le t. k —• . "g.,...__ --- ~:.;._-_ „ , ~ ""k, ' • -1-. ••••-• ' .. .Z- .-"--; ..'-',-, : -1:1411: : :: ~-.1 - .. ' !--- '''''',_ . - :-....• -..v. -:-.,.. •. —,. 1‘447 :-... :- i11...47 7 .- -•• •-*7 •A ::: :: 1- 1 -1. -,1,. ____ .... 's- --. ' ' .. i f . .... w i . ..„,1 ~ • .. ___ .. . .' e . I f': • : ' ' . ' „ 44' „,#' • - 0 - . :, ,-- f:: . , f ~,—_-• -...w.: ' . / — 7 . • -..-':, 1 . s \ . 4-,' ' :-- s ' 7...:1: j . ‘:- : . '.:"...'-- ''''.- • ........,,, ........., .....''' • ..... -.4 . ''''.4....*': '''''..t,' ...,.. - 4. -' 7 -;r” 4' 4 -• . - , • .-_,-- ,-,-,.. - - e• # -, t: 0 4 - .., - .. • ~ ,c -•,_._., ..4--, ..,p— -.,...,......-.- - -.--,- A ,k - '-'4O •,.. . • ' --;%Z4111-31. .4.. - -• , .... . --.•; • --_..--- _ . . . r ~. ••i t I .. - . .. BY GEORGE BERGNER. 11l E TELEGRAPH. IS PUBLISHED IfORNING dmD EVENING, By GEORGE BE.RGNE - R. Office Third Street, near Waitai , (7-1 PERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLY. SUBSCRIPTION. Phe DAILY lELEGILAPH i 8 mitred to sitbscri berg in be City at 6 centalper week. Yeaily anbs,:ribers will *charged , $4 00 in advance. Wicamt TRuxiaani. The TELEGRAPH is alio published weekly and Earn .sited to subscribers at the following, .cash rate*- : Single copies, weekly $lOO Tea .opies, to one postoffice 9.00 Tweu ty " " " . .... - ~17.00 At irstrrisnta Reiss.—The following are the t etas lor advertising in . the Taratottesa. Those bawl. i advertising to do•Willfuldilt convenient . for reference. •-• [g`Four lines or lees eonsfit e on mats. Eight lines or more than, font con ti ter. a aq flare. - • 4 . ' 4 l SI ...7.13 4 1 1e :t c 12:: 1 ~ i tEci t 6130 09 0 0Q 9 . 0 40=09 7 = l7 ,l3 f.LlVl . A . rgr a t? , L :t - • 5 ,, -Er ' .. - •= r c r pr. • I." • t .- • • . :.:t v V: • ' Rltt• '6l l ;•.'"i4,t:mebo.wial. , - , : : • •b. Et. ...*• 0* 8.1F . ,13 ' 28.183:14•428 f i V 3 - ,,, z -r • - • - • .--- ~..., ~. . •., ~.....• «. . x 4 'g 4, 3 Er. 0 , - . cc-4-110.4...C.21.01...1-.. . • . ~,i) .....-- ~, 'l 7a 000880.0•Eg..atJagl8CL' .. ti, 2 . 2 . F .. _ 0 0 0.0 0 0 . 4 • 1 1 t" V' 41.0 0.• • P . . EHaI ~. z• ,4.,,, ... 0, .?!.....??F•r'... tig C° Z ,9.1 . 2... • - io P . • ~t.z.e.caossass 4= 1 ::$ • 0 0 •-• . ...-- ... a m ...4 - MP .... — .l . 74 1 '..,.. - ... , - ..-;•..•,'.;.,..........,...., ..•.:•r Cr al = . iFi 4.. •......2• Cr. -a 114 _ ...0 4.0' A P X. A .....„ ? .. .1 3a P , .€52.5?,271._•.0.000.00 7 - .1. 5 .".. - •c• Fl. ', , . -.3 • . -1, ••40 . .... .. , 10 R x or6.2VBSB *- ' '- '', 1 , . S z •- • 'A, ••••• , 4 - .:- 4. Xf r S ~• , •., , gig . - - c.'0.., ...z.... , •-• ,-, ! I - wo 5i4•10,1-,:z1,44',1i8 B • - '-L-- • , x , ~,,, -; ....... to ..-,..-,,-: .. . i•-:.* : 8 2:1•-tggiA8V88 • ell'is t ' , . 6 EI ;..! t SE 1 0.... • ......-... " i' ,. .; a ' • 40. , g • ggl ' ‘ .. g•Vg " o " geS ~ ; J2 Adm.:tat mown Soak - I. l 'lizit illaiiii4l;4liftifilAg:h..S2 Sib! . . ilar ri ag e N mice*-'• ~.,,, ~..,. , ..,., ..-,. ...... ...• 76. _ _ siew,ur'i NOVICa. ' ' '' " IhUlertii Notices Cal ger- Business notices ins e rted m in the 11 ° 4 Column , or bei Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT Casts eea Luis for each insertion. As an advertising medium the Tarmaszn hae no equal, ib3 large circulation, among .busineilf men an i families, in city and country ? placing it beyoud competition. Jitiocellantoin. JONES 11.01J31`' , aoRNER OF .MARKET ST AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. .40SEPII F. ReCLELIAN, PROPRIETOR. (=GENTLY CONDUCT= DY WNW, 001713. LT.) This is a First ClasaHotei, and Matted in tie , oentral part of the city. It is kept in the beet manner, and its patrons will find every accom •=lodation to be met with in the best housesai the country. . . se3O-dtf U /TED EITATEB HOTEL. Refitted zina ReiLoirit:tetl L. W. TEN EYCK, Psopantrop. r " , 11:5 popular and commodious Hotel has L wn newly retitked and furnished through out ito t - odors and clawniverg, and 10 .now ready fol the ;"Ptieg guests for the winter season. be tralre. l W Public Bud the to Blau hotel the :VOA convenieti!. in all particu lars, of any Hutt 4 lit the State t yn a :: Count of its acme to the =limed, behi;., di-rely between the two great depota -in tdty. Haanissuao, Dec. OD, .1862.