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IS PUBLISH= mOkIvING AND EVENING, By GEORGE BEEGNER Oita Third Street, near Walnut rEithlS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. the DAILY Tra.roaarn is served to stained ber4 in !be filty at 6 cents per week. Yearly subs._i iberE will be charged $4 00 in advance. WiRBUT TRIAGRAPLI. the TEI is also published weekly , and farnlsbed to subscribers at the folkiwing cash rates : Single copies, weekly Ten topics, to one postof6.ce Twenty " " " AL. VENTISING Rerm—The following are the skis tor advertising in the Turaciaent. -Thome b.& ug advertising to do will find it conylent -; for reference. "4. • at - Four lines or less constitute onsllialf square. Eight lines or more than four veciirsti tutus a square. iiiImVPVIROUOTR ,Ige 4 gi°; l ° Ng . agogools-41 7giaggEg l sgrga?' • sr: F lrg?: :r: i 4EI yp . 5 .--) ~....-.:-..,....,.. 4. p 4 CCPIF-60,-.oosthrTlW/ ,, _ , ,-,. p..0+0.00,10.00.0...5400, .0 14 c.t0.,.. - 40....0 ma. clay 1040. a' Q 44 „...,. •,p = t , .: oL.}_ 4-41...t0.1-... • IQ P. 0000•8cn10.-abo'o341co $. u .: - ., a9:0 0 0 ag, o vt,500 .... C. C r. llO. . 7 21 -. 4 C.:.c...D0 0- ..a......i.. o p...........a0ac , 030...c r , rs .1,0 - .. oooecroorz. -• .4 - 40 ..- c:.-1 , ..: - .*.C.21,th0w. '- • g x ..... , .. 2..ame0c0,50 „,..." - e...2.?.. 000 .0' A rf ` :615• , -405.4 , 6c0t0. , Ift , ..... ,,, O.Cn.tn, W ~........ ~. . •I .... ZA CA , tOt.t /-.1.1- , ' •P' gj'Zv S' al t ', . - ittate 8. ' •—• , •+: , •cw Si;;l,S=StSt2. • p~ e OC O OOmg Adco' darn Audit 'at Otices, 1 time week h aLs. AtmeB•••*2 25: 1 zionea. / N CrliC .. .. 11W tor' Fnueral ?.4 Ver 13 Cohowl etices , 2tich insertion.— .. • •••_boa Suhinem notices inserted i"s•-the , or betoteltarriages and 'Deaths, Emmet COTE PER LENS for each insertioh. , As an advertising medium the Diportsra no equal, its large circulation, amonglonabiesa.„. men and families, in city and country ; placing it beyond competition. ilistetlaneod .. JOIE I I 8...1 , oopaTER IuiRKET ST L AIIID hiABKET SQUAId; HARRISBURG,. PA, . " ti WISH' T. :31cULEILLN, PIIOI I IIIRO*. (amosemy omrnuorinn BY WBUI7 °OVERLY.) . • This is a First Class Hotel, and locatedintiA central part of the city. It is keptlithelonst manner, and its patrons will find every amain-- modation to be met within the best houses the countfy. seBo-dtf B. T. BABBITT'S Concentrated Condensed or Pulverised SOFT SOAP. THREE gallons of handsome white SOFT SOAP made in five minutes. No grease required. Drasorroxs.—Dissolve one pound, of B. T. Bab , litt's Concentrated Condensed or Pnlierized Soft Soap in one gallon of boiling water, then add two gallops of warm - Water. When cool you will have three gallons of Handsome Anita Soft Soap. • - - Ten pounds will make one barrel of soft soap. The soap thus made is an excellent wash for trees, shrubs and plants of all kinds. Just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, JR., I CO., my27l Market st., opposite the Court House. VISITING, WEDDING, . IMITATION, AND i AT. HOME CARDS. DIY a special arrangement with one Of the best engravers in the country, cards of • any description will be executed in the hiibei3t style of art, conformable with the latest fashion; and supplied promptly,at lower prices than are charg ed by the atationers in New York or Philadel phia. For samples and prices call at meh9tf BgaGN ER'S BOOKSTORE."' OW SHADES of linen, gilt-bordered: and PAPER BLINDS of an endless vial; sty of designs and ornaments ; also, CURTAIN. FESTURIP?! and TASSELS. at very low.prises. Call at SOHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. ap6 • HERMETICALLY SEALED. PEACHES, TOMATOES, , PINE APPLE, SALMON,' OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTERS, LOBSTER,; For sale by' - 11 1 11 LES AND -HYMN BOOK LOGE and splendid Stock of Pocket and fam ily I resbyt , Irian, Methodist, Lutitmak. lerman lisiocuied, x mii other Hymn Boolti,ltlilt . 