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( _ . . ... ~... :. - ....1,1 t 7t . . _ ~...,_ . ,-,- \t, - --,., . .... ~. \ \, dttbsao ot-= 4 - 4 , * ~‘„ # izi c .. t - I . ‘ . . •••a•-• At . .0 'Z. , . ~,---- .. .. i.„ ,„-,. ~ ....4 5.. , ~..".. „.... ..:_, e.. 00 ~,„..,.., ... ~.,..„. ,_ ~..:_.„.. ..„... ~.. ...,.. ~,... .(,..,,,: ~,..., ---- -.._.__-4.1';:=7 ~,,-......- • • 4, .. , •,,.._ - ..„,. ----------- . ~, ____ -4. akaliiii, - • - - -Lw,, - -„.. --------- .....-_--"--.4e......- - • ..._:.-.•-•"\ A - -- .4._-- - -. , ,:„.,-3 , .-- , T, --- • -,' - -Akk i.‘ , iiik I ----, ehdj '1111111MEMIN0010.11.11"1"..1M111."... . ;I, ; 4' J "ELEGRAPIL PIIBLIEUED MORNING AND EVENING, By GEORGE BERGNER• Office Third &red, near Walnut. I'BRISIS OF SUBSCRIPTION. sisals scescarrrrox. the v5l LY l ELEGHAPH is served to animal-, is .ho (At), at 6 cents per week. Yearly; hubs tiue'• will be charged $4 00 in adyance. Warn= nrucciuArn. 1 IsirosaPn is also published weekly and : iro.n;.LLeti to subscribers at the following oash rate , : Single triples, weekly Tea topi , s, to ,rne postoffice 'Twenty VEUTiSING R&ll3.—The following' are thei • !,tae !or advertising in the TiIItaILLPH. 119.11 / advertising to do will find it convenient for reference. ce. Four lines or less constitute ,tinii;hall square. Eight lines or more then font consti tutes a square. ozmniing2gol& gc.gg7a.2a,lo. ig 4 8 : dBl3 , -.. E .-=';?,B'sB°B°WB2., rc 9 2 ' 118S n S8SVSS 8 g , rt. • E . , w 5..0. '0- sttS - ',i3ESTSOISS g P 4. ta,'.?:,c7.,V,z35,580 • Vi 0b; - 8 ,4 -2. S S'B" 0 . 2 . • , CT V . . CT -a 4111. St-`CAUgg?2$B O Z 0 00 --~ todmluistralli,uN °lase% 1 time a week, six it Marriage Nmiceiee Ataamr'a Punts! NcAices each insertion....... iffir Businem notices inserted is the Ladd Column, or beituvidarriages and Deaths, Rialq Curs egg Line for each insertion. ; .s an advertising medium the Tmatuttiett has no equal, its large circulation, among busineta men and families, in city and country,,placing it beyond competition. itlisLfllantont. JON 8,- --II 0•1J',81., CORNER OF ABXET ST rIND RARRISBURG, PA. joggpif IiteCLEL..IN, PROPRIETOR. (avow= oonnutZtto BY WILLS OPVEIELY.) This is a First Olass and located in We central part of the city. It 'kept in thejteet manner, and its patrons will find every acc.om modstion to be met with in the beet;hopeee in the country, oer3o-dtf ITED STATES HOTEL. Befitted and Renovated• L. W. TEN EYCK, Pitopanuoß Mill IS popular and commodious Hotel has been newly refitted and futnished through out ita parlors and chambers, and is now ready for the reception of grieste for the winter season. The traveling public will fold the United gars noun the most convenient in 011 , particu lars, ot-any Hotel in the State Capita:, on ac count of its atoms to the railroad, wing imme diately between the two great depots In this city. ELLIMIECBII B O, Dec. 29, 1862.-6 m THE " KING MICROSCOPE,"' DOUBLE LENS. PROF. HORSFORD, of Harvard .llniversity, says, "it works very well, and you have got it up very neatly." Magnifies 25 diaaeurs. 66 cents in Po-tat Currensy. The "BOW `l MICROSCOPE." 28 cents. The "S. WOOD WARD MICROSCOPE," 38 cents. Or one each of the three kinds for $l. All free ol postge. Address T. EDWIN KING, mr26-clawfim Box 330, Boston, Mass "VISITING, WEDDING, IMITATION, AND • AT HOME CARDS BY a special arrangement with one of the best engravers in the country, cards of pay description will be executed in the hisrbest style of art, conformable with the latest fashioi;+and supplied prom ptly,at lower prices rhanarecharg ed by the stationers in New York or Philadel phis.' For samples and prices call•at mch9tf -BERGNER'S BOOKSTOREI UTINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt-bordered; V Y and PAPER BLINDS of an endless veld ety of designs and ornaments ; aIso,.CURTAIN FIXTURES and TASSELS at very low prises. Cali at SOREFFER'S 13UORSTO,RE; apeo ! . . HERMETICALLY ; REALEIS. RUCHES, i TOMATOES, ' i PINE APPLE, SALMON, OYSTERS, SPICED QYSTEY43, - LOBS'rER, SARDII;TEE, WU. DOCK, Jr. & CO. For Bale by BIBLES AND' HYMN BOOK! A LA BOE and splendid stock of Poolte4and 11. Family Bibles. Pr- ebytc-rian, Methodist, - Lntlietan, German 'Nfotaaci, ant.] other Hymn Books, inst. receiv tal .733 t F.4Iti.INER'S BuOILBTOBIt. OAL OM, a farther reduction in Opal: Oil, C superior article of non-exploeive Coal Oil, for saie very km, by NICHOL & BOWMANi Cm. Front and Market st(s. 110 1 ICIHOTOGBAPII ALBUMS chastely` Fookind and clasped—for sale at SCHEFFEW B BOOkiTditit, 0,, 9 18 Market EVi•af. T), .' 