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' -'.-- - ,•--' c;',..; - ...." .. ...4 ''',.- `.. s'. ti.• -,-- ,--- .t ' .S.t7. - _ - "--- - 7 :-Z,!,:_. - - ~- - -t - -: . 4 - ' S- -- s ;.=-, - •s , 4.. , -----s—= ' , - - ---- - - _ -- . ---- 11 -- / % ' - 13Y GEORGE BERGNER. TELEGRAPH. IS PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVENING, By GEORGE BERGNER Office Third &red, near Walnut. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SIMMS SUBSCRIPTION. The DAILY TINAGRAPH is served to subscri bers in he City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $4 00 in advance. WEN= Truatoners. the Tamosapn is also published weekly and furnisued to subscribers at the following cash rates : Single copies, weekly $l.OO Ten copies, to J 11.13 postoffice 9.00 Twenty " " " . 17.00 11' X 1111911413 BASEL —The following are the t area it,r advertising in the TELEGRAPH. Those haviug advertising to do will fuld.it conveniem for reference, ft — Four lines or less arastitute one-htilf square- Eight lines or more than four eoustl- Wes a square. g 0 o g! zmVOTRIrag, 0 -gg .• 14 : 1 42 11g i:4 g== o ; l 2=a§ Glia atiglrr i M Fnrarg: • • I : g • 461 c.,q , s9,9ooocoozontb 0000 0 yo G 2 451 P cs tts —s 1-4 CT , is 02 10 12 4. 0 O v to o 0 o'o , -4 Ce tr o OCC. 00000 , 00 0 0 _ A • t--4..4..."-,llBgg'f2g Kid 88SV, srso c.7 -3 OZ et, RFAST.BB ggigzacOg, Mm itarr trastrw.tua nat u res,l time a week, +stx. tt Mar b. o; Wee iiloria Notice: „Fuqerv.l N 013034 each insertion BUSILIeaI notices inserted in the Loral Coiaran, or beki Marriages and Deaths, Ems 0/31133 Ulm for:each Insertion. As an advertising medium the Tatsoaapnbas no equal,' its large circulation, among - business men and families, in city and country, placing it r .beyond •mpetition. . . , itlisullattrous. JONES HOtTBE CORNER OF: MARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA, JOSEPH. F. ReCLELkAN, PROPRIETOR. (asoin. - nic OONDIJOTID BY watra oovasx.s.) This is a First Chars hotel, and located in the ,central part of the city. It is kept in the best !manner, and its patrons will find every accom ,moclation to be met with in the best houses in the country. se3o--dtf B. T. BABBITT'S Concentrated Condensed or Palverized SOFT 13 0A P 9 1 .1EIESEE' gallons of handsume white SOFT SoAP made in five minutes. No grease required. Dtszorrori.—Dissolvo one pound of B. T. Bab'Jitt's Concentrated Condensed or Pulverised Soft Soap in one gallon of boiling water, then add two gallons of warm water. When cool you will have three - gallons of Handsome. White Soft Soap. Ten pounds will make one barrel of soft soap. The soap thus made is an excellent wash for trees, shrubs and plants of all kinds. Just received and for sale by WM. :BOOK, JR. & CO., my 27) Market st., opposite the Court Rouse. VISITING, WEDDING, IMITATION, AND - AT HOME CARDS. BY" pedal arrangement with one of the best engravers in the country, cards of any damription will be executed in the highest style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and supplied promptly ,tit lower: prices than are charg ed by the stationers, in -New York or Philadel phia. For maples and prices call at mch9tf BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE! tATINDp SHADES of linen, gilt-bordered; 11'• and PAPER BLINDS of an endless vat* sty of designs and ornaments ; aIsoICURTAIN FIXTURES and TASSELS at very low prieeo. Clall 'at NRKF.FER'S BOOKSTORE. 4.1* EitEMETICALLY SEALED. - _ _ _ VEACITES, TOMATOES - PINE APPLE , SALMON, .OYSTERS, skup:?, avinfts, LOWSTER,.- ,ISAADINES, V0r41614.by W 51.. DOCX , Jr. CO. !Ep*.ls) l3l4 it', 's*ITT OBNEY: AT - L 4W, ,s,OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO IN YE TEE' S HALL, 3 1(ithioicpos: Corner of Pine street and Rd4pberry eyje22 dim CtliFliF.Eß AND SUGARS of ici 'grade on atreasonable prices for:sate by )14 Vikt. riack., JR., & CO. FIEESE--Haudnirg arid other prime dairy C cheese, for sale by NICEIOLS & BOWMAN, Jel Oor_ Front and Market streets. A NEW assortment of Morton's Unrivaled XI. Gold Pens, in Gold Plated Desk Holders, -just received at SOREFFEB'S BOOKSTORE, jab 18 Market street. BEEN CORR. Winslow's Prash Aiwa (tom just received by javad W. DOCK, J.g., 4 dOL: • PRENCH and ENGLISH BLACKING, ,war ranted not only to retain the polish of bnt to Preserve the leatb_er itself. For sale by, • WM. DOCK, an., & VG. DR. JOHNSON 13.41.X.AMINIDOXIM LOCK. HOSPITAL, r dvert r ns certain, speedy and effecralreteesinthewr__for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE REIM IN NIX TO TWELVE EMI. NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cure Warranted, or No Charge, is from One to Tice Days. Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary : dis charges, Impotency, General Debility, Ner vousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Strits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation o the He art, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Bight or Giddiness; Disease of the Head, Throat, tqf se or Skin. Affections of the Liver, tongs, Stc mach or Bowels—those terrible disdrdere arising from the Solitary Habits of Yopth— those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syreius to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most bril liant hopes or anticipations, rendering =rage, &c., Impossible, YOUNG MEN i . ' Especially , who have become the victim/ of, Solitary Vice, that dreadful : and destracti'Ve habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted- talents and brilliant inteliect,i who might otherwise have entranced listening Sen ates with the thunders of eloquence or Waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Periwig, or Young Men conterttplat 7 lug marriage, bring aware of physicalreek ness, organic debility, deformities ; &c., speedily cured. 1 He who places hiniseli tinder the care Of Dr. 4. may religiously confide in his hong; as r: gen tleman and, confidently rely upon his skip as a Physician. - ' " " ORGANIC WEAKNESS I Immediately Cured, 'arid full vigor redo . , This distressing affection—which rend, life miserable and marriage impossible—is th pen alty paid by the victimsof improper indulgence. Young-persons are too apt to 'commit =passes trona not being aware of the" drimidful" nse quences that may ensue. Now, who ith t un derstands the subject will• pretend to den that the power of procreation is lest sooner by the, falling into improper =habits baulk by"th "*-' dent. Besides being deprived the , pl es of healthy offispring, the most serious andd trtibL tive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physic 1 and mental functions weakened, loss -of pt ative posier r nervous irritability, dyspeptilior pi a= don of the heart, indigestion, ceatititti nal debility. a wasting of the frame, coug - con sumption, decay and death. .. , Oman, No. 7 Soma Faxesmcar ' ' Left hand side going from Baltimore stree i , t, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office.; DE. JOHNSON, i ' Member of the Royal College of SurgeonaLLon don, graduate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospi tals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and; else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many. tronbled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being 'alarmed at sadden sounds, beehfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. • TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These are some of the sad -and melanhholy effects produced by early habits of youtl4 viz : weakness of the'back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nekvous irritability; symptoms of consumption, &a. MENTALLY.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded loss of memory; cola fudge of ideas, depression of spirits, evil fore bodings, aversion to society, self distrust; love Of solitude, timidity, &c., are some of the evils produced. , a p' •~_ ~a . • g tt . e. e*. xr. , t.. ...11216 Who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in when alone, a habit fre quently learned from evil comp anions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured raiders marriage impossible, and destroys both wind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a yoring rdan, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from cal 'prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habits finch persons =sr, before oontem plitiiig MARRIAGE, Reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed; without these, the jotirney, through life beComes a weary