Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, June 19, 1863, Image 1

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re Pm lir 'Ezio
Office Third Street, near Walnut,
Ta R-11 OF tr B 6-0 4-I.DT O.IT
. t.
Thu 'DAILY TELIaLC4i is served . to entscri-
Alen in 111,.e City at- 6 cents ; per week .` Yearly
aubseritterewill tie chark4l $4,00 in advance.
watanot 7.lamaaars. •
rrhe drautattant isalso published weekly-a nd
tug :Waled to- subscribers at the .following casli
Bine& popies, -weekly - - .$llOO
Ten Cotfies, to one poVrice. ..... i • 0.00
ir wou t y _ts ti. . . ~: ritock
Al vignaspra Remis.--The following are' the
ateg tor advertising in the 'Dimwit.: ',These
hatiiag adv.:A-tieing - to do will find'it'epti4eident
• ir Font' lines .or lest constitute Ona=half
Itinitre.' Eight lines or more than' fermi Condi
Wee a square.
ng . ,,,l2. l llVginfOVß
126grolepigrr .013
1 '
0 bcIOW. , CO
P .
00 da
g V ° itkbBEgEgraSS2
IV ra. tr::•
51 Z ttS'SB °goal
2Vg"*V ' Stig • •
r- 1
II et
2 13 1
. I 00 CD 04.. tO • •
g 5 l(SgO 2,11 ' SEg
adakaiigranon Noticeo,l. gate week, , *
Mariiato t *Meer.
audimot Netter..
Vancral`Ncahteanch !neertion.... '
ertitleineiti rioticee inserted inAlie
OVi .ionk tit beiote Jilartiagee and.l3eaths; Ent
Onus PER inis for, eachinprtipn..
As an advertising &Ain& tliallasauera has
no equal, its - Jargatirculation,
nign.awilarniirei,ln'oity and country, placing
it,beyond oompetition. - 1
Ii 4iufieans.
0r ES , _ll4 tT-91
ST ST - AND trAiatarraQuiatl§,
Otartrlr. -11101111CW*
litiljarLY 00N1)1701311) BY wirrastopvsur)a.:
This-iff a First Class Etotel, and located la Ile
sears! part of the city: It is .kept.iti thii beat
tuanner,.ami its patrolas wit tud'eVery accorni
modation• to be . met with m tace best houses in
the w 111417. sa3o-dtf
t B. T. BABgIIVS 1 ;
Concentrated Condepsed orPub-erized
8 0 T • P . : I
ITIHREE gallons of handsome white: SOFT
'.l. :SOAP made in five minutes.: No .greami
DDISOTIONS.---Distiolve one- Ound•L'of• B. • T
.13sirlitt's Concentrated.ondensed tit Pulverised
Soft Soap in one gallon Alf boillog water; then
add. two gaillifis.of warm water.. When cool
you will have`three gallons of Handsome 'White
Ten pounds will make one barrel of soft rioap.l,
The soap thus made is an excellent wash, for,
*Ma, shrubs andidints'of all kinds: .•
Justieoelved and for sale by
Whil. DOCK, Ja., & CO.,
'-my27] Market at ., opposite the Co urt Houser
special arrangement with , tethe
LP best engravere.in the conntry, molds of any
description :will •be exeented.in tholig h est style
of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and
supplied promptlk,st lower prices thanare eliOrg,
ed .14 the stationersin New York OrThiladel
phis:, :For samples and priCes•calfat -
- W SHADES of linen, gilt-tiold — eied;
I :I44?AfiIIifIILINDS of an endlearvait
ety of degivp oruimnents ; :aIso„CURTMN
FaTUBAS wit TAsSFiit at yor,y,lpyk,rom.
Call et ' . SOHEYOR'S.P.9OIWpF6:
tki?sale by wq. DOCK, qr.* 06V.,!.' 1
ISLES AND *" idd*
1 1 " 1 ; 4 ,1 1W splendid stock of Pi:tkeffind
ti , r; , ,i'glgiriart, Methodist, 1411buian,,an,
Refbiiiied;iud other Hymn Bobki, just- recolv - ,
golo - ws CHEAP itOOKSTORM„
Com, tom further-reduction-in Cosl l, ool
superior articael of -nonexplosive Colt' 0t,t,,,
tor eats very lo`ffie . ,_bY.4;.! • •'I t= \
• manors & BOWMAN,
Col . : "grout end . MarketSte„L_
ViOTOGBAFICAIIri3iO4:-Awtely bold
I and clitaped=for Rd/Pail
.de - - - 18;Market Street.
Different colored dontbyarietles White
Priagh;: Duple Fringe, orldht-Tree and other
rr v Egin,:, Morignges, Rower of Attorti , l
A , Banda mid JoatiaggefAlahke for sale atlue
WititlVEß, BORDERS, &c., &c., sold at.
laat year' prices, without any advance.
D - R.--4011[NSO'N
themost' ear , speedy, ind
I Feffect . ust r etedtbeln. the world for =
_ r .
Riminuxii. giii;*),Twirom nouits.: . _ ,
4 afr 4 Warran#A_ er. Ne Orarr, in Awn .Onf A
: .• : gi Ro i-:)61P, " • - , i -t
- Weakness; o f the-,sgelt, , _Affections of the
Xidrieys and Bladder,: Involuntary ;._dis
charges, Impotehoy, general Debility; Nor--;
,V° llBll ., e 1214 ~D yspepsia, : Languor , Tow.; Spirits,
yoarusion. of Maw,. ~• Palpitation •_ o f
.!. the:
Heart, rinititifit„Trieollniflat Dimness Of .614 ht,
or', 4 i
bldiness tibiesser of 'the Head, Throat,'
I•lrsiiiii-Shin. - Sffeubluns of the Liver, Lags,
Strcatipli or Bowels-those; terrible disOttkas
::arialeg_ pout the - Solitary Habits of Youth—
thove secret ad•solitiniPreftlitrilere,fateX to
their victims than -the song of Sirens to e
Mariners of lllYsses; blighting their ina3t bill-
Rant hopes or anticipations; rendering nnwrittge,
&c., impossible,
._-_ ..,..;_. _ YOUNG- MEN .
