Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, June 05, 1863, Image 1

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Office Third Street, near Waiting
BOGLE 1111/1801UPTIONI . Lji
The D. UT TVLBORAPII is served to whew:A
wn in :he Pity at 6 cents per ;week. Yearly
enbealbere will be charged 14 00 in advance,:
WELK.= Twonara.
the Ts:minium is also published weekly and
!urn lolled to subscribers at the following cash
Sing le copies, weekly.. SI. 00 ,
Ten Lopies, to -3ne postoffice 90 .
Twenty " " " ~ 17
AL VER'fISING Rem—The following are the
t atee ior advertising in the Taumsapn. Those
having advertising to do will find itoinvenient
for reference.
or Four lines or lees oonstitute one-half
square. Eight lines or more than-four ,00nsti
tutes a square.
Red,Tl7'4 l VigingOZß
• crtrpr • 1 , •••,,
C 1 xB.B 8 5 isssgsss#88
ge m 000ss cn.oo. ocw -;
0.42 421
0. •
• xra.,
g6og 4 V.B2gg ' S 2
rffl ,- .7 5 • , 0; to 1./ •-•
'AA `BB-iSS'Sgagg .
• -
of V;
f5.388 - 88`egv,
Atlm i J•stration Notices, 1 limes week, six U
Marriage .'"3.cm" .. • •
Auditor's Ni,: -4,14 •• •• • t• • 2 .•• • •
IN'uoeral Notices ,7 . .0h utserti . ou „ „
g Bu s k," ili ,-,tioeir Intierted in tbe Lax;
Column, or befall Itlarilars and Deatha, Muni
Ossre PER Lille for each 12 0 ertion• , , ,
As an advertising the-TaisaitaPn hap
no equal, ita large circulation, ~nlong buaine4
man and familiei, in city and Coui:trYl Piacint
it beyond competition .
(nnossur CONDUCTED B wzrze onvirsiv.)
This is a First Class Hotel, mid located inbast
central part of the city. It is kept in the( beet
•manner, and its patrons will ' fifi'd every accx:
•modLtion to be met with in , the best,houses
the country. 09-dtf
:Ile II tted and Renovated
',PHIS popular and commodious Rotel has
been newly refitted and furniiduid through
out itt , parlors and chambers, and is now ready
for the reception of guests for the winte
The trateling publit will Had the United
Maw Thiel the Most convenient* all'-'particut
lore; of any Hotel in the State Capital, on-ac
count of its access to the ndlroed,"ueng*,lirunei
"dlately -between the two great depots` in'" this
' Hartanestma, Dec. 29, 1862.-6 m
DROP. HORB,IORD, of Harm Unlyer4ty;
sAyo, "it works verytwit d y nWs
got It up very neatly." Magnifies - tturese*:)l
65 cents in Po,tal Currency. The "BOWEN
- MICROSCOPE," 2.8 cents. The' WOOD
WARD MICROSCOPE," 38 cents. Or one each
of the three , kinds for $1 All free, of postage.
Address ~ EDW.LIiKING},
nir26-digw6na BO 83Q," : Mass.
BY a Elf)ecial arrangement with one of the
best engravers in the country, cards of any
description will be executed in the higheatadyle
of art, conformable with the latest fruihiontouid
B. 'applied promptly ,at lower prices than are chug.
' by the stationers in New York or rhiladel
ig For simples and Prices ca ll at
v=ii„ WOW &LADES of linen; gilt-bordered;
vv an d PAPER BLINDS of an en4.leBB.7lert
ety of deal ' 4 Ces andornamente ; also, CURTAIN
N Tußry a wad TASSELS at very; low,priee4.
, . .
maim, ,inMAWES,
°MEWL EP1C:40V3913,
zoo TA, EAR L _ I , 1
R T IL DOCK, Jr_ .t 0;2-
For sale by
A LA KGE and spiel tdidstock,ofl'ocket a nd
AL Faintly Bibles.
Presbyterian, Steam iist,-Littber ni4 Getman'
B a fori n ed, Atlti oiler B .ymn BoOliiflust ;receiv
CbiL'on, a fnrthe r reduction iq ijoiksiu,
s ! perlor, article of non-explosave Coal Oil,
far sple very low, by -
CcrcArrant MaiiiiitlStsi
mrl 1
Dll - 010GBAPH *my*
and clasped—for sale it
39 18 Market Scree&
I the m speedy
effectual remedi esthe world and
4 awe Wanuntal, or No Charge, in from On to
Two Days.