1636014- ad at Ba t . „43tTEH'S 800 farther redaction in OCkal.oll, COAL OIL, a stork i r ar ti o :le of non-explagive Coal 01 for sale very low; bi, .:.::. 1. )11.615 0 La & BOWMAN, - 'e or . Font and Market Sta.! mil L DROTOGBAPH. ALBUMS — chastely and clasped—for sale at " - WHOM% BOOKSTM„ S 9 18.1farkst Street. A Ni'llquis, 4.1. Different colored double varieties PW l3l te Fringe, Purple Fringe, or Mist True, and other shrubbery, at Keystone Nursery. J. Idl§ll.--: , "MED'S, Btortgigist, Power of hofrerileYe Bcindi and Just'Ce? .filauks for salikst: my 2 TRW). F. SGEIEFFEWEI Kiy O )W ALL PAPER, BOMBES, ago., Ike. 5 4 14 fit last year's pricesi without any vane. AO . - SCREFFXR'S 800 A DR. JOHNSON 323ALLATXTVECIII.M LOCK HOSPITAL j AS discovered the and effeCtuaretlieamth7whfor DISEASES OF =IMPRUDENCE igiazor pr tax TWELVE Rom NO MERCURY. OS, • NOXIOUS DRUGS. A giro Warranted, or lyo Charge, in frOni One to An Days. Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, ' Involuntary dis charges,-Impotency, General Debility, Ner vousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Ikirt, Timidity, Tremblinge, Dimness of Sight or Giddlnew, Disease of the Head; Throat, Nc Eie oriSkih. Affectiomi of the Liver, Lungs, Skins& or •Bowels—those terrible disorders arising; - 'from the Solitery Habits of Youth— those. secret and- solitary practices more fatal to their victims -than the: song .of Byrum to the mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most bril-. Sant hopee or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c.; impossible, $l.OO 9.00 17.00 YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary 'Tice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thourands of Men of the most exalted talents anir.; brilliaiit. Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Sen atai with the 'thunders of eloquetioe or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with confidence. BE M 31 , = 141 g X KA' - • Itarriedi.Peraens, or Young Men contemplat ing marriage, being .aware of physicalweak ness, organic debility, d4forMities, speedily cared. He who placea hhinelf ander ithe.care of Dr. 4:lnay religiously confide in-his honor as a gen tlebiari, and confidently' rely upon his skill as a • OTIGIANiC WEAKNESS' • -immediately Cured, and full vigor restored. 118 .L 8 f 1 - This distiessing,iffection—which renders life Miserable and marriage impossible—is the pen• til* paid by the victims of improper indulgence. Xining persons are too apt to „ commit excesses from not being aware of the: Areadfut comae venues that may ensue. Now, who 'that tm derstands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by. .the dent.. Besides being deprived,,the pleasures •of healthy offspring, 4he most serious and.destruc ' Vie symptoms to both botlymni mind 3ixise: • The system, becomes deranged, the physical and ;HMO. ftinctbans WeakeAelt loss of procreative •Wer, nervous , dyspepsia f _pidpita.l of the heart,.;indigestion,. constitutional debility. a Waiting of .the coughi con stinPti9N 4 0 PaY. anSi.deaih• " .I,‘• • • ... 01i5ma,..N0..7. &mit razniunow &Nair' r, • Le - lt hand aide ' l oll# fttin=•Biltinicire . sties a • itbsrlobriii fip* tk, d'dorrnet. not to elletive • &and nuß i lilirP •' a 1 I.! Letters must tie paid • and contabia'Sdamp.. 1 113 e Doctor's Diplomrts hang in his off::li' j • ' . - . Member of the Royal College elf Surgeons; Lon don, graduate from one of the -moat eminent egos in the 'United States, and. the greater part of whose life has been snt in the hospl- 4 talsvf London, Paris, Phila delphia and else- Where, has effected soinoof:thi most astonishing cum that were ever :known ; many troubled with %ging in theliiact mid ears when asleep, great nervousness,' lieing ra lacmed at sudden sounds, bashfalness, with, frequent blushing, attepded sometimeswitli darangement of mind were cured' immediately. a TAKE PARTICI:MAR NOTION. These are some of the sad , and melancholy effZproduced by earlyluthits, of youth, viz : •w eel of the back and: limbs, pains in the head,-dimness of sight, low ofinusenlar power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability, symptoms of consumption, &c. MANTAILY.