Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, October 15, 1863, Image 6

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    aitg Etitgao
II A_R a- B !IR
. _P A;
lhorsday Norntot October 15, 'SO..:
Ohio and kiennayivani. 2
The voices of these*ro.great States go forth
together in thunder tones, proclaiming the
fealty of their people to the Government, and
traitors and their sympathizers. Pennsylvania
re-elects Andrew G". Daitin by at least freiiit
- thousand Majority, WhiWfllifoldeCti
by the oyerWhelzialiiq vote of one,. hundred
thousand majority.' %lore these brilliant ye-
suits the slaveholders' rebellion will topple to ,
pieces, and bury. in its ruins every traitor
the land. l'ermsylvartirs,.cm Tuesdity, coshed her
devotion to - the Union. From her hills - and
her values, from her cities and her hamlets, she
sends greeting to her sons.in arms for , the de
fence of the Governmentcwith 'the "assurance'
that her sons at home are knot* the old cause,
the old, flag and the old Gdiernment.. is, a
blow at' reason, which-seals its doom *over.
It is a knell to the sympathizers of tioicisin,
which consigns them' terbternaland iri+rieva
ble oblgnity. Nor is . this all.
.The rittltude
which Fenintylpiriia eteumed'in the elecOrm on
Ticesday,enables her people to wield an influence,
which will extend beyond. the , mere cinehing
out of doinestio treason-and , Which .rnieit be,
felt bievery court in &trope, where coilotaves
were convened to concoct plans fcr the over
throa , and' dcstriction of free institutions. It
is the voice of a free people, proclaiming,p
favor of freedom. It is the first unmistakable
evidence of a great nation,enviroiced•bitreason,,
to maintain itself on'the battle field.and at the
ballot box. It is the triumph of reason and
the victory of right Glory be to God forhav 7
ing. thus guided a free people into the :path of
truth,and loyalty . ,
mid Mune!, 't!te Eloquent.
Our own distinguished pongressmap, Jhe
übiquitous and valiant General Miller, ,of the
black bottle awl the black cow notoriety, was
exceedingly industrious for the copPerhead
ticket in this and adjoining counties. : Let us
sum up the result.
He harangued in Busciuehanna tournshiFand
the result is 168 majority -for Chitin.
He howled in. Lower SWatara :and got
beastly &link. It has aneWered 118 majority
for Curtin.
He bellowed in DemocratioKiddletown with,
H. A. Lamberton, and it has answered 40
majority fora Curtin,
serearned'in Derry, with Dick Haldeman,
and was hissed off the stand by, the ladles,
and it has answered 327 majority for Curtin .,
The'same anawer 4LeS' been given whereate,i,
Little Johnny Bigler.. aßd:pther .--.RhYsterS4 l
tempted to instruct loyal citizens in,thiaconnly.
Lewisburg; where tbeidach-bottle and cow
were also paradid; the dittlidirdslied'prator was
obliged to jump from the back-wit:o)w , to wove
a ride on a rail, has also , answered by .. ..giving
266 majority for Curtin. Such are the magnik,
cent results of the effolla of our diatingulahed
Congressman, with the iiiiittencei,ot his_ bottle
and cow. • ' • '
Dorslict Election Vilicers—A, Duty for
District Attortiey-lleir. '
The electionpfficers in the First and Fourth
wards have earned. for.- themselves an eternal
load of obliguitjr. Hereof* they viii- be
pointed at with scorn and contempt by honest
men, while the friends of the soldiers rans - t look:
upon these officlaleas the braien -faced, tory
sympathizers, who left no preteit unused or
effort untried, to disfranchise the brave de
fenders of: the Union. , If :the.half ,Is.true that
We hear in regard to the conduct of tfij ciftcere
of the election iikthe.First and: Fotirth wards,-
we have no doubt - but that -the.* &rad , he. con
victed of perjury and sent to the penitentiary
for havinf:conspired ,to defraud enfranchised
meo.. 'of' their jest right to vote. With the
facie before the pistriiit'Attorney, : we call Upon
him in the name of justice. and the rights of
man, at once-::to -institute suite against. the.
election officsrsrin the Wards referred to?. These
officers, the fied of clear testimony, in deft
eine of the oaths of un'im'peachable citizens,'
and in ridicide - of - the decisions of our courts,
refused to receive the votes of. free - men, because
such votes were itnewri • to be ~o pposed to the
copperheads-. This oinirge loon the life of every
loyal man in _the distikes in question, and
therefore it isdue to justice. that an iniestiga- I
tiount the beta itfouldek once be -had: Hence
we appeal 'to Dlettict AttorneY Herr at 'once to
move in the.thatter; and have these taithlern
election officers bronghtto. punishment
A. Lamb-Olon.
.4t, the copperhead .rgeeting at Buehler's
Hotel, on Monday night last, B. A. Lanihertori
" pitched , into" the TELp2}IIAPIL We heartrof,
but did not hear`the speech of our irascible'
friend, and therefore haVe not deemed,it worth
.replyt4V-Ahla:-Alme; , :-.But , 'to all such
political trimmeri:iiiXaratopiton we point the
iristdi of the election of en Tuesday That result
sp4lrt4 a eiendemnation. *raj Ivithering than
any in. which, we are disposed-040w indulge.
