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SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. The DAILY IKEEOHAPH 18 served to subscri bers in he City at 6 vents par week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $4 00 in advance. - WEEKLY Taussatton. - The TELEGRAPH is also published weekly and furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates : Single copies, weekly - $1 00 Ten topies, to one postoffice 4 " 9.00 Twenty - "' " " . AI 1 7811'1181HG RATES.—The following we the stets for advertising in the TBLZGRAPH. Thimie having advertising do will filid it co/Amni a / a t for reference. or-vita lines or less constitute one-huff square. Eight lines Or more than four consig totes a Nuaro. 13.4a6 0 3 4 .0 -= tOgglotoastais ra-eggiol r s t ergas. • FIEF: v: P U C.a. R. ti OV.;:ra:: to cc ' eta, bo .. , OPPPOCOocr.o...OO. o o . o.oocpCOPOoc.oo r o. IXCnola , CO 65.0.. TR I 28C.8.1 4 5CK-JIN P COBor • e. S. CO P la c=p c p 02 g tagB677.lBcS"' 1 C . C . C . St QOooooopNx 4is Sod • 1 *a b.s are • 92.911t7.C.cn.,.. 00 CC 003 CM CI , 0 4• - • 1116 0 , Ort 0 0 0 0 0 CD CM lil • o. ti" g E.01.1.13t714 I cant a. week, It I XiirrOwo . Awhaff's hirtipat ....... Wuneral. Notioea ellen limertlon fir Busineas notices .ineerted in the' Local Cottons, or beloru Dfarriagea and Deaths, Moth anent mat Una tor each ineertion. As an advertiaing meditup the TELBGESPH Lab . nal:qua, its large circulation, among wanes: mea dud families, iu city and country, placing ItAyond_c“mpetation. • , • littotttlanumg. lONES USE;HO CORNER .431 r ELRICET ST AfiIiDAIARSET SSIITAILE, BABRISSITECE) PA. JOSEPH P. RcULKIIA.A.E, PROPRIETOR. (BSCIMTLY 001iDIICITIVST WILLB . 00111111.3%) Thil3 Is a First Class Hotel, and located in the central partof "the city. It is kept in the bed manner, and its patrons will find every FACCOM modation to be met with in the best houses in the errantry. seBo-dtf B. T.-BABBITT'S Coneentraied 'Condensed or Pulverised • SOFT SOAP. JMiLEE gallons of handsome white, Burr SOAP made in five minutes. No grew, required. . DIASOECONB.---Dissolve - one pound of B. T. Bab itt's Conamtrated.Condocieed or Polverized loft Soap.in one.galion of boiling water, then Aw.o. , galloue or warm water. When cool 'yaw wilt have three gallons of Hand or White Soft Soap. Ten pounds will make one barrel of soft soap. The soap thus made is an excellent wash, for trees, shrubs and plants of all kinds. Jost reoAvad and for sale by. WM. WM. DOOR, Ja., & CO., 4 ‘4lt st., opposite the Court House. .131Y:271: Nat., • WILT' DING, ..„ 4 AND IMITATIO/ ()ARDS . AT HOWL BYtv the special arrangement with one best engravers in the country,, cards of a_ description will be executed in the highest style et art, conformable with the latest fashion, and supplied promptly lower prices than are charg ed by-the stationers in New York or khiladel phia. • For samples and prices call' at nich9tf BERONER'S BOOKSTORE. lATINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt-bordered; V' laud PAPER BLINDS of an endless vari ety of desigiue and Orbameats ; also, CURTAIN FIXTURES and TASSELS at very low prices. Cal/ at. SOBEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. ap6 • HERMETICALL'ir .13134.1.+13D.' PEACHES, TOKATO23, PINE APPLE, SAIII,IOR, OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTERS, LOBSTER, SARDINES, Writ. DOCK, Jr. a co. Tar gee by E' W. T. BILSHOP,: ATTORNEY- AT- L AW OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO WYETIVS HALL, Baawasos: Darner of Pine street and Raspberry ally. . JEW cilm , CUF "ELS AND 81:1, 1 131ARS of all grades and at reasonable prices for sale by 114 AVM- DOCK. 35. , & Co. OHEESE—Hlimburrand* other pe.ml3 . dairy Na cheese, for oale by NICHOLS & "BOW/ lAN, Cor. front and Market streets. ANEW assortment of 19491i* Unrivaled gold Nos, in