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''''. -'".' --' ..''7 .. . .A •"...:' ..,,,', -- . - ' .F " A._ 4 •.4 .„....,..„ , „ •--.-• ----,,--„....., - -i. - .,...„ '.v.-;., ...... • BY GEORGE BERGNER. i i 'TELEGRAPH. IS PUBLISHED MORNING AivD EVENING, By GEORGE BERGNER. °pee Third Street, near Walnut. • TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE ERTBI3OIMPTION. Tile DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscri bers in lie (.lity at 6 cents per week. Yearly sibactibera will be charged $4 00 in advance. Waramsr ,Tarsoneva. I be Ict.souarn is also published yrtiskly and ftirrostwd to subscribers at the folfotting cash rates : t. Single copies, weekly $1 00 Tea. copies, to me postoffice. 9.00 Tway ty " " it 17.00 v Kin 1.81110 RATas.—The follop7bag , are the t 4ejs lox . advertieing,tn the Tasman-ern. Those havi A,lttiveirtii;ifig to dowill find it boniinnient for. refect.-um. !Four lime or. 4 qo 03 ustitnte one-half sqni,tre., b . -WA - lines or 'now than four consti. •tuts square. g.. ? :,E6 , 3rqc..3.•§0. , iiA0 --A-gl''=R - g.9 -17 4t 4, 1 ,7 '4..Bo'gigsi gl -E-.1.E113,,0 1 , - ' - .11 1 ,--,..--cligoop il t .-mig k 0 2 ,? . • ~,_a_T I.ig:°: r ; i !i: ER tit ‘pi t . C.lr! -a co c. xba •-••°. ,s-*-S , 3gBBs"DgStrigg:' CS 0 3. cr oo zoocc ?iperoorocloo.ocu a_ to• . g...1."4"2V.C:?.188tS C., - 6 - 6•O`SOSSE tfi 41 p• t' eb o,l> CO !Nl—. 41 5 LW OO 000 c. b., W.I. 110 : Ste C Cn b. ...t crt cn 0 . .OC. Co 0 C. CC 10 CIO 0 U. 0 CP 0 0 0 0 0 tJVNN rnzg,v-stggs,,,s , Administration :inttees, 1 time a week, sik tt Yardage Notice: Additor'a Nov= „ Irtratral Notices encli „ Insertion—, . or Business notices inserted in thci Local 001101?1, or 'bciorki Marriages and Denthe,lExciu Oaks PX.B. WE for each insertion. - As an advertising medium•the TitiansiVas no equal, its large circulation, among business men and families ' in .city and country, placing It beyond coMtietitipil. Illiotellaneous. nd N Fa' 8 H 0 IJ 3-E CORNER ok • `ILiLIt,ILVT 13i • AND Id/MEET SQUARE, HAPbRIBBITEG, PA, • JOSEPH. F. Me,CLELL.IN, PEOPEI3OOII. OitgaIANTLY 0013DIIOTICD BY WEILLS (lOVBRL*.) This is a First Class Hotel, sad locatedfinAho• Central part of the city. It is• kept-In the best "tilanner, and its patrons will find every accom tiodatihn: to be rapt with in the best houses in the country. se3Q-dtf. 11.4 TED STATES NOTEIA.. - Re t. .1 tied and Renovaped. L. W: TEN,EkCIC., PROPETECOR. •:` popular and commodious Hotel has J ben newly refitted and furnished through out lte parlors and chambers, and is now ready for the reception of wrests for the winter "season. - The traveling public will find the IVniied - States Hotel the most convenient in all particu lars, of any Hotel in the State Capital, on ac count of its access to the railroad, being imme diately between the two great depots in this city. • iimanssuaa, Dec. 29, 1862.-6 m THE t , KING MICROSCOPE," DOUBLE LENS. PROF. HOBSFORD,' of Harvard University, Bays, "it worlrs very well, and you. have' got it up very neatly." Magnifies 25 diameters, 65 cents in Po-tal Currency. The " BOWEN MICROSCOPE" 28 cents. The -" 8. ,WOOD WARD 111.101108C0PE,7 38 cents., Or one each of the three kinds for $l.. AU free of;postage: Address . EDWIN KING, mr26-diriv6m Box 330, Boston, Mass. VISITING; WEDDING,- IMITATION, AND AT HOME OARDS BY a special arrangement with 'one of the best engravers in the country, cards of any description will be executed in-the hiuhiltst style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and supplied prom ptly,at lower prices than are Charg ed by the stationers in New York or Philadel phia. For samples and prices call at mcli9tf BERGN ER' S BOOKSTORE. AATINDOW SHADES of lined, gilgboidered; R' and PAPER BLINDS of an eddies' vari ety of designs and ornaments ; also, CURTAIN FIXTURES and TASSELS at very low prises. Call at SOHEFFEPb"o' BOOKSTORE. ap6 BEEMETICALLY BEALED. PEACHES, TOMATOES; PINE APPLE, SALMON, OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTERS; LOBSTER, SAIDOTEN, WM. DOCK, Jr. & CO. For