We feelloo happy to be vindictive. We: would,
rather' cry onti; lEiallelujah! Glory be to God
and-the tight for having given as the victorY!
than engage in a bandying of words with .any
man. And yet it is well'enough that Larnber
ton should understand ilnit.:his measure has
been -taken—he has bi3inewelghed In the bal
ances Of: if Priglc OPLoloP,,hofektitigh he will
some day quail. In the boar of past glory he
eat•clown and eatsalt - with loyal But
alas for ,manly virtue, when deep-rooted preig!
dices-Claud-the:better.—judgments of - fiwitah
and fit !Tht9lBl.ll : 2 • WilliOe ti4#o o l4.
reply of kA. tainhsthrt: Ms"
George B. WClellan.
If ever anyone roan had a sinoere friend and!
patron in another, Major General George B.
Welellan. had such a friend and4atron in All 7,
drew G. Curtin. From the hour that 151.!Olel
tan wan placed at the'head of the Army of the
Potomic, toi.lie moment when, his utter Inca
paeitito hatidle such' vast bodlikof men with
any.,p*titinreffect blibame apii.isgent, Andrew
G. Car%ln stood by George B. lirClellan as a
stands by a brother; as a father supports
and defends a child. Gov. Curtin left no op-
portnnity pass, to bolster, uphold and maintain
:the - charactermfzlyelellark - z - aile - deferdeilitz'
11 the face of the protests of his own friends;: He
sustained him while his reputation was toppling
Ind - fallirit -to the ground; and even. when
Clellati -went into retirement, the:liol4o of
onrtin followed , him there, tilUeiit
and suatain - hlin in WAIL- •
-4-How:lhas Geolge l l3. Wit/Wan •reptiid , thifi
gereiresityi Hoiv he man wham his .
fiierils claimed was among the greatespof liv
in . soldiers, treated ,his best.friend, tile man
whols totday amongthe most popular Of Ame
rican statesmen ? We Will answer,. While
Andrew. G. Curtin was kr/44)110g theiene 7
mim.of the county—wbile he was meeting the
people of Pennsylvania,_ frankly - dlscus4ng,the
great issues iniolired in' the, Pelitigal Sontest :
for Governor-while this glorious, men was
being: assailed with slander, traduced arid ma
ligned, atiorge.B. giellan- Stood slodf, never
deigning to , come do the rescue of hie faithful
friend, either with a voice'to , oheor or F word
to defend._ But•we coulthave overlocji.cd this
silent indifference, and attribute it to theriCir - of
feeling which is peculiar to cold ; lw . t.td and
overambitious men, had ICOhillatinialtitained
his reticence throughout' the campaign rind until
after the I r election. This, however, not
do. Is:obedience tQ , the dictation sf such
men, as Iteverdy,:Johnson, -.of'liaSyland,
a bitter sympathlior with 'treason, and' - Fitz
John Porter, O "convicted traitor, ' l 4eorge
B:lid'Ojellan allowed ; his name to be appended
I to a letter written by Johnson, biteniled to
IdeCeive the honest men of Pennsyliiniti, and
thus defeat and - disgrace; Andrew d: Curtin.—
That'letter was held- 'back until the evAof the
election. Then it was , sprung upoti`-theipeople
As the , rebellion 'Wita' precipitated', _when :the
treacherous men engaged in the plot iniAgined
it could nothe coruiteracted e and when.it would
accomplih the 6:634t • This !'li'the
Ingratitude ~of "George. Tt.:M'Clellan 'l?liJs is
the style in which he repays those who 'defend
him. We have niavomnients to offer upon the
subject. The conduct is too loathsome for the
touch of'an herieit.Mo.. And yet we :Ivarit•the
record to stand, if onlyto show howJor.the
influence of modern Dimocracy can dehtuie a
man. Before WOlellan,gave himself npto the
uses of a band of bsew York politicens, he
had some manhood . in him. Yet under:.the
manipulations of the bad men of the Panite.
dello patty, the Auality of Manhood, his been
entirely,. worked out Of M'Clellan. Bat, 4e are
willing to let him alone with - his friende. . •
The Unine of Andy Curtfin.i '
From among the dazzling rearing which„illu
minate all pairts . of the . Coinmentieiiith; in a
.perfeckhaloof _than the town
of Belleforitcl"o,otr:e.catnty, thii homy of An
draw G. Cititkr —. TheVairpperhOtrall over the
elate-were anxionAto-disgrace - Gov. CMlin at
home, by ttirainr the inflnezms.'ef. - the Tote of
Bellefonte against him. To accOmPlisl 4:his, a
mass, meeting. of ceppecheads ~vcirgilled in
Bellefonte, at whicblyfreeciwaid'aprietir4ln all
the pomtr9l;itki)l7,4ogify s
R lTAtr4?Atimself.