&wildly.- who have become the victims', of
Solitary Vice, that, dreadful and destructive
habit which - annually sweeps' _to an : untimely
grave thousands of Young, Hari: of - the most ,
etaltml talents and brilliant' Intellect, who
.'might otherwise have entranced listening
ates with the thunders 'of eloquence or waked
to ecstasy the. living lyre, may'cill 'with; full
confidence:; - . ' : , . I
1 : VA '' RIAGE. '. .:- "- 1
Harried Perseus, or Young Hen contemplat
ing marriage, being aware of physicar 'weak-,
new, organic : debility, deformities, 10., Speridfl .
He who plains himself under' ,the - Care 'of - IS.:
J. may religiously confide in his hcktoras a gen
tleman and confident ly` rely upon his skill as a
Pliyeiciii: '— '
- -- -' ' ' OIIGINIO 'WEAKNESS. •
luniedistely Gifted, and full vigor reetored., 1
This distressing affection: --whielihniderdige
misdrable.aneniarriage 'impossibld-ziedidliaiti ,
alty paid by the victims of improper ifidtdi t #
•Yourig. persons arO'tod apt t& commit eit
h•cninuot being aware •of 'the dieridfit.'onista l
quinces fhit may ensue."' NOW; who that uri
&stands the sObject wilt tiretehil - to deny, that,
the power of procreationisloille icio - ner. by Witte
falling into improper habits than by the' pie
dent- . Besideabeingdepived the pleasures 44
healthy offsprittgjhe pipet serious and destruc
tive symptoms toeath ibbdy and mind arise.
The system becomesteranged, the physical anti
inental.frinctibins]weakened, lose- of procretitive
po•ker,Eriervirtur irritability, dye - medal pall
Lion of the himit; • Atidigectien, zahhilitirti
debility._ a. wasting of the frame, .oetigh;:ixat-i
Anin.PA oll ; *IV and, death, ' 4 - • • ---=`. 1
'. ...,,.-------, --..--- _-"--- - -I,
.7. Warp!, No 7 ne"=' :Tritareolcut..Stlaitro I -
Left hand side going from Baltimore stirt:l4,
fewActora,from She owner. Fail-not to o
haWaiand number. :.-.
_- • •
Tiettereirneat::.he „maid ''and betaain a stamp.
The. Doctor's_Diplows-hang in.-his office, i
..: • ~ : DR. JOHNSON, '.:.' . . .1 •
Member of the RoyelfOollege of Surgeons, Len t ,
clon,:graduate• from one of the most eminent
colleges in. the United 13tates, and the greatek
partlof whose life has been spent in the' hasp*
- tats - of London , Paris,, Philadelphia and - else.
where, has Chested som e. of the most astonishin
cures that - -were , ever known •iinanyltioubj, ,
t a
with iinglOg lu-thebead-and!elui whereas ,
grist nervonangeseribeine.. alarmed: a sadden
aosndli r , bashful' isse,!. WittiLirelinent briistaii i
attended econOhnesfivithiderangehierit - of mind
lain:e (inject IfulluedineelY• -.-- ': •-<-. -, • ,
TAKE PARTIC;UTiAIa 140110 X. ',;
. Thiiiigain Soma of the sad and irielaneholy
eftiktiprodtided by early, habits of youth, yie :
weakness of the back and limbs, pains in to
head r dingiess of sight:: low of hawerdar *mak
palpitation of ,the heart;,_dyvePide, nervous
irritability, symptionasof cfrissoniP#9)4 &c. L. ;
xikrigpf . —The fearful. 404 R1NAG34,03341 ,
are, much to be dreaded—loss nf memory, "
Woo of _ideas, depression of spirits, evil fore-,
bodinge, aversion to troolety, self distrust, love,
of solitude, timidity, 'B5 - c,'4'aralitinie of the evils'',
produced. '--;• • ' = - 1 - r , ' 1
( - - .= f IVEINGF , IfiIiti 1.1,
Who have: injured themselves by a certain; ; '
practice indulged; In ' When , .. aloneci a habit fre,
.quenliy, learned- from mil compani o ns; or at', .
, the., effects pf Which are nightly.felt, :
even -'When ' asleep, - nria' - if not cured nonters,
mini:high Impossible, ' add 'ldestilvf both iniral 1 , ,
end l bocly, should apply : immediately._ .1 '..•
What a• -Piq .th a i a Peak. re:eur:fhe 4 0 11. ) ,:uf t,
big ceentryons,darling of his parerite; should
be snatelied:freni all prospects and enjoyrannti i
of life, Icy the consequence of deviating' tram!
the-pith of nature and indulging in a- certain "
secret habit , : lineb persons parer, before contem
plating. '22l'' - - " ' ) • ' , ,
1 ' '„' , 'Paheine&GE; '7A' W ,
Reflect that a sound mind an& body are4the
most necessary requisites to,Pramirtoponntibial
happiness. Indeed, without pese,lho-Xurney
”' r':)B*-Ilfe become 1 WSW 011grjrnage , i the
. i. • . t hourlidarkenao:the,view ; the mind
. .4ns filuaTQw 6 l,3r l rh . de '
and filled vd*.
