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TEEMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. 13103011.Wr10N. The Emir .st TELEGRAM is served to subticri bells iu ihe fAty at 6 cents ner week. Yearly. vubscribere will be charged $4 00 in advance. WERELY TaLezaApu. Tsonarr_ is also published weekly and fern %Lied to subscribers at the following cash rates : iine,lo copies, weekly $l.OO fen iz °plea, to one postoffice 9.00 Ewen ty U d 17.00 Ai-v-zirrunsu e.m.—The following are the stee,forrt&fertieing in the Ts=awn. Thme •utvliw, miTerrising to do will find it convenient for refeleuce. g'E"... - ,ez lines or lose constitute cue-half square. IrOght iineu or more then four consti tutes M V q 3ll 2 4 o4eVe Tiar l 4 B l 3ol:;sig;m "ER§S; 4 2I.Wg 7 Witßgaig: s ?: ' • a 4711 1 95VVtW*MW,41,-.= ....L , Q.4.1;9 0 . 000 .00 00, 0,4.7,,vp: , , , Z200.=0 , P7 , 00 r.-4.- - . 1 .h.......,•...,7.4kb:101..1. .., P. c , ....-,o4:peno—ltocoopami g t , < 3(..C....=0000CP00.11-.Q-P ~.....4 ~.....1... . 'o , ' JA. , 1.7 G.,C.M. V. PO),, , e .,.2.tztut5382,1, ~ a- . 4,5! a •••1 L: .•,;, 0. 0:44 b,, 1 ,,,,, ~ ttir3Bg;PSV:33 ---', A lef'6•-• -a Q0.4.,c0 . % :,-, If ' ,„,. .",-,-. 8 c," OG . 82;11 ... el 1 .....O - . 4 - 01 ~ . . . i.to Cc - C. F , C , 5„, • O.= Q ez 0 . 83 8 8 Ar+L6:n:SLF . wl.l;ari ••nteral ati-all Notlrms. 3 ii na a wee% ; six tirave....t* • :ARTA cac4 ti,sir.&343 notices lo.eorted la the Local btitOlV liarrlagoa and Destho, EIGHT pi tam for eftob. insertiou. te r. . &LIMN -01,N5 P As SD no egnal men aud it beyond advertising medium the T - JELSGRAP.II tine ,:its - large circulation, among business families, in city and country, placing competition. . ijottio. BUEHLER HOUSE riA.ll,ll4BßUlita PA. rtillS old established House has undergone e*.tensive improvements, and been thor oughly' renovated and refitted, It is pleasantly located in the heart of the city, in easy access to the State Capitol and Pn4lic grounds. Or For the accommodation of our guests, we have neatly' .commenced to run a 4c/eh to and from the Railroad. In this manner .enapleatant delay in leaving the depot for the Hotel will be avoided, and much more time afforded guests for meals when leav ing the Rouse. Intending that the BIIETILER HOUSE shall be really a home-like resort for the stranger and traveler, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the public patronage., septl.7-d3m GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor. AVENUE ELOUSE, , Corner 7th Street and rennsygvania Avenue, WASHINGTON D. O. MBE Subscriber begs leave -to . inform the 1 Public that he has thoroughly refitted and raft:mashed this House, and that it is now one of the most complete and, comfortable hotels in the National Capital. The location is the best and most central of any the city. The chambers and suites of rooms are unequalled for their size; ventilation and : elegance. Him self and all his attendants spare no pains to meet every want of his guests. His table is supplied daily with the best the markets of Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia af ford: lie respectfully teaks ladies and gentle men visiting Washington to call and judge, for themselves. [septS-cl3m] MO. CASEY. THE.. UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA COTHRLY & HUTCHISON, Proprietors. Jllll3 well known Hotel le now , a ~condit on to accommodate, the , traireling public, affording the moat ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. TEL& rim) STATES HOTEL has been entirely refitted throughout, and .now has sr,: commodatlans equal in extent, comfort and luxury to' any hotel between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all - the railroad depots, and in cioae proximity to all the public officteekar_d business localities of the city. It has now ell the conveniences of A .14.R.51 CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietors are. determined to spare neither expense, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the 'gaits. TUC patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solloited. joy tr 8 IN • 7 COI:Wk.