-6 m SMITH & ,EWING, TT OR NE7 5-4 T-L AW; 011.10 E THIRD ,A51718ET,, i ; srt - t i - • ..1 4 TFAR MARKET, HAM tISBURG, P \lv ILL attend to the Clollectibn of Biinntt: money, rennsions Said initiars of 'Dip; , ' re - Ihe widow ;or other heirs of any soldier, whu ,nay die UT db3erve or be 'killed' Itic United States service, is entitled to $lOO I bc pt,r, money, pension,.and all 'arrears of Pay et ti,c,-E.sed soldier. inlY/CIY-r4.71:11q. o' FRESH GROCERIES ! NICHOLS & 130WMAN, (Corner of Front and Market Streetsiy ABE constantly receiving from fi rst hands' large stocks of choice family groceries, pm; : chased for Dash, whichithey are thereby enabled to sell at very small advance on city wholesale prices. They would respectfully inform the public that they do not deal in nor keep any. intoxicating liquors in any , quantity, large dr small. — - mrB HERMETICALLY= ISHALI4I. , .... PEACHES, TOMATOES, • PINE APPLE, SALMON, OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTER S, LOBSTER, _ .41.14 4 ,1ND1, ! WM: IioCCK, Yi.::,Si CO.: For Bale by MINCE PIES. RAISINS, CITIVILOTS,i CITRON, LRbiONS, SPICES, CIDER, WIRES, BRANDLEA am Wlt. DOCK, Jr, & cil,. For sale by BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS! A LA Hag and splendid stock of Pockefe l ari Bibles.: —l. Prt ebytmritin, Methodist; ,Lutheten, 'uerni an Befot coed, and other Hymn BOoksjust ed at BRAttINEE'S CHEAP fIotH,WIPBTD, - C OAL 01L, a further reduction - is ,Cqa4oll, -superior article of non-explosive C44)1 1 1 for sate very low, by NICHOLS & HOWMAN; Cor. Front and Mariret,Bl4. writ el (IViS, tAtrou, Owl lArranta, e y NICHOLS & BONV 118 Oquija.lEront and i .fittiltaL J:OIINS_ON ~‘ 332a:_rimmkr.cirtin LOCK HOSPITAL; rA 8 dlicoverad , the most certain, speedy and 'X effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF . IMPRUDENCE. wir SIX To MWM ALI% , NO MERCURY,OR NOSJOUS' Dittigs' IA Ours Warranted, er No;CI#0, in. from One to _ -1170 D4a,•• - • weakneni . of Use Hack, rnmations of the dridrieys and, Hladder, Involuntaly, die- Impo,tancy, - 'General Nei ivousness; Dyspepsia, LangnOt, Low Spirits; i'Ocirifusion •of " Ideas, Palpitation' of the !He art,.Timplity, Trembling's, Dimness of Sight : or ,Giddiness, Disease .of; the Head, Throat, korliitia.. Affections ;of the Liv r er,`Linigi, ',Stc or Vowels those terrible 'disorders aria from lila Solitary Habits' of Youth - ;these secret:and 'solitary piactilis more fatal to victims than the, song of Silvis to the Mariners of Ulissel,' blighting their most bril liant hopes or antiniOtions, reentering marriage; &c., impcs4bb' • ' • YOUNG : MEN • • Especially , become, the victims. of Vlitary, Vice,; -*at, dreadful 'a 1 4.14e§ 6 , 1 ,__ 4 4/te habit-which annually sweeps t o a n tlaan", grave thousands of MAUI& Men of the .aaesti exaltedytalenis ,and brilliant. intellect, who' might otherwise have ()Oral:wed !Waning Ben atom with the.thunders of eloquence Or, waked to sod* the living lyre, may call with full confidence. , MARRIAGE. Married Persons, or,Young Men ccalbeialaat." lag • nianiagi, 'Wag iaware of ,weak"' Maw, organic debility, deformities, ace„opmdny stared: , He who places hiniseif `under the care of Dr.: J. may religiously confide Whist honor as a gen-, tleman, and contidentlY t i f t ely'tfpon his skill as ' '-oBAIANIc Tlils restored: ' distressing tiffeetteri=Libioli enders life Millerable'andinstrilitge r iniPoisilie--is the pen-1 alty paid by the victims oflingo r per l indidgenceJ Young persons are too apt to corithitit'exrfessed from not being' aware 'Ware dreadful Oise:, enemies that may 'ensue: Now; who that', fuli dental:ids the subject will . pretend to derif thiGi the poWer of procreation is lost Sooner bylhose falling into improper habits than by' the pru dent.. *Sides heitlrk r deprilied the pleasures of healthy:it:Pp - Idg r the most SeriothVantrdeilititie tive-eymptciaiii'to` both body and'iffiiiirisrise.! The system bt4xiinesitiringed, tliegriiiitaf and 'rnrittalWnctions:tiftw"diethed ? loss of procreative power, UMArous*Titability - , - dyspepset palpita4 Lion of the 'Mai, indigestion, cousiitutimial debility. a • wastitig of the frame; cough, con ' Gumption, decay and death. I Orrice, No. 7 Boy= Fainsaum Amu*, Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not. to