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' 4 . . . , ' „ .....e4 ....... ...„ .-r ~.....,,- ..A . - -:.,-- - ; " ' s A. a .' s ~- • „,,.... .„....„.„-, . ..„,..t , : : 4, .= .s. -, • ...,. -.t. •1:: --,................-....., ,-.,- ,---,. ~.?.- .- ~ _K-7.•-.,------,-_- , 1...- --.-:,-- , -::,..5..1 ~ , . -.. 4 , . .... , ~ ':-: ~,- .- --. -4.---- :,,--,..:-..,.--- -..i i ~ 4,, ~• vi it)* ~_, .-047.-- -... ... 4 ---- ~ A, - • 4.' 741 S • . k • .4 4 -k" ,f • • -*. , se ~a , . • ._....„, _- - -----_—_-- 1... ._. ,:,,..._ • IQ, iiii ci, 5• . ~0 -j•,4.„ .. , , • . . . ~ , ---_- _._ --z --- - - ---,,,i , - . .. 1 , • . , . . • sti.: • r----- ` -----. - ''' '- .. 0/ 1 081.,..., .'" : ' • , ..,• . . , --.........—. 1 ..,,, ..._... _........_. .—.... (FORGE BERGNER. NE TELEGRAPH. McM2VING AND EMING, By GEO , IiGE BERGNF44. Ogee Th ird Strad, near Walnut, • S OF SUBSCRIPTION. 612i0L!1 SUBSOICEPTION. Thu Unity TELEGRAPH- is served to subscri bers i u the City at 'd matsper week. Yearly' stibeeriberd will be Charged $4 00 in advance. - WEIEILLT TELEGRAPH. • • The TELEGRAPH is also published weekly and: furtuened to subscribers at the following:.easii rates :' Single copies, weekly Teo capita, to one postoffice • Twenty " " " t AL I th VIERTIMO RATES.---The 'following aie t stets tor advertising in the Taxisaazup iThose havi ug ,ad wiTtlising to do will ford it coulter:dell for Woronoff: - • , L • ' ; ter Four lines less _constitute one-half square- Eight lines or .more than four coned•' tutee a square. .1,4.30r30 6 3, , ifi 't !I oz&01 's - wiggle eg..2l•G ...j,'' 5 sat ifgep,Fsegisagstal . g.5- 1 41 3 'iit - e-Sgrat% •:? .1. ar G : ."'g r . P . R . • • ' 2 . .:. F.:. g. ; ".;.; :.• • illo gO . '''' P '""B ° SgSBS.Tgge , B Iv • 4. c Fs WO. 00,r , cpenollipq“4togiat ' 4= • tg acf.)P.' ,nretia ,3 lz ;If • . .. Cn A. COt*lii I. FA g t:g427.zBBSS.E.S-, 1 ; 1 t - ..ifil ... -. .,5 . --c„.......... - ' . .:tgssgezts.6ssza .-..,' el ..0.0 4= ta P. .... -A O. ola O. O. .119 , 13-. 4. C. Ca I+ ~~BtlaBBBB .oa•~oVd3gE'u S . . schninlstratlou Dikes, 1 Time iiweek t eh tt ,Marrluge N °Mee ... . Lug] tog% NotjoNt Funoral Nretweig each' . . .. $ Business notße' , inserted in the Leak Colusrsa, in before Marriages and Deaths, Erma', Cherie et:RUNE for each iriaeitLion As an advertliAngniediunt.the.TlMlXsbee no.equal, ita large circulation, anarg businedf risen -and fain - City. and cots:dry, firlialig it beyond conapetition. >~l~~~elia~coru~., ~.. J 0 N a 00 . ~ •Ooall> 111ATLIFir, ST MID RIARKETSQU,RE ? HAREMIItrEG PL • JOSEPH Y. IIeCLELL IN, PEOPRIETOE. ( 111 PBBTLY Baßiumßß BY WILrB Thig la a First Olase and lobatedittfthe central part of the city:, • It le keptinf theibeet manner, and its patrons • will find et'inyabcom!- Imodation to be met•with in the bat lama In tthe ommtry: : • .ee£l4Pdtf, B. S. BABBITT'S Concentrated , Condensed or % Pulverised. SOFT SOAP . THREE gallons of handsome . ; white,SOFT SOAP made in five Minntini; Nl:sponse Dnuslrions.--14inly,e one pound, 4,41. '4. flalpitt",s onsentrated Oondensed nr!pnlve lined Softgetap in one gallon of boiling water,. Oen add two gallons; of warm water. When cool yon will have three' Tallims of llitrukome While Aft soap: -.*); .It, Ten ponnda wilt make one barrel of sofess4 . .l The soap thrisrmaile in an excellent washy for: trees, shrubs andlplants °Vali kinds:. • t Just received and for sale by 2 tWM. !BOOK, Jit.kBrea, • mr27] Market Bt,' opposite fthe•OottrtPlionse:. VISITING;' • , •.. WEDDING,- • • IMITA,TI.ON A :13.014M . 4410. s`• • UY a special arratigetirentilwithiohara thi3 beaceugraveigild the country, cards of Mi. description will be wecitted in thChigheat qtyle el art, c,ortiormabit) wigl the late4Authion, and snlipireclprdreptly,atrow4Prfoisetbantirticharg •ciFby the(Etatidnets in Nest - iciik:'UFFl3l4del ephla: For samples and prices eat at-P• • nioh9tf BEERGNER'S-1300ESTORE. SHADES of BLINDS; Of:L:lll 7et Y des:ignaand•nypamentsi 141;4TAi FIXTURES and TABS= at varyOlii3a. Uaii at SOBEFIPER'S 1390, . 