q iHpEdegrapt. to'+•.if;E L..tn.lSEltS.—All Ad itxtnaeut:;. Notieea t Mar riages, ctii,... to secure insertion La the must inve.riatty be a.ectaapanied r itia the CASH. Adrerticntenti ettlered in the regular Evening Edition nie inserted in the Morning Edition -a ithout extra Charge. P.ABBIBURG,PA Monday Evening, June 29, 11863 PISTOL STOLEN.-- $5 &MAlM—Stolen from the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, in Market street, a fine silver mounted revolver. $5 dollars is ready for any person who will re turn the above, or show how it may be recov:- ered. Apply at this office. je29-2to ARRIVAL OF TROOPS.—Captain Wellington Jones, Co. C, of the provost battalion, which was located in this city last winter, arrived here at noon to-day with a full company, composed principally of members of his old company, which serve for nine months. SPECIAL Nunez !—All persons having re ceived rfies from the Friendship Engine House are requested to meet there this evening at seven o'clock, to perfect an organization. Those not whiting to go out with the company and have guns belonging to the same are expected to to leave them at the place cf' meeting this evening. By order of CAPT. T. WEFLEY AWL Dios s Esser, PRISONERS. —Forty-two rebehi havi3 been captured and brought to Harrisburg since last Friday - . They were placed in the yard in the rear of the Court House, this morn ing, and taken up one by one to the Provost Marshal's office, when they were examined: These prisoners are to be sent to Philadelphia to-morrow morning at two o'clock, and will be delivered over to the U. 8. Provost Marshal stationed in that city. A Goon Vraw.—The movements on the op- posite side of the tiver, can be plainly seen from the dome of the capitol through a good spy-glass. Last evening a flag was observed floating from a pole in a large field, nearly six miles southwest of the city, euppost.d by those who saw it to be the "stars and bars" of the rebels. But a short distance from the flag was part of a regiment, apparently drilling. We have not since ascertained whether it was a Union or a rebel regiment. GOOD FOR LITTLE MIFFLIN.--Capt. Harry Eisen. hire arrived here yesterday morning from Lewistown with a compart'y of 100 men strong, being the first to enter Camp Curtin, and tender their services under the Governor's late call for 60,000 of three months troops. Another com pany will arrive here to-day, composed of mer chants from the place. The proper spirit has at. always animated the people of Mifflin county. "The Logan Guards" from Lewistown was the first to ea ter the United States Capital al the breaking out of the rebellion. TEE PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES.—The Pemasyl cratia Reserves, under Brig. Gen. Crawford, have been transferred from the Department of Washington to the Army of the Potomac. Their number has been increased by the return to service of many who were disabled or wounded in the many battles through which they have passed. Applications have been made by the officers and desires expressed by the men to be led against the enemy now invading, their na live State. The prospect of active service has inspired much enthusiast)). =tong the Reserves. ~~ CLO3ING or Places or Busnms.—Nearly every business, house with the exception of the hotels, have their doors closed today, and, all work appears to have been suspended in every sec tion of the city. A general suspension of btusim ness is actually necessary now,in order to allow all able-bodied males to assist in driving the rebels from this city. Every one can assist in in this emergency, either by shouldering the musket or picking lint, which will be needed by the surgeons in dressing the wounds of those who may be engaged in repelling the foe now approaching the Capital. Tim Finer COLORED Ts oars FROM HARRISBURG 'Sunday, the two companies of colored troops recently raised, in this city, received their -arms