Evening telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1863-1864, May 12, 1863, Image 3

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    (7 - 11 2 e iZ Etlegrap4.
trir mil; T., a) v ILTISERS.—AII Ad-
Verilsements, Ba4intan Notices, Mar.
rlages, Deatud, .tac.", to secure insertion
in the YE:Lk:W.I,II'II, must invariably
:he accompanied a a b the CASH.
vertisemunta urdered in the regular
I.'scning HAW are inserted in the
Morning Edit ..o N ithout extra charge.
Tueslay Evening:, may 12, 1863
Mathews informs her friends and the public
_eoerally that she has taken Mrs. Davis' obi
art in Walnut street, between Second street
.d River alley, And fitted up the same in the
.tst style, where she is prepared to furnish
.artier with the choicest cakes and bread at
,e shortest notice.
The Ice Cream saloon will always be open
nd supplied with the best article of cream and
. es. mylldlw
AN ABE, from Bradford county, passed this
'ty yesterday, laden with several hundred
.ushe's of potatoes We learn that its destine.-
o was the port of Middletown.
A MEET/NG of the Young Men's Christian As.
..ciation will be held in their reading room
his evening at 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance
requested, as an important subject will be
, rought before the Association.
t the Jones Home last eveoiog. A portion of
hese coistittited a committee to meet the 122 d
•giment, Penna. Vol., Col. Franklin,. whiCh
a lo.r.caster com,ty organization, and 'the
~,.t.hers were in attendance in the Supreme
:Court. Among the number were some of the
oot eminent jurists in the Commonwealth.
I'IIOF. 'McCoy delivered hii great lecture in
' efence of the war for the Constitution at
Aidaysburg last night, and this evining he will
repeat it at Greensburg, and to-morrow evening
be goes to Indiana to deliver the same iirodu&
:lion. Thus from the Delaware to the lakes,'
from Lake Erie to the banks of the Monongahela,
from the counties on the' borders to those in
the cents of the Commonwealth, Prof. McCoy
is doing good work in the cause of his country..
o his eloquence he adds a patriotient which
ever falters or wearies in his efforts for law,
'rder and liberty. God speed and strengthen
.. in his noble work.
' At a meeting of the committee of arrangements,
eld last night, it was ordered that carriaget!
-ill be in waiting for the Governor, Heads of
Departments and Judges of Supreme Court, in
front of the Capitol ; for the Jud'clary, County
and City Authorities, at the Court House ; for
the Clergy, in front of the Young Men's Chris
ian Association Rt,oms ; for the Soldiers of the
sr of 1812, in front of Brant's Hall. This
citation it is hoped by the committee-will tie
.ufficieut for the attendance of the bodies re
leered to.
ITY Zouevss.—Almost Immediately after the
Virst City &mans, Capt. Awl, were mustered
of service, a proposition was made to re
' '.rganizo the company, and tender its services
.nce more to the Government. Up to last
night, the muster roll wassigned by twenty five
of the members of the old organizatirin, 'Mid the,
prospect is that at least two-thirds of the old ,
trnembeis will attach theMeelves to this organi=
zatiori. Capt. F. Asbury Awl is .sanguine" of
having a full comrany to offer to the Govein
!. anent in a very few days.
ThiQ prompt action on the part of these brave
.men, is one of the most gallant deeds cif their
proud career.. Harrisburg has always . been.
proud of the Zouaves, but this last proceeding
will endear the corps to every man who loves
his country.
strangers and the arrival of the nine months;
,c regiments for mustering out and pay, we are
1 1 again compelled to notice the operations of the
',pickpockets. They are now operating outside
of the railroad depots, along Market street, in
the offices and reading rooms of our principal
, hotels. These bold rascals are always attracted
•i.: here by the certainty of rich harvests, and the
fact that the soldiers are paid, has induced the
i 4 ,, most adroit of the light Angered gentry of iht
-1 ti more and New York to make this eity:the 414
i',> of their operation. Many a poor fellow, vitro
7 has escaped the shocks and' dangers of battle,,
will be subjected to a severe test, after he hits
settled with the paymaster ; and unless the paid
r l soldier keeps both eyes open and both hands on.
; his pocket book, his greenbacks will takeinvii
lble wings and fly off. The police will do all
• they can to rid the city of these pickpockets,
but it must be remembered that scoundrels
oncrally go in disgUise. The beat protection
•r the soldier, from the depredations of such
~mps, is a sober brain and absence from bad
'rap my. We give these hints gratuitous.
SAIARIEB OF Difflazar SoliooL Supiomicnumerre
...We have noticed, with regret, a disposition
:l„, man y pf the school districts of the State, to
reduce the salaries of the District Superinten
dents. We believe that such an attempt was
. 4.
i t made in this county. What spirit dictated
this proposition, whether it inisimted from
the low Malice of any of the directOntyhohed
Mailed in electing their • candidate for the Su
,ri etendency, or whether it was suggested by l
,ill judged notions of
_economy, we cannot tell.
