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' Z„: ,-t, - ; f -i' ::' , A.f.' - -; , -,•-=' :1 • .., -- i - ' . ."‘- -4 •b -.*.• . sr - -, - ----- - - = , .! 4 --- . ~,,,. • :s.- • -,, -•3 \ ' ..,>-,.... -,..-'::,._ ... ~!. • .--,- - ,-2 -.:,: z -, , .0. ..4. - .. z t.- . t . ..,..- -.-- -, -...,-... ,-..„.., ,--- .7,-.,., .A . .... ,-- 7_,-.:---.s- :_ - . , ,. , _.5, ~.„-...-.__.;- .-, ~ ,..;,2)- - , -,-.-_, . - - - 7i'• - .-. , -...,..4- ---- ,-..-.. -•.------- 4--,''' . . 4 ..., „.., - ,--- - ....,.._ ~-..„. - --z-:.":„ . ,,...-_-_„4*- - '`- - :.'•-•,--: . . --,_. --- ,_ 57. , _ , .. e :_ z ---- , --- .--,st_k , :. _____- ,-., : , F, : „, - • , _ ___.,______---,-...,,,,-._-_,- , -...•• •• • • -4, . . - - • _-=_-,- __. ___ ink' GEORGE BERGNER. Til !,.: TELEGRAPH. Is puma= MORNING AND EVENING, By GEORGE BERGNER Office Third Street, near Walnut. `'= TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE BUI3SORIPTION. '!'he u "faiivolititan is served to eirinscri 'V bev. in ;1,,, t at 6 cents per week. Yearly rub.<.ixib::r:; will be charged 84 00 in advance. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. hr TEI:Lk:GRAPH is also published weekly and - ;re furu , stwd to BubtoriberS at the following cash riO, Tate , : 4 1t3 roileg, we ekly $1 00 Te ,opi,s, to .)tte pastoffi.ce 9.00 nr, 17.00 qua - .4.7uuty " " • A I'VERIIBING BATE:EL—The following are'' the ...tea :or advertising in the Tatioaapa. Those havl.ig advertising to do will find it convenient for reference. Le Kour lines or lest constitute one-half /square. Right lines or more than four consti t tattr , a glioare. I= C. t ;4. flfitZigVao7ll?Vg. "4, 121 ;34; 44' f 2 : 1 w6g000.24t2=851 7.13.-obut , ;, llw wo 3 .l : : es .. Qti ,t , ..• LT...vv, t' .........., ,„ • cv i = n z 9._ .?.0..- o _-•. 0 . _„V.. . , o s • • ,in 0,....., a-a cot .ecotos.l.-. ' .• - ~ --- 0 77 71 0. 0a c., en a-.. cs- to 417. -a ss 015 cs OD .e, .. . i 0, 3 co ...... c..c.=.0 . D0000 , 0000 .. • • I= sr "lik jgi . e„....c.t.s.ssesesse, 42 31 I • cr • C7,774:77700.00000 : •gEl 1 z-4 _ • • 4 ° xFtl C 7... ...:7 , C , ...C 7 ant...... , sl= t'S',6•S•g:VS,SSWB '• 4 '. " 1 -- • ---- , - 7 - 7. - 5 14. , Cori ~.-, 6-• ~ - ... a LO cs acoso i. __sl ,, :••: —. .e. -- ,ZIi 8 Scl i' 2 7:7.,C704:7C. • & Es ' ---- 4 es sp ;"7.1i o ct pO ppct C ••-• • C. ••1 er, a 0 , 4 , 00, • :~ ~`l 2 , gcI.S.TSB .., b. , b. bZ c 41, C ., 0 V CD '6i?..1 Ilarr EM111;;;Ili U tzit r up,e 4,01..1itt Non •••••• 1. 50 Fuueral tv , ures each insertoa '5O iftr Business notices inserted In the ...Loe44 Ceirs.-na, or boors) Marriages and Deaths, EMIR Clans PER Use for each insertion. E • , As an advertising medium the Tevitoßani bits no equal, its large circulation, among busihess men an i families, in city and country, rasa* It boycott c••moctition. litioctllantous. JONES 1101j8E CORNER OF MARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, EARRISBURG, PA, JOSEPH F. MeCLELAN, PEOE'BIATOB (RNOENTLY OONDITOTAD sr muss COPARLIt.) This is a First Class Hotel, and located in the 4ythutral part of the city. It is kept in the best manner, and its patrons will find every accom modation to be met with in the best honsee in the country. ' se+3o--citf U ITED BTATEB HOTEL, Refitted and Renovated L. W. TEN EYCK, PROWL FOB IS, popular and commodious Hotel has A been newly refitted and furnished through out it. parlors and chambers, ,apd is now ready for the reception of guests for.!thci ; •whtter season. lbc traveling public will Had the United States Batt the moat convenient in alt partial of any Hotel in the State Clapit:4, 9n ac count of its wccess to the railroad, being imme diately between the two great depots this city. U /LEWISBURG. Dec. 29,1862.-6 m THE "KING. MlCltO6thil!kl" DOUBLE LENS. PROF. HORSFORD, of Harvard University, - eAys, "it works very well, and you have got it up very neatly." Magnifies 26 diameters. 