Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, May 27, 1863, Image 2

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"iike Pailp &leg*.
WednisdaY Evening, May WI , 1863
withotit distinctitin of party, who desire' ,
cordiallyitb nnite;in sustaining the NATIQNAtt
patriotic efforts to suppress a sectiesill and un
holy rebellion against the UNITY OF THE
:REPUBLIC, arid who desire to support, by
,r2L We Government, • rii
rrethreu in arms, who are braving — distil:iv
and the perils of the field ito 'preserve the
UNION OF OUR FATHERS, are requested to
select a number of Delegates equal to their Le
gislative representatives df the .State, at Buell
times and in such madder as wilt:best respond
te. the spirit of this 4:lrtil; tortneet,. In ST.4i.TE
NESDAY, the .EIRsT • PAY OF ., JULY next,
at eleven, o!clook, 11. 4 on said.dayi fer,notai-•
nate candidatoei , for the of:ewes:of GOVERNOR
and JUDGE, or TELP,,,SUPREifiVriCPURT„, and
to take etieb limey . be, deemed rie-‘
cessqy;to,strepgtibentuthekriovernniertt in this.
season of common peril to a eorompaseouritirYa '
, a P. MARBLE,
FT m°L . th° 11 1 10 .4. ,
. •
Wm, J. HOwaan: Secretaries
The Committee also passed the following so
lution unanimously, viz:
Resokoi, That it„ be .rocommenrled„Ask. i tha
Loyal citizens of Pennsylvania, without •diiA
tinction of party, to organize, in, each Election
District of the State,Union: l T4agues,tor,,the par r
pose of sustaining the Gotternraent in .tiappresk
this :Ai/eel : me and wiciqd
now seeks to divide and destroy theßePnhlio
Trouble Among take Coppetheride.
There is trouble among the Copperheads of ,
Pennsylvania. , The aspirants for the Ginberna- .1
tonal nomination at the hands of the copper- , 1 1
headeonvention, are M a greneeXeitenikult, con''
sequent open the develop:um:o the 'plots and
counterplots among themselves., Six months
ago the notorious Bill 'Witte was • ante , of '
the nomination, Then the the
Deruilkicy was in such,. shape as to make the i
man most. popular who was most in syinpathy
with the rebellion. Such men as Clyuriir were
set aside, while Witte and his folloWers were
left to tale every copperhead of, any infloence •
in the Dolfimonwealth. But this rule did .not
last long. The radicallreaeon elements of, the
Democratic organizition became too redoes—
the power which Witte and his followers wield ,
ed; elated -them .beyord dhicretion,: and they
aretherefore to-daY `at'thelinerl of 'Chair own
passions. The conservative element of Alp gu
mocracy took charge of the organization of the
party. "Peace pamis were , sung 'in every club
holies. Billy Bigler began to move, and to-day
this 'CleMent of conservation, at the head of
which Bigler and his friends now stand, has
taken possession of "the serings of 'the party:"
All this has: roduced triMble: The'radiiihis hre
rampant. They threaten halisorta.of :vopgeance:
But Bigler and his friends have &Mimed their pc
sition; they have the and`as fhr as we can
learn ficni one Who is partially in "the ,
the following is the programmes which will
govern the coming • copperhead gubertiatbrial
noniinating.cdnvention: 1 "',
Bigler can gather strength ,iintlichit, to
carry the nomination, he will be the next cop-
perhead candi4i!telor l gcnrpor.,Ak *arranged
to secure the nomination for Bigler, if possible;
but if it is ii i iiii l itiVieasttie r ottiVeltit4ention to
nominate the weak-kneed William
gramme is to be chapgell„nnd no ess a person
age than Maj. GenvW. B. Franklin, of York
county, late of the Army of the Potomac, is to
he the map. The 'proprietors of 'The Aire; the
organ of the coppethemi l intgiest'iriTlilikderPlit;
are, two of.them from York county, and these
two, Messrs. glossbrenner and Welsh; aredatthe
head of the,game which is, thus to mak.e,Frank
lin the nominee for governor. lt is calculated
that Franklin willsecure aconsiderable sob% as
a military man, and it is hoped ••to make some
capital or him as one of 1.1'4 officdris who were
forced from the array hy the presept .NatiOnal
Administration "on-,account ofi.
Oar readers are aware thittFrairklin was a Party'
to the flagrant
.derelictions of duty .? insane de-
lays and absolute treachery which disgraced the
direction of the ArbaY of tite' Potomac, when
M'Clellan was at;its head. Olit'df ull this; , the
wily Bigler and 4he crafty conservatives.whp
have their ftagerwat the throatof the•aoppeG
head organization,.expent ; make immense
capital; and on that capital Secureihe eleC`fion
of Franklin as Governor of Benpaylvaniti.
