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' ''',.-',..--- : - ( r :1 , -i, ,, ,- .4.• 1 x ....- - •,..a• A • 111111 v..-# 4" At. -. % -..„--. ,-:..,,..- ..'," ••,.. k-32 . -s:. ~ ., . ..v. • k •:...-4:•-... ~.,-• r--, - .:- , ,. ,- : , - - ---_ - :.7.-.q. • . --•=-_, --s '. ~ Illt -!•11111.14 5,-. . \WI , _ _-, ,_ • _.--. B Y GEORGE BERGNER. fII E TELEGRAPH. D 3 PUBLIBHXD MORNING AND EVENING', By GEORGE BERGNER. Office Third Street, tear Walnut TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSORIPTION. The Dams TELEGRAPH is served to subscri berS in rhe City at 6 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $4 00 in advance. WIRRICLT Taracutaru. The TEVOGRAPH. is also published weekly and furl:paned to subscribers at the following cis)" rates Single copies, weekly $1 00 Tan copies, to one postofftce 9.00 Twenty " 17.00 ALN&HTIBIIia BAUM—The following are the ates tor advertising in the TIMMAAPH. , Those tlaviug, advertising to do will and it convenient for reftirenm ' er Four lines._or less constitute one-half square Eight lines or more than four coned: tntes a square. ?.?....TIVOVROTROV9 "040 1 441trii , aar r ...agastrres? firv: : sml ,415 . ' cs .......-,-. i- , 1... op 01 a C.: f.t. 01.10- , e 0 al al Wl* .....A '' 1.- c'BB'SV'S'agSlaSS V 0 .., - 111.. a tt ./.. - ar•i-41044 , 501.1.- , a-• 1 It o o o gsg u itren-atoco OO cr t+ ~.., _, ay VW -acootooo-404.tet4w I t 8•14'482P,2°38V0S a .-4 ...A CO Co b., 1..1-. : Litgolo'.BBSSS • 1 1 rra pay 5.". C. 04 , C0 la I. 64 ~.-' 0 g R SOSSE'"iit" -4 n.• el g ' ' 'ri 8 li* x r P Z4 - 61V.::"A*Sa:t P S*g.aga,lBSZU 1 C. 01. . l•• 3 !-, 1. , I. • t=•'LgVBB:B•s6* a*dr __ . B‘llol.l Noma; I times week, Ms Limo— 22 26 el, aurae ......... ............. 16 Amu' Hurl imumr • iage Audnor's Suomi Notices each insertion LW . Business . netices inserted in the Local a/van, or belch, marriages and Deaths, EIGHT O RN ig efit. TAO for,each insertion::„ an :dvertising,medium the Torsinant bee ne equal, ite; large circulation, among- business men and famili . Jti, in city and country; placing: it beyond competi:ltou• 9ligtellai.wixa. ,J 0 F., 8 11 OIT 43 Bit 0031NFZ OF :MARKET ST AND ffiAHSET Siltialk EMB,RMAG;;FAi. • JOSRPR F MelplslMAN, 'PROPRIETOR 61.11011NiZ7t 001111IIMD BT Thiri is a First Clasit Hotel, mid located huthe ventral part of the •city. It is kept' in the best manner, and its patrona will find everi,acconi modation to be met with in the best houses in the country. seBo-dtf B. T. BABBITT'S . Concentrated Coiolookea or Pulverized SOFT SOALF . ..- -.- rpHREE gallons of handsome whitri- SOFT 1 SOAP made in five minutes. No grease; regnired. Dlixorross.—Dissobre oire pound of BaVitt's Concentrated Condensed or Pulverised Soft Soap in one gallon of boiling 'Watei, then' add two gallons of warm-water. Whim cool you. will have three galloon of Mamie Was Soft Soap. Ten pounds will make one barrel of soft 0 0 0. The soap thus made is an excellent wash Jor trees, shrubs and plants of all kinds. Just 'waved and for sale by WM. DOCK, JR., 4r..C0., my27] Market st., opposite the Court Rouse. VISITING, . , WEDDING,__ k. L : IMITATION; AND ' AT HOME CARDS B7a special arrangement with one of the bestengravers in the country, cards of any desciiption will be executed in the highest style of art, Conformable with_ the latest-fashion, and' supplied promptly,at lower prices thanare charg' and by the stationers in New York or Philadel: phis. For samples and prices Call at mchiltf BERG N ER'S BOOKSTORE: WINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt-bordered; and PAPER BLINDS of an endless vari sty of designs aadornaments ; also, CURTAIN PIXTURESaind TASSELS at very low prices. Call at SOREFFER'S BoORSTORE. •• ,iitERBLETXCALLY SEALED. VEAOHES, TOItATOES, - EINE APP LA SALMON, °MEM, BPIOETNOYSTERS, LOBSTER, SARDINEI3, DOCK,' Jr. & CO. For sale by BIBLES AND yHYMN . - 130011 S! R ' LA HUE and splendid stock - koci f ._€l aud tip„ 'Family Bibles. Presbyterian, Methodist, - tattheiau, ' Q=4 l l Bato i wed, and other Hymn. 50Q4,1tait pxkct a d a t ,BRIONEE'S CHEAp IWISTspz. - ..