• iy:H.-- --- i ..,- ~.._ I* - • • ...., :%•• t , r -1, • 't 4 _ ..------- , ~,,,,, : 1 ~,,,, 4 • ; =l, : 4 ,, P P. ( 01 7 6, .k* . --_- .. , * A t a* FN. t i . . , 7:-...„....;-...:.::, 1uk. N. 1 467 ‘ ,.. ' , . -=-,.- ‘,0411 -• , ,- 11:%it '''l i . . .. ,z'', , ,- .1 ' 43# ,mss r '.• 1 it , ~---•= ~, :-.. : ..,,.. • i i , I-- s-Se ' - " ', • ~.- '. :- V 111 Illit .-- ,_,,, - 1,. - ' - .- , __.,= •- • N ..t• ,---- - .-..- .4...",-.4, ~„.„,.. e . 6 .-.--: , , - ~...---- ~. • _ „..„,_ . A-- ,' 'e,, , ma% tia ws4 --,_.,... -... ~., _ - s ~,,....... -:,-,...., ..."-- ---' ----_--—-- ~ , -,,- . Y GEORGE BERGNER, I E TELEGRAPH. IS PUBLISHED HORNING AilD EVENING, GEORGE BERGNER 01)7ce Third Sired, near Walnut. RMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY IBLEGRAPEI is served to Einbe, •lie City at 6 cents per week. 'Yeafb iberi will be charged $4 00 in advance. NV RICHLY TELEGRAPH. TELEGRAPH is also published weekly and twill to subscribers at the following cash copies, weekly •pit 8, to postoffice. MEE VERTISING Bans. —The following , are the .or advertising in the TELEGRAPH. Those g advertising to do will findlt convenient •fereuce. 1•our Mare or. less constitute 924e4pilf Eight lame or more than' fore_consti p.q M °4 " ," grr.lVl 0.11g;4 ~ IP . ; 3 rise: 7 : a • : Cr GP ••• ea - CD 0 , CU bD.I-• •-• a 4 gtBßBBPBSggagg 15r0 4 v: Cn 2. -1 pi ao. 0, b., 1-4 o ; g 2 1g 8 00 8 S Ef. 7 3 C. 3 .co 0.3 al . 1. t. ;3'7. COOOOB 0 .•-• or. e, 7 ,1A.m a. 0 0 10 MO 0 OR 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 • • 4 m r- : - ~NPPAOO Nl+ ~pu-L 4 ?..m.0 OP C. VW SOD —• CS 0 dpft 0 M GOO) • COY, OD pa OM. G. CO O. • t 0 F. F. k•:. bb tO 0 0 tO op ...luistrattun 50eed, 1 nmu a week, air, t1tr08..:50 ;nun 7b di tor's Notice( ... • . . 150 .oral Notices each ........ . .. 50 Cf:" Business notices inserted In the .Local or before Marriages and Deaths, Emu, sue Los for each insertion. As an advertising medium. the T&LEaRAPH bar; equal, its large circulation, among business en and families, in city and country, placing beyond c mpetitiou. ittisullaneous. ONES 11.0 COBSpi 3 OF . • SET ST AND EL4IBKET KURE, HARRISBURG, PA. SEPH F. IIicOLKLAN, PROPRIETOR. Mammy ommucrmo BY wan isoviaroz.) This is a First Gars Hotel, and,located in the tral part of the city. It is kept in the best antler, and its patrons will find every acoom odation to be met with in the best houses in. e country. eeBo-dtt U A /MUD STATES , HOTBIs i efitted and RenOvated. L. W. TEN EYCK, Pamuiro*. , 1 ) 14:5 popular and commodious - Hotel has i tAIIII ciewly refitted and furnished through . t its v urlo,ro uuti cherupers,.auctis,now.ready. ..t the reospticis. of guests for thewin ter n ~... ...:-.c. the traveling public will Sad the .Pnitt:xi flout the most convenient,in,ati , : of any Hotel in the State. Ciipital„,on , tiO l unt ut ite atom to the railroad, leing mune taly between the tiro great depots in this Y 'LI&RRISMIRG, Dec. 29, 1862.--6 m 8311TLI T T OEt NET' EI-A Of b JCR THIRD STREET, R ,hIAitHET, HARRISBURG, PENICA, , ILL attend to the Coileetlim of Bounty: telt.ney, Pennsiont and arrears of Pay.. ( the widow or other heirsul any soldier, u may die LI disease or be killed while in United States service, is entitled to •&100 iiot money, petision, and, all arteaut of pay dLert.aed soldier.' • ipiyl4-rdlillo FRESEI GROCERIES 1 C ROTA & BOWMAN, (Corner. of Front and Market Streets,) RE constantly receiving from first hands large stocks of choice family groceri4, :Rs ' esed tor cash, which they are thereby enabled sell at very small advance on city whoistale 'cm. They would respectfullyeltiform the blic that they do not deal is norkeep4rit xicating liquors in any quantity, large or i BBIAMETICALLY -111 , BALEID.. IIEACHES, TOMATOES, PINE APPLE, SALMON, OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTERS, LOBSTER, Ie‘AEDINEt3, WU. DOCK, Jr. & CO. PM Bee by MINCE PIES. "p AISI*fiS, CURP.ANTs, 611.