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Yearly riba - N, 7,111 be charged $4 00 in adiarna. : , WEEKLY na.san&Pß. he Ti 7 FiaAPEI is also published weekly and *ink ishcti w subscribers at tjie following cash 71---- - le or,o1,:* ; weekly.. _.'. L(1. 4. s, to One p ostotace, *euty - ‘, it At, E.,i,:i-iso Runs.—The following are the ir 101 :advertising in the TIMAIGIA.PH. Those iv viug ..1 Y artising to du will find it convenient Tete r, cz-a r .' Apr Four Linea tit lessconstitute one-half . square, ...ight lines or more than foul °oust'. 1114 es a Oti weae. I , es wa g 7 ' 9 IVMPTWO4I 2 "El o 'o 4 4g-a tgEs§l3so 4 o=is 70Pg a li 2 e1. 2 ? U": Cr: : : , N C , 0000800030M00 LOO 0 0 0 C. 0 OP. ta, r• Gc.8.0.80..11.,C0ge0 0 00 00.00 0 DT, VI . 7 1.• 03.4 E St , S2tlgoSgtS = tO b; 1.. 4 , 2 . o—, o w . ao.r ocawoo C. *:•?. , 20 , 00‘ .00 , 4 z to • tet fi 4: . •-• 0 0 IF: 10 1.1 C , - 07 0 0 0 0 0 0-• 0 0 - A • /s: 6+ 1.. , IN 0 PM 0 0 Op , =.OO.OOOC+O ion h oboes 1 limo a Nivea, Ids ti ..... . ',Axes each Insertion— . ...... D 3 ci 1 U di .4..r' &witless 'notices inserted In the Local or before Marriages and Deaths, Biota re pyre Use for each insertion. As an advertising medium the TBLEOWIthas o equal, its large circulation, among business en and families, in city and country, placing . beyond competition. filistellattatzg. O N E-S- .H. ,0_:1T,41.;E:, CORNER OF . IKE"' ST AND ELSIIKET SWANN, HARRISBURG, PA, OSEPII F. PROPRIETOR. (RECENTLY CONDUCTED BY WELLS °OVERLY.) This is a First Class Hoiel, and located in the -..central part of the city. It is kept in the best 5 antler, and its patrons will and every sworn --, °dation to be met with in the beat houses in ,z .. e country. ee3o-4itf ~ ITED STATED ROTEL. i it ed and - Renovated. L. W. TEN EYCK, Psopiarrop. . A popular and commodious Hotel. hue newly refitted and fiuntsbed through path -tis and chambers, and is now ready of guests for the winter , nlleaeo. • e traveling public will tad the United Bi ases a w l , 6)8 moat convenient in all particn lars, of any Hotel In „ 411 e_„ .. Btate,CaP i tei , on no ,. vount of its access to the' tibuluou , being Juan& , Idlately betw,..en the two e," 1.014 t depots in this cAty. Eisaanutosa, Dec. 29, 1862.—.44n THE f( KING MIOR.OSCO PB," DOUBLE LENS. - DROP. HORSFORD, of Harvard this 7rer B ILYI saw nave ti "it Works very well, and you got it up very neatly." Magnifies 25 diem:Ws.. .4 66 cents in Po - tat Currency. The "BOWL 1 0 /lICEOSCOPE," 28 cents. The "S. WOOD WAR D MICROSCOPE," 88 cents. Or one each of the three kinds for $l. All free of postage. Address -dwom T. EDWIN KING, mr26 Box 830, Boston, Mass. CRACKERS!!! .7? BoarfoN CRACKERS, Fiala& do. WATER do. AusioNn do. Gum= Ntii We receive supplies of the above e very week, and our customers can therefore vuy upon their being Fresh. [ap2B] WM. DOCK, Jr., Sr. CO. WINDOW SHADES of linen, 4 gilt-bordere and PAPER BLINDS of an endless vari ety of designs and ornaments; also, CURTAIN FIXTURES and TASSELS at very low pries& Call at SOREFFER' S.BOOKSTORE. ap6 HERMETICALLY HEALED. REACHES, TOMATOES, PINE APPLE, SALMON, OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTERS, LOBSTER, SARDINES, WM. DOCK, Jr. & CO. For sale by MINCE PIES. . RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, LEMONS, SPICES, CIDER, WINES, 'BRANDIES, &c. WM. DOCK, Jr. & 03. h- `For sale by BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS! A LARGE and splendid - stoek of Pocket and .44.. Family Bibles. Preebyt9riart, Methodist, Lutheran, Ge rman Befotuttd, anti other Hymn Books, 'lust receiv ed at BERGNER'S CHEAP DAHISTORE. COAL OIL, a further reduction in Coal Oil, superior article of non-explosive Coal Oil, for ea le very low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and 'Market Ste. nal L Iron, and currants, for hale by NICHOLS & _BOWMAN, du Omer Front and Market tart DR. JOHNSON • LOCK HOSPITAL T TAS discovered the most certain, speedy and .11.. L. effectual remedies in the world for NO MERCURY OR NOXIOIIB DRUGS. A One Warranted, or No Charge, in from One to Two Days. Weaknea of the