i t) , aitLTztegra p tioTICE A;; tr , :etTISF.III.S.—AII Ad- Notices, ring,es, to secures Env" tion In t i„ TELP. ,,, !;:i-' l2 . must Invariably ba garconapanted NI , it 5L the CASII. Artvcrtisentetztli ordered In the regular Even ing Edition ale Inserted In the Horning EdWon NS ithollt extra charge. HARRISBURG; PA Friday Evening, /WO% 14, 1863 Werren.—Two able bodied men to serve as substitutes. Address Box 87, post office, stating terms, and where they can be consulted. AUCTION SALE OF SECOND HANDED FURNITURE. Messrs. Ensminger & Adams will have a large sale of second banded furniture at their stand between the market houses, to-morrow, (Satur day.) Persons in want of articles in their line will do well to attend the sale. Also, will sell cheap, at their auction rooms, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, 300 dos. empty bottles suitable for putting up wine, fruit, &c. Those of our readers having Garments they wish dyed and demised are referred to - the dye ing establhhment of Barrett, Nephews & Co. See their advertisement in this issue. Tin RINGGOLD ARTILLERY. —This excellent battery left Camp Curtin yesterday, and took the cars the same evening for Reading. It was supposed, by the officers in charge, that the battery would be ordered on to Pottsville. ARRIVAL OF REBEL PRISONERS. —Yesterday evening fifty-nine wounded rebel prisoners were brought to this city from Hagerstown, lid.— They were conveyed to the Cotton Factory and Walnut street hospitals, where they will prob. ably remain until convalescent and able to be transferred to Fort Delaware. Losr.—Two books, containing the list of sub scribers t) the sprinkling machine. They are supposed to have been lost in going from Dock's store, down Third to Chestnut, and from thence to the railroad. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving them at Bay er's grocery, or at E. C. SHAEFFER'S. To Bs MU - AIRED 01517.—We understand that Governor Curtin has issued a positive order for the discharge of all the militia regiments' and commands organised in Pittsburg. Captain Childs and several other pfacers left Harrisburg early in the week for that city, to aid in mus. terizig them out and paying them off, under direction of A. A. General Thomas M. Howe. "OAR MORE EINFORTUNATE."—In the list of drafted men from Idawensville, Northumber land county, published in to-day's paper, we notice the name of the late Surgeon in charge of the Walnut Street Elo.ipital, Dr, George A B ores, which was drawn by the blind man on the ft:'6Y- fifth mind. Sorry for you, Doctor, if you „, , a't in the U. 8, service on• the 3d of March laet. so,,Luemr of ,SouSTITILITSI3. —We learn that sev eral of our citiz. who engaged in the: gift enterprise, 'are offer-lug as high as two hundred and fifty dollars each .for acceptable subSitut t ea• Bring on sour able b °died men from "New York and Philadelphia, Vb o are *Ming to go for fifty and seventy•five dolleas a head Your country needs your services •in this quarter DEPARTURE OF A COLORED REGIM.7.M. — Th'e Third U. S. colorer.; regiment, numbering one thousand men, under command of Colonel C. B. Tilghman, (formerly of the 26th Pennsylva nia,) and lately organize,iat Camp Penn, Mel ton Hill, near Philadelphia,• /eft their camp Yes . terday, proceeding by steam w to lkiorria Ishuad, to reinforce General Gilmore ' d =V. T hi e ie the first colored regiment evt:r organized In Pennsylvania. The regiment is well officered and admirably drilled, and we hor Nth) hear a good account of them. POLICE REPORT. —The following cages v , Igo be fora Alderman Kline thia morning: Pattiok 'Brown, '•an Irishman and a soh Her, was lodged 'in' the lock-up yesterday eveni'og for drunkenness and disorderly conduct.. Released.on the plea of future good behavior. Hannibal Davis, an unconquerable darkey, was "gigged" for the same offence. Mary Marshal was maraha/ed before the Alder man for an old offence. Paroled ; and ordered to reach the outer lines of the city .without de lay. If brought in by the pickets_, probably be ordered by the court to weave carpets for six months. John Wossinger, a country Dutchman, wail found in an intoxicated state, and placed in the lock-up over night. Was released on paying his fine (Si and, ambs.); DONNED THE WaourATroun.