observe name sand number: Letters must be paid -and contain: a stamp. The Doctor's Diplontos hangln.his office. DIL.JOHNBON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon. don, graduate froni one of the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the greater tert . ofi.whoss life' has been spent in the tospii tabs ofrLondon, Pails? Philadelphia and Masi where; has effected some of the most astonishhig cures that were I ever . knoirti.; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleeri, great nervousness,' beikiglitiarmed at suddea sounds, bashfulness, with frequent:blushino., attended sometimes with,derangetifentiof mind were cured immediately; - • TAKE PABTICULAN NOTICE. These are some of the sad and melancholy effects reduced' by early habits of youth, vis a : I weaknessof the back and . limbs, pains in th head, dimness 'of sight, lies 'of muscAar power, palpitation of the-: heart, dysliel ' nervous irritability; eymPtoms'of con s umption, sto.-' • ltherrersx.-The fearful effects on the mind , are much to tie`dieldtitiL-lositememory, &floe' of ideeti, Aepreseton of *lilts, evil fore - ImliegS, Aversion toirOdety; Self distrust, love of solitude; timidity, Ac. are smite of the evils produced YOUNG litiM -- •:, have injured' themselv e s by a-- per - tails :' o.o indulged in when 'alone, a - habit frf- E t? • - ' tritti liken °Oil cdinpardoins ' or`' at flue 44, 4- nightly ' felt, 4 feets of which are V ir ,! .i . r: n ! , e- , iiiit., . , es i :. I! . , m a mated renders ' . eAreFeesilitP;' .t ul !' a4 l 4 ; itrt " la ' th ' "O nd . and „shfix&app . i: teeelOttelf.' '-' --- ; Wtft 1:44. tUt. a. Yo:ilagleell, the l hope of his Conntry, th6dailing ; of to Pareate.- should b e snatc h e d free - e n ,, , pmeme t e .. .ad eniOyinenfe of life, by the cohisequkCce of de : wia . d a ft . f _ r ,fim the path of nature s t udliidUlging h.' a ael - ` 6 ,,,_ 12 `secret 'habit. ' Stich Verii i onktuldr, before.s val'' Oath* ' ' - " - '-' ' - Iff.eiBELIGE, ' "' i 'Reflect pat ' a sound mind and body are 01. 1 most necessary reqtdsiten to Pfomote connubial happiness. Indeedli'*ithiout these, the lobin4yr throughilffe; is:miff:tea a weary pilgrimage : the prospedkciurli darkens it:Vibe idetl° the mind 'bbconied shadowed with despair and ' filled with the melancholy reiteetion tluit the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. • • ' DISEASE OF `lHiltil - DEI4 - OE. ' When the misguided and imprudent votary I of - Pleider6 /Ads he has imbibed - the seeds" , of this painful &ease, le too often" happenii that 'an illtinied sense 'Of shame Or the' rend of dis covery-deters hinefrinn applying to these who, from edicition and 'resptotability, : nan alObe *friend him.'`;He falls into' the hands Of igio rant and designingpretenders, who, incapable of filch 'Ur Pecuniary substanCe, keep him trifiint, month after nionth, or As long out the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leave him with-ruined health to sigh over his galling disippointrikent,' br, , liy the use of the deadly poison; liderisiiy, - hasten the cobs: titu tiOnal sympt oms of this tertible - •disease, Incline affections of the Held, Throat; Nose;•iiikin,,etc. progressing with frightful rapidity till death puts 'a period to his dreadful-strfferings by eand ilig.,hita., to , --that hmdimovere&country..frbixt Wttente '- notrayeller returns: , ;•; } _:. :;, : 0 '' 1 / 'filtitatßENTENt ar THE ?EMS: 1 - The many *OllBBllllllVC4ed at this institution year after year, and - the ritirikii•Otte iniPortigit rgieal-operatkossTerformedli.--.lnbashp, witnessed by the rePsrti".6fl4ll6tigler'' and man 'other paperypapery notices of trEf , appeared again and agatn before the' public; be sides hid standing as a gentleman of character • and redpOnsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to . BTL the,aillicted. ' ',,, . BKLIT,DIBEd EFHEIPITN =kW . . . .., 94 , 44f4 No. 7 . 'porint isabiigicur az • 4....:1„... ME HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 23, 1863. iNistellantour. LIFE INSURANCE; 'The Girard Life Insuriacte, Anneity• and Trust Gmnßany ^of rXdiadelphia. OFFICE NO. 408-.ChB/HUM SI.I2NEI: • • ,(011Altnat EMETI:JAI4I::: Caprrst AND Aston $1,643,886 iIEDGWAY, PreshlentJ .. JOHN F. JAMES, Secretary. 