„. . (104, 0114 a farther re dnotioa:lo36 . l4 . o'l1 1 enporior article of non - explosive goal 0,11,1 for sale very low, by NIOMOW & BOWMAN, * . Front end blarket.dte,. mrll PO. I . ) IOGIWH ALBUMS -- &Lately bo t ni f T Clasped—for sale at SCHIFmrs, iMps,ToRE, j 9 18_ kaiket Street. A AIIiCEAS, : Piffereut colored !lonble trailetlo3l•White• b'ringe, Purple Fringe, or A 4 _4let Tree, and Otger . shrubbery,, r!,t Keystone Nnrse7l7. J. IEXSIE4‘..' DEEDS, Mortgages, Power of AFtl, Bonds and Justices' Blanks for saS my 2 THEO. F. BCHHFFEE'S Bookstd74%; WALL PAM, :130 ADF.ILS,.k., $43-03614' /aat year's prices, vOsAputarty itailKce ap6 Rail it BOOKSTORE, ' f .i..i, DR. JOHNSQN X3I4II.IATX'ACCIM 7 LOCK HOSPITAL, IPal(lazretli• .most-certain , speedy and the m In the world for DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE awnlN six TO rwaLvi Houle NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. stOure Warrantia,' or No charge in from One to Weakness of theßac .Dati k, e. ffectiomi of the Kidneys and Bladder Involuntary 'dis charges, Impotency, General Debility, Ner vousness, Dyspepala, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation' nf the He art, Timidity, Tremblings, Dinineei of Sight or • Giddiness,Disease of the Head, Throat, &go or Skin Affections of the' Liver, Lungs, Sfcimach or Bowels-4kie terrible disorders arising from the '&llinty . thibits - of Youth— those secret and solitsify practices more fatal to thoir -victiins than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most•bril4 Sant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, impossible, • • YOUNG- MEN aIR eca ,dclally, who' have.-become the victims of ,olitary "rice, that dreadful and destructive &bit which annually sweeps to an •untimely grave thonsands of Young -Men of the , moat mated talents and brillMiit • intellect,- who Might otherwise have 'entranced listening Sen ates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living Vie; may call with full confidence. • • • • MARRIAGE. ;b - = X..:4 sts: g r . p Married - Persene,'M 'Young Men contemplat ing marriage; being, aware of phyeical weak nets, organic debility, deformitiee, speedily aired. • • Ne. Who place's himself under the care o • J.May religiously confi., - ; - ;;= gen ,- ta6m „ , ; re y•uponlis skill as a an. • ORGANIC VE&KNESS• Inimediately Oared, and bill vigor restored. Tbis . distressing affection — which rendeis life miserable and marriage impossible—ls the pew.' altypald by, the victims Oflmproper indulgence. Vormg Pensions are too 'apt to commit emerge from not being 'aware-Of rthe .;dreadful.-Iconow quences that may ensue,. Now; who ; that un derstands the subject:will - pretend . to'dony that; the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into lipPteper:.hatitif than s lff' a the Pru dent. Resided - being dupri ed the pleasures of tho Moist serious and destrno- I lire symPtiims to both.` bcidyi and. mind :arise): The system becomes derangedithi physical and. I ; mental -functions Aveakeriexl, lots; of procreative miter, nervous irritability, 'dyspepsia, -palpita tion .of .tife_beart,, indigestion; constitutional; debility. a ting ..ottbe friune,. cough,' On decar and, death:: , : N&&Otter Finisfincit Isift band side going from •Buldirmrs • strollki l ;Oedema fronkthe ) . ier,ner. Fall not minas'. and" recsiber.' • - • letters intuit be paid and contain a stamp.