We are satisfied, however, that it failed—and
we are glad - also - to -notice that - the same at
tempts in the other counties _whekeithilY were
made, also failed. Instead of roducluir the
solar', s of the District School Superintendents,
they should be increased. The responollo
devolved and the labor performed are b oth`
important and.arduous. They ironiNe ,daties
of the highest impoitince ; and to degiidelite
position by reducing the salary to a mere nom
inal sum sufficient 'o pay for • bread and but
would be to exclude ffietenemerfirptuessuming
the discharge of its duties and thus effectually
destroy the designed influence of the Superin
ff. L e c dis the attention of the ladies to his
irge stock of parasols, sun umbrellas, shades,
&c. The largest and cheapest stock in this
city, can be foucd at his establishment, No. 69
Market street.
informs us that, having d sposed of his teams,
he will sell the s!reet sprinkling machine. We
hope some enterprising man will take hold of
it, for we are badly to need of something to
settle the dust. Will somebody "run out the
sprinkler ?" •
To Bursas or Day Goons.—We invite atten
tion to the advertisement of the Mtssrs. Cath
cart, which appears in another column, of mue
lins, summer prints, cloakings, cloths, easel
mares, et cetera. This firm has long occupied
a front rank position for the sale of these highly
u- esssary classes of goods. Their large store
rooms, in Market Square, next door to the
Bank, invitipreiented so atttractiva an appear
ance as now, and, those of our readmit who wish
to purchase good goods at moderate prices
should pay them a visit. •
On Saturday night as the passenger train on the
Pennsylvania Central Reßroad was , going West,
a man was discovered lying on
,the • track at
Bennington's, about one and a half miles be
yond Gallitzin. engineer whistled-down
brakes, and endeavded to alarm th r e - nien so
that he would get out ,Of . the way, but in, vain.
He was caught by the sowcatcher and thrown
violently against the bank, ten' feet from the
road: His , head was badly cut In two places,
and one leg very badly hurt, if not broken.
He proved to be a watchman on the , road bythe
name of Michael Highlands, and is supposed to
have been drunk, and to have laid down and
gone to ; sleep. After the whistle was blown he
was seen to raise his head, but then the train
was so close to hlm that he could not eacape.
Lancaster Evening Express details some interest
ing facts in reference to this magnificient monn
- ,
meat of Pennsjdienia'a benevolence. 'The at
tention of the passengers on either of the rail
roads leading iieetkard from jEhxrrisburjr, will
be frequently attracted to - the buildings of this
institution on their elevated andeonimanding
position. Upon a visit to them he 37 . 1.11 find
that the main building, four stories ha -height,
and surmounted iwithie dome, is connected with
each of the wings lig a .building three stellar'
high, which is also the height of the wings.—
Theirs wings are ditdded each into four separate
wards for the patients ; the female patients in
the east and the maleln the west wing. Each
ward conOsts of a long hall, on'either side of
which the sleeping :apartments and sitting
rooms are: ranged: The main building is occu
pied by those who superintend all the patients,
and these in turn are controlled by the gentle.
manly Superintendent. of the whole establish
ment, J. Cnrwenl,-11. aided by his polite
assistant physiciansi,Millmand
A farm of 1601nres - Surrounds , the buildings
and is cativietl32l/ 4 adirantagennely, whilst bean-'
tiful avenues and roads 'shaded with trees are
laid out, securing pleasant walks for the pa-,
tients, and giving an air i ef comfort to
whole establishment,: makingit Indeed an agree
able honfo;'iviierd, the latiente - soon become re :
conciled their ' bsence tient . their families.
, . .. ..
When we consider that the derangement of
the understanding is the most severe = affliction
,lutt can befallour race, and that,nileleaties are
ailkeiiablit to this infliction, we "feel . :tfiankhil
iri lirnd litiVetin - provded
that an .asyloul l g i th
.. . , ,
for thi&aillieted i poffiltni,of 'ifiu follow citisens
lig the benevOlence- `of Rotate.- The present
number of patients is 267 ; the entire number
who received medical treatment, during the
year, is 889. Among these are rome hopeless
cases ; some two criminal e ams, who should be
assigned toa separate institution, hut, mony are,
esoesthat yield to the judicious trash/mut Mum'
is parked, and are _ restored in their right minds
to their friends, whilst others come to fill' the
vacancies.thnsscoasioned. In many cases the
expense of $3,00 pet arealkNfor each patient is
borne:by their families, in others, the counties
from which they are sent repay the charge, and
others - are suStained by the State. But an•an
nual appOpristron:Of $15,000 by 'the'
l ,eghtia:.
tare suppi. Or tbe" dellabicy. :
In the hint 'orthe Mai* building ` are
two kitclai Oneldr - etiah'depiitinenr, male *
and fondle, where; ilib culinary - department Is
carried ori; to:4l4reTY"eitentihrit scale ; seine
idea of whirl mayli formed from She annual'
consumption of 420 barrels of flour.
