxton Fire Cotapany will b b held at their Ball, this Tuesday evening, Jan. 5111, 1864, at 7 o'clock, Punctual alb ndauce is requested,as business of importance will be transacted. I=l NEYIN's BATTERY, which althea here knit week, is ro organizing for three years. About forty of the old members have le-entitled. Bare Inducements are offered for recruits. The company la commanded .by excellent officers. RAILROAD ACCIDENT t —The mail train from Baltimore, due bore at noon yesterday, did not reach here until late in the afternoon. Tge dela,y we caused by the breaking of a wheel Of the engine, in the,vicinity of Glen Rock. The engineer had a lag broken. No other persona were injured. Y. M. C. A.—Lecture Postponed.—By reason of the Union 'prayer meeting to be held to night at the Presbyterian church, Market Bquare,the lecture of Prof. W. C. Wilson, announced to be delivered at the Court House this evening, liar been postponed. Notice will be given of the time when it.will be delivered. Bsmoi Fr.serron.- -The following gentlemen were elected as din eters and oflimrs, yesterday, President, James M'Cormick; Directors, Wil liam it. eforgas, George H. Bucher, Robert Bry spa, Thomas B. Bryson, John H. Briggs, Levi Pkierkel, Henry G. Moser, Henry M'Cormick, Andrew Rees, John B. Ccover, Robert A. ltm berton, John Haldeman; Treasurer and Secre tary, William Buehler. REAEMBER 11111 rOOß.—There are in our City a large number of worthy poor, who need as elatance. Wu trust bur benevolent citizens will not forget to contribute &mite to relieve their wants. With the present high prices of everything, anti winter at baud, there will be au Immense amount of suffering experienced by the poor, unless the charitable come to their relief. Gram, do You know it? 'Why; bless your sinis, this la leap year I Now do try and hunt up isushands, some of you ; for before the next 1,,a14 year comes you may be classed among the old maids. Cast sheep's eyes at all the young men you see. Go out Into the highways, and seek whom you may captivate. Remember that leap Oars, like Presidonthi elections, only cores once in four years. IIOTH6R3' PENSLONEI.-By a recant regulation of the Pensien Office, many mothers of de caa•ed soldiers are now entitled to pensions, w h o w . ,are not previously. Under the original regulatim:. a mother was required to prove hue marriage, and only widowed mothers were entitled to pensions ; while under the present r,izulat.lons any mother of a deceased officer or '-soldier, if she was dependent wholly or ia part -on her deceased son for support. is entitled to a pension whether her husband be living or not, and it is now unnecessary for a mother to prove her marriage. IMPORTANT TO /INN DRAPTEM n 1862.—1i0n, William Whiting, Solicitor of the War Depart ment, delivered an opinion, some time since, on the question of liability to serve, of men drafted in Pennsylvania, in. 1862, but who had never been been mustered into service. ' The following is the • OPlNlON:—Militia men drafted under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, not having been •iaustered into the service of the United States; .4 . ..anuot lawfully be treated as deseriets. much es the number of troopaand. the length . , of their service in the different States,have been,, .or will be, taken into consideration by the President so as to equalize the same among the •States iu the draft which is soon to be orderixl under the act of 1863, and as the deficit of troops of Pennsylvania will thus be made up, it is my opinion that no further proceedin: z should be taken •in relation to the persons' dr%fted last fell. (Signed) WILLIAM warm . % Solicitor of the'War Department; Ssow.---The earth is covered with a robe of snow. Yesterday and to day the "silent flakes" have fallen so steadily that enough lie on the ground to make sleighing a reality. Let the bells jingle ! To noanow avarasa the Hope Fire Company will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their organizition. The members of the company will have a grand banquet at the State Capi tol hotel, an' the remainder of the evening will be devoted to a social hop. We wish the " /livers " a happy time. STRANGE 99 visiting Harrisburg, should not forget to go to Rosendale's optical institute, No. 8 Market Square; and get a pair of his superior crystal spectacles, fitted to the eye. These glans assist and strengthen the weak and impaired vision, and enable the wearer to do the most critical work without any feeling of weakness or weariness, and over 500 persons in the city and vicinity who purchased them, will testify to their great advantage. Micro scopes, telescopes, opera and field glasses, and all kind of optical, mathematical and philo sophlcal instruments. 