Back, Affections of the Hidribys and Bladder,lnvoluntary dis charges, Impotency, Geeral Debility, Ner vousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of, Ideas, Palpitation of the Tremblings, Dinmess of Sight or .Giddiness Maw* of the Head, Throat, Nr se or Skin. Affections of, the Llier, Lungs, Stcmach or Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret: and Ktlltary practices more fatal to their -victims than the song of Syrenti to the Mariners of 'Ulysses, blighting their most Intl. Sant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Bro., impossible, $l.OO • 9.00 17.00 YOUNG MEN Espeb!ally, who have become the victims of &Wary Vice, that dreadful and -destructive habit' Which annually sweepe to an untimely, grave 'thousands of :Young Men of, the most exalte& talents and brilliant- intellect, who Might otherwise have entranced listening Sen ates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to eCstarly the living lyre, may call with full confidence. e •FlB "ipig Married Persons, or Young Men contemplat ing marriage, being aware of physical weak ness oripm&c., ic debility, deformities, speedily r'.7 Xrtr 3 1' - He who places himself tinder the care of Dr. religiously confide in his honor as a gen. ;,tlininin,, and confidently rely upon his skill as a . I Physician. CIIMANIC WEAKNESS a $,,, f"La —S s '.2 a a Immediately Cured, and full' vigor restored. This disttessing aflectionwhich renders life miserable and marriage impOssible—is the pen alty paid by the victims of improper indulgence. Young persong are too apt- to commit excesses froth' not being. aware of the dreadful come quEinces that may ensue. Now, who that un derstands the subject will pretend to deny , that the power of procreation is lost sooner by qlose falling into improper habits than by the pru dent.' Besides beingdeprived the pleasnreo of heilthy offspring, the most serious and &Onto tive symptouis to both body and, mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the physical and 'Centel functions weakened, ,lose of :procreative poWer, nervous irritability, dyspepsia, palpita tion of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility. a wasting of .the frame, cough, con 'funiption, decay and death. . 017103, No. 7 601M1 FRIDERIOK STEM, CEI 1 50 'Baltimore- street, a few doors from the egaineic — Fitir name and ntuaber. Letters Inuit be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. DR. MUNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, graduate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the greater part of; whose life has been spent in the hospi tals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else. where, has effected some of the most astoub3hirg cures that were ever inown ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when 'asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, _bashfulness, with frequent blushing,' attended sometime* with derangement of mind were - cured, immeqately. TAKE TARTIOUIAII NOTICE. • These are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability, symptoms of consumption, &c. Maarram.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded-loss of memory, eon futon, of ideas, depression of spirits, evil fore bodings, aversion to society, self distrust, lime of.solitude, timidity, &c., are some of the evils produced. YOUNG MEN; , Who have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone, a habit fre quently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind , snd body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young men, the hope of oonntry, the darling of his parents, should be e „,ched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, b:7 the consequence of deviating from the path o; nature and indulging In a anti& secret habit.. Such Parma MUSTt before contem plating Bins. Bison; SODA do. WINN do. Berme do. NIiRRIAGE, *fleet that a sound mind and body are the most mammary requie* to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, wit,..Nont these, the journey through life becomes a we 17 pilgrimage : the *prospect hourly