EZISI aitp gtlegraplj Af, EIRTISEILS.--Alt Ad vertiseio ep a J.: a n vs* Notices, Mar risme', eecure ins° •tion in the must invariably be iscesinparded with the CASH. advertisements ordered in the regular evening Ed itinu axe Inserted in the Morning BditLv.o. 1,1 ithont extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Monday Evening, August 31, It.-;33 PRINTING PRESSES FOR SALE. The undersigned having purchased several new presses of the most approved machinery, to run by steam, offers for sale the following pyesses, suitable for country offices, viz: I ADAM'S POWER PRESSES, old pattern, can be run by band or steam, will print 1,000 copies per hour. 2 IRON HAND PRESSES, in excellent order; two of then will print a double size sheet of the Darror TELEGRAPH; the other is medium else. SMALL CARD PRESSES; in good order. They will be sold very low. Apply to WI GEO. BERGNER, Harrisburg, Pa. Abe, for sale, a THREE-HORSE POWER ENGINE, which will be sold very cheap TOWN AND 0017NTRY., DJA'T FORGST the conscript's picnic at Hoff man's woods, to-morrow. _ ..-r FALSE ALARM. —There was• a false alarm of fire on Satordafevening. Several engines ware run out of their houses—and then run back 1:1112 =I Rurtrs T. panor, a blacksmith, residing in Meadville, fell from the porch of his residence a. ld was instantly killed on Batnrday night. -: t :.1/1137-91inl FECZ DEAD.-A young man named French Warren tell dead in a hotel in Meadville, the other day. Excitement occasioned by the draft is supposed' -to have been the cause. A CONSORIV7 in Lewiston, Me., claimed to have "piazza on the heart." The doctor puma him, and his next disease will be " bn tem on the back." • ANOTUER —The Citizen Fire Coed pany will give a picnic on Saturday, Sept. 12th, for the benefit of the company. We promise a pleasant Ulm° to. all who attend. Dusrr.--The streets not visited by the sprinkler have become very dusty, and pedes trians find their " eyes shut up" with dust by every passing breeze. A shower of rain would be very acceptable. TER Wserntu.—The cool weather Still con tinues. The mornings and evenings are ex cessively chilly. This is, however, preferable to the excessive beat to which we were subject ed previous to the late change. Liam.—The apple crop, which it was sup 'posed would be heavy this fall, is found to be quite light, some orchards producing but very few apples. The drouth bathe spring, and the recent dry -weather, are supposed to have ma terially inland the crop. DIUNICENNESi.-Our police report to-day exhibits an uncommonly large number of cases of drunkenness. Certainly it is high time for the officers of the law to make an example of those persons who deal out " fire-water " to habitual drinkers. Shall the lock up be filled with drunkards and disturbers of the peace while there is a law prohibiting the indiscrimi nate sale of liquor? • DELEGATES fo Tice COUSTE CONTENTION. —OG 'Saturday evening the following delegates were elected to represent Harrisburg in the Union County Oonvention, which assembles in the Court House to-morrow (Tuesday:) First Ward—;r, A. S. Trullinger, John Say- &cod Ward—N. F. B. Raba. Third Ward—W. V. Je_ ll°ln g l3 .. loh o nZinn " Fourth War d—A. K. Black, W. goons. Fifth Ward—Chambers Dabz.v Jacob R 64 rer. Sixth' Ward—J. B. Zimmerman, Berk:' Stroh. IMPORTANT OPINION.—Hon. 'Thaddeus Ste% has written a letter in which he gives it as his opinion that the payment of $3OO commutation by a drafted man exempts him from further liability under that draft, it having precisely the same effect as furnishing a substitute. Se nye, "to give a different effect to the payment of the commutation seems to me little less than an absurdity. It is a very mischievous miscon struction, which, if need be, I have no doubt Congress will correct." CORRECITCII.—On Wednesday last, an item relating to pensions and back pay of. soldiers was published, with an extract from a letter of the Secadd Auditor, statirg that applications were now being settled in cases where deaths occurred in May and June, 1863. A letter dated August 27th, received by a gentleman in this city, direct from the Second Auditor's office, states that they are " now engaged on cases where the deaths occurred in May; June, July and August, 1862." Consequently claima where deaths occurred since that time will hrive to wait their turn. The error in 'the notice last week was, in charging. 