416 ' ;4 :! AL4A I • • oAtt L HERMETICALLY, exaciimg ; • To s t*B3, , PINS APPLE • 13: OYSTER W (MOO ain, galeb y.Vet 4,01 'W. V.IIII,IIEOP ! ATTORNEY- - LA*, OFFICi NEXT DOOR TO iV HAI4 Runn u ce: poTtterof Pine 'Area and Itaspberiy alley. - je22 dim COFEN34 3 4N - 4 13P GARS of all grades and at reilionbblet piices for sale by 114 WM. DOCK, & tumSE-..Heiriburg - Ittiii"other prime dairy cheese, foriale by ' NICHOLS & . - 13 Q-WhiAli,i jet. Cot. irrmltonti Atirke..t streets. , • . NEW assortment Of ittottoreft ' lll 3 l friled. Gold Pens, in Gold. Plaind oDeskliolders, jest yeisettled at SOHEFFEIVS BOOKSTORF4, jels 18 MerktitigrOetr Gramm 400101. " 3 / 4 ';' 7. TilulikWß FARO IgITT Cksmjustreoptypklm I Jeciatf ' & 00, F RENCH and'ilillitS _EC 731 , AVIING; mited naiiigy):VretiForthipolial4 etP ° lorkerve letither itself For!aleilt . 4011 - NS ON LOCK HOSPITAjj AS 4I covered L . . q t* , m9g,t certain ; , iiPeo and effectual remedies #L,thd world,for DISEASES: OF-IMPRUDENCE. 'sue :a six -iu Twiiva amts. . NO MEROUBY OB NOXIOUS DRUGS. &Cure Woirrd ted, orlfloaarge, in from One to Weakness of the Back, ..Affectiont of the •Kiiineyrit: and 'Milder, . Involuntary . dis obarges;‘'lmpotency, '411104 Debility, .Ner: vonitneie, , Dyspepezia, • Languor,: Low Spirits; Conftillin z-tof Ideas, i PalOitation of .: the Tresablings,l/ininess of Sight or 011idinak . Disease!. of the: -Head, Throat, se 'dr Skin: ; Affectioru3cof tha Liver; Lungs, .Stc Math or BoWellf.-those:torrible disorders arising from -the ' Witary. Habits kg Youth,: those secret and solitaiy practices more fattille their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of gOlyssee, blighting their. most Brit= Mat hdpes 'orhnticipatfons,tendering•marriage, imposeible, • - • . :$1.00.• . .:.9.00; ~17.00 Especially, who -have-- beconie the- victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful- and destructive habit. which annually- sweeps to an untimely gravethousands of Young „Men : of the most exalted talents whe might otherwise have Ajitr a / 9 1 0 0.**Ons §9n' ides with the, thunders .of eloquence or Waked to eixdasythe' 'lY;re; - roay call with full ovnfid - '' • - - • • MARBUGBY. r-t I. W 06 e _••.• Married Tel:salmi:or Young lifen•tcon.tehiPlat log taairfige; being' awarcrok physical wale - - affits,' organic debility, ileformitieseitc4apeedilt vored;:•:•:'•••:/: •{1;••)•.••: He who places himself moldesdthe:*opt?Dr. 3. 1 may, religiously_aon de :in hie lionor as a gea tlimaapiand COotideititl s tielic lAA skill as Phri*i; ; - • • 611 :fitiPIX° wX"- 1 9 3 § 8 PiiinOti‘iel.TOnfeti* *4311g9r •rPs‘ke stressingstressing • This stressing suction ,ch i•ea;ideia life miserable atOcs the . I.4 ll o loll4l3 .?W# d tk i d e Pu ,Xoung ' 6,34 1 5 Vtg ; , 99 1 0kitt•_0400 from Wu, !MAO* taPOuo• - : Now,' that Pf 644 .0 1 i,43- 6 40, 1 . 1 ,04.,ea pfd 4. 1 914 , 10. taie'Ongrm twopibytoillii***Pi bx those falling 40 ; 6 0. !•• 13613 * - ' 561- 1 2 . 4 - 4 4117M 146 - 0 164.41 *0f . - $034.9 . 4'. 0 4500i, • likeihows sitiOcKand &cow*. ii:frypilitOici tolo_th. sink iniad The eystscri bkiatalffleranicati,thePbYeical and mental functions ' , Maundy 496 8 of ViOcielitive ' • ,weri nervot ";404744ga, Polpftgi „ 7-L o etui, • :!, e,..m0, Taatitai4onal debility. a thlrfoiriut; cough; toz sumption, decay attd4cwlll. caratakNo, : 7 Boon, PstmllalOlC Brsaar, latithaThrslile .•„goingdrani..)3alUnwei Wee; a doors loesiu the vionuriV APailmoip to observe i • , !z. X*r.. —Se X 0 12. h'' ell.= -So CM ..... 16 lab erd ~ o , f+; rs , -•••Letteii blunt copcibila.shituP. The Doctor r ii "rr7 :inplentissb_ ' 4'1::"' Member of be BOiiii9ollege of Surgeons, LoU don; gaditate . 'froui one of the most eminent collegefifretbir United States, and the great& part of whose life- has been 'pent in thehospi tals of Vonden, Paris, Philadelphia and elect where, has effected some of the most astonbibing cures that itere`' knirifit; many troubled iwit,h &gout ilk the head itzuf4sais when w3leigi, 'treat' • nektikuniess, being alarmed at sudden , aniindaP' • ,''with= Iriquent'blushitg,, MUM& ' "Minks witli=duriugernent of mind Wad' hiamedh4di.P NO • r . . . , t eISOMP4:4I O ..PA . MP= i ~44019, ref° tc4 t4ii' 11/# melancholy Oecubillort.. ,14 , ,e1F1y410 .of*tisi:. i viainesioi. - liok, and IWiu,;.pains. if in'AIO headdi*Slee ikeiklit, loin'tif'intuiculliqoWer,' &itition; Or- tbe-Iteart, dyspepsia, nervous labliith a.tbiganintof isonption, &c. .: ••.; Niverox , w.nr.Tha fear. 41 ..effeata. PP. Vie mind • , , much to fie. .dia* 4 1. , ; aii o f, ineWerii 'Oa ;fnsion..etidiles;%dePPllA4P,..9..fisPiritei evil foys ' A llodAgge, aver en Aniapsisity,,lelf 4bsiniet,-lime :949).ktade,,t, 1 904#nt 8 r.c ; ;;IWARzaa of the suite 1 .1;a94.1491.4. '::. -.;' ; • ;I:. ;...,-,i ‘'. ~.; , ,' ,::. ..1‘ ; ' !;; !. ~..'