In a seperate buildingall thexaShing is per
formed, and:there tat-the steinviegenerated
which does all the boiling in the basement-of
the main building, to which it is conveyed in
leaden pipes. This stet& Is akin confeYed in
pipes throughout the entire building. fopthe
pnrposeof warming it, there being no fire kin=
dled in ihe,building, except for-cooking per
in, the. basement.l . tt
the watarolliedAn thelustitutkinrisnon
Toyed in pipes from. arreserroii-.in the qdome, :
and that is supplied from a neighboring creek.
from which it brforced up by a steam engine.
We were amused in looking at the baker,",in
the adjoining bitk& - hotile; 'placing-70100es of
bread in an immense oven.. This is the usual
quantity baked every Annupnri, requiring
barrel and'a half of Sod; "arid on Saturday,
double the quantity is baked, to last over Sim-
The utmost ,care is used by the Superintend-
ents of the winds to guard agaiust accidents by
fire, and enforce clearilintss, and each patient is
compelled to bathe every week, in the' bath: 1
rooms of each ,watd, which are supplied with' 1
cold and hot water.. ~, ;. , -.
The visitor whp;hastgspociatal•pertain fears
with a mad-hMise,,end wholes been accustomed
to connect with-all-cases-of-insanity, close con
finemen4witi&lnittandphaitia,therte frequently
terminating"tiitlitidicide',4lll%e agreeably sur
prised in visit.* the-wards to see the perfect
freedom frorerestritilit enj6yed by the Totietito.
014 in very excited patients, on their first in
troci,iction, must thOlaili: rooneltOtitid, and
*they soon becoinecalie;arid Minglefreelyafter
wards among -- their tompaatims. --- Pn tiVery
pleasant day are taken out =to exordia_
under - therate of thbir WartkkeePera, and'inany
.of thenfargliefally employed in 'cultivating
ibti firm and garden, and in other employ:
I :
menli. -, - , -
The writer was. Much gratified,- on the recent
Visit, with .the delightful prder that pervided
the institution. and the kind treatment -mull
Aged to visitor& 'i- f• '
I -- It• is much to bar/ratted that the Asylum is
not twioe . as littsp as It is : `7hTrint -L erotis cases of
dementialltriX, blob "toot and'Udinittitt4,
'l , teithie
_,,, J an). klieaVi hit: L and' Gaffes
' ;o , Afltetrali . ',
1,3 '
.-_-__.' AltedlatMß l o.olc 4 g ea
in ct•oney a ZllB- , Our.", W h ere the proper treat
ment of such patients Is pot 4n4ersto 11, pod
they consequently settle down to hopeless and
miserable manhurs.
A SPECIAL MEETING of the Good Will Fird ow
pany will be held this evening, a ,
to make arrangements to participate in the re
ception of the 127th R•-giment.
A SPECIAL worms; of the Paxton Fare com
pany will be held this evening, at 74- o'clock,
to make arrangements to participate in the re
ception of the 127th Rogiment.
Tug Mammas of Co. B, First regiment ef P.
Militia, will meet this (Meal :3 ) cuing
at the Hope hose house, at 7 o'clock. By
order of the Captain.
A mum° of the Mount Vernon Hook and
Ladder company, will' be held this evening at
7 o'clock. Punctual attendance requested.
By order of the President.
AN ADJOURNED MUTING of the Brant Light
Guard,' Co. E, let Regiment P. M., will be held
at Brant's Hall this (fnesday) evening, April
12th, 1868, at 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance
is requested. By order.
A Fstorst. Murrtsa.. of the Friendship _Fire
Cotapany will he held this evening at the. usual
hour, for thdpurpole of miking" the necessary
artnnaemenis for participating-in the reception
of the 127th regiment: By'Oiler:
4intscrrolc—Company H, 4th Reg't Penna.
Militia, will meet at the Black Horse tavern at
7i o'clock on Tuesday everireg; the 12th inst.
to make arrangements.topirticipate at the re
ception of the 127th Reg't Penns, Vols. ,By
ord'er of the Captain.
GEO. W: .;.y
SIXTH Warm, Aiousai r -The bezoic,men of the
127th regiment, our brother!, and friends, will
soon return to their homes. Let, no give them
aleart•warm welcome! A meeting of the citi
zens; in conformity to the zealot' thvommittee
of arrangements, Will be held this (Tuesday)
eieniog at 74 o'clock, atthe house of :Vincent
orsittger, corner of Third and Broad streets.—
Let every one who would do :honor to bravery
and valor attend.