darkens to ttze view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. DISTe.ASF: OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he bas imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that anllitimed sense of shame or the dread of dis covery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re spectability , can alone befriend him. He fails into the bands of igno rant and designing pretenders, who, incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary substance, keep him trillimf month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and ip despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his galling' disappointment, or, by the use of the deadly. poison, Mercury, hasten the constitu tional symptoms of this terrible disease, such as affections of the Head, Throat, Nose, Sltin, etc. progressing with frightful rapidity till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by send- ing him to that indiscovecxl pountry from whence no traveller returns INDORSE:EMIT OF THE FRESS. The many thousands cared at this institution year-after year, and the, numerous tmporfant surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by,the reporters of the Sws, CiipPer, and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, be sides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afilicted.N - • Oki No. 7. SOVIR EMENIOK 411, VebitaL 3i3AkiairiNCCOMLIEI DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE Baum IN SIX TO TWOLIII4 , HOURS KABBIACkE. Zi SZSO ViqTl..:7l:3:4:4sis)egvilDiee:4;44 HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, MAY SO, 1863. - New '21b73 ertioements. The Great "American Remedies," KNO NW AS "lIRIMBOLD'S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ : HELMBOLD EXTRACT " BUCHU," di SARSAPARILLA, IMPROVEED ROSE WASH. HEIMBOLD' 5 GENUINE PREPARATIONS. • "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT RUCHU, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY For Diseases of the - BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DROPS/CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine•increases the power of Diges tion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into heal thy action, by which the. WATERY, or CAL CEROUS depositions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, aawell as pain and inflammation; and 1e...g00d, for MEN, WO MEN or CHILDREN. - , HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU FOR WEAKNESSES Arising front Excesses,. Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITS TEE EOLDDifINd SYMPTOM : Indisposition to Exer Dryfiess of the Skin, Lion, Loss of Power, .Loss;of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, - Treinbling, • aorror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, - Pain in the Back, ,- Universal Lassitude ofFiushing of. the Body; the Muscular System,Eruptions on the Face, Not Hands', ' Pallid Countenance: These symptoms, if allowed:to go on, - which', this Medicine invariably 'removes, ;soon follow , IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS,; In one of which the patient May expire. Who can say that they , are not frequently followed by those "direful diseases,". ' INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. Many are aware of-the cause .of their suffer-. Inge, but none will °knifes& The records of the Insane Asylums and the meirmcholy.deaths by Consumption, bear ample Witness to the truth of the assertion. . . ..,..,.. ._ - THE CONSTITUTION, owat . AFFECTED iWIMORGANYC -O.OAIEWESS, ' Requires the aid of medicine .to strengthen and invigorate the slitter% which Helinbold's Ex tract Buchu invariably does , A trial will con- Atha the:moat skeptical: ' i FEMAIES::-FEMALES-LPEMALES, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE. MARRERO, OR CONTEMPLAUNG MARRIAGE, In. any affections *altar to females the Extract Buchu is-unequidled by any other' remedy, as in Chlorosis, or Retention, Irregu lar. ty, Painfulness, or supprisesiOn of the ous ter:tarp Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the _Uterus, Lencon - hea or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sea, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of issipation or In the DECLINE OR CHANGE, OF.LIFE. 0 FAMAY BROOD BkiVEITIOVT IT. ' eke no- Balsam; titertut3 ~ r E.7l..pledstie t Medi iti . 