the niel4elrelY ref on - t'.4o) l 4 l ojelikcof
another bewinesblighted,Yrithour Own. • • -T •
When the misguided eat Impoident votary
of pleasure finds he haslmbibed the seeds of
thlaptinful disease, it too often . happens ,that"
an-dihned sense of *erne - or - the - dread of dis
covery decerkldealrehi. - applibik,:taliiiie who,
from,. ' edu cation-and MeOPeetabi li tY, Can slope
befriend' ISM. He falls into tho hanihpef t g 4 s ._
rantand.deWgula! 'g ; retenders, who, incapable
ofjeuring r :fildillie - pecuniary, substance; keep
him trifling monftill ft er mont, or as long as
the smallest fee eon. benblained; . and In deepair
Wive him - with-ruined health:W. - sigh aver his
galiingt disappointment, or, by the • use &Alia
deadly - poison Mercury v hts4N - the -tonititii
tional symptoms of this terilkile cllsease,on9h,
.affections of the HokiitThkAtt,Voiii, Skin, eto l l
iprogreOrieWithiffightfel rapidity till
n' • t.,,_,...' 'to hi o dreadful aufferlir& *:_leAlf_
lug him to that t u_..ifilOd country from
whence,no.trayellet *rip,, , _
nivissisorrr dr,iiiii, rms.., .1: -
..... PR .. , -
• The Mitilyiitaatuitindtiatired r at this instiKttliin
year-after-learrend--the--nwngumw - important
urgicaloperationspecifotmedilDL - lohnidg
`within/B*l'lV the: "miters of ' e linn,'ajah-
and *any offia - T: 010114:furl:Aka 'of which have
Fre.' again and again before the pubilii," lie
41Mil.)3auldratalica•110 tkennig -- fliattd___ tc,..
dbs' iii - m*w - .. au . suirtujr
i ' • a•s ty,
• ...i. :••• -LI q • As . ,t_t_,...X.•
' _ •
4trr tr.
2 4
1.2 a
0178281. No. 7. aOrTIR 171.7iDNEJOIC 87.
Ntw '2lburtistmatte.
The Great "American IlexnedieN" ,
ISLELMBOLD , 8 , ~ •
COMPOUND,. . - • •
f - FLUID, EXTE ACT''.l3llolWf'-. .....
Fhr Diseases
This Medicine intireasell the power, 'of .Dlgeni
thin, and excites the ABSORBENTS Into : • beg
thy notion, by' which the WATERY or ' UL
CEROUS depositions, and all UNNA.TUIIiAL
EN - L4RGEMENISafe reduced, at well-as Oath
and Anti uhmatiott, andlii . gOod . fiii 'NO, 'WO
MEN or CHILDREN." -, ' - .. ,-
.. _ ~_ , . ~ ....
Arising: rom.:Excessenc %late :beDiesipition,
Early Indiscretion 'or Abuse. '
• :airman wirn aws sinlownin stamens :
IndisPosition to Exev - Dryoess o f the Skin,
thin, . . 'Lose•of Pewee, '
Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,
,Weak Naives,Trembeg i • • •
Horrorlaf Disease, Wake esi,
D ininees of Vision, , -.:Pain in the Back, ' -
Universal-Lassitude ofFlushing of the Body, ;
the Muscular System,Eruptions on the Fat*,
Hot Hands, , Pallid Countenance. ,
iThetie,lliplorinn, if slipped t 4 g,'49 pfi, Iflibh
,t i medic 4nirlfriabry- tbmovW. -, tbon'frill6tv
In one of which the patient may expire. Who
l[paibtiattliat .they ale not Jterinently folicaved
l'hy those "direful diseases." - ..
. .
Many are aware of the muse of their suffer
ings, but none will confess. The.records of the
Insane Asylums tuni,the melancholY deaths by
Corunumintion, hcar.ample witness to the truth
of the assertion.
'Requires the aid of medicine to strengtben and
invigorate the system, which Efelmliold'in Ex:
tract Buchu invariably does. Atrial will, con
vince the meet.altenticel. . • . 1
11 1 EMALES--FEMAI/ES-4100 , LES, ,
CON.TEOLATING ,NA Ai?? r' GE , , '
,In hinny affectionh..peouliar 0.1 %Mali* the
Kitraet Buchu is rinectifilicici - lo•any, other
remedy,, akin ;Chlarainls or, Betentioo,..kogri;
larit", Painfulness, , or, eupPrelisiOn ef.• the via
-1 tomarf 'EtrabOaticips. Ulcerated on y - Schirrolls
state' ,of ,tliCUterds; Lettoorrhea or Writ • es,
Sterility', and for all cduplaants incident' totin t :
sex, Whither arising from Indigmation. ,rabi
-g t --mwetinfratiki -- TD - ii:irg:
rick. f 4 Pa " : 44130114 4514 :32,11 Q er r11 44 D j . 7i.t/ wn719 444.....1)1 12 4
eine for Unpleasant an d - Dangerous , l7lnWes•
' ."11.01.8014):8;EX:Ilt&OTB. Okillir ,
Cures se crab:weans-in '
all thetir.stoganyato iitn•
tla =Papa ;• little or no chaege in diet 4 nb -in
coavenanoce 'end- no exposure. 'lt carnet- fic
quent desire, : and:gives 'strength to. Urinate,
thereby rounKing obstruction*, PreVentitnpand
curing Stnietnrea of the Urethra, -tdiayirg pain •
and inflammation, so frequent in this Maas lf ,
diseases, aunt mtpeiling Poisonoua, • Diseased ,an '
Wornout Matter i , Tinonsands- upon thonsitnde
who have been the victims of quacks; (and mh
have paid heavy fees to be cured in a shor
time, have fathicl.thef were cleceivazi,,m4tha
the, ...”Euinanlllinua.by %theil2sBi of tifasterful
Astringents," been dried up in the system, to
break out in an aggravated form, and, perhaps
after marriage.