Weakness of the Back, Affections of the
Kidneys . and : ;, Bladder, Involuntary dis
chaivit, Imp:fling, General Debility, Ner
vesuspeio, pyspepbia, Laßgaca.,, Low Spirits;
Corifueion of . Ideas, Palpiteiion of . the
fli art,!Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight
or Disease of the Head, Throat ;
Nt se or Skin. Affections of the Liver, Lungs,
Skmach ,or Bowels—those terrible disorders
arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—
those secret and solitary practices more fatal to
tbiiir victims than the song of Syrens to the
kikiners of Ulysses, blighting their most bril
liant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage,
&c., impossible,
Especially, who have become the victims of
Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive
habit which - annually sweeps to an untimely
grave thousands of Young Men of the most
exalted talents and. brilliant intellect, iyho
might otheYwise have entranced listening Sen
ates with the thunders of eloquence or waked
to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full
confidence.: • •
Married Persons, or Young Men contemplat
big marriage, being aware of physical weak
ness, organic debility, deformities, &c., speedily
who places himself ender the care of Dr.
J. may religiously cotifide hishonor as a gen
tleman, and Ontideritly rely upon his skill as a
Physi' •I•
Imnietilittely Oared, and fall vigor restored.
Thbffiribitiessing affection—which renders life
mlierabltiandmarrhig,e's itipbssible—is the pen
alty paid by the victims of improper
Young personsiare too /opt to 'commit ex es
from not being aware' of the dreadful Conse
quences that may ensue. Now, who that un
derstands the subject will pretend to deny` that
the.power of procreation is het sooner by those
falling into improper habits than by the pru
dent; Besides•being 'deprived the pleasures of
healthy offspring, !the most serious and destruc
tive sYmptoins , to both body'and mind arise.
The syatethi liiiiemes deranged, the physical and
mental functions weakened, loss df precreative
polter,norvvins dyepeptda, palpita
tion: of the heart, indigestion,;Cobstitutional
debility. a: welding of the frerte, tclight WFIT
scrapdon, decay and deathr--1-- _
es... $2 26
. ... lb
1 50
ocios,''No: 'Bourn Fainiauon Swum,
L e ft b 4 ,4 10: Os .04 from Baltimore street, a
few doors from: thfAiiirier. Fail riot to observe
name and number.
Letters must be paid and contain a stamp.
The Doctor's Diplomas hang in,his office.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon
dgiu graduate from. one of: the most eminent
-0411eSee Init49 Unitii4 gates, And the greater
.ort qf whose life hew PIN 94. spentlin the hospi
tals of London pads, Philadelphia and else
where, has effectedsome of the most astonishing
cures that were ever known ; Many troubled
With' ringing in the bead and ears when, asleep,
great _uorvounteise being Warned at ;Baden
sound%s.bashfidness, with frequent blushing,
attended sometimes with derangement of Mind
were cured imMediaiely.
These are some of the sad and melancholy
effects produced by early habits of youth, vie :
weakness of the back and limbs, pains in , the
head, dimness of eight, Ices of muscular power,
palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous
irritability, sympt.Onni of consumption, &.c.
Mitrrarrr.The fearful effects on the mind
are, much to be dreaded—lode of memory, cts*
fusion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil fore
bodings, aversion to society, self. distrust, love
of solitude, timidity, &0., are some of the evils
produced , -
, . p -, YOUNG MEN .
Who injured themselves by ,ti certain
practice indulged in when ?alone, a habit fre
quently learned from evil companions, or at
school, the effects of which are nightly felt,
even when asleep, and if not cured
gi renders
an7trw4yv4istrono24 mind
oy, should ap ply im mediatel y.
What a pity , that a young man, the hope of
ids ccemtry, the darling of his parents, should
be snatchal.from all 'prospects and enjOyments
of life, by the consequence of deviating from
the path of nature and indulging in a certain
secret habit. Such persona rinse, before contem
_ ... - A ~ MARRIAGE ,
Repo that a sound mind and body are the
meet-necessary requisites to promote connubial
hOphieii. - Indeed; without' thine, the journey
throsghlife becomes a weary pilgrimage : the
prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind
beComes Shadowed with despair and filled with
' the melancholy reflection that the happiness of
' another becomes blighted with our own.