0:11 . T I,1;1_ E to,.make DIBUIVOE 014 V LIVES on the Meet' reasonable ter ms. They act as Execilto7; 'Trustees and Guardians under last: Wille,laßl es Receivers and Assignees. . , The capital being. *glow% and invested, together Nvith a large and: coostantly increasing received fund, offers a perfect • Expqrkiar to:ithe insured. The premiums may be ph yearly, lialt',y.ear ly or quarterly. , : • L . The company add 31 ....11,0NUS perjedloglyi to the insurances for-ilk:l., The FIRST. BONUS appropriated. in Deoeratler,.l344.l.he:s l o:lp, BONUS. in. December,,lB497.tite TRIED RON . o in December, 1864; and r the ^META, BONUS in 1869. These additional are made without requiring any Increase iti .4143 s preggiuns to j be paid to the company.: E. . The :following are. a feW- =M . Pim from WO Begiertet Amount of polk7 Borius of and bonus to WM tUlditioM creased: by -future Butt 11"41"'Ilitiired No. 89.'112500 IS 887 50 $8.387•50 ‘` 132. .1000 950 00 4060'00 " 199. 1000 '4OO 00 ' 140 Ct 00 " 838 . • 5000 157 50 0 6076,00 Agent at Harrisburg and vieinit3C , , ' 'IO*LUVUMMiiI=3,.. WATCHES I -JEWELRI r .4S; .SILVER MO UITDEBB I G EDi wouldTpepOtfullY.Pi• vita your attention to, 11?4" wev: s eglecteki anicitfif Firm 09.41 And Wier WATOHEIS, Ana Gold azwEklyy,fiad'exery aniVv4tety et.iitykii-- 7 eßmpr_uzisinaM of the, eisee# and most beaulifui..,clesignj• , Solid : Also, KLllswißE:fitiai to 414 n, Unified. untie of -Moir Plated , are. ",lasolVar tide is ,warranted to. as reProOlAad . SdrtWatehekian4 ,l4l, welrY airetagi repaired andaritinn..gnartinteed. JACOB HEY; (Swam. io .4oniPor k„_4tiqr_l4,) f 2r B inl No. A 2 .404 Street, Philad elphia Da. ,Miiet:;ll9TOcitt'S '' 'PECTORAL! . ' 4§ -3 4RtTP. ~ .., , ~ . .. Aisw your lunga weak l', Mikan long breath At ye, Imi Pali t. - H ave .1, 01 4 a back ing cough./ ,r 1 Do you Avec:tiff* bird,. tough. >t tei I , Ato you , wisted lialtk, ow,* a u ow, ari wwAtlotstim I% Af 89 . her t ° VlC r e g ' 4Cs4il unquestionably save you,; ,c 1 . The above medicine has been need extensively in this city with good results i For sale at , . WSigliElAbßP - 4:1§Tollx , TON. ' BARA.veING • ' 1 --- ' . A Novel, • '. • gnome ',AWL, t by, ,-, to.bi a ll e y, :.! &0., 01l pdoe 60 cents. For sale at vol., ";' lfirg - BOollbTofilt 61 B•FIP4S -CroA AIJT . H i ' CAI of " harlee SUPERIOR VINEGAR. . _. . a g n 9 CX & Cc.:luM, Just received.. a new d .1l." superior :thief° 'of lineglix,"iiiitifaCtu entirely from Corn, which - is entirely free troth ILL ziallierallicidli, And wlllelf.they :can frikaki.44 commend to their--customers and . the public Tue publicare invited to give.this article a trial!. March 17,1883. 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Of any size nut in the standard styles tyill guile to'order. I BERG:NE*Oh . • • dCheap BoOkstore.. ,-, ~., ..-. 't-iffEitßY34lgE,S,' - - , . f %.;" " Both ‘dyraif ' and atandeid, ill `good i f i n qnaltty Of th e tree, atid as eiPinidy9iii,varie . cia can be 'fei,.id I._ Av e .o w nty.ett itiyito e i l ~.1 1 .1 * . 4 7: . - EqS . 7,I '• ; , :: • MISR; ' •IMSER*ED%FJIMIE, hernietictelly: Deal , Pin , cies andjer. of .allideeesiptkonsi.and)9f the meet delicioutcharacter fdrieslebyf.".7/ 1 ... i 6 , WIC ,BOOS, 41...-& - .4:10: 1 Com. OIL LANTEET,O, • that Aot,need any obithikok, put the light out. Call and •iiiana; NIQUOLB & ..130VIKAN, ilB OF.'- kiltand gatkeP SAL I LOIEST PENS in the world. for 76; SL2I, $1.60,--s2#4Brand-44,-tor-sale at .613 .4-v1 AgEtEtigli'S waw)BE. VERGREgITITREES, £4 Ands rerititie , oi4ll kinds, =and pf; ait-m si,tiotit orieCtb 'Met ligh, for lale ror Keysuine•lfitreery: J.i.111M1.1 l• kin& of Garden 84%41 justreceivekt - ' auic for ,sato ". ,All**l4)AsViitAiic c6l . **Pmit.; an& ,844 f 2D VRENOIT ilaid^ENOLD3ll BLACKING, Wok tidted not cinlOcetebdu tbeloolish or tiai tq presprVe Ibelostber RAWL Rot sale. by ffi - & 004 _ . Dliferentgolopd t 4ouble ; White: Fringe, _Purple or Mist Tree, and other idirnpbery, at Keystone "Nursery., , _ . . riOFFEEft AND SUGARS: of kik graded a a' ' reasonable prkestfor sale eby, ' 1 j 1.4 WM. DOCK,,JA., A CO, CEDARW AB B. --Tubs, 'all aim, Flour Bucketk Sugar 80x136, -Churns, Stands, Large Cedar Buckets, Painted P M ails, &a. /, Pqa • WM. DO Nittvi itsFge,!