-b CITRON% 1-Ehto NB, sPICES, Omen, woo s BRANDIEs, &a. Vor sale by ' Whf: DOCK, Jr. & Q t. BIBtER AND • HYMN' BOOKBti A LA ROE and eblendid Lana' Pocket' and jjk Namely Bible& • Pr.ebyt Methodist, Lutheran,. ,Ciermisn Hem ulid. end other Hymn Hooke. Mat rectAVl. ad 4t BiItUNEWS CHEAP But)HSTOBB. COAL 011,, a further reduction in Coal Oil, V superior article of non-exploatvo Coat Oil, for emir, very low by =, NICHOLS 4 BOWMAN, Cot. Front and Market Sta. CB Al it .1 ijurreePta.. lOVOUL:by MICHOLa BOWMAA' d 9 gamer Frciat and Market OM AtMcaL DTI. - .JOHNiSON BBLTI~OI~~3 LOCK HOSPITAL. , rAHdiscovered the most ceftab ri . apeedy and IJ. effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RUSK , IN BM TO TWELVE HOURS NO:MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Care. Warranted, or No Charge, m from One to Tun Days. Weakness 'of the Back, Affections Of the Kidneys`" and . ',Bladder, Irivoluritary . din charges, Impotency, General Debility, Ner vousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion ; , •, of Idtsgs, t Palpitation of the Li art, Timkhty , Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiptes, Disease of !,the • Head, Throat, Nr se or hitin. Affections of i the' ;Liver, Lungs, • t( madb - ; or Rowele,-those terrible disOrdern arising fi-on2 the 'Solitary Habits of Youth— those secret solitarY p ractices more fatal to tbeiriAlctims than the '•Foik ' g of Syrians. to the Marineau of Ulysses,. blighting 'their most bril liant h6pes or anticipations, rendering marriage, impossible, ; 2, ' YOUNG ' • ' .11 00 . 9.00 .17.00 Feßecitilly,:whn have becomi.the victims of 'B44t4rY Vice', that; dreadful and 'destructive habit which annually sweeps to , an, untimely grave thousands of iYontit gen, of the must exalted talents and' latellect,- who might Otherwise have, entranced listening iSfs;*., atetr with the , thunders of eloiittenctior waked to: ecstasy the 'living lyre, may call 'with fill' confidence. ~ d ~~ . ~~: ~ Oil gag. Xr2l Married Persona, 'or'Yeutig Men contemplat ing marriage, being aware; :of phyeical weak ness "WO 4e,bilith-deferOdes, ste., ePe!fclllY 110, Who places himself under, the cara.of may, religiously, confide in his honor aia gene tleman, andcontidently rely upon his skill as Physician.:: .. . . tt 4 , -ma xf a .1 v ORGANIC WEAKNESS' • ' Immediately Cured, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection -which renders life miserable end marriage hntiostible- , -• is the pen alty paid by the yittips of improper indulgence. ' , Toting persons are too apt to commit %mews, from not being aware of the dreadful cense gumless' that may ensue: Now; who" thitruit derstanda the subject will pretend to deny that the poWer of_procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper liablts than by the pm dent. Besides being deprived the Nettie:lna of healthy °gyring, the mixt 'salons and destruc tive. symptoms to both. body and mind arise. Inie system , becomes.derfygol, the physical and mental - filmdom weakened, iota of procreative power; nerviney irritability, dyspepsia, palpita tion OA° s heart, indigestion constitutional debit*. a...matigvotltioedfasitee cough, COIL- IaIMOOI/, ,-E . Crime, lie. 7 Boum Farmer= Sraiurr,; . Left hand idele gobu; from Saltiniore street, a few debts from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. L gra xl.e. az S. Lettere; Mast be paid and , contain a stamp The Doctor's Diplomris hang in his office. . . JOHNSON, Member of the Bbial College of Surgeons, Lon don, gradruite from one of the most eminent colleges in the United StateS; and the greater part of whose life has beewspent bathe hoer& taktfoflLondon, Paris ; • Philadelphia and else where; has effeotedsome of the most astonishing cures that Were ever :known ; 'many troubled with ringing hrthe - head endears when ExEdeep, - great nervorushess,- being alarmed at "sudden sounds, bashfulness, withAfrequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cored immediately. TAKE .PARTICUAE NOTICE These are sorpe of the' sad and melancholy effects produced - by early habits of"youth, vis wsekness of the back and Uinta; paints in the 'head; dimness of sight, lcul of mgcukar power, PalPits*Vaif t Able hearty diy*Wik, nervous igitab,litv, symptoms of consumption, &c. 