sale by BIBLES -AND HYMN BOOKS! A LA itGB and splendid stock of Pocket and Family Bibles." "1, Pr. Kbytnian, MethtittiSt, Luthertm, German ari.l other Hymn BlsPAsjagt Mali' - ,ad at 13811111 , TER's CHAAP . IkiOBBTORB. C(`IOAL OIL, a further reduction in Oxii iitiperier article of non-Stiabilite Teal Oil, for Sale very low, by = NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market Sfax; awl 1 DHOTOGIaPH 9LWJMS chastely atid'clitsped—ficir Bale at eta SCHEFFKR'S BOOKBTORN, i 9 18 Market Street. DR. J.O-1-IN':ISQN m.a.x.emimciEtio LOCK HOSPITAL. Tydisco vered the most certain, speedy and 11 effectual remedies in the word for _DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE 88LIIT,m SIX TO TWELVI 1101 M. NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS MUMS Aare Warranted, or No Charge, in from One to Two Dap. , Weakness of the Back„ -Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary dis charges, Impotency, General Debility; Ner vonsinei3s, Dyspepsia, taaguor; Low, Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Ht.art, Timidity, Tierablings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Wee or Skin. Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach.or Bowels—those:. terrible disorders arising from the Solitary. Habits of Totithl thOie secret and solitary piactices more, fatal to their victims than the, song Syreng to the Mariners of Ulysses , blighting their most lull. Sant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage 8 ", 1114 Possible, YOUNG MEN Especially, who.;.have, become the victima"of Solitary Vice, 3that dreadful and destglictive habit 'which annually sweeps to an nettirriely grave thousands of Young Men of ,tea Most exalted talents and; brilliant intellect; might otherwise have entranced listening,Sen atea with the thunders of eloquence or *aired to ecstasy the liv.ing lyre, may call with 'MU confidemxi_ ? e ,i 4 ; 4 = XrEt. Married- Persons, or Young Nen contemplat ing marriage, being aware 'of physical !weak ness, organic debility, deformities, &c r; speedily 24- .1-ga frit ` ' He who placerkhhneelf under theeare of Dr. may religiously .Ciforifide iwhis honor as 'a gen; dem= and confidently rely upon his 'skill as a Physician. ' ORGANIC WEAKNESS ' • Immediately Cured, and fall Vigor restortid. Tide distressing affection—which reernds life miserable and inarriageimpdssible—la Nip lien. 'any paid by the victims of improper indulgence; Young are too 'apt ! ' to commit excesses from not being aware of 'the dreadfiir kionse quences that may ensue. Now whOttr un derstands the Aubject will pretend to den. that the power of procreation is lost sooner by, those falling into improper habits than by nip pru dent. Besides being deprived the pleastiros of 'healthy ofhpring, the most serious and destine tive symptoms -to' , both body and miiidi arise. The system becomes dermiged,.the phYsionl and mental functions weakened, loss of , pr ti i . tlie power, nervons dyepepiria, i 31 4. ita tion of the heart, • indigestion, oxis tci o ' debility. a wasting of the frame, cough, con . 'euroption, decay and death. Wiwi, No. 7 Spurn Famiintram Snow, UM R . : 4 E 41 * , e5...5225 „ . 150 . Left band side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. • Littera 'Rust, be, paid and contain a etamp The.Poctoo3 Diplonage hang in his office 4 DR. JOHNSON Member-of the Royal 'College of Surgeona, Lon. dort,:gradnate from 'one-of the iiioritArairtent colleges in the United States; and tielreater ilart. of whose life- has -been.'