- inveroe”ol'oanvanred and '• uneanvamed efevery choice brind in market 7EaclihamwaxMited,Wfood order. Forseliirery ' •, • . *6llolatq. & BoWitti P . .27.. • . 'Joiner Front and tifti BEOWN STOUT bpd _ - ' • 4COTCIi ef the beet brands, always °whys& lineal p s POPS, Jt., & CO. • arnewBERBIES: •• e . t 4.-.) Plants of all kraluatlO:variotieti dt Se shone Nurser*. [iipl7] SIOSED AND 13Algati l Jost 1 received by WM.. $s Jr.,; : 1 I win.- Basniuritties P - 1 A N 0,0 TE raTAIIISOKIENT. 'MBE subscriber faiteminyinviterthe &dem il, tiun 'Of friends and the irtililkr; tiP: his Piancolllntei -,Xlitablightialty 427.! Ekoome streehlc9rl 2 . 6 N'ef %' o6 b7istreet ,Having withdrawn. his intereq,shich and materials frornifitiltitb &in of " isg . hte 8613 rad;•• thiryi," wail dissolved on' the..Blst. January, mit. .and, homing purchased the entire stock of. ) Piang-gurtes and Piano-Forte Xatesial,, Called by fits &balls, Mdwaid the said firm, he is now_preparitd to'snpPly the Inorett i 4Sufald - 4:fiT - W - cillbbrated Ptanol'or testl fiaptri encedtwcalitsenr,swith a large stook of the , best eittd'inOsithoroughlyllseatothtdmateslid, and an abundance of tal) he has taken in hand the - peiedrial supthirision of the :whole bush:link of inanafaoturin'g hie knOtiments,, and is enabled tottuiteout Piano-Fortes ofunifqtudled tom and darabknen. Eilimmtuartj NEW 'SCALE Plapa-porcra. Tit tiM i smawement of title WSW's:ale,' &awn arid iirepared I withlhe'Veialit site, tmpreaft for our Wow fraitrameirk' we hitVe• added wry Improvement *doh einin'any Way tend to the petfeetkow of thePiano-Forte, and ' we ' cab dotal 114SitlYameFiAlf#A1POMOIMI.ortaW, yra-! 'Moi . §,Wjty, P, . g am.4:3.rat,eBC'of tong, oe*trinea,wi that Istraltir mid% solidity of frame rt' ecesial ui fe dealbiuty, 'these ' Whitt mentie ari»ri - tom'- I ''' i • “Arengds " Britiar Is our motto+ , and ,we invite' the.oltaeet'btitlbiemof the be4unbissed; judges in the Ifinff.'- , •el • II: •• -,- -,- -- , , v lir Every instramesit- warranted' for five; .years:. - ' i•• Alirkst. BRADBURY, • '' 427 Broome' at., cics l of Crosby, :New York. ~.. zi a, dsin: ,i. r , ..1) . -a ~, : 41.,: ' additiorm , 00Diklitit; 44 6 00041 MUSLIN; • - "jet t - -GINGHAMIC; z • „tulip:Mk f DBLAINES, • - • •C .DBILLIN3B,AO 'Gob& of this-order at very little afrivanop,o minufacturtmequitee. • • .-. :OATHOLIti• SciBROTHERi.. '.17! • - Next •dobrto thellardsbuirg •-••'• myl2• 2ivi r •,' D , DROP.3ROBSFORD, of lhrvard UniverilYl mays, !'it works vtugnwai and you hAv •gckit up very neatly." .-Migainta 26 • ~ .66 seats in Po,tailhirssacya `The "BON! ,td10110SOOPRI" 0. cents. The " 8. . WOOD WARD AUORCISCOP.II," 88 cents., QlCAniefFh =of itliethree kinds for*.:ALL free of INtaite , II &kir= • • , T. EDWIN: MPH* 1146-daw6m. >ip7c506.0909 1 .4. 1 4ege1. , , . ,It BERT - SNODGAASS AIioRNETtATJAvt once_ with 'Hori „David .litsuinst, Jr., Third street, &boy , Marker, Harrisburg, Pa.' ii.l3..reesiork, Banat,' and of. nU kinds prosecuted and colle44d. . yßsfer ,to Hons., John , C. Kunkel, Dailo.• 'Mamma, Jr., and R. A,l4,tinfautial. . • • .1412-digwere VkGETA.BL.I±I 08.1.1ARDEg SEEDS i L yyE, received for ease= More tha t . 5311F.•*alswOlf of •-• # • #.: FJ , ONLIiIt STA r; • • Somiroboice ;varieties, on. lined. Afilio,.l3o: den and iregeieble wide of the bOsi q4elity., 81.0 RE, 1 - ;x*4 • 91 Market Street , i - - "ORAN Bt R,RIES:ji OM IN Vs BEAN , gLIT, PEAKgAtegy , .. AHC34; VE ,V 5 ht 1014.44 1 0 0 lig; crn l 94,, fee n aillirtnlPlt qC 4 -'O O : 4 V. Bll " Wen t &C., oaf icoetied froth fro inirmfOr; ( 4410., , n 10 1 01 F, bY iaa B ttW. DOPEI . . II L, & , VA - TRITING FLUIDS --Buie'. American. W. 14 ., -- log -Fluid, & splendid -luk, at 62 COLLtoli , r quart, ARNOLD'_S 'equine Writing Fkuld, : 0 . hiltff, (k,plueAft .... Writtin , b - vo i da, ; krei 7 e NJ/lumina/a. 60. Co , plizig o&, Carmine sod lied Mks of the beat quality, : Blue - Ink Muctlage, &a, st - 1 allSiz--/ : :a>> tommurs-Boourrosz.! OHOICE fiIfBUBV , AND' MOLASSES:—We TLlE:are noweeferargifimiale, very low, a lot Of AlaNtia.Walla•A Call and examine, at NICHOLS a - BOWMAN, Mr. Front and kfarket streets., ' ° Ait ' berries, at Keystore Nursery.. J. MISR t' apl7 rtE22)s: , p, - Af. , JL/Aliondiandjdattooeitlauke fotAla at my 2 THEO-F—tiCHEFFER'S Bookstore; lAll.