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'.'.::. : • e • -• • ' ' ''''',.:.'—:::' •:: .. _= -- - -- -s-,-.-_ , -.L.-.f:.,,i.;-- ...-:.:•••"Ai r ;.•'••:?,..!,. • N •-: --- - - -'-w-=!:' - 77::....i.' ... •: • . -••• ,.. t• ' ;ILO - -ut- r ---: • , . • / 1 t. - -..4' .. : ' - 'j• - -,...... „. A . _ ~ • _ ~.1... - # o• , %, , -. # ~1 '•-. . - '::.---, - ir . - A , "i -:, • z / . 4. , f: ,,, 4# It .0 -- 'K. . At --., - .. 4: .. . . ~,.. .•-•--'.. ... ._-.,..---.,,,....- • -,....",.,... 'l, • ,, ,.'s ' t•st4' ,:,_. _=L - ___ l--- ---=- - _, -- -:,_:-z,.. -, . - ..1.4 - o,t I '''.' -' IR' ...% k • . • ~ • . - ------ 2:,•-•=•,1-*•-___,•4•1. ', . • „-,....,-,•,-.;, . ... . . . . . • . : BY GEORGE BERGNER. ..'Tli E TELEGRAPH. IS PIEBLIBIIXD . , MORNING AND EVENING, ( : y GE-ORGE BERGNER ! ~ Offla Third Street, near Walnut. , TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. MIMS SIIIO3OIIIPTION. ' ' The DAILY TELEGRAPH is served- 'to 811bEICTI tors in he (lay at 6 cents per week. Yearly linbscribere will be charged $4 00 in advance. 0" ‘ WEIRKLIt 'TELIICIRAPH. 41'.. S i m : The TIALEGRAPII is also published weekly and ?5. ruistlixl to subscribers at the following cash A ' tek ' z , le copies, weekly $l.OO copies, to one postoffioe , 9.00 eu iy " " " , . ..... .......17,1Xt 'p,.:: • „ '" ............---..................-...----..-. AJ AL V ERTIBING Rms.—The following are the 1 . 'Or advertising in .the-Tsisonspa. : Thqßek t,.: aviug ,tivertising to do will find .it convenient l ippx .. I .1. '(4r reference. -,V - W - Hour lines or less constituteintlf 1 illiware Eight lines or tnere /thin fotirt dm. - a- . , *tea a square. f • : ,-• • . - ~',louse Il.lFelinfilq V6r5:50243281 1 .SR.,..t.rg O KerrEi F FrrgErg. ff.. g?.. ....... f S~{ ::~~~ i .5~ 'i -2.B'BB''''c'SSMS.S 0 z ,____.,?... 00 AP PT O ,-.g ... .. tr. .—o, 4 .4 0,1. pCI *O . l- 4 .-`, • . • T 3l °. 9 '' • ^ BB I*.tn BS .' SVSS i• ID .211 rawc.cco .- .enta0,..1- , ' ." and . _ - ....'" ..8, 8 82,5. 88 t $ . 2 1 :, ; 17 rI - 1 1 -- .. pa 0-...,..eakzeoir-. 49 -, . X L 6 0 4 t---.n.r-aiss..3es 4 1 ' _____ ....-..i .- P i•I ...,-, 1.. ...i .` O , IQ " . t .I 2 4 , Cr Ia . 41g-0 0 .... gill ell ,C. ~, .ZT 5 _ v.oocroo. IS ..`- -.'..c. 6 161 PI T. a , p [.....‘EF GJ CT 90, C CID • .P. I. - 0 wq . pc. 0 , 12 1 , 0 *4 0 0 0 0 Mt. fit,: Pa .0 ' the medicinal, CERTIFICATES OF CUBES! from eight to twenty years standing, with names kaciir,iit,;*!„.Solence and Fame. For Medical Properties of Buchu, see Dispensary of tile United States. See' Professoiim WEB'S valuable works on the Practice of•Physio.• See 1 remark's marbly the late ,celehrated Dr. PRY SICK, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr.- EPHRAIM ISCDOWELTI, ncelebrated Physician and member of the'Royal' College of''Stirgeons, Ireland, and published in the 'transactions of the Rings and ,Queen's Journal. • See Medico- Cirurgthl BOVfeW, Published by, BENJ. TRA VERS, Felloiv of - the' Royal College of Stirgeoes, See inoat , of -the' late standard 'works on Medi-i I clue. Extract of Buchni $1 00, pet bottle, or six for $5OO. Extract of Sarsaparilla; ,S 1 00: 1 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Improved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six fur s2'so,' oil' halt a desert each- for $l2 00, which will be suf ficient to, cop the most ~obstinate cases, if direr pens ateMliettitfto.'Deliried, to. any address; eecurely . packed fr ont' 'ohaervition. Describe symptoms fn all communications. Cures guar anteed -..