-4. female dreesed in "Boger" clothes has been-perambuleting the streets of our cfty the past three days; but her features resembling somewhat those of a mesca line, she was not noticed by the police until this morning, when her sex was made keovrn by the unnecessary airs she was trying to "put on" while in a drinking salOon. -She was ar rested soon after by Officer Cline, and taken, before Alderman Kline. In answer to .a ques tion propounded to her by the Alderman, she said that she was induced to clothe herself with a soldier's uniform by her masculine friends in the 11th New YorkYolirnif3er Militia, to which regiment 'she appears to have belonged. She was committed to the lock-up.. Since the above was in type, the female sal died was taken out of the lock-ni; and had a hettiing before the Alderman. She stated that she had been in the servtce two years, and was with the Army of the Potomac in three of its herded fought battles. Howthis fenittle could . serve two yeara, and mess with six soldiers, without-her sex - being discovered; 1 iftryil:MN but, if we are to believe her testimony, fact, and she is now in the service a seminti time ready to "do or die for her country.":—.. :After this hearing;oo 41Militianirgod ARREST or Two Picsrocitrre. —Chief of Police Campbell and Officer Kline yesterday evening arrest-:l two pickpockets in Ihe Gaiety, who gave their names as Francis A. Brown and Climb sII Y,,ung. The warrant was issued by Aldermaa Slim), on the complaint of Mr. Jacob Clinedinst, a resident of Hagerstown, Md., who states that on Tuesday evening last he had his pockets picked by one of them of $65 in gold and bank notes, and a valuable gold hunting case watch and chain—worth over $l5O. The watch was found on Brown's person, but the money was not recovered. Before the prison ers reached the pavement in front of the Gaiety, on their way to the Alderman's office, Young escaped from the officers' custody, and endeavored to elude a recapture by flight. He succeeded % in reaching the Buehler House, in Second street, before he was overtaken by Bar ney, who handled him rather unceremoniously for his conduct. Alderman Kline committed them for trial. CONTINUATION OF THE DRAFT.—Northumberland Couniy.—This county is one of the largest in the District, and will occupy the attention of the Board of Enrollment for two days. Three hundred and ninety-eight names were drawn, from the following towns and townships : Up per Augusta, Lower Augusta, Cameron, Chillis quaque, Coal and Shamokintown, Delaware and MeEwinsville,Jackson Jordan and Lower Maha noy,Lewis and Turbutville,Upper Diahanoy. The following are the lists of names from each town and township, with the numbers enrolled : WPM?. AUGUSTA. TOWNSHIP 1 Peter Wampole 12 Joseph R Persing 2 B B Conrad 13 Samuel Stripe 3 . Wm Snyder 14 Chas W Weaver 4 James Reiland 15 Isaac Slaght 5 Wei J Wolverton 16 John BKnists 6 Richard Boyer 17 Franklin Reigle 7 John B Hartzell 18 Win S Snyder 8 Wm glace 19 Jeremiah Cooper 9Wm K Lawrence 20 Amos Wibiarn 10 Wm Nesbit 21 Isaac Cooper 11 Noah Hollabach Total number enrolled, DOWNS AUGUSTA. TOWNSHIP. I Abraham Shade 27 Francis Pond 2 Wm P Speese 28 Peter Keiffer 3 John H Reitz 29 John R Coffman 4 Jno M Bartholomew 30 S P Fes3ld 5 Daniel HSt Clair 31 George Hopper 6 Joseph D Boitian 32 Thomas Snyder 7 Joseph Seasholtz 33 Mathew Dewitt 8 Solomon S Snyder 34 David Neidig 9 Wm Conrad 35 Joseph &wick JB Bartholomew 36 Peter Miller 11 Andrew Hauck 37 Joseph B Lytle 12 Samuel Wolf 38 Jeremiah lineman 13 Andrew Hauck 39 Amos Ships 14 Johnson Miller 40 Henry JLy tle 15 Daniel Foy 41 Lot Bartholomew 16 Henry Trego 42 Daniel Hoffman Jr 17 Robert A Row 43 Gideon Wolf 18 Abraham Sterner • 44 Alexander Kreps 19 Moses Welker 45 Silas Thurston 20 Henry Culp 46 John B Snyder 21 Michael blench 47 Reuben Hollenback 22 Nathaniel Lytle 48 David Hollenback 23 John M Houghton' 49 James Colden 24 Sam S Dunkelbergerso Levi Conrad 25 John P Shipman 51 Robert Fleming 26 Henry H Wolf Total number enrolled, - 17: cameos rowrisxdr. 1 George Hornberger 5 Simon Kerstetter, 2 Peter Long 6 John Kroh 3 Joseph Weary 7 Daniel Flock 4 Charles K Wikle 8 Joseph Baker Total number enrolled, 31 ..- OMMLISQUAQUB . 'OWNED:HD. - 1 John Hoge 17 Joseph Fidler. , 2 John H Cowley 18 James Durham 3 Joseph Kayser . 19 William Welchonce 4 Lewis 0 Hummer 2,3 John didiehead James-Lynch 21 James %peon ''' 6 George Blain 22 Aaron Troxell 7 Thomas J Sawyer 23 Edward Ritter 8 John Diehl 24 Joieph S Fisher William perry 525 John B Smith ' " 10 Alexander Martin-- 26 John H Heller 11 Wm C. M'Ginley 27 Jacob B M'Ginley 12 Peter M Dressler - 28 Anthony Ropier.:.