1.--tcarklaseant, and Dangeroui Diiesties. - . I • lEMBOLD'a Malt rter -11-U MU, -- Claes Secret Diseases in all their stages ; at At. tie expense ; little or no change in diet ; nu in convenience and no exposure. It causes fre qiient desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing' and cuffing Strictures of the Urethra, allayirg pain add inflammation, so iiequent in this class of ilieases, and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Wtprnout Matter. Thousands upon thousands who have been the victims of quacks, and who live paid heavy fees to be cured in a abort ti e, have found they were deceived, and that the "Poison" has by the nee of "poirerful Astringents," been dried up in the system, to bgeak out in an aggravated form, and perhaps atter marriage. fUse HELMSOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for au Affections and Diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no -matter of him long standing. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. HELMI3OLD'S nif..TRACT &Mau is the Great Diuretic, and lit 1e certain to have the deaired" rffect.in elf' Diseases for which it is recommended. Blood-Blood—Blood, Heimbold's Highly ocentrated Compound ELVID EXTRACT a • SAPA.RILLA SYPHILIS. Thin is an affec t li of the Blood, and' attacks the 'Sexual Or tot ELS, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind t), pe, and other Mucus Surfaces,,making its ap pearance in the form of Ulcers. Helmbold's Extract. Sarsaparilla, purifies the Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexion a Clear and Healthy Color. it being prepared expressly for this class of domplaints, its Blood-Purifying Properties are feserved to a greater extent than any other reparation of Sarsaparilla. - • , SEMIBOLD' .9 ROSE WASH. An excellent.lhotion fOr diseases of a Syphi litic Nature, and as an injeotion in diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of flissipation, used in connection witti the Nia tracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla; iiikstch-dhieades as recommended. Evidence of the most re sponsible and rellablecharacter_4lll accompany she medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES' from eight to twenty ' years ' standing, with names known to Science and Fame. For Aledical,. ,Properties ofiatich u, see . Div - 403411i of the States". - See Prof.:wider DEWEE'S I lvaluable works on the Practice of Physic. See ,'remarks made by the late celebrated Ds, PHY 'SICK, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. 'EPHRAIM McDOWELL, acelebrated Physician and member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published India Trtinsactiona of the Kings and Queen's Journal. See Medico:- Cirrugical Review, published by BENJ. TRA VERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late standard works on Medi cine. Extract of Buchu $1 00 per bottle, or six for $6OO. Extract of Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Improved Bose Wash, 60 cents per bottle, or six for $2 50, or halt a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be suf ficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if direc tions are adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. Describe, symptoms in all communications. Cures guar-! auteed. Advice gratis. • ; AFFIDAVIT.: Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmbold; who, being duly swum, doth say, his prepara tions contain no narcotic, no mercury, or otheg injurious drugs, and ate purely vegetable. H. T. HELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 28d day of November, 1/354. - WM. P. HIBBARD, Alderman, Ninth street ab. Race, Phila. Address letters for information in confidence. H. T. HELMI3OLD, 'Cheri:List' Depot 104. South 10th street, below Chastnnt, Philadelphia, . [mi2Bl3r . MO intittliantois. Ayer's Compound Estract