1862 so as to read 1863-. a mistake of the compositor. REV. J, AMOK, OF. ST. STEPHEN'S (Ilarristurn EPISCOPAL PARISI:I.—It is now positively stated, that Rev. Leacock, of St. Stephen's Episcopal par ish, who recently resigned, and who had been al most unanimously appealed t 9 to resume hie charge, will not again assume the pastoral duties of the parish, but that he has accepted a call another part of the country. We regard this ati most unfortunate for the parish, as men of Rev. Lsacock's ability, purity of character, chestnut influence and wide experience as a pasttir, ilonot.. always respond to the call of a parish no more ex tensive or capable of supporting men of his cali bre, than Is that of St. Stephen's. Under his charge the - Episcopal congregation in the city was greatly enlarged, an'd had become one of the moat prosperous and flontishing in the irate,'rior of the C ommonwealth: '''What it will be: came hereafter, must be determined by the suc cessor of Rev, LAcock. TYPHOID Ann.—This terrible malady has again made its appearance at West Chester and vicinity. Fave:al cases hava already roc al fatal -4,..-_-. Fara IT MILTON.- The eleventh annual fair of the Northumberland county Agricultural so ciety will be held at Milton, commencing on Wednesday, the 7th of October. A FAILIMB.—The flax crop in this part of the State is bald to be almost an entire failure. The seed was fully matured, but the stem is almost worthless for the manufacture of linen, owing, probably, to the severe dry weather in the, early part of the summer. Tun EMAIUNATION op Consumer& —The ex amination of drafted men was continued to day. The at forty-five drafted in the 'third ward, and the first fifty-five of the Fourth ward are notified to appear for examination to morrow. .........e.,,,,, THE POTATO CROP, —This important crop is said to be very fine this season, and there is a fair, prospect of the beet quality coming down to the old-time pries of fifty cents per bushel. At present they are selling at from seventy to eighty cents. Ms late firm of Stauffer & Harley, dealers in Watches, Jewelry, .Silver-ware, etc., at 622 Market street, Philadelphia, so long and favora bly known, has 'been dissolved. Mr. Jacob Harley, one of thelate firm, is now carrying on the business, at the old stand. Sea his miser tisoneszi. TOBAOCD, &c.—We learn -from the Village Record that "on almost every farm in Chester county, you can are a patch of tobacco, which looks tine, and i 3 nearly fit to cut." There will be nearly enough sorghum sugar manufactured in Cluster county to supply the demand for sugar. RAMIOAD Acomm.—The "Way c)mmo dation Train" from Philadelphia, due here at 9.40 on Satureay evening, was delayed same 'three hours by an accident that occurred near Mount Joy. The train came in contact with a lot of cattle that were on the track, and the cars were thrown off. Nine head of cattle were killed, but the passengers escaped injury. WA.32IOLEG 10 4111:11111P10.—Whe 2 . 01101910 g or der has been promulgated from the Army of the Potomac: The practice of desertion of sub stitutes under the draft has become so prevalent that hereafter the extreme, penalty of martial law will be awarded to such delinquents as rrf,ai be recaptured, and extraordinary efforts witl tois made to effect-that object. Scocassrur. Toaaoco Curamea.—ln conga, 4 11 ence of the high price of tobacco, some of the farmers of this county have commenced Its cultivation, and the experiment has proved quite successful. In the vicinity of Dauphin, there are several patches of beautiful tobacco, fir. Henry Kelker has raised a crop valued at eighteen handfed dollars, tiii - hbriarar.lasoiv distacce below this city, which is said to be equal in quality to tobacco raised in the South. GIRARD Hems, PIIILADIELPHIA.