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THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED MORiVr.NG AND EVEN - I.VG, By G - F4033,G8 BBEGNER Office Third Street, near Trig/Mt TERM OF SUBSCIZIPTION, SING L& SIIIISCR/PTION The DAILY TILEGRAPH %served to subscribers he city at 8 cents per week. Yearly snbecri b:•is will he charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who n‘c glect to pay in advance will be charged S.Ci 00. I,V EEKLY TELY.GRAPII ' Tnic TxLIORAPII is &so published weekly and is A11111E11 , 31 to subsatibers at the following cash rates: Single col.i( s, weekly Three coph s to one Pest Mite Teti alpha to ono Post Office • tro rAirotrtisemnits 1863. 1863. DECEMBER. 15th, 18§3. USEFUL PRESENTS FOR TILE 3:10 AL 'Sr t Rich Dark Sable Furs, Genuine Siberian Squirrel Fore, Bean iful German Fitch -Furs, - Handsome Russian Squirrel Furs, Rich Shaded FrLnch Sable-Furs, American Filch, Silver Marten, &C., Sic.; Collars; Celia, of all kinds. I.llese goods ate fresh from the hands of the mangfacturers for our holiday sales. - A Fplenti it esbertirient of Pure Lace Collars; French Embroider Conan; Fiend] work Collar and Sleeves. In sets; Berintiliii plain andliemstitchednandk9ichiefsi Infant Flonncings, Edgings s and Iti!. sorting& New style Mau Stitch Vine Embroidei Handkerchiefs. BLACK AND SECOND - MOURNING GOODS I 1 A largo stock of dross goods, • • • 1 100 diller*ll3l. styles of gogliali Crepe Coliaral Mak Otntre Brochae bordor searra, Alexander & Jon vin's plain and stitched Ki l ls‘ filaiMis, Veils, Gloves, BelL'fa., &e.,&e. &c. -In Jim' mourning .. departniont Der dock oinpiete. A LARGE LINE. ay L. 4 DIES'MISSES' AND CTRL:PREY B 8_ C) 3EL AL ISA 2! The bebt amortment of Blankets---in eztasi q uHlit ho found . - Very uporior makes of Mack Silks, at lower! .prieL'S 1 - hith hut' are now held by the importers As v.-a are tit - termiucd to radix° our laraq vstocac before the let of January, our prices •be decided inducements to purchasers during 41 he bohdays. CATIICART & t,tigl!„.l3Eß, , Next Door to ilarrh+butt Bank, , No. 19, Market Squaw. To All Who Value Their, Sight JULIUS ROSENDALE, OPTIC lAN ATM 0 0101 0 11 ST • .121 ESPECTFULLY 8111301111C03 fiq the' citizeus It of Harrisburg and 'vicinity that he hW again opened an office in Market Square; .next . door to Mr. Felix's Cohfcctionery, for the sale; of his celebrated • SPANTOSCOPIO AND TINTED SPECTACLES) 1 hest glaesei aro reconnnendeil by the first: ranAlical men, and all who purchisel them irom me Will Wally to their. great advantages over: all other ones in use. The Lenses are ground of the finest crystal. "fliey assist and strengthen the impaired vision, mid last trom 10 to 12 years without change. Office hours from SA. M. till Br. M. Consul tation free. octs-d3mStaw-wlm PROCLAMATION'. W.HI 4 :-REAB; the Honorable Jour: J. PNAItBO:7, President of the Court, of common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, Consisting of the onnutiesuf Lebanon an? Dauphin, and the Hon. SANIT LL LANDIS mud lion. Moses ?.. YouNtl, Associate JUdgeB to Dauphin county, having issued t heir' precept, nearing dole the lot day of Dec. 1863 to ma directed, for tiepin g a Court of Oyer anVerraner and General Jail Wit very and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg. ter the county or Dauphin, and to commence ON CBI 313 MO:W.IV Or JANtuar Karr, being the 18th day of Janu ary, 1664, and to , continuo two week. ohnieo I a inercfore hereby &Fen to the Gorener, fns heel of the Peace, Aldermen, a.ud'Oeiditables of the said smaty of Dauphin, that they be tacit and Moro in tknitr r: ,per pertons, at 10 o'clock. Di lite tereneoa of said ,11,y, with tneir records, inquiet:ions, examinational; 1•11:1 their own romemb :tutees, to 'do those things w inch to their ottico apportaina to be dune, and thole w.O are hound in recogniziumes to, prosecute against Dui ;.i . 1, , 0u6rs that are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin coun t , be then and there to prosecute against them as shall Just. idveu under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 3st day of lu the year of our Lord, 3883, and In the .. u.,..44,1h.th year of the independence of the Ousted W. W. JENNE(QS, Shoria Flrstesrp.B Ornas lag, Dee. 21.. 16C4. 1 1 MLAULLPHIA AND READING RAILROAD.