When thelni..sgrdded.! awl imprudent, votary
of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds . of
ide painful disease, it too often.. happens t hat
an ilitimed:earitie of shame orlthe dread of dis
covery:deterchim from applying to those who,
from .educaticin and: resptotability, can alone
befriend him. He falls into the hands of igno
rant andlteeiffhtuit pretenders, who,
Incapable .
owing,of filch .hts-PeotinforY eohiltoncoe.AfieP
him , triffine, month after month, or as long as
;the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair
Waite him with ruinerthealth to sigh over his
isaing disappointiecnty or, by the use of the
deadly . poison, Mercury, hasten the constitu-
Ike* snaPtates of this terrible disease, snob as
I affections of the. Heed; Throat; Nose, Skin, etc:
p K eening with_ frightful trapidity till death
outs poziod to hie dreadful sufferings by seed
- lads tro.tbet undiscovered .country from
traveller Tetanal. when. .
- Eb . - . 7001 OF 174 1 PIM B.
The many, _4(trostn . ` dandle cured at t ibleinstitutioir
yetis after sear, t4 q . ."k in u e r v4A4a P °4"t
surgical operationt:,v---,-Med..,7 Dr. Johnson,
witnetiseilby-the of the Blan''clr,
and-many other -.papers,-;Rotictsi of
apPeared again and s on
. seore - the leibliA be
sides his - standing ai s
.gentlemM of character
aitdiefsioildibility, fa sufficient partial* to
dertz6 - /
0.1/104 li r a. - oousa Mai:luck a.
COt Ettegrap
Welcome to the Soldiers.
Cirrapondonce of the .Vekgraph.]
Mnaseseuno, June 4, 1863
Quite a recherche affair came off in our ancient
borough on Monday evening last It was
occasioned by the return of the gallant felloWs
of the 127th regiment, who had volunteered
from Millersburg. •
A banquet was prepared by the patriotic
ladies of the place, that would have done credit
to a town of larger growth. The entertainment
was given at the house of the hospitable
-Mrs. Sneeder, who did the honors of hostess
with a grace and cleverness not easily excelled;
Col. Moore presided at the festive board, and
in a few remarks welcomed the soldiers to the
elegant banquet prepared for them. After discusl•
sing the good things set before them, which
every One present appeared to . enjoy in the
highest degree, Major B. P. Anchor/AI was
called for, and gave us quite a thrilling/melo.
quent and patriotic speech. Lieut. Novinger
on behalf of the soldiets, replied in a few bri
words, thanking the ladles and citizens for th
generous manner in which they had been inL
tea/slued. Every one preeent appeared Sad&
and returned to their homes sober, and to 'mot
'excellent "spirits. We are about organizing a
Loyal League here.
Reforms In the Army of the Potomac:
Destruction of the Famous Rebel Ship Caba l
The soldiers of the Army , of the Potomae
will be gratified to learn that , a,reforin is to be
made in the matter of supplying newspaperi
and periodicals. The coat of any newspapers
and periodicals sold is not allowed 'to exa-sed
fivenoents per copy, ozone obeli the amount
now charged by the extortionists. Tte privi
lege of acting as newspaper imilorit is' to be con 4
fined to discharged or disabled soldiers and
given to the highest bidder. - .l;het amount of
the offer to be Paidtihte Praha' hands as a hoe,.
pital fund. .
- It is understood the. .privilege of ;supplying
provisions and other stores to officers' messes
at headquarters is also to be awarded to the
highest bidder on i illmilar terms.
Yesterday morning the enemy'a pickets were
considerably strengthened on the front of the
A rebel deserter is represented as stating that
since the prohibition to lith irt- the. river the
-my..are considerably curtailed of their , fraah
General Nye, Governor of Nevada, and Judge
Nott, of New York, arc visit ova at It idquarters
and the guests of the 934 New York volunteers',
Major Granville 0. Haller, of the 7th 11. 8.