from the State arsenal, and were drilled in the manual by their captains, Bradley and Chester. Notwithstanding the awkwardness of some of them in handling a musket fur the -first time, they learned the first rudiments in the school of a soldier in common with raw 'troops when first instructed in the -manual of arms. Captain Bradley has a full company, but Captain Chester will have to recruit ten or fifteen men before he has the maximum number allowed by the Government. The companies have dany drills, and are rapidly becoming proficient in drill and the flanking movements. I== RESISTING ENROLL= orricsas IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY.—Tho enrollment troubles in Mont gomery county have culminated in the death ;if at least two persons—a deserter and the enroll ing- officer. It seems that Abraham A. Bar tolet, the enrolling officer of Montgothery county, wit :" the provost guard, went to the residence of a leserter named Howe on Sat urday last for the •ourpose of arresting him. On arriving at the housC,' it was surrounded by the guar d , and Howe ca „24.4 for. A female voice replied to the demand th: 4 he was in the house, but that. he was not going . 4 o be taken. BArtolet then cried out to break down. the door and lake him out. At this instant HoN: lr e ap peered at the window with a double•barreledgu s t l f which he discharged, the half - striking I3artolet in the breast and causing his .death in twenty minutes. A _man named * Eisenberry - then sprang to the window, and discharged his re_ volver three times at it and into the roma. Howe was seen to fall, and was sup d'to be killed. Asalle neighbor hood was arotaiiiiiit was not deemed prudent to attempt Bowe r s *nest or to see how badly he was injured. The foregoing are all the particulars of the affair that have been furnished up to Thursday : There is an organized resistance =to th&erirollnient act in Montgomery County; and how farlt will be permitted to be successful remains to be known. Conran PARAD&B.—The various city mili tail organizations recently:effected in the city, arc having a busy time drilling in the Paiks and wide streets of the city. Captain F. Asbury Awl's, Captain W. H. H. Hummers and several other eJnipa , iiss were out drilling this morning, and went through the various m.aneuvres in military tactics. The companies generally litsv: two hours' drill in the morning, when they are instructed in the manual of arms, the facings, and in marching. Over five hundred men are now in the militia companies of Harrisburg, and numbers are joining hourly, thus rapidly filling the ranks of the companies that are nearly full. . " sptrial Notitta. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA .and Recruiting Claims, United States Pension, Bounty, Arrears of Pay, and Subsistence Claims, &c., &c., made out and collected by EUGENE SNYDER, 441lorney-W-Law. Office : Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. L0*4771y MOTHERS! MOTHER•SII MOTHERS!!! DON'T fail to procure MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for CHILDREN TEETHING. This valuable preparation is,the prescription of one the best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been need for thirty years with never failing safety sod success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infaut of one week old to the adult. , It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly relieve' GRIPING IN TIM BOWS'S, AND. WIND COLIC. We believe it the Best and Burest-Itetriedy iro the World, in all cases of DYSENEERY,and DIA:BB/RE& IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directiotui for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unicts the fac•simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside *rapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Principal Office, 48 Dey Street, NEW YORK YNNNI ONLY 25 Owns PER Bom HAIR LOVE! HAIR DIE! BATCHELOR'S CELEBRATED HAIR DYE