'SOH NS aN MIALT-LTINICCPX I . 3II LOCK HOSPITAL. T TAB discovered the most certain, speedy and, it effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. , Ammo IN ma TO imams novae: NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. t A Cure ;Warranted, or No Charge, in from One to Two Days. Weakness of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involnntary , din: charges, rinpotency, General Debility,' Nevi VOtißnel3B, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spiritgi Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Treniblitigg, Dim lees of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of. the Mead, Throat 4 N e i se or' Skin. Affectiorgi 4 of the Liver, Lunge/ Stcmach or Bowels---those terrible disorders arisingfrom the Solitary Habits of Youth -J ! bipse secret and solitary , practiceg more fatal td their victims than' the gong of Syrens to thel Mariners of Ulyeses, blighting their most brill liant hopes or anticipations, rendering Meiringei &c.,impossible, - -- YOUNG .KEN . r.who ..have become the victims of ry• I f il* -that. dreadful and destzuotival habit which:annually sways to an untimely grave thousands of Yorme.,:lifen _of the most exalted k-tabints 'and brilliant intellect,whi raight;otherwise have. entrancedlisterdng Son etas with the thunders 3 of eloquence dr wak to ecstasy' the living lyre, may call with full confidtinte. , . . - • 'or MARRIAGE.= - I Married ierions, or Yoting onatemplatl ing marriage, being aware of phygical weak! , nese organic debility, deformities, &c., speedily on ekt o _ . 1.. • ' 1 . He . who places , himselLander the care of Dri J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gen; tleman and confidently - rely upon his skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WRAITNESS Immediately Cured, and full vigor restored. , I This distressing affection—whicli,rendersli miserable and marriage impossible—is , the pent alty paid by the victims of improper indulgence : Young persons are too apt to commit' xcesses from not being aware of the dreadful consd viences that may, ensue. Now, who that un!- denstands the subject will pretend to deny that `the power of procreation is lost sooner by those `falling into improper habits than by thiprut dent. Besides, being deprived the pleakres `healthy Offspring, the most'serious and destruci- Live symptoms to both body and mind arises. The system , becomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, loss of procreative power, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpitii- 1 don of kthe heart, indigestion, constitutional debility. a wasting of the. Mune, cough,' on-; gumption, decay and death. Orrice, No. 7 Sours FBIDIIIIOIC STAMM, .. sl=oo 9.00 „17.00 11 :%"6 R,rris 4 ,, • 34.-1 3 °' Ern W'r 0 A 1 a , SI. 76 :1 50 Left Inuasitle 'going from Baltimore etreet„ few doorafrom ( the oomer. ri„kot to atter* name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomßs hang in his office. DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College Of Surgeons, Lon don, graduate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United Statesi and the greater part of whose life has beemspent in the hosig tale of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else. where, has effected some of the most astonishing curse that were, ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ems.. when; sleep, - great 'nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with :,,frequent blushing, attended sometimes withderwlenlent of mind were cured immediately. TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These are some of the -sad - and melancholy effects produced -by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, lose of muscular power, palpitation of- the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability, symptoms of consumption, &c. Mfearnm.Y.