Infantry, lest here to-day to enter upon the
duties as Provost Marshal -for the State of
It is understood in official circles, that: Admi.
tal burs:int will shortly be relieved by Admiral
.`order has -f.
already been forwarded, re
lieving. ACtitt4Afirnital Wilkes, and designating
Commodore rdnet as hie successor:
The following[report - was received at the Navy
Department to.idity:
U.S. ; Sun. Dasore, Chrtar or Mum, ;t
May 18th, 1868.
hap the hopor to Auform you, tbat
yesterday at noon we discovered the smoke of_ii
steamer, and stood for it. Sawn after we made
the steamer and pressed after it to the veryextent
of ourpowers. At fir. m. she stopped and two
boats pushed off from her, carrying her .ollicerti
and Drew. I immediately lowered and took
out of thesleguner's lioatit her principal officers
as a , securitgpr-the lives of my own turn, and
.then boarded the steamer.
48.809 n as Ole boats had got along.
her the'llames butstont, as I hati-,awlciPatmli
when I hoisted the recall. Afterwards having
had the sawn:Aire that there was no danger of
her blowing up, I went near enough to the
burning shlp to teat " our. hope .on board, but
all effbrts to suppress the' flatter; were unavail
By sunset - the famous rebel ship Cuba sank
beneath thematere of the gulf in latitude 28.47,
longitude 87.58.
It is estimated on reliable authority that the
cargo of the Cuba was worth in Havre ; nearly'
four hundred thoneand dollars, and if lantiLd
in Alabama would have been worth from
million to a million ansfa quarter. -
I have her officers and crew onboard, and
shall 'deliver them to the custody of the au
thoritiesi at Key West. .
I am, air, very ;respectfully, your obedient
advent,- WM. W: WALKER,
Captain 11. S. N.
Hon. GIDZON WILLIBi Secretary of the Navy
Inauguration of Gov. GUiOore t of now
Comoßo, N. H., dune 4.
Gov, Gilmore was inaugurated to-day. His
message is mainly confined to kicat subjects.
The troops fornbihed by" . 'the State for the
vrsr number 18,000, being an excess over the
(plots called for of nearly 7;000.
The Governor refers to the rebellion and says:
In such a Contest there' is no dbutimination
between support of the Government and sup
port of the National Administration. - is no
time now to speentate upon the causes of the
rebellion. The only facts we need are that it
exists, and thit it is our duty to pat it down , .
It was the remark made to me by a former
Governor of this State, the late venerable
Isaac Hill; in whibh I fully concur, that a man
*ho will not stand by his government is a
coward and & traitor.
Flour declined 6c-8,000 barrels sold—State
$5 20(355 86 `Ohio $ 2001.56 80;" Southern
$6 60(57 10. Wheat quint =4,000 bushels
Bold; Chicago spinet& .28011 44; 'M ilwankie
club $1 82(01 86; red Weerern $149(351 55.
Corn advanced Ic—lo,ooo bushels at 71030 c.
Beef quiet; pink 'inlet; lard steady at
Whisky steady at 44(4415ii
• , ifuturpross, June 4.
Flour Lquiet ; Oltio; fixtfik,46 4.2 e; ,RAptitrd
.street 36 2546, 5O Wpm ntes43C;.red 447
43 1 60- Corn act•ixe;dwidte -08 or I yellow,
u@B9c. Whisky dull.
Report of a Deserter from Pemberton's Army
Desperate State of Affairs in Vicksburg.
Pemberton Asks for Relief within Ten
Our direct' advihea from Vickebuig are to
Saturday, Ihe 80th of• May. F several dayi
previous, quiet prevailed along the• line, brokee
by oceastrinal cannonading. ,
The Cormsereraes dispatch trays:: Spades are
once. more trumps. We are erecting math woe kit
to protect, our mem, and mining to blow th+
face , out of one or two forts that are nearly
unapproachable othe. wise. The idea of carry:
mg the place by storm seems to be abandoned}
and the safex and surer plan of starving Glen.
Pemberton into submission now finds favoi
A deserter came into our lines this morning
He represents that he was sent , out by General
Peniberton to 'communicate verbally with Gent
erals Johnston and Loring. The former 124
supposed to be between Sig „Black River, and
Jackson and the latter. mear Pint Gibson. Hi
represents affairs iu the city as growing deepert
ate. About eighteen thousand effective meta
are there. • Two.thirds are kept in the fortifica ,
tions night and thy, and not allowed to Leave
an instant on any. pretext. A detail each eve*
lug cook the ratiots, consisting of three , quart
tens of a pound of meat and the same of corn
meal per day. The remaining one-third is held
as a reserve to strengthen any threatened point
at a momenee notice.