` '.The Doctor's Diplonm hang line office, - ; ; , DS. JOHNSON , • M em ber of the.BeynOollege of. Surgeons, Lion don,grocluate ,froin one of the-most eminent colleges in the ; United :States/and Wiaireater pint of whore Ufa - lag been - spent in the;hospli tale of London, Paris,'fighidelgria ' Where, has' effectedi s sone of theimoit astonishing atires - thet Were; ever known ; Manytlicinbleff wittertattacti'the - head and sax WhinnsleeP, I gMat. 4 . rkerii I being alarmed :: at sudden smismds,:: as, 'with -;fieq 'utast. blushing', attended lemetlnita with derangement ot mind iiereduied'inuraktbiteWY • ' - . T&4( rxigcr.rWcI:TOTICILL 4'betie are some Ortlie 3- iiiiif and izielluMholY• effects produced by early habitif ot., youth, vie 'Weakness of itie:baet.- and limbs , . pains in the h4ed, dimness Iskcist,T loss`of muscular power, palpitatloo ;; of the heart, direpepida,' nervous symptoms of Comoimptlon, !. Iffssnerog*,—Ttse- fearful effects on the Mind' are much to be dreadeo-4Ore of memory, Caw frieloa of ilepresilisn spirits , e v il fore bodings, a re. to society , self distrust, love of solitude, t T:4145;40,, are some of the evils goduce4., ;`..• - • = ; • • itOIJNO:4II3N • - Who have injured thensielies by a certain practice indulged in:. when done; st- habit fib qtentlY learned' froth- evil companions,-or at enhool, ; the effects _ of which are nightly felt; even whim - nsleep t and if not cared tenders 1:$1 1 1age taiiiii€4l,4o;.*#d,:irbitiriya both mind and liodyi' e li OuldaPply hn u tely. • • ; What a pity that a yo men, the hope of his country, the darling o f : pitreests;:abordd be snatched frota alkyl:Igo)* 'inn en eyinoiltri c Oftlife,;* the'pOneeguente of deviating, from Isle•pattl ' 7 6f ')Mtuross'anit bars de;!*' i‘gretiligibik.'llo:o4lire, beforecontions; Plafifig • 7 • • • -" • • ' . griEiTAGE, • • Reflect that a seffiki l inind and bedy : are the. MOO necessary:' led to promote connubial. happiness. l isideed;- Without - these, the Journey Y~hrough life becom es. a weary pilgrimage :;.the prospect hiliary,dierkens to the view'; .the Mind becomes elowbff With deepthcandfflkid with the melancholy reflection that"the be, of .... 160 DISEASE CIF_ IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided, and imprudent votary of pleasure finds heiiiiuflinbibed the seeds of this painful ctsberie; it ;too. often, happens that an illtimed maniere slumin thblread of die coverY4eters himfrom applying in those'who, From education and brespeotability, can - alone hcfriendlim. , falls into the hands,of rant initdielining Edem a , who, incapahle bf ctirtrig; Mob' Me • tindery strbstance, *e t * , him tritlnvinonte • month , or as lontis , the =Ord fear fie : obtained; and the sigh kidlifig aisapplitimtA deadly,poiermij hippo% haste% the cons ta tional;symptoms of this terrible disease,V4l49 affectiens-of-the-HeeekThroati-Noseilikinretc:- progressing with friglitfulicrapidity till death -11140: 0 4 .to hisdreadful starketty hi midisenvered-, , ,,comstry4 fr: % Whenceatdravallar „rattans. • DIDOSEMPATZ'OF TAB -MEW LT Thestiany -thotiia'atficitled at this institution year after yertn, and 'the numerous tharksail suriiiid - omatiorarrike4 Johnson, witnessed by the reporters Son, and many other, paperei - notiCet f 'whichhave appeared again andq. bbfiairthe c‘er Ng standing area; diatitunan of chaitotei and @vadat' ITuaratta• to; 4 0, ' • * , park" PIBEAfiZS Shiani‘tOUßlW apzia, a 7 USB' ; .1, fflebicaL HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 1, 1863. New 2bvertistments. The Great "American Remediesi" KNOWN AS "HELMBOLD'S"' GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ : HELMBOLD EXTRACT " BUCE(U," It is SARSAPARILLA, " IMPROVEED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION'S. " HIGHLY CONCENTRATED " COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIO REMEDY For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DhOPzICAL SWELLINGS This Medicine increases ttle power of Digee• tion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into •heal= thy action, by which the WATERY or CAL CEROUS depositions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reducettas *611: as pain and inflammation, and is good for MEN, WO MEN Or CHILDREN. ' v.