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Yearly subscribers will be charged $4 00 la advance. Winixtv TIELSORAMs the TES:WHAPH is also published weekly and iurn.sticd to subscribers at the following cash rate' , : - Slagle copies, weekly $l- .90 coplar, to Jne postoffice. 9.00 Twouty " " " .17.00 At VanTialtal 1191918.—The folloiring are the at% lor advertiaing in the TiCLEGEAPII. Thaf3o ...niveriising to do will find it convenient Per reference. figr- Four or less constitute one-half square. Light lines or more than four hopsti totes a square. a 4 8»... = • 0-w A ar r Fr ! . : 0 m ~'P c...g . F .,0gc 1 .0 5 c..<2 8 v. , ocno _ 4! UM=:== zi• -;t1 3P. •J A O, to ,I m . CVLBgah`E'S" - 0. r 4,, C d. X4' ST,SO'.B.r S en -.._ t rAt bt't .', Cn 0 0 0. C 0 C co C. 0 , CC .0 —a 40 00 Cra O j ai , GCrP 0 Ct a.: r c.~~.ac~~gao Meanie:raw, ovaea,l [luxe a week, alit ti Marriage ...... rtaditerAt Metier runeral Notices re eh 7 1.9.60TM0D.... ....... Business notices inserted in tho Local Warms, or before Marriages and Deaths, Eta= Cunt can Los for each insertion. As an advertising medium the TELsomun has no . qual, its large circulation, among business men and famihei, in city and country; placing it beyond vsinpetition. ItGULlaneau9. JON,EB HOUSE, CORNER OF MARKET ST AND'EARKET SQUARE, HARRISBVEG, PA, .IOSEER McCIoEL,AN, PROPRIETOR. .o.l(ternycONDucum BR WELLS covisuor.) This is a First Class Hotel, and toasted in the central part of the city. It is kept in the best manner, and its patrons will find every amok modstion to .be met with in the host houses' iu the. country. . seat-dtf 17 :; /TED STATES ROTEL. Lief iLted and Renovated. L. W. TEN EYCK ; Paorlawroa.. r iEII6 popular and, commodious Hotel has ben newly reacted and furnished through out itb parlors and chambers, and is now reimly or the reception of guests for the winter .season. The traveling. public will find the United Oates Mid the „most convenient in all particia- Liars, .ot:ntiy, Itotel in the State Capital, on rac ..eount. of. Its access to theyeilroed, being imme tlititeix.betWeen the two great depots in this thy.. aiItRIMITRa. Dec. 29, 1862.-6 n THE -" KING' MICROSCOPE," DOUBLE LENS. Dna. HORSFO . BD, of Harvard University, 8-tvs, "it works very well, and you have g ot it up .veryneatly." Magnifies 25 *mews. cents in Po-tat Currency. The "-BOWEN MICROSCOPE," 28 cents. The !' S. ;wooD WARD DIICROSCOPE," 38 cents. Or one each _of the three kinds for SI. AU free of postage. Address T. EDWIN KINO - , ..132126.4i/tiV6IXI Box 330, Beaton. Maw.. ViSrriNG, WEDDING, IMITATION, AND AT lIQME CARDS. BY a special arrangement with one Tof the best engravers in the country, canis of Any demiption will be executed in the laiabest style of art, conformable with the latest faihion, and supplied prom ptly,at lower pricix then are charg ed by the stationers in New York or Philadel phia. For samples and •prices call at inch9tf • BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. WINDOW SHADES oflinen,:gilt-bordered: and PAPER BLINDS' of an endless var . ei3T of design; and ornaments; also, CURTAIN' FIXTURE and TASSELS at very low Orion. Mali at SCREFFEB'S BOOKSTORE. ap6 ariamETTQALLY SEALED. PEACHES, TOBIATOM," - PINE APPLE, SALMON; OYSTERS, SPICED oystEas, LOBSTER, SARDINE:3 1 . Wm. IX3CK, Sr. &. CU. For sale by BIBLES AND HYMN BogKs! iLA !MB and splendid stock of Poelint and Fatally. Bibles p r ,,h ytmr i an , Methodist, Lnilieian, German Etefouwed. and ocher try= OW, _Lks., lust naceii• 4. ad at BABLINER'S ClikAZ,tvuliSTOßE. COAL OIL, a farther reduction in Octal Oil, @nperior article of non-exple4ve Coal Oil, for ewe very low, by NICHOth teIitAFRAIT, -Oor. Front sod Ittark,PC9B till . raqatiagAPH ALBUMS ' d.clasped—for Nile at BOREgli'lllt'S 800 441iE'H • / 8 1t1a1t14144t6. =ME DR. JOHNSON 3313 MaTX ("ISt 10 LOCK HOSPITAL. 