Ettegrapt. PitiTICE T,o ALI r c ItTISERS.--All Ad vertisement,,, BIE3LII.MII Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, ,e‘cH., to secure insertion in the TE'LEW;Ai'II, must invariably be accompanied 'stint the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition :tie inserted in the Morning Edition vkillhout extra charge. FIARBIbBURG, PA Timmlay Evening, June 9, 1893 TOWN AND COUNTRY, Tira, CITY Sr. - RYE - 10E3 were at work this morn ing, and had their instruments in position for surveying Strawberry alley, bstwten Second and Front streets. Under the new city charter, some of the alleys and streets of the city will have to be widened, and others lengthened, in order to comply with the provisions of the act to that effect, STRAW BERRIES. —The supply of strawberries In the market just now is large enough for all purposes, but the prices maintained are unusu ally stiff—so high, indeed, as to almost preclude the poorer classes from purchasing. We have seen no very large berries yet this year, but doubtless as the season advances the quality of the supply will improve, while the pricesi, We presume, will come down to the customary standard. I=== MASONIC.—The Grand Commandery, of the Knights Templar, and the Grand Council of Royal and Select Maters of Pennsylvania, as sembled in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, to-day. Sir E. H. Turner was to prr side over the Grand Commandery of the Knights Templar and 111. Comp., and Alfreid Creigh over the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Pennsylvania. Excursion tickets are granted by many of the railroads. DEPARTILME OF MORE :NEGRO TROOPS.-At two o'clock this morning one hundred .and thilty five negro recruits left Harrisburg to join the Fifty-fifth Massachusetts, now forming' near Boston. Forty-five of these recruits wore from Harrisburg alone, the remainder from neigh boring towns in this and Cumberland county. The men were in charge •of Thomas M. Chester, one of the leading colored citizens of Harris burg, who has been untiring in his efforts to raise and equip negro volunteers in this State. ARRESTED.--Two desertere, belonging to the 2d Pennsylvania cavalry, were arrested in Ty rone recently, brought to Harrisburg, and de-, livered over to Lieut. Opdyke; the Provost Marshal. Some trouble has been eaßerienced by the Provost Marshal, in regard to these men, and this morning the father of one was endea voring to have a writ of habeas corpus issued, in order to restore his sou to liberty. Whether he succeeded or not, we are unable to say, but from what we could learn, the men are still in con finement. —., o .___ TIM WAIL 'MEETING IN TANNZIt ALLEY.—The meeting at Masonic Hall, in Tanner's alley, last evening, was one of the most enthusiastic negro meetings we ever saw. Before the speaking began, the hall was crowded to overflowing with colored people of both sexes, and the cr•.wd continued unabated until after the close of the meeting, near eleven o'clock. Speeches were made - by Thomas Early, John ackerson, John E. Price, Thomas Id. Ches ter, Rev. David Stovene, and others, and the speakers were enthusiastically cheered from the beginning. The meeting closed - by the audience singing the "John Brown Lay," which was remarkably well executed, the colored soldiers joining in with the others, and making the old hall ring with this, their favorite song. Efearty cheers were then given for the 'ssth 'irisssachusetts volunteers," the "8d Louisiana -Colored regiment," "Barney Campbell, the Chief of Police," "the cause of the Union," and for several distinguished men who have aisisted in raising troops for the new negro regiment& The utmost good feeliog prevailed the entire evening, and the audience retired to their homes more fully convinced than ever, that " The year of Jubilee had come." REBEL PRISONERS GOING Rem , . —This morning,. aflont half-past seven o'clock, two extra train's arrive. .4 here from Pittsburg, freighted with rebel priscNers, on their way to Thilesdelphie, from thence to be taken to Fort Delaware and the south, to be exchanged as soon as conve nient. The first and longest train which arrived in this city, contained 1466 prisoners, In charge of Captain Culbertson, of the 27th :Ohio volun teers. The men were all captured in cinity of Vicksburg, and , presented quite , as rough and squalid an appearance as rebel piss osiers generally do. They appeared to be healthy, well satisfied with their lot, and not any too eager to return to the South. The second train came in immediately