2t CLEAN YOUR PAYIL:RNTIE-SOCUOD 18 of " An Ordinance Prohibiting Nuisances in the City of Harrisburg," reads as follows: "It shall be the duly of the lot-holders within the inhab ited part of the city, within twenty-four hours after the fall of a snow, to have the' same re moved from the piiernents and gutters into the street, in front'of their dwellings or lots, under the penalty of one dollar for each offence, to be recovered fur the use of the city, as other Ann are by law recoverable." The Chief of Police requests us to state that be will enforce the ordinance against all persons who fail to comply with its requirements. Our citizens should see to having the snow removed from their pavements, in order to avoid the imposition of a fine. - lI=C=I THE Washington Sunday Morning Chronicle, speaking of Davis' Panorama of the Rebellion, says : "As a woik of art, Davis' panorama is un exceptionable ; but, as a series of paintings, designed to afford those who witness them a prafitable view of what has transpired during the war, it is unquestionably the most perfect picture of the kind ever presented to the Amer ican public. From the evacuation of Fort Moultrie, in Charleston harbor, to the last bat tle depicted, the artist has,in no single instance, failed to sketch his scenes strikingly and faith fully. Indeed, in many of the scenes the be holder could easily imagine that the reality was before him ; that he could hear the • roar of cannon, the rattle of musketry, and the rush of cavalry, and see the bayonet charge of in fantry and every other movement of interest on the battle field. We read accounts :of this and that glorious victory, achieved by the tfnion arms, hut it is requisite to have a .panorama like Davis' to impress upon the mind-the truths of history as they appear on the canvas." Norrca.—Complimentary Benefit to Miss Anne Llewellyn, Authoress of "The Flower Girl of Wales," "Agnes, the Betrayed," "Mistaken nea sure," "Gipsey's Revenge," understand that at the request of many of the friends of this talented young lady, she will in a few days give a farewell .entertainm?nt, when will be produced two entirely new and original plays— a drama written by herself during the l a st two Weeks,. entitled '‘Lena,,theAnaken,''ri l foinaded on incidents which have transpired during the rebellion, In which Mies L. will studain three distinct characters, with several scenes selected from the most popular plays ; recitations, &c.; to conclude with , a new and original farce, written by a gentleman of this city, and kindly offered for representation on this occasion, en titled, "Mr. and Mrs. Pickle, or the Brant's Hall Trouble," forming one of the most attractive entertainments ever offered to the public in Harrisburg. 2t Rtv. J. WALK= JAOKOON'S LEcTuRs.--The Phtladelpriia Press sags : "Last evening, Rev. J. Walker Jackson de livered, in Handel and Hajdn Hall, his inter esting lecture on - " Andrew Jackson." The at tendance, though the proceeds of the lecture ware for the benefit of the Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, of Green street Methodist Episcopal Church, was not large. Those present, how ever, were amply repaid for the inconvenience which the inclement weather occasioned by the eloquence and patriotism to which they were treated. The political and military, career of the great statesman and general was , detailed with apitit and force. Many anecdotes were interspersed tikroughout the discourse. Particu lar allusion was drawn to the course of General Jackson while commanding the itmeri7 can army in New Orleans. His suipension and arrest of Judge Hall for granting a writ of habeas corpus to a military offender was spoken of as showing the characteristic bent of Jack son's mind. Fall of fire, energy and perseve