Is the Best is the Wor lds}',', The only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye-Known. This splendid Hair Dye is Yerfect—chauges Red, Rusty or Grey Hair instantly to a s 'ilbah l Black or Natural ßronvs, without injuring the Hair or Staining the Skin, leaving the Haig Soft and Beautiful ; impartS fresh‘vitality; :fre4 quently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine ie signed WILLIAM A.BA.TddELOR. All otheri are mere imitations, and , should be avoided: Sold by. all Druggists, &c. FACIORY-rBl BARCLAY ST., N. Y. - • = ‘= BATCHELORS NBIT Tenn MIAMI BM DII.BBG THB HAIR. .023-li. New 2bvt t tistintutc PENNSYLVANIA., SS In the Name and by the Authority C.) COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA• ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of the said Commonwealth, ♦ PROCLAMATION The enemy is'advancing in force into Penn sylvania. Me has --a strong column within twenty-three miles of Harrhbugg, and; other colUmns are moving by Felton and Adams counties, and it can no longer be doubted that a formidable invasion of our State 14 in actual progre4s. The callsalready made for volunteer - pitia in the exigency, have not been met astully as the crisis requires. I, therefore, ~- r roiv, issue this my proclamation, calling for SIXTY THOUSAND MEN to come promptly . forward to defend the State. They will be mustered into the service of the State for the peiiod of NINETY DAYS, but will be requiredlti serve only so mush of the period of muster as the safety of our people and honer oi our State may require. They will rendezvous at points to be designa ted in the General Order to. be issued this day by the Adjutant Generals ot: Pennsylvania, whit& order will also set forth the , detalls of the arrangements for organization,' clOtfiing, subsistence, eguipmenia supplies I will not insult yonby inflammatory. appeals. people who want the heart to defeliEV4heir soil, their families and their firesideri, tire' not worthy to be accounted men. Heed not the counsels of evil disliosed persons, if such there be in your midst. Show yourselves what you are—a free, loyal, spirited, brave, vigorous race. Do not undergo the disgrace of leaving your defence mainly to the citizens , of other States. In defending' the soil of Pennsylvania we are contributing to the supportof our nationaltgov emment, and indicating our fidelity to 'Die na tional cause. Pennsylvania has always heretofore: - respond ed promptly to all the calls made by,theiFed eral Government, and I appeal la you now not to be unmindful that the foe that Strikas at otir State, strikes through our desolation at the life of the Republic, and our people are plun dered and driven from their homes solely be; canes of theft loyalty and fidelity to our free institutioni. People of Pennsylvania l Vowe,tel .yo 4 all my faculties, my labors, ray 4l life. 7 . 9 U to your country your prompt. and 8811101111 services and-efforts. The time has now cone When we mustlill stand or fall together in defencc ,four State, and in support. of onr Govern - tient; Let :o discharge our duty that posterity shall not b imk :for us: - Come heartily and cheerfully to the resent: of our` noble Commonwealth. kaki= taro now you 7 honor and freedom. ' Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the • State at Harriebeltctillie twisty-sixth day of _ June, in the year of ,mar- 4.M1.9ne Ahotwatid . eiiht hundred and 5ix.,,,‘7-three, !Ind of the Qiiiimonwealth the eightyletith:...".. ; • • 4. - : 0111 5P. T- : ,7 8t1T14.1 CiAMANon: ‘,,, • "."4..N 4 ...1 - Secretary -the Commoriviealth. LIST OF LETTEI:`:S LEMAININti IN HIE COST OFEICE, RONDLY, JUNE 29, 1563. IFF:GIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER HAVING LADIES' LIST. Armlet', Mary Kinzey, Miss Mary Backenstels, Alias Sarah Kinsey, Miss Gilley Elamite, Mrs E Longsdorf, Mrs Harrict BaAhore, Mrs Rebecca Loyd, Miss Annie. L Bailly, Mrs Rosy Lynch, Mrs'Eliza