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—loss!of niederyt fusion of ideas, depression ofizipirits, evil fore bodings, aversion to" society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, &c., are some of the evils produced. YOUNG MEN Who lave 'injured themselves by a certain praCtice indulged in wheri :alone, a habit fre quently learned from evili:companions, or at School, the effects of *bleb are nightly felt ; eveh when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and - diettopir -both mind and body, Should apply immediately. • What a pity that a loin* man, thelope of hitt tbuntry, the darling of 'his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life,,by the consequence of deviating from the path- of nature and indulging in a Certain secret, habit. flenh persona infer, beforeeintein pia g MARBIAGF, Reflect that a einitd mind and body are the most D0C4111047 relittisites tb promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these; the journey through life beboines a Wiry pilgrimage : the prospect hourly, darkens tothe view ; the mind becomes shadowed with deipair and filled with the Melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. • I)ISEARE OF iMPRUDENCE. When the misguided end imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of Obi painful disease,.it too . it= happens that an 'Mimed seine of shame or the dread of dis covery detershim from applying to thoie who, from , education and respectability, can alone befriend him. He fails into the hands of igno rant isid:desieing pretenders, who incapable 'of =rink, doh his pecuniary substance,' keep him triflinz, month after month, or as long as -the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leave him with ruined health to sigh' over his galling disappointment, or, by the use-of the deadly -Oison, Mercury, hasten -the constitu tional symptoms of this:terrible disease, ouches affections of the Head, Throat; Nose, Skin, etc. progressing with frightful: rapidity till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by send ing him to that undiscovered country from whence no traveller returns. • ENDOItSEMENVOF THE PRESS. The many thnusands cured at t t ids inditution year after year, nod , the numerous _important surgical operations peFformed by Dr. Johnson, 1 1 witnessed by the repoitere of the S un, . 12 r , and many other papers, notices of which Lav e appeared again and,sgain before the publiii,.be sicir hie standing as a gentleman of OMincter is ._ a sufficient guarantee 949 athlete 4. SSW DISEASES SPEEDILY CDBEID. 011104 No. 7. 80THIREDERIOK 1117: AltbitaL New 20mM:cementer The Great "American Remedies," KNOWN AS "EELMBOLD' S" • GENUINE - PREPARATIONS, VIZ : HELMBOLD EXTRACT ‘i BUCHU," ~ " SABSAPARILLA, I. , -'f . IMPROWEED ROSA WASH. ILELMBOLD . 5 GENUINE PREPARATIONS. 1 ..RIGI4.Ir , CONCENTRATED " COMPOUND • FLUID, EXTRACT BM ;HU, • A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY For Diseases. of.tite.• BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, , •, AND DROPSICAL SWELLTNGS. I This Medicine increases the power of Digesi tion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into bean.' thy action, by which the , WATERY or CAL CEROUS depositions,, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEREN•fS are reduced, as..weil as pain, and infiarnmation,and is good tor MEN, WO 4 1 MEN or CHILDREN. • .. - BEMBOLIY S ,EXTRAOT BUCHO - FOR WEAKNESSES . 1 Arising from 'Eicessee, }titbits of Dhieipation,; Early Indiscretion or Abuse. 1 .,` ATTENDED WITH THE SULLCI*LNU SYMPTOMS :, , lD Indisposition to Exerryitess of the Skin, f tion,. .. Loss of Power';. i Loss of Memory; Difficulty of Breathing, Weak lierVes, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness; Dimness of Vision; Pain in the Back, - Universal Lassitiga - ofFiushing of the Body, the Muscular System,Eruptions on the Face, Hot Hands, ,;.