To Tun 13.1vsnEND Cullum pr.HARRIfiIiWRG
The committee
. of arrangements respcdtfully
invite the clergy of 12fairisburg to participate
in tile reception of 'the 127th itvgiment Penn
sylvania Volunteers. Carriages will bin •welitr7
ing in fiont of the office of the Young, Men's
Christian Association fOriheir accommodation.
The - ringing of the 'city belik will he the signal
for the riteethig of the 'various associations com
prising the procession.
A. L. ROVIrtFORT; Chairman
Ax APPRAL Ina Bsain.—The following ap
peal addressed to the Irish of America;‘
find its Way to other freattrbesi4lesthwthrote,
bing.with Irish blood. It ie an appeal to the
humane—a holy, tender and pitiful 'cry Which
cannot fail to touch all, who fetid it with gYm
pathy, loye and shastty,., W:e.cornmend it to
'ourzeadeis., Tue letter was
the A oslitor of the Bosto PilOt, from which paper
we•% it to our •owit'columns for the" pal
iusalind action of our own readers :
Beatriztn, - ilarits, Co. 'Clare,
Aptill2, 18643.•
Mr WAR Stu :—I beg to acquaint you ,end,
the noble , warin-hearted friends of bleedirig•add'
preatrate lreiand in kru9,ll9o„,tthistlht! horrors;
oftleitittition are brooding, like a night-mare,
ori this unhappy district: '' I have tieen'ablicited,-
briploted, by the hour ' Ao'rAind the cries, ot.tne„,
- diAressed across the ,li:tlantic as on the last
year, when, by the:generous aid •received, Ire- 1.
neYed aigreat many distriCtS in this, eptuinips-:
ting‘diti3risive county.-
In'obeuience to the cries of the people in dig
tress,.l appeal again to our countrymen and the
frienda Cot humanity:ha, Arlielinat Ana askAllopr •
to coma to 'Unix more. t' enteitain
horror ot• alms begging for the people of a
country Whode destitution and olher mtsfortuneb
are .le , s Jffle .extent, the result of Meiji), , sletilk=
lug cowerdice.
• ' There is it teaching '"in' 'trivia, with many in
Irel did —tint notithearaeohitg of 'the Churrii,!
that We are to say our prayers, and forget ,ony;
I . itodiatrY
,: that we are to direct all our energies
toward beautifying . the cold ,water,t s erraplp,. but
lebviag the liviog tedible--the image of the
gternal Jehovah;--the wan redeemed by , .Goct,
‘teceirtwi and rot op the ,earth. This teaching
triltitC9pOn • ticandalopeematiedictiohlrlii that Ot
Cluistr- who fed..thel.people befqre . lostructizyg
themi - saying : "I have pity-on_the.people,
censefrthey have nothing to eat.. To this I
'Mainly attribute the cowardice that, am degra
ded our liroken-heirrterroountr ytheri. Heir it'
not been for this meeMtwtoldug, and mein sub
missiun,lthe spiteful hiaatical bigot, Pcel, and
the anile representative.of Seitruiloni, Carlisle,
would pever,dare tojict je. scoundrelism sand
inhumanity over prostrate, faminestricken
Ireland:' -Had not tide teecthibg emasculated
Ireland, need not, in this darkest hour of her;
distrets, be tearing off the raga, and eposing
her:imps to the gaze of 4meilca. , - 3 1
I would, within the lags _ twelve months, have
made very simple remedial application tone
&ceded condition of Ireland, by laiing wsrate-
Merit of ' her grieVaLCOS, and of the hear tless in
difference of her robbeitylants, laid before:Omar
-parte and the other Catholic rulers arid people of
puroora; but in this (owing to this servile teach
ink) J disappointed, not tieing able to pro
cure a few fearless, bold mtifi to go with me'on
che k ,deputation. lam satisfied Ibis course_ of
action : would retie a cry of indignation through
out Eitrope against our murderous rulers that
lionldlting matters to somefiefinite lame, and
save Ireland from inevitable destroction.v.