_,___-• , •
all Affection:vend Diseases of the Urinary Or
gans, athethr Alining in Male• or Female froni
whatever Came origin:444, htir'i no nmtier . ,:ipf
how long standing.. Di:lenses of ,these Organ*
require the 4 _,;•
d i' a Dlinetic. .•rozia.B.up,B
t4tellgls the Great Diarethc, -siad
'it ii 'certai n ta ,have the ,dealred tifect in - al(
"Diseases_ for ivhi9h'ip is rennin:dna:o4a
Blood—Blomi-ii - Riaod. Helmbold'a Highlyi
Concentrate Carnpounr.2 MAUD). EXT/4011
tion of 1124 - 131 bod„ and ittieki the Sitiitar-Or-,
gat e, Limey; at the Nose, Eire, Thcons VKlnd-
POP, and'°ttlel litoooll-PPrinnl,,meXilig•its.4- 1
peatance in the form of uicera. Helmboll • •
Extract Sarsaparilla; Imam, the BiO6o,and:
removes all Scalyßroptions of the Shin, giving
to, the Complexion a Clear and Healthy Color.
It lining prepared ;expressly for this class of
complaints, its Blnod-NiOhn,g propentles.are
ii"Berved tea gr eater ' extend 4aa any 9t4er
preparation of Sarsaparillas • - .1 • , ,
ekePilePt Lotion for ' diseases:of is Sypti
liticllatipre, and aaanrinjection in :diseases of ,
the .Urinary,, Organa,'.. arising from Intbituof
dissipatimi, used in-, connection "with t the,Ex - -
traoteßrem eandAareaparilia; in such Diseases
el 3 : reowerneaded. ;Evidence of the' mostire
spo.aribie and reliable character will adnortmanY
Ole ...nnedhanea-' ; CERTIFICATES OF CUBEEP
front eight ...t0 twenty •'years standing, With
names: known 'So Science and Zama•. For
Medical Properties of Buchu, sea Dlaphnahry of
the United, States. 2 Sfa Professor DIMES'S
valoableiworksPli the Fraction:of Physic. - Sea
remarks made by the late Celebrated Dr. PHY-•
BIGK r Bhiladelphia.,--Seeretnarks-madebytDri
ErgßenalielJONTEF4l.6, atelebratedPhysialan
and member of ther-Boyalr College of Surgeons,
IrelitnAl and published- in the tffransacticanf of
the Kings and Queen's Journal. 'See Medico-
Cirnrgical Beview ; initaishtd - by BENJ. TRA
VERS,,Ned/ow:ef the ItoyaleollageaßSuigeons.
SeaJnost,of the late standard works on Medi
cine, ,Fatiractaf - Faichu $1 Q 0 per . bottle or
6 /,' l , fOi - $ 5 91 1 P# 4 . 1 4 of sorsflPorflia, Si 00
.1r lAtt t l r li or six fo r ~s¢" too. . Improved Bose
w'otir4=3ooeents Per :bpille, or mix for 60 1 or
11814 hapin each:for $4 00 rhieh wiilte,suf
fidient tb cure the most obstinate eases; KO**
lions are adhered to. ])ellvereittow address,
Eeanielf,packed i friiM., obssfrstiqrsest,lo9
sytelitointrintell cio, idniraii6itione.' .**.• gnar
intiteeV ' Advice gratis. - s .','
1 4"eitl'olfigil' 1 1.1 1 ehied bbfqr4 me aii„Aid*
l i d the .Iq.of innagbilin iEr. T..lfon
I*l4.bet4.4ily'Fiimin , daio.'o4, - . Wl**
42 4
ttimssco - ntainnoltaidtic,.no` ' pr:oStifin i
linkup? drugs, laid are p i p? , veg talda , i i
, s ,-•
s w ing and subscribed before memi2fid..daY I
of NSve*ber,'ll3s4.. WM. P. MBP,ABD,
1 Aldfithaq Ninth Onset nb1 , ,, e0 rbik.
1 finew 118634181 ' filffali 2ll4 , is COnirdenoe.
H. T. HELMBrjw, chemist.
Depot 104 South 10th ettr, e t y below Ch
lf2 estnut,
Philadeaphia. toBl7
Cte. Etlegrapil.
'From our, Atonal% IMMO
- Glorious Vevitoik and-New Jailayaii eattrL,
Mild bet ;'veteran - troOln 'the .thousands.
o”'erl4 reg4ilerkPllaßkvedhgre yesterday !ate,. r:
daterminedito assiatthre Keystone State'
rib driving - the- rebel: horde -frotnu-her
These regiments have all seen active
74-!1?),.mill again to tiseir . rewittvil
; W 614.110.31kve,'...MIAlunication with. 0tp °, 14!..
Asersburg, Thet,operittori atAvhialf. POirit; re;
ports thiit information:` received thrdiih ', heir
-scobblt femme hits to,'believe e rebels are
atiniteight,Milesiloinihat Place in 'force. :
MirinformatiOn,Tiovever;received through
sconte -sent-out by 413 e %mauler :at fild . ppenis
burg; esy the reheis in force ire - again rapidly
adilrichig aeon dliamberibure
WOW of these reports' is correct, ire are IF.
able - t 0 say. Other iderniatiOn'iedelied-bpre
afterwift probably deteintineihe Mater.
Heavy carinenadiog ielieird at Grierieint, - ;
in the direct - ion of HarpOr'aVerry. '
The last...twO' tiforoiiii3dlnen'of . Oen: Milrb 'e
command, passed id'Ocnnellaburg yesteiday n
'their way . to Bedford... Nothing fnrtqr has
13 1 Oeiribeard : a Ate force Said - to be'
within "trienty-Oi. mile's Of Baltimore:'
the driigstbies ntCliamlierslinrgworo cleaned
out, payment being made in rebel kifp. "No .
public or.private prnpertx : was deitrOyed ; I
"matters' are OA* favorably:
13 . 1 4 31 i..f0r idpiensiVe alitt 9ffenudvei moyetnents
are ,abnridatit.:: -.l it t ?would' , be -improper i0.14y
* Mere,
11110,1117LTeli NIKON. GOVERlipa. 6tlleli .