pilgrimage : the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of -another becomes blighted with our own. DIREAtiIE OF IMPRITD.ENOE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it 'too Often happens that an illtinted sense'of sinune or the drend of dis covery deters him ire= applying to those who, from education and reept ctability, can alone befriend him. He falls into the bands of igno rant and designing pretenders, who, incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary substance, keep. him triflin month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his galling disappointment, or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constitn tional symptoms of this terrible disease, !aches affections of the Head, Throat, Nose, Skin, eto.l progressing with frightful rapidity till. death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by !send ing hini to that undiscovenxi country i from whence no traveller returns. INDORSEMENT OP THE PEEcB. I. The many-thin:wands cared at this institution year afttir year, and the numerous important surgical operations performed by. Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of the San, ayper, and many other papers, notices of which have, appeared again anclagain before the pubile;:be-t sides Ms standing as a, gentleman of character' and responsibility, is a sufficient ,gnanditee to the afflicted. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CUBED ornat Ire, 7. &211121 nurokruair• ititbitaL YOUNG MIEN HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 21. 1863. New 'Atm trtistmente. The Great "American Reme3ies," KNOWN, AS "lIELMBOLD' GENUINE 'PREPARATIONS, VIZ HELMBOLD EXTRACT " BUCJEIU," • &I SARSAPARILLA, . " IMPROVEED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD' GENUINE PREPARATIONS. "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DhOrbICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Diges tion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into !heal thy action, by which the WATERY or ,CAti T CEROUS depositions, and all UNNATURAL ENLA.BGEMENIS are'rednced, as well pain and inilimmation and good for MEN' WO MEN or CifiLDReL ~ lIR.MBOLD ' AS' EXTRACT BU , CHU FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses! EittOite-Of DisaiPttion; _ Early-Indiscretion ortAbrele. arrstimso wrra m soinnwhvit srhrroids : • Indisposition .to Elmer-Dryness of the Skin, • titin,,„ : _.' ~: . t " liess,of rOvirqr.,, '1 i tLotikiftliemory-, 1 u t Difficalttofliresithing, Weak Nerves, .„ . Trembling, • ? • 9 Borior of Dimme r Waketudness, DirlitleeB of Thion, —Paha in the'Back,l t 'Universal Lateitada ofFiushing H of the Body, the' riseular Systeni;Erirptions on the Face, Hot Rands, ' Pallid Countenance. ' These symptoms, if allowed to. go on, Which thie`'medicine invaruiblriemoves - i soon loth:4i IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS,' In one Of which the patient rimy expire. s Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "direful diseases,” t: - INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION„ `-` Many are 'ware of the cause of their eiuffei-' rugs, but none will confess. The records of the Insane Asylums and the melancholy deaths by Consumptha, bear ample witness to the 'troth of the_atsertiod. . • - 1 THEco,tvsTrrotranc ONCE AFFECTED ' WITH' ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to stredigtheb and invigorate the system, whichlielinbold'h Ex traot-Bucliu'invariably does.. A trial will con vince the most skeptical. ' . •, • i _ FE'II'ALKS-.FEMALESEMALES, 'OLD DR:XOU,N9;'S.INOtE,' ACTIUMLL• 0R '' 'CONTEMPT ATI46; 140.Lii28,r . ~ In marly aftlotions, peCultar 6,temales the Extract Buchu is unitonalled by l any !other. remedy, as biThloreele ,of, ItaitinitiOn,: Lireid-; Writ", •kairifutnese, er: . liiittPiesekiti bflthi °as' toirmyy Evacuation ticisnped pr.',lc r tips ;state of the i - ,14 4 . p lielkc9rll 4 3o,,cit f 4t, 'See - Hilly; shad '-" c - rahltritiiitz seet r --wh' ,Lft . lick, K.: elks of Dissipation or in e --"------,* DECLINE OR CHANGE OF, LIFEI NO FAMIL Y SROEILD BE WITROUTIT. Take;no ttalsam,Alercury,er UnpletemotMedi eine for Unpleasant and , Dangerous Diseases. HEDII3OIAI/8 EXTRAUT 13 IJOHU . , ! Cures Secret Diseases in all their