(cke iii i iileJtrap+ NOTICE I` ,, Ait v It.HT.ISERS.—AII Ad. vertist nts , Notices, Mar.. ' , jag es, Deaths, cik.{ . to secure insertion i n *tic MELVA:- must invariably b e u- oni pa nie:i vv .14 h the CASH. A:ivertiseuicnts tapered in the regular • . y.vesting EdEttou ale inserted in the 1/1 arning Edition 'without extra, charge. Lt AE. I BURG, PA Monday Evening, May 18, 1863 TOWN AND COUNTRY, r i TM HOSPITAL AT CAMP CIIBTIN now contains thefive patients, moat of whom belong to the tjegitat.nts which have just returned, and will be mustered out of service with them. These r , men are al anxious to get home. Tur. MEMBERS of the Citizen Fire Company will meet at their hall on Tuesday evening next at V I P. m., for the purpose of making arrange . runts to give the returned volunteers of their, company a suitable reception. A fall attend.: ance is requested TIM PIC-NlC.—The pic-nic and hop congiatu patory upon the return of the 127th P. V.,, to iiniorrow, at Haehnlen's grove, promises to. be 7. one of the grandest affairs of the season. The [treanr=gers have made arrangements.to, aceom ! morlate all who wish to attend. Conveyances ipill leave the Washington House, corner of Allixth and Walnut, and Frisch's, corner of Fifth rid Market streets, during the day. , I. _ IN NOTICING the recent railroad accident at i la , k Log station, in JUniata county , we stated rAri Nth Lt one person was killed, which we have to.since learned is a mistake. •Therin.akesmari had u one of his legs cut off, but is doing very well. .The engineer, Mr. William liclienley / was in , jui ed internally, and we are . glad to learn is ,srapidly improving. The fireman was; also lightly hurt. A DIFFICULTY ABOUT THE RECEPTION OF A REIN:- it r NENT Smut.—The Loyal League of Reading has taken bold of the matter of the reception of the Balks County Regiment . (122 d,) and ar- langkments have been made which Will secure a proper welcome of the gallant min leilong .., lug to that organization, on their return home. The League determined to waive all political distinctions, and have resolved to unite . with' men of all parties in paying a proper rdspect and extending a fitting Welcome to the brave, efenders of the Government and thO - gall_aßt P holders of liberty. Such conduct Ps I erming of loyal men. The soldiers will linow . how to appreciate its magnanimity. 11. --••.---- i . ii .Litur. NISELY, company H; 427th P. V., *how i a 'Atli we noticed some days since, received his - ‘e which have proven thus fatal, at' the ' lwun '' •of Fredericksburg. His renMine last battle P "- this city on. Satuiday on their F . pace t d through 'kr be-interied in the ceine ? way to Middletown, . - 'Ea was a brave:matai ,tery near that borough. - In the field or, and nobly performed his duty. t,ti otrituitSpii jthe camp, before the enemy or wL. di ve to , he was ever the conscientious soldier, ' -4, t o the service he had undertaken and devote,. • i. e country he had enlisted to defend. ds whose fame will 11 ye while martial valor WAITING TO as MUSTERED Our.--Old soldiers l ill agree, that the most irksome and anneiy'f ig portion of a soldier's datyia thitt:which is omprised in the time devotedto waiting to be' '.ii ustered out. Men are then waiting-between, iaope and anxiety to get-horrieL,L-staTni to be free from duty and discipllne 7 waitlng' "to' ive a good time generally," and ,hence every ttle delay chafes and exasperates those 'who o not pause to think. In the first place, the reparation of a set of muster out papers for a . egiment is no trifling labor. Let the men in acting think of this fact. Let ottriarmon , beirs ink that the officers are now engagednight d day, that additional assistance is called in I om the clerical force of the city, in order to i x ilitate and hasten • the completion of these ills. As soon as they are' completed the I oney is here to pay every man in Camp Curt' n waiting to be mustered out, while these oat anxious to have the men paid are thotie• eking out the pay rolls and the paymasters, emselves. We trust, then, that the :then w waiting pay will have patience. We trust t they will refrain from grumbling or fault ing, and think that the money will come in e time, and then they can hasten home to .' Ivo the welcome whi ch they deserve, and r the honors which t 1 ney haVe won on battle ~ esteemed as a manly virtue I - -'' i t e 'I Baca. Aciers,—Nip e months since,' we chron ; - ,t led the fact that r tine of our - corps of nom.