'lllasteux.—The fearful effects on the mind t= are much to be dreaded—loss of memory, cup 'fn-ion' of ideas'-:,dp;:retision-cAspirite, evittforer liodiuPe, aversion to society, self distrust, love of et litude, timidity, &c., arthioms of the evils tirciduCed. YOUNG MEN Who have irijnredl themselves` :"by' it certain pracithie indulged in when alone, a habit fro • y learn -d from evil coirpanioos, or at achoi) - 1; the effects of which' are, nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible; sod• destroyed , both inind and body, should apply immediately. .."What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of 'his Parents, should be snatched from all pthenecti and-enjoyments of,lifd by the ocnsequeoca of deviating, from the path/ t Citiatnte add `'indul g ing In: oertaid secret ,habit. Such persons;ts tun ,frforeponteM 7 e, .4 10 : 0 4A.0f5 , ,‘ - '1 Behest that a' sound - Mira arid - body, _ are the most necessary requisite's to'probilite dennublal happifiess. , lodeed, witblm,l those, the journey tirraukh life'becOmes a weary plirinhige :` the ptapsiet,bourty,darkens to the view ;,,the mind becomes shadowd with despair and filled Witi t t he Melancholy reflection' that difiamiinesi of another beciorstes.bliklited with our own. MEW OF , IMPRIEIDENCE.-i • ' EOM When the misguided and imprudent votary of ph:Amid iladeAlteChaaimbibbdt the molls , • thikpainfaillsease,_ it too otten happens that antilltiniediseniaiof -shame or the dread of dis covery detprs,hlikiiiint l applying to those who, 'from :education and resp, stability, can alone ibefifend him. Th 3 fails into the hands of igno tantiand designing l igepplepborpoaincagable of curing, ft. 194 pecurilary ,substappe, heap him trilibl th afier - month', olt„lai:Jorik as the pintillest - feti Cut; he obtained, and in dasp.dr * . iiiiiiiihedhealth to sigh over his adding disittiPoinithent, or, by use 'lit the deadfy poison,_ Mercury, kilsten the coned - wiz Serial symptoms. of this terlible disease, Aur p has affeC`tions of the Head, Tbroat,,Nose, Skin, etc. progees,iing ,with - frightful rapidity , ; till. death i pats a Period to hiskcireleAhd Befferinie•l?i,Bend - Mg him, to that und iscovered confitty from itfence no triwellex retgrus. MEN . _ INYX)DMIENT ;THE WWI: ;, , The many..thematpis exited at this itttit,ntion Year after,tyear.,m4l •the -numerous important surecte-opemations performed by Dr. Johnson, witae&sar by the Yotiatitia , of the, am, , aipPtir; azid, v iwy other papere„poipee i nf r ipted vain and again' betbrethe liablia, lw edam 'lds standing Go a s gp#eroski 4,oo4acter soctitesPonisibilitYl is a sallidetif - guarantee to the afflicted. 1. • • • simmu.,y cricrEED. przumffici, 1-T' ULtri* taritinaua S L r onoE,JAa. 74, MAEBWE ' HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1863. ifilisEttlancour. LI-FE INSURANCE The Girard Life Insurame, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. billelatO. 408 GRESIBUT OM= witiurrza PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL MID As $1,543,386 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. JOIN F. JAM_IM, Secretary. C 0 N'T' I.N II E to make INSURANCE ON LI.VEE on me most reasonable terms. They; act aa Executors, Trustees and Guardians undef Hun Wills, and as Rceeivers and Amigneee. The captial being paid up and _invested, together With a large and constantly incremdsg notervtd tend, oilers a perfect security to the The inemiuma may be paid yearly, half yeat _ly V? quarterly. - The company add a BONUS" periodically to insurances: for lire.. The iEllta I,IIONIETB appropiti.ted in D4cember 1844, the SliiOzD AiONlis RR December, 1849, the THIRD BONUa in De ember, 1864, and the Path tit BONUS in 089. These additions are - made without requiring any increase-in; the premiums to be paid to: the company. - Tbeirdlowing are a few =amp* from the I , 'Amount Df polity P ow ' Sam I BOIITA of 1 1 ,nd bonus to be Di - 1" 1 ii‘dditton. loteased by futtue f • • 'additions.' No. 89. I 62600 IS' 887 601 68887 60 " 18k. 301.10 1060 u 0 4060 00 10{) 1000 400 uU— 1400 00 " 8843 IOW 187 a 00 6876'00 Agent atliarrisbarg and vicinity t WiLLLAiIt 'BD :g • Jef.o.oly WATCHES, : , EWELRY & SthVER WAKE rp i e iERSIGNED would respectfully in. '"your - attention to his - well selected stuck of Fine (fold and Silver WA. [CUM, Fine Gold JF.,WELBY, and every kind and variety ofetylea--coinpromisinralrortffe - itkibilst and 'Most bgatseful - rieligni: ' ' Alsoi Solid diLVERWARE, equal to6ia, and •the beat make of. Saar be' Ware. Each ar ticle 14 warranted to be' iiirrepteeented. prWateties and Jewelry carefully, repaired and saSisfacvlort guaran(44ed.' • JACOB MABLEY, (& 6706 VG 0 to' &age' f 2S-3m] No. 64. Market [Street, Philadelphia. In. f Alistit.lNTUOA„'S .PEOTOJIAL SYRUP: . . A. KO tour lapel/teak .Does a long breath Ramie- you a ‘)taclting eppgb 'Do you expectorate hard, thrigh, aft- Le you waned' with Alight sweats and want oei virtltee f ataa_if,lapor newly. It will auquaitionably save you. Price; sr-oes The iabove ruedicktelme been used extensively in Ws 'city -,with good; results. For sale at BERGNER'S BOOS STORE. , . BARRINGrON. 1 •A a llovel, 1. by gmaaugs Levu, A lfelitop.,•of 0',111alley," v 4., paper, price 60 cents. For sole at . , 6 BElt(i.N S CHEAP /3001K.STOilt. KTPERIOR "VlNgliAlf. 1N ~( }AU. DOC: & Co. have just roxpiVed a new and Eni rho article. of Vinegar, manufactured entirel from Corn, which-i$ entirely free fr om all mii r eral acids, and which they can freely re? commend to their customers and the public. Thepublio are invite:lto give this article a trial. Mar& 17, 1868. • f I.I)IOIVG,LRA.PHIO ofyF atue rwt in the etaud4d_ istylee will be otO order. • , BERGNER'S Cheap_ Bookstore. el HOBBY TilkICS, Both dwarf and standard, aa good in quatitj of the tree and as extensive in variety; as can be fcund in the country, at _Keystone NurscrV. fap17,1...._ J. MISH. pROERITEDREWIIv FL -CS, •hermet.._ly : sealed, _ insane and jar., of all dmilptione, and of the mdst delicious character, for rale by Eft WM_ DOCK; Ja., & CO. (COAL OIL LANTERNS, that do not..need a n y'oidinney, end no wind will pat the light ont.. , Call and vxamine; at " NICHOLS & BOWNIati, jl3 , •„- Car.- Front and Market ISte..- iiiyyti; sin the weird - Tim 78e, $1.25, 4144thf?,, $B, and $4, for Bah; at `eh ~ '7 , ,801:1EFPELt'ii ROOKSTOBS, , ViirklitGitEEN TREES, , ILI And shrubs of alt leading_ kinds, mid of 441 eistis, from one to fifteen feet high,,for sale low aLiiieWone N uPser . Y. ,. A4SEL A LL kinds of Garden Bat*, just recelYed; ,abd for sale by • NICHOLB - 8L BOW3SAN;' s' - Comer 'Front arid Market BENCH and 'A4 1 0141414 - 44.04 141 0., - Wm .!: ranted not only to retain the poluth of but tokreee,rve the leather itself, Fin tat,le lity ( KICK. PO, ATEKEAS ' ' Ihffereut colored' double varieties; White Yo k ing', Purple Filuge, or Mist Tree, and other bhrubpery,'itt Keystone lOW SUCLO•ii ,all . gradas and • ••••4 at re.aßckiii4o piioeslor sale by • 'l4l - Whi-DOCK. Ji., - . WA$ B.—Tubsi all saes ; 'Flour Buckets, Sugar Boies,aolinrni;,..'Stands, Large: Cedar I;iur.lrets,,Painted Rails, 4c. ffi W.M DOOK:J.I. &OD. 1 .. ki1f461.-A 61)40 UMW° uncanvaased Name„ of every choice brand itk,ratirket. Each ham warranted • in good ; rder. ,09c;joBe very low by • NIONOLS & BOWMAN,. . .oorner Front and Market Bth. - z -141105WNi STOUT ' ani . :l , '. t:SCOTCH ilz, Of the best brands, dings on hand solfor44 a , s . 3y i [411 , / 4] -W Di' Will, Je.., &:00. pls.)* of all valuable varieties at Jiff! , stone,NAWY. ALX4.4.1; It Qmot.ED AitOP.ldtLlCO„SiitiCoff, - just t r ? re i catypßog DOOK, Jr., & New .24settistmente. PEIPtIER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PIEELADEIMIL Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, ihm. ey, Uniontown, Wationtown, !Mullen, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Sun bury, Trevertpg, Georgetown, lykeasteva, Ralik; !insipid* AND WARE/ fril 11, _ The Philadelphia Depot being centrally loostol, he drayage will be at the Wriest raw. The Conductor goes , through -with oath train , to Attend tolliasafedelivery °NH geode intro t ad to the Sue. 'Goods delivered at the depot of MEMO, WARD & FREED, 811 Motet street, Philaddlphis, by 6 o'ciock P.' AL, will.be deliv ered inlHarrwburg the next morning. freight Always as Low as by drop Other Line. JOSEPH MONT9OBII2IY, • • ‘ , Philimielphis and Beading Depot, . ect2l4f] Foot of Hackett:km*oi Harrisburg. ESTA.B LI SHED 17,60 PETER LOIMIALUIDI Buff and Tobacco) Manufaciturn z 26 44. 28 -CLIAXRERS raf, (ForinbiliO4.2ohambeso Street, New York,) VXTI*I 4 IS call the attention of Dealers to tht T articles of hid manufacture, vu : • . BROWN SNUFF. Demigros • Fine! Rapper; Purl Virginia, oOarse liappee Namitoehes, American 06tleman, Ciopeuhagen. -• YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, High Toast Scotch, ~ Irish High Toast, or Lundyfnot, Honey Dew licotch, • Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Frestiliootch. trttention is called to the large redriction in pri cyof Fine-Oat, Chewing and Smoking. Tobaccos, which will , be found of a Superior Quad* TOBACCO. 11110X.1216. Long, No. 1, NO. 2, Nos. 1 & 2 mixed, Granulated.. EMI MIT GEIMMIG. 8. Sago, SpAnish, Osuierer, Turkish. P. A. L., or plain, ' Cavendish or Sweet ' Sweet Scented Oronoco Tin Foil N. otroolos •of -prices will beit sent cut Appli ion. , NEW' uouDs - Ffgr- White Pond Lilly Eitraot. White Pond Lilly Toilet:Water. White Pond. Lilly' Hair Oil. . WhiteePond Lilly Toilet Soap. Queen of Flowers Toilet Soap. Queen of Flowers Hair Oil. ' Qatien of Flowers Toilet Water., The Union Bouquet, a splendid pedant°, decil; cated to the ladies of the gaited S al°. Thee° excellent ipiods, neatly put up, and now having' an extensive sale, we offer in thhi community. C. K. KELLER. A lot of Brie pomatums, hair oils, flue soaps, cosmetics; &c.,'fretth from the , factories reni*- ed at the "popular Writpdrittra'-' for Toilet s:VA- ales. r ' ILELLEICH Drag Store:•• my 4 • Mittkraestrent. DAN'L A. MUEIRJEt, AGEIiIII. f\b" the Old WalleWer "Line, respectfully in- Rims the public tbatthis Old Daily Tians portatfori Line, (the only Wallovier 'Line now in existence'iti - this'4o,) is in cliccwwful operation and prepared , to carry freight as, low as any other indiiidual line between. Philadelphia, Ilarrisburr„ SuribarY, Le wishing, Willienwporti Jersey Shore, : LOA Haven, and all Other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia andErle and Williamsport and Elmira Railroads. • DAHIi A. MiIENCEI, Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. GoZids' sent to the Warehoule- of Messrs. & Hinchman, , Nixf. 808 and 810 Markei - streei, above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock;-i. x.;, will arrive at Harrisbuig, ready for delivery, next morning. -[apBo-rdmyl FOR SALE BUSHELS rime Potatoes 200, 2bild. !r ° B kwheat 800 -bbls. Prilie'New Yolk &ate Agiples. Buckivoeat acre - Wheat Flour,'Com - Oats. Feed, pried Aptilers Dried Peadbes, Driai , Black berries ' Drickleberrie , Fader berries, Bic. ! CnoiCil filigar-cured Ham; Sh°ul - Dried. Bead, : l.ard; fklaakiefel, Codfish; &it Vprimj3lutof Oranges, Lemons, Figs,lßiibdris, Caudies,''Sugar, Coffee, Mee, Candled, SpioeS, Tobact:oi• Begars, Bto. -z;. . A prime tut of Sweat Cider just received. Pure Cider Vioegar. For; sale wholesale and retail, No. 106 Market street; Harrisburg, Pa mr2f3 4.41• T.F.1144513,81 TEAOHER MUSIO 017101 AT WARD'S MUM ROBE, 1219. .Third Sired. Neeidence: Third Street, above North. .dl6-tf __LIQUID. T Amp IlEaliEr yields with milk the most, iJ iiiscious of all deserts for , the table ; ; the n 6 litilsi, and most grateful diet for children. Milk contains every element of toe boil* constitution ; whew coagolated with rennet it is always light and easy of digestion, and supports the system wittrthe least possible excitement. When.atiitgreater nutiiiive power is deiired , 013140/ and sugar may be_ added. A teaspoonful converts,a quart of milk into a Atm Curd. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by 111'. 'Ai KUNKEL, .OYS —llBllarketretreet. Qyjarps and afaisive , a all kinds, for sal by .IqIOiIULS & tiONVIIAN, lAA • Cor , . FlgaD alal-Maiket Amoii iwkEtzny 1 1 4 vikOrmik 1 0: 11 4 "pbuits;_itt' *hi Om, at DAYAO,99,WTOUT. J maisEt. visiioo, E _ ! I WDDING,, - : ' ' IMITATION, AND - 1 AT HOME il-RDS. , Bt 4 special arrangement with one of :he 'beitt engravers in the:tit:nary, cards of any descilption will be 'executed in the highest style. of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and aupplli*lpromptly,at lower prices t han are charg ed by *Le stationers in New York - Or Philadel phia. For samples and prices call at inchiitf BEltG.Nfikt.ll BUOUTORE.• . OIiAItBERRIES; FlObliav 1 BEANB, LINA, PEAS; B&BLEY,- IAt.,OARONI, 'VER- O ..14.101L1.1,/ OSANG.III, LEMONS, SKIS, RAMOS, PEONES, cu'uos, CURRANT:, and a !Argo assortment of Cr. sae & Blackwell r Pioklea, Sauces, &c., just fi;Ceiveci fresh from the im rter, and for sale low by = = Jan f W. GOOK, Ja., & GO. PUT.A.VO4. 3.1 anstPeach 800. ilargo supply , - of the above in [One condition, just m , m I :3E4 *geed fand for sale by ' - ' ' - - apr/p : . . WM. DOCK4 - .l"rr, &CO. VIOLINS, GUITARS, FLUTES, FIVES, AO COMMONS DRUM; I I Shelt Mtudc sent by mail to any place. , PIUTEiRE FRAMES, ALBUMS ukd LOON.- t INS Hole's Sewing Machines, &c., at the Music Store Of 811.4.8 WARD, Nob 12 North Third Street, above Market. 6414qay 04 4gFEE'l COFFEE I C r OPk'EE I VANTED, every Grocer end the Public to 'Pry WORFIE JIB NpNPARKEL. PREPARED COF . - '•-- Wl*united to`giore satisfaction,. or the money refand.lt is nniverba ll y acknowledged the • 1 _ _ • MET EVER USED. Pre ° 'semi and for sale acute Keen Steam Spice and ffie Works; " No. 244;-North Front, (cor ner of tiew et Philadtlitida Pa. . mcl9dBmo HOWARD WORRELL. TEE BEST FAMILY. SEWING MACIINE , zs IWHEELEB AND WILSON'S.. I\l3 %9 OFFICE Market Square, next door to Colder's office. Call and see them in vie ra , l4 A genera assortment 6f machines and needles oonstantly on bind. VMS Margaret Hiner will exhibit and sell them; and also do all kinds of machine searing on thine machines in the best wiener. The riatronagei'of the 3publie is resoctfuliy aprll-d6m CRACKERS I 1,1 Boorog ChLeinsuus, Rua illsoure, , name do. kotin d Wank do. ' (to. ALMOND do. •-1 - BETTER do. - , Groozzlitrzs. W. H. SIBLE & CO. WU receive supplies of the sto 3ye. v-iy week"; and custom° a can theraiir6 ,:/// ire their being _fresh. - Lap2B) WK. fXYJK., fr:, - ar. CU.'. A OHOICE.Wr of this celebrated tea . just AIL received. lt is of the - flat Cargo did im ported, and is much superior to the Cbinege testi 1p quality, strength and fragrance, and. is oleo ei l tirply floe from ad u lte r ation s coloring or mistfire of any kind. II Is the nit. tual ltaf of the Japanese Tea Plant ' Fessale•by -tar4 WM. DOCK., Jr.,A. CO, NNE G ARDEN , SEEDS. • , . QuAr 's Mt. LebanOn, N. Y..,an4 . i : i . 7 , .. 431. -* -._:.... A Bro' Beohetzter', It Y. } Kgero ._- -' drietrand A large invoice, ..... comp ,r,a- g every v ived and for awls 1 ~,, , * deecriPtionviustrece Douli' J I S.• CO apl4 , WM. 1 ., < . ISEL.=Another - large lot or- Mat-keret and Herring, in all es s -pagkag!s 7. bgreu, halves, quartstitand kW, for safe It w by NICHOLS a BOWitAN ap27 - Cor. °Front endlibirliet Streets. . W SHAM of linen; gilz•bqrdered; juld PAPER BLINDS `'df &windless nit • etvof designs andoroauterita•LodboiQUAlA,9l, =Jogs Mid. '4'o l / 4 1E4§ at _yeri mitsp. Cal ~..,.t30.#1410"#-NOTA#I6 Xitto 2tangtisamts, WDL H BRADittelarla • P I,A N 0-F 0R TE STA 01.14011141; No. 427 Broome St s , Bkvir 'TIES subscriber respectfqlly invitee - the /3 atted- J. dun Wills friends and the public generally to his Piaziollrorte Estaidbihnient, at tined= Btoome street, corner of Crosby street: o , Having withdrawn his interest, s k .and materials from'the late firm of " whit, Vii` Brad nurys," which firm - wee dissolved on the 81st January, ult., and having purchased the =tire Stock of Piano-Eurteastud,Piano-Forte Material, owned by his brother, Edward G. Bradbury, in the said firm; he 'Shiite Prepared to `supply the inci s e:4ld dislnand4or his delebneted Piano For tee. Employing the inues. skillful and expert t.nced erorkinen c with a large.pteck of the brat and race) 'thoroughly seasoned material, and 'an abundance of capital, .he hatitak z en in Mind the personal Supervillion of the whets business of maul icturing his 'nett uments, and _is enabled to tar putßiand- Ft of nueOsilpil rep l ant, dw , p • bait ors NEW SCALE PLiflo-FOBTIC a i m 'it the arrangement of ouriieir stale; drawn and pr4paired with the utmost :cans, dipiesid for our newkinstr.uments,...ws havoutiVed nvert iinproVemeut which can thanway „ tend to its - perfection of the Pitiii&-Fortn, and` wecatroun tidently assert, that liirdSlibacf of tomb., 'Vol ume, purity, brilliancy and sweetness of tone, cumbhied with that strength awl, solidity o . frame necessary to durability, tueee instru ments are unequalled. ' ' , .. -•',slriapth sad Beatay" Is our-motto, and 'wt invite sue closest criticism of the best unbiased judges Pri thd land. . W"Every instrument warranted for fivt years. ; • WM. B: BRADBUttY; ' 427' Broome et., dor. of Crosby, Liew York. m 2 418 m. , . -., . , • A. N ,. O s STEIiIVAY'S, IDUICK - EraNG 2 B,, - B*3L 'S, ASLEY'S and GROVE STEER'S. MELODAMS, Bso., by PRINCE, TRW' its . JAVENESE PRICE ONE CENT. ititgrapil. FROM WASHINGTON. Pardon of John Oroutt Carpenter. =::::=1 diPtIIRE OP a BLOCILD& RUNNER. Rebel Prisonen Taking the Oath of Allegiance. WAsmacrrow, -May 14. John Orcntt Carpenter of ileaucky, who was h covicted of tr, tvou. has been p 'rdoned by this 'President. The eat:acne of the Executive clem ency has been procured through the interven tion of his friends, on the grouud that he has repented of his crime. voluntarily abandoned the service of the ri begs and rev urned to ails aiti.cis to - live at pesos as elope/ and Law abiding citisen.4 the Navy Department has rec ived infotzna ti n teat !be a eamship.Cherokee, was c.ptured off Charleston, while endeavdring to rim the blocka4.l: Lieutenant Commander E. Grafton and Lieu tenant' Comma/40er 41..,Pattereon J nes have been order. d to ordnance duty, the forwer at Button and the hatair at Philade . phia. Actag 'Aberrant Paymaster Robert B Patteison has beta ordered to the Illiatitkoppi squadron. A bandied and sixty rebel fantasias have -*pitied their williugnios to take the oath of ailegiaticz to the Unit.xt States Government. , The oath of 1 , yalty was administered to the jams ,the criminal court. to-day. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. • FedendlOveinents Agateit-Vicksburg. FORTRAN MOM; May la The two hospitals formerly known as the "Mab in" and "Ocean Howe homicide, nave beck consoildated,aod will in future ba known se he ”Cityler General Hispital," nuder the su perintendence. of Dr. McKay, formerly of the Chesapeake EloSpital at Hampton. The steamer Georgianna, Captain Pearson, has rettumed to Fortress Monroe, having been thi.roughly rep tired. For the present the will take the place of the Tboniai3 A. morgau, running between Chia place and Yorktuivn. The British frigate Rinaldo arrived here this afternoon, and reports having left Charleston Mcinday, at BP. K. Br this conveyance we have the Charleston Daily Cowies, of the 11th instant, which WOO contains the autouncement of the, death of General Thomas J. Jackson, known as "Stonewall. Jackson. The Richmond Whig newspaper office war. de itryxed bylire this afternoon. Origin of the fire not known. The raw*, *lair= a victory at Frederir k. burg, and says that 4,000 prisoners arrive/ ift alcumouil on die 9th instant. Frank It B.air, Jr. ; was reported ft, be among the 1 . 4- weed, and passengers stated that the oath of allegiance was administered to-him at his own request... The Courier's accounts sets down the rebel ma at Ftederkkaburg, at 10,000. The National Loan. PHILADELPHIA, May 14 Jay ,Cooke, general subscription agent. re coartstilie tale yesterday, May iBih , 0 1 $1,000,- 000 tiski.twnties, and to-day $2,750,000, dis tributed as lollowa : New York and New Jer sey, Si 297,000 ; Beaton and New Engle d, $750,000; Ohio, $820,000 ; Pennsylv,suia and Philadelphia, $286,000; 1341 , Imare and 11.ry land, 962,000 ; Kentucky, $8,000: Minnts .ta, mica:awn/ and Illinois, 17,000. retal, $2,760,- 000. The arrangements making, for the deliveries of thole, is completed by the Treasury Dep•rt menti abdwidie the del by is eutiray on +void •b.ble stibeeribers have tue sat.sf oti of receiv ing in(erosiou the amount subscribed a+ a e on as received by., nu of tike authorised agents, east or, weal. tor' • 42iy sCompopund Extract Sarsaparilla. XTC) one remedy is more needed in this coun tryl.ll than a reliable Alteratiee, but the etek have been isiontnigeonily cheated by the worth lees preparatiuus of 6,tnap4illa abroad that they are di,gusuxl even with the name. Yet the dn.% cannot be blamed for the itnpoaitiona 'row wiiicti they havireufferdi Moto of the uo-ca,ied tiareapardhus in the maiket con,ain Hain bf the virtues of har.aparill. or anything diet ; They are mere slo,s - inei t and woi thltsa, while; a :concentrated 'extract of the active variety of Sarispatilla comixtunoed with Dutk, S Ming*, loine, e.c., is, as it - ever , will be, a powertul_a*rative and an etlintual remedy. Bach ,is Ayer' a Extract of Sarsaparilla, as .ta iruly wondei fel cures of the peat variety of complains which require an attentive mod eitiii havtu.abund3ntly iwown..- Do nut, mere ifore, disciud ihut invaluable Medicine, bi crime you have treat imposed upon by .omething pre tendir,g total •Sitn-aparilla, while it was not. Whim year havii used Altert--then, and not t U then, willyou knowthe virinesut Sarsaparilla. For. Minute particulars of we diaaises it i tires, we refer you' to rioar's Amerman Almanac, Which ` . the agents below named will turnish allgratisito • who call for it. . Aases•CAmairrie .fltari,...lor the cure of Geo fieenerro, &wadies, Dygmatio,htdigatios, Dranery, F ou l & m oth, Beadacht, , Pilea, Rhinanatians. Amato b orn a r ising front .Diropkrod;Stesulett, • Pain, or M or bid Inactson of lit Bow* .11aulenqi, Lora 4 APP 463 ; liver•OaViking, Dropsy,. Wawa, Gest, /tiettrakia, end for a Limner PA. They are sugar c.'ated , au that the moat eat sithrtlcan take them plevasurty, and they are ,t.,,t,3o,4.ppitorit in the world for all the pur poisatiof itfaraily physic. • Pains 26 ea= Eillt 13ex, oa Fin Bono too O. nabe put off by unprincipled dritilai a with nth_repkrationsly9ich they mak —more pro- Di p fit o Demand Ana's and take no tnbt rA. ThO sick waat the best aid there is for them, and' htiyi idakild have it. Pmpared by Dr. 3.,0. AM 5t.430., Lovell, hiessachusette. • • . . Sold by C At. &nowt .D. W. Gross & -Ckh, 0. K. Keller, J. AL La* Dr. Bally, F. Wyeth led dealers everylthere..E ,- totaisas,., ac., told at V 1'; *iihont any advance. ' =Man BOOKISTOSE.