Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, May 13, 1863, Image 3

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    (I,c QTtlegrap.
Vertiseusents, B insss Suttees, Mar
riages, Deaths, Ste., to secure Insertion
the TELL GIGAVII, must invariably
accompanied with the CASH.
Advertisements ordered in the regular
%ening Edition ale inserted in the
Morning Edition vo ithout extra charge.
Wednesda) 'Evening, May 13, 1883
soldiers in the field say nothing hereto,
ore has inspired them with So much euthusi
rum and courage as the pledge of northern
women, in recent meetings in the various
I.tates, to make common cause with them, and
care for their dear ones at home. •
IHE PATRIOTIO LADIRB ill mate streeu & below
Thu' d, have flung to the breezefrom a rope rn&
:tying acmes That magnificent thoroughfare a
utiful national flag. It is in preparation for
he reception of the Dauphin County Regiment.
'hat are the ladies in other portions of the city
's' . • ing
Tne members of the.Friendsbip Fire -Comp-a
,y will meet in their 1M11; fully 'equipped for
rade, at the ringing of the bells announcing
g, n .
e arrival of the 127th -Begun t ,-to `pelt ci
to in their reception. AllliontirtirVand cdtli
.utirr members are requested to,participate.;
• ' •
"7 order of President.'
= THE FRUIT CROP.—Froni presentindicitlans
~. .bere will be an abn6lant 6 1 4 A lfruit during:
.e present summer. Thelrult trees •If various!
inds are literally bending under4eir
burden of sweet scented blossoms, which &not
seem at all to have been injured' by' the
tavy rains.
MEE fib Et OF Tea EVNGSLWAL LuTenuto, arfon'
OF PENICALVANIA. largU:srid s 'Venable'
body of ministers will bcdd
and sixteenth annual session ' in Sti John's ;
:church, in the city of Reading, .04- . the,.310,0
the present month. A large number of minis
ters, lay delegates and visiting clergymen are
expected to be present, and much business of
importance will be transacted: '
1311chmond Enquirer of May 9th has been re
ived, atd contains the following list of Union
officers taken at the recent battles, and now in
confederate prisons : Brig. Gee. Wrn. Hays,
2d brigade, 8d division, .2d corps; aoL S.
Mayer, 107th Ohio ; Col. S: A. Matthew, 125th
Pa. Col. C. aluntz, 103 d Pa. ;. Lt. Col, D. B.
Al'CrAry, 146th Pa. ; Lt. Col. Smith,l26th Pa.;
Maj. J. A. Banks, 63d Pa. ; 'Surgeon. K.
Nil, 153 d Pa.
7Y.—Mr. Keener, a well knOwn and , respmted
cii izen of Lower Paxton township, died on Mon
day last, after a long and painful illness, at the
advanced age of 70 years. Mr. Keener was born
in Berke county, but removed' to this oaunty
an early period of his life, where he has'. resided
;up to the period of his death. He leaves a'
wife and a large circle of friends and acquaint-,
ancis to mourn his departure. ,
In an old house formerly °wiled by Judge 'Mari,:
in the lower part of Claries7allet and:•;nciwi,
now the property of. Peter t t llerW Z are
planks which• are perforated' viith,meMieroils
bullet holes, said to have been fired kite.there .
by the Indians in a deadly attack 'upon -We,
early settlers of that, romautic valley. The,
licarth are in a good state 'of pieseivittion, and ;
are quite an object'of curiciairtdu tlitirliktidkt l
feel an especial inter* irt s the Offerings and
perils of the first inhabitants of this country. i
FRUIT FROEFICTB. - It is not, ofteßitliit
successive years yield such art:abidulailae.lof
fruit as was gathered last" year ; tbity:tbe j fr i iiii;
trees at this time promise abundantly::lTlie
backward spring has prevented °nearly flower-'
log of the trees, thus saving the budstandld , '
soma from blight and destruetion: TEV - pea 4 r,i
cherry', plum, peach and apple trees firii44 7 4l 4 ,
with blossoms, and there 'is eVerY4rotniiie = o
`an abundance of antumn'braurfeg: Ito inilitrit
curred to a fright train on Aliri
railroad on Thursday last, sti
tion, in Juniata county, which ridurlk,k,ke
death of one of the train handsaattid-:aupther
person who was riding upon's ceit6l
engineer of the train, qr. William
ri ceived severe internal lojctrles, and is not ex
pected tc recover. The sadden't was the result
of a co lision of two freight trains following tee
closely upon each other, _ f
, •Idier %rued. —This morning, between two and
I. r,-e o'clock, just as the Baltimore Express
in was leaving the depot,_ a man named
Andrew Mcßride, of Conipany B 123 d Regi
ment P. V , jumped upon the track and corn
rnenced beckoning to the engineer as if to stop
the train. Before any notice could be taken of
the soldier by the engineer or fireman, he was
struck by the locomotive and Thertilly cut to
pieces, and instantly killed. His tibdri weer'
mere mass of torn flesh and brokenrbonee, so
suddenly and seventy was he struck by the cow
catcher and wheels of the locomotive. It is
conjectured that the soldier desired to get upon
the train, as there - vie! notltingl on the track
which endangered the trpin,AlLoffiSt.9 )!IduPe
him to attract the attention Aim= angia*.
lie remains' were taken in chargei - : by, hie
friends. The regiment to whicti'llethlinigg is
from Allegheny county, where the unfortiniate
soldier leaves a wife.and four .helpleee..childrep
to mourn hie lose. Acoionersinquestreturned
a verdict in accordance with the Mete:, exoner
ating the company and Itherip_.ip ch44pi_pf the
train of all.blame InAre_deattiof
remains will be removed to Allegheny corinty.
Tae FIRST Ctrr Taoop will hold an adjourned
meeting at Quartermaster Patera' hotel, on
Wednesday evening at i o'clock. The punctual
attendance of every member is requsted.
A SPECIAL MEET/NO of the Washington Hose
company will be held at the hose house this
(Wednesday) evening at 7} o'clock. Punctual
attendance is requested, as business of import
ance will be presented for the consideration of
the company.
Tns Gazer .N.wriosai, Oman, under the man
agement of Mrs. Warner, - (formerly Mrs. Dan
Itice4 will appear in this city to-morrow after
noon and evening. This circus combines great
talent and equestrian 'perfection. It will be
patronized by the elite of the city.
isle busk preparing their rolls preparatory to
biing paid. As scoa as these haTOheen coni7
plated aid are pronounced correct, the men
will be Promptly paid and.nsnetered oat of Berl
trice. •
Consorandirldlus CowarAtri - or . ALn . . - -The'
coterieNyho cord* , and `distil thoir v lemin
thioughlthe iiriliniunrot the AkiitorAwAtikl
the -municipatsughoritioadoplace:altedice toile
on guard in that office4eriterdayw.ahoyealso i
appealpd to the inflitaifauthinity-for pas -.
0 0 En Why.7lk this PPne;, .§9 1 , 1 9 tinr # 4
Ak..:009 weiP4ml#o4o was
AMmaii.camopmed,cl-num pf , the AryAgnpal
ilk; and it seems strange that this Rreddiftiot
4011 :wiiitamiffi z iiii - ori f i4insigilefidt
cdracit.Wm a 4o,coviarde usAOI; ikeuce
the Tory Orgy, in. the„face,of the brave/fellows
wli7idtAit4aa•- so , 'nfunsliditallek tra f diteed rand
maligned, now crs,Wltiitriltitedtlion
arnmpf :the galeant 101i:1k:1,009iof the , State
capital. )4,1 it:not better consult theltpiriti on;
this matter ?
Air. emir A Sri or Haardis(- I L , Aleatialiger
appeared at the liVery stable of',.Fre'der,Cic IC.:
Swartz this morning, and offered to ; sell al
setaofrhainesm , .Sziartisk-Ai`clined ito
becauie the 811111 eskei . ",was . too IlfL;''a4d - •thet
1MPing , 44f04.1%444;n4. 1 4 , 0_ 4 4q. ctn- :
able. O ffi cer Fleck, who Kuppertixtrio'
present, was next accost.* 4 ) rt heitrid g er and
importintid: ;61, - hgrness. He also
derxraled:iii i ttie price, but finally said thiit be
w°u _. /d i.11 1 .4 tWan t oi 11 'Meer '
Fleck then proceeded—to Alderman
office :Ndiere he; letor ieedi Orcet,tWdolierti4f
what be had seerlat.the,sitremstible, and ad-'
vised bim to,prciceed and. arrekt_the.man. At
this J4P94,llr4etiNhP' ,, RiftltreA $ 0 . 4 V1 1 1.9 10
harness Wiit3 setethitandhig?4,att theti doorof the
Alderman's office, evidently , listening .to the
conversation between ; the pilicittet"iihil when
those officers ~tt made .for,,AdoCAMAYill : 3 1
and effected hieestape. ' , rho hanteisVastakeri
possession:f by lb e otlicerk' and :Cali be 'seen it
4 1, 10 2 20 Peffer 1 11 46 .9 N Vrilataw#4/ , 410 -
ficatiork and an owner .., 4 -: • -f.,
• Wily Nor 2--A clerk In , one of our :. - .Market
street retail houses"' Writes to us this 'morbing.
and asks why the ate* of this city sheaf& hot
close at 7 o'clock in the ivening. We answer
f no
Wii/r N4Y tt g
f f o s l l l i in '4 e OfFiWz ail q::9 l o' i n ,t # )
evening, iaa inist f akr notion, one, of the bar
bark views of business_which has. followed the
cupidity of those; ho. desire sto nialc&ldtbanis
Mit of the-"blecdatuvr-fAigir , -of 'Rink NMI'.
C.Ffitcballa4g,s l 44."l.9ligawittl* 411.9. r - should
brumniiie,,teatranseet 440,7a# ibud n e w o rt , afire-'
NW Aka: r ' rem sla in Efts' motnip uh
nY I 4 , V.4 d 44 1 4:04490* 4 1. 14. :
iww4a.ogetes.theipuidlo , ,Akke .leeks opshtitelsi
salesman would' Toritibruilityn to i
14'aitifliWtoeiseirerilitipit t s-Pto ll 4oo uel
pert iniads, or dc f kiOt•tbelliebies (61heir ami
lies. As the tiinelinow:regiiliterlilt is oat of bed:
o 4:tub:Miter thoda, and-froth the corrillint
- there is no tirne" glyin!
PistialA.l47 recreation,. ieett,,Qr PIeMNIPF: , ,4I.),II
Wane*: and ,, sleev. Oft gonnamideotinoirml
the time consumed in basinces, is • loikiiAti t e,
amount of bmiiiiess trimeapte4le,ott
largix.; Led/ tiMe, with the , salesman or cl rk,
fresh abeitilielbes from the knostiedirthatt
he lierdot4o4.4l qxsifinerYilli *Alice h3lirall
al efr
ent„..ll,4 l eA en lx 1 iitn
V. ;.4il • it
F.I9I4:4OI 2 .Nur , SoPTIPMII,VeNtftiIz4.9OMIARP.
ihouidnitaite Jai:enduring:7 ItinvOlvesimuch
eloonoiii ibtikatsl 4 Pkitwitlrtitit'fir
nal l o:'!leidsi# T i lle discussion,. AU 4;e 4 th j ekgi
fore leavetifilliiiikitXbett4s,.'imitlethe mer-'
4.04r.1EaW tioNi 'oea iard
; kw -
A Moiorisititknetki urioltßEADT's Horst.
—We were inloviiir H .te -examine a monster
iminspareaeyethis iinorning,l beabie-aditlig
finished ita:a fortion Oi v ilifi:-debßn l ttliiiiit to ,be
iced on pißdy:iiiiik;*liiletfto,r444,_
of xecntifini,tialk,th
ten upubk‘4nithciiiifoii
boAlidggid, thathotel r and_ we have no doubt.
that 4441 tfie,POßdilal
slo%,i,W'elronfeerif r- Procesis w onqa the oCiiitYn
of thorn ')C4:lltiou. r !: .
The;deeignuif the Etranspareneylet , 'of : an
allegorical figure nt iliOodilkid:tibertyFOf
(*basal eine Zt3 i luck'
fine, and , itsillgmination must give a splendid
effect to the marvelous skill with which the
artist has succeedEd
Immediately above thellmi,ln;gotolF:aptee
the insollptkni: - : , ' 4
WE litpl4,o"lpir 13041'DFENDFINI OF
CM* end in. oc i it z til
• unteers o ? I t I
and on the other is inscribed,thanamesrof sortie
of the most •piominentaidiOant of those
whiiitave fallen in this
The .artist Mr O =J. Jester,"‘ haii!rbiked
reputation 'oh thlit 'weitti;" arid 'iliherigh' 44s
Same whit wit of his lhig,.he . litts
prodwing, a transparency which we are-nertain
does him credit. When it is 'placedin position
and illuminated, it will only Ile , seen to stlystr
--From what we can'lofrn, our , other h otel
inset be up and doing in the r 4 of
estabilanenig•lfor the
tici t n' aL# Ap4r4a. `r our
friog r Atl4,34.ll* l ;lll l iPtie-tbeiwitll by the lltril!
liancy of his hotel.
"AT ODDS," Is the tit eVIAn ti •-!-: ,1 . •
eating and beautifully written novel by the
Baroness TautpLosus, and for sale at Berguer's
Cheap Bookstore. The story involves many
pleasing incidents, and teaches a moral which
the best of men can learn with profit.
THE MOUNT VERNON Hook and Ladder Cotn
ry, at a,meeting held last evening, accepted
the invitation to participate in the reception
ceremonies of the 127th regiment. The mem•
bere will meet,at the trupXroom, at the ringing
of the bells announcing the arrival of the regi
cloyi or Tirp Syaprors at Garrtp,-Curtin, desires
us to call the attention of the ladies of Harris
burg to the fact that the hospitals at that camp .
are entliefii destitute of bandages. This is all
that is necessary, Mr. Surgeon. The ladies of
Harrisburg will see that - you are supplied with
*-C l . 3 B ar Y tlll344PPtYef9lO4Bl/?.14019. ,t9Oftp,,
A 4ova i mmixjft on fopt i kitddletown to
make' Mranghil'erits• to'pariicietit ill - the l granct
reception of the Dauphin County Regiment in'
this - 'neiglitiPieir;i l 4elobine to
place inAlie.'pfdoessioncliiid all they hive 'to
do is.to - Attiorm thellatshaltef
Polvi* , of tthltir- f . 4e l o o3 ,xluld tiff )whjabe:
assigned a position.
' ' CA Azi 4 kiiiusitsiie - militilifilmaiii•
Our War-worn War-worn Veterem-gepOw+49.l4lo. Y *Per'.
awns of the , fleffeAoteel ~.,,, 44" ocher Defend
ed by at
. _.Heroes who lough( under " iis.ryet —Needing'
of theithd : '*:' .. ..aiiii nediately after the:
tittofiearaiite6Pttilil'atriot and Union, yesterday;
containing the fonlAkg4r.loa Jiintli• ) 1 ;.1.99.1.wi,
and after it badmatell &Fp • 9 . 1, , iti11,, an im;
mecse excitement was.at once created, Itid it
was odi f liAit%4Bflibi l iiidefi l i)ethe officers
tlatilEhittnettivffifio riAtriiiiikialfrom marching
.tettheAity.anli vhdtinglirengeance on the tra 7
ducenkof their ; rAyekeija sielliffiooker. This
morning, after that sheet had again appeared,
4:41 1 -MkrVi r ell.04.41Y1 1 1 0 :Milli ONO 1 4104
assaults, the indignation of the brave fellows
-Wei intneittoiscinuptittditlieriksolVeditttlitite
to call a meeting,Alotkieli4,ooxpreatukheir
contempt for those guilty,
~ first, of falsehood
and afterwards of - cd4iiillePit * is'et• r i 0 re
sentment which theli f fifiticAtalosegilitta
valctrhak.lstqltrithinAtheaheaOtiotkthe brave
men Avlickltve46Fetu o randoto. this city from
,bloody ftelds oprirginia.
Corporal'' rpelanlatsit ' f, Co: a, of the 128 d, called
the meeting to order, tikrtiOitiiiiiitihrlitint.
Bartley e r thob A tkiffil V 7 ki . l:4lil. TjA . 1 , ;1
Prinilte. ) .Alf3xsti er,,,,lbtrtpster, of Co : G, was
eppiiiiitia secrete": '.-Ileisid before the meeting,
tlrtilgiittiatitiday's and Tuesday's Patriot
and Union. In the edition of . _ Saturday Gen.
Hookechracharged nvitlivbeirktflaAraggart, a,
inesteron li 494 3 `fix#F13;;:1Fth 40 1 04 Pt l'nek:
day last he is placed in tellght. iFif 'la dmkarcl
....- -
in whom the army has no confidence." ..
After ividilatdlfeliiewirig*SifireTand rest.
19T!'ilveZ43.4a41.).ffi.. 3t P. i ( l i. i l # 4l e 149 lla k.
isticalif adolited:
WitsnittediKafiVidi; '.ti
i-taPpeared in
the .oottintriatofattel.4.`,oopperhead organ," the
Patilot and Tho.ion,. an assertion purporping,„"to
havo'belkiie kiln' beftiil ' iiabliP'eiiiitteB; - that
:Hooker on thet , , u rinday of tlie k batAk was
I betistiY‘ditiiiti, ' tic"; ' Anet : 'iohereasi - We,' the
members of the 123 d Penna. Vol. hwingbeen E in a
: 2 ';'.olsttioirtist behllditii; 6,6iidii"CarelcawSiiiittan
-1 d r er!op tiotolay,.mitich i w ; illimphroninleitkinithe
calendar of our country e history-of the present
11.V.ailiare — atiaildliohlthONNild biiiiielhitiao
teristic of y greak,-. ones, na4 4 . :3 votoi will be
proudly reltienthiffithiy every , gaffer of the
atmrnaptigrayltrpie Ainerloang.. struiltketarore
Rppp_etent sTignis Jbe....tuattti F AwkcitM
triithtlestMilini Nal birtaftill794 iVortinly
•rweirafhforAite *emoify: : zink - whissio* Witstea
sire to express the trutkfor the informati.. „O
. dirt i femiiieliCibtriii tiegedierwe'llo . slit
the followiog resolutions, hoping MAT.) fat*
have their desired effect of setting forth the
1 raatter,in„ its . trualight....:... ..:t..1-Nro• k ra .
/44.14 , fiabatAPairei - (ivuiv , .pasist and
.Union i ls.an unqualified falsehpcid, and a reproach
itAioil aiiiikfffil . taGfeWoWtellaelt Geeral,
'. a
e cquitinhinaiiiaatiirafifftXolo4l4llBoo4lWitisit,
to ne-p ,aof..sedpi f V iadic lß 1111119. by
1? te w AO'
. 116 M
tit% iiiiVeittakiiitt mid Z iAblib' inle'l
M i ggis - tiirffilki thl4694ffilliglakl43 lo a l /1400 of
Second. That the propagators/ 1 0 1 4W kfitit
falseftoods are fraitora"ten fold more the sons
fittftittiT ,
bled an should beAreated with' more condigneki
citizens, AVAltatt
and the are as and .thp (vitt' is not
n th em . ',17t.1r4 ItGal
Thirds That as soldiers an country ,lo ,ving
wheitwie , 46nghtlitkqhMleV. o -ffkihker
ptom t' biler eo it k l itto PeaitTcl442Len*ltilejeskx
verientanandtobiestutkeinserain hid)fitatzpieid
pus unbouncle4mffifkiieuee
briPgdiiia'corliilifinda JO the country and An
our leaders and thoreby injure the interestsX
our country.
, \Analk , ThatfifilighWASl *WA
0 2 ,
be eiriiiiii.ttif 4' any editor , more t an means
tviillitongid 0'4'64 sitlkeegib , viviereN
not allow our stkabi_Melitil&S'llitellke
are suffering all the privationsincid ent he
soldier'sdiftd r teArt4 n..iazt i lattrear by a
set of DiffirlyW an. dllterabrecowards
at borne, who have
gl ' pot
th courage li k yo
nietadrtt "'' tc' Marx . • ''-; , "
t:Flifk. 'API uweiaPPOutAcutalmitcuntloyalrciAn
seas of the capital of the glorious old Keystone„
not bilk)* the publication of ttili'litictiutiAT
seeable documents ; ^andihatalthough we have
lest the field we arias :lebliffers, able and will
ing_to fight traitors if they lip show than3e
nacierOdt of_AkabilieVds. 0 _ I: '1.4 'l r ..
, Resolved, Tbat proc9edingsb, pub l
fikihe tifiltitmC itlipif ' . ` iindliii!tb Ftl . Z
N f t
° M, ll4 ll ffi f ° l r . *fit (' -:C li grtliu,: , : 'G I T
-1 Y ( 1- 41fit:*045 1 .9449.4A1NR,AK44 4 i l iv
sorib ' ed.fut being ma*: tbettooskbittimie :hatred
for ev erything atia`liieilliesily f‘4oil4 c4etithili
ally , d§fgtedp*Wpi t tto country.
men were full ofresentful-feeling towards,the
editors of the PAtrifilin; d 7 gaisrataild only want
ed a signal to teach tile bild wdtretth i g ,
.• . • ) , 1,, , ifs A , g.
galla4 le i ttdtri, Jo e cool , a leas ttp ,
_ 4 13
terrible anditwful. - ---------
-. 6_. . . le ,31.31.•,, , .4.4 . 1.5)L gl.i . initin I
' PoND FRlPRlMik.+AbittiPtiMtkrigmtvpdtt
presumet, bliiiiiiii thatiAti)Wode of getting oil
ontsifTtiferheMs*iiifiliiitaf tionkfresbets
~,entillig several dams febeßididiattislfiglitiqe
in 4httiii,,kbir`l!'ne i i#lo7fitiffeit; uttoritNehiat
boo*** from 0 - Opts on the omit ;
from -two-to -teminibis r as-the-wells may be-10,
cated, to whegoliqatiCiiiilfiltOrthe Alieglipli
it'birditil 'so.olldiAlnol.tvgk 4
11 d
:,, :a .g 1.3
limn Titnesved moot *elks i ..w
161 "`Pti,t 4 ... _ ,LA n it i teAget i n
0cc.... tWqmtv : i' re v i m f iliSr
had come off with little or no kw ; but, through
egement, the (+ll. of la,t v:rk was a
In:AA gaf4ttunate ono. Amin g a co-d of
anxious lookers-on—many of whom were di
rectly interested—we took our stand on the
bridge at the mouth of the creek at flee o'clock,
and the swelling water ere long notified us
1 1 that the freshet was coming, and soon after a
oumber of craft hove in sight, followed by the
barrels floating loose. Then came the wrecks
of several boats, and the water covered thick
with oil; gave but too sure token that there had
been a smash up somewhere above. The bears
continued to round the turn some distance
above rhe.btidge,and came sweeping down, many
'in good order, but, others knocked In the head
od on the sides, until they had disgorged their
hbritents,4446l 7 of barrelsorof Oil in bu Ik;that
tlietoati withOtit barreling,' the lat
ter being emptied into the cMik, covered.;the
water tbioliratiffi''thi greasritluld. ign were
told - thitiWathinbii :was butted' as follows: *A
largelballebosS Was fastened to - the &Ore at the
I'ati psi m; to width, bill "a
- dozen sandier ones
tar dietiance tibove; soon
#ftdi rising, another bilge
one" fitilke'lcalsg#:f 2 '.inuning: . .figainst the - One
referred' to,; hrgiq' fistknings which;.With
thEreeititticifed; wtt(itif! adrift befik e
erhadinictedtfie greyer height fcii starting
them. The result was, that some 'el them
afrindeditf thefriOini fanik,'otberitknpt on to
theinejiist below the et 'OtAtit4..bridge ' - and
the mastern side of the chartuet tirtfiiiiant was
tofoitatly'blocked, shine` twelve to' fteen
boats being piled one upon anotbell"thiatailiat
tituie*cl, had' tficro j atd / to - tbe .j .itit *de - of `the
pierbut got along, pretty' safelyitotit - tbay
bitt i? neltaP a riftturi?,'''a RICO Mile
iron i",the in7citithjihnientaither tauttook,:plAcg
andsk+4l.'bbatirwite stove in and theirtaa
tengq6ll?-nt'4'itiqiiruilited; that tbere was
AOMe_ls.ooo_bartela. goe /Mt' ititfisty,lanti6:ooo
lappet. snot) adyanoed hiaprapa,"
- 11 gt Oil aft at 42` erV barrel`
in lii7stitilrgilthlgosit is- a 'ruinous otre,Ahen
boats and airatilagina Into the account.
[Written for Ilse TekgrelPh4
The Copperheads' lkarubrao.
Jet. 1 .... , 5,1. , •• -• ii
•i 1 • - 1 t $ ~.- .40-r:Au qc, 17.-1. -,
Nillizaligfi9pticiatestie t lnewure 1 ss am
IV int tili4Bliffil gOldieriiitn ( ii - * - 'lin t
istiVitisii i OMlfikiiiid.reiributldu w that I
If youtAtfreittMpstitithliktkial7.ol
Wackyouqcountry has made in the time of
Whor neegli,7 . . , ~,,.,„)„; i 4 •7, ,::
p; freelvai every pore sixoldotip,bleed. •
Nes,; ; ,pow sivtunt hes, hundreds of thousands of
1- -sods,. . - -;-,.. ,i ..
s,--:.,,• 5:'...1
ArtAgtiting,,for home,and lite dear, cherished
Wipes; i . :02: .. .. ;.,1- , ..".,L. , •:.:7...!k: -,,:
WiNiltntn kindred and home. hatiiievided the
',;;lttn. t:;4; "j .. ... . u!..1....1,,,. .
Audio/ all tiuiltold dearpideolutreeitfarifice ;
In nhe•great-ttillso .of Libetrithey'irelfoughtl
died and bled 'OaigiliCyVillitirlArtodd l iiiiikifie‘iislia;
Of their forttmen and honor and lives they did
-.N.biake, 40 .4i . , -;: , :_tris,A , ,t,.Y.
Aktei6ffering'4oi their coftniketh*llberty's
Adittlieir dsliiihis , are engraved. cihthitit;istaft 'of
nertnowri: Di ~---, • , . ,•,, .c_wist!-.-, ,, ge.;bi '
ThrilAddedikeirieedoul fdlgtikilft*Aie iicro4l4
AO while ili of wreathed Vied- luideilltiViri
°Winds ciflaine,. -• : .- - •"" , •-'' , . , L -=',, •
Yeti. Unger '84,4 - some,. and rejbleieltilijutidnikni4 -
lodilgingcOur diste,4ptiftachirali%id,
Jwi'll-cdp...-i .L!, , ,--•• 11.,, , -,: :;:11? ,- • i ,.; : t4t , '4,
•CoposVheildel-ic4per heads I beware how you
v.. A i rew rt. ; ~.i , •:?;.-; ;.: v p-n... Arl - 5-1.1 4 ~..
Forq - retribution willbecome e sol' i lg44
TO gad of at home, spouting
.1.401,F40 ititivic?Mith 794X:11,990Pi11i IVA
aword - ; - -
i 4
And willingly aid to i ern& Lib e r ty ' s foes
Azul brkigita.ntfUerminustl your manlike 'I
(-aid ..stkunk,Nr, i veadu'l i 4; elli deed 4fo itt ;L.: i"-iold
And tight for the oldAkilskitufloes saidildvore''
And: bdtmthey,'reti tzkultpthwatrlmake maim a
• „a4alts4),W-.
~, s:..!# l.6baa b as -40 . a,c,
In ,Atlxippini.?the,, , Rehtuito,thil PowahroltlYbtin
..cl:,;,Wght;;; •';Z:411,? ; ?$ ''.: ;, - ,..i. -2-g; at i'f4)v. at 'Li
/54lkeyrukeeklY suMaimbetadjiktioellinderlghtll
gbotOrtilt notlthei btal otonrefMmiofai-tho ietTtfi
4Ar Noth i meimiligilaricehedhibilerolgooNa , :.
• to regret, .4 , , , 1,-171(1 ~..,...Iz.:,W
That Tyrann 'alnithcmktit o is&tiapit tf y i lle
Obitli66t4 .enbmitted- toIW4OW ' i'. 11.4
Obliperhiihda 1 -coppetillffifitai)Nl4 ' frW
ir p
AnewrafteioltMfideoPlint iiiitqu''
21 . -logars alnqhrballiff. noewlad aim tISS :3 f:
ifirgen filibilwis~ l 46llfia *- Y.' 'w 2 . 6
......t s
046 , 1 - - -
Aiitiskithiltitithiiik of lothilww= •
going. .v taw
twatimetnutittilliohil reletWitl I ' l4
' hhmultit like:arm ed"'
ebitictaartitanrotOntra Of EtbialidtielitlBgbdir
lAnd od them may the lex to the lei ' ':'•
1 leidoillkiMa itigl. ..a.. 1, „IL ~,arOenolob. .
ifor thwarting of Governmelifittkiitty.4
I plan • - -al - iia on'tt ,
ha leelerVeiali Taal; didebtratiiireiPtg man
[ oe which our brave annearamiloblirdid frame,
' hen entift o l l 4 l o l dkionifdteffin'y came.
The opportunity offmcdrormafaindbain the'.
• graephd'A'N. „N i t Won rre4)- a
Which had longby thetfof -- a ryrant beept
ohlapaCitfriu .TKok , nr , 'MU f.tal-w•
Therproclatnind - to the world "ail men free
tAnglniiolgognr, - wEl=ll,
-Of whatso'er color, be they brown, - black or
white, . ---- L .
lib life, liberty and happiness ' bad the same
.-. . -.., 1. 'warts •`• l i tulitp
I to ' 1 " h r .' • - '
/.., h ~F*s:, i e l ~' " b
tAnd erected'a beacon,Wirknational light,
High inStat filnial filitlififo
Nuts* lifikitlirtring Ins woild lie spread
rt., ' "i ar t rtjtif I* ~, t • i
I l e TI
e .c , , as its 0 e breeses do, ways ,
c ' ee e e' l ble,44ll o sl ttbl4(aft - Anititte brave,
nd invitft the oppressed of all nations to
8 .._.. Tiff .„.
l'Wh. . .cittetif \
siry, +llfo ...
. ,
Oh, coppeibeada! copperheads! are you so
l vv debased ? . .
ill the "begneathedinstitutions" by you be
tl a t a t a til th
il t e t P
a g re ii t4 rot
I 50u1d,44
iTo their bltird n y s o i
ear '
Lay up in your heart and you'll not need to
' .1)
, I .d,,,,Viiistu, %It and . , vap,l „. 1 . 4 . 1
tr i bi lmil
it t i nt w a• '.. StlYra
c-5 .. ''' .d 6 , one and inse e it
„, •,„ ,
The ills of secession are ever irreparable. - '
t ;•' , ' ' 70 4,6 4 . iliONEOhiliViaTa
i `
..on .hing • •
That you should ret trd, iteis most astonishing
If stilt such should fail with Conviction's keeu
dart l-.; t-t•-,,,,, 3.tt .. .0..-' =e l, l
To reach through secesh symjAtbkqgln‘o your
i hetimo. k iarKitzMili , a.I.VIL "a. 7
T would fain you would.
,conte. to the g,ffy
-1 alutiliinedielldpv!:seti 1,1 ~osalav liner..
Where the suMrofktitaiiiititifiett '. ..'• • :UMW
ThelitinoetteAlnagSlee3 '„^: and the
'gnu, ' • 1 0,.. A 41r ..unit. .roirtsitglal
Artd_the_blood...of-the r pakiotrin,ely a .., i .„,,
Unitp kilos r
ruie,AM3llfilha tlie ittilk ‘ I •I'LL
Whepittbixo Buttellidtft tkliAarleil wel
t At F i t, you will, view 6111
Why:sq victory did to smile on our efforts not
Behold wounded and dying, yont neighbor and
When or whom no loved ones there are to at-
If at such scenes your heart don't recoil,
As di; as you behold on the gory-stained soil,
Oh, copperhead) your heart must be callous
If on such scenes you your treason can feed.
When tbty it to loyalty should melt quick and
fast, .
And at traitors' Emccess you should stand all
Oh, copperheads! copperheads! you'll draw
nbYer worse,
And your 'hearts shall be pierced with the pangs
of remorse.
And if such able warnings don't, your heart
Melt, •
I hope round your -necks strong hemp may be
Thatyon' on a gallows - high as Hunan shall
„d og.
Till the valleys:of old• f!entisylvania gal ring .
Wiih the shouts of your fiequielicedhe toted
,Aridrifortli:to the friyin the power , of your
a;.= vv
-Map42 l BBB.
SAIMAR's (31 754 1 1 1 612 : 21 iird 'arnlet Mew
ktt:--I:ll•SOO,Triati,to;'pluits pletnuOt_ c eiTelng
shot& visit thn , shoe :plac&of amnaement.
Miss Mary Fielding, the . Maness knows how
biAteifoi thn inbilefaite;'
tA;_bneiness.egait.iusX mangier, /Mop the au
dience in a roar. Ge one land Alien& see fan.
Ordat N4A“s•
nitediStatea Pension Etounty Aries=
SlT . W, ru ind .011111i18,ta.: 81OZIRattu
oat-arid ct'lle?'folM;lEro4 l l2 .Bl "iiiiiiii •
affiee Third i, Hariletutg, Pao i (92k/7
Ann Jo* Owls B,tromt.—Mp.
O. 'Mathews Itifinini her fileit4arni ;Odic
gcnerpllythat she is," c ijdren Mrs. pa '-.old
OiiviAgkiVaratsiiiriets between. Second (8 4 13 4
alid'lltyciAlcir w atulAtted up thessmit o.,the
heitltyle, when she is prepired to furnish
par the l olAlatit
_cakes and bread at
Melee CieFix4lo.94-milf - idwaytt c: !m open
and supplied with the beet article of cream and
M e t?! = 1 l 4:lt - t - - , : --mrlN4e
Goon Naws.—While General Hobker is fur
nishing ammunition and much diwpmfort to the
rebel,s, yep antit
_he,nor dry ends house: of C.
...41)otini,its.Ww:titalejge ..4utOrtht." f- dry
goodstfet the Itatitit;of. his ionitdiners:' 4s- an
admirer-o€ the r bealtgui le we , iitilehteo yes
terdal litiPoOkibg °veil &Oboe]] uTfl I:. oode
for ladies anAgentlemeo t .thsl, are al tl% .b e
had very cheap ti4eolitlieset corner LI F tit
and Market streets; - 'Lt
A Cminiuniiailon.
Although our confidence in mankind may
have bee,,n abuged,ki.this ~.n*ushtynrorld of
ours, it- if iiinobrmt.fi,l‘fildbMal, 'bluest rec
titodo.labning, ou and striving
,An ,better tie
fkkidttiOn'cif:oudellow creatures.
idectioir our attention has been called' to ..the
merits of Mrs. Weethoven's German Nr s egtiiiibie
iteMfflinet;,---Rea the 'snebelik ,tl(ose
ildintifactureil by ouiTaiviably kooir/ebifiroti;
Mrs. L. Ball, No. 27 South Pius Itl6-
Met; Petnis" yfraciaL: - 3ALVTevr ofithebevalMiblit
otediblnitoihichii na. be procured; fro& Myst
it our duty to Hay thbrnsuchliedthe'lgraefit-of
the afflicted:
WE have laken,initik'Wit'' the lift of Aprilthe
Wank bt' goodi'liBOkh!tilif-Mr. Boger, to 'our
oetegtol l el whdreT We, Will continue to sell the
ItaitaciirAelft lOvivitake, natli the whole
are sold. Aiiinitr ifioglOodilikre "."
I,ooo_yerdwininitaiitar delithie and calico, 16,
P2lVcents: • • - k'V•
• . ,500 yards and other dress
4:60d4 t 16,- 18• and
t 200 yards of bis'regiiiindltiiini; 20 and 26 cents.
1.000 yards' of linen" 6444 16, 18 and 20
100 yardtiiii i iir t intniuut giat cloth fOr 'Ane
•P t i t , 4 ',;:riAi':•:o .
1.000 yards r oirlinek iiityun-ancl•wool pants
- .1. .41, A 2 aa. , .....
tuft, cheap; whit e`
. o° ,4 4 7: n i t . / ••_::..AY -40.1 , '
s AritP BlB 2.00: iet:ll - get of /Smiths'
..-' . libi) . idgeldnge„gloyep.,
' • J . Asldliiiidtinlai,flthif Attic all - kftilislif
, Vt - thseadi :tapit;socks, eidAer by
, - • .is-brAgd .. 7 7 10914 - fif idio on band yet
bout 10 pielottlitE:l7,:sqlich we will sell
i t • L f g e irc ) .74 l‘ w r ttl I'clesp -
pi Of*egiffliAlqiirinciwsnrlidns,
, • - •).••.t..1 1 .17 - :` --- ,;,.., .
.-t ,
1403 Stu ith JO
. . . .
lEnrlttittiP-Vii - ‘ earl — ironed • stga list . I thei
A i
Ar, i lir c ill ., ° ! e ow artoffiecrii36ed of
for LY es E le - . f°r Th niak e only
ENU.llWzapal , TENTE L D f 11813 that made
1 MiThi§ . Val% SALT .. 4 r rouiLAß-.
:. 0 amp* . ciii,,,otr tomier_wart , for it
i xttat
tYlt i ' ' 'llgii. liet V it - a Veilibeirooo)/sid
IT.IITPHINOIrLED' Pia PM to eridea t iror to
MITATE it, is yAlat4ert r t yip: Compeers
PlitB ref dteseN EPURIOUS L 4 ,' '- tae hereby=
O 1 lED:that_the COM fillY4Te employed„
tholi-AITOitNEYS," " ". ..• ,
IiKORGWICOIDING. Aill-, of Phiiig-.. al4,
WillititiftEPPO_LarN IfiGptrinatirg, -
Anil list iiIIAcANUYAOT pIi3,IISWOR„
tiELLEIO Cif *a, fn. sieleigiko,f theWibli .o ,
the_cJrapany, will be ,Pllo:3lteurrxeid, a* '
tile. 4/Ik-oingyx .,, t* ;ViAionlyfe*TO
i c TO, 4lNErvpiie by : aft Diodictiglanui r ow
minx Smog..
. 4,..1 c:: ~, ',,, '4: f I
nitahnno aria& Oriritic:Verifeirr
!strict of PenasylvantoAliii j` of. May Teem;
• riftervOlie eatttoY vasoralmsytivkstA
, 6 atURUKAOIIIII.III4 43041:11/4Y , .vs-
.1308. a CHASE, decreed tdila Cirthtiku3r, on
otalbeilig 10012..Atte 3 l itittLUSlArg right
ni.uu by listor&oirooed lby there for the
= • • 11111,r7retteriOdefddifictribed2 1 ,4866.
I ,, ,tireitorisittrusettoriraoiliderlY . " 11,1
I 541-0•11:11.1 . eVi r e t l l7 .oltn
itita-filWabrU t SO D OPPlialZdeliilai",
•„.1 4
.t#Cei nil,l -ifuOirfir
it or
tio m ra . NAV 4BB , Ar.
WO Ow. Front and Market strerit I.
Nno 22wertisentents.
Steam Weekly to Liverpool.
-1 Dos) The well known Steamers of the
Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steam
ship Company, are Intel::led to sail as tales's.:
Etna, taturday, May 16 ; City of Washing
ton, Saturday, May 23 ; City of New York,
Saturday, May 30.
mar mane, $BO 00 arzartaaa, $32 60
do to London, 85 OU do toLondc ‘ sa, 35 60
do to Paris,- 96 Otr do to Paris, 40 60
do to Hamburg, 90 00 do ro ilambarg; - 37 60
Passengers also korwandel to Harve, &emelt,
Rotterdam, Antwerp,
.8144 at equally IoW
Fares from Livermil or Queenstown
Cabin $75, $B5, $lO5. Stoppage from Liver
pool, $ 4O - From Rnsenestidwn VW These
who wish to send for their friends can buy tick
. .
eta at them rates.
. Mm ~ ,
For further information apply at the pa
ny. Offices. .
- JOtibl. O. 141,E, Agent,
.16 Broadway, N.: Y.
Valtui* 'Furnace Property for Bale
or to Bent.
tuidereigced rviU , sell of rent, qbeater
- Furnace, Ablate in Cromwell townabip.
Huntingdon torinti x . ./%; Web fe t weil mid
aribbtantialiy, built Wan is..a*.Aon Bank
lErfinrs ha tolerable repeir ; there le ran Main
dance of good waad`that can be parchased at
from 15 to 2bcenot per cord, (wood leayeA. with.-
l'ii.twa . inflee of the stack, and abundance of
geSd ore can be got-from oaa to two .ind a half
a t a reasonable iniioe- furnace ,
attnie ten luriea, from bit. ratan 'station., 2. ,11.
with a good public road leading to it. For
further * par ticulany address ,
Spruce , o,,Jitinlingdon county, .Pa.
1 /4 1 71. 11 m
• ....
853 R13,131A_ [MILLS. 355
and 85 4 17 ,2 1 4 3111 n t O r aeti N OW
xprk• City.
tin foil pound '': uipen s 4lB In a
:box;lailit in bulk: Our Orbits_
74680 amts.,. -We put Up -the higniviiii;
JAV4litatiomao, /110,41 , 1 D VARibus
OTHEBT ihferips corn*.
--We batitur e °tie Coffeits2 be better .than, any
ground Coffee now in nee. - `4li , lublets -addres
sed to as or to our agents, PLace &
Toone, 382 Chambers Street, corner WaShing
ton Street; -New York City, will receive-probiTt
' The retail trade supplied by first shun ;Airing
houses hi the various cities .:u
WBEV:T. TADS. otitl3; PLAIfiL
It B.—Trade Price 'TM furnished' tisk isp. ,
pikation deb-143-Atirti4dini2B_
AIMS 1.1 f•
20,000 - r-7 04,:iie
llowtot w fb63ost Te
(*vac'. thmottee, akhrated. • .
New JYILSZY, alike&
Eveni Inn'Swirfc,
litcatanas animist%
p ot Hohvbssvan44
Tao" Cirt, ainikesia
LION CITY, not canvassed.
hisairlfsmr. strustylAes'a:
cidIiTTAY 44 1,111 4-11M61161.1r. ; 1 0-.1
14011.0 vm avid lt.sti bes•gnitranteednni %isms ,
, D14 1 .4{-4 - Jr , . 00, 3 * •
1•144170ird' 3
VVlCbaiacC" j*Kt a verl atkpurbat *dentin&
QUORS, af every:,. Hof. . •
BfLiblPpAufgLizaka oicest brands and vin
tages. •
WlNiiirli,of vary variety and of the fluent
Quality. -
• ter. -
atIAMP4if7iN4, .B(3oTeik.
Andtttpeado-i iuNi iewapleadilaaotOW
anstwa knewatanfrapair_f
".e, .llul4
• „t- , • . tlir , TP4tlo 4 l ol / 1 ,
!Eit U V 8 FOB' B A LSa
14 &sutii ircifelt* "'Wad '
= , • 4 14; " a
I t ot
, t i*peea-Aofou,qipi(;piiiitki,
eil g
, ci1i 1 91119f14,"?".e. 8 144 e
- be Witof'bo
!I9Pekler to , 13 4 1 44ittilk#AR
H.-411,9 dig :
71 4 149C* 4 1:17, 1 44 1 PPIPIO.II
P'r; , Wl:tam
iHP--F4 ir V I M' : WV . "CAR / Pe -
' ' ' ' ; :ALAS , ji .
rfolikidu.A, . ! , Attstacighiset, West Harris
1 11 , 6 .0, 1 5/RoPirelLVi. fagpfrii. Horses, Carta
"Mt , 4 0 ,9sto•Pokooks wotittre: kkattitoiil_sleata.
DigglPS•llt Penitni , dteMPosall .ottouksin-to—
• ,74, 1 4 111 43,0fA7AkiorilItitA:IIMPIIY• Streatied
IQ, Arktir(ifi Om tor the aoostwawdattixt ef
iNi' ' ' wig Alkhinfilla ebtAmmouts Prin.4-.,
Iglll cOorktwescfslariLisitlibkrestageti4 . - .
Magt 8141.4, I . a ;.;, alaW ALCORN..c.I
tt.r 4 ! Atlaitikbeif i g " 1 jli
NB. _ _
works vm-grt.ll, and you have
AOtA r rtil l iattye i Nagltilif 26 r6erontetle.
66 014 in Pchtat Onitentl. Tht
ftOiIOSCCOPIC "28 MN. The ‘• , -
WARD11101108COPE,"118 = .
1 4 the
.three Undo for sl. dll free
Addrerif't e
ner23-etePoi6Ol- - ll3x. 330 Boston,
OIL PR', AIX. ' r 31..7, -7 a....a. 'T i' '
Thi. Ce lebrated Oil with se-tarsi
4 aler* ---c7 O l- an4 in iantl ixpleg, ,
. :jeceii/Wandkferi 141,t7. ,'
aP I4 '. '.' 1 ' Witk WE. itVoll CO.
#III4WENTI - mow: nos" "Mat
maw.% ccibiniggißit COprititv..-
-, Bolipttpa4sirtnteiwdiscwse of gratOrinds,
!ho win sell Show attpor; in isuoisbOillatVpur-
I Aceiet j ort.tiusse bonds islalit per telii.;
sincyyrill r:;41 r:.
; . .or i 'hu A . 'la ,1:3:,c
TF yin oiot)t,YSKP Sk o vpeiiiy l.ghttenilias
IPi to Kunkel's:an . _ ersihne'ettliat'hunGas
Soap, which constituted , . tiou td the cage
Of toe etamer INTribissifitA'whiofi'iras captitr
td some qtrie Ott", by uer ,f,iO4whiie ittiositit4
,g c .. 1 9 7 1*, blacl494k±. Qatuogy-x-
UR.. , algjilE; i ;
i:aPi&g , : i .;:: Pg•kaikett4WW4tfigarg• ~ .„.1
l b
N l.,., o Vg 4t *Or VP.4 SHP% R te:gr
! •artin, 111110 H-w 1-be-a candidate for - thor
ellicetorSiWinit %it:4444i `eiCciatifit4ed
Y3O iCltd the irotettdf4ir-tfolow men: Litp2l.4at
o( . .
littAN”.ll2l , AND LEMONS.- - ilairgi
I„„A . .rileaktilleerliirgest and' bt of _ I
spiwoistgas direrea tide 116 . 14AP1 thisl , figkri. .
Xlall and examine ; at z."I ir rll , -1 - - ; ~.= - - 1r...1 -
- A V !NitlitaillilltOW MAN )
'' '''' ( t l r FSW.liitilliirlrer streets%) '
liAgtriM itit c 44o4o*" . 7 .l4VH
1 6 .
sale Ch
low, liokfA bi, tilesi lllol4o1 n* tissuiigh
OA •
.- apl4 . Cor. Front and Market Streets.