- .Lebaa..lon Valley Branch ; N and afte.v MONDAY, DECEMBER 28th;. # 1863, an ACCDNIIIODATION - PASSENGER 'll ;AIN . will be ruu betwee,: Reading and Har• Ikurg, in addition to the other . Paesenger Trains now running on the Lebanon Valley itailroad. Leaving Reading at 7.16 A. M., pas s i n g üba tiffit at 8.44 A. M., and arriving at liarriaburg - at 10 A. it. . Leaving 'Harrisburg at 5 r. DL., passing Leba- Lon at 6.15, and arriving. at Reading at 7.35 . • .topping at all Passenger Stations. , • Fast Mail Train, leaving Reading at 11.07 A. M., will stop only at Womelsdorf, Blyaratown, Annvillo, Palmyra .and Hammels .. tuwn. „ . All Pas:itugers will procure their Tickehri* fore entering the Trains. An .extra charge is made on all Faros paid in the Oars. G. A. ral s ICOLLS o P I;eailing, Pa„ Dec, 11, 1863.---del4tj3l.. An BARBELS' of, Choice 'He* Ycirk:azig . . 0LP1../ picked APPT,ES for Kale, AOtily.t6 C. H. T11NT5,;.....: Foot of WalnutAtteetr: 4 e 24 dtf The Great "Amerion - KNOWN AS "HIiThYBOLD'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ : HELMBOLD EXTRACT " BUCHU," • I ' " SARSAPARILLA, " IMPROVEED - ROSE WASH. IM7I.MBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED " COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT BUCIIU, A rOSPTIVE AND . SPECIFIC REMEDY - For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, 'GRAVEL, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Diges tion, and excites the ABSORBENTS-into heal thy action, by . which the - WATERY or CAL DEROUS depcsitiens, nail all - UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS-are . reduced, as well as pain and inflammation and le good for MEN, WO MEN or CHILDREN. HEMBOED'S EXTRAf,'T BUCHt FOR WEAKNESSES - 'Arising from Dominus, Habits, of Diselpatien, ' 'Early Indiscretion or . Abuse. ' avneiNozo wrru Ass' 1011TAVINO shrermsa : Indkoosition to Exer-DrYttess of the Skin, tion Loos of Power, Less of Memory, Diffierilty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling ' Horror-of Dismnie, - Wakefulness, Dininefvfof Vision, Pain in. the Back, Universal lassitude ofFliushing of the Body, the Muscular System,Eruptions on the Face, Hot Hands, Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPI LEPTIC FITS, In' one of which the patient may expire. Who convey that they.are not frequently followed by-those "direful diseases," INSANITY AND OONSIMIPTION. Many are aware - of the' ca u se of their suffer ings, but none will confess. The records di' the Insane T unis end the mellumhely deaths by Consumptirm, bear ample witness to the truth of the easertion. THE r , coresnrurioN, ONCE APPIiCiTILD • inTil'OßGAlirld' WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Helmbold'a Er. 4 of Buchultivarlably does. A trial will con vince the inpsitaireptical. isguAT wit---Fanorkw—ll'ENLALES, OLD OR-'YOUNG,SINGLE, MARBIRD, OR ONT.EMPLATING MARRIAGE; la monk affectjoue pecan/ t' to females the; Extraet , Bnchel is onoqutillAd by a ny other remedy, as in Chlorosie or Retention, Irregu larity, Painfulness, or suppression- of the eue-t 'togtary- Evacuations, -Ulcerated or Sohltroni state • of the -Lencorrhts or Whitt* Sterility, and fop all alsgtplaints incident to the whethef arising from 7 lncliscratp : Habit . of Dissipation or in the MIME OR CHANGE' OF LIFE. NO FAMILY SHOULD .a 0 WITHOUT if. - T a k e noialsam,Mercury,or - Unplessant 1401-1 ciao for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. • LiErtiliOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU $1 GO 4 00 10 00 Cures'Secret Oise:lista ft alllheir stages; at lit• tie expense; little of no change lo _diet ; no in cobVenienee and no exposure. It causes fre quent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Qbetructions, preventing and curing Strictures ofthe'UriAtra,-alJa ing,pain and hifitunination, so fre . quent In this pleas of diseases, and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and ifforrmit Matter. Tholistuide upon thousands who have been the - 146113ns of quacks, and who have . paid 4eavy fees to be - cured in a short time, have found they wore deceived, and that the "Poison" has by the use of "powerful. Astringenta," been dried up in the system," to break out an aggmvnted form, and perhaps after marriage. Use FIRLMBOLD'S EXTRACT MOUT" . for all Affections