„ 13 Jacob IV Smith 29 William Allen 14 Andrew Haus 30 Ambrose Campbell 15 Joseph Negley 31 Abraham Allen -16 John Forrest 32 William Voris Total number enrolled; - • • 101 cOAL TOWNSHIP 'urn ini4impk (rows.) 1 Morgan Lewellen .37 Wm'. Tarr ' 2 Charles Bader 38 Jared Warei eJoseph Conrad 39 David EseptilinJx.., 4 John Hunt 40 Wm Davis • Fredk Kramer 41 George Lutzfj Joseph Longstine 42 John -thayder , „.l- , 7 G W Miller 43 JohnMartz 8 Abrahams Stronse 44 Samuel Conrad . 9 William K. Erdnien 45. J F Bickel 19 Beni. Sampitel 46 Isaac Rake _ 11 Samuel E Martin 47 Jacob . • 'l2 Fredk Rhoads 48 Elim Dark 1 13 Charles Kreider 49 John Falkwlie, s 14 John Leffeler - 60 Elias Wetzel -15 Joseph 0 Mill 51 James Seibert !'f 16 Acquilla Booth 52 Marquis Scholl' 17 George Wagner 63 Win Leffler 18 w aL wary 54 David - Seders ".; 19 GenrgeKolibraker 55 John Erdman, 20 Bentonite:EMU& - 56 Mufti:l'o'4Blov 21 Joseph Harting) 57 Isaac Riser 22 Thomas Rosser -68 JoeepliKepp s 23 Thomas A Farr (c01)59 Wm Matz -' 24 Michael Regan 60 John Harris 25 Caleb Chamberlain 61 Henry Startzell 26 Thomas Griffiths 62 John Lake 27 deremialr Thomas 68 Henry Neiboff 28 James Larrence 64 Patrick - Shea - 29 Thomas Quinn 65 Fredi Dipner 30 Daniel Reed a Smithh - Tharp 31 Nichael Tighe 67' Fred k Dremheiser 32 Jse - o3b Dendorf 68 W P Withingten 33 Wm Deibler 69 David P Wary 34 Henry Beach 70 John Rucleallf • 'ld 85 James Fisher 71 Wm Rio 86 Michael Lewis • Total number enrolled, 24! DSLAWAHE AND M'SWENSVILLE. 1 Peter F Balliett 30 Joseph Gold .2 James B Wagner .31 13;2nneville Shafer 8 Robert M Wertman 82 Ephraim Leinbachi 4 A ANitch 38 William Work 5 .Daniel Marsh 34 Robert McKee Jr 6 E F Gold 35 Jacob Shuck • 7 Josiah,Diehl 36 Jacob Leiser I 8 Seth Aliebener 87 Wm Sanders ' 9 John Hamlin 88 Daniel :Trickenmq 10 L G Fox. ler• " - 11 Henry Fogelman 39 Bobi3ll4l:foliniii ' 12 Reuben Derr 40 Josephlttlis' 18 Ferdinand Piper 41 Samuel C 1 Frymier 14 Worthington Meixell42 JaeoliWright 15 George Baker 43 Roberildonhiell= - L , 16 john Cares 44 Josiah Leech- t A . 17 Simon Lily 45 George A Bowes le Geo W Barnett 46 Peter E Taylor • 19 James F•Finney 47 Finis Keefer -- 20 Benj Coil 48 Christian L Wagner' 21 Jacob Stitzell 49 Joseph 0 lifcoarty 22 Jos Zerfott_ 50 John D Watson 23 George W Hower 51 Montgomery Bon& 24 James - McKave 52,John L Streeby 26 David W . lieWll-58Ari - Hayes Baia 5141fin'0 'Sendai ,26 John Bishop 55'Wiii103ees 27 BX.G2itenck. 56 .04iniitd:sirhmer T __:. 28 Danielitinwine Hilt'-= Charles Hartzell irde war iseM 66_ _a-. MOB JACRION TOWNSHIP. 1 Isaac Lair n John G Smith 2 Aaron Coble 12 Elias B Feller Henry 3 oar 13 Isaac Wolf 4 Joseph Deppen 14 George Star 5 Joseph Hass 15 John Michbel 6 Henry .7.3rhe 16 Wm Wiest 7 Wm H Bogar 17 Isaac Clemens 8 Daniel Baker 18 Elias Snyder 9 Enoch Taylor 19 Elias Thomas 10 George .Eeppen 20 Henry M Zeigler Total number enrolled, JORDAN AND LOWISH MARANO"! TOWNSHIP. 1 George Nace 36 Peter Klock 2 Simon Lenkeit 37 :•amuel Spots 3 Elias Whitmer 38 Josiah Shaeffer 4 Benjamin Philips 39 Josiah Swartz 6 Jacob Stroup 40 John Spots 6 Martin Goss 41 W E Foust 7 Toman Zerby 42 John Strohecker 8 Jacob Bosh 43 William Good 9 Samuel Troutman 44 Isaac Badel 10 Jacob Duty 45 Emanuel Witmer 11 Joel Patholma 46 Jacob Shroyer 12 Elias PIOSII3B 47 Samuel Spots 13 Jonas Trego 48 Henry Spots 14 Sam'l W Strohecker 49 John Leffler 15 Henry Enterly 50 Benjamin Byerly 16 Cornelius Lesher 51 George B Leitzel 17 Moses Bush 52 John Badel 18 Daniel Miller . 53 Adam Dauney 19 Abraham Dauney 54 Israel Dauney 20 Isaac Bordner 55 Henry Byerly 21 Christian Manner 56 Philip Bickel 22 John Feud 67 Benjamin F Bohner 23 David Geis 58 Peter Bondi 24 Jonailtin Lather 59 Isaac Spots 26 Michael B Lankart 60 Samnel . S‘ Engel 26 Elick Biogaman 61 Michael Fensterma -27 Elias ,Bingaman - ker. , ,• 28 George Witmer -62 Davld ' B`l:ail 29 Paul Lankart 63 Elias Hock 30 Joseph Tobias 64 John Boyer 31 Cornelius Went 0,1 66 /George Philips 32 GeorgeSbots 66 David Bowman 88 Jacob Cobel. §7 Christian Ginger ig 34 Jonathan. Latter OS John Allman 35 Isaac Emrick Total number•enrolled, 28 "w",-,W);ll7ll)llw,Thai 1 Geo W Hesa 24 'Tilghman F Welts 2 Franklin Wolf" 26 Israel Philips 8 John Robins,.: • 26 John C Lowers 4 Wm P Dimm 37 James W Fuller 6 Trios C Dirum 28 Wm B Schuyler 6 Abraham Miller 1. 8,9 Juries W Snyder 7 Thomav Care 80 David Watt BWm Reynolds Jr 31 Daniel•Derr 9 Joseph Darr 32 Win Montague 10 Edward L Hines (c01)33 Daniel Smith ltDaniel-Driesbloh .84 Lyman B Turner • 12 H C Shannon 35 Samuel Baler . 13 Benj Manaval " 88 Samuel W Moyer 14 Reub Mensenmoyer 37 David M Hays 16 Benj F Stallnecker 88 John Brown 16 Jacob Id.'9 say 39 8 P Gaston 17 Oliver Montgomery. 