stages ; at lit tle expense ; little or no change in diet'; Ito int.: convenience and no exposure. It causes fret . - quent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allayil g• pain and inflammation, so frequent' in this class •Of diseases, and expelling P0i601101113, Diaeasekand Woruout Matter. Thonestinds upon , thimisande who have been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have feund they were deceived, and that the "Poison" has by this' use of "posierftil Astringents," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated forml . . and perhaps after marriage. . _ - - • Use HELMBOLD'S. EXTRACT BUORU for all Affections and Diseefies of the' Urinary Or gans,, whether existing - in Male or Female, from whatever cause Originating, and no mutter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXi'RACT BUCIIU is the Great Diuretic, and, iit is certain to have the delired effect in alt Diseases for which it is recommended. Blood—Blood—Blood. Helinbold's Highly Concentrated Compound ELITp-,,EXTBAOP SARSAPARILLA SYPHILIS. Tbis is anaffec tion of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Or , gans, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind - I pipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, making its an . pearance in the , form of Ulcers. Helmbold's Extract Sarsaparilla, purifies the Blood; and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, glazing to the Complexion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, its Blood-Purifying . Properties are preserved to a greater , extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla.• HAVAMSOLD'S ROSE WASH. - An excellent Lotion for caissons of a Syphi litic Nature, and as an injection in diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with thii Ex tracts Buchn and Sarsaparilla, .in such diseases as recommended. Evidence: of- the most re sponsible and reliable character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF. CURE& from eight to twenty, years standing, with names knoWn to Science and Fame. " For Medical Properties of Buohu, see Dispensary of the United State& See Professor DEWEE'S valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PRY.. SlCa t Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr: EPB.RAIM McDOWELL, a celebrated Physician and member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the transaction of the Kings and Queen's Journal. See Medico- Oirnrgical Review, published by BENJ. TRA VERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgenns See most of the late standard works on Medi cine. Extract of Suchn $1 00 per bottle, or six for $6OO. Extract of Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Improved Rose Wash, 60 cents per bottle ' or six for $2 50, or halt a dosed each for $l2 00, which will be suf ficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if direc tions are adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. Describe symptoms in all communications. Cures par auteed. Advice gratis. • AFFIDAVIT.. P4rsonally appeared„ before me as Alderman of the' city of Philadelphia, H. T. fiehnbold, who, being duly swyrn, dbth say, his prepare guns contain no narcotic no mercUry, or other injurious drugs, and are purely vegetable. E. T. HIRAIBOLD., sEkVoyn and-subscribed before , if t Eid 28d ,day of November, 1884,. wni. P. Alderman, Sinth-streistr'tib: Address letters for information In cotighsti- T.llElAdßO b l ci Depot 104 South 109 i a . . , (Ih4t 2B nut,, - - - 3K'i t 133 atititirtistments GREATDISCOVIMY USEFUL and VA USA EU DISCOVERY ! INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Is of more, general practical utility than any invention now before the public. It hat been thoroughly tested dar ing the last two years by practical men, and pronoun ced by all to be SUPERIOR .70 _ANY Adhesive Preparationskn own Appllvablp useful Arta MILTON'S INSOLUBLE aIp:NT is a new thing, and the re sult of years of study ;'its combination is on Sdentirte Print/a; And under no circums*nces or chauae of temperature, will it become *oorruit or emit any offensive smell. A new thing Its Combination BOOT & SHOB Sinikhfietnrers, Mink ;' chitties, Will-find it the Vest artiolei known for peMeuting the Mantels, as i i ;: et t i without delay,.lB42otra ' any change of -tempera ture. 