. 2. , .; -, 1.:: ' • .APPT.Moi, "..' ' *ria..biis.9-Afgralia m i vas t:9' i !‘'. mite* Pflaptl9.4l. l *4)4llisl: , 4 l ,llTWSNai.a. -44fCtia• 41.499.4g- - . l offaeOFlD ikx4l 4 1 0 4klitunonk, .131';lit edwit i git ......-:', - ,Pf , w. 14.41 am iii ttfY,Teilf; Anna** ! - I . r r end 'if not o ' onnidep •marrissprhnpawible, -and - ihntnava . -both mind and body, shOula aPpIY innueilifitely, 1 e....WhatJwipityititst 4a 1.. rang (.I*Witbie he . • , hicsoquntrywthondarling_nfiles i papsztsa , ' ' be Undithiliffontidliproiipeob3 and Oniay " : ; i ottgie, , brthe.coesequence of deviating ,; . ..* `they:4th - of - Usturnnd; indullftin ft- • Beivitfi4 l k : ;,..l 3 iif i. p ersl4l3 o.MriPefc i rodaati°4 - !f!...._ -. '..' ?*' lidfikitthai.:sTitizat mod. i and .hodyniiithe most nboessurrirequisites 4tikpleginte. counnb4l happinsii.;.llndeed, without these, the joarrelly thirnagh - /ife, hafell a wearr eigTia miga i- the Ole* ii*y darkisie j t.927o tha;%bid 1 bew.n4 - ;filisAWeoritA d b e4 4 1141 140 4 . it With lhe . nialahahaf rago o 'Vi; lie 1 4*:Pli#11 Of kinothslibibnitichlighinds:Witkohr own.. ` ..'' t Whent, 018104$!0;11 /KERIMIUTM;D:( ; 1 h the misguided and imprudent ,dera4y i of pleasirelifildiPhe hes •firiblUdlllik7fittidir of, It* t ribm.4lmase t it . M 9 pften happens that an imitioaseliso of Shame or the dread of dis covery deters binkfrodilipplying to those who;• from ‘ gamma:sr and iesOcolabliiti; can! alone hefligmlbbiLuL , - .. He_ EL.4 0 449 41R, 0.4 igno nontjuAdesiiiiing.4, ) w,b0,,,, Mappable OrmifitigVitcli his paeity gibsOeei - keep liiiii 3 tilflin•lxdkitil afteirinefith; 3 or -di long as the strhillettllkcimitThe obtained,asid in dpsPaiV leaveubierJelth ruined health to sigh over his gallingtsdisaypedixtment, or, bylehexese of the dr Z e, ,i1: - :. .:;p4 OI N - , - morormy:haiteg, -rnstit!a -,,•;',,, ,m4titeuris of fhb teirthie" ' "IR as • • etabititittlAdlfidd;Thri*:s : ' liikik . .'epiresiOitivigi'flightsll,ispiW;'l4.lf. dkth i s iiWriod•TO Me 'th‘dini. making* iOlitiiii, ice. aza. letiatt ' indifisioiriiiii - 'o'ci.jeoig 7heriaiiiiirOolletr returns. !•,' - ' l -!=.' ' iiitibilfittigk'iiie vgli:iitths:.- :; i .: the many ;: thousands clued at Winit*lent 1 year after 5 , iii.,. 'mild - t 46 'Oniercitii inivdrialit surgical , opetitiend pert:Midi hyDr. Johnson, .tiiisiesSedlSY the reppMrs of thl San, cir, smdonanyothhr pawrii;ffeti*efFlLiek ' tro aPnebredl4" and aganNefee'd t 4, . iiNfe, 'be, Ales his atitudhigas.ic iteritat*,,, '-‘,4l,6i.mcfer! a nd :!: . , nsibility, is a suffickint! !....,! .. . • b " !- '`tir ' ,',: ! • cit.1.J:11,t, , , '-'- .i..' ,t,;;;.!...i! t, ,A , , nkrunt Ih. 7. EOM 1740711.14 K Bf. IntbicaL ESMill YOUNG} MEN HARRISBURG, PA., FRID Ntui atoutlistmtnto. The Great "American Remedies," KNOWN AS "HEINBOLD'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ : HELMBOLD EXTRACT "BEICHII," " SASSAPARI4O; MPROVEED ROSE WASELI TIMMBOLD'S GENUINE, PREPARATION'S. "HIGHLY CONOENTHATEIY" COMPOUND • • • FLUID, EXTRACT BLICHtT,. A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY For Diseases of the ' , , • ; BLADDER, EIDEBYS:SRAY. DKJ, .ANTY DROPSICAL SWELLITIB. • 2., This !fiddleine increases the -. Power',6f ges tion, and excites the ABSORBENTS liato' heiil-i thy action, By, which the WATERY or C‘ CEROUS. depositions, and all. UNNATURA L ENLARGEMENTS ate reduced, as well as pain arid 'inflamniatiOn, and, is gold for MEN, WO MEN or CHILDREN: , T. c , - I . .., IirE.MBO,LIY 'V! EXTRACT MICE I' I , FOR.WEAKNESSES Arising from Ex.esess, .y.abit4 of: Dissiimtion, Early likdboretion or Abuser: ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SEXPIOINEI Indisposition to 'Exer.:Drynees of the Skin, c. - Loss of Powell, Lbisfot Memory, • Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling; Horror of Disease, • .Nakefulness, Dlinneful of Vision; •Pain.in the 'Back," Universal ' Laitsitude ofEltushing of the' Body the MincularcSystetn,Eruptionstou. tbe.Face Hot Hands, ' Pallid.Countenirrice: • Thesevroptoms, Mellowed to go on Which this medicine invariably rembves, loon folfoei IMPOTENCY; FATUITY, EPII)EPTICNTS4 In one of which the , patien &may expire. lybo 2. 