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PI TELEGRAPH 4 _ :WAIVING AND -EVBNING; By GEORGE :IVERGiTERI Office Third Street, near Walnut. . • TEEMS OF fIUBCRIPTION.._i 'mars inmacturna. rho Dear Initiation is served.. to' subecril , bets is ha City at 6 cents per week.:: .I,9any lubscriber , will. be charged $4 00 in advarniii, - "Pi ter' I.ELZattetril. • , 1 the Tiutinson Is also pribllithest - weekly zuld tetrivaned ta =enbecrtbers at the followitig rates : Single copies, weekly $l.OO ten copies, to postnifice..c- 9.00 Twenty " " " • 1.7.09 Avitarrous fisisi.—The following are the ateß ilcragiVertidiag the.Tirwramkizi., Thai+ haviqk bkivertisyqg to do *fit 64 it convenient for referenoa. ter Four linee or jest? constitute Oiteihill ware ' -MLitt lhiee orrinore ti:iia':'fouirfxoastl ; - tute[i a a4r.are.l., e : r''fftr.• • • _ cf si 40 1 1 ' ..11' ‹, 9 c'5 . 2.888 . 35.5V58 -,,, n v, 9 - --* IP ,-.. en t-` .... 4-a 0.4.02 eal- , 1. , ,QCSOQCAEL.Q.-ab10x. , 200 , r -.0, c p,CC, ". 4 .0..4% t0,r."1-• .. , • 1 0 8 .58 2 , O 8 8 8.8 ' 1 , C. ••• C 5 . 4 0..t0 b: Ow.. S ... tpsssgss , .. ~.;,-• . 4 fg,, Bgt'S . S.Saggz,i. . 1,74. V - --.- ili - , . •-"'"---, . at j d •4, C.C 4 b 401 . 1..,.. , . P'cj - ti;glVgrag '7(O 10.. .---. , .. y......-.- sgs -i'a - e.B2.sis • i tt:f-,,5,1,18a85E4 1;. tZ .10 4 "V aN vy 4 1 ' E . dAmlusstro....on Hostyea t 1 Um° kreq., Ely tlAnes.. t s2 96 gar' rlrlu ........: . lb \lut.lott Inaerit .. 54 notices ipsortod ti‘e Loco) c viderp 4 latm4iLariiagialand!Daiiihs; Ikon* o r. VA rk: Lisps for each insertion. advertising' rftedinin Al, its large.oirculation, among and iko4 ; .43 cit y and .4:xitintry..- S c g et IriPatiki'xi' r ~u~ils~ .. _. __ BUEBLE24,H, HOUSE. EtARRIBBt:' 1.0 oid - egtgoshed Elchitie has undergone at nil 6 , 0 ,.. ini d been 'thori ourtly renOvated'and refitted. It is pleasantly located in the hk'sirt:`P'..'lL.,, City, - `in Sy access " the'lt - 4te - `cificil -, rubik'gronn43A; Or for theacconiniedation of cur gaitel,:tNtiriulud. recertify . ..commenced to run a Cock to • and fikn Rgilrt in litiC:insinner. toligegianZ delay : leireiny the depot for.thelrdtaliatt.ii:avolOid; dare time' 'aroidedgiiestit for ide.esy t toititi:igit.' jag the .Houee. intending that the BUEHLER HOUSE stall be really home-lilie resort for the stranter'flod; traveler, we respectfully_soliolt.l"o,o4to of the public PatrOna'act. - . - - septl7 d3oft Proprietor. AVENII - t .HOUSE, I vi WASHINGTON, D. C. THE Subscriber begs, ileavp to, inform the Public thatlielas thoroitgialirellitikand refurnisiwd this Hciii,:aid`that it nOti:bnet of the mead cortsPlete and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Iu the National Capital. ;The location. is the-,best and most central of ,;aljr, . in :the 4 phambersand 'auttei `rooms are " unequalled far their ASe;--tentiration Said elegance. Him., self and p ll his attendwa apart, -no....pains, to meet ever', witrit'el his guests: ;Ma :Midi is ,supplied' with 'the best thii 'Markets of Washington; Baltimgre "and 'Philadelphia' al.:, ford. Be respeotfulirasks ladies and, gentle= men visiting WOhlegtori to call igltidge; for themselves ,', r . : [Siint4 dBM] . CASEY. I THE ITNITEIY STATES SOT,ELi trAnnzspurcia, PA: ' ' • COY bin' &. : InifittiOiltiiikitekiii • JHIS well known tbatel is now in 'a ocindi- Mu to sommuminte,the,travelimpriblie, affording the mutt mpple convenienels•alike for the transient , gueet and the permanent:t.deri THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refitted throughout,; apt - now:l4 B i an= commodaticau mid in extent; comfort;.: and luxury to any hotel *tareen Philtid and "Pittsburg. Its location ig Abe beet , in Abe State Capital, being in easy . aeoesat4i:altilieragioad de .. te, arid in close pcoximity to all ttie publio c cue and bass localities of 047. , -It 414 4 now all the conveniences of A 1 ,. .i12 - 82 CLASS HOTEL, and the,sProprietorejio determined, ..spLxe neither earhuge, tO enenice:the comfortcif thegiMetei' ..: The Patronage of - th4 traveling .public ier96ZntfP3'. IYAkAtMci• , • ; 0 N - 11. 