% L itors had laid dr ,wn the composing tolake • ,•;. the real shootin g stick. These gallant fel- . , than was the ly indepeadt ;nt—and where they were cer ,,, 'al ways of e' mployment. But moved entirely spirit of 1 iatriotism such as few but printers . CI tuadersti s n d, they gave up the emoluments gable y s y_ l w e o f w t uo h a lf d i et a t r u e: a ett t e eih 'ir tre i rgy a e mw w ioen h rr e eea r where n a noo n urn y eesty o hu n ian e ari unrestrained e f p: themaeyaenki: per- *rid ease of positions in the Timaartern office to i r are the tiaLgars and hardships of the army, cause they were convinced that it was a duty , hey owed to their country. It is such's spirit 'licit ennobles our cause--which gives us faith our ultimate, decided and brilliant triumph!. , —The brave men`who left us nine months tk . go, are with us again. They haVeltturned fr-- they have returned with honor, welcome 0 Ike to their homes in this city and thrice wel -4itleomc to their old positions in this office. we peat their names, that our frientkand readers may understand how well OAS Teitiibllshment ~- I‘was represented in the army: re JAMES B. IRVIN, THOMAS FORSTER, DAVID MARTIN, GEORGE W. BENCE; EHRMAN DAILEY, HARRY C. DEMMING, LEVI .11..PAMRSON, J. E..WHITESIDE, JAMES D. CULP: —We repeat, that;we welconwthem busk tot the city of flarriaburgand the TELEGRAPEC office. A Iles - rot° of the " First City Z)uavee" will be held at their armory on this (lionday) even ing, May 18th, at 71- o'clock. By order : f the C ptein. H Winrsusnos.—Yesterday was Whit sunday, the seventh Sunday, or forty-ninth day after Ester. Pentecost and Whitsuntide corn spond. Anciently, it was customary fur those who were baptized on this Sunday, to attire them selves in white, and the day was then called White Sunday ; Dominica Alba, or Dominica in Albin. The deriviation, however,hEts been va riously sought from "etas" octave, the eighth from Easter. The holy memories connected 'with this period are such as elicit the prayer and praise of all religious hearts, and bespeak the reverent attention of the community in gemral The anniversiv of the Jewish feast of Pentecoat, when the Apostles were "baptized with the Holy Ghost, and with fire,:' and when they themselves commenced their ministry by baptizing three thousand persons, is such as should be, as it is, an event of peculiar reli gloo4 inter*. MEETING IN AID 011" THE UNITED STATES SeiNl- Teßr;Cok9assioN.rOur readers will not forget 'tire meeting this - e;:ening in the aOurt House, .tal'en'the operations 'and the clainis of the United States Sanitary'Commitsion will be die cused by Horace H. Furness, Emi. The. Sant., •taty Vomocuission has accomplished more to ; preserve:the health of the army than. any or ganization • not directly Connected:: With its movements, and of course whilothnicontribu ting tri ; the halt.l;, were alio adding to the ef ficiencyandtbd disciplina of the -forces. Tlit, operations of the,.Cominission'look entirely to the rr tioiotion oethe Physitial hetilth of the men. This of itself is a_vast labor., We will 'ot attempt to discuea it, but leava•the subject for presentation' tofellowLeltiserts,', by , Mi. Furness, this evening. Wiktritet teat he will have a full attendance of those whopfeel an in terest in the efficiency of the army ; of thOse at home,who have the mewls and the time tn. contribute tor,the success of such a work. 1 11 is not the soldiers to whom Mr. Furness desires to address:l:Om - 6ff, butte tie 'soldier's friend, to tliose are the friendii . of the - Cause in which the soldier is. perilling life and limb. We repeatAbten, that'ili&ladies and gentlemen Atit•ibiburg who are interested in" the cause, will not fail toe present this evening to hear • Tris ItioEPTION OP Tut DAUPHIN DoIINTP' REGI t HENT tohich(ivoie overlooked in our Report . —lmmediately.after the formal :proceedings on the part.of : ,the •city of. Harrisburg, in the re ception-of the-127th Regiment Penna., Vol. had., been co,tieluded; the members of thellope Fire aempany took charge of snob 6i'Ate soldiers of the regiment as were members of that organii.li -tion, and conveyed. them to the house of the company. 