• AdVibegrlitzle AFFIDAVIT. _ ckPersonally appearea before me ;n .Alderman fhat of Philadolphia; 1.,T. Ilkraboin who,g dory giirtildoth Bay,l , prepsra ! tiops contain no, narcotic,,U°lleretZble. or other drupe, injurious a, ana - nre pure l y Tel l, . 0 , 1 . ad bectibed beforemm, Obi PA dig §w°F,P, 4l lija ': ' . Ig Aigg I ABD; '' of Novomber, 1864. WM. P. . _. Alderman, Ninth etreetab; ,Bace,:Tnil en a. ce. Ads t e th ,fif,.. *WO fora iti l ortiar Milt st. San ~,igtb etrefo, tAgiw bbrPslo , pctpe" t 1 9* . ~,4_:. , ..- [uvular ptiiiiailithM: -' : , ii. t )4„ - ~. ! ; .:,.. LI., Illisttilcattens.. 4Yer!s i coMPoli9 l l4 AL:Witct arsaparilia. XTO one remedy is moreneeded in this coup -1.1 try than a reliable Alterative, but the sick ha Mlbeenso entrigebtid.ji chaff dB byldieweith lees preparation! if , Slirelptarilia abroad that they are diegusthX - Ovelf *tit ihtname. Yet the drug cannot be bhuiterl for the impositions from-whtchltbey.idiave suffered. Most of the to-called lkusaparlllas in the: market' Yocatwin little of the virtual of Sarsaparilla or anything else. They are mere slopos—inert and worthless, while a , concentrated extract •of the active variety3of Sersapailla compounded with Dock,- lodfne, etc., is, as it: ever wilt ,sbe powerful, alterative and ano- effectuabray. Stich is,Ayerrs Marmot, ofliaingswill&ats, its truly wonderful, cures of, thev4reat :aiihoihty of complaint& which require 'lv eitoratient,,medi eine have abundantly abOwn.l. •;')//o trait there-. fore, award this invaluable,linelleineo=because you have been imposed upon ; ;by anmething prek tending to'be 43areaparilla, whiles itt:vras snot . When you have usedBxisie—thenvindatott2l then, will you' know•the;vk ueebf ElantaterMa - 4 For minute 'particulars of, the diseases it ctuany we refer you .to • Ayer's American - Alennuie,i which thefagents -below named , viiittfurldilh allgratis to who call for it. t _ Ana's CIATHANII.O 2=4 for the Sure o f Vbs.' &am, Jounekee, , Dveyepsia, lukostioes, Dyientary, Foul Stornae.hi, Headache, Ma, ithetelartiens, Ikea *vs ~orilittor from. -Disordered- &dna* Pairs, er iforhid,hoaction of the Heidi, Lasso, 'Appel*, Liver Cbmpkint, Dropsy, Warms, Rout, Nei algid; and for G 1411124" i • .• They are sugar-coaod l iso abet-Mai' mostr-sen, 'sitive can take them -plisulantly; and: are the beet Aperient in the world forwall the intr . p a oses of family physic. - Paws 26 ORM ran Rot, on Fnrw Bozwiroit Do not be put off by.unprincipleordeiderimith other preparatiOns width they diakeAntore pro it on. Demand AIM'S andi-tako: no'nthere. l iThe sicki waut thehent aid_ there is fat them, and they should have it. _ i Prepared by Dr...1.4140MR & CO., Lowell, !Massachusetts._• , ; Sold by Bannvlllit; D. W. G g - r Co., XI:K. Keller, J. M. Lute, Dr. Belly, F. Wyeth 'and dealers eyi, ;where _ • ; • ROBSRT-SNODGRASS, ' kW°, RNEYA.T.-LAW: Offipn , ' *at Hon. David - Third' sireet, above Market, Harrisburg, a. Ikkuite and of ail kinds proeecnted and collected. 