65 cents in Po-tal Currency. The BO WEN MICROSCOPE," 28 cents. The "S. WOOD WARD MICROSCOPE," 88 cents. Or one each of the three kinds for Si. All'free of postage. Address T. EDWIN. KING, mr26-dawtim Box 830, 13oiston, Mass. CRACKERS I 11 . BOSTON CRACKERS, MissALSO:LET, FALUN!). do. k.'ooe. -- do: - , . WATER do. Was . 'i do. ,Au.ioNo do. Bunn, do. GINGER Nora We receive supplies of theab3va every week; and our custome , s can therefore 6ty upon their besng Fresh. [spa] WM. DOCK, Jr:, & CO., WINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt-bordered; and PAPER BLINDS of an endless vari - sty of cirsigns and ornaments; Ids°, CURTAIN FM RIBES' and TA.SSFLS at very low Prises. Cali at SCHEMER'S BOOKSTORE. sp6 EMETICALLY 66.6. LED. PEACHES, TOMATOES, ?ISE APPLE, SALMON, OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTERS, LOBSTER, SARDINES, WM. DOCK, Jr. Sr. CO. For Sale by . . MINCE PIES. , RAISINS,CURRANTS, f. CITRON, Lptions,- SPICES, CIDER, WINES, BRANDIES, &o. WM. DOCK, Jr. & q ~, 0 For sale by • BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS! A LA LiGE and splendid stock of Poe6t and 11. Faunly Pr-sbyterian, Methodist, Lntbetan, Gomm Reformed. anti other Hymn Books. just receiv ed at Be.litiNFAC'S 01:11,,AY BuOICSTOBE. COAL OIL, a further reduction in. Coat Oil, superior article of non-explosive Coal Oil, for BEIlb very low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market, Sta. mil 1 I 11:11N6, liitrotkisor ode byk o s c ry Ocomarirront Awl: /WO S te t DR. JOHNSON 33.Afk,LFMMINECort.333 LOCK 11OSPITAL4 rAs discovered the most certain, speedy and 'l.l effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE imam zianc 1I Twzr.vm mugs. NO MERCURY Olt NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cure Fa ranted, or No Charge s in. from Ow to Weakness of the Back, Affections oft the Kidneys and. Bladder, Involuntary die charge's, Impotency, General . Ner- Vousmiss, ',Dyspepsia, Languor,, Low Spirits, Confusion of ideas, Palpitation. the 11 art, Timidity, Tran2blings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease , of ,the Heed, Throat, Nr se or Skin. Affections of the. Liver, Lungs, Stcmach or Bowele-4hose terrible .disorders arising Inim_ the Solitary Habits of Youth— thois secret and solitary practices more fatal to 'their victims than the song of Syremt tethil Mariners of Ulysses,. blighting their mist bril• Sant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage s &0., impossible, ' • - 1013NG -MEN Especially, who have become -the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful' and . destructive habit , which annually sweeps to:an untimely grave thousands of. Young •Alen of tbe most exalted talents arid brilliant intellect, who might otherivise have .entranced listening" Se nates withtthe thunders -of eloquence or -waked -to cashew the' living lyre, may call - with'thil confidence: • _ • MARRIAGE. • "Married Paeans, or YOung Men osnteinplat ing‘ marriage, being 'aware of ,phylical weak ness, organic debility, deformities,•&o.; speedily He who places himself under. the.care of Dr. Jay religiously vonfide In histonor as a gall dam' r, - '-iind'arnifidently rely :upon his skill as a Physician. ORGANIC ..3iSTAAJP.I3 im_Methitely Curia, and full vigor reetorqd. This distressing affection—which-Mr — dem life Miserable and marriage'impossible.As the 41en alty Raid by the victims of imprtAnsinotlulgence. Young persons' are too' nit to 'commit excessies trpin not being aware of 'the dreadful cense 4mimets that may ensue: Now, ' who that un dt,L4tds the subject 'will pretend to deny - that the ~,,„i vc: r of procrention kr lost sooner by those faili fi into imprepei - 4 1 04 by the Beside]: Wng dePTlve'd the pleasures of the m9gt eetidus and destrue healthy °Spring; min arise. tive symptoms to bo dy itha Ike system becomes 5.:°*•,.:4-1341' the physical Bud mental functions we/gum:Nl, l'cae_, ter - procreative power, nervous irritability ,. d yspepsia;' palpita tion of the heart, indigestto:C constitutional debility. a wasting of. the frarM,:• c m ighPi "'p i • sumption, decay and death. as F T Xrto Ornoc,-Nn. 7.Bourn arse' Left hand Edda going from Baltimore street , a few dooki froin the corner. Fail not to obeielre name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp The Doctor's .Diploraqs hang in his offs e 4 , , • DR. JOHNSON, • Member ,of the ,BoyalOollcge of Surgeons; Lon. don, graduate from one, f the most eminent colleges in the United States,,and.the greater part of whose life has been spent in the Wept= tals of London, - - furls, Illailadelphia and 'else= where, fieg,effected some of the most astonishing' ones that were ever known ;. many troubled with ringing in the head and emit when asleep, great nervousness, beinstalarmed aktrudden - sounds, bashfulness, •witit frequent blusking; attended sometimes with derangement of kind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Those are some.of the sad and mehutCholy effects produced by early habits of youth,- viz : wukttess of;the back' unit: OW* '.ppglui .113. the head,idifuness of siglitflosis hf pewer, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous itymptomstkif con.sumption, IdENTA.LLT.—The fearful effects on the nand are much to be dreaded- 7 10es of memory; con fit-ion of ideas, depression Orspirits, evil fore bodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, iko., are *Le evils /pm& produced. Who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged in . when alone, a habit fre quently leamrd from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which "are _nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not oared renders marriage impossible, and destroys' both mind and body, sirciuldiipply-initnediateiy. What a pity that a young man; the hope of his country, the darling of hiaparne.ts, should be suatchtxl from all prospects arid eriloyments of life, by the consequence of deviating , from the path of nature and indulging , in certain secret habit Such persons suer, before Sentern plating Reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage : the Prospect honey darkens to the'view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filied with the melanoboly reflection that the happiness of another biennium blighted with our own. DTFticraiire. OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed' the seeds of this painful disease, it too` often happens that ed illtimed sense of sbawe or the dread of Ws wvery deters him frcim applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him. He falls into the hands of igno rant and designing pretenders, who, insatiable of:curing, filch his pecuniary substance, keep him trifline month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, andin despair leave him , with• ruined health to sigh over his galling disappointment, or, by-the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constitu tional symptoms of this terrible disease, suchas affections of the . Head, Throat, Nose r tilkin, eta. progressing with frightful rapidity till! death puts a period-to his dreadful sufferings bysend ing him to that undiscoVered irofintry from whence no traveller returns. - INDORSEILENT Or Tat paws The many thoinssnds coxed at this institution year after year, and the numerous impbrtifflt surgical operations performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the repinters of the &ai, clipper, and many other papers notices of which have , appeared again and again before the public', be sides his standing as a gentleman of chinactur and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. .' SHIN DISEASES OPEEDILYCIIBED: 04:MC NO. 7. SOVZR KMDIgUar IntUcaL Tao Days YOUNG MEN HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1863. iliiotellantour. LIFE INSURANCE The Girard Life Insuraace, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, OFFIOAS No: 408 , ORESINVI .47#EE.r. (OHARTIES PEBPETUAL.) Osamu, AND Assure $1,543,886 THOMAS P.IDGWAY, President JOHN F.. JAMES, Secretary. CONTINUE to make INSURANCE ON LIVES on the most reasonable terms. They act as Executors, Trustees and Guardians under iaat Wills, and as Reeeivers and Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested; together with a large and constantly increasing nisirved hind, offers a perfect security tb the insured. •:Tba Mod) 02 0/07. 