'' s 'E T-- 1----. , A fgallibi ti „44 . o . , 01, . . c!..,. . .. . _ "..• • , w , . 11 k 0 .t . i -.4 W. . . - . -., IF r i ' " .._.,...4iik.,:''.:.•';',.,•,.,.-ir:•__'" ----_-;--- • •.„... • „.. _. ; 5.,.,.:• ; • •••.•,„ •,,,_,L.„..,5..... ~.....•• gi''''' '''' - ,7• : : . ; 1- - ]7 -• :_ .:;.- .••-•, , •• , -•„.:_., '•• ...-:,:.,-, : f •.- : •. i ,..- k . .. 4 ._.-4„.....„.•.• •_ ~,,•:: MO' k ., ..:., ‘ , ..i.:714,„‘ -?.*-V-7,-.7-, '". f ',, -,, , 4 ,-- .e ' „ ,:). .„:,- -:,,, . ..„--:- ---rkz74 1 \ :„. ..., ...._ :,-- -,., ,-, ...„ s'—' , „..... _., ~.? . .., ~, ,-'' -,_, -.,,. , i , ii : =--: i ... :, 7,-: 71: - ' ' , - ~ .. . , , . „, (.. „ ,-,--., _ - --..,, ,;-i., -, ,-, ,--T 't . - -d.:.. : , ----;.v>. , „ :.A,- - . -= ~- *7-..) \ • ~,,,,- , _ ~... t , 1 .:„ 4 , • , . _. .„.,„ 0 0- ..-- ~,., .4.1 - 4 - ~,, A _ ...:, g . f z ~ . .1- . 0 . - ":; : . ~.. 4 ,...% ...s . -...-... -. 43' . . , 1 , . *. . . .4 - .,z-- , ---_-..:-,.: 0 ,t_ , -- . - i k ~...:-4.. ... , ---- , • 6--__.;--: ,. ..•4. , ..---• -.-..---- - N . , - . - , - 7 -..,,,- ---,-- -,:,. .„•-:„..„ • .v , ...- •-, - ,, , r - •, - -_,.::_ - _ - 4A-- - ;: - . 76 , ,, .. ~,, _ - - -- -- - -..., -_=_,_ , --•,-%, ~ ,-,,,.. • _.- . / - imam.= B `r: GEORGE BERGNER: 'lkill E TELEGRAPH. Fin MORNING AND EVENING, GEORGE BERGNER. Ofece Third Sired, near Wairtut ' ERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCEIPTION. . . DI ILI . lELEGHAPIS IS served, torsat;icri iti 1)1 , 3 City at 6 cents- per!fflfeek. -Yearly nuela Rill#UechargedSei 041 in(adyitrum., WEEKLY Titaxnant. is TELEGRAM is.also published weekly 'and titted to subscribers at the foihrsing cash e copies, weekly. 11 00 opies, to ..)ne postoffice...: . ... ... VEBTIBINO Raxas.---11m - following are the ior advertising in the Tardsquutra. Those. kivertising to do will find it convenient fere uce. • sour lines or less, ,00nOttite one . -half lines or more than Pint' 4 . 113 ere. a . , lA tt: •-• taw ca;B;.. op 8 g oto alb cc 2, ,poo op 03000.0 02 Ztagtgll. 3 Bg.tls. 3 a. g421.4;8,388g-'• 40 44iJeci.to •,, - • ea. g • 14. oc. co tx. .., .S2I N1i3084./tlOSeq Week, 81 ' 1 , P zee 'h."i'S 2 26 ......... TS 1.60 111 , 24 , 1‘ t Etch . . . ' WY EV' Business • notices 'inserted 'hi 'the Zama' Column, or boloie kfierilagetatid. Corn PC7i LIRE for each ineeition: As an ad vertising it:tedium therataciaaps no equal, its large eintielutiOn,'lnildirg Mistime men sal fauatlie4, irr eitrand - toniitry?plabiiirg it beyond c-mpetiißa. . filiouticineour •'' I JoNki 8 11-0- CORNER- OH IiLLREET ST AND MARKET HARRISBURG, PA. JOSEPH F. IicCLELAN, PROPETEOB. (uscsamr CONDUCT= BT W=T4 1 .00.*171); " This is a First Cirve Hdtel,;and lectitell! the centr.d part of the city. ' It;is 'he& iu tli4 best manner, and its patrol* wilt find every agm modation to be met with in - the bettlii, in the country. .' tf • 5.1,:1:1 1 ED`01;47.'ES HOTEL. tted arr.d. leno4aied. • L. W. TEN . EYCK, Pirpanrroa: t • rpHis popular and commolons' lio h hue „ been newly refitted and furnished t ngh out it, parlors end chambers ' and: is now ,ieady for the reception. of ,guests for theitrorinur &MEWL t.tq trt,syeling Public, will find .thei 0n.:(44 States ilatei..the moat, convenient In all , particu lars, of any tiotel in the State Capita:f& ac count (.11 its access to the raiiiiied, beitiOns.me- • distely buween 'the :two ty. gfeit depot& in thin . . ALL .13ARBISBII110, Dec: 2Ji182. . ---enct • I SMITH & EM/ 1 03 TToa N E 8-&T-LAW, OP I ICE .THIRD JST NEAR MAIMET, HARRISBURG' utiriN'A; ii a t ,, : e t y tang e - io_t t h o `: l l 4 ,W a leottoo n3 4 .4 l3o_w) . o. ra Y lhe widoW or.other heirtitPanY who may die by disease or be W, hile 'in thf United stoat' service, is entitled ! to $lOO bow! money, *Mali); and - alr'arreais of ..pay of intrOylrd-dlO FRESH . GIIIPVERIES I- liICHOLS & BOWMAN,: (Corner of Front and Market Streets;) , ARE constantly receiving ; Nom first hands large stocks of choicelly'irmeries,pur chased for cash,, which they hie thereby ecibled to sell at wry- small adyance du eitY frirbolesale prima. They would respectfully inform, the public that they do k/Of - deal in niir keep any intoxicating liquore-f l in,co quahtith large or HERMETIC,fi t 'LIir 438 Tip *LE / io PEACHES, • ° ~,,A. . 