Gold Mated Dr. kJ :IO We% just received at SCHEFFEIr 130011 jels ll3, App . streo: ei WINN, WM. ,•' Cr • Winslow's E Grain_ Qom just roooived by jah'atf , . W. DOCK, Jll & CO. t Fevata ENGIUSEI BI4CII aNG, . ranted not only to retain the pc dish otbut !Draw the leathetltaeff: *Ale by WWDOOK,: -1;10.1 DR. JOHNSON 13.43MOTX21 0 .1CC:13ELIESI LOCK HOSPITAL. J AS y and effectual tun v l renurte% th e : world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. ILIUM'S IN SLY- TO TRIILI7II MOBS NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A. Cure Warranted, or No Charge, in from One to Two Dap. Weakness of the Back, Affections of ihe Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary dis charges, Impotency, General Debility, Ner vousness, Dyspepsia, . Leaguer, Low Spirits, Confusion of Idas, Palpitation of the Eh art,'Ticaidity, Trembling., Dimbess of Sight or Giddiness Disease of the Head, Throat, Ns se or Min:, Affections ef the Liver, Lungs, Sumach .or Bowels:--those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth— thove secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Symms to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most bril limit hopes'ormiticipations, rendering marriagN &a., impossible, - YOUNG MIN Espeoially,, who have becOme the victims , of ;Solitary Vice, that drestiftd and destxuetive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Ken of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise haie entranced listening Sen.: Ides with the thunders 'of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. - Ela lx:kg R Afarried Persona, Or Young Men contfanplat. big marriage. bring aware of physical weak "wee, organic debility, dbformitiee, speedilf cured. raZ Xfg He who places himself under: the care of Dr; J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gen. tlernan anitconfidently rely - nrion his skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WRAINESS oi pro Immediately Oared, and full vigor restored. This distresehrg affection—which rendeis life •miserabic and Marriage imporadble—is tholes alty paid by the victims of improper indulgence Young persons are too apt to commit excrasses from not being aware of the dreadful oonsei• quences that may ensue. Now; who that anu= derstands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into bnproper habits than by the pre dent. Besides being depriied the pleasure& of healthy offspring, the mast serious !mad destruo- Vras symptoms to both bodrand mind wile; 23103 1 60 the system bewraes deranged, the .physical and mental functions weakenedylose of 'proareative power, nervous irritability,. dyspepsia, palpita tion. of the heart, indigestion, cbmititittiohatd debility. 'a • wasting of the frame, coigh, con sumption, decay , and death- Onus; No. 7 Bourn Ihnomude &toner, Left hand side going from 13altdmore street; a few doors from the corner. Fail - not to olbserre `•name and =Mbar. Letters most be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office, JONSSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, graduate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life 'has been spent in the hospi tals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and 'edge where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great' . nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushin4, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These are some'of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, via : *mantes of the back and lizaba, pains in the head, dimness of sight, loss of mwsudar power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability; symptoms of consumption, &o. MXISITALLY.