1.1 effectual d r r e ed meree r t os th al e wo l ; i ld s f:r edy and DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE BELIE/ IDT kax TO . MIMI HOWE NO Iv/RWITY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Care Warrantiei, or'lgo Dave, to from One to Two Days. Weakness of the Backi: Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary dis charges, Impotency, General Debility, Ner vousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of :Ideas, Palpitation - of - 1 - 4he Hi art, Timidity, Trembling°, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, NI se'di Affectionit of the' Liver, Lungs, Ste much _or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising-_from the liolitary. Habits of Youth— those secret and solitary practices more fatal to tbeir victims :than the song of. Spoils to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting:their moat hopes or anticipations,-rendering marriage, &c., Impossible, 1 . YOU I MEN _ Especially, who- have- become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps*, an untimely grave thousands ofAiioting• :Men ; of, the most exalted talents and brilliant—intellect, Who • might otherwise have entranced listening Sep aces with the thunders of, eloquence or waked 'to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full' ornaltdence. J.= v, x•' co ' d os !% - 2 • Married Persons, or Young Men ccniteinplati ing marriage, being aware of phytrical weak; nese, organic debility, deformities, &c.:speedlly; x . f2 3 , . Re who places himself under the care of Dr J. may religiously confide in his honor wi a geni tleman and confidently rely upon his 'mill as a Physici6. ; • ORGANIC WEAKNESS - Immediately Cured, and fall vigor rentorvW MR • Co B xra cc IP Thia distressing affection—which renders life miserable and Marlin§ iniposaible—b the pen , any paid by the - Victim; of imprOperliidtilgencti. Young.persons areloo apt to conimitreadeo4 from not being :aware cif the 'dreadful Como quinces that may ensue . .. Now; who that un derstands the subject will pretend to deny that khe power of procreation is loit'sooncir by thoiie falling into improper habits than by the Pre dent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the moat serlobs and dOstruo tive symptoms to both bedy and- mind arise. The systen becomee deranged, the physical and mental functioris - weskened,'loss of procreatiie 'power, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpita tion of ,the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility. a wasting' of the, frame, cough, con sumption, decay and . death.. E3...5226 . 150 Onia l 4 No. 7 Boom , krurrThinuos. Siasarr, Left hand side going : from Baltimeire street; a few doors from the corner. rail not te observe andinumber. Letters !dust - be pad and. caufign stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in hie otlice DR.IJO . Member of Roy al CAege of Stirgeouri, Lou don, graduate from one of the most eminent, collegisiinAhe - United . States, and .the greater part of whose life bail tieetk spent in the hospi tals of Loudon, Paris, Philadelphia and 'else where, has effected some of the most astonfishiirg cures that 'were -ever known ; many troubled with ringing In the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended scurretimee with derangement of mind were cured immediately. -- TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects-produced by early habits of yorith, viz waakneas of the back and limbs, pain : in the head, dimness of sight, loss bf muscular power, •pOpitationi of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous, irritabilityceyinptbms of consumption, &o. ktiarrium--The fearful effects om the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of Memory, mitt fu,ion of ideas, depression of spirits; evil fore bodingii, emersion' tb society, self distrust, love Of.solitude, timidity, /M., are some of the evils produced. YOUNG': KEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged_ in- when ajoneya halaitire qttently learuee from evil companions, .oi at' school, the effects' of which are nightly felt,' even when -asleep, ' 'if not cured renders marriage impossible, and atistroyB both:-mind ' andbody ? should apply immediately : j What,a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the:darling of his parents, Should be snatched from all` prospectsand enjoyments of life, by the'cousequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging: in a certain secret habit. Such parionitiusT, befornccontem -1 plating _ _ . _ MA13,13,1A6E,. Belied that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial baklinees. Indeed, Without these,the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimages the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed With despair - and filled 'with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own, -- DPEAsIr. OF IMPEIThitIqOE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it :WO often happensi that an intimed sense of shame or the dread of 'dis- Covery deters_biur front applying _to those who, from education and respictability,'nit alone befdend him. He falls into the hands of Igno rant and designing pretenders, who, incspttble of curing, filch his pecuniary substance; keep him triftine- month after month, or as long , as the smallest fee can be obtained, and indespair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his Railing clisappointinent, or, by the use bf the deadly. poison, Mercury, hasten .the_ copsqtn dotal symptoms of this terrible disease, finches affections;of•the Head; Throat, l'iloseiSkin, etc. progressing with frightful rapidity..till:death puts a period to his dreadful sufferhags by tug him "to that undiscovered country ) from whence no traveller returns. INDOBSEURNT OF THE PIDAS. The many.thousands cured at this institution year, after 'year, and the numerous important , surgical opera - a.onoerformeilb3rln:i.lo , bnaerk, witnessed;by the, repurterS'Of the: Cbtper, and many Other papers., notices of' which have appeared again and again before the politic,: be sides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility; is a sufficient guau t irtee to the afflicted. ' • . BAIN DISEASES SFEKDILVIXTBED 10/F/Qlry- 81)V271 - 7111B)1(11116VICJIM . . i ~: ~ EMI intlitat mßWiteiß. HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 11, 1863 Nexo 2ibtlertisenunts. The Great "American Remedies," KNOWN AS "lIELMBOLD'S" OENUINE PREPARATIONS. VIZ : HELM:BOLD EXTRACT " BUCHU," SARSAPAPILLA, " IMPROVEED ROSE WASH. LIELHBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. " HIGHLY CONCENTRALIED COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY For Di' , eases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DhOPAOAL SWELLINGS This'Medicine increases the power of Diges tion, and'escites the ABSORBENTS into heal= thy action, by which the WATERY or CAL CEROUS depositions, and all 17NNATORAL ENLABGESIENIS are reduced, asi well as pain and inillmmation and - 18 good for MEN, WO MEN or CRILDRE.N. HB.MBOLD'.S . EXTRACT BUCHU = FOR TitgAKsEiBEB Ariping fron Excesses, - :- . llibits . of Disdpation, Indiscretion or Abuse, ATTENDED WITEL THE FOLLOWING STUMM Indisposition to fixer-Dryness of the skin, Con, "Less of Power, Visa of liethory, 7 ' - D.filettlty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Norroi of Disease, . Wiltemlness, Dimness of Vision, Pala in the Back, Universal Lassitude ofFushing of the Body,. the lifuscular System,Eruptions on the Face, Not Bands, Pallid Countenance. These Symptoms, itallowed to.go 00, which this medicine invariably removes; soap follow IMPOTENCY. FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS; In one of which the patient may expire. Whd can say they are not .frequently followed by those "direful diseases," INSANITY A.N.I) CONSUMPTION.. Many are awata 'the cause of. their suffer; ings, but none.will confess: The records ot Insane Asylums and tha malanchbly.drathe . by Consumption, bearample witness to the truth of the assertion. 17518 CONSTITUTION. ONCE 44EFECTEO ORGANIC WAIXNESS„ Requires the aid of medicine to:turtingthetrAnd invigorate thcs system, which Efeluthold,'k Ex!. , tract Buchu'invariably does. A trial, will. con vince the most skeptical. FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE. MARRIED, Ok, CONTEMPLATING > afAl RIAGE, In many affections-peculiar to temaies thh Extract liuchu uneqnalled by any other ' Chi • Re tention,: t' " I remedy; 88 18 CMOBIB Or 0 D lOU Tit gq larity, Painfulness, or suppression of ' the cus tomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrotis state of the Uterus, Leucoribea or Whit* Sterility, 'and . for all complaints incident to they sei, whether arising from Inditcretkie, Habits Of Dissipation or in the- . DECLINE . OR CHANGE OP LIP'S. • NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take