0' 118" E 1 L of , : MARKET ST AMMO itiuta Akkrietri I[ARRIBEVEG) Jonrit Eit.ol4*,OW, (nncrorrrar oc t entrorwey worse This is a First Moon . llctel, and located In l the central part of the citzr. It is kept in the best manner; .trod its uatrons-will find eir,erylaccom modation rcr be met the best heeskts the country. , OF MARROW. iligryt&-ezpre 010 P44.300401iav01i for 'l4ddutifpl` ^ Q and litreugqigting a , thv Perfained!witit.llov4P'f? spare 'en, `sold • , !.41 11 ,,.. A. g,Erej :vi !Lixdatilim,f,",k4a'.ooP.K.gv! monzata - t'sErdilMIREP ireved Etan's A fresh invoice.. .T.w4 reoetyO.Py. an2l IA- JOHNSON - -±mitto-JEL7O •LOO.-HOSPITAL TTAB'ffiga - Aiired the irked antabirepee4rand pigkeis4o:lcig:-IMPRUDEAME. BardimA2usxze ro , rinmvs smut. NO • iIERCICIBY oge NOXIOUS DRUGS. A. Ow Warnrantetk , or...Nol-Oloorge, in from One to =1 Weakness : of ,the Affections - . of - the .. - Ridnoyit,ti and' r Bladder,. Ativobintsfy '&3' 7 rcharges,llmpotency, -- General - Herr lemsnem, Dyspepsia,L IsagnoiT. Low .Spiritki; klonftisionTli of. , Ideas,' 'Palpitation, of...the Hetet, Timidity,- Tretablingsi-Igmnets:of Sight %r Giddiness, Disease.. of , the Head; Throat, Ndse or Skim Affections ef..the Liver,' Lunge - Stchiach or - Bowelsi4hope:;terrible dfmrders arising, from 'the' SciliMry Habits of Youth— thoke secret and solitary granitic& more fatal Itntit victims than' , the song Syrens to the :Marinate of uiyisee;. blighting= their most 'Hint hopes or antielpsitheitymnffering marriage, - &o., Impossi b le, YOUNG MEN :ffsiteh4Y - ;'Who hiraie beanie' the -victims of Solitary Vice ,; ; that * dreadful aricldestrtictivii habit which` sweeps M . an • unt i mely grave thopeids of Young 'Men' of the most intellect, `who migYit otatswiseihav9 entranced listening - ben;listening - ben; ; ‘tes with the : thunders of el o quence or waited 1.94 - XittaißY the living : lyre, may ea' with full omfidence: 0 .• _ r BRIA 4 EL, titan- iotoPtisi'ior iriStrilklOioitcfAieinPlet; --trigo-4kawfruNfn,ihning= aware of PitYsical weeki wwWl-vridanto ?Le x.‘..4 - 4.61 4-2 Xra - Y, 14 X 3l :z 'Ef XrA --He-who plasm himself ander -the - care of Dr; J. may religiously cenfl4eln his honor as a gen= tleman, ittid dortfidinititrely upon'his skill as d Physician ovaANKP WEAKNESS Immediately ; Citrid, and full vigor restored. S,ll' This distressiMleodffiation—Widch renders life inisitablti and marriage impossible—is the pent alty paid by the victims of improper indulgencel Young persons are too apt to. commit excesses n0f,1028 , aware of ' the ' dreadful cone; qtteoces May 'oriOne: HOW; lo.ho that ithi; VaititandisPie'llOW44Will - Pietend. to deiiy that fire ptoei- woetiito - n.isisiecioorier falling intcilimifitiper' habil* . than by':•the 'phi dent bffiesliffis t iSeintdeprivad*.the',pleasures of healthy' offspringi the.most serious and'distruc., ' tive 'symptoms to: bothc,bedyiand. -ariset. The system becomelderinged, the physical and mentar,.fanctlons wask:eiondil6MOC procreative power; nervous ...irtitability,;'dyspeptda-lialpitai tinof Aka*. heart, • liniirstiono' cons titutionall : debility. e, unmp oni 'arest p i d ter: 0f; ,, -Shs• frame, cough -MR' ti doca,an=deith:* thifiidei.No.l7 &'vin IMMinitir Siannii: I I ' L eft )114/4:llo4944.l*On( `Bs ltth i ore *Set, :$ doom from the °MOM. !Mit to"obserre namtkiaiMmlit& r Toitteii; Must' len,Paid. and' contain a stain* The Hooter's.Diplomee 'hong In his office. H H :4OHrigN, ivis.l4 ll36 r 13.00iillut Q 9 of §uTgeol4@:,,,Pii ;:§ll? I i • 0 ii410.111.4#4 .4Dlinen'P ShAsk* itersiosl s 11 #4 -.4l 's itglaptiU l a s i n t cliineresiboo2,ll,ness someiifitiO most,w4 gires.thoferl4o with ringing in .40 heed' and 'When 04044 great nervommessi.sl44 idaimild at saddek Ito 3046, :moo I ; th-ANoent :blushing; attended rele..thasS -4eMnlm*enta mtnc weratrami„*Ms... •- • l'AßTl.olll.iiii These irelointi ithe Bad . and melancholy ,eitioto.piodtaidleresilthabits yOutlyvis 'mitoilnisiti of Ithezbakk,-And•Abibskialns....fn the 3heactiidininess ,offfightikes.of muscular ;whir; pi C0f14116 :heart, dyspi3psiadnervon# irritability l mongol:notion, /to., hisomenThe .fearful effects on the mind iniaL r etd beAfeadect—ilobs:of inentirit .cto* usicin..4otideriqidepression Ofspirite,•,evii, fowl aversion to society, self distrustilove s ontdde, , timiditv: ire., axe iome of the evili produced. YOUN4l3l:iiii iWbOt;have , ,lKinze.i . .ishennn a n s *,h9 certain', ,proptioArldpigedi rte . 11. 