's Refer to Hone. .Yotin O. Kunkel, David * I miim, 'and R. A. Lamberton. . I - 1 I LIQIIOIII3. • TAT have on band's very superior rieleotFod YV of WINES; BRANDIES a4d,I7NE'LI L_2`: QUO of every dereriptibi. ' PRANDIieS 'Or • - • • • WIN NE of every variety and Of - the finest BT: CRUZ RoLLAND• ' i IRISH SCOTCH,' RYE add .RONtirfinual WHISKY,.: CHAMPAGNE,' SOIOTOF / J'AALE, EROWNOUT, 'CORDIALS, I NATIVE WINE, manuilacicired' from giape, which is a; splendid article, 'and we know it to be 'pure. apl4 WM:DOCK, Jrc.; - dr CO. VEGETABLE OR GARDEN SIiTEDS - 1 WErliave received for thia oetarni more than iV V our usual stook of FLOWER SEEDS. some ehOtee''vailetith oh' hand: 4.146, Liar- den and Vegetablelteede of the best owl: . Ipttliffa'S DVJG STORE; " • 91..,4149teiged- nix 4 p itANBERRIES; •HOM IN Y j '.l3EdNiSi gyur PEAS, BARLEY; IAOOASONI, VER=: k. , 3 MMUS; ORANGES, - LEMONS;FIGS,' GAMINS; i•PBEINES, - OITHON'i 'OUNWANIV,' kild a large assortment of Crewe & ' ckles, Sauces, &c., just received •Oristi Pram` e importer,' and for Bale itivi by • ' Nati • 'W..DOCH;4z.; & CO: A I ATRITING FLULD,S.—Posie AmericanWrit jYr ing Fluid, a Bplendid Ink, at 62 icenta per q_uikVi ABRO, IMErOuine HARRISON'S Columbian Writing Fluid, LAUGNLIN +tc BUSELFIELP'SWEI , Copying Ink, Carmine and Fteddnini4cf-tlie-bestgbaliti, blue Ink, Mucilage, Ic., SO HEFFEWS 'Von TAM . HORSES, WAGONS AND CARTS HIRE. JOHN ALCORN, Broad street, West Harris burg, is prepared to 'furni sh Horses, Carts and Wagons to persona wiebbittailing done. Digging of Cellars . personally attended to. Hauling of any. Ogscription,proitiptlyi l atorided td. An order bthe - for ni accomodaticiti of persons will be found inathe TILIGRAMH Print. log Office; where orders will be received. apll3.Bm _ JOHN .ALCORR.- itelliPoitrol"4olr Y9l l - 1519 i t Xetti4. l 4 ll • o l‘ ItileiglY'Nhittliaeseoz goito Annkel'a.Rnd get of that fibtame SatPcmhi. ugustitaJted a, portion of the: ,eargec. bf, she stamer Frumps Rayai, YrktOltrYteit captor .l4 uonle,tbnpAince by our fteekra‘bile_attempt tog to ran 'the blockade at aforkrten; :Cab only be had at, . KUNKEL'S , ! ap2fttf 118 Market et., Hattiaburg. ~ . POTATOES. heooß.ll and Peach Blow. - A large apply f the above in prime condition, ;just T - Selyed ,and for sale by april) . SPAS . ijsZtK, Jr*, 8c CO. 30,000 d hen vc a h e o eed e and uncanvaaiad;lt ; thii Wiry loweit tvini tam iold warranted; ` at ' 'tiICROLS' & TOWMAN'S, ' my 4 ; Cor. Froit and Market ate. Oi.oF This celebrated , likdad , oll, with seveild Other choice lmuidef inlargeiamtsthall bottles, justoreceived eirid,fev-,ssickby Whi• - •EOCKI JR9 8000 . • VARANGES AND tinfOitiaeLWS re Just Ncelved the hugest aid - Aneet :.'of alum OrAnkee offe%ed this seasonin thlilmearket. Pall anol'examlea, NICHOLS Ar BOWON,: ft. Front a 4 moitg-.9** kip 2 T -- P„Mortgages,. Powen` ofr ,gatehey i Bonds and Justices' Blaoks for salatitti: kie EillafFEß'S Bookstore, iTust pop,' a freahjot ofThatb. Vjggrtnetrg:WO i - tOt telty94. FROM CINCINNATI. Removal of General &midi& Head - - Qnartertv, AFFAIRS AT IVIOKSBUINI. EXTRACTS PROM • 111113ErTAPIERS:- ~--t~~. TWO' GUNBOATS, -`,. . . . n r . 