k 2, pato (J.r rgtiO, A 11 st!.EI 'I, Al; c Ad ;ft, ~,sa Notices, Mar. Deatt,„, 40 Seinre insertion In the must invariably be taccoinpantel: With the CA.SII. Ativertliwincentg ordered in the regular Edit iflti lA/ C Inserted in the Morning Edition 'IA ilhout extra, charge. . •. 11AEliiz-BUD.G, PA Friday Evening, July 11, Tars Evzsmo.—A meeting of the committee on the Cool Will picnic will bo held at the Good Will engine house this evening, at 7i- o'clock AND DATlTRY.—Yesterday evening, a soldier named James Kehoo, was arrested rear the depot by the guard, and taken before maim Kline. The arrest Was matt! on oath of A. E. Simon, also a soldier, who, it appears, was maltreated by lichee. The prisoner was committed to prison. POLICE REPORT. —.Before Alderman Kline.— Richard Tang, was escorted to the lock-up last night, having been found in an intoxicated erndition in the streets. Discharged. Allen Terwilliger and John Kelley, txo sol diers, were confined in the lock-up over night. for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. hornas Gallahan was also arrested for same offence. All discharged. IMPORTANT TO OFFICERS IN WEE PENNSYLVANIA. VOLI:NTEERS.—The Legislature of Pennsylvania, at itd recent session, passed an act paying all persons who have recruit ed z roops for the United States, or the State of Pennsylvania, the same pay and allowances as are given to an officer in the service of the United States. The same act provides for the payment of the militia for any services rendered, for the payment of any ma terials or supplies furnished to troops; and for any damages sustained in loss or injury done to property by the conduct of the soldiers. SBREVADIEG —Me band connected with the 22d Regt. N. Y. Vol. Militia, was out last eve ning, and played several beautifnl airs in front of the Harrisburg Bank, over which resides James Weir, pe g ., the President of the Bank. After the band had played their last piece, the members were invited into Mr. Weir's house, to partake of the refreshments that had been provided for them. The leader of the band accepted the kind invitation extended to them, and after they had enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent, the members retired, apparently well pleased with the kind and sociable manners of the host and hostess by whom they had been entertained. THE CITY Taom..—The Philadelphia City Troop, which has been in camp near this city for the past ten days, acting as a body guard for General Stahel, left. for Philadelphia yester day. They have been ordered hence for duty, as long as they may be required, and will be sent elsewhere again, if needed, when their duties In Philadelphia are ended. Arrange ments were made at their armory, in Philadel phia, yesterday, to give them a cordial recep tion when they should return ; but we do not see where they have earned it, unless it was in the retreat over the Columbia bridge, when the rear of this brave body of men was covered from the enemy's fire by infantry and citizens. I=l BILOVORT BAM.—The members of the Citizen fire company will be gratified to learn that their engine was returned to the hose house this morning, and is now reedy for any emer gency in case of fire. Tn,„9 engine and about twelve hundred feet of hose was pressed into Government service nearly four weeks ago, to force water from the river into the tanks pro - - Tided for it in Fort Couch, and his been used ever since for that purpose. The labor attend. ing the forcing of water through a thousand feet of hose was vary great, and the military authorities were obliged to secure a force to do the pumping, which consisted mainly of con trabands and free negroes from this city. Dar ing the past ten days, however, soldiers have done the work. TROOPS TOR Nsw YORK Cirv.