Why would England uphold Draconian hind
code, discourage comnameitrede and egricul;
Into but to order t 6 Atria d4tritctlotir
aid; extirpate (like vermin) thepld Collie. race
:40% Alr th 6148 0 1 '7--"Pafide ithion'" is, at the;
present hour, engeged;i Ibis nefarious nuclei:-
t, and I would emphatically aak, will our,
bland kindipdflareathing the odor of free
perimoritic 4merica,siabnit to this? [solemnly
would Sooner Ami a cheering response
to this queation than all the gold of thalliqnlia•
Id` l'Crods name, then, let them, in sending ns
money,- likewise convey their voWsi• Were
Maven and tarth,. to •avenge tholfilood of a
million Mtudered in 2 47 4 -'4B, - _Let
them, when (lie Union •cementediihr even{
nowt—as they are a powerfralelementimAinerica
-- sehd'a vuiceacrosat tell
ttie hereditary enemies Of :our.rane,.not to dare
rettentpt the further destradtion of the rem-Inuit.
of the Irish peOple. - -"
4 J
—We have a notion - that , Father Vaughan
will have the pleasure of hearing such 'a inek ,
ittit; Wondered in tha aa!a
VP s tOi:4 l 4 l ' 14 41 ,i4441 - flia !-F ilk
hl 11k:11111
4Plitticai #OW OW *ifligiegOdreesai who
bates tyranuy. God is at work. His arm is
411 0 0 to be made bare to avenge the wrongs of
the down-trodden in all the earthl-
is a statement of the United States taxts asses
sed according to the Internal Revenue law upon
licenses, carriages, silver ware, &c., for the
year expiring Sep'ember Ist, 1868, iu the coun
ties of D.upnin, Northumberland, Union, Sny
der and Juniata, being the 14th collection dis
trict of Pennsylvania:
aaas A
Ciao B—Licenses,
23 apothecaries at $ 10 $ 2.'0 00
ZS auctioneers at 20 660 00
1 banker at " 100 100 00
2 brewers at 60 100 00
6 brewers at 26 126 00
15 billiard tables at Y 6 . 80 00
6 bowling alless at 6 80 00
2 brokers in money, stocks,
tice.", at 60
34 cattle brokers at 10
6'claim agents at 10
1 confectioner at 10
19 dentists at 10
1 distiller at - ' 60
B,distiliers at 26
sr eating houses at 20
1 exhibition', not otheswise
•.• provided for,. at 10
18 horse dealers sit 10
1.-B,,third class hotels at, 76
6 fourth class hotehkat 60
class hotels at 26
ilttisixth claw hoteloit 1 . 6:. .
127 seventh class-hotels at 10
'lBO eighth claisihotisls at 6
71 lawyers at ' 10
20 livery•etablelreepers at - 10-
188 mannfitcluierS at - 10
11 first class pudlers at 20
61 second class puddlers at 16
100 third class puddle's at 10
8 fourth cl,sa puddlers at 6
16 photog,raPbege at 10
1-photographer at 16
2 photographers at 26
126 phtsiciankat 10
694 retail dealers . 10
402 retail dealers'in liquOr - 20
1 theatre •
68 wholetile dealers at - 69
11 wholesale dealers in liquor 100
Class O.
One horse carriages valued at
$751 , $1 00 $679 00
Two horse carriages . valued at „,"
not over:8200 .. : 200 128 00
Two horse carriages !allied at .
not ova,. $6OO sco 10 jig
Plate of oilier kept for nee, '5
per dozen, 8 00 - 01 it
Whole amount, $30.521 15
Dia Form** isa.statement of the United
-States taxes &Messed , ,acCording tOlhei•intmnal
revenue law, upon Manufactured articks,
from SeptMober 1,1862, to March 81,1868,
in the counties of 'Dauphin, Northumberland,
Union,. Snider, and Juniata, being the 14tlicol•
lection district of Pennsylvania :
assa X.--:Advalorein Duties.
Auction sales f
vertisemMlit,„'44. l .
Brass, manthiothre of, not otherwise
.provided for. 122 87
Bridges on, grew' reCeipts for 894 29
Candles 77 P 4
COtiou, inanutacture . 8 fit/
Cotton .... 17_ 99
Ferry buikte, on receipts A 78.
Hog - . ... . 1.68
Horseskins........ 8 62
Hose, conducting, of slt.kinds '
IriAt;-mauufsetute ;of- .... . . ... 1,470 77
. . ..... . . .'; . 04
Leather"! maattfacture of 110 t, WC., 8 _
=pet. cent— . ,
Leather, manufacture ot, not, &c., 1
Mier cent
:thtinufacttleesiibt otherwise pro:
vided for t 8i658 10
All monbactdreerfot otherwise pro. '
Pottery wafe;fthontifiacire of
Bair roads th.iroseireiSiptit" for
ptuntingtmr 4 '
SPepp, skins
Woo d i do
"WoiiellOths; &c . . .
12 auctioneers at $BO 00 - 6 - B!6` 00
2.. , ..b0ir Hag alleys' • 6`oo '-10 Ou
1 cattle ; broker at lO 00 10'00
8 claim agents at ' • 10 80 ock
2 deatietd at 10 00 - 20 00
-1 distiller at • ---' ' ' - ' .50 00
..6 do , - -
.„..--- '2OOO ' 125 00
' 1 exhibition 'tilt otherwise .