4 1 • , - . Citartiorityr, nay al: - O ' _,.... Tneedaxinext ' Gen4Burnside-will remove his heidquarterk i dekartineut of Ohio, to Hick. titan Mate, - ty., about tea utiles south of Nicholiurville.- .oditAf. O. lllcCiallan'has been appointed erotestdatiralial of general , depart- Tent of Ohio, with.Aoguiviuters at. Cincinnati. The 'Contiurcial has, 2 thes following Southern ,_" - ` :' -. . Ilia Azipeaot ttiN , 29th• Bata iikti'enboitta have bee 4 stink at Vicksburg. • • ~. ' •ti °pl. ..Ciliercrip'e c .clipW i cogdfitretiotissti raid Low Bilion - Ro%Pi ClMAafjtig altkilleftroYing a rge' rebel camp" , --- . f ,L,l ' :I 1 . 1,. Peniberton's Quartermaster succeededlU rune. ing `seven hutidrei ..mules' out. or V.icksborg, ItiiifetlY ; kOlsicifia tiififgalul4Ptio4 °Como. ,i. inThe aFrOsyri.:luti.fpli rations fcie,ninety days. The 4 tlantaAsicseaswilth of tio 281,1 4 *ice ) ke - aTtrYal. Of ri ifte4teini like Otrthat.dt.7 ,l . . kdielmtt.o froill PRTAide to 13ragg,mtioonno. _g his determination to !pips alluobel,officers whirr hands in case the retslliatipn for,the two pies tried and executed 11/Accordance with the ea of war 8140.u1d be resorted. ttl,,wairyester i SyOonveyed" frolic. Idurfreesixmo t wier ,flag of fittit ,Fr ,t , bff, :Uppahannock. "v__.~ 1110,VEONTS1 OF :.-2 EZI! „ . Thal Mashlogtonletteriof the Comm:ieaL of. Ade city: contains . , the follealpc from front of e Army otthe Potomac: • , .• • illitrr'ebel ktmy la Very antti4 and the pdaltton :at the:river 'forth fe deel ledgjoffensive. The mata. „picket jine on,,the. :Rappahannock. le Ise lakortg l as ever, ,hut. thchtgrocp) behind Ifrederl iblebnri; appear to hive movedelsewhere, lett& also 'll,s , e; oo ilirtlieti 3 exehando !primers will be &Uinta foi thil present. , Th trabal altthMittee hairelakereinitiativibgepe, and N, l 4r, , P.OPT4liftq TiFoKitlY *Om* it up. AU 'reltercinteea op parole have been ordered, anent. It ts,prolifible !that ;negothakkia voi 'continuance of negettattone , tnidet the late 'ATER iOlintitlttSk ,; i ADDITIONAL NEWS" BY THE THE VERY Lip.TEST. Lpiissoor, Nay 22 The rumors of alk,arca 7 ranee'having been agreed ' von` - between th belligerent pasties in 'America, which 'were 'lnez. calved hm,theditekuner Glasgow reached here to, day, wad 'created a buoyancy in the cotton ntinficOf, - and week's decline was partially' recovered. • - • • Brdmistaffs dosed firm and steady: r The pro isielewmaxket is dull but steady. . _ Loarr, May 22 Ckuurolifer money closed at Vit. -The - Cork Air/ries.. contains. 'correitpandeice From various= parts of Ireland!, which -lames Scarcely any, doubt Utak ; multhig u for the ; Northern !troy lies been attempt.* to be car thaed on there onlen c uitensliebiele. , It appears at Mitchelawn, , Olianaell'orsville end Ferinty we been Visited by severall;Americsa gentle. Men of military aspect, whew,poiolicly uttered to give a passage to any number of yo men Who were wiliblglii doceplit tb Newldik,.fer three penceonchowith a certainty and contin fions-remmipattlowef,work, whewthey arrived filen). ' E ;if, - , . = 1 'The ce r vices: from dherbourg report that con eiderable- reinforchlihnittiut "being' dispatolkii from there Ito Mexico. utft, -: .4 ; • C ' - : t There ierealiy nothing new as.to the move-. Metal of the Roush . insurgents. -, ; 'Thilik4k of lEngtmdlas