- •' . HE.MBO.pD'S EXTRACT RUCH' U FOR W.DAHNHSRES Arising from Eicesses; Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. ATTIINDRD WMI Tse routownstramprous : Indisposition to. Exer-Dryness of the Skin, tion, Loss Of Power, , Loss-of Memory, . Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, • -Trembling, ri Horror of Disease, • Walre,tulness, Dimness of 'Vision, , Pain in =the: Back, Universal Lassitude ofFiruddng of the Body„ the Muscular Systrim;EruPtions on the Pike, Hot Hands, Pallid Countenance, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, 'which this'inedicine invariably remeves, soon folios; LK - POTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS; la; one of which 'the - patient May, expire .” Who oats say that they are not frequently f. -• • by;those "direful diseaseCl zykaitiz.fr , AND - 00:14rtm:RwAhr. -- ' ang ar_g_ftw 4161'4W:fa' isistr i trurnone will Confess.. The records'of-the liniatte Asylums and the melancholir deaths by Coiasunipiton, witness 16 the truth of thnassertion. , , 'TIM" omesrllimtok,: azirog AAVATED W2Tie WANK' WitAII'NESS; , Requires thelaid of medicine to strengthen and gorate the ;system, which .I:bsluubold',B Ex ttilotißithhifinviirlably does. `A_trial : will con j viisce the most skeptical. ..FKM.AIA6—FRHAL.IIB—VEBILALES, aryl) OP YOUNG; AIINGLS. MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLATES& AfeIPRLAGE, n many: a 41:! .1404 peenliat.:pstiemales the- Hemet Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Inept digupproaatciteditliel cus4 tomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrous shite .of the ; Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites,. :Sterility, and' forill binsplaints indeent -to the set, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of !Dissipation or in the : DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. NO F4411 7 .745,490A0- WITZIOU'r IT. trakti no telasaw,felovarhc.tr Unpleasant Medi dielor kapleapot and Dangerous Diseases. 1-ftlit.3utiws EXTRAtiVirkleiir --- Onres,6'ecret Diseases in all their a ges, It ile expense ; little or no chingd ingiat ;'no inL `convenience and: no exposure. It""causes fre quent dears+, and gives 'strength to Urinate, thkerehy removing ObStructions, preveuting and caking Strictures , of the Urethra, allay 4 pain, add,ildhimmation .so. frequent in Mill; 'of ditteastia, and exPel/intPotto)s - etti; Wien , and anout _Matta'. Thougaiiiiii upon thonsanda, who havdbeen the victims of quacks, and who have Paid heav - %tie to be 'cured in a sit* found they were deeeiviid,aml that 'the • "Folson""has iiy the use of •Towerfitt Aitringenta,"l3eea dried tip'iti the , systern; ibietak out an aggravated form, aad'lwYleVe alter inarrisge. ' fiELM.BOLD'S EXTRACT -Bum .for, all Affections and Diseases - of the Urinary One, whether 'existing in Male or Female; from whatever cause originating, and no matter hew long standing. Piseaseti of Pelts Urge& require' the aid ; of a Diuretic. tritLkii3o.LD'l3 1141.1.1tA0T BUCHU is the great Diuretic, and tt is' certain to' have the desired tflect - in 'ale Diseases' for which it is recommended.: llelmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound FLUID =TRACI, SAHSAPABILLAVF,PHILIS:- This is an raw dim of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Or , Linings of the Noses Ears,'Throat, Win&; Pipe, and other Muni Burfaoes; husking, Its agt-' peaiance. in 'the lord' of '' 'Merv. ../leitabcoldN' Exti,eta Bersaliarill4 perillek'thri removes all Sealy Eruptions of this Shinalvlig. to the Complexion a Clear and Healthy ' Miler. It being prepdied,_&!