—TIie fearful effects on the mind are Much to be dreaded—loss of memory, con ftnlion of ideas, deProssion'of spirits evil lot:e -lm:4We, aversion to tiodetY,'Self distrust, love of solitude, timidity ; moo:; are` tome of thbliiiis produced. • • YOUNG ,t, • siTp } ?a have 'injured themsilyes, by a .certain prgtice indulged in whew - done a habit fre . get tlY.llearned. froM; evil com panions, Or at &ATI, thS offeclCof which are nightly felt, „even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and _destroys both...mind and body, should apply im i msdiatply. What a Pity that a yoaltg--men, the-hope of hisicountly, the darling .ef his parents, should sinderied from all prospects and enjoyments of life,.lifthe consequence of deviating. from thepa.th ,of nature and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons mos; before contain plating MARRIAGE, Reflect that a sound mind and body are the Malt necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, withogt titese o the journey threugh life becomes a weary pilgrimage : the presPect hourly darkerus to the.view l s the mind beixlmeisshadowed with despair - and filled with the .melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be:pines blighted 'with mown. I • DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. ' . When the udsguided..and :imprudent' votary of phuisure finds he has Imbibed, the seeds of this hutinful disease, it too.often happens that an ilitimeetsense of 'shame or the dread'of die eoviry detersihim from applying to thoseiirtrii 'frOn -education: and respectability, can lone befrtendbilit: i `lie falls into the handi of _igooi rant andldesigning pretenders,' whet; ',incapable of etaieri' fi lek pecniiiuy keel im' trifling :Month after molith;loF I as long as the iartailest fee can hebbtained, and , in despair leavilbinowitit ruinedlhisidth tii- . taigh 'over -hilt gallinudisappointinerito* liythe , l-tige of the dorully:.poison, Mercury, hastenAhe..opstitrii.' 4tionfiltaymptoms of this terrible' diSsakkauchter affeitkons:oftthe Head, Tbrenit,ll;osellikini eto. 4 . prsgresaing with frightful -rapidity:All ''diathr puts 11Rer . 04. , 1 0 bis dreadful sulferitign by Send ing,•l4- to c that undiscovered country from whehce-ge-iiraVellerreturna. -- 7,. : i IND.ColiatFpitEli i s; , AO melY, theeeenastorired at this Institution yeat after yettribid'',tge nun italterieet SurgitsgiiperatibtaiverfOrined - bilPr.. Jolnsort, Witnessed by the 'reporters of the 81 - 01' w2C "sse4 many other, papers, n 0,40 of which ha v e wean& main rusk awdO baTeoe,thelmblio, ixt idkiesAEOndinit piss - gentleman ; of-oharaorer and isigaimsihilityp is . . a IlllffithilllrigUnttyk ' '. ti N ifak4d. ' c '- ,Biritilf i lD3EASES SFEEltiltar' op* ftQA T - 115410474/2Difila 82 . =I, I K, ~i , ' . . t . „ • tle s 9..1._ - • iltebical. MARBIAGE HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, 186.4 Ntn '2l2wertisemento. The great "American Remedies," KNOWN AS "Rmi,MBOLD'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ : HELIIROLD EXTRACT "BUCHU," if 41 SARSAPARILLA, " IMPROVEED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. " HIGHLY CONCENTRATED " COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSITIVE AND: SPECIFIC REMEDY For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS This Medicine increases the power of Diges tion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into heal thy.action, by which the WATERY or. CAL CEROUS depositions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are, reduced, as well, as pain and inflammation, and is good for MEN, WO MEN or CHILDReN. • HEMB OLD' S EXTRACT BUL'HU FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH .THE FOLLOWINO EITHE'IOIII3 : Indisposition to Exer-Dryness