40 Lambert Janett 18 Charles If Derr 41 john Williams 19 John G Ernst • 42 &oel r 4.arohner 20 Israel Glatfeller 43 A Henry Hartman 21 Solomon Wesitlej • 44 John Raup 22 Augustus Beesley 45. Hyman: Reynolds 23 Samuel Detrick Total - i11110..e.r., smelled' ; 154 MAIILANOT. 1 Adam Fetterolf 13 Henry Treon 2 Emanuel Heisler 14 John H Malick 3 Elias Howerter 15 Joel Wolfgang 4 Aaron Stutzman 18 Elias Shadel 6 . Daniel H Geist 17 Adam fd Snyder 6 Elias Hetrick • ,18 Wm Kline 7 Cornelius Wenerick. 19 Jacob Para 8 Elhu3Kealer - 20 Elise Klinger 9 John Ccoger.- 21 Hpury•Mawrey 10 Peter Gomez; 22 Jacbb Striassier 11 John Falck 23 john Fetter 12 J-D Conrad 24Charles Kehler Total number ens lied, 80 Oilitiiirtioticts Faom Da. Geo. S. lizusts.--While it is said that General Led,' through the raid into 'Penn sylvania, obtained a large amount ofNiting and printing we feel confident in' saying that none of the.aforesaid articie.has , found its Way into Vicksburg, Mississippi. Oar remarks are founde4 11 .119 P ikketyle arnewspaperlisd call ed) received. from Vicksburg by , our townsman, Mr. Geo." S. Kernbie,'froin his son, the Doctor. Its dimensions are less than a haltahcet of,the Demi - Trtei xottain, but has the — Sm:Age of Forgoer, in the rad that°itie printtid ofilcine side of a very . ordinary quality of wall ; paper, and ; from its general 'appearance Impressihe observer, that very dirty rags lad- r bien usain the manufacturing of the paper. As we s are not soliciting Southern trade, our patrons must not expect to find an advertisement of the cheap dry goods house of 0.. LAiowantn, antitheast ,corner of Front and Market srreetg, Harrisburg, in_a:-Vicksburg,, Idississippt,49e 0 . .1./1‘918.2t • , A GENTLEMAN; cnredioUNervouls Dability; 7°9oFileteey, l'r,eauature Decay wad Youthful Error, actuated by a deeire to benedt,Rpers, will be happy to furnish to all who need it (free Fof charge) the repipa'and directions-for-making the simple Itelnedy useditaL,his , COM' Those wishing to Woftt by his °Afft.49PC O-1 T , 4 Ecfses° it'Viduable receive 41,4, same, by return mail, (carafullY sealed,) by addressing Ioll}r - B. - (IGDEN;•" KR.•I)9 Nagsag Street, New 'aul2-dowBm - ' - A ,Eftigkilkj.N NEED... TRY - IT. :LINIMENT Is prepared from. the recipe of Dr. Stephen f of OfitkreetiCht, 'the greet bone setter, and has been used in his practice for: the last ,twenty years with the most astonishing success. Au.au.external• remedy;4V-iii iiithtint a rival, and will , 1 4 1 riotg .pain oxe ' , .-afieedgY• than any other — preparaticiii. F or all Rheumatic.. .and Nervous Disorders It'll' trill , 'infallible,' and as a curative for Sores, )togpfis, pprains, Bruises,Ste3 To' fth o' h6,ng%-tuid pow erful strengthening properties, excite the lust, wonder iind tiatontalunent Oftalliwho: have eter given it a trial., Oyer,one thousand certi ficates of remarkable mime; Peifortnid by'lt W,ithin the,lest two years, attest thislaot; • See, advertisement. .augl.l- woew mairllElikft;444lTll44l.4l 1• 4 , 1110T - 1111ltanT " irlOter fail to iitteßlNG SYBIl? ThEETRING. On This e f l e e lge P Ail lnl ytdiMigj ii"th uid 4P rnott u th Q l - United States, aria =ha~s cheat-- noel& ,thirty yearalrgh new' no,ilatrand eriAeMs of - mothers and': thlldren,i front - tate, feeble „tiffute.of one wear told!Wthe adult' t It. not only relieves• the child trom pedn, but invigoratesthe!stomdaii , aid , -o** - 4313;reiCts acidity, taxi giventorerwl eri tcithe'whcile system.. ,It wilLilmarisinek-reSeve ' Co , Gateutomr tababirmsi 'antitWizoCohn' ".e-belleviritilie7l343lCiral : Surest Remedy in rtiVormw,and I DIABBHCEIVINIWJADREII4—; whether it arises . from %Wing britittnit Other came ; Well ll AcAtainformaingriiiillisri9 i - , M144 0 Gendinefinlawlthellik43high? ot 'CURTIN & PKBRINE, New 4 1:901 4 111 6 ief the= Qatar wrAppor.l bymlialedichittealerS.___ - C tr e Vig OBIT 974114911308-310driZ. 196 6* Ntro 'Xbrertirtment a 41-AVA‘Ar- DR, SWEET'S i NFALLIBLE LINIMENT, GREAT EXTERNAL REMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO,STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC .AND NERVOUS DISORDERS. For all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. Tbis Liniment is pre pared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and has been used In his practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is un rivalled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. - This Liniment will pure rapidly and radically Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of ewes where it has been used it has sever been known to Li]. FOR NE&RA.LGIA, it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst casts of READ4O4E 14 three minutes and is Warranted to do it. TOOTZUCEIE also will it cure instantly. IbR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENE RAL LASSITUDE arising from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and un failing remedy. Acting directly upon the ner vous tissues, it strengthens and revivi fi es the system, and r 4 stores It to elasticity and vigor. FOR PILES.