—Several New York militia regiments contemplated returning home today, including the 22d and 56th, as we understand from some of the members of these two organizations: They appear to be eager to reach the city in time to participate in quelling the riots there, and assist in restoring order in their once peaceful metropolis. About six thousand troops from the Army of the Potomac, arrived in Baltimore on the eve of the 16th, over the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, on their way to the city of New York. These troops are all of the New York State militia; and have been recalled by Governor Seymour for the purpose of quelling the riotous proceed ings which have been going on in New Yolk since Monday. Besides these troops, several 1 -egiments whose terms of service have expired als o pawed through Baltimore this week on their N ay home. Swam IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS.—In. the Second branch of the Baltimore City Council, which met in Baltimore last Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Wilmot, o.ne of the members of that body, offered a resolution directing that teachers of schools to teach the schol music in the public.. l ars therein the national airs, and in case any of the scholars shonhi not learn them, then such scholars should be' expelled from the o ff ereu i an amendment, to schools, Mr. Moody the effect that if any of the s oholars should re fuse to be taught the natioua..lails, then the School Commissioners were direlted to expel such scholars. The resolution Vas adopted unanimously, We are thankful that the school directors of Harrisburg have not had omission to pass any such resolution. A resolution of an opposite character would sooner be brouglit be fore them, as the scholars in our schools are more addicted to the habit of singing -too ranch than too little, both in and out of school hours; yet we are sure they do not sing any more than children should. Br.csivED this day, at Knoel.e'sEtc: Stge. frl Market street, the largest as.oriment of Steel Plate of new and beautiful styles, ev. r bought t 9 the city ; also, a lot of Lithographs, colored and plain, which will b srld at moderate prices. Call and ex amine str ck and be convinced. 11= 011DERED 70 PIIILADELPIIIA.—The company ot policemen, who reached this city several weeks ago, direct from Philadelphia, have been order ed back to that city. A dispatch was received hole this morning, from 'Major General Couch, ordering the company commander to have hi- men ready and to report to Col. Whipple in Philadelphia without delay. The company will leave on the one tick& train going east to morrow morning. NEW Music.— The ".Cruel War Quickstep," by Sep Winner; "Ceantiful Daises," song, by Cox; "Musical Echoes," a collection of popu lar airs with variations for beginners, by Ever ett; "Roll of Honor," dedicated to Gen. Rose erans, by Harlow; "Yes, I Would the War were Over," by Alice Hawthorne; "The Battle Cry of Freedom." song and cborus,by Geo. F. Root; "Our Country and Our Flag," a national song and chorus, by Richard Culver. Also, a groat variety of other new and beautiful pieces, tube had at Knoehe:s Music Store, 93 Market street. WILL Ita ENFOUCED.—SeveraI persons have recently bccen caught by the police, in the act of eßsting ashes and other refuse on the river bank, along Front street. Evory one f. and by the police violating the city ordinance, passed by Council, prohibiting articles of this description being thrown along the bank, will certainly be arrested and fined. The Mayor is determined to abate this nuisance which has become intolerable to the residents of Front street. The crime of throwing dead dogs, cats, etc., en the river bank cannot be condemned too strongly, and we are glad to know that the Mayor is taking the necessary steps to prevent it in future. Tug FRANKING PINITILION.—The following change of law in relation to the franking privi lege is worthy of special attention: Hereafter, all correspondence addressed to any Executive Department of the Government, or any officer in it,-or members of Congress, must be prepaid, except official communications written by some officer of the department or an Officer under its control or responsible to it; and in such ma., under the words ' , official busi ness," on the envoi* the officer must again sign his name, with his official designation. All other persons, and all officers writing to depart ments with which they are not connected, must prepay their postage. All communications to the President not written by a - public officer, and all to the Vice President, must be prepaid. All communications addresse d to E. stmasters must be prepaid, and if a