Vie foliciWing deitpatch,,a
ildiemsecitii Pelen 1
Wi Orin' If :Thomas and A::l2(. ; Clitteil, was to t
to PEWOt4 I4 iqso l4 * . . V i : " • : ' -: .•
, qui rl y,, B uie„ Jun e s 18.•:-.11ititive•,y0 r
idell'Aileteredlor the` irciients 'irge,p94, .
.1. - WilVatiiltoWisriior of 'the . State, ' eterriti i ei
matter and return them to their homes ire ei
earliost date'conelar,:4l' with thxnefilty. of ,
'border. ' , ThiiM t igpittdanOickli*Atatfon on
. part of the me„n, :lienifiliem here. at (aloe,
thafith,6*.dimttorf tati`he perfected. ' -
'. _•.•
(gig y.: :. 1 ..,:.., ~; ...TA:43i.otFittnt; :.:
4:.... ~, iv- . , "GbvecnOr of.Pennsylnanik. 4 l
- -.- ........... ..r... t .•
Zai ,0 ' hi-,WISIE.LN , G:it - ir ,
I. .iR ep— 0"....rr,
tWwtc :--.
u--.e - :
a 4':-
i t
l d :,
e) V I
. •-:?-- . -..._.. • r.YitomPtcym! , Jeee /8.
ifeth'Y geSeit. mg . heir hiem iiiiteePte ( Kte ill
"-Preeidtrit'as the 'Knipp ;E x trao rdinary - en
htinist or - Plenipotentiary of. Salvador. •-; Itip
ohms of friendship ;Were ex _bodged ad usedi 4
rauch r oceationa. , , • y ,
:, Thorned D. E Evade r of Kentucky, lat eCOn
r at& at Dammam, -has . been appoint - 4 1 :r `i
Slates•Attinney for" • therTerritoly of-Nevada.
Peltneetqr of the APPY, Edviatd :Y,:: ton
of Connecticut haw been ordered yto New- 01
Ncrgeneml alarm estate in WealliiigtOn.
dansequencerid , the- Proximity of thole/um*
A. fewt potions ' . howavar r ! not of our ritoidan
population, yeaterday turned theirli S. not
into gold, and left the city for their hornea. , I
It is reported- that Gen 114 is near Aidlei
Londoun county, but of this !-thereis no Mr;
tainty. There seems to be no doubt,. _ however
,that some of hls forces are irkplat direction... •
UplO - laet night `tiotbing', q atirrlag,linporj
ftangydi scarcely anythingliaWbeed heraci-fittl
-the front. • . . 1,.- , :?.i1.1. --. 1 ' •' : ' :
• --
.. orropro - • •
The Ship oiown Point ben•tif - z by Ahe
• . : , ; •.. (.2. t.•l • : • :-..:
1 : • 1 '=:•••f - ' = 1 Florid a Ant time; Jane 18 t
The ship Vrownv raft; frbeilrikleir - Tor ICtii
fart:RtAtielsio, irrie'leirsiths%thinPrivitteer Merl
fhb, MarlBth; ta!let - .18:10ti'gl , 8,8"'• I ' . : a t
Captain' Glftit ()Mite atitpOttPirdoPoint; obit
that he railed-fromelieror-Yoriroor-April 9th fig
San Franebseo:-70n: the lllttoli
efii'y be 4P
deandelbyttherlitietnittorlde; whichPliturend '
ilrittelitodors, - ind takek-vbeieedin'rot ' After t
rating ledititithey wanted - Iran the . shirr:
plriteatereedlhia.l.l t•-. '.. M. .1::- ii: t: • -
-: On thedOrlitheylellitt withlbeiDatibb
Tirginlit;lto•whitotrvereell=the cini•bil 'wit
and two sone, two mat and -2 :Wiriftifigs
tfeced-PPI !brought , tothis, vit ~ t The Ora
sent a barrel of bread and - bee f en board tip,
Tlittilin for 'Oeirtale;l343 and pattf:, ,s , - i
Theidagitain of the Nirglniivivaa' eirszeirdiniffy
kind t o th e ph r ti, •r. , ' ...L .ri ,i
The ship PrOWlTTPintr2V lB :9Flie d Ar.. o44ol
. 4. - finap:iy, of 13ootola , wile* her Vertredjori
;$lBO,OOO I n the TWE.' . •
Reported Adiante of tile Bebe Sae=
Marylaild. E '
• MOCOWlNLLiiinta:bi Petri& Cousriy,'Pa., 41ufa
7.7= - S tranlers .0'043z - the =latagliPithlgrillioT 4
IP"i°11 O
uP_to o'clock, P-2 11 6 90 1 4, V A Arm&
Velow'. They 'repO4 that efght thorts9d rebel
crossed rt Wilthotispoit - and biatolied - on Han-1
cock, at, vhitah pidat 1,600 of General Milroy's'
Plited force bad been collefOl• '
„Thasa. ma i n wag In a state of dernoradzation,
QAthont ' orankation, fled itilia'feoifUd ia-
Ylk/f Of the rebels; alid 'are 'noir scattered
through altparts 4 0f4h0 oortittry.
rglkia.'wOUSlel 3l, to acPAVit fora large Pm'
uoll of the. 2,000 reported , as lost by General
fifirey, 3' • " • •
From Califon
Tune ,r7.—The steamer Ore- I
gon sails teilay•'fol':AtielkTorthweaterit &mit of
Mexico; witk rairilfig waclfineryandpaesengera
for thOlTotoilig retloM
. • •
o . l Aibititildldfail for
i rVeTtlitk Ma.
p 0,1141 - WOWS;
Col. Wm:l4f §to*,' f kha u fwentrsecond
lowa iegirodit;iras*M nor aineted for Goyer
por 'l?yibe ,
v.. CS . '
• 0 • ,V)114. `..r
-Ia.APPAP a Bridge
lacens, Jane 18.