% OF wiFirx ST AND IILSNIENT scraoszi iHARRISBURG, PL F. NcOLNLIAN, PRO PRISTOg: kin:m um comuaTED sy vnuas coviurr.) This is a First Canes Hotel, and boated in the oential.part of the'city. It Is :kept in the beet manner and its patrons will find "every accom modation to ‘be it:Let with in the .bast housaaln the country. se.3o-4tf LAIN. OF MARROW. r flEfßinire expressed_ oil of Beef Bone Marro*. for.laleautifying and strengthening :the hair. BEirfneaeil •with flowers. Prepared arid sold by. n'l S. A. KUNKEL; • mat . Apotheary, Harrisburg; Apirlp;MITER'S SUGAR CUBED •LNA • _ 134firtwored A fresh invoice. Just rectiWid. by *al ' WEr Meat -Jr- & //Latta D, JOHNSON 33AL,MIT'IMitiCC::PWLI3 LOCK HOSPITAL. lIAS discovered the most certain, speed' y' and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OP IMPRUDENCE ,Nnuar IN arlo Twzr.vi UOVIS NO. MEKOITRY - 011 NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cute Warranted, 0r.:16 Maio, in In= Ons to TWO Days. Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary dis charges, Impotency, General. Debility, NCT vomess, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Oonfueien of Ideas, Palpitation -of the Heart, TimiditY, Trembling., Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Tliroat, Nr se or Skin. Affections of the Liver, Dings" Stomach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth -those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrone to the Mariners of 'Ulysses, 'blighting, their most bril- Sant hopes or anticipations, rendering marrktge, ese., impossible, YOUNG KM Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructiVe habit which annually sweeps to an- untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the 'most exalted talents , and brilliant intellect, Who might otherwise have entranced listening Sen ates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to emtsay the living lyre, may call with fall confidence. • - CM :?'" a iCra OR 9, Married Tersone, or Young Hen contemplat ing :marriage, being aware of physical weak nese organic debility, deformiti,s : spedeitly s s4r2 3 He whophices hlrettialf trader the care Of Dr. J. may reDgionaly wade in his honor as a gen tleman., and_ confidently rely upon his akEim a Phislobari; ORGANIC' WEMMEE4B Immediately Cured, and full vigor restored. This distressing affeciliiii-4vhich renders life miserable and marriage impoasible— : is the pen alty paid by the victims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commit 0X00,9613 from not being aware of the dreadful conse quences that may ensue. NOW, who that un derstands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation hviost sooner by those fallingintolmproper,, habitil than by the . .ppi! . . dent.:: liesiduchiling . deprivaftbe 14asureli:oi healthroffsPting f , thc:rnost and deka& tive symptoins to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, loss of proareative power, nervous irritability„ dyspepsia, palpita tion of the heart, Indigestion, conditational debility. a westing Of the' frame, congh, con siniption, decay and death: - . _ m .. . An Kg Ellli _ . • (rhos , -No. 7 Bonin 31nonniort Snensi, -Left band side going from :Baltimore street, a few doora from the corner. Fail not to•observe name and numbek. ' Letters mast be paid and contain a stamp The Pootor'sTriploraes-lumg in his.offne: • DR. JOHNSON, MeMber of the &opal College of Smgdons, Lon don. graduate from one of 'the moat eminent colfeges in the ;United, States, •and the greater part of whose life h spefitin'the hospi tals of London, Paris,' Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing oures•tand were ever known; many- troubled with ringing in the head"and ears 'when deleep, great nervo - asuess, being"-alarmed at sudden sorgulk bashfuhtess, with Irequenttaushing, attended sometimes with clgangement of mind were cured immediately. TAKE. 1 3 .!F TIOULAII NOTIC' These are souse of the sad and- mebnieholy effects produced .bylearly habits of youth; via : weakness of the back arid limbs; pains' in'the head, dbmissi of sight, lola of Musordiikpewer; palpitatien of -the- heart, - ilysperisia; nervous irritability, symptonai of cortimiaption, &o. ' hissasim—The.fearfid effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loes of inemorY, con fusion of ideas, depression of spirits, 'evil fore bodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, &0., are some of the evils maimed. . YOtlNfli Who have injured thenunaves by a certain practice indulged in when alone, a' habit fro quently learned from evil aimpanions, or at school, the- effects of which are nightly felt, even when Weep,' and if not cared renders marrie.ge imposAble, and destroys;both 'mind and body, should apply immediately.