- • ...1 1 allid Countenance. These syroptoms,.if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITSi In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "direful diseases." INSANITY AIM 6 . ,'Q.N.SUJILPT/ON. Many are aware of the cause of their Buffer; ings, but none will confess. The records of the Insane Asylums and the melancholy deaths bY Consumption, bear ample witness to the trutll of the amertion.L, ' ME CONSTITUTION; ONCE. AFFECTED ,WITE ORGANIC . WAVPIESA. 1 'Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate•the system, which Helmbold's Ex,. tract.Beclui invariably dram ; A trial will coat; ,rince the most skeptical, FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES, 1 OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE.., AREIED, CE . : many N.484.1AGE, i •. In many . affections peculiar to females th Extrac t ; Ruchu- is unequaled by any other remedy, as,in Chlorosis or Retention, Irrt guf f larity, Painfulness, or suppression of the cus. tomary Evacuations, Utcerated or Solaria state of the Uterus, Leucorihea or Whit , Sterility, and for all complaints incident to t sex,., whether arising, from, Indhcretion, Habi of Dissipatipoor • in the. DECLINE DECLINE pa CHANGE DE LIFE, , i i -NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT AT. Take no Italsam;idercur; o .r. l; upleaktut liiedf vinaforAlopleasauteand Dangerous Diseases. HEMBOLD'S EXTRAI3T BUCHU, Cures Secret Diseases in all their stsgea; at Ai tle expense ; little or no change in diet ; nu in convenience and no exposure. It causes fre-, quest desire, and gives • strength - to Urinat4, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allayi, g pain, and inflammation, so frequent in this class Of diseases, and expelling Poisonous,Diseased, arai Wornimt Matter. Thousands upon thousande who have been the victims of quacks, and wffa i 'have - paid - heavy fees to be oared in a short time, have found they Were deceived; and that the ',Poison" has by-the use' of "powerfal A.striugehts," been dried tip in the system, to break out in in aggravated form, and perhaps atter marriage. I Use HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU far all Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in Male or Female, fro4l whatever cause originating, and no matter Of haw long standing. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of 'a Diuretic. -111eLMBOIDTI h.XPRACT BUCHU is the Graft: Diuretic, and it is certain to - have the desired effect in all •Diseases for which it is recommended. I - Blood-Blood—Bkiod. Heimbold's Highly Concentrated' Compound BLUM EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA 43YPHILIS. Thin is an affec tion of the Blood, and attacks- the Sexual Or gans, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind- I•ipe, and othor Mucus Surfaces, making its ail pearance•in the form al:flans. Hamboldfs Extract Sarsaparilla, purifies the Blood,•' d removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, givi g to the Complexion a Clear and Healthy Colo . It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, its Blood-Purifying Properties are -preserved to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla: FIRT;MBOLD'S ROSE WASH i • An 'excellent Lotion for diseinsof s• Syphi litic Nature; and as an injection in' , diseases of the Urinary Organs, • arising from habits , of dissipation, used in connection with the Xs ' tracts Buohn and Sarsaparilla, -in such diseaSes as recommended. Evidence of the most le sponsible and feliable character will aconmpe y the medicines. •'CRIATLFICATES OF CUR sel from eight to twenty years standings w*, names known to Science . and Fame. ' For Mcdictd Properties of Buctin;nee Dispenearyfrif the United States. See Professor , DEWEE'S 1 valuable works on thei Practice of Physic. See remarks made by thelate celebrated Dr.