Inisictitancons. %RENT DIBCOVPRY KU NICE BITTER WINE OF ILION, FOll, the care of WEAK STO6I - kCHS, GENERAL IBILITY, IN DI IS 1.10. N, I/IS SES OF THE ENV° 1113 SYS. fEM, COASTIPA 110N, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, aed for all cases Attiring a Tunic. This Wine includes the most'agreasble and efficient Salt of Iron we poems; Citrate of Mag netic Oxide combined, with the most energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian Bark. The effect in many cases of debility, loss of ap patite, and general prostration, of. an efficient Salt of Iron, combined with our valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy. It angmertte the 'appe tite, raises the pulse, takes off muscular flabbi ness, removes the palor of debility, and gives a.florid vigor to the countenance. : Do you want something to strengthen-you r Do you want a good appetite? Do you want, to build up your constitution? Do you want to feel well? Do you want to get rid of nervousness? Do you want energy ? Do you want to sleep well? Do you want a brisk. and vigorous feeding If yon do, try KUNKEL'S BrfrEil Wl4'E OF MON! This truly valuable Tonic has been so i thor; oughly tested by all daises of the . community, that it is now inaispensible as a Tonic medicine. It costs, but little, putittei3, the blood, gives tone to the stomach, renovates: the spa tem, and prolongs life. I .now, only ask a trial. of this valuable, Tonle. Prepared and sold, wholeade and retail; by S. A. KIJNKEL, Apothecary, 118 Market street' j2B . Harrisburg. TESTIMONIAL I Hanagnarao, Feb: 20, 1863. Ids. S. A. Kum:4 .737.**: . bear Sir: I have great pleasure in ,testifying to the complete success of your Bw.tega Witte or Isom in my, case. I have been afflicted for number of years with weakness,, general debil ity and giddiness, so much so that I have; been coufined to, my bed for the greater part, of my time, and have bad the attendance of our tan physicans,•bnf received but little_benefit. I had despaired of ever regaining my health, ttutil hcaring,of your inestimable remedy; naxt Wrets or hum I determined to try its virtue, and I am happy. to state it has resulted in a complete cure. lam more robust and vig orous than I have been for many years, which feeling I attribute solely to your Bursa Wuutor Ism. I have ho hesitation in recommending it to others, Similarly affected, and shall be happy to bear personal testimony Yours, truly, ' HARMAN FRISCH. TO THE PUBLIC. Heroustemo, Feb. 21, 1863. Mi. S. A. Hunker.: This is to certify that I Save suffered much for a number cif.years with severe atacks of rheumatism, and have tried a great many t emedies, which were considered by ether's a sure cure, Without the least effect on me, •so at last "I have tried gusset's Bemta Wiss or -lees, and-I must bottle has nearly cured me, and liiitend taking;it un til I. am perfectly cured. Yours, trulics MRS. DAVID BASHORE. New Goods—Just Opened AT - -131ERG.Iti ER'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, embracing every new and improved style of POCKET, BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY ROLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORTMONAIEk tto _at pricesto milt all circumstances POCKET curcEity- 4 Clorudeting of .a fule assortment of Westenbolm's Snperlor Pocket knives. GOLD PENS, From. Newton's celebrated manufactory. Every Pen sold with a guarantee. IVIFT FOLIOS, = WRITING CASES, ROShP7OOD DESKS, pAPKTKIITES, Together with every article 'usually - found in a that class Book and Stationery establishment, at - • BEIIGNEWS myl2 - 51 alarkeißtreet. DAN'L A. - NEUENCEL AGENT. Old Wallower Line, respectfully in ionns IrSf the ,the ptiblic that this Old Daily Ti ans poitation Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existenoe ht .