—As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail, to afford immediate relief,iirdin a majority of cases will effect a ?ark; bare. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are some- limes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fail to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes, very obstinate, and enliugement'of the lointa is liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, UL CERS, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful healing properties of D. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT when need according to directions. Also, CHILBLAINS, PROS ED FEEL; INSECT BITES AND STINGS. • EVERY HORSE OWNER should have tills remedy at hand, for its timely use:at the first• appearance of Lameness will ef fectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable horses, nearly worthless. Over four hundred voluntary testimonials to the wonderful curative properties of this Lini ment have been received within the last two years, and many of them from persons in the highest ranks of life. CAUTION. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also "Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment" blown in the glass of each bottle, without which none are genuine. , • Sole RICHARDSON o & CO., For kalelyll 4Prillthrei Norwich, Ct. dealers. aull dawly eow EXECUTORS' SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. OSATUIVIUY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1868, will be sold by public sale, at the late res idence of IstUtd 'Ober, deo'd, in West Donega- Itownship r , Lancaitar county, 2 miles north of Abe borough' of Elisabetbtown, on the Lancail 'ter and Harrisburg turnpike road, the following valuable real estate, via': A VALUABLE FARM., adjoining lands of Benj. Hoffer, John. Sharer, Martha Winters and others, the'Harrisburg and Lancaster turnpike running through the same, containing 114 ACRES, more or leas, about 14 acres of Which are covered with timber. The improvements thereon are a large two storyDWELLIN,G HOUSE, Wash House, ' Spring House (Wier a never:failing Spring, " TWO TENEeNT HOUSES, A LARGE POTTERY, KILN AND FIXTURES, A LARGE BANS DARN, Wagonaheds, Corn Crib, Hog Pens, with other necessary outbuildings. Bunning water in the barn yard, also a small stream of water runs through the land, to which the 6stile have access from the fields. Also, A FINE ORCHARD OF CHOICE FRUIT TREES. ic e The above property is co eniently divided into eleven ilelds,.land thew ole is under good fences, and in a high state of ultivation. The Ilariisburg turnpike inns peat the buildings, and within two miles thereof, is a Railroad Depot. Itit:Ccinvenient 'to Mills, Stores and Churches. Ii has been a drove stand for many years and is a favorable location for any public business: Said property will be sold subject to a dower of $2,000, at live per cent. interest. Persons wishing to view said premises before day of sale, will please cation Benjamin Hoffer,' _residing near the property. .' . . Bile toconinienceht 2 o'clock in ,the ifternOon ;`o,fitld day; when attendance Will be tifierr and terms of sale made known by the undersigned Ebrecritors. BENJAMIN HQt4FEB, anl2.2tawts9 MAAO PRATT I DRAFT!! use, DLIKNEES reßitipit to. the`Draft in tha t I) 14th tiirollmerit District CAREFULLY & EELIABLY ATTENDED TO., All kinds of papera prepared according to U. B. regulations, at Low luxes. Ferirone willing'substitutes can be amorirmo; da 4440 aitY:lonti wishing to go as substitute for, any drafted man can obtain the highest cash .Lice at the established claim agency of EUGENE hNYDEB, Attorney-at-Law, Riißtreet,'near Market, Harrisburg, Pa. .aull.4m tom ASSESSMENT; OP DAMAGES. DIIRSITAN'r to an order of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin county, notice is hereby given to the Commissioners of said county, and to thiptcperty holders along the lintof•CumboirLtnd2stre , et, from Seventh street to Eighth street, and Verbeko street, from Hut ton she et to Suyenth street; in the city Harr risluirgs, that upon the petition of the Miyor of said city, the Court has appointed six viewers to assess the damages caused by the opening of said streets, and that they will proceed to assess said damages Orrirriday, the 21st day of August inst., at 10 o'clock w. x., at which time all parties intgesteipmay, appear upon the ground if they think proper. JOHN W. BROWN, City Solicitor. r anB-10t TAKE NOTICE. TaR Parinerabip - tatatea A. C. Smitlr, an 3. B. Awitig,ita AtiOraera mid Claim itterryr, 414 diesolied oir einilOr.: 4 .at...)t . 