•puy- SICK, Philadelphia. Foe remarks xtradeby Dr. I EPHRAIM McDOWELL, a celebrated Physic*n and member of the Royal Collegeof Strgeoas, Ireland; and published in the' Transactions; of the Hinge anti' Queen's Journal. See Bledito- . Cirnrgical Review, published by BEM. PIO- I VERB, Fellow of the RoyalOollege of Surgeons. I See most of the late standard works. On Medi cine. Extract Of Buchu $1 00 per bottle, for I l ea for $6OO. - Extract of Sarsaparilla, 'sl PO I nd litittle, or six for . ss'oo.'lmproved Rise Wash, 60 cents per: bottle ' .or six for $2 60, for halt a dozen each for $l2 00, which Wilibe suf ficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if direc tions are adhered to: Delivered to any addroes, securely packed from observation. %Describe symptoms in-all communications. Cureb guar anteed. Advice gratis. . AFFIDAnt. , -- - _ Personally appeared•before the an Alderman of the,city. of .Philadelphla, B. T. lielmbrpld, r wh4; being duly sworn, 416th say; his prepara tions contain no narcotic, no mercury, or o - er injuriOue drugs, and are purely vvgetabla. . H. T. llbLtill3ol4 " Sworn and subscribed before rue, this 28d day of November, 1864. Wlll. P. RIBBABD,, I ti Alderman, Nintb stmet . i.b...ibiceiPbil l . - ' Addrivrii letters for i information la coned e Ce. H. T.`IIELDISOLD, Ohembl . 2 1 Depot 104 South 10th street, below Chest ut, 91sui. -a . e , -,., , Emy 11 Departure and Arrival or the Nails, On and after; Monday, April 20th,1868, the malls will close as follow's: • " NORTHERN 'CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH.—WAY MAID—For all places between Harris burg, and Lock Haven, and Elmirs,,N. Y., at.. For Lock Havep,, liamciport and 'Lewis , . burg SOUTH.— WAY Mstii—For all places -between Harris , burg and Baltimore,, Md., and Washington, D. C., at. 12 M. For Washington, D. a, Baltimore, Md., and York, Pa., at 9 P M. LEBANON ; VALLEY RAILROAD. . EAST. —WAY _IdA,For all Plac(s.bittwqqngEtirfs ' burg, Endolicanti"Phil , ' adelphia via Beading. . For Reading and p ottn. vHie - ; Mao P. M PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. . , WAY kLusrFor 'all places between — Harris burg and Philadelphia 6:80 A. M . For Philadelphia and Lancaster For New Yolk, Phila-' delphia, Lancaster, Co lumbia, Marietta, and MEE VENING, JO. 3SI no '2llwertiormento ARRISBVRG, PA., POST OFFICE Bainbridge. For New York, Phila delphia andlancaster. WEST .—WAY MAID—For all .places between Harris burg and Altoona For Johnston, Pitts- burg and Erie, ' Pa., Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland, 0 2.45 P. M. For Pittsburg, Bold daYsburg, Altoona, Philipsburg, Tyrone, Huntingdon and. Lew istown •• 0 P. M. CUMBERLAND VALET RAILROAD. For Eitichanimburg, Carlisle, Bblppensbusg, anti phean be;rl3l) lug ~... We: Mau.—For all .i i lVffrn . urgn uige n wn, d 12;80 P. At pauyLiii.r.. AND 81384LIERANNA. RAIL; For • Mondale , Forges, • • Ellwood, Pinegroveind Summit Btition..e;4. 12.80 P. STAGE ROUTES - ." For Proirek...l4oods - Manada West Hanover, East Hanover, Ono and Jonestown, on Monday, • Wednesday and Fri d y For Lisburn and Lewis berry, on Saturday.... - • ARRIVAL O.F, TOE MAlr t if. The Principal mails aiilve at and are read) for delivery at this office at the following hours: From theßorth, South E a st and j , 6A. West ' 2 P. From Cumber:laud Valley Railroad 14 P. From Reading Railroad 2 P. Philadelphia 4 P. N. Postage on all mail matter must be fully pre paid by stamps or it cannot be forwarded in the Eir Office Hours —From 5.30 A. H. to 8 o'clock, P. M., daily, except Sundays, when the office will be open from 7.80 to 8.80 A. Id; and from 8.00 to 400 P. M. . GEORGE BERGNER, Postmaster,, LIQUORS. Whave on hand a very superior selectliwf of, WINES, BRANDIES and FINE, QUOIiS, of every description. BUNDLES of the choicest brands and v*i tages. WINES of every variety and of the fine* quality. ST. CRUZ RUM. HOLLAND GIN. IRISH, BOOTOH„. RYE and BOURBON WHISKY, CITABIPAGrNE, §Froa BROWN. STOUT, CORDIALS, Sm. Also, a NATIVE WINE, manufactured from the domestic grape, which is a splendid article, and we know it to be pure. • apl4 WK. DOCK, J&., & VE4ETABIE OR GARDEN I I3EEDS, 1 WE have received for this-mason more thsn our wmal stook of _ • FLOWER SEEDS. Some choice , carieties on hand. Also, Gar den