andDiseeses of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in Male, or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. HELD4BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is the Great Diuretic, and it is certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases for which it 18 recommended. Blood—Blood-1316dd. — Helinbold's Highly Concentrated Compound BLUED :ItIf f .TRAIOT SARSAPARILLA SYPHILIS: - This Is affeV- tion of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Or galas, TAningEt of the Noe°, Ears, Throat, Wind pipe, and other Mucits Surfaces, making its ap pearanse in the lona of Ulcers. Efelmbold's Extract Sarsaparilla, purifies the Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly 53r this Claa3 of complaints, its , Blond-Purifyingrties are preServed to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. IDIELMBOLIIB ROBE WABB. An eioallent Lotionlor diseases of a Syphi litic Nature, and as aninjectionin diseases : , of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits 'of of I dissipation,- used in connection with the Ex-. tracts Wolin and Sarsaparilla, in such diseasei as recommended. Evidence of the most re sponsible and reliable character will accompany the'medicines:-CERTIFICATES QF CURMI froni- eight to twenty years standing, with names knOirn to Science and Fame. For Medical Properties of-Blau, see Dispensary of the United States. See Professor DEWEIPS valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks maderby the lateoelebrated Dr: PRY— ' SICK, Philadelphia: See remarks made by Dr. EPIIRADI mcDovntra4, saekbrated Physician and member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the Tnuntections of the Kings and Queen's Journal. See Medico- Cirurgical Review,' published by BENT. TRA VERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeon. See:most, of the late standar& works on. Ile& ciao. Extract of Rocha $1 00 per bottle, or six for 8500. Extract of taareoparills; $1 00 per bottle, or six for $6.00. Improved Bose Wash, 6,0 cents per bottle, or six for $2 60, or half a dOien each for $l2 00, .whiph will be suf fident cUrelhe most obstinate cusee, if &no. Lions are adhensito. Delivered to any address, securely .packed from observation. Describe symptoms in all communications. Cared guar anteed. Advice, grade.. : Personally appeared before me an Alderman Of the city of Philadelphia, R. T. Efelmbold, who, being duly sworn, cloth say, his prepare- Lions contain no narcotic, po mercury, or other injurionadrlge, and are purely Vegetable. H. T. HEIM:BOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day of November,-1864.- WM. P. HIBBARD Alderman, Nintlrstreet ab. Race, Ph ila.; Address letters for information in wails to ..: 1 T.,HELMBOLD, Chemist, Depot 104 South 10th ehOet; below Ohastaitt , IthY2gl3l. =I HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENrIG,. JANUARY 5 1861. ijfebital: illtbital. DR. JOHN SO 33ALI-0/ 1 71VEC>Mil_IM LOCK HOSP-ITAL. discovered the roost certain, speedy lind 1. effectual remedies iu the world for DISEASES OP IMPRUDEN OP =au fit eLX TO rorms EfODBB NO MERCURY - OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cure Warranted, or No Charge, in from One to Aro Days. Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary dis charges, Impotency, - general Debility, Net vonsnoss, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Mart, Timidity, Tranblings, Dinnaess of Slgl4 or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat : Nr se or Skin. Affections of the Liver, Lungs Stcmach or Bowels-tbose terrible disorders arising from tho Solitary Habits of Yonth, those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syr.3ns to tine Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most bribl. Rant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage; Ste., Impossible YOUNG -low Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destiuctive habit which annually sweeps to au uutimol# grave thousands of Young Men of most exalted talente and brilliant intellect, who might -otherwise have entranced listeuing•Sen, rtes with, the- thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the . Jyre, may call with fall confidence. - MARRIAGE. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplat ing marriage, being, ware of physical tveak.! rress,_ organic debility, deformities, epnedily cured. , He -mho places hifneitlf ander the care ,of , or.! J. way religiously confide in his honor as a gen-. tleroan q , and . confidently toly, :apo e skill se ae, - u id Physician ,, . rant and designing pretenders, who, incapable of curing, filch his 'pecuniary ;substance, keep Aim trifling'. month after month, or ea icing as the smallest fee can be obtained; and indevair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his oiling disappointment, or; by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constitu tonal symptoms' of this terrible disease, each as affections of the Head, Throat, Hose; Skin, etc.' progressing with :frightful rapidity"tine " death puts a,period to his dreadful sufferings 'by Oen& aup. -him to that nnalheovered country *cm whence no traveller rattans. • • INIXHISEMENT Or THE PH&H. Mammy 'thousands cured at this ingtituttori year after year, and the numerous - Immtani surgiCal operations performed by Dr.' JohOon, 'Witnessed by the 'repoitem of the Nun, ouipff, and many otherr . 'paperk nottoel Of which have appeared 'again and again before the Public, tie *hal% standing as . a itelkilomin of character and responsibility, is a sollietent -paranteo to alsll43ted. nag 1 T5 04 45243 SP EP/LY CUB"? pato Nei 4,ll4nith, gail g Etiegrapil The Sanitary Fair at Cincinnati— Interest otiVestern Women in the Work. The Sanitary ifair which opened :it Clac'nnati ou Mmday promises to be a great success. The rush of visitors en the opening night exceeded anything of the kitid over before witnessed in Cincinnati. " 'fbettintribn(ors ate numbered - by tens of thousands . The managers expect that they wttl rhino $3 OOOOO or more for the bet . efit of the - Sanitary Comeiission. The people emery whose throughout the West seemed to have enteked into the' good work with the greatest enthusiasm, and' even the more eastern State.'i ere well represented. Among the letters en closing gifts foriithe fair, the following are suggestive as exhibiting the deep, interest of our loyal women in everything relating 'to the welfare of the soldier, aed their readiness to make sacrifices in trig 'behalf: "liartstsnunti; D:comber 14, 1843. r.a 4 "Bin. CaLuweYou may Erbil o at my o offering ;it lefrom large, warm heart, but Emil 1 purge.' Willett I read The Ladies! Appeal' I thought 'what can Ido ! Hid just returned from GottYstittrg; Lad there giitbored loaves, ferns, lichert4e.., as a souvenir.of the ; the *thottght occurred, can ,- 1 not, make something of these for the Western Sani tary Fair ? So riie:tried; and have sent the result (two framed' borlquets) by exprees. The frames ware kindly given um by a frie6d.-= Scarcely know how to. value them ; think ten dollars nottoo 3:laugh. `. Use your own judgment. 1 hppe the fair may Ilia 'grhat sucoe6s, and eat' disappoint tho hoper , Of the most sacguino, , 'll.lespectf RES. 41YN1CKA." 44nothor wcmin !kites from„Grundy Centro, Iowa; • •• fo,driy, fur the lair, thirteen pages of music, not much'ioiled,,and intend to send by exprem (Went:twist express office id distabt twenty-eight miles) if I have an opportunity to get the package to the express oflice, three sea shells which I have. Ido not know their retire ' hut think it should not be less than throw dollars." • The following letter has a hoterical interes: BlrmLßllllll,.l"ii, , Dec.,l2, DE&R FR/6101): ;At year,requtsti forward to you my photogratih...,.l' Was tx)rn..on the IGth clay of April, galem,,opq of the Mora vian Mission stations, in the present county of Tusearawas, fitate When .Itetween our and ,five months old I was captured, to gether with ill the rest of,the missionaries, by the wild. Indians, arekhaken to Upper Saralusky, thou a wilderness. L. was carAintl all Lbe =Way, wrapped up ixt a"llattket,..eir..4,whirkif ovate tberttlatrailladian women. I un ohlk.tViihe drst . whlt4s perscin born in your now grc.at State; and although nearly eighty-three years. out. hm still abler fo t greet my.Weetera sieteusi,and wish thou 81100Ffiiin their laudable euterprige. JOITAITICA 14R1A. , .11 EC WaiDER. , Extensive Rasl:ll3erir,'oflho ritto.. of 13runswick's Wftels. • [From the =London Dail:y-News, Dec, 16 ] A robbery of diamonds to the value of from 8;000,000 to 0,000,000 f. (between £300,000 and £400,000,) was committed on Tuesday night last, at the hotel of the Dako of Brunswlok, in Paris. On the Ist of July last the puke hired a young, man named Shaw, 'of English descent, who speaks setmral languages, is second valet de chandire. 