— . What a- pity that 4 young man, the hope'of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all 'prospects and enjoyments oflife, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging Ina .certain secret habit. Such parsons vas, before **tem Pm B 41.4.1artgALGE Reflect that a seimd mind and body a re the most necessary requisites to . promote connubial happiness. Irideed t .without them, the-foufney through life becomes -a weary pilgrimage the prospect hourly darkens ,to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflectiowthat the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. Dig Rolm OF nesurevon. When the misguided and imprudent 'votary of pleasure finds he has IMbibed thif seeds. of this painful disease, It too often "happens that an' illtimed Setae of shame or the dread of Ails ooyery deters hint'froin applying ..to those Who,, from education and 'respectability, can alone befriend bim. He falls into the hands of igno,-, rant and d es igning pretenders, who, incapable of owing, filch .hls pecuniary mibstroioe,;keep him triffin..l month after month, or as* long.as the smallest fes can be obtained, and in despair lasi° him with ruined health'to filth over his galling : disappointment, or, by the use'of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the .conatitu, tienal symptoms of this terrible.disealte, ankh as affections of the Head, ThrtMt, NOM, Skin, etc. ' progressing with frightful rapidity till death ri ft .s . period to his,dreadful sufferings by_eend-. ixig:: ll b4 tLat undiscovered country from wheicili9:4/"re: • jell-d f ENDOMEMXIFT . OF TEN TFXSEI . . The-Maul thoutaindi blued at this institution year after year, and thenumerous Important surgical apetationalerforined bi Dr. Johnson,. califlased - 14 the. **riots'of the Hun, Clipper; aUdzmany,other:papersoioticsa;of which have appeared again aad again before the public, be ides 10s, titatutiokast a gardleman of character lit4:2: 4011 0% 'POIJI44O*It Fa** *5 tb Crrea: - -, e,!1% 7 IarK.33II3DIVISEIIStEIdiIIN ouzo, office , ire. h o Fi~ea jX ALA_BBIAGE HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 26,. 1863: if tisaUansau. GiarerDnoovnty I USEFUL and V&LITA. BLE DISCOVERY I INSOLUBLE CEMENT! 18 of more general practical, utility than any in 4 vention now beforethe public; Ithae been thoroughlY tasted dnr g the last , two years by practical men , _ and "pronoun by a ll to be SUPERIOR W ANY Applicable neefial Arta lAdheeiverreptratkinslOml,a Humes 'mow= Oman Is a new thing, and the re sult of .years of. Andy ; its combination is A.new thing &entidc Preictp/es, Arid' mder no circumstances or - Change of temperatuto, will it become corrupt of emit any offensive smell. It 3 bombimtion NEanufaoturere, using Ma chines, -will find it the best title known as Cementing or the Channels, it works without' delay, is not irilkted by any change of tempera ture. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Jewelers. Wili find it sufficiently adhe istve for their use, as has been I proved. Bit 6 :Pleialltfacki*d. lo ,• l62 4er, And we claim as an especial tierit,lhat it sticks Patches and Linter to .13cools and Shoes snillotently strong with- . oat stikkhkg. Famires, It is the °illy L,IQU:ID: CEMENZ Extant, that is a sure thing , for mending Furniture, ',Crockery,' Bane, . _ It is a liquid. Ivory, And articles of Household II -. Remember. Hanes lioiotinna Cinunri a' liquid form .