after the first, but stopped in the city half an'hour longer than the other. The prisoners numbered 733, and were escorted by several companies' detached from thei39th Ohio volunteets, under the command of Captain Jenkins, of the same regiment. He states that when the guard. (numbering about 40Q men) left Vicksburg, they, with the additional aid of several other companies, brought away sin' thousand rebel prisoners,. captured at the battles of Raines Bluff, Champion Hill, Big Black Rivet and at other places near Vicksburg. When the guard arrived at Indianapolis, tho number had dwinz died down to 4,500, the ptisoners•becoining diseased and unable,tevroceed with their fel low captives. At Sandusky 'City, all the corn missionedefficera (prisoaers).wereseparated from the ethers, and placed in charge of Captain laiL more, of the 63d Ohio, Who was cidfrcd to re yort with the men at the plice, provided fer rebel officers near that city. In. e thisimlinrier, the men diminished until they ma4ed:llarris burg, when they numbered but"2l99. The last train of prisoners left this about nine o'clock, this morning, tiliect foi Philadel phia, and are to take the first boats down the :aver for Fort Delaware... THE aGIULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the Young Men's Christian Association will be held at their reading room this evening at 8 o'clock.-- Prompt attendance is requested. CIIERRLE.S. —The cherry crop will be an abun dant one this year in all parts of the country. In some localities they are already ripe and a fow have already made their appearance in Market. TIM GOOD WILL FIRE COMPANY will hold a special meeting at their hall to•morrow (Wed nesday) evening, to make arrangements for the proper equipment of their members. The punctual attendance of every memuer is re quested. FINE STRAWBEMBEL—The finest berries of the season that we have seen found their way to the proprietor's table yesterday, through the kind ness of Major Mumma, who is a farmer with knowledge, and knows how to make mother earth yield her choicest favors, ' Fries OF LIORDIFRO. During the heatt thunder storm which passed over this section of Dauphin county on last Sabbath a week, a bull. was struck by the lightning and instantly killed, without doing any injuryto surrounding objects. The animal belonged to Mr. Derr, of, Lower . Paxton township, and w as i quietly standing In the barn yard When it was struck and killed. . . • A VALUABLE GLEE —A oeautifnl horse, with, saddle, bridle, a sword and all necessary equip' 'ments, was presented" lit week to Col. Matthews, of the:l2Bth regiment, Pennsyl yenta vol at:detains; for valiant serviceiin the field. The animal was a sprightly and beautiful one, the accoutrements were of the fusea_sstyle of workmanship, and the presentation; which took place in the public sciriese of Iteading, was witneis3ed by more thirrflve thousand persons. Tac LIVERY Busniass.—lf every one in gar, risburg was doing as iota a builbess as some of , our thriving livery keepers, none of us would suffer for some time to come. It is woi3derful how this occupation increases in popfilarity, and the extent to which it is carried ion by many of those engaged therein. ifenie ficsh is in demand, and will be for years to come, unless some new invention turns up, and sup plies the use of . these indispensable animals. REVIVAL:—The recruiting officers throughout the State are sending in ;more recruits !at the present time than have beini!doncentrati3d here for a long thus before. The fears thiit mere entertained about the'reerniting busineas be coming,unprofitable to the Governme4t, has been changed to an agreeable dissimilitude, and a fresh revival in this branch of the Govetnment, service is becoming too apparenttO ; riniiin un T noticed. FguaTu or Jur.v.--InYhiladelpliitt, , Kew York and other cities we observe ;hat great arrange inents are being made for a proper celebration of the National holiday. Of Philadelphia par ticularly is thiit trae. The Union League has taken the matter in hands there,,and ; nothing will be left undone to render the demonstration the most attractive and imposing ever held in this country. Delegations.will•bvpresent from, all parts of the Union, and'n , 'big time : gener ally is anticipated. Here we hear rfr nd preps rations for Cekfirating the day, and ,beyond the customary picnics, &c., unless something un usual Is transacted soon, its return Will be announced by nothing , more than; the usual daily routine of life. . . ;• _ 'NORTHERN OENTIRRE Baairex—ExolnisioN.