Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, June 03, 1863, Image 1
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WPMELP Tatiortarn. ~..--.. u TELEGRAPH is also published weekly and +sued to -subscribers at the following cash I . , le copies, weekly , LVERTI $1 00 ~ - rLopics, to one postoffice 9.00 • utv 17.00 . . 3 _ HNO Ling.—The following are the 4410_§ . for advertising in the Trusnant: Those luilltug advertising to do will And it convenient *reference. Four lines or less coristliute one-half -',..1,, , t , are- Eight lines or more than four consti ...... . a woare. ' , l''Es3Bol-44$=. „Isocs g roistaso 7aßgakgagnlV - 419 F 4 ' Eg8g88511388e8& s• vr vb ✓ • G A O EQi v`• cp. c• . eo ta we.colicf • e e.akig • - 4 . iv .11.C.,11•Zbtl--• • I a . ;' 1 tf , II;SriASSg s Sg •- ••.• • N , v. 0 0 OHO0I at C. 0 0 Cr• z - 1 , .:1.71- , .• y O U•ri P, .tJ 4.12, CP CA vr aQa. .mss. 0, tr..% S G•t,'~Pa TL • 1411 , itt•Mtoo.o•94R C,,,,,00.00.0•••00 ka*lr rat'ort NeUces,l limo A weak; Oil tii go N.!leek Mllitor'.; N. LiceL . .... liptaerat es each insertion.... (W . Buqiness notices inserted . ei t.ertutia Marriages artdr Deatl . Alms Luis for each insertion. ~AtAts au advertising medium the Tazzananniste equal, its large circulation, among business. """---' • and famittei, is city and country, placing -inett ~F 405 1, -qd c. , m petition. ,0111 z ~~ts[EllantaUL 110 CORNER (1/r ET ST MID =RIO T NuAREt HARRISBURG, PL. F. McCLISLAN, PROEM:I47°R' LT OONDUCTIIIi BIOULLS 00VITECLY.) First class Hotel, and loim tedln the ct of the city. It is kept"_in the best nd its patrons will find every acc9m to be met with in the beit hanieriln se3o:4,tf ZED STATES Hoar ed and Renovated; W. TEN EYCK, Paosaurroz. )opnlar and commodious Rot& `his newly refitted and farn;shedAhrough i ' = ila9 and chambers' and is now ready; of guests for the winter taveling public will find the United ?.1 the moat convenient in all paiticw ty Hetet in the State Capital, on; alai. its aicesa to the ntilroed, being itrne 'mean the two ireat depots in this , Ded..29, 1862.-6 m ,4 KING MIC ROSC9P.E," DOUBLE LENS. qm.)F. HOEISFOED, of Harvard Univetilty, oi..ye, it works very well, and pall have up very neatly." Magnifies 25 diagteters.. ice in Po-tat (..,•urrency. The "BOWEN tOSCOPE," 28 coats. The "8.. WOOD ,/ Ii110110SCOPE; 38 cents. .Or orat'Afich three kinds for $l. All freaot postage. Address T. EDWIN,KINGI, 1.-daw6an Box 330, Bostorw Ham. IN G, WEDDING, IMITATION, orro:.' AT HOMp-qAmps, a special arrangement ‘Nyjik../4, 11 tl iest engravers in the country, cards of any Aion will be executed - einiblkilichest style conformable with tlielithion, and ted prom ptly,at lower prkes than are c berg stationera In New York or Philadel .aainplettandarices (*Vat --Bzwasiza'S,BbOKS SHADES . of linen, gift-licir O ied — ; PER "BLINDS of .an Tait and ornaments ; also, CIIBT4IN ad TASSELS at very low prises. SOIdEFFEW 1309.1146,1tE4 I ,' 4 7ALLy SEALED. TOMATOES, SALMON, 1 1 3, SPICED OYSTERS BSTEIIP SARDINES , wni. Dk ll:4, Jr ' & CO. D HYMY BOOKS! :nd Splendid stock gcOlcet and Methodist, LiitheMp, :. other Hymn Botikaltiß * IeceiV NEWH•CIib.AP WOKSIORE" a further reduction in Coal Oil, 4 . de of non-explosive Coal 3. w, NI b r y CHOIE 4t.130W1LA14%,:' , . Cos. Front i ejnd ktiVkat Its 'a ALKIMS--t'Ou;t?li bo a.-for &Idea; 80 11171 5 2 0 13007thErOEFfl DR;.. - JOHNSON gg=,,Tl~O#i.F~ LOCK HOSPITAL, the m ost certain, speedy and reffe discover ed aicv rnadi eein the world for DISEAStg OF IMPRUDENCE. 8 TO T1141; 1 171 . BOUM • '• NO , BIEB,CrUItY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A are - 11knIcakil; Or No Charge; in from One to Weakness of the Back Affections of the kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary die charges; Tinpetency, 'general Debility, Nei...! ioneness, Dyspepeia; languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, .