Sarsaparilla. MO one remedy is more needed in this noun .l.ll try than a reliable Afterages, but the sick have been so otitrageously cheated by, the worth less preparations of Sarsaparilla abroad that they are disgusted even with, the name. - Yet • the drug cannot be blamed for the impositions from Which they have suffered. Most of the so-called Sarsaparillas in- tha..market contain little Of ehei.virtnes.of Sarsaparilla or anything else. They are mere slopis—inett and worthless, while a concentrated extract - of the active vane* of Sarsaparilla compounded with Dock, lodine, etc., is; as it ever will:be, a powerful alterative and an effectual remedy. Sash is Ayer's Extract. of Sarsaparilla, tes its truly wonderful cures of the, /trent visietrof complaints which rpquirii . iin alterative mail eine have aOrindantly:Sbosni. Do not, there% fore, discard this invaluable medicine, became you have beau impeded fipiin by something pre tending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. When yo S have _ _ Anat-triest,' said not till then, wUI ling* 0 43 vignestifVarg a **94; For minute partionlarior e diseases it cures, we ., refer you to Ayer's American Almanac which the agents below na mes-will furnish all g rittis to who call for it.. ' • OATHAZITO PILLS, for the OEM Of .0071- 61 " ene *Lrffun 4 4 24enterY, Ana Stomach„ Pifer, = ' • 6 Ileaat• burn arising from Disonlered .Sonniseh, Pain, or Morbid Audio' s of the Boutels,AWAtlency, Lou of Appetue,, Liter 42:reitirli, DrOffly . , /forms, Gout, yeirarod, dia Air &Mater • - They are sugar-coated, so thitt . the most sen sitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the: best Aperient in the world for all the pur poses of a family, physic, • , Para 25 OEMS PIM Box, on BOXBII vox $l. J:)a not be put off by unprililipled dealers with other preparations which-they make more pro fit on. Demand Ails's and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should haVe it. • . Prepared by Dr. J. D. AYES & CO:, Lowell, Massachusetts. Sold by O. A. B.annvatt, D. W. Giros & Co., C. K. 'Keller, J. M. Leta, Dr. Belly, F. Wyeth and, dealers %everyvihere. . ROBERT SNODGRASS, AA !XTORNEY-IT-LAW. Office With 'eon. t David Mumma," Jr., Third street, above Market, Harrisburg, Pa. H. B.—Pension, Eternity and Military Claims of 'ill kinds prcoecntel and collected. Refer to Hons. John O. Kunkel, David Maims, Jr., and R. A. Lanzberton. mygolarr6m LIQUOILEL. • WE , have on bawl, a very superior . selectiod ofWINES, BRANDIES and FINE LI QUORS of everydescription. BRANDIaS of the• choicest brands and vim! togas. • WINEB•of every variety and of the finest quality: ST. el= NOP • - ROLLAND SIN. -0 -; • • 13.03T0R, BYE and BOURBON, wßien.r,--vuz. SCOTCH .1.414 MOWN STOUT, CORDIAL% - -- Also, FS NATIVE WINE, manufactured from the domestic grape, which is a.splendid article, and we know it to bepwre. apl4. „ WM. DOCK, & CO. VEGETABLE OR GARDEN BEED3 1 WE have received for this aeaSort more than our weal stocit ; of, , .YLOWI3/1 ',SEEPS- Some choice varieties on hand. Also, Gar den and Vegetable seeds of the beet quality. • DWG STOKE, mj4 91 " Market street. ' CRANBERRIES, HOMINY , 'BEANS, 0_ PUT PEAS, BARLEY,' lACCARON.I, VER -0 MULTI, 011,10TEIESLEWES, ;PHIS, RAISINS, PRUNES„OE*M7, CURRANTS, and alarge, assortment of ' 01 . C103 & 131sekwell'e Pickles", SaMieei_ 'jttet;teqeived fresh, koM 'the importer, andAor Bale Iow: by :jan3tt W. DOCK; CO. TATBITING FLUIDS.—Boss' American Writ ing Fluid. a splendid Ink, at 62 cents pSr quart ;, ARNOLD'S genuine WriOnS Fluid, HARRISON'S Columbian writing - Fluid, LAUGHLIN & BUSHFIELD'S Ink, Copying Ink, Carmine and Red Inks of the beet quality, Blue Ink, 'Mucilage; &0., at ap6 SCIIEFFEWS BOOKSTORE. HORSES, WA PONS AND CARTE TO HIRE. TORN. ALCORN, Broad street, West Harris *, burg, is , prepared to furnish Horses, Carts and. Wagons to poisons wishing hauling' done. Digging of Cellars personally, attended to: Hauling of any . description promptly attended to. An order box for the acounmodation of persons will be found in . theTavecuLawa Print ing OffiCe, where orders will be received. • aplB 8m JOHN AIDOBH. stir IMPORTANT. TF you want your Skin of a pearly whiteness, I go to Kunkel's and get some of that famous soap, which constituted a portion of the carge of the stainer Erman Boyd, which was captur ed some time since by our fleet, while attempt= ' ing to run the blockade at aariarlon. Can only be had at KUNKEL'S ap26-tf 'llB Market st., Harrisburg ' POTATOES. NEWER and Peach Blow. A large supply IVA of the above in prime condition, just re ceived mid for sale by aprlo WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. 