-iipent inthe aunt tale or:Londoni' Pals, Philadelphia and else where, has . effectedsome of themost astonishing cures that were 7everAtiowri ; many troubled _With ririgingtin the heed and ears-when asleep, great nerVollEtteaty -being. alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of Mind were nured Immediately. irixF.,*oncuLAß NOTICE. . • These are some of the sad: melancholy effectsproduced brearlihabib3 of youth, via weakness of the bacli and limbs, pains In the: head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular,power, palpitation! of the heat," - :clyvepsh4}nervons irritability,. symptoms of consumption, No. fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, con fm.ion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil fore bodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love' of solitude, timidity; 'an., are some of the evils .produced. YOUNG .MEN Who have injured thimseives by a Certain practice indulged-'in when alone, _a_ habit fre quently learned from evil compaaPtii,: or at school, the diode' of which 'are nightly felt„ even when- asleep, and if not cured' madam marrinVimpossible, and destroys :both; mind and body; should apply immediately.' Whit'a pity that. a young than, the hope of his country, the darling of his pareitsl , 4hould be snatched from all proi3pecti • and enjoyments of life r by the consequence of delviiting from the path of nature and indulgingin a certain secret habit. Such persons mum, before contem plating MARRIAGE; • -1 Reflect that a Bond mind and , body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial Indeed, ,without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgehnage : the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair andfilled with the melancholy reflection that the lumpiness of another becomes blighted with onr;t4n. DJSPARE OF r6IPBIJDKNON. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure folds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an illtimed sense of shame:or the dread of d covery deters him from applying to fhoise who, from edanstion and respectability,, can. befriend him. yo falls into the hands of igno rant anil.desigifng pretenders, who, incapable : of --cdring; filch•-hie-pecuniary substance, keep tint trifliuk month after month, or. as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leave him with ruined health - to sigh; over his galling disappointment, or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constitu tional iymptotiis of Alf tekrible:lU9a - 0 :„anch se affections of the Head; Throat, 4i*, Skin, etc. progressing ‘ with frightful rapidity' till . death tinurn period to his dreadful sufferings by send ing him to that undiscovered country from whence no traveller returns.. . ' nsmoBsEmENT OF THE nat . S. The many 'thousands caied at this institution year after year, and the ,1113110.SrOin important #curgical operations'performed by Dr:, lobnaen, witnessed by the reporters of the Bun, clime" , and many other. palms . , notices of which hm.ie appeared again and_agam before the pnblie be sides hitstandhig as a . gentleman of chisificlp and responsibility, is a ardnefenc kaisiiact'•to she &Midst. • • ' WHO, No. 7. SOUR maw& BL • IlltbitaL MARRIAGE SPEEDILY 014.9114-o; HARRISBURG, PA., TUJSDAY EVENING, JUNE 9, 1863. New 2tbzertistmento. The Great "American Remedies," KNOWN AS "HELMBOLD'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ : HELMBOLD EXTRACT "BUCHII," " SARSAPARILLA, " IMPROVEED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS: " HIGHLY CONCENTRATED " . • - COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHI4 A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMDY ,For Diseases of the BLADDER; KIDNEYS, GRAMEL, : AND DhagSICAL SWELLINDS. Thisrillediane inordiseethe power of Dips, tion, and exoltee - the ABSORBENTS into; heal th, action, - by,3v_hich wATE.AYA 1:101Ln CEBOUS depositions, and all UNNATIRAL ENLABGEMVNIS aril - reduced, as well pain and inflammation, and is good for MENI, MEN or CHILDREN. .11:Elii130,LD' ktiaitT .but,ku FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from EaCeases, Habits of Dissipk,4l, l Estly Indiscretion or - Abuse. - ' ‘ATTENDSn' 4 1'811 roriownro armsrons '"' Indispobition =to Exer-Dryness of the likfn; tion, - Loss of Power, i Loss of Memory, Difficulty.:of Breathing,, Weak Nerves, Trembling, ' - Horror.of Disease, - W.alreinlnere, b Dimness of Vision; Pain *ANL Back Universal Lassitude, ofFlushing of the 34: 4y, . the Muscular Systom,Eroptions on the I Face, Hot Hands; •Rallid aciante.nno- ~ These symptoms,-if Allowed tog° on, which this medicine invariably removes„ aeon , follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC;kiy.ffi t In one of which the , patient may expire.' Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "direful dissases," INSANITY AND ; conurrrlay. _ . • Manyare aware ottne cause of their Suffer- Inge, but none will optifeat, The records Of the Insane Asyluma and the melancholy ireatha 'by .Consumptien; bear ample wilnese. to, ihe,truth of the, assertion.. , : • A I - I ._,_. THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE zr Bp. . WITH ORGANIC WAIIINMS Requires the ablpf medicine to strength 'rind invigorate the system,. „which He 14111,4 .. Ex-' tract Buchu invariably does. A trial:wj con vine the most.skeptical. , •• . , FEII4I4,B=VEMALES—FEMALEfI ', • OLD ak.TrQN 70,, RINRELE. :owttli.l,. OR caffirfirmirmq MANUA.° ' , .. In many, affections molt* to, femalde the Extract •littohn• is : uticgurriled by, any 14?ther remedy, as in Chloroeis ot,Reitention • Itregu larity, Pth . n . . fithteisa, or stipple of ~Retention, this 4. ternary Evacuations, I:fleera .. „or ~Sc nous state, :of ,the Uterus, Leucorr ea, or . dittos; . • - ... y...,,.-1, rop...llprppidaika_d_4lthilAtki ,sex, whether arising from •Inalncratliffii of Dissipation or in the !!. - •i .. . DECLINE OR CHANGE - 01'LIFE, ''-•-•" . • . .. NO FAMILY SIZOOLVDE TV.PI'HOUT IT. '\ . , . Take no Baleam,Mercury,or Unpleaatnt-hledi dne for UnpleasSnt:and Dangerous Diseases. HEM.BQLD'S.EXTRACT 130C14U Cures Secret Diseases in al/ their stages; it-lit •tie•expense ; littld or no change in diet; et , in convenience and no exposure. It. cau fart %twit desire, and given strength to .uowtte,, there* removing obstructions,preventing and' _curing Strictures of the Urethrt, allayli d pain and inflammation, 60 frequent t iii , this el s of .diseases„and expelling Poisonous, ; and Wornout matter. , Thoulithtda upon thousands who have been thavictimith,iiitacki; and ,who have paid heavy. fees to be cured in a feihort time, have fennd they were.deCelied, and that the 4 Ptrisitti':' has•by : tin?. „tree of :!pofwerfal Astringents," been dried.nila the ayatein, 16' brealt out inan aggravated :forth; atid..perhaps after marriage. • , , •__ i , Use HELIAEOLD'S EXT/lAOL:IiIIIFCAU fOr all Affectione_and Diseases of tha...Urinaly Or gans, whether. .thrierlpg in Male Or,Fitnitile, from **wover cause originating, and no. matter of hoW long standing. Diseases of those -Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. ,42,LM80LD13 if.X.TRACT BUCLI.U.is the Gthat.Diuretid, and it is certain.to :have the desired died, in all Diseases for which it is recothmended. , • - , • Blood—Blood—Blood. : Heimbuld's Highly Concentrated. Compuund ELUID- EXTIiACL SARsAPABILLA nYPHILIS. ,-This-is aa affee tion of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual 'Or- . gans, Linings of the Bose, Ears, Throat, Wind- ripe, and other Mucus Surfaces, making its up peareacein'the form of Ulcers. Helmbold's Extract Sarsaparilla, purifies the, Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexion's Ciearand.Healthy Ciller. It- :being. prepared. ()weedy for this class of complaints; its BloodWurityhig Properties are preserved to a greater extent`then any :other preparation Ofiktrestiarilla: • . - :17Mr—ROLY 8 ROSE . WASH: ' An excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syph'V litic Nature, and'as an injection in diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising froth habits of dissipation, aused is :connection with the Ex tra.cts-Buchn'andllarsaparills, blanch. d;settass as . ! recommended. . Evidence of the' most re ' speakable and reliable character willaCatomPany the medicines.'