-_ , Palpitation of the 11€10, Tremblinge, Ditumws_of Sight or giddiness, ,Disease of, the Ifeeo, Throat., 1l se or skm. „AffeClionsar the Liver, liangs, Strmach :iowele—thtse terrible disorders ,from, : arising the Solitary Habits otTouth— thdre seiret,and preCilCat more fatal to their victims than the song of ; SyMns to, the Mariners of Layettes, blighting their, mbet„bril; liant hopes oranticipatione, rendering marrlige, &P., impossible, YOUNG MEN Napecially,.:who have. become the victims of tielitary Vice, that• drerulful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely , irave thousands of Young Men of the, most exalted talents and brilliants intellebt, • who might. Oherwise .have.?. entranced liatening Ben, eitee withothe, thunders. of ;eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call. witlit-full confidence. 4. 1 5. Bil Xr 2 L.s , Et kiarried_Remene, 0r Voung.Men contemplat ing marriage,,being- . physical. weak seas; organic debility,deformities, &c., speedily ihe , who phices himself under the care,of Dr. may,•religiotud,ilconfideb in his hcmorasn gen ? tlemani and oonfidentli rely' ripo.ri his skill as a niysiclem J.l4r -38 Xf2 2,. .ORGANIC. WEAN.NIO3 immediately Cured, and , full vigor restored. This ;distressing affection—which.krenders life miserable'and marriagelmposelble,-is the pen alty paid by:the victims:of improper indulgence. Young. persons are too apt to commit exceeds Nom got ,being aware iof the dreadful .amse= quences that may ensue. Now, who that un derstands the subject will. pretend to deny that the power of procreation lest sooner by:those filling. into improper , habits than by the pru lent Besides; be ing. deprive& the; pleasures of rey offqprlng,.the most serious and destruc, ett symptom - to - brth - : body and mind aripe. system becomes deranged, the physical and Mental functiqns weakened, loss of ,procreatlye tfystieptiK tieir 'thb ham- indiges tion, °midi 041 debility. a wasting of the failtni, - Oingic, colt= Gumption, decay and!death.- Ornon, Nei . 7 - Boum 4alitnuar. Braaner, ; B'e EM3:I i6O he Local . : Bum Left band side going , from Baltimore street, fevi doors from the corner. Fail not to observe Dame and number. -Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The e* Doctor's Diplom haw in bis ; officS. . DR. JOHNSON, Member of . the Royal College of Surgeons, Lou den, graduate from one of the most swindat colleges in the 'United States, and the . greater 14146 it of 44 0001353 hitif'liim. Vent in,the..hoePix tal.. , ‘ Of Londtin, Paris;. Philadelphia , and else., ~,1 „ ,,,: ; -._itua effecti4ciciP?#9f t4t*oatiat( 4 ll2 l 4 l lig turs-ii -Vge . ' . eVeT gnown ; mAßY;frouk4ed with , Thigh pi - the headand ears When`aeieep, great nervca: 'mem, ; 12 P 11 ,.. 1 k, .:tilatuieff at i m_dden sounds, b o aids:Prei4,W!ut. . - lieiltient blushing, attended sometim.."4w4h'aersuSernent of mind were curediminediaMY. _ TARE PARTICT. faAN NOTICE. Thesesre some of the ••Oicf .an d melancholy effects produced by. earlyihah.lts, of, youth, vie : wialtheis of the back.: and-ilint -pains. in the heed,• dimneds of sight,ilosslof niukkittlar power, palpitation- of tbe heart, dyspepsiapuervous irritability,;sYmptotes of .corisainptionvess. .. :,.. -11,""m_The. Ic . i fearfft; ifects , ionthe.mind are mach to balky:slim:P-1088SC memory, con- fa; of iideits, , doPieselon , of , spirits.svittforo , bodiriga,. aversion to eociety, self..distrnst, love ttrselitude,tinddity,,,iko., are bome.of the•eV& puodnced.n . '. . ,-•- ! • ,a • - _ YOUNG MEN , Who have injured themselves by a certain Osaka, hid ulgeff. in when- - alone, a , habit -fre quently learned from..evil:confpniiins;. , or at schOol,rthe effects ~of which sre-wightly, felt; even . when asleep, and if not--cured ' , renders Marriage imposible,. and. destroys , both, mind arid , tiody, n should apply immediately: •., :- -. What , a pity that a young manpthe.hopascdi his country; -the dariiiig of histparenis,• shoold be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life,' by the consequence .of deidating froar‘ the patk..of mature and , indlilging tin a:certain secret 'habit. Such Options suer; before contem- Outing ..