Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, June 20, 1863, Image 1

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Is renrsimo •
Office Titird Street, near Walnut,
The Daisy "IsLEGE.A.2Ir Is served tO subscri
tlers in :he City at 0 cents ner week. Yearly
subscribers will be charged fri 00 la advance.
fin: TISLEORAPH 18 also published weekly and
turn ,E 410 3 .. to subscrlberk at the following cash
!etas :
Single copies, weekly..'..
Cen ,opies, to :me postoffice . 9.00
offeuty is . is a 17.00
At vs - sr/sum Russ. —The following are the
stes for advertising in the.Tmanapn. Those
iavta Advertiiing to do will find it convenient
for reference. -
ar Four - lines or less constitute one-half
glum°, Eight lines or more than four oansti
xtes a Nowa,
411: 5 1
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,6 6 7 4 ,‘" tS:Vgg8SS
Uhl:Anal Taliuzi N•itmer., 1 tlniotl - yreolc, Abi pm:m..lM 25
damage Nolices 75
....... 1 50
Ihinoral Nvtics e9ch insertion-- ao
110 — Business notices inserted is the Lad
;du n»; or belori 'Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT
Duns eta Lam for each insertion.
As an advertising medium.the Trimcniern has
ao equal, its largo circulation, among business
nen and familioi, la clty'and country, placing
t beyond competition.
This is a FlrstiOlaza Hotel, and located in the
'antral part of the city. Itis kept in thelest
manner, and its patrons will dud every accom
modation to be met with in the best housiis In
the country. se3O-dtf
Concentrated Condensed or Pulverised
THREE gallons of handsome white SOFT
SOAP tirade in five minutes. No grease
Drazorrows.—Dissolve one pound of B. T.
Bab`Jitt's Conce4trated Condensed or Pulverized
Soft Soap in one gallon of boiling water, then
add two gallons of warm water. When cool
you will have three gallons of Handsome White
Sufi Soap.
Ten pounds will make one barrel of soft soap.
The soap thus made is an excellent wash for
trees, shitbs and phints of all kinds.
Just received and for sale by
WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO 3
my27l Market st., opposite the Court flaws: '
BY a
s pecial arrangement with one of the
best engravers in the country, cards of any
deactiption will be executed in the highest style
of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and
supplied promptly ,at lower prices than are charg
ed by the stationers In New York or Philadel
phia. For samples and prices call at
W SHADES of linen, gilt-bordered;
and PAPER BLINDS of an endless yeti
ety of designs and ornaments ; also, CURTAIN
FIXTURES and- TAMES at very low prises.
WM. DOCK, Jr. & CO.
for sale by
MALA ROE and splendid stock of Pocket and
: Fipiily Bibles:
Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, German
Reformed, and other Hymn Books; just receiv
COAL OIL, a further reduction in Coal Oil,
Emporia article of non-explosive Coal Oil,
for sale very low, by
Cor. Front and Market Sta.
inn 1
and clasped—fur flak a
• 18 Market !street
Different colored double _Ake; White
Fringe, Purple Fringe, or Mist Topp i: and other
shrubbery, et Keystone Nursery. J. MIBII.
lllMA—Martgagts, -Power-44- dittaraay,
Baadkaad Justime 141aoka fariala at -
lay 2 =MY. 8011EFFIVS Bookstore. •
WALL t'APBB, BORDERS, &c., &c., mold at
last -years prices, without any advance.
Irvr wdt l em°Bcertai l s : dy and
A Ours Warranted, or No Charge, in from One to
Two Days. •
• -Weakness of the Back, Affections of the
Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary dis
charges, Impotency, General- Debility, Ner
vousness, Dyspepsia, Luigi:tot, Low Spirits,
Confusion of Ideas,, Palpitation of -the
He art, fllmidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight
or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat,
Nc se or Skin. Affections of the Liver, Lungs,
StcmaCh or Bowels—those terrible . disorders
arising frorn -the Solitary Habits of Youtii-‘=
those iseciet and. solitary-practices more fatal to
their victims :..than the song of. Syrens to the
Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most bril
liant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage,
Ito., impossible,
.$l. 00
apecielly, who have become the victims of
solitary Tice, that dreadful and destructive
hibit 'which annually sweeps to an untimely
grave thousande of Young Men 'of the most
exalted talents and 'brilliant intellect, who
might otherwise have entranced listening Ben
ates with the thunders of eloquence or waked
to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full
• off
Xra .