4'""j A. O. WITH. Was 7ibutrtistments. - • AN OPANRR E. ESTABLISHED Ft - 12 THE PURCHASE OF HORSES, AT HARRISBURG, PA. if 'HE undersigned is authorized and directed to purchase a large number of sound, active, medium size, dark colored horses, in good con dition, suitable for Cavalry Service for the Gov ernment use, in open market, and will pay cash on delivery here for such as are descr bed, at ono hundred and twenty dollars each, as noon as they have passed the Government inspection. By order of Lieut. Col. Amnaoss THOMPON, Chief Q. H. Dep't of the Susquehanna. J. G. JOHNSON, Capt. 4 A. Q. Harrisburg, Pa., August 6th, 1863.—au7-2w. F. 0, LIGIITE & CO., (Late Lighte Bradburys) Forte Manufacturers, 421 Become Sr., Nsw Your, 2d block East of _Broadway. M. F. C. LIGHTE, the original founder of this well-known establishment, Senior partner, and only Practical Piano Forte Maker of the late firm of "Lights Bradburys," having retained his Two-Thirds interest in the whole business stock, materials, &c., and Sole Proprie torship in his Valuable Patents, inclusive of his celebrated PATENT INSULATED IRON FRAMES, is the only one who can make the SUPERIOR PIANO FORTES for which . this house hip been so popular. ijr All infringe ments on his rights will be prosecuted accord ing to law. gr. All Piano Fortes from this manufactory are warranted perfect in every respect for five years. Literal Terms to Dealers, F. C. LIGHTE & CO., aufr--dani 421 Broome St., New. York. Piano Steam Weekly to LiveroooL MOTIONING at - QUEENSTOWN, (Cola GAR .I. am.) The well known Stoameni of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steam ship Company, are Intended to sail ea follows : CITY OF hiANCHESTER, Saturday, August 15th; QLASOOW, Saturday, August 22d; CUT OF Washington, Saturday, August 28th, and ever* succeeding Saturday, at Noon, front: Fier 44, North Bayer. WWI OF PASSAGE, PATARLI IN GOLD, OR MB IKIDIVALIST IN=A 8311102. =sr OAIIIII, $BO 00 arsaaana i s3z 50 do to London, 85 00 do to London, 35 50 do to Paris, 95 00 do to• Paris, 40 60 do to Hamburg, 90 00,do to Hamburg, 37 50 Passengern also Forwarded to Heme t Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Bio., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or QueeneatOwa : lst Cabin, $76, $B6, $lO6. Steerage from Liver pool, $4O. From Queenstown, $3O. Those who wish to send for their friends canbuy tick ets here at these rates. For farther Information apply at the Compa ny's Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15Broadway, N. Y. or 0. 0. ZIMMERMAN, Harrisburg. f23dly. PROPOSALS FOR S TONE BRIDGE. PEOPOSAIS will be received at the City Council Chamber till 7 o'clock, r. ra., Sep tember 5, for erecting a stone bridge over Pax ton creek, at Paxton street, in this city, accord ing to plans and specifications on file is the Council Chamber. Proposals will state the price with brick arches and also with hewn stone arches, also specify the time of commence ment and completion of the work. Proposals will specify What they will allow for the materials on the ground. They will also be required to furnish all the material necessary to do the work. The Council wil/ reserve the right to reject all bids that they believe will not be to the ad vantage of the city, or that they may believe are exorbitant. Proposals to bs endorsed "Proposal for bridge,' and directed to W. O. President Common Council J. HAMIINL&N, D. llocgsa, StreetCommitteelatDiArict Paint LINN, [ault d3tawtses TUE FALL SESSION OP THE HARRISBURG ACADEMY WILL OPEN ON SONDAir, Slate AUGUST. For vacancies apply to J. F. SEILEI3, all dsteoda Principal. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALf3, endorsed •"Proposals 1...3 for hay," will be received at my office, No.' 24, &maid street, Harrisburg, Pa:, until three o'clock on Thursday v. N., August 13th, 1863, to furnish two hundred tone of hay. The hay to , be of the best quality, and to .be delivered at my corral in Harrisburg, fiftylons each: week. -The first fifty tons to be delivered by the 20th of August, and the whole amount to be 'delivered by the lath of September. The bay must be well , baled, and subject to such inspection as the quarter-master may require. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond with two sufficient sureties, for the faithful per. frirmance of the contract. MARK L. DBROTT, ,Captain and A. Q. M., 11. S. A a 9 tl3 SUBSTITUTES WANTED t ; A BCE BODIED MEN, Citizens or Aliens, wishing to serve as - SUBSTITUTES FOR DRAFT'ED Mkt Will receive the HIGH - ZEIT . FROMM, By applying at CHILD'S MILITARY AGENCY, anll•tf TELGRAPH BurrmsG. I)BESERVING: JABS--A large lcit of stone L and glass preserving j ire, otall sizes, for sal* by NICHOLS . & BOWMAN, aul3 Corner Front and Market Sts. Politica "Annonnamtnto. :Catde-inierted under this head must invariab'y be paid for in advance. T, + OR THE STATE .SEITATE.—Mr. James 1: D. Freeland, of Millersburg, will be a can didate for the State,t3enare, subject to the nom ination of the Union'Conferees of the district. anl Hatt COUNTY- COMMIS S IONER. TORN WALLOWER, Si", offers himself as a J candidate for the office of County Commis sioner, subject to the decision of the Union Re publican County Convention, and if elected pledges himself toverform 'the duties of said office, with fidelity. Hairisbi2rg; Aug. 11, 1868.--d&wtc FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. EOEGE. CAM respectfully announces G that he will be a candidate for. the offilx• of Coimty Commissioner, and if nonduated and eletted, pledges himself to fulfil-the duties of the office with fidelity. my29-diostes rtOUNTY ,TIVER.—The nudersigned announces,, elf as a candidate for ,County Trftsure, d solicits the support of all Union men. firti4ect to _the-, nominating con ventlom• Union Deposit, May 12c1868: ritMavitti Maim' N " ALCOHOLIC. A HIGHLY CONCFNTRAIEL) '."EGETABLE: EXTRACT PULE 'IONIC DR. HOOFLANDS GERMAN BUTE:US. Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa. Will effectually cure Liver Com plaint,Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipa- , tern, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut tei Ing at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried arrd Difficult Breathing, Flut tering at the Heart, Choking or SudocAing Sensations when in a lying pasture, Dimness of Vision.. Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dun. Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Per, epiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Side, Back, Cheat, Limbs, arc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Buining in the Flesh, Con stant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits, and will positively pr.veut Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever, &o. They contain NO ALCOHOL OR BAD WHISKY. They will cure the above diseases in ninety-nine cares out a hundred. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS! Are not a new and untried article, but have stood the test of fifteen years' trial by the American public, and their reputation and sale are not rivaled by any similar preparation. The proprietors have thousands of letters from the most eminent CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS Amp CLTIZENS. Testifying, of their own personal knowledge, to the beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. Jo YOU WANT SOMETHING TO STRENGTHEN YOU? DO YOU WANT A GOOD APPETITE? DO YOU WANT TO BUILD UP YOUR CONSTITUTION? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL? DO YOU WANT TO GET RID OF NERVOUSNESS? DO YOU WANT ENERGY? DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WELL? DO YOU WANT A BRISK AND VIGOROUS FEELING? If you do, 'Goo HOOFLARD'S GERMAN BITTERS. PARTICULAR NOTICE. .There are many preparations gold sneerer the name of Bitters, put tip In quart bottles, compounded of the cheapest whisky or common rum, eaten' g from 20 to 413 oasts per gallon, thstastedieguisedby Anne or Corian der Seed. this class of Bitters has caused, and will continue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kept continually under the influence ef Aleoholse Stim ulantsOf the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is crea ted and kept up, and the result is all the horrors at tendant upon a drunkard's life and death. la , those who desire and WILL HAVE a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt:—at ONE BOTTLE OF HOOFLANDB GERMAN BIT TERS and mix with