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, co a-. fu , lon of ideas, depression of spirits, evil fore bodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity , &a., are dome of, the evils produced. YOUNG MEN Who ' have injured thenutetives by a certain practice in when alone a habit fre quently laamt-d from evil comp anions, or at %it 001, the effects of which are nightly felt, even viten asleep, and If not cured rondo's rirrfatitimpeettible, and deetroys both 'mind any ; alio . uld apply immediately.' What a pity that a young men, the hope of 44 cotory, the darling of his parents; should - o w from all prospects and epioymente be ... hi. go coupequence of deviating from of life, ''f galore and indulging In a arttgdll - Path b • %vitt Meollalfilith keforacoottoa. secret habit. .- plating - mtLiGE, . Mme- .- -41 and body are the Reflect - that h 80111111 mlr.. -Nantite connu bi a l moat'necessary requisites to p. the journey ' happiness. Indeed, without then., ; th e through life becomes a weary pilgrim gl a n d prospect hourly darkens to the view ; tho At h becomes shadowed with despair and. ailed vi.. - the melancholy reflection that the happiness or another becomes blighted withourown. DIBEASE Or INESIIDENOIL When the misguided and iniprudent *Amy of pleasure finds he luisimbibed the seeds; of this painful disease, It too often happens t that an ilitimed sense of shame or the dread of dili 'boverideters him from applying to those who, friim ediacation and reap' can befriend him. He falls into the hands of rant and designing pretenders, who, incapable of . curing, filch hie' pecuniary subalanoe, keep , him triflim, month after month, or sa long'as' the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair . leaie him with riffled health to sigh , over his galling disappointment, or, by the Use of the &sadly, puisom, laierCury, - hasten the conetitn demi symptoms of this terrible &mesa ImPhilP affiliations of the Head, Throat, Nose, Sidovitto!.. Progressing with frightful rapidity till death punts a period to his dreadful sufferings by send. Mg him to that undiscovered country from , whence no traveller returns. teri - Alswarr OF THE PRIM. many, timustauu gilled at tbialw4-ititkaa syttearThrtnalafterealope:;7(4l:thtioeaunad the i a l nin 4 o llB fsmaw • 1114 : J l a cvms aa , aulti ; n1 : . wi eimed reporters woe a , fd ll:kany other pslar btrfore the Do w ; be-_ gi r- ppiared ' again sad ag ain nt.obaract, .ides his sta n di ng as a gen tleman to ' ' ' batty, hi a sufficient guaran tee i rho aa. kgrA.wgzolis 81ZIEDILY CUBE D. O 7 ~, ".Li. hODIR 47i MtbitaL MUIMGE. HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 8, 1863. Nero altiontistmento Byer's Sarsaparilla IS a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so comb ned with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. Such a remedy is surely wanted by those' who suffer from Strumous compla nte, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflic.ed fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by t'i• periment on many of the worstcases to be found in the following complaints : Scaosum. AHD Soso/nom COMPLAINTS, Espy TM AND ERUMVE_DISRAStS, ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, Bath • RitEum, SCALD Ham), Sonoma; AND &PRELIM) Azziamoss, Monomer, D/SEASS, DROPRE, NIOMALGIA oa 1:10 Dowasux, DEBILITY, DYSPRISIA AHD - IND/ORSTION ERYS/PH - Las, Boss OR Sr . Aornonv's Foal ; arid •indoeil I the whole class of complaints arising from 111 2 PURITY Or THE BLOOD. This compound will be found a great promo ter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors *Egli teeter in the blood at that season of the year. By,the timely expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid 'of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerons sores, thromdi which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions. if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alteren t've medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its Impurities btirstiug throuAt the skin in pimple;, eruptions or soles ; cleanse it *ben you find-it is.obstructed and sluggish in' the veins; cleanse it whenever it folil,.and your feelings will tell you wimp., Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health; and live longer, for cleans' ing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and ail is well ; but with the pabulum of life disor dered, tbere'cart be no lasting health. Sooner or later semething must go wrong, and the, , MO Pod:awry ot life is disordered or crier:. During late years the public lave been tali. led by large bottles, prate' ding to give a quart of Extract of Bartiaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been fraudi upon the sick, for. they not onlycontelellittle, if any, Sarsaparilla, but oiten- no curative properties Whatever.= 'Hence, bitter and painful disappointment ha's followed the use of the vatiCius extracts of Sari ssparilla- which flood the tristiket, until the name lista Ms justly .despiseil f and bits beet:sine syitony mous witthnipOsition: and Chest.o' Still we call this compound Barattparlda andintend to supply such a remedy shall re;tdue the mule from the load of obloquy: which rests upon it; And we think we have ground for believing it has. iitittes 'which are irresistible , by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. Prepared by DE. J. o.' ATM & Ldivell. bless. 'Pike $1 per Bottle ;45iinBottlts in one packsge, fib. , Bold by 0 A. Bannvart, D. W. Gross & Otoi, tJ.. Keller, J.lll. Dreneily, F. Wyeth and dealers everywhere. BECE4.kr OF 8A117.7 . T.1 , LA.IRD'S Bloom.: of Youth or Liquid Pearl VOll beautifying and preserving the com plexion and skin. ' Aftermaing I.aird's Bloom of Youth, or Liquid Pearl, for a short time it will leave the skin a soft, satin-like texture ; it imparts freshnese, sMoothness and transparency to the skin, that can Only be pre.duced by the use of this valuable article. It presents no vulgar white paint, as all other attempted compounds do, but, on the contrary, it will give this complexion a pearl like tint,-such as can only be found in youth ; its use is impossible to be detected by the closest observers. It is also invaluable for removing all kinds of Humors, Tans, Freckels, Sunburns find other cutaneous diseases from the skin. Mr. Lahti has every confidence in ;soma mending his Bloom of Youth or Liquid Pearl, to tho ladles of America , as being the only per fect and reliable article now imuse for beautifystez and vreserving the complawn and skin. • Can only bei had at S. A. IiUMR7I7B je22 Apothecary, Harrisburg. LADIES' FANCY TRAVELING BA BKETB W ITH &lege assortment of Kamm, '- - Rom, Smoot, Crams, PAMIR Offirmantis', Kam: . • Cain. PIO WM. DOGS, Jr„ & CO. - MoUbINTOUtt'S 'PEOTORAL -. SYRUP, A tiF your lungs weak ? Does along breath Aire you pain Have you a hacking cough'? - Do you expectorate hud, tough -mat tet ? Ate you wasted with night ' sweat's and want of silel4 If so, kri 11 1/our remedy. It will unquestionably save you. Price $1 W. The above medicine has - been used extensively in this city with good results. For sale at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. IGIXTBA. FAMILY FLOI3It--A lot of very 441 oliolcetzfro family flour, • just received aid As r ear by NICHOL &/3 BOWMAN, • ,, 20 for Prorit and Market er,reeta. Ell priEsEn' v , CE JARS, of Ohm and Stone, ;of all. kinds zad Maw, for isle low, by VLOHOLB & BOWMAN, .; jelo Oor. FirClkt !yid Marketetreets.f NOTICE.. .StAn LIBRAIIIr Rooms, 1 Rathbun: m, JULY 11, 1868. PARTIP. IQ posbomiuki of bboks beloogini.to the Pelll:ll3yltrapla State Library are requested to tetain- the same until. :the Library is re arranged and open to the pnblic, of which due notice wilt be given. WIEN FORNEY, jyll dtf state Librarian.' • No. 1. IXTANTED.