Gens. Pemberton, Lee, Reynolds, Stevenson
and others are in the city. Most of the sick
lift the city befote its invehtmeut. Those who
remain have excavated eaves, and live in thenl
night and day. The valuable merchandise ht
the city is also thus stored, from fear of °ends /
gratiou. The poor are generally in the
Over one hundred women and children have
been killed by our bombardment. The gnu
boats inflict no injury on the city. Gen. Pem
beaten believed his rationa would hold• out
tairty days, but urged Johnston to come to his
relief ,within ten days at the furthest. The
cavalry horses have been turned loose and
driven toward our line!, owing to the lack of
forage.. (nos has since been confirmed.
There wasararnanition enough to last sixty days
with the single excePtion 'of gun caps; the y
All confidently expected superhuman efforti
to be made by loose ontside to raise the seige
They- eocisictor tha.st,pontrestiolace
the confederacy. Gen.. Blair bad met no enem
la three; and the reportaoL Gen. J.
'near are disbelieved. At all events we are
prepared for him.
A cavalry redoimoituttirice, three day; agog
discovered asmall force and-had one mankilled
and four wounded.
Ge!l. nine reinforcements are repoited near
here, but like mony rumors, it may have little
.foundation in fact.
Subsistence f r uur army comes to Lake's
Lauding uu the Yazoo river, about ten miles
froir the Mississippi, by transports, and thence
by teams to the different army corps. .
This Morning the heaviest cannonading of
the siege was kept up without intermission for
neatly , three hours. New batteries have lately,
been put in position and one hundred and fifty
guns were playing otr the ay.
At daylight the firing - sires rapid beyond be,
lief, an t the reports along the whole linei
average'! One per second for minateetogtither.:
The roar of the heavy serge guns was awful, and
the earth was shaken by-the concussion. The
weather continues hot. The roads and camps
are'uncommonly duity. The wounded are
being removed to the hospital biota in latgel
numbers, and transporteh to Memphis. •
' All ,goes well, considering the Magnitude of
the operation&
eturn of. Col. Kilpatrick from the Peninsula.
Large Amount of Itebel Property
14100 itnimb - INtAk sirsik TO
The Chief of Virginia Bushwhackers
The cavalry raid ,of General Stomeman's
command, was concluded yesterday by Colonel
Kilpatrfck's brigade in one of the mbethrilllant
Bois of the war. He left Gloucester 'Point on
Siiturday last, and passing in a northeasterly'
direction through Gloucester cotintrcroassithe
Dragon river et Salute, and thence tlisoogh
Middlesex. county to Urbana on theAtappithan
nook ; crossing 'that river to Union Point. Col.
Kilpatrick proceeded through Westmoreland
and King George counties topear' the head
quarters of Gem Hooker without losing a single
man of his command. The rebels had divined
that this force was to attempt to rejoin the
command of Gen. , Stoireman, and therefcire
took special pains to "
capture it. The command
was coneprised'or about nine hundred men in
' all, the Second New York (Harris light cavalry)
and-the Tvrelfth'lndiana.cavalry. -
No difficulty whatever -was encountered in
Gloucester county, but upon reaching Dragon
river it was found the rebels had destroyed all
'the-bridges, and a superior force of cavalry
under General Stuart had assembled at a higher
point up the with the intention, ricidenbt,
of forcing the-command to cross the Itappi
hannoc.k at Leeds, a narrow place where the
enemy themselves ' have been in the habit of
fording without opposition whenever occasion
required; but Colonel Kirkpatrick wass - prepared
for just such . an emergency, and his pioneers
.vithont any unnecessary delay constructed a
bridge over whiCh the Dragon river was crossed
without difficulty. The bridge was then de
stroyed. - Here, - to "foil the enemy, - the com
mand-trio' "Vird fotward lu seireatioltunna' . The
p#neipal onsimAlie right, under Colonel Has
. broackllirirs, took a sontherk•dlrecilon and
went Pine Tree, 'PI the loyMr`pattafigiddle
sex county f
PeoPleof this i tth ' ento WAV" "OM
New Your., June 4
Days from May 30th.