nu Balsam, id eicuryo. Unpleasant Medi cine fur Unpleasant and Dringerbus Diseases. HEDIBULD'S gXTItii:CT BUCHU I 'Cures -Secret Disease= tie expense ; little or no change in diet ; uu convenience and, no exposure. It causes fie vent desire, and "given strength to Urinate, 'hereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Stiictures of the Urethra, allayl, g pain and infiaminatinn, t,o frequent in this class of diseases, and eXpellii.g 'Poisonous; Diseased, and Worn Out Matter, Thousands- upon thousands wig> have been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to, be - curedln shdrt time, have &bud they were deceivediand that "the "Poison" has by the use of "powerful Astringents," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after. marriage. Use HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in Male or Female, from Whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. - Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. H.P.LkU3OLD'S .P.X.IBACT 8U013.0 is the: Great Diuretic, and it is certainto • have the desired tffect in all - Diseases for , whinhkit is _recommended. . ; Blood—BIood;-Blood.- Heimbold's Highly Coneentiated Oompottnd ELUID Waits:Cl SARSAPARILLA SYPHILIS. This is an affec tion of the Bloody and.atticks the Sexual Or gans, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Mod: ipe, and other MMus Stufaces, making its ap pearapoe in the form of Ulcers. Htliabold's Extract - Satitiptirilla, purifies the Blood, and removes all Scaly . Ecuptions of the Shin,,glying to thaOomplexton a Cleat and. Healthy Ooltil t It being prepared expressly for this, clasel complaints, Iteßlood-Pnritying 'Properties-are preserved 'to a greater extent than any other prePaiution of Sarsaparilla: HELKBOLD'S ROSE WASH.. An excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphi litic Nature, and as an injection in diseases of tbe Urinary—Organs, arising from habiti of dissipation, used in. connection with the Ex 'tracts Bucher and Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as recommended. -.Evidence of the most re; Bw - risible and reliable character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CIIRESt from eight to twenty years standirig i with names known to Science and Fame. For Medical Properties of Bache, see Diepensary of the United States.- -Bee professor wEE's valuable works on the Practice of Physic. ' See remarks made by, the late celebrated Dr. EBY. SICK, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM . NOWELL, a oriel:slated Physician and -mehiber of the Royal 'College of Parrgeons, Ireland; and published in the lransactions of the Rings and Qtilien's Journal See Medico Cirurgital Review, published by BENJ. IRA 'PERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late standard works on Medi pine. Extract of Buchn 11 00 per botile, or six for $5OO. Extract of Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, or sirc'for $5, 00. Improved Bose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six for $2 50, or halt 'a dohen each for $l2 00, which will be suf- I &lent to cure the most obstinate earwig, if direc , tions are adhered to. Delivered to any address, ,ecnrely packed from observation. Describe symptoms in alt communications. Curbs guar auteed. Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT.. Personally aPpeari.d before me an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H.. T. lielmbold, who, bang duly etv .rn, desh say, his prepara tions contain no narcotic, no Mercury, or other injurious drugs, and are purely*ifetable. 