— TIT officers of 'this comP4.4,' iair,KVMp since, having.made an arrangement with their con necting lines by which the tilde travel between Baltimore and BrilfalO, could be more directly acoonimodatiffi, determined to celebrate the event by an excursion, to Buffalo and ; Niagara Falls. The excursion train left Baltimore yesterday morning, at 8 o'clock, loaded with many'of the offi.cerg, pitrons and friends of the road, Harrisburg about noon, and left a short thaaiter; direct, for El mire, where,they remained last night} They, expect to reach-Buffalo thin evening,- and visit Niagara Falls tomorrow. The entire trip, go: ing and returning, from Baltimore, wil4occupy about , ten days, though some of the , patty Fll i return before that time—probably on Saturday. • .. Test Mu. or Fsßotse..--Captala De fien;'fo lehcini we have' had bcicksiOn4"'refer - serene' times, is a most- thorough luatsibnipatint pro fessor of fencing' and bayonet' exercise, and we often wish that our:iumy officers generally were as well versed in this' use •of'dhe sword; si ke. The majority of our army, officerii are: totally . ignorant of the right use of the weapon which they . hare occasion to use, and if any are stop philn the city now, they hive an excellent opfinitunity of becondrig expert and Skilled in the use of their sword, which will be:of: untold value to them in a'.hand-to•hand.fiiht . is the field. There are many inducententst,tn others to learn the use of this weapon, inditin slight est. knowledge of the art of fencing may be the means of averting injury, whenAeastßripected. The Captain Mai be found at his 'rooms , abOve Poulton's billiard saloon, Strawberry allei,,,near Third street. How MANY COLORED TROON HAS PRENSiLVA- Nis FORIEEIND 7—ThiCqueetion is asked daily, and we have taken the pains to ascertain the number, tie near as 'possible. Last evening) we were reliably squad of rote htiudred and thirty : fli,e negro , lecioits, then leaving, would make a total of sue thonismi one hundred and fifty jive nun. Pennsylvania; in all probabllty, a nnt,breditid for a single man of these recruits, and,"wked the dtaSt oomes, we will have to furnish just as many men as though these colored recruits had never :left the State. Sat. .liinEssichosetts gets the credit for thaseiden, and the two negro reginsente, which - that State . has numbered with the rest of hef •iolunteern, will be credited to her,,and lessen the quota of that State over twci tliousaed men in the ins'. pending draft.: Of tlieselwe 4housekd negro troops she has not furnishedon‘third; lint other States have suffered, in erl:lerAhAt - litressails'. 02 1 setts may shine forth . and, astonbih Ale world with nape whitens, and a full quota of E El= -~•---- ~~~ PFIOTOGBAPFIS —A per feet photograph con veys to the beholder an exact counterpart -of the c.rigival, and thus may we, by its poss.:ssiou, literally sea ourselves as we really appear. TI 'his attainment then devolves entirely upon the skill of the Photographer, and for the ben efit of those who desire a truthful likeness, a speaking picture, correct in all the derails of tone, outline, position, etc., we say go at once to Messrs. Burkhart and Bobbins, the accom plished artists in Mumma's building, Third street. Their rooms are studded with Photo graphic gems, an inspection of which will at once remove any doubts which may be enter tained of their decided superiority as artists. POLICE REPowr.—Since yesterday eveuing, the foil 'wing cases have been disposed of by, Alderman Kline, at the-Mayor's office: Brown H. Dawson, a eoldler, just liberated from prison, became drunk and disorderly, and was committed to prison for fifty-six hours, or until the provost guard callefor him. Arrested ,by Officer Brooks. • William A Sheldon- was arrested by Officers Cline and Essig for drunkenness and disorderly condi:id; and was 'committed by the Alderman until sober. William Davlin vas committal to prison for twenty-four hours, Py, Officer J. Cline, for va grancy. Chief of Police Campbell arrested Joseph :utchinson last night, at the' City* Hotel, by reason of drunkenness and, dissrderly . fonduct. Ccurin3itted2 - - - - Au intoxicated individual, was discovered last night, trying to sleep with his head on the side-walk, and a part'of his body and legs-on the steps -of; W. Boyd Hamilton's residen, in street. He was arrested by Officers Callender and Essig, and committed to, prison until sober. Mary Johnitin, negrO 'wench of the , ditrliest ]dye, wasiltirrestell for vagrancy and icon-existence of.character, (the latter she could> not remember having lost,) and commltteiliol: thirty . days. Samuel 0: Ilikialer was arrested for drunkenness ,and conduct ill becoming a , grintierpan' , and 'committed to prison. He has friandsiin the northern section of the State, to whom , Alder man Kline telegmihed, stating the condition he was in find why he was Confined: - - •• Nancy Green,„a dark and forsaltentwench, arcs rrested by 01E1:4317 Lieb for vagrancy thu:cl pros. itution. prison for ten days. `Nothhtß To THE Punuc.