'A splendid supper had bee pre , Pired, irhiCh was irk w,atiug, with a bill of fare cOmprising everything which wag delicidus In cold meats and other'eatribles.. ' The between the returned soldieri'aiidstieir fellow flier-11m. -was hearty, warm and sincere: . .It spoke,pf afrieruAshiptm noble as f / twas enduring, aici.may,birpmembered one ihel most Tlesetnglogidents, of that - ;glorious reception.. -.4 Ex-lifayor Kepner ._ presided at the imard, with the dignity-peoulbn to himself. The Tinging -of- the . great-bell belonging-to • ;ii a-o i - . r a t n "la w 1 h our notice. tile novelty of - event escape ~k ivorsal attention, and much,:predit attracted ti. `.iidenr•Fealand, imder 4hose f's (me' Sap •aujlgtVian of Patrietisni Qr ll eP, 44 6 attiON.. ,1 1 reVions "was performed. To • r bat participated within, S# memo y, that tike rotiva of the rejoicing was iitoon'tiiii • " Mexican volunteers, in 1847, FUNILAL ON SaRGIANT EfIIMIEBL.--/Mpoa. ceremony.—The funeral of Sergeant Hummel, of company D, Dauphin County Regiment, took place this morning, from the residence of the deceased's mother, in Second street near Mar ket, and proceeded to the cemetery; where the remains of the gallant,young hero were interred, amidthe regrets of his associates in his youth, his companions in arms, and his immediate re- The Dauphin, County Regiment was Out in force, and,thia,,,,s44o, the humorists civic portion of the funeral, made- a: most im lidsing Such as has not attended any t 1. • , other . finierar in this City,..foi *MY jeers 13erore. need not add any words to_those, Which' have already been spoken to swell the anted "of praise of this gallant - young soldier. He was beloved by his regiment. In 'battle he was fearlem and cool, ever foremost where danger lurked, and never shrinking from duty though' death, the wajr to, its . performance. He was most too young t.) die, and had it no t been for slavery, he won Id to-day - 'have been most llkely, Jiving, a joy to those who lorad and art honor.to those who respected him. But thus young, full of hope anal manly pride, he was struck down by the trial for Wand of the slave driver. In the face of such an end, what can we think of ,those who, in own midst, defend the influenc3 which gli'res life and fury to rebellion? ,Let the weepy lug friends of the dead and buried herd answer. Close his eyes;; his work is ddne t ' What.to hiin is friend or foeman Rise of moon or set of sun, Hand of mart or kiss of woman ? : Lay him low 7 lay hink,whert The flowers ,bloom Lid Z:18 &Or • , What cares be ? he cannot „lcuctw. Lay him low! t As man may, he foughrhis fight, Prcived"the truth of - his endeavor !' t Let himsleep•in solemn night ,_ Sleep forever ' and forever. - . Lay him low—lay him where • " The flowers bloom and all Is fair. • - 'What cares he? he cannot know.- Lay hirn low ! • t Fold hiniNix his country's atitri-- Roll,the drum and fire tile Tolley— What'to hint are all our 'Wive ? What, .but death berricieking•folly ? Lay him low—lay him where • .... ~.,.. The flowers 'l3loorit and all is fair. What cares he? he cannot knew. Lay him low I r 'frt.Leifis him to God's watching eye, Trusti him t 3 band that made him, " . — Hoitrove weeps id l 3'W P t Ghas power to sic). hit „Lay him low—lay him where n? &wf!!!bloom and &ilia fair. Whatcitrid fie Fhe cannot know Lay him low I iS =EU ACCiDI —Sadler .At&ed— o'clock Thursday evcrii tlg a :old ler named i.o•. art AlcK. n slit, belonging to C,ropatny 24th regiment New York State volunteers, was killed on the Northern - Central railroad, a short dis tance beyond the Bolton Depot. The regi ment- to which he belonged, with two oth ers, was waiting the arrival of cars at the depot to convey them home. The deceased was intoxicated, and Lad walked out to tht neighborhood of Grasshopper Hill, with s.we of his companions, and was standing ou the track when the mail train from Harrisburg, Joseph Sharpe, conductor, rapidly turned the curve at that point, and before he could be removed from the track the cow-catcher of the locomotive streck him near the ankle and threw him against a a telegraph pole, when he rebounded and fell with the right side of his head on the cow-cotcher, by which his skull was •tractatad iii a dreadful-umber. . Be died in a fetv minutes. HEAR A BRAVE SOLDIER.-001. Clark, of the 123 d Regiment P. V., on the arrival of his com mand in Pittsburg, and reply, to the . speech of welcome, made the following vindication of Gen. Hculer atd the men who still remain in, tha field with him . : ' ‘" With regard.