1 ctlitifil.lstt they' are not frequently ifpilo b •tnoseisdiniful diseasiii.'" , .i , -., .• - 1 : '.: •.- ' k INSANITY AND 'CONSUMPTION. iffaby are aware of, the , cause of their suffer lige, .bnt none :01 1 ,0;g 1 468. , 1116 fecordiOhii Insane Asylums and-tile-melancholy deaths b Comiumption ) rbeav , ample wifiaese,to the , fttli tifthe assertion.` - :" A - - ‘.:- • - k.'-- ' 2 rktr; catisTr 'O kioN, ONCEiIAFFEOTE WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS ; . . Itequireii-the aid of m dieine to strengthen an. invigorate the systemv. which Helmbold's Ex tracißuchu invariably does, A trial will con vhice the most seeiitisel. . . . . •FEfillkLES--iFEIifIXES,-IMEIAL7 .‘; I GO air YO bwa, snvar..k: - . Ma ?ATP"), 6: , CON TEMP LATELM7.II4.IO44OE, , i ,„ Irr many ' affatians ;Vaulter Wiledalell'ili Hatred, Buchu is - .unittrialled by any othe reintidY; gu3,in -Ohlorbela or Retention, Irregu larity, Painfulness, or ariPpTisiOn of the bus &Mary EVactiatione, Thceratti4for ' Schlirona state of the litarua, lencorrhea' or !. Whittle, SeMiEW, add, for all' cornplaiiihrintident to - th sex; wffether i misihtfroia - ,WhiMetlen, Iliiblta 9.f - Dilkabl i llx- the l' - ',•,.' ' s- ' ' ' ,))1..01E.,6,ita110t :ale ,TigE.,„ , . li:OtroaraorrEn .gownwoorir. Taire ndEldeidh,litticurY orl7nPlaisimt Medi. pixie fur ITnyikase t et and, bangeroua Disease's- 1 liEMBIAVS:gXTRACT BODlitr - driiiii - l§txueA,Diaeases in all their stages,; at 4 Ve,expeneet;littitot,notchange in diet ; n 044 -, „arm al land no .exposure. It clams .fref quent desiie, T an6giveaysimerigth. to iiirittatd ; thereby removing eketructions, preventinvant curing Stricture:La:the Urethra, allaying pat and inflammation, so frequent in this class;,qf diseases, and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Wok:Lord Matter, Thousands tnpon-thousam4; who have been the viettma of wicks,' and wh s l) have paid heavy fees to.be ‘ curedrin a, sho time, have found they were deceived, and that the "Polaon" has by the use of •‘powerf4l :Aatriugenta," been' dried up in the system - 2, ,tp break out in an aggravated form, ?and 'perhaps' atter marriage. : '. r , ,' ,. ... 1,,• •'' ~, !Ilea ITErAMBOLVS ;tIXTEADT BUCHU f all Affections and Diseasea of the. Urinary .0 i gana,:whether existing in Male or. Female, frO ' whatever cause originating, and no matter.; qf howiong at t ending. Diseases of,. thesei Orgaris require, 411,e aid of, a. Diuretic.' , HELJEBOLD'E' EXTRACT BUORII ia-the,Great Dietetic, and it is certain to have, the desired- effect in 41 , Diseases ifor which itziarecommended: 0 1 ' 4loods--IBlood-;Blomi e Helmbold'adlighly Concentrate& , ComPonnd - , ELUID EXTRACT :SARSAPARILTIAAYMILIS. : This is =Afro/ :lion of the 81q0d, , , and attacks the Sexual: .0 - 1 ranee, Linings of the ! RoseoEars,, Throat, Ni pipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, making Itsiell - ,pearanele in the, form of Ulcers. Reirabold r i itatraUt Sarsaparilla, Purifiee. the ,Blood; and removes ali WY EruPtlenkathe Skiqoavini; lotthe Complexion, a Citueatatrnalt ItliP color, 4ibetn g i prepared. Jenrosstly ,for 443:glass of Applehdp,'lrs BOArftstiying , Tt2petnew Eil i e fPres9llVed ' tO•li aceatat'.exteAt t4s4 3 lkny, otner Praluriktifdt of Bar!Apariliaß • 'ffilLJEßOLThat An •exoilleritlLolionlfeedbleashe • ii , "Yphi-. lido Nature, And. as tit injection • dismwM the Urinary - Organi, ifrom 'dissipation; used in, connection , with .the •Err tracts Baehr' and Sarsaparilla r rin snt>7li diseases is • recommended::' Evidence :ce the most re sponsible and , reliable &Mader willtiemeMittly. the .1 medicines.. OEfiTIBIQAMEI: Or:ODIUM front' eight , to -tem:hp:4oam • standing,:. names , imewn to ' , Science and; For liedicalltroperties-of.Buoinyeeo , Dispexuatry of the United 