—LocaI and Traveling Agents in V V every town or county. Ch'elliatet With Testimonials of Clergymen and Scientific men, in regard to the business, Befit free. ISAAC HALE, & Co. • je24 - dBw Newburyport, Mass. COAL. OIL I COAL OIL! I—A large invoice of coal oil,,which we,offer very low, at leek than mannfacturey s , preeent prior, just received and_for, sale by ,N10}10,43 & BOWMAN, jam, Our. F,oat ond,fdatitetste. GCSE DEL.-A Prime lot of Mackerel jusi received and for Bale bery low, in barrida; qaartiire,- . Bzoi, lir • • 4 • 4 ••• • Mtotiron qu4-,k, 'BOWMAN.AN; ; ittrzAbr MarlietdBl Ntw 2brtrtistnunts ATTENTION( SUBSTITUTES FOR BEAFTED PERSONS • WAR, URPARTMINT, PROVOST liensnex•Gesetemes OFFRRI, Washington, D. a, July 12th, 1863. CIACIILAR, 10.44. To answer inquir made to this office it it announced : Firat. Any draf arson paying three, hen dred'dollars under section 18 of the earoliment act, is thereby exempt from further liability undef that draft, but not from any subsequent draft. • Second. Atty drafted person furnishing av acceptable substitute 'is, exempt from militarl service, for the period for -Which said substitute is mustered into the service: Third.; A substitute once mustered into the service cannot be drafted while in service. Fourth. A drafted man cannot pay commu tation money''or present a substitute after lit has reporttd himself to the Board of Enrollment for examination. -Fifth. Men, who on the 3d of March, '1863 were in theMiltary service of the United State, as en bAitulteti under this draft of 1862, and whose terms of service have since explreci, are not liable to the present draft, but the Ramona for whom they were substitutel are liable to draft tht same as though they had got been drafted or furnished substitutes under the draft of lam h. •Ia serving the potipes as required b) circular "No. ,42 from this ofdoe, a reasonabl time to report shall lo each c tae be granted b), tho bomd of eurolloaeat to men - in state service), who have heel' or,moy be drafted. ikaiNg B. -FRY, Provost Marshal General Paovoer MARSHAL'S OITIOS, 14za Drumm, Harrisburg, Pa., July 17, 18S3. The attention tf tbe citizens of the 4tl Enrolling District of Pennsylvania is directet to the above Circular from the War Department the United Statee. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Capt. and Provost Marshal, 14th District iyl7-3rawtf - - HAMS!!! 20000 IBS.—Composed of the , following brands, just rt cetioil : , Nswoorm's, cekbraied. Nirssr JEssrz, selected. Evsiss AND SWOT'S, »gator. er • iiiib li mir roa ceiro oram iit ;s B z E olua o ti I i0 0 3 11.:; :i rvasse d e 3 ca n . Vct sect. MI6 °fit :17 /Ij canviiise "d" Pram Einloi. rrnctly . Colmar atlas, very fine. Each ham sold guaranteed as repro rented. ti(4.llK, Jr., & CO: THE i UNITED STATES HOTEL IpLEIRIJOITRG, PA. .COVERLT & 111:PruiiisoN, Proprietors. YTIER3 well known . Hotel is now in a condi J. ttoii . Ao" athomino4pte the traveling publiti affording the most ample conveniences alike fis the transient guest and the permanent boarder THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has bean entirely refittedeiroughout, and now has tie commodations equal in extent, comfort and homy to any hotel between Philadelphia and Pittsburg., .lis location is the beet in the Stalk Capital, being in eafiy saxes to all the railroad depots, and in olose proximity to all the piatilk offices and businesslocalitice of the city. It has now all the conveniences of A FIRB2 CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietors are determined to spare neither exphnse, time or lapor to !umpire the comfort of the gumte. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. 