glglp Ettegra4 HARBISBURU, PA Monday Evening, May 18, 1863 UNION STATE CONVENTION The LOYAL CITIZENS OF PENNSYLVA NIA, without distinction of party, who desire cordially to unite in sustaining the NATIONAL AND STATE ADMINISTRATIONS, in their patriotic efforts to, supptesa a sectional and un holy rebellion against the UNITY OF THE REPUBLIC, and who desire to support, by every power of the Government, our heroic brethren in arms, who are bravlng disease and the perils of the field to preserve the UNION OF OUR FATHERS, are rmested to, select a number of Delegates equal to their _Le gislative representatives of the State, at such times and in such manner , as will bast respond to the spirit of this call, to meet in STATE •CONVENTION, at .PITTSBURG, on WED NESDAY, the .FIRST DAY OF -JULY mitt, at eleven o'clock, A. it., on said day, to nomi nate candidates for the,offices of GOVERNOR and JUDGE OF T/IRSUPREEd.E COURT, and to take such measures as may im deemed (ne cessary to strengthen the Government this season of common peril to a cominon country. C. P. MARI= Chairman of the Union State Central Corn- Mateo. • Gro. W. HAKFIRSLY, Secretaries —1 . WK. J. HOWARD. .• . The Committee also passed the folloWing refs> , Raton unanimottslyi viz: Resolved, That it be 'recommended -to !the - Loyal citizens of Pennsylvania, without dis tinction of liariy, tl39tgailizt fel leddliTElection District of the State,Union Leagues,for the pur pose of sustaining the,Government in suppress ing this causeless Mid' wicked rebellion, which now seeks to divide and destroy- the,Repulfdie: The Abolltioalits. Our quondam':• friend over.the may, ;the "Thenderer," alias the Tory Organ, not catinjg at the present moment to sPit'oqu i e.pitti on the t pldiers„ hes turned its attention totliet!ali .olitionists. By, innendo, it stylf.s iii j e ; gallant Gen. Burnside an aholitioniat,.simply, because, that officer arrested Vallandigham. It atgles a regularly organized and deliberately cOnii t hict-, ed military court, a druia-head court rnartiiil; in:order to leave thizlrenression on the minds . of the people, that the proceedings in Val i lan: -digliam's case were precinitate. It forgefis to State",..that a motion of habeas was arguedlatul denied by the civil court, and that him waa as fairly tried and as justly condiamnd as any criminal who was ever arraigned belfora. the ctillbl tailitartitritherity of tie lands It is not the violation of law over which t e Tory Organ mourns.-iltcis not the danger ich any precedent growing out of this trial • 14 oreate--it is the fact that a traitor has been brought to justice - that atira the bowels the .76ryOrgan;and thus awaken's' its treasoriabl'e sympathies in indignation against the Golern- —But we did not intend to discuss the guilt or innocence of Tallandighera in these, Short paragraphsi- His guilt as tralteriketaukited oat Of the slaire•holders; rel:4lll6n.`lr tead of shooldthti,inng—hung [with' every mean,. Contemptible tory who attem ; tl5 palliate his Offence or question the justice of his condemnation. We are to lei Pollan dightun go—as none but traitors will mourn his fate: What we desire to call attention to, bow ever, Is the practice'of the Tory Chroi of deridunc ing such men akGen: Burnside tia""abolidonfolt." Many.people,dp,n4 know ~that Gen. Burnside • is, or was, a Democrat of, the Wicalechoot. He s'upported Breckinridgelor the Presidency, yet in this Warglorious he, like Ben Butler, sacri .., ficed party for countik—gave up cliques and their corruptions,,fer theuGoyernment, and ,in the struggle for , thelTnion; strikes the heaviest blows at What he the 'heart, the life of treason—al: For this he is reproached as being,an abolitionists. The•term is :used as one of ' degradation'; and the Ispirit-ln which it IS ap plied to, this brave map, shows the strengthh i cf the treason which rankles in the hearts of timse who control the Tory .Organ.:' • —However, vie must submit to this sort of abuse of Burnside for a feir days. As soon as the soldiers .who, are nowAn•the oity hav,e,departed `for their, homes,-the Tory Organ wilt turn its at tention to abusing Hooker and the gallant fel lows whO tmght under liinieud i iir,i3o are about 4to be mustered out:of service. Mark our pre ' dietitin." It could' not live lilt waariorengaged in iiifildtgning - the GOvertinient or traduci nesome of its Geist defenders! ' • Dr. S. T.:.Ohairlton. It will be seen by a tblegraphic 'dispatch from Washington, that Dr..,1,,0t5, named aaSurgeon is this dititrict,•-underthe. enrollment act, has decleaet IfilajDr., S. !R l CharlteM . , of this city, has been appointed Surgeon to fill tbiViir'ancy. This. appointment, we.irtiow, will give univer. 