- this city ) ) is in successful operation, and prepared to carry freight as low as any other inclividtuil line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lo wisburg, Williamsport, Jersey Shore, Lodk Haven, and all other pants on the. Northern Central, Philadelphia_and Lriu and Williamsport and Elmint'Eailroads. DAli'L A ItUENCH, -, • liarriliburg, Pa. Goode sent to.:the, Warehouse of .Mtmtro. Peacock, ZJlltittinch4an,,Nos. , 808 and 810 Marktt ve Eighth, Philadelphia,, by 4 o'clock, P. n., will arrive at Harrisburg, reedy for•delltery, nexrmitorning. lap3o-rdinyl. BOARD AT SA-RATOGA SPRIN4S. UTASBINGION HALL, (late Mrs. Mason's,) no long and favorably known to visithrs at the Ppr . ngs, 15 NOW OPEN for the recep tion-of views. The house is large, delightful ly situated oil BROADWAY, betkveen the CON GRESs'and EMPIRE SFRINGS ; -and is stir tonaded by ample and beautifully shaded grounds. Table first cLuss—and the rooms well adapted for famiaw and huge parties of !muds. For finther particulars address WASHING' ON NALL:BABA:TOGA SPRINGS. -je2-olm A. P. TEIIPSEB, TEACHER OF M a riSlo Oro *r WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 N. Third &reef. Residence: Third Street, above North. dl6-ti QUEENBWARE 1 ;TlTtinvite the:attention of the publid to our large end well aelected stock of Queens. pare;-recently.pnrchEused, and which we offer at a very small advance on city prices: (Jail and examine.beforeptirchasing elsewhere. - NICHOLSIk BOWMAN - , ap7lpornei wont and Market taM HOW SYRUPS AND MOTAPANg.—,we are now offering for 120, writ low; a lot.of thole° syrups.And'examine at NI2JQIS & BOWMAN, —_Oor.-Frontand Market streets. ' r W.N. - STOUT 'OD SCOTCH A.144j0 liattlesjcia6_oiiiiived.and-formile-br—.- 4209 WM-DOOK, tints of travel Pftrinsylvania Rail Road I Summer Time Table. a zat FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO 3 ND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AST= MONDAY, APRIL 20th, 1868, HE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania I Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as fol lows : EASTWARD. - THRQUCIfi EXPEMEIS TRAIN leaves Harris brag daily at 2.00, a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia 6.10 a. M. EAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily (ext cept Monday) at 5.46 a. Yli., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.55 a. m. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. WAY ACCOMMODATION, via Mount ,loy, lemrps Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives, at Vest Philadelphia at 12.25 p. m. PAST MAIL . TRAIN loaves Harrisburg didly (exceptßunday) at 100 p. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.00. p, m RAARIRBURG ACCOMMODATION , 'PP.AIN, via Columbia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 P. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.30 p. m. WESTWARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TEAM leavat Har risbug (except. Monday) at 2.00 m.; Altoona, 7,15 a. M.:4tke breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 , n00n. PHILADELPHIA ;EXPRESS MIN leaval Harrisburg daily at 3.00 a. in.; Altoona at 8.00 . &.m:, take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg:at 12:afi, 321. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.16" p. m.; _Altoona at 7.15. p. take supper, and arrivmat Pittsburg at 12..80 a. ra. FAST LINE leaves , Harrisburg at - 3.68 p. .Altoona at 8.85, and arrives at Pitts, burg at 1.00 a. m. , • • NaRRTSRURG4OOOIIIIIODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.80 p. ,m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.80 WAY AOOOMII4ODATION TRAIN eaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m.; and arrives at Har risburg at 9.40 p. m. Ths train runs via Mt. Joy. • SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Apt Male'big. renten B. Harrisburg, April 16, 1862.