7 4onsit z a:440,4* ,queritir.tlleallned 14444 St , ai :schoolc.' that effests , .4f which ari 9 .n htly felt; :even whenaslll99oo4,4Cm* ouren renders :,4044 8 ...M4h mind And. _. firlitty,thas - k.,99 1 .4*M 0 41*.ths hole's. of lkis,conotenthn:isikAng .sf his IsFentSt should be snatched from all prospects and enioyMenti of life, by the °commove of deviating froM .;tbfl.ffiefatrni.inagmknYii*Wgingin Win* - , buruiknOiteiiit platingf. r FL; L . I -.ELIV-Vral# 4l 4 • .Bethick iiiat:4o . 4opliTititiit,iiiici body are the -fixtaknsiikiinrrectlikA n ii is lA no n 9 M -snu ntih i ni Indeed, without theso , tiiSJourney r,t l roogh.:fife. - ivrOmealiweeryidigrknoge : the : prospect liotlrliiiihens 'lathe :Flew '44 l .lti*i ihinsonesiShisi.and"filled with :44.4401Y,FANdigi00 the happiness of anctiker.hess.Mns PP&AW444_.ih, our own. DISEASE OF DILPRI/DAINCIL x ;;Wheneirniegnided=end= imprudent ;votary , of tpleakuredbuistur his inibibect ;the seeds - ' . of thlaptinfriblbliewe; it;:;too often . happens. that amilltirlikbarabe,oftshatnevrthe,dreaci of *may deters him drain-applying to those who; „from.lcednoatierkamt!hispeotability, can :alone befriend him. He falls into the hands of ignd •rant tualolisigrotoepretemiersititho incapable lof. curing; filch:. his Pectudary.; substance, ikeep month.alter month.; or .41 long as the amalketiecrcambe . obtainedi.andin despair leave him -with roiriediluklth to. sigh over his ralliffw. , ffiltappoiotaient,l:or;;.ibrthe: use of the iddadlyi pollom,uhierourti.lasten . :the .constitn ..janallsymptomotthis terdblef disease', ;such as alkiitfons:Ofcthel - Head; Throat; Nose; Skin; eto.'l Toodateg witbr frightfu l death ante iL-Perisdith:hisAhnsifer partite by send:- inedurt to Ithat , :undiscovared: . country 'froth. • whenoirso :traveller returns', : • . . i; numhffixiffin OF- THE P 111138: Tfie mac Offifilindi:mirad'at this iaatltittiun year attar, thb numerous Initiciytant e=stimili'Pkide#4o by-Dr. Johnson, .- 41kiaretiorters I of the, Sea, filialsVntiaaiiliriffitlilletf_imie of Which ire s pippsAd nryjulra aintoeforkitthetoblici; be • • .a 9 ;a " OniSiemiut of clumulter *Wow,; 1 7. inifikkat 'guarantee to • 44 - Y CUBED. Iceti-lirp#UlHlE r redez:lck St. :1 41.: —ril Xre. ....::} HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY iEVENING, bcrxioxo-1.7;,-*AF titadtaL iUiscelianeouß. USEF D I SCOVERYL BL -I GILEATDU3OOVIITIT mouragps INSOLUBLE ,CEMENti Is rof more general utility thim • any lnyentiod now before the public. It hall been thoroughly, tested duri Lug, the' last two years bpi practical: men, and pronoun:, oed by ail to be SUPERIOR .1041V7 AdheslyePreparationsknowu Eirmores Inserammi .01012117.4 T 18 a new thing, and .the re i t suit of 'years .of ettidY-; :i t combination Applicable useful Arta. A fnew thing iScientifie And nnder no circumstances( or change of - tiainperatare,i will it. ,hecorne oorrapt • or emit any ;offensive smell. , ' Ha Combination .BOOT & SHOE . , Slannfaoturers, , using Ma, chines, will find, it..the beat; aztlfille known as Cenienii4 for tins Channels, it works! without ,delay, is not ailected, aI V dY3 at e e l ,temPers.:. Boot':and Shoe Moaiidaeturers. JEWELERS ' ...„ Will find lilifiriciently slie for their tee iii3hita been pro Ted• • , Jewelers. . - Baa are# ll /Yaikeedls( ' lt ' he**;, Acidly° 041132 as 0,11 " 0 @* 1- 4 1 ', tiler% thakit St* Natektm and Linings:to goziOtO . 414 3hoessufficbpigyotropg:irith.:, out stitching. • . Families. It is the only . I L I - Q U . ID „TO EME a T ; 134stA2t, thatid a earn Viing . for mending Warnitare, I . , Crockery, , ] .Toys,one, : Ivory, z And artiatti of Hoppehol4 It to a liquid: AFAMBP 31 4 C 1126 4 0 isuAs.PRiER4 Is In a liquid .corm: ja2,51 ~§,a144.101e4 a§ PEa.a§. *WWII ilisaLwa,a °wait ai.S..-raPet or Oil. §ltnala .4.4* *3.-14y. allbetaiNed.. Remember. , • , SiPP,/ted Han ' ufacturene raegswes froil 2 *ins to 100 lbs. • 4114101 , T 13/1013: & **4 ll /. .Providence R. 1: Finis. Agents in Phil& jeB-dly Etat. (fotatt Oates. P-lIE LTOr BALE OF A 'VALUABLE ,Xik X gal I TX " Trj. 71.11 Wt.. 77 - • - - OP • • MILL PRO B TIC; PHE.Undersigned wigs& at publi3 saie,,a4 I 2 .oloiockon,,x: ' -on THURSDAY, !.THE 22D OF. OCTOBER, :ISM On the premises, alLthat.valuable DISTILLERY! AND MILL- PROPERTY,:_situate; in Swann( township, near the Rae; of: :the city of :Harrisi burg, containing---SIX:,AORES-.of ground, be the same worestr i lelis t .and having the Penn:, sylvania Cannl dn otteikide and the Pennhylvai nig Railroad on the other, with sidling con= luctingltitherextAbi,; .