Harried Persons, or Young Hen contemplat
ing marriage, being aware of physicalweak
ness organic debility, deformities, &e., speedily
He who places himself under the care of Dr,
J. may reliKiotualy confide h,t;litis honor as a gen
tleman, audconfidently rely,npon his skill as a
Intmediately,Oured, arurifidi vigor restored.
This distressing affeol4—which renders life'
miserable and marriage impossible—is the pen
alty paid by the iictimi of imProper indulgence. I
Young persons are too apt to commit excesses
from not being aware of the dreadful oonse
quencea that may ensue. Now, who that un
derstands the subject will pretend to deny that
the pdwer of procreadon is lost sooner by -those
falling into improper habits than by the pru
dent. , Besides being deprived the pleasures of
healthy offspring, the most serious and destruct
tilie symptoms to both body and mind arise.
The system becomes deranged, the physical and
mentabfnnotione weakened, loss of procreative
power, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpita
tion of the heart,, indigestion, constitutional
debility. a wasting of the drame s •congh, con
sumPtion, decay and death.
X" - 111
z P
a a
0141 , 011, NO. 7 BM= Fa
tal no .I'4---.4 roisfp....
name -art-(1. number.
Letters must be, paid and contain a stamp
The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office.
Member of the Boyd College of Surgeons, Lon;
don, graduate from one of the most. eminent
colleges in the lJnited States, and the greeter
part of whose life has been spent in the haspl",
tab of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else
where, has effected some of the'most astonishing
'antes that were ever knows"; - inanylronbled
'with ringing In the head'arid earl when asleep,
great ;nervousness, being alarmed at sudden
sound's, bashfulness, with frequent blushing,.
attended sometimes with 'derangement of mind
were cured Immediately.
These are some of the aid and melancholy
effects,produced by. early habits of youth, via :
weakness of the back and : linibs, pains in the
head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power,
palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous
irritability, symptoms of consumption, &o.
AliarrALLY.—Tbe fearful effects on the mind
are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, con-
fusion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil fore
bodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love
of solitude, timidity, &c., are some of the evils
Who have injured themselves by a certain
practice indulged in when alone, .a. habit fre
quently learned froni evil companions, or at
school, the effects of which are nightly felt,
even when asleep, and if not cured renders
marriage impossible, and destroys both mind
and body, should apply immediately. •
What a pity that a young man, the hope of
his country, the darling of his parents, should
be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments
of lif4, by the consequence, of deviating, from
the path of nature and indulging in* certain
secret babit. Such persons MUST, before contem
plating .
Reflect Ahat a sound mind and body are the
most necessary requisites to promote connubial
happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey
through life becomes a weary pilgrimage : the
prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind
becomas shadowed with despair and Ailed with
the melancholy reflection that the happiness of
ariother becomes blighted with our own.
When the misguided and imprudent votary
of pleasure finds he • has imbibed' the seeds of
this painful disease, it too often happens that
an illtimed sense of shatie or - the dread of dis
covery deters him from applying to those' who,
from education and respettability, am alone
befriend hint. He falls into the hands of igno •
rant and designing pretenders, who, incapable
of curing, filch his, pecuniary substance, keeP
him &Mini. month after mouth, or as long as
the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair
leave him with ruined health to sigh over his
galling disappointment, or, by the use of the
deadly_ poison, Mercury, haitten the constitu
tional symptoms 'of this terrible disease; ouches
affections of the Head, Throat, Hose, Skin, etc.:
progressing with' frightful rapidity till death
puts a period to his dioadful sufferings by send
ing him to that undiscovered; country film
whence no traveller returns. • - ,
remoßsrantrr OF THE PEWS.