* Bll 7,apPlied as pasts. " attapilig Annum! thonarr .Ithisoluble in wateror oil. ffuneago -Insoranno , aniform Supplied hi Family ; or Man ufacturers' Packages from 2 ounces to 100 lbs. HILTON BROS. & CO., Proprietors, Providence, R. I. dolphin, / ; Fink. Agents in Phila jns-dly .cal KUSKEL'S CELEBRATED BITTER WINE OF IRON, _UP BIT lER WINE OF IRON, BITTER WINE OF At m, BITTER WINE OF MON, rot Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; For Dyspepsia and ‘ lndigestion ; For Dyspepsia and Indigestien Tot:Dyspepsia and_ Indigestion ; For Weak Mamba and General Deb For Weak Eitornache and General Debility. For Weak St&nada and General - DebNity. For Weak Siert/ado and General Debility. Reliable . and Sure to do Goid, Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reilitble and Snielo do Good; It Posta but Little and PniMee the Blood. It Costs but Little arid Purifies the Blood. It Coate but Uttle suxdPuriflea the Blood. Coats but Little inifPutifieCthe ESE Of this Valuable Medicine, Of this VeluallsiMedloini3; Ofthis VetutbkiAke*ine, Ofthls Valuable Medioine, Only Seventy-five and:One Bella per Bottle. Only Seyeutyfivel44:Ns P9,liar per 2 , 0 t 1 0,., Only. Seventy fiveiand gip penal: per Bottle. Cialv*B . event3i-live and one Dollar per Bottle. Xantiff*sfo. - 8P 14 4Y -1 41 • ; 8. A X 13 .) 1 = 6 4, 11 h 0, 4 dermal POPCk.// 8 - 4** 44.x.1.tA#141?,148) Pa. 101 4 TOW$ BOOT & SHOE JEWS BiM - MEEt Adheres aily.oubstanoes. LAING' & MA.GINYLS THE itillEAT TONIC, THE (BEAT TONIC, -THE GREAT TONIC, THE GREAT TONTO; And Cannot do Harm. And Cannot do Harm. "Arid.annot do. Harm. And Omura &Harm. EOM Now Only Ask's Trial I NOW Only• Ask a Trial I Noir Only Aik a Trial I Now Only Ask a Trial 14103 ,2thvertisemento. N E . W BOOKS BERONEWS CHEAP BOOKSTORE THE SHADOW OF ASEELYDYAT, by 35re. Henry ro p d ; in rantlin $1 25, • oapor, • ELEANOR'S vApTORY, a novel by the author of 4." Aurora Floyd," pa- Pei:. 111 THE:PENINSULAR CAMPAIGN IN -V E G NIA , ,1! y; Rev. J. Marks. Illustrated. ' TEE ARMY 'OF' 'TIM 'POTOMAC. B‘hind the SeOet. - A Diary of un written higtOrT, from its organization td 18'53, by Surgeon Castleman, sth Wieconlain . . - ANk--elt,,S OF AIM ARMY OF -THE CINI,3ERLANO, by an officer. Ele gantly ,Illustaged. VI LEIANA, or the Doctrine of Educe cation,.from the German of Jean Paul•Bichter 1! vrt • • MEDITATION 3 -ON LIFE, from the Guinan of Zkhokke VIII PETKILCARRADINE, a new work by Caroline Gheelebro IX AGASitZ'S Method of Study in Natu rals Elistory 0UR,(415 130111 E, a series of English - sketOes by Alawthome FSEEii.OM AND WAZ l Discourses on TOOida,,of tilie. Times, by Henry litard Beecher I s L XII THE YOUNG RIBBON XIII nit - CAPITAT.:OF THE TYCOON. A Nerrative of Three Years' Residence id Japan, hy the BritishAtinieter. 2 • foie . GALA DAYS; by Gad Frani ton :y xv FAIRY TAt-E§. Stories in a New Press, by the Author of "John , 1 00 All new Sooka recai7ied-as soon as publilled at' ' ' BERGNER'S.. JOHN WISE, Third Street near Walnut, ILLERIBBIII2G, Pd. • WIIPLESALF, AND MOAB' DEALER IN CONFECTIONERY, - FRUITS, &O, Injitbe Pasts, . - Citron, . MA3O Paste, Figs, Dates, Fig Paste, • -. Prunes, . Marsh Mallow aum-,l,Almonds, . . . Drolel , . • i walnut, Filberts, Create Chocolate Dropsl Cream Nuts, Plain. Candies, Sto-.,Btc..l.Ground Nuts, Oranges' and Leinons,Pecan Nuts, • Canned Fruits, , . I Cocoanuts, . - • Stiliks, ' I Cranberries, . • Tesii and Spices, all id:touristy and Beaus, kinds. - - . Cakes and Crackers, Paper Bags, Sweet and Irish Po- Cider Vinegar, -- I - 1 - ' .4atoes , I Freiih ind Salt Fish in dreep. and ~Ei ried B.CaiPut":-' -I ... t: irog, Vegetables ill season, Arid - Country Produce Saunas, • . I in season OUrlints, ''''obtlB "THENE IS NO BIJO.H WORD AB FAIL." TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT - OF . 0U.13-EBS- AND COPAIBA. This preparation is particularly recommended to,the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PURIM) fur the prompt and certain cure of DISEASES . OF THE - BLADDER,' KIDNEYS, URINARY, ORGANS, ETC. It may be relied.on as the beat=mode for the administration of these remedies in , the large class of diseases of both sexes, to which they are applicable. It never interferes with the digestion, and by its concentration, the dose is mach reduced. N. B.