advanced its mini muterates of disc Omit ouirtudf pet oent.. ''" '''• ' ( The political - -- . The police were presept, on severaloocasions, Which fact °bib:l:ugly dieeommoded the atraw i gees, but as there was n'othbsg'ille'gril M their proposition no proceedings couldik liken. Several hundred tyoungsmen who, 'beyond' all 40,114 t. ;have engaged 4 0 , - ge.A O '4le/1M on +the terms offered„ by .the AMerken agents, are Ora l :04;11k idling 'orthe.early 'Steamers. ' The tirriktid of the ettaWier Glaiiegiliati dia. POW thelumorsofton ,armistioe , in Ameilca.• The ship John Merrick is ashore near Almeire. Nor crew have been saved. . . ' The steamer Saxonia did not- leave South` ampton for NewlYork 'on the 20th; owing to hee &meted bleobloatY. -- - . The afimmonia„igi.expccted to arrive on the 22d likt. and will - take - het plice. ...._ itaakiek. • -I "az. • ' . Illay 80. • , • Kesers;•Thompsoit Biettiele, in dependentlean agents;, deposited today $1,400000. for th e mite{ Atates .fiye 4 ,,tpenta , loan, being, the manna of the iiect subscription made at the arch treasury here to day. Arrested roe traits Tieisonable MaY 130. littiiklieiOne were iireetedlo•daypy the pro voet ortiard at PM= NCO. 44 Broadway , 'for using trememisble Wire*. IU6iIdn'if.4IZit,iPBLEGIZAPH. - 4 lingo Mar, B(ti Cotton:010k at ‘611010520. Fioniikithir and . advanced 60 ;. ealee of.. 12.500 bbleriont.ss.2s@ I -85 for 'State, :.$5. 2508'85 forz:Ohio;' and $5 *ad' 76 for fiorabord.. l Wheat hat ad vaaced ialc; sales of 50+000 bus. tit $17200 1 41 for tallow° 213(31 44.f0r waokle club, and $1 48C41 51 for, red. Corn l 'advanitiatiBo,o69 , T P A nd i tons - gnat Mitt* . Ida' at' 46114145fel ibbbk...;Lsehtetti. na;as ;ausi corn, 140,000 bus. Freights -crew Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. NEw Yon's., May 30. Belt:Henry Ward Be,edher stdl4d . today for England/xi the steamer City.of Baltimore. A large,parq of his friends accompanied him in the pa?sage.doit(the - bay. among whom were AdatirttiStrintharn; Bev. Messy. Storrs, Cayler, Hatfield ariii'others.l4 :a : ,: New Goods—Just Opened ! BERGN E RP S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, embreAng - every nets and improved style of POCILLIET BOORS, 4fd 4 o:l7ltlttNC i 7l' HOLDERS, (TALE Mit POOiCET - BOOKS, 'BUCKSKIN PITRSES, PORbIONALES, &0., at pr.!'" Ow W .-- snit all circarnetances; POCKET CUTLERY, & • • ' Donsiating of ftne assortment ct Weeteahaloila fluperior P,..cket Knives. : COLD PENS. :From Newton's oelebratelManufactory. Every =Pen soldwith agnsarancee. 'PORT.IFOLIOS, - WRITING 'OASES, 13.03bW00D-DESIIS, Together with every article 'thuatly found in 'a last class Book and Stationety establishmeut, at - fiErd3.N . F.R'S snyl2 • 5l , rket Street. T IQUID BENNE C.yields with, milk the most 1-11uscions of all deserts for the table ; the: 11ghtest and most grateful diet f lir invalids and' childien.foliilk Contains ei-ery.u-leinent of tee 4 199si4itutittn4, when.; t coagulated with rennet it,itfitlways light and,o4u3y of digestion, . andaitiii)orbi the system with the least possible .eicitemerite When tftiil greater netritive power is desired, cream and sugar may be added. A teispoonful converts a quart of milk into a dim curd Prepared and