—,'We respectfully ask the/at tention of the pnbltdtci tba new stock or same mer dry goods akthe cheap store of C. Bow VAN: 'They comprise in part a very haadsbme - iiesorfteilitt dress goods, shawls silk ; and cloth sacks and cloaks, muslin and calk:oat 'l2l:cent's and upwards. Of cloths, cassimertis and vestiogs for gentlemen wo have a latge and handsome assortment; primed goods geherally are in favor of the buyer. PENNSYLVANIA. MILITIA and. Poiciuiting Claims, United States Pension,Bounty, 'Arrears of Pay r and.Sgbaistonce . Chdns, &c., &c.;, made out and collected hy 'EtIGENE SNYDER, - Attornespat:Lot 'Office: Third Street; Hirrishtuy„ Pa.' [027-ly . •C - ' .For . 41 wiIEV 11. 1141,i,,1 ,the Benefit of the Pub .A., It is not our purpose tq disparage the „noble wiener) of iinedicine or ioty 2 anythlog that will conflictrith its, legitimate usefulness, but we hold thatilie 'evidence cireriperierice 1 entitled to some consideration. We refer here I to the astonfirldng itirtnea of kmple - Medicines that bays ; heels introduced to rhe.public i the attar-. rations of thorisands of sick who haie,liarerit permanently, cured, will bear me out inl saying that the German vegetable medicines Of Aire: . b Weithaveri hOw mantifictured and sold i jr:lofre.k L. Ball, hold a prominent place ammeg !reheat .medleines of the-age for - alf-disiriserf t. t . they: claim to cure, rheumatism,. dyspepsia, liver and kidney. coughs and fever. They combine:. is -*decal:wadden the experience of along lire: and close o b servation, -They can be purchased: at the residence of Mrs. L. Ball, Nil. gr 'Soothe Pine Street, Harrisburg, Peansyltddia: • :.1:.,7 Nonce.—Orders from a distance prOmptly. attended to. ~ :. . Wa have taken over. on the let of April the balance of goOds bought of Mr. F)oger, to Our own store, wheri c o ntinue to sell the balance left at very lowiprlose, until the whole, are sold. Among thoie goods are , 1,000 yards-remnants; clelaine and calleo,l6, 18 and 213 cents. 600 yards remnants, latrns and ofh er dress goods,l6, 18 and 29,cents., , 200 yards of baregnindluStri, 20 and 25 cents. 1,000 'yards- df linen'.'arash,=l6,lB and 20 cents. , 100 yards of brown and grey clot} for sum mer °oats.- 1,000 yards of-linen, ectton.and ...wool pants stud, cheap. 800 dozen of the very heat "pool cottod, white, and colored:' ' ' 1,000 papers:Ag the very best of Smiths' needies,,6 cts. a paper; also stockings, gloves, pOCket - handkerchiefs, hoop skirts, all kinds of conibs, patent ;thread, tapes, socks;: either by e the dozen or piece. We , have also cm handrxet a b o u t 10Tdeoes of CARPET, which ite'Wilreoll at 76 mite per yard. 20 pieces of straw matting, cheap. 241 pieces otsplendidifigared window curtains ' S. LF,WY. I= MOTHER:4II MOTIiIIER,f9I . • .1 itiow 4-ERtiml. DGN'i fail to procure MRS. WINSLOW'S : SOOTHING SYRUP foe IQHIEDBEN TEETHING. `This valuable prepraticoxis thipritectiptioiof one the beat female physiciirts and nitrite' s in tj 'United Stites, and has been used for thirty years-with never s fk ety and success by millions of mothers and 'chlidtenilfom the f‘ekligifaiit Of:One Weelikd tit theAulti t Itnot.only,-relieves the,viand from...pain, but hiiigorates the stomach and .bowelk , correctit 'acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system: It, will almost instantly relieie THZ W'itin Como. We believe it the`gestqual Sorest Remedy in the. World e in all cases of DYSENTERY and ,DIAIIRHCEA. IN CHILDREN, whether it arises `from Teething or froui any other cants: Fall directions for using will accompany each tottle. - Noun Oeuttine nnlese 'i be lac simile ;off :CURTIS & PERKINS; N6W pork, Is on the outside wrapper. 7 • Sold bywll Medicine Dealers. " Princinal:Office, 48 Day Street, N4W,YORK. .Paici 'orits 26 CHattspml / Min. ' e 'lnY22 d&wfirn tan A MONIIII—Me Wakitisteikts at seo - month;:.expeasesVaid; tb seal our 3v;ffiaSting PCRale Oriental Btirners;:and43 othej riebythiefal aadloations articles. 15 dreg:Lithe; SHAW & .., _ 17W4.70 11 * ! 