10! io , PINE APPLE, S 0 i let OYSTERS, . , HIV, OYSTER'S, LOBSTER, : ' :44144039,' '' WM. D OCK, Jr. I& CO. lor sale,by MINCE PUS. RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, • LEMONS, SPICES; r CIDER, W INES, BRANDIES,- WM. DOCK,: Jr. r For sali3 by BIBLES AND HYMN -.. 800K5! ~ . LAtiGE aid splendid stock of Pocket i iiad . . „, 1 . /... Famtly Bible?. ' i '.. . --- -- ---- - Pr*"sbyterian, Mettio4l4ct, Lut,hatan,' Geirasik Refit :lad, at 3.4 otkg,E4 ji, ; 134;y1f.5. just , r ect o!: ed at Batiii•TALVS, ~ P BuOKSTORE:Y. I , , fIOAL 011 i, a' further reductinn In 911.911, ILI superior article of norkiexploftwe Coal pit, for pie very lo , i, by • -. i'l { --sicHals4a3oirMAN, .- . Car. Front sagth4iiiiir - feld. 1' mrl l I_, Alb!. eitrein attatturnuitta, 4011.0L9 & BOW)Lk34 d 9 'tlov* - Front littriretzatikkv_ , 033141,0-U1 114vt4 IS PUBLISHED „ ! -. 5AC 3 ,11F144 1, § - 'll r,PEFfrgr.i4i r.) • • t4:ll,Ar akta fob , -0 4 D 435. DR,. 401iNSO s3A.±...±x-zevaxon LOC-K 11-OSPITAI - r rAs discovered OA' most '6,rtain,.'speedy-a. 1 effectnalremedies in the 'Todd for TISEA&ESt :lAIPAP-PEWE muse IN lax TO mama Hans- NO MERCURY' OR' NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cure Warfardeg WWI, (*fp, in from One ft , . 51;4 r 4D c , TWO bays. 'frabaesit'bf '''fbet' BffillPMffetitlonar of the Kidnap' Vattili'Ahladder,k , ,wlnvoluntary d ,charges, Impoteney, General - Debility, N r vOnsness„ 'Dyspepsia, TlArigabr, Low hp 1} , Confpsion `of Ideas, Palpitation of t e Mart, Timidity,..Treniblings, Dimnesadtg.lfl 11 or Giddiness, "Dithase of' ?the Head, Thro ti , Nsset. or Skin. Affections of the Liver, Lun ; St< rilaCh or lkinieleL--thbee , terrible nisord r f arising from the Solitary Habits,of . You • thosasecnit areleolitamptacticesquore fatal to theireoletims , them ,the snag of By renti V e 1 Alflripiersynf , Piping, 'plighting thar" - most b - lu l l - Rant brims briinti&ptitionsi rendering mar e; s i.. , vii po s bie ; : .•. - t , ,( . ) Is . ( I (• ; 1 ' . YOUNG bow- - ~... :.,:, Especially,' who 1have4661262e the victims! Solitafid inar, mutt AIWAyf ihnohdestrob habit which annually-sweeps to an untirn l grave thetuands: of Yomigi-X*3 l of the eralteAllalents and . ' brilliant intelleet ? „_ i might otherwise . have, *than e * listeiiing'S ft atm with the thunders . ' of elOquence or w' e to ecstasy the living #l:l"),, i fraz call : with confidence. -. 1 • , , - , - t _ ' . liLkilhlAGr l % 4 r)l4 ' Ma;ried A kersions,*youriff Man Cinitemp Ing,••nwriage, 'being aware of physical we 1 I neee t orgable debility, deformities, Ste., epee i . He who places raider"thevarsrof i J. may religiously 4ickhde in hisltbriorarM en tlemart, and confidently rely upon his skill ' , p.i',.• 6 .atriAli -It f OP&I7I43r 4 NIUMNESS Immediately'Cured;: and full IvlSP.ROlikrdf_.' :,a This distressing affection--which ism ere, we migejable and marriage impossible l - . 'is the n alty,pald by thairictiins'ofibitirbpbr b2dulge ce. Youngiliergibi aliftoo apt to commitenc es from not : Wing aware of Pbe,kfltealiful _ e ,quesvekthat may ensue. „Now, alb this un dprstasdti the Subjecfwill *tend' tti denY lint co i 3i ose j the power reprocreatiOrile 'het sooner by , falling kite improper, habits than y' b the 'ilk, dent. Iteeides•being depriYed the PleasaT.: qf ;benithy„offsprt% the most serious And ~ , . PIT" szmjatorns to hbill'bMilifid infra',sl.: , jipap The 'sAtarn - beriomilidarang64l,ll6 phYskia and mental weakened; loes2of .prqate tivo power,inthinotfirritsbility, dyspepedA l pal. tion of- the heart, indivation, _mosat: , • : • debility. a 120tufliink of ithe frame, cough, con rimnption, decapand , death- , . , ~. -1 Orrms, No. 7 8013121 Faximstrox z , 3 034. going , LefLhand.side from Baltimore str: -t, a few doorliffrem thVcOrner: s 41dit i not to obis:mire name and lifinibut: - - ' ''' l` ) Letteirsmust be imid and contain , % etamp. I The Doctor'i Diiiforags hang in his office?' . $ DB. JOHNSON, - ' •.' i , Member of the },loyal College of Surgeons,iLon don, graduate. from one,oC_the most "e;isitgi colleges in the tiniteid Sbiteis„ and the part ofwhop life, hasbeen spent in the i 6,4- tale of London, Facie, Flillnklelf)hia * and( e r where, has effected some of the most aritbni gr cures that -were -ever ithown ; many b With ringing in the heacillAtlire Ithalk lee t great netwousness, being-,Varnied at, And** sounds, bashfulness, with ifrequenk ^ t4Ohirt- n • attended , sorietimes with derangement ,4# f nibl • 2 were cured imunidifttelY• • • TA • PAIMCPLAII NOTICE. i KK These are solne of the sad ,and rooloO o h o ly effects prodixted'by early habits- oft youth ; vie : wtakness of the back and limbs, pains ftt the head, didinesiof sight,less of muscular Wer t .psdpi ;ion lf th6 l / heirt; , ii ' n' , firlfa tyys inptoms of consumpti , . ' • v.