the many thonaafids cured at thisinstitotiou
year after year, anirthe numerous Important
surgical operatibmi performed ity Dr. Johnson,.
witnessed by the reporters of the Bun, aiprori
and many other papers, notices Of which have.
appeared again and againbefore the public), be=
aides bli standing as'a gentlemen _or character
and responsibility, is a sufffelent" guarantee to
thri afflicted.
ofm4 Xo. 7. SO M 170/0114/61Cii,
From our Morning Edition.
Mosoby's rebel cavalry are itkporttd to ,
beerk at Greencastle this morning 250 st 4,
with four regiments of infantry.
The rebels are alao reported to„ be at Hags
_town, and have a larger force at Winking<
Tha rebels are transporting their storm 4
ammunitionto the north side of the river, w.
is supposed to indicate "a determination on th
part 10 remain and make it a basentoperatio
About 200 rebel cavalry pirfeed through
Connelsburg, ninon county, yesterday..
Thiy were , accompanied to the top
the " cove mountains by Dr. Fran w
after+tdiF , returned -to .IdcConnelsburgii
communicated tads intelligence, ile.dors
appeai to have learned their intentions:
Nothing further has been heard with -regal.
to thd rebel force, 20,000 strong;aidd to
approaching Eiltimore on Wedneeklay an
General Milroy is advancing on the remit
from the mountains with a large force of cavalry
and riflemen, well armed,
.10 P. 31.—A dispatch feceived from Get!ls/
barg, sent by a prominent citizen of timers)
town, elates that the rebels, 8,000 strong, con=
sisting of mounted infautiy, cavalry and ace
lery, re encamped. at the Female Seminary,
near that place.
A di,spatch dated 3'lCoonneliihnig,,3.6o
states that the labels have crossed Cove moun
ts-try returning to : 14orceribMg. They have a
drove of cattle with them and traveling slow
ly. , The force is about 200 strong,' withont
The. Ono-hundred•and-Seirenty-second,Pa.
(drafteld)' volrinteers, Col. ICleckner,Twhose time
has aspired, and 'ark, now at Yorktown, on the
Peninsula, 'grave volunteered their services
for six months, which haie been accepted -by
4314vernor, and the Secretary Ot-War has or
-a-cu zar-.tiuro3r to .4ovra : ACk I - 0i thin
ATcT . :sista - mime renal infantry force is posted
on the Virginia side, near Williamsport, and it
is reported that another infantry force of the
enemy is near Antiettun or Shepherdstown, and
about to cross. over.
- A aispatch to Gov. Curtin from a refiatle
man employed by the Cumberland Valley rall
*road Cbnipany; dated Cbambersburg, June 19,
ZsßO;x M., states' that he escaped through the
xobel Oasts at 9 o'clock this morning, anlre,-
ports their form; at 4,000, with artillery, some
of their cannon being. on. the Fankitownroad.
cilte beet information he could gather is that
there is between eight and ten thousand men
between Hagerstown and Willianisport, includ
ing, as represented, about 4,000 cavalry.
Jenitins' cavalry is encxmped at Middleburg
on the State line, and is plundering and driv
ing off horses and cattle from that section.
The' informant said that several small squads
of the rebel cavalry are at different points on
the railroad, but he succeeded in passing them.
At .one o'clock yesterday, the rata& phased
through Greencastle to Waynesboro. General
'Gwen is reported to be . in 'coMmand.
A dispatch received from MoConnelsburg,
.dated half•past two o'clock, States 'that 'l6O re
:. . 4
bels Ilk entered that - piano', and burned the
Court House and Priiion." - .