-dtf Northein Central Railway.! SUMMER TIME TABLE. TED3II3 TRAII*DAILY TO AND PEON 13_A:LOTIMOI?eM Wasithigtou City. Oonneotions'made with trains on Pennilyva nia Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. TWO nurss DAILY to and from the North and West BranohNtuquebanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. • , ON and after MONDAY, APRIL 20th 1868, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and, depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows; vis : SOUTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Stmbnry daily (except Sunday).. 10.10 A. M. -' leaves•Harisburg„ 1.16 P. M. " arrives at Baltimore 5.86 P. M. EXPRESS 111AJN, leaves Banbury daily (except Sun- • dAy).. . . .... 11.07 P. M. leaves 11arrhIbing (except . Monday ), 2.00 A. M. " • arrives at P•iitimore • daily. (except Mon \ day) • 11. HABBISBIJk ACXXHIMODATION • leaves Harrisburg 6.30 A,lll NCRTZWAR.D. MA-MOWN (exceptißunday).. 9.16 A..M. " leaves Hanisburg... 11.16 P.. M. arrives at Banbury.. 4:06 P. M. EX.FIIIIBB TRAIN leaves Baltimore - daily . . 9.15 P. M. " arrives at dai1y...... 1.85 A. M. leaves Harrisburg (except. Mo- , • • Ilay)t... T 8.00 A. M. Si arrivakit . unbury.. .6:811A. M. HARBISBMIGACX)OII °DATION leaves" - Baltimore daily,(exccpt Bun day) 2 2.65 P. M. arrivesat tiarrisburg 7.80 P. M., For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsylvania Bailroad.)epot. N. Du - BARRY -47 m, Supt. Hanisbutg, prig 18,4888.-dri NEW MR LINURRITIL AND PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFI7II MONDAY, APRIL 20th, 1862, the Paisenger Trains will• leave the PhiladelPhia and Reading Railroad Depbt, at Harrisburg, for New York and PhiladelpMa, as follows, via: • EASTWARD. • EXPRESS LINE haves Harrisburg at 2,16. A. M., on arrival of the PenneylVania &stirred Express Train from the West, arriving in New Yolk at9.BOLA. IL, and at Philadelphia at 8.20 A. N. A sleeping , car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without 'change. MAIL TRAIN leaves • lihtrrisbUrg at 8;00 A. M., griving in New York at 6.80 P. IL, aid 'Philadelphia at 1.60 P. N. FAST LUTE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 P. arriving in New York at 10.25 P. M., and Piiil itdelphia at 7.00 P.., N. ' 1117E - STINTARD. FAST LINE liavee Nei York at 6.00 A. M., awl Philadelphia at 8.15 A. IL, arriving is Marrisburg at 1.15 P. XL MAIL IBAIR leaves New York at 12.00 noon, andd Philadelphia at 8.80 P. M., arriving at Her rioter& at 8.201. M. ESE.P.Blafi TRAIN leaves New York at - I'.oo P. N., _arriving at Harrislinrg at 2.10 A! - 14..., and awnec tfi4 with the Pennsylvania Ikkiwesi Tioitriot Pitt burg. A eleeping_oar is, also. 4. to te d to this train. • Cdimbetions are made at Harrisburgisitb trains on the Pennsylvania, , Northern Central and Cumberland Vs)let rairoads, and at Read ing far Philil#elpliht, Pottsville, Wilkesigirr, 4lletitown,_testark, • , .B aggar y eb.edre through :- Pare - lietweas' New , Tork :and Harrisburg, . $615; between Harrbibmg and Philadelßbia,lB'2s i NU. 1 ears;MiriVin-No. 2. -Foplicketwor, other Infer4attenapplito :,111.410* - APRS alabigivga tints of trope. READING RAILROAD - 8 - IJIII - AFF:).=; ARRA NGRMF•I'I'i BEAT TRUNK LINE FEOSI. TELE NORTE kTancl Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Leb:.non, Allentown, Easi ton, tic., ttc. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia,New York, Reading, Pottsville, and all intermediate stations, at 8.00 A. M., and 2.00 P. M. New York Express.leaves Harrisburg, at 2.15 A. M., arriving at New York at 9.15 the same morning. Fares from Harrisburg : To New York $616; to Philadelphia $8 86 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 A. M., 12 Noon, and 7 P. M., (Pittsburg Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8.16 A. M., and 8.80 P. M. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburg without change. Passengers by the Catawissa Railroad leave =aqua. at 8.60 A. M., and 2.16 P. M., for Phil adelphla, New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.16 A. 11L, and 130 P. M. for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. AntAcco'mmodation Passenger train leaves Beading at 6.004. M., and returns from Phila- Adelphia at_6.oo P. M. (F All the above trains run daily, Sun days excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.80 A. M., and.Philetdelphia at 8.16 P. hi. Commutation, Season, and likecur sion Tickets at Teduasd rates to and from all poiats. G. A. NICOLL.% General Superintendent. April 20 0 •dawtf 1863-- 1882. N TER 18,63 ARRANGEMENT, CUMBERLAPID VALLEY AND MANN RAIL ROADS.- LgEIANGE OF 110IIES.—On and afterlllon - day, November 17, 1862, Passenger Trains Will run daily, as f ollows, (Sundays excepted) : For Chomberabire and Harrisburg : .A. K. P. M. • Leave Hagerstown ' 7.00 2.46 " Greencastle • 7147 8.85 Arrive at.. 8.17 4.20 Obianibersburg..:.• '•• i ----- • • ' • • - Leave at.. 8.80 12.88 lisaiies ShiPpenhtitrg 9.00 1.28 " • Newvilloa , - 9.82 2.00 Made 10.10 2.42 Meolusnicaburg 10.42 8.12 Anive at'Harriaburg 11.16 8.40 For • Chamberebturg and Haierstown: ' AL. IL P. Leave Harrisburg 8.06 1,86 Mechanicsburg 8.47 2.16 " Carlisle 9.27 2.56 " Newville ... ... ........10.02 8:26 " ffirippensburg 10.88 4.00 Arriye at Ohambersburg......ll.oo 4.80' Leave Obarnbersherg • 11..10 4.40 Greencastle. 11.66 6.80 Arrive at HagerstoWn ..... .12.86 p.lO OP Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; end with' trains for all pointslffeet. 0. N. liIILL,Nept. IL it. Office. Chambersburg, N0v.1.7. 1862.4, 1863. - 1863. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD.' TlY4great line traverses the Northern and rthwest counties of Fenikylvania , to the city of Ede, Ain Lake Erie. It has been .lessed by the Powayleania Ea read Conyx4, and under their ansplom is belag rapidly (Trucked throughout its entire leagth. " It is now in use for Passenger and Freight busbies from Harrisburg to Driftwood, (2d Fork,) (177 miles) en the Eastern Division, and. from - BM:AE.4d to Erie, (78 miles,) on the Western Division. MO Or PALMING= TRAINS AT minumarms. Medi-Train-leaves North. 1.16 A: IL Express Train leaves North 8.00, A. M. Cars run through umnirour mums both ways on these trains betwien Phibnielpida Blaven, and hetween Baltimore and I OeltHavem. EtNant Blenping cars On the Fliprese train bath ways. For information restkeeting Passenger - reas bust ruAns apply at the 8. E. Cot. 11th and Market And for . Frfiight business of the Oorapany!s Agerite: tr B. Kingston Jr., Oor. 18th and Market streets, -Philadelpilts. J. W, Erie. J. H. Drilli Agent N. O. B. 8., Baltimore. H. H. Hoseros, ODA Freight Apt. Phil's. Linn L Holm, Seer 2iek4 Apt. Phil's. Joe. D. Inns, j2o.dly] Gan Ifersayer, WKiionsport. FREIGHT REDUCED HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO.'S MORT I, UR ROUTH TO AND - FROM N.vTf. Yonlil. Goods Ordered in tap Morning Returned the =Um! Night. Leave New York at 711 she -Fait Through ELgoes Train, arriving in liarriaburg at 8 A. 31, WITHOUT ORANGE OP Oat Order Ek*Ai Maited via HOPE . ESTEEM; Ob., . &dorsi Me; 162 Iftorairsy, New York' For fturther infornustlen haqil4 of GEO., BISIIGNEX Agent' Hmeluinnuta .Ausr. 11161.