6(),000 LBS. HAIL—We havejist received and have in store the largest lot otHams of choice brand t ever (dieted in this , market, whiph we offer th , sell lower than any. other store in ; own. NICHOLS &. BOWMAN, . je24 . Front and Market ski. BII3LEB .4 I - HYMN BOOKS!. A LA SHE and splendid stock of Pocket and fl. Fondly Bibles. Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Get 1191133 Flefot wed, and other Hymn Books, just reoefv jd BERONFAt'S OIMAY 13(X)1I8TORE. WILS.--Michener's Excelsior Hanle ( by the 1.1 hogshead, tierce, barrel or -single ham, canvassed and wicanvitesed, for sale lower than any otheistore. Each ham warranted. Cab and examine at NIOHOLii & BOWMAN, je2 Oar Front and UnrlrM' Rtrasibi: _ . iniIBE'MfIVING JABS Of all -kinds, glass and I stone. Call and examine at xratou3 & BOWMAN'S, Car. Front and Market sbi. F.IM . ~ • CAL DILI a further redaction in Coal 08, wnporfor article of non-expkwive Coal 014 lor ado itetY low, by - NIONOLB & BOWMAN,. Pon Front , and Market Rta. mrl 1 POTATOES I POTATOES 500 BUSHELS •Prime N. Y. Mercer and Peacb Blow Potatoes for sale at No. 108 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. WO W. H. SIBLE a CO. QIIGABS for Tramming, of all kinds, which JO we are now °flaring very low. adi and 'amine at NICHOLS &,BOWIIifAN'S, 1e24, 0 Front, and lita!ket ate. i'HOTOGRAPETIO ALBUMS, Of any size nut in the aoudad styles win be =de to order. BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore. IRE CHACILEI3S.:---Jost receiving a large F lot•of Fire Crackers, which we will sell very low by the bin or smaller g‘antity, NICHOL -, St BOWMAN Cor. Front and Market ate. FM -r MOM. —A large invoice of unpacked .L 4 Leinona bet received and DU. sale by Vianois & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market do. angB tiadilS.—A large lot of canvassed sugar cured etas; erabraciug all Use Choice brands L. :edaticti foosalesby ) „ Iloilo - IS- BOWMAN,,, Cor; Front and 11Larls'ot anil Bank 2pplicationo. BANK NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that an association has been formed and a certificate prepared for the pu rpche of establishing a bank. of discount, deposit and rircela•ion, under the provisions of 411 act entitled "An'Act to establish a system of free hulking in Pennsylvania and a. cure the public against loss from insolvent banks," ap., proved March 31, 1860 ; aed the_ supplement hereto, approved May 1, 1./.61. , Said bank to be called • 011inens' Bank," and . to be located in the borbogh of Oil City, in the ; county of. Venaogo, With a capital Stook of One; Hundred Thousand DOlant, t , be divided into two.thOnsand sharks of fifty dollars each ; and it itconteruplated to increasettie Seine to'five , ,Isihnianresdrrlot fifty... - - dollars e 1 7• ten ' thousatidl . .. . GEO. H. BISSELL, . i le3ll oawBai For the Association. I 111 NOTICE is hereby given, that "The Conituer-1 dal Bank cif Pei.nsylvania" intend to apj kits , to the Legirlapire om Penrisylvaida, at their, neat 'SeSIIIOII, tote renewal of the charter. Satti Bank is located in the city of - PtAladelp.hia. I with an authorized oaptt4l of . one million oft dollars; a renewal of itbich beasked fOr,t with the mud banking - privilegei. By order of the 80ard..., . B. O. PALVER„ , Cli 41 ter. je294Dawein NOTICE.. .PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation will be made by . "The Bank of Pitt4i ourg," (locate in the city of Pittsburg, Penna.,) to rue Lgistature at its !text setalun fur a tenew• al of the charter of paid Bank, with'the existitg capital of Twelve Hundted Thou.tand Dollars. JOHN GRAHAR, je27-naw6m • PreAde .t. NOTICE IS HsREBY that "TB 11 BANK t F GDIBIANIOWN " intends; apply to the Legislature of Pennsyly 110k:A their next session, for a renewal of their char! ter. Said Bank is boat a `in Ger'tnuutown rwenty-Sebtead 'Ward of the vity Of phia, with an' uthorizAraapital of, Three nun! dyed Thousand DAtars ; a Aenev,rat, of whielf ,vi 1 be asked for, with the visual," baiiking pity &gee. By order of. the Beard CHARLES OTTO, Cashier. Oermantown, June 20. 