The road bets/emu/lards' burg and Chambers
burg is,represented as beipg crowded with con
trabands, escaping toriards ilia east. •
. BUFFALO, N. Y., June 'it --The 74th and 65th
New York Regbitenta left this city yesterday
morning for Narrisburg, Pa.
The Rebel Organ.
%Mt' the hands employed in thsTammours
office were working In the entrenchinents,
erected for the defence of this city, and the
proprietor suipending'all his %mines; engage
'tenntii for the purpose of defending the: Rate
capital, the Patriot and Union made the conspic
nona announcement, with evident gratillcatiau,
that General Lee had impended thepriblication
of the TIELRGRAPIE. If such an Ofder was re
ceived by the:rebel sympathisers: from their
rebel friend, they had not the manhood' to
serve it on the , proprieMt nor the bravery to
carry it out. The paper,was voluntarily sus
pearled at pecuniary sacrifice . , bit:4l4lst we said
enough on-that imbject, we shall publish the
opinion of well known journals published at a
uce. the Pith/wit Aspatch of yesterday,
Inentral in politics) publishes therfolloWinlGNisl
Vbile the advance-guard of the rebel troops,
itavithirrriasy_atriking—dletanse ()LAU State
capital, the tory organ of 'that cityithos snow
at the sollitaiy authorities thimisted with 'the
defeniie of, the borders
r "Wactitiiina. f—Weshoxild
like to know which of President Lincohgs
4.OOII4tOMAIre biouriskiator; tae snirssuk.
ject t. Treat by Bohenck, Couch or Brooke, or
ali : of hem, and are we In the Department of
Mary ,d, "the Susquehanna," or "the Mo-
Doug . ela 7" We may, perhaps, serve one sat
trap , all eingle•heartedneea and
but = are assured by the "serlptassis that uno
man can serve twowiastert- (lave us light".
If a few of our military commanders •lusd a
little Jacksonian firmness of character, the pub
lishers of the Traitor organ in. Ilmiltburglwould
not at this late date
_belunder : the necessity of
asking light upon such a familiar subject. The
expectedincursioit of its Southern friends laint
ininent, and may he 4rresitilible, „tart we trust
the loyal population of Harrisburg is not so de
moralized as to tolerate the application of such i .
ltingisept to the military commandant of the
' district: - • TI- - is not•alleged that atitlve prepare
tions for defence of the 'borders ara T utinedessary,
or that. in' bill movements thus far•tmy °nee,
the gentlemeta referred to has exceeded the
i liectite, 1416 illitinitititsyot in any 1 -way inter
' fefed with the (tell -authorities of Harrisburg:
Tice covert attaely,. on the comMandant is, there
,. ore, -simply a gristultons exhibition_ of Malice
tit°, part of the: 91:try-Oms, which hopes, by
arnilierizing•its readers with the applbiation of
- * "entrap" to the Altar ),
'terms` as, , m authors-
' tie, to d*roj , thireepect.aitd confidence of the
i atopla, aft& so far salt , can be aafely done, to
,T. , d the cause of its :rebel friends. •
IThe mite , - _
pair publishes a distorySl and tse-'
,ruc elegant of the caws which la to the ex
!, sti4oss of - Rev. Lowe& from New Orleans, last
ammer, and the'arritat of the- clerical spy in
vrisburg, a day or two since. Having 'defied,
the iathority of Oen. Boger. in Now Orleans,
that peer, who knew well the importance; of
iecurilepiceipt obedience from all classes, ban
•-hed Line fions. N ee/ Orleans, or, as the Harris:.r.nrkfrart4s.tellit
"Tills did not satisfy the tyraaniettl brede Butler,
nd Kir: Limo* -was banished by the degener
te son of his Peritatt fathers, who flea from
1 . land to hiCinliosidtable ',shore for the par ,
of escaping religious persecution' and en
. ping the-right to worship Ocala AO Matter
they Pleased. ' -
When Sutler was superseded by Banks, Lea- ,
; ck, trusting , to the more lenient eysteny of
reran *, -,t hei / 144u g#44 if'l4.4ilo: back
New Orleana. , He soon managed to attract
tleatfon, however,. was arrested by order-of
r meralltanks, and on refusing to take the oath
f allegiance, was again banished. He returned
o thei vicinity of Harrisburg, and has no doubt
• a... .a. 1 • - .1. •.d in furnishing such
hsfOrn!iation to his Souther:). masters as he could
11 E 4
_. beelllZ,lterto,aFreeto,44*eek by order
.`e•eam•al—s., , el;:lret the arrest of this
text for an outrageowlydfater TA s r • ;".