11 T. Eit.aiSOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me; this 28d day Of November, 1854. WM. P. HIBBARD, •Aldtrznan, Ninth.street all, Itace, Phila. Address letters forinfonnitien in capfideliee- IL T.. ItELHAOLIi, Chemist. , Depot 101 South ..10th mixed, below chestnut, Philadelphia.. : itti92B/7 Et Ettegrap. A Soldier's Opinion of a Copperhead MULIOISBURG, JUDO 10, 1863. EDITORS TELEGRAPH :—To show your readers the estimation in which the " Anti War De mocracy" of the free States are held, I send you an extract from a letter written by a young Democrat in the Reserve Corps. The writer is what is commonly styled a genuine " wool. dyed" Democrat of the most radical school— such as the Democracy used to be--whose fam ily antecedents have always been with that party, and, by the way; well known in this community, who will always speak his eenti menta, whatever they be, regardless of the frowns or smiles of any one, and that without hypocrisy "Came (31a.sks, Va, May 24 --8., you wanted to know what I think of the 'copperheads.' Well, I think they all are 'amean, cowardly, disloyal set of ti ggers, andlon't worth powder enough to kill them. When the this attires ihr toe commencement of the draft, we willsee wbat.they will do then. We are ready now to move at five minutes' notice ; and just as soon atrthe `,cOpperheadif stir amuse, we will be tlfere to see them do it. " 8., if it ever becomes necessary for_us to deploy our Linea in Pennsylvania, we will leave a mark that will not be erased for a century to come., We wilt show them,no quarters at. an. God help them, if each shoUld become duty. "rWe t have:itid` dealing With. more valiant men that they are. - At.d a coward that g..es into that lodge (mauling the K. of the G. C.), won't fight anywhere, or elan they Would come. here—here is the , place they can show their pluck. Let , them try it " flail. suppose the majority Of them are Ignorant men, who don't know - any better, and' thy restare horpe thievts and scape7gillowa'., That ferny opinion of it. If I was with you I could ten you more titan I can write. Yours &0. , "M. W. B." ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Vainlry Aitack lirpon the Mob: The Rebels Driven from Their Entrenchments, Cdpture of Large Umbers of Prisoners. th i SPERATE IfIND TO, II ND ENCOIINTEk. TERRIBLE SIALSGHTER OF TUS REBELS -*- A" REBEL RAID FRUSTRATED. The Enemy ;Driven Six Miles To- wad, Cultepper. WASIthiGITON June 10. The .fight between General Pl easanton and General Stuart,seatemlay, was a very brilliant Oor men crowed the Itappalmoneak rehab) /rem their entreat:LlMeow,- wltir - aAMON , f killed•and wont:Wed. We took a large nu , ngr of prieonere, but the number is unknown DT/ItTllta PaRTIOULARBA Witentnarom, June 10.—Prom an officer who participated in the fight yesterday morning, we learn that two brigades of Pleasanton's cavalry, under' command 'of'General Buford, made a recunnolseauce to Culpepper and h,d one of the most obstinate cavalry fights that has oc curred during the war. .The' force was composed of Clen. Buford'a brigade, and another cavalry brigade under Col. Davis, supported by two batteries and two regiments of infantry. At half past 12 o'clock on Monday night the cavalry bivouacked near ',Kiraly Ford; on the bank of the river. At 3 the'next morning the men were called. and they crossed the river. Beyond the ford was a eemi-circle belt of woods, with a range of rifle pits near the edge of the timber, and a line of pickets guirded the ford and the southern bank of the river. The Bth New York cavalry crossed , first, and drove the pickets back to the rifle pits. :The cavalry then charged directly through the ride pits, and after a deeperetti combat cleated the woods, the enemy flitting back on their artillery and maintaining'-their position until twelve o'clock, when our artillery came up, and they were driven back six miles in the direction of Culpepper, wltrai our form rtcrossed the river in good order." Nearly all the fighing was done by the cavalry, and it was of the bloodiest character, mostly hand to hand with sabre and pistol. In the woods the heavy timber was not very demo, so that the horses could advance through it, but tee undergrowth was thick, and when a trooper dropped he was entirely concealed. Our toes was considerable, and the slaughter of rebels was fearful. The numbers of casual'. ties on both sides are not yet reported. By this sudden and brilliant dash of our car airy into the enemy's lines their plans have been frustrated, and the intended raid by Stuarts cavalry prevented. = STI*LL LA.TER. Particulars of the Fight at Kelley's and BeverlY's Fords, ' - Naar Youx, Itnie 10. The Times of this city received thetollowing special: Bahama's Font), June 9.