Batess, Mies Mary McElwee, Miss Sarah Backenstoes. Miss Kate BicYacke, Miss Sarab Bare, Miss Mary J Mead, Mrs Mary Bailey, Miss M F Mease, Miss Susan Becker, Mrs . Sul& Mason, Mrs Emeline K Biddler, Miss Lanai' Madder, Mrs Sarah Ann Bingumans, Catharine Malory, Mrs Ann Brown, Mrs William Miller, Miss Barbara Breniser, Mrs Susan Miller, Miss Mhry Brinton, Miss Elizabeth Molts, Miss Sue . Norer,ger t Miss Catharin Buckingham, Mrs Jen- Obrien, Miss Sarah Die 'lading, Mrs Suitt Carter, Mrs Nellie M. Bilk! , Mrs Joseph Cassel, Mrs-Jacob: Potter, ; Mies. Mary F Carcuran i Mrs Ann Rearsage„Mi4 El lib'th °Oran, Mrs Sarah Rauch, Miss Carrie H Comfort', Mil e s Maty,,A, Boyer, ,Mrs D S, .; Coble, Mrs Adaline Ruth, Mrs Susan peltuff,tMies Anna < ROW . , Mrs Clarralf. Day, lkiie§ Delhi Mira Mary'W Dunkin, Miss Margaret Schenk, Mrs Henry 11 Dervirl, Mrs Catharine Safford, Mrs,Charlotte Doner, Mrs Henriera Sanders, Miss Mary Dunkin, MitsMargaret Seaton, Mrs Malcolm Duncan; Mill Hannah , Shearer, Mrs Cumrie B Ety:,,t c lim Sarah , Searger, Miss Elizabeth Elser;` Mike 'Elizabeth • Sheluamer, Mra. Mary E Eliot, Nis William „Sh,ataer,,,Mrs Susan E?nest, Miss Mary Sinith,"Mrs Alleam Egle, Mrs Margaret Mrs , Luthel Fence, MissLL.„ ). Stuj,th, Mrs Howard Fansler, Mrs Annald Stiodt, Miss Mary J Feerrs, Missltary A. Skane;Mies Ellin Fame, Miss Leah J. Snyder, Mrs Elizabeth Frances, Miss "nada Snyder, Mrs Sarah H Firsbt, Miss Maria Stroh; Miss Annie Fought, Miss Matilda Swartz, Mrs Mary ,Fackler, Anna B • Stephens, ; Miss Bosey Way, MisalosePhine Stinmel , Mra Clirra Garverich, Mrs Oaths- Thompson Mrs Jas B rine - Trainer, Miss Emma J Gutelus, Miss Emma J,Vanreed, Mrs Joshua Groffey, Mrs Mattie 'lreinivert, Mrs Richard (I ood, Miss Leah Ellen Whiteman, Mrs Sarah Gray, Mrs Margaret Wert, Mrs Louisa Hamer, Mrs Sally Welker, Mies Annie E Hall, Mrs Ellen Williams, Miss Annie Hostetter, alias Bella *Miami, Miss Judea Houtz, Mrs Mary- • Wrakle, Miss Sally 3 -Riney, Mrs Mary,A Yeager, Miss Jane, Hoffer, Miss Lottie Yeagher, Mies Susan Hydecker, Mrs Mary Yeager . giEf Sup,l3 Jonson, Miss Luwoes Zinkler, Miss Susana Kaitif),Mikil Athde Zaak MitcAlanie, my 22 d&w6m -....Q.E'NTL•EBEIEN'S LIST Aoam.#7 W, Forrest, Charles Adainsen - John B Fishel, Wm H Alfred, hi. Fossard, Adolphus E /Albright, Lewis , Fauct, Milton Auge, Moses Fortriey, Dafid L Barker, Fara F, M D Peter; Michael Bare, Jacob Gices.,,Pr A Babb, 0 Henry Gratfey, David Boas, Ands •• Growaff, Anthony Bildwin, dharlis GroViis; Andrew J 143a1i, Hiram , Gross, Simon Graham 'N'Ef. Biker, Wm .sGreen, deorge Backenstoss, Alex Rams, Phillip Berg, John Hadling, E Berryhill, C A Hammill, S.M Beatty, B S Jr 2 Hart, John Bearry, liablen H Harman, George Berkey bile, Joseph Harpel, Weary ' Becker 7 Major Israel Q Harts, William , Bernhane, John Hartman, D Bean Jahn Harrington; Stephen Bentley, George F Hemperley, Frank Balkier,• Henry:lU :Santa, Geo H _ Jandes Henry, Rueben A Bishop, Peter Hess, Robert _Bigler, Charles diaper, William pleasing, Levi Hill, Gideon Blacker, Phillip l Hiner, Chas 8idd1e,,,1,0.,,,D1 Heim, R J Blackmore, 'Thomas J Hitchcook,F S Boyd, James Himbalright, Limit D Bomgardner, J M Hoffman, John L Bogaius, Edward H tack, Frank Boyle, D Howe, A E Houch. Amos' Buns-11, Amos M Hotchkiss, Cap H Bond, Joseph - HoOk,ll H. Bremzer. Joseph A Hoffman, BOGS - Browne Fiancis L Hoover, Isaac" W 'Breyer, Henry A ' Hynicka, John. Brooke, Frank M Hind, Wm T Bricker, eo D Henry, Wm Burns, Lieut W Huddleson; W. H Baas, Anthony Hummel, Casper Brlokinbine, Geo Huffman, Samuel Buff,. th:. Hunter, Baiph • , Bulluk, E L Hyatt, Col 'the° - Minim; Harry Ilullilden, TC - Bush, John Hunter, Geo H Caswell, JR 'Hawse, J W Carnahan, James E Irvin,_Natban; Cass, D A Jacobl, James Cameron; DavitiP Johnson, Hon H H Carpan, William P Jonet,John Chainbers, Win Jones, Henry 0 :Christy; Jarries , F Kendall, Willie H Chalfant, A H Kell, Henry Christy, :lames M ' Kenyon, A