30,000 mdins of eall-.tholvcialete and uncanvamed, at thevery loweet price.— Every ham sold warranted, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, ray 4 'Front sesdAtesket eta. cIL OF AIX. kJ Thiscelphrated. Baled Oil, with several other choice brands, in largeSnd sinnirbottles, just received and for sale by apl4 W.M. DOGS, JR., & CO. ORANGES AND IZMONS.—We hive just received the largest and !bust lot of Mes sina Oranges offered this season in this market. Call and examine, at r • 'NICHOLS lc BOWMAN, ap27 Cor. Front and Market streets. TNEMDS, Mortgages, Power of Attorney, .1.1- Bonds and Justices' Blanks for sale at my 2 THEO. F. SOSFYFER'S Bookstore.- "PST opeo, a fresh lot of Photograph Album, J at .130HVIPER'S Bookstore.- . uky2 g4t getegraol, Wrift.ffi for the Telegraph.' iThe Career of a Traitor. The Life and Doak of Stoneuallifaekton, Scriptu rally Paraphrased, . BY PST= TUB BORDIB I cannot help writing to yeti a few words :on i f the ' of Stonewall Jeaclulen. • • Nothing has hap ed in all this war that, lcokkeo mace like a s intervention of Providenee. His story is so 1 ke what we have seen in the Scriptures that i it were clothed in Scriptural hinguage, and t e names and period changed, it _would be diffic tto recognize it as not belonging to Bible lc 'histo . -Were the subject well handled it migh haVe"iretit effect' both North *kid South —for e-the people of the United States are a picrus i kople and easily impressed with serious their la--much as we may seem to forget theitkin our crowded mints 'end houses. - liiatdiiwn without any thought or expecta tion to do it well (for mytime is not my own—) merely to block out the idea,_and-I send you whatJl have dope trying to doscribe - Stopawsll's fate in Script Ural language. Those who are ta'.ictidtdmed to handling such subjects, should the ihea strike them as it has .done me, can mak+ much out of it. , Clig on sa I. The Weiterneotainent Settlai-=-The Bego t - -Paw for Eighty Years--Tha Rebellionz gtElyneweall Jack:sm.,- Hut Death. 1. (Now, in the latter half of the Second thou sandf years after the advent of Christ, many be • liev4rs iaGod and his Son Sailed in a new land fer - ip the west, beyond the: sea. 2. And at first they were governed from their ownihonm by, the kings of the western islands, but !they became irksome to them, and they fetocht against those pouters and' prevailed against them, and'set up a people's governmdn't for 4nunselves, which was founded on the good willlof the greatest number of them, they be lieving that the voice of the p(Ppla is the voice of God. ' . 8.", And God smiled on thin pc , -- i I pro tected them and ,they prospered. • 4; But wealth and the good thir., : u i d world which God shodercd uppa t!::,. , ,eu made some of them Min - necked -and LaismilOUS. ^ .51 For when about fourscore year&.had passed. aftar the people's governmenthad been set up, men from ,the southern part of the new confi ne. rebelled, for they held slay - es:mid this had ) ma them proud. , And they would return to the old order of "hinge—would have -kings and titles of no bilttlea. ,7. Plainly against the will of God, who had retitined and enriched this land for a chosen i pc) ple and for a refuge for the humble and op reseed of all nations. But not Maine the fear of God before il f ri th eyes, bat being fi lled with their pride and a fume, these southern people arose in their mi It and smote at their northern brethren he. two edged sword, and with many hun dreds of thousands orsoldiers and men at arms, both hiunomen and - fooltmeM, , Matkehtets and cannoneeree - ---- .._ ~t, r, ~..1 - *,, - _9. Bat the northern peoplegirriat ni) iron lobe, and botook thanseives aLso to arms, and trusting in the Lord of Hosts, returned blow for blow, till the whole land mourned and vic tory- hung as It were in a balance. 