. '
.`provided for ' ' - . - e _
. 4 hone 'dealers at 10 00 40 00
2 7th elinut hotele at 10 00 20 00
4+Bth atm hotels at ft 00 20 00
2 iawyers.at . -; - ,10 00- 20 00
Niveryisti4lp7p#r:ai , ',._" 5 . : :' 1 0 00
7 ; 44a,pniNatr tt h .:
_,lO VW
....,4 .70 00
1 letchtee pod ler at 20 00
•'8 2nll I do 16 00 120 00
11 $d do . • . 10 . 001 - 110 00
44th do .:
..- 5 00' 20
1 photographer at . 10 00 10 00 , 1 6. ea , 24 Q 0
2 •PhYllichr t . I.t, I : ,•, , 1 S4"v c i .26 00
1 rectifitivit "g ~,,,, -..... .
00 ,
20 retail dealers at 10 2OO OU
24 retail dealers in_liquor at
60 00
00 480 6 00
17 wholesale dealers at
Va • -=-_-:•--,
4 , - , $2:630 00
ii' ”
• ..g.''ff -41 l '' '
Class E—Enumerated Articles.
$1 00 $1,066 92
80 188 f . §
, 4 18 Qt l
go 11 85,
80 V i r t 1 1 3-
3.1..00E‘-'7B 00
60 286
00 . 188 00
200 48 00
80 1,452 80
Saar at
Lager beer at
'Poser at
Iloinefl cattle at ,
stdO , f
_under 18.
moths oid at
ra ' T:7 :;' - t
Sheep t 1 0iisti slued not over
$6 at
Cig4ra valued not over
$lO at
Cigars 'valued not over .
$2O at .
Cigars, Valtio4 over
420 at ' 4AO 217 191
ClAlee ground at S-10 - 74 1
Conteellopery“ - - 476 67 1
a.d _ . 8 ,0 2 731
votnonsiss t rt ,321.8: 1 - 4'
Al k tilire4 8./ 80.44 1_ 9 .401 10,
(I,lp l apr : ' fettle;
do o 11 804
Gunpowder, valued at
1 8e. at 6-10 263 57
Boiler plate not leas
Cast Iron, permanent
Hollow ware
Harness leather 7 10 per lb. 669 66
do imported bides 510 " 2 16
Offal and damaged 6-10 " 32 6..)
Rough and sole leather 1 " 5,365 58
do do import
ed hides at 1-10 ."
Rough hemlock tan'd 7-10
Upper, &c 1
Calf skins at 6 each
Animal oil at 2 gallon 16 13
$72 50
Plate of elver kept
and for nee
Soap at
Stoves at
Tobacco at • 15 per lb. ."
20 90
do 10 " 250
Smoking tobacco 5 " , 875
Castinp.a over 10 lba at 1 50 per ton 25 23
Leger beer at 100 400
Horned cattle at 20 82 80
Hogs at . 6 11 16
Sheep at • 8 144
100 00
MO 00
50 00
10 00
190 00
50 00
75 00
410 00
10 00
180 09
225 00
260 00
226 00
270 00
1,270 00
860 00
—Meet Tuesday evening, the 12th inst , at half
past? o'clock, at the pubic house of. Qnsrter
waiter B Peters, on business cOncerning the
troop. By order of C.ipt. Byers.
Hanantsuaa, May 11th, 1883.
710 00
200 00
1,880 00
220 00
1.000 00
90 06
160 00
16 00
Tax Rows or Flummox at reception of
127th Regiinent, P. V., will be as follows, viz:
Form upon Market street,. thence up Third
to‘State, State to Second, Second to Vine,Wlne
to Front, Front to Chestnut, Chestnut to Third,
Third to' Market, Market ,to Front, Front to
60 0()
1,260 00
6,940 00
8,040 00
100 00
10 00
2,850 00
1,100 00
Citizens along the route are expected to
make a proper display of flags,Ac. The differ
ent bells In the city will be rang for five min
utes upon the departure of the regiment from
York. The several companies and bodies in
tending to participate will make their arrange
ments.accordingly, wi'hout further notice. By
Honor to our Returning Void:.l .s.
6848 65
A meeting of the Union League of Harris
burg was held last evening in the Court House
to devise, some measures in
~.vesponse of
already adopted by our`citizens; 63 'do honor to
our retnrning voluuteers.
In the absbrioe of the President, on motion,
-Awn, Frammo, Esq., was called to the chair,
and stated the object of the meeting' in an ap
propriate address. At his conclusion.
A. J. Haze, Eeq., • being , loudly called for,
made an able and truly eloquent speech, which
irsiejregnently and warmly applauded.