and Vegetable seeds of the best quality. KELLER'S DRUG STORE, r 91 Market street. HORSES,, WAGONS AND CARTS TO HIRE. JOHN ALCORN, Broad street, West Harris burg, is prepared to furnish Home, Ws and Wagons to persons wishing: hauling done. Digging of Cellars personally- attended to. Hauling of any description promptly attended to. An order box for the accommodation of persons will be found in , the Tsusuarg..Print• ing Office, where orders with be received. ap18•8m . • . JOHN ALCORN. , . QUEEN,IWARS I Winvite•the attention of the public to our V large and well selepted stock of queens_ ware, recently purchased, and which We offer at a very small advance 011 city prices. Call and examine before Piirchiiiing elsewhere. , r• NICHOLS & BOWMAN, ap7 Corner Front Mid Btu. 3Cfooo'''k"s ..all Abe choice 2 braids ,U,, market; daniesipti .. and twoenve€sed; - at the very lowest price.— Every ham sold-wet-rented, at . ~ NICHOLS & FOWMAN'S, niy4 , , Cor. Front. and . Market sta. Ex TOdILY - FLOUR—A lot of very choice ex:trit familrtiour, just received and for ple by NIOHOLS BOWMAN, m)2O - Oor. Front and Maricet stmts. Jte gititgrapt. LATEST FROM. VICKSBURQ, ur Gans Opened at Midnight on the City TIER RAPIDITY 1W FIRR.UNPARAIIIILIID Twelve Rebels with Two, KwAreil:Thon . sand l'eretthsion Caps Captured. 12 M 9P.M 4:lsitialltateirpt oi 9; the Gun CillijAGO, June b. A Ocala.. diapatth 'from the rear of Vicksburg, dated May . says the bobabardment Vicksburg continues. , All our ens in position opened fire at , mid night find. contained until daylight: • The tepidity Witte thing was. unparalleled, end it is believed grest;danunge was inflieted r — Twelve rebels were captart d at daylight yesterday, - While endeavoring to run our! pickets and get idto the city. Two hundred thousand percassiin caps were fourd in their,poseeation.. One:of the rotate, a boy, came out of the city ten days ago and took the! oath of ailegiancs. , 'AO teas then allowed to god to his home five Wiles in the - rear.' It is pro- 1 bable that he will. be. condemned, as a spy. Gen. Jobneton is reported to be moving to wards Jackson, but is not' is sufficient force attack tie. Wain:norm, Sane 5 —The following detail report of the sinking of thegunboat Cinctnna has been received at the Navy Department: hirausurn SQUAHRON, FLAG SHIPHa wn BLACK ABovz Vicksitraa, May 27th. i Sts :—ln obedience to your iirders,:the Chal cinnati got under way tuts morning at seven o'clock, and,ztetuned slowly down unrila little abreast of where the mortars lay, when wt rounded to 'the enemy and 'fired several shot! from a gun called " Whistling Dick," but soon gave it up. , • At half-past eight, with a full bead of steam we stood for the positron 'assigned us. The enemy fired rapidly and from all their Nate/ rim. When abreast of our position and rotted ing to, a ball nnteredrthe magazine and ahc commenced siaktugtreeirily. sburt'y atter th staritoerd niter was curled away, and afterith' the enemy fired with .great accuracy„ hittin us - nearly silky time. We were especial annoyed by plunging shots from the hills, eight thou rifle and a ten inch smooth by doing us much damage. The shuts went en taw, tbrough our protection of hay and wood and now finding that'the +Ansa would sink , tranlher tight up the stream, and as near the Night tank snore &soar d.utged Aepring appal mini would permit. About ten monies 44 Yore she sunk, we ran close in and got ou , plank`out and putane wonaded ashore!. W ,got as fast:to hold he ikoll"tilivrivibWattfortiiitately the Awe ailti.pre at the haws:r left it without, mak lag' it fast. ' Th e enemy still firing,' thi bo ft commenced drifting .out, and: I inn out to the men to swim ashore, thinking w were in deeper water (as wascreported) th we really were. I suppose about 16 wet drowned and about 26 killed and woundedi and one probably taken prisoner. This will sum up our whole loss. The boat sunk in about twee fathoms of water. Stld lays level and .can easily be raised. She lies within range o the enemy's hitterles. Toe vessel , went down with her colors nailedloThe mast, di-rather th e a i stump of one, all three hiving been shot &Way Oar tire, natiDthe magazine was drowned, w good, and lam satisfied did damage. We only tied ate two gun battery: •' '- • I Very respectfully, 3our obedient Fermat, - 'GEO. M. BACHE, . Limit: Commanding. To A. R. Afitrfind D. D. Poana, Commanding Mississippi firifiadroti: - " " - i 7 A. M 12 M. 2.46 P. M 9P.M 12 M 7 A.M 7 A. /W. 12.80 P. K. FROM FAIRFAX COURT HOUSE, WITH THE REBELS WASIMIGTON, June 5. . . The following telegraplic • Aispetch was M ei ceived: 1 Faiitrai:Ccivar House, June 5.