'sal satisfaction, both ,, acragards the loyalty of the man and the professional skill of the'Sur geon. In this community Dr. Charlton is re 7 garded as . one.orpur very ablest physicians, whose,edtkation; practice and talent fit him for any.poettion.. Zhat be will reflect credit (mile pcet to - Which he has -just been called, all will admit idiolinew the; man; and. that he will be of service to tlictGovernment, his professional acquirement will fully tstablish. $9.0 far as we, are personally COncerned,;we'Must confess that we have not heard'Of an ipPoiiitMent for a long while which, for its fitness, bets, given us more satisfaction to, announce; • . . , FAT = 321 Err.—A Washington correspondent writes that the rules of the conscription will ex eln4e all fat men, the. reason of their exemp tion' being "not only their physical incompe tent*, but becarfse it it proverbial from Fal staff .down to Pitriplgey'Matittali that they h av e never been remarkable fordaWag deeds ,in the field." This sweeping rudehas many very decided'excePtiOns. Cromwell was a lusty fel ,•low; Gen. Pninent ,was: always in fine flesh; .Boaaparte , wis Bityl•ole of..ltim most famous of thalivbiko i enlaraisliiFrance is so stout that he cinnot 'ride on tiorsehbck;"qur Gen. Butler is by no.ineana7"a; aNd slipp,ered pantaloons , '- and iiitidatmany other names-could be quoted to dtep e rore ' the reason assigned! • &fa for the nielaptiOritrineiaf super abundant who' are otherwise capable to do soldiers' duty,-frnm the conscription. The Position of Georgia: The Richmond Enquirer, of a few days since, had an article on Goveinor B own and the ;o- Eldon of the N tate of Georgia, which evinced the uneasiness felt at the coursb of that Stale, in its stubborn resistance to many of the schemes of the rebels. The tone of the article is very reserved, but even that dots not conceal the real feelings of the edit( r of Mr. DAvis' or gan. It appears like a gentle admonition, and a sort of exhortation to the Governor, in which he is urged to abandon his erratic course. The people are told that "Govern' r Brown has dif fered, on some points, from the confederate au thorities—especially on the constitutionality of the conscription—and many have thought him too ;ready .to snake issues with*, and to set up th's toes reign righti of his State in opposition to it, at a time when combined action and universal confidence and support are especially needful for united operation against die common enemy. 'Nobody 'fonbts ttiat dov - erribr Brown is a good confed erate,. and; bite itt , , , beaTtAhtt. lll 4lo)P4P l2 t sepa ra'e existence of Georgia and her allied States. No man has.chargezi him with any coward looken:g back for a,2,a51c #por escape:unto the accursed e/d . Union errors, if snob• they be, are errors of expediency, not of prin, ciple ; and we tire well assured, by distin guished Georgians, that t rio ' man in rill ,the South has more warmly rit t heart the total sepa ration of our slaveholding states from. all the Yankee States-Withoutexception. .Onde we 'disclaim all idek of thrusting 'ourseivaiinto a question which eoessmatifill'y pertains to the people of Georgie. ;:./..t this, moment, all that the confederacy can ask 'of the people of that ltate,istogive it:a Governor, who will .truly represent the thoroughgoing confederate Vila- . .114 13 , as that is 1 4 34 tc 10 4 t h e, . hosts t of 'biave men that GeOrgie - h&j sent forthi tn i stlind in the front rank, and.pourt the most , perilous t . place 'on the rough Edge bf in 'every engagement of war ; and thatprincitle, in liree words : State Sovereignitl Of Ga l & la; fraternity with the people of her sister States; r • :.. eternal separation from out enemies"" . • - We may ,be in error, but if we