• The .D.I6NRY has a eaPa94Y: of 44-n44l"edßeeinfe per day, and the MILL . 01 Ontweenghirty ancl;FertyArreli:. • ,•Each_ Canbe,rnn eeparatejy or -,togethet•-r_the. Hitt along ,with the Dlitillery, withott any giti=, dipional explinie, v3 Osid:propertihacerected on it—besides the Distißety and 111.111—a Ware house, Cooper Shop and a comfortable DWELL- ING HOUSE. 'Wittilifitpr &b.; Alto, pens for RIFITER:HUNDBEDi , ,IIO I ;IB. There is ani abundance of water .for every purpose. The Mill has an excellent home custom, requiring: its' full'olipaoiti to supply this demand upon it The wh,jl6- property is-in the beat repair and woiiiing'bOnditiciti. • •' ' • Attendance wilt httigivoc and terms - otesie made known by _ . PETERS & IROFFEM hiforijuktio4 'leaked as t 0 . !* 3 *tyirrAiit. octs-d&wtw "' ' ' • • - • ' .. '- - • PUBLIC' •SALE:•_ I:rz g MILL be sold at Public Bare, on Siturday; .' V V ;the '3lst day of October,- 1868: on the premises; :the following - Beal Estate,. vtr. !' , 185 ACRES• , OF LAND,. MBE OB LE43,' - situatedbi 3 Soutlr-AimiVille lowiiiiiiip, Lebtition county,thotextbd , ,olf. :the north by the Horse! shoe Turnpike; On.the east by land• of Ulticli and. John Burkhcilderi on. the south by landli ot Jacob Haldeman and etheric and on.he west by. Samuel Bowman, one. mile mist . t . ;Camp= .belisthattit t The improvements area ow, Two Story aria Holitie,l3o.by 82 , 1414,. 'Se .Bstn` , lo of 90.feet, , Hog Peri,.:Smokealiiiiiiii; mid mail , sary butbuildlhgei ; The; taxi& is Tartmesto_pu IL and.part'sand Stolle.- : Forty . acres of I iiigfped. Land, patt of which is heavy timber par 4 cheatnut : sproutm The lipid islmOt . ordeal and under good ; fend*, i There 4s renning! water; on ,the.iftemises, with fountain pump bririgingliiater Ito thelhoae tindi.bare.- , There is also'aitOrobiiid , of first-rate 'grafted friiie.... ) ' BileTtO.conitnefice.at 1 o'clock, P:ii.,.on: said day:;:-when collations of) gale will be. made known by . 1 • - • : JACOB WHIM ... ..saptlo d&wts ~ . , , . t , • 1... . . , THE GUM PECTORALS riObTrAlti Oeitl 3 fPett: Horehon44," beetle"' anha, &liege and 0414 (the most regal ble expectore* knowa,) are the chid active coninitirentee, JR - blended with Gam Arabic, an 4 Suger.that each . 19tetaga . coetlibe a mind and varyilieeeent doee. 'Are very neeful to snOth4 a oongh, allay tiek44.7lr) thki.throsit, eo relieve hotweeneee, catarrh ; sore threat; &c. Prepired ana sold by .' ~ t. 1 14.4.-2 1 E.1711101 2 A & BRO., per= •- ,,:lh~ei,Barrisbutg, Plc .P.ailii n '',4goll l OUR,' WOURDEP i SOLDIERS. , A CARD , FROST , ii(iiitireir VISITOR ..... ..o Correspondence of the Zed/graph] • Our wounded soldiers hi - the Cotton A O tOly Hospital ere under the; that,'" groei !many ladies treat : the rehidi with inimoderate, ''kindness; in fie;',l3hotiAnitorit to ottr , llek* land titrar tp.anghid: {for Which - tai,,,thag3i precious ones have tiled 'and died;yinore sympa, .thy than they ofror lb' tont' 'own Suffering -sot I di - ers: In regard Id the tinhiber; this itia mis-I .taktr,•perhaps ' the as . well sq;;itiel 'quanfity. - ' As for: l ila:4o who act:hie° unbet:etik! lbg a'manner for northern gekitleWOrnen-r, : there, ate females,' who Mein hi - think' lb' their, ditty,' 'to laugh, talk end tidininister luxuries to,_,tbr; rebels now' in the'Cottkiti Factory Hotipitial, ape one has even - gone so far as to give a retie,/ gap Lain a buech - defy-*Vpiy Ildt'whiicieeto it necessary 'to 'ELperik. orldiewi any attention. tt. thearrebels - shotilit Wei& peindiniitin.O,i4 surgeon' chaise; when obtaining. knowit,to'be due„ttiour,flyo soldiers to eaklai~, to them why tor,‘fel What'purpoaeV,Vitiitphaasi, , j to the:rebel - side, dr.pm ., Eospitai: tart4ar. laughilthe'merfijriii: the sweet *Cakeas4,thi lovely powers . ought ifOrtd ba :ler the.,ti4tor • Oar soldiers bringtft3; .......... !Mended - boduliS, , the • telling avid:e:ices •of 'how. faithfully thi3 ' have - served: tbeli,ddruttiryin* her . day„ot perli,i end . hoW nobly theY havaltood'iietWecn neap. destruction; !piddled ',leo .mucti . to, p rese rye our "pleasant k tlAngs,'', to 'suited 'ln' Cotton FlotOry ltofipital ws that the wounciedhr , Sickpruiprair receives ever) care . and 'attention ' froin the humane, atm goon: They haveheeti Well leafed for—:stippite.