114 appeared to be above his ,humble condition, and in a short time 'ho sainted the confidence of his master by his chile attention to his dutioa. The Duke igeSik3Fo3B a collection d diamonds said to be the richest in Europe. A portion of them. are deposited in an iron chest, placed in a httl'ehamber, and supplied with two doors, ono of, which is opened by a sluing In geniously concealed in the walmooting, and the other by a lity. Throe or four persons only, ainonk whom ivas Shaw, were acquainted with this fact, but the key was, never entrusted to any of them. - Oa Tuesday, tho Duke, on leaving home for the atternoon, informed Shiw ihathe expected a jeweller to come . ilie following morning to mount soma of the diamonds in the iron cheat, and that, in 'order not to have to leave his bed in the morning, he had left the so:ond door of the shut open, and he could open theAither by touching the spring tie further desired Shaw to letthe jeweller rufintiir his hadroom with out dalay.• He then went out and did not re turn until betiveen one and two in the morn ing,. when he was surprised not to find Shaw at his post: The Duke supposing that his valet was asleep, Went up to his bedroom, and found that ho was not there, but he observed on the bed a number`of bags in which he had kept his diamonds. They had evidently been abstracted from the iron chest.- Oa a further-examination he discovered a number of diamonds scattered about, as if they had been abandoned in a moment 'of flight. These diamonds were worth at least 1,000,000 f. The Duke deecemded to his bedrcom on the first floor and summoned'- his servants. They all •appeared - but Shaw. Th'e Doke atired them what hathbewme of the latter; telling them. at the same time that his' diamonds had been stolen. They replied that Shaw` had left the hdtel at ten at night, snd had not returned. The Doke next examined the iron chest and ascertained that , cliarhonds to the value of 9,900,000 f; had-been abstracted, together with 20,000 f. in gold pieces of 101. 'There wai pocketlxsek in the iron chest, containing bank: notes to . the vane of 100,0001., and various valuable securities, which the thief had left. Information of the robbery was immediately given to the Prefect of Police, and a dispatch 'was received within a few hours from Boulogne sur-Mer;-annottneing the capture of Shaw find the stolen property.: Ninety-six Parcels of dia monds and other precions stones were .found in his pockets and'a leather belt around his per son, together With a Maribor of gold pieces -of 100 f. In to the questions addressed to hint by the law officer; Shew raid that all the .diamonds he had abstracted' were there; add was cettldn'helad not sold or given any away. The jeWeller veined the diamonds at about 8,000,000 f. Several of thorn are of extraordi• nary beauty and gteat Value, one button being, worth150,000f..(£18,000). The gold was like wise all found, with the exCeption of 7,400 f., .which the prisoner admitted he had spent in Pads. - Shaw was then lodged in the town prison,' where he'refused to accept any food until the chief 'of the secret police arrived from Paris the following'day. Ile was - then perstiaded to do so, being in a very weak state.- The;plrin.ln.er, with tin the valuableir;tirrivid n Pails'on•Thttrs. day. . ' '-"', '''Shaw asserts that- he never before committed any•trinie; either io his own country tir cape.. taitintAliui *that c tiniilig the 104 -:... e. a 4* -' .4 - --, ...,- , . et r. ''.---:' , - '''' !=la tuouth.3 he il!;.• of Ow thutlg i:ever t ileught ot until the niv to him vilivn tliotwke. , ixdoravol him thmt it• _ 1.a:1 left don: of the4rrn Jiti_ . Zfientaol), FIGHT .NFATV: FORT 'MTH. DEn'ATED, TRY KATT' II .DI E i 10:1,4, ZEE= ltsA.Vv4. w 0371, J. a. 4. , Advius (fora tiu Svath say that a, light co carry 1. on the JE4h rwar-yort Gibson., Chtrol:vo Natl , n bctwe3ll 1,0130 Cloantrli, and :dont 1 . 4)i) fednra:s andar Ellittipy, of ato light nee. rutulted in a coil.pieht ilercta t , f the let4s, who, all duet.; Clops; lc Ts"S~ ;FN't• T R t tc)n, IA() t -...`,1,11 Irr DE