reply is required, stamps for return postage ITIUSe be enclosed. The observance of this regulation will save much disappointment and expense. RETURN OR TUE 163 D PENNSYLVANIA. —This regiment, which left Harrisburg nine months : ago, returned to the city from Hagentown, via the Cumberland Valley railroad, yesterday afternoon. The regiment is composed of men . from Northampton county, and was recruited last fall for the nine months' service, in lieu of ' the drat. Col. Charles Glantz was their first leader, and remains with them yet, having es caped the bullets of the rebels in two of the hardea fought battles the Army of the Potomac was ever engaged in. During the fight at Chancellorville he was, taken prisoner, but was exchanged in time to lead his men into battle at Gettysburg, where the regiment cov ered itself with immortal glory. Both the Lieutenant Colonel and Major were wounded in these two battles, and the regiment which went into the field with 991 men, can now only mus ter 364, many of whom are wounded. Their term of service expited over two weeks ago, hilt, with a fiery patriotism still burning in their breasts, the gallant band unanimously consented to remain and protect their native State from the danger then threatening it by the rebel army. Their small numbers, and long lists of killed and wounded speak for themselves, and the crippled men who now appear in the ranbe, as they are drawn up into line, is sufficient evi dence to convince the most skeptical that they have been true to the cause they swore to sustain. As they marched throigh our streets yesterday headed by their veteran band, many a heart beat with pride as they watched the steady and firm tread of the returned Pennsyl vania soldiers, with their colors untarnished by the polluted hands of a rebel, thOugh rid dled and torn by their bullets. Northampton county can indeed feel proud of the remaining few of the thousand men she sent forth to bat tle but nine months ago. RESISTING FITE DRAFT IN LANCASTER CITY Yesterday, a portion of the . German element of Lancaster, consisting of females as well as males, became "rantankerons," and made an assault on the Provost Marshal's office, in the Court House of that city, where the draft was going on. The greatest excitement prevailed in the marshal's office all the morning; but it somewhat subsided about noon, and no unusual demonstration was again made during the day. The women appeared to be the ringleaders in the whole affair, though they were urged on by a number of citizens in the background, who were anxious to stop the drafting, but too cowardly to come out openly and express them selves. The marshal, Captain Bolenius, called upon them several times to disperse, but it only increased the unintelligible jargon of the females, who brandished their fists, clubs, and whatever other weapons they had, at the cap tain and his assistants. The mayor was present to restore order, but his exertions had very lit tle effect on the mob, who, at the conclusion of his speech, cheered him, but did not sitow the least inclination to return to their hornei The sheriff of the county, about this time, ap peared on the scene, and immediately sum moned a poise comitatus of about one hundred men. He then, through a friend, appealed to the crowd to quietly disperse to their homes, which bad the desired died, and away went the "frown," apparently well played out by ilkeir, fruitless exertiomr, when something like order was established. The draft was then proceeded with, but with less interruption, nn til the office was closed for the day. LOST ToF IR REG lIIENT. —A squad of about forty _lien, Lek:aging to the 1711 Penus)lvania h, rclaebed ;life city to- Sty, and were ordered o Camp Curtin. From one of the iliembers of he squad we le. , :tru. that ,‘ hle they were out on picittt in the Cumberland tht.y lost the whereabouts of their regiment, and came on to Harrisburg. They were commanded ti a corn miesioned officer beinging to their regiment. The men will probably "be &tailed here until the regiment, whose term of service expired yesterday, returns. spexial Noticts. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA and Recruiting Claims, United States Pension, Bounty, Arrears of Pay, and SubAstefice Clalmß, &c., &c., made out and collected by EUGENE SNYDER, Atturney-at-Law. Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. [027-ly WE WILL SELL the balance of our stock of of summer dress goods at very low prices. Barcgts at 10, 15, 20 and 25 cents. Lawns at 15, 20 End 26 cents. A large assortment of white cambric, all prices. Plain Swiss, figured Swiss, nansook, all pikes. A splenid assortment of Cambric bands, and other needlework. Ladies' white stockings and children's stock ings. 2.5 dozen of gentlemen's white shirts, extra fine. We have also a large assortment of etriped woollen shirts,snspenders, pocket handkerchiefs, socks, and other goods, suitable for sutlers, which we sell at city prices. S. -LIMY. To the Stranger. Now is the time for all who have not had an opportunity of taking Mrs. W, sthoven's Gor man Vegetable medicines, to call at Mrs. Ball's, where they can be had always fresh and cheap. Any diseases arising from impure blood can soon be eradicated and leave you healthy. I have also a quantity of invaluable salves—all you have to do is to give them a trial, and you will be satisfied. These medicines I prepare myself *ith great care. Don't firget Mrs. L. Ball, No. 27 South Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. BAIR DYE: BATCDELOR'S CELEBELTED fllß DYE Is the Best in the World The only Harmless, True and Reliable .Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair instantly to ft Glossy Black or Natural Brown, without injuring the Hair or Staining the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, fre quently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &c. FACTORY-81 BARCLAY ST., N. Y. BAicamon.'s NEW TOILET CREAM FOR DRESSING je23-Iy. I= MOTHERS! MOTHERS!! MOTHERS!!! DOIVT fail to procure MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOT LUNG SYRUP for 'CHILDREN TEETUING. This valuable preparation is the preicription of one the best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. • It not only relieves the child trom pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLN). We believe it the Best and Sorest Remedy in the World, in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRECEe. IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from Teething or froth any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bOttle. .None Genuine unless the tac-simile of CURTIS St PERKINS, New York, is ou the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Principal Office, 48 Dey Street, NEW YORK. YHICE ONLY 26 Cams prut l3corma. my 22 dStw6m Ntzu abritrtiotmatto BEOBET OF BEAUTY! LAIRD'S Bloom of Youth or Liquid Pearl FOR beautifying and prekerving the com plexion and skin. After using Laird's Bloom of Youth, or Liquid Pearl, for a short time, it will leave the skin a soft, satin-like texture ; it imparts freshness, smoothness and transparency to the skin, that can only be produced by the use of this valuable article. It presents no vulgar white paint, as all other attempted compounds do, but, on the contrary, it will give the complexion a pearl like tint, such as can only be found in youth ; its use is impossible to be detected by the closest observers. It is also invaluable for removing all kinds of 'Humors, Tans, Freckels, Sunburns and other cutaneous diseases from the skin. Itr. Laird has every confidence in recom mending his Bloom of Youth, or Liquid Pearl, to the ladies of America, as being the only per fect and reliable article now inns° for beautifying and preserving the complexion and skin. Can only be had at S. A. iiIJMIMIS je22 Apothecary, Harrisburg. HORSES, WAGONS AND CARTS TO HIRE. TORN ALCORN, Broad street, West Hams- J burg, is prepared to furnish Horses, Carts and Wagons to persons wishing hauling done. Digging of Cellars personally attended to. Hauling of any kscription promptly attended to. An order box for the accommodation of persons will be. found in the THEMMAPH Print ing Office, where orders will be received. aP IB 3 m JOHN ALCORN. LTAMS.