_iderefor this class of complaints, its Blood- ; ,, tytfie,Vidpoittea are preserved to a greater nt , than any other PtcPatetiet, l „ o PlecTP ari ll i L RO JOSE irirS' B. 4 1 An excellent Lotiorforl , diseases of a Syphi lis;Nature and as su r to:dot:4ton in diseases of 37005471. 1 1 1 1 8 .*.,.1F0Rg Imp, .1408 ef lPekkln with th e / Sl ' ' '. liaottiAuctin and SAitePadati,,,,Weueli'4l4l l o l3 Jte . i rermaraepdeci. EViatince, J iff' the Judd 'ter; PPOesiine and tellehhi chectioter will aritwornordy the • medicines. CFABTIBTCA.TES OF MIES* dowt,,light to twenty .gears standing, with' &Ines heeint tn: , WO= and TriiMti t rgr. Hedicril Properties lhuiti*, SitS'lllsliediety!of the United States. Hee grOteigkir DEWEE'S *bitable iicrkiritt Plitalee ,hife• _See relParkii:" -1 4: 1, 4 61 4 6 4 11 ' 1 4 1 4 61 r , PArK -7 7 BritiTerilirkinitadebyPr. , cEOVEIZ, a celebrated 114,81* dnd member of the Heyal College of Sufg*Tter Ireland, and published In the Transacris the Eiligkand.:,Qtwil l Jourddico - REArulw, by BEN ;;14- pIS, Allow .of the Aeyal e: Wagof Su/goons: Seri,inost of Hie Ufa etektdea Vella tiiritedl eine. Extract Biedlll de . pee ware, el six,for ss9o n ,,pxtract of Sarsaparilla, S 1 00 kr t r s s.oo. ..',Minted B ose .14 mop per liottle;Aftsfx - 14e2 50, ~ or dozen foi 411;00,,w1011tytOlibe imf- Odeni, to cure w, diner dons erc.sidheredarixerrily address,. Cif:truly' &Cited o • 'lll44olbe ptciins in-all eignar , ter4: AdVice gratis.;,, 111 1 7TD4WI1I,: , Pelonallivappeared before:ma an Alderman of-AM-thy of. Phihrdelphla, arbey beteg duly avebrnVdotinsity,..tilLirreptßar tiotetontainmorarcoltepno userenry,l dr, dna Injuriorus drt!ga, and are purely vegetable. _ • ci: LII.M11113,01A) gwom andattbeedbed before me, this 2Ektda3t ofiNoihanber, -181.4.4 aWbfaBsIII.4OARD, Alderman, Ninth .IM:obtain illkeN,Paiihkxi .Addillidetters fordnfolmiMiart iniconfideripegi MBELlABlATroChearlalt y ' - =DstTlMEoirth 11)thatn*tinikrwg11eaktunfe *OW adt 1,74 e. , D„ !.s t,LO ght trifttgrapo. Brom our Morning Edition. THE SITUATION. Let no man be tleixdved tide' morning that th City of Harrisburg is m% frbm rebel attack; M l ilt they have left. Our immediate vicinity, and redlining their steps towards Virginia. Such _ is not the fact. It is true that they have re treated from our immediate front, bat there is fib', doubt that they are 'concentrating their fozzez in the niciuntaine between Carlisle and Gettynburtr. ' Remember that they , left Ciliam heist bnrg, and after the citizens returned to th*ehoniee, believing that they would not be molesitiegaiu, the teliels returned, which Eiblitl i thein to deal more the last time than 4ie l yiibtaitied on their first visit. 04* te Pennsylvania and the North . 1 1 ,04.11 lzitninbut:;tiverything depending upon the en colaitai between Lee and Meade. - If our army' sh*ddi' be defeated, we have no hope ex.- cep in the large armies raised in , the North. ft efforts should , be spared to hurry foiward military organizations. everywhere. We hatie the bestoi reasons for glylng,this intimation. Apacial reporter who ough the. rebel pickets at. Carlisle, on thrturday night, ancj was equally successful 'yesterday at twelve o'clock, furnirited us with a full descrip ttien of their deluge. ; ' diLFIVAL OF Fax assns. `' ' "''During the afternoon of Saturday the advance guard of, rebels arrived atCarlisle, wliich con ido! of twelve regiments, whif ,encamped at the Garrison, one brigade "eneaMpati 'in the College giont4s,,tind another at Boa /ariakills, at the: head of the Letort Springs. Therati : ,t*mti pieces of artillery with the zvo, •-- ttm, and.undeillm command of Chen. Evroll. 