14- • A 7• NO .T AL Cogo L I C A. HIGHLY CONCFNTRAIED VEGETABLE A PURE TONIC DR. HOOFLAND'S • GERMAN MITERS. Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa. Will effectually cure Liver Corn plaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all disea es arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipa tion, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidify of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fla tei ing at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fiut tertng at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying piature, Dimness of Vieion, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Per spiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes - of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Con stant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits, and will positively prevent Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever, tc. They contain NO ALCOHOL OR BAD.WHISKY. They will cure the 'above diseases in ninety-nine cm, ea out a hundred. HOOFUND'S GERMAN BITTERS! Are not a new and untried article, but have stood the test of fifteen -years' trial by the Amtnican public, and their reputation and sale are riot rivaled by any similar preparation. The proprietors have thousands of letters froM•the most eminent • CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS PaysiCIANS AND CITIZENS. 4 TeO tu g , lly of 'their own personal knowledge, to the beneficial effects and medical_ virtues of these Bitters. . DO M YOU WANT ~ SOETHING TO MIRENEETEEN YOUr- _MO YOU =WANT A GOOD APPETITE? DO YOU WANT TO WILD UP YOUR CONSTITUTION? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL? DO YOU WANT .TO (SET RID Of NERVOUSNESS? DO YOU ,vtArtr ENERGY? :.,DO YOU . WANT TO StEEP WELLY. DO 01l WANT A. BRISK AND VIGOROUS FEELING.? It you do, use ROOFIAND'S GERMAN BLITERS. PARTIOIIIAIt NOTICE. 'There uri Many Einparations sold wader the name orßitters, Put in quart lades, compounded of the ehildpist tohtsky or common rum, wet t ing from 20 to 4 004 per gallon, the taste disguised/1i Anus or Corian Zhu dam 'of Bitters has caused, and will continue tOO 6 IIIBP, loag as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of .thi drunkard. fir their use the system is korioidinuatty under, the influence of Alcoholic Sian asks of worst ktrid, the desire for Liquor is mas ted and kept up, and the result is all the horrors a'. lendant Upon a drunkald's life and death. ith. 'those who desire and WILL HAVE a Liquor Bitrart, We publish the,follmoing receipt: -- Get ONE ifQT'ILE OF 'HOCIFLAND'S GERMAN BI f- MKS 'and mix with THREE QuAßrs OF GOOD . 1311 INDY OK WHISKY, ana the result will be a . preparation that will FAR EXCEL in medicinal *rasa and true any of the numerous Li quor Bitters in the market, and will con MUCH LESS. You will hoist all the: virtues of HOOF LAND'S GERMAN Bur fEBS in connection with a GoOD article of Liquor, at a much less price than these inferitir preparatwns will mat you. =Sal iSOLDIEBB I - AND Till Minims OP sor.Dtlona. • We Call the attention of all having relations 61 friends in the army to the tact that "ROOF LAND'S German Bitters" will cure nine-tenths 4 the diseases induced by exposures and vations incident to camp life.• In the lista, published almost daily In tire newspapers, on the airival of the sick, if will be noticed that a very large lirispeiiiion are suffering from debit. ,t,y. . Every case of. that kind can be readily cured by goofittad's German Bitters., Diseases resulting from disorders of the tligestivnorgans arc speepily removed. We have no hesitation Ala stating that if these Bitters were freely used ,among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved,that otherwise will be lost. clariaiticular attent,top. to the following gurkir t ilihie *id well authentixtted cure of one of the : nation!wheroes, whose life, to, use hie owe language, "has been saved byythe Bitters:" - FHLKADELENIM, August 23d, 1882. Messrs. Jones & .Evans :—Well, gentlemen, your Hctofianci s German Bitters has wired my There le no mistake in this. It is Touch ad ; for ay numbers,. of Joy comrades, some of ydlose Dames are appended, and who were fully ocenlaint of all. the circumstances of my case. I am„ and have been for the last four years, a ,member dif:Sherman'e celebrated battery, and under the immediate command of Captain R. B. Ayers. Through the exposure attendant noon remardeons duties, I was attacked in No vember last with inflammation of the lungs, and for seventy-two days, -In the hospital. This was