were completely:taken by. surprise they di ,
not dream it postible that the much ha -
Yankees would dare visit that spot; in fact ,
was a place el at eluded that some of the WO
planters near Blai:rood had sent their neg
here for safety. /The house, Of Colonel J. , .
who commands app csaktrolsall tbe bushwhack
era in that section of 'the State, was approach
so suddenly that the redoubtable Colonel *
himself captured; aid last night slept cm oneo
the boats of- the Potomac flotilla, at Aqui
creek. tie will prO)ahly extend hit visit . to th
national capibil to-day. No opposition what
ever was met with in this ditebtion, and but f,
armed men were% seen, and' these were -bush,
whackers, armed principally with daub
barrelled shot gone.. ,Tkey fled precipit ately however, at sight Of the blue Cis*, ;Lod as tb •
country thereanouts covered' with a thin
growth,of pinee,.:they succeeded generally 4
making good their eaKape,„ a
Oa the ro id the carrier, of a rebel. mail w
overtaken. An inspection of the trial matte
was. focthwitit itunituted. The letters, for -th •
racst,Fart, were of a private nature, and - see
Pf%them were,4Vide.R Permilaa raid.
within, the loped, Ste Their rises wit
doubtless be attended Pity the prober authori
ties in due waste. Ode -tetterVhetwever, 'a
traded particular:attention.. was signed.
the veritable Chemeral Stuart, and vas ad,
to Colonel jones, who a few .hours before, h
been taken prisoner, 14:Creations° to an *O.- ,
of the• inhabitant& tto qir 'protected from Ili
very cavehrfarmthen irrtheir midsk.eGen
Stuart in, the, lettrai promised Ile,protec
called for, and 'stated lie would be there o
Sunday, the day the mall was captured.' IL
was not there, however--at.all events was no
seen in that Tich4t): by our ,troops. He
laid a trap, as stated - above, into which he ex
pected the 'talkie tolonel would - fall withou •
hesitation, but in this he was' fortunately !nisi
taken. This portion of the commend rani
Urbana Sunday evening,..baving , captured,
large number of hgrea-APII innlist,„ and bein
followed ,by n motley, grouts of contrabands ol
all ages and lxitheexes. Araßng the imlAntesl
by this portion of the corniniiiid, wax a coded
erste' agent; with $13,000 fa deergia
Miniouri money.
The left ;wing,of the. comma went in
north-easterly aiteetion, and-reached the
north of Urbana San_ day eveniog. Here th
picket of the enemy which was to
thei whole force , was encountered. A detach
went charged arid theta tltle IPM in it north
westerly direction across the, Dragon river, ,a -
Church's 'Mill—the only' bridge they had no
destroyed. They heiti fell tack upon their re
serves, strongly iittnatched. The perseihs
party having accomplished the object of t -
mission set tire to the hddge.,and slowly retired
They 'were not pursued. Honday morning th.
-whole command wit in front of Urbana read
to cross the river. •ilki protect this part of
movements 1 4egtengi t COMMAndilig. taw
of the Potomac was present Ai lei' •
-Amain creek on Satan* evening With IA
following darned vessels; and was - at the rA
- • • .tha, _very -in imuzilto xtien.i. ordered)
:raw*, ((M. bostal W/. 'NU*
4carrett,,(Atlit dr steauilboats' to tr •
part thirtroops , •
beets Yankee;. Fret:bare,. Ansi& eta, Ounitecif
Primrose, Elba and Satellite:
Copt Idoirek of,tlr o :4 l octr--fou.Sh *MY YPN. '
volunteers, With priii )kundred picked men ' w
alialeken down,, iiisVCript: J. C. PiTne,clar
signal( °Mier • stationtaket =Jgaii creek. --- • • -
gunboats were,immediately put in readiness i;
action. Capt. -lidoffek*Aß/man4 NrtaJutdcli*'
Urbana and were at Once 'deployed outside co
the town as ()apt:, Paine' read: ,
an eligible position just northef the tows—• -
direction from whick au attack was latticiPedieft
A. detachment of theiftyescond New Yor
volunteers (engineers) speedily .constructed'
bridge arresirthe nliattih-ef Titbana their an.