--For cleanli ness and good fare, we can safely recommend the Girard House, of Philadelphia, as being un surpassed-by any house in the - country. The ticanelike feeling enjoyed in this establishment by thaw who like polite, nflobtrusive glen tion, must indeed be appreciated. We feel confident that any one who has so journed at the Girard, will cheerfully and hon estly recommend it to the public as we do. Quersix parties in this district will claim exemption for their sons. The fact of a man . having an only eon at home and his being drafted compelling him to hire other help, is no cause for exemption. The only question in all these cases is this—ls the support of the family dependant upon that son's labor? not ; if there is property or means to Aire other help, or to provide a living, there can be no exemp. tion. The object of these exemption clauses in the law wait to prevent absolute suffering.— ' They were designed to protect the really poor. All other parties should be cautious how they swear to the certificates required. Some of them may make themselves liable to perjury. Ponies AFPATEI—Brfore Alderman Shine. —The 61, 1 rtinks" before the Alderman yesterday were almaa. 4. "too numerous to enumerate." There were also some " disorderlies." Bad whisky - of the " disorderiles," and bad was the cause whisky was the t ,„use of the " drunks " The . following 'embraces the list of persons ar rested, the cause of the arrest, and the result of thw_hearing: .0* Jerry Deloy, drunk; discharge,. 4 * Eliza, Deloy, drunk ; discharged. Joseph Winters, drunk ; discharged. William Collins, drunk and disordq." fined $1 and discharged. Charles Garner, drunk and disorderly ; fined $1 and discharged. Lucy Gallaway, drunk ; discharged. Mary . Jackson, drank ; discharged. John Cook, drunk ; discharged. Evan Jones, drunk ; discharged. Virginia Smith, drunk ; discharged. Sarah Veney, drunk ; discharged. Michael French, drunk ; discharged. Wm. Streets, drunk ; discharged ; Ned Rainer, drunk ; discharged. Philip McDonald and George Etter, arrested on Saturday, charged with conspiracy to rob Wagner's cigar store, were committed. for a farther hearing. One of them is a cigar maker. They were overheard inquiring of a female waiter at the Burke House whether she could conceal a quantity of cigars, &0.. On this evi dence they were arrested. Henry Hall and "Gambling Ned" were lined $3 for gambling. They also had a quarrel and were disorderly. Ned is an old hand at the business for which he was arrested, judging from the title by which he is known., This morning Joseph Winters was again ar rested: Drunk, as usual, and b an exceedingly filtity condition. He belongs to Liverpool.-- Prombilsig togo home; he was ag sin discharged, Thorns's llamsey, a boy from Allegheny City, was upon a - charge of drunkenuress, this morn ing. Discharged. • Horace Murray, drupk ; lined :$l. 3pttio.l, Notitto THE PEOPLIETORS OF ME GIRARD HOUSE, PEILADB:LPHIA, D ESPEOTFULLY call the attention of Bu,i ness Men and the traveling community, to the superior accommodation and comfort offered in their establishment. au3l-dßoo KANAGA, FOWLER & CO PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA and Recruiting CIEOMB, United States Pension, Bounty, Arrears of Pay, and Subsistence Claims. &c., &c., made out and collectkd by EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at-Law. Office: Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [027-ly &MITRING THAT CONCERNS EVERYBODY —ln these war times, when the cost of what we pur chase to eat and wear is so much more, and no corresponding advance in the wages of physical or mental labor, it taxes the best management and economy of father and mother to provide for their family. With this view of the condi tion of things, we think that every man con tributes t, the general good by disposing of the articles he may have to sell at the very smallest living profit. C. L. Bowman has just returned from New York with a large stack of fall and winter dry goods, which he is determined to dispose of at prices that will baffle competition. The cheap store is No. 1, southeast corner of Front and Market streets, Harrisburg. aufillt Navy Fan GOODS —We have now received and are opening a beautiful assortment of new style dross goods and other goods. splendid assortment of new delaines. All colors of plain alapacas. New Style of plaid dress goods. Fine black bombazines. ..:131aok• and`colored paramattas. 