the Patti" , and Union, under the caption "brucify
Rini! Crucify " —intimating that the GeV . -
ernment is dealing with Leacock as the Jews of
old with the Redeemer. For such baie wretChes
as .the: authors of this sentiment, hanging is too
Wetrust that the loyal men of Pennsylvania
-will look - to it that parties in this approaching
fall campaign dodge no issued the war in their
platforms. If the Peitriot and Union, In its per
sistent misrepresentation of the government,
. - the dye in its half, confessed peace doctrines, the
itonitors of Kittanniegi • Bedford and half a doz
en other interior towns, in their published opha
,loneof.tids "unholy War," !'abolition crusade,"
'iunjaet attempt to destroy the Routh," etc.,
etc., representing the views of the Democratic
party of Penneylvanla, an they are , now sup
ported by that ; party, their platforsta hand take
ground openly in favor of , such sentitnerits.—
Loyal men, whether Democrats or Itepnblicans,
cannot consent again to support' a party on a
platform, fo vagne as •to admit of any after in
terpretatiyn€of . Mile., shee ts as those re r
red to.
Here le another extract from the same paper
How To Hooownar Tam ltrucer. , .-.—The Tory
organ in Harrisburg thus announces the place
of concealment of the powder removed from
"We were' informed Tin ,Saturday that the
explosive ammunition, then in process of re
moval from the arsenal, was being sent prin
cipally to Dupont's powder works, Willnington,
Delaware, and we so announced it yesterday.
We have, since learned that the powder and
shell were sent' to the magazine in Swans'
township, about two miles Soutkeatt of that aty,
erected by Dupont ;for the accommodation of
his customers in this part of the country." '
The press of this city has been nomewkat ex
plicit as to the prcipoSed kscation awleitent of
,but the frank revelation of the above
quotation is rather ahead; even of Pittsburg in'
Our Cavalry Drive theßnetay Fin
Hminottanrass Anus or' Tam Potomac,'
.InneplB; 186.3.
A'. conflict took place xestarday between a de
tatiunent our cavalry ~` a u Col. - Valhi&
Lee's Brigade, lasting , until night.
burforces pushed the enemy hit post.;
Lion for fitre*miles, when night coming.on, and
not knowing the:enetny's strength in the
the ground wee sleeked of:xlead, wound 4
ici , and prisoners, and a strong position was. ta
ken on. ho berths field.
the fight lasted •• several hours. We took
seventy.am prisoners and nine officers, including :
,1 'Major. A Loge lumber. oft the- enemy were
A ConipaiiiiiiiMinuntetreiet sheiit-ShoeU
pre were posted to pi& off:our Officersiand most
of 'themracaptaredf.
the Osnsatiets .pbr aide tire Colonel
Doty, of'the — Mane Carolol.
wketherigi!lideo ore Ofiniii3F 16, ;11 , 4..
fil*tafitAker 4 6 14 W 0 01 1 0514 14'4,"-'
Arrivi of -Woondo from Atdie, Va,
Wastractron, June 19.
Capt. John Rogers hrs been ordered to coat
mend be Fort Jackson, and commander Thou.
H. Stamm to command the %hawker:L. • • ..
Onetundred andaix of the•weranOed at 4101 e,.