18e03. fje23-oaw6nt • THarsesuaks Bang, t Philadciphla,,June 24th, 1868 1 NOTICE Is hereby givetyln cpaturmity with the laws uf. the, Constiloisiiiiiith'isf Pen.si a lvania, that the Tradanien'ir Bank of Phdadeli phia, letsated in the city us Ptulauesptincortactd with banking and dlscouut3n4 privileges, witti a capital of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Onllals, that application I'd 'ha made by the dolt( Bank td the next Leet.leture for antboritt iii-incteise the capital .oae Sandra and "Fafl Thousand Dollars. )Sy order of the Bean] of Directoni - JOHN eardEß, jeBo-oew6m • . baohier.• I\T - OTICE is herebY. given' that application J.ll wilt be motet°. the'Legislitire -of Peng-, sylvatil., at their next seAsion, for a-renewal of he charter of the FARMERS' BANE OF SCHUYIKITiL COUNTY, locattd in the boi ough of euttginllei in' the'porinty of t ichuvlkill, with the present capital of ONR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, and, iyith the renal °milting priviltge& J. W. CAZJI, Ca pier. f June 16, 1863. (1 29-d7tni) TS HEREBY GIVEN that the Honesdale Bank 1 will make application to the • Legislature Jt tts next session tor the passage of a law ra chartering said bank, with its present mane and style, lucaUon and privileges, and . ..with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. By order of the directors. , 8, D. WARD, Honesdale, July 4, 1863. ' I , Dabbler. it6doaw6m. jell-dtf: O S F the aPpliattion of 'ad insolvent debtor to be discharged from debt. . Name of appliamt L. W. Ots' se. Date of 4be first publication of , this notice, June 18th;1863'. • Officer before ' Whom creditors are required to appear, Bon. Harlon B. Orton, Judge of the 9,ch Judicial circuit. Place appointed for such appearance, office of J. D. 11,pkinit, Fun., Madison, Dane county, Wisconsin. • , hne of pooh appearance, August the alit, 868, at 2 o'clock, r Datid Jose 10th, 10E3. G. W. HAZELTON, jelB doawtd Attorory for Petitioner.. MUSIC STOit - E. LR LARGEST • ASSORTMENTQF MEM MUSIC AND ALL Ira SD B OF musicAL INSTRUMNIE, PICTURE FRAMS AND ' W. KNOCHE'S, • , Market Music seat by mail. je4-2taafly IkyiELODERIS AND CABINET ORGAES. TWENTY-81X, FJ1181" PEEMITIMS, TWELVE bILVRII MEDALS, and the ONLY GOLD'MEDAL vier won by Inaba.' 'bents of this ease) has been:awarded to MASON & HAMLIN'S INNIMUM.ENTS. 4 full assortment of these instruments al- Ways on band, at W. ENGTE'S Sole Agent,' 93 Market 'rivet. P4-2tawl y BOLE AGENCY OF • THE CELEBRATED 80/10.4l1ACKER CO: - MUM. PIANO, At • - W KNOCHE'S ' 93 idarketst. A full assortment of Instruments always in store. Pianos from any oilier factory will be furnished if preferred. Plans for rent. 2tawly C'ISH—We are now offering, very luw, a lot of choice Mackerel, in barrels, halves,. quarters and Mts. 1 4 / 0 13 0 L18 , 4 TIOWMAN,; jos , firm Psiiint "Intl 41. v * SALgonad, slant, , Astdqn and -.darn hi IM% 'or Smallquantities, bY-9 71 1410110111 4zowitaii al • orkirArroitinl Mititelitsettg; ,74,1iF12 NOTIC 'NOTICE At LOOXING GLASS , • PRICE ONE CENT. gla4 Ette9rap4 THE SIEGE OF CHARLESTON. ARRIVAL OF REIRFORCEBENTF. REBELS ERECTING NEW DEFENSES. THE INDICATIONS OF SUCCESS CAPTURE OP 000 REBEL PRISONERS. liersmoae,.Aug 7 - specs_ correspondent of the Baitemore American, in a letter dated off North; lelard en thrt 3d tust.,eays ail here are confident of sue- Orin. No one ae.nu; to entertain the slightest doubt on the sul ject, nod with such a feeling preva lent tenure is next to an imposeibitity. The els , my are at work erecting batteries on James Island, but we are putting upleAteties to cum awed them also. Mere has been but little cantionadiag to day; but