5 pieces of black silks. 50 pieces of bleached and unbleached mnd llns. 10 4 heavy linen for shetting. 5 4 heavy.linert for pillow cases. 8.4 grey linen damask forlable covers. White linen table c,vers and napkins. - Black alapacas, all qualities. White linen and hematiched pocket hdkfs. 10 doz. Balmoral Skirts, from $2 50 up Large assortment of hoop skirts. Hoop skirts at 76 cis , $1 00, $1 60, and all prices. White cambric muslin and jaconnetts, nan sooka, Irish linen, Swiss muslin; •and a great many other new goods. S. LSWIr. EDITOR OP TEL Dear Sir : With your permission I wish to th say to e readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who with it, (free) a Re cipe, with full diredtions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, tivit will effectually remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tau Frecktes, sad all Luptrities of the Blau, leav ing the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. f will also mail free to those having Bad Heads or Bare rtiCiS, simple directions and in- Ormation that will enable them to start a full groiyth of busuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Mou stache, in less than 30 days. All applications answered by retprn nail withou+ charge. Respectfully yours, T os. F. CH ,4.114 H, Chemist, jy2B-dBmi No. 831 Broadway, New YPTIK. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous lability' Incompetency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to Mulish to all who need it (free of charge) the recipe and directions for making ote r simple Remedy used in his case. Those wisning - ro- E .....a4..u r av_pdariiincia--.nd priggese a valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 6() Nassau Street, New York aul.2-dawam TO HORSE. OWNERS PR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES is unrivaled by any, and in all cases of Lameness arising from Sprains, Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange, &c., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ilingbone may be easily prevented and cured iu their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the pos:ibility of a ?faecal cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful application will always remove the Lameness, and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. Every bores owner should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appear ance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases mentioned, to which all horses are liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable horses nearly Worthless. Se advertisement. augl9 dkweow DIOTHERS! MOTHERS!! MOTHERS!!! DON'T fail to procure ME& WINBIAW'S SOOTHING Futur for CHILDREN TEETHING. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one the best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never tailing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, It will almost instantly relieve GAMING m van BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC). We ,believe it the !teat and Surest Remedy in the World, in all wee of DYSENTERY and DIARRHEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle, None Genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS it PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. wrthelpal Office' 48 Dey Street, NEW YORK. Pesos Oiu.v 26 Cum ma Borns. my22-4w6m (Situational. IRVING FIN:IWALE COLLEGE, mEcRanot :IBURG, PA. rPHE attention of paremia.hakl daughters IL to educate, is respectful called to the ad vantages afforded at thisi m - titution, for ,thorough and accomplished edin-ntilm' It Is easy of access, is healthfully an.i P le t‘ sand Y located, employs a full corps of efficieZt,a:Ad perienced teachers, is chartered by the Legteln ture with full collegiate powers to , confer ilter 'ary honors upon its graduates, and its terms as low as they can be made in view a the com fort of the students and the permanency of the institution. The Fall Sossion will commence on Wednes day, September .2et. -Students should enter promptly, and, as