Added to sent
from this elly and from Philadelphia, to cor•
rupt'ttia, honest men of that borough, All this
showi,the.bitterness...the Mairrolenee, with
which:the foesof.ilm.Tnitry were !UM:ding
one of that country's britTeiedefeqdilie? But the
result proves that the effeitfalled. Got% Ourtin' a
friends increased his vote is Billefoateribout a
hundred:` It Wasaniimirease springing hem the
affections . ofhis 'tieiglibeiti.riMd'thit in
crease constitutes a vindliatiori of ithikcharacter
of Andrew G. Curtin, higher and nohleOhan
any he ever received, because if emanates from
the people. who knew him; liire .eikassure
Gov,,Curtin's friends Aa Bellefonte thet:he se
siepts•theit demonatrattoni:of confidence as the
most valutibliever bothilie4, and in
Of. the. loyal men of. the, CorMionivitalth, we
think.the geliant little imnkail3ellefoitte for
the devotka which • they have ihoiin to - their
distingaished townsman aiud friend.
Tnce ItselY4T TIIII1Eaw?Nzo Wirisburg,
ie _glorious. Ntireptrmajority for Oarticip is a
ehanke of 21'4 , 4 wo'4lllo tjle electicingy%ayor
last : ; fiprliti Which shoyie gill/tali:the loyal
men of 'tile ward contested . the . clod*. Bat
therewartanotimminfluence_ at work, which it ie
well °nor:lo2.lw - a - badivid*Aculd
know, for hitfutaresontrol and benefit. a The re
sultwaifintendoito canna rebaketo Nityor-Rounifort,
for the enddrerence with which he acted while oliserinng
a mob of ooPPothsfuls assailing a,(#1490°N44,
men who were in the city on Monday atteiiiiir ato
meeting. The. copperhade atoned thelL. 14a
men while they : were in a- yehicie,_and. after
our country; ; . f r i ends hid driven •,:iffp ildayor
Roumfort, who Was •in the- crowd, Callpd
ant to the ..rallianti to follow • 11 4'4: to his
house to take : : a drink. Wn, : kmmr; a', dozen
decent Democrats who voted to.throw thaW4rd
against liotanTertliftiendS4nrpireel,f to 'rebuke:
him. And thciiiihuiciel`
A uNli Tt eor..`powii . :4o pi# it „=A: coiremoad
ent from the 13th 'Wisconsin, (now at- - ,Steiretij'
son, Ala.,) writosAlt4ollows: "At Pine F'91.14 .
and Pulaelsiiicleth 441yicit are produced; *44
the latter, place we saw a great number 4f,tsli,
young -faces; Tearing. from the, factory •
as we maiat t e4
playing "Way dordi land.; of
Cotton, " &c.; One 9 0 ,1013 1 ad.t it , 9 0 0.441 18 .1(ate
in front ofher,. home,•oVldantly- . not - Itirt,iititi
terested spectator. - A 'soldier pointed 4te;' : gee
National flarliiii , scsked - her - how she
She replied, ;Misti fs , thia'flig that I love;; =Who'
would fear - ditifli:fighting under its folder'4iii :
old' lail:fitaiOliti'-bpl44:lliiitik
;:lin! a r ch;
nk into a chair R 447014. Lba4-
and ihaltrieve6knowirssireciafilhattol4.,
• iitatifiaa v °
Voting Negcoe7l7 -- .•/.1?
.., I:vcortgilotipn, the coppiiiieW
',39104103? - 01tglint, that the fried
Geveinfn4t vka, *
the friends of - tite44o3;* - _
that Ile object iifthe war against theleinllion
was toplace tlqi negro on a level withwhite
men: :13y the.*:of such subterfugm, the dir ,
:Oat: atia time eat ever, resorted to by men
h l
clalinirigiVelligince, much mischief was . donc
and many-en unsuspecting voter wink kiwi
from his duty. But the prigil-4 11 ;'t
polls, where the professions ritim*:*ol4l9l"::
final, proved that the copperiniatteniiie in. if
• = fe±theiriggek: — plitY::2 - -lifinie of .thei.eled-
MARMild4lln thit,'cOunty,the copperhead
leadersiLtualiy toted "American citizens O H
- .Aftitiffi - dhr." - Wiklyeilhis as a fact, and
if any ma*doillitg It, we refer himitiPr. Beck,
itili - 4ilkiaton4:4 stifiniente:if be ii disposed.l;al , !...t. the"truth. lierliteniiitiOnAlt'.lo,
hear Vo more from tile, copperheide on 'the
subject of "nigger parties."
• , "
_inn —Bums SATs ROUCSAML—The.