Va., arrived atAairfax. Station last night.: ,
Yesterday, or' the day'bef=2,,,four' boat/ cirews
were sent - ashore it Atpilitoreentinoltreh Going
ont o tube Sent road:they 'encountered twenty,
five 1) thirty rebel cavalrymen ) , iwho dashed
amon them, firing as ~they advanced: . the
same - returned the fire;find retreated in safety':
Th cavalry eniploYedtherbselves fait ihnit
time i -examirdng tbe empty store houses , _hitt
a few ,eil directed shots from the i gnstbosts
cane them 'to scamper as riefifdly as their
horses dciuld etwiy . thens.
tw l .
'The bOat this morning also frOnklit f . ii) a
numb r of stragglers ; _from Sta ff urd; Court;
'ffn They left there on Wednesday;night q
and ported that there were at"that tinie - no
rep* n the vicinity , nor did they see any On
the er . • • •
• ; _
Th 2Rroureutic Corps of the Army of the'Fo-.
toinaciuts been dispensed with, and the bal-.
'loons and inflating apparatus have beezi sent to'
this city. The several corps are steadily assum
ing the positions respectively assigned to them.
The First army corps on Sunday marched - 23 =
mile", on Monday 15, and Tuesday 80 miles.
1 3
niddering the intense heat of the weathil
and. :previous long marches, Is an extraor
performance. The dishnoe the corps
'march yesterday is ,not known, but is prong,-
bly 20' miles., )
Okb r corps math rapid marches, hitt none
acomhitehed so great a distance.
• •
from the .
_ ,II ppe r .4) to •
F 323
- Affairs at , : Baltimore• .
~...--,.---- ::'. ~
' L - Baktruroes, June 19.
N ,1
Ing:very exciting seems to ha,ve occur
.. al t rg the line of the railroad, betweedßal
mor and Harper's' Ferry, since the berniug
of the.train of cars at Point of Rockstm Wed
nesda+ night. The enemy's: force that com- 1
witted this depredation remained is the viola-
y duking the night, and recrossed' the Poto-'
man yesterday morning a few miles. below.
They t ook with 'them their. prisoners (ten or,
eh' in number) ceptored , from the train,
.eluofing the conductor (Mr. Brady), Of - Balti
more,l4te,enginemen (Elliott), hayloft success
•il • , , . ri)d, his guard about daylight, and
.'"tt. - I!..citt feet to Frederick;
ofp • , story
}la y of Po tof Books and Monocaoy, bat we
no ve than of them.
Th c 4
story of a large cavalry ' force at'South
:Moon Ma is now known to be entirely unfound
ed, n. consequence, however., of the uncer-.
Way-las to the condition of affairs bowmen
talonoody and Harper's "Ferry, no trains were
run yesterday from Baltimore . beyond the for
-1 mer station, at whick. steanrwawkept upon the I
enter to enable them W move instantly if
dange threatened. The mail , train this morn
' ing went as far as Monccacy only, taking pas
sengers, for Fredelick ; and, unless some new.
, frightl arises, the%mulmodation, this. afier-.
noon,litill go direct Isom BalPbnoge to Fre.der
Fro 6 what we learn, howOYer, of the 'Milita
ry lelopirtents to day on the part of the Gov
ernm at, it is probable that the safety of this
region is _ now entirelygetsured- by ample -dispo
sitions that must so result.
Thdliallroad Oompkny has'so far received no
Intelligence of injury to their road where it is
otcdpied by the (tawny. westoft Harper's Ferry,
between that point .and Onatberiand- 7 a range
of 101/milee—which is said .tolie in their tem
porarli lietiontion. No definite 1141%4i:es have
been received either from Omnberland, but it is
,be fileybd that no force:-in thatcquatter will be
able ,to make headway_ against the troops be
lieved to be there under General /Kelly and
Our Carp Up to the Rifle Pita.
Gen. Logan Silences Mon' Mortar
Sr: Lotus, Tune 19.