'States. See :PiviessoruDEWEE'S: Valuable 'worke on the Practice of =Physixth 1314): *Maki. Made' by the late'eelobrated , SICK; Philadelphia. • Bee rethavits-nutde:brDt. lEPHBAII.I46DOWELL, aceriMinted omit membei •tpfl the Boyar: Doll ker Snifeung, Tililand,Andlpublished dm the: oltit , Ol the Kings and Queen's Journal. See ' ]4etiloq Cirurg,ical-Review,.published ••by--DENJ. IRA- - Fellow bf Surgeoni . Seel:mot titindail; **Vs eine. Extract of - Bight $1 00 per. bottle, cir six for::$500. Extract, •of Baikal:J*lllc *tax, per bottle, Id., for $6.00.1 f Igiproved Bose Wash, 60 cents per ... bottle ' or for $2 60, or half a dczemeaehfolAl2 00, which will be iknf• fide& go once fie MoitnletinatAkko,if'afteel Lions are adheredlo.wDelitered to any addresa, , , securely packe4 from observation. Describe PYml l #9; lB auT•ce, gn4 .2 t uiveB4.. ) grAtla. -'• .•1•••.; ' 4 1 4 1 7D417.2g'4 • Personallya. app red before. mp 'l*-41ilermen of , A city of -P4l44oPhis, •IL T. Ete4oo l a, mho, being duly Bworn, .Mith sat Prepatal. tlons contain no narcotic, ntine ,romr,,or other injurious drum, and ore ,pnrely ' Sworn 'Aritiig 6 oribed before pity 1 . 4 4 1 4- 41Novei4beT1,1004. • . 7 f9i4iA b : As9PZVPAIa, 1. Aibllresi'/etsters.„,f9ri • •: • ji .o 4 . - - Depot 10.1 - • mOW Pl/11adalphla. • - InlY2B/Y IT tv L.A. RD'S - • - . .. . . if Yontit"'or Liquid :Pearl , • , • , , . itiarytiouia` pregoihig thtuiAiil ni i iiid c bkii k .. , 1:4:. 4 i :3' I"('- 1110 0#Witi 3 100;p o%L.ltustth,,Wlelftisld a short.tkne,ritwill leave the skin a ;2'4e texture.; l.kncPAhi r , ‘g' . i , ttV r thti t t:yidugetelitkaltiat It presents no vulgar white, paint, Is aiOßPteil-comix=4 lls, dorp. 9P,i,the , it will give the com'ile' oink a I:usit , such seam only fie 'forking' yoritti:; S imposed tile . to be dettleted* thadoseet ' . . It , lar also ihvaluablen4ol; re, 4141:Phlg 9f• ,I4urtois, Tans, Wickes, ygitgArnA; er cutaneous dliesseilloin t he skin; LAW Inis titqify - confidence in , I'4oolll=l 'g MA Breath 01 Vonth; of LiquaPearl, l I , .lee Or AMOCO, Aliting•tbe 940;PE1- A m e regable mg p oi ,1u for brai,af VAT •,' reg:thfleogn and47cin. 0V3P136 tit ' B.A. KflibIBIZII:-', a24 , i i 7 Atotheeltry, askrisbale- Bloom rot. i •nlea ArII Pearl, 111 8 0t , 1 1 1310 qt can OD article. all oth contra like %I its n cheer .4 1 . 3 4 P 4 9 ter. mend to thq fect cmd Pal i.l: . 61 a . re, 110'S*' h* . i • 6 0 r it t t o. 40 04:07s ~,,. :.1 ~.., , l i i ,p ~ ..f...7.‘ i .i, Barris I ig,flg h ililotni '= rff,43,.81 4ii Wiignnattilietigonii ivighifig hauling done. Di Diving .0 •Ainilani pereoeggy attended. tQ. Itl',a /Pig Pt 4.7 4 9f 4 TAPtiPP. ipnnikailA att944, txt `A ffi rk ee o , r w de li f e b re im ord i e r re t : e ill a :rece hl LT611. 6141 7 1 : : II ! in nii will be' iOunditrithe ' err Pzlilli- 1 aplB.Bra - --- - - "- -- ;* ---- JOHN ALCORN. ; ' LADWVAStY fitrA'V'hLlNO. .4': SIC E Tli 'I " , VVlTHelarge aksortni.erii-Of ' , - . A • TQ L(EEIS, , P te, rt SpHOOL . . name, Km; ..; f liliki, .„, i -je - 12 , ' , J .Ii ~' • IIifkL,DOOK, :Tr.tc & CO. , rAln ic q_liakfael.'§,l4.nn or t 4A9ROAPAIi tielSer Sl'MTir 9r,:slig# / 1 ,!4: , ' 9NIWBO*4 I, g r 4ca lr agisiedplq:l l 4 4 l : iower., Pr. any otifier store. la& lam. warrantiii. . land tizer*lne.,lo, , p7wpora irri.Biltmizi; 1 " ''..ie 2 „I I • ~ , S *- Er'il. )0 4 , 44teP 3 t# 3 04. •1: . . ; •i All' u ki 1 , Ti s ot Elitom i r b r 0 - 4 , w i t*, ATED 80.8021AdEER, ,deat 7.PErai4 RI Mb; MIS 4 - 40 1 40 0 0g,L0Pt 4) 1 4i1.4941 3 . r i.C. t a l7 storki.X.lfiniattroin,any.other fietossilwill be furnished if preferred. 'Pianos for s reot.-.C41„.. ' . akataafty lATAUFAr - PM 4l lo44 l .Pfvfeileg T every town or county. 04cuke,, ,Ith Tetpuouialff 9f OtergYmPnAlut Solen t , is regard to the brudebea, sent free. , ISAAC HALE, 4 1 4 kc(itT . .4 ;•T. ftlftn./TYPCO..MAPB., L 1 • ;- 9 tj - receiv ed awkliste in score o ihe . largest lot` Oi of choice 'lege:Never effertd market, whielx -we otrer lower than any Other store Ik S IC Nt4,l je24 gor. P lab riAit god' NOW bte XOBIZIOR -HMIS; Canvassed, ln large o 1!.4 quantittee, •viery low,t for s NICHOLS' iltilitiWMAM; Je- 1 .4 • • Clar. irmantand‘Maricat ea ItA's= large ` ofMacklin IV/ barrels; halves iind %Carte* fo'r by, IT10114:49 a BOWM AN', • Iny3 OOL Frgnf atni Markni#4, • I 0 ST RECEIVED A BOTHER lot of Beautiful A MS, at 11, SCHBFVER'S BOQIEBTORE,. , ' ' No.:18 Maikat Watt. CiREBB, old. and new, fromprime reitlrN for eale low by ilibrims ' crob*law 00 ; Acßi.:4o.gai*:€4l-* my S OALIS for preoribil4r, sliltiods -and imuntoomxt z .14I0HOLS &1 3 0WMAA1.14;', jeloFrootutdattszkoOttiii forle by • ed and nIIIYD TARP AND BOLOG - NA r l " 011 ! /c P jj lot, it'll,. op. inrBb vv • MIMI IBR.