Boutheisititbertiesiipt — iPais have the notion that
Gen. Bosecraumis a German, and conseilueatly
theyAbustibfiXl9le BAman risce. The Knox
vile ./24istw•Audd,.just before Burnside pounced
upon IfsistrTennessee, and , ecattered the: acoun-.
4rels of Assoessionistefithersfrom: " Itoescrans
himself is.. an unmixed Dutchman, an Abcarsed
race which has overrun the vast districts - of the
country.of 'AA:Northwest. ;%It happens Mit we
hentertain lc ;greater degree of. moped for an
Ethiopianliqhe ranks of the Nortlieritarmies
than for 6" odoriferous Datohniaii,.. 4 4llo oan
have no LostAbleintercst in this reiptition."
We love to quote the.following fronillieimemo-
Table speech. made by the trkitin:fof.sphens
nearly thrmytitin3 . ago. fy01... q . . 4 .,; has his
challenge bee. , accepted? ..9rw 00 t..1 has the
North assaile d ? What j astibelia4* , litfiv Oenied
And what'clafm, founded' on par - 0104 right,
has been withheld T' Can you to-tlai name one
single act of3Orong,. deliberately and -44posely
done by the Government •at • Waihington, of
which the Sodth has a right to 1
ehallenge :
339 Teretimp4.
From our livening Edition oet,;(orday
The county gives Curtin - 6,860 majority. A
Union gain over the vote of 1860. i .
York county-nixes 2,600 majority for. Wood
ward—Mein", Union gain.
Pro.r.snan:Para.; ,county
gives Woodward 40 majority.: Union gain of
Coinpleth tatritna gives Woollsrar4l6.9k. ma,
jority. -
.... "
Tin Ermitehos ?wpm . * Catax.jum
The Eleetion in Pennsylvania
dompleterns — OtVe 3foo, 99,major 7
Coplidete returns gtve Woodward p;i:so ma-
LEHIGH 0011tarr.
Complete; . gives• Woodward 576
NiitiOls; c lJ. - Citlictirell, D.
•2951, • • 80
1646 -
Nichol's majority; '784
Jeremiah Nichol 3, 11., First - I:fiktrietf, about
1,000 majority. - •
Ist District, - William Foster, Unitob l : -
2d " • doubtful. • •
3d 'Sating Josephs, OctOPinheitcl.
4th * 4- • • -John D. Watson,
6th "• - • William - W. Watt,
6th_ "•- • • Isaac - H: 011 art s- gain.
7th' "" Thomas Cochran, 1, •
Bth "- • Jameti•N. Kerns; g* •
9th: " • • doubtful.
10th " • • - 8: 8. PtinCo4t, " •
11th "• • • Simppiiii;:ll.,,probably elected.
12th "- -• • Lilib-1 0 8nttihIlt,,I3nlen.
13th ' " - • Profile lirittanne, COPpeiheta
14th, "• • - Albert A Fohofteld . , • .•. - !1
15th' " • Wm F 81ii1th; Union.
16th " E G Lee,
17th - " James Miller,
-5 "-"=8111LICT -0013NOIL.
-Witkahose. holding'iover, we have a clear
'Union ,raelprity,
Vire liovaailerk.elecfeo ll isiftritY-Pf themeniz
lore of,thellorainongounAll7fittffieleatitojriire
aix tolgutiV;:oa:_jolut .I.ll4llot—thus
mouth% 0. fleada 'Of DePlirtmerite, *ail turn
ing out.of their.pltgstipne thoo s e xecrnite, for'the
Copperhead party who - .have zumatly, arrived •
from reheldom... .'f'
1 1 1. 1(fi , ' . ' sll - 1 1 11.0 1 C :0 ;I 0
BROUGHT; llickirOlVlTY '5 CY Q 0 O.
~.j. , :. ?. ...,-
... !:.:,;,-; . : Banishment= -:,..: i ~ ....:.
Vallandig,ham'aJ. , :lppr'
,i.,, , - 5:1 . , ...„...,i.;.:,.-....,...--E i l--- : , 1:2- -7; 5•1:...,i; .1.,:,..):
Atikirg) , .(s iii044.6 , ,44PA*0440 ,1 1..,"Wwii5hiP
la 721. ,A 17.104 3 gain since „ituitAl j ot 'BB6.
: ,,, i rfiejelSi!,y 7r ,ftropei.,
$l 5
be 214 hr ritetip,aep., A- I .:tough ;
• •
, 441,... g e g ipi c afr, 7 - 7 13eguei;460;,7iroottgighain-,
23d regicaeot—Bropgh, 484, Vallaigham;
igne. , •
04. Wbite'tk.)3olo4o- 7 4rogib :;,gtS; Vsl•
lAndlglimir, 8.. . ...,. ~,.