—Purchasers are advised to ask for TARRANT'S QOMPOUND EKTRACT OF CU RERS AND COPAIBA, and take nothing else, asimitations and worthless preparations, under similar names, are in the market. Price Si' 00. Slit by express on receipt of price. Manufac tured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 Green- Widh street, corner of. Warren street, New York, and for sale by Druggists generally. oct22-dly B. AL 3:0 1r OS Fine Bread and Cake Bakery, 74 Market'Street. 'MICE subscriber, thankful for the very lib ..L eral patronage bestbwed on him since he has taken the Bakery -foriaerly occupied by David Brady, successor to Thomas Finley, 'takes this method to inform the public that he ;has purchaied the interest of David Brady, and will now use greater exertions to please his customers and all who may favor him with a call, with' the choicest of OAKES, and the best BREAD that clean, careful and expert ended ban& can make of the best extra, family flour, TEA CAKES, BISCUIT, PIES, Amid a grant variety of Fancyand Common Cakes always on hand'or made to order. Come and try our Bread and Cakes._ . . . A. E. BRADY, Proprietor, G. R. BRADY, Sap t. oote-dim DR. B. M. GILDEA, , , • MT. NO. 119 MARKET STBEET, Teeth'positively.extracted without pain by the use of nitrous oxifie. • oct7dt# EURNRY O. "ORM, . Teacher of the' Piano, - Melodeon and • , Terms reasonable. M.lhThly street, between:Market and Chest nit streets. septllll3m -FP R'l%l OANDL ES. FIRST uALIT • , Arz Enos r -pt 24 W. 61. IXX3I, & CO. ( • Etitgrapt FROM WAgHINGTON. ACCIDENT TO A CATTLE TRAIN $1 00 • A; train of seventeen cattle cars, containing about one hundred and twenty : six condemned :horses, and a guard of one hundred and twenty six tiroopers,' belonging to Gen. Kirkpatrick's Third cavalry division, started from Gainesville at 11 o'clock on Friday night and when four mil4s on the road to Alexandria, and on a curve, the train going at a rapid rate, several of the track ties gave way, precipitating eight of the cars:from the track and down , a steep embank , ,meat. Twenty of the guard were Injured, tour oi.fi've dangerously, but strange to say none Were killed. A large number of the horses were killed, and others received each injuries as to render the !shooting of tthem • necessary. Capt. brim:did, of :the. 2nd Nei•Yotk civalry, who, had charge of thehorses, - escaped Without Injury. 1 50 1 00 350 i5O John Minor Botta and•the Rebel. Sec- 1 25 A - friend just returned. with. the army on its backward March, gives me an Interesting ac count of his visit to John Minor Butte. He fotuid that gentleman enjoying his beautiful farni of 2,100 acres, whidh he has recently pur chased for $lOO,Ollll in knfederate currency. Mr.: Botts had j list met witalhe rebel Secretary of State,, and gave the:following-account Id Judah P. Benjamin's cud of ,the war : In the course of the conversation, Mr. Benja min: asked Mr. Botts how• long he thought the wart would last. The latter replied MBA he could.tell if he only . knew how long the ,South could'rabie men. • When -they could no longer till up their ranks the war would stop. In hie turn Mr: Botts aelr.td the.Bemetary•if • he. sill adteerd to his opmien isPraiiiii at the cant mecicement of the rebellion, that the war should be oon'inued till they had every;part ot 'slave soil, including Maryland , Kentucky hlissouri, Sta. 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 SO i 25 3 00 .Mr. •Betijainln. said that, hif.ald. who happened to have at' apple in his hand, 'casting off a slice, said: "Teat represents Emu- Lucky, which yon have lost." Another still repfeeented leneess e, and a third Louisiana. *Misting and the lefissi.sippi were shown by a nut of the apple that penetrated to its very core. Flnilly, when . Mr. Botts had out -away more than halithe apple, he said:_" L' hti. Ben jamin, when you can put the severed pieces ,of 'mai apple together again as nature tithed the you may hope tons:muwar every toot of slave soil, and nor till theri-; • . 