-dtt DI — PaMAONEIIEL, kitts, 11 403 111*; Iwikrecelved ikful far ithle_by :WILXVICeIank .:.._ ~.,._ .. i~ ID. ill. grass ttr Co. D. NY' GROSS & 00:, TROT v 4 r AN n RET•A D a INJR-i-ISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET, EthaIRIBBUBtf, PA DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS: We one daily adding_to °hi aseortinent of goods all such articles a are desirable, and would re s pectfully call your attention to the largest gunrbeet seLxied stock in thlici4r, of DRUGS, 0111 1 / 1 0ALS & . PAINTS; IL% Varnishes and Gtlaes r • Dyo-Stuffs, Quo and Patty, Ariet'a Colors add Tools, • Pore Ground 'Spices, :Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lod, Sparta Pine on% :11.434:thug„ w 3 and lop Globes, Oastila Soap, flpongeo aid Corks, &43., dio, &e. With a gßnerel variety of • pERFomERy a TOILET *LIOLES srliated from the bat manufacttwee end Per - Main of tEttrope .thle -country. Being very large deedenr in PAINTS, WRITE LEAD, • .I.4llstaz OIL , vAtttustms,. WINDOW..GLASS, ARTIST'S cottons, PAINT' AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEatt Tkonancs; (MOBS , ANtrEBONZiii 0* ALL Mite We respectfully invite a call, feeling contl-, dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETRA Timm I t JoNLT AND WHITE'S POD:MA= USW PATENT NEDIOMES, and HAIR BEBIDUTIVES, Of `a!l kinds,. direct from the . Proprietors. Saponifier and Omeentrated Lye. Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we Ben can be purcielsesi in the cities MAYER'S. MEDICAL FL U ID. ArriLturs. COIL OIL! : CARBON OIL Being larie ptircbseers in nine Oils, we can offer *documents to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most - improved patterns, ve7 cheep: All kinds of lamys . ,obanged to burn FARMERS AND GRAZIERS. Those of you who have not given our 40/1810 AND CIATTLE Pf3WDEBS• a trial iniow not their superiority, and the advantagelhey are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in * - good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the nee of our Cattla Ilbwdent by tbe increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap. Pearlinoo of their, POMO. Our long experience in the buslnese gives us the a4vantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our, arrangemerds4n :the atlas are such that we can in a irtfry short time fnrnish anything appertaining to oar bnilness, on the best at terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our bonsai-Sre hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE •lIRIIGEI at fair prices, and the &she to please all, to merit a - continuance of the favor of a &Kahn mating pnolic. - apl6 dig WRAM TUCKER : Mitif.NUFACTVREat and Wholowde Dearer in ...Tuosztrpr PATENT BPAING pm." These Bede are partionbirly- noted foi their Cleanlbiess, Ease Daribrilty, and are' war ranted to give perfect satlshiction. For Sale by IMA TUCKER mr27-Bml No. 2 Revere Block, M .13psh:s ,ofriss. POOIEET sadoitilpit of I'cKllcet Bibles . , C:L and Tesiain : laki_Wthe Boldiork ..itiat A) (lived • • , BREIGNEW BOOKUTOBIL • 11:1IIRNS, Broome, lisekete, and all kinds Cedar and Willow ware, for eale by, - NIOROLfiIr-BOWMAN mr2B Per.. front and. Wit*, , ILIANGEBUD DEMICO3, froth itoporks vi Moo, Jyto, t maivo4 toad Amide mrBo WM. DX& 'ANS AND -' DRIEV-110Mar. 7 -**gost% 11 Exceisiorßatiot tigtd rtiOplifeieft slNFlAtteil to give eat by. - _ al:-` cor4,4ll**.liditt E all aitaiek; , (Tiakali;;JaliZa ISAUCSBI of knob Jll. l , Ikkaerlidlig 6WOOt r ' - Ntsultantaus ESTABLISHED 1760 PETER LOTIIIIA,RDs, snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer) 16 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chambers Street, New York,) WOULD call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufeettur, viz : • BROWN SNUFF. Macaboy, Demigros Fine Rappee, Pore Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Nachitockes, American Gentleman, OopenEagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, High Toast Scot* Irish IligkToast, or Landyfoot, Holey Dew Scotch, 'Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Freeti Scotch. Attentiou is called to the large reduction in prices of Fine-Cnt, Chewing and Smoking 'Tobaccos, which Will be found of a Superior QUality. TOBACCO. 81110HDIG. Long,, a No. 1 Spanish, No. '2, Canister, Nos. 1 & 2 mixed, Turkish. Granulated. MI MT CRIMKG. P, or Phil; Onvmligh t or Gweet, Sweet Scented Oronoco, Tin Foal Cavendish. B. B.—A circular of prices sent - on application. PEIPIIER DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, Lodi Ham% isneyShoro, Williamsport, Mn ay, Ualoatoita, Watsoatowa, Lotthborg, Nortkumborlad, Sun bury,: Trovertot, landau, Libman* Minim .11aapkia AND HARRISBURG. rho lthi Depot lbeing centrally located, tai drayigti will be at the lowestrates. The Conductor 'goes through with emit train to „attend tolhe safe delivery of all goods intrust ed, to the line. Cfootia delivered at the depot of MIMED, WARD & FREED, 811 Market street, by 6 o'clock P. Pd., will be deliv . eyed in Hattlaburg the next morning. freight Always as Low as by Any other • . Line. _ . 4081 TH MONTGOMERY, • ttdbuleiphia and Reatil i ll s Depot, ect2l-tf] of Market Street, u THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, WHAMEB. AND WILSON& XTEW OFFIOLP4arket figusm, next door to of *Vali Anil see thorn in ape laden. • Ake - nerd assortment of machines and Pad* constantly 9 11 hand. Miss Margaret Riney will exhibit and sell •them, and also do all kinds of machine sewing numhines in the beet Manner.. The patronage of the pall() is respectfully PIANOS! STEINWAY'S, °BICKERING'S, BRAD BURY'S, IT AY' B and -GROVE - STEEN'S. MELODEONS, acc., by num, Taw h mom. VIOLINS, OLTEARS,. PLUMS, FIFES, AG downorrs, DRUMS, &c. Sheet Musk lent by mail to any place. PICTURE FAMES, ALBUMS and LOOK ING CLLAIME. Rowe's Sewing Jefachbies, &c., at the Mode Store of SILAS WARD, N 0.12 North Third Street, above Market. aug.l4-411y • 14QUOBB. have_ow handirvery superior Wei:tied 'XiANDIEB and FINE LI QUOIA 'of &My definAption. BRANDI& of the choicest brands and yin. UP& WINIS of every variety and of the finest quality. or. OBUZ BUM: HOLLAND • I:1 m A%; BCOltill, BYE and BOURBON 011AMPAGNE, SOME ALE BROVIN thUIJT, 'CORDIALS, . Alio, a NATIVE WINE, manufactrm3d from the domestic - gape, which is a splendid arthfie, sad yre bapui it to - Impure. api4 , • WM. DOOX, Js. , & CO. it • TF you want your Skin of a pearly whiteness, 11 ge to`litu2kel's and get some of tbat fainons sxr, which odbatituted a portion of the carge of the stainer Pretest Royal, which was captur ed some time since by our fleet, While attempt ing Urea the blockade at autdeittet. Can only be had at ALUNSICL'd arf46-tf 1,18 Market at „Ihnsisburg. OouNGES AND LEMONS . —WIi have just received *triaged and finest lot of Mee sins Oratig;es offered this season in this market. Call and examine,' at NICHOLS & BOW MAN ap27 . Cdr. Frontand Mahal. dreeb. 8 2.E810R VINEGB.R. TNOCK iic:CO have just received new, . and J.J. superior tutiele of Vinegar, mannfeetaied entirely from C o ro,-which is entirely free from all mineral aclds and which "they can freely :re. commend . to their customers the- public. The public are invited to give this articles trial. hfarch.l7, 1868. • . . Bmit ! • __ aothen, C . • . moiPine ApPie, SaP Sago, for ode -bY ja..., . WM, tio4 OIL OF AiX. This celebrated Salad Oil, with Several other choice brands,' in large and small bottles, just received and-foe-sale by aPida WM- pow, ,Ta„ & t . F.lpgriapS Water and - PM& ißeir 1v v ; for. salevery low, by - NIOHOLB & BOWMAN f. 2 .1 3 (MOM Grow .au oug, 003 1 0 114,4 A., &o, mina igrAAPI BONOMbir gIP7 *Wu*. St& Uri ORIME- 11 AVOEBa - — rhaadebala 100 ,L,Ordara Bawer arlitei; rtilereceivM,ind for selaby , c. Nluileta 'Bc . BOWMAN., n ailit on Votiktind Karat EItoNOC.; G.:•=eit iFixgroliq• /Pia liatUß! wow loath Mr* au Tiddr Diasintis t.iar4r NICIIOI,►ti & ilo , ArV ,k-; BIM COSHES OF MatiT A WEL= ET ~r~c'z+EG, I'EtiY.