-'AAnother. large, lot of IlLarkdreltianit Iferrir,g, in all &sea of paokagesObarkelii * , lialvcia.kituirtiaii and kits for sale /drib, NICHOLS & BOWMAN,: . Ooi.• Fiat stulabuiret Streets ap27 'QIIGAPA:-White pf all end*, ).../ and Fleet?. Call and aitodne,'all. j,e4 .1 , 110116143 . 1k;MWMal; • ittialtigetiifete receiving -hike .1: lot of Fire Crackers, whicleard Will sell Wry. IQWI by the box or smaller quantity, & BOWMAN • ! WISH—We are now offering, yeryji:o4 of choke' Mackerel; *writ*, Aalve-1 quarters and•kita.ki,. • • ..: • . r,Nici ; kLOJE .., , .v.SIar,..IEVPIALOAd '74l*Tkcit rtGEE.AItp ti „ r, BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS A LA tiQE and `slikiiidfd otofk of Pocket sad A& Fatally melee Preebyted, Th ip i gethodiot, Lutheran, flaw* jet 414frattitifilaloPoorlftakirakvi- do ,ag or rPTIci itive Ocnile% P, 'ik°4l# ierir kt4vi loliOla BcrEk,T4'L con Front an nal I aortgageoroPower of Attorne tOildB roy2 UMW"; 50EPUP.WEBA L , - , WALL P'Atqlig43oYiDlMP as. Ittil t )sold* Vrlast ries priciee,( , v44 lo olN l l.l47nulo? :MIMS ,n34/:,1.--.4lolllSBMNigcr, ktylk, opt; au. PIO i*; JtJLt 16, 186 htto'9Utotrtitonttuto, lIXWATIU7LBEAUTYI-• . 116 FM* EMI=II '0 [i 8030 .` :; A rt a it4wleodi it ak A i. Step .-61k1 SCHEME'S • * :47 are 4 l 18 Market street. t fronmur Mornloglationt A lfiV o olll 4 ll t q 3 . I ' • i. . 0) 1 ko. tk;•4'.ll' It is _ n°l / /6 581 j . ! - Y,90 ' 1. 1113 . 9 r. tV)‘10.!1171ff that there 1 4 1 / 1 4-rffi) 1 181 1 1-ingiAClWilliViltet4 beytind occasional cavalry skirmisham limbo& Is, than wislimpcssible for any portion of our troops'' to have 'reached . lEfaeerstire:ivii on ' the pctornac to haie l fenght. the baitie indicatedbe "Trledat• num arklntilunggtivittoiftrrived fr#Pil the fforittlaarnighti we learned_tbahthe'rebels were` entrenching in tire the'old An= tletam.battle Aeld, Orit ilifoinianY was of the opinion that the battle was certainly , fought yesterdny. this haditticeti true, we, would nve hattsome hada:teflon of thel fact. lip lb a late d our last ofklit; initeever, the Milberities • tt)),l' r:110 L.11.k:0.1 t, pare, ° Pfif ll i e 4 9f NI II I! t 4 e I i vv l n g„ . .tougbtjellierdtlYii- . ,_•lff :are ;perfectly oatisfied thatithe rebele art! nOrtlubank of tlie Potomac. , Itss p4so clear ibeitienend jleintzelnitan to on tfl ebuthaLitoi t he Potomac. :;Lee will be ctipa tolikeLt e, baYlql*ifPrt i/41.01Gic9 thi rivet Thisi Seems Settled' by • the WS ,IngitalY aillftrin'the country. Lee cannot" reachrbli entrenchments at Richmond `withont Bghtmgt sides of the Mithil l t i diV- I gq ii t hi Pg.: t ttn *R I * ! LI AM thee !Om „have betit caret:4Lp itaatebieg. tllp 'progreiircif events to ilBe+ 4h ability -6f tK~ rehal Chief to achio siieh k tesnit r ii the %sib of such • obstaclek Ca Tuesday s Captain Singiser with 4 (1: men belonging to, / Col. 5V1nb 0 9,01, frannaylviniasratvalry, aix , ;iionth's men, cap, ' ted fifty- tAellAistdOthree Naomi bttifeari f, Skirl 7 4 V II, 'teen Ciiatlp magilitown. 4 the twain estirkitiyl that there were thiil.ool but hic .!4Fe, Vnia AR&fp aCq59M110,1...,r34411P1if more., Tile! tettele were Vii*g. ...tue 4 1 ,1 4 4,19 u of 'thn Po' enions rePtili7.o4.ll9llWil•A lOur•koPP. B 0,r 4. 4W 1 uP ttIN ) ~i, _ ~ ;,,._.-,t,•. f• II !..1., , . 0 . -.-, nu . 8 8i 1 COrrenAnti, ~r, 0 ..,11 War lie. 