The covered bridge of the Grand Trunk rail
road, over Royal river, at Yarmouth, Me., was
burnt yesterday.
itc Toint Hooka,
Delftructtoll of- r a Train ...of Cars
CA T - USE - . sum-mans,
• al
The Lesson : :Of the mint- starilatick
- i.l . ~... _,- 1 , 331'. -:c. :-.,.
MILITARY ,;:mtimniamivs,.3 rai .
~. _ _.;::::-..t. , ..., , I, - -..,.?„,-,...:.......- ..., .•.. _
- CAPTUREAND metiberfoit OF A ,Tilni
,ii• .
• t _ :. - - f., ... .......i. ii..... i .** j ..... t il l ::
''Aimaiinine'echiff:tinitnightii:Tx4 Vrn fir
cavalry crossed- th e Patin - nth Weir • thq Point ot,
flecks and upon : th at place, ?at Nth b.'
there was no_ force of ,defeatte,, ; except C ap
Menon'll "reffirsi.ltical ctivalty., All these w e
captured, iheltalingihtiOapViin limiele 41 -
opt the leaireogegeinet% selfer .'eiti *a' d
OMR. . ,',llkeftiNeritibetareen tWanty:anil y.
inall— 'fiimultatiennaly anothatliady of 'l ila ,4_ -• •
:ritotinted;:cromeff the river 'higher - hp, en& t
tacked .ffiejor Cole's cavalry' at Oat:teen :;E. "
tion, about segen ‘ ornightntiles east ofiliPe '1
F9iFy. A fight, ensuedi.but with.,,,wbat„ Fes 1 . 1
taanot yetteice'itaibed; ;;. `,' ' ,
- ,7.- - Kbtiut the samelline a part or therenein 'I
Cavalry OharglEupdmit.military:trainniubs
=den in its ntlittne- -.: Age:Aided of One:ft -
class loComotive and about twenty-three ea
returning 'from' Barpei's 'Fairy 'lei Balrunii _
after`- having , carriefftproviiiowito eupply' - t I
garrison: during, the day. I :Fortunately thiaw I
the. last",train of a convoy of five, the oib
tivi4lnif preceded it in safety, awl jai reach
Baltimore. Of the catitirar train *ere save
cars loaded with produce thityrielleirit iiiiiti
froMs..dangerfrootithe:Nkinity of Hermes F
ry,,abio some! Ofteein.vikawngersi. , who - ihdk:a
vantage of , the .trairr nikher to: eteape, - nr
busineseconiected With thantiny reklitreiltlie ,
to porno down thexoad.:l_lBeyeraliof-theruiws
1 sutlers, and- per:kepi dne or two subordinate Ye -'
oral o ffi cers. These are said tofhayti been- 1,
carried off-to Virginia t -.with two of the fo r
railroad; ructsyttp 2 W1044121.144arga of - thatrai 2,
.:!.. 8 40 /1 ."... 1 4tt-Pirle n g IMn. - .Pitlsteth,' t
Tram - was burned entire!) , lat the, enemy, , w
, curried binning-cbsit fiotn't O'furnacennd ha
them upowthe fleors.:(ff Abe cats:- These- " " .1
.:* ,ti 3 d. of t/fttigt4lPO:ltentte Caw one. fist
lettept..witq tom, QUO, ,or ! Oro , ladenwith. 11,
`and 'Wetter ,fdur ,eintity e to* ca;M. 041
%into tatioaxilit a pOint'beyerideatectlni*,
he tarmithinhiaprwiwed, nt that: Place;
succeeded e in escaping. ; On. rwsebing the:Po
tif Radii?, 'howeyer, ti _was again ,-sttacked.l
*Lelia , f otce as 'oleigiid {t to inv. 'Effors vi
. .
V. .4. 4 ~ b Ili , ea
. Thelliman anci,litiiiimaisyne
gied - bd fit iicalltiilt.).a.t4elighilwir744t:t.
tinctur eisChelievtd to be ; among the',prisbum,
l' !lbws :fir,- in the Ostia catortitn; this seemi
t 9 ; bave, beau : the-, ~fillit-i railroad • ProPer7 ll 4
; stroyed. •,„lielfitn, Ate twits nor the, bricges,4
'the oPinpkthlriiiiverbien dequale4,,liut the WO
graphflees cif ithetoadAvEre ctirbt the enemy
in sieverarplaces: Arian-the enemytnilting his"
thet.lippmthwee, :the aoluomirti tiiiiigyiphib ripe
ratite" at therPoint:ot Moils= firalrel34 littri tii
position,-auir,vemldnealit , bill, peat WhilUtti
dist:ruction was gbirig•ol, but was finally for"
to leave.L. , . , , v .-• ~f_; : ' • .. ' !,
--.: After:the - pitipetraticknt thes# Wilwthieiirthi
enemy istbved , olt, but,' it:ll4aid, watched thq
-road ize - the rolettitty itaittig the . flight; in the
1. .
m ro a o
4 1
„hopes that oilier traidis ordetstaiiiihm.hi t
• out i fail into theft. chitehes.. ' r -' ! - ..'-- -'
- - • szcasimiliti 'ii'WinMilicii '''-- ..