do not mistake the position'of the 'peoble, of Georgia;;Winay be summed" up in- these words : Separation fitkiiithe lfcirthl , at. ottiert of .action. with the °their - 4431AT Siates,to actionilisth that purpose ; and lastly, a separate, independent political ex istebekafterWard;• :The _same 'May' be mit' of Texas, and in proof, we need only adduce slate act of lieralegbilatitie, in .which..the, ,s2kolveinor is authorized to indorse confederate bo'nda, knitting the i3tate responsible for their yet:limp tion, whether it remained in ?he confederacy or not. There arevolitielans who would, toreiir tb be first inrksitiall7kation,.ratheLthan second :t' a great one ; It was this ambition that gavel the first impattoto ;the existing rebellion : ;,,a i rri the same which led certain poliiicians to aclvtfcate a.Northwestern ,concederacy, lt?t winter, until they' learned thelndignation'vriiibitihe proposal created amoug z those from whom they had ex pectedanA;Comfort.„ Some time since, the Miners -Tournal 'nitOe a rash•and , unprovoked assault on Gen, Cameron; ygiich not only disgusted the ccramunity Which the Journal is :priitte4,aiii cireulated, bat which was withoutfouudatiOu in. fact ::Whit motive induced the - aspertion, we' :leave the Journa to conferia, and what was gained by the ill judged proceedings, is apparent in the regrets which are not concealed in the following full retraction of what was at first asserted in this connection. the Jourtc4 does itself credit by the full apology whichit now makes in , part as amends for the original wrong inflicted; and while this lesson is a warning to its impetuesity in allowing its prejudices to outride its seiise truth and honor, it mpst hereafter bear in mind that apologies and retractions will not 'always suffice as amends for aspersions of the character of_orir best and : A:Lest reepecied felloW citizen : Gen. anneren. —Oar readeriiiillrecollect that, just'before the close - of-tire recant session of our Legislature in making some- remarks about a proposed Coal Mining company to be incorpora led in Lykens' Valley, we 'stated that we had 'understood from-a Member of thet Legislature,; that $lO,OOO bad been' paid for reporting said: bill and that the parties interested would pay $lOO,OOO if necessary to put the bill through the-Legislature. In connectionwith-this flues tion, the name of G'en. -Cameron- appeared in the article as at the head of the party. We were so informed. -We are now satistied,rbow ever, that' we did great - injustice to Gen Cain eron—:-that he bid nothing to do with prochring the"passage of-the bill-in question,‘ and was talso , oppcised to the sale 'of lands to the - parties who did procure the , cbarter. Wikimake this toritetion with pleasure, air in act :o>; justice to tien. Cameron; " T he ii'Vror-SYStents. - Religion, morals, financial s and political woe-, parity, among ourselves and ilironghorit , the world, are to be vitally Affected by the, result of our terrible struggle. Society is being disturbed' in its - every interest from centre to -foundat on. But perhSps the claim the most difebtli inter ested in the conflict is the'Orhing elreis: Two forces, two forms of 'civilization, two systems . of society, not only essentially distinct,' but:utter ly, incompatible;_;tre engaged in efforts to straia; glotand•destroy each.otbeg. Free ludustry and Servile Labor have esch•other by the throat and it remains to be seen which is to s'ecomplish the victory. • . In our industrious, economical, free North, Labor halt been more honored than in any other part of the *odd: In the; shwa States, on the other hand, Labor has been more dishonored• and degraded - than it has been in any other part of the civilized The industrial life which in the North justly earns forthe laborer a position of independence and respect, in the South deprives him of all . the rights of)mmanity, except to lie down and die, and degrades him to, the,level of a beast of burden. A'" Pointer" dog is of more come . quence than a delving man. The Southern' States have taken ample care there shall be no mistake on this vital point.-• Over and over again in . 