. , 421ERTIFTOATES OF • cimEsl from eight to twenty years standing,- with names known to Science and Fame.: For. Medical• Properties of BrichU r see .DiepeniarY of the •United•.fitates. See- Professor DEWEE'S valtiable:works on the Practice of Physicl Bee remarks made bylhalat&celebrated Dr. FEY- - SICK, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPEULLISI. MdDOWELL, acelebrated Physician' and.rnember of the Royal •Collegeof Burgeans,' Ireland, and published in the Transactions of tlie Kings and= Queen's .Journal! Mee Medico- Cuurgical Review; - published-by : BENJ. IBA.' VERB, Fellow of the Royal Colleg e -of Surge Ons, See mord•of the late standard works on -Medi :bine. .Extract of -Thschu• $1 00 per • bottle, or six:for $5OO. • :Extract • of Sarsaparilla, $1 00 :per biattle, or six:: for $5 DO. 'improved Bose Wash, 60 cents per bottle, or sit•fons2 50, or halt a dozen each for $12;00, whichwill be stlf, • ficient to care the moat obstinate cases, if direc tions are adhered to. Delivered to any address, ,ecurely • packed. , froth observation. , • Describe symptoms In all communications. °urea guar anteed. • Advice gratis. APPIDAVI.E. . - - - - - Personallysappeared-before-me an Alderman of the, city of Philadelphia, .11. T. Heimbold, 'who, being: drayAith,'diittratiy, his prepara tions contain no narcotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugii, and are purely vegetable. EL T. _HrlikigOLD. . Sworn. and subscribed'liefortionni, this-28d day; of tTtivember, 1864. WM. P.. 111BBAl$P, .Aldertnan, - liinth street itb. Pates); -Phila. Address letters for informationconfid ence _:, = TAIBLRBOLIA'OhbVIGC' Deotlo4l3entlylOnf striletibalb*Nsibidt; Philadelphia. [my2Sly New Abutllamado. HARRISBURG . , PA, POST OFFICE Departure• and Arrival of the Nails. On and after Monday,- April 20th, 1868, the malls will clew ea foUoire: *O4II I 3IDLONNTRAL RAILROAD. NORTE—May Men—For all plate between Harris bu!g, and Lock Haven, and - Elmira. lt,Y. r at.. For. Lock Ewen, Wil liam9port and 'Lomb bur* SOUTH.— Way Kart—For all ,pimew between Harris and Baltimore, _ andoWashinglan, • 12 M. TorkiiTabhington, D. C., .Baltimore,. Md., and - , :York Ps. at . PMc • . . LEBANON VALL EY DAMBOAD., EA S =Metltrit—Alor all ; places betw 4 ' Hartle ' ',' '7l`ustg, Easton and Phil adelpida, via Reading.. Por Befit:l4* and "Potts " ifie " 12.80 P. M. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. AWAY b ee —F uces een c i wu t t i. burl and Ildladidiltibi 6.80 A. M . Philadelphia and - For NV* , Yotk,' delpyyt; laacaaWr, Co: Iti bi 4 Marietta; ' and Bainbridge For: Novi York,i'Phila delphia and Lantaitei, WEST Main—For` all -places between ` , burg • and AltoOna:. Foto Johnstown,' Pitta burg and Erie, • Pa., • Cincinnati, Columbus wand Olesiebuid, 0 2.46 p. M. • For Pittsburg, : HOW • - • ' Al - Tyrone, ' Loir -9 r' CrUtBiCAL*TE tityt.l7 . MigutoAp. @4s l burgr For; Stdigenisbnrg,- and Chtuntiersbeig. . Wig Mark--For all planet" between Harris- Ipni:g and Hagerstown, 0)11:1YLKILL VID BIISQIBIIIIANNA. BAII, For • Elleildtde Fuegoe, Ellwood, Pineeroveana - Summit Station 12;80 P. M. STAGE ROUTES. - For Viollieu; 'Linglea town, Mannda, West Pumer,,, East . . lianover, Ono - and Jowsurtyn t pn Mondayo 'WednesAtht and VI; " 7 For Lisburn-and Lewis , . • - P.A. berry , P on tistruday.... 12.80 ARRIVAL OF THE HALLS. 1 - The PrirOße- 1 ml4 l arrive at and aretadi for delivery at this office at the following run: From the North, South, East andJ 6A. it. West - 1 2P. M. From Cumberland Valley Railroad .-. 1 : -. I . { From Readin iaiiad RA' M . g----. 