some of the monitors will go in to night to h-trava the enemy. Yra. tardily there was considerable cannonading all day, and during the night. The gun+ or the naval bAt fury, which is the Advance battery, will be elected to-night. From the deck of the Petersen I had a hoe view Of the advarned works -of General G.l - which are bristling up almost to the base of Fort Wagner, and ot• nted sou a thirty yards in front by a strong line or abatis They extend in a direct line acres= the Wand for nearly a ball mi e, an 4 are as near to Pod Sum ferias it would be possible to erecc them if W.:g..er w-et already in our possessron. These facts. may be 1 eg-ii d date siguiccant of what is about to tette place here in the course of the 4- sent week.. ' , Ana grand ball will be opened in the course of the we. k, and it will be the moat Nikons 'filit - ef the wait. Mooring buoys have b-en -fc .ted fiom each of the Monitors and the Iron ! sides,- with five hunsred yards of Su'eter, and that Sumter will fall is; I think, as pertain a.. that the day of attack will arrive. Yeatefday five huLdred prisoners were talren by the belt Children, on an Island In the rear of Folly Island. They showed bet little fight, and Inter receiving two volleys laid down their arms. FROM 'FORTR ESS MONIUIE. Faunae Mosaos, A.ignst 6 The steamer Rd vain Lewis, fmm Washington 1), C , and bound for Hilton Head, arrornd hire at 10 o'clodr. this moaning. The steamer City of Albany left today for South Carolina. The United States steamthip S. It SpruMing, Capt. Bows. flow Stone Inlet, S. C., oo the 4kh, arrived.at 11 A. 3A. They report the prepara tions for. the tithe of "Charleston' goning on fa vorably, but - no Important news. The steamer Map a Leaf, Capt. Dale, arrived at 12 a. forty-eight hours from Stereo Inlet. We learn that every effuit is being made to arrest the guerrillas who burned the light bones at Smith's Island, eastern chore of Vir ginia. The gunboat Ariel, from tharleston on the 4th, arrived this' evening. She is bound to New York with the mails. - The steamer Freeborn, formerly from New York, and owned by Captain Sgoires, of that city, has been putchsse by the Nevy Depart ment for a gunboat, and Lieutenant Lampfion is appoiate.l to take command of her. She is going in pursuit of the rebel bkx.kaile runners. Later from New Orleans. The steamer George Washington ha - 4 arrived with dates to the 1.4 inst. She piatk-A on the 4th %at., in lat. 27, long. 79, the U. S. steam ship Richmond, bound .north. Among the Passengers on the Washington is Brig. Gen. D'oight. Gen. Herron's command had arrived at New Orleans. • An important military and naval expedition was i n foot at Vicksburg. Gen. ant hat some dozni skeleton regi ments of negmea organizing at Vicksburg. New' 2bpertistments. A N -ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES --ON-- POOKET BOOKS, PURSES PORTMONA.IES FOB LADIES AND GENUNNEN, ZELLER'S Ding and Fancy floods Stank No. 91 Markel Stmt. A FINE LOT OF Bow am AND MR WALLETS. Some Splendid New Patterns of LADIES' CON.E'ANION.B. The beat Morocco . THAVELING SATCHELS, And a general variety of FANCY COODioadt able for Presents, now on hand's% • • kldiEß'S null] Drug Store,: No. 91Market Ptreet. ORANG AND LlGlLONS—another lot of .._ b o v raugai and Lemons luetrrooolved and for MOHOLS & BOWMAN. 111 310 Cbr- I ront and Marlon streets. DREIDERITED FMB& lumatetkaaly sealed, 1- 14 mat and jab., of all descriptions, and of the most (kiliologeobarocter, for, sale by -18 vym . Iv - cll 14 an. A. 4 ilit'cili 4 • D'iffefeet adored slooblevariethe White . Fringe:, Purple Fringe, or lit : Tree, and other ihrubbery, et Keystone Minsert. 117,8 U. oUGABB—White•: an biota, of, 1 grades # 14 4 prima. fail and examlne. at - Jos ITllogOtilik,'Boraiiir, * 'Clot. FILM tuallisziet tamers. NEW YanK, Aug. T.