followed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery„ I was . then remov ed,from the White Home and sent to this city on board the St ate , of Maine, from Amer, which I lande4:,ort. the 28th of June. Since shut ibriellite - been about as low as any one could, be. and ,etilLretain a spark of vitality. Fora 'week or more I was scarcely able to swal low„anxthing, and if I did force a morsel down, It immediately thrown up again. I could not even keep a glass of water on my stomach: Life could not last under these dr-, cumstances ; and, accordingly, the physicians who had been working faithfully, though un successfully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread archer, frankly told me they could do no Inore,for me and,advleedfre p. see a clergyman lentflt make such aypasition of my limited Intakes best suited ine.Y7Arracquaintanee who visited me at the hospital, Mr. Frederick Stein bron, of Sixth below Arch street, advised me, at a forlorn hdpe, to try your bitters ) , and kind ly procured a bottle. From the time I com menced taking -them the gloomy shadow of :death receded; aridl am now, thank Hort for it, Wetting better. Though I have,takest but two bottles, I have gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin thy wife and daughter, from whomthave heard nothing for eighteen months; for, gentlemen, I am a IoySLI-Virginian, from the vicinity of Front oyaL fidrYour invaluable Bitterer owe the certainty of life which has taken the place of vague fears—to your Bitters will I owe the glorious privilege of again clasping to my nosom those who are dearest to me in life. i.Very truly yourif, ISAAC MALONE. We fully concur - in the truth of the above statement, - as we had despaired of seeing our comrade .Mr. Malone. restored to health. John titddieback, First New York Battery; George A. - Ackley, Co. C, llth Maine;' Lewis Chevalier, 92d New York; J, E. Spencer; Ist Artillery, Bittery F ; J. B. Fasewell, Co. B, ad Veimont ; Henry B Jerome, Co. `B, 8d Ver mont ; Henry T. Macdonald, Co. C, 6th Maine; John F. Ward, Co. E, 6th Maine ; Herman Aoch,s.Ccr..ll,L72dYffew York; Nathaniel B. Thomas, Co: 7, 95th Penna.; Andrew J. Kim all, Co. A, 8d Vermont; John Jenkins, Co, B, 106th Penna. BEWARE OF COUNTERFRIT; See that the signature of "O. M.. JACKSON" 15P1k. the wrapper of each bottle. Priceper bottle, 76 cents, or half dozen for St Office . and Manufactory, No. 681 _Ar 4 oh o st k r s ee u t. ocesem — -. 0 7 1 1 al ac Br oon ' ho VtAN apori fl oe c e.,)rs. IlrForiale by Druggist and Dealers in every :=.4:lFACrielawi9 , • irtebiral. EXTRACI' Nem Mutrtizentento. flyer's Sarsaparilla TS a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, 1 so comb.ned with other substances of Still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote fir diseases Sarsaparilla is reputtd to cure. Such a remedy is surely wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflic.ed fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by ex periment on many of the worstcas :Is to be found in the foilowing complaints : SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUP TIONS AND ERUPTIY/1 DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS, MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, NzumaLota oa Ito Dounoux, DEBILITY, DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPE LAS, Rosa OR ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from IM PURITY OF THE JIOOD. This compound will be found a great promo ter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the timely expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and , ulcerous sores, through which the system - will strive, to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do. this through the natural channels of the body by an alters t've_medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood wiiknever you find its impurities bursting through - the skink pimples, emptions or soles ; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder Is felt, people enjoy better health, mad live longer, for cleans ing the blood.. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with the pabulum of life disor dered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of WMS dtsordered orover thrown. Daring late years the public lave been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds, upon the sick, for` they not onlycontain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but olten no curative properties whatever.— Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sar saparilla which flood the market, until the name itself Is justly despised, and has becomesynony mous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound &stamped da, and intend to supply such a remedy acshall. rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests wan it.. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is Intended to cure. • Prepared by Da. J. C. AYKS & OU., Mass. Price $1 per Bottle ; biz Bout. ain one package, $5. Sold by 0--A. Bannvatt, D. W. Gram & Co., C. K. Keller, J. M. Lutz, Dr. Belly, F. Wyeth end dealers everywhere. Steam Weekly to LiverooOl, POUCHING at QUEENSTOWN,:(Cora HAS non) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, bfew York and Philadelphia Steam ship Company, are Intended to tail as follows : Edinburgh, Saturday, June 18 ; City Of Man okester, Saturday, ',Tuna 2D ; Glasgow, ;Satur day, June 27,,apd every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pia . 44, North River. BA 1123 OP - PASSAGE, PAYABLI IN GOLD, OR ON BOALITAMINT CUR: MOT. ran oannt, $BO 001arassams, t 32 50 do to London, 86 00 do to London, 35 60 do to Paris, 96 00 do to Paris, 40 60 do to Hamburg, 90 00pio to Hamburg,. 37 60 Passengers also forwarded to'Harve, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, &a., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown : lst Cabin, $76, $B6, $lO5. Steerage from 'Liver pool, $4O. From Qaeenestown, $BO. 'Those who wish to send for their friends can bertick ets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Oompa ay's Micas. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, loßroadvray, N. Y. or C. 0. ZIMIiIEHM.AN, Harrisburg. f23dly. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PUBLIC BALE. TN pursuance of the last will and testament of - John Sele, deo'd, will be exposed to public dale, on SATURDAY, THE litra DAY OF JUNE, at the Court House, in the City of Har risburg. at two o'clock, P. Y , a VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, situate in the city of Har risburg, on the Jonebtown road, adjoining pro- Lerty of JohliStroop, Wigiam,AUison and the Haehnlen estate, it;being the property of John Selo, decd, containing twenty-one urea, more or has, erected thereon is a good two story . FRAME HOUSE AND BARN, other out build km, good water, and a thriving young 4.1 1 .FLE ORCHARD. Sale to coMmencewt two o'clock, as above stated, when the terms and - conditions of sale will be made known by JOHN BRADY, Administrator de boats non C. T. A. mY2O-td PIANO - st SOLE AGENCY OF - THE CELEBRATED 9CNOMACIENII 4. CO. PHILA. PIANO, At W. KNOCHE'S, • - 98 Basket st. A-full assortment of Instruments always in store. Pianos frog any other factory will'be punished if preferred. Pianos for rent. • - je4.2tawly Ct. PEOTORAL SYRUP. Ai /our lungs weak ? Does a long breath • ice you paint- Have you a backing' cough? Do you expectorate hard, tough mat ter f Ate you wasted with night sweats and want of shep f If so, here is your remedy. It will =questionably save you. Price $1 00. The above medicine has been used extensively In this' city with good results. For sale nt BKIIGNEIPS BOOS STORE. ROBERT SNODGRASS, A TIORNEY-AT-LAW. O ffi ce with Hon- LT David Mumma, Jr., Third street, above afarket,'Haiiisbnrg, Pa. N. B.—Pennon, Bounty and Military Claims of all kinds prosecuted and collected. Refer to Hons. John 0. Kunkel, David Mumma, Jr., and R. A. lainbert4in.- my94law6m • RECRUITS WANTED. V .., CR 47rn REGIMENT, P. V., , COL. T. L GOOD, Commgending 2 Stationed at S.ey West, Florida. APPIY.ti3 Lieut. W. W. GEETY, 2d Stied, opposite Presbyterkin,Charch. [Patriot and Union, Perry County Democrat, and American, Bloomfield, copy one month ann -end bill to this Wino , ter collection immedi cell?. , - , . , seZi lni!?_ 4.11/0. td.C I MWSrb .114aki, 'Loy two ' ll hogshead, time, birralor_singlo canvassed andimgaukassed, for sale lower than a ny other atm). Ifikch ham warranted: Call and =amine at NICHOLS fa BOWDIAN, Oar. Frost aadiforkstetzeets. New 2bnertisenunts sBFIONIFIEII. CONCENTRATED LYE, THE FAMILY SOAP MAKER , HE PUBLIC ate cautioned against the A. SPURIOUS &doles of LYE for makiror SOAP, &c,, now- offered • for sale. The only GENUINE and PA.TENIED Lye is that made by the PENNSYLVANIA. SALT MANUP AO TURING COMPANY, their trade-mark for it being " SAPONIFIER, OB CONCENTRATED LYE." The great succrks of this article hat. led UNPRINCIPLED PAR am to endeavor to IMITATE it, in violation of the ColoPonY' PATENTS. All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS or SEL LEI 43 of these SPURIOUS Lyes, are hereby NOTIFIED that the COMPANY have employed as their ATTORNEYS, GEORGE HARDING, ESQ., of Phila., and WILLIAM BAKEWELL, hag , of Patitnoy. And that all HAIRTFACTURERS, USER-1, OR SELLERS of Lye, In violation of the right- of the Company, will be PROSECUTED at 01: er The SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATEIJ LYE, is for sale by all DRUGGDRA, Gitoosns and Conwrair Drown. TAILE NOTICE. The Unman &arra Cinciurr Comm, Waite"' District of Pennsylvania, No. 1 of May Terra, in 1802, in suit of THE . PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY vs. THOS. G.