rance, he would not allow even , a judge to in terfere with him in the discharge of his public. duties. The - subsequent trial of Jackson for contempt of coUrt—hie being compelled to pay a fine of $l,OOO, and the enthusiasm of the populace to pay it for him, were all depicted with truthfulness, and created great applause: Gen. Burnaids did what Gen. Jackson would have done, excepting that he did not do enough. Burnside should have hung Yellen dighans, and that's what - Jackson would do if he were alive. to day. The treatment South Carolina received at the hips& of Jackson, as compared with the impotence exhibited WI wards the same , treasonable locality by Mr. Bn chanan, elicited attention and applause." - Opttiat 'other Now 19 THE Tnia FOR BAROLINS.—With the commencement of the new year it will not be out of place to say to our numerous onstomeri, that the very high price of cotton goods, such as cotton flannel, bleached and unbleached muslin, drillings, &c., &c., has induced us to say that from this time we will sell this class of 'goods at a profit just sufficient to pay the expense of bringing them from the- city: We will also close out our stock of furs. C. L. Bowman; No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets. JOSHUA M. WIISTLING, ATTORNBT-AT-L&W- Will attend to claims for exemption from the Draft. Office in Walnut street, next door to Mayor's office. • . delB-d6te Military Business Attended To, Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Claims, generally, mad e out and collected. Pomona residing at a distance can - biome their business transacted by mail, ;by addressing EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at-Law, del7-dly Third St., Harrisburg, pa, GOLD PENS Et-POINTED EQUAL TO NEW, on the receipt of 85 cents. Circulars for the Johnson Pen, sent on application, by Mail or otherwise. E. S. JOHNSON, Manufactory and Office, 15 MAIDEN LANE, New York City. decl9-dlm Brown's Bronchial Troohes These Lozenges are prepared from. a highly esteemed recipe for alleviating Baoscarat Ar; FZOT/OHB, ASTHMA., IIOAH9ENS93, COUGHS, COLD 3, and Irritation or SoreneEs of the Throat. PUBLIC SPEAKERS AND VOCALISTS Will find them beneficial in clearing the voice before speaking or singing, and relieving the throat after any unusual exertion of the vocal organs, having a peculiar adaptation to affec tions which disturb the organs of speech. deald&wl m Muffs! Muffs! Munk! We have on hand muffs, at $3, $3.50, $4 and $5. A good assortment of low price furs. Cloaks, cloaks cloaks Cloaks for ladies, all prices. Cloaks for children. Cloaks at all prices, np to $25. Hoop skirts at 75 cis., $1 up to $3. Stockings for ladies and children. Socks, woolen and cotton. Linen table covers, linen napkins. Black silk atsl, $1.40, and all prices. Woolen shirts of all descriptions. Ladies' and gentlemen's pocket Wife. Linen sheeting 10 4. Linen for pillow cases 5-4._ iffuslins, bleached and nobleacleci, beat make. Kid gloves at 87c. and $1 per pair. Carsimere and cassinetts for men and boys' wear. Undershirts and drawers. Ladles' merino vests. Dress goods it all prices. Cambric bands and cambric edging. Balmoral skirts at $3.26, $3.60, $4. Large assortment of other.goods at S. LEViTY'S.: SAPONIFIER OR , CONCENTRATED LYE FAMILY SOAP MAKER. WAR makes high prices ; Saponifier helps to reduce them. It makes SOAP for FOUR cents a pound by using pour kitchen grease. • Iff`:CAUTION ! Asepurious Lyes are of fered also, be careful and only buy the PAT ENTED article put up in IRON cans, all °there being COUN TE RFEITS. • PENNSYLVANIA •SAIIP CO.,' Philadelphia—No.l27 Walnut Street,' Pittsburg—Pitt Street ad Dapuesue Way. del 9 d&w3w A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIA.OR.I, Containing nearly 800 pages, and 180 finp Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the, Sexual Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with a Treatise on Self-Abuse, its De?lorabre Consequences upon the Mind and Body, all the Author's Plan of Tieatment—the only rational and , successful mode of cure, as shows by the report acmes treated. ~t ruthful a 4 'leer to the married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physi cal conditlion. Sent free of postage to any ad diem, on receipt