• .. . . . ,e: •7 : ' , ... r r,, r • r L • thEARRIAOBO.- ._, n .; -.: 1. I Reflect that a sound mind And body: are the host nemesdary requisites to promote connubial painter!. Indeed, without these, the journey rough life bet:oriels weary Oilgrintege 4: the piospectrhourly darkens to:theirleir ; 'the !hind , , becomes, abadowedlwith dtspairiand filled with the melancholy refiectiori , that the happiness of another .betomedi blighted lartth bur. own. • • • • TiTSPIASTI OF IMPBUDFIHOE. ' When the :misguided 'an& blipsrad& votary of..pleasure finds hec. hes imbibe& of this painful disease;;it too often happens that andlitimedeense of shame'or the dread 'or dia- Anrery.deterr hint-from applying to thoie Who; from, education and )respectability,'can alone ;befriend him:' .Hefalls into the hands of *no rentand designing Pretendersrwhoi 13:Kopeisk, of mail& filch, his pecuniary substance,- keep him triflinl:mouth*fternionth,,or as long as the smallestiee can lief obtained, and in despair leavelim with ruined healthttoz• , sigh over his galling.: disappointment, in., by the use of the deadly - ,poison, Herold* ,i hasten the constitih donaleymptoma of thief terrible disease; awhile liTectLinuf‘Of the Head, Throat, Niwe,:likinietcl l4 progressing with frightful rapidity till death was a periticida-his dreadbasufferings 101:acerit= ing: him) to that undiecoyered country frchn wham:mm(l,6**,llo taarall. , 12.1iX41S OF TTlVpltkli ' The many, o „ this inssitµ ion{ year .after kii74#4itous 1 4 0 0* Bute * operationiilK#ooo Dr,:Johnepri; witriWuied by the reparterriet thefilt, (1, 9** 11w.; and other ave . 4 41111,i41id . 11 3 1 4 1 &‘:1401 1144 g . V 064'61 ' 2411 4 %1 V 1 ":0%-... , - i l uA'huif3o4,lo 4 . t~ e i ltda) n dknarV 80 8/410Eit . Stetfigi:l MARRIAGE Nem 2hatioemtnts. The Great "American Remeiiei," KNOWN 45 "ILELMBOLD'S;' 3EN U.lllll. PREPte.t4TIOSS, VIZ SEMIBOLD EXIRaCE BUCHU," " SARS&PAPILLA, " IMPROVEED ROBE WASH: RELAIBOLD' S GENUINA' FRA'PARATIOSS`. "HIWILY CONOENTRAJED", COMPOUNH FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSITIVE AND- SPECItIO ENMEDY For DiFeesed of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DhOPzICAL SWELLINGS. This Medieine inCreases.thi poweriof I/4de tien, sod Wurcitee:the ABSORBENTS irito 13eal• Oily action; by -Which the WATERY or CAL CEROUS depoirittlne, and all UNNATURAL( ENLABGEMEN' IS are reduced; as well ae . pain' andlnflunniatitin, and' le 'gocid for MEN, MEN or CHILDREN. SEMBOLD' S BUCHU FOR WEAHNE.3BES 'Arising from . Exceistes; Habits of Dissipation, ! Fatly ladisointidn or. Abuse. amrstanny AIME tilt IOU; man STYPTOIIB Indisposition to EXa-Dryttess of the Skitt,,f Lion; : _ Loss of Fetter; - • Loss of f MeMory, ,Diillcultrotakeathing; Weak Nerves, • • Trembling"; ' '• ! Horoseqf Disease, f Wtikefulneita Dimness of Vision, • Fain in the Back, Universal ':Tasiiituda ofFinshing of 'the Itody, ' the Muscular Sylittem,Ernptions fon (the- Facey . got Hands; Pallid Countenance. iThese Syroptoms,..ifallowed to go•on, Whig this medicine itiVariablVreraoves, soon folloW IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTICFITS, In one of which the patient may expire. -Who 'can say that they are TO frmuently followed by those "direful dissasel. i ' INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. ;Many are aware of the Cause of their stiffer ingi,litt none willtonfess. The'reetirds of the` Insane Asylums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion, - , THE CONSTiTUTION. ONCE. AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAICIVESB, , Acquires the aid of meditine,to,Strengthen and invigorate the system, which Helmbold's !Et `tract Bachrt invariably does. A. trial will con 'vince the most skentical. I FE MA.LES —FEMALES--FEMALES, OLD'OR•YOUNG,' SINGLE. MARRIED, OR MNTEMPDATING , I.ln:fniany , affections peculiar to tOOlititti the' Eiatrateoßucliuf is unequalled" by any other remedy, Ohlorosis or Betentiore-titigic larity, Painfulness, or suppression of the cus tomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or fictirrOtni finite of the Uterus."Leuctirthea ,hitos, Sterility, and for all complaintiincident ;to the sea; whether arising fromlndiscretion, Habitir of Dissipation r ar hi the' •'' DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE.' NO FAMILY SHOULD BE' WAYKOUT IT. Take no Baisam,lliercuty,or Unpleasant Medi cine for. Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseasn. .HEft.BOLLYS„EXTIACT . . . . Cures Secret Diseases in all their stages; at lit. tie expense ; little or no change in diet ; no in. convenience ,and no expoeure. It causes fee -q ii ent desire, .:and. gives strength to Urinate, i t ershyiremoving obstrnetions, preventing and c_ rig Strictures of. thetUrethra, allayit g pain ailli o n ws fiaramation, so frequent in .this otatia..of ,d ,and apelthigToisonous, Diseased, and (knout Matter.. `Thousands;upon, thousands %who:have been the victims of quacks, and who hive paid heavy-tfees to be 'cured in a short ,time, have: feund.they were deceived, and that the "Poison" has by. she use of "priwerful Astringents,". been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. , . t - Use LIELJABOID'S .EXTBACT BUCHU for, all Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in Male or. Female, - from , twhaiefiefthislifftfiginathigand no' matter of hOw longstanding. Diseases of tom) Organa l require" th .iiid - ',of a Mulatto. Oguirgoto's nIikaarBUCLUI AO the Great Diultetie, and itlid certain to n t ivp'irce deeded t fleet in' "all. iDistWaes for *hi& it' is recommended. 'Blood-Blood Blood 1141mbatrelliglili OOneentrated - Computed 'BieUID iICTICnOr Iltarsige4RlLLL nteiiirp. Tnie.it; an arroc tibn of the Biegad, and 'atqcks the Sexual - Dr : gine. Ordogs of the rime, Blau,, Throat, Wiud 7 jipa, and other Maoris Surfaces, making its aii:. flattener) iu 'the form, of Ulcers.. HetrabOld'a Extract `Sarsaparilla, purifies the - Blood,- and removes all Scaly gluptions of the Skin, giving Ito the Cemplexion a Olean and Healthy Odor. •It being . prepared expressly for thie l clam of tce9plabi)s,,lts .Blood-Prilltylog Properties, sr? r.q.9r#4:tii a greater e*.tOtt'9?in any otter PrePaffik ti f t Wip ha p ariliii:' , 4 BOLD 'S ROSE WASE. 1A11774681 lint ..T,Otiori for dises.: , es of a Syphi liticganie, and as an injection In diseases of :tine' , finery Organs, arising, from habits of (dissipation, used in .ccinnectiOr( With tie Sr. tracts nchu andetareitparilla, ; in kach ( diseases . as recctiamendeff. Biddende of the Most te sPOtiible_atuf reliable character, will accompany the , inedicines. CERTIFICATES or - 01344F13 1 * n o*, eight" to 'twenty. years standing, with names known "to • Scieuee .aind )?'ame. For Medical Properties of Buohn,,see: Dispel:ll4y of the United States. See-Professor DE WEE'S valuable works on the`Practice of Physib., See" remarks made by the lata.celebrated Dr. PHY— SICS, Philadelphia. 49. Feiner-he nNadelyilar -zermANt AUDOWEB.44dileffiteicl - Plty deg and member of the Royal College of-Surgeons, Ireland;' and published in the Trammetlons - Of the Kingit'll.o ,Queen's4ournal„ . See .4,4000- ertgrgict4 Review, publiiihed ky HEAL TEL VERB, Fellow of the RoyalCbllege of ffttrgeons, See moat Of the late standard works on Medi cine. EitiKkepf, Briehn $1 00 per bottle,. or six for ::$500;: Sktract of Sarsaparilla t $l . OO per baths, or six for . tri bb: — lmidoveeßbse 'Wash, 60 cents per bottle, or six fur..s2 60, or halt a.dosen,taach f0r',612 00, whichwabe end -1 ticient rto. cure the Meet obstinate cases; ifidireo tions arp - Adnered-to.Pelivered thaw_ sddrePsti , "securely packed. from obeervation...J.Describe symptnms in all communications •' Cures guar- L anteed: • Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT.. 