of the Skin, tion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing Weak Nerves, Trembling; Hoiror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Universal Lassitude ofFinehing of the Body, the Muscular System,Ernptions on the Face, Hot Hands, Pallid Countenance. ,i These symptom's, if all'ow'ed to gb on, which thipmedicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FIT , In _one of which the patient may expire. Who cap say that they are not frequently followed by--those "direful diseases," INSANITY AND CONSUAD3TION. Manyare aware of the cause of their suffer ings, but none, will confess. The records of the Insane Asylums and the melancholy deaths by Coniumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. 21:14; CONSTITVTION; ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Hehnbold's Ex tract Buchu invariably does. A trial will con wince the most skeptical. FEDIALES—FEMALES---FEMALES, (kLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR OONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE , .maoyt affections peculiar to, females •the Extract Ruch.' is unequalled by any other remhdy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu .l4rity, Painfulness, or-suppression of t the cue— tomer)" Rvictiationsi 'Ulcerated or Soliirroutf -stile of the - Uterus; . Leucorrhea or • Whites' and• for nil complaints incident to the sex,: whether arising frOm Indiscretion, 'Habit& of; Dissipation or in the • ' DECLINE OR CHANGE Or LIFE NO FAifILY SHOULELBE WITHOUr IP.: •• Taknao , Butriam‘MeretripliUriplessantMedi , __e! fordUnpleasarit and iDangerous Diseases.' I-MD(1301. Fi & EXLTR #4.3T Cures Secret Diseaserin - airtheir stages ; at lit tie• expense ; little or nu diet ;'no in-. convenience and no exposure. It causes fre quent desire, and _gives strength to Urinate, therebY rearovinretestinctiOngt pieiertting and curing Strickres of tlie Urethra; allaying:-pain v and inflammation, so freque,nt in this class of diseases ; and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Ve ^ cOriont Mattsr. Thousands upon thousands *h o l/ 01 .7 8 been the, victims of 'quacks, and whO have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were - deceived, and that thel • "Poison" has by, the use of •'powerful, Astringents,'.' been dried up in the system. :to break 4 out in an aggravated form, and, perhaps after Marriage. USe HELISIEOL.D'S EXTRACT, BUORU for all Affections and Diseases pf the Urinary pr gaol, whether eideting in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how' long standing. Diesiasea.of. these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. HFLMBOLD'S EX.IIIACEBUCHU is.the-Great Dittretic; it is certain to have the desired tileict.itr all Diseases :,for which it is recommended. Blood—Blood—Blood.: Helmbold's Highly Coneentrated Compthud • ELUID ~ 1 TRACT SABSAPABILLA(SYPHILIS. .This is •awaffec don of the Blood, and attacks! the Sexual Oi ganii, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind pilus; and other Mucus Surfaces, making its Up pearanoe in the !form of Ulcers:: Heituboldts Extructaßarsaparilla, purifies'. the Blood-, and removes all Scaly Ecuptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexion a_Clear and :Healthy Color. It hhing prepared expressly for this class of complaints, its Blood-Purifying, - Properties, are flicserved to a greater extent:than any other preparation of Sareapatilia • _ HELMBOLD'S ROSA' WASII. . . , . Air excellent Lotion' for -disetees of - 6' Sytihk.• : , I,ltieiNittare, and as an injentioirliVditteases Of :- a Urinary ' Orgnith, . 2 arising from habits 'OP viesipation, used In - connection', with the Ex:" tracts Bachu and Sarstipaillla,.in ouch dieealies : : recominetided. I Evidence: lif . the ;inoit''re,' :ponsible and•-feliablethareeter velli ice:an:llsSO the medicines. -OEBTLFICATES OF CUES! old :eight :to twenty yetifo - Standing, Witb.