'BY sta. 00. ts, zuect'T., P: r. .7i/it,en 41:411kluflis S`f Ppiv _ _ _, ocros of ppiEp fT,Accht . fv l #l,4 , v fll7 Stott equato 9), Iltvir• , thonor tote itsw, entillititiciAn'tbe desery 1 " Id"A ran If an y , -divisions in t ' , R., fighting for zeonsiAin thins' liberty,, that lill - WCat mots-4 . Il i during this lOW than a Pennsylvania e l serves. this division'' of Peinwylvaelans wile organised in thetwpriziwof 1861, soon•after t thine. months men went Into, the invitee, an, our army was defeated at Manassas on , the 21 of July, and the N'atiorinl Capital threaten' by the rebel Brno:ll4qt was then that this gal makt did4 N i e r l; tbe ihnt u lriknot, for, the ; last, time,, brought:itito ,r,misition ;in on cob try's liervice.' ' - - ' " 4.11 If arrived at jintailld4iini• an an livisPiel *lock and the flint dunk, with gay, : . Ilutterlog in the pcgolgo„.. it . i ntarched ,tils the streets of our seemingly, doomed capital While dinner and galas looked 'on with- lid; iiiirationi•and protiondced lie 'triton. disisionit Slime then, the diiitkin• has proven - Ahat,,ile chief charecie4le, .inis I }Pt ' PPiand Phil Tint Wee coin* of the bent:biros:rot eIiDBY li, is i men w %sire' filled avail Poilliiiiii44, etitiety, and the time of oar pountreff ,perit--.whenztrilPhi threat 9 31 1.4.44: tlistittiwtihit old flag of our „ fathers -T were ,yAing to e n dur e all the luittliblin& , in risk ' ` the (lingers of, War, to *petunia f ihatpiirecltais legatyl bar : , ';'eathed-to . .us;by(darnsinirdlittionaty l idres. . : slit thabattlee oftiudzinaville nieitville: lakes' liill r :4lherlas ;City,. ,Oretial ' -,ta* end "Bur Suainuili illipandaitl.„-Antie ~ dill red 561)-I).•fite Mille dills' • ,du prontinentilowanipplumunge and • •`.) A4fitrininatidni ajwaree hii•oholithiekest Alf.,:the tithe, where deitthtainifbainuorholdw its grand esitcarniVid. • • + I -7 '1 ,V,`` , . , ` i ' g ~ )1 At MeehniCAVIIIP on, tlatl:PPlßFalls til e ' Re; serves atoodto' thlOyawo4•4o,vhteian. 01diers and repulsed, with,, - the,WA hetriti)li, 4'91044, forty, A , *unandrotttalfiguthfum chivalry •Pna:Pr, *lash .-antl. , Lungstritatettit, . d Wt . /as, 94 1 Y WAIT old, i iiitonewall.' thzeatislkett,o.firfianl44hat the (livioon. feu back on too/wail line attiefei4' At; es ` UHL • :-i 0, • 1 .4hThrclugikalkAhEsl3#ll9f94,t49. pOlig *id likeidaryiemiunglEsdnitiltaltte ..c. .., the same invinciblOPSTATMatlits• art . , n it I burg, buoyed up withjhe hope o success—Wl ' colors perforated bYirflidiniwed bullets, float ' in' he breeie,fihe Resenies , forcadthe.hanglit ehilnly's:liniwilfor mote •thstiu hp i lfait mile 7r . 10004, for mote than, tyi;sl,4o. a:lielf _limn . against fearful. MI6, !Omit, With 'lts`de`einiated battalions, beitikitnableltosilieriitthe frisk twins' tife,fee ineeeistotharlesi against thane; andin u eoPPOrte d . 4 . 2 4Bl o Mlirt4t;t l Ao- 4 01- lanl,;*en, ii i the, s lap !cusp of tienerat islper "retreated elowq andiniyinly:" • I 'Aq 7 '1 ' l' '' r , ' Saver men tot inkire'n`obly, tharyodld "the liannsyliania Iteserires tops that Lill-fated 'day. They.l 3 Oultiled On the c llleMy like .a famished. Rework his prey, It was t o them ; - bloody day. Many 'a nibli-liiiii itedniiiii inir`thel' eve; 'of that day who Mit el - brief Veiled before' prOphesi Uldinself cgcddertfuisise, vox° nickte.. 4,, lossilt th, 9 iliTilsklik at the batt , Kof Riled:Uri, burg wae, in tatted ? wounded and` nintill: o 4 theusand saiiinlitindre and slittanTfic . ".• . i„grhi r i rrom a s t an d of. rebel "ccdoreakvsktbisti ciiptureoy the' division, whereas. they t a* lifth,blit one stnp,4, that of tixe. Blfrifsitth NO menk' widen, wlthLgste z i, s , , lih:e i t iOns zik r .was capered Ewa-Mils' ttut •-' ...1. pl . .., 1 ".. 4 %We original sistvenicti attain adittidon • wait MAO; .sstsir V* . of it,Tikumiwil•St Mit 4 .. 0 ,. ! 1t cs :lThifi rtizetvi Haz a l i Ctr p W it ,lf trat e igai fl r ks aiti Mi error, Hon: , .k. , binned brought back to the defences In front of W - = EN t • .. . ~. :.,...: d.,, , g i 0 ,, ~ I t i.,. 4 41 .. _..,....___,_.....ff.,,,:_„.a_,:i..„..i: Ell CE2IIIE t1:04 PRICE ONE CENT. *MN audio oomaannded+l7 flOktuel H. G. the future history of thettaierves will Iph A re Impart put; butt Lair past histutyls with, a, July . 9; lsos. 1- P.: B.