1 50 The War in Southwest Missouri Moms Our, Oct. 21 4dvices from Gen. Ewing's expedition in . pureuit, of Sbelby's rebels, have been received. After marching 76 miles in 24 hours, Ewing .reached Carthage on the morning of the 181 h, :where he expected to encounter Shelby's, whole r)onimarid ; but the latter passed there 'on the night previous for Neosho.. In the evening, a company of thirty men, sent out to • collect stragglers, were captured, with their homes, suns and equipments, Among the prisoners are:Major Pitcher and ether officers and men of seven:different Missouri xegiments. Throughout the pursuit the trail hid been lixted with Shelby's broken down horses ; fresh enea:stolen, having been substituted , in their stead. , - Shelby has no transportation or artillery, and kedps on no roads, thus rendering pursuit at tfight very difficult. • &ports from mai and other parties prevail thit hformaduke is adyancing from Fayettville to reinforce Shelby. JOHN WISE An Arrival from Charleston • The`United States steamship Massachusetts, LIE*. West, arrived tat the Lazaretto last night, and'came up to the Navy Yard:this morning. She brings a number of invalids . and other pas sengers. Arming the latter is Acting Master 0. B. Dahlgren, bearer of dispatches from Ad miral Dahlgren. The Massachusetts has been as far South as St. John's, Florida, and has furnished supplies to all the vessels of the South Atlantic Squad ron. She will leave on her return trip next Saturday. Her advices from the fleet off Charleston are to Tuesday evening last. The siege of the.eity was ptogressing favorably, and Gen. Gillmore's new and formidable batteries were nearly ready to open upon the forts and the city. The execution of 'Dr. D. W. Wright, of-Nor folk, for the murder of:a United States officer some time since, took place at ten o'clock this' morning at the Fair Grounds, one mile from the city. There were five regiments and one battery of artillery present: The condemned man was calm and - self-poisessed, and stated that ha committed the crime without premedi tation: ' The body of an unknown man, apparently about thirty years of age, washed ashore at Old Point beach this morning. Re-had evidently been . in the'water about a week. The United States steamer Pdassaohusetts arrived last 'evening from theleet off Charles ton, but brings no additional -news. Ili Ourcirmen, Oct. 24. There is no militruy news of importance here toglay. - - A rumor that General Buell Is to be General Grant's chief of stall - is not confirmed, though it Is conEidered probable. • Coal is selling here at the enormous price- of ninety cents a bushel, • Large delegations" have already arrived here to attend the Convention of Brewers, to be held on the OW , _ Death 'of the 'Evening - journal. • - • . Prirtansurnis, Oct. 24. The Philadelphia Dm*/ journal, which was storred,some years ago * to destiof the Airing ,Iso4l* and which has gone through a 'variety Of hands as well as a variety of polttith, does not aptr today. It is understood to hay* etplr.' Oaass of desth,'OtopperlaiadiSio. . • - •;:t • -- WA-Ranuizom, Oct. 26 rotary of Wax WAstaserox, Oet. 23 Paminurne, Oct. 24 Execution of Dr. Wright. FoRTBEts Morita, Oct. 23 Prom Ciireiimiti. PRICE ONE CENT. Markets by Telegraph. Frumnstrula, Oct. 24. The rain to-day has suspended out-door ore rations. Flour held firmly, but there Is not much demand for export, and only 1,000 bb's sold at $6 50®7 00 for stock extra family, and $6 60 for superfine. No change in Rye flour or corn meal. %There is a steady:demand for wheat and 5,000 bus red sold at $1 46a1 48, and •white at $180@,2 00. Rye sells slowly at $1 20. Corn is in better demand, and 2,000 bus yellow sold at 98c, and white at 96(41 00. Oats firmer and'4,ooo bus Penna. sold at 781. Coffee firm; sales of Rio at 31i@,33ic, and leaguyra at 331 e. Sugar is lower. No change in provisioLa. Whisky newer; sales of Penna. - and Western at 63c and hhds at 61c. • Flour firm and advanced s®loc on State ; 13,000 bbls., at $5 45@5 70 for State, $5 90 1216 10 for Ohio; $6 30®6 50 for Sonthorn. _Wite4.firm and advanced lc on white ; sales 35;009 bush at $1 80®1 36 for Chicago Spring, $1 31(41 34 for Milwaukie club, $1 3701 44 for red western. Corn has advanced is on white ; sales 100,000 bush. at $1 00®1 01 for white. Beef steady. Pork quiet. Lard quiet it T sll(4ll 58. Whisky