—Gen.' Pleasanton at-daylight "this.morning crossed the river in two columns, his right at Beverly's Ford and left at Kelley's Furd, els miles below. The fords were captured without loss. This ford was taken by a'spirited dash of the Bth Illinois cavalry and Bth Illino s and Bth New York infantry, and we' were on the souse 'side of the stl earn betore the'enemy were aware of our Movement. Gen. Gregg took Kelly's Ford after a slight i skirmish. A The right column under Gen. Buford" bad proceeded only a mile trcim the river; when it c *me upon U n. Junto/ "whole rant brigade, who had ja-t shaken theniselved out of a sleep in time to receive us. A fight commenced which continued, from A.. u until 8. r rs., by which time the' entire force of Gen. Stuart, cousiwing, according, to papers found in camp, of 12 000 cavalry .and 16 pieces of artillery, had been engaged and driven hack three miles on the tight and five Wiesen the left, with alteavy loss. GO 'fonds formed a junaticat sage *mealy. Station at 2 o'clock. The fighting of both col umns, under Buford and Gregg, was, very gal lant, not a single Instance of misbehavior oc curring. The grandest charge was made by the Sixth Pennsylvania cavalry, supported by the Sixth regulars, when they dashed, on a whole brigade of the enemy and were Taken in the flank by another brigade.. Thoegh = thoroughly over powered, they gallantly cut their way out. We captured tyke bundled prisoners and a stand of colors. The enemy had five large . bri gadts under command of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee and others, with sixteen pieces of artillery un der Maj. B.. , akham. They had been reviewed previously by Gen. Lee, and. Were tinder orders for a grand raid into Pennsylvania to morrow (Wednesday) morning. Important papers were captured in the camp of Jones' brigade, showing the strength of the whole force and its inte..Aions: Our forces re turned almost unmolested to this side of the river. During the afternoon we lost several valuable officers. - The following is a partial list of the K/ELED Col. B. F. Davis, Bth New. York. ' ' Lt. Col. Caven, lOtti New York. Capt. Davis, 6th Pennsylvania. Capt. "Root, Bth New Yr.rk. Capt. Canfield, WOUNDED : qol. :Wyndham, Ist; New Jersey, not seriously Maj. Morris, 61a P F nusil v &Dia. WOUNDED AND sass's° Lieut. Col. Brod°, ick, Ist New Jersey. 11. j stillmyer, Ist New J-r Fey. - The loss of the enemyin killed and w'nundad and prisoners tar excer ds our own. We 04 two or•thr, e of thrir brigades under the r ftre of ouiattillety with shell of spurt fuses and torn them awfully. - LA.TER FROM PORT HUDSON AJWYLL OV IiaIIiFORCRIENTS GOMM BASIS. Advioes received per steamer Cahawba„ state that reinforcemeats from Brashear city and other 'points, to the number of 8,000, had reached Gen. Banks on the 80th or 81st. • Oar troops then outnumbered the rebels: four, one. The rebels are well supplied with con meal, but had few other provision:l, atol bat e small supply of ammunition. FROM NEW YORK', COERT OF NATAL Ecqvutv. In the court of naval inquiry, in the csee Of Chief EngineFr Stimora, 132.8. N., on chargss preferred by Admiral Dupont, „C. C. Fulton, Beq , of the Baltimore American•-was the pin elver witness tenctiy. He - testified that Mi. Stimers it.formed him that he iiisited all . the Monitors on' the morning" of the Bth of Ap4, with thirty or forty' mechanics, and all ne sary___matag,termercitds; ri nd maxim at taten were ported ' to Admiral _ Dupont that they weie Admiral told Limno to .renew-the fight; that on his leaving We vat iota vessels all, wereeipecting the signal to prepare to get under war at 1 &clock, r. m ; that the dncisionnf the Admiral created great surprise among the juuior offteers of the vegraelfi; that, one of the executive officers told tarn (Sit. mere)that he felt personally disgraced, by the failare to renew the -tight, and that he desired to be relieved from the squadron as soon na possible. • - - Mr. Fulton also heard. Mr. Stimers say„that he believed that the Admiral would have re new the fight If he had not been influenced by ahem; also, that the attack on Sumter was not an earnest ono and that the Monitors were not capable, in, his opinion of 'renewing the attack; and also, in his opinion, if-the Brice n rafts had been used the