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OOce -Third Street, near Walnut TERWIS OF SUBSCRIPTION. , SINGLE sunBcku7ron„ rile DAILY TELEGRAM i 8 ierved to subs6ri ber4 in Ibe (My at 6 cents per week. YearlY E uh;,riberg will be charged $4 00 in advance. WEEKLY TELIMILAPH. - TELEGRAPH is 060 publielierl•WeeklYiiittrd forty:coed to subscribers at the following-cash rates : :• Sia•Ale copieit, weekly „ . opics, to Jne . Twee ty " ". . ..... 11.00 vEßTisiNci linns.—The followineare !the lee; for advertising in thelfAr.llllßAPECA Those 13 , 4 v i advertising to do will find it dotkvenient for reference. i k. • •• • : •.• I Faux lines or less . constitutv syearo. Eight lines or nuge than Put' er.visti tut:3., a square .. 1 OZer.V ., 4+4 , oo,aoagg ~i f 121:, - Z a g P . 4 1 ,3 Ag, ..„,0<0g0*.ct...... i . i i.i5i.i.g.g.rg21:431:11- ., - 1 0 4 W, , 13 - 1 U oi. g-r , P, . ~ : ~. ti' °' : ~. : : `-`' • ' "a fr.-jil 14. 6t *;gB . B , l€agasseVi 6. d - to s. co • GP C. 00.47 , 0C.,...00,00000,000.0 ft. <7l - C4 1 0:7•S6&00080 . 0 • 0 5 1 . g' 70 •0 5- .' o • , :r•• o “ , qt*.. t 4, o, ocflogoocn-i 000 •.• pan •-) .h• -LQ-4 I. . , 0 • , 3 ::: =P ~,,, , 9 0 -10,0 • 0 1 0,p.c. • Corn e r a -10000 .• c o~~=o~ooSmo(~ Adyn.l.tetration Notices, 1 lime a week; Ida Alma) i 226 coi Notice , 75 Aca,tor's ......... 1 50 ' Fuacrai Notoes 50 • Or 811611868 notices , inserted in *4 7 Column, or before ffrirriageii and Deittlis, Zayr CENTS PER LINE for e e ch insertion. As an advertising rnecliukt(,the TBLEGRAPIt /1/4g . no equal, its large oiraulation l Among busihess men and familie3, iu city,ancl,oountry, pla hitz f it beyond onnipetition: itliottliarwYnt. JONES 11.oU1St- , 1 ; MARKET ST AND ELSEKET,seuatE, , HARRISBURG, PA. ; JOSEPH. E. PROPRIETOR. iRECZNTALT CONDUCTED ST WlllllB 00 1 788N3. 'ills is a First Class Hotel, and located the central part of the.city, , It is kapt in theibent manner, and its patron's Willlnd 'every ac modation to be met with in `the best how , ,the colueaT• "31 1:1-1TED STATES ELOTEIa.a :11: , tltted and ;; . Aenovatki L. W. TEN EYCK, PRORRIBTOR. rro I popular and commodious Hotel; has b. dII newly refitted and furnished thrtingh out it. parlors and chambers, and is now ready for rot, , reception of. guests, for , , the minter season. 'the tosveling puielic . will' find the sings, ,Statts biota the most convenient in all tfcti 'Jars, of any .. . Hotel in the Siapzi Capital, o 4 ac count of its access to tile,,,r4roed, being imme diately between the two great depots ink this city. Jinni:sumo, Dao. 29, 1.862.-6 m SMITH & EWING, 4 .VORNEYS-AT-LANIT; fi ICE THIRD'S j L'BE T, • F.hdiß MARKET, ELLBElSfillilli, PENIVA, A.l ILL attend to the' Collection of Bciruilt I' money, rentitsonE and . arrears of Pay. The widow or other heirs of any soldier . ,, who may die , by disease or b 6 killed while. in t,h , United States, service, is entitled to IVA' 13 C 0 pe0pp,,a4,14.1 users , -Of .pay: of —LlA'ylOy-rd:4110 FRESH GiiO(*RIES . NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 1 ' 1 (Corner of Front Mali "Market StreetsS• • 1 ABE conshmtly 'readying from first hands large stocks of choice family groceries, pnr chased for cash, which they are thereby ebled to sell at very small adVancebn city wbofrsale prices. They would respectfully inform} the public that they do not deal in nor keep any intoxicating liquors in any quantity, large or small. • • MrB HERMETICALLY SEALED: , I'EA.CPI79, • ' -.IISIIALTOES, PINE APPLE, SALROX, ' OYSTERS, MOE)? OYSTERS, LOBSTER, • AMINES; lig WM. DOCIC.;4e.BOO: ' . . For We by MIN CR, RAISINS CURRANTS, CITRON, LENIONS SPICES, CIDER, WINES, BRANDIES, 8(4. WK. DOCK;Jr.F 84 C For sale by BIBLES AND HYMN" BPOKS A LABOR and splendid stock of iSckSt and Bibles. . Pr ehyterian , kletliodist,Lnthetan, derman Ileftnuad, and oth'erayinii;Books , just receiv ed at Bff.II.I3.NER'S CH„W IMAIBTORE. COAL OIL, a further reduction ID Coal Oil; , superior artiele•of non-exploslve . Coal Oil; jor sale yery low, by c ' NICHOLS 14 goirtf4 o ` parl I Cor. Froni iticitlitatirettgtil . jet AIBINS, 0140 P, and Comm-ta t .tor sate by - 49 07091.111945kNi•AtAriii0304,. DR. JOHNSON MS.A.I3IffC=IrELIS3 IC ' ' S In - -lii -110 TITAL Ijr difick•Cieredilie l most certain, speedy and l. effectuiPreniedgalit the world for PISEELSEL_S OF IMPRUDENCe. . I : VW& ITIT SIX TO TWRIA;111, goxrils. ' , d. .-TANO,,,DIEROURY OR NOXIOUS • DRUtIB.- ~ - A Otwe Warranted, or No Marge, in froin °tie_ i 9 ; SO Days: - _ < . i... 1 ' Weakness of the Back, Affections Jet t the fffidfiggr • and' e 4" Involuntary , ills charges, Bripotendf, `Stifieral Debility; Ner vousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of • Ideas, Palpitation of ;the liCark•Timidity s lfremblings, Dim:if:sea Sight er' diddihess, (Micas° L ief the Iliad, - Throat, Nr se or Skin. Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Ste mach, or Bowalawthose_terrible disorders arising &in ih43 'll.6littiry ~ tiabits of Youth— tbelLeAvratand selitary c zaeticee more fatal•to their victims than - the song ` ofSyrens to:the Mariners of Ulysses; blighting their most brill= Rant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., imp'ossible, - ' ''' ' l4 I - •,