'Boot and Shoe -Iffiulttfaettirers. III=ME! Will fitid , ic sufficiently imihn sive. for theft üße as has been .1 rcia especQly &Korai Co Liather, And we plain' as an especial merit', that it sticks' Patches and Litlio , ge Lo' 'Boots ; and ciioes sufficiently strong , out stitching.' Families. - It *the only :L urp- CEMENT &taut, AMA is sure Ithilig for mending furditure, - Crockery, Toys : i3oue, : Ivory, Arid articles of Housblisild ICU a liquid v~_ REMEMBEIi 1101.14soN'fi lasoz•upLa I Le' in a liiieill'forar and as! easily applied as pasief. guts Ilisorpowar Ofram'acer talinsolubiaAn 4atirkii oil: 7 &woe*. -Itiewjp. Owl ....Acateres : Oly substances. Remember MN Sapp 1: •n' am or % .- ufactnrers! Packages from 3 mmcas to 100 lbs. 111L1ON BROS. & 00., Proprietors, Providence, B. L Finis. it .NIcHOLS 4t BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, air • front and 21crrket Streets, D ESPECTFULLT fultorm their customers and tlie'Publtege n orally that they did notremove any of their goods during the . late invasion, and consequently they will 'be able sell all of their choice stock of groceries at much lower prices than can be purchased elsewhere. Call and see our full shelve.s and : cheap goods. Makio.l.6 t BOWMAN, norner, Pm/it and Market Rt. um ,pIA.NOS SOLE AGENCY OF THE CELEBRATED SOEIO.MACKER Ca PIANO, At. W. }MOORE'S, 93 Market et. A full.wortruent of Instruments always in store. Pianos from any' other factory will be hAnished if preferred. Pianos for rent. je4-2tawly MUSIC STORE, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SHEET MUSIC AND ALL KINDS OF • MUSICAL . INSTRUMENTS, PICTURE FRAMES- AND LOOKING GLASSES, At Music sent by mail . an AAA LBS. HAM.--- - -Ve have just OVIAJMU received and have hi store the largest lot of 'Hams •of choice brawls ever cfferid in this market, "which we offer to sell lower than any other store in town. NICIIOLS & BOWMAN; -OM. Front and Market sts. EU BIBLES, AND HYMN BOOKS! ALA 808 and splendid stock of Pocket and Family Bibles. - Prtvby,te.rian, hietbocbst, Lutheian, %German Befo►mcd,.gnd other Hymn Books; ;just receiv ed 0.1:1141 3 BuOUTORE.. COAL OIL, a further reduction in. Coal Oil, superior article of non-explosive Coal Oil, for sa te very low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market Ste. tad 1 POTATOES ! POTATOES ! snn BUSHELS' Prime N. Y. Mercer and UV Peach Blow Potatoes for sale at No. IOS Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. WO • W. H. SIBLE & CO. S . lIGAREI—White and brown, of ail grades and prices. Call and exandioi,l4; • Jog • )HOBOES & TOWAL94.I ' Cot. ; Front and -.Market efreeta SALT, ground, gum, Ashton and dairy, In ' large or small quantities, by NICHOLS BOWMAN,, al 'nor. Front an I Market strents. IRE CRACKERS.—Just receiving a large I lot of Fire Cre_ckers, which we will Bell very Ow, by the box or smaller qußntity, - NIGHOLs & BOWMAN, Cor.!Front anti Market ate. MI LigO and E, Old new, trot" prima D a i r i es C" forWe low by__ _. , . 1 MIA. Mortmes, kower of Attorney, EIYHQI2 Sr HOWELas Bonds and Justices' planks -foritale at niyls l ' ' 'di.. "From "and Mar liot Ete4ta. my 2 THEO. F. SOHEFFRE'S Eel:Adore. 'Ritaßanton* iiiiiisßußG, Departure and Arrival of the Mails. HILTON'S On and after Monday, April 20th, 1863, th mails will close as follows:" NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILD.OIL.D. NORTH.--WAS Mart—. For all places between Harris burg, and Lock Haven, and Elmira, N. Y., at.. 12 M. For Lock Haven, Wil liamsport, and Lewis .burg SOIJTH.--•Wav Man—For all LEBANON VALLEY RAILIIOAD. EAU. —:Wer li.Wir-=For all places between Harris- ' burg, Easton and Phil adelphia, via Reading.. For. Beading and Potts . - 12.30 P. M • PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WAY Mart--For all -' i i places'between Hands- ••., burg and Philadelphia 6.30 A. M. For Philadelphia and ' Lancaster For New York, Philo,- delptria, Lancaster, Co lumbia Marietta, and Bainbridge 2.46 P. M. Fdr New York, Phila delphia and Lancaster. WEST.