Geo. Basozes, Esq., then submitted 'the fol
lowing preamble and - resolutions, which were
unanimously adopted :
Winenzas, We bail the-return of the soldiers
from the battle-field, where the nation's honor,
glory aid permaneoce nave been so nobly con
tended for, as the most fitting amanita display
our appieciation for valor and gratitude for
gallant service; And whereas, ; While we regard
tue heroes hum alt,par.s of tbe Commonwealth
aid every loyal. Srate,asenduentty worthy of our
highesVhonor, it is still Jbe peculiar • linty of
the ;Davie in each loc dity to provide ways and
means with whbh and whereby their own ha
mediate -friends and fel,c•w_ citizens who ate
about to return from the battle-field,' may be
received in a manner fitting. their character as
soldierei.iand worthy of their reputation as
heroal; i And. whereas, We heartily approve
therianahgements already made by a corn
tuitteekof our fellow . citiLna, , for the re-
Cepticin of the Dauphin away &Omni, and that
, vr ,, eo.operate in eny measure cicvieed fr
Itheitirceist.of that retortion ; Anti whereas,
seems fitting that something more than•a mere
formal-reception should be tendered to our
brettfren; in which we could meet, them face to
facts4 - and greet them hand to hand, at a board
where all would be equal, social and. free; there,-
darehted, That a committee, be appointed to
wait on the- officers in command of companies
belonging to this;: county and attached to the
127th Reg. P. V., to ascertain at what time
such officers and men could partake of a
banquet to be provided fcr Ahem by the loyal
citizens of Harrisburg.
• Resolved, That a - committee also be appointed
to r.ceive subeeriptioni to ()duty the einpense
of such a bantpiet; indthat every loYal Man be
solicitettto contribute according to his means,
so that the banquet may be made as much as
possible, the welcoming repast of ,the entire
loyal population of the state capitol" •
The committees" , proposed-in - the resolutions
will be appointed by the chairman and an•
nouneeil in this evening's paper. Adjourned.
•S 84 87
4 68:
,12 1 56.
. = 1209
.28 60
821 27'
'4;169 04
62 86
474 62
187 87
70 60
136 20
118 76
97 20
2 00 747 13
2 50 167 23
1 50 ton 2,177 97
than } at
1 00
1 60
6-10 Per lb. 100 77
1 60 per ton jll 24
Amount claw C $84,602 88
41 " B. 2,580 00
f/ It . 11,40 26
Assiitant Ameasor.
Zpuickl Noticti.
- , ,ilkonnNines:--Whiie General Hooker Is far
**frig ammunition and much diicomfort to •the
41e, find the new, dry goo& house C.
L Bowm n slaying a--large amount: of ' , dry
goods for the 'meat of- his customers., As an
admirer of the lwautiful we were delishted yes
terday taloa:log over the beautiful dress goods
'for ladies and gentlemen, that, are _now •to. be
Gilt very cheap at the southeast corner of Flout
and Market streets.-
glaimi,Mnited Staten Penaloni.donnty,'Aireetra
CrPay, and Subrdatence eltdmit, Src.: Ste, made
out and collected by EUGENE SNYPEIy
Office : Wit Street .Ilarristurg Pa. [027-1y
A Communioation.
Although our .cimildencein mankind may
haw been abused, in this naughty ywrld 'of
ours, it is ennobling to see patient, houest tee
titude laboring on arid striving" to better the
condition. of our fellow creatures. In this con
nectfon. Our attention halt been called to the
merits of :lira. Westhoven's German Vegetable
Medicines, and the success attending those
manufactured by our favorably known - oldsen,
Mee. L - Bell, No.' 27 Bon li pine street, Harritz
burg, PertuslVania. In view of these valuable
tnedicines, which. can be procured from. 4m.
Ball at a small compensation, we have thought
it our duty to say this lunch forth° benefit of
the ofiliotkid.
e'llillitiNTS , - ; -, '
I ZI lASI Q°CIB V.L 4 * # ll4 l llta n Aigotz.
ranted not only to retain the polish or brt
to preeerve the leather itself. For sale by
ill WICDOOK, Js., & (X).
207 09
2 8u
15 46
4 93
359 04
519 42
2 61
THE PUBLIC ate cautioned against the
SPURIOUS articles of LYS for making
SOAP, &c., now offered for sale. The only
GENUINE and PATEN fED Lye is that made
TURING COMPANY. their trade-mark for it
LYS." The great SUCCE,S of this article has
led UNPRINCIPLED PAR PIES to endeavor to
IMITATE it, in violation of the Company's
3 per cz
LRI;S of these SPURIOUS Lyee, are hereby
NOTIPi6t) that the.COMPANY have employed
Is their KITOttNEYS,
GEORGE HARDING, Esq.. of Phila.. and
. _
$48,602' IS
WILLIAM RAKI , :WELL, hip , of Put Amy.
SELLER-3 of Lye, in -violation o' the lights of
the Cumpany, will be PROSECUTED at once.
LYE, le for gale by all Danaarere, Czoonts and
COMM= Sloane.