W Clldeyney, W J Kloster, John - Clarke, Wm II 2 King, B F Clayton, Edwin H • Knoll, Johnathan Coffee, C C Kimmel, Edward. Cowdrick, Ackley B Kt:shale, Charles Constnan, George Kreitz, William Coburn, J B Larkin, Lieut Edward Cooke, Cap Walter H Lantz, Peter ' Cormori,-John Lang, Cornelius Costa' s - Antonia - " Battner, Jidda Connor, Thomas E Lommea, Herman E B --Landey,RevHerbertt 2 Cornwall, Wm J Lamming, Geo : A •:: Carter, ,Horace A Lena'Abgbatus Cummings, John Leaman,John :H Cummings, Richard It Leith, F 73 Craugh, Henry s Lehman, George ,Commin, .14chard* • Lowrey, Jos G Davis, Henry Davis, panties , ',lsrAtegi, - George - :Doneiy, 'M'lteiroyrAuglistus Deviva, M D IlirKeoo,"Johie,T Dermabeiger, Sergt A MiCanalaud, Harty Decarlion,J T ' Dawion -harles - Daniel Debolt,,Di : 11.'Creary, Chas F Donor, Rev S M'Matining, Chas DSTlBllerhy, James Nit" lA'Clentity Samuel Dorman, Richard: ht'Neal,'Wm Dorvin, Aaron ll'Alistor, Gates 2 Martz, James - Dieminson, C B, Makin!, Watson, DiMoorn, Joseph -W " Edlrlab37 George_ T. Mathews, Thomas MittarkrOltrifi Edgar, John MitithipXo Eagle, CO - Mathews, Weary ~ -Etterly,,, S titnuel[ -I Mitchel, James E?gle, E MeGee,;? - dit - eish Eel? B.- kariaßei, ; James Mai4uet;,Jahn A Eck ,Benjwatn Martha;'David - S,filkgsNOPPria,,, Marshall, James J - Mealy, John Wffer, - Itteszh 'li_ Bluppsis • - Biste,3l, .I,4teok 2 Fennimcce;mat —, z Charlet =MI New 2thertioements. THE LARGEST CihCULATION New ativertinments Mitchel, G V, 111 D Seawright, J B Miller , J '1 Shaeffer, Wm E hiller, Nelson F Simpson, B-r.j NI Mitchel, Win M. Sloan, Cap Hugh Miller, Thomas Simonson, George L Miller, Michael Saul r, 'I homai C Miller, Josiah Smart, Jas D hierlison, John Smith, hi nis Momson, Robert Snyder, Ch s B Moire, i)0 Soorkley, Chas C &toady John D S ,owden, A Louden Muosen, T D S timer, John Morton, L M Straley, Stephen Moore E J Stone, W P Myers, J 11 Stevenson, R E Murray, C S . Stence, Jain C Mamma, Jacob Stewart, A 0 liGilman, Reuben Stine, Jacob Niblo, Henry Sykes, Thomas Newman, A S Sullivan, Dr T H _ Neyhard, Jacob • Stewart, Samuel C Raven, F .- Ruth, Thomas C Nagle John R . Stnngen John O'Connor, George Strouse, Hon M Otto, William Sweger, James, K O'Donnel, M Stockel, Augustus Naomi, Hon A. V Stockham, George E Palmer; Henry Strakesch, Max Patiner, Wm Stoner, George W Potter, James Thomas, Wm hi Park, William Thomas, John Palmer, C W Thomas, W G 2 Parsons, S V Tegg, Richard Perry, Davis Thompson, Geo W Patios, Hon El Newton Tevis, W N ,Phillips, Cap S D Talltnghast. A G Pinckney, Major Trewick, Walter L Pennell, A. L Tyson, Aaron H Philbrook, Jartied A ii ,, ger, Christian, D Post, Henry , Wrick, Salton I, Potter, Harry Winters, Henry Prowell, Rubt hi Watsoe, Ricard, Pit:melt Andrew S Waret,rWm 11 Pursel, Wm 0 Watts, Samuel 'Powell, Amos hi - Wabern, John C Purdy, fames H Watson, Capt Jas L ILex, Aerie ' - 'Whelar, William Rhoads, Christian Weaver, Levi Reimenenyder, 0 A West, Ansel &Rig, l:W W, Weaver, Jog H Rictutit'S --:..., Weaver, Martin _. Richilieson, --'' - zWarnick, James E Rigg, Hamson • Weaver, Ephriam. E Ridtle, Daniel `" • Walters, E Ryne, Mager Webster,-L A Rosa, Josiah - Webster, Din }lore, Dwight Wiikeson, Ersamel. Saytor, David E Williamson, Samuel ilohreiner, If E Weldricks, Nelson P 2 Sciford, Michael Williams, Rev L-D Schriver, Wm L Whitman, Howard Scheflelin, E 0 Witmer, Jacob A 2 SchroPp, Aba'm S Wilson, John Sanders, Wm H Wild, Sam Sheppard, Gerard 0 ' Williams,Harry Sharp, George Walcott,, J ' Shornier. Jefferson Worth, Edward Shane George . , Woodcock, Writ Shama, Reuben, . Wood, Walter A Shrope, E S Wood, Henry D Sechner, Richard ' Yoke Joseph • Shidier, S J'', Zell, John Sharadin, Tomas Persons calling for any of the above letters will, please :say they are advertised, and give theAlate of thelist in which they appear. 0111) cent :due on each. it s GEO. BERGNER, P. M Gii/liS DISCOVERY NM 4pplieable to the useful Arts. `4'4lew thing Its,Combination Root, and Shoe Manufiletrtrergi• Jeweler& Families. It ia.a liquid tc Remember. - Finis jeB-dly PISTOLS %PISTOLS . 1.00 aval a11i3214 13 8 - Hardware Store, opposite the Court House. je2o LX A MONTH 1— want to 'hire Agents .1 A in every county at $76 a month, ex penses raid, to sell my new ch Family Bew ing Machines. Address 8. - CADISON, taylB-d4w3m /4(3. tramte—whi;3 - and brown, of all' grades . S and prices. Call and examine, at leg lIIOHOII3 & BOWMAN, Cor. Viva. and. Market fame% OR SALE—The good wilt and fixtures of F the Itestauntat under the , Burke Rowe, cor ner of Third and Walnut street, known al the . Enrka.lanywe Restaurant. Will be sold cheap, as the proptlitor , wishes to engage :In other ibtukness. Tonna Clash. iIiD 3 BGE SHOW'S." VOR Letter, Note . and Foolscap Paper Envel l~ 'opt and sll-klsilo ` E STATIO I NaII at ..iemprEnrs 800 , jekb,rl , LAIN-1 ., ' 31 18 MAT f. USEFUL_ and VALVA. BLE imuov,EßT!. lIILTOWS INSOLUBLE CEMENT; Is of )pore general practical utility than any invention now before the public. ilthat been thoroughly testedlinr log the laat two yearirbi practical men, and pronoun ced by all to be • SUPERIOR 70 ANT Adbealve Preparations known ilwrox's INSOLUBLE Camerr le a new thing, and , the re sult of years of study ; its combination is on "%qui& Pr inciples, . kad under ..tto ctrcumstaaces or chance of temperature, will it become corrupt or emit any offensive smell. BOOT & SHOE Slanufacttfrers; using Ma chines, will fled it the hest trrtiele knownkw Cementing the Mamiels, as it works Without deitiy, is not affected y any change of tempera ture. ' JEWELERS ' Will find it sufficiently sae,. , sive for their use, as bas been proved. o,Tecially adapted to Loa:rt., Lod We claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches and liulogs to Boots and Shoes suSciently strong with out stitching. It is the only LIQUID ORAIENT &tent, that is a sure thing for mending Furniture, Crockery, Toys, . ' Bone n , 4 And articles of Hbusshold Use. Immtiaßta 12f.uirozi's INSOLUBLE CmarsT is in liquid form and as Ourily applietitaimiste. Hunxia's 'INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is insoluble in water or oil. Himont's INSOLUBLE CIMUiNT Adheres oily substances: %.Supplied in Family or Hau -1 diem:wets' Packages from 2 ounces to 100 lbs. HILiON BROS. & CO., Proprietors, Providence, B. I. Ntm ahertisemen to piANos! SOLE AGENCY OF THE CELEBRATED 80110MAOKEII sr CO. PHILA. PIANO, A full assortment of Instruments always In store. Pianos from any other factory will be furnished if preferred. Plana for rent. je4-2tawly MUSIC STORE, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SHEET MUSIC AND - ALL RINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRIIKENTS, PICTURE FRAMES AND Lr'OKING GLASSES, At W. KNOCHE'S, 98 Market st. Mask sent by mail. je4.2tawly MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. • TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, YER MEDALS, • TW a n ud V th E e SU' ONLY GOLD'MEDAL (erer won by instru ments of this class) has been awarded to MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. - A full assortment of these instruments al, ways on hand, at W. ENOCHE'S, Sole Agent, je4-11taw I y 98 Market street. STEAMSHIP GREAT EASTERN, FROM 1.7 NEW YORK TO TAVERPOOL. - The steamship GREAT E-ASTE.RN WALTER : PATON, Commander will be dispatched FROM LIVERPOOL. moIt: NEW FORK. I Tuesday June 80 -Tuesday July. 21 and at intervals thereafter of about six weeks from each port. First cabin from $95 to $146 Second cabin, state-room bertha, meals furnished at separate tables $7O Excursion Tickets out and, back ; in the first and second cabin only, a - fare sad &half. Servants accompanying passengers and chil dren under twelve years of age half price. In fants free. Third cabin $6O Steerage, with superior accommodations. $3O Price of passage from Liverpool; same rates as above. All