'Personally appeared before me an Alderman 'Of thtfreityi of Philadelphia; 11.1. *litybeing dulTsworn, dothlslyi his' prepare tionikontain no narcotic, no mercury; ef other b4ilietuiiirt4sirind are purely' yegitable: H. T. Hi.LMBOLD. Sworn , end enbscribed.betore,nie this 28d day ofHay*beoB 64 . Alderino; 11s4;e i lPhilti: bongslice kiliOLD:thcMiat: DepOt 14'84E4 19 t, w e * riosyclit t phuadeaphis. "" - [ aridly Ntu) 2bvertirtnitittB New, ..Goods....just Opened ! AT l#' t BERGNER'S BOOK Akin STEMONBiIIt embracing : every neiv - and lin*,vedfityle of POCILET' i - Di#Gß) CTIBBENOit CALF' S i POOtil l tittOKS, BlTelF:Sitl.t PURSES, • , 'VPATtsqltotlP; 840 .• at prices to unit all oireurnetanwa,.. rtOURET Oneistini of a.fineaseorhneni.oLkwitenholoVe Superior Bucket Saves. 5. 'GOLD PENS, - From liewton'acelebraterimenufackary. Amoy ; Pew said wik a frariwntee. • • ' PORT FOLIOS, ` Wilinkm - .CASES, B.OSEWCK)D DESICB, • - • • piprrEffirks Tkether with every &diet, usually Found ht a 'flttatolasp Booh and Stationery, estatoliu un nt, " , BE4GMCIBB _ " '6l fdarldit• LIQUID RENNET: LIQ IENNE C yields witlt milk the most uacions of all deserts 'for" the 'table ; .the lightest and most grateful diet for inindida Ittilk`cortfatin every element of #io , bddily 'constitution ; when coagulated with - rennet it is always light and eaay l of • digestion,. and sapportd the systian with the least poseibla excitement .- Wilen stillgreat& nutritive power desired, cream and, sag_ttr. may be added. A4naspoonfril convoibfa Vart of milk into a 841 t curd. '''Praparedj-inldWO, wh.ICEJNSEL, olesale and bY 4 A,. ' ! Layer 8 Market Arent., , it,,. NI di i .IN - TOOl'l3 PECTORAL SYRUP— . t . ~... • '"t' kb: ebur lune weak r , Do es a long breath s i ve you nein?. Save you a hacking ugh I Do you expectoratelard, tough mat -41,,,,,ite you • wastad„witi ( night 4 sweata and want 'di esei - ) I it ga; heis ktrosiftenikly.' It la MiquestionalAy save you. == Price $.l. . -Th..V..tbßifluPtdiciitONlimittigeteXtellikve l 7 - this city with goodjesulto„ ; libelist° at BICHGNERIMOK STORM • 113 AfR LLN G !IO N • A Novel,. L 1117 BIL, &0., one vol., paper, priblsoiiideict' - 3 -For sale at BERGNIMS CHEAP BOOKbTORE. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, of any size- tr..A. in the 'istaniiircietTifi3 ca 11 lib to oriier. • ' - • ISEMje7 S /TW I3 Cl}eali*Oketbit4 - ThkE.Ez,LAvED FRUITS, hertnedcallitsoalad, in cans and jaw ' of all descriptions, and o deliclon4 ellaracteri for sale by :ft; Wtd.DOOK, Ja., &CO. FBEN.g)4 aqd BL&CICLNA war,: • reiii4get only to retaht the poPtitt of. Im. fR preserve the liather:itseifi Fox eatp by !ffi _ & CO. . . CIOFFEES AND SUGARS of all grades aut 11/ at reasonable prices for 11 . Wht. DOCK:" '& _ COAL OIL LANTERNS; that. do not: need. any.ouhtmey;-and no wind, will -put the light ont. mid examine, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 18 Our. front anii.,Mataet 811 , .D ,B 4 F AND BOLOGNA, very ctolcc 7 lot, jI2O atid for„ le by ui rr3o' DOCK, Ja., Br, CO. I I •• THIRTY.homp power itaanceniine;' nearly new.. Price .l Addraii A. •- .Alv. i MILLER, . . Neurvilli, Cuniberlatid. , ounty: sl7 2cias R RR —Tuiey all Flour --• Mande', , ti:Buckete, Sug.;ar ted paw, &q. [slrgeCeaiir s „ Bllike 4 F*4thulnock.„:Jß...& CO. TIT AMS.L—A. larke -Invoice-AM nanciusect J 3 L *lneanvame4V luime„ 'every , ohOice brand hi market. Each ham. warrantedintgood , order. ,Fm. sale yell low by ' • ' - ... NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front end:Market Ste. ap27 B ROWN STO1TI! y : 'II,' : - SCOTCH ALE, b l , the beet brands, always on hand and forty. e, [apl4] WK. DOCK Ja., & CO CHOICK LOT 0 F,TOBACCO—inclading Con- J gress, "Caviaidieh; Navy, Spun 'Boil, sis, very ioit, jnst • received by; i .. i ,__ . __ • NIPHOLB A...BOWMAN, 1 - ts iinv2o, ~. Cor, Front, and ar epi ee . , maul GREEN WEN. Coru f juat received by „ 4%01 . • —W.:DOCK, JR-, &CO 100 BSEIP23 Men= and Peach Mb*. "Potatoes for !kale very low, by ' MICHOLS & MONVId Coineelh4tlool4k4 Whnilow's Fresh Green MI . _ ROION Greoroa.nd Black Teas, Imperial :W.