- to •the brays)_ troops they had left behind them lie ilia a whid(tO say; A. ru wor had been circulated throughout the coun try that our army himieuffdred'adinglorious de feat, but they,were living witnesses there to-day to pronounce it an unqualified falsehood. (Tre idendous'eheerbig.) The first thing which the Hooker on reachingHarrisbarg, was that Hooker was beastly drunk on that memorable Sabbath at Chancelienville. Ale! could tell his friends, and be a . , ,as in a position to speak kno.*: ingly on the silbje i ct, 'that - Were lial3 not a 'Ala dow.o.f.truthlit Thelepert was a base false hood-,without even the semblance of truth., (A 'fitiicel-Threetheers fdr Creiteral Hooker ! !The call met. witha thundering response, and for fully five ininutes the aPplause was deafening:) , The Colonel '"abrititined. The'right of his regi ment rested in such a position at Chancellor that there was not fifteeit hilfintes th rojagia out the day in which he did not see General Reokeri and -toyer' not only , perfectly , saber, but, like a brave and gallant soldier, .intensely bent on petting 4hroughthe-wOrk he had in hand. [Loud cheers for Hooker. . A GOOD acere "'PUY "Tdin..: 2 43Y tile fol lowing:froth-the Ohunh Qaolie, it will be seen that our, friend, theface . does and gallant C,apt..E. H.. pouch, is back again, wielding the editorial pen in the columns of that able jour nal. It is a good juke vert 'told, and one which ,onggerman,friends will highly appreci luSie tin aFiver G' shprunga. —A few days ego a soldier','reifiding somewhere down the valley, was met in the car by a man who merely reces•- niwad,hisAve, ancl y the, latter ,asked him, Art- Pennsylvania 'dialect, Whitt 'Regiment ne be lenged'ted ' He tinswers;•9toftthe---(whi'ph is attached to the . unfortunate 1.1. th Corps, which corps, it is alleged;helialedblitly theliatthi of ' Chtdeelloryille.) The-madlhen asked him how it came that they (the lith Corps) ail eke dadled Iwhendlig. Soldier nwia the fullciiing. comprehensive and satis f actory explanetion : ''"Well, ice bill dernow&ifst exactly ferzehle wie'iswar... Dort war de front line, un !donn war noch en line sell war die tawelt line , d inn WarliriCh'diet dritt line selL ., War °were until( IJa dorm . , ferateh, we sie duo aufanga hen mit erani fer dominta sheen, • sin • ewWa die. front line g'sprunga, fersteh. Well, don, des ding war goot, dciun.sine. ewwa sally tswett line sp.& g'shprnuga, fersteh. lin donn,iholes mich der deifel wan mero net such g'shprunga ClieeMallY 4riPlN.l'mas BIN rlaer fw.!eir g'shpruuga I ADRIYAL OF THIS OND HIINDRID AND TEMITIC• &scan •P. V.—This 'splendid regiment arrived [truth% pity. and_ took quarters at Camp Curtin yesterday afternoon : We by Col. Charles All bright. We often write that regi merits have gone through great siiririaS, put in no case ws,the same be. written with morelit. eral truth than in` that of the 13211. *has :,.. reduced to five hundred and fifty men by bas"qhips.ottattle. This fact rnust be its the harms • .'se present. Before leaving, Gen'''. iiistorl tor *lcg neat♦ speech at his Couch 'elide` the : gos i sl i said Mien; brothiirs and headquarters. Gen. t. maon My, friends, fellow sok, ,„ companions in alai: I OdUla .7141) you good• by. In doing so I feel sorry tP t ir are red to going ; and yet I am glad that so m. 709 red you, through the Providenbe of _God, exe. Bo this moment.:;You have figured in tiaZee bat tles prominently, and have conducted 3?;:mr selves nobly .and gloriously; in each ,of them, and „none of you need hereafter be ashamed to say Yon bricetelonged to , the One limudf t edand Thirty-second•Pkunsxlvania. regent. , record is pure—yox have ydireelves throughout y ouventtre term of service gallantly. My Aeart Wtoo lull for utterance. §oldiers, brothers ou ,comrade s ,arms, good;by—good by=--good by. God ; bleis you , and be with yon. • Tai PALO& or' a Worearr..