Monitors could have reached the city. He expremed disappointment and chapin at the unwillingness of •the Admiral and Meet authoritlea to examine the mita and torpediies, or to lis'en to-him when he attempted .toe plain their use. H 4, bbseever, never , exprefied confidence in the utility of :the Monitors,..with out the aid of the rafts, to succaed in ente;ing: Charleaton harbor. ! Mr. Samara did not directly criticise the Con duct of the Admiral, but xegaided others as having influenced him against his own beOter judgment. The conversation of Mr. stirrers with the witneis was always private and in' an. undertone• lie avoided conversation With others, and wentifito his state room to avoid being questioned. FROM WASHINGTON, Opinion of Hon: Win. Whitney Relative to the Comenptton. - WASHINGTON, June 10. The following has just.been promulgated -by the War Department: Osetnisov rail PAM:MT MABSSAI. GslaltAl4 } lianel, 1863. 1 , The following opinion of Hon. War. Whitney, solicitor of the War Department, hes been or dared to be published by the Secretary of War: She national' forces capable to perform' mill tart' duty, include enable bodied male cii ions of the United States and persons of fdreign birth who have declared their intention hibeeopse citizens according to law, being betwen treenty and thirty-five Y eats of age. Gettrin persons are excepted and divided into_ eight classes. No pets as but such as are therein excepted shall be exempted. • . . , , Sze. 2. It is declared the duty of the enroll ing officers to enroll all persons subject tomill . toy duty. ~ . . , • Sso 9. persons thus enrolled are 4ubject for two , years after July let succeeding lire en rollment to to called into the military reirvice Stk. 11. Tbe _notional f rtes n,t now in service enrolled, under the act shall be divided into two claw , s. Btc• ' Sac. 8 ?hose of the second clans shall Doti , • called out:until those of the first c,tuis aim! have been exhatt-t d. Thus it seems that 'by the true conittuctimi of this ac . , while all persons coinindiel irate provisions ere to be t enrolled in the tiefial forces n e iortheieoz, under the firatent lmeirt, those whotwere In military service at Le time the act mint i n t o eff k ic , , are not to lieliscluded [bithe•class. which is subject to the first draft. !Thus It is provided ia,tbe wiiiiit.fi'sebtion; that Tegulars, voltancerof,bath± 11 *ici per -11 tat, ~ .TL:'' I=l I.lzw Yaks, Jinn° 10. NEW Yoax, Jane 10 NM PRICE ONE CENT. sons'called into the service under this or sty other act of Congress, were to be arrested as deserters, wherever found, by Provost Marshals, and to be sent to the nearest military post, thus ad mitting a plain distinctiofibetween these thffereht classes of persons, viz those who were t' - en in the service add those who were drafted in. The same distinction between those who were in se't - Ake and those who weie to be drafted is recoglirasd in Section 18, which provides boun ties to thixth who, being then in service, should I veltnitier to fe-enlist. Volunteers or regulars who had been in service and who_ were. dis chargsd Therefrom, or bad resigned prior to 3d March 186 3 , are liable tote drafted in the 2321120 manner as if they had never been_in ettiet se, 'No regard Is to be paid to their former period of service, or to the length or brevity of the pe riod between the date of the r discharge and (hit of the draft: Volunteers wbo were serving the United Slates on the 3d of March, 1E63 4 and breve since that time been discharged, are not there fore included in the first class, from which the first draft is intended to be made, and are therefore not now liable to be called on by a draft which is to be made from ttott claps of tory, s of the United States ander the provisions of this act. (Signed) - WM. WHITNEY, Solicitor of the War De, ailment. J. B. Fir, Provost Marshal General. WA.R DEPARTMENT, Paovosi Mir.snat GENERALS OFFICE, Washington; D. C , Tune 6, )863. The foliowing opinion of Ron. Wm. Whit ves hes been orderedro be . putdished:. thmaosr.