`: Yettpplay therewaliOrudditrable
inthit.i4d- at Frederielt, OA points, vi s et of iti
r on„account of , a-kepoit;ici.the 414 that ts, cipi
i . tachment of-ielisla qiiiit:OtuailyAteenl near t
about, the Ilitifi 11014 re, no mid ifitinrefirmal,- ea
*0 sasie:,
this. l aigfrt - lii • act - 1-0 1447 .6 : • b9r44, the
caluteliy the enemy upon the . c.ontmaiiiirif Giii
Kilroy, a captain and eight Men PrMom of-th
companies succeeded in =Wit g_ o'Al' *ape
L'hey.tmagle w forced :march through iNirciiscrei
and PouilomPoliPtleti, and ganeell . j th riugh WI
Idatyland,. and th ence , along , 54e- b,oluer,oti
gentgetnerY county: "Their app,rence af dim
Point above alluded to; and-thek ' 'repeated ' imi
grates Ibr the-ratest inilitatY . ,news, gait,. Awl
to the,auspicion that ! they were.reliell, 'Tay'
hafe Anse arrived in this, city, 1 , ~ . 1 i
• GetidraMilOY and the'pemliefiltitiviteis
Wholiift here-yestertiay ititeintioein - spe" cif'
train, proceeded guider - aelMotwicocy;lntlugon,
tearthit o ._ ,f the disasters
~ Aellill,ProigeeiLlit the
Point 94 i ~ .6 6: -x.ez,ke4 - 0 Ale riilty. ,, -.,-- Tr 1 , f./
__._'Th-._l"el'i.V.ero-Atti,T,IIWW,. in I , Fgededek last
o YAginSt -Ix tiloAPPqaßlOc! YR" tiorilitemy•lsteon i ,
iiiilbrablitloinsutthe,ohliNnthAltatmaip battle
ground, ithich /AIWA 0 the 4 - ollempt. , glietti
*mho rebels etc rip;finAck thrsminuithgibhw-
Frio , •• t• '4 . 1-2 . :• '2f
rL i it? awnitriv:iiniatiVitiipioiV ,, •- "!
&intim (Whether °arnica 'or , itotlik , not- alieer.q
tabled) that 2,010, of hie t letot, cornfisting
Afi:6oo,infautry and 1,000 cavalry } . md. suc
welled in retiching,Cllmbeiland, last
%night.i.r)Th'e I,3M" , raU who bid's n row escape,
fpm Icing oaptbrid Mks train on theAtthithtel
end Ohio rattroAlvilterdaY , iintwthitelty,tegdc
the 8 o'clock train of the Northern Central
railway this morning, with httiltaff' ; andji 'rea
carded to Neirliibuig with thlilelv,'oooiriissi
• • • .1 • 4 - : -
• itrurPubLlPM2ll/117**Iii-ol r • ~!t
Governor ltradford - duly authorised) Copia*
W. li.ißevere formally ofthe Chicsigezindivel,!
and more bitterbi:ofibe!illisworthw.tivtattes;
thia,morning tcprecruit , regiment oft infantry;
the:Bathdima of r -the: City Gould formi
Anwthanuelensof the mornisatkst, withetp-,
weeds-inf . /60: ateinteni - enrolled.
goon haVe beenitar rolled • Willtibiilnizie4
tered:intasesvieor unditithel: call of.::thb' Irvin' I
entdot ixuktlis iiatnnteers:s liteoebiudat
the regibien4 adlelsraised,rwillialt tender
by the Govertthrttitteptidu Ihive . ter-reavleg
hirrstcr&c4tt- 1 " ?• 2 .
.! Major lienjianits-131011son, a '-formor IMO
mender ch ithe finders:Skirt GreYst ). bag Islhol
received authority from Go'vernor , Srlfaltikif
knit a segr qt cf- Infanta ..Vsketthitubeidi of
tbe 6400 'mon of the ergll t .,eßlital
ailsilaiotheivixtissigsnY *Um thuMndAiii
Baca its :soon exhindsedi and niotA
tin c am
iciirbeerropened" ta 'varitius sections of the
city, and numbers are flocking in to assist in
the defence of this city, now threatened by the
' rebels. .
aum. iILIZANDIrIeII annum
We are gratified in being able to announce
its arrival of Limits. Alexander,teary ald Hell,
of the Ist Maryland Battery, with tbirty.tbree
men of Capt. Alexander's command, who came
in from the vicinity of lietitora and Cumber
land. These, with Capt. Alexander and Lieut.
Evans, and forty-two men already reported at
Harper's Ferry, make seventy tour out orthe
one hundred and twenty-five men comprising
the battery accounted for. The impression of
those who have arrived is-that - bitt tew of the
battery were killed,..ittey,haviog,cup to the
time of the evacuation of Winchester,. but one
man wounded andinctee killed. -Whatever Ices
they, have sustaiuni. : lntsidering_ Meat,
and as they were airmountia it la believed that
but few were captured. We hitt-the tieliimo
ey,of Gen. Milroy as the, braverg, ext4btted
by the command; alid — ther great service they
Xendeied during the Ittonninref the wafts at
Minchester on Sunday evening. ,
- - IreriPeithtlfattlie face of Ttener Macy-
Ytolde at - ,Berrifillle; AM the: apples& of-'the
Rebels td that. point, w,ere ,cedered to fall bark
'curWincheater;aird while thii'weireglitting in
motion, one section of:the Mar/hind Battery,
under command ot.Lipptextant Alexander, kept
a brisk tirtfon the funnily; driving them back
Mhttrorlt .they : appeared, ,and „some -fifteen
wounded ,Bebeht were seen carried fromtbe field.
On being"prersal, they lohilal Ahtf - Mtitintle of
the. - beitterYe end PurlhabOnlors.Wlncheeter.