~_ , o the. iemaz..s of our buzintt, I have o:ged and lull - roved our room, and respectfully invite the atteutiec t the public to .lur , rei well ,-; ; : ect ,i stork of GRORRRILS, NIOVISIONS, FOREIGN AND u. Ilbz , [lt YRIIITS, CEDAR AND WILIo WARR. We offer for sale STEWAtiIB & LOVEELIN'S CHOICE SYRUPS AND MOLASEs of all WHITE AND BROWN SUGAIiS GREEN AND BLACK EA COFFEE, SPICES, au.: FLAVORING EX f We keep on hand all kinds of 'emu. ) duce ; also, FLOUR, ISH, SALT, HAMS, LARD, otc. We call attention to our large stock 'dor • NON _gXPLOSIVE COAL OIL.. unequalled in every respect by any in the het, together with all kinds of COAL OIL LAMPS, SBAD E. BUM. and CHIMNEYS. GU BENSWARE of awry style, always on hand. NICHOLS Sr. BOWMAI-, my* rd.dlB] Oor. Front and JOE N WIELE' Confectionery & Fruit 13t:31, THEBD STREET, NEAR WALL liorrieterg, Pa. OONFECIIONKBY OF ALL RIND=', ORANGES AND LEMOAIIi, Pl= APPLES, BARANN A FRESH AND SALL And vegetables of all 'kinds, brought from the eastern markets, twice a week, purchased ender my personal supervidoe, enabling me to sell a better and cherper than any in the market. or Order& from a distance atte-dru promptly, and goods delivered to auy jun the city free of - charge. FRIMPF °ARNIM FRUIT cisnstanfiy land. ' 4live 1038 a call. Jeffs JOAN L! TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. Collation of Passim, booties, Bael and War Claims. Waters' ray Rolls, Master Rolls, awl walling accounts Made Out. f HE andemigned, having been in the Ll_ ployment of the Vnibid Stem dam; L: WA eighteen months, as Clerk in tut nig and Disbursing Office and Office of intendant of Recruiting Service r.f. relipeqfutly inform the public that at. L., topetuxt an office In :M. Demi rer_Euittr. Build% lot the purpose of oollecuag eta int, Indies, Back Pay and War Ut., also, musing out Officers' Pay Botts, Bolls and Recruiting ACOeittitS. All orders by mail attends , to proruy:y RP - tiou SULLIVAN S. ON MORTON'S UNRIVALLED rjoLD p TIRSr QUALITY WABPAN LED. MINN BBITRE IN THE P;Bais -A GREAT LrLguity. PERSONS in want su p er i or good cerxP lls will arid with me a large , meat to select from, and have the prtVt.t.:: exchange the Pews untli their hand p suited: And if, by fair means the lls points binak off. during twelvemonths, th, chaser shall have the privilege to select one, without any charge. I have very good Gold Pins, mad, ' Morton, not warranted, in strong s itrer mg, for 81, SL2S, 81.60, $2.00. dos sale at SOMMEts'BI3OOKALL , ::. ,ape No. 18 Market street, tliurt.,,nt, 111CUMI PROFORAL SIM 11118 /NVALUALBLE SYRUP, JL nailraly vegetable in l composay , , been employed with wonderful 1311(), ,, ) many years hi the care of diseases for tr, -- PAIN/if/Wand LUNGS. For may forte disease each as COUGH, TIOiLLIND"•,, THROAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD, CULT BRRAITUNG, HGAII4RLIaid, Luz- .' VOICE, and HEOTIO FEVERS, 16 be attended with the happiest results. 1: one of the bent and West medicines for= of BRONCHITIS and CON U± - 110 laucksan or preparation of Opinn' n in as this wry. ' PUDE' ,$lOO PER Roma.. For saki id BSI MITER'S CHEA MM Gold Pens! Gold - ti or WARRANTED ! ANOTEEKElnewairortraent of th. "Newion Pen" of all - tyr_, silver or gold holders, have jest o st the tumuli ORKAP BOOK S :out: GEO. Billitiso..l Alartet liarrieburg, Dec, 1362.. POORRT BOORS, 1117088 KM PURaI PORT MON a= iiad a general variety of Leather U... - received at BERGITIKB,'S EWE -_ DRUM FRUIT D EMI/ Peaches, (pared) Dr ied Pe OmParthn Dried Apples. Dried Plums, Dried Cherries. Dried For sale by [sprlol WK. DOCK, J: G ARDEN SEEDS. Shaker's, Mt. Lebanon, N. 13 zIKP._ &Bro 7 " docile-ter A large =voice compr . iPAn g every dew:down, just reoslive'4 and for *PM v AM. DOCK, JR • S TRI/PBlOl / K.o' Imams of att ktu.t-, by NICHOLS & BO WIL , °, mYB Cor. Front and Stra.:.l.,;i. C RILNI3I2III very choice lot just received, aPI4 WM. DOCK, Jo., s t r NATIONAL ALMANAC AND -- BICORP____ L fOr 1868 for sale at „, ay. tiIaLLIWZMIB BOOKSII3a' 1,7 P - FT', Tr