fares payable in Gold, or •ite" equivalent in U. S. currency. Each passenger allowed twenty cubic feet of luggage. An experienced Surgeon on board. For paesage ap•Ay to CHARLES A. WHITNEY, At the Office, 26 Broadway, New York. For freight apply to Hoinniari Ft'AsPriiiraim, Agents, b 4 South at., New York. jelB4l3m GRAND PICNIC YOE TIM Benefit of the Hope Fire Co., No. 2. . AT HONJWAN'S WOODS, EATMIDAY, JULY Ant, 1863. Tickets. lb Ceuta. T. G. Sample, John lif!Comae, D. X. Martin, Wm. Carson, J.. M.. Garverich. No improper characters will be admitted and there will be a sufficient police force on the ground to preserve ~ order. jel2-dtd THE UNITED. STATER HOTEL. HARRISBURG, PA. COTEHLI T ifs HUTCHISON, Proprietors TEN well knowri Hotel Is now in a condi tiOn to accommodate the traveling puling, affording the most ample conveniences al.ke for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. THE, UNITED. STATES HOTEL has been entirely refitted throughout, and now has ac commodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel betweetiPhiladelphis and Pittsburg. Its location is thebest in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and in close proximity to all the public offices and business localities of the city. It has now all the conveniences of FIES 2 CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietors are determined to spare neither expense; time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. LADIES' FANOY TRAVELING BASKETS I W ITH a large assortment of IikSKIS, . Soup, . , &soot, ~Ciiiiiice4 . Perna, ' Optimize, Sits, CAXA. jell WM. DOCK, Jr.. & CO us m 50,000 " EXCELSIOR " (mivAssED) NIL vt.S;' Now Bacsrvmet, which we can sell whole-sate or by the 'single Ham, at a very low figure. aky3ol WM. DOCK, Jr.. & CO. . RECRUITS WANTED. GLOB 47nt REGIMENT, P. V., 'COL. T. H. GOOD, Commandiog, Stationed at Key West, Florida. Apply to Lleut..W. W. GHETt, fid Street, opposite Presbyterian Church. [Patriot and Union; Perry County Democrat, and American, Bloomfield, copy ono month send bill to this office for collection immedi ately. my26-11nla $6O A MOTH!-We want agents at $6O a month, expenses paid, to sea our Beerkssting Penal; Oriental Burners, and 13 other new, useful and curious articles. 15 circulars, EC SHAW Ir, CLAIM, • mylB-daw3m Biddeford, Me. FOR COUNTY COMMIESIONER. fIEORGE CASSEL respectfully announces Ur, that he will be a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, and if nominated and elected, pledges himself to fulfil the duties of the office with fidelity. mY29.-(4‘.001 EMPTY HOGSHEADS, ALARGE - QUANTI/Y OF - EMPTY MEAT HOGSHEADS in good condition and with , the heads in. These HooBßasixi are desirable for ilinanints, FARIS'S. &0., and will be sold at away tow price. WM. DOCK, U., &CO. , WARR—Tub!, all lyjeil, ki Backe*. Bow 'Ames, Chkir; 3 ; Otha!day wig" 09* Buckets , Paluted Pat* P &O.' "-.uW 'kJ* uxurabot (xt• AND CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, %V. II NQCEIE'S, 93 Market at JAMES D. HANDLIY, Propietor, (late of E. irk 'moo House, W.shington.) Season Opens 15th of June. THESE 5P131.1% GS are in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, 80 miles west of Harrisburg. "they are acctssible from all the principal cities by Railroad to Harrisburg, thence by the Cum berland Valley Railroad to Newville ; from Newville, 8 miles good staging to the springs. The stage is always in waiting upon the arrival of, the cars at Newrilla. Passengers leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Washington in the morning cos arrive at the Springs the same evening at 6 o'clock. The Hotel is commodious and comfor able, with Hot and Cold Baths attached, and exten sive grounds for walks and amusements The long experience of the pr. sent Proprietor (for many years past at the Kirkwood House in Washington, D. C.,) enables him"to say, that it will be conducted in a manner to Vesta all Vhitors. Nara : $2 per day ; $ l 2 per week ; 4 weeks $4O. Children and servants half price. jeft.d&wlms, Valuable Furnace Property for Sale or to Bent. THE underaigced will sell or rent Chester Furnace, situate in Cromwell township, HlLEltiiv3o. county, Pa. The Stack is well and substantially built ; there is also Ten Bank Houses in tolerable repair ; there is an abun dance of good wood that can be purchased at from 16 to 25cents per cord, (wood leave,) with in two miles of the stack, and abundance of good ore can be got from one to two and a half miles, at a reasonable price. The furnace is about ten mites from Mt. Union station, P. R S., with a good public mad leading to it. Fez further particulars, address Spruce ()seek, P. 0., Huntingdon county, Pe rur3l-d;im Steam Weekly to Liverpool, rriOUCIIING at QUEENSTOWN, (Coax Hha -11 The well known Steamers or the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steam ship Company, are Intended to sail as foliowa City of Manchester, Saturday, June 27; city of New 'fork, Saturday, July 4; City of Wash ington, Saturday, July 11, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River, RAT OF PASSAGE, PATABIN IN GOLD, OR Ma RQIIMAINIM IN CDt lIINCIT. neer aa.msr, $BO 00terseasies, 1 $B2 60 do to London, 86 00 do to London, 86 60 do to Paris, 95 00 do to Paris, 40 60 do to Hamburg, 90 00 do to Hamburg, 87 60 Passengers also forwarded to Harve, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, &0., at equally low rates. Fares froth Liverpool or Queentetown : Ist Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage from Liver pool, $4O. From Queenstown, $3O. Those who wish to mud for their friends can buy tick ets here at these rates. For l further Infonnatkii apply at the flompa ny's Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. or O. 0. ZIMMERMAN; Harrisburg. AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES A. PINE LOT OF BANKERS' CAERE AND LittGE WALLETS. TRAVELING SATORELB, And a general -variety of FANCY GOODS, suit able for ?pimento, now on hand at KELLER'S myll) Drug Store, No. 91 Moshe - treat VEGETAB Lig Ott GARDEN sm.rios - 1-ATE have received for this season more than V V our usual stock of FLOWER REEDS. home oboim varieties on bacd. Also, Gar den and Vegetable seeds of the best quality. KELLER'S DRUG SIORE, 91 Market streSt. my 4 POTATOES. VIM= and Pesch Blow. A large supply IV". of the above in prime condition, just re ceived and for side by aprlo WM. DOOR, Jr., .& WE STUDY TO PLEASE: BURKHART & ROBBINS' PHOTOGRAPH ds AMBROTYPE GALLERY, THIRD STREET, opposite the Patriot and Union Printing Office, Harrisburg. De9-.f DEFEND YOURSELVES. AFEW BREECH LOADING RIFV,S • are for sale at the jels M ACKEREL—A, large lot of Mackerel in barrels, halves and quarters, for role low, bY NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 108 Oor. Front and Market eta. XXTALL PAPER, BORDERS, &c.,8r.c., at last Y V year's prices, at SWEETER'S BC)OKSTORE, 18 Market street. jels PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Of any sirs nut in the atandard styles will be made to order. WEE AND UNADULTERATED SPICES, from the most celebratedinilla in the coun try, just received and for sale by jl4 Wit: DOCK. &Co ILTAMB.—A largo invoice of canvassed and .LJL anew:massed Jimmy, of every choke brand in market. Bachimmirarrantedin geed order. For sale very low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN Corner Front and Market Sp. ap27 A LiftGg volletY of Notions. just-raved, . Saff-PFFEWB BOOK,sToRE. trealoral: YA- trlizoir ' DPo!'nfuf Nem 22tnertistments WEIITE SULPHUR AT DOUBLLVG GAP, PEArN A -01- POOKET BOOKS, PURSES AND . PORTMOXAIES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ZELLER 'EI Drug awl' Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Mart Street Some Splendid New Patterns of LADIES''2OOM-PANIONS The best Morocco EAGLE WORKS. BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore. ME