—Michener's Excelsior Hams, by the Li hogshead, tierce, barrel or single ham, canvassed and macanvassed, for sale lower than any other store. Each ham, warranted. Call and examine at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, jc2 • cor Front and Market Btreata ("HEAP SUGARS of all kinds, whits and V brown, for sale by, BIC t[OLB & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Sts BEI PURE AND UNADDITEIIATED SPICES, from the most celebrated mills in the court try, just received and for sale by 314 - WM- 1X)011., Ja., & CO. EXTBA FAMILY FLO—A lot of very U.ll choice extra family flour, just received and for eale by NICIiOLB & BOWMAN, my2o Cor, Front and Market streak. DEEDS, Mortgages, Power of Attorney Bonds and Justices' Blanks for sale at ray 2 THEO. P. BC) HEFFEI3,I3 Bookstore. NORTON'S OKLEBRATEO PINE APPLE CHEESE, direct from the mMtufacturer, and for isle by WM. DOCK, JR., & CO: • WILL POSITITELY EXCIIMT LT. .A.BRISBURG. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 21Et, 22d, and 23d of July. OPPOSITE THE READING DEPOT Afternoon and Evening. Cremorne Circus ! HAIR OWE!! >T.).;:rtstrtistments NIXON'S EXTRA ADVERTISEMENT. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA COY KRLY & HUTCHISON, Proprietors THIS well known Hotel is now in a condi tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the moat ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATE 3 INTEL has been entirely refitted throughout, and now has ac-. commodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and in close proximity,to all the public offices and business localities of the city. It has now• all the conveniences of A FIRS 2 CLASS HOTEL, and the Propriebrs 'are determined to spare neither expense, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. - The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. jell tf GRAND PIC-NIC FOR THE Benefit of the Hope Fire Co., No. 2. AT HOFFMAN'S WOODS, SATURDAY, JULY 26TH, 1868.- Tickets. • 26 Cents. FLOOR MANAGERS : T. G. Sample, John fit'Comas, D. E. Martin, John Crull, Jas. Sprucebanks. No improper characters will be admitted and there will be a sufficient police force on the ground to preserve order. jel2-dkl MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE tiILVER hiEDALS and' the ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instrm ments of this Glass) has been awarded to MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment of these instruments al ways on band, at W. lINOOHE'S, Sole Agent, 93 Market street. je4-2ta*iy LADIES' FANCY TRAVELING BABIEBTO ! W ITH a large assortment of BOUND, CLOTHES, Cuu.saras', WM. DOCK, Tr.. & CO SCHOOL, PAPER, KNIFE, jel2, PRESERVING JARS, of Glass and Stone, o all kinds and sizes, for sale low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market streets. jelO EXCELSIOR HAMS, Canvassed, in large or small quantities, very_ low, for sale by NICHOL , & BOWMAN, je24 Cnr. Front Mid Market . es /fACKEBEL—A large lot of Mackerel in IV.L pairels, halves and quarters, for sale low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, . . myB , .oor. Front and Market etc.' GB.EATDLSOOVERY ! Applic.tble useful Arts A uew thing 4) *me 0. 4 • irs = ° - 4=o = IZ P 4 .1 0 0 w;‘ PO &m. 1- j z bIE) 1 " WEI c x l 01-4 • lot 6 4 4? 41. '"' O woof tl-4 gge p 4 izIP Woo PT o'er a ,( 3 ) .. t d r.) al? 2' ol • two 4-c, ti) It - 1 4" 6LI • 4 % co c o • A , F-4 E 4 cip ft I • :1 ;'; i t ea • `4= is Combination Boot and Shoo Manufacturers. Jewelers Families. t a liquid Remenabar Finis ja-dly NICHOLS & BOWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Cor Front and Markel Streets, ;.1 V. QM „ .04 ' O l t , 4 ic.7lE4 1-1 I. = cs 121 O g . 41 = 0 4:1 P-4 RESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public generally that they did not remove any of their goods during the late invasion, and consequently they will be able sell all of their choice stock of groceries at much lower prices than can be purchased elsewhere,_ Pall and see our full shaves and cheap goods. NICHOLS & BOWMAN, ilmnsor Wrnnt and Mark ad . 