-=-I'hefifarfai ettecfit=tbli the mind are much to be dreaded--, loss of memo , con fu I} ; , of, icleen„yrepresslon If spirits, ev I; or& boil age, ay onto s 'oeletyl ..It'' Aldine „dove of atiiitude, til*iditi o ,,4,., I#o,tkime of *eters* produced. ' : . `'' . ituNia Sixsq lliko,, , have, injured theinselvee by a . certain practice indulged in 'whitri' alone, a habit fre quently resumed ~from bird companions ; or - a school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even - when' asleepoindAf. not ,cared ) renders marriage impossible . , mar, 0460011 bait mind 'rind body , should applY ) lmdediately. Irliat a pity: that - a, young' inii,,tial hope of • country,; the darling ; of his pisitentli a ftshould be sbatchedlfrom all prosifects'and,earoymemts of life, by the,consequence of ,deviating from the path , of nature and , induling in - a ; certain sedretitabit.. ',Such persons =sr, before COfffierid-, ilhtthiff , -• Li , );, , • f l, c i i ''' MARWAlergi; .. 4 )0 ' ''' '' Reflect i t4i a * O 4,...dVAWd a4A,tedy are the pa* pe4X936Fy, renutsiteihi prianieta:ciannubial happinew lndeed;iwi,thnit„th*, the journey thtektflh , iffaS 3 4 2 . s l l• ITP r Y: 1 4 1 0 11 4 / 1 1 ge :.111 ' prospect hourly,slarketts to the view •• trentb , becomes Ehs,d,ored vtth deigialeand Stied wi th the - melancholy reflection that the happiness of anotherfbedoraes blighted with our own. -, ' L DEMOB tDE- , I.XPEUDEIV. W „hen the misguided (end imprn at votary nif 'pietist:ire finds he has imbibed tht4 seeds of this disease, it.:: too often 'Utopians that analltimed senseof slikiet eriBfi,dreiLd of diP °every dotme ilit#,frog2,applimetothose who, from ; education and respsctainllo, Can alone befriend him. %clans into the hand` igno rant and designing pretendersovho, capable of curing, filch Iris pecuniary sobs ce, keep him triffirt 4 month after reontlf,:a.This long as the iinaHistlee can be obtained, inelin despair §.eave him with ruined health ttkisigli over his gallingAleappointtetht, eFt px.1.94- . se of the • eadllt 'Pawn, IMfirel4-17, ,I'hi l tat. D•ka' constitn tional Symptoms efl this Pal i w . e • ' • ' "oh,;,•' ' at . iiffeetimnrof — , the - Head; Throat; Nose,., ',il " progrissing*ltli frightful repiditi till death puts a pericidlo his dreadfirsufferlbgs by send= in him 'to_ that'nndisOoteredrktohntry, bon whence no traveller returns. I _ I INDORSEZMIT aLitriws. sors 2 11 ra yg. w .1 2 : rl • , 1.411 41 44 • or Ca. =I LIJ Bs: AO. 0 /.1 The many thotunadetturi4.fir Instithtg ) : year aftert-lieirithuict. the xkume 'us 3reportani ettigidePoperatione performed by , Dri - JON?* iyitiiebeedajtibtii reportema 110:0 O. ' . , ' 414reiOlitiiiiii :piper! , noticga, of .; hich-,, ye appeared again and again before4he pub 10 . sides . - standing as a;glM l4 4 l Pall - ihn4 , ,.. , i ofitticll9r, t let: - a' etOpiiellir . 05; ;146 , 1:1 „., k.....r4.. ~... .f ..e. I ' , rill. * ilui rli MAN ItilliABICS SPICkLitteqUBM .. ~ - , , m i a l ) 4 -O tEratt Nu.) 1. BOUM __s:lag:Alt ari '.. 7 tib l' i' l (Ar .w- h 1 IntbitaL ARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 21, 1863. filisttllantour. LIFE IN.SURANCEI The Girard Life Jrunuline, Annuity and tenet Cotepany of PYiladelylhia, OFFICE .N0.‘:408 CLIESINIIraIREET. . . - (OHAUTittEItPETUAL.) ' Camel, ANL ilkanzal- ' .v.: 6.... - :. - $1. 7 648,380 ' 5c JOHN FIiTMEEF., “Wkat44.. l,_ ri•Q)IT INVE to make INgI3HANOE ON, *1 liiiirES kiV . tha moist- reaisbnilikaer44: ' ' Thity t abtistßiskobt , o2, t rratiitietand Guth „YindeilaseWttha, Oct' Amarveia and AwAgmea,, alci'a'capititt'belikpaid. 'ilyigirioirested,.. .tiagethar with it large and oor_rstantlr4hZetlidtie ziMeri* '49 2 4 ,-. cgT"l l ikPf'f f 9tt4iFf.Frl ,o -• ?, ,insurßd -- :I The PP xd, T4 .. rMrtr „, i ra r ” 45r.Cor.qui4, 11 1T. A ' - - . lie P91ni4,9'44 11 i BONUS tisOlpok: to, tile, aiatiC93. :0,1t..,, to` ,Tr IiONQB I apkopriatati in .Dre:om il eti4; t his ,SWOND 'BQMPA 0 3 ... ece ' HVith l .„7 4 ,1 1 71112 6, ..,._ lO l4 l 8 , 46PPMER;I : t 1854 1 an e,K9 Aiii,.,Eo 4, i in-1869. • - -additiorus-are =ma_ o t requiriogialteMilateallaill Aha ; premiums to toe, 1 'pao Ito, ilia P 1 4 111444 .)8 , i 164./ L;t:r , ,& ;:" 'lf 11 1 .-: " 11 9 t fi° 1 . 1 °7 141 Ai l4 PAr OP meßT9B,,frott , • ... ... -,.4 wv t....,,,,,4 a i...4,,,,,i,....i.,„„ - ,1 . I ..,..,, r .. ,:.„, 'i t:l3 I's :I ''; i", 14A1100nreolj ;,,, 1 ( 7iii t iV ey ; ; :il . t i lthini:i- 4, Aro , e ardt c bonus toile 1 ` , iiirfllcet 'ldl' JI Atli i. , '': ,Vi itliliddigieji'l l e ~)1114e,i.)t.' . ri ot - i rp 199: ftl4:Or ' 3 0 1)100 1 1 4 ' m e tt 33. 1 lsood '1875'00 6,09 • .11. :I q i: 0143 /1 '..k.' .. ,.-.', 1 / - 7.: , - .4e1.41.#171,..Y I , flz fil ......__ ._. NATCHRW.CIEWRIALIikeifigeraN 'WE:. of rilimuDEA ~miar yippldres til4 in -4 i titre your - atte n tion to- his -w ee l d 131iibic VI 'Fine iSkold 'arid Sib& WATO , tie 4461di JEWELIIViendI-eireryr kind. and ty of, s tyles 7 —compronAdO, alb °Lithe_ two* mosOweirdiufllesiois. = - '"Aso, slid SILVERWARE, Olesa to COins nd the best ,make e,i "S .Plated Ware. Each! at+ fide is warrputitd. to 'lie: Iti!,. / r6Keemnted. .t: , 07,We.Ohes, aqtt pleik4rif tWerukiliscis redi and-iiitisMtbni Oah:a:eel ' cni kf kik , 11 i i.I, . , Anu .0. JAQQ Iit 14.1daY,- iI - 4.1. , f ' , '"-'j '1 (Butkus" or ,tet.o4ofer 4* El#l , - ; 1,, '1 '2B-3m}J: .Woo62l.ilfarkeS eilirgek_g)3Wei , bias, j. I lip,, Aio.'..itit,STik,it LTG , ..._ _ , A -Pi , - ,1 iv, . isyg,Uput , ~ . .1 -,.. it ' 18 ,11' knit tangs *oak? .. Does 8%1 th — :,ziat':. you" MAIL i iHaVa vow a, lug 'etngtir, 'Do 'you expeotthats bard,4bbghi at lei V' ',kw you wasted. with , kulsbl6:B• , sa and. mast pt show t ) .4 11 - B PilkefftiCllff ft,ii, V I sr ' bi Inin uallutAm# l 4.ll B arAP.K9th. 4.- tx . rt. ih'w rriltuagikwohordWocclma ;A A ,z .1- , .. 1 iallY 1 :mail [ city aiAtb i gcfad i r tg, of"snle' 1 . >.) is , i lea ).T.tl /I. st 1, 1 BERG 'l3 ;• • K 1:1_,•„,; ' . .mayilla , ' id A RRlNG'Al'Olti:i J. -,, .'„, . - -,:ai Notiek - Ai - s,, 1. .„,,,, , I , "'' . , I by enuauss.Spilkid ; -0„,1 , , „,, , it 13'111011 of #`oluuleas O'Malley ' ', &c. ,oph gv or., paper, prlcatilicentau . For salesta r , i t 61 l - 3•BEEIONKft'S .0/I.IW iiiooKbT9 A. , ,i;.;;;:gtrafil,o4 1- triNt 4 GAR. '' ' 11TAOCK . & Corlinve.juat..Ml4vl3o4,,,P3,4 and LI ,superianarticle 0.744a,m, gianu*lnrad antikly fratte Oornoddcluia aktjrplx'.frei troia" Igt 12 :04.**aida, awl 'O4 they can fi . ' li t re olnmeild'th. WeifloWofiantilitiVillair . u }lir . The,pat#4c6vaiWitdvilialgty44ua article t Ott 4/ „March 17„, M,63,..,—., ' . f PHOT,QQ,II,4IP 1.0 tofhawosizi 14404,Ai') 441;0- 004 thade,tai tv"l'qi u --, ;q 4 BERGNEELts,th.,, , :, midipLiku*". MEW cEMBRY THE.IIi3, -417":1 ../ e -. t 1, 01 . , ' , .Kfith dainit andlostanalf,4:* g rk 4 illitilt4the trek:66km elatePativ.il 3 / 4 63;0eul be found ' 41u•Abei.ocion#7,,f, • ), t,:l. D1T0.7 . 1i i. ....„., a, titaavitb — iriltrirs a hermettoaily :En:hi dine' itinujim,,wcidascrvions, e. moat delicis.tup 9lutractersableAnikbyl J f 6•• i , • : WM:DOCK, Tn., • ft:4 cO,AL blirt, PrittEloll3, that do *ily labinigiri;lan& arawind will - . - l ifq:9rtt.,' l trill sidearouniffeViit . - -4 ' ' ,- ' ENICIIIOII3 8030" C ;.„ L . •roji3r3FreittaAil Mark DEST'eftelf; i i n:44,4 world, for 7 , 13 $1:60, Arlo, and 84, for sae at frblEP,vl , ..r, - t, 16913:WFA81AN1,3 t . --- f'LJ , - II 5" EN TREES, - .._ _ _ *lnd 1- . .., y , ,t o of . all ItlainK___ , . And u --,...-- tree etni- a all Om, fr " 11 1: 8 / 1 E2" 4 44 3 ,;_oe,' f•!..t. ;,` ..,. law at Keyßlone Tfn 417a ttr e Ve ig i)96 llii and for e y NICHOLS & BOWM Corner Front and Mars f2A pig*Noit c: ranted aokonly to retain the po togreeerie.tipt.lgather itself. For fEO 6 - Ai-ms Writ. DOCK, Ja AnABATiII t 0 . Different colored double varleti Fringe, Purple Fringe, or Mist Tree, slarribbfgy i _at Keys unary. J. 1 - 10.FeEKS AND SU - • • of all 14 1e..1 1 it riiisoiiable lirka3slor-Bale by jl4 WM. DOCK, J CEDAB. WARE. Tabs, all si Buckets, Sumas Boxes, Churls LareteildrilikWainted Pails. ,wst. Dom. Js —A. tar 4.1..5.;41,44411 , .J.A.Rwasoctuag.".,i4 every cl is market wairgFtedlis -Irciftsale - wecOttw by AL.11,1„, NYQlElOtir 'MU apt? d' L wad , 1 0 scoxqa of ithe beat :brands, always haud, 040 fprii i ,112 [apl4] WM. DOCK, J4,i1;,&„:013., ~o f -all —valustliole vat lei*, at Key: „ nniskr - J-k'q.qatityl J. 'Ms6l3:'- VALORBLic , ,AND.,3 - 51f2.• PM r , Just , + .) 4 ,, ece&vedit l tro.ila ';:WItL 4 :? 1 , i , i( D ' - ' ail ,a , 6l _ xi tat Ilhoctaaao tioLtl i v 1. i I Nap 2Zwertistitients. DAILY - LINE BETWEEX PHILADELPHIA; 1041faven, Jere) , Shore, W illiamsport, Man. 11Voiltown, Wattontown, t Nilton, liewishnrg, Noititum'beriand Suit . bitty, peverton, Georgeto wn, - ‘,4ltenistowit l Millerabarg, thair4 .ll 4o4ll_, 41, N D WA RIM LS sraLi - cutJ t* 1 De Infing cen ly located, 4. 13 91draYV0„71 :.be the loviiet` rates. Tie ,bpnductbr.'4* thiongle•wlth leatte'trato to .attend to ; the iekdell'getY of:ll goods tatruq,t- Id to, the 114. Uoodedeliveted at the'depot of FREEP,,I4,III:I'4 - FREED, /311 Varket etretitl 4111144#10filiii by 6 tiollick M. *lll be ideliv ered,in tteireitinpi the pet incetiltig. 'Freight alwaysbY. An* iibOr EY it: in 0 5,e , t , •; SLIIK4 • 4.1[1444 VlCAllarb k • Pff 140-$700101317, J,l,= = rdPialladelpbia,m4 Beading D9ppi t oct2l-tfl Foot of Market Street; Harrisburg. srfluirs - nED 1760. L,4 10 7044 8111 4 ft 1.1,4 Matittiactmtr , d.,PMEI/T4?otVt Ittf*____4!9l`l,7:7llll9l WOULD call tha,attention of IA" ilia i tsl7”L:artietefißf„ . l4i manufacture, viz : !' 188 F 174 4 lebo 4_050 00 ? i tt HowNo 1 . 1 . 4(13 414ireN:10 Y. o ` = BROWN SNUFF: t Ibop, • Demigros, eißappper,' PuttiNirginlai artla . t'llaplob6; .v= NaCbitoches, '- , t3G :' - Pericar(Gentfkmaii, popenhagen.i 11721:0W ; {J 141:41U) High Toast ScPtALE! ' r- . Irldraigh -Toast, or Lundyfobt, l 4491:197 Dew Scotch, AI 3 IA Honey Dew Scotc44. Fresh t3coich. , . o ffir&ttenticon ig i call - 4. to the large reduction n'tilit6eof Ffne-Olt; OlieWilig Smola* Tobaccos, which will be found of a Supeirior " A tengi ' .11 •yi iNIE 9 3 118 ru.L1 i C a , Toa 2, a • (Mistl & 2 mixed, P`l3"' • is Gninulated. •,$ $ .7221 f OUT .421111, . 715 , 1 " P - • `aveitidteb, of.SWeeti, • Sweet Scented Oronoco, I _ '4EJT AI& ' • 1• 1, 7 4 circular of pn Cavendtel: wtu t. jcin mrll-4417, .. _ ....... . . WEW. GOODS FOR THE TOILET. ,:ilWhite,,fiond - Lilly j Eitraet. '' 0 •-' ', 1 . •,i i‘ j ., Alta' Pond I t Elergiget; Water. ~ ; enril .;. rifp 7 /41/043ndIA/Wti2it'°llr. &'4, -; 1 , 1 YniltiePr _ _ - fra VlVireilid€ - 4 , t ,,,Qtaiym, of noWe're ToOet Soap, ' p , . i Queen of rioWers Hair Vit. ~, ~, ~ QUO:it of "Flowere "gnat Water. ;The Opien%uffrait, a eplrindid perfumej dedi eatod to, the,ladles Of .the 'Wilted Suttee'. , • These . eriCellent &ode, 'n'eatly 'put ad, and now having' sid'axtexisite 'sale ; we offevi this F(Pi:nuAlf."' 44e ''' . '" --- -C. K. KELLER., A 1641 fie pildiatilfig, liiitiollepfiob imps, cOametice;Ste.; friiallilfrtlii the factories ; freely , . - :e'craeilliii "Mader Emporium" for Toildkaitta , 614" 14 ,.• • - ou. ,- KELLEE:B.,Drug fitok6. ' mY4 'r• 1 . ''-- .1 - f • L.." .91ildaiket ofeet: ' f. ' TIAN'Ir A. 41 lA s 01 - 1:40 , . s i'. , 1 F' the OW ,WaliovierlLiaktxespectf Ariar, , forms the public that this OldiDail Trans?, aorta 'en liftin ofirvoilly Wallemenkine ow. iir ,eoteribeinAlilieity,y is in atccessful o ration 40. 1 1,riipeiedi ,tii , oairtireight as low, I 7 any either i.ediWial-'lineoibetioreehl-Sitila Iphia, rrisblirw,itifiribmlytpLEildsbiirg, W . sport, I Artley Shore' Lock' Haven; and all-other 'points on the Noriliern-Oeitial, , Philadelphia andEr - and Williamsport and Elmira Bail - Emig i .., i • . 1 . -:: ilikli'leAl.X l 44 4 ,,, r _C* .h Ageitit.. D .• ...., ..,. • :+ !,,, it) E 1.).; t. .., ...•,..."...“.s. l 7gitt .. 74 4* :7 OtiCidr i eent 7 W Ihe ,, WareiloPge. orLdessrs. Peacock, Zell.kk , Binchwan, - Nee.; 808 d 810 , Illarketltreet, above Eighth, ,PhiledslPhia f by I 4 o 'clock; eow:4 willvdaeat Plarrishurt, ready Atl idellireryi next morning, ..., ~ * „tapBll-rdnayl MI 1 3 •.. • 1 i . iFebli , gAj.4l . • .. 1 ~' ; 1 :jgrilt Blifl lEiL prlrite Potatoes. % %AI 200 LEtd..Backgrlieat- Flour. t - I: ' ' o,4o,ll . 4%Prinie•Neti , iPdik State, Ap lee." . $ l. 13Oetalheat and WhearFlour; Dor ',' oang, ,- At. ;91.1:4 4 rp - ma;'Drixl - feachetii, Dri Black berr OS, BriolßelietrieT'aßlrepladtr - tes EitilerJ territe, ece;'' Choice sugar-cured Ham ',- f3hCotil ,4llollell Beef, lard, Mackerel, flish, Sm. 1 A t - 01*e lot ' f Oranges , Lemons, Fig Iteirens, ddles, ;Sugar, Coffee;': Bice; Candies, Spices; • .I:iikoco;'tiegars,Stei :.1 f 7 .7 t 7 7.", . , 7 - I 7 r. i .4 . li.rilxie, .115 f. of Bwest- Cidea just retelved; gyro titioyinegiir. - - : ,- . ~, 1 , t 1 - li ,..gor' . 6 Willitlitide and9relail, N0.1.6 - 'filaiketr ikeit,llariisbiihr,'Pa:- ,, ; 1, . , , i ' ir; --ai r - 2d dik -, -. : -•-• ;, WAU BIALA teCOI . - • ,1 •r , - , 4 ii 7.; . .! .1 re. . Jo , ylitone SH. and of ar t need ut- Sjie, . o - $1i251 I RE. d .9E for sale: etdied; Nab et ot tbutl iby it_ .&UO.. ":" 'IrEUPSER 7 Of M , II SI El .T.eaccos music STORE, 1.,,T,0 1 141m0e: Third StiWet, above North. ; ' `tr. - LIQUID IUiNNE,f,I .1.4131114i8b10NT yields with mil he most) 143-kgalcrus rif atit3dpserts c for thetable ; the lightest-and.mostgratif& aide far infiralidiPeinif chthicen. o . l littk contains every elencientrof 'Ws b o dily J accatArgtos ; when coagulated with iennetitrisLalways light and easy of s digestion, and-anpports the l systeiw-ivio. Possible wir:e=tianent. _Who% btillersayer nit ! tiire'poweir is ,desired, cream arid . kpgar Indy! bit added': , ikiteaspoonfnljawsoii in a putSrt = 7cf ix & ae =curd 'Favored. tail, . Wh t olesalelanti. retail, by+ i S. , A.. KU my(. : • 118;.1id. arhtt" etreet. c; - j ;76r4§`, rt h. r .ed Awl itkijgOf , stands, , &WI C., L maw" an 4 *'ara4r.`-' 01M21 ME 3 FfEM , tr ups and ; Molli f ies ol all kinds,.forfial, 0. 7. v - —,'ITIOIIOLS 86 1 130941A11, ~ ~,., , . .' • *4 ' "" Ole.- Front rintLiforet. sta.. „ 1 143' 8 y t , : .-, i,,,..: . 0 S r .. - r 4.IISVTO*BLOKIP . .., 1 4 404 l ow 4,41) AtlM AK Ori " r9l4°. ' .44 1) "'',71111113R; ' i ] •I 'lets at tilsYstorte Xislr -_-;" S-.._ v i i-,, 1 -. - ~.., r.,:(.--, . 1 01. I: - '.: ~ r ~ • :: 4 i • 14,1 t ,:_ , ii a N viks : =EI MEMO U Ntu) 2tbordigements. Ayer's Compound Malmo Sarsaparilla. , MO one remedy le more needed' in 'this con r .111 try than a rellol,o - Alterafie,/,' tut the at ,have been, so outrageously cheated by the iVo 1 less preparations of SArqpparilla /broad' th e,; they ere 041leced, eiren with the , name. 11" 1 the, drug pinnot he...J . :domed for the imPiskftio from, ruich they Aiwa, aidiered. . so-called Sareapaiillis in the Miliket little,of the, virttosk of Serdapsiils elm. They are mere alOps-:inert'and , While -a concentrated.extractof of tLe act - variety Sar Stillingtet e„ etc., le, lg Or e ur Powerful alterAttYe And e Ctie ed • Such le 4,44.'4, Extract , of '',Sartiftparillajes i truly wonderful ceirli4ellMe regrare ialteT a t i l One have; shown. Po 'th lore„ thijkinvaluable iiiediOne,' been you have imen imposed upon by kninelkingp i tend.ug t0 ; 1ie,,,, *separate, while #: yliof Whenyou . 14ye 4sol„ApCik— c tilo2, fait II then, will .you knew the virtues ef SzirsapOr ker,ruinige,prirl'ilcu)ara the.dfsiaaholt cid • , we refer you to Ayer a American 'Alm whlch Agellle, berkciW,;14241,3*411141.4 allglntietre sirhe qi#ll_,fer -,„ " . Alsot's P r i ze, fex,tuecuro - of ''o r iivenessJ 4a47404,4 Per*. ht u ationi F 014 stoga..Al &are, Par; burl, ~ arigille -4 , 4 4 *P4 , 1 ) 0 1 3 ,Atorbia hffooft 91'4 )4 , 40,,,440.4 AwstOtes:kivagin4,, Pr3 3l Y; ,inui f9ir 1 itia; ; They are OnStir.: l lo)44; eftitt, l 4. h oltiVeAlen lheelipleefiseltly, and 'l4O re the beesl444,tient iyhrk.44°r,;ol:the WOW: 0 A a ferellY , Etii. Bll l. • • faros 25 °ma raw -- 702 . .Do pop be put off ibymnpormteied dealers nth other, preps/Woos which. they make o bide' Edon. DeMand.Axise s s and ffikli :4!)th 6. ,Tbe sick.witet the beet- aidthere. 1 0`'fett.h nkr and Ihery.ebe.n4l hays It• Ifeepared by Dr. J, : (1 .43( sr. kiv;, ,Sold l by Q, A. 'Atimprihif, I),y,'Glawß 0, Kg A. M. Lute,Dit:#llPY, F ;I'f. ouri dealers .Iwervivhem, 1 IM AIILARIBBV4Ii; P 2 V, - POST OFFI t - ... . -rtrl , • , I . ill, Departure and Arrival „pi ,the -'• On and 'after Manday,•Apriliaoth,•lBo, . , maili will close as' follows: • . •-. NOIITUEEN O.IINTRAT, DAILIAOAD.I NOIIIII.--War. llderk - -Foriagell- •.• ••• • places betweau ~...:Harris:L, i' .: 1 _. LI! •• ,-,•••: borg,•andaX. ktill.V4l, , .4 andlEargarat, N. - rt., at.. 'i 2 1 ~: :c:. Fos lock Raven, Mril - ~ t lisinsport iSAdi.LLiall* L 4,4 'biog:44 6 . 4 10(:1 6 . '1 1• 1_,, , 3 3 . 3 f.: 6011131.,- . W.Or • 14.604fai1t • - • . V - ,i lI JJ . -... .., . :plains . betvieen,lifirrii: . ~.. 1 . 11 burg . r an4l4l4lllPwa, , •., • . .P4d:;, .11,rit, WidliA&ln t , , ; D. 0., at.. ,'' la' . 1, far Wadgegtili lik_9 l ., .:1 i :,:r br-e,virom it... ...„6 -.R. - v .., . ....., . ~,,, Ait ~lig . 4 • . ' ' 1 ' 1 12)3100W vimact Op. 'E - /;:01.1* - #*; itain-inir ; till' ._• ' - toli- - beii4a ilititi- 1 • , Apiiii:,'Esitoti. 'and Plill-: • I ''',• 2 ; adalphiti,. W4'154 - 464. I •: 7 Fos atiditigiiiiif rotti,-• -" • 1 ' . vi11a............-:.: - . :-. 12.09 . „wi y •••• 13f .A xi,,..i..F0 r • ~ all ; • • -- PENNSYLYAXIJUPOLIWrip• I 1- pladoplietiveenr Barris- I n •• ' but.c`nod Pbtliidelphia, G.. 8 01 ' I ;- 7 . . - Pier ' Phitadelphiai•ind,•_ , Loirossier•:*‘4'._.:..4.4.. •la •= ~i linr - 1/lOwlfoikt•dailla-14 V/ •*I -4 deftphiti, Inioniteri cto . • • •: 11 ) i lalabla;Ataitette, .and .: ~ " t 31 .altilildlie.7.k. J.!:..,....i... d j ..' 4 4. (11 4 If•JiWlTork,l•Pidian r • • tP3 k 4 offenairlosadlessata/ianhi .4 'WE KTAVt.fT Zldaln: l -For. lan . • j • litoxit.betweeii Nardi- -• . . - ' - Un - - and - Altoonak.r..•. • ' • '• - • • •, Pot Johnistown,l Pitta- • , .1 •-' bale- nod' , rEriey Ma., '• )1 Oldoditiatk = Columbus c . ;.. • • -: z• , • ii•MOitivelsusiptiku.4-.-:,• • r- ' llrektr-• - •Eittsbury diolli-:T. 1., 3 '" '' ' iltilibnig, :Altoona; : ' `.• -1 Pliiiiiiiibinivi , Tyinne, •. I • ' " - atliitkildowe and Lesiri,.•, •1 • .. I'l_°r ''''' .- `fidOillitf.P.V•;_ .r:14I. .i 4. 1 1 4 %P.M,. 3 . ..3 CUM r Lab VA LLEY BAY Jkp , I „For, T-It*bakciiir l •a . E, , QP 1 4 116 ; Pt i Vr :44Bl s4 l gt, '. ~,,,,.. „ig, *.43, Peas, Ok ....,.. an& PAS "Ir Vra, 01 , 1 ,113- .• —: i • •IbrAt . , 14 1 V... .7. .ambarg• and Akilie* ' Wal ) •7, 11 , ) . ...1••...1 1 ... '71,:.? ' li* . 1 12 SCHUYLKILL AIMATIIMII4OI•_i For Ellendtile gorges, - I „. . Vliiiiloil,Pititgroveyn •, Siiimilitqatfitiont..Li d .... 12.80 g „it, - i" spa' Botintiv ,- --. 1 , . .*„, ,i„ f ,i. .I , e - gi r thir etilv d - I?:. I ~ m i in ..,,; ; Hilk: , ~ --. o'. pgr e s, , I ()Wan t.. . , I i. 4 i 141. ,f_ 44 3 .ill d r; -,- •''l. i : -, , i 7 'l l ll/11pizer, ‘ .0120 ,. anl-- ~,,. -, . a. f ' ' . 3 imestb"s VAlic!lidll; ,' I I- . edneaay and ' Fri- . , ' '''-.. . 0 . ( ~.... , .. 1, .:. .. :,.. .. : 7 komi. Oriii,ln;i:riCilld Lelilix' I ' ' T g ; 1.1,4 ~,,,",sayitidiy.:..Llt.3o PM. WM . ;.! AIVIVAL Of -772)11 4 1. Tbe•PillidPaillnfilib 4itiii# 3 .:ar !VI • - i lifigs fox' delitteriyaktidolfowitilmsoll4,_ c iiiri li .. ropfk the North, South, Eattond-11 • 64 4 ;4, Wist.,. - .:';'.. i . 7,...'.i ... ...... 1 1 3 -SEA, Flom Cmi'ilowlaiidtValyllaiiii:Halt ; J 1.2 c , •M. • , , . " • • ; , `nit P.. if.: trnmit • ~ . ~ 1 . ' 1. ~,.. -,--, .1 I ! 2•Pz: lit k. bilmielribli,, " ' ' ;1 • : 4.3. M.i , ,Poefige'eni all midi matter moot be fWippreA paid by obtaips or *Monet be forivorted Withal t - 4 1:15*-110nrs l -fltbin 4.30410&,;44 o'broci t 'f; it./ MO, except • EimodiAm vim tbreViorioill be open frOm 7.80 to ftlo diAdri Ottkoni - t.fX) to ~, 400 WM: , - •I• .; - _ • •ozolßlCl3EßGMlB,4Pcotometto.., • '4'etrod,' ca4118"11194. 0,4 • •Anini% of• - Y 4 3 1 rX,4,__ 13 415 6 brand Iv market d&i.AerY ' aiPLPISAI teigingty. i _4 l 4 •AL ' rflt. Forsalekr liti, Var1041481,45__ - 41 • :1` --I LK*? VW"' re t I Aft ; 1, ,r,sl r LW .14-441 1- 4' 1 • 74177 ' • PRICE ONE CENT. (C4t Etitgrapfl. ' FROM WASHINGTON. Ling FROLGINEELL 11A11111 ARMY 44.04, Repot of the Capture of ' WanntaTort, May 20. • IlibicalpYtikitr 'lmai been rt•ceitred•ot the Navy • • .SsaukSiluzGartettAr. PRIOR, below Warrington, Nay 14 lb lion- Giff.OM - ketket &etete7 or the Navy: I have the honor toitufocay.poti than 1. ri t red off the motttli , of-thei Red river an the mond ug of the 4th, and on the 6AL - took poeftssiou of Fort Di Hussey,. about eight mdes urn itd mouths , •OU tteteVeoteg.of th;. 61 41 I twk 1. 04 - ilbediOn of the eitrOkAlotanftlis,vrithout twat abed; -• • ; • Genesillßanke arrived, at AkAaskdria on the ehrkutogrirl the 7tholud:ltattla4 thi4P4Y over **ta w : : • .s, (Bigne4 -- *-411.DAIrli) D. EiIiTER, •"I - tabar.to,ondra cum 'Lauding . Helitucky Clamor= May 20. "A rtimor is preValent-tit ,, atrirtreesburo that Miutiously .wittuintalog pertatm of eistrooph fromsmr trout and sendtag them to Itellagn. Or 1,, • A Union * iefrtete friita ( Shelbyville teports that tliree i brigithat: had , leftl-thsie, and were afte&wdrdeaeohatatiattanottpt.". : 4.4 Pcoddibie they Nov t icAokyi t ilp:r,attketr.thip?„Jacltt!on. ;,All is, quiet at fdpifreeifairo: the re.ignatfoti of G. W. Winters, of the Ninth PelmitYltainim cavalry, has been accepted. Elehten offiMorgatt's cavalry came tato our newt the : otherhday, voltintarily 'aturreo dercd. 'llaftigeetilrbinrCurobeilandilap report an la 'creme. of the'rebel force there and atuthe other Gape,, whether •to. prevent : opr adtraitc into Kest fieninesege, or , matter to an invasion of *entucky i . niatter of ipeenlation: - " , 4 ihpre erth ihatibere la commotion in B. b igg's ariny; and thatiseyeral rhyistoos are zeroing& Tt.„ the Nattionitl Lost*. • • Parrutosrsauti .143! 20. F JajrVot ) ikei'istbscriptiotv agent, reports the ;e ale' 144%118,000 of , ftve•twenties to-dly, dis tributed as foitcpm: Ifew York and New Jersey ssr 00Q ,, ton and New kiagland, 4678,000; Pbiraaelpfilitarid•Petinisylvartia $483,000; Mis souri, $170,000; Ohio, 170,000; Baltimore, $40,000; Indiana: and •11144015, $88,000; Dda 'Wskres.-$16.Q4 ,TAtrge deliveries of bonds are iimiNC,ll lll d9Atily and every facility and infor nttion hirulalieli x toilublichbere. The security ffeied btftiff-leats contrasted -with the fever- IshPand,uncertaist. state, ul the stalk ratrket tetaktv§ it papt. a likely that still larger sales { ilk L ev ibe mesa thatithotbritilently reported . Oki/i6tiP- . 13 MEE Xi 31.1 . • . — CISOMMI, *op 20. INA itirthing, *aced ou board goilloot,now anohomi off the levee. Afia l toptskr . to the .boitc was very infet and at tracted no .cieWif,' These wbo' taw him'eay he leeliOliebet;etatufd idea broken down. He nettainlysioestelecft•illfalatua ; by what route I cannot env. 111 Demaera.tio Ceinvention. C G. Key 20. Ihe ( Denmeratte -State Convendon meets at Indianapolis today' Dia Voortieee will pre nide. Atom ass, some fears pi disturbance TO, liquor tamps have been closed and military pkeeitidone Itaie bea Winn to - prevent an &ant& A. M. P. ?L i . P. qt. TO ,/ 640 E a . l " Al" . . , Ouirouttratl, May 20. SF : a htiva,',liiteillie' h atika "that General fltintOifiiitAgArikYlat tce BOste.lionsti and `Mlekiitinisiin Jackson, etas., evacuated the Phu*. We .jive jao ,particulesa 'later than OPlA.d.'h °FR , .WileiYlTB-0 nr• )11, , EMI ' Capture 01 a Rebel Steamer. Wiattpmat, May 20. iTbeiUnited Statee_beark,fkAtil± captured on the 20th but„ while Attterupting to rue the bloc,lmde at St. Andrews Bay, Florida, the Bri dal achearter Marini Amelia; of'. eighty-five leatEdwithlariae, fldtrr, P,AL 'mss BY TELFA•BLPH. 7Lrif.• sii T~~ ;l '~. ffi.~ "~Vi= Num 4 iecntani ; idea at • 63454 c Flour 411111;1 . 114000 > bide. sold, 04 1 ,10,40@A 65 for Stare ; I , 64nitAtitr•Onit „and ~Sti 00@,7 00 fltrAoPp li kmtis Wb.tat advanced 1•31,2„:.; wire of 1600t.e:buni. '2441 42 tot Chic go. eprinttlj3si4l 44 for indwaokie club, acid )$t Oar" -52 ruined:Western. Pora a i voaced isgAl Wee of 80.000 mat.. at 73@,76 •-- ,13,04 quiet. Pork firin: 'Lott staid, ac fOle. -44044 e. Freigutd dull. Petit ion* aradegat...%7W,43oc.; rdiued 4scatfita.., Ng ; i p : tITERI - COFFEE! I D ATANXIn.AW.Crpfer and 'the Public to if MT ; ISMIREWaS Ii9fPABIECL MOOED WF- 3 . • witigated• tegiire eatiaceetioth er the money reircitideck It isimbnunkly Rekno*ledged the t BFISTWIIIa -MED. ..I%postorlin,d fottatnntothe NagleSteam Spice intid 406 Workti, 1 0 14:244, 'North Front, (cor #et • ifeint4Philhaelphbi, Pa. qa -, HOWARD. WORRELL ..- OV4r 7L !U le lyßbp l r iwfG44,ll-420N. &ND.. " Ds TIME I‘ BYa elPecial- taiukieinerg. "lath one of the • beattograversin ki the mg/kitty, cards of any desiniption mill,hcogeopted in the highest style etattoiminfonuswe with the latest fashion, and diedidomptly,4,lowerprioi than are charg edstlyjthodakmons in i New Work or Phdadel , Fug suripbs ag4 priori call - at risa49to BIERGNEttS ,lONISTORE. VOW 110%;, • ' 1 -Ihiglish'and% Irish Taw and Mahonia :evergreen shrubs, •st Jrsilifiltlitidietf: .2 'jtipled . J. MISH. siu toyiL • ta 7irry4 , 'VEi 0~Zt.:3 iil .}Z. Alexandria Iraix, gay .20 - Y 4