11 P PaW,Yaat/Y: half Mt ly or quarterly. , , The company quarterly. ,] a • BONUS periodically to tho insurances for- life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in December, 1844, the / SRCOND BONUS in December, 1849, the THIREASONUS in December, 1854,nnd the FOURTH BONUS in,1859. These additions et are made without `-ti the preininns -to be Paid to t ll ol99 l 4Padl• The following are a reit examples from ; the' Register : Amount of policy, Policy. (~ Sum Bonus of andltonns to ben _ I Insured. addition. creased by future additions. N 0.., //9. 82500 $ 8137 60 88387 50 " /82. 8000 1660 . 013 406 . 0 ; 00 " 199. 1000 401100 140000 " 838. 5000 1876 00 6875 00 •i • `Agenp it Harrisburg and vicinity . „ HORlTrali. jelo-dly WATWES,- JEWELRY & SLLVEIt Tn DADERSIGNED would respectfully in: vita your attention to his well selected stock of Fine Gold and Silver WAIOtIES, Fines Gold JEWELRY, and every kind and variety of styles—conaprctwising all of the rowed and most beautiful designs.- 'Liao, Solid allinillWAßE, equal fo'Coin, land the beat make;ofigi/ver -Rated are. Each ar ticle is warranted to be as represented. [r Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired ancrsitisfactibft gtinranteed. • - JACOB RABLEy, '(Successor to Stauffer liarkYJ f 28-Bm3 No. 42 Market Street Philadelphia. mout,JiN'il)t)m'S PECTORAL =UP: A h your lungs weak t Does a long imath Ai ge e you osiza give_ yo u a hacking cough ' Do you expectorate hard,,t,ough mat tes Y Ate you waated - svith night awash' and want of aloep ao, here is yow mu*. It will unqueationfibly save yon. Price $1 00. Toe &Dove) medicine hasheen used ektexusively la this city with good. results. For sdlb at TIERGNER'S BOOK STORE. BARRINtaTON. A Hovel, by .Cassias Lava, A urgoir„ of "Clwlee O'Malley," ace., orte t PS. _:C)r, price 6.0 Cents. For sale at H'S CHEAP BOOKbTORE,.. (3 -• • Ch- - SUPER.IOR VINEGAR, "v g , just received a new atid D superior article 'of Vinegar, manufactured entirely from Cora, which Is :entirely-free from all mineral acids, and which they au freely re canmend to their customers and the pdblic. Toe public are invited to give this article a trial. March 17 1863. P.H OTO G-RA.P RIC .9.1413 U MB, Of any size nut in the standard styles will lie' made to oiddr. BERGDrERIS Cheap Bookstore. EIIBY TREES, C_ Both dwarf and standard , as good in quality of the tree. and as extensive in, variety, as can be pund in the country, at Keystone Nursery:: • apl7l , * J. =EL PRIPERVED FIIITI I I3, hermetically sealed, in cane and jar., of all deacriptione, and of the moat delicious character, :"for sale - by WK. DOCK, Via., & CO. (10Aii OIL-LANTE that ; B, that ; do not; need V any chimney, and no wind will put the light out. Call and tomadue at 1 NICHOLS al BOWW, Oor. Front And Market Stu. IMI D EST PENS In the worid, for 75c, $1.26, JJ $l - .50, -- $2,-$B, - and $4; for sale at `eol6-v1 .NORK.FirEkt'S BOOKSTORE. V VELIGIIPAN TIMM, And shrubs of all leading kinds, and of all since, from one to _fifteen feet high, for sale low at Keystone Nursery. . , 1 4 1 2 kinds of Gardpn Seeds, just received , A and for 13116 b y - .` - . . . ...,.., NICHOLS* BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market• Sta. f2O -IGIBENCH ; and ENGLISH. BLACKING, war ranted,not only to raga the polish of hut to preserve the leather itself. For sale by f 6 WK. ROCK, Ja., & CO. A ATIKE4I3, Different colored double varieties White Fringe, Purple Fringe, or Mist Tree, and other shrubbery, at Keystone lintsery. J. NISH. COFdEES AND SIIGABB of all grades ono at reasonable prices for sale by jl4 WK. DOQS. Jll-• 4t CO- • E D'A B E.