, The Derma* has received a special dispatch
from. Vibimbing, as follows
At two o'clock, on - last - Saturday morning,
our approaches from General Sherman's corps
were' pushed to the rebel rifle pits, and to
within. twenty yards of one of their bastions.
The rebels thiewlighteffsbells over the para.
pets on our approach and twenty three
hand grenades, twenty of whichexploded, driv
ing the rebels out.
On Friday the rebels cat away the timber in
the rear-of the . lines, And opened on us, with an
11-inch'shell and two or three dege guns:
Gen. Logan silenced their 'mortar with his
thirttpeendattrinotts, and ninety-two
- Thi r t een 4 ;4,0ur gtinboats patrol the river be
tweetslibleiiis and Young's Point. - - 4
• The gunboat Minnows destroyed the kiwi oft
Pardee on Saturday: I • 2 ..„ _
The rebelsare in p ossess i on n of Richmond and
New Carthage , Lis., and:hafe deitiayed-all the
cotton gins on the plantations; leitsaidly Gov--
ermient to the planters of th e _ .e vicinity.-
The rebels under Gen.--d-saoluisald
to occupy the:banked , the - Ymisicariverphs- the
vicinity of lilatartiaz. . : , z' -, - • _
i' Bop* ham been airculaib4 to.,:the - effect
that4Ohnston wisiat "illiliiee. /Rig, and had
(*pined; - and' was ices' sicthigiyier it This
story turns out' ukihnusded:• :. Our :forces • Wire
seenteln.-tipspossessioAAt that steam and- apt- , ,
porta position as into as Saturd i ez e ugning,
'We l th. . There was not even a possibility it
at ' hi that direction. Gensted - Grazitialris'a
act '..zeinforelanithitis eYer9 diktinAd -1141bsg
ta i i.
cis Obiticiii stitinger." Al! tbe streptegi i n g_.
c Zt 'thing '',lcksbitrir - 0,-IXer 1 ms y. are : n ew
l a" r •%Alid. :p elnonotiMlClW - "eitaWirttliA iri..
(J .-J-1, f ., • , : :_, , - L: : . :.-i.t.: - ::, .;: , .
ing ialson of this city, give very contradictory
statements in regard to the shin) of akin lo
ses of Vicksburg. Some asseit• that Fenger
ton will hold ground until Johngton niece the
siege.: Others say that he cannot hold out
much j longer.
romps Yosain, June
Thai flag of trace stfamer New York, in
dough `Of Clipteinbult. Mulford, left here
for- City goint, taking up : s few rebel pris
.. era)
Cra Mart, of. tkompatiy Silth'New Ymit
fieginient, was shot yesterday ins tkinnish on
the AlSniwater
Thep veriuututfer Windt from Noillr York,
airivei,l here this morning, 'squid to Washing
ton, C.
The'sttamer Adella strived hero to-day from
.wl o olt. She was capturetd: Igey West
eomonthi3 age, and has been 'Ailed up as
M .
• ,
A Bodi.iil Saki Raiders Cat Off and Upland.
c rl
-,-.. Wriest.°los, June 19.
= Of information,baa b*.a received here
that 1 ' De Conroy, with a detachment of-cav
tilry, t'off at Tripolett'B- 4 104re the body of
' ebel (loyally thakmade the. raid upon . lama
ville iliy., and killed and, wounded many,,
taking over one hundred
_wineries, inclUaing
one Captain and two Lientenlnta., Thep also
recaptured all the propel ty stolen'at litayeville.
Arrhial of the . Steamer Bohemian
hotter Pirate Ready to 'Sail from furepe.
London Times on Gen. Grant% Victories.
The steamship Bohemian, from Liverpool on
the llth, via Queenstown on the 12th inst.,
Parsed'. here st noon to'day, and was anticipated
by the news yacht. ' r -
The steamer City of Baltimore arrived at
Liverpool on the 9thlitud.
Tbesteamer North America arrived out on
the 10th. The ebip Sate. Dyer arrived at Ant
werp on the 21 lost., and had been Captured
by the > pirates, but, was released, on giving
bondsdii the sum of forty thousand dollars.