DlStrlet ot Penne3,lvairk, No. 1 of llfay'Term,
in 18V, in 'suit of THE PENNSYLVANIA
THOS. G. CHASE, decreed to the Company, oa
November 16, 1862, the. EXCLUSIVE right
emoted by a patent owned by the& for the
SAPONIFIER Patent dated October Zt, 1836.
Perpetual injunction awarded. _
127 Walnut - &tett, Philadelphia.
Pies St. and Duquesne Way, Pillsbury.
NEW OFFICE Market Square, next door to
Colder's office. Call and see them hi ope
ration. A general sea:lament of machines and
needles constantly on hand.
Mlee Margiret Hiney will exhibit and sell
them, and also do all kinds of machine sewing
on these machines in the beet manner.
The patronage of the public is, respectfully
solicited.; aprll-d6m
Chief awNd.
PHYSICIAN, is caring all 0.1111,N1C
EASES, coth of Louties and Gentlemen, by a
new method in the use of Electricity alone,
without any ,Medicine, or even any Pain.
BOARD may be had, with Treatment, by
Patients fniza atirotul, at reasonacle rah; In the
Doctor's Facility.
LE ETERS applying for °litigant or farther
information will - be niornptly aneveted. Office
and Residence at 1418 SOUTH PENN . SQUARE,
Philadelphia, Pennaylvania, being in a ceta
tral as well as cielightful part of the city.
Cat this out for future reference. . •
Pa., will resume the chalet' of the Summer
Ttnn. (full five montbrOrms,be An i ta( may viii
Bop and young men tboroltably prupwred for
college or busincas. Prana. German and
taught liy native rendent teachers. - This lAiiitary
Detartmeot in under the &large of Major Gad
myna gckendorit luatructtkr Sp (~}ymrastice,
Prof. Lewis. 4. •
For catalogroes, Containing fall 140, ,
apply to the
mr4-ood2m ' Wlll. WYERS;AJit:,
ffarriabuig °Wan Blind Factory,
LIND§ made to order for. eland**, pirkire
4...? and betels,,teatiiiiil•fit• wily wiudow. Per
sons wanting btindtceiln 'wren the inkormation
desired as topricestisidzmitfeirs-sef ;windows by
tailing at myisltop; or by bending me a few.
lines by mail:-Jklimplbe always-on baadr
NEW. ' • AS.. It SHANE',
South Second et., a few doors below: ihe'Pres
bsterlail -- 1;1126 doaw2tri
Prime (Wal lin lish 1:14 .
: - Engl3l.
- - _ PIO 4piiitt,
, eV Sago,
litvite the attention.ofihe public to our
Y lute sad well selected sto: kof Queens
ware, recently-purchased, and-which we - offer at
a very swill advance on city prices. . Cail soil
qt wane hefortunrehasing elsewhere.
sp7 Corner Front and Market Sta.
W SHADES of linen, gilt-bordered:
and PAPER BLINDS of an endless van
ety of deeigns,ondoroaments ; also, ODIUM'S
FLIETURikI and TASSELS at very low prices.
TJA&IB.—A lame invoice of canvassed and
.nnoenvasse4 toixte„ bf every
~ • brand
in . rnarket. Eschlnintwarrantediri &i cinemod
For sale very low by .
Corner Freet and Mark 4. fife.
VlSH.—Another large , let of Ka( keret. and
Herring, in alt atilt of packagea,diertela,
halves,' qaartora and kite, for awe k wby
MiCaof.r 3 & 110WILAM
.21/ , Cor. Front and Market Streets.
HMM, Cried Beef, nik, bale; in large or
small qualliMit to ingt purchasers, for sale
low, by NICHOLS & BGWaIAN,
400 Cor. Front and Market streets
4. Sughsh _and Irish Yew NA Mahonis
ggaifolia,'•fineornamental evergreen &rube ;
at Knyetime Nursery. aplel J. MISEL
QILYER M APL E,A, Horse Otwienet,
LI English Ash, Norway lisple,
haguntain Ash, Bed Twigged Linden,
and.other shade trees, at Kaystese Nursery.
aPAT ' - J. 14 MR , -. •
T AEGE $v 3.
.11-4 A few quite - Urge and fine evergreens, for
IngLIMAIS oßNAffellri .!
for ealiat feenmukbie prices, at' .11.eystain e
Sort. fel 171 4 WI 1,41
EX I 111/5104 .
lida* Ppm rcil*,l4 and-for side
1110/101.13* BOWMAN;
(]or t ** l4l Mari"r q6'4l,*:
rpOBACIXI--Cortgrtss, Navy, Pittsburg . , &c.,
together with a large stock of Fega , a, for
oP 2O Qor. Font and Market masts.
Nnu 2thutrtisemrnts
for Bale by