-Young Byeen;licalchoityi Oolong, &c. &c.' : . cir sale by - ---111OBOLS-Br, , BOWMAN, , Oarfiter Fro* andjAisuiEnt Ste. ACKAIFIEL—A large_ lot of Mackerel In M barrels, }napes and quarters, for *able, , MICHOLS , Sr :znyB Cor. Front and Market sts. IMRE AND ; 0 01TADULTERATED BMW .from theinkoiiixdebrsted 4 mMett - thecoun t ,just midi/M.4od lot- ode by" 1 -• :wbur•cat, & do. CARI~IIA (DES. TWEE itecei vdtij the largedt)amortment zu tise ".1 city.itby _ GEO. %V. :PARSONS'? • ; • ; 110 litlattet woo:, cr;'CREAM - SLDFON -°-4bilade l l44.'W Crqain §aucer or'POite, l'oSeived, fRR ' ' NICHOLS' a to, iertot, atist Market std.'W - I --- E r- at thin, As ton ana pi a large".or sputa clanguegv.DY • - • -MOM t ar WW, 4 offeriArtesit att 1 ket streets' gije (Ttlegrapil. VICK,BBURG. Tho Gunboat Cincinnati "sunk byllebels. .Prisoners Parbled oriAoboniit of the Scarcity of '*giod.'' Cutorkoo ILL., May 2. A special 4lispatchfroulticznpial#,Altyd the Ist. inst. asyli, the steamer Lonftery arrived : on Saturday night With news td the 28th. - ' 'This -gunboat OincinnatP was kuuk by the reecl batteries ateT i telsseergon the 25th, with a reported loss of 20 killed aud,wounded„ 84eral' of our a men were captured by the repels and paroled.on account of the scarcity,of THE WAJIIIN XIZ-0, THE BALL OF PUEBLA DOUBTED. I= &French transport from .Verazerus-on the lOtit •fdt.,. arrived hsre, thishkepron. Hop - captain doubts the repoit of the capture of Pie :bla is the dates froin:that vicinity*, thelfith, which:viere received atlVera:Ornst before he left, represented,,the Mexicana j awthert;holding hell pfPuebla, and so strongly,fortified that it wonidlake a long time to capture theiu. - FROM FORTRESS 'MONROE. BEBRI MOUNT OF RAUB' MOTEMBEIS. The Rebels hare nothing from Vicksburg, and arc Doubtful' of thr P rtni, ~~~ Fo3mmea- Morison:, The - Steamer Emilio from Newbo • a 0 81bt, arrived here thi s morning. hbie ',sports all quiet in that Department. The stestuerillonitor, from Washington,, and the steamer Charles Oigoad, from 'Washigton boon 1 to New York, arrived ]leis to-day. ' The gunboat Alert, whilst lying at the . Nor folk Navy Yard„ caught fire about 7 o'clock last evening . The taniee soon reached her Magasstne and exploded a shell, which went through-her bottom, and she Brink immediately. No one was Injured. • • ,The fiaguf truce steamer Stite.o.f. Maine--ar rived this morning, by Which channel we have Ricbmcirid papeis'of Saturday . . - '' ' I flekositans frothing front 1110 Dispatch of the fieth.has the folkwring: nassaaramints 'A -WANGLING ON iOWDIUMSOIII--:=Tai OMR OF viimugcruck. "The :telegraphic -news of _yesterday a- pounced 'that General - Banka had.crossed his army at Bayou &its; "'This riaint is about ten miles above:Port-Iludsocr. objecit is to get behicul ittiakpostmcd. 'carry:U.llnd a land attack. 2iiiramereent u de.tgned.te fosiskthe week 4arte l i by 'aotirill Orant, and dear the Mississippi fesiditys wild tell the story. *Toe next - deceit iircibely be an-aesault.lon Port Hudson:* -• 'The Dapatch, in tefgence... to Vickaburgi‘edi,. tonally 'marks : • „ "The fate of - "P'clitibilit is sttU susPerided in The balance.. Olin itimn despatehgs have it - een i encouraging, bia they lack thidlatteheat esientiot in- seek , caw, to briv..esitike Joliet to thelasbist "The Yankee balletic's in the interita,'are : uepkasar.tty detallid , The s_uspense cantiotilol be earitikite l l; • 'ikt , e- rigida& baii teen, from all accuunts, determiaell, aud let air oca.,tlaue to hope and believe that it willMrs . *. ciceful." - BIACILADE uusaira CAPTVIRID. The spatch his ale!, the following Frotp, Charleston Cburier-OrthitiVith lilt.' • ' ' • _Wednesday- daststtits sieanter- , Eosle iefti giussan . it.r a Coofiderate _port. Duibur the night She was finkl'into and captured by it Yan kee cruiser. ThUsemaiii shot hilftd three or tbit crew , of the: E els. The officers or the Ittgle rook the liatikeegunboatlor tceßritiettetestner flora and under that iinpreissiop a.liowed .the cruiser to get near her. This reEki s irt reactird