- r -All is gni t along our lines in frOnt, on the Orange Mid Al - andria railroad., - 3 ' ' This,moroing at five o'clock 'when tharedi f passed, our pickets were-attacked: on Sawyer's road by guerillas. COl. Gray at once started with about 120 men 'in search of theth, but could find nothing of them in the woods. Vie then went on to scout the whole country, licSl when he passed the Frying Pan, his rear guai,d 'was attacked by about 100 rebels, who were hidden in a thick wood. . , 1 . Col. Gray turned his -column, :and charged the i ebels, who fled in great hate through the woods. He followed their' up to Aldie`s. From t here he returned sia Drainsville. ~ Gar entire loss is three wounded and some horses wounded. We captured their suliclorc, Dr. Alexander: (Signed) J. STAHL; - . "- Major., Government liiiinimemk PrmansuurA, June 6.1 Jay- Cooke, General Subscription Agent, re ports the gale . yesterday M . $1,275,000. 10 Bliss twenties at the various agencies in New York, Boston, Baltimore and ih this city. The local subscriptions throughout the west are very large, and there is scaroely a town or village which is not reprewate4, In the subscription fto this PoPtaV.loll4. A letter from Madison, Ind. ? received yestialky,`OitClcisie- a' subscription of $2,000,000. • ' SeriousUrosAl Apoldsr4. Pamaramums,,Aune. s , Francis M. Drexel, the senior .pariner of the .banking firm of Drexel & Co., Met, with a ter rible accident this atternOon. He attemptedto jump from the Beading ruilroafi'Mis, at sOrbn teenthstreet, while in motion, when he slipped and fell beneatlrtba.train. On el leg was ger*: and -the other crushed. He was conveyed home, but kits extreme age renders tecovery almost hopelMS: • 4 Boutoz, June:-6. A detaobment of csindry , the hundreil etitinf, left' Reedville • this lifteritoon for Washington, 'fheeesectnite are _chief4y from ; California Ind fill np,the Itatirschupege amain , reginriA to the zninhritust hatniber. • ioat Clicinnati! From Noston..-. WASHINGTON NEWS A saws WItH MOSIBeti GILINRAELLAA NBAH CHANTILLY A special dispatch from Fairfax Court House, dated June, says:—Lest night a Pert) , of Moseby's guerrillas fired on the picket guard near'Chantilly and woundedone man and killed his horse: The guerrillas then retreated. CoL (}ray. of the 6th Michigan cavalry, command ing the outposts, started immediately in pur suit, with a detachaient of cavalry, and over took the iebels about eight miles distant, when a brisk skirmish ensued and the rebels retreat ed. Three or four rebel prisoners were captured, among them a surgeon. Gen. Stahl started cut in pursuit with a body of cavalry, and is 'vigor ously following them up. AB.RiST'QF COLONIL CHOINAAN. Colonel Ottumwa, lately commissioned se Colonel of the fith Pennsylvania Cavalry, has beemsent here under arrest, General goober refuaing to allow him to be recognised. Glens. Pletismton and Hooker have demanded that Major Panttock Hney be commissioned es the Colonel, he being the proper officer for that :position, and having distinguished himself in the late battle of Chancellorsville. amino or nmeßmiers IN PATINT WORTS The Marshal of the district his, under the in struction of the District Attorney. seized all the right title and interest of Jam W. Gamewell and James Duncan, two persons who are in the south, in certain patents for improvements in the magnetic telegraph, granted to Moue. Trill 311111 EL SAID. The anticipated rebel raid will probably tarn out to be a nine days' wonder, if nothing Not one poems to have full faith in it, but