—The Above was written for publica tion by one of our Millerelning boys, (and wh9 by the way, according. to decision of the a qiinnocratlc"'SUptiznii f O(6irt Of Pennsylvania, never besonatia roan; or at least never ex wide Oh rights of a *Osman. Alb le is a 'Mier) previous to General Lee's second edition on Pennsylvania horse stealing. , Since then the glorious Reserves have wan nobly s , re ap:aided to the war cry itr arms ! to 'arms! ! odr..with sh alacrity nruturpassettsty Way; have fAlloyeed •,4#e famishing heats ofPeoltherrs clesradoe!s4ind ragamnißlsB" tO UMB,Crcd , snil of Pennsylv ania, where they have again had "frill hand" in teaching the hantgliy - chieftain and his mob that "all is not gold which' ters," have added another act to their already imperisbAle reno3mAnd,another diadem to fame: already ilinetrlfu s . crow]; of military faine.—jEn.] • YAM GLEN. NEAPE'S ARMY. 6., 11.• =3 !I:~.s{(j NiMAPPENRIFROL.:I O 4TiI. ,1340140, SBfil ,3% OIL NARLEB , -114011) Di MM ND. ~.~. , ME l . . FAMlllllqsppyß43, ! July 9. Upon Gen. Naglee reporting at heaalloarters wittrtroopairinfrlGen.. Forster's-North Caro lina opnunand, Gen. ,Meade immediately as sign6d•hitnlo thicconmand of Harper's Ferry. From Fortress Monroe. Oommunioatkm. between , Lee, and Rioinnond Oat ALL itWOItcMpitiIPIMYENTED? TOrtrazil 3doxaoa , Jai 9. The Nair/Alone of Gerdteal,Dires coinriind.at thii,Vidte Bente cm 9e have been '443r3f , between.Richniterd and General, fiee's.army,firi been cut. A laige n'timbar'Beticiatil in aria abant ond,tbat we'll& otherwise have gone.to rein force him have been detained. - LATEST FROM LEE'S COMMAND NO, FIGATING. ,YEBTEAD4Y. , P19,g4Pc!rt49 1 0.44 11 441Pf gIATAt KSIS' patziok Contradicted• Moorman Meneii, Vast %finisher°, Md., t v 4,, 3 if: * Ye • killY 9. There has bee n no bighting this morribig.— ThePtigliVoi 4 yeeteiday near Bodneboro was be 4floiljtakrd's ikatr.Piladrickl'a cavalry and a party Of rebel Infintry, and was conducted ply on thelbnaltkvhaoklng - Aut. Amoits, jaill,back early in the day, but 'eutieequelitlt reocouPied the'groundi. Artillery was 'aged , on >both aides. ''There la no trutil in . the, . reported death of General Kil• CANON !!..1111.14w IN's' NORTH. CAROLDIt . OEM 'Railroad sad Alibor%_YroPerlY DOWeied, • , ,WASHINGTON, July 9. . The following has been received at head itulitetaz klnsurains, N. 0. July 7, via Fortress /Conroe, .Inly 8, 1868,—Mior General A: - if. kitzeck, Gteneralin air/. ' • , 1. bays the, honor : to report that Um cavalry •. sent from bar ,e Ally Brd, under Col. Lewis. • Thliti Tart Cavalry, have safely rationed having ,stumessfully tunoutplished their mission, withiiillinat. • They disitn3yed, twihthig the , rails,' Asb:, by GetQlallfitc.oplan„,,two miles of the railroad at Warsaw. Also - destioying fOr five More miles alb the oldvetts aA will gut the4ektg,raph. At Aninkigle, Duplia county,. an armory, :was deitro)ed, With laige'cidantitiee Of suitdl aims and: constolitilary Auld - quarterniastex stow, which,. were humed,, , About'lso animals and some 311 pitioners were captured by them, and some 100 men and 800 negro women and children came in with them. J. G. FOBSTEI3, . • Major General Commandhig. Fronk the "Territory.' LUktilifilio2l44 July 8 General Blim started tin theloth with all the A 71.11 3, PoWroifos folloYort Scott for Fort Gibsdn. Information received shows that Col. Phillips' IndiarVlßilgide.was hard pressed by tbp enentz.2,o(% attpng. The 4 lafanky regi ments were mare ing to reinforce Coronet Phit lipii Blunt took no Urdu; and will clOB3 tbe,.htlrimmut and offer bAtle, • continued -.Retreat or -Brisego •-••• . Craceru a gr i Jrdy ,A special rlisPatokOp the. G6pprereicd, doted Tullahoma, 7nly'St~i says, Bragg peter - dal, re treated wee the Teiniesiewrlverand destroy ed the splendid brldgs. say' Bridgeport. , EON - glare froin "a rmy say that Bragglaorke are demoralized4addithb army Cilljnbling as. It recede.. More Robet;'Prteritters to Arrive-ft Mae _ ourrr IJurov,- July 9. Three handrail eteLlogiesrehels, -who were "Oared by our forces , near Meicerebarg, were tweigiii here to , :fley. l4 llfincig lire; onded-Ind in a suffering. oondAtiga..,,, They leave for Har risburg te-night.. _. • an, A`Dtaitt dui 300j000 lieika • • WARlEntaTairitradt9, isoitodeSitio *We ,iol.4s4w i iii, in " • • •Aiit Antt 'APRS!: Vitifoo ziiiitsoi will lie f& thou , iimstriihe tna rollment shell be compb*sa. a ;umber of districts are already assigned. I 1 EEZEM