tier: on Woodsy by the steamer Britannia, frOns. liassati." - - ' the.Dispateh also Bays that "three Yankee , genboata ve.ted illarfreeatioro', N. C , oniSan , nay, and stole 29,900.R000d,4 of, bacoo, tuyi dI the apple briridy they could find , ln the place. Thep rocisiPted for ttie brstufi," bat cledllited to *espy vceicher forlhe twain." • - • D erstrarivs YEAS sr intaitirerow jA Are at Willuingtok rth , Carelinai on the 2lth ultimo, destroyed, a largetitarehatisofilled wlthspyits turpeptine srld .1,51:X/bAlesofe Iten. The latter &longed to the Government. The loss is tadlired tri be ; €4isq ,. ." ' ' ANOTHEICF.F.Drata. RA D 1 DIM OF BERFO.ILTALORRNCE, .), • DestructLod ,of Younderies •and 'i' _ •i s..~_ CutdonuariTune 2. , iAccounts have been . 'feciived that Colonel :001mm defeated theiliengindiloddyat Irlorint4 Alabama, on the 27t4, captwin,one; hundred, men, eight otrtiera suer four hundred ,mrdee; also, three trundred negroes—and was muddig" . northwatd.' IColonel Court destroyed rebel founderke r lis and everythimparftdto tbe,enaepyr isloyal,Papeis iCzeinded. tiOai 4ozieral ~ t hinlisides/ T hipartztteitt; •tsiareurest, Jail° General fardersiVo,:eittront thaperal Buroslde prohibit! the circulation_ o f New YAkirca:4l `in thie ilepartiiiexit; 44 suppreises the Ofii; 2Fttfes, Brigadier fitineralVonnop; inhiois;.l4 cheigell*lth - the rixesotiitowliftlie kOsis vArt. order,.:'• Gffineral Amkslde leaves for Ifjoitu?!a'Bolge • - i4e3r Qrrtgasl SP°. 4 7.0 6141 : 10 ' io3l4,lnne j g. 1116 stisiener 'bierat 53t0,00 to fronaVestOthissis gait iletelerahentotif .eoialoralbyitiapLißeed's=sitleaoWi air Chief, Sweepstakes. ME We are in receipt this morning of the follow late pat era tram tee t,-ter or of the tionth to abten ,we have long been .1-tratleve: Brvaortalr. Newt. May 25 h. roldiablit 'SA:th acrolinurn, May 19th, 24th and Mb. • Augusta astrtifrittonalist.of May 214. Augnate,Chrontala and eatina of May 2-Irh. coletnime . (avorgia) Dfyly rang of May 18th. frhel .fftwint ate thii only 'taus cf interett we find in-khem: - ,cactinarns AGAIN.. • , The;Ad:tor of the Memphis 41. i rperg. , 'at Med dilin, has received inteltig-Fnne ItiBt citiereon is again on :the trollop and is striking aerms the i.'i HUY it a point IP, low Enterprise. Th-ee i p madent-incursions should be chastised, and idw luippe the ptopie up there being fore warned Presaged for his next coming. ,Ii they do t ir duty' he will not be able to be so boastful yr dlitkgetathrougb with his -present "cart *abut of the State of Mississippi." as hei-j..,iiiilltir ly called i his - last' What with the , troops on that route; and Boyles' Bangers and the 'I hiPd :A. iiiiiireti . "Civalry, up the Mobile and OLIO railroad. be Ought not to be allowed to escape tiiis.•—Nobilcagister. . ! : , TRADE ON TUN MICNICAN BORDER. k r. t i lek stated,that. neatly .all the wagons in T are taken up with the trade on the Me il -Id*. librikr. Quantifies of 'Cur and bacon in fated& of Texas cannot•be carrltd towel.' t army forwent of transportation, which is re % employed in this perniciona traffic. This e.is permitted by the Yankees for the par '`of procuring our cotton, and n-turns tons ,o nothing but the Merit perishable goods w ich,ate sold at fabulous - prices.—Savartnal: . . . TH2 PALL OF 14 KW °BLEW. • e Court of Inquiry, to investigate matters ,in,relation to the fall of New 0. leans, recently lel tendon in Jackson, Miss., hat met at Charles tonaccoraing to adjournment. The obj ct of thnadjonrnment to Charleston was for the par ,pose of having the evidence of officers in this Dtpariment; who, under present circumstances, papld not leave.their. post. ALer examination bti uffmns hue 410 Court will adjourn to Rich mobd_, to farther prosecute the investigation. Itlls it) lie hoped that this important military cp4 tam will be moat rigidly investigated, and that blame, if any, will be laid at the proper 24.. , , , r The Court consists of the following gen tlemen : General Hindman, , Pres•dent ; General Diayton Gardner ' atd Major Page, Judge Ad vate.