—War > Main—For all places between Hurls . " 'burg and A1t00na..... - - For Johnstown, Pitts-' burg and Erie, Bit., Cincinnati,Columbus andUievelatid, 0 . For, Pittsburg, 116111; dayabarg. Altoona, • Philipsburg„ Tyrone, Il,ctutingdon and Lew iatown 9 P. M. CUMBERLAND VALLEY SAILBOAT, = For - Mebbazumburg, Car' ShlpPensburg, and Chamberaburg.. ; „ _7 A. M. War Men For all places between Barrio:- , ' • . burg and HagerstoWn, Mt • 12.30. P. M OHUYLEILL AND SUSQIJMHANNA 114.11.- , BOAR - For Ellgntiale Forgett — 4ollo43o fißaegr4vearid. • rStuattri# Station 12.80R. E. -44TAGg. lEwltrAss The principal mails arrive at and are ready for delivery at this office at the following hours; From the North, South, East and j 6 A. M. West 2P. M. From Cumberland Valley Railroad j 12 111:42. M. 6 A. M. 2. Frani Reading Railroad Philadelphia .. Postage on all mail matter most be fully paid by stamps or it cannot be forwarded in the mails. fF Office Hours From 6.30 A. M to 8 o'clock, P. M., daily, except Sundaes, when the office will be open from 7.80 to 8.30 A. M., and from 8.00 to 4 00 P. M. GEORGE BERGNER, Postmaster B ROWN STOUT and SCOTCH ALE of the best brands, always on hand and foru e by (sold] WIL DOCK, Ja. , & CO. • . Bloom of Youth . or Liquid Pear FOR beautifying and preEerving the !nom plexion and skin. After using Laird's Bloom of Youth, or Liquid Pearl,-for a short time, it will leave the skin a soft, satin-like texture ,; it imparts freshness, smoothness and transparency to the skin, that can only-be produced by the use of this valuable article. - It presents no vulgar whitepaint, as all other attempted compciunds do, but, on the contrary, it will give the complexion a pearl= like tint, such as can only be found in youth; US use is impostdble to be detected by the closest observers. It is also invaluable for removing all kinds of Humors, Tans, Freckeis , Sunburns and other cutaneous diseases from the skin. Kr. Laird has every confidence in recom mending his Blom of Youth, or Liquid Pearl, to the ladies of Anietica, as being the only per feet and reliable article now in use for be:staffing and oresertang the ampleicafin and akin. Can only be had at S. A. KUNKEL'S je22 Apothecary, Harrisburg. W. KNOCHE'S, 93 Market st. je4-2tawly ZL A ViiTrTnt colored double varieties ; White Fringe, Purple Fringe, or Mist Tree, and other shrubbery, at Keystone Kursery. J. MISR. SIIGARS for Prnerving, of all kinds, w)deh we are now offering very low.- 041 and examine at NICHOLS & .BOWHAN'S, 1e24 o'r. Front and Market ate. CHOWE LOT OF TOBACCO r7 inciailing coo grew, Cavendinh, Navy,. Spun 8011, &c., very low, just received by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Pront and Market streets. my2o COAL OIL LLNTEENS, th at do not need any Obininey, and no wind will pat. the light •out. - palland dzsadoe, at ND:mom & BO'indic Jl.B - Oar. Front and Market Rte. —Another large of of Mackerel and FHerring, in all siz-s of packages, barrels, halves, quarters"and kits, for sale k w by -1,110110L8.& Bowaimi oor..ikon,t and littailret rirreetir _ ap27 . places -between Harris burg and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C. , at 12 M. For Washington, D. C., Baltimore, Md., and York, Pa., at town, Manada West Hanover, East Hanover,. Ono and Jonestown, on Monday, Wednaiday and Fri day' For' Lisburn and Lewis_ berry, on . Saturday.... 12.30 P. M ARRIVAL OF THE MAILS. SWIM' OF B.EfIUIT I LAIRD'S E4e Etlegrapil. Letter from Huntingdon CAMP JUNIIIA ' % HUNTINGDON PA., July 20, 186.3. To the Bitter of the Harrisburg Ttiegraph :—A new regiment—the 54th Pen.isylvania volun teer militia—composed of the troops rendez vousing at this point, was organized here on the 17th inst. The field Effluent elected are as fol lows: Colonel McSeaga, of Blair county; Lieut. Col. Boa's, of Centre county ; Mkjor Crozin, of Blair county ; Adjutant Crawford, of Centre county. 9 P. M The companies, ten in number ; constituting the regiment, are as follows; Capt. Lb singer'e and Capt Hughes', Cambria ; Capt. Suy&r's, Capt. Boala' and 'Cast. Davidson's, Centre ; Capt. Melleage's and Capt. Cronin's. Blair ; Capt. Heiman's, Bedford ; Capt. Swnpe's, Clearfield; Capt. Travers', halt Cambria and half Blair. 