9en. Jenkins tode - at once toward/ Mechan icsburg, with a fokte of about fifteen hundred carrialy. den. Minion 'had a7force of near five thousand their around Painfieldand Mount Rock. eMessi - ten Bnitil s 4 knitirtiita iiiiittraeit *dommert ixaLsobbing the stores and houses of citizen% i . lily'Lyno, the hardware , merchant;lost rAint $4, 00 worth of hardware, . , S.aitoni,ent4her hirdware mirchant, was fietely robbed of everything in his store. gall grocery stores Were also completely ied oto,:withtuic worthy , of :notiCe was left ody F.43howers, losttiont seven hundred ' l5 91, q GooDJ'secannui l l:- 1 e Bev , Mr. Smiley, who . keeps a clothing moot and shoe store, was more for te'than, his neighbUrs. He., had upwards ..0,000 worth goodkavreted, in such a Mete ma n ner :that tilt their efforts tofind proVed'tMavailint peviral OPpliletuo scovttred that his goodcwere removed, 4t.-1, our "Reversed , friend was compelled , to , them several times to keep their hiding the , ATV ,ono t. unknown. Several mewwere eepedally Il titqave.iwforinatiiiti'aieiesi loyal-citizen* old tbaratavbere the•spods were secreted.. • itatVA# n° 17 # 743 - • disturbed only:Where goods were secreted; nearly every -home w'as searched, and ever pods were f)find they were canted „TEM '1 . 1300 - FLAG enebelliagtivastoisted at the mesa on i nAn hig. :eta a most Mterable m wnd not target thisti,,ten_by twelve . , crairmatimearanno SIND /MM. e citizens werpm4:64#. prepare the firtitAfteewirtiOrE4 oulii after they required ern tAf p%obi~e the at ..t.iattorety largewieteit of beef, flour, , iee l idAY6a4" : wbeii • • - 1, • • .• • • ‘. fold that Itmas ziot tq be bad they were; lyith-wbatevei ?our& obteleed: :matt l tho name of iterreeemedle be an W M.- Pt aa6llllFAWiechlaM''ug d iem r shirt el e e Y e at E /0. ed hil t s h t e th ,n e ew rebe i4 l ivi s were 7aficinkabljatitgriis:tiead6:fa"liern(l:l cli;l l 44;ltti*if YOTY 141 0. 11! : ' ' ' I Monday morribe asonsiderahle stir was c.Mt RiMIZEIITRY UN I N RI MONDAY. 0 tbd in their camp, on the dolieitirGrolinds, aftd they were paced in marching order in a iiiiclP 4 9 3 '1.1' ItTIT.I* -wh...16 1 i .._.4a am:°lg them„ ttnit they „ wan siiirOunded aid' , that -their, toliig" ll 44!"kial been o l itiked; they:Aoo* jitteyeilttb xa Mitt Etpii i re, near the Court Roble isittiligon i k,Oist*Si:ki?Cgoiksi ) . , , :' ie. t./.lls Ic. 1 „ . 1.) ~ 1 ,..',:, ', 1 :,.: .2., , ••,•,., c~:1 ,:'' ~..j~u:v: y 1 sxiti•t! f ~t.stde , .. - s 55-art'. flo'. K0M.1.170:114 . 7 Gr 0 . ) ,,, 4:14. One hundred and twenty-six prisoners which they had captured at Gettysburg, were. paroled WS morning in the market house. These men were robbed of their boots, shoes and stock ing, and obliged to walk from Gettysburg to Oarltsle. The articles taken from them were immediately placed on the feet of rebels. 4 rge number of &minden= arrived yes la terday with-some eighteen wounded, who had f no doubt, been'wounded yesterday- in the skir liear thie.city. Gen. Ewell's , forms commenced to. leave Garile Yesterday Morning at 8 o'clock, their rear Cola= got off Omit 8 o`clobC igme 250 cividry were still in and around the town at 12 O'clock, at which time thejlarriclis inui not been burnt., They moved towards Mount Holly on thelialthnote pike. The force under Gen. ;fa/nson stationed at Nonni E6ok and' Plain 7 •field v also retreated last night,at 11 o'cloO. The& can be -no mistakebat what they were alarmed at something, - as the¢ moved otPuittch faster than they entered. aomnsa TECS ZOOM • • BO mean as to vide / the Poor lietuol and rob the paupers. Beveraltundre4; desertaft from their-ranks. l'he largest poition of 'than were very tired of the war. Nmrvima, Pa., lan, ; 29, 1863.