2 P. M. Philadelphia • 4 tit. Postage on allmall matter must be fulty pre paid by stamps or it cannot be forwarded in the mails. - Or Office Hours From 6.30 A. M. to 8 o'ctock-,--P. M., daily, except Sundays, when iheloffidis will , beapen from 7.80 to 8.80. A. M., and tram 8.00 to 4.00 P. 11—. -.. GEORGE BERGNER; Postmaster. - LIQUORS. TATE have on hand a very superior stdectiod .I' , V. of WINES,DRANDIRS and EINE LI QUORS, of every description. • - BRANDIrS of the choicest brands and 4 vin. WINES of every variety and of the finest . quality. ST. CRUZ SLIM, ROLLAND GIN. SCOTCH, RYE and. BOURBON WHISKY, CHAMPAGNE, SCOTCH ALE, BROW'S' STOUT, CORDIALS, &o. _Alio, a .NATIVE WINE, manufactured from the domestic grape, which Is a splendid article, and we know it to be pure. apl4 WM. DOCK, TL, & CO. VEGETABLE OR GARDEN. ski's])S I TATE have received for this season more than V Y our usual atock. of • , - FLOWER SEEDS. Some choioe varieties on hand. Also,-Gar den and Vegetable seeds of the best quality. KELLER'S DRUG STORE, my 4 91 Market fared. HORSES, WAGONS. AND CARTS TO HIRE. TOUT ALCOHN, Broad street, Waft Harris ./ burg, is, *pared to furnish Horses, Outs and Wagons to persons wishing hauling done. Digging of Cellars personally attended to. Hurtling of any description promptly attended to. An order box for the accommodation of persons will be found in the Ti ms Print ing Office, where orders will be mei:tied. aplB-8m . JOHN ALCORN. QUEENBWARIiI TUE Invite the attention of the public to our VV - large end welt selected stock of Queens ware, recently purchased; and which weaer at market ; BOWM AN , Ste. a very small advance on city prim. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. tto j• - • corn Nl,2 Fr HO on Lt3 t -k and an flan LBS.HAIIS of ,all the choice atJAjt,ftl brands in market, canvassed and uncanvassed; at• the very lowest price.— Proxy hauisold warranted, at NICHOIA EgyONMAN's, le o Cor . Front and Market eta. . XTBA FAMILY FLOUR—A lot of v ery plicda:eistia - fiaMly Roza' itud'reedied'and kaki -r , ifrofielhig im . 911341, my2o Cor. Front and Market streets. Etitgra#ll. FROM NEW YORK. Meeting of the Editapi of the : New York row -At-e—ineetkienot-- editors today, Horace Greeley of. thisinikrous, .Timrs Brooke of the Aiwa*, Mr. O. Prismotthelourruilof Commerce, and.varionliothera weie present. Resolutions were adopted to the effect that we recognise and affirm the duty of fidelity to 4. the.. Constitution and the Governmen and Lire of our country; that treason d re-, bonen are crimes; that whilerwe em Will: sally disclaim and- deny any right as inter ring in formalists to incite, advocate, abet, uphold or justify treason or rebellion, we respectfully, but firmly, assert the debt of the press to's:skit:fie freely and fe4rlessly the acts of this* charged with the adinkiletintlon Of the Govvriuninit, and:of their civilond mill taryilxldioatee ; and that any limitations of tile lit created by necessities of war, Shoal be coiifinixi to the localities where hoe tilities exist or are immediately threatened. 12 M. 9P.M. 7 A. N. TEE SIEGE OF ITIOKEIEDRIE R&SULTS tF GENERAL Bial EIPEDION Mk - M. GIN. JOS JOHNI3OPB PRESENT POSITION: CIIKIDINALIa, Juno 8: The Commercial publishes a letter dated gem phis, June 8, which repeals Penbertotes ter cepted dispatch to Jlhuston about being able to hold nut ten days, ite. It adds the follow ing • 2.46 9P.M. IN Gen. Oeterh on the west side of BM& River bridge, wt tb lAs eullredivildon, watching Johnston, whoUpPealed on the first and recond witlitve thousand infantry and some artillery. Shots were exchanged and the rebels retired. Johnston is said to have 18,000 men, Poorly armed and deficient in artillery. There is, then, no probability of his being able ito re lieve Pemberton. The, expedition under Gm. Blair proceeded nertheard as far as liequuticsburg, forty five rules, without meeting the rebels in forck A few guerillas fired on our cavalry, wounding several. Thocrops were found in•a proatising condition, and the country well supplied! with live stock. A large amount of cotton, wals de etroyed, and many cattle and negroesl wers brought away. The gunboats ran np try•Yerzoo city days ego end destroy.ed much propellor, ,• (Mg a gunboat on the stocks. - ' • • Tramapert e -we.* imam farther on the Sun Flower and Tallahatchie, -which temporarily afgspea.- Communication with Gen. Banks is kept up on the Louisiana shore. 