01 :1 documentkierthe speeches of their leading public men, to their chief organs of opinion, they - have declared beplacable hos tility to free industry 'arid free society in • 49 , shape ' ' In the Conatitution of the Confederacy, it is true that thofprinpiples of the old national in- strument have not been depart from to any extent, except in the one subj, Li of free labor. Slavery is declared to be the only true foundation of society in the world. An inferior race must be the vassals, the servants of a su perior. In order that one branch oF. humanity shall shine with extreme brightness, it is neces sary that another branch shall be used as buff skin wherewith to do the burnishing. The laborer is to be reduced to the condition of slavery, the white laborer as well as the black. Ills is the Southern doctrine. Will Northern freemen allow the doctrine to be put in practice; never ! The conflict is hard, is long, is full of disappointment, but the Northern freemen know Viet the force of right is on their side and will in the end prevail. Tits. Rorssuno POST has a oneaking, lying copperhead acting as its Correspondent in this city, who traded off the truth for a malignant lie, wh en he asserted, in. one of his letters to that sheet, that thellanitonavu. had endeavored to ineita.the soldiers . in C . e . imp Curtin to mob the Tory Organ.. Tirevfellow,. whoever he is, should stick tcrthe truthAinlosely as he seems to stick to treason, or he will earn such a rep utation as bAtt a traitor and a liaT, that the devil himself will:refuse to receive him when his carcass is no longer tolerated on this 'mut]. dine sphere. . • Outurrou Pa.,,May 18, 1838. 2b the Editor of TWNIRAIIii Ra l7 iB Mag DRAB SIB :-71 1 i . 711 :yOll please insert the fol lowingenotice in your paper, for the satisfaction of - Lieut. Knieley's friends ; of company 11, at Middletown 1 5 e..: Hnisley„ company H, 127th regi- Inerie-P. V., who-Was wounded near Fredericks ',l3U'rgin the latefiattle of Chancellorville; died on the 16t11 lust aged 29 years, 2 months and 6 days : z Be sees } his country as a true patriot and 'died Christian. 'His remains wan,. taken to Opetown, Franklin , county, Wherfi'ihe'funeril l 4llb-lake place 61:0Ptiesday morning, the .19th, inst.,. at 10 o'clock, A.: M., pi, the residence of his mother... rawt Etlegrapfl FROM CHARLESTON, fronelads Sopposed to be Attackin Morita 'bilitnd. .„ . New Yolor, blay 18. The steamer Conway, from Port 120 a) re ports that. she:tads off Charleston on the 14th inst. and< heard heavy firing from 2 o'clock until fi in the harbor.; It wits supposed, that ontiroactads were attacking the batteries on bitorris!lslaod.i.t. LATER 'ROM EUROPE. Arrival , of the Steamer City of Ifew York.. _ ' • - - Naw Yorix, May HI. The steanier City of New York has arrived, vend rcia.aoltets lrie fulruwing =wan'- Sr. pirrametrins, May 6.—The journal de &. Pdeidierg-to-gay publishes a text of notes ad dressed by 'the Swedish, Spanish and Italian cabinets to the Rassian Government, on the Polish question, together with .the replies ol Gortachakoff, .• • The Swidish cabinet •trristiF to the humane and generous , principles of the Emperor issued ; words of cleMency 'and oblivion, with the per spective regimnief wise liberty worild completely restore l ordet; the Spanish note bitterly regrets the impatience of the Poles, not waiting fcCthe continuatiorrof the system'of colsceSsiou already accorded $y the Emperor. - Having acqeired experience that nioderation pacifies more use- fully the Welvetity, , the , Queen asks pardon and Indulgence for the' Pelee.' The reply of Prince Corti thakoff thanks the Queen. • The note of the Turin Cabinet is couched in lama amiable terms, and hopes that the ,Rus: sian court *ill seh in thafiate;of its comnitini cation a. proOf cif 'the deeire'of Italy always to entertain uthstiiincere relations with Russia. Prince Goitschakoff states that the Emperor has .rmived the amicable assurances from the Governinent: with !Pleasure. As to the wishes it expressed in favor of - Poland, the Prince observes that the. Italian- Government are not ignorant. that a .revolution imposes a diffistilt 'task on governments. The EmPeror, however, seeks to establish a lasting peace. CRecow, May 6.