14t. jx6-1w PIA - NOBl SOLE AGENCY OF THE CELEBRATED SCHOMACKER St CO. PHILA. PIANO, At W. ENCORE'S, 93 Market st. A full assortment of Instruments always in store. Pianos from any other factory will be furnished if preferred. Pianos_for rent. je4-2tawly 50,000 LBS I ! I " EXCELSIOR " Now Becerrina, which we can eel! wholesale or by the angle Ham, at a very low *lure. my3ol Wm 0001 i. Jr.. & CO. FOR COUNTY COMMISIuNEtt. GEORGE CASSEL respectfully announces that he will be a candidare for the office of County Commissioner, and if nominated and elected. pledgrs himself to fulfil the duties of the office with fidelity. my 29 dawtc* MUSIC STORE. IHE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SHEET MUSIC AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PICTURE FRAMES AND LOOKING GLASSES, At - W. KNOOHE'S, 93 Market st. Music sent by mail. je4-2tawly THE "KING MICROSCOPE," DOUBLE LENS. PROP. HORSFORD, of Harvard - University, says, "It works very well, and you have got it up very neatly." Magnifies 26 diameters. 65 cents in Po,tal Currency. The "BOWEN MICROSCOPE," 28 cents. The "S. WOOD WARD MICROSCOPE," 88 cents. Or one each of the three kinds for $l. All free , of postage. Address T. EDWIN . KING, mr26-dew6m Bo: 880, Boston, Mass. DL SYRUP. Aroar lungs weak ? Does a long breath vs von usint Have you a hacking cough; Do von expectorate hard, tough mat tet ? Am you wasted with night sweats and want of at iep 't If so, here is your remedy. It will unqueetionalAy save you. Price $1 00. The above medicine has been need extensively in this city with good results. For sale at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. $75 A MONTH !—I want to hire Agents in every county at $76 a month, ex penses paid, to setliny new cheap Family Sew ing Machines. Address S. MADISON, mylB-dawam Alfred, Me. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW--112 the o ffi ce of F. K. Boas, Mo., North Third street, third door above Market, Harrisburg, Pa. N. 8.--Pension, Bounty and Military Claims of all kinds prosecuted and collected. Refer to Hons: John O. Kunkel, David Mumma, Sr., and R. A. Lamberton. ms9-daiw6m $6O A.m.:nth, e! — xpe We w s a p n a t ir, e t il ote a ll $ o?: Betriatiting Pena.% Oriental Burners, and 13 °the' new, useful and curious articles. 16 circulars, free. SHAW & CLARK, mylB-daw3m Biddeford, Me. CREESE, old and new, from prime DAWN, for sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN; Om Front and Market Meet& InYro cm abutrtit emento USEFUL and VALUA BLE DISL.OVERY! El I LTON'S iiNSOLUBLE CEMENT! Is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public. It ha , been thoroughly tested dur ing the last two years by practical men, and proaonn ced by all to be SUPERIOR 10 ANY Adhesive Preparations known HILTONS INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is a new thing, and the re sult of years of study ; its .:ombiu.ition is on Scientific Principles, And under no circumstances or chaiae of ttmperature, will it become corrupt or emit any offensive smell. BOOT & SHOE Manufacturers, using Ma chines, will find it the best article known for Cementing the Channels, as it works without delay, is not ftflected y any change of tempera ture. JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhe sive for their use, as has been proved. Ilia especially adapted to Leather, Aud we claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches and Liniega to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong with oat stitching.. It in the only LIQUID CEMENT Extant, that is a sure thing for mending Furniture, Crockery, • Toys, Bone, Ivory, And artides of Hons3hold ase. REMENIBEft HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is in a liquid form and as easily applied as paste. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMBNT Is insoluble in water or oil. Hums's INBOLLIBLI Oslo= Adheres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Han ufacturers' Packages from 2 ounces to 100 lbs. I HILTON BROS. it CO., Proprietors, Providence, R. I. MoOt.lN'fOtliv'S PECTORAL ROBERT SNODGRASS, Ntro 2thrtrtiorments Bb.PONIPIER CONCENTRATED LYE, THE FAMILY .1 - ,OAP MAKER THE PUBLIC are cautioned against the SPURIOUS articles of LYE for making SOAP, &0., now offered for sale. The only GENUINE and PATENTED Lye is tbat made by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUeAC TURING COMPANY, their trade-mark for it being " SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE." The great SUCCE-S of this article has led UNPRINCIPLED PAR PIES to endeavor to IMITATE it, in violation of the Company's