7 • Guerillas infest the region between lake Providdice and Grand Gulf, and commit depro dodoes with impunity. The Government 'plan tations are selected for attack. A hundred negroes were - driven off or hung. Ever? negro with &Federal uniform on is mercilessly sus pended to the neatest tree. Siege operations at Vicksburg are pieugsi with - increased vigor. The siege guns com menced akeneral bombardment on the 8d init. Result unknown. The two armies are close twirther—within talking distance. A general attack was to , have been made on the 4rh init. The formidable b.ateiries along the Mississippi on the first line above the Water batrerlee, are all silenced. save one at , the ei .reme upper part of Vicksburg, where the Chickasaw Bayormunes into the His Laippl. It mounts two heavy goes. and. twe 28 pounders The.rebel battery on Fort Hill is composed of 6 guns of very heavy calibre. Ile Feeerale have mounted 6 heavy guns in front and a battery diagonally at that - point. The rebel rumor irom Richmond that Kirby Smith has attacked General Banks at Port Hud son bhp - lip credited, though some uneasiness is felt. A tumor from down the riverease that Smith has arrived at , Carthage, La. This is very doubtful. 7 FROM FORTRESS MONROE. =MUNOZ OT PRIBORM-8017TITZON ITEM. Fnnnutse Mormon, June 7. The flag of truce steamer State of Maine, in charge of Captain John E. Mulford, flugof truce officer for this department, arrived here from City Point at 9 o'clock last evening. She brought down 498 Union prisoners. They were taansferred to'the steamer New York, an left immediately for Annapolis. The propellor Eastern State arrived here this morning, She has on board 260 rebel prison ers en rouge for City Point to be exchanged. The steams; Express, under flag of truce, in charge of Captain H. B. Tillebrown Assistant Adjutant General to General David son, leaves this afternoon for City Point with 260 rebel prisoners. [From the Richmond Enquirer of Tune 6.] "lEL Duncuiurs. "Francis P. Blair, son of the Yankee Postinaster. General, Jr.,ho deserted his own troOps in Virginia some time ago and joined the Maryland Line, has gotten himself into simdry standalone Wipes whale honing around the city. He was yesterday , put in Castle Thunder until further _orders." lionum,-June 4.--,Tbe,com crop in Alabama imd western G4xwgia is Ina nourishing oondition, and promises an abundant yield. The late rains ware wary beneficial. I= leltOlt THE SOUTH We have the Richmond Whig of Saturday, but find little in it not already anticipated by the telegraphic dis Patches from Fortre-s 1&on roe. A displitOr ftbm Jackson, relating tftaf fairs at Vicksburg, does the following tall-Oe cimeii"of bragging: "Official despatches state than the enemy's. loss was about, forty thousand! Our entire loss, fticluding the action of Balter's'Oreek, does not exceed five thousand. via stata.unria IX 11110 WILITAX COMITY. ' It is reported that Yanketi .gunix at end two transports, filled with troops, passed up the llattallonLAYer. to Walkertown on lhors day night, I , eaterdty ,the enemy, made their appearance: in Bing William couuty.ln the 'vicinity of the Court Heriti, committing their usual depredation. 142 , .0". = A heavy corm= of smoke seen in the direct- NZW YORK, Julie 8 1313 CORN CROP PRICE ONE CENT. tion of Walkertown. led to the conclusion that the vawials were destroying the flouring mill at that place. adtqtate force has teen *wit to drive the inaraudeis of VISOINIA SILTS ELECTIONS. We hairs a few additional returns from ilia elections, which we append : For Governor. Smith's majority in the army.. Smith's refugee majority Flourney:s majority in the counties, itc Smith's majority, as far as heard from 1,916 -For Lieutenant Governor. Price's majority in the counties, &c.. Itribodeu's majority in the army..... PricVs.rmijority as, far fi# heard from. The National Finances. PIEILLADKLPHLI, Jane Si Jay Cooke, general subscription agent, re ports , the side of $1,034,600 worth of Sve twengles on Saturday, June 6th, and of $l,- 070 000 to-day, at the various agencies in New Yolk, Boston, Baltimore and the west. Sub scribers are receiving bonds up to May l fith, and? arrangements are being made by the de partments-to deliver the bonds more promptly. 