steady at 62c. New York Money Markets. Mar Yout, Oct. 24 Stocks better—Chicago and sock Hand I - Amberland W I , Illinois Southern 120, Ilibrous Central 115, Lacrosse and illilwaukie 484, Michi pn outhern 1871, Beading 124, Milwaukie and Mississippi 40, Canton 33i. Lipid 146; one years certificates, new issue, 991; treasurys 1.04; coupons, 109; exchange, 10i. Nay 2thetitzements. ,GREAT FURNITURE SALE. $5,000 Worth of Furniture for Sale. BARB & CO., Anotioneors, Ratrieburg, ta., respectfully inform their nuttier- Ous friends, that in connection with the auction lasi:hese, = they 'have opened New Furniture midis, where all kinds of Furniture will be 1014 vlireaper and at lower prices than at any othdr platfe,in the city. They having made ar rangements with the largest manufacturing 41tablbabments in New Philadelphia and Baltimore and being in daily receipt of Fund tutii the largest orders wilt, be titled at the &Oiliest possible notice. Always on hand So fas,ifituffed Parlor and Caue Seat Chairs, Te te-al:totes, Marble Top Dressing &ileum, Ward robils;- Bedsteads and Tabled of every descrip tiot atidOonimon.Furntture. All Mudd of Second Hand Furniture taken in exchange for }}new. Tee highest price paid for second hand hoUsehold Furniture, Clothing, &c., by ' - W. Balsa & CO., ;., : :Auctioneers, neat to State Capital B.ink. sqiitig-tf --Iterszas AND AIiDISM. Co&Won of Pensions, Bonßlies, Bad P. 4. y and War Claiing. Metz's' Pay Itolbt, Muster Roth, and Re- Bruiting 100011Dta •• Made Out rfiELE tu2dendipied, having been in the em ployment of the-United States during the last eighteen months, as Clerk In the Mustc-r -miand Disbursing Office old Office of Super intendent ot Recruiting Sr vice of Fenu.sylva• niett, respectfully InforreS the public that he has welled an office in the . -Daus Tar cas=e Building for the purpoet. - of, collecting Pen sions, Bounties, Back Env and War Chime ; alsO, making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Master Rids and Recruiting Accounts. All &dere by midi attended to proxiapdy. Haul-dtf SULLIVAN S. CHILD.. LOST OR STOLEN AWHITE and Liver-Colored SETTER PUP, 'six months old—stripe .down his-nose. A liberal reward will be given by returning him to solder's Stage Office. octS-dti MINDEONS CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PRRISIIIMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDAL.% and the ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instru - manta of this clam) has been awarded to MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A fall assortment of these instruments al. ways on hand, at W. IiNOUBB'S, Sole Agent, 93 Market street. je4-2tawly LARGE Quantities of Ornamental arid Shade Trees at reduced prices, if orders are sent iniinmediately to the Keystone Farm. There could not be a more favorable fall for the planting of Shade Trees than the present. For awommodatiqg we will superintend the planting if in thenmmediate neighborhood-- if Orders are sent in at once. J. KISH. oct2l THE GUM PECTORALS CONTAIN Coltafoot, Horehound, Ipecacu ki sobs, Senega and Squill, (the most relia ble expectorant known,) are the chief active constituents, so blended with Gum Arabic and Sugar that each lozenge contains a mild and Very pleasant dose. Are very useful to soothe a cough, allay tickling in the throat, to relieve hoarseness, catarrh, sore throat, &c. Prepared and sold by . S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., • ikt6 Apothecaries, Harrisbn•g, Pa. SHADE TREES. arenow ready to receive orders for Shada V V 'Trees. To person clubbing, purchasing in large lots, will sell "twenty per cent. leas, and will also superintend the Planting, and warrant them. If they fail to grow, I will re place them withqut charge. J. MISR, au26 , Keystone Nursery. lAADI.IIB' HALNIOY BASKETS! W TI'S a large eseortmeat of Maui; Boma, 'Sewer., menus, Perna, cumanass', O*z3. • mt. DOt3IC, Jr., & CO. POOKET. BOOZE, • BuirMBIETN -PURSES ; . • PORT IidOSTAIES Ana u general variety-of Leather Good!, tot reogireer BEIWITHE'S 800 1 3 WORE. LUDLOW'S Bell Seance .. - The beet In the Market. A large lot at • • WEL BOOK, 06. NEW YORK, Oct. 24