—Tube, all shell, Float %.,„/ Buckets, Sugar 436xes, Churns, Stands, Large Cedar Buckets, Painted Pails, Scc. f 6 WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO., arge invoice or canvassed, and uncatiikkesed hams„ of every' choice brand in market. Hitch ham warranted in good order. For sale very lOW by, NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Ste. ap27 BROWN . SMUT SCOTCH ALE, of the best brands, always on hand and fon I, a by apl4] WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. QTRAWBERRIES. Plintwof all valuable varieties, at Key stone Nursery. [apl7j OmoKED PICSLEO SAMOA, just $.7 'received 4Sy WK. DOCK` Jr CO. iftintUatuous. Ayer's Compound Extract Sarsaparilla. None remici` yr is mure needed in this corm. trythiiii a tellable Alterative, but the sick have been Eli) Ontragemitily cheated by the worth less preparations of Sarsaparilla abroad that they are disgusted even with the name. Yet the ding cannot be blamed for the impositions from which they have suffered. Most of the so-called Sarsaparillas in the market contain little of the virtues of Sarsaparillkof anything else. They are mere slops—inert and worthless, while, a comentrated extract of, the active variety - of 'S.siraparilla compOntided with Dobk, Stillingia, lodine, etc., is, es it ever will be, a pcisterfal alterative and an, effectual remedy. Such iti'Ayerli Eltract of &stsaparilla, as its truly wonderful asies of the great variety of complaiiiisAviricit require an alterative medi eine have' abiandantly shown. Do note, thSre• fore, discard this invaluable medicine, beasust you have 'been Unposed Amon bpsouiething pre lendingtolie Sarsaparilla, while• it was riot When you have usedArsa'a-4hen, and nattill then, will you know theNirtuesof SarsaParala, .For rninuteparticulamof• the diseases it cures, , we refer.-you , tti Ayer's American Almanac, which , tliet agents below named will funiish allgratis to who call for it. Arza's Clarturrw Pam, for-the cure of Cm- Swamis, joundial, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, troubugfasraoh, .48sadaelie,, Piles, Rheumatism, Mast burn. arisintifran Disordered ,Stomach, Pairi ' or Morbid isoctionf.of the Bawds,. Atis shine Y, Lose w Appetite, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, • , Y077/14, Gout, Neleialgia l i and;fora Dinner Pill. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sen sitive can take..thern• pleasantly, and they; are the best Aperient_inAhe •world for all the pur poses of a family physic. .Faros 26 onus rsa Box, On Five Balms ma $l. Do not be put off by unprincipled deters with other preparations which they make more pro fit on. Demand Arait's and Asko so other. The sick want the-best.aid there is for them. and they should have it. Preparedly Dr. J.. C. AYEB & CO, Loivell, Massachusetts.. old by C. A. Bannvart, D. W. Gross & Co., C. Kt. Koller, J. M. Lots, Dr. Belly, R. Wyetb and dealers eicerysThere. . ERIE S *.si.ODGitASS, AT -Al-IAW. Office with Hon. Da mama, Jr., Third street, above Mallet, Harrisburg, Pa. ' M. B. —Pension,:Bounty and Military Clitims of allkinds prosecutsd_and collected. Refer to Hone. John C. Kunkel, David Mumma, Jr., and R. A. Lamberton. .I.4QUOES. WF:Save on bawl a vary Enwilor aelenttod orWINEC-Baativiata and. FLfEli LI; QUOBS, of every description. • BEANDInS of the choicest brands and:vin.• tages. WINES of every • variety and of the finest quality. • • ST. CRUZ BUM. HOLLAND GIN. /RISE, SCOTCH, , _,_ RYE and BOUBbON WHISKY, CHAMPAGNE, • SCOTCH ALE, -BitOWN STOUT, CORDIALS,' &c. Also, a NATIVE WINE, manufactured from the domestic grape; whiehis a splendid article, and we kik/toil to apl4 WM. DOCK, jg. & 01:). 'VEGETABLE OR GARDEN SEEDS 1 WE have received for this season more.than V 'otir l osual stock of -' FLOWER SEEDS. Some choice varieties on hand. 41so, Gar den `and Vegetable seeds'of the beet quality. KELLER'S DRUG SIORN .41•klarket street. WI ORANBERRLVS, HUM 1N Y, pur PMS, BARLEY, lACCARONI, VER- O' M.ICILLI, :ORANGES, LEMONS, IGS, RAISINS, PRUNES, CITLON, OURRANTh, and a large assortirient 01 Crosse & Blacksirell s Pickles, Sauces, ;Sic., just raceived fresh from the'impbribii" and for sale low, by lanai _ W. DOCK, Ja., & CO. lATIUNING FLpip,s.