the Siovernment. The troops that are marching Out to the defences, and the long trains of Mega guns and heavy artillery that go through the streets almost daily are the .only real facts at hand that tend to a confirmation ( f the lumen d rebel advance: The people o' &t sandria are quite confident that a raid is to i e mtde on that place; others are certain that it is destined for Washington, while a more prevailing opinion sends it up the Shenandoah Valley, with a large infantry force to sustain it—Stuart's cav alry preceding it. There is nothing from the immediate front to show that there is any considerable force of the enemy this side of Cuipepper,or thatin fact any movement has been made towards the Shenandoah Valley. ANOTIEM OCTET MARTIAL CAIN The (resident has before bim for approval the sentence of a °out martial in Catiforn.a, Which .exceedi in seventy that pissed upon tr. Vellandigham. A citizen of Malaria.) in that State wai arrested for riding through the town waving a Confederate fia,r and chewing for Jeff travis, takeu to Sicrathento and tried by court mirtial and sentenced to ten 'e ,re bard labor on the fortitio bona in San Fran cisca' bay. in less than three days Iron, the time of committing the crime be wee at work. The Premdent has not approved of the sent nee yet, and may o.nrannte it to a shorter impris- Onmenft. IMSS WAS XIWI. Ever aincethnbogus news was sent of the „hiking of ,Richatoutt numerous rum re hive been Abut bore, some not w.thout good foun dation, that cdrtain parthe who have control of the to eAraph - bave go ten up fal a war news solely for speculAtive purposes The War Diu partthent, it is 'id, has investigated one case involving penons hi.h in authority, but with what result is nut yet known. It is now al leged: that the sensation aispatch that the Stare and Stripes were tio itiug over Vicks burg" wag manufactured in Cincinnati by some one inside of the speculators Haw, and palmed off on the public. If this be true, an investiga tion should be had. Peohaps Mr. Ful er, of the Memphis telegraph ufftoa, tan inform the President of the origin of the rumor on which the aforesaid dialistch was based. n.Brltish. Consul Captured as a Blockade RDnner. • A letter in the Ikaton Transcript states that the schooner Juniper which was raptured near Mo bile, wbile trying to run' the blockade, was armed-and manned by the British Consul at Havana. He was also the owner of the cargo of the steamer Antona, captured some time since. The Case of the Chicago Times. Carauxo, &me 5. In the case of the Chicago Timor vs. military authorities, the counsel asked for and obtained leave to withdraw the bill asking for an in 'unction and the case was dismisstd. MAIII - MTI3 BZ tjiLEGELPH. Stocks are lower. Gold 46. Cotton firm -2,500 bales sdld at 66. Flour firm-16 000 bbla. sold; State $5 1545 80; Ohio $6 1506 25; Southern $6 55(34 10. Wheat one cent 10W8t —160,000 bus. sold; Chicago !lining $1 2I 143; Milwackie club $1 31®1q4; zed western $ 148®1 64 Corn one cent lower-90,000 bus. sold at 77®79c. Beef firm at $5 76@ 00. Pork quiet—mess $lBOlB 60. Lard tiros at 91®10i. Whisky dull. Rye firm. Sugar firm— New Orleans 10.3®12}c. Coffee firm—Rio 81c. Port Bico molasses 46052. Freights firm. Ntm lbuttiremaits PRESIOWND IPBUID3, hermetkohy sealed, in,cans and jun', of allyescriptions, and of the most delicious characte for sale hy DOCK..7a.. & Co. tRENCH and ENGLISH BLACKING, war ranted not only to retain the polish of but to preserve the leather itself. For sale by • WM. DOCK. Ja., & CO. fIOFFEES AND SUGARS of all grades and g k .i at reasonable prices for sale by 114. WM. DOM. Js.. & CO. CIOAL ell, -LANTERNS, that do not need A..". any chimney, and no wind will vat the light out. Call and examine, at NICHOLS & BOWIIUI 4I , Cbr. !Wed and Market Kt& rtBIED BICKF AND BOLOGNA, & verY,Owice JL/ lot, juskreselved sod for mato by • ...torBo WM DOCK. is-. & CO. FOR S&LS. . , A TRlRrir horse power steloAengine,mearly Li new. Price low. Address A. O. MILLS% apl7-21ne Netwi/4.01 Otwaberleadl-ounty. BIM I= CI New Your, June 6 New You. June 5