10. Now, amongst the southern men there was a' great captain named by the people Stone wall, fur he was a mighty warrior and withal a God fearing man. Howbeit, be did not fight upon the eide,of God's chosen .peop'e, but set up his own thoughts iithout due refleotion, as being at ope with the will of God. 11. Then the Loyd God was angered, and turned away his face from Stonewall. H. And a great battle was fought near Bap-, pabannock, , which being interpreted signifyeth crooked river. 18. And the mighty armies met and smote each other, hip and thigh, and Stonewall was In the van of the southern army. 14. Bat as the fight went on, Stonewall and his captains found themselves in the rear of the southern , army, and straightway he would return to the-front, although daylight was already setting. 15. And he went to the front by a new road. .16. And lest that the northern hosts should Make along this new road upon the rear of the army of the south, Stonewall ordered many horsemen to guard the same, and to smite with the sword and with their deadly firearms, whoso should be fottaadyancing towards the south ern army along the said road. . .17. For Stonewall intended not to come back that way himself. 18. But ho mixed again in the tight, and when night was about closing, be unthinking. ly returned by the new road, and when his ovin horsemen saw him and his captains, not know ing them in the twilight, they having their orders, let Sy their bullets at him, and he was . slain with some others of his men. 19. Thns did fall, Stonewall, the southern hero, his slayers obeying his own command. For the Lord was angered at his servant, who could not better divine that the will of God was not to re-establish nobility, and ranks and slavery, but was with the believers, who did trust for their living in their own labor, . and would try to love their neighbors as thems elves; as they had been commanded by Christ their Saviour, the only Son of God. From Fortress Monroe. FORTRESS 'HORROR, May 28 The steamer Chas. Osgood for New York, Decatur from Washington for New York, State of Maine from Annapolis, Georgia from City Point, and General Burnside from Philadelphia for l3eaufort, arrived this morning. The steamer 'Emilie for Beaufort, sailed today. The flag of truce boat Georgia has arrived from City Point. National FIZLIDICq. PELLamultia, May 29. Jay Cooke. general subscription agent, reports sales of $1 640. 460 worth of five-twenties yes-. terday.... .MARKETR BY TELEGRAPH. Cotton Steady ; sales of 650 bales at 51(462c, Flour firm ; sales of 16.600 bbls. at $6 20@ 6 30 for Ohio and S 6 654,7 00 for Southern. Corn—sales of 114,000 bus. Pork heavy at $l2 for old mess and $l3 26 for new. Ls* btoyant at SialOio. Whisky firm at441444k!. Freights firm 4 , ; SICLTIMISH WITH THE REBELS. WASHINGTON, May 29. Colottelßeynolds, commanding the First New York Cavalry, stationed at Perryville, sent out an expedition consisting of sixteen men under Lieutenant Vermillian. When arriving at Iterv's Ferry k he met a force of twenty rebels. Two were killed, five wounded and ten cap tured, among the latter some officers. The isnuilillmOttiat of men under the gallant lient.:v.ntiati ate entitled to all praise. RUMORS AND REPORTS. Bob' Army Reported Coming Up Ittinion3 and reports from• Vicksburg are abundant. The latest definite intelligence is a brief dispatch to the Commercial, dated the Field, near Vicksburg, Saturday, May 28d," which says "there hi no fighting to day.. The troops are resting from yesterday's assault.