The game, so far as the noiniiiition ie eon_
• t ti
R29.l el ? ( A9'elk r Ttc°'ieF l3 l PLs.4r.k ef e t o. tar WI
and true men of renneylvaota,.
to be played beforo the people, ihofever, we
will have something to do with its:defeat,. as le
wilt assuredly be deka:lid:
~: ski t'oancctifln with;
the coPperh44lemieritit, slows that there
- neither nnitrorlarmony Among them as polii
• ticians. They stdited i out td dbfinV4 i find
grace the nation, and'Oo.4,*Of Wo; i altiOnt to
defraud and diegraceeachother. Butmel svill
leave the game still , further-to-bedeveliped
'the ontbrealr which will sooner - or later 'Con.l.
vulse the ,orgUnizetiou of the copperh44 . De
mocracY: • , • :1t ' IS
Axe Coppe,rheadifffriAtors
Mr. W. A.. Porter, tti.lriene:aeinOAerili.
sYlvania, was in c piaLiikalt..! Erfewldkvememe;
ivhen'ho was solicited I% 6 RK . P.7figigs9 l 4ttill
Predelent of the 'Tomo Democratic Cl t iab,l
to appear at the Club Mingo:and ad:Cy:J - 03 x the
dabblewhichmi coast4Ote thellludi
at -that -resort. Mr Porter has Wen andz , still.
apemocrat- 7 -hut that son of tomes; aridly
mama augersoll, sitiphiedithat'ho was co
traiter stripe of Deraociati., iccordjngly; when
mr P/Alter appear&if 4Ctite brilb`"Tedirse,
very much astonished the copperheads by de•
claang that he was a war De„,..inoszth4 he
was was pveryitylie
man to silptiit the - adininiittation In its;efforto
to puLdown:rebolifoooaud that allmhoopp - ove
thOseleffurts .were:aliketit4itors with thoiAi
arms. Such a spec
li Oil i IL-not 16c3k - ed for -by
Ingersoll. The fa&rek,o -,;thesiub were doakb:-
fouaded - witir the . noble - sentigiants thtisbrarly,
ex . Thepressed- ra bble the
poor de
1a e
m i e I
who.are;reade_tbe cats_paw of the traitora.wh
Zeiraciirtif.e — CiTirE; began to bsilivir if ol(h - e
declaring ti. tikeT , Wale, 4.1.1; gsppxheada, is
.„ t , „i, , ..;=, s, •„4.... ) 11 Li.Y/ 1...iil i
demanding that Mr. Porter be ejected from
the room. Indeed, it was with difficulty
that Mr. Porter escaped with his life, after
havirg thus declared himself in favor of Buil
taining. tbe triovornment in the presence of an
organisation whose object is to emit z ibute to its
—We'iepeat the question, Are Copperheads
Traitors? Let this incident anew•
A NobiLt'arowell to Ponnsytirania. Heives
Brig. Gen. liiiiktdeys, commanding the
Third Division, Fiftb Army Corps, issued a fare
well order to six of the eight regiments forming
rl7; triseVreireir - term - ccriserviCe - had
expired. Those six regiments were Pennsyl
vania organizations, all of which took an active
past t f ,,, the h i ‘ttles. y4ppahanniNki ap i d
fetheirioravery, devotion and actual se v rvice,
were not exceeded, byttie.eame number (Ame
CJi il2 31 n
in the entire army.
• —The order 'of Gen. Humphreys on this sub
ect 'was conched . inithe i tollowing language:
AIMS ARMY COB Pl 3, May 7,, 1868. )
GEqg RA L AbARS,. t , • •
, 212 f I
Theierm.of service of six of , the eight regi
ments forming my diiision .15 about; to exPite•
Ia tho,midstof,lhe pressing duties of Ain active,
bainpeign;.there., iB., btlt, little time fox ilenyyk
taking, yet I cannot part from the brave ofileffs l
uncl i p:ken of
,my oornmaud withottt,,, expressing
tojhom the entiefsetron and pricle.lturyeifektnt
Y 1 sir conddet from the time , vhen .11,nosumed,
commuud,es they mnrehed through Washhigten,
in September last to join theitruky,cif,tbe Pot r,,
xnap, then uteut to-meet the en.emyom t. the
prefiC.Oftventful Perfed : .. i t, ,+:
The cheerfulnesszitteagob they have borne
the unaccustormd i fetigytysip4,lpilijohips which
It is the lot of the soldier to endure, their zeal
`.ous`efffirts tolearn the multifarious duties of
!the soldier, the bigh,spirit they ,hai , e exhibited
wheh called upon to make long and, painful
:marches to !mad, the eriernyi and their bravery
,battle, bav`e won my regard =ld
!affection. ' 1.06,1:
I shalt part from-thaukwith-deep regret and
wish thfrnitpthe,tim,e of , each i rsgifgant
Ores, a 'happy returntO -- thrbir 'familial toad
friends. , ,
(Sigriiid,) l A. A. HUMPHREYS,
&igadier General Commanding Division
f,f7Z regldoei is alluded ' td,` boniptising
the first ,a ll 4 099 1 4 tirtsOPß ka' P _e l nral Ef l ll ll-
phreys' division ; were all from ennsylvania,
and were - divided'andtcomtrianded as follows:
i2Oll P Col. Elder egium P. ,„
129th Regiment P. V Col. Friek;•„,"::
134 thiA4giment.A%iV!bggit p'Biledt
Second. Brigade. ' ;
123 d Regiment P. g'; C6l. Clarktp. ,
131.5 t Regiment Cob
133 d Regiment P. V Col. Speakman:' , t L i
There, were two :three years' regiments 4-
te i cligonViVsileciioAttaahWiht ri
both of which are Pennsylvania organizations.