far as possible, parents sh,nnld write or come in advaoce and secure rooms. For Catalogues, address A. G. M.ABLATI', au4-Btaw-xn-w-s-4 w - President , . • HARRISBURG hvEMINAR Y. • THE FALL SPOSSION Of this Institution will commence ON WEDNESPAT; SEPTEMBER 2nd. nu22-el2* - . aE. DION, Principal. ;; aniortmein. of Morton's' DorWaled Gold Pens, in Gold Plated Desk Holders, just ssuelved at SOI3KETIGrB BOOKSTORE, jab 18 Market street. New abtatigements ...,,., LIST OF LETT-hab RIIMAINING IN MR HARRISBURG :'UST OFFION, MONDAY, AUGUST` 31, 1863, OFF CIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. LADIES' LIST. Allison, Miss Amelia 2 Keller, Miss Elia' Ayle, Miss Mary A Keller, Miss Amanda Able, Miss Caroline Kirk, Miss Mary E Bashore, Mle George Hinter, Mrs Callie Barehone, Miss Clara King, Mrs Liza Barnes, Miss Enarna ',eyries, Miss SUES ; Baugh, Miss Line Lewis, Miss Mary J 13,ker, Miss S Lenker, Mrs Ellen A Baldwin, Miss Moths ALisle Mls Harriet 2 Baker, Mfg , Kate L.:etibart, Mrs Kate Bell, Miss Lizzie Drar.wn, Miss Bora Becker, Mrs SUEIIII M'Carater, Miss Kate M Blain, Mrs Margaret M'Geo, Miss Aun Domgardner, Miss Lon-feCrachen, Miss Motile lea Madan, Miss. Nancy Boyer, Miss lidary , C Matson, Miss Bebeca Brownstirrger, Miss Sa'Menells, Sarah rah B Manna, Miss Bridget Byerts, 1r is Susan More, Mrs Callow, Miss Emma Nophsker, Miss y M Caster, Mr. Mary 0 a«, Miss Emma Chambei lin, Miss SallieO'Brien, Miss Anis Chaplin, Mrs JosephineGswald, Mrs S Clendening, bits Fritz rPierman, Miss Marga- Carper, Miss Sarah ret Criswell, Miss Emma Brehm, Miss Mary T Crumley, Sarah E Peas, Mis Mary Jean ies Alcanda 4Pitkan, hi s Margret Dein, Mrs Ernslla M Peanion, Miss Clara, Douglass, Miss'E L, L Redman, Miss Marietta Douden, Mrs A Rimps, Mrs Maggie J Dumyre, MisitMary Reese, Mrs Mary E 2 Finnigan, Mrs Matildaßamp, Miss Maggie Fos, Miss Virginia Renimington, Alias Ida Freese, Mrs Maria EOW6, Elisabeth Fanks, WEB A Runkles; Miss Sallie .1 Gamey, Miss Magic Ross, Mrs Rebecca Gallaway, Miss Mariahßosabaugb, Mrs Caro- Groan, Miss Sarah line Gartner, Miss Elizabethßudy, Miss Sidia A J Sboab, Mrs Christiana Grady;Mis Catherine tEheessly,Mies Elia theth Gostner, Mrs Margaret'Snowdon, Mrs Anna Grey, dies Mary Sibbs, Mrs Henrietta Gross, Miss Kate A Smith, Mrs M Grey, Miss Sarah Singer, Mrs Lydia Green, Mrs Emma j Smith, Mrs Mary C 314tfield, Miss Clara Smith, Mrs Sabena Rattan, Miss Mary E Switzer, Miss Ellen Harris, Mrs Eliza Steward, Mrs Ann Hartshorn, Mrs Mary Stotler, Mrs Sarah J . Herr, Mrs. Sarah A Stormfeltz, Mrs Eliza- Healy, Miss Mary beth Harlin°, PEES Mafia", Strodder, Miss Annie Harley, Miss 'Unity Strouk, Rebecca Hennigan, Mrs Anne Thomsen, Mrs Charity Rainy, Miss Emma Underwood,Mrs Cathe- Menet., Miss Kate rine Hooker, Miss Maggie HUI, Mrs Sarah Hickey, Catherine Vnalman, Mies Maggie Hell, Mrs A Wallace, Miss Jennie Hoover, Mies Jennie White, Mrs Annie E finches, Mrs Richard Weaver, Miss Mollie A Irwin, Mrs Annie Weed, Miss Sarah Johnson, Mrs Mellon Widmer, Miss Fanny C Jackson, Mrs Matilda Wolfe, Miss Mary , Jenkins, Miss Clara Worner, Miss Mary GENTLESIEN'S LIST. Groft, D Guiles, Abram G Emma, Jacob H Halock, Hamilton Hays, Wm 'llaerlush, Jcigh alas" Q Harris, Alex T Haverty, Q'r Master Haines, Albert A Harald, John Roemer, Amos Rocker, Samuel Alit n; J R Aker, D Alverson, o-eo W Arny, L L Barnes, Lt E L Bheam, Daniel Balsbach, Abram Bay, Frederick B3lmer, Samuel Baker, Rev Hiram B!essing, Christian Ballaztr, John F Bean, John . Hi,ff, Geo J Belson, Fiederick Hoon, Healy Bellmm, Jackson Hooper, Cyrus Bender, Jabez High, Levi Beck, Jacob " BM, Samna Baker, Jos I) Hawes, Stephen Bender, Reuben Hecker, George Benckert, Jacob D Hunt, Cap B W Bender, Jake Hurley, James Axle'', B F Jackson & Co, 'Bolton, Henry Johns, Andrew Bocce, E Jones, David 'O,l I3oochniiller, John 2 Jordon, A Bowman, Geo & Bro Jones, Hiram Boring, J K ‘ Mauffnan, Isaac l ßowes, Dr G A Kauffman, Thos Bowes, Dr Kan, Edward Browning, Lieut Geo Kauffman, John W • Brown, John Keim, Mahlon W Brougher, Miles Kohler, Wm Bromford, Col Geo N Kistar, John Rackard, A S Kimball, 0 H 2 Buser, Joseph King, Sergeant Berke, G W Kitchen. E 0 Buce, Franklin Kizer, Abraham Bugher, Chas Kunkel, George Bruckes, William Knox, Chas M Cassel, J WKline I la 0 Care, Samuel - - Labat, Charles Carson, E Landy, Alex Cassel, David Leger, James II Chamberlin, Xaj Thos Lendig, J B Clark, T J Lentz ' Geo W Coffey, Richard Lavendale, Samuel Cover, Quo F Low, Jacob S cross, Isaac Luekett, Charles Crane, Daniel Lepers, James T Cross El Clay Louderback, Harris Curtis, Alfred Lyter, Samuel Cure, Albert Long, John J Gramm, James Longenecker, hi E Deitch, Capt Lufard, t aloh Davis, Mr AH S -- Love, Jno G Dasher, John J - Lyman, G W Day, Delia Long, Frank, A Davis, Joseph 0 Lyons, W W Denny, Alexander McGowan, James Denton, Jackson .McComb, T li Deshler ; Wilhelm DicLartaehan, Christ , Deanrion, Robert blanred,-Thos D Dickey, Wm C Mahan, Samuel • Dunkel, Josiah A Magrulken, Henry H Duffle, Geo B Magee, John Dunlap, H P „, Metheny, Alpea P Dunn, Francis Milligan, John D Dating, Harry B Miller, John Dwins, Patrick Miller, W B lEverett, Elias F • Miller, Jonathan Entricken, Phillip Miller, Jerrey Finley, James A 'Morgan, Geo Fisher, A S Moore, E Forney, Mr W Moore, J Blair Fuller, Dr Smith Myers, G A _ Fox, John Myrtz, Alex Forster, Wm M Murray, John Friedericks, A Nazaree, James IPritz, Wm • Nolen, L F Franklin, John Nolen, Joseph L Frank, S Omaly, Patrick Freeston, Ele ood Orth, Fred W 4 French, Nelson Oren, J P Fritohey, J Q A Paddock, Rev S H Felekes, John S Page, Linton French, Michael Peckham, Nathan Freeze, Jacob - FuierefP It Gamphur, Wm Bamstl, L M 2 Gardner, Sohn Beed, Samuel Garman. Samuel G Reisinger, CapJ hl Gillen, James Bidle, John Garrey, Bryan '- - ' $ ,wo, Dif Gampb, `Adam";` - , 'Rohbins, W B Eloodhart, peter. ' -Scheilitig; Cap AH 2 Giaigaii i ,lkitiv&rd I ' Scravener, Richard' ' Graydon, W H Shoett John Virg X il W Green, Peter Shell, Griffin, 0 B Shoop, Jotib Ntm 2bvertistments ---- Sr; more, Jams___ Thomas, J w Shultz, _Fitts 2 Thomson, John Shaffer, George Tembert, Fred Shanebiougb, Henry Todd, Cap Sirdel, Sam! Tache, Martin Sellers, Geo Turner, John B Shainebrook, Henry Tucker, Squire B 1 %icons, Cook Vaughan, A 0 M D Sipe, Samuel S Waller, Jacob 2 Sites, John S Walker, Richard Snyder, John Walker, Cap C W Swith- J B Ward, John Smith, Walford, Samuel A Smith, James Weidler, Jacob 2 Sowers, David 2 Weith, D Stents, John C W ilsk Henry Stahler, Thomas P Weaver, Benj E Strip-r, Wm J Witmer, J A 2 Stouffer, Wm W Wittenhowe, L W Sweigert, A J - Witman, Henry K Stombach, Lewis Wise, Fred Sweger, James $ Wilson, John F Stoner, Al Wabiugham, $ Stt ker, Adam Walfley, John S Straley, Steven Wright ' Jesse Stroud, Geo ill:ill:Wright, John • Strong, J Q 2 Yeather, Wm H 2 Stridebakr, Clem Young, Charles Stone, Davidj Zimmerman, Harry Taylor, Birdie B _ - Persons ceiling for any of the above letters will please say they are advertised, and give he date of the list in which they appear. One ent due on each. I t GEO. BERGNEB, P. M filititart) Notictri. II SSTITUTE t 1 For le ss Slimo $5O. For p rtaculars inclose 10 cents Address J. A. TLIONISOY, Care of Julio Q. Schiller, Pittsburg, Pa. au2S cl2w9 DRFT! DRAFT!! BUSINESS in relation to the Draft in the LI 14th Boron/cent Distiict CAREFULLY & RELIABLY ATTENDED TO All kinds of papers prepared according to, U. S. regulations, at tow asses. Persons wishing substitutes can be accommo dated, and any one wishing to go as substitute for any drafted man can obtain the highest cash price at the established claim agency of _ _ EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at-Law, 3d Street, near Market, Harrlebu rg, Pa. atill-Im ATTENTION ! CONSORIPTS ALL persons drafted and who are entitled to exemption can bays their papers properly made ont by applying at the office of the un dersigned, in the D&i TELEGRAM Hommeo, Third street. SULLIVAN S. CHILD, Attorney for Military Claims. aull-dtf Pianag, Afilelobtons, &.t F. C, LIGI UTE & CO., (Late Lights & Bradburye) ' Plano Forte Manufacturers, 421 Baoosts Sr., NBW YOBS., 2d block East of Broadway. IVIF. C. LIGHTE, the odginal founder of this well-known establishment, Senior partner, and only Practical Piano Forte Maker of the late fit m of "Lights &Bradburys." having retained his Two-Thirds Interest in the whole business stock, materials, &.c., and Sole Proprie torship in his Valuable Patents, Inclusive of his celebrated PATENT INSULATED IRON otims, is the only ene_whuminjogp Ate_ house has been so popular. J All infringe ments on his rights will be prosecuted accord ing to law. g All Piano Fortes from this manufactory are warranted perfect in every respect for five years. Liberal Terms to Dealers. F. C. LIGHTE & CO., artb—dBm 421 Broome St., New Ydrk. Mistritttntons. STATE FAIR. THE ELEVENTH 'PAUL EXHIBITION ON TUE PENNA. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, WILL BE RKLD AT NORRISTOR N, MONTGOMERY CO., PA.., SEPT. 29th AND 80th, AND OCTOBER Ist AND 2d, 1863. Norristown 'is about 17 miles west of Thils delphia, on the Schuylkill river, and is Renee• sible by railway to every portion of the State. THE GROUNDS are beautifully situated, containing 28 Acres of ground with fine large buildings thereon erected, together with large amount Shedding. The track is said to be one of the beet half mile tracks in the Elate. The premiums are the heaviest ever offered by the Fociety, amounting to about $7,000. The premiums for ail grades of ea , tie ex eed $l,OOO five of which are $3O each, 19 from $25 to $l5, others running down to lesser rates. Beet herd not lets than 15 head, first premium $4O; 2nd premium $25. Horses fur all grades, the premiums exceed $1,350. The highest COO ; 22 between $2O and $3O, and others ranging from $l6. $lO and $5. For sheep and swine the premiums range from $lO to $5 and $3. For Poultry there Is a long list or premiums from $2 to $1 each. In the following classets most libecal premiums are offered; Ploughs, Cultivators, Drills, Wagons, Reaping and Mowing Machines, Cutters, Corn Shelters, Cider Mills, Pumps Buckets, Tin Ware, Leather and its Manufactures, Gas Fixtures, Marble Mantles, Butter, Flour, Grain and Seeds, Vegetables; and also for Domestic and Household Manu factures, Cloths, Carpets, Satinet, Shirting, Sheeting, Blankets, Flannels, Shawls, Knit Goods, Needle Wolk, Btc., Bread, Cakes, Pre serves, Jellies, Sac. Large premiums are offered for every variety of Fruit and Flowers. The Floral Tent will be the largest ever erected by the Society, and will form one of the most attractive features of the Exhibition. limit, Grapes and Wine will be exhibited in this department. The Pennsylvania railroad and Norristown railroad have arranged to carry articles for ex hibition to and from the Exhibition freight free, requiring the forwarding freight to be paid, which will be repaid shipper, when goods MB returned to "the station whence shipped. It is hoped to effect the same with other impor tant roads. Excursions at reduced rates will be run on all the leading railroads. Entries can be made at the office, in Norris town, after the 4th day of September. All articles must be entered on the books on or before Tuesday evening, Septe3mber 29th. Ex hibitors must become members. Membership $1 with four coupon tickets, each of which will admit one person to the Fair once, SINGLE ADMISSION 25 cts. Lir &List of Prgm nma akd Heplations can be had by addressing the Secretary. THOMAS P KNOX, Presidelt. A. Stow= Lotman, Secretary. Nournstoww, Nast. 41126-d*Wed. Organ Strancra. STFAMSHIP GREAT EASTERN, NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL. Romano & ASPINWALL. AGENTS. The steamship GREAT EASTERN, WALTER PATON, Ctlnman•er. will be dispatched rams rammer.. 111031 NRW YORIL Wednesday, August 12 ) Wednesday, Sept. 2 and at intervals thereafter of about six weeks ' each port. First cabin fromfrom. $93 to $1.35 Second cabin, state-room berths, meals furnished at separate tables $7O Excursion rickets out and back, in the first and second cabin only, a fare and a half. Servant; accompanying passengers and chil dren under twelve years of age half price. In fants free. Third cabin $5O Steerage, with superior accommodations...s3o Price of passage from Liverpool, same rates as above. All fares payable in Gold, or its equivalent la 11. 