THREE QUARTS OF GOOD BRANDY OR WHISKY, and the result will be a preparation that weld FAR EXCEL in medicinal virtues and true acceltenes any of the numerous Li quor Bitters ire the market, and will COST MUCH LESS. You will have all the virtues of HOOF LAND'S GERMAN BITTERS in connection with a GOOD article of Liquor, at a much less price than these inferior preparations will cost you. AT lENTION, SOLDIERS ! AND THE FRIENDS OT SOLDIEBBH, We call the attention of all having relations or friends in the army to the fact that "HOOF LAND'S German Bitters" will cure nine-tenths of the diseases induced by exposures and privatiOns incident to camp life. In the lists, published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it be noticed that a very large propertion are suffering from debit ty. Every case, of that kind can be readily cured by HoOfland's German Bittere. Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation in stating that:if these Bittetiwire - keely used among our soldiers, hundreds of.ilves might be saved that otherwise will be lost, We call particular attentlorilo the following remarkable and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his own language, "has been saved by the Bittermj PRIL&DELPRIA, August 23d, 1862. Messrs. Jones & Evans :—Well, gentlemen, your Hooiland's German Bitters has saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouch ed for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names are appended, and who were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case. I am, and have been for the last four years; it member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under the immediate command of Captain B. B. Ayers. Through the exposure attendant upon my arduous duties, I was attacked in No vember last with inflammation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hospital. This Witt{ foll Owed by great debility, heighten, a by en attack of dysentery. I was then remov ed from the White House and sent to this city on board the steamer State of Maine, from which I landed on the 28th of June. Since that time I have been about as low as any one could be and still retain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able to swat , low anythiog, and if I did force a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up again. I could not even keep a glans of water on my stomach. Life could not last under these ck comstances ; and, abcoidingly, the phytdciaqs who had been working faithfully, though Un successfully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread archer, fiankly told me they could done more for me and advised me to sea a Clergyman and to make such dis Position of my limited funds as best suited me. An acquaintance who visited me at the botspitd, Mr. Frederick Stein bre% of Sixth below Arch street, advhsed„, me, as a forlorn hope, to try your bitters, and kind :. ly procured a bottle. From the time I com menced taking them the gloomy ihadoir of death receded, and I am now, thank God for it, getting better. Though I have taken but two bottles, I have gained ten Ronda, and I feel sanguine of being permitteli to rejoin my wife" and daughter, from whom I hive heard nothing, for eighteen months ; for; gentlemen, I am it . loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Praia Royal. To your invaluable Bittersi owe'the certainty of life which has taken the place.of vague fears—to your Bitters will I owe the glorious privilege of again clawing to my oceom those who are dearest to me in life. Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE. , We rally concur in the truth of the; aloft) statement, as we had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health. John Cuddleback, First New York Battery George A. AckleY, Co. C, 11th Maine; Lewis Chevalier, 92d New York; J. E. Spencer; Ist Artillery, Battery F ; J. B. Fasewell, Co. B, &J Vermont; Henry B. Jerome Co. 8,, 8d "Per mout ; Henry T. Macdonald, OQ. 0, 6th Maine ; John F. Ward, Co: E, ;sth Maine; Herman Roth, Co. H, 72d New York'; Nathaniel B. Thomas, Co.,F, 96th Penna.; Andrew J. Rim vall, Co. A, 8d Vermont; John Jenkins, Co. B, 106th Penna. _ • BgWBBE OF OGUNTERFFITgi See that-the signature of "O. M. JACKSON' ie on the_viraPper of each bottle. - Price per bottle,ls cents, or halftlii Principal Office and Manufactory ' NmAlal l ac k s t ree t. JONES & EVANS, (Successor to 0.111. Jackson - a C 0.,) `Proprietors. p'For sale by Druggigittuni Dealers in every WWII In the Milted Stal66- - [myllkiswiy - 111=111 CM