— Our repulse was complete parts of the line.: No discouragement-need-be entertained as-to our final success. The city is closely in vested and must succumb to our attack sooner or later. - -" We are entrenching and building rifle pits. Cavalry haie been sent out towards Canton, to ascertain General Joe Johnston's whereabouts. Our loss yesterday was not far from one thou sand. It is tolerably certain that the works cannot.be taken by assault. A regular siege must reduce them. Two weeks will. probably be consumed." The rebels report General Cheatham- and Featherstone wounded in one of the Mississippi fights, and General Johnston roaming a large tonne at Black River Bridge. The report via Memphis, that Grant bad captured ivory redoubt, is discredited. In the assault, at one .place, it was necessary, owing to the steepnest3 of the hill, to scale it with ladders. Gen. Hoiey led. - the assault. The rr t LI; rolled shells down the hill at the Federals, which ezuhalosd among them, making fearful havoc. The,Federal lose is said to have been very heavy on Sunday, the 24th. Guerilla Warfare In Tennessee and Ar- CINCINNATI, May 29. a A few days since, Majo . r n ::lker, w th a de tachment of the Fifth IT and ThWAtiwa cavalrHy, had a fight with a superiotrfies of Christman's guerillas, seven mileillabili of Hefpa. He finally drove them.;•.. Their ma potted loss was four killed, twenty wonnd.d »lid several prisoners. Among the latter was Cant. Barnes of the Fifth Arkansas. Walker's fors,: is estimated at two hundred; Christman' atnr hundred to fi ve hundred. 4 • tittle trading steamer 1308141:pale was cap to riir by guerillas at Anal°, Miss. The boat wail fibroid and the officers and crew captured. me troops of the marine brigade, while on a • ' _that .point en the same day ' was item killed and wound . Le-da loss of ten or fi Cuscurtravt May 29.—Cot. Hatch had a fight with 200 of Chambers' men near Senatobia, and captured 60, killed 19 and wounded 20. On Tuesday morning a portion of the Second Ml&lgen Cavalry left the c mp ntar M. mphis, on -a scout to Cold Water Cretk Their out trip failed to discover any immediate signs of guerillas; but, between Hernando and Memphis, while coming in on the H. rnaudo road, the advarice was fired on, and they dis covered a guerilla camp in the woods near by, tiliich was attacked. the g‘rerlils , , after one die which bad no effect, fled in every direction, leaving four dead behind. Nine Owners were captured. iVellandigham is the guest of Bragg, at Shel. byville. It is reported that Bragg telegraphed tojeff. Mils as to what he should do with him. Davis replied. "if he'll take the oath of allegi ance to the Confederacy, receive him; if not, send him back," New Goods... Just Opened !. BERGNER'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, embracing every new and improved style of POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CUREENQVUOLDERS, CALE SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORTMONAIES, at prices to suit all circumstances. POCKET CUTLERY, Consisting of a fine assortment of Westenholm's Superior Pocket Knives. GOLD PENS, • From Newton's celebrated manufactory, Every Pen sold with a iuteeanles. • rBT FOLIOS, WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, • PAPETERIES, Together with every article usually found in a first class Book and Stationery establishment, at BERGNER'S myl2 51 Market Street. T IQUID 11121NEE yields with milk the most la luscious of all deserts for the table ; the lightest and most grateful diet for invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution ; when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy of digestion, and supports the system with the least possible excitement. When still greater nutritive power is desired, ere= and sugar may be added. A teaspoonful converts a quart of milk into a film curd. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by 8. A. KlJklEtradi my 6 118 Market 'stied. Nsw Tom, May 29 CHOICE LOT OF TOBACCO—inclieling Con gress,. Cavendish, Navy, Spun Roll, &c., very low , prat received by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, my 24 Cor. Front and Market streets. PRICE ONE CENT. FROM WASHINGTON. YAOK-SBURG. CINOI26IATI, May 29 Gen. Banks' army le reported miming ap i“IIMMIJI. Valiandighaaa. CINOINNATT,Iitay 29 illisaltantour. LIQUID IUSNNE r. CI