The, new steamer Southerner has been
searched by the British offwers, being suspected
awaiting out for a rebel pirate, bit nothing was
found on her to warrankaselaure.
In the souse of Commons, Mr. Cunningluun
Suggetted the opening of negotiations with the
United States Government for the suppression
of the love trade is the Southern States.
The:steamer Sontherner, whkit. was recently.
launched at Stockton on the Lees, has been
• r,' vr da r u "K„LIeaLOIL
ter, but turned out to. be a spy; and who made
an affidavit tending to show that the steamer
was intended for a cobfederate`truiser. This
affidavit was forwarded to minister Mains, and
by him submitted to Earl Russell, who ordered
the vessel to be searched. -
The search resulted iri nothing to justify the
suspicion of her being intended as a pirate, and
the steamer accordingly' remained' Mistivad.
The alleged erg, however, cootinutsi to hover
about!West Hartford, whbre the steamer was
lying. It is ;stated that &it vessel is intended
for trade betweeo Liverpool and Charleston.
Thd editorial of the London Tines on the Sa
tiation of affairs in America, alluding to the
Irani:lt:the Mississippi, says :
ror the first tune in the war we have a
long daiititibirtlitederal victories. The game,
It is true, is not played out. Bo far the
expedition has been remarkably successful,
and 'reflects unwonted lustre on the Fed&
ral arms. With a comparatively small
army General S. Grant imp advanced
wards Vicksburg by a angered= of victories at
one point after another. ' This much is now es
tablished. by the statements of the confederated
themselves. If Grant cannot Garry the long
beleagured city and its apPropriate defences. be
may payfor his opening Sumo% by adissatrous
though not inglorious close.
Arrival of Rebel PrLamers at Baltimore.
BALITINM, June 19.
Bixteen hundred rebel prisooers,who were cap
tarsdliy Gen. Grant, arrived here thlsinorning,
on their way to Fortress Monroe for excbanga
They were guarded through the city by the
New York Seventh Regiment. _Their molly
arils and unintelligent countenances were in
striking contrast'to the boys of the " Sev
enth.!' *.
• .
~ .EC AM SI I. 1.,..: ...,..,
laft--41oakpoeed of the
0 000' • ' . . .
2_, ~ following brarels, just re
. , ~ . .-, ,
calved :
- Navy Jams, **dad..
Evans AND Swniee,
Mumunia's Excuumos. esaanagl.
• Bluminsa's Mummum, owl mausaitued.
' lacm Oar, canvassed. • .
Law Car, not oannamial. I- -
'ham Hams, ***prima.
OODITRI Haus,Mirfrs. •
Eiinh hanksoirl,wol lia_gumuntinai as A:Tre
enail& . , WM. : DOCK, & CO.
WINING .FLUIDS .--Bon? AmeriataWdt
-11 ill' . Fluid.' splendid Ink, at 6X opuiti)
ipti4uart ; ARNOLD'S gisaufris Writing Fitdd,
HARBISON'S - Columbia)) Writing :,3414,,
tylp4l:o4N & .BUBBFINEM'S ink, c o pyi ng
I rth.lue - iind Hal Inks of tiro beat qua li ty',
liruallik; Idi n niega, Sra-. at .. •
I'l%d: OIL '141 41 - 111 1118, :: iliii do , not need
aninneir, andciolidiad will pat On:
light oat. Gial.anittiaiWgeott
O:free. mdiffintet•Fhi.
of-114, size nut is the 'etandarA *lee vrill be
mmil to' ordei. I
- *dherip , BOokstort
- dittAlfga.lit WANTED.
A,' ABMS ildatwh6 is a 7 1 , eity' Sofe;
n., careful worinuse,4 wasted: for •spiel&
ISWPP I 7 0- 1 ,kk,04 ItigiM9rftl^
Cars Baas, Jane 19