of 25 cents In stamps or postal currenoy, by addressing Dr. LA 01191 X, Nd. 31 Heiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. oct9-d&w3m DAM DYE ! HAIR DYE 1 BITCHELOWS "ELEBELTED Hill DYE 'ls the Best to the World The only Harmless, -true and Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, without injuring the Hair or Staining the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, fre quently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the 11l effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATOECELOR. All oth ers are mere imitations, and should be avoided'. Sold by all Druggists, Sm. FACTORY-81 BARCLAY ST., N. Y. BAVIIIILLOII . B 11W TOILST O&IAM FOZ DILIBBINO 11/1i '8234y. ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND WONDER FUL RESULTS. DR. J. M. ()REAMER would respectfully in form the public in general and the diseased in particular, that he has opened , an offioe in South Second street, below Chestuut,Harrisburgp Pa., where he will treat all diseases entrusted to his care, in accordance with the system discovered - and taught by Prof. 0. Bolles, of Philadelphia, with whose institution he has been connected, and to whom he takes pleasure in referring the public for information with respect to his success in controlling disease. No drugging the system with uncertain med ical agents. Ail cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism and other modifications of Electricity; without shocks or any unpleasant sensations. After an Elogtrical Diagnosis; a guarantee will be given, if desired by the patient. For far ther information call and get a pamphlet which contains hundreds of certificates ,from medical men and others proving the superiority of this system of practice over all others. Consultation' free. Office hours 9t012 A. x., Ito 6 and 7to 9 r. Y. DR. J. MILTON . CREAMER. de29-d3tawlm to-thas REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE: THE several properties of the estate of WIL-1 LIAM ALLISON, deceased, in'the city ofd Harrisburg, consisting of Houses on ,Front: street and Chestnut street, at antinear-the clor Der of Front and. Chestnut streets, a vacant lot; on Mulberry street, near Third street, and 19/ 1 acres of land at the eastern terminus of Market': street, are offered for sale. For-terms of sale,, apply to the undersigned, Seventh and Noble; streets, Philadelphia. de2l-dtf] - THOMAS COCIEIBAN. IMPORTJBAS OP WINES AND LIQUOR -s. LATIMAN, -SALLA.pE & 00 ; , NO. 128 %SOME' NINTH RTRES7, Between Cheetnut and Wairtat PHILADRLPIELIA. 0. 4. lll tatramt, A. M. SaLtana, J. D. "Brrrtno, no 9 d3m A GENTS minted to sell the Standard History of the. War. A rare chance to make. money.. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circulais, Address . ' JONES BROS. & CO., deSo' I.lublishers,..Baltimore, Md. T EMS' 00,NDWEDIttliA, for sale Lit no24'WM. DUCK, JA.; & CO. SWEPT CIDEB; at uo2o DOOK, NeW 21.,3zettistm:.tq*, KUNKEL'S 40 Mt 49. .1:21 '(SITTER WINE OF IRON, BITTER WINE OF IRON, BITTER WINE OF IRON, BIT-TER WINE OF IRON, For Dyspepsia sad Indigestion ; For Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; For Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; For Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; • - For Weak Stomachs and General Debility For Weak Stomachs end General Debility For Weak Stomachs and General Debility For Weak Stomachs and General Debility Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable' and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Goad, It °oats but Little ant Parities. the Blood. It Costs but Little'and Purifies the Blood. It Omits but Little and Purifies the Blood. It Costs but Little and Purltlrs the Blood. We now Only Aek a Taal We now Only Ask a Trial We now Only Ask a Trial We row Only Aek a Trial Of this Valuable Medicine, Of :this Valuable Medicine, Of this Valuable,Medicine r - Of this Valuable Medicine, Only Beyeaty.fize and One. Dollar per Bottle. Only Seventy-Etva'andOne.Dollar per Bottle. Only Seventy-live and One Dollar per Bottle. Only Seventy-five and One Dollar per Bottlal. COUNTERFEITS BZWAREI bousnatierra.