• ..es known -to :Science '•-ainf 'Fame. - For Medical Properties of Buolirt; see ' Dispensary of be iUnited States: -See - Pfiffetatto - r - DEWEE'S Valuable, works op the Troctictr,of Physic; , t Etta remarks 'made bitliel*fxdebrated Dr. PHY .IOE, Philadelphia..... . :: remarks madeby Dr. ' PUBAIM MoD a'' ' ," a celebrated Physician : . din:W:l4f eit.'llo' BoYal.College of Sufgeone, .Ireland; and. anbliehed''iii the T#neuiactiond 'of .et Kitige and Queieire Journid... 'toe 47. 411 09:- . . 1. cal Review; published by: BEND ; ` TEA=. :•„FelloW of the Royal" College' Surgeons. See m ost cif the late standard 'Works on kl. , dUe; -• Eitract of Bricliii $1 00 per bottle, or . Six for $600., Extract .of Siqsapargipasf..s/, 00 ". per,hattle, 0 ' six 'for -$6 OO. Improved; 800, Nesibi., 60 dents . i) , r bottle , or six for $2,60, or 14,14.keitiztineitc for $l2 00, whiOir will be ad:: i krptf,9=elitt di :inOSt•obstinate ciales t if 4409' . •ti9nl3 nig idheitiki to. Dellve,r esi ttiprpttlaitaest wispily ' 'iteqpil 'from obiefihki" ..';Efiicrife, symptoms ' in sircontinunicationg; dares gnar7, ant4ed. Advice gratis. _ .:. • . •.: t.T •c. .t." 4. 6.1...31 Ir tsonalli eppea lWirll) red lie -A fr er% 4 O 7 alt - mdernSen ,qf e city - of -Philadelriliiii4 - IL •T. 4ornt...cad, w ' ,`being duly•eviorn,•dotirday,- hie 'prepithtf tione - contain no rierccitioi no irtereraryillar OW .frijariorta , drugs, and are purely vegetable. - ,•-• . ; .R... T. - M.E.I2ABOLDI • r` 1 , Sworn : and subscilbedbefOre, Me, this 9 2Bll*,t' Cif Notrerabari 1864; . Wilt. P. MIBEWED,___'• ,V Aldermani.Nintlrstreet ab: Back Philal . ' • wilettetiatirdritortipitionla cOliii.,,,,ae4l';' 1 b w , , ..;, -, .- ,L. 11..T.:RELMEpliD, . o riul t ;':. .1 Y 1 ' 40411Orith3Oth sOfef,hl)l6* . 'o4,filak t t n..', Ntili 2bDtrtirtmotts AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES -OF-- POCKET BOOKS, PURSES AND PORTMONAIES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ZELLER'S Drug and Fartep'Goode Store, No. 91 Market Street m P i 4 A PINE LOT O fripir CANES 'AND LARGE *AL _ LET 'Some Splendid New Patterns of LA DI R•§ ; • ,c[ O .),(P 4N AO li r AS • The 6134t4a0rOCCo . . TA4,lrE:6l l .ltrd' S A :TOILET S , And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, snit able for Presents, now oa;hand at kE.T.4Ei'S myll] Drug Store, No. 9.,llllKket Street. . 8E13 1 1, 1 , 20,0 U LBS.--Clomposed' of the ,following)brandi, just re ceived NEwrun's, tekbrated. Him hammy, sdrzted. „, „ , ZNIANB AND IWIET 8 superior. Bitcamnia's Eiciiimaion, moaned. - Mukusim's Exonsiort;,nol cricanoassed. IBON CITY, CaMkifBC(i. L,7 80N CITY, not canviused. PIsAIN Hags, shiegy prune. Comity vert , fine. Each ham sold will be guaranteed as repre sented.. 7iSTM. & 00. LIQUID IikNNE , P. . T IQUID BENNE r yields with milk the:most AA luscious of. all, deserts for the table.; the ligi*Cnt and traGet gratefuhdiet fot, invalids and children ; :; blilknontains.ewny elm:neat of: ,tea bodily constitution.; wband coagnlatedj with; remiet it hvalwaYe lightland easy'df digestion,. and'supporte thOlsystem,withlthe least posesitde excitement, When still greater nutritive power isi.dbaired, cream and sugar maybe added , FA teaspoonful convertsw quart et. milk rhito , n Atm curd. Prepared , and. sold, wholasalwand ;Feted, by - z.. .J3.4.131UNKE14• • • InY5 t,. 2.3 la Market street. . 1, • FORS arkitk, 200.BUSHXLS prittelßotattoes. 200 LBS. Buckwheat'fillenr. ~ ' . 800 bbls. PrimaYenr..X.COLfitate-APP/as• IBUckwbeat and Wheat Flour, Corn, Oata, Erma, Vii,etthlthotriedß . - berries,. IlEkric e 4, t --- 1 1 II '''' berriesoto.' - I trOcieigar-cur ma, ... 