• , - ,Aajtilnq4 7 -13r4ugft,247' ii?44:44,7; gain,
49.,t , v• ca! ,, -,- -- -- • i-•'. 0. :.,
,_,Ql6rk q01444 1 -44clogk, 1,7 0 q ,; , 111 4 .9.1i 70 °-: •
-0 1 1ritoltfpAtity. MAW] , 21 4 1 _1 41 );c1 1
,1& 1 1,::/• 3 ao
"pla)PilW-tiam,..g, 65 . - , --, Ti+, f
Airic4 l l l atlitYPs:BM6 s . ol oPaPx t r• 2.
:,,,:pso.futvr—itsgi a _ lb k. r d e34 0 11, , :L i
rz,..m.vi.„...7.t. t . 5 0 6
'-:3Ziaiton, Yillandigklim's home, gives Brough
267 majoritßZis gain,dtbr last year of 194.
:.-ViNsdurd . .., - .volitity.:-Bacyrus, Whitestone
40010_114JiIrp,gkerTillandightun 7 Majority.
• 1 1guallir - gruit- ..enunty—Zineeviile borough,-
Brough.l74 rnajolity; a large gain, Four
townships heard from give 480 gairtV The •
county will give Brough : 6oomajitity. ~,......?:
Portage county Brough :gains at Revenue 11;
at, itodstma W . , at Editibt9o4 - iiind •hilmyra
48._, Whitt:. rg_yes 1811'zin - ajority for Brough.,
...., OMotailin; Oct. 14.—Hiiiniltsin county gives
-147:443„1__14120 mafority. In 29. counties Brough
i , 4ltitiTt-W majOrity—a gain ' over last year of
4 11 , 2 -W- - : -: .-- .
'';'2•Biiiiitcesa, Oct. 14.—The votes polled at Fort
ederal Hill by the. Ohio solditmetCtodfirelitia - .
digharn 9, Brough 119. •,_. •
Nawaas, N. J., -Oct. 14..2-Tile vius of the
-Ohio soldiers is -the hospital here -was-841 for
Brough--rirraniiiiiii.,. --
FROM PICA /?.., , 14 3- b WON.
FORTRESS Monroe, Oct. 14.
The 11. S. transport Faulkner, from the
Charleston fleet on the 10th Met., arrived this
morning. She bad in two the gunboat Mtsigie
fotrepidrs, Artiick sunk- off,Jrying Fan Shoal;
on Sundiy reit: All "oil board were saved.
Theyhvphirtitifat:the rebels attempted to de-'
stroy::theirou s i tdes on the night of the fith inet.,
by approaching her: in a. knell steamier and'
exploding a torpedo amid ship. The concussion _
wasltretnendorkklinockhm: down the bulkhead
of thlitwintidlis; aiia - bijuritig one man. Her
hull was also injured.,
The Ironsides, however; is considered torpe
do proof. The rebel steamer_ was-badly dam
aged and several of her men Werel4nOcked
overboard and drowned. , '
On the night of the eriti . twit:. another atteMpt
was made 'to destroy. the Ironsides, but the
rebels were dbm6vereil and driven off.
A heavy reward , islaid to be offered by the
citizens of Charlisitim for the destruction- or
capture of, tAya, Ironsides and active operations
for that purpo se are daily expected.
, Honor. to, , Ponusylvani,a, an.i. Ohio.
a: ipurrmer.N.
there will he a groat ; taii!ph.4o4,li6x*Esion
with fire-works and otliemji . :Anings, here, over
the result of the elictloni in Ohio and Penn
' ,The Rebel Steamer R. E. Ler.
Hemrex, Oct! 14
p s e. relo,aticsiner.A.Akt..in, which arrived.
here yeiteraity, narriiily 'escaped capture. off
Wilmington, North Carolina. -Two blochading
steamers pursued her, firing several: ,sliota.
One shell passed through her forward and e -
ploded inside, injuring three of her crew. The
:passengers describe the firing as right sharp.
She has several naval officers on board on
their way to lingbind: to bribg out a vessel
building there. Sue discharges here and will
return to Dixie soon. •
The'lgleetiOn in Baltimore
The election for members of the City Council
to-day is progreadat - qtlietly. There' le little
opposition-, - F.,
. Markets by-Telegraph.
• • P llll 4Pitirlit,A, Oct , 14 .
Vie Wootton, oi Most.. the at
teitifin• Onto POPO. • Teem is More demand
disposed of at
$6 87,1c47 loit•gitide7and,choiceextra
family, _lte.ceipte andstooks lightz:. - fiye flour
aup at $5 GO :
,In corn meal milking; doing.
There is nOt - mch'wheat coining`Torriai4, and
it is in steady demand.:--salea of 5,000' btu!, at
$1 4041 51-fortommon — and — good• "rad, and
$1 65tg1l 90/or.whlte.rrl3midl sales of, rye at
,$1 25. Tlierki•iiifeidk demand for' yetloW
cormat-$1•06:--Oattradivor arBsc:' 'ln .pro
.Visionatheitaiiiiiiineifeiding, and cdnalder,a
-lalismtracta WO/a been made for pork and beef
for forward delivery on terms kept secret. =Laid
Clover seed is wanted at $7 bO.