These have been'''ateaChed' l tEl' General Sykes'
diViskin "rekurara;
ziei6Egi 1 616 Ar my.
While thonsands.of our fellow citizens .baVa
been bearing arms, subjecting:themselves cheer
fully. to the, rigors . of, discipline; hundredsof
othenr haverixten-followlogithose'aimies for the
sple prirpilse of sp eculating
r on their necessities.
IA Itnen",disonieteit tii'e Xiity)if
Potomac has beein..nsedubyt• these sneaks, as a ,
sort df retreat which to escape tax Alen at
lira 'the thafrijnd the d"nit' "hich fail.
upon those who serve, their cottabl-iq the Amy l '
or, who, at , home,,i are willing to :contribute of .
their stibstance for the titiPport 'of the GoVitin , -;
•haspa it
i .T 4 41 . evil lee ,'ded fendons' 1 1 13 j J
ruption. The Inem.thus following ttis`:,,army .
havevbeenengaged , in regularly orgenized,plans•
to rob and defraud the private soldier, and by
eyer L y g ieit[ l B to, triske their Presenee In the army
servetto tilLtheir pockets, With, money:
are composed of .I'he most degraded sneaks, ,
doWerdeatiesiiebtilifors, and hota feiv of there
are notorious pickpockets and thieves, Whoatenl .
What they cannot gain by illegitimate tarter.
The attention of Gee: Ifookei , has- atllength
been to 'these < lu'Vfetsr'ef the'
operations which have been of such incalculsiblpi
mischief, c to the soldiers, .Gen: , Hooker his' is-.
sued - itn:iitriziient 'artier; directing every com-
Otticiing officeF to iFtinCe*A:(o4.#4irOt . Rostii-,
ble u number his owmOturtP l43l ,l93m IR
,r o PYPAtinil
and ;sending to headonartersedery citinenTound' i
hisqines Without the' Otrotereqrtirediß
paragraph tlit l ee;Geileral Grders No.` 18,' Aiany i
of:the Potomac, The paregraphin the orders!
-referred-to; reads as follows - • -1-•
ttttttt residimbiWeretiotto beallowed
to, remain within the lines' Or &Mt:4'o' this
•artily with i ont tie :f iniFfrobi d the r Provost
shal General: ; Cosmilianditig "efftcersi; will cause
'all 'ankh' 'persons WithibAb l eir - ctrlinitoB to be
brought hefere the Prnveit Marshal;for his; de
— li
This Is certainly a ettirily — bloti ,siCet:greas
'No :have heard ibldiersbitterlit . doznitlairi
'ettlitl'Ailinctrif:' these. i fe win:Mr-this order. hi
:direCt l 9l',' .the army has a
tendency to make divisions,Create jealgistee
and, pretdttod disepu t en t . . lt was time•thit they
bik a ispd. i4 i .
- ,
The ;PeAnThigagfla*.l9; Tt15M 4 3 4 1.4!449 30,
W.e.notice without - the-least sitiptise, t hat,the
journals which have bten.opposing the Govern ) ;
Ment -the ofpnEi, of" the torY' s ivijie of the
Dem:foptic.party; Are becoming very violent'in
their denunciations , of -the/ Manner in *bidh
he traitor'Valtilidigherlti been tilineped oft
But while these sheets are tins, male tOilitVe
tbpurpose of bringing, the ,Gp.yermnent s ;p;
reproach, •it t -cheerint• that theLptionle of
Todalitik Which - were once ilitented-lireghttni
with traitors, been' purified` and
elevated ttrithe_promulgation_ei seupd patriotic
doctrines, should thrtortib.tfie municipal repre
f the Government
in ref ace to F•alland}ghsm , as one iieminded
.to vindicate:lM anthority. Att the first binuch ,
of the City C nncils of BaltiMore, • the 'arrest,
trial, conviction jinitiftiten4 of Vallandigham
are fully e. 44900. • , Ple•XelKtiutiquqtPfkqs.o., AY'
that hodylare einphitticiesurd.slionld handopted
by levery4wporatirin iil the Ccuilitry. -/-We
piilimit emtb bur readers for P •
' e • -
- -,W,IPIREM, ()lenent 4..
,valiamA g hip l , 4 the
,atatgAtigthio,•bas long been endeavoring in
his public speeches to, create dissensiertfu . our
ealirAtrlv.P o 4lon. the public 94 . 4. IRIR aid •
and, comfort„th those who are. hr,/rebelljori
agahnit tim Ued',ral Government.; sne!efor,e o .:
:Resolved Alm - Major And Qity, Council,„of
Zitimme, • That they have luerfl, ,w,ithitlel4ure
;of the arrest and. transportation 'beyond our
iimxi of, Clement .4. VallaialiShala r e, [ tad-010r
4 - ';
in their judgment, the hest interest of-the,
country and the preservation the Govern•
ment fully justified the procredil
Resolved, Thst-Avhilst they consider all the
rneaFurft of the Federal Government are sub
ject for pat and fair criticism, they do not ba-
dove that at a time like this any man sbo:rld
he tolerated who is plainly, palpably and noto
riously endeavoring to create a factious oppo
sition to the Government to increase the ditE
cultievf putting down rebellion.