1 0111 2 no li de Dried Beef, Lard, Mackerel, Codfish, &o. A p ipne.lot of Oranges„Letnons, Mgr', Bakdas Tobacco, kis, Sugar, Cofte; Rice, Candle:a, Spices, Tobacco, Sugars, &c. AI grime 10t of Surest Cider, just rece i ved. Puri Wider 'Vinegar: - -'r • F r sale wholesale.and titidl;No..lo6 , Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. .. • -rui.26 dly ,; W : .S ~E & CO. , HORSEg, WAGONS -AND CART:, TO H 14&,.. Jbilki ALCORg; Broad Area, West' Hairis burg, is prepared to furbish Horses, Carte and Wagons to persons wishing hauling done. Digging of Cellars personaliy attended to. Hauling of any description promptly attended to. ;An order lion for lias accommodation el persbne will be found in theffsasortarn Print ingtOtlice, where orders will be received. 8018 Bin " JOHN ALCORN. . . WRITING Fl4:llDl3.—Boss' American Writ- Y. V, log Fluid; a . splendid Ink, at :62 cents per quart; A.114014D'0,-guraine Writing Fluid, HARBISON'S Columbian ...Writing Flukli. I.JAIiGEILIN, 13174EtF7E'LMS Ink, Copying Ink,l Oaimine and Bed lab; of tio best quality, Blue Ink, iguodage ,&c., at • ali6" . ' B.O4.EFFER'S BOOKSTORE. IBANGES AND LEMONfM•Aiaother lot of : Orangesand Lemons - justlegiveir and let sale ,by NICHOLS &BOWMAN, ' •20 ' leor. tront sad Market streets. FUROR and ENGLD3R, BLACKING, war treAted not only, to rattan-the lion& -of bn to pixwve the leather itself.: For-. eate by , - "16 WM. DOOM, & CO. cICAL, LANTEEKR, that do not need V any eidnukey, and: no wind will put the 4lKht out and eitimhie, , , ' NIOIIOI,B Sr, BOWMAN, Jl3 . Oor. 'Front and Market Ste,- PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, - Of , any 'else no hi the standard stidesrlll be made tererder. • BERGENE.ftIB C.hea Nookitom. • • 'CABINET IitAKER WANTED: — '. A gAlttll, 'AO 4 a ' very fine;A careful worknuut i is wanted for special work. Good wagerrand condarif can'Aiyznert glien. Apply St the 'EAGLE"WRAIKS, DBESERVED PETRA hermeticil < Uy sealed`' 1 • In ease and jai.,..of !iill),deactiiitcOnsi -end' of ttie most for ~i►le by • 46 • 11 , :IVEAXN3K,. I .I34 , Bvtiad ' e t-4 4004.1MA 1 10 3 , 1 frOM-1 71 1 1 1 0 .4 1 for sale lOW by. d • 8 t 16 ' Zlo4o l tr9 t awl Minketateeur end L rSH.--Another ,large lot 9( Mackerel' i 4 iiietv "( 9 44 barrels; halves,Atitt]etimfaTitilits; Oa .Cor, TOTlgNet&—JAninburgitiodbotbdt -prinks dairy cbotgoatotzde by 1 71 - XICAOI4S 411130 . .Wt0[21, . )0 2 Oor: Front and Ildarket.nts: for tivvYmA/5 r 'lo • Fgaiiiii.o ll 444:4 l . . , Vitisniti . te Eiiisiiiii3 Of all' gi4u'ihaikii: ~t retw.., ! (pt il ,prte t9101,q • i , qt) 'Cy Ctiegrap4 prom our Morning _Edition THE SITIINNION. Our last night's dispatches Mform us that a very large force is On the.north side of 411 e, Potomac, and again moving towards t,his State. IL large for cictpled . Greencastle at twelve o'cl k yeitertiay. This place is only eight s from ChaMbersburg. 4s alio reported that Brigadier Gbueral command at - Chtilxibershurg, is Ting dowci the valley with his .forbes. = q,Ospat t cheo COIXM from our own scouts MY OF !THE POTOMAC. aby =Fight titll4:llehteg, Va. EAT 'OF STUART'S CAVALRY tura ofTivo Cataion . and a Largo liittraber of Piteonelli. , „„ ;ADQUARniii UAVA.LIett.MBPS, GAME assalhPiaVium, -1,2104.1863, June -2.10t,-.1868. GIER. S. Witr j rpra : General—l moved. my Command tbis to Middleburg, ;Ited a catillirfoice of rebels under Stuart, teadily drove him all day inffighting; and heavy lnes drove him throngh trpuerville ithby's • le took two pieces of ,„artillei y, one 'being a le:gun,- and caissons', by blowing tip one, wards .of , sixty .prisoners, and morears og in. Went. Colonel,'ldejor and five other officers, les a wounded Colonel,'and a large number Tounded were left in; the tofu cif Upper: wit it . and wit. into Bin and corn bed of .011. ey left their dead and wounded upon,the 1 . the former. I saw upwards of twenty .: blio'look a largenumber Of carbines, pis.. od sabres. In fact it` was' ti'mcist Maas day to the rebel cavalry. r leishas been very em dl. I never saw, bilbade better or under more difficat matinees. "-rem hbavy charges Were made abres Were used freely, but always with advantages to us. [Signed] tole tro troo din and A. tLEASANTON, • Brigadier general FROM' WASIIIHRON. *thels at Thbrpi?glift.Lie No OWN Stour; Jbnalt: in~toir say ' ara-ao«abplaxt thing was seep of the ,enemy -towaras nton and beyond. that .. point. - army is - bn .. the move: ' Look out for Et 2 IM: FORTRESS MONROE. OIITHERN NEWS. . BATTLE AT , BORT HUDSON. , itgit re . the Rebel 'War Steamer Flagrak . THE SITUATION. AT VICKSBURG. sg IMEIRIOND. ITRICOYERED.P . • Fouling Homo*, June 21. ' 2,• The , steamer John Price Arrived hem Jest, even c pf e from Baltimore, with 1 , 100 prig:mem ,eni . for City Point. - • The:flag of ttrucelsteamer4itived•this moni kig 4t.City Point, bringing back font rebel offi ceirs,las the rebels still refuse to exchange our offload. They Were sinit,to Fort 'Norfolk. ' Ninety-four more rebel prisimers atrlved this moving from Baltitivarei, under guard of a tat oi 1 ? ..p0 of the New Torlr.,7th. , T e Richmond Divatch of the 1 V4 2 (Friday,) 'Says bat the confed erate Hon-Clad item** At latitic• formerlythe Fingal, was captured on 13aVallah river, on the l'illx instant;-by-two Federal. iron -clads, :after an 131111Venieny ,of thirty minutes. The Atlantic.*aa commanded by dept. Webb, a native of 15Orfolk,"-Vii. * She was, taken in tow by lterecaiitlv a afidarried ont to sea. ' '• ' ' `' ' Aldlspatch from Osaka, June 1604-says: 44 411 desperate fight took place at.l'ort -Hud son 1 , on the 12th. The confaideintis charged the; ,eneiny and : drove him from - his fortifies, tionl, hast -the situation at Vicksburg still en growls all the solicitude of the ommtry. Heavy reinforcements axe pouri4 Wee Grant and huge insildments from - the command of Rosecrans have been transfened to' the giTelit - army in- Yearling Vicksburg. '0: Whether Johnston has at ,the Islet ~hour,treen invested with authority to concentrate the troops of the west, is theunxioas topic. of anitairy gadfly vital question of thel elide I." minnnonn uncovigun. nili „ Tbelitchnlond h Dispatch h as the following sig.. ctant pawn, sp : "iiiichmondris about to- be uncovered of the dotence afibuied,heratofore by- the, proximity of "Lee's army, a part of ashielt,is already in Jig aim' Virginia, and"prbloably in Hatiikukt; e i ati tholes folk)* Mi -*time they canuntbe twilight instantly loin- midst,. asisistanceme steuldneed " edhased by a Pir ate. =• Xxv, Your 'Jane 22. 'The - bark Behring,. friim Shanghai; - - reports 4ai tbietlfith of Ythie,ll2 lit. 18-north, vagi...4llabe-area vilaved , :wasuccesabilly by a akk rigged ateamer. Ifflii OonditloWOVXdakiiiiT Fisto Nir.w•lYmw One 2.2r..r-Eve4iW., =The: condition of &Wind. Foote ilknot:ascht.' vorabloas - ,this it and it is feared he Fill i t tivbrogii jelp VEY,' 211, Uotton firmer at 596- ditcliae of 6@aoc;.oosd, steady ,71141 q, l * 744* TgE MARYLAND RAID, LATEST FROM FREDERICK. AFFAIRS AT HARPER'S FER,BX. This Rebels at Hagerstems. Wehave information this morning direct from Frederick, though we have .reason to believe that Up to moon to. day' therg been has no rebel occdpation of that city, except , by parties of mitts. There was no opemter at the Mono*. Etey ithis morning, but:dispatches were received frittni.Sandy Hook, within one mile of Harper's Ferry, indicating that the telegraph line has not. been distuTbed, and that the Monocacy bridge is still standing. There were about one hundred rebel cavalry in Frederick yesterday uniPtiatitrday,"but at night, they retire to their carrip tr about two. mdse west of the city, doubtless testing a sur- Pike if they should remain in the city. .-st • We learn . that nearly all the Linton citizens, have left, many of theni taking their families with thtim. Those remaining are • the disloyal - and 'those whoconld not leave. The re bel lEiym ;utilisers are in great tribulation iat the prosttect abgotlier r ebel occupation of that eitY, tearmg if damage is done to the property of the t Unionists that a' day of retribution will collie to them:. Weleexn that there has trot, up to this mornii3g, no rebel demonstration on Harper'.. Ferry or Maryland Heights. mineral Tyler, whole in command there, has an abundance of swans and anunnuftion to enable him to stanalsbing siege, rind - a three stedent to ens; ble liios to sally out on any force of rebels nos in the 'State that may approich within 'his ;each.