TiMothy is;s2 so@t2 75. Flaxseed Li wanted
itr.sB - • 10. coffee, sugar and molasses there
Is ii'firM feeling. Whisky has rleclined to 684
68je. ' ' '
- Naw Yoan, Oct. 14.
Flour declined 5410 c, sales of 10,000 btikt at
45:5045 a d perfine State ; $6 7046 90
'for ciomaion.tn'kOOd'-western, and $6 8047 40
for fiolitheni:Vheat declined 844 c; sales of
50;0001infat'$i'2441 88 for Chicago spring.;
'sl2B4l=BB tolliillwaukie club, and $1.874 ,
146 for red Western. Corn declined' 248 c;
sales of 60,000 buaat 964980 for mixed West
arm :Beef quiet ;' pork quiet ; lard steady at
111412*for patrols. Whisky steady.
tlitigi 1324 C, I
adiunicing tendency. Wheat
firm; sales of southern red at $1 60(41 64 ;
Kentackywhite 85(41 90. Corn firm and
scarce .$1 08(41 10. Whisky steady at
63@65c. Co ffee quiet; sales of Rio at82(442/c.
recoived; Calieos at 16, 18 and 20 cis.;
„HuglinslB, IA and 25 eta., large lot of flan
nels at, allpricem ,Gioves,and Hose for ladies
and children. Laze assortment of Hoop
Skirts.. and Salmorals, Shawls and Cloaks,-
Piga and plaid Dresi Goods , to be sold at Eliilar
atßrownold's Cheap Corner,
market andlleCtind, opposite Jones Holies.
ga i n
one halting large House to let, in a
A -
pars of the city, will find a good
tenant tetibiliitieta E. Snyder, Esq., in Third
street., di to
IGIII`tiIDiAThEREN can be accommodated
121 witiiiiiitid'bOaid, on reasonable, terms, by
applihnTy.n the corner of Second street and
Rat , ibe Ailey, right hand aide. 'dlt?
It" a ' 1 ';`.-=';' AGUE 1 !
tilktP - 1,11 and Effectual Cure. Has been,in
use years—never known:
Bold whalasalo ad retail.
C. S. ESIIkEt,.
624 North 12th street, Philad4l6o..
oejadlurP., • • .•
Pus -
la a Pleasant preparation of Tar in •
fornof Loseßge. Is neeful•ln diSeases of
thethirOit and lititga, relieving Coughs, Mairee
iasiOntarrh, Asthma, Dry or Sore Throats,
liffiarefOition of Lungs. Prepared and sold at
ItircT i ii i ti per Nix. N
'..KELL'EII'S Dru Store,
4 o. 91 Market Street. -
ie, itias ;;D i 1411:113.ttl i f i llii e!y 11 ' *) :: .i tacted .1711:11: : :IL : 13D o T u il t ilAB pahi l 11.-4 ;: .41:
.€4.l 3 A4LitPlide.,
- - - -- - - .
Ast A t . 6
, I , l * G E
. 1 2,
Rum[ma, Oct. 14
Xill''' l 2LboatfrMunts
Ai Rita'.
:BIT I ER Vi r al4tor),l l oN,
Bruns WIN E OF . IRON,
'`-' 1 THE altibtffl. TONIC,
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion ;
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion ;
For Dyspepsia and Indigestion ;
, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion ;
For. Weak Stomachs and. General. Debility.
For Week Stornachs and General DaTillEy.
For Weak Stomachs and General Debility,
/or Weak Stomaobs.and General Debility,
Boilable - and Surslo2do - Clood, -
Reliable and BM* to'do Good,
Reliable and Sere to do Good, _
Reliable_ end Sure to do Good,
• • And Cannot do Harm.
And Cilipot do Harm.
-'- • ` '.6aid•difitrot de Hum.
- And, Court do MUM.
It poets butSittleaud 11/lilies Abe
Itliosta but Littleand Parities the Blood.
It Costs but Littloand Pritifierttbn Blood.
It Coats but 'Little:and Purillesilbe.RlOutl.
- - I Now Riply Asks Trial
I Err MO Ask a Trial
- 1 tow Only Ask. a Trial
' • -
I Notitinly.* a Trial
Of this Valuable Medicine,
Of this Valuable Medicine,
Of MIS 'Valuable Medicine, " •
l'Of thisi - Valuable Medicine
Only Sevetityitive and One Dollar Bottle.
(WY Se.irtierf five and. One Doll4l4,Bettle.
Only Sqiintyfive sod _One DoiWper Bottle.
Only SeVettrfiveitodOrie Dollar per Bottle.
Manufactured solelY by
General Depot 118 'Market at Hailliburg Pa.