repaired a• - wharf• on,the opposite side= of >i •
Rappahannock, so , timt_the, : btapt cordd e recei
the troops on one , s i de arid land them ,on t
other without ditlicultiy: These ariengemen
perfected, tire croesibt was commenced Lat '
o'clock Monsiny morning,. but is was pot mita
Tuseday mowing that the whole,cf Col. Sil
patrick' s -Command was landed on the oppotd -
'shore, a distance Of *miles frOm the point 9.
embarkation. •
Colonel Kfipatricr - Mtnitediately moved for-,
ward and was met by.. - 6,) 'cavalry force Which'
had, been sent down, from headquertelmtol wel
come himsnd sand any . wwitatance that might
be necessary. 'Difficulty. :was anticipated _ at
of Leedr Ford, butihe ribilat ebel's do
th e nb
ttunte tless repented!
their threat nh tuid, e.ndi
therefore did not.attempt to interfereifurther. 1
Colonel Kilpairick has tints made. thwco
pieta circuit - of the most fonnidablia fumy, .
rebels' have in 'the field—destroying Millie"
of dollars Worth of property, in the shaptft44
railroads and material ;. captured hundreds !efi
horses and mules • brought away
: at least one
thousand'of the piediclog class of the . Sonth,,
and by his visit so demoralized three who 1114
main behind, Ih `
at ° d tlfa - Yawls will not
hereafter"be =Vilifier 136 1- lbit thit--property
mounted on two'legs irthe most desliableito bd
.had. More than this, he, has yisitedNisal:Ki
benighted regions of the confederacy, ..where
the "people believed that the Trinkets( were
anything but civilized beings: ".• "
Among• otheriaticleirmlittriMl was. the ffa
of the Twelfth Virginia yegiment. ,
While the wants of thesoldilMe were inwilled
on the road, the strictest orders wereegtven to
protectilie rights of those not in arias itgidast
.the Government.< Howe and mules and.what
ever the soldiers and.horsenregniredto eat were
1 taken, but in all other respects the citiz•ns have
no cause, to coMplidn. Indeed the citizens at
several points and especially in therkirgest
village, Urbana, expressed their gratification
at the conduct ; of the soldiers genetally,, -.‘ !
The country , was almost entirely desert - ell of
able bodied men, and riUli i theoldma.derweig
of the male MX: Wete to 44:setill, othese,,llB
well as the women, belleving . .the exaggerated
repo/MlA : their own soldiery. believed Ant the
Yankee troops never showed sti94. l leto3'ls o , ll eY
one in rebeldom,Zod therefiira were filled with
aPPfehelosion oPt9 l Cotffrooselvaqxxidel3•o
they said. to be metdereil-, One *O7. Om'
Mating of a widqW woman Awfthgee t ughtere,
all . highly cultivated, z 9005114, ,tbe*lbelven in
We 11,.0(wls. and Itbett.totmbyakoffieer,'M was
with. great - dgficsilty he could " induce 'them -to
return to their home, They fully expeool to
be murdered, lint afterwards exoutledelo. ilek
attiFlaction at the conduct of the llnionfiropie.
• A - nova. uarnstrr. -
On Idoneay night one Of our adv
` ltiicete
frOF Urbana saw in the dim iiiehince.a;"force
of 'owe kind apptpaOhlg. The 'picket made
the hgaiii:aludleeg e, totit there Ikea no responie,
end Jte f i re d.. Tha ehiect fired at 4 540 1 ffi3OIXIS t o •== • =
vsnea, the picket ell 146 k upon*az FOR 13
On . came the pmkatiopa TfilltTY horee.power
w pm bewg Eadel W:ths,repefriilfief4 vgre Mc: no,/ Price low. Addrealf 7 -
contest, when (aka laan,Adth strpagir ho •
than the rest, saw that' the 00" Nice spl7-2an°
Ina colupov4 of Degrees. Sure enough, it
proved that thirty or forty Degrees were coming
up in one-gang. Wheo-asked why they did not
halt after being fired npon,.the leader said they
thought the safest way was to /nab in and give
.thSlikiiiitiveeine;..they believed this to be the way
ioldiers surrendered in battle. - -
The immediate baneilL of this raid, aside
from the gocil eff ct upon our own men, is the
, capture of 200 horses and mule', forty wagons
loaded witheprovisions, 1,000 contrabands, and
the demoralization of the bla.ke in three or
four countire:—two of which have never been
penetrated before by our troops—and undtceiv
ing the inhabitants as to the real character of
the. Union raiding.