-CHASE, decreed to the Cutups:ly, on November 15,.1862, the EXCLUSIVE right granted by a patent owned by thew for the SAPONIFIER. Patent dated October 2 1 , 1856. Perpetual iejanction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY• OFFICES : 127 Walnut Street, Philatrilphia. Pia St. and Duquesne Way, Pittsburg, ap2543m-8p THE STEAMSHIP GREAT EASTERN WALTER PATON, Commander. WUbe dispatched PROM LIVERPOOL Saturday may 16 Saturday June 6 Tuesday June 80 Tuesday July 21 And at the same regular Intervals thereafter. First cibin from $96 to SIA6 Second cabin. 570 • Excursion Tickets out..andback, In the first and second cabin only, a fare and a half. . _Servants accompanying passengers and chil dren under twelve years of age half tare. In fanta free. Third cabin. Steerage, with superior accommodeitions...s3o All tares payable in Gold, or its equivalent in U. 8. currency. Bach pasienget tillowed trateuty able feet of uggage• An experienced Surgeon on board. For passage apply to CHARLES A. WHITNEY, At the Office, 6 Broadway, New York. For freight apply to Howtign & AVINWALL, Agents, mrlB-dtje9] 64 South st., New York. 910 CARPENTERS, BUILDEFS AND HOU-E OWNEUS.—I offer Daus Biokicucre. Patent Spring Balance and Fastener for Window ha-h, to take the place of weights. It la the moat complete and "tifieful Inventic n. ever pot to the market. It beftwees the sash perfectly at any point as well as weights. It' 'requires no ex pense for boxing, and can be applied to old as well as new buildings, without any alteration In the frames. It do. s not balance by friction, Sift bylniiiitis of tee strength of a *died .pring, with a cord attached to the sash, the same as the cords of weights . ; With the addition of the sash hick, it renders it the most perfect and economical arrangement offered to the public, being a saving of one half the coat In each window frame, and giving the advantages of cords and weights, without its liability to get out of ceder. "Mi a door spring it is perfect." Model to be Seel:tit Gilbert'a Hardware Store, Market street, apposite Court house; - jes.Bl°-- ' WM. H. CLARKE . MELODEONS AND CHIDE!) ORGANS TWANTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, SILVKR MEDALS, and the ONLY GOLV MEDAL (ever won by instru ments of this class) has been aremded to MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRIDIE.NTS. A full assortment of these instruments al hand at W.ENOCIIitS ways on , , Sole Agent, 93 Market street. je4-2tawl y rirAmros: STEINWAY'S, ORIOBERING'S, BRAD BURY'S, MALEY'S and GROVE STEEN'S. MELODEONS, &a., by PRINCE, TREAT & LINSLEY. VIOLINS, GIJITABS, FUMES; FIFES, Au OORDRONS, pairmik 4c„ Sheet Music tent by malt to any. pike - PICTURE FRAMES, ALBUMS" aLl i LOOK ING HUMES. ' • Howe's Sewing Machines, dia.,_ at the Music Store of SILAS WAHD, .. No. 12 North Third Street, aboveligrket. ang/4-dly Mlf $l.lO. STAR E . THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SHEEP MUSIC AND ALL KINDS io4 • MUSICAL INSTRDPATS, PICTURE FRAMES AND . - - LOOP4S4. ' GLASSES, At W. •ItN 98 Market st. Mask sent by mail. . ,Jt4-2tawly VALUABLE '.E AL . ES'irATE FOR SALE, ON ihe corner of State and' Filbert streets, now nccu ded ss a MACHINEAND FOUNDRY. _ • - The lot is 75 feet on State and--114M Filbert. The building - oh She cotnerof state and Filbert guests is ni feet by 30, with a wing on Filbert 50 by 80 MA I with awieglon the west end 18 by 80 feet, all two stories high. This property can easily be conver‘d into a I age Hotel or seven in . eight diiellinga. There is also a two story warehouse on the corner of Filbert street 4nd . North alley, 28" by Sties* that can be altered into two ga.;, in taw tspr of this building is a icsitnbY, wtkifitt Plititteal‘ered in to dartllings alsm , Tim above:ProPertY. :with ad-Olsktasettioal7 iii complete tunuiptorder, is for sale as it is, or the real eslaisl.Withont the machinery. my27-412w] H. 1911.1:9N it CO. lI PROM lIIM YORK ..$5O