--A lot of rebel ()mildly were here. Saturday night: and yesterday zooming, wfth:a &nye of 850 cattle stolen from this fiimets. The main army passed down the tur npike. We have had no infantry ; thiough hem ; • . The rebehi that were, here were commanded by Captain • Morgan of Va., aid cousin of the Aentucky Morgan. He ~stitteit publicly oWour innate that they daphnia the Anithern copper heads7that melliffho the Goviennfient .should IROW8:111111:11y r Mild .are n"St -• _ - Yesterday (Sunday) morning they opened our liarksmith ahopa and shod their Ones. They were mounted on Pennsylvania horses. Many of them tont supper at our hotels; ; and paid In confederate 'fah): They disturbed nothing here •and behaved themselves very well. they I le(t.cin Sunday. I eitaritai or =En pansoNgße Forty-five rebel prisoners arrived here yester day afternoon, who were. 4 esptured at _Bi'Con nOlarbarg by .Capf. ;Pi** Thivi.ereoked as now, die l . a i t di. a b t a : • MentosMilson, alrestediuthEtutdarevehing under suspicious cireurnstaidei, of sounding 'the river 'at the Half Way House, bas been .connuitted to, prison, under. inilitary, authority. Handlton Shaeffer : was Honorably discharged. seas AT MieIIANIOBinIRCI. Fik cavalry force of six- hundred was at Mo; iichanicaburg for several days, Reeling what. Icier they wanted. ' ne lama, 11 To' war, v. ar. —The rebate are still within striking distance of. Harrisburg. They wax return here.in two or three ihours. travel; but from present aPrieira,nces . ", their destination is Waltimere and Witehingion, and they arb evi ffently concentrating, thek fcapt the„turu. pike leading directly. toHaltitnore: • aim* AT It*: The rebels have also left tcirk for the same direction: .1410 highway robber; (fen. EF IY, Aimed the following impudent addreasito then ovens bet* afterJhaviog robbed %hem of everything that he costa carvy. Read L". • • . 3See3o, 1868. To•the aitkau of - York:. - '• , MiEnl=lotrifrOF flka REBUS. MEI I have abstained from -burning the railroad 'endings and car shops in your - town, because niter examination I - amitatisfted that the safety If the town' would 'bttlikndaegerid, awl; acting in the spirit of humanity which haeaCti Cbar -041,15ed "tat gevernment 3 qind ';its military I dci not aisiliffolikvolve the inno- With- the' - SUM.° punishment of the guilty. Rid l i ttigsiied - thil tut* itithaearigard to oork iallAnces; I wontd have pursued, a omer"Pa: 4 Woud, have been iUIIYI/110looldi1 as on '4,Oft.' :ofjiist iefalktiorßldr-lid .tatitO .tkUtiditY infpetiaillAtby liner own artiy on out Uo.l‘ 416 114 w!altifin • dren, and Attest the trea%ment you ha tiltt with at the bands of iny=tioldiesinwill erten your eye~ o : the Qa taus tintimetiqek Which it laripparOnt to-lii Yon 44 , g51 1 Publg• )4 -; 4 latipieeneral, MIEN ME /maw4r. OE WOUNDW. DITAILTITBA . pi 7.11001.3 CONEWDB I / 1 11LY IMIB*SD. THE as`Hsre as nviirais OCIM=M) TO PIMON EMI HEIM .S./4 , 0114 , 1A. PRICE ONE CENT. ram vat OP VIOL9NEFRO We have again a rumor that Vicksburg has fallen, but it lacks confirmation. We feel cer. tale, however, that It will fall shortly. =X ICIIITABY 3PIRIT The rebel invasion has aroused our people com pletely,thousands are arriving here to shoulder the musket. The rebel raid, so far, has done an immense amount of injury, but It will sbott en the war very much. Onr people are now thoyoughly united and aroused on the subjec', and will fight the rebels to the litter end.- Lee has done us a great deal of good in that respect, and we shall prdit by it. . A lIIMMIB/1.