3!inn 2thatiremento HAMS!!! 2 0 00 Ls 9. --C°D3P°l3ed bi thd follovring brands, just re- calved i - Nawnow's, Now JAIRBRY.Seketed. 'EVANS AND Swirls, supsior. MDDIIRRIt'S EXCRLSDNI, oannatised. Mumma's Micostouon, not awanma Inez Curr, amine& IRON OTT, net canvassed. mans Hams, A** prime. COIN/TRY HeMs. eery fine. Each -ham sold will be guaranteed as repre sented.- WM. DOOR, Jr., & CO. FOR BALE. 200 B 2F: VB P a r e i k m w e h e P al t rr:o 800 bbls. Prime New YorkState-Apples. Buckwheat and Wheat Flour, Obtte, Oats, Feed, Dried Apples, Dried Peaub44-EiNed Black 'berries Bucklebersiet,— tee, Elder berries, &c -Cholortimgar-cored Hams. Shoul ders, Dried Beef, lard, Mackerel, Codfish, &c. A.prime letcfreranges, Lemons, Figs, Baisics, Clandieveugar, Oefibe,• Bice, Candles, Spices, Tabaccoifilepansoter. - prim letl of Bwest Older' Putt received . Pure Cider Vinegar. For sale wholesale amiliteisdl, No.loo Market atm*, Ilerrislmig, Sat W.-31..11123LE & CO. OWLNBJERRIEB HOKIN f , BEANS, BERtEIr, - trolcustnNi. vti:it i. MMEILL ORANGES, LEMONS, F /GS, BAIRNS, PM:IEOk _ CITRON, CURRAN"I s, and a large assortment of Or. sse & Bhwkw‘ li a Pickles, Sauces, &c., just picelved fresh iron/ the importer, and for sale low by Jaunt W. DOCK., JR., & CO. lATRITING FLUTE* —lke? American Writ , Y ing Fluid, aftplendi k t Ink, at 62 cents per'quart; ARNOLD'S-scroine Writing HARRISON'S Columbian Writing Fluid, LAWMAN & 13IISHFIELD'S Ink, Coppng Ink, Carmine =Ailed Inks of She nestquality, Blue Ini, - .lKticlage, &c., at ap6 SOURFFER'S BOOKSTORE. sop IMPORTANT. TF 10111FAItt your Sabo of a pearly whiteness, J. go to Kunkel's and get some t-tthat Jammu Soap, which constituted a portion a ;be c-ngs of the stainer Prat= Royal, which was captur ed some time since by our fleet, while attempt ing to run the blockade at Charleston Can only be had at KUNKEL' - ap,25-tf 118 Market at., He I tisburg. CEDAR WARE.—Tnbe, all sizes, Flour Buckets, Sugar Boxes, Charru3, Stars's, Large Cedar Buckets, Painted Pails, &e. f 6 - WV. 11XXIC. - Ja & (X). "y_ Ard S. —A large Invoice of canvassed a.d .1.1 =canvassed hat*, of every choice brand In market. Each hain warrantedin good order. For sale very low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Ste. ap27 PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Of any size n... 4 in the standard styles Will be made to order. BERG NER'S Cheap Bookstore. TIME, Mortgagee, Power of Attorney, If 'Bonds and Justices' Blaido for sale at my 2 THEY. F. SOBEFFER'S Bookstore. DBESKEtVED FUTID3, hermetically sealed, in cane andjare, of all descriptions, and of the moat delicious character,' ler yak+ by 16 ' W&I. DOCK. JR.. & CO. VBENCH and ENGIASH. BLACKING, war• ranted not only to retain the polish of but to preeerve the leather lbwlf. For sale by 16 WIC DOCK, Js., & CO. CORMEEP AND EiIIOAIIS of all graded au at reasonable prices for sale by -- jl4 4 . W&L DOC& & co CAL OIL LANTERNS, that d o not need any chimney, and no wind will put the light out. Call and examine , at incrias BOWMAN% - 13 O Front anti Market Sta. EIEESIC, old and new, from prime Dairies, C for Bale low bi NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and. Market Steets myl6 LAWTON BLACKBERRY, Strong; vigonma, bearing plants, at low price, at Keystone,Nursery. T. litlBH. :MOD BEEF AND BOLOGNA, a very choice ,IJ lot, just received and for ado by , rBO WM. DOCK, 4,* CO. IXTALL PAPER BORDEVO, 4. 4 14, sold at ,last_year's prices, i.rittisktit ant advan ea mid SCEEEFFE 1:0011sTORE' A otniCgAS , JAIL Different colored 4104 varieties; While Fiinge, Purple Fringe, of Mist` Tree; and other ehrubberY, at KeYttmeiNtuvery. a: NISH. GREEK COWL . „ axn janStf W. DOCK, J&., & CO, l‘fhnloses Fresh Green IR 2,025 250 2 275 359 4,124 1,976 BE