—As Kuinan's Brr- Wavoibust to the only Imre and effectual remedy known In the world for the permanent ohm of )Dyipepaia and Debtlity, and as thaw& are a number of imitations offered to the public, we-would caution the omainunity to purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured .by S. A. Kuseart, and has his stamp on the top of the cork of, every bottle.- The very fact that otheineare attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. The Britlß Want or lacerlirpnt up•in 75 cent and $1 00 Imtfles, and sold by all respectable Diuggists throughout the country. , Be paitlc ularlliat every • bOttlelmus the fee an* of the proprietor's eignature, Manrifactured by ' ' • S. A. KIINFJCL & BRO., General Depot No:118 lliatket Street, FOR BALB BY all respectable dealera throughout the vountry. jaii4 PRESENTS ! PRESENTS ! 50,000 Agen t s Wanted!! RMIE - OPPORTInefr. '15,000 Watelien, , Gold Pens and Pencils VENT, GUARD It NECK CHAIN, 013A1'hadAINE CHAINS AND PINS, EIiGRAVED BRACELETS, ENGRAVED SPRING LOCKETS, Seal Slone Rings, ,California*inke, Chased Riigio, 'Masonic 144 figs California A-a mend Fins, California Diemend 'Ear Drops. Beautiful Sets of Jewelry, New Styles Studs and Battens, etc., WOILTU $400,060, To be reAd for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and nott.o be paid for till you know what you are to get. In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for doing the business 25 cents each, which must be enclosed when the request is made to know what you can have. After knowing what you can have, then it will be at your option tosend $l, take the article or not. Five articles can be ordered for Sl—eleven for $2--thirty for Ss—sixty-149 for slo—and one hundredlor $l5. With the inforraation of what you can have will be sent a circular giving .full instructions •to Agents, and a full Catalogue of articles, and then it will be at your option tri'' send - and get the article or not. • Also, for $l, I will send a solid silver Well or either Army Corps Pin, with your name, regiment and company handsomely engraved ttpbn it. Address • - S. 111. W ARD its, Box 4876 ; New York. ' 208 Broadway. dolt)). dawa MUST BE SOLD! WALL PAPER, BORDERS. SCIIEFFEWS BOOKSTORE Has to be moved on the first of April next. His stock ofWall Paper must be reduced, and will, therefore, be sold at very low prices;: al though price of Wall Papers is still going up Persons desirous of papering their houses, will do well to examine , his assortment and prices. THEO. F. SOHEFFER. December 1, 1868. :Or Five cents cash paid for .Olear Mixed &IP per pound. Old Books wanted for—cash. deB • PUBLIC SCHOOLS. QCLIOOL SLAM of different sizes, Willson's ‘..7 Excellent series of Spellers and Readers, published by Harper & Brothers; together with all other School Books , and Writing Materials %reoffered, wholesale and retail, at dec7 SOHEFFER'S BOOKSTOBX. APPLES! APPLES II ' BY the Barrel, Bushel or small quantity, at no2o • - WM. DOOR, JR., & CO. LIOSTONE QUARRY r.p.O.LBEISE, : by the perch, immediately helm fhe city. For particulars enqUire of 1 . . • J. MIMI. Sanford's Opera House, UNDER ENTIRE NEW MANAGEMENT. N. T. Hitchcock & 00. A GREAT BILL TO.-NIGIIT I The ever copular ininatrela I I n n e w Zi.)aga, new DIMON, &c.. Farces and Barle.rquea Continued popnlari:ky of the great Comic Vocal /at, THE GREAT TONIC, THE GREAT TONIC, TEE GREAT TONIC, THE GREAT TONIC, MiLze.Cc:ark:Less. MISS EOSE V OL ANTE. Front seats reserved for ladies. Performance to oommenceprecisely alB o' clk In rehersal and will shortly be produced, the laughable -royal pantomimes of VOL ,AU-VENT in which Mr. Hitchcock will appear for a few nights. jan4 BRANT'S HALL! SHORT SEASON OF ENOLIOH OPERA. ALIEIL3III 4 0C311ICINGIrr The celebrated and popular NATIONAL OPE R A TROUPE Have the honor to announce their first appear ance in this City on TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6th, 1864, In Balfe's grand opera of And Cannot do Harm. And Cannot do Harm. And Cannot do Hann. And Cannot do Harm. THE BOHEMIAN ql - RL and the Comic Operetta of MRS. PARTINGTON. Admission 25 cents ileserved portion of Hall by " Children to do - 25 Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commence at 71. - See Programmes. fThe Box Office will open on Monday for 'securing seats. No extra charge.. janl FREE MILITARY SOHOOL, FOR APPLICANTS FOR"COMMANDS OF COLORED TROOPS, No. 1210 CHESTNUT STREET, (Late Colonel 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves,) PRECEPTOR. • tRE SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE FOR RECRUITING COLORED REGIMENTS, with the view of providing what the country so urgently needs—namely, applicants for com mand ctf colored troops competent for that duty --,has established a MILITSBY SCHOOL at their Headguarters, in which INFANTRY TACTICS and knowirdge of ARMY REGULA TIONS are taught gratuitously. Young men having a fair common school education, and physically sound, and especially privates and non commissioned officers in the army, who desire to command colored troops, ire in vited to become students of this School. Those who already have military knowledge may review it, and be.ptepared for Immediate examination at Washington. Those -who are wholly unacquainted with tactics may remain until ;bey ~,are made pro- Relent In them. Students, properly advanoed, will bd allowed to visit Camp William Penn, drill and train troops there, and practicli as officers. Three Sessions will be held every day. Sun days excepted, one of which will be a Nraur SESSION. Each applicant must apply to the Committee for admission, by a letter of his own composi tion and written by himself. Testimonials of good character must be laid before the Com mittee before applications can be acted on. If satisfactory, permission to enter the School will be forwarded to the applicant. - - Farther information can be found In pam phlet, published by the Committee, which will be sent free to any one at a distimce requesting a copy, and it can also be had at the office of the Committee, or dike °pee of sthispaper. All letters addressed to either of the under signed will be promptly answered: THOMAS WEBSI'EIt, Chairman, CADWALADER BIDDLE, Secretary, S. B. CORSON, General Agt. of Cote. No. 1210 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. j aul Harrisburg, Pa FURS! FURS!! FURS!!I lAM can yiug out my ;well earned reputation for selling the best made FURS at the most reasonable prices, and offer now my splendid k lertment of • B,:adson - 13ay Sable; ' Rich Mink Sables,_ Siberian Squirrer, Chinchilla, Stone Martin, Fitch, &c., &c. FURS for Eddies and Missi a at the moat rea sonable prices. Or My stock of riladaon Bay and Mink Sa bles is the finest ever mitered In this market, and comprised: Riding gapes, Three-Quarter and Half Capes, Berthas, 001JArS, "Haft, &c. JOSEPH HOS _RIBAIIM, N0..416 Arch street, above 4th, south side, P. S.—No ‘ Lituilneed taaateacted On Saturday. d4B dludf Mem o Tuu Darr. o THS SIJOQUINANNA, CUAMBBREGIIIRCI4 PIMA., Dec. 24th, 1868. In accordance with instructions received from the War Department theonly bounty to be paid for enlisting in the United States service for (3) three years, is that arrthorized by law, which is (100) ne hundred dollars, to be paid at the ex piration of two, (2) yearve- service. Until Jantutry , fith, 1.130„4, the bounties offered by the United States CL'a'vernment, amount ing to (402) four hundred and two dol lars, will be paid for the re-evlistment of vete: rano, viz : Those who are now:. or have been in the military service of their' country nine months or up*ards. All persons desiring to re-enter the service will apply to the Provost Marshal ot' the blot in which they reside, Or their re."•rulting agents, who are authorized to enlist, an s i will give all - information in relation to the payvnent of bounties, &c. - - :. The Commanding General therefore upon all veterans in the department, who have so nobly sustained the reputation of their State on hard fought battle fields, to enrol them selves at once in the service, that rebellion and 'dill war may receive its death blow. By command of Maj. (len. CAMEL MO. S. BHULTZE, -dec243dtj6 Assistant Adjutant General PARENTS AND GUARDIANS SEEKING a quiet place for study and recrea tion for their children and wards, will find such at Greason Seminary, six miles west of Carlisle, on Ounadr:Talley B. B. Circulars may be procured at the office - of jones' gotel. Ad dress E. HIINTINGQN SAUNDERS. Plainfieldrl". 0., Comb. (1). 