PROF.. 'fflAltitlr *Ens
OCTOEiBR lErm-AND - lent, 1868,
131 / 6131 D
The renowned Magician, who will amuse and
delight the audience with some of his wonder
ful feats of Mag ic.
These Exhibitions, given by Pam. LEE, at
e earnest.solicitation of his friends, to whom
he has administered the Gas in private. are the
most popular and , amusing , now before the
Public. Prof. Las has made the. remarkable
discovery that, hy the preper use of 'the Pro
texide of liffrogen,-teeth «who extracted with
out any pain. '
Respectable parties will be selected from the
audience as subjects. '
' ADMISSION 25 cents. Front seats reserved
for'liadies., Doors open at 7 o'clock, Lecture
to - eidamenee et .8 qblook. Tickets. for, sale at
the Itekili Stores and Ilarinvait's`Difig Store.
octl4 - • •
er4nr Attquitrg:
.Jt.ateam Weeldy:to
W 0 NING-at QUEENSTOWN; peek HasT°,
Box.:211 11 91 1 :0 1 1i:Imowu Steamers xi -the
Liverpool, New York.and Philadelphia Steam
ship Company. are Intended to sail as follows
0= OF LONDON; Saturday, October 17 ;
CITY DeLTItiORE, Saturday, October 24,
UITSOF NEW TOME, .BatartittY, CootoX- 8 1;
surivl t ry mumetsllog_liaturclay, at Noeu,,froia
NProl l ihrer•
ityaspi nt amp; 'iguavessr; II OMR-
yrw eeti.mi, sBo..szternmear - ~ $B2 60
do to London, 86 00 do to London, 86 60
do to Paris, - 9600 do, to Purim, 40 64)
do to - Hamburg, ,90 00 do to hamburg, 87 60
Passengers absitinormdad to Hans, Braman,
ibittordpu, AUtwerp, akeguall* low rates.
'FartWfrozsi livarpm4 or Queenestown : let
°MAI; $75, $B6, $106. -- Elteenige from river
pool; $4O. Froni 411mMittown, M. Those
whtrwish to mild for their can buir Wi
de here - at theo sat&
Bor, tirther blf ol 4o l o l l NOT at the tkallta
-41106wee.. _
'JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 16,8r00.p1uy,!.
or 0.0. ZIMMERMAN, HarrlOmrg.
11303 FALL . 188111
IHATE the_pleasura of infortnhig my out-.
tomeotend thapablks.gentually, that I have
now on. Italia a Inilliteck of. Fall: and Winter
Goode,.. locindhlg::Fieneh _ Pattern_ Bonnet 4
Ilitibons,t than; Tiara% „Peva,. Trench and
Americarilelowent,:ifeathera„ Ito; Also, Straw,
Beam: and Feltz Ratsand Bonnets, of the
]stmt atylee •
• • Wthailf KitnEK
1i0..218 - Arch street, Philadelphia.
TrINTY‘EUX - 1 1 )318T PRE M IUMS,
ONLY GOLD, MEDAL (cosi won by kudzu.
ilabliel3ll awarded to
'A - 14: aisertinerit ,of :"these instruments at
ways oui hand; at - W." KNOCHE'S,
• Sole Agent,
- - 98 Market street.
A LT.4-REl3BollBantnting.Elhada Trees planted
La_thislalk_wiarlavai not *heads' orJezed,
euppliediatod have my per
iitthe plautfog by: wilding or-
Aeotattonetthteugh the roet.ollice_ air'; to the
plaoe_biteediately below the any.
, oct7,_: - 7::;x7i 7r. - - IttIEEL
1,1 1 40N*2 BIACICENINLT . G.
.fioo P 0 Z Jk-N.
1 1 4..8 44 ;!:ctei r ed for st444Yfifilitsal . e,arlS
024 i DficXl:o4t, Co .
: Price 0 . 60.
• '1'4.11013111/FIV STRAPS, a Km* of New
York Etalariri'Morford
For isle ifilEttalTEß'S Chia - gOok l Ktore.
PRE3OIVEU.I I IOII73, •thni - 113'; *Aka,
In - ctizla and ism. 1111.4 *A.. Xiang, Ina of
the *et delictoairenaractari-Maltia bY
fe WK. DOOrTIC & 00.
TyzailD SEEM:.
•xs Id:Whence' .z",!•41.1.
Twit :received by
& co.
„pp nelit -
kik met
- ) • di weeini e tWUNEWilis fe,IXL
- -
VATANTED-:-AVeol Carder and a Wear'.
'V !Ready employment will be given. For
particulars apply to B. U. Hopkins, River alley
betwee n Chestnut and - Market streets, c.r at the
7 1".. Lindsey's; :Factory, on the Counedossicet
caifi3k, five Miles from Hirtisburg. octi3 d3ty
AIirEDA colored girl to do the wuik of
- -"TY - a email family- Most be a good washer
and ironer: For address apply at this cfeue.