—Aontber large 101 Ot; *4Na ; Oind F tailing, in aid a of halves, quartenwsactits, for sale lcw by • -WAWA tr.. 80W14.1t ap27 Cor s .at and biarkeri Strait -NAMTWit..OIIO,II3 of linen, gilt-bond= ioid•PAPEO2PTP§ of en endless ety d pfidesigna angl , orae ; - FIITTIBES sad.. At yefylawtaTe* Call at SOMFAR:8,1100S8'1011. . WALL - PAPEB I4 - )39Bp io r tan qcf ezt ., y 4to ia ., golds! • . ap6 - /ag f. 4 44 : 1 60 ' i i ni FER lB Bearigoan I\~TORTOICS CELEHRATE.D ME APPLE 11 , CHEESE, dived fp= the ;mtgllifacturer• and fot sale by 0 Wbi. DOCK, Js7, ,& CO. DBIED BESratkBoLOGNA, a very chOice . lot, pity romibetl and (Or by Dock' Js., * co. S &L*" ;grbrind;-alant,zAtibton and4atry, large or small quantities, by NW/WM & BOWMAN, al Cktr.iFront an i Market streets.' OR. 0 BEAM SAW IMS4 :Philadelphia" 'loe I CreilinTlitar4tI r tab; just received,and fo sale ' NICHOLS BOW MAN, irnvlls" iitirket Streeto.,,, TWA' PUTEST- STOOL PFREfOIVIRKREL, J. ATZUMB,POBI'FOLIOS,PoOKET 8600, for mi. • a, • BO' • IMMEI f . 13SToften, a kirk lot ciflitotottraph Albruns,. at ~B OHIEFFIat'S Bookstore. 1-mitTS CHOICE SUGARS and SYRUPS, a large and lireltaeleatedlatifor sale by ,nltllOROl/1 & BOWMAN, d! Ocrn,lrront, and MarWireeta, mr2B New llivertiritnoitit- No• 427 Broome NEW YORK. tht ;Itt. [Wrillet for this .rderVka. , • I DR—UTSTORE'S 001111TE8.134,110/41. r swei the Doctor says hut little, cind , hearf a hales cpirdons on rallifoutkes and con7liea4s; '• , Major Dash is timid& wbolavot onlyttkil !In thecprofersiod , ..of arms; but thcirougbir I delAtan4, B 44 aPPrSciatesAe-in 2 P9o 6 B9 4 3ofift 'struggle in which he, is engaged. As he epterea the'Doetio's Iffiany,' and saw there' 6everiil' o' that claw/ of v vitiator* known as iktioubtful,qtbe gake , .the :Doctor such &glance of inquirt: and surprjso as imptecagikhint with ( the piopriet, of explaining they - pi4mm bishouse„ • em trying to reirrtifelfrbni this 'minds -of theetvgentfenten,:sdnievot - -!the objections made to.the(acts of the its struggle: with rebellion.." ; , : "A very, absurd ana useless effort," sa i d the - • , r , t,lll r • 'Because theGoddessof Liberty herself might crag/L..4F P l 4 .s*Bk 'w110 1 9.4.. cuing a good result. Toe men Arno occupy themselves in hunting Aiwa lin the tiword that is pointed- at ` : 'the re bellion;i ism mOrtified at ocing themselves mistaken—:but never 4am vined." , "Ttiat would Imigy," said' the Dnctor, "that they ate hot 'sirr ~,.. - - • • "NOtsincerel'' replied the Major.inomkprism "Would to heaven.tbatlialf of their,evneat444o could be Infused Apt 9 j iffs' men. Why they ire' terribly sincarel They w ork falai& pea kibi thbreenreirintent,' - freginbting notehance fb• emit heir poistuidus obrseibma: They priblialkne.wWWlltitrgAß69 o oF3' loss, tilling them with treason_ L so carefully dreesed t,hgt gash of plaulitattt that It gains admit- 'tbirce hen'iiridds t6 t wht eared .tfelittfilifted be revoltioePTherhiltjelettiSetti vary souls, sirottibelP U W E/ 41 0 4189 ' 4 r' 1 - 4 I The peeler eAplaismn i t : h v at he meant quit gestlbat they. alactri, klArdinit. att thdtddiV dither*. "Aichadtahlestwessieb4 IS* a ,vety absurd one4l4l o ;!aMiked_.khe-flfsilfw etgd!er there are 111111tWO simar,io pus "cordon Every khan eithe tigninetlll6 government: Those whobays taken rip tirthalagidnad ins f are traitors of tturtnittlesnakensobohla They, bays the .courage sPAB t h o u rattles a nd • fair nonince , Wei; purpose °Recur.. Bat the tbon - i hands in the north,' although equally sincere in; their 'efforts 'to 4 subvert . the goverrimentr'enel traitors of the sm4ing copperhead order—mor soplempiWilt but not left dangerous? -• i • "110 you regard all as traitors who quektionl the `acts 'of the Adminietratione' asked one; 'Who' could tiot resiet making a mental applioa-i Mon of the dennudation., - • MI ~ 611. 