-31.121118 RIMMT. A Skirmish ensued ab3nt six o'clock last `evening, a few miles west of Oyster's Point, bet Ween a portion of:rebel cavalry, with ten pieces of artillery, and arikdantry force under Gen. Knipe, with four pieces of artillery. The engagement was quite brisk, the artil lery firing several rounds. One of -our /Lenten ants watt wounded in the neck , and a private in fhe The enemy was finally forced to retire, and :were followed up by Geu,_ltnipe. Tho repots, of the =non were distinctly .Iward st several• points in this city. FROR YORK COUNTY A refugee who arrived in this city last night froin Whrightsville, says that the rebels only sucbeeded in collecting $27,010 in money, and $7;900 in goods, of the amount levied on the peciple of York. At York they destroyed fifty ties freight cars. • lot of frame buildings were deetroyed at Wrightsville, incirviing a foundry and the post ,offtce, by the , fire from the bridge. Net!) 2th,trtionntuts. SEABE2' OF BEAUTY! LAIRD'S • 'lllOOlll of Youth or Liquid Pearl VOEL beautifying and preferring the cow 1, plexion and rirrn. After using Lard's Bloom of Youth, or Liquid shoi t time, it will leave the skin a Gott; satin-like texture ; it imparts freenness, gUrwbates and trauspa , ency to the skin, that fiat Only be pr. ducted by the use 0' this vAuable le. al . It presents no vulgar whitep.Unt, as er attempird compounds do, but, on the contrary, is will give 'the complexion a pearl like tint, such imam only be found in youth; its.te.e is impossible to be detec , ed by the closest observers. It is also invala dile tor removing alt kinds of Sum .rs, Tens, Freckeht, Sunburns and other cutaneous diseast ri front the skin. Mr. Liird has every dintraence in rkcom wending his Baionk digrolith. or Lipid Pearl, to ;the !Arline of An:feriae., as bt-Ing the only per fedt and reliahle article now in use for beautifying unarming the Craripkman and dm!. tan-only be had at Z. A. KErNKBL'S c 22, . dpotheatry, - giirdsburg. : EXTENSION OF TIME. CTY TAX.--Notice is hereby given, that the Couniott Council of the City of Her ruiburg baiEJ.completed the levy and a-seasment of taxes for the year 1868, and that all persons be,entitled to an - ab.stetneut of • FIVE PER CENT. on the amount of their respective- City Taxes, on payment of the same to JOHN T. WILSON, Ettg., City Treasurer, on or before the Lt day of July, 1868, the time having bten extended. By order of thrt'Common Connell. DAVID HARRIS, Clerk. Harrhiburg, June 22, 1868. [j,22-dtd DR. AIoW.INTOOKII PECTORAL SYRUP. k iE mut lump weak ? Does a long breath re yon cab" t nave you a hacking conghl Do yan expectorate hard, tough mat ter t Ate , you -wasted with night aweala and what of 814ep f If la); heie is your rem*. It will Imatheitionshly Saveryou. - Price $1 00. - f Theabovo =dick's has been used extensively . Id,lbth'ilty-with good results- For eels at , .BNIVINEIIII3 BOO' IXTRITiNG PLIADEL—Bosif American Wri ting Flaid, & splendid Ink,:at 62 cents 110.11. 1 /arP ARNOWO gamins Writing Flnid, HAMMON'S Colombian Writing ._lrtnid, 1,1411131311 N & RIISHFIELDIt Ink. CoPinig- Ink; Quinine :and Bed Inks of the best quality, Blue Ink, hincelage,lio.„ at _ .O R 6 SCHlriglWr§ 800/ O RE. kJANGES AND LKI ONS - A. freshisivoice, , for sele.by . MEOW & BOWMAN, jet Cor. Yrollt and Mirka, eta. DRESERVING TABS, of Ghee and• Stone, of all kinds:and Mies, for sale low. by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cke. Front's's:id Market streets. IeTO ligitlPWN STOUT . LP. and SfICMT'LLE, of thelieet brands, always on hand and for; t.O by:: .. [apl4] WM. DOCK, J*., . & CO. CABINET AKER WANTED.' ACABIN= MIME& who is a very fine, meld— workman, is ,svanted for special ! w ork., cioir*ges. oongant enintoy meat given: ApAylitifie MILE WORKS. jet cl2w- • - CHILDS:IMO WRIAGIJEL xityriff teeeiFed, the buret asegrtment 112 the , by - .. fA.P.O., W. POISONS, „Ill:00340 ,2 w 110 Market street VAlklar_ CRACKICIZ.--Just to a large lot of Are eis, which we will sell very low, by the. box or, ainalPer quantity, . NICHOL , lft BO W MAN , 3e24 Om. Front and s liarket eta. I'ATAN --:.& TED. mina 11005.1.1 1 ' or few V V*l3oomi suitable fora l** family. Apply - jatcat Mil 4