sold, wholesale and by ' S: A. 311:11TICEL, I 'myfo ' 118 Market street, xxw YaK IWATCHES,`'JEWELRY SILVER - WARE. T•ER UNDERSIGNED would respectfully In t vice your attention-to ble . welt selected. its* .of•!.Fine Gicdd sad.Siba. a' WATCHES, Fine ]old JEWELRY , and eve ry kind and variety.. / or styles-compromising all of the new and' most beautiftd deigns. SEINEEWARE4•equed Ma* kid the best make of Bdow Plated Ware. Each at- Is *panted to bn, as represented. „ L- kctioi and Jafeelr" It, carefully repairei an , stitlsfseeldntei3d guaran • .. p JAODB BARLEY, - - ..-.,. , (Sifeemor go 2 4aufidir lrarieltd ua r kini 622 MarketStreed.,Thiledelphta., URA. DA. _AluCLlNToutos. PECTORAL i A /our lungs weak 7 Does a long breath .41ve you paint Have you a backing bough 7 Do you expectorate hard, tough mat ter t-rtAie 'you waat&l-With 'night sweats and want - oi silep 1 If so,laevis gene rem*. It will tuaquastionablyaave you. - Price $1 00. The above medicine lieu been used extensively Mil& city with good results. _Fir sale at . ' • BERGHER'S BOOR STORE. i, : . ,.BARRINQ-TON. 1.,,i .. ..., tronAzzaw A NoveL ER , _ Ts ik .. .1711 . 3DR' of; Vel e tuutepY2faliejr," ; 2; o n e ! 1 I :irt it 1ap E D 6 .47 41 ,- , r a wit al . _ , PHOTOGRAPHIC AIiBUNIS,`. ,any size not in the standard, styles will be tunics to order' BERGWER/13 ; Cheap Bookstore. riPARRY TRE 223 v . : BOth dwarf and StaTgard, as . good hi 1000' rifthe tree, and as tat - shave in variety, can be •, found- in the country, at Keystone g . sery. , . _ [apri] J. MIMI. • IiDOBESIERVFJ) FEWIS, hermetically sealed, in cans and jar., of all descriptions, and of thorned delicious character, for sale by f 6 Wit DOCK," & CO. "WBENCH and ENGLISH BLACKING, war .l.7' ranted not only to retain the polish of but topreeerve the leather itself. For sale by 1116 - WM. DOCK-Ja., & pwr Pldls in the timid; fa 75c, $1.25, $L50,;52, - s3,iiiialVarealeAt , begivi - ' SCREFFEE'S VAX:RESTORE. KfideCiftgki And shrubs of all leading Mode, and of hlizea, from one - to fifteenieet high, for sale owatt &worm liareery. MISEI. friCIFFRES AND SUGARS' of ill 'g-radeEr 1112 kit -at reationable:Orice&for mile by jl4. WAS. DQCS, Js. , & CO. r`IOAL 014 LANTERNS; tbat do not need N e lz,w,opimney,, and no wind will put the - liglit `Call and examine, at , NICHOLS it BOWMAN,__ ' CAB-. Front ..oil Market ate==` MI . . . .. . ED A B WA R R—TubB, ill 8I iI I 4 i , FlO4 blasts; Sugar Boxes, 'Clitaris, -. 3t4sls p , ge Cedar •Bedketa, Pain - lied Rails &e. ! is WM. JXICII—Ja .- & CO. 4515.—A large invia4 - r efLeanvasse d and uneanvamed hams„ of evil"? choice kralid market. Eaclaunwarrantedhignmingter• II For sale.iriFy Igirby . - .- - NICHOLS & BOWMAN, ._... Cqruer, Went and. lifarket Sta aP 2 7 isawanow , . _ _ , , . F' r•• . SCOTCH ALE, pf. Mali& Winds; tinny% on hand and far' I e py [aPi 4 ] .!')IL DOCW.R-, & CO- aoicz LOT OF TOBAOCX-1106tinfig , 0 0 11- grew .Oltgegdi6h, Ngmr, Sputt4lol, Ac.; svory receive 4 by I • • " NICHOLS /rOD •raiL2o qt3or.. Front and tifisikie• " etßAltititit. Pleukte of all itIES valuablifo'failetles, at key. exursery. LaP l 7l -J. MISEL' OPLOKKI) - AND- MEMO AS&MON, just 0 received by• 11MIL DOCK, k., & CO. : PRICE 'ONE CENT Nei abnatirtments LIQUID, jtIONJK I% al MI