4 3," said, the Major . "I except fools-i Partial andtotitl;' , I di wen that is llarsh language' thfupplyi to persenieWho are Vpposed,fro a sectional wall fox;the abelillurt ;) , "lluppoke, yen likertt, that On that ' 4 id`the Major. -"Tide is Your ileCtion, and sebi, triad: pride endugh - to' bind -honest men 1.04 'gether in' hopes for the success otitheir.side. ,suppose it , an abolition war. gveiybndy knows that blavery is the ulcer that him effected the health of the nation these mat y years pfts Like all diseased spots, inhaalbeen very malady to; the slightest„Pragb,.and lowi„kept the who' body, politic turbulent. send 'be restored, of vieittit. The iiiirisidn; relikii'the roots; is - We cessarily deep: Illond flows 'freely; hut( by:. th help of God, the opeririou will preserver thclif of toe ,nation - ; and the miserable, creature ilia cannot pray fur its animas, beCanse a few mill Ilp tf 'slaves will bicomi , rtree,' is 'not much &edit to rintmabity: bud' 'mondial hive my contempt, and 'aware will have it.", "A free people, knowing their rights, will bold contrary opinions nevertheless," 'replied a "doubtful.' , '" , -, ' “you•ingit hobliny.opinion that yountnindi said !halide, see 4:l'spable 0, 1 ; stOctsho 14.jcpi ".bat I shall:take, care . they are not expimea tome, Wait to teat my amiability by talkingwith 'yeti. Traitors are deteetible com pany, and I don't like to meet them anywhere. In the line of; dyLty, I iltayo, met them on toe field. There s,heir object Is to deal - death to all whti 'oppose than:: Thek . , come win a' mthilk way—their weapons drawn—it it tfie ratti* snake gliingwarning of .the, impending blast.. ,But,here, gmeeeled , ,,lmbled civil laws and striking in trweirdikrianner, they assimie fir nature of thd colirhirbeid; I may be provoked into siyint sozietbinr diseourteotte iff cab-4 tinue, to 1 will only Add. that while tkic iu power to avoid traitors eithor dor il oped or IP embryo, I will exercise that power. And as it iipconsistent for esbldleirteletreat from au enemy of :his cause, soidebody must speedily find business elsewhere.” And the Major gave his wounded arm a significant glance, as if cal crilating the amount of beliit would Mid' hi' ail i counter The 'Doctor% apprektirudonsiof sz"isoicie" , in his house were *toed by Prompt moven* of the " doubtful, clthsen' towards the aogr e He followed Unit out as would elleir; and is faintlYsbipeeted of drawiii • upon tbe fund of his amiability for an, Apology for thelliajor's rough method, of Aimaision. " You are only encouraging these fellowi by arguing with thebk," said the Major wbeiftbe lloc4or. returned. Controveray is the part they are appkinied, to itititqlitti *tibia drama, And while they ate Fs . tftg the gOixt natured . Worth intokilsobssionai the allies:of these vii: Mina &reacting with unanbalt,y, in the South an si r ing, a dvantages for which they must thsul. these - mischief bibedire. Dismintitabince, thini eritirely.h'ldi r for myself, 'I hate hypo:ably,. delays; •but the hypoc risy : f a northe rn , man, as ,shown. ij , his. serving the southern cause under the cloak of epretended anxiety for the 'preservation of thee:institution, t bekkiede !" Hestraition - oi.s. Vatted States Hospital The Idadit al College Jat Ls Aing,top,l4, which has been recently needier a Government hospi tal, was completely ' destroied 'by fire at noon - to-day.. The sick were safely removed. The lona amounts to 490,000. • TEiiiollolrd . , 4 ' , _ NEW Tonic, Ma 22. Coition firm and idesocid I (iStiectikles • at 530. Flonr — State declined bc; 'trains of 000) bbla 145 85Q - 1,5' 50 for Sri& ; $6 4036:50 for Ohio 'and Is 6-754107 for i;)tt4Lern., • WiAnnt declined 2c; *ea of 166.(P0.5e,a at„ 2441'40 for Chicago aprieg* ,6f 8241031 46'fOr"Milwinkee deo' ;- $1 4641 51' for Ted Western. 'Corn declined 1420-iabisto6l4o;o6o. boa at 764077 c. Beef steady. ; • !ParliztAiall, at $/), 814,!1 ; 4ad .4r4n. o ?RICE ONE CENT. FROM.Grat IVRANT'S ARMY. Abel Ani:sount'ot*theißialit at Jack- son, 3Mtui.• OW !ZULU TILGHMAN MY,!1,41D. Wasenteroa, May-211. and &maimer of the 21st (*teeing the fond cliSlatteu : • Ittay'l9th.—The - tiPecial reporter of the 4 y -issoisserad Zeitater, • -. Under date of the :18tit; v.. 41';',Sintitsbef - the following par tici:llmin 4114y's i fight, receivtd from the .A.4ljotaet"of thet 16th Mississippi regiment, who arrived from Canton last night. The battle was (ought at Baker's Creek, about twenty miles West 6f leckson.• We whipped the enemy bouarthitil he yaw-reinforced [hum Jackson. Gen. Pemberton then fell back to Big Black `bridge.. (ion. Pcm,berfonestimates. our toes at SAO, od that of the enemy three times as Gen. loOting on the left was cut off, but he cut WI way _through .to Crpatal Springs, 25 miles amok of Jackson. His lose unknown. Gen. Tilghman was =ed. nom NET ItOYAL. 1514114011 11 AT konsis ISLAND. BEE Thsfitores4ip Conner-from Port 'loyal brings flews of a, small .engagement which - took place on 'the night Orthel4th 'between a de tachtirenkcif mil firma anikaabont 100 rebel Soldiers, -on.liorria%lsland. in which, the latter were ; driven baCk across the creek." (Inc lON was one man slightly ,wounded. - It seemed to be the general impressiori that the Monitors Would attempt a•reduction :of .the outer forts along the beach before agaht attacking Fort Sumter, ,A'British arid, a French man-of-war arrived at Charleston on the 14th. A flag of trade bi3atlrdrir Charitadoni Was refused admittance bir.ltba . bloultaribtg fleet, within their liner*, on the ground that similar bolas had used the fla; of tutor!' arta deception, to order to gain infor mation of-our movemorits From Ik=2aculo. Advice's from Bermuda of the - 6th inst., give a nnnor„ttutt Capt. flernmes lies resigned the 'offind of the Alatiaraa I to his first officer; and en ctsintiiiifiti of a fine confederate ship winding twentytwo:gons. The schooner sunny South, which arived at termuda,oreportedilust on April 241 h, Ist 27, Long. 71; the passed the - Wreck of a vessel bot tom up.. On the , previous day the saw several chesteof.,tesi, and picked up. one, the contents of ,Ithicla were spoiled by salt wa er. It is stir ,mlift-d that they Were the remains of a home land bound : Most Indianian destroyed by.he VallanAlsasm. Tallandigbarn, who liaS been nnaer guard on the gunboat tot taro: dam' bade adieu to this city last evening. ;,He goes m liosecrans'a lines andlbencrt - The clangs of sentence from Fort`ert en to the Confederacy seems to Plea 'Tture is a. poetic justice in the dual dirposilion made of him. He -bas talked a priest deal at out, going. ,down Ssura with a attwoid.bione hand and the olive branch in the; other.", ,• Izattl take the brautb ; the Sword wenntrpat to ,worthier hands. VIVZOI, !fortress 1 1011Lree• FOBTS.I3i MONYOB,,Iay thrsr. Plerpontetrived .hero .hht,tectteing by the Baltimore boat, end left immediately for Cherrystune, to_visit the &dent Shore. • I.iist night-four men, named: Wald, Wilson, • omtott sod Bell, waitron - rested in an attempt to pass our lints at Deep Cieelt, about fq r miles‘ from .Notfulk. They had some $2.500 worth of Vontriband goods with. them. The Fariusai Finances. Pw=aL*itu, May 22 Jay of subsoriptioti agent, reports the sale of $2.292,600'0f five-twenties to day in the toltowlug Incalitter 'New. York Bad NAM. Jer sey $1,800.000;; Boston and New England $4.01:1,0QQ ;. Phitadclphla and ' Tannsylranis $800;000;13alilinore ri MO 000 ; Western States 'igBo,6oo. Total 62,292 600. • . cnn'2tb i; Pllll'lloli'S- DAILY LINE 13-ETSikEN.TICELADELPIEIA , Lock Hu* ATut Shore, Inn -Wabotteim, 'Elton, LewiirtiurJ NOrthamberhuiii, Sun ' bury,lrevettei, Akorgetown, LikenstoWailillenbarg, AND Er AN-RISB.IIRG. The Philadelphia Depot behigcientrally located, the drayage wiltteritt - lhe lowest rates. The Otifidabtar goats. throughAwlth each train to attend. to the, safe,delivevy of all goods latra4. 4xl. to the line. Goods delivered at the depot of WIMP, WARD' .5 FREED, 811 Marketstbeet, Philadelphia, by 5 et:thick P. M., will be deity .eied in Harrkburg the next morning. freight Always:as law as by -Any Other jumps MONTGOMERY; Philadelphia and Rftding Depot, aet2l-tf] Foot of Markey Street, Rarrkbarg. 'l l& " ' BALE lots, 20 feet flout and 110 . feeii`defep; on Ocunberiand street, belothellidie load. . • mv2 ; THEO. F. BOHEFFEE. Tei BOWL( STOUT AND SCOTCH ALS, in bottles, jest received and fur sale by 11480 VIM. DOGS, rn , A CO. DHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS -- chastely bound and olayea—for seat SCHEME'S BOOKSTORE, 18 Market &red,. f BEEBE, old and new, from prime Dairies, V. fifiriale low by 241011018 & .BOWMAN, Oor. Front anii.Market Weds. myl6 CHILDRYAW OARRIAGgs. .iiiiiiil4ll4lgirgest assortment it the J city, btGEO. W.:PLUSONS, 1 . 18861'4w 110 Market street. NW YORK., May 22 Nisw You, May 22 Cuouniten, May 22