PATENTS. All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS or Sr...L LEt;S of these SPURIOUS Lyre, are hereby NOTIFIED that the COAPANY have employed as their ATTORNEYS, GEORGE HARDING, ES Q., of Phila., and WILLIAM BAKEWELL, I$Q , of Aalborg. And that ail IIiANUFAUTUNERS, ()SEES, OR SELLER.; of Lye, In violation co the riots of the Company, will be PROSECUTED at ohne. The. SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE, is for sale by all Dxtuaaisis, GROOIis and COUNTRY STORM. TAKE NOTICE. The UNITED STATIN CIRCUIT Coun t Weatent District at Pennsylvania, No. I oi %lay Term, in 18 , i2, in suit of THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO I PANY vs. THOS. G. CHASE, decreed to the Company, on November 15, 1862, the EXCLUSIVE right granted by a patent owned by them for the SAPONIFIER. Patent dated October 2i, 1256. Perpetual injunction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY• (rFFICES : 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Pitt St. and Duquesne Way, Pittsburg ap2s-ani-3p Steam Weekly to Liveroool. rr MIMING at QUEENSTOWN, (Coax Hait i Boa.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia steam ship Company, are Intended to sail as follows : CITY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday, July 18th ; EDINBURGEL S.tturtlay, July 25th ; and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, EATADLI Di GOLD t OS DB 1 / 1 1411314/JANT rti OUR aasor. /MT CABIN, $BO 00 f3TBIRAGS, $3l; 50 do to London, 86 00 do to London, 36 50 do to Paris, 96 00 do to Paris, 40 50 do to Hamburg, 90 00 do to Hamburg, 37 50 Passengers also forwarded to Harve, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Liz., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown : Ist Cabin ' $76, $B6, $lO6. Steerage from Liver pool, $4O. From Queenestown, $3O. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tick ets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Compa ny's Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, N. Y. or C. 0. ZIMMERMAN, Harrisburg. STEAMSHIP GREAT EASTERN, FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. The steamship GREAT EASTERN, WALTEII PATON,. Cwxtrnander. will be dispatched mow ravaspoox. nom NNW roux. Tuesday June 80 Tuesday July 21 and at intervals thereafter of about six weeks from each port. First cabin from • s9b to $135 Second cabin, state-room berths, meals furnished at separate tables $7O Excursion Tickets out and back, in the first and second cabin only, a fare and a half. Servants accompanying passengers and chil dren under twelve years of age half price. In fante free. Third cabin $5O Steerage, with superior accommodations... $3O Price of passage from Liverpool, same rates as above. All fares payable in Gold, or its equivalent S. currency. Each passenger allowed twenty cubic feat of nggage. An experienced Surgeon on board. For passage apply to CHARLES A. WHITNEY, At the Office. 26 Broadway, New York. For freight apply to HOWLAND & AHPINWALL, Agents, 54 South at., New York. el3-d3m AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES .--01- POCKET BOOKS, PURSES AND POUTMONAIES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ZELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goode Store, No. 91 Market Sired. A FINE LOT OF BANKERS' CASES AND LARGE WALLETS. Some Splendid New Pattern of LADIES' COMPANIONS. The best Morocco THAVE.LINO SATCHELS, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suit able for Preeents, now on hand at SELLER'S myll] Drug Store, No. 91 Market Street. ' i MiolosidWlTM BURKHART & ROBBIIS 2 PHOTOGRAPH AMBROTYPE GALLERY, . THIRD STRE.Err, opposite the Patriot and Nina Printing Office, Harrisburg. [je9-tf EMPTY HOGSHEADS, ALARGE QUANTITY OF EMPTY MEAT HOGSHEADS in good condition and with the heads in. These Hot:wawa are desirable for Buumee, Feluccas. Ac., and will be said at a very /ow price. WM. DOGS, Js., SE CO. TOBW:NRIFING JABS of all kinds, glass and stone. Call and examine at NIOIIOLS & BOWMAN'S, Cor. Font and Market sts„ CM OiIANGES AND LEMONS--Another lot of Oranges and Lemons just received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, my2O . Front . : In • "'UST open, a fresh lot of Photograph tabouur, J at . BOHIEFEIiat'S BoOksb)re. - my 2