--I3oss' American Writ, V V - log Fluid, a splendid Ink, at 62 cents per, quart;, ARNOLD'S genuine Writing Fluid, HARRISO'S Columbian Writing Fluid, LAUGHLIN & BUSELFJ.ELD'S Ink, Copying Ink, Carmine and lied Inks of the. best quality, Iducdage, &c., .at . , ap6 SCHEFF'ER'I3 BOOKSTORE. HORSES, WAGONS AND oAill'B TO HERE. MN ADMEN, Broad street, West Harrie d burg, is prepared to furnish Horses, Outs and, Wagons to persons whibing hauling done. Digging ofCellars personally attended to. Hauling of any description promptly attended to. en order box for the accorainixiatiMi of persons will be found in the TIVISGRAPEI Print ingOlfice, where orders will be received. : aP I B Sal JOHN ALCORN. Mr IMPORTANT. -fge TF you,*ant your Bsin of a pearly whiteness, .1. go to Kunkel's and get some of that famous Soap, which constituted a portion of the cargo of the stainer Prawn Royal, which was captur ed some time 'Utica by our fleet, while attempt ing to run the blockade at Charleston. Can only be had at KUNKEL'B ap26-tf 118 Market st., Harrisburg. POTATOES. AMCKLI and Peach Blow. A large supply . .LVJ. of the aboie in prime condition, just re ceived andfor sale by aprlo WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. „ IA AAA all atiovv brands in market, the °b° canvassed and uncanvassed, at the very lowest price.— Every haat sold warranted, at NIGHOLS & BOWMAN'S, Cor. Front and Market ste. my 4 nil OF AIX. V This celebrated Salad Oil, with several other choice brands, In large and small bottles, just received and for sale by . apl4 Wtd. DOCK., & CO. OLUNGES ANH LEMONS.—We have just received the largest and finest lot of hiss sins Oranges offered this season in this market. Cell and examine, at NICHOLS & Cor. Front and ilarket streets. ap27 I - ISMS, Mortgages, Power of Attorney, 1.1 Bonds and Justices' Blacks for sale at my 2 "NED. F. i3OEIEFFEirfi Bookstore. TVS ropen,.a fresh lot of.Pbotograph Albums, a/ at 8013EPPER'S Itookitoro. mil Etlegrao FROM WASHINGTON. Rumors from the Army of the Potomac: Naw York - , May 27. A special dispatch from Washington to the Enezung Post says: A council of war was held yesterday at the White House. It was there suit of the late visit of ' Senators Wade and Chandler to the Airily of the Potomac, and hAci reference to the offensive movements which the rebels in Virginia have been fur some time threatening. General Honker is said toexpress the opinion that they are bringing up all their forces trout Charleston and probably Notth Carolina fur the purpose of making an attgtes sive movement. Ia view, howeier; of the publicity which has been given to these threats by rebels themselves, it seems more• likely that their design is to provide tpr defence of Richmond, and by their usual bluster deter Hooker from making another immediate advance. THE SIEGE OF . VIOKSI3.IIEG Reports from Rebel Prisoners a VICKSEIIEG SAID TO NAVE FALLEN ZEMBEHION AND HIS AUNT WORM PRILADEILPHIA., May 27. - A special dispatch th the Butterin, from Cin cinnati to-day, says :—"The latest advises re ceived here from Vicksburg, through Union sources, are to Friday last, 2.: t in taut. At that time a vigorous bombardure,., town by land and waier was going on. A special dispatch from Murfreeelt, :yd that rebel pi isoners report that on 81.i.,1.) I tat a courier dash4d-up with a dispatch from Gen oral Brebkirtridge to General Wheeter,,, at McMinnville acknowledging that Vicksburg bad fallen, but that General Pemberton ha I escaped with almost all his army, but had left his artillery. FROM GEN. ROSEORANS' ARMY. W%9 dawf3m i REBEL COMM CAMP BROKEN DP DIIIRFRIZSBOBO, May 2.6. Colonel Wilder, with his mounted infantry, returned this afternoon from a trip in the direc tion of McMinnville, whither he had gone in search of rebel cavalry under Breck,inridge. The enemy's pickets were enbountered.,a short d stance beyond Woodbury. The firing attracte I the attention of the retielri in the vi chitty, who collected in considerable force to annoy and impede our advance. A running warmish/as kept up for several miles, and twelve mid this ride of McMinn ville our forces erre on• the camp of Breckin ridge's forces , who hastily decamped. We pursued them 616sely, however, and Colonel Wilder succeeded in capturing 9 pris oners and 25 horses, and 80 bead of beef cattle, Having secured the prisoners and burned the tents and baggageleit by the rebel cavalry, our forces.putbed-rapidly forward skirmishing with abd driving i:he enemy 'within seven miles of McMinnville, when the, pursuit was aban doned and our forma rethro`d to Murfiemattoro scouting the country on both' flanks, and: cap .turiug a numbed spldiers who were at home on furlough. • • Among the -papers :captured was a general order issued ‘ by Generalßralfg on the 17th inst., directing that the sick and di abled soldiers, and wagons, and , baggage, calculated to retard the march, be removed to the rear.. The prisoners also say that all their cavalry under Wheeler and that under Morgan are or dered to report at Columbus within five days; that the tortes at Liberty ander Harrison, comprising five ,regiments, were preparing to move, and that Morgan is falling back to. Sparta to join .General. Wharton's. forces, which are - also preparing to move. The opinion is that Bragg will evacuate his pcsition. The railroad between Tullahoma and McMinnville is repaired, with the exo-ption of abridge, and trains ate again running on the . FROM FORTRESS MONROE. The flag of truce steamer State of Maine, from City Point, arrived this morning with sixty seven exchanged Union officers, among them Captain Brown and Lieutenant Carstair, of the gunboat Indianola. She also brought back fourteen rebel officers, the rebels having re fused to give our officers in exchange. They were sent to Fort Norfolk. The rebels are holding a Lieutenant as a hostage for one executed by Geo. Burnside. The Richmond Whig of the. 25th inst. has the following : • ' "Our Fonthern exchanges ventilate a rumor that General Johnston has taken from General Pemberton his sword, and placed. him under arrest. "Gen. Forrest and Staff arrived at Shelby ville, Teen., on the 14th inst. He is to take command of Gen. Van Dcrn's division. "TursAnoms., May 28;—The rumor of the capture of two of oar regiments in front with one piece of artillery is not trio. The enemy did surround and capture a small outpost, of some forty men. All is quiet in front. "The Jackson Appeal of the 13th says that ourlrebel) loss'during the first day's engage ment near Raymond maybe stattd at six hun dred killed, wounded and missing. Tne loss of cfficers is said to be small." ; -3 THE ITANHEE 'MOVEMENT AGA:lust JACKSON AED VICH.OWRG—ADDITIONAL PARTICI:FLATUS... A dispatch from Mobile dated the .23d, the main portion of which bas been telegraphed, : The enemy are reported to to at Pon chatoula, running the cart up• that far from New Orleans. Atuarrs, May 28.—Grant entered the State of Missisoppi by crossing the river .five milts below Grand Gulf, with from sixty. to onabun dred thousand men, including a heavy force . of He has received no . reinforoinnentsfrom Lon- Murfreesboro. TO HAVE 103CAPZD. Foams MONROE, May 26 IMPORTANT IT TRW& PRICE ONE CENT. Wane, but receives accessions . tmtly from the west bank of the river. His anspoltstion is all on the river, and must to the Aver bank. We evacuated Grand Gulf, fa! fin! bark and fighting towards Jackson, followe f by the enc my, who entered Jackson with 61',C00 men on the 16th. General-Johnston reached ri.p.m on the 13th, and fell back to Cantol. tI e Yankees committed various can seen elutiog their two class' occupation of Jackson, sue. , he burning churches and private houses, rear dig jewelry from the persons of citiz:n.., enttin 4 teeideuces, &c. They then fled towards Vieksiang, ed by General Johnston, (who ie) collet intly re ceiving reinforcements. Vicitburg has five mouths supplies ( t every kind, and can be taken only when the Loco defending it has exhausted these The Tankers report the capture ot A lexaudr :a, La., but the report is not credited. The etiamer Emilie, from Ntiwbern [it the 24th, brings 166 rebel prisoners who were cap tured at Kinston, about 20 miles from N.- w bet n, on the.2oitt. 9nr force contisted of five regi • meets .under Col. Jones. of the 58th Pero a Vols. The Colonel was killed, but we suffered no other lots. Loyal League Couveution 108., N. Y , May 27. The city is alive with demonstrations zbeident to the mass convention of Loyal Leagued. There will probably be a stupendous gd the i g In Chancellor square. Arrangements !lava been made to dine 1,300 returntd s, Idlers, who are gathered from various parts of the State. Hon. Henry A. Foster will preside at the meeting and addresses will be made by Lvtsaa Freeman, Daniel Dickinson. H. J. R .Charles :W. Wye, John Van Boren and others. (SECOND DISPAVC a Mum May 27.—A large multitude is iu at tendauce at the maw convection and all tee,- dons of iheNtSta'e are represented. Speethes.are being made from three manila, and the 26. h, 140th, 4h, 59. h and Itith gi ments are here, together wito squads from several other regiments. Great enthusiasm and general good feeling prevails. The National Fizinnerd PHILADRIPLLIA, gay 27 .7:17 Cooke, general sub criptinn ao..ent, re ports the sale of $2,329.600. in f• 20'r, to d Ay, a follsws : New York aLd Nirw J rtes. $9OO - 000; Boston and New England, $450,1 t-0, Tililadelphiatuad Penns}lvarril, 510,Ik0; $l7O 000; Washington, D C , (JOu; ate, $75,000; Wheeling, Va., $20,000; Webtern States, $64 600. The delay in getting decisive and Itvorab'e news from Vicksburg has had co sens.b.o t-tisct upon the sale of tie ee bonds. hubs.-titers look more to the final success of the Gov.-mint-LA Old to the : security which is given than• to the preterit and prompt gains neon such inv. e ntente.- -• While succret may fart hsr increase the subseriptioes, delay or failure does Lot lessen the willing contributions which the peo ple are making in the glorious cau-e. New 22wertiremnits New Guods••••Just Opened ! BERGNE R 1 S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, embracing every new and improved style of POCKET 1100 AS, HAQICI.CtiIIuENCY froLohats, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PIJIt-E>, PORI 310NAIES, &c., at prime to snit all circumstancei. POCKET CUTLERY, Consisting of s fine assortment of Westenholin's Superior Pocket Knives, GOLD PENS. From Newtou'acalebrated manufactory. Evey Pen said with a guarantee. PORT FOLIOS, WRITING CASES, ROSLWOOD DESKS, PA PETERIES, &a. Together with every article usually foind in a first class Book and Stationery t establishment, at BEAM NEEL'S myl2 , 61 2flArket Street. PEIPHEa'S DANA" LENS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA., hock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Hu ey, Uniontown, Walsoutown, Hilton, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykezistown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located, the drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor goes' through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods iatra -b -ed to the Roe. Goode delivered at the depot of FREED, WARD '& FREED, 811 Market street, Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock P. M., will be deliv ered in Hatilsbrag the next morning. freight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. JOSEPH MONTGOMERY, Philadelphia and Reading Depot, oct2l-ttl Foot of Market Street, Harrisburg. GEESE, old and new, iron prune Dairies,Cfor sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Front and Market Sleets. neyls ANYTON BLACKBERRY, Strong, vigorous, bearing plants, at low at - 11(33440ne Nursery. J. 611S11. - 1 7 . tt v 4...i, A . LL PAPER, IX)RDELLS, Ac.,-&c., sold at year's prites, without any advance. ap6 - SCHEFFER'S BOOIisTOFIE. CHOICE Lt PT TOBACCO—including Con grew, Oavendkh, Navy, Spam Soli , &c., very low, just received by N.RILOLF.4& BOWMAN, Oar. 'Front and Market gr reets. mv2o SYRUPS letoWoes of oli kinds, for sal by NIC HUM & BOW al aN, myBCor: front and blanket sta. GRANDERMI23. A very choicB lot just received, by apl4 WM. DOCK, Jo-, & CO A - ._ TS f-