The fight at Winchisttw on Sunday afternoon
- *Ma - pretty tievererosty,ilind from 6 to 9 o'clock
.in tile- evening , Captain Aleginder kept pp a
A& Fri oon`the 'enemy, and repulsed them in
several attempts to storm theworks be was dee
feuding. Hittguus.werepot captured SS 4 . 1 ,"d
at Witt; by the storming of 'the battery ,
alllspikedwhentheatorktt were abandoned by
order of General Milroy, and were not, sale
potted, Wined on the sthideryland bfthe. ene
my. At I o'clock ton :. Monday morning the
evacuation was oniered, antiCaphdu ftlextualier
Was' 'directed to - spike and abandon his 'guns and
mvo;his borstal
: 131 m •' m!" ,0 4. 1 a"
There is much anxiety in the Pity relative to
sth Maryland regiment; which - ir reported
*have been most severely handled in the 38-
cent - battle near Winchester.
• Front someaf the memiberrwlo hen *ailed
Baltimorean learn a few particulars of interest
to those wio have friends snit relatives jn the
We learn that the 6th Maryland, mik4in re
treat from Winchestar, led
,the advante, and
met the full force of the rebel aitilleri that
intercepted the column ftini'-,rotlesith4 side of
At the same time the 87th Pennsylvania'
Col, Seball,_Af Pa ranctatiollthiCkoilnee
tiMit, Col. 4 Ely ant the 12th were se
verely put lip by the Mint aglitter/4
i ftlialrtheP n 10 11 4 and 041-1161) oat
of WO a reitiment Ated,retprried.
The Fifth iittntrifilti*aflatiiinircit
ing Lieutenant 'Colored . . Otiarfn 'A.: -Halton,
_ .
Criatain 'Bach: df . durnpanyir., and CspEs£n
Neel, -of Comnituy A. 2 eireumpott-d as pmi diet.
..Pts. l / 1 Yount,: of Crollegor D. is "Molted
killed. Lieu' enant &Ora*, who I!iniAtceipg
Lieutenant Colon, 1, and 'Capra` je 010 , 1-8 .n. of
eomparly E,• • Ware both sick' in the liesikitat; at
iVihehestrervand were taken prigettera.
.The,ubserkee of golon4 Schley ,basheahrorit
inentsd_ttpon.,but we have sPen•supider Imp
brio erar l4tjlroy, dated CM the 7th; directing
binviorepoit to Gt-neral B..henck, a nd ro await
the pleasurgat.ther War De —porWant,W4lllll-
mare— Be is still bore Invitee that old*. lawdd
1:1118 been unable to ascertain as to what datyls
ieanbed of him.
All the shrvivinkoffioers and members of the
bth liogiutent hintylandVotuntears are ordered
to.rneet at the =house of colonel Wm. Louis
V0.,60 14orth Green street, Friday
MrWng, the 19th instant.:at 9' o'clock. A.
pinata attendance is required.
- • now
We learn by refugees .frinn Haversterth tit
atielty le occupied by a Aetachns.-nt of Jon
in's cayalry., Akyd, the-former editor of the
File' Pr011;4 per iihidh tee supprwiielby tio
doverilillek4 ein'd etitticii' se* t4,oath, re
turned with tire4ebelx. .
, tetkixleAo4ekk 4r the !Mee the /la
'ea; theVniqh paw, And. 04 comme4teed the
re issue of the AistPriss. — Theieb-is, 3'tbi4M
derstood, avow the poirpbseto remain in- Mary.
lOnd. Perhaps write other -parties may have
something to say on that subject..
nom- rw7t - Esk XONROL.
r Id3MAILY : 111011.ifti133.
Focrews•Mientoit:lnne 13
The Yorktown Ocariier - riff veiterday. says :-
1 40 ) 1 r most imPort 6l 4 loogitnAlcre islor the: pies.
ent contraband. Great activity preValls in the
aliment; and' is pa r tlimlarly Magifested lit
combiaret a '• ' • - -
Two men of-the 127th New York Beghfight
were, shot isat,ffulOsYlbY bushwhackers, alum
thiles,abeve Wffliamstnig... A, numberpf• Ake
Is were Captured. -
The propeller Diamond Siiiie:fronAlWWYMl
for Washington, arrived today. .13hospoice the
United- • States *savor Nemigole off Smith's
island at &nil , - QII the,l6th instant, which
.ported all Well: She was steering Borah.
• -
Official -Report of the Destruction
• 1011111016 . •.7
• t Wesstearos, Jong
/741e•-liaNl-Deinatineltt kas rielveik*.
froii• toe , Paria-4•21t.•
ten t: Th:4 , 6o: fiction of Bluffton,
MI expected that on. the Oill:gast,
Lieut. Commander Ifavat Aso • the
Commodore MaDonougli.cp , expeOtloi.r-
The army forces from•Gen. - M - Pute4i comnianit,
numbering one pougand men en board. the
t ran sport Mayflower, an tanither army trans
port iiiro:nndte-thiminsniniusd of Col. Saltier,
an d- bY was
destroyed e cb proP calf belogApfed-
Though thd-rebidein a eeveial cbarg , they
were driven o and7the ahrapdel
of the ComniBdoin
' 1 ?-l3hifften" being destroyed, `the ootdiers'Ae
embarkolWithoni. aainalties l and retunnai-so
antfilkellegid , The Attothal: eaya the eatiodiP
tiOnmia aoomphipeitecepowing to tinlimq
iiii - o - peration'ofbAi branches of the service. ,
- .
Desith or Calm. .
t Tiol*Alos le.
leant °enteral on 9en. McOlellan's staff, and
who has been acting in the same capacity in
this Depsrunent, died LA night, after a few
day's llinew.
1 , •
IF ,
rr 6 IF
• 11
IS 1
0 ,
A ,