• with that' which leaf thlionrisli life and heal! wounde, and permitted to breathe the" sue atmosphere, to receive piksitin'e attention froth the nurses," 'our herpes of Gettysburg. .3E4 ttuthlhey have litoked no good thing.needfu4 for . them. - ' The attention to the prinmera should-;almost entirely Feat; hem *t . ray , i thi4 is not retaliation; ' Our l oldient in itichnaca and the"citizen prisoners' itteie have limiter ern:city Mitsrlithstanding 411 that may be said .t the contrary: Same who hav,o lot/ ly earned the Indignation arid contempt_ of r ottil soldiers, and 'every right-tninded ,uicnign, l ,lsavti 'scud thus foolistil7; through, ignorance, rand, ilicinghtleesness ; 'but how aan they beignorant and of thai which we owe to; the"? 'woutidett,llnkin:Solillerta.ind that which we idle to .the c trattor? ,Sorne , prelondlotberted by Christian: to matter. "l, theh: Inger y.e.Aatoat ` w itrem." Doff:they, thoßpor 'dying 'rebel ,'"ctiAhe trien - duwec-Yfri;liag i . soardelynknew:whaaWdidWihentreiso -slim • against theGodof battics, and , bitroomitry wh he joined the ranks of the histugants? Do they pray with lad for hint? Do they even admini ister that which might stretch out his poor, lifti ii tittle longer? Meanwhile pointing, ont t„iri him "the Lamb of God who taketh away the, sin of the world,"_, who will forgive even the traitor that repenteth ? God t p . eed such dd: who cannot bike* rani the Offeattettivihich irritateddiefiamatiomtbekee4 nostrils of opt loyalty...At:Fe ;kopek witnessed thhl i.o..this _hospital unlit lesterOaT, nen fil}minlistakfibl4k3l.4lo4:lgen 4 l l tterrian retid . Va: and, th orisciner, tb a`siNrth - g hian.'lndeelt,'S :1310 . i; . ..thettestimplar oneWliolhabeetAn dYin Rendition fcshihe phstimputh,:and; MAO** chitai te,theArave'sstouth,,,that,none of , ,thoseif Mitititt Whlkhialki Matilfoeatittawfulkindiess td I our eiteirtirsi;-doneinftilli n g for bias'' ' %.%7A CONbTANt VISITOR: - Hault:lstenta4sOot. 1E0.863. • : : . G " • THE VOTLI sotnimie, t Reynolds, Jr., Obinniieldedef for the State of lowa, having just returnedz4ficn:BliffAki Virginia, reports theltiffilt ofAlie - ,:eleetion, id Company Ai lowit,ioltinteini, irth - T'enni rib • CoI 5B. 1 ' Lienemieuit 116,40.4: 65:' This baniOrisims the lentriethe loWil company. - '- , Npt one iiote*iii - delefok Tuttle; the Demotrittio:dinilidate,, - alltireigh - die diers had been filentifrillYaniiidfed . with Demo , cmitio - tickeisi,by the patty.' • St: Louis, Oct 15.--The **Jot lowa,stddiers in tbe'city'yateroday;,stobif; plena; 482 ; Tat= 42 . • 'The Ohio' soldierir at the House of 'Retbasillospital stand :: Broug}f 60,' ValTandig ban:en:one. Cr crsNATI , Oct. fete - re s seventy! one teutitiel frotlie Ste -giei-ilrerigh " , 59,000 - majority.:,.., - • A pragmatism inter' thitiltieleung should .be Entieot td conscription , as tut* are r so accuomed to "bare. arauf."v,•,l; Ott A Smura.—Tte c'gar makers ot are on a strike for $1 50 per,tlionsand...Tim eMpiciYentrefun th ' PayiPie Oiciiiretliteground that P eigkre ire m a de is :othei - niiiie $ 1 25: ; ;Wien TO 'tfoka -county in the'ValleY; and; in` he - gtifittifrOst; Wnhlitgton, , Palatal; WYilke;liseivall,' . :11tv &Mennen& Win adattlin, - ktiti"Phixtic•b,Ll 'titheitte4 into 'the State' of 'Weat,l3rirginia4 Their application iknoe; before the Legislature, at Wheeling for. itriecision. Jona liLaksmit,r„ . raq., a distbigutshed'Tenties-: 'R)e• lawyer, died at bia . tesidence In irrankliti,; reunion, tbeiBd rust. , ' linen thonstm&_kixhUndred andminety-ninli (i r olkTi . !i were awarded in premiums:lo..4le ; late : Indiana State Fair. • , Tr the rebel rants in Great Britain - are not allowed to run out; the rebellion-will be likely to run out soon. --- ""'N' Tow Tricia retires uPon'n'ilearter tif: a mil-' . lion; :It is sometimeslenler to Wake a fOrtuati ,cy littleness Ahan by greatness., „ • MAKIN Wnt&—,-An American having written to a filend in Italy for instructions as to making, wine, receive& the following 'broken English reply: . ; •"The way to make wine with grapes is to, stomp well them .