—lt is made the duty Uf Provost liarstees to obey all lawful orders and rcguli lions of the Provost Marshal Geuentl, and such as shall he prescribed by law cons ming the enrollment and can g into service of the national forms —Act of March 3d, 1863, stc don 7. The twenty,fifth section of the same act pro vides that, It any person who ...hall re-tat any craft, of met enrolled under this act into the ser er ce of the Melted Stares, or shall cJutesel or ald'aily person to resist any such draft, or sha 1 obstruct any officer making: se oh draft, or in .the performance of any service relating tihreto, or bball counsel any person to nesault or obscruct ally such offi er, or s-tall counsel any drafted man not to appear at the plenue of rendezvous, or wilfully:diesuade them from the performance of military duty, as required by law, such per son ehall be subject to an. at by the Provost blarshal, and shall forthwith be delivered to the civil anchoritien, and upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding five hun dred dollars, or by imp•isonnient, nt3t exceeding two years, or by 'both of said punishments. thippose a person to be found standing in the passage through which the drafting tee az are 'required to enter as, the place for the deaft,and suppose that thus at lo that plat e w uld urevent access by thoste a fficers to the place of the draft, if they request him to move away and be refuses so to do fur the purpose of pre venting the draft, the non-perfurrnat.ce of the act of removal would be itself an okstruction of the draft. Standing mute in civil courts is, under cer tain circumstances, punishable, and so if a per- Sou, whit the -intent to.Plevent the draft, re fuse to give his name when lawfully requested to do so ; by the,Geb er whose leg .1 duty it is to enroll it, itisaprobittuation of the draft; so 4400.0thogickg of, false names with the same Idesat intent andairenderii_witi th either ca.-e 4 . 1 +.1 --R.gyzcat Marshal. () , . ued 11711 WRLINEY • Solicitor of be War D partnient J. B. Pirr e Provost 11 tient!. B.etiotru of Masisielaiusetts Soldiers. TheetettmereGluideand Gen. Peabqcly an-feed here to day, with the 44th Mass. reghoent.— The regiment met w.th an entlimatetle ra ception and honortd with a military emelt. Captures by the Blockading Fleet. Bowes, June 10 A letter from Assistant Stcrerary of Navy, Fox, states that, he whole number of vessela captured or destroyed by the blockading fleet up to Sane Isr,_was 845. '' Ntw Zintrtirgnitato FOR, SALE. 200 B ZLBS. 13adr-tehmi'ltFloir 800 Wis. Prime New Yo‘k State Apples. Buckwheat and Wheat Flour, Corn, Oats, Feed, Dried Apples, Dried Peacibes, Dried Black berries, Huckleberrie., P.aspberties, Elder berries, &c. Choice sugar-cured Hams. Shoul ders, Dried Beef, Lard, Mackerel, Codfish, Ac. A prime lot of Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Ragas, Candies, Sugar, Caw, Bich; Candles, Spices, Tobacco,, Swans, Ac. A prime lot of Sweat Cidet just received. Pure Cider Vinegar. • For sale whblesale and retail, No. 106 Market street, Harrisburg; Pa. mr26 dly, SOO Agents Wanted to Sell I loyd's American Map of the Baited Amin, - ' PRICE sloo. • PS...SONS wishing to engage in selling these maps can be furnished, in any quantity, by addressing ,D. D. BARTON, -Neenanicshurg, Cumberland county, Pare agent, at ptiblisher's prices, with freight added. A large lot of superior finished maps have just been received. Good agents can sell from fifteen te thirt! maps per day, andavalise from $6 to $lO profit Two hundred agents wanted immed ately fo any part of thetfrdted States. Address • D D. BRION.a Meobanicsbmg, Cumberland county : , Pa. mylfigillwo B. T. BABBITT'S Concentrated Condensed or Pulverized Boris' SOAP.. THREB gallons of liandsonie white SOFT SOAP made in five minutes. No grease required Disscrions.—Dissolve one pound of B. T. Rai:rites Concentrated Condeneedor Pniverizol Salk Soap in one gallon of boiling water, then eithl- two-gallons of warm water When cool yog have three galforis of Omaha= While goli . 4* Ten pounds will make pie barrel of silt vap. The soap thus mode tun Mellen& wash for trees, shrubs an a l plants of: all ltiMis. Just teezlied and for sale by WIC "DOCK. Jn., & CO • ml27] 'Market et., opposite the Court. Rouse. eIOFIrEES AND SUGARS T e4"1111 _ _ . 4 4 % 11 , 1E183 ble Prwm. ice 6 wr 4. &cu. at Daus, El POSTON, Jlllll3 10 W. a. 811313 & CO