4 Pa. linustnunts. Alio, the , great acting Soprano Vocalist, HOLMAN Nem ablurtisontats. PHILADELPHIA. JOHN H. TAGGART, GENERAL ORDERS No. 26 Nte 2bilatistmtitts. GssitDisircizzy I Froprietort Applicable um3fill Arta A caw thing Its Combination. Boot and Shoe Won/adorers. Jewelers. Families. It Is Remember. Finis Agentitta Phil* Omni Steamers. Steam Weekly to Liverpool. rPOUOIIING at QITEMISTOWN, Noes Wog sou.) The well known Steamers of £h3 , New York and Philadelphia Steam ship • pany, are Intended to sail as follows 01TY OF MANCHESTER, Saturday, January 9 ; CITY OTRALTIMORE, - Saturday, January 16 ; CITY OF LONDON, Saturday,Jartnary 23, and every eneenedbig Saturday, at Nobn, front Mar 44, North Elver. BATS OF FASUOR, PAYABLD ID GOLD, Oa 1/411DIf ALM' Ili Ctr." assay. slam aunts, 880 00 minutiae, T. 9:: f., - .: do to London, 85 00do to London, as Dv do to Paris, 95 00 do to Paris, 40 4 I ..i..! do to Hamburg, 90 00 do to Hamburg, 37 .i -- . , PBa3BllM3 also forwarded to Harve, Bremeu, Rotterdam, Antwerp, &a., at equally low rates . Fares from Liverpool or Qusenestown : '6,t Oabin, $75, 885, 8105. Steerage frcim Ilitet - pool, $4O. From Queenestown, $BO. ']`bona who wish to send for their Mends can hay tldt ets here at these rates. For further Information apply at the (Yampa fly's Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent,lsl3r.-.4.1we.y. N "S' or 0. 0. 2iLhiBiRRMAN, Harriabuty. Maly. _ . prat -SONS ABOUT MAKING MINCE ME A T Will find everything that they need In the line of Apples, Raisins, Citron, Lemon Peel, Cur rants, Wine, Brandies, Cider and Pure Spices at the lowest market rates at WM. DOCK, JR., & CO., Dealers In fine family groceries, opposite the Court House. OHOUGLOONG, Vi BEST PRESERVED • CANTON GINGER For sale at WM. 'DOCK., JR., & CO. n 024 A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW 11 RAISINS, CITRON, CURRANTS, PRUNES, FIGS, &CI, At (tto2o] vv. DOOR, Ja, St CO_ J. R. EWING. ALttcorizesr.ext.Mastw, Exchange Building, Harrisburg. Pensions, Bounties and Back Pay obtained. [delsdly PICKLES I PICKLES ! I BY THE Barrel, Half Barrel, Jar or Dozen, at (no2o] WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. SUPERIOR GOSHEN BUTTER FOR TABLE USE, Jost received at W. DOCK, Ja., & CO. TOY BOOKS, GAMES, &O. ALARGE assortment of Toy Books, Games, just received at SOKEFFERt BOOKSTORE, Hezrisburg. nol9 NEW BOOKS TIEE SHOULDER STRAPS AAD Jaat received at .(16113 _ SCHEMII)ErB- BOOKSTORE. E lot of beet quality of !dome, r kota tout; just received and for sale by BOYER 44r KOMPER, t i t , el2Aitt No. 3 Market -Square. PCLUTFOLIOS 1 PORTFOLIOS 1 i rifiE WIEN and Backgiunmon Boards, a ki tiro assortment, just received at dees SCHEME'S BtIOKSToRE. APPLE 8.-200 barrels of New York state Apples, of a choice variety, knit received, and sold low, in any quantities, to suit pur ohmers, at the new grocery of clot MYER & KOMPER. USEFUL and VALITA BLE DISC:O'7EIC! ~~.'i ii_s' ~ INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Is of more general practical ;utility than any haventior. now before the public. It ha; ibeen thoroughly tested dur iing Abe last two years by Ipiactical men, and proaous 'cad by all to be SOPERRin W ANY Libeetvi3Preps,reitioaskt;:i=n I3u.roa'a IrmoLtriam Cc narr lea new thing, and the re ;suit of yenta of etudy ; ite combination is on Scientific Principled, AndAmder no circumstances or change of temperature, will it become corrupt or emit any offensive smelt. FfoBOOTOT St SHOE Alanufacturers, using ?da llies, will find It the best article known as Cemendng r the Channels, it Works i without delay, Is not affected by any changs of tempers- I tare, SEAM PRS Will find it anfficiently adhc give for their use, as has been proved. nixespecially arlaArdp Leal and we claim MI an especial merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to Boots and 3hoes sufficiently strong with out stitching. It la the only LIQ VID Extant, that la a aura thing for plaudit* rural:we, Cir6okery, Toye, BOW, Ivory, And articLA3 of Etonwhold BEMEMBRE HILTON'S 13130LEIBLB CILICILYT Is In a liquid form and as easily applied as paste. HILTON'S Irlemma Cinnarr Is insoluble in water or oil. HaTON't Issol.rms (Mire Adheres oily substanoes. Supplied lu Family or Hari ufeeturers' Packagee from 2 ounces to 100 the. HILTON BROS. & C 43., Propriet.n, Provtiloat,o, R. I alphia, LA NIT Sr. MAGI:43/16 DrAYS OF SHODDY