• in,ts .tob_with a ha ant spicket in the lattum, pqd : put that, jtuse,_ba ,paretwhere as hen wins., or-whiskey or liqpora of some . gliletTiseibeiliin i3 Will "suck of eead. Let them :Nil fgrti..4utf.Ple.tialthile. make the every day -in thkb,oilbig, adriish. thcit.not. af*s n . gat forty, days and conger your lethimatarolder-if comes and bar : ter it will be." ; s-ea; I . r -.. • Themerd "heal' itneaus; ini.this-. case; meaty!._: The, restrisi and those who lollait the rectptufaitltfullY , will find lt a good nue: - n-c Ara 114" el • • 0,11C“1.2 OAT LWOW* lOWA. Jig Tereoraoo4 .F- * . 0 . - - M;±T . .A.:.0 . 1i.j.N-; - 0:3- 0:-Ni , . The.screw steamerYiatits, atHeston, is nova ready for sea. -Her departnrelumbeen delayed for:want of .a scresiK. Whiles hii-litotynDepart ment.procures as many saildrsattheretafoilyth number is fartrom being.sturmittitt, owingLto th many vessels constantlf-beingfpladed , 'RFoorni mission. The President has recognised Esteban Rogers as•Oonsolwukittterou of the Rep - gblie of Chili:, ftii the,portof New J. - durleg his last visit to Kansas, thoroughly,investigated the diffiottlties connected with the KleApoo treaty. The evil: &Mice is no`W under vonsideratiiin by the SeCre ,tart' -of the Interior. . . _ _ The Oommissiontmunadelonnor five treaties with the lodises pr their removal-- from Kini b t they cannot to c4riSd ;into, tilde; • Withoitt the action's' f'Cotigtess. He ietiregeotti • hit Or& Indiadakwere Ositeetthlti .withAte,exoeption.o: thojSiots of; the : Uppe4 Missouri, and. a f9w. Tredstory. bandi Nes( Mateo. • , FROM' NORTH ‘CAIZOLOIA!-.., • tirdeisince. the27th.).-Northearolind tiebel regiment and a battertwern ; citspatchefi 'tifi disperse the Union men who.hadpong‘vaated in'thd mountains to the nortitarefirOUßileigN -tolthe . nninber of= somnithoriSandk , 4he Union men,toet the foe like : heroes; >foughtifor hours ilf the mountain fastnesses, and finally sno . :wied in cutting up the refill:nest and capturing 'enemy's hatiery: '" About this time a pottionr , of Lethilarmy,i , which , wnEttient,from. the k Potomaci z to .reinforo4 Bragg, was Raising through Raleigh, and itor `rePortett that'irwaedOS'grfedleliend a tour Oi - thein*Watigiitite legimenti-rielectedior lbw 'purpose; (the 56tli Ar 944 gaX"Rlitia4)l. l o.4 041yLPOtitivelysefueed tar 'fight against theitAtelgbbors,snd,.friends, but go 'nn ftirtheitoWaiN'Bisternil Venntieee, (othitttatitingi,)•andlhey were finnan] .sent to >Ottatieston. . • . ' The rebel fortifications near . Weldon, on this( Weldon and Wilmington_ road, are described al vE 7I , fo rraldable, One. ehont dewlFreprAiktie4d A pir4piea with guns of a:llenvy, calibre, Thew. forts „awl .incititly• Manned by If& ih Terri - trOopi. Peops . N . sat .IVinton4ihinrfreesiboroti;Clatiil. of W eldor6iprei in rigo9oPlPollo4 of the 24th, 26th, 35th, 49th titid'56thlgim8 to'cltarieitint) North (35161ints October> B.—Major.. Feater 4 :Adjatant citerteral Gep,erat Peck,‘ and; LicataOant 'O'utiitihir; generarsjitaff,4 west - up the N.titthie' this forenclei in the dismal; May; Oapti,Borrell, foi‘thetputpase of -meeting a ilagAtf• trace boat, qoatt ito 'bo coming' Aowri. Od reaching was a small fore oared row boat', it was fautiat6' contain hetweeri :forty and fifty persank.f:wha.l *ere: desirou st' of rejoining, their friends lOWA. ths , Vnion lines Capture s.: the *orikide Erumer ME . '"` "Nsw YORK, OCt, 16: The steam transport Union, from the brOak4 .rade,sgyiadron off.Wilmington;on thealtb.inst.; "lpuiarriTed i her.. . .:- ,t .• captured t h e ,Eciiliedi neutral blockade' funning"steamer Spaulding with's aalliable (Argo front Nassau. '- • The Spiulding.had.aorew of twenty-five meri and were rebel. coloncis,on„hoard,, all of who* *era taken prisoners The Spaidding was' capturedlast April under -tho:tnanie Lathe 4SL , Johns. lir the grinboat . Stettin. „Shp : max,. sent to z. Baston,„:whe re fibs "was spld, to ,13eseih _parties belonging,. to New iirucliWick,wifereilib went, loaded at S Johns for la eau ; ` arlii aidEcii.run-•th r e =blookade into Charleston on'the Bth nat.; aid , again- ma* froin,Charh3stou ,a,largeosrgo,ofso.tton - the lfitl'of Sepiemer. SIAN& feW"days' is 'Clailestii hartioiiiu' • earryinetroOper,'aiiirriunitlon, &64 to -Fort:.Bartiter Tor 'thenebehr. • Speech ofSecratary-Chase Colura . • ; .bus ; :Ohio.:_:.:• • ViircusEtutz, creti47 Chase: spoke to a large crowd , at Columbus histnight.. s He . congratulattel the peoide over their-iiaiky, and she of . , the good effect it wisuld!'have;: - Scit only.in this country- : _but in.Enrope:f It 'Would Istrengtheri the htusda of Presid rat •AinColn :and his Cabinet; and send , joy into the - hearts of , our army. ,If - pus htutgiven. 