8. currency. Each passenger allowed twenty Cubic feet of Luggage. An experienced Surgeon on board. For passage only apply to CHARLES A. WHITNEY, Passage Most. 26 Broadway, New York HOV/1.14ND Aspiewara, Agents, 54 South at., New York. jelB-d3m - Steam Weekly to Livernool. POUCHING at QUEENSTOWN, (Conn HALA- L Boa.) The well known Steamers of"the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steam . rip COMP/My. 4rfl trite Chid to fts fsMorxm : CITY OF BALTIMORE Saturday, Sept. Flth CITY OF I: NDON, Saturday, Sept. 12 II; CITY OF NEW YORE. Saturday Sept 19 n, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABIS II GOLD, OS rO3 cgtamixatcr RlErf. /DM GLUON, $BO 00 VIREBAGB, .)O do to London, 85 00 do to London. 35 do to Paris, 95 00 10 to PartB, 41) do to Hamburg, 90 09 do co Pasoeugen3 also forwarded tr , Rotterdam, Antwerp, &e., at equally I•iw Jar:, - Fares from Liverpool or Qtice,tkriatown litt. Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Ste4.3,ge irovl,. Li , '- pool, $4O. From Queenezto, who wish to send for their friusiti, _.,- eta here at these rates For further information apply at thc (! ,, tarm ay's Offices. • JOHN G. DALE, &seta. I L-7, ilt.•=clw4v, N Y. or C. 0. ZIMMERMAN, Ifaxrisbew. 12311 y. itiebical. *** DB. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, GREAT EXTERNAL REIdEDY. FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAIN'S, BRUISES, CUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NER VOUS DISORDERS. DR. STEPNEY SWEET, of Connecticut. DR. STEIL4I'ti En fyr• IR known all over eSlafes DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Cornettictet, 1e the author of "Dr. Sweet'Vrifallible Lital men t." Dr. Bigeet's lafallide Liniment Cures Rheumatism and never fails Dr. Suet's Lininunt Is a certain remedy for Nt-nmigia. Dr. Sweet's Infalltbk Liniment Cures Burns and Scalds immediaMy Dr. Sweet's lefiZZthle Liniment Is the beat known Remedy for Sprains and Bruises. Dr. Sweet's InfaUtble Litiment Cures Headache immediately ecd was never known to fail. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Files, and seldom fails to cure. Dr. Bind s Infallible Liniment Cares Toothache in one Minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallibly Liniment Cures Cuts and wounds immediately and leaves no scar. jr. Sweet's infallible Liniment Is the b e st remedy for Bores in the known world. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Has been need by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly a "friend in need," and every family should have it at hand. Dr. swed's Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 60 cents. • RICHARDSON St CO , Bute Proprictora, Norwiub, Ct. For sale by all Dogma. 'law 1 v-eow. NOTICE. MBE DELFT in the Fifteenth and adjoihir g Districts.—National Substitute AMU. CY -- A K. SWI4I.EII & COhaving opened en office inCarliale, at the averement Abse,tor 'a Office, in Eheern'a Hall, are now prepared to Dinah substutes at fair prices. Substitutes supplied trout this office will be able bodied aliens not subject to draft. A d draft ed persona served by us is guarantied a release from the draft. IMF - Apply at once in person or by l-tter at the 'National Substitute A,gen...y," Ithutur's Hall, Carlisle. • . Beferaea—J . Weakly, ,I!se(..h Bitner, jr , J. &teem. augS•ti A. K. SWISHES & CO. FLOWERS OF ITALY TOILET EAU .DE COLOGNE. AN exquisite impregnation of Pare Splcis with the odors of Flowers, Blossoms of Orange,Bosemara, Balm, Violet and Roses, Very fr agrant on the handkerchief. For sale by . the quart or bottle. Prepared by 33 , 15 S. A. KUNKEL, Apothecary- Kr' SOMETHING NEW I THE ULU 130QDRC, a mellow perfume of Lavender Flowers, Roses and Mignonnette, for the toilet, bath and handkerchief. Die tilled by S. A. KUNKEL, au2o • Apothecary, Harrisburg. DURN AND lINADULTEDATIED SPICES, from the moat celebrated mills in the coun try, jest received mid for sale by 1 14 - WM. DOM. 35., & CO. GIIPIEN COEN. Winslow's Fresb, Green Om lust received by ibis 4ff W. DOCK, JR., & CO. SUGARS of all grades, white and brown, very low, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, anpl Cor. Front and Market sts. QllGAltil—White and brown, of all iradea and prime. Call and examine .at NIOHOIB & BOWMAN, Oor. front and Market etreeto.