To all appear t ancesthelesidents of the noun-
Vet paired dirough sire better supplied with the
rierieearies of life; than in any other portion of
the *State yet visited ; =economy in tho con
muriptkni of food, however, is everywhere ex
ger ,to enabler each , land proprietor to supply
the my agents with - large quantities of rot d.
!--Tti mid, by a special order from Jeff
Davis, She: negro.% ration hats- been reduced
gm third, eg that a. field hand barely receives
enough to ssiLain , him. Regular rations, in
fact, an no lOtiger furnished theisiaveti. TWice
- ra days striall'plecir of corn bread and meat is
dealt out to thaw, and at night a piece of corn
. 'That a
. force not exceeding nine hundred men
could have - paseed item Glou ester Point, acroqr
"two rivers-not fordable, in.the presence, in tact,
of much superior force, without having a man
killed, is one of the remarkable events of this
war. But luck is fact.
Glovernrikent Pinanees.
Tat um= Jane 4
Jay Cooke, General Satitcription Agent, re
ports the sale ozone million three hundred and
sixty s Yea thousand and three hundred dollars
in fr 20a to day at the various agetcies in New
'York, Philadelphia, Boston, Blitimore and the
west.. These bonds furnish the beat basis for
banking of any Government loan now before the
people, and large am ,ante will be absorbed for
that purpose during the p►esent month.
tm 2ttivertirtments
New Goods.... Just Opened !
eml:whicevery new and invvored style of
priest to nit all cdrounstanees.
Coodsting of &Ifni, atiKetmeat of Westenholm's
Superior Pocket-Knives.
N4,4sesoelAsbnited numufoctory.iikety
. Pos, sold with ajwirantee.
- CA M 3,
- FAME:REM, &c. j
together with every article agony fatted in a
ilret dies Book and Ilkationmy establishment,
- at • BEtiGNER'S
znya - 61 Market Street.
jcipiD 'BENNE f *lds with milk the most
hisclous of ail deserts for the table ; the
!fighteily mid moot grateful diet for invalids and
,children. Milk contains every element of tee
bodily, constitution ; when coagulated with
rennet it Is ilwaYe light amiettsy of digestion,
and supports the system with - the least possible
.610itement. When still greater nutritive power
* &wired, cream allit. sugar may be added.
A teaspoonful converts a quart of milk into a
firm card. Prepared and sold, wholesale and
retail,' by S. A. KUNKEL,
118 Market. street.
four lungs weak 1 Does a long breath
va you Dahl? Have you a hacking
cough /. • Dupe' empectoratti hard; tough mat
. A k u I yU u wasted with night sweats and
want of st iv I If so,.kre is your ready. It will
unquestionably save you. Price $1 00.
The above medicine hasbeen used extensively
in this city with good results. For sale at
This celebrated Salad Oil, with sevecal
other ckoice brands, in large and small bottles,
putt received and for sale by
t•r spit WM. DOCK, Js., & CO.
A. Moved, ,
,by enemas Livia,
A UTROR of "Charles O'Malley," &c., one
paper,lorlce oente. ' For sale at
Of any'nie nut In , the standard styles will be
made to loader. -
Cheap 'Boolpitere..
RYBRAVED FBIT/113, hormetkolly sealed,
bums and jab., of. al deiziptions, and of
most delkdope chaActoriifor:Wo by
IG7/1100E4 sud nat.
ranted not only to Tashi the polish of tut
to priiiierve this Leather itB6lf. rcir sal by
- WM. WOK; la., St-00.
COFFEES Al4lll . SUGABS Of an grade., PLO
at reasonable prices for sale by
jl4 &
TIOAL-01L-LANTIIHIWttIitt ' - do not need
any enhnneY and no wind will pat the
light out. Cell and.ezataine, at
18 Cor. Firont and Market Ste.
I . UP.llEatitllll) liOLOfINA, a Iraq choice
.10t, jug itadvect odd for sale bi
•"mrilla WI& DOCIE,IiLA CO.
L 3