10,Q00 :majority only it mould Aot have, suffteed- 7. but,yourxgrand olri.100;000 . 'has done4be business..;' • . 11 t-sE Mr. Chase then•rehearsed Atiength.thos,W pry of his leaving Ohio three year's shiceLtti §Petiii _the- Peaoa ,Congress,; listrs;poltcy ' 4.4VOcated and.the resultrandlis transfer from the .lileo ate by Preeident Lincolektb the :Cabinet .. 41r; Chase also:went:lnto the-hiatory of- biet "fineocial.sobeme,". end:concluded by referring to his three yeara* absence, feelingly thanking his audience; for_their.kind welcome to Ohio; and complimenting ,Governore :Dennison and fod for their sEtalond fidelity_in joanagingthO agairs of, the State. • , . _ ; Chase left Celittib iss this morning for Wishingtdii. , • • • FROMPORT- ES • - FOtattissiffaNaoi Oct. 15 • •A few days' since private' Blake, of the let New York' Mounted Rifles,' stabbed - a ••privato Gamed Eadson, of same regiment, and yesterday; Lieutenant Disoway,..P.rovost-Marelial of Wil! liainsharg, wm,shot lqy.a, private named lioyle; alse of, the , Ist New York. Mounted Bides.: Both `victims of these 'assessing died in a feW r um. Manta:" The mutdereri3 ire now confined in Fort Magruder: -• • • - Doctor Wright, _of. Norfolk, Who' murdered Lieut. Sanborn some time since, will he, exam; ted tomorrow (Friday) morning. Itebra'ska, noun 16110 N Timmrn. - Oz&UA, Oct:18. An election wnotareThts ay ,fek xneiinperti of the'Lligileitniii: - "Ati near as cad asce,F 4 Wad, Vitiletitit'ildiumi steinditrilidon to 12 Democrats: The; Gantellemill.7 staid 8 trolonio.% Dinnoceto. , 7 13 . 10 ,T0gat024141.34 8 .1 and fa Treatiurpkge IfOkiNsitfoi," • t raw MEE >~< Nil MremuriGtoN, Oct. 16. auldp Eial IMM PRICE ONE CENI Markets by Telegrapl3.. . PHILADELPHIA, Oct 16. The intidstuffs market is very quiet—the dernand having fallen off both for export atd home - consumption.' Only a few hundred bar rels were disposed cf for export at $6 501, bbl. for old stock extra family at $6 877(4),7 60 for fresh ground. The stales to the r,, e d ere en d bakers range i*rom $5 14-to $5 72} t.bl for low grade and choice superfine, $5 7f46 for extra, $6 25 to .$7 25 ton old and new extra family and $6 60 to $8 78 for fancy lots—ac-- Oiding to qiality. The market is nearly bare of Bye Flour and cornmeal and there is' !loth i doing in' either. - Wheat is.stead.y at yesterday's. quotations, and. the demand is fair. Sales of 6,000 bushels brittle Penna. and Westera red at $1 60 per bushel. White maga from $1 60 to $1 85.-- The , recelpts of Bye are trifling, and it cow wands -$1;25; Corn is dull. mid boyars now refuse, to give $l. 05 for yellow. Oats are 2 clirkts Per.bittiltel loWer ; sales or - 6,000 to 7,000 ,6uSbels'Sontbern a 83 cents, weight. i-Whi.sky is drooping. We guAts barrels at pco,ai cents, and drudge at GS cents. , . AI.WIDA:FL OH A MASSAOHIMETTS OFFICIIR.^ In lelligeuce has been r. c• ived in Keeton, that Capt. 'I homes Mair McKey, of the Twentieth -Mass chesetts regiment, now in Vligiroa, was sltot geed by a conscript on the night, of the fezte It was about ` 10 o'cl , ck at niiht, and there bad been some loud talk among the men of, - his company', which Capt. hicliey ,the men, beheying with-perfect civility- tu him, and most of them going to their write. He Was talking with Borne of them, when a mus ket Was fir, d; and the ball passed through his left anis, into the. body, penetrating to the heette He. fell,,..shouting, - "My God, .T. am shot; - 600 help!" . and died almost instantly.