—According to the news from Lithuania, 4,000 Baskolinks and Dissentients armed by the Reagan- Government are deso lating LlVOnta with fire anilsword. Shocking details are received:of their atrocities. MLSSISSIPPI SQUADRON. . ItirOpT "Or 1.1317 T. ' PHITSTPB—BILIEW,ANT . AXPEOIT OY . TFIZir.EISES atvkatir AT - ISMORN,' ,TBIOTitBa&R. Vesnrstaxosi, May 16. The following dispatch was received to-day by the Secretary of the Navy: Penmen, KY., May 14.--I unjust down from the Tennessee river, and have on handit party of prisoners, who were 'captured at Linden, Tenn. 03 the night of th'e IRA, I took on board the gunboats Afty-five men and horses of the Ist ; Westeirn Tennessee cavalry, under Com: .wand of Lieutenant Cokinel Breckin. 'ridge, and landed them on the east side of the river, sending the gunboats to cover all the landings above "and below. Colonel Breckinridge dashed acrosithe coun try to Linden, and surprised the rebel force, more than twice his number, and captured Lieutenant Colonel Irrieracin, one captain, one surgeon, four lieutenants, thirty rebel soldiers, tensionscripts, fifty horses, two army wagons, arms, ato m The court honae, which was the rebel depot; was burned together with a quan tity-ofi arms and supplies. - The enemy lost three kill - 6d, while our force escaped unhurt, and only one horse was killed. Colonel preckinridge, after his exploit, readied out vesselsrin 'safety, 'and recrossed the , river. I will send the prisoners to Cairo S. L. PHILIPS, Lt. Com., Command'g the Tem. Div. of the Mississippi Squsdion. Chatigcs in App.ointments andel , the 14n ronment Act. -W.AxEculaTort May 18 1863. The following changes in appointments have been made by the President under the enroll ment.aCt2: . Pintehmyems.—.Fighth Astrid—Captain P. 8 Kupp, provost 'marshal i Jacob C. Hoff, com tnissloner4 Dr. P. K Bertolette, surgeon; Dietrict—Dr. James S. Carpenter, stir gettn, vice Halberstadt, appointment cancelled. Twelfth District—Capt. S. Bradford, provost marshid, vice Ketehuna, declined. Fourteenth S. E. Charlton, sur geon, vice ;lots, declined. , BieetiO4 Ayiecohi 111 • /1, A r s il kn i tpz. 18, The official canvass for Chief iinstice gives Dixon (Union) 2,00 majority over Dothree, the Democratic candidate. CAPTURE AND RICAPTURE OF U. 5 CAVALRY BALTIMORE. May 17 _ _ On Friday night a company of United States cavalry was surprised Ind captured at Charles town, Jefferson county, Va. Major General Schenck,•on being informed by telegraph of the disaster, immediately ordered General Milroy to send out a force and intercept and attack the rebels. On the night of the same day, Major General Milroy telegraphed as follows: WDICHEzTIiIt, May 16-11.30 P. Y. To MAJOR GENERAL FCHSZCIE: —The federal cavalry captured at Charlestown were recap tured by a detachment of the Virginia and 13th Pennsylvania cavalry ,under Capt. Ott. this af ternoon, at . •Piednicirit Station, in Fauquier county. We also captured forty rebels and a corresponding number of horses. Two rebels were killed. I regret to add that we lost Capt . and one sergeant. Our cavalry recaptured one federal lieutenant and fifty privates and their horses. Major Adams, _of the . Ist New York cavalry, who arrived after the recapture, is still in pursuit of the rebels. The Virginia and Pennsylvania cavalry, who made the cap ture, were sent out by me yesterday. A telegram since received from General Kelly, dated Grafton, Va., May 17th, says: A ma pany of militia of Barbour county, have just come in with seventeen of Imboden's men,i cs tared in that county, who harlstiaggled . Welilnd : the retreating column to steal horses, etc. B. F. KELLY, Brigadier General. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Parvenues e; May 18. Flour, has declined 614196; tales of 7,600 bblo. at $6 3545 66 ; Ohio $66015460 ; South ern $6 6047 . - WheAt declined 2c.; s,ales un hiportent ; Chicago spiinir at $1 2143.40 ; red western $1 4441. 