Righted, That the Hon. John Lee Chapman,
Mayor of the City of. Baltimore, be, and he is
hereby requested to transmit a copy of the
foregoing preamble and resolutions, to the
President of the United States, and also to . •
A. VW miles w9strol Fort Gibson th/ adiffllCA,
of tien:Grant's army found in a forest 4 the
roadside two immense piles of beam, each
covering an acre of 2,50 Q square feet, piled as
high as theliranchespf the forrest trees, and
ea& 'cbgtairtlifg,''by qati4ale, 40,00 Q pounds /
iguntinkkporvii,n easy 4lotory.sa
'Tlaompion's Hills, bad loaded his train with
these supplies, and his retreat was so hurried
that he had not time jo remove or destroy
them. at:multi lase.* fell. eg in slbund
ance of tents, fell into our possession.
"" .114) a tiimii:l9 I - ` 0 oh/ if tlj i . ifj
' altSl g- gn
Blit .:1 , 1111,114,01, i llti HO' r ii l'i t 1 :1 4'
Pkeiniii,tlik:ta.,ithe .24* Instant.
A. Pr/ vaWdispatcli • wasdzeceimed in, this ,city
today, from an officer in an Illinois teginkept,
dated froinirhich
Itbat the city wag not
canto:la - up to that rtimef. • •1 , •
Tl]e„idlspateh says nottdpg as, to -what was
clotatvday i ,
"TWe Work - frig of 'the
'wires between Memphis
and Caircoto-night is interrupted 'brit "
Iferromiees Pemberton 100,000 Men
i" — •Two'Weeks,
. •fi ".
~_, ~ -~
, .Ao.W.tiA 44
U U) U Lt i
CHICAGO, Mar, 2601863.
NILBFFybAYI : j mm I IbL'PlßUih
IA fF it ~ 6 9t~ tJR
Special Dispatch to the N. .I' - • Tribune.] ; . 4
WesatmoVeateraesday, May 26.
• Attiniisliarges.i iatt.
We understand that Gen. Grant, in his tele
gram of Friday,, rg i cepts.,d to-day, says that he
has intercePied a dispatch from Jeff. Davis to
Gen. PeniblartOti, in whtbh the rebid President
pro t tcdieb the' coinminidef at lirfikshorg"ridn
forCementel 'to thCn i umber l of a hundred thou
saStemetrif heitvill 'duly 'held mit•ivity *oaks.
• • Leyal , men here are- - rejOicing over the serious
blow dealt the peculiar , inattention that form
the sUpportots ittwae- thn-ftutiel, of the. rebel
nom by theLtipening of tilte- Mississippi, which
flows for many-611ertbfits murse through -the
most . denselyupopublitertAtiavel territory ins the
Union: , f it is believed-thatithlk;Matibnal army
will be reinforced brmany- African resilnent4
raised in this•region-paind , thitt these" Will befoin
long suffice to gartison the Iniportant points,
and guard thetlanki tbewhOle length.' This .
has-tong Win knOWA-to be , w favoritelgan With
;the five 9 idefit,; ~„ ;
§J' ILkk.:','::t4 - 4..T. g.__ ,
Aitrtval Of`theriCity Point Boat.
tr.ww - ix.,LINO TO
, . ..wAswvo*lv 2
aN, 7 ...
A, telegram from Newport News, dated. to-day,
-received at- the .Navy Departlim4says that, Ural
steamer Georgia, just arrived from City Point:
brioge,no relemed.prisoners, papers, or news.
Shielnay, be considered:a good eign,:shoalni
that :the: rebels haVOLTIO 1 good news .commu
,nieete,. . . • .
01 , ap: r ia t f
May 27
thte at as`a feint to cover a ,
the'2ob -c
- an ae9ahlt , t, s tateA Gen. Pr ce
• , Heavy Robbery.... •
•" • • WILMIRaTON, Del., May 27.
A draft-drawn by ffi: Davids&r; baukers of
San Francisco, to their correspondent' itti New
York for $3,000 inzgol4, endorser! J. C. Beider
nirt?*fis Stolen limit-night:. , •
Ya!' of t!ze Tof stE f!! lt t i' sll" •
1.11.1 .....
A .& Pinci may . - 4 - J;
Thgtitcs‘mp ' bip kingo Easkern,4 coming down
the sound. She will be,,at 4stgris_At
Who. Great Neaten/ bas, „100,0 passengers._
7A036 'BY`
_ • . Punainurailliti- May-W. .
simerfine.ss 75®6; extra $6 25
6 50 and 6 75(47 for Aurtra...family;i $7 'Mg
: 50 for fancy. Ryezdour dull; $5 25. Corn
eat; sales of Penns zlvania ,at.sta4 124 and
.10/fieal - ales at $1 56(4
Cl 56. ' I).Yittifflikaitl 02. . Corn in Malted
.v,!ll4oarlme •
,Pennsylvania at 1170. - -"Oats
ess /it }. N othing doing
i barley or- -rifilt.= PioViarna drill - and
hanged. - ,Whitlrt - Slow at -,F5c for bblB:_infl,
go'fcir"drriagei.' ,
. . '
Mat ZT!'
148,571 bus. ; corn 165,120 bus. Cottop i vjet
I t 60c. F10ur....44,1gc1pg ; /1,500 bbls. tit
16(45A, 04 - „Ctikiili - 1 E9/54,56,49®6 90 for
.outhern... Wheat , advanced 42c. • sales
0:0001111C:it 4/17(41 47 , for choice ' §pring,
12(1.4 ;for - Corn ;.10),2e.
igtel; salee L dfl . 5;000 at° 73 75c
Viet tlllt onchafed li ,,,Nhisky'ou 1 at
New ,abriertistittento.---
la 40
T v ,/ men_i
a F r i l L ; e3 O v e N s C ted 9U t N o a i r ; ret NO. at
gir%7Atij attling)r'on' Friday, the
One ,511.04 the after
-42"41641'; funeral ofVoiln;:tAecieldi 77;.? izgituatilne, their
Fox BENT.--Xwneggny....bniu3es,. located In
Riveryalleygovnevp_Vine:..ataiset. Apply to
Stmunk4lhianip4 T A Second atreet, corner of
a b gri l / 4 ,81'
WASHINGTON, D. C., May 221,1863
ALL men who desire to join any particular
Regiment of Cavalry now in the field, are
hereby authorized to present themselves at any
time during the next thirty days to the Board
of Enrollment in their respective Districts. The
Board shall Laamine them, and determine upon
their fitness for the Service, and if found to be
lit, the ,Provost Marshal of >hhe District shall
give them transportation tickets to the gene*
rendezvous, at the headquarters of the A.
• .vost Marshal_ General of the State. As soon
they present - themselves at this general ren
desvons they shall bo,duly. mustered by a mas
tering and disbursing officer, and paid by him
thd buy allowed . ty lam. •
Provost Marshal General.
Nors.—This order is published for the benefit
of those who desire to avail themselves of the
adVantages offered by the Government.
4pplication will be made at ;be office of the
aitud of Enrollment; Cdtirt House, Harrisburg:.
Capt. and PrOvost Marshal, 14th District, Pa.
PavVoST MAILIE&L'S Onus, I - •
Harrisburg,,May,27, 1863. . [my27-dtd
Concentrated !Condensed or Pulverized
SOFT SO &P'. •
THREE : gallonsuf hands6tne white SOYR
.1, SOAP made in five *Minutes. Nit'gretuf3
Ductarioss.- Dfiesidve 'one pOund of B. T.
Bribsitt'i Coneentrated'dondensedbr Pulverised
Soff'Sdai in one gallon h Or bplling
add 'ewo bt — Waria Writer. 'When cool
you will haveltiree gallprpspf HandsomP White
Bet 34
Ten pounds will make one harrel of soot soap
ThS,,scia t t3 time made Man ekci3llent wash for
trees, ihnibleancl plants of 41 ; kinds.
fepelved and rot sale by ,
„ - DOclri &
mlt litirket,Se.; opposite the Cone Bonze.
- -
ON the corner of State and Filbert atm*
now occupied as a MACHINE SHOP AND
Tpoot, is 75 feet `on,B#3 and 17 bon Filbert.
like building on the . corner` of State and Filbert
streets is 75 &oily 30, with a wing on Filbert
50 by 80 feet, with a winglon the west end 18
by 80 feet, all two storieshigh.. This property
can evilly - lie convicted into a large Hotel or
sevedir eight dunillines.: There is also a two
story warehoutsq on Ore «mktg., pkgilbeFA street
end North alley, 28 'by, 30 feet, that can be
altered inio'two dwellings'rin the rear of this
lil is i a foundry, which may be altered in
to.•the f ll above prs 4 0 . : t,/ h ,
4 ope*„ wit all Hie machinery
in complete running drtdel,'is for sale as it is,
or:the real estate without.the machinery.
myl7-d2w] T. H. WILSON St CO:.
, , . lorricua,
OFFICE, WASHINGTON, April 28,1888,
G E" HAL ORDIERS''No: 105.--The
`zitilsw of Brian& tozp3 is 'hereby au
'Thie•'Corie stall cotisist of Compaules o 'and
if it shag hereaftei be thought liest;l'df"Bat
talions. .
The Compinleit nhat be`macie up from the
following gonrceu;
) 0 t 0 0 0 0 0
-Tiird, i 7 ., . } o +
accepting those officers arid enlisted
men who have been honorably discharged on
account of wounds or disease contracted In the
line of duty, and who desire to re-enter the
service. In the case IA an officer, application
for appointment must be made to the Provost
Marshal of the United States through the
officer. detailed as Acting Assistant Provost
Marshal of the State. No application' of this
kind will be considered unless the following
conditions ire completely fulfilled;
1: That the npplicant produce the certificate
of the Burgeon of the'Board of Enrollment for
the District in which he resides, that he is unfit
for active field duty, on "account of wounds or
disease, and latest liable to draft, but lb fit for
ganison dutY. • •
2. That he furnish' evidence df 'honorable
discharge, on account of, wounds or IdisahilitYl
contracted in the line of duty.
That he Pi&lace - recommendatiolis frtnin
the Beglinerital, Brigade, and Diiision Com
manders under Whom hi formerly served, that
he is worthy of being, thus provided fur, and
capable of returning adequate service tothe
Government.ln coedit stuildA imptacticable
to get this last evidence, he may, having estat
Hailed the , first two' 'points Above, satisfy the
Board of , Earoliment,that he is deserving, and
present its-certificate of the fact., This evidence
must all bh obtained by theapplicant, and must
be transmitted with his affplitAtion for appoint
ment." I-••
If there be no Acting Assistant Provost 'Mar
shal General for the. State, the application mar
be forwarded, through. the Adlutaot General of
the State, who Ja.desired to endorse thereon
such factslin the military .history of the appli
cant as he may , irnow, or as are afforded by l ,his
records,' and forward the 'sake to the Proicst
Marshal', General of the Unifert States. Falba
ed ken, honontbly i discharged on, account of
disabillty,lesifing to re-enlist in this Corps,
will present themselves to the Board of Enroll
ment for , the District,ln which they reside, for
examination by theAurgeon.theroof, whoshalr
examinetthem and report the result to the
Boardof Enrollment. •
The Board shall then consider each case, and;
it th'e applicant is found to fulfil the cOriditioluti
specified beltiw, the-Board shall' OW arm a
certificatele tie& effect,' viz.:`
1. That he is unfit for service in the field:
That he ifiLfitior garrison:4oy
-3. Thet. he likkeritetiens and deserving.
4 Tbathe was honorably dischargedfrom the
service. - -
The-Provdid Maraud for 'the District shall
then send the application with' thisr' Ourtifiliate
of the.bdattlfloths' Aoting Assistant Provost
MartiraKtedeiar of the State, who shall pro
cure sucl avi4lcc service and character as
the records of the company to which he. lie
longed, on file , at the,headquartech of the Stile
may show, l and ltratilifiad that it is a meritoriJ
one case, and that the man is deserving, he will
enlist him in accordance with such special rules
as the Provost Marahal General .mayLestablirib.
4nsPeotrirs, • Surgeons is charge of
hospitals,lldilitary Commanders, and all others
having authority to eliiharge, under existing
laws and regolatioijp, are VA:ridden to grapt
discharges'to any Men Under control who
may, be fit fqr service in the invalid corps.
Die Provoet Marshal Generaliis charged with
the execation.of thbLotder, and the tr.cops
ganized under it will be under. the control of
his Bureau.
Nora: These extracts are mblifilimifilcir
benefit of those concerried,,,:who wish to avail
thenigiftes, of Aluif.adValltoges offered thfi
Government in the - above .order. Applicants
will apply at thy office of tgi , 'BOlitar=of mrp,i
~meet,Narrieburg, Pa.
••A - ;
Capt. ind A Protiatillaishal;l4tli Dist.
Pk:4°stltAludlVioilfici '
sarriabur. , May Vih, 1844„ [O:O,A7Atf
riittp.fi.i3 - 11fdrAiT140 LOON*. a ve4
X.7-iot, pat .receiireivaial far g. -
:a.airtjOul.t.l* Lij WC I 4? 4444
„ a , So irf .
Nev 2thertisenunto
. .
B'y order - of - the kerpirpric of 5V:Eu*.
Towvniaw, .4144,4gpvierth
31tro abriertiseirtents
Notice to Bridge Contractors•
THE subscribers will receive separate propo
sals for the building of two new bridges—
one of 75 feet span and the other of 80 feet
span—both of said bridges to be of one span
each. Said i ridges to be built across Wiconisco
creek, in Dauphin county, the one a few miles
east of Millersburg and the Other about seven
miles east of 'the same place. The said sites
are respectively known as CoOper's Fording and
Good's Fulling Mill Bridge. Said bridges to be
erected on the Burr Top Arch Plan. Proposals
will be received up to Jane the 22d, (Mcnday,)
1863, at 3 o'clock P. X at which time the said
proposals will be opeurd and contrsctsawardett
Persons wishing to propose can have printed
specifications on application, by letter or other
wise, at the office of the County Commissioners,
at Harrisburg, on which proposals should be
AN &action for Prellidankatiflairectors of the
Franklin Railroad Company will be held
at the Company's offing in Harrisburg, on Tues
day/tile %Ida) , (Aquae neat, ketwiam Oki Yam
of 10 a. a. sad 4P. a. E. H. BIDDLE,
• 26-2 t Seem •
A LL persons are hereby notified not to nego
tiate for check &two by Henry Fink,
psysiaertoHeorge.e. Barnitzvfar ••the snm of
$2B 80. as payment of the same 'has been
stopped. my26-2te
LTOTt-E STOLEN—Was stolen from the sta
ll ble of the subscriber, residing in South
Hanover township, on the night of the 22d
inst., a STRAWBERRY ROAN HORSP., about
six years cid. He bad no shoes on hind feet
whin stolen. •
$26 reward will be paid for the re. overt' of
the loran and $2O for the detection of the thief.
my2B-80 1 Etummebdown i Pa.-
►ias undersigned having :Wit his pocket
Ibook, at or near the depot of this place,
would beg that the tinder of it would leave it
at this office. The pocket book contained
about 6136 and my , furlough, dated Botany
Ray Island, Alay 6th, 1883, South Carolina
The finder, upon leaving the book and contents,
shall be liberally rewarded. Should any one
and thelurlough and leave, it at.** office, or
send it to me at York Postoffice, Pa., 1.41.1
pay him $2O. JOHN H. KENDIG,
m26-Btl Corp. Co. E, 76th ftegiment, P. V.
- O. A.
t EL celebrated CANTATA, "THE HAY
'MAXIMS " will be given under the direc
tion of Mr. Silas fWard,.
The entire proceeds of the Concert will be
given to the Duffed Suttee C'Aristian anusisrisa.
Tickets "26 nerds. For isle at the Book, Mu
sic and Drug Stores. . my2s-td
• The "...Libretto" (containing 811 the words) will
be fun Asia ,Warit s Massie Stare, Third street.
Pace 10 cents.
reccipts and expenditures of the Harrisburg
Cemetery Association„from the 2d day of May,
1862, to the 16th day of May, 1863 :
A. IL Arabneatock, Treauarer-,
To balanca on hand May 2d,
To cash from sale of lots, dig
ging payee, and , intdrest
on investments
Paid election officers
" whitewashing fences.
for carpet ...... .
rePaintlii 8 04 .
clover seed....
" coal for two Tenni. ...
" alderman's fees
" making feoce; /to
' "' Printing an advertising
acconnts. 2120
"" refunded for surrenniited
' ground -
" inVested iu.II. 8. bonds 2,000 00
Wm. Patt,lieep- •
er, salary $BOO OQ
Juo.tutklabor 281'0Q
Putt " ISA
`duo. Powers 286 25'
Joo. A. Weir,
'secretary.'.: $25 00.
A. K. Fahnes
res 1N...—. 00
§uperiniend'i. 50 I: :126 60
Balance in treasiry..: 621 82
3,727 76
PAI3NEIn: OCK„slintr
holdr;iii in the bersiatgry
are hereby notifie4 that an election for Preside r
and 6ve Managers of this Association for the
ensuing year, will be held' at the office Of the
Treasurer, on Hinkley, the*.first7day of June,
between Ate houri of iirelock and 6 o'do*,
PI X. ' 3.-A. WIER tecietiay ,
i nip 25-St
"VALUABLE pAorgwry -
AT Ptr 13.Lt0 SALE;
TN pursuance of the last will and testament of
1 John Sele,'dec'd; Will be exposed to public
side, out SA.TURDAY, PIS la= DAY •OF
JUNR, at the Court-House; in the City•of Har
risburg, at -two O'clock, P. N., 'a VALUABLE
•TRACT- OF LAND, situate. in -the city of -Har
risburg, on the J.mestown-rcifid, adjoining pro
perty of John Shoop,- William' - Allison and -the
Haehnlen:etitate, icbeing the propert* of-Jobs
•selei, deed; contlining twentrone sixes; more
pri lees; erected thereon is- a good two story
FRAME HOHBkrAND BARN, other out 'build
ings, good water, and a thriving yoribgAPPLE
OftOHABD. - •
Bale Ecpcommence - nt o'vlook, as shrive
stated, ihen the ternntrunT conditions of sale
will Mayl e e known by 'JOHN BRADY, -
• Adinistiitor.de bemisnon-0.
tay266e-•-' - ``' • •
, A 114 44 i. on South street. Enquire of
44. 14118. kuaRAT,
:Mr. *Kona i i l/411 ° 0 14reate-
411pEN SEEP .
-shalrer's,ltftliebsou"N /431 G. an d
- Rod; dotter, N.lr.
largeinVoit*tom ; gthity varletse
oaciiptionoinat tooalyed an. for 846 bi
- 11 1: 41 ' JR., CO.
60/.:a-at 4.4
Nero ..liaertt3inicl:-,7
F OP. 47r0 REGImENT, ,
COL. T. H. OWL), CiAturnan.:,
Stationed at Key Wi6% Florida.
Apply to Lit ot. W. %V. GEETY,
2d Street, opposite Presbyterian Churci
[Patriot and Union, P,..riy County Demo.
and Amer'cao, Bloomtiel , i, copy one tnontiJ al.
send bill to this aka for wilection hurt,
ately.] mytlO-ln,
TWO or THREE good steady men, with :4,4.
knowledge of Farm or Garden woik,
be employed for the season.
Tee highest warn will be paid to pere.on,
of the right kind. Apply to H. A.
Keystone Nursery, May 22, 1863.
200 Agents Wanted to Sell Lloyd's America
deP,at the United States.
PRICE 5100.
P ERSONS wishing to engage in selling the,.
maps can. be furnished, in any quantity, I,
addressing D. D. BARTON, bitenanicsburg.
Curnberfiud* county, Pa., agent, at publisher';
prices, with freight added.
A large lot of superior maps
just been received.
Good agents can sell from fifteen to Chill
maps per day, and realize from $6 to $lO profit
Two hundred agents wanted immediately 1,4
any part of the United States_ Address
lifechanicaburg, ("timberland county, P.
myls4lBwe •
rTHE South Ward School Board wilt pay a
I. premium of Thirty Dollars for a plau mkt
specifications for a two-story brick school how,
to be erected on their lot on Fourth street. ilk
above amount , will be paid for the plan ant'
specifications adopted. All nectkwary inform'
tion will be given by calling on the committee•
Plana to be furnished by the let of June.
[Pabiat and Union please copy.]
NEW OFFICE Market Square, next door to
Golder's office. Call and see thorn in opt ,
ration. A general assortment of machines and
needles constantly on hand.
Mies Margaret Hine!, will exhibit and s i!
them, and also do all kinds of machine sewin::
on these machines in the best manner.
The patronage of the public is respectful';
solicited. aprll•d6nm
Steam Weekly to Liverpool,
rpouonract at QUEENSTOWN, (Coax EAR-
L noa.) The well known Steamers of the
Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steam
ship Company, are Intended to sail as follows
City of Baltimore,Saturday, May 30 ; Etna,
Sattrday, June 6 - dinburgh, Saturday, Jun,
13, and every su cceeding Saturday, at Noon
from Pier 44, North Elver.
do to London, 86 00 do to London, 35 50
do to Paris, 96 00 do to Paris, 40 50
do to. Hamburg, 90 00 do to Hamburg, 37 50
Pasierigers also forwarded to Harve, Bremen,
Hotterdarn, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rate,.;.
' Finis from Liverpool or Qiieeuestown : lot
Cab . . ITS $85. . 5105. Steerage from Liver
... , ' < i. " F r ionz Queenstown, $3O. Those
who wish to sendlor their friends can buy tic k -
ets here at these rates.
For further information apply at the Comp'
ntes Mow* t
JOHN G. ..DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y
or C. 0. 7,II4HERISIAN, Harrisburg. •
128d1 .
Valuable Furnace Property for Salt - ,
or to Bent.
SE undersigned will sell or rent Chester l- Furnace, situate in Cromwell township
Huntingdon county, Pa. The Stack is well an
substantially. built ; there is also Ten Ban.
Haute in tolerable repair ; there is an abni,
dance of good wood that can be purchased st
ftom 16 to 26 cen ts per cord, (wood leave,) with
in two miles of the stack, and abundance o:
good ore can be got from one to two and a Ipt:
MUM at a reasonable price. The furnace
about ten miles from Mt. Union station, P. 1,
with a good public road leading to it. F(
further particulars, address
Spruce Creels, P. 0., Huntingdon county. Pi
$lO6 66
3,621 10
8,727 78
$3 00
16 7 6 4
7 00
2 25
14 00
7 20
18 70
863 BIIBIA MILL& 356
858 and 355 Washington Street, New
Yozk's City.
- Du? np in tin foil pound pkners, 43 In
1 box, and in bulk_ Our prices range fru:.
7to 80 cents. We put up the following kind •
0 111E8 ITANAkti OF SUPERIO“ Coleb'kE.
We believe'our Collee'to be better than en.
twang Coffee now.in use. All orders adrire.
Red to us, or to our agents, Messrs. Pi acs
Yocum 182 Chambers Street, corner WastAti.:
ton Street, New York Oity, wilir eoeive prow,
The retail trade supplied by first claw lobbi_
houses In the various cities.
r. mug. OHAS.. ILA_.
11 ..=:Aeide iN'im List furnished upon
12 60
840 70
MS I !
20 000
b il° 7hl, j o ub f t
°shred I -r
Hwy Jiassir, sdeded.
Ikvesis mens Swirta, supestier.
• • - Ificasusnsen Kr.onrsana, canvassed.
- Illvassonaes EXCELBIO3, ROI encatwasseA
• Inon-Diter, canvassed.
•-laanieszr„ noi canvassed.
. Pia's; Hem, *idly prime.
Commas Muss, very fins.
%kit framiold will be snarisnteed as T.-1
vented. WM. DOCK, Jr. do (:"
6OA. 110.11TH!—We want agente,
a month, expenses paid, to sell
Boa*satin g Pencils, Oriental Burners, awl 13
now, 'useful and curious articles. 15 eircul,,
free. SHAW & CLARE,
mylB-dmilat• Biddeford, 11e
$75 A in every co l u — n l ty wan at t s. Ao a h in ir o e u a t
perms paid,- to sell my new cheap K.milc
ingMacithleg. Address S. MADIOS.
InylB-dtcw3m Alfred, M
TOL—Another large lot of Mackerel
X Herring, in all . sizes of packages, h..r
halves, quarters and kits, for sale Icw
11P27 Car. Front and Market sti,t4
AVE invite the attention oi the puha.
, Urge , and well °elected stock of clu,
ware, recently purchased, and which we ott,
a very °until advance on city prices. cal
merlin" Wore purchasing elsewhere.
NICHOLS 44r. 130W1UAg,
ap7 Corner Front and Market St
[my2o td