-- Several officers rushed to the spot, but the mur derer had escaped- ' .Atidevestigation was immediately - made to discover the mutterer, and the result was a belief that the murderer was a consmipt from soots otherrighnent: 'A reward of fifteen hurt dral dollars will be given for the arrest of the murderer. The officers of the regiment sub. scribed twelve hundred dollars toward the reward, the men two hundred donate, and MR 'CersOf (Alta regiments the remainder. Oaptai r n McKay went °utile a three months' -mate - tin thellichardion Light Guard, of South, Iteediog, (itassachmetts,) attached to the Fif h regiment, and subsequently enlisted in the Twelfth regiment, wuere he was appointed set:Omit Ile was promoted for bravery to Ire position of captain. ,He Was the last of three brothers; the other two having been lost—one itirtAlKSlßluffand one at. sea. .0 Pilik-robel: money, -loft like the Federal Anortey.egreen, bat •there who take it, except GloOlf _compulsion are. • : . • ••The rebel Brigadier General Gideon J. Pillow = .eoperintendent of the 'Bureau of Conscdp"ion , '33cutic.'Airp"tccattons. SANK NOTICE. NIOTIOE is hereby given, that an assohlation .1. 1 1 has been formed ands certificate prepared for the ptilktiettestabilabingabank of discount., depasit'and ekcolition, under the provisions of aekentitled "Aii,Act to, establish a system of fivUlabking in PerinsYlvania 'and steure the uliliii against losa_from. insolvent banks," ap *OM Match 81 ; 1860; and the supplement thereto; appreved rdy 1, 1861. . Said hank to be called "Mimeos' Bank," and *tie located in the borough of Oil City, in the COMity, of Venango, withn capital stoell'of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be divided into .. tircithottsitnd shares of fifty dollars eacli, ; and i ft libontiampleted to increase the same to five 'hundred thointand ' dollars 'of fen - thorusaud , shares , of fifty.dollars each. GEO. H. BISSELL, For the Association. jeBo l- oaw6m. ATOTICE is tiereby given, tuat!ritie Como:ker eta **Of Penneylvan*" intend to ap :Pk to the Legitlattire of Penneylvaoia, at their peat sesidop,,tor,a renewal of: the charter. Said. Mink located .in the city of Philadelphia, with an authorized capital of one million of dollars i a renewal of which will be asked for, with trite tuMal. banking privileges. By order of Board. B. O. PALMER, Wit:.. 5e 2 . 9-6 °/ - NOTICE. - -- ' -- ... . ... PUBLIC NOTICHIS hereby , given that itfifill- I cation will be made by The Bank of Nits ,"ll ' - - burg ocate i in the city of Pittsburg, Penna.,) - "to the Legislature at its next session fur a renew al of the charter of said Bank, with the existing capital of Twelve Hundred Thomand Dollars. . . JOHN GBAHAI, je27-oaw6rn . President. MOTICE -IS HEREBY-GIVEN, that "THE - - Al BANK OF GEOLANEOWN " -intends to •apply to the Ligislatfire of Pennsylvania, at _their next session, for a renewal of their char ter. ' Said Rink is boat d in 'Germantown, Twenty-Second Ward of the city of Philadel phia' ;with an anthoriz d capital of Three Hun dred •Thonsand- Daiwa; a renewal of which Aid be asked for, with thb tumid banking pity lieges; By order of the Board. - CHARLES W. OTTO, Cashier. Germantown, dune 20. 1888. De2B.oaw6rn Tasinveitmis t Philadelphia; June 24th, 1863. f NWT= is heruby given, in corlformiey 'with 2.1 - the lies of the COMmonwealth of Perth that the Timiiiinkai's Bank of 'Pkdadd phiu,- located in the city.cii created - with banking and discoitriting privileges, with a capital of One Modred and .Nifty Thousilid 'Dollars, that iippikiatiou wil be made by the 'said Bank to . tho,nuit Leublature fur authority to increase. the capital One Hondred and My I 'Tianaksnd Dollar& . _ By order of the Board of Directors, JOtiN OAS Cushier. feB64)au6m NOTICE is hereby given that applicaLlun willhe ntade to the ; i liegialature of Penn sylvania, at their next session, for a renewal of the charter of the FARMERS' BANK OF SOMIYLEILL COVNTlrdocated in the bor -ongh of Pottsville, in the county of Schnilkill, With the Present capital of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND. DOLLARS, and with , the :tenutl blinking ; taivtl egef s. J. W. CAKE, Oa-bier. - Jtinel.6, 1883 -. 0-29-47 m l) NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN 'Una the Honesdale Hank nuke application to this Issislature et is next 'wealth; for the *wage of a law re• chartering said . bank, with its . present name and stile, location and privileges ; and with a capital of two hundred thousand dollats. By order df the I dheutorii. • '• • D. WARD, July lr 186$. = Made: ly6llolll4liL • 'r; A e =ES