9PH Capts. Litzinger's and Hughes' companies have been designated as the fi inking companies of the regiment, the fomer as "A" and the latter as 'l3 " 7 A. M "Cauip Warrior," in close proximity to this camp, has become nearly deserted by the re moval of its former occupants, the 46th Y. V. M., to titilsdelphia. Its sole occupants now are one company of six month's "nem Ills understood that some dissatisfaction is expressed by a number of the residents of Huntingdon at the manner in which your cor respondent, in a former letter, made .mention of the existence, within her limits, of a set of extortion.s-s, who, hazing neither the fear of God nor the love of justice implanted within their breasts, charge double, and often treble, meets for cut in necessary articles p rtaining to can:T.llle. The complaint is, not that he has been too severe on these harpies, tut, rather, that he should - "have spoken right out in meei, lag," sod given their names, so that the COU2- munity might be enabled to readily idratify them. 12 M 9P.M. 12 if 245 $. M W ilk all due deference to the opinion of these patriotic cit zone, your correit mdent it still of 'pinion that thattask should of right devolve upon other shoulders. In nientooing the ex istence of these land-sharks-4h, se excrescences that, to a gre.ter or less extent, infest all tont munities—no intention _was :had of cal lug odium or discredit .upon Huntingdon. It was only desired to make public a floc that is, or should be, self-evident. Having thus done, he rests content, and leaves the task of tracing the gentry. aforementioned to those who are more intimately concerned, than. he . Ip conclusion, your cotresplndent would say, that, for a town of' its size, Huntingdon is a re markably loyal place. Within her limits, Union is the rule. Cop,etheadism the exception. Yours ; etc., - • JAY. • SAD Ansia.—Thesadd, st incident connected gide place, _ was tha killing of Miss Mary Virginia Wade, brthe rebel sharp-shoetere ported-in the outskirts of ilia town. She was atUmding a sick si.ter at the time; and the house standing in an exposed position, she mien constant dal-ger. A snionie ball front one of their rillrs struck her in the head and killed ber instantly. kiss Wade was aged 20 years, 1 month and 7 days, and was a young lady of good charvcter and much respected. This is only one of many painful incidents connected with this cinel war. 7 A. M Payment of State Trooper Provided For. PEEMADICLPHIA, July 20. Goy. Curtin was prevent at a meeting of the Rank Presidents to day, and arranged tor the payment of &1 the State troops called out for the emergency.. They will be paid before being mustered out. 4t.M Report Contradicted. PORTLAND, July 20. The report published in the morning papers of this city, of an attempted escape of prisoners taken from the pirate Tecony, proves to be un founded. The schooner J. G. Curtis returned yesterday from a cruise after the pirate. Inisullantous. HAMS!!! LS 20,000 foll.o . 7cairand., j omft re the oeived : • NEWpOLD'E, eekbraled. Raw Jeasinr, selected. Even elm Eiwtres superior. MIOIII3IBIL'S &tension, amassed. Micnuisa's Eacmstoa, not eneanvesseci. IRON CV; Canaan& IRON CELT,'IIIOg Caitatfaa. Pr sur Haws, Staidly prim. Cour= Elm, very fine. Each ham sold will be guaranteed as repre sented. WM. DOCK, Jr., & 00. D. _ NIOOI,INTOOtt'S PECTORAL 4„ •e ;our lungs weak? Does a long breath ve you osin? Have you a hacking cough t Do von expectorate hard, tough mat ter I Ate you wasted with night sweats and want of ? If Eto, here is your rowdy., It will unquestionably save you. Price $1 00. The above medicine has been used extensively in this city with good results. For sale at PHOTOGRAPHIC) ALB U Of any size not in the standard styles will be made to order. BERGBFEBPS Cheap Bookstore. HA.6lB—Fsp/sior Rams; in large and small quantities, which we are able to sell lower than any store in town. Call and examine. lumina & BOWMAN, icte Corner Front and Market Sta. LADIES 1 You know where 'yen can get tine Note Paper, Enirdopee, Visiting and Wed ding Cards At SCHEPEIiaB BOOKSTORE. CM JUST ItIiCELVIf,D. A NOTHER lot of &-antifal ALBUMS, at SOREFFER's BuOICbTOAE, jels No. 18 Market street. bRESERVED 'FBITIIS, hermetkiaby sealed , r in cans and jar., of all descriptions, and of theinost delicious distracter , for able by - 1 6 Jat, & CO. WALL PAPER, yeses •At fauSsas, 863., ac., at last 80 "Mi.Ml: 1300H8T9RE, 3815 18 Market street. e' PRICE ONE CENT SYRUP. ifigIIGNAIrS Bona STORE.