--Chariato tr n Meicury. • . - . Nay Yomr , , , June 2 Alen. Minister's, Letter Teo atop'. Davis. 4hB following letter froni General.linoter to .TeZ Davis is printed in the Pits 'South, dated Mity 30th : ' fa6ADQUABS6IIB DIPART. PE . TRY SOUTH, .14AT . 0, PoßiParex t ,April 23. The United States flag must protect all Its defenders, white, black or yellow. Several ne res.in the•easploy of the Government in. the t.lkeritern D epart ment have been cruelly mar -dated by.your . ,authorities and others- sold into slavery; 'Every outrage Of this kind against e laws of :humanity which may -Lae place in Gals depattanent short be followed by the immediate 34iwolthe b slot the highest rank in wry pos session. Alen for man, Ouse executions unit arta* Lake' place, ' for every one inurderid, or fad lino hie *OsaytoutislAttneeeth. )our authorities will mix, the. iesponsitiSity of thiii barbaric= policy, '• • 11.4tia:will be held responsible ia, that world and tun - win:ate c o me fur .all the 'blood theta shed.' ' ..' ilu the mouth of August last yciu derltred all thoseeng iged in artnipg.the oesroes to futht Atieir , conutry to be felons, and directed the ruddfate sit cotton of all such us t,buu d be gated: Ihsits givai you long enough to i 36, ton yout Why. -.I now 'give yon hutted at, k uu los tole oider,iii legerdintely _xevi.ll.. d, I Mill at once cause the executiOn of every ret:lUL Milder, and - tvei y rebid stiivehurder hi my ricissAwit".n.: The tow ne4rtii% t4bttt.; tor lib- ritylimitq truest. arose ; and r lils. Jelfursua has • 'blamsfmlyttaid, "to !tech a war there is . no at trihniuof the Almighty v. lit,h wi l l itiallCd. thin L 4 fi-4iii 61silititifge'tif the 0136a5 - or " • iYoulitty you are 04titiog. fur lib rty. Yes, pindare Alerting fur liberty—dibeity to ke.. p tour Williatai.Of.yOUr fe!lOw .beitit-S in ign 'Timms and. ai-gra 'iota ; liberty to separate 'macaw and-'elilltfren,' buStiand aril' wife too her Ord itiiter ; •litierty- to ilea toe prudriets of their ' ltr, exacted with many a cruet ii:h aid bit rie , tear; iitterty to reduce 'heir wives lo.d d4tightere, al:.d to sell your own cisildieu lot° bit, dike ; fibeity 6 kid these chiloreo ' , Kith ImpuottY, Whew the murder e.nuot be proven , ' bi .sue of pato white toutd. 'This is the aim/ 041,bertr.-4he. liberty to .do , wrung , widen . 8 { tali, chef of OM fallen angels, was cootetidiug torieheo he was cast into 'it 11. : I intve•the honor to bo, very respectfully. I_ I Your most obedient servant, D. 1 .111 NT 41.1, Bd jor G.-mm*l9.meg ME Thl SOUTHERN- IMARKETs kIY TtLigGua.l93. Nsw Yowx, June 2 •••' ;Cotton .firm; saps LOGO taloa at,-Er34,Ette. , trlehr haairg; 14 000 bb's . sad at $6. 25(0 35 or State, Iti 25ger 3Q for °alio and t 60® ST 10 4toiltiouthet a. Wheat dull; 0 ie sp t g '51;22(1:43; etilwatiliee club' $1 3041 ; red Western 81 45(41 .53. Corn dull al 774 Be. Beef firm. Pork firm; mesa $ll la@ ,02 / .fer old and' 813313 "12 fir 'hew. L ird steady at 04010ic. Whiski , steady at 41i® 450..:-Eugir finis ; Orleans 111 e. Cotrde fain ; Rio I:39aagjo. b'tocka dull. .1 4 "rold 47k. tip .2tbnaltsementz. HORSES, WAGONS . AND Oikittd - to JOHN ALCORN; Brea streak west Harris btng, IS Mimed :to Carta Idad Wego*.4 o hauling dcme. Digging of Ce personally attended to. flanime i of any description promptly attended Ats order box for the accommodation of eisopityfill be - found la .tlta Tstatutern Print • 'ln gP rica kiir*Fe ordius-will I *-11 3 ceiVed. spirant , 40111 i .AUVRN. QUEENSWAIUI 1 . ; invite the I git*34l.oA of : the public to oar lane and well.,eyrted stalk. of %Lot- Ware, recently' piirOtotaal; and which we offer` at a very-atialladitoceion• city Cast and e?snialiaelbefompurchasing & elsewhere. MON, tfoiner Fyixitand.liarket.Ste. ap7 garl! t lOlMS. HAS of -01, the choice O , ki ; Raiv,,ssect %Old tn . new!, at " the ` very wcet pre:AL— I: ve ry:hank sold . wa E rrier it t a t owbuitra, Oor. Front and Market eta,. my 4 El 1321