— Gen. Conch 3e ateMencestie with sev eral honsand men, and will doubtless endeavor to hiteicept the movement reported on Gettys burg.' Thetrain which left Baltimnre this morning was Instructed not to proceed' beyond Byliet ville. , 1 DEFENCE OF BALTIMORE. 1 The works ordered by Majo:General Retrench for t -We defence of Baltimore have:-proureseed• - raPi ly,- and.wenow congratulate our citisear that ei are amply protected' against any CA , - s, airy , tri&that may be made in this d.rectioni end are ready to meet the , entra.y even if he tho4d approach in consideralle'force. ill the camminding positions around the city. are being strongly fortified andogune being mounted to command every apPitach. Thoutprnd.4' of men are' wtortc with the:pick and apade..and , the tole e laborer s were stropgly reinto.c,d this frig by white:VlA/Nome, 'who - are - rapidly ' p , g the works to completion, , 4 At daylight this morning a party of about th ' 'hundred 'warms mused through the weal action oltbeility torelieve,tiscue who ifett ct hint • en working during the night, singing rJoliri Brown is- niarching en," and evi- diktirin the highest spirit& al g tht its _limits tha.twricadf 0 were uarded by the minute men alire toitid Leagues last night, ready for any emergency that might arise. - • LATERT FROM UPPER POTOMAC. A SCOUTING PARTY AT MOUNT Arm. A scouting party of rebels from Frederick amm down the turnpike this momiog aa, tar as Maid - /Limy, a distance of ibout thirteen mild, -where they-tore up some of .the track, - and after reconnoitering about returned again toiraids Frederick. They have not interferea with, either of the telegraph linesi toiEish4 - ... - Hooh and Maryland Heights, and it is thought - that pie" rebels Nave Magnets on the tine. .4 . l„&valry force of several,. hundred are re porreichis morning at Frederick. FROM mama's =Err. Thplitt cat inteiligence from Maryland Heights itrtinitoViormlo-day. Ther&were indicat ion s of: - fielinestmce of the enemy inconsiderable force on - the mountains in the vicinity, but no de momitration had bash inaeltawards:attaaing this Stronghold. • New abutrtistments. MITE_SIILPHIIR GIiALYBEATE SPRINGS, DOUBLING GAP, Pit Jr ! ?tin D. Hawniarr, Ppprietor, (Lats.,ot K irk wood notse, Washington.) Heaton Cams lb& of .Tune. THESE SPRINGS are in Cana'oerlandCounti, T {Pennsylvania, 30 miles•west of Harrisburg. They are acceasible from all the principal cities by Railroad to - Harrisburg, thence by the Chun herlalid Valley Railroad to Newville ; from Newville, 8 miles good staging to the Springs. The stage is always in waiting upon the arrival or the care at Newville. i :Passengers leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Washington in the morning can arrive at the Springs the same evening at b o'clock. The Hotel is commodious and comfortable, With Hot and Cold MIA attached', and eaten . aiingrounds for walks•atid amusenienta. •J • • Tup long experience of the present Proprietor (fog !many years lett at the Hirkwood Manse in ' Wes)thigton, D. 41J-enables him to say,:that,-, it *lll be conducted in a manner to please ,all "'Mors.r. ,•• Timms.: $3 per day;_ 812 per week,k43reeirs. S4_ol Children and servants half price. •• HE cg KING MICROBOOPE,"..: D 0 11 /3"-t "JR "Er r- 1211 . 2 4 - 31 REOP•eIk&INGI3 I IO4 gBrvexi Zlitvenft. tam iit works very well, and you gave gel it up ft6.cents In Pogtal Currency. The,”.4OWEE MICROSCOPE." 28 cents. The - a 3:-WOOD ?MID MlCROSCOPlrd,''lB'earits. - Or rine each of: the three kinds *or $1: HAlllreetkpostage. ..._44ItireceTOEPWM.AING, Mr444lkw6in , I, 49 86 : 4 4 Aims. MI 0 18 0-.- 3 0c 1 Mer,Okokilticg HAM; t ff 114 - hopshesiddl4w t•Arrel or single lupe, ciiiirssed a&A. Ardor sale roam thin t PRICE ONE CENT. BALMINORE, June 23 IRON ruanalcic mom lIMWSR'S ESREY