- oct7 dtf
ITTANTED—One Good Quarryman who un-
V V derstands the business. "No others 'lced
[gePt9] J.
MEN WANTED to sell the 6 tandard His
tory of- the War. 200,0CK1 copies sold. ci rc ,..
hns, giving terms, Sic., sent free. Address
Baltimore, bid.
of d6m
IXTANTED--500 lbs. Fresh Dandelion Root
Vr by S. A. KUNKEL & Bro ,
Apothecaries, 118 karket st., Harrisburg.
Aria flair atar for Rent
rOll SALE--A -Two Story Brick House oo
I. Pine street. For particulars enquire of
Corner of Second and Pine street.
- Eva BENT—A Two Story Brick House, Eitu-
J: ated on Cumberland street in the city of
Harrisburg. Apply to A. D. Rutherford, Front
street, Harrisburg. txtl24lse
VOR SALE—A Two Story Frame Rouse iu
1: Sixth Ward, opposite the Duck Tavern.
Inquire of Michael McAdams, River Alley, be
low Washington Avenue. Terms easy,
WHITE and Liver-Colored SETTEE. PUP,
2'l six months old—stripe down his none. A
liberal revratikyrill be given by returning him
to Coldeee - Stage Office. octB-dtt
OFFICE, corner of Market street and Market
Square. septl2 3m
Flue Bread and Cake Bakery,
74 Market Street,
`r HE subscriber, thankful for the very lib
eral patronage bestowed on him since he
has taken the Bakery formerly occupied by
David Brady, successor to Thomas Finley,
takes this method to inform the pi:OHG that
he has purchased the interest of David Brady,
and will now use greater exertions to phase
his customers and all who may favor him
with a call, with the choicest of CAKES, and
the best BREAD that clean, careful and expt ri
tuned hands can make of the brat extra family
I flour.-
And a great variety of Fancy and Common Cakes
always on hand or made to order. Come and
try our Bread and Cakes.
A. R. BRADY, Proprietor,
G. S. BRADY, Sufic.
Teacher of the Piano, Melodeon and
Terms reasonable.
15 Third street, between Market and CheEt
nut streets.• - septll-dBm
Third Street near Walnut,
Jojabe Paste,
Ideas Paste;
Marsh.. Mallow. Grua
Cream Chocolate Drops
:Oda Grilles, arc, &c.
Oranges and Lemons,
Canned - Fruits,
Tess and Spices, all
Paper Bags,
Cider 'Vinegar,
'Fresh and Balt Fish in
season, •
Vegetables In season,
$5,000 „Worth of Furniture for Sale
-IA 7 B4RE & CO., Auctioneers, Harrisburg,
V V . Pa., respectfully inform their numer
ous friends, that in connection with the auction
business„ they have opened New Furniture
rooms, where all kinds of Furniture will be
sold, cheaper and at lower prices than at any
Other place in the city. They having made ar
rangements with the largest manufacturing
establishments In New York, Philadelphia and
Baltimore, and being in daily receipt of Furni
ture, the largest orders will be filled at the
shortest possible notice. Always on hand So
fas; Stuffed Parlor and Cane Seat Chairs, Te
te-a-tetes, Marble Top Dressing Bureaus, Ward
robes, Bedsteads and Tables of every &scrip
don • Fancy and Common Furniture. All kinds
of Second Hand Furniture taken in exchange
for new. The highest price paid for second
hand household Famitore ClothinAßß C 0 .,, by
B &r. ,
Auctioneers, next to State Capital Bank.
QUALM PROPOSALS endorsed Proposals for
78 4 will be received at the office (.1 the t 1
dereign.ed, Assistant Quartermaster U. S. ArinY
at Harrisburg, Penna., until 3 P. re. of Thurs
day, October 22, 1863, for supplying the troops
at Camp Curtin and the Invalid Camp, the hos
pitals, corrals, and various military offices and
posts in and around the city with fuel, for a
period not to exceed six months; the contract
to commence on the first day of November, A.
D. 1863.
The above to be deliver ed at the places named
subject to inspection in such quantities a s may
from time to time be required.
ormay be either for both Wood and Coal,
Or *nude, as :he t,iz t. r uisy eb.ct.
The contract to continue for the time above
B ivified, unless sooner terminated, by order of
the Quartermaster general of the United
Thewbility of the bidder to fill the contract
Ulfa be. guaranteed by two respectable per
sona, whose signatures must be . appended to
the -geirantee, and said trlSlttilitee must De
' " lilmlfthe bid. E. Cl. WILSON,
Cs, tart Qr. Mr. U. S. IL., lierrh
lout, Pa. oda
Nan abratisemtnts.
BR. L 3:0 1r 7 IS
Figs, Dates,
AI monds,
Walnuts, Filberts,
Cream Nuts,
Ground Nuts,
Pecan Nuts,
Hominy sipd Beans,
Cakes and Crackers,
Sweet and Irish Pa
Green and Dried
And Country, Produce
in season.