-- , Whille the Alin of Pennsylvania are enriching-the soil of ; every rebel state . , posgpxering every fieldffith glory where the tumor sail fame, the authority and the perpetuity of the Union and the Onvern- MIZSI4 ,are contended for, the women of thii Com monwealth are doing their - shire of the' work, alike in acts of inerCi in the midst of the'roar ingOf battle as in the sphere where the ;Victims of battle, when the strife is ended, lie bieeding and groaning. Weinust not overlook the deeds either of men or, wumenin this mighty' strug gle. It should be the , duty of the press through out the, land to ohrOnVolliese deeds and pre serve the honor of those'svihl tliu.a'nObfy ;devote themselves to their country: The following, from the Washington Chronicle; shows what a brave '.PermsylVania woman a6inmpilsbed at Ohancelloville : - . , During the battle of Chancellorville, while everybody was fighting and many were falling, we noticed one in their midst, who, . although she was not fighting, Wati still engaged in a no ble work. This one is " blau,". the vivandiere of the 'One Hundred and Fourteentli.Peunsylva nia.volunteers, (Collies Zouaves.) She was to be seen in the.thickest of the fight, binding 'up the wounds of the fallen,; regardless of her own safety. When the wounded were removed to a house on the field, the was there, f and when that house was shelled and burnt by the rebels, she was there carrying out the wounded. Her dresela pierced by several bullets. All the wounded of our brilfilde look - anxiously for her every morning at the hospital, for she makes I daily visits there. . . ‘ : ~. • ~,,, - On that bloody field-she waif- often to be seen with '`:crowd 'cif 3 Zonairesialiifindlifer otvhile she was,iiiii,ufged in binding uptlfeiravontila. Diary, tilllitiftrerliit'fOrgotteti!by , the First. Brigade , of 'limey's division. Ii ill == T OF 14.61."1 ' Es Is 3 itli 11 ENING IN TIM lIARRISBURti i 061 iik4ICE, MONDAY, MAY 18, 1863. OFF'CIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER HAYING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. LADIES' LIST. Ad-ms, Mrs Sarah A Karns, Mrs Lucy Atricks. Mrs L Kany, Miss Maria Baer,. Mr 8 Elizabeth P Kennel, Miss Mary Bt-ngel, Ms Elizabeth Kepford, Mre Mary Bill, Miss Elizabeth Kennedy. M iss Mary C 2 Bigger, Miss Maggie I Keiper, Mrs Mary Blear), Miss Sarah Kreher, Miss Lou Blakeman, Miss Lizzie Kriter, Miss Ann Black, Miss Sarah A Koesei, Mrs Catharine Bobinson, Mrs Sarah W Kimbell, Mrs Ann C Pamela, Mies Annie Lang, Mhs Lizzie Boingardner, Miss A Larkins, Mrs R Brown, Miss Joanna Layard, Miss Annie Brownell, Mrs W H Lee, MIN _Fannie Brubaker, Mrs Daniel Lewis, Miss Mary F Bubb, Mrs Margaret Looker, Mies Sarah Bumbaug h,Adiss Emma McCalmout, Mrs E H Brehm, Miss Barbara McElwee, Miss Sarah Brenner, Mils EM- Minick, Mrs Elizabeth Callum' Miss Allice Madder, Miss Lizzie. Chubb, Mies Mary May, Mrs Sallie A Carney, Miss Clara Marteer, Mrs A H Crozier,.Miss Susan • Miller, Mrs Carolina 2 Grail, Mies_MaryS Matikleye, Mre Curtin, Mies Kate Magee, Mies Fi mm a • Dehuff. Miss Emma Masoner;Mrs Joszphine Detrick,MissMargaretl Martin, Miss Amanda 'Dickson, ;7 ; Savory Moore, Miss Martha Dunbar, Mrs Manses 2 Myers, Miss Annie Dunbar, -- Matilda Novinger, Miss C Duncle, Miss M ~ Nevin, Miss Mary L * Echand, Miss ReChael Mrs J L `Enders, - MierrLydia Nevenger Mra Mary Eitimoyer Noble, i Mies Harriet Miss Bathed Orth, Mrs John A Erbilthe_Ailn Maria - -•.Quigg, Mrs Sallie Fates, 'Mrs Mary )tenpord, Mrs Rebecca, Fagan, Miss Annie Reichenbaugh, Mary E Filling, Mrs Lewis Riddle, Mrs Ellen . Finney,Xisi E C 2 Riddle, Miss Elisabeth Flsher, MiisiMarY Sallied; Mrs Fisher,Barbara Sage, Mrs George -- Polst, Mis'm A Schenk, Mihail S Funk, Misa.Louisa Lavine .o:trier; Mrs Rosa Sheeti;-= Henrietta Gillet, Mies Sarah Sliaddow, MisiKate Galey, Miss . Josephine &elder, Miss Sarah Grarretsge, Miss Sarah Seibert, Miss Mary Ann Gartilin'es, Miss Emma Spengler, Miss Precilla Greenawalt, Miss Lizzie Salters, Mrs Charles Galder,, Miss Sallie M"'Stevens, Mies Kate `Galante, kisertmoia I Sworts, Miss Maggie Guntner, Mrs M.aigaret Thomas; Mrs Virginia 'Gingrich; Miss Mary Taylor, Mies Catharine Harts ; Miss Sarah Tstnall, Miss Maggie Hartnett, Catharine Varner, Miss Sarah Burned; Mrs' Thomas Vernon, Min Maggie Henry, Mtge Emma V Wngnor, Miss Rebecca Hallon, Mfg Ellen Walsh, Miss Bridget Hoke, MisttEliza Watte, Mrs Susan 4i EtetChisini„'Mre Emma Wagner, Mrs Mary Hughs, Mrs Richard Wcntick, Mm ; 2 `Vi - thitzel, - Misa Clara V Hubbert Miss. Nancy. Weitzel Mies Annie Hattsdn 'Mrs'Snsan Weaver, Miss Mary A Jenkins, Mikis 6 Wright, Mrs E A 2 Jones, Miss Kate Zeigatitnal, Miss B Reller, Miss Lydia Zeity, Miss' Hannah , . GiALISTI4.iumEN , s LIST. Ackernian;:Jehn 2 McCormick,•Daniel Allen; Roland , - McCartney, Robert Andretil, Joseph . IdeCormiek, Chula Ana, Wm A McNaughton, Frecrk B Bauer, Mcßenolds, Andrew Bell, Wm MoWilson,Alexander, t Beintsderfer, Cyrus Maree,Mtin--, Bigrnight, Mahaney;illiirreil Bell, Rev Thomas D Martin, Marks Beogel,_Jacobt[ship] .