63, Corn declined 102 c; sales of, 214,000 besh. at'7G@7Bc. Beef quiet. Polk heavy. Lard Quiet. at 9fQ1101.: Whisky dull at 44(4,44,1c. Receipts of flour 29,828 bbls; wheat 2,969 bush ; coin 216,927 hush. Nsw Your, May 18., , Flour iadall—drooping ats6 for superfine so 62 for extra, and $7:70 for extra family. Wheat, quiet at $1.60@1 62 for red. Corn better, sales, at 92 for - yellow; oats declined, sales of Penni. at 72c. by weight. Whiskysteady at 46(01. • Barhfacom,. May 18. Flour dull, Chit" $6 747. Wheat Corn quiet, white $1 9641'96 ; yellow SF 96 @I 97. Wtlieky dull at 45®49i. Oats de- , lA/ANTED—lmmediately - , at the CitrEletel, -V V an experienced BartendeK xlB.lto WANTED IMMEDIATELY. . . ~ , • GO.,.hcinest'boy' i ti an come well A ' recommeruied, applYlipraeOlately, at NIC.ROLS• 4 POW3IA.N, ! , cot - EN:cfrit. and ifarket streets. mylB oryg A .MONTEL! , --Is wit. -to- hire Agents tip Iti in every county at $7.6 a, romstb, ex penses paid, to sell znyJtew. cleaN.FamD.l.Se* ing Machines:. Address S. MADISON, Alfred, Ma. A ItIONTIV-.-We want agents at $6O V a month, expenses paid, to seilonr. Everlasting Pencils,Oriental Burners, and 18 other new-paefutawicilloußnrcieles, _ circulars, free. , SHAW CLAIM, mylB-dw3M Biddeford, He. di= LOST I LOST 1 KEN from Etereelfotel, on Saturday last, T .Leatha Hand Usti*, sonlydning papers, Sc , of no value "to any but the owner, with the name of " L. M. Haverstick, Co. F, 180th Regt., P. V.," on the end. A liberal reward will be paid for Its return to mylB-It* HERR'S HOTEL. $OO l t I : I III.ESIfONFOtSALI 4 . a 3.l(sout 'corner Market Square,) containing two fare mar ble top, combination cushion, tables, tails, cues and everything complece, ail in good order, has been established fur* two 'years and been, doing a good business. Roorn large enough to put up two more . tablee arid a par. For further par- . ticulars a ddress or call in person' on MylB.dBtel RUDOPLPIi _PABST, Proprietor, AUDITOWB NOTICE. TN the Orphans' Court'forthe'Cohnty of Dan l. phin In the matter of the settlement of Henry Hollingsworth, administrator of the , es tate of Augustus F. Gtrickler, late of the town', ship of Gwatara, in said county; deceased. ' Tha l auditor appointed thir said court to make distribufion,•amongst creditors, of the balance in the hands of the accountant,, will attend-to the duties of his appointment on Thanichw, the 11th day of Jane, 1868, at 10 o'clock, w. x., at his ofhce; on North Third street, adjoining the National Telegraph littFtce, in the city of Harris burg, when arid-.where all parties interested may attendir they see proper. ' 1 1913'T SNODOBASS, Auditor. ~ slay 18; 1868.--dBt oaw • Harrisbu IMPORT.A-NT ANNOUNOEMENT. , OMPLBTION of, tthexliew,Americazigyclo k../ predis, in 46 volumes. Price in cloth $3 50, leather..s4,.balf morocco , S4 50 per ume. The subscriber, agent for D. Appletrin Co., proposes to get up a club of twenty, at-o reduction of fifty cents per volume. To be delivered next month, freight free. Orders , may be left and sample volume eeen at Bergner's Bookstore. Address, from any part pf the State, 1 F. BISABBAUGLI, myl6-tin Harriebur: DIINOANNON GRIST AND SAW MILL FOR; RENT. m,. rr HE late tenant having died suddenly', than . 1. excellent are for rent. The country custom is large. The iron works will absorb all the flour, _offal. tuattfeetl that eau btiground on the, four run of atones. IT - The saW mill will cqt 80 feet timber and is-of the most approved construction; Apply to W. I.,t3TEWART„- myl6.d6to IDM:rep:mon ANTED—TWO GIRLS - . One to do gen. eral honsework and one as num_ ply at the : 7 ':,NOTION mywci4tp itarltet sweet. WANTED—A good COOK wanted immedi ately. Good wageennd a permanent sit. nation guaranteed. Apply at the Hanleburg Stock Yard Hotel. myls d3tO I~BOCLAMATION Harrisburg, Mayl4th, 1863. j" Wmutus, It is the duty of every cititen to lend his aid to the preservation of the public peace; And whereas, The unlimited Riid -indis criminate sale of intoxicating liquork to a large population must inevitablyiead to serious disorders-and-breaches of the peace; therefore, it is hereby enjoined on all taverulteepers and retail dealers,. within the limits of the city of garilebEL F E, tO.,blosp their bars and to Jiscm lima° -t he attiPallint q* ati NTSYentges, in eluding lager beer; at six e'oloak wrol every, troy in the week until farther notipp. rayl4l Roln[FosT, Mayor. I WESTERN VIRGINIA. I=o2=l R MILROY .......,41.,.......... Nttt) Mrtrtirtmittir New tbrtertisemtuts. 100 Agents Wanted to Sell Hopi's American Map of the United Maim. PRICE $lOO. PERSONS wishing to engage in selling these maps can be furnished, in any quantity, by addrtseing D. D. BARTON, Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa., agent, at publisher's prices, with freight added. A large lot of superior finished maps have just been received. Good agents can sell from fifteen to thirty maps per day, and realize from $6 to $lO profit. Two hundred agents wanted immediately for any part of the United States. Address D. D. BARTON, Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa. ray 16 43 w* FANS, FANS, . FANS, FANS,. , _FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS, F.hNS, ! FANS, FANS, FANS, - FANS, FANS,. FAN& FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS,' • FANS, • - FOB the largest and . best assortment in the city, call at • - OATHCARTS, .1412412 w • No. 14 Market Square. AN ASSORTMENT. OF OVER 100 STYLES POQICET PUREIES ''POIiTMONAIES VO'truftas Vla " Drug said ,Frinoy < Goode Store, No. 91 ifakd SfreeL A •FINE' LOT OR BMW UM AND LARGE Malt SomeAplendid New Patterns of LADIR4' COXPANIO7,B. The 'best Marodx, TRAVEL - LNG, SATCHELS, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS , sal able for Presents, now reLhernl ; at myll] Drag Store, No. 91 , Market -amt. PI A. .0 S STEIN - BRAD BURY'S, . lISLEYT and GROVE , FiIICEN'S. MELODEONS, &a., by 1 4 0014 WW I & VEM,INS, - 013111118, MUTE% MIA AO . - . '••43011DIONfl, DRUMS, dor.- ,Sboatibinalc 4 aai by mill :to any ann. n. _ itCTURE FitikidE% • -ALBUMS and LCOOK i. Hone'aforoltatiMnehinne, B to., et the him& Store' of - • • RUM WARD ) . mm -12 •NorprIlilidlftreet, above Market. _ . . Swill Shades and SunljnabreLtas. Ii_FINB ASSORTMENT. All.-the different .C 1 sternend prices. Hilt door to the Ilairiestri; atlk• myl2 d2w JUST REV pIVED, A LARGE 'AND VARIED ASSORTAtIENT OF LI. DRESS GOODS, at prices that defy com petition. CATHCART'S Next door to the Harrisburg Bar*. myIS-dEw - VEGETABLE Olt GABIiF,N . SEEDS I Wp have reed ed y for this season more than air usual steck.Of FLOWER SEE- 13 8. Some choice 'radeties °elated. aftlfio, Gar. den end Vegetable seeds of tbol)estgeelft, KELLER'S DRII(1 ST01111; 91 Market street. my 4 DOMMIc QOM. 1 lU-SLIN4MGIIAIWS, • " pAtipOES, DRlLipiag, goods of this order at very e sdranee on , nokfnfeetureze' pFicea.. CATIICART & BROTHER, Next dootto . tho Hartiebut Baulk. inyl2-d2ir . MOURNING GOODS. :10VXIIY1 BING is tMs line manufactanki for ..Ij. I Ilualece - ,Suiptner Wein% 'A great ratitiy goods of new ittaprial. 'CArfI:Q4BrS - -• ' SOt;iii)9s to the' Harrisburg Bank. '1412.02w CHOICE SUQA.IIB and:MATES, a large and well selected lot, tar.eale NICHOLS &410WMAA mr23 .oar..Pront and Mkrigetigireek. NOBttre C4igaße I) lOW APPLE CH,EmB, direct frole the mptuttfactarer, and f o rmic by • 'WM: boos, JR, 4 O. TABLED BEEF AND. BOLOGNA, a very choloe 4.1 lot, just received:and for Bala by inr3O _ ,Wfd.; ROCS, Ja., 4 CO. ACHOICE lot . . of sUperfor Bacon, just re coked and for sale low by " NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cot: Wont and Market attests. OALT,..,ground, alum, Ashton and dairy, in - t - .3 large oripall quantities, by • NICHOLS St BOWMAN Cok, Front an i Market Stareeta: oo ri lol3 Astokietess, Navy, Pittsburg, ato., together with a largo stook ot 4ele by- " • NICHOLS of go aP 2O Qv= !Tog* . maii Eet eta. • TTAM.B.—lCehener'a Ixoehdor Hama, with .141. and without canvass,- togther with other choice brands, .for sale low by • • NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Cor. Prcont andidarket•Strecda. myl6 GABDIEN SE 1 Shaker's, Ht. Lebanon, R. Y., and } Briggs & Bro., Rochester, N. Y. f 1 A large Invoice, comprising every variety and description, just received and for sale by apl4 Whi.ooOK JR., & CO. /18H. —Another .la rge : lot of kbrokael and 42 Herring, In all inuut.efpaokages, barrels halves, quarters and lefts, for sale low by , r MICROLA BOW.MILN Cos. font and Market Streets. ap27 . lATINDOW MAD& of liaen , gilt-bordlivda and PAPER BLINDS of an enanei s va r i, uty of 40 'alid. 4 4 ll 4 l 4ent ; 01111 T FIX and TASS ELSI atrabrinori AIN pgt at ,f3OEIEFFIWS BOOHEMIRsDkee. rpm Mu* l sirocx itiffixiaa ALBUIO,PCRTFOLLIOB,POCICErI3OOIOI, pa for solo Ot SOREFNEWS Bantam. New abratistmtnts New Goods.". Just. Opend BERGNE Et 5 S BOOK AND STATIONERY STUB E embracing every new and improved style of POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSE, PORTMONATEs: at prices to suit all circumstances. POCKET CUTLERY, Consisting of a fine assortment of Westeribolu. Superior Pocket Knives, GOLD PENS, From Newton's celebrated manufactory. Every Pee sold with a guarantee. PORT FOLIOS, WRITTNG CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, PAPETERIES, &e., Together with every article usually found in a &stela= Book and Stationery establishment, at BERGNER'S myl2 61 Market Street. THE STEAMSHIP GREAT EASTER N WALTER PATON, Commander. WILL be dispatched FROM zavaaroot. FROM raw YOWL I Saturday May 16 I Saturday June t Intesday JuneBo Tuesday July 21 And at-the same regular intervals thereafter. First cabin from $95 to $l l 5 Second cabin. $79 Excursion Tickets out and back, iu the first and second cabin only, a fare and a half. Servants'accompanying passengers and cbil dren under twelve years of age half fare. 1.- hints free. Third cabin si,t) Steerage, with superior accomolodat i0n5.. ... All fares payablein Gold, or IN equivah nt in U.S. currency. Each passenger allowed twenty cubic feet of iusgiPige. An experienced Surgeon on board. For passage apply to CHARLES A. WHITNEY, At the Office, 26 Broadway, New York For freight apply to Howution & Aspuswam., Agentr, 64 South st., New York. mrlB-dtja9 HARRISBURG, PA., POST OFFICE Departure and Arrival of the Malls. On and after Monday, April 20th, 1863, the mails will close as follows: NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAB . NORTH.—WAY Mart—For all places between Harris burg, and Lcck Haven, and Elmira, N. Y., at.. For Lock Haven, Wil llautaport and LewiS burg ei I --lt r at — Matt—Fur all 9P. M =si between Harris and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C., at For Washington, D. C., Baltimore, Md., and York, Pa., at LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD . EA 133 —Wav MArt--For all places between Harris burg, Easton and Phil adelphia, via Beading . For Beading and Potts ville .......... 12.80 P. M PIaINSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Wit Man---For all places between Harris. -burg and Philadelphia 6.30 A. M For Philadelphia and Uneasier For New Yoik, Phila delphht, Lancaster, Co lumbia,. Marietta, and Bainbridge. For New York, Phila delphia and Lancaster. WEST.—Wav Mazy—For aft places between Harris burg and Altoona.. For Johnstown, Pitis-: burg and Erie, Pa. , Colom and.Oleveland, 0 For Pittsburg, Holli daysburg, Altoona, ridl/PORM Tyrone, Huntingdon and Lew - istown . . ....... „ .... CUMID-SELAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Oarfide, Shippensburg, end Chantbersburg. 7 WAY Mew—FOr alt places between Harris burg and Hagerstown, 1 101IXTYLEILL AND SUSQUEHAN 12.80 P. M . RAUL ROAD. For Ellendale Forges, Ellwood, Ilnegrove and Sunsuit Station 12.30 P. Id STAGE BOUTES. Ras Progress tingles_ town, Man ada Hill, West Hanover, East Hanover, Ono and Jonestown, ius Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, . For Lisburn and Lewis. may, on Saturday. ARRIVAL OF THE M.4ILS. The prindpal mails arrive at and are ready for delivery at this office at the following hours- From the North, South, East and 6A. M. West... .... . ........... 2P. M. Iviom Otimberlandiralley &Dread 12 M. 4P. M. Prom Reading Railroad . ....... b t," M. Philadelphia 4 P. M_ Postage on all maifmatter must be fully pre paid by stamps or it cannot be forwarded in the mails. or Office limns From 5.30 A. M to 8 o'clock, P. M., daily, except Sundays, when the office will be open from 7.30 to 880 A. M.. and- from 8.00 to 400 P. M. GEORGEMERGNER, Postmaster. ALL PAPER, BORDERS, -&c., &c., sold at last year's prices„ Without any advance . ap6 SefLEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. Dams STOUT AND SCOTCH ALE, iv AJP, bottlee, just received and for sale by . ccrBo Wht DOCK, Ja., & CO. DRY RAPS ALBUM chastely bound aad chtepetl—for sale at 39 BOBEFFM'S BOOKSTORE, 18 Market Street. E=€ 12 M 12 M 9 P II 7 A If 12 11 2.45 P. hi 9 P. Al 12 M 2.45 P. M 9 P. M 7 A. M 12.30 P. M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers