Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, May 13, 1863, Image 1
lit I . ',-.'" .4'..-..r. , - T.14 . :.! . . - .' .------ -..., IA - • cr.„ .... . -;-' ? ": n ''..; ''‘ . 7 -' ' .--'. - ' "4 .7 1 .._ , . 1111,4„ ' 2_ ' ''''. --. .., , , tat AP , ',..,, .::-.,, CI N . = - , - --, - - - -s r _--e —,...... - , ..5., ',... -,... %...,.,.. ..: ...J., . 4 . . . ... 411:!,...1.44-4.;...!..011''f.' 1 : 4 1 ::::-.1t' ....:-....- V 1 `... ..'k4 s ' , .. .. ,', '''...- '..., "---.. - 4 ' I:' . .-k -....-- - . ....- --, - . .. -- ., - , -1-1 , --- .... ". .......... ~,...,....,,,, • ~.-‘,...„,.:.y,„ o'4"k : * .4.••• ' . f i . f . --.:-.., -... •' • i ,t hk -- --, .• ~..,- - .:.-•' ~ .... , . ....,, ~... ••,, .... ......,i - ' ..,.., - , '•-• t ( :-.....,„ ,„......,,. _ , _ -. - . „ 1 , , ~ . .-.. .., .:*..-.- ' t 4 -4 t ~,,,, A ~.-.,..--.- _. .....„ ~ 4. , ..„. .. ... , cr.,... . ~,...: •., . ...„..,..., ~ 4 - .." (r . ,-.-- 4. - - j f - It: ~ s , , -e. t• ts. 4 —. -. cs .. ‘ '• ' ''' .:=: ',„..,.....-''..--.---- --- 4--- , . ~...-S, :-: ,-.3. - ' , -.- . ..,,,-...:. - „.t,"'- ,- , ~,. , ,- , z , ...... ...-.,- - • -"" ' ' ''',4 " 4 5'' . . 'l'‘''''. - ' - ' kk. '• -,=., -If: ... , t. 4.0 t, Mt -; ' -,', ' ' .-,..4-- , .. , , 0.N.. . ,-, ~... , ....,,,,..-.,---._ 4 ‘ . 1„:,.,.. '4,-- ~., :.% ... , s, ...iZ' -4 : ..,,zt ...k . -. 4- ...vat . "4..- ... -t , - ~-,, „:.,--• t, -, ...&-: . 4- --, .t . :: 4 - - t$ -;•.? --,- ._,, ,-..- , . - -1 , • -42 .. ~--> a -.l"' k - kz --, . - .., , 4 . ..,.. „ .- --,—%,-.= :--- ------:,---- . ~&.. -2 .- •' , 0.,.. , .-.,_. - - . . . . _ . _Z . : :• - 1 - ,7:.;:::: vD.' , -, . ' - ' 4 . ••. - ' 33 4 ,— .4 , 4% ' . J.- ' - ..... ..... -.74-- 'l -- ::, - ':-,..1. --. , , : - ~,.• - • ' ?. - - . is X GEORGE BERGNER. 1 i I',"I'ELEGRAPIL I 3 PtIALI4: MORNING AND EtTNIENG: y GEORGE. , B-E R GNkE4I. Ofte Third Street, near TERMS OF SUE SAP. - I. , FtT,,IIQH-1,. sfficLa stinanatenen. the DA ILY 'lNLEchte.pi fiery - 'attbacri beri in !he City at 6 cents :bier" lediat.'" .Yeatrly bseribere *III blvot A rg.opprootil i l - adyance. WRIIILLY MLIGRAPH. the TtnotHAPlErir Stitefiegritryeiod tut n 'sited to' stdistir rit f lie Ugh rates 1- 1 Sto 4 le coplety weekly t Tea Lopies, to me postoft'c'e9.oo Twenty ' " -.=P;i. ?.ISM Imo' • .., A I vzsTutwouss i —Fo i san t it e l fatde t fornoiie , co W . hay i'..ig adV6rf !sing d , . , 1. for reference. 1 c Of Font lines' -- square. Eight lira totes a square. • - 11 1 4' '' .• ) ozo 1 4 3-b ‘ ..4 'e a o'ci %ri-' 6 ' ea....! 0 Es; "'° eoc., o c,c S. g '172 ;111 g:B4, 15.1 0. 1-.. 1.. 001 i•a • c . 1, 0 OD co g_l7 , Atiniluunrutwo tiotimi t 1 time a week, sis it.. - 162 26 Mar. time Not t.r , Au.litor's Notices, ........,, Func•ral Noticcli tech Insertion..., ..;1-4, 7 % 60 fir Business notices inserted In the Local Column, or before Marriages and Deatlis,EinnT C Eti is PaR Lint for each iiiiertion. -,•):.c As an ad vertising , rnsiclinthithe fiErminLetilias no equal, its large circulcition;,btilinbas taro and famine ;, in city ritifir conaticy;,plicing it beyond c .mpetitiOn. , .~. ~ r. ,£lC't stt [ laneoti~;',' JONES lOUSS CORIUM OF MARKET ST AND MARKET solnom HARR15131113.126- JD PH r. 1: ;v.: a-. (mammy oonotrorzu sX.wr. iiloo_vssuor,;),.., This is a Firstel, ass, 40terlaild'iodaked,a) central part of tliei atty. ' tattooer, and its, patiods find every is%qta roodstion to be =Vivid/1n thie:..l!elst.l l o.tWei i iii the country: , t ee q-1 'TED-STASES HOTEL. Re ti tired L P.'EN *XR4SIIP PI PM 2 III.3III3 rj 111:4 popular and commodious Hotel, has been newly reftiteditudfuinialied through out ite parlor and obarnOrs, anthie-inoat I MAY. for the rewption" of guests for the 'winter season. • . . a...1110i11 a Ihe tratelingl-public bad-aide. Stake Baez the most conv,ezdent in all particu lars, of any Hotel in'•the•giate4ltpita:, on ac count of its aca3B4 to the railroad, beingdinnatit, diAtely between the% two great ,depatalittabis cite. &gammen, Dec: 188/41rit'', St.'EtV G , ATTORNEY 13-* T=ltArVir, OFF ICE 4 'IIIED SHEET, MAR MARKET,-'HARRISBURG, 'v; ILL attomitilOthe Collection of Bounty V V Money, L'ennalo,ns.anthigreurs the widow or other pears* any so} Whu way die iv disease* be Arkd ti, United States service, is entitledr'sfsv be Cy money, pension, ai;ql all arrears of pity of ILeehaert soldier. , - imylOy-rd-dlO FRESH GROCERIES! NICEO3I2 & BOWMAji, (Corner of Front and Market StreeTa,) ARE constantly receiving from first hands large stocks of choice finillYgroceries, pur chased for earth, which they amtliereby enabled to sell at very small advance on city wholesale prices. They would respectfully inform the public that they do not deal in nor keep any intoxicating liquors in , any quantify, large. , or small. HERMETICALLY ; OBALBD. PEACHES, TOMATOES PINE APPLE, "' OYSTERS, SPICED OYSTERS,, LOBSTER', attliP# o23 , 1 WM: DOCK, Jr. k. co. For Bale by ... ~ MINCE , : PIE S: , IHAISINS, otrimins, c,= 7 ' CITRON, LEMONS,:. . ... , i SPICES, CIDER, , MINES, BRANDIES, &a. 1 WM. DOCK,Ir. I 0 ...: For sale by BIBLES AND HYMN BOOpli A LA BO E end splendid stock of Poekeesnit „tli. Fatally Bibles. . .2 Pr, klethodist,' - Lititheiss., Gen . nein: Befotwed. awl other. Hymn Honk l3 ' i 1413 ""140" At BaILINEWS CHEAP BOOKBTORE. COAL OIL, a further redaetion ittrefeel Oil, 4,/ superior article ; of Ron-explos/Ver...0941941 for sale very low, by . NICECOM& 134:/t t Cor. Front and •ItlarhetgitB. rcirl I It &WIN; Clitroa;lind Unrrtilirsa, SWIIOI.B tr. lIQW 1 1 Coi3isegioitt I nd market. •+ I MEM nw* D Nz 0 1 N 33 . 45 4174-W9P-m LOOK: HOSPITAL 1, discovered the "dlreffeeriiasl:htdC KM DIS,SO 3 FAS,t,OV,INEUPELWE. Ennis IN ,131..T:T0 7WILVII nouns. NO MERUDR Y DIV A NO/LEOUS DRUGS. A Cure Warranted, or-No Cluaye, to from One to •it=l lief Pegg t of l the Jitscit, 41:Notions pf •the itaii4 ea rr Sabi tilkaddik di , XdOtinta.Y . At . diii. charges,...) J. ''l9P9Yr - 9 1 1 1941nPebiliZ Nei' votumess, I • pepsl4, Lingtior ' Laii - Spirits, c on pa ti k e i ) I.ot A, Bless, % 'oPalpfialtha of .1 the If art, Timidity, T t remblipgs, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, 'ltib Or the Head, Throat, bic Mat kiltifg) 14 1 41, ona tit Ofe3Ater, Lange, SV is rilEV,r Erryln 7 those .terribie disorder ii ng ik fie'ffolifiliflfitittriif Tontii— those secret and :solitary preach:earner/3 lital.to teeirer,*an the pang of Syrena to the Mariners of :glyssas, blighting tinge mostleik liatalWi l tittitibitienri Alikiderin;gmairlage &LI imP essft -2. . : _l ... n :11r ii ., , ‘.}i Avirt t oil? -.:ll***-40) 4 4gA /7 4 r. Ho . _ : 1 4 gaftia l 42:o l 7 l 49A hive , iOcPl 2 ~Wf:fike ZY l o4ne Solitary vrriac mat drPeldralGarai.,Aeatrm. vi ' 1 hcb.4 . *1441 .es79# ll 3rlY9§PßJP o .,Ani tui4 1 49 1 3 , &aye thaatl%B o 4l:f9l,[loriAF..gark=iolf the ;most T.T.o4 3 d F.VBIPF. lkad brilliant Oi l ktelleol. Oralk o ' might oliier,,lKAAßEentranseiLlistenim li ßery, atetar4Oire,, i thtmders of eloquence or waked to ecstav-the living- lyrei-may-call- with-full ' t a ka t t ride w !.. 1 0 . ~ , ,,T,": r 1 A - .1,M1:3X'.V.1,4 - ,wet aam 'Ohl --_,...xminAGELI,.... ~."-.;.E.;,.7 ...Uri l Marirea" irldraisai,'"terimitifi Men contemplaßi in,garinerrilage,.tbeirdra*airiK Of physical %Mk- at teliMriril l t i l lie ril l 9; Tilt -4 111 - ivnlyiiii*Adtr*fitat , tlici*ellif Dr { J. taayreligfousir4e*l__ii . hfiflaisiiaitii ti„i_f!aultocdifilentlyrely.upon_his„skiltais a Ptriticiler.2 sn:%iF...i i 5 ,...... ~ .- • _.;;_y/; ~ -- (-1' l id - , ,iyil OMANI° .4 1 11}EAMTthe' ' 10 ~_f t I Immealtiteji Oda* and BIM vigor restored. 1 ThisMilitreishrissffectionthkh renddradife Walkable and: in4trhiXct•friiiT': bW-is thfpe . i aity - PM4l4Winsil . , ~i i ,`o*r /j4t i r l a , ~. Yong ..Kdb, , ' ida - • • ~. ~ mai& ei .-::.,: i frord:nkit"bbinelvititil 6f l'll dreadful .hiiiiile- quences that :may ‘ empie. i 14q t ; eijito, that tm- depstands the ; enbject will pretend to deny that the PcsiVerof fipkleittldlifitiforitienrief FY Indhe , falling into. bnpr.o.por! halSitt than by the'piii dent. Besides beingdeprkedithe pleasures of healthy :' Epting, ,thit most, kions IVA sidlue,- 645'061'1/UOA to j-bi-)Of . bo dyiee"mitilt ilriA. The 8Y.0 3 9_, t huaiMiiiterangod, the phylikial and . mental - I**MB_ ,yrpirfaaxi b loss„, of PrOpres i tive porker, nervetni 'irritability, dysPepsfa, Palpita. .tion of Wit Mat' ;rizniigestiohl. constitutional k,Fl a l a ga4to.lirCraag9 3l2 4.ll4loT sumpi ion, aeotgr ,Inf ,nealn. i 97/9 3 1 AT, l e•Wrirar4akaafm STaa9, 1 A *o=44l4:going from. Biltimore,4reey-i foredo* Arpm the corner.. t ll:ail . Ot,to,6F i ri name and-number.- ... , Letters must! ifs filaill in& olintain a stamp. The Voctor's.piplommthaug in his eißcei.;_i : • , g 0 DIA..101INBON; :-.... '". ::.' ' MemberbUthearo#4ll3effilge of Strigebni, Lon. ' dons grirkatfr.ltro,orA. orßkitiAle Tn. 90.14afinent 1 celleges› the ,xmteilStaVni the.greater O A of-whiie If*r_*:,been *tft'e hii3o- tals of Londin( Mg; 'PIO elPhti and else whereAssitiefleoted sanrsoC4helmosi , ttritordshieg rhe - Abet Jprotilt Miß•t_kopl9lse/haßlMEttutdstt With - ringing in tiln*Agginrivare when asleep, • -, - t, R. , .tum., , lring Rlarneed. at. .. ,-n L. . '" A• . . ..= ? frequent ik, . , . . att% I, yni:. .. e • .. elaiat 4ar t airummeAr t ! . „ d . . we t., ~ ,!7=,! '...`irlidrarely. ' - ' - ' •: ; •AIt.TIOTIA.-8- NOTE.-- . , naferalidrd iit Abe' led? a6l l :l3 l iehtiaoly ee toduopd by early habits of ,youth •• - , ' ' l ortini'beek Wail liiiitio, '4%4 in ; • basil, di3WW,Of sigh Pt rvisoul... :ik .4 phiPltdtfoß*oF4lin . .J. 'Opelinf,"'il 4 . t irritability, syniptours'r ..nsumption, &c. • rainavaritr.s 7 'ilif:.tiaffeti iedifcte ee i tilsoliftd sabi rhushutcybe.trealtestottrilemariotient fa-ion of ideimalepregglolg cfeidyits, evil fore- Itidfifolflit- tßileiteklvilialfAistrustplove cltda;li.tl4 B 4, , glfitWidAYAV.A.are.aonahofblhece .. -1 Proomeo. ..el ~tiliqf ,Nni, 6 1 1 i ig. w; 7 1.-.) ' lta - SOP CIVRWRIMEN *t - Rd rev Who - havo - Mjmed -- themselves by a certain PrteOle Vlfilalaii Iri VkiNA .10ne. Chabrirfre quently feani..d - from !Nil companipos or at school, iiii'Mll3CW''Or ititioil Ls a i N 'ft/fitly felt, verinfilevelglablVißeilif liot o .' ..4 .. marriage impo4ble, an both both Mind and body, ationrd'AppfilffMeUhitely. wk.k* a "Ititraiaa OPTS RlVllikfrtkiiPt=ot country,hie e darling or his parenshottid be snatilielPriiii'envouiti finft".ments of llifkb3rihe consequence of deviating from the path of nature and ul in - cektalti Seettgbit•; : en?h_rPFteo,l3 I ?Pt*, t a tue ~ . .., ~,.. .. ~ cq e , -dr.ht 7. , ...,- ,t,,, I ML lkt . t,i- 4 ~._ Kiehl lAryiiiiilie" 1 4t .0.4,4:..m ,iii.promoteNatitglia haciiiiiedtnime,,wi (kit lime, the joiey pen& pmpect Toes irs k k3 rFe g ,l 70 ' . iil. I a becomes4ll'Or Oa% ' l .7r! " nid. ' the melancholy relleetfqqApjf t hi l Ai im ,„ ti .. gg anotimr,hgpaptsbigh#4llritkour own. 1 .:_...... ,:.DISEASE JOFZIMPIUMENCE. 1‘•11- - -When.the-votary-and-imprudent-votary of filiiiinYednellitlihillnis/igibibe&theirsieichri df tpabbal o plase, it ton,piterkhapmns L in illifaeli seisereir'shiime, 'or e l AdNido Tir - covery deters bini froni apply those who, from education Arid' reepWctican alone befilendhimi. . lib falls intellne Wide ofri6o rant and. designing pretbnderijivho,Arleapablii of inning; filelLlZilit I . piiiiniiiiiyi. substance, keep bins tritin 4' mblitli after month, or as' lbw as 'the, stalled fee dacha obtaineditudlg leirga hifirwithriptel heaOlk to 54i.h.,9 galling, 4 11 - 3 0P 1 4t* # 4 ,:: or ~,.bir the' use of t e Af s deadly phiapni ercury, s - ',hasten the conaltu tional symptoms 'Of this teriiblidiseavey 86E* affections of the Hesii,'rlare,S, klianiPi4Ri picigtep4ogwith, frightful ra4i l ll4 I u31,.,4 puts a pt 693.441 4rattecetitf.44o,-ity. am - .41 ling hleir - 't6 ; thal,,undiscOver& country t Om I whence no t raveller returns. , INDORSEMENT OM IligillitEcS:Z.j '.,.;The many.thousdubr cureilalithileinstitneldln year after ' -year; ataii the Minierethi /important surgical operations. performed by: Dr. 'Johnson, wifiiiiiiiiid by the reportent of the Bun,,' and manypther papers, notices of ,ig ? hich - :le appeared again and isp4WOOfore344.tubi eoar eidee his standing a, ',gentleman of character and railotialbility ' is a'sufficient guarantee, to Ithelf.aillicted. . igl= EMI r.e; 311, 't WM EXUti MEANS sPEEDILT , OI3II3Drit 7 _.YOUTH FEEDialOir ii $.).4„„1.4 • , tp "- HARRWURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENI NG,- 11+fAY.13 t 1863. IfiltpitaL Ittioutiantour LITE INSURANCE The Girard. Life Insuranee,, Annuity and - I t 4snat:-!coppatiy of Pinladelphia t , ~„ OEIIEI _NO. 408 CEIRS7.IOV7LSINEET. . . . . _ . (tTiffal:Eyi PIERETI3#L.)._ , OAPITAL AND imam- _ $1,643588tt - - - THOMAS”-RIDGWAY, President JOBS' F. JAMES, *Mary. CaONTIN lIE __make INSURANdE dN Lingillon the most reasonable terms: They act as Executors4rusteesend Guardians undeilast Willeiaatturft'sedverimid Aseignees. 'Nhe capital Joeing -- paid up aw 4 Invested tiogethir with ki `la* and ' reserved ,fiend, R ffe Fer — P r'-ffei.BßeltrjtY,cfi#4l u:Xlie_vegiivoluttYlPPPaidtr4Wy, hfAfrom; y or quarterly. • 6"Thelvmpahr add -a\ 11019:Ea1petiotlieallyi the Insurances for life:— The FIR,II^ONITS appropriatediri DeeimissiOslAtilliAisi• MOWS BONUS in DecemberclB49„ the THIRD L'ONII lir Dice' filler ','4l3s4;Libid"thli Facritm" writ% tia 4lre, i1u, 1 4,010 1 , 0 N1 i'dquirhig antiheroine in the - premiums to be pahl . toga ? r, _ • The following are "a -few examples( from the BAgiaterit:; ; .: L: UT tin • r. Y111,,.,1 glint. 1 Bonus-of and bonne to be in ,74,i,,1 I unwed. !addition: qietidedwbrthituis I---7- . additions._ ... . . 40 No. 89. 82500 s.:a 60 - ..$ - 8387 " 182. 8000 1060 (10 7,-.1110604301.' 4' IN, ~ - 1900 c •,_. 40 0 0 . zu ,34100 , 0(tni, ' 4, gBg 8000 1875 - 05 6.B7k(Ktre Agent at Harrisburg andivieinit T . i WATC: -,ice• • ter hIT - . VER. WARE I ,,-, , a r t __ i , , H u 1 .1_41 •Ts, 4 'OTT ty1vii.§,,Gpm,wciu.....46,...i. . -vi ~.... 4 4 4atiPa.1 143 weil4 , oPiectvC stock oleirinii Citimita Silve r 1 4) 0 OM, nneb , Gold' jEWELRY, and v ever - kind and variety of styles—coraprmising At 9, the new and o ll * MIST' RE /.i•r4/.44.41 i,,otte.. 144e1f tit, .4.ka ri lr*,,txtAw, t, rci i ti e "innota.-r- in4 ,, aew li tary F caref an a lircl y 1 r , mitd_ a ,30,00 and saafarli n guaranteed. 1- V'. `.11)..0013 lAiltliEr, it _ (Away, 10„Wert se +4,43 Le f21.-.401 Npo622thiattotameotoPhilakipwit yival ,8117-SUP. • - 0' • .i : i t _ ~ ~.„,„,i. rive r Does a long L lgeaSh -.--114 e you—ofturf---lisve- you a--hack 6 0 40 lb 'OO l -iing egg hiiittivtimighLina lei r 'Ate you Wastedwith 1 hightTgweati waxeditilli. t if so, here is yaw reneidi,-' It will nceinwpionla Feavlot t l u ar p.... 61,,„. Teigiabbo) - ectroWd - • Men 6 tea:v i a ha thietvity-tivith gook/4444UL il'oriftilkileit'i .4 S.•l' ! . II -_, is BBX1131"111Eftliii801111141TO ' 7 l4PSlll ".. .ol '' 'ATll6l 4 lgi3iitn I TNijoreit l o6.4.4filaliteVra4lviid l2 ixi-rie4u-4 t tig per* drititat alitititiltirridlatllleiridVtliatißitiyi ftddlY ' commend AY - thalr h ithistoliietilittid ) lilitPlui4l4. o tie this article a trial. lOw-11 ihatriairarett% 'WV; TBACHEB, ,g i sr MUSIC Orruew viajlasNaTOß A t 3 r . Ykrist - r.A C :0111 Zlooil ence: T r tree , a ve Mor t lo Lionat:l , •: 4 :Pd.; 701111111,111 t t RAMIStlia RuinßEsig,l; yiel,de q w,itkg4llol o7 nipst, luscio s fightesittliarEtftifiAllailoVitiAlicie and childre9katkilitleOPlCkigerery dement of the ixaly,,A4pp i thavim ) t i when coagulated with Fenno i is sTwayailight and easy.of digeation, and supports tiatiAtiW r iiiitilheufgaili W . 14 exoiremegfigkilPftgreittriiitifte power is ci • !rat or s , at and sugar- may be .added - • < < l ,'E v- tic; lifilf,Plbf.,thiirliiith2 • fum curd. ." slid e giiitolessle and etail, by ,a - api dittaripriliEL 118 Market str eet. ‘O.l. 0.44 ; ON. 41 HOT :sf,Au ul Ak IJ NI 8, Of any size in, e standard styles will be. made to order. ' 8 ° 1E1(14 " .°1 BEENMEWSIFIIW .Erii 'l'a(kitatiti Bookstore. &I:daft' bi 14..5e 113osht ntiastuanEbiettazdard,l44 voistyhT qiuditylsininsiremusiiingeineasivetityo as caiiiin Thinnaffin the country, at Keystone Nursesyl: , warp pliESKayr -----,, t ,Attimpliaty' seated, in cansVgrog i s and of the moot delicious character for salgfijeW 16 - VkirtheigliOn., & 6' that do not need C 4 3 , 41114 Q44441 4# 71 1: wind willput the / % 4 K 5' ? "- f i fi 7 WitaV EK 74 l l) 4 ' I ''' ' , a A 1) 1 • it.: ILI .- ' INlongeil sr et Ste. hoita. DIE tal 11 Est pskii , leihou*6r ti. l -4445., p 1.25, $1.60,_52,;8, and $4, for sale ul gt nt . i blb-vr"/ A , - H NrF . ' _,...4 Li- .1 . 6/3.8. 3 • _am II - - li a Vi,vAgi 4 44*B l .3WEo 4.iszikivis,i, 7 ssi.stbs gill imm&- not.* gill s*T i e :APR° klWA.o2klo4,,, i lfgi ~., lowAtr , e ',Reg '' , ' lt we, alx 45. al ' LL kinds of Garden Veads, .jaTigikledVed, Ell Ue -I.,r4frri+ttidEr ll om gent* 1,. f .,!! d rtat. ..HOgg fr _lti GRAPE vinES, strong and tlitift9/ALAw° years e1d, 4 4- reoloced.prioesrat -Keystone Nursery. A larm :ma voliviovi_dtf al, ROW NIMO'6II CI iif fret: :I ;, ts.ol:,itnd ; - v )11 I II L. ;RYA!) SCOTC.IV: of hhebegt britlidoliAlWaYS 01061 0 44,11 for; 6 a by pq3141 WEB. D0C4461, 804 ST I IA WBgEtRi r; ►itthOf'fi Itt, ,iliVitarliAio • eticalibrANozTicizatOcUlßSr.--1 , '. , fir,• •k ."444;11b bffi: 4b,lf .laitn Li! Jtfl PEIPLIEIVS.DAILY- -111 SE C. 4 _ -. -.I3tIWEEk Plink fa k ELF - • tack Rini, triticy Slior ,"Wfll Hippo tytut ‘cy, •illaionlowi, Wationtown, 111,11 ton t .ul ' Lewisburg,- Iforthl i ,' to °! ..inn-; ' 'lllit riefefillC ' eoititift,' ' . , 14riongion,,410110Ablirg, . ,-- ;, anakt, ANIMA , A Nil MA& itaitil ELDIZRASF. The Phllsulelpla liVotioeiliCOakilißirlaciiteci, file dliii ' ' e' prittiiii' at" the Ittiwitit ipttei. ",he treeidtf 'gOathiepgli *tei . eleiliitc ,t to t iittear ihe i ilitflife . ' 111 0 11 0 14 4Y44.- ti 7 Wei tf likie`:i eu6da? .'. l' kkr Alba de of Vizmito, Ng - AMP& FR c 4 1 r;lnitarketipMet, Philadelphia, hyfi o'cloclJ P. X., ietlr he'4l9lit" Abdl4: ll itiffilb!nt 'l l- wheivie - krtin,F. • :'.. n'eWit4Shitio. ).,'?wiyit,-atsx Ooiet "` -9 "je .:1•:4'. : 11.1 751: i [ 7 lignallilW Editiam• 1. 46, mer2lutfil4btrot gattiliSthet; ErOitsbfty , •41.6504.0 0 r 11J. 0 d. i • ...i t if AJ NATJOODEiTOWTHE , TOItifTe e t y lvtair , L\ n ? l , li Hdt /fL 1 4aelied titilVefiVoil•tik i i 5 - Qf foloikeit •. ' ' , 1 40643 TONe . *lttie W . ot i rf 3 le; eithdlenr 'OW and tTi couimnntu" ' ' " t& 1)f &to floe Sou pS. taitirteil.Creali.- dd at `tittil`:"Poliiitii arts . 'Vert 1 ' sl ol.'t • • '..,";77'. 411,040 sheet,, . , , .... . • D4.IPL , A. IdEfEINEFir-AGENT i . ..-. rift v . ,bidviriaiii4iii . to n ne, respectfully ;f4-, kf fa. itnlnblicibit't • eNtrhilltpi,* portation "' Atha 'Only Vidieliei' Line notilii existence &lir ritZ'iliVirtuWiliful operation and P r ? l l l 4W , eilltfaltt finVA is in:i . rias any i other individual line liotween Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury Lewis - Inn, Williamsport .ThiseyS66ieTlME. idefinii ididtilllifientoinit? on tbri s l443itbeiri tifiiiPaltiapfkibfiiiiiird_ Vie ailit Wftrabignoit ahi A rplitilfi l tafteds. J. ' ' 2.lliffiNe"lp Ag e * . , .1v; i: 11;iii37,....u;diV- tibtlielpal eitiOid 6 &RA F .tOA : - To - by PektfekVlT'fiP , Elhp'..: ,„g o „„ni a Oc rl e irk *AIM afnirieladaireitjailur•P ' eliiiga ,y, 4 odro4 ; ti.. ia, *atiwavaq A lidri i tiVdrgdaadz for 'chili% :' ',ll`eli '4: - ,..b4..- . *-) :;:9•;ydlaYr. A.OEIOICE LOT intiblsOcelblirated Abe jut - received. r - lit‘ixiefcrthe•llnittceier portedvhast Is , Inuillorsuperkirftelhe ohh a joi teas Aukattyrstangthilli&treguihee;liindhie gem entilrgly tree)ftoinladulteratlon,-colorteror mistare , oPanf Is frOthlotiatthisnitatol the Japanese Tea Plant. For sale byotitu la wit WilikateK4s 4 i fltljoif 5. (7,1 ./.• T • .4. .tt.. t • • ' 4. L ".1 3 11.'.0?-/ I . .01 14011 hpag l reg i ei .441,41 m. Are fi r. Ai, 04) 11 aFIMPF9 WAR)" V gcLerAVIRNVATMIX4 A P,9%,,r7P44 : s legtigi 'cria PAY!' t. 411%12%FtW•A'S ctlll4.£itti 91.404 fitvit riiiiM444l4Norrulva n im_KRA.4., (pare). 1, 4 art Alfat iCYktix3 o I Ea:: loYYDriediPAlMileejired•ji:.t ;It i i Oxii4ta s. bra 0":1 - o)do ni tEL:lffirt UPPICKI 41.1150 u ,r 1 bud odvr opliOttilibetrtiger taco I riWrivr dollisoti oThEindr laskterdsar tra.ci ForAtikkabypittorilOidAtilialoflKarlieteo;.(r. ' au rstaZ 4,1111 INGflLlClLl&44l3osfiluitruniemifirmito aldgptfluidvamplogididbilak4latelitmente qrnablanitiOLDifit kanufamilififithnollaidt HISIBIEGThEIia I.oefuliblanteArblinitatalekddi BEIWIABWOondtPabWmft Ink, Carmine and Red Inks of the best qnsithc, filoolnkkhlohdagegibe. at ,!di build La A. wripedo, 7 % boo *Wei eIMIERIORIL :d 9. 9- r "s',l.B Sr 'C ' •"' a• • ' • 112118 le sralapsulumwowk,molo4744l* (044opni Amigo:Ft A i1t%&04140 4 1 0 3 .1bi1f.t ik'YeallatrVl. but 1,0, kr? baniostAt W 1416 Ig.V.IPITQW•c4 142 kilfteirkr . g A.EI li•:,', .`,I AO ieft s . ' ' J t i AL 'SEWED for J.M: littift : ' ' , 43 • 11, 14 A 441 a ; ; Towoit zmiItIEFEPAR 4 I3 cv o' Ad . 4W - f 6. ' 4 1384, 9 0 Pak'1l ~ iii 1# *ii:.l b.:* sNif I•si- , v 61:0 V".:s'. li US 1.t. , 3 tWindaVde FAMl t ibalreeD 9" 1 . i l littOONdireCl WI: n.c.) 1. t,,..f - 41failitan, via -G360811 , -)ai li, .ooiii.• WI Wrigalgat (10•JA C T I I t i. I MORT420111(1ab8BIM91EIN MID HARM 13 1 401:12Etlitudileetvilbowthanmiikafidatie, 1,12 a krino 424 , 4 ) , NM:WOK:4IW &Ma,' Mll6ltrlV Aw43lloßsßillpli ofsiintoikkiettiretalftylint4e• egikrird4"n4. fortsateiliftibiim nilnku4 .0) pLI 7 .1.1 stemlipioitewitiNpil -3131t4 KCbri FibtliSd ,QAIaU , Q A MEM U M , * PA VOW AM/COAIMS, jest received and for, -iindef* L sW allOBBIA8a& SINNAM I L CbrioßranuladiMowlietehiMi4ion' 0tr06 19 80 tfoides,Velfxo Via tvr ram MEM Nom { : : J orlfioroaitAni EIoSu!aB,I6III*OLIOI3,POCIEEr BOOBS; fbil dilid sonzmwelomtnotte. ) D 1 0 QaUklit.f - ° 4 I c ° ..7-q li. fuld:cloPstiat 1: , be n (,11,214 j 9 # 1 ; :" TUST am r - Alburns i qiezio sgagFirlat'S ;at> wor4 zni...:iltl 4 ll trzr.o 1" • . ,4 it in I.lu - b v1:11171 .11V13 Vao Poxsugpil l , pg SYP.fincled. at, Fmtde#o4o,ll;g• . -.* t- --f P , 1 P r ~,.. W. , 4IIOEONOVON, May it ..„ ~ e/9,*ggpi/pmen reCina!X afre'id.,ber AO ir fi cceiddtn the Ilier g e recover' the AVdtai'or 'their 'fiteri aisk l o - :fell hi. • - thiiirebeirt th00k5, , ,,-wi...wi :: sh , ,Ly =•••: . 1 ..._. ~..! ..... •i,. - i 3. 9340.,14 th01n,9% (Y,Priv..40.. 11 . t!);4 0- ( 11 ,T. „,,crel c ekteCA.Rir N , 1 81 21,1 1 qgPl74,l:t i tcat on, his 'beart. .eriinsniitted tr'' credal. - Lee 4 1 rikissiOn 't.ef pass,ineide his lines for thirVinitpdsti:' , Although: on Sunday iligiffilekttlipahrs . tliadibaen received front TregLi t tWifigA l ikuiftlono, ol -:4• 01111 11 cars whb receAketampl ompunication tha 1 t • zitIT(?I4(93BKiP . efellitr/44313tacles thrown utisiA,o4lsl 4 4 i iittOnif daln i lliefiCeltiiind:liii i L i g i Al al ,Tuileryfifig of iinai l ,*iiiideiablef n ' 103 ti:, ir . Wb a unSed ,Wi?o' . 'hii+eliriaterW •' ''. ;FRT. * it t OFill -ittikifkgoit hiedieitiiiii4 1 01 10 0, 1 1 a * i O° t. °76 l, l ! rid #l ' lll l/ s l :: .. i' 4 ' l , e 4 F ai w iteto rTt rdl e tte*toli altti e fit il 1 A 4 1 } Itg;t4 l .;tl s NotAlliiii: 6 :#3 - 14.1 r 1- . 5- 4iley% ''stigt e alVtotil ..,„... , ..,-... i: ~,ii, i ,i., 1,, . .1 LI ! t I C 11 11 C i4 i l T 144 i i lialtikfilthii.ifie l iiif tr. k Pieelf° MX*liPqtglit'etiii 0, V 6 N . , f•t en ? f°loqtd o lFke4` i °ol ? qac loirest -, . .. . ? iie tf , w'gre tii? s)Illid t:Trle` :, 4e OrAiL L A liftiiiioi 4 ' l . ."-:) a ” - i. ' di: s'oiin'is . iii Ouillienirti 4: 1 .- -, i fitie"c r iiiiiida..,ri ; De tiiiiiiit; iiloo (jkOtprlfil l ;c9iiifOlibb *Ai' cattAnithl Aphilik e' litt r ild 4.6lll'ilittibli 4144 n ..proxotoLge i iiiii y i , ii ,d6 i n g way . rt - 3.er , ~, , ,a, I' ll 4, , ' 111 4 4 ***WHIP 11 1 4 ill# btr l i * II ° i-iii - id-"di fPP l/kitl PO le, le. al4 , 4kile r 4titoiiiiidtp6tioti. .I.otl 1. it 1 , I A' dam_ ._ll, i , ;-... Oil , ItPLY... 1 I'` iP. : '-i. • 'Li i tl, , P: e il' 3 , 4w ir : ii 1 1 # 16 ISM PRIM ' L. - It:: • :).4. .t.. 1 '' .1 I 130131 E EBN ,, SEWS: Oak lit,-.Z.:11 , 7011 ]iry I:, , ; ‘,l .riazok , , l ig. To, (1 „ - lit;) • 1 %hail ai k iiipoitibra Aairr oa na Poesetut f4,4vi 14) ,t 1 a olfay - s'olsbioßfeltnoultUpapettref, testaroyteete) belt eettividl hi buts itttie - bti guy enterialt eE theiretiept Otvixeblekeoennents beeectupon fit/14AM ettratnigenteamagentttonarnew keine taite~s gaintalebrtiovrebel femme. tiliffiVizenestie tfuotessasrebel tufgookfs report of took tweed at nine Modred) billet, seven tiliniaaarmotaideaf Inti4Qoattokcirtuipabri etti. Olt& C4)&63;10416 Itirebnd , ItbAnseecd bark dboontineecbtheirlmatkebylidts, IbtApcie OW nee if thetbriketo thatothatt hones, will :be impeepakd.ferstellitanoppisposew.. .1 • - .t` , -ThaltirtdelLoomarDisbißtaktiond.alixtbea t to e SWF 100041)1181M ‘.; •The Ibbernehrepeakieg ct-Union prisoners tat lAbbyi itUois;imijesttbial **her ciffieetsbitret re d thkelbeir C oUdlt ibnosopht calblelookb* braid tositectebaegein few' aye: - balarge(autoetit at blacked! , rode g. ,- aaidittatottoliall Bickiimulaikinnusday..o vice intluded *ay, thinisamtdbihro Ahttbr si too' beftibidg Sheet for fawner wear - The eiettgediedebtobitimitethishotwamiliallata.4 4 4, t t, . 1 1Wsitaaid eatederate , Mates „ftig tints time! /1111"dukthiSithaloniton 363 A-1 111:1 - VW - 1A 02 L! - Oeisitker tbinkathet the linioakarmy oicktodsebbilappihhathekige the tapt time ••Atft,,Andopoe.-nOtinetri_that.Geo, Van Dote` dittliVBlwhigjidivUhttessegiAnitheash. I Siathustayikbaavileglil.sleniefi ttpetteir • , tnertearobeastidividedilatctiltma*q 1 X 10 07 6 4# 4 8 ibtuttbfs sitsltbsi\e4l. J 4t 333tA /3 4 A Mitatt, lifiaCiaNlP(.o * CI 11, , ty 11+, A - ' r - ti 3 J O~ I .~Q y. W fm,sa p_M at/ in BOWMAN, i 4 streets. talM & - )Ye, l igbir‘a • E,.. ~,,,,,,...„...,. 4, t ,o,t t : i i airs ' . 1 ; ,• .1- iJ. I - , 31.! • • Fire. e 14 tildiltiervintrg. 4eettetiodi 2tle0 1 4 • ;*umTOBu,RG, Mty 12 11921T1 , Thombank, And other out •buililitige belotiging to.lphnio..6inny were dqqinkyetia by Aro &hie! tittemoon.l4 . •!: . . • ARMY4F 4 1 RE lOTOMAI {I. , ix. ) • Gen: Hooker's Von kretuletork Cirrdelb to the Army: (1° IBEI Ef4xosiiiiits A THB Paromato, f - " .1 - 11 - 1 1thipi1th; 1 1163. The folloWing'ordet-haa-been • • Pdromto, DM... 1. GENPAPIOIIDIiMidaAIki liajortifeceratcommandingilenders -tor iti.4e r x,ho 40 nOtilinia9clis - p men of tlie fiat sages days . It • bad not ac d3fh~3il~h it t hat was impectid,'"the 'reasons ale yell linufrOcrilie - ifinfy. It Itrenißcient to Oisg*.YA‘etrAid afehanicter mot to:be foreseen: qr,,Pfgyrttribyttfumfmategricity or resource_ Io witkdrawing from,the south' tank . of the" IlaP fitilielitibek before' dettibrinets general battle to, , our- ledverderies¢tthe cartnyi , bits given-=rez newpd , evicksmtof its ambience in. Iteelf,and its fidelity .to the princiyies ; it, rep:seas. 4 e l t a dkid.tiukage we Woardienvel been recreant Wotan tenser,l6' dituire andouteduntry. -, Prefortudedly.loystaud co - 6 0 )11 , 8 . ;POI! Oringttb, Army 4 4-tAP- PotP niaq, wilt gime ,cor d. cline battle wheneyer_its in-. terr'st - ' licinoefinfi'demand It ietir be tlifiglilitttlawlifilits , own.historrand fialowiY aright clip Our celerityand seareoybf inoveniene onr,alvance r and,.psfmeg, a of, the tirvE ,Iya4 an - ; 416iiited .and on ourAtifulian,.l col rebel vilitAid* - 10111.1iie ti'efi;ifit; ' r e lee week may swell With pride hal:4u I: and , , soldier -of tithe -Army. s.ive Wpod. °C."l,,:lusYe e' have .nnide long, marches, worked stirmised i The ene my tin' hill effltiich- Autiffand;whenever we heve , foirghtihave 'fitekod beaviert Ible we than we, have ,a,afitted.;l Vi: j e have,,talten frpre„the eparny,pr i ve„thomand' Klfantis, 4 4ftemicotors. captured eta bicitighe teselibbi 'ffet*Sit' teiblB,oookdithift:ahosen- two* destroyed his 41 w4ErtAilted fwAtkinif,tt &Polo*/ flifriAblkfl , :l* rffpged. ,00giounocatigys, captured prison ! , era wYttin the fortiWticins.of &pita]: Oiled his '' country wift. 'fear and constrinallen,; we have no other regret than that' cansedby the loss of our brava-reseepanions, and in this we are c o n soled glystlle , that they bktetfallen intim Wiliest cause everatilimittect tlshe,F i altimment .of battle. , , , „. .„ t ,„ B,ff command of I.Sinerallicooktui: = add,'Aidt. Gailend. • r! • • 4401-i to . r.? . ; ;7"=- • FM nod one at • Atebeislega, and one at Baku BOuge• 13 General Banks bas sebtol al/ stegr9S - 0. Etovernw 'Moore's plantation. ' Kirby Smith has arrived at'Alotindria froni krkabeas with reinforcemente 11 - abt confident in his to;drive %Oka bank to Bencitk. ._,Three powerful rebel gunboats are atelaseu riga ex/raffia:fulls. The u wiieit:'crap in Texas Is unusually pro . vallieersidor'whoidquertemhaverbeen moved to Pfin, lAnt!Abieeifilve .81.00041 . Plena Nochtt on. unday rd t, Tour aelpereled the Red friar. • - 0.441 - *Oit Rims Aiouttiv,. v ol i tatioa . 161010014 IL htittkikt,i3aptlcify; orrhod to !rota Ne 4 YEW& - • - ~& rebel ft trz,eb truee.egmealoarakezeg steer today witt,lioatußceAwliltatingSAll-Idadlolv io inset Ould, the o meet commie Toner far tbe u eiebialfiliNif infilotiiire;‘iiticr wee& Icierd thelrebelikg of tale* bcietii' Obi. iStoillialtriii& t6ettiziked.troalthirletervkiwlllt 10-0*4000,A Irdei Relative tec the Co ierjptios Let. ezegifteitstiEtt--ro _I i - -, -t , • - , .' - Wei ver;dvtenarr - "1' , ' • •• Ahivirdwi Grim/it n Orihis,' ' • ' 1:! -- •;:sf. , , P''W.SiBINOTON, MaydliulBBB • - Under:the earoftteentuaot, drafted .area edit 114 49, 1 0 , ti)e URita4PtelfollM/INI. ittiAol - from the fact of being aratica. 1t,14, rilieferore; cielere4' 1 thtft Iftlijetie 6t in irairokin " 'provided with kimipelleicePhisiwireihtichlitil - .. jin =Psi spooling &e:,,-tes'44rerk , a iber report to.,the r dbittiet Prosppt MinEsiunis. , The 4' rterinialier tionfin. niiii fill. die, niquinitipss if "th e ' the Piiivone iiiiwiliol 'CiezieVar tor elottritik, _ q Ibr tirls , 'olivine, •ta toe' dear-tired- at such. ...ioLs as the hither ovsyabwigionts• . [ I 4 13y E srdel . - of p i e spAttarroy OF WAR. f E.' "D'Towilsaini. iiiiiiiitafit'Afijatont General j::, I M. - ..., ~.,, , ...a - r .. • IMO • itl Time Mitional Pau,nssais,sy 12: WJey Crieke;"genenil ..- Sll' boat' ee the sale 0'1,600;000 in frn ,, iinientien to. Noe ,Ibiertistainita. m • - I f 11%4040 RTE ESTABLISHMENT: f;• •t 4 • - - 0 40.?*- - 47 - Broome A V.,. -041. 41. • • • •- • - .4r• • .-„ I.li3n* YORK :a Butporlektr ihsieithigy b ' aVitisiSe of fad frieida and the Pabliognierally . rthia•Elmaa-Forte Eatiddiditgegt, *427 matmetraat, awn& of - Afoalspalltaar.f . ~ ( 4 •' ' fi lie- War clianciWad witit' naryo_ult.ranebhaving phatainagibbialitire 9ck , PlangbEfelybiatmisk lased by his *Vim Zarat4 4.34.1k14,11171,-A ."`e said Sri, he iifituripflipmed snow me • demand for his •••• Wttew'Platiolle'r•% - . Employing thetiffileinidluni and experi • • oed worisineri, mittrit Liattratoektatilh e best uwerfiaweVobfaiwaddadanitterialiand'in .bCdance caMtakbAkball•Aftkill# lfli.Pfkill9, Ipo nal ism of VI whole Maintain' of auadnfactmllig (poro outalabb4Postigiotanatielkod.infliilhar (44fi,0f,1 tilt tf ,r7i *DatirffeAX;wlo•_, - E Vffl. 411 4RMX r IFT& In: IC the arrangfinkentßr. off Oa": al Vlrt r 4% d prepaied'wftWthe dreilikrAre prens, ex r r eih u helvilhatramobinoialiiiins:Wa ..provetnent whir-hider' in:anyway tendtailau RC l fff tl9 A cl fi. ll 4 o ir no Plilgt ( b4l o Alfit ree o_dentlY senort, ; t hat or mammy of touch, vet diOntftt,-bilaigweetneeis of am,- . nibbled , with ;cif frailie:netionnaryr•to.ldureibility, those learn. I=4l/44, • ,c 1; • - la , enr motto; noir we &Mai critic:hat ortiiehelit , imbilinxi' u d ga ria,,th a t a uith • instrument warranted • for_ five . Yea rr i A iux...it 11,9 1* AP-, P E RWry• ••• gar ` rooms oor. of Crosby, New ork.7 - .7 l hotgligir! I 13.1: ' cjAnißustems Ohio f.Potatomi tfolortiA, 2 09 Aft 411% Vouri,o WS. Prime New York itt,0.40 , 44, tißfictiiv4 . st Inittat'l l l ,Me ro igum 0#49; , I herdes, Bioptitirties,•• b*Ttet , &i. q9 olo 4.APPlt7cuPtt Mao" Phoik F*, r ied friackerel,, of 41 &ago* litatOtialdu. Uaddlog'frugair; , tafeb,"Rice; l'obimiaigitiviiikiLa POOFC,C9tdS3P4 PAW: Y'am ketE RairliburM Pa.- - it,tor2oll3:l, WED ritehtioN%lain %A WE CARDS. strinVeziAlriritit one of the la/ bet* tingraWirsaWthe aain2try, okras ohm) 4batittioadmilllsi the iiiiamnityle flf 1 14p/TRAAniatole t 149 latest F/01044144 PoPpnanyrnropty,ailiowerplices clusnana lowa- Nei" York or Admit pirbatcaorituniktes mkt pewsai c BIUM11110•11121NATORE. EMU , crAftftfaxij, . 's&! 6 N&I snap P? 8, BARLEY, , ..ORANfiNdi .J.4lldORB- JUN -WV4 4 §l , MaiW,F.IT444, romtk at o t : ands fins pwartment ot Cf. we &.13tewlvi:11 o Plaktes. Soit*lteiluet ftWAL thi'iniptiOni, and formio low by • ianatf _I;W. DOCL:Ja., 4144:X). VAlnt NIT 9 11 1•-• ; • A el s gdAbsPill lITHOW of:“Cliadet , (YMAlLleyl' &e., ' one ,voi4; paper, priterAil cents. fes.selpsti M B.' CrifirAP 130QP ' kr,.• •-• . -1 FUTATUES. likEßOElLandTPeacb Row- zifiasigetanoply •Wniltt# l ll4xtle.igi PT I Pt 4. , " 2Pr.i". re - Crisieli acid fur , Dile by *CO. . . clf ... , 1 1 %II •..• lit . 11 . 1 Ar m : - - ' - .X . , - ~ =NM 1, 01010181414:19FArWsly . . -• . , lz: - fr.. ,, ,, :.:7;v:i ..,':L! ..; ~.,:es' MEER PRICE ONE CENT., f ~:Y~+i '~c. .cw+ W.SIUM &CO. -, .1 ''',. - ffiljiafti 4