-MOWell, John H Blake, A , Mackay, John Black, H S, ...Mervine, Will M K Sloomentitine; Henry 'Whir; David' Bowerila, Peter 4 Boyd, James, ' Monis, L Bonner, Francis • Moltrin; Edmond B Brady, John Moorti,laines F Brown, Lt Andrevis-M Mounds;John D Brasier, Admn. Myers, Ckm Brown, ;Wpd' Narver, Hermon Brooke, VC Ottivar,,- Absalom - Brougher, Daniel'," N Britkard, A S Parsons, Wm H Bright, ; ,Johe Pomkey, Jahn !, Bamthyle, Peter . Ploudon, Amon Barrett, John ' PeirY, Martin 'L Campbell, Henry t S PinVers, E M • Clark, John Henry Richard; Isaac Clark, Lyman ' Rhoade, Joseph E: 2 Crap, Martin ' Reed,_,Win [ship] , Dawson, Michael RlchrithiJ,lienry [ship] 1 Davies, David W liobison,•Mnises Dainey, Christian P Roach, .11 A Dewitt, John 3 Roeandele„ Jr:dais. Debarry, J D Soilser, Henderson' DeHaven, E Sandy, Edward Dorsey, Wm B .Sauppe r 'Cluistoph Ditty, Wm H ' .Saylor, JH. Durkee, Michael [ship] Sage, - C D 2 Eberwein, Fred'k Schneider,lohn a Ebright, Samuel ' Shad, Isaac Eyler, Peter 1,, "Sellers, John Ebrlght;•Samnel ' Shively, Sylvester Ferris, Frank 4' Shaffner, F W Ferguson,''W A Singiser, Robt Henry Brent; Jacob J Fl -Lt. Pa_ trfelt Slater, John • izeo Siders Isaiah Fletcher; u..o n i th. Arne, W Fletchez,l.A4a: ' • °attar, John Smih, G Goudkop, M s pl it!: ' Thomas % Graw, Geo Solly, Corp! Win Guist, James Spharr, John Griatimuld,4ohn dr News- Andersor(4 Haing; Sateel; 0 Barmen, Henry Stemler, John Haven, Aaron . S. . Summery Henry Harrison, Wm Henry StVeli,--,Jetemish Haney, John Stager, Wm H Tho J ; 3 Thompson, John 0 HeiseChritilia n . ; , Thompson, John 'Henry, Jacob' = Valentine, Wm Hyney, Elias Walters, John - Hammer, Benjamin i Walker, Alexandrew Imboden, J S Walsh, Thomas James, Allen -Walls, Josiah : Jaelisitin,Dentel - 2 Waiters, b Jackson, Jacob Weil, Jacob Ring, CD Welsh, Hary Kline, Henry Wilson, J Lancaster, R D Willoughby, John A 2 Lambertorr,,Wut 0- 2 Wittier, 0 W Lentz, Christian Witmer, VA Levingstori-,4tieob riArolvingtort, J W 2 Lundy, Thomas - - Voynit, Wm Lutz,- , Gerrad .- • _Wraith, John Longenecker,Andrew J Yeager, Geo . • McAllister, James P 2 Young, John C I McConaughy, D Ywengst, J McCrystal, Dr P Zeigler, Francis A persons calling for any 'of the above letters will please say they are advertised, and give the date of the list in which they appear. One - . cent due on each. It GEO. BERGNER, P. M ORANGES AND LEMONS.—Fresh Messina Oranges,and Lenions, for safe low, by ' • - NICHOLS & BOWMAN, rayl6 Cor; Front and Market Sires* ~ CHEESE; old and new, 'from prime , fO/13Ale low- by „. • NICHOLS & BOWMAN; m• 15 - Oor. *ant and Market Stoats. J_ 5T JR% !ho.joira, 14 Al t bums l I k t, tF : = B°Ric " itt k ik* z my2' New 2bvertistments. SA E'ONIFIER, CONCENTRATED LYE, THE FAMILY SOAP MAKE, 'THE PUBLIC are cautioned against the 1 SPURIOUS articles of LYE for making SOAP, &c., now offered for sale. The only GENUINE and PATENTED Lye is that made by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, their trade-mark for it being " SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE." The'great SUCCESS of this 'article has led UNPRINCIPLED PAR PIES to endeavor to IMITATE it, in violation of the Company's PATENTS. _ All MANUFACTURERS, BUY,PkS or SEL LERS of these SPURIOUS Lye's, are hereby NOTIFIED that_the COMPANY have employed as their ATTORNEYS, GEORGE HARDING,Esq., of and WILLIAM. BAIIEWELL, kin, of Pittsburg. And that all ILLNUFACTURERS; USERS, OR SELLERS of Lye,,in violation Of the'rights of the Company, will be PROSECUTED at once. The , SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE., is foriale by all Damon, Elitoozas and Colarrair STpap TAKE NOTICE. '' The UNITED STATICS CULOETIT COURT, Western District of PennsylVania, No. 1 of May Term, iu 1.352, in suit of THE ,PENNSYLVANIA SALT MAN UOAOTURING' CO M i s Alri r vs. THOS. G. CIIASE decreed to the Oompaoy, on 'November 15,'1 '362, the EXCLUSIVE right granted by a,patent, owned by them for the SAPONIFIER. Patent dated Obtotmr.2l, 1856. Perpetual iejaricttotriawaided. _ Tam r*riawsirtirANlA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. OFFICES : 127 Walnu! Silva, Philadelphia. Pitt - St. and Duquesne Way -PittsZrarg ap2s-dBm-4p. T. J. AtIeGVIGANI, Importer and wholesale' dealer In THREAD, TAPES; . -* Oswalt, &c., MATCHES AND BLACKING, Na ' 2 StravAgtv *ed, /Yeartrieiphia: ; f2A-dSin. , . • --- CRANBERRIES, 11 ..rvi 1-61 S t PLITfPEAS, BARLE , !ALCARONI, ME& 0 MICILLI, ORANGES, LEMONS, 1145 RAISINS, PRUNES, - CITRON, CURRANTS, and a large assortment of Cr.lase 8n Blackw : Plia Pickles, Sauces, &c., just r=ceived fresh from the importer, and for sale low by W. DOCI • JR. & CO. . MACKEREL-A' large lot of Mackerel in' 1.1f.L barrels, halves and quarteit, for sale low, by' NIOHOLS StI3OWMAiN,', reyB Cor. Front and Markel eta. ÜBE., AND IINADJILTEVATkD' SPICES, P from the most celehratdd Mills hi the coun try, just received slid foisale by )14 RANGES; LeiPehet: 'Mains and other O foreign fruit just received and for sale by, NicaoLs &BOWMAN/ my 4 'Cor. Front and Market riti, , . . ' SMOICE . O.-111A.LIBUT. AA vERy just received, and for .LlRLeale by WU. DOOll, Jr., Sz 4ALE.' ATHIRTY Itorse.poWer steam engine, nearly new. Price low. Address A. C. MILLER apl7 2me Neitaine, Cumberland County. E. M. NEATEER, THE BILL roSTIi.43 HARRISBURG. ; • ALl k orflers left at the Telegraph Printing off= promptly attended to. Bills scare fully poited and distributed: ritY6d2ww• 'DRIED .FRUIT. . DR= Peachea, (pared) 2. Dried Peaches, (ipapared.] ' Dried Apples. Dried Pludie, Dried'Oherries. Dried Blackberries. irar sale by [aprlo] WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. MiIIITING FLUIDS:—Boss• American,Wait ing Fluid, 'a. splendid luk, at 62 ;mail per_quart; ARNOLD'S genuine Writing isloid, HARRISON% Columbian Writing LAUGHLIN &- BIISHFTET ITS Ink, Copying Ink, Carmine and-died:lnks of the best quality, Mucilage;44., at ap6 , SCIDIFFEB'S BOOKSTOIIN. rtHOICE SUMPS AND MOLASSES. —We V are noweffering foi*de, ver,ii. , low,.a,lot of choice syruffs. CaWand eirandne,'at - NICHOLS & BOWMAN, apl4 Cur. Front and Market streets. Le-'"! You know wilco you can get tine Note Paper, Ellitelciptii, Visiting_twog Wed, ding Cards ? ap6 At SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. , THEN' lIONAL ALMANAC AND ANNII- - AL RE6AD for 1863, for aalo , ape. SO EtEFFER'S KIDK.STORE. GREW OJSN. . Winslow's -Fresh Green Corn just received by . • jaratf W. DOCK, Ja., & CO. inn SIISHELS - -Dierber and Peach Blow JAJPV Potatow, for sale very low, by . NICHOLS & BOWMAN', f2B Corner Front and Market Sta. CCHOICE Green and Black Teas, Imperial, Young Hyson, Sonehony, Oolong, &c., &c., 'or sale by • NICHOLS & BOWMAN, ap7 . Omni Front and Market Ste. Q , . ILVEK MAPLE, gorSiOhestnid, English Ash, !TorWay Maple, Mountain Ash, Tied Twigged rAnden, and other shatiti trees,; it - Keystone NnrsOry. '417 . MTSH. • LARD and Bacon wanted . from ern-fed pork Apply at -NICHOLS & - BOWMAN'S, my 4 C Jr. Front andittatket ate. URNINGE FUT)! t:adulterated, and mode. B from the best material. "For sale wholesale and retail, at - Kgrr. WS DRUG STORE, jl4 ' 91 Market: a rest. T ABGE EVERGREENS. kifew quite large and fine, evergreens, for • IfiI,k(EDIAIS ORNAMENT, for sale at reasonable priqs, Keystone Nur sery, [api7] • J. WEE. - • . "[TANK Dried Beef, Yak -Salt, in 1 tge or qini.l4ltieB to enit pnrchaders, tior sate M 10401.8 & - 130WAON, a p/o Otor„ irsaittintlittarketeti . eets.- ' IaINGLISM Wan very la ever offered in this sarlia; fqj m1414% 11 lorgike: :WM. D1Z, 1 9.;.:4 41 .1 00. Nem 2bvertigements Steam Weekly to Liverpool. MOUCHLNG at QUEENSTOWN, k CURS. HMI _L BOR.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steam ship Company, are intended to sail as follows : City of New York, Saturday, May 23 ; City of Baltimore, Saturday, May 30 ; Etna, Satur day, June t , and every succeeding t'aturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. BATES OF PASSAGE, PATAIIIN Dr Oat; OR 1113 . 1 6QUTVALINT IN elm RIMY. ITIRST CABIN, *BO 00 srasseos, $32 r,t) do to London, 85 00 do to London, 35 50 do to Paris, 96 00 do to Paris, 40 50 do to Hamburg, 90 00 do to Aambarg, 37 50 Passengers also forwarded to Harve, Bremeo, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sto., at equally low rate , . Fares from Liverpool or Queenestown : Ist Cabin, $75, $B5, *lO5. Steerage from Liver pool, $4O. From Queenestown; M. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tit k ets here at these rates. For farther information apply at the Clomps ny's Offices. JOHN O. DALE, Agent, 15Broadway, N. Y., or C. 0.. 7 / 1 3131fildAN, Harrisburg. f23dly. Valuable Furnace Property for Sale or to Bent. MBE undersigned will sell• or' rent Chester Furnace, situate in Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, Pa. The Stack is well and substantially built ; there is ale) Ten Bank Houses in-tdlerable repair ; there is an abut,- dance of good wood that can be purchased at from 15 to 25cents per cord, (wood leave,) with in two-miles of the stack,- and abundance of good ore can be got from one. to two. and a half miles, at a reasonable price. The furnace is about ten mite 4 from Mt. Union station, P. R. 8., with agood public road leading to it. For further particulars, address SAMUEL.WILSON ' Spruce Creek, P. 0., Huntingdon county, Pa. mrBl-d3m 853 BUBIA MILLS. 355 353 and 855 Washington Street. New - York' City. GOVERNMENT EOFIPEE. IDUT up in- tin foil pound papers, 48 in a ' box, and in bulk. Our prices range from 7to 80 °eats. We put up the following kinds: JAVA, MARACAIBO, RIO AND VARIOUS OTHER BRANDS OF SUPERIOR COFFEE. We believe our Coffee to; better than any ground Coffee sew: Use. .Al; orders addres sefftb us, or to our agents, Messrs. Piece & Ydinm 182 Chambers Street, corner Wasbiug ton Street, New York City, will receive prompt attention. The retail trade supplied by first class jobbin,4 houses in the various cities. TABEB & PLACE. Wlt. P. TAME. ' OHAB. PLAIN]. N. B.—Trade Price, List furnished upon ap plication. declB.4l3m-rdmr2B HAMS!!! LBS , Composed of the 20 000 following brands , just re `calved " 1414 17BOLtey, cetebrated. NEW JEMMY, stinted. Evaam arm ailparior.l Mitninam's Exonsion, canOassed. Monism's Finer:Kok, not encanvaued. Lion CITY , ea:maned. Tam Car, not CaMlaked. Pram Mans, etriegy prime. - COWiTai nary - Jim. Each ham sold will be guaranteed -as repre sented. . WM. DOCK, Jr., & CU. LIQUORS - . IXTE have.oh band a very superior selectlod „VI, . of, WINES, BRANDIES and FINE LI QUORS, of every deocription- BRANDIES of the choicest •brands and viu tageg_. WINE of every variety and of the finest quality. ST., cAuz RUM. HOLLAND DIN. IRISH, KIOTCH; BYE and BOURBON WHISKY, OfIABAPAGNE, SCOTCH ALE, BROWNSTOUT, CORDIALS, &c. Also, a NATIVE WINE, manufactured from the domestic grape, which is a: splendid-artlole, and we knowit to impure. .apl4 WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. Chellobrongh & Pearson, PROVISION DRAbERS, 14 . &titi4 Water &red, Philadelvitia, B E prepared to offer to their customers their Celebrated Sugar Crired Harris sad Dried Beef, irhieh ere cured expressly for family we, and siMeribr to anything in'the market?! N. orders by mail promptly attend ed • to• apl7-1 HORSES, WAGONS AND CARTS TO HIRE. JOHN ALCORN, Broad street, West Harris burg, is , puirstued to furnish Horses, Carta and Wagons to persons wishing hauling done. Digging of Cellars personally attended to. Hauling Of any description promptly attended to. An bider N?" for the accommodation cf Persons, will be found in the I'ZLZOII.4PII Print inkOirice,_iihere orders will be received. a JOELN A.LCOEN. POTATOES. MERCE' R and Peach Blow: large supply Of-the alio:mein prime condition, just re ceived and for sale by aprlo WM. DOCK,fdr., & CO Y 4 31 000 LBS. HAMS of all the cook° brands in' market, omvassed and nucanvaesed, at the very lowest price.— Every ham sold warranted, at- NICHOLS & EOWMAN's P Cor. Front and Allarket sta. my 4 OIL OF AIX. This celebrated Salad Oil, with aerate! other choice brands, in large and small bottles, just received and for sale by apl4 . WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. FIVE-TWENTI " UNITED STATES Lahr CAMERON ; MILDER, YEBY & CO. are sub scription agents to dispose of thee© bonds, who will sell them at par, in sums to snit pur chasers. The interest on these bondi is six per cent., and will be paid in gold. . spl7-1m Mir IMPORTANT. -Oa Iyou want icier Skin of a pearly whiteness, go to Kuukers and get some of that famous Soap, which - constituteda portion of the cargo of the stoner Prrncsu Royal, which was captur ed some time since by our fleet, while attempt ing to run the blockade at Char/atom. Can only be had at - KUNKEL'S ap2s-tf 118 Market st., Hai tisburg. ;UNION CANDIDATN FOR. 6 11AANIEI, MUCH will be a candidate for the LP office of Sheriff at the nest electi9n, and noticita the votes of all Union m0n.,1 v27-Im* CVIANc4EL , AND - LE1d0 1 5 ,4 .7 - Wpr have just V received the largest and . tcniiiCot